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Two-way coupling of a nonlinear geomechanics code with several

porous flow simulators
Charles M. Stone ^'*, Susan E. Minkoff^, Stephen W. Webb^ Steven R. Sobolik''
^ Sandia National Laboratories, Computational Solid Mechanics and Structural Dynamics Department, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
^ University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
^ Sandia National Laboratories, Environmental Technology Department, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
^ Sandia National Laboratories, Geomechanics Department, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
A general approach for two-way coupling between an existing geomechanics code and two different porous flow
simulators is presented. The geomechanics code is a quasistatic finite element code developed specifically for problems
characterized by large deformation and nonUnear material response. The coupling algorithm is based on a staggered-in-
time loose coupling scheme in which each code solves its own set of equations and information is passed, at designated
intervals, between the two codes. The approach incorporates a data mapping and transfer utility that allows different mesh
discretizations for the porous flow model and the geomechanics model. An example of a two-way coupled calculation that
demonstrates the approach is presented and discussed.
Keywords: Nonlinear finite element;
Large deformation; Geomechanics; Porous flow; Two-way coupling; Material
1. Introduction
We have developed a capability for two-way coupling
of porous flow and geomechanics to address several classes
of problems characterized by large deformation and non-
linear material behavior. One problem looked at the re-
sponse of a highly complex geologic formation to pore
pressure gradients generated by the production of oil and
gas. Specifically, we analyzed the compaction behavior
of the structurally weak and highly compactible diatomite
reservoirs at the Belridge field in California [1]. For this
particular application, it is not sufficient to rely on a reser-
voir simulator with a rock compressibility term to account
for the geomechanical response of the formation due to
the localized large deformations and material nonlinearities
involved. Another type of problem looked at the under-
ground storage of nuclear waste and the effects of water on
engineered barriers designed to provide an impervious seal.
This is a highly coupled thermal-mechanical-hydrological
calculation that has to include nonlinear material behavior
because the respository sealing materials are very nonlinear.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 505 844-5113; Fax: +1 505
844-9297; E-mail: cmstone@sandia.gov
This paper describes a general two-way coupling ap-
proach that allows an existing finite element solid mechan-
ics code to be coupled with existing porous flow simulators.
Programmatic requirements have driven the development of
the capability to link together existing analysis codes. This
approach is a cost-effective alternative to the manpower
investment required to write a fully coupled code because
it takes advantage of the sophisticated capabilities already
built into the geomechanics and porous flow codes.
2. Coupled geomechanics and porous flow
The three-dimensional finite element code, JAS3D, de-
veloped by Blanford [2] at Sandia National Laboratories,
was selected as the solid mechanics code for the geome-
chanical coupling. JAS3D was selected for its ability to
model the large deformation response of inelastic solids.
The JAS3D solver technology is based on the use of ex-
plicit, iterative solvers that do not require the formation
or factorization of a stiffness matrix. The two iterative
techniques currently used in JAS3D are a pre-conditioned
Conjugate Gradient (CG) technique and a self-adaptive
Dynamic Relaxation (DR) technique. The advantages of
Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003
K.J. Bathe (Editor)
1522 CM. Stone et al. /Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics
using explicit, iterative solvers are: (1) more refined dis-
cretization, resulting in a more refined analysis; and (2)
material nonlinearities are efficiently handled by the itera-
tive solvers.
The two-way coupling employed between JAS3D and
the porous flow codes is based on the idea of staggering
the solution steps and passing solution information be-
tween codes as required [3]. The process begins with the
porous flow code advancing in time from t^ to ^i. The
required parameters for the geomechanical model, such as
pore pressure and temperature, are passed to JAS3D for a
quasistatic load step over the same time interval. Updated
values of porosity and permeability are passed back to the
flow code and the flow solution is advanced to time ^2-
The driver program that controls the transfer of information
between codes and frequency of solution updates incorpo-
rates a mapping utility [4], to transfer element solution data
between dissimilar meshes. The ability to have dissimilar
meshes provides a useful functionality for addressing prob-
lems with different but intersecting domains. For example,
consider a reservoir simulation composed of a single mate-
rial layer production zone and a multilayer geomechanical
model that must extend to the surface. This situation is
ideal for using the mapping and data transfer utility to pass
information between meshes.
One of the flow codes currently coupled to JAS3D
is IPARS [5] a state-of-the-art three-dimensional reservoir
simulator developed at the University of Texas at Austin.
IPARS contains multiple physical flow models that can
run in different parts of the reservoir domain in a single
simulation. For our work, we are using the black oil model
that allows all three fluid phases (oil, gas, and water) in the
calculation. The black oil model is fully implicit and uses
an expanded mixed finite element method to maintain local
conservation of mass.
The two-phase integrated finite difference flow code
T0UGH2 [6] has also been coupled to JAS3D. T0UGH2
is a general-purpose program for the simulation of multi-
dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer of multiphase,
multi-component mixtures in porous and fractured media.
Fluid advection is calculated by a multiphase extension of
Darcy's law, and diffusion is included. Heat transfer occurs
by conduction and convection, including sensible and latent
heat effects. Local thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed
in all phases. Numerous capillary pressure and relative
permeability options are included to describe the coupling
between the phases.
Modifications were made to both porous flow simula-
tors to accept updated values of porosity and permeability
from JAS3D. Additional changes were made to each code
to ensure that the solution scheme remained robust and
that mass was conserved. Both IPARS and T0UGH2 pass
pore pressures to JAS3D. T0UGH2 also passes saturations
and temperatures that are necessary for the specific waste
storage application.
3. Example problem
The example calculation presented here is a simplifica-
tion of the analyses performed for the Belridge diatomite
fields by Fredrich et al. [1]. The example uses the same
geologic description of the field with 18 different strati-
graphic layers (13 different materials) in the geomechanics
model. The diatomite is modeled using a modified Sandier-
Rubin cap plasticity model and the remaining materials
are modeled with a Drucker-Prager plasticity model. The
rectangular reservoir, which has a well at each corner,
represents one-quarter of a 5-spot pattern. The top of the
reservoir domain is located at a depth of 688 ft and extends
to a depth of 2264 ft. The geomechanical model extends
from the surface to a depth of 3800 ft. For the reser-
voir model we used 9700 elements and the geomechanical
model had 37500 elements. The mapping utility was used
in this example to transfer data between the different dis-
cretizations. The diatomite has an initial porosity of 50%
and an anisotropic permeability with the horizontal perme-
ability values an order of magnitude larger than the vertical
permeability value. The geomechanical deformations that
occur as a result of the well production produce changes to
the porosity but the permeabilities are held constant for the
ten year simulation period.
Fig. 1 shows the vertical displacement profile as a
function of depth along one edge of the domain. The plot
extends from the surface (zero depth) to just slightly below
the bottom of the reservoir. Of interest in this plot is the
large increase in vertical displacement (~5 ft) that occurs
between the depths of 1185 ft and 1327 ft. This corresponds
to the "weakest" of the diatomite layers where extensive
compaction has occurred. The resulting volumetric strain in
the layer is greater than 3% and it results in ~ 3 % change
in porosity values returned to the flow simulator. It is also
interesting to note that almost half of the 11.0 ft vertical
. . . . ! . . . . ! . .
1 ^
MM 10 years
7.5 years
s 5.0 years
2.5 years
. . . 1
500 1000 1500
Depth (ft)
Fig. 1. Vertical displacement as a function of depth from the
CM. Stone et al. /Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 1523
displacement at the surface results from the compaction of
this layer.
4. Conclusions
A nonlinear geomechanics code has been coupled with
two different porous flow simulators to address multi-
physics problems requiring mechanical-hydrological and
thermal-mechanical-hydrological coupling. The staggered-
in-time loose coupling approach presented here takes ad-
vantage of the sophisticated capabilities of each code and
allows the development cost to be leveraged. The example
problem discussed here shows a class of problem where
two-way coupling is necessary.
We would like to thank Mary Wheeler, Malgorzata
Peszynska and Steve Bryant from the University of Texas at
Austin for their assistance with IPARS. The authors grate-
fully acknowledge support for this work from the US De-
partment of Energy's Natural Gas and Oil Technology Part-
nership Program (NGOTP). Sandia is a multiprogram labo-
ratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company, for the United States Department of Energy under
contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
[1] Fredrich JT, Arguello JG, Deitrick GL, de Rouffignac EP.
Geomechanical modeling of reservoir compaction, surface
subsidence, and casing damage at the Belridge diatomite
field. SPE Reservoir Eval Eng 3(4):348-359.
[2] Blanford ML. JAS3D A Multi-Strategy Iterative Code
for Solid Mechanics Analysis, User's Instructions, Release
1.6. Internal Sandia Document. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia
National Laboratories, 1999.
[3] Minkoff S, Stone C, Bryant S, Peszynska M, Wheeler M. A
two-way, staggered-in-time, loose coupling algorithm for so-
phisticated fluid flow and geomechanical deformation mod-
eling. J Pet Sci Eng, submitted March 2002.
[4] Wellman GW. MAPVAR A Computer Program to
Transfer Solution Data Between Finite Element Meshes.
SAND99-0466. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Labora-
tories, 1999.
[5] Wang P, Yotov I, Wheeler M, Arbogast T, Dawson C, Parashar
M, Sepehmoori K. A new generation EOS compositional
reservoir simulator: Part I formulation and discretization.
Soc Pet Eng Expanded Abstracts No. 37979, 1997.
[6] Pruess K. T0UGH2 A General-Purpose Numerical Sim-
ulator for Multiphase Fluid and Heat Flow. LBL-29400.
Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1991.

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