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Environmental Engineering

(VCB 3033)
Water demand
and overview of
water treatment
AP Dr. Amirhossein
Civil Engineering Department
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

CO1: To identify the
sources of water and its
impurities and to perform
complex design of water
treatment plant to meet
the standard limits.
Unit Objectives
At the end of this session you will be able to:

Estimate the water demand and water
usage rate.
Forecast the population growth rate for
future developments.
Outline the water treatment plant unit
Water demand
For municipal systems, a demand factor (DF) is determined
from historical records to estimate the typical maximum and
minimum daily flow rates.

Determining demand factors for entire communities is
relatively easy as flow rate records exist at the treatment
facilities. The demand factor for different conditions is
determined from the average flow rate and extreme-
condition flow rate

is the event flow rate (volume/time),
is the average flow rate (volume/time), and
DF is the demand factor.

Demand factor range

Example1: Using Historical Records to Estimate Demand
Factors and Household Water Usage Rate
For a small water treatment plant, estimate the
following, using data gathered from the annual
water reports:
Maximum and minimum day demand factors.
Average household usage rate.
The average residential water usage is approximately 101 gpd/household.
So it appears this community is averaging approximately 1.5 individuals per
household. Give your opinions on how to tackle this matter.
Estimation of water demand
Total water demand of a
community will comprise of
public, domestic, industrial,
and commercial demand.

Q = Total quantity of water
P = population
q = rate of demand
(consumption) per capita/ day
Q= P q 365
A population equivalent is a method of
converting the water use (or wastewater
generation) of commercial or industrial
users into the equivalent amount of water
used by a population number. For example,
an industrial unit may use the water
equivalent of 150 people in a residential
area. The projected equivalent population
(real population plus population
equivalents) is estimated to determine the
future water demand.
Population design
Before a water supply system can be
designed, it is necessary to determine the
water amount need to be served to
present and future population.
This requires not only the design period
but also a population estimation (forecast).
To approach population estimation
appropriately, information on economic
basis, trade territory and, industrial
expansion plans of the city are essential.
Arithmetic method
This method is based on constant growth rate.
This method is applicable if the projection period is
relatively short ( 5-10 years) and social and economic
activities in the area do not change drastically.

= future population
P = present population
= constant growth rate per decade
n = duration over which the projection is made, decade
= P + ni
Example 2: Given that the population of a town
in 1990, 2000, and 2010 are 90 000, 100 000,
110 500, respectively. Estimate the population
in 2020 using the arithmetic method.
Geometric method
This method is based on growth rate proportional to
population size.
This method is applicable to growing towns and cities,
where economic activities are growing and large land
areas are still available for development or there is
unlimited scope of expansion.

= future population
P = present population
= % increment of population
n = duration over which the projection is made, decade
= P (1 + i
Example 3: Population of a town in 2014 is
67,300 while it was 33,300 in 1990.

i. Estimate the population in 2040 using the
geometric method.
ii. Compare the annual water demand at
present and in 2040 if per capita water
demand to be 280 L/capita.day. Explain
your comparison.
Overview of water treatment process
Typical water treatment unit processes and their arrangement, These processes are
typically used for: (a) treatment of surface water and (b) treatment of water with high
levels of dissolved constituents.
Treatment of surface waters mostly requires the
removal of particulate matter and pathogens.
Removing particles also assists in pathogen removal,
because most pathogens either are particles or are
associated with particles.

If the water source contains dissolved constituents,
then additional unit processes can be added to
remove them as well.

Treatment of water with high levels of dissolved
constituents will become more important in the future
as increases in population and demand, along with
climate change, force society to search for waters of
poorer quality. These sources are sometimes high in
TDS and are present as brackish ground- water,
seawater, and reclaimed water.

Overview of water treatment process
Unit processes that remove a significant
amount of raw-water constituents

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