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Acute 222 Seminar Case Study Instructions

Individual Readiness & Class Participation
Due: Papers must be posted to the NRS 222 Course page by Wednesday @
0900 the day of seminar. This portion of the assignment is an Individual one, not
a group or partner assignment.
Wort: 20 points! "ote: ll !uestions must be ans"ered. ns"ers should also
refle#t in#orporation of professional and ethi#al foundations refle#ted in the Nurse
Pra#ti#e #t and other nursing literature $te%tboo&s, professional nursing
#! t least one "ee& prior to seminar) the #ase study "ill be posted for
2! *o#used learning !uestions "ill be posted throughout the #ase study for
the individual student to prepare a readiness response.
$! Responses to the !uestions should be insightful and sho" eviden#e of
#riti#al thin&ing. +viden#e based resear#h is used to resear#h the ans"ers
and must be #ited per P format, $spa#ing and numbering, title page,
short ba#&ground, sub,titles for ea#h se#tion, and resour#es #ited
appropriately(. A minimum o% tree relia&le scolarly re%erences must
&e provided tat is no more tan ' years old!
(! No more than -./ of the paper should be #ited !uotes from the resour#es
used. Please &no" that the #ase studies may be submitted to
0Turnitin.#om1 and #he#&ed against a similarity inde% of resour#es and
other student2s assignments. If sour#es are not #ited and appropriately
attributed to the author your assignment "ill be given a 'ero grade and
may be #onsidered plagiari'ed. Please be sure you are familiar "ith the
a#ademi# integrity poli#y in your Nursing Program Poli#y manual.
'! I am not loo&ing for a boo&, most papers should re!uire less than -0
)! ns"ers to !uestions need to in#orporate a##urate information,
appropriate #riti#al thin&ing, and prioriti'ation of essential elements for the
!uestions posed.
*! Attac a copy o% &ot ru&rics to te case study su&mission!
+! ,rin- a copy o% your su&mitted responses to seminar .it you and
&e prepared to discuss your responses!
Seminar /radin- Ru&ric: tta#h to your #ase study and submit
Criteria Points 0arned
Responses to #ase study !uestions3
ll !uestions are ans"ered thoroughly
Responses demonstrate original thought pro#ess
Responses demonstrate #riti#al thin&ing ability
Responses are spe#ifi# to #ase study
Responses are a##urate
Responses are prioriti'ed appropriately
Responses #ontain rationale and essential elements
+viden#e based Resour#es presented3
Supports responses
5ess than -./ !uotes
6inimum of 7 resour#es and must be less than . years
Paper is organi'ed, #lear, and easy to read
Corre#t P format
Corre#t spelling and grammar
Total -0
Participation Ru&ric:
Points are a"arded based on student parti#ipation in dis#ussions during seminar.
Criteria Points 0arned
Student #ontributes to the team dis#ussion by providing
e%amples, #larifi#ation, and9or as&ing appropriate
Student2s responses sho" eviden#e of an
understanding of the patient2s #ondition and needs
Student is able to apply nursing #on#ept to other patient
Student parti#ipates in a#tive listening "hile other team
members are tal&ing
Student is respe#tful of differing points of vie" and time. $no
side bar #onversations, or sleeping in #lass(
Total -0

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