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Internship Report
Measuring Customer Satisfaction at
HSBC, Bangladesh
Submitted by
This report has been prepared as a requirement of the internship program. The report
has been titled as Measuring Customer Satisfaction at HSC! angladesh". The
reason behind choosing this topic is that! recentl# HSC angladesh has gi$en
emphasis on better customer ser$ice and more customer satisfaction and thus the
customer ser$ice officer wants to get an idea of the current le$el of customer
satisfaction at HSC. The# ha$e also started M#ster# Shoppers% program to &now the
emplo#ees ratings so that the# can enhance their efficienc# towards customers. The
researcher had the opportunit# to collect the latest data and had e'perience to be more
in$ol$ed with the customers through her internship in the customer ser$ices
department of the ban&. (nder the super$ision of Customer Ser$ice )epartment
Manager Mr. Par$e* Hasan and all the Customer Ser$ices +fficer! an intern can get
the idea wh# customers prefer or lea$e HSC.
1.1 Objectives of the Study
The research was conducted to find out the le$el of significance the customers of
HSC put across $arious ser$ice le$el attributes and also to determine how well
HSC was satisf#ing the customers on those ser$ice grounds. The specific ob,ecti$es
are gi$en below-
To e'plain the meaning of customer satisfaction.
To understand the need of customer satisfaction.
To pro$ide information on HSC angladesh! determine most important
attributes of ser$ice qualit#! identif# the most satisfied demographic
segments! determine relation between complaint resolution and satisfaction
To anal#*e the effecti$eness of HSC%s customer ser$ices and satisfaction.
To find out the facilities pro$ided b# HSC to its consumer and how the
facilities were percei$ed.
To identif# the problem for finding out the reason of limit client.
1.2 Scope of the Study
The area of operation that has been co$ered means the total possible co$erage is the
scope. The report pro$ides a scope of gathering data from different sources. This
report co$ers in general customer ser$ice and satisfaction of HSC in angladesh. .t
also includes the organi*ational structure and polic# of HSC angladesh and
in$estigating the strategies applied b# HSC for customer satisfaction. The scope of
this report is limited to the o$erall description of the compan#! personal asset-
products! organi*ational setup! its ser$ices! and its position in the industr# and its
mar&eting strategies.
1.3 Hypothesis
The ser$ices that customers place most importance in are well satisfied b# HSC!
1.4 Methodology
.n this stud#! e'plorator# research was conducted to find out and understanding of the
o$erall ban&ing industr# and also to determine some of the attributes of ser$ice
qualit# in an&s. Sample was collected from the personal account holder and
corporate clients of HSC. /or e'plorator# research! managers! e'ecuti$es! customers
of HSC angladesh were inter$iewed. /or conclusi$e research indi$idual customers
of HSC were targeted for the research.
1.4.1 Sources of !t!
Two Sources 0Primar# data and Secondar# data1 of data ha$e been collected for the
research wor&. The# are described briefl# 2 "ri#!ry !t!
Primar# data was collected b# $ariet# of wa#s! first of all b# inter$iewing emplo#ees
and managers of HSC and directl# communicating with the customers. 4uandaries
chec& has been prepared to minimi*e the as&ing time. 4uestionnaire sur$e# of the
customers minimi*ing interruptions in their ban&ing acti$ities has also been
conducted. Primar# data were mostl# deri$ed from the discussion with the emplo#ees
5 through sur$e#s on customers of the ban&. Primar# data is under consideration in
the following manner6
/ace to face con$ersation with the emplo#ees.
# inter$iewing customers at HSC! Main +ffice
Sending questionnaire to the customer b# sales officer. Second!ry !t!
)ifferent t#pes of secondar# data in the research ha$e been elaborated. Sources of
secondar# data can be defined as internal sources and e'ternal sources. The internal
and e'ternal sources are gi$en below6
Intern!l Sources
.nternal sources includes-
Prior research report
8roup usiness Principal manual
8roup .nstruction Manual 5 usiness .nstruction Manual
an&9s Annual :eport.
An# information regarding the an&ing sector
$%tern!l Sources
;'ternal sources includes-
)ifferent boo&s and periodicals related to the ban&ing sector.
.nternet browsing.
1.4.2 !t! &ollecting Instru#ents
)ata collecting instruments consists of in-depth inter$iew and questionnaire sur$e#.
/or in depth inter$iew managers and e'ecuti$es of different departments were
approached and for the questionnaire sur$e# part one set of questionnaire was
prepared for collecting crucial information and in the questionnaire data was sought
from $arious users. In epth Intervie'
.n-depth inter$iews were carried out with managers! e'ecuti$es and officers of the
department of CS)! P/S of HSC for the information. (uestionn!ire Survey
+ne set of questionnaire was used to collect primar# information for the stud#. ;$er#
attempt was made to ma&e the questionnaire all inclusi$e i.e. all possible answers
were gi$en in the questionnaire. .n the questionnaire data was sought from $arious
users regarding their le$els of satisfaction on $arious issues! opinion regarding the
positi$e and uncomfortable features of HSC etc.
1.4.3 Method !nd Si)e
/or the purpose of getting better result! simple random sampling technique during the
sur$e# of this pro,ect was adopted where customers were gi$en copies of the
questionnaire and were as&ed to fill them. Continuous support was gi$en to the
customers for an# problems that the# faced while filling up questionnaire so that the
$alidit# of the questionnaire increases. As the Simple :andom Sampling is easil#
understood and results are pro,ect able it is best suited for the stud#.
$%plor!tory Rese!rch$ )uring this phase of the research! a group of => people
were selected. This group included ? managers! 1> emplo#ees and 1? customers
of HSC.
&onclusive Rese!rch* .n this part of the research . sur$e#ed a total of 1>>
customers with the help of a structured questionnaire.
1.+ ,i#it!tions of the Study
The research wor& was basicall# based on interpreting primar# data. Secondar# data
also needed for anal#*ing future plans! but for the purpose of the betterment of the
present position of customer ser$ice. Though it was tried hardl# to produce a
comprehensi$e and well organi*ed report on the Measuring Customer Satisfaction at
HSC" some limitations were #et present.
The sur$e# was limited to the customers of Personal an&ing di$ision
and does not co$er the organi*ational or corporate customers of HSC.
Part on organi*ational culture was written from indi$idual%s perception
and ma# $ar# from person to person.
The information regarding the competitors is difficult to get
@arge-scale research was not possible due to constraints and
restrictions posed b# the organi*ation.
.n man# cases! up to date information is not published.
8etting :ele$ant papers and documents were strictl# prohibited.
Man# procedural matters were conducted directl# in the operations b#
the top management le$el! which ma# also ha$e some sort of
To protect the organi*ational loss in regard of maintaining
confidentialit#! some parts of the report are not in depth.
1.- St!tistic!l .ools !nd .echni/ues
(sing the e'plorator# and conclusi$e research! the obtained data were anal#*ed and
interpreted b# using statistical tools such as /requenc# )istribution! Percentage
anal#sis! Means! Correlation and Cross tabulations. The data obtained from the sur$e#
were grouped into two ma,or categories. The# are- importance 5 satisfaction. After
that an o$erall $ariance between the customer e'pectations and perceptions are
measured to determine the gap between ser$ice le$els. Then the data were presented
through a numerical and graphical presentation using the abo$e statistical tools. ased
on these figures and findings recommendations were made out to impro$e the o$erall
satisfaction of the ban&. Some tables and diagrams were used to e'press information
in concise form.

an&ing Sector in angladesh and HSC 2 The
Aorld%s @ocal an&
2.1 efinition of 0!n1
Ahoe$er! being an indi$idual firm! compan# or corporation generall# deal in the
business of mone# and credit is called a ban&. .n our countr#! an# institution which
accepts for the purpose of lending or in$estment deposits of mone# from public!
repa#able on demand or otherwise! and with transferable b# chec&s draft order 5
otherwise is called a ban&.
The purpose of an&ing is to ensure transfer of mone# from surplus unit to deficit
units. an&s in all countries wor& as the repositor# of mone#. The owners loo& for
safet# and amount of interest for their deposits with an&s. ;ntrepreneurs tr# to
obtain mone# from the ban&s as wor&ing capital and for long-term in$estment. These
entrepreneurs welcome effecti$e and forward-loo&ing ad$ice for in$estment. an&ing
sector thus owe a great deal to the deposit holders on the one hand and the
entrepreneurs on the other. The# are e'pected to pla# the role of friend! philosopher!
and guide for the deposit holders and the entrepreneurs.
Since liberation! angladesh passed through fragile phases of de$elopment in the
an&ing sector. The nationali*ation of an&s in the post liberation period was
intended to safe the institutions and the interest of the depositors. Those handling the
ban&ing sector ha$e borne the burden of putting ban&s on reliable footings. )espite all
that was done! some elements of irregularities appeared. Aith the assertion of the role
of the Central an&! the angladesh an& started adopting measures for putting
ban&ing institutions on right trac&. Bet the preponderance of public sector
management of ban&s left some negati$e effects in the mone# mar&et in particular and
the econom# in general. The agilit# among the borrowers manipulates the ban&ing
sector as a whole. .n effect! a default culture! among other effects! appeared on the
The opening of pri$ate and foreign participants to the ban&ing sector was intended to
obtain desirable results from ban&ing. The authori*ation of pri$ate ban&s was
designed to create competition among the ban&s and competition in the form of
efficienc# within and the producti$it# in enterprises funded b# ban&s. (nfortunatel#!
for the people! at large! ban&ing sector is #et to obtain the credit for efficienc#!
credibilit#! and growth.
The cle$er! among the user of ban&ing ser$ices! ha$e influenced the management of
ban&s! for obtaining short term and long-term loans. The# sometimes showed inflated
equit# to get mone# for in$estment in businesses and industr#. /ew di$erted their loan
mone# to purposes different from the loan proposals! and in$ested in non-profitable
units ha$e failed to repa# their loans to the ban&s. /or this reason new entrepreneurs
are not getting capital while defaulting entrepreneurs ha$e started obtaining either
relief in the form of rescheduling of the repa#ment program or additional ine$itable
mone# for di$ersified units.
2.2 0!n1ing in 0!ngl!desh
an&ing is the bac&bone of national econom#. All sorts of economic and financial
acti$ities re$ol$e round the a'is of the ban&. As the industr# produces goods and
commodities! so does the ban& creates and controls mone# mar&et and promotes
formation of capital. /rom this point of $iew! ban&ing-a technical profession- can be
termed as industr#. Ser$ices to its customers are the products of ban&ing industr#
besides being a pi$otal factor in promoting capital formation in the countr#. As all
economic and fiscal acti$ities re$ol$e round this important 9.ndustr#9! the role of
ban&ing can hardl# be o$er emphasi*ed.
Circumstances being such! it becomes imperati$e to find out the role that now pla#ing
in the countr# and anal#*e its operational aspects so as to ascertain the importance of
this delicate financial sector and its o$er all impact on our national econom#. To
ascertain the role of ban&s and to anal#*e its operational aspects and its o$erall impact
on our national econom# a through stud# as to its distribution! e'pansion and
contribution is essential to comprehend its past! present and future bearings for the
growth and de$elopment of the ban&ing sector of the countr#. .n the global conte't!
the role of ban&s is far - reaching and more penetrating in the economic and fiscal
discipline! trade! commerce! industr#! e'port and import- all carried through the ban&.
an&s are the onl# media through which international trade and commerce emanate
and entire credit transactions! both national and international.
2.3 2pprov!l of 3e' 0!n1s
+pening of the recentl# permitted new ban&s! without implementation of the needed
reforms! could lead to unethical competition and horse- trading in the countr#9s
troubled ban&ing sector! according to the ban&ers.
;ntr# of new ban&s in the mar&et under the present situation will lead to unethical
competition and horse-trading in the ban&ing sector. The problems li&e non-
performing loans in the sector ma# also worsen. The si*e of the mar&et and the
present state of economic acti$it# did not pro$ide adequate scope for business for a
large number of ban&s with poor management and outdated operating s#stems. This
would ob$iousl# lead to unethical practices in the sector. Adding the lac& of s&illed
hands at the top and mid-le$el management of ban&s could also result in Chorse-
Mr. @utfar :ahman Sar&ar! ;'-go$ernor angladesh an& echoed his $iews and said
CAllowing the new ban&s! without restoring discipline and resol$ing their numerous
problems! will create unhealth# atmosphere and unethical ban&ing in the whole
countr#.C The ban&s would ob$iousl# resort to unethical means of capturing or
retaining business! such as undercutting interest or bribing official to attract
go$ernment deposits. These would $itiate the atmosphere of the ban&ing sector.
A top official of another multinational ban& said appro$al of the new ban&s b# the
go$ernment was against the global trend. CAhen the global trend is merger and
acquisition of the small business entities! the go$ernment is permitting numerous new
/oreign ban&s were all prepared to snatch the countr#9s limited mar&et! with potentials
of new business opportunities. 8o$ernment step at this time should ha$e been to
strengthen local ban&s through underta&ing needed reforms. .nstead of doing that
new ban&s were permitted further squee*ing the business opportunities.
Another senior pri$ate ban&er said! C:unning a ban& is $er# difficult in a countr# li&e
angladesh! with inadequate and ineffecti$e legal framewor&. Permitting new ban&s
without addressing the problems was ob$iousl# wrong decision.
The pri$ate ban&s had concentrated their acti$ities onl# in a few areas. The new ban&s
would also tr# to share the most potential mar&et! forcing others to face tougher
competition. This would also restrict other to e'pand fast to cater to the ban&ing needs
of the people in other areas.
The international Monetar# /und 0.M/1 and the Aorld an& earlier as&ed the
go$ernment to reconsider its decision to permit new ban&s without restoring
discipline in the sector! crippled b# huge amount of bad debts.
2.4 HS0& 4roup
Headquartered in @ondon! The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation @td.
0HSC1 is one of the largest ban&ing and financial ser$ices organi*ations in the
world. HSC9s international networ& comprises o$er E!?>> offices in FG countries and
territories in ;urope! the Asia-Pacific region! the Americas! the Middle ;ast and
Aith listings on the @ondon! Hong&ong! <ew Bor&! Paris and ermuda Stoc&
;'changes! shares in HSC Holdings plc are held b# nearl# 7>>!>>> shareholders in
some 1>> countries and territories. The shares are traded on the <ew Bor& Stoc&
;'change in the form of American )epositar# :eceipts.
Through an intercontinental networ& lin&ed b# ad$anced technolog#! including a
bris&l# growing e-commerce capabilit#! HSC pro$ides a comprehensi$e range of
financial ser$ices6 personal financial ser$icesH commercial ban&ingH corporate!
in$estment ban&ing and mar&etsH pri$ate ban&ingH and other acti$ities.
The HSC 8roup has an international pedigree! which is unique. Man# of its
principal companies opened for business o$er a centur# ago and the# ha$e a histor#!
which is rich in $ariet# and achie$ement. The HSC 8roup is named after its
founding member! The Hong&ong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation @imited! which
was established in 1IG? to finance the growing trade between China and ;urope.
2.4.1 HS0& 0r!nd 5 &orpor!te Identity
The He'agon logo of HSC deri$es from HSC%s traditionall# flag! a white rectangle
di$ided diagonall#. The design of the flag was based on the cross of ST. Andrew! The
Patron Saint of Scotland.
HSC brand 5 corporate identit# represents what HSC wants is its brand to mean to
its customer. .t is deri$ed from the group.
2.4.2 &orpor!te &h!r!cter !nd 0!sic rives
HSC is a prudent! cost conscious! ethicall# grounded! conser$ati$e! trustworth#
.nternational builder of long-term customer relationships.
HSC%s basic dri$es are Higher Producti$it#! Team +rientation! and Creati$e
+rgani*ation! 5 Customer +rientation.
The essence of HSC brand is integrit#! trust! and e'cellent customer ser$ice. .t gi$es
confidence to customers! $alue to in$estors! 5 comfort to colleagues. Through the
process of listening to indi$iduals needs and then acting in partnership to deli$er the
right solutions! HSC is committed to help the clients ma&e the most of their
financial assets.
HSC operate on a global basis! but also wor& on a local le$el to ensure the cross-
border differences are identified and an# related benefits e'ploited. HSC teams of
specialists ensure that whether #ou need solutions across the world! regionall#! or
locall#! and the# ha$e the s&ills! e'pertise! and resources to deli$er them. The#
automate as man# functions as possible! e$en as ensuring retains control. HSC
claims that the# are the people to tal& to if an#one wants the following6 -
8lobal cash flow co-ordination
;nhanced ris& management
.mpro$ed securit# and audit controls
Minimi*ed costs and reduced operating e'penses
Ma'imi*ed liquidit#! returns and interest benefits
2.+ 6ound!tion !nd 4ro'th of HS0&
The HSC 8roup is named after its founding member! The Hong Dong and Shanghai
an&ing Corporation @imited 0HSC1! which was established in 1IG? in Hong Dong
and Shanghai to finance the growing trade between China and ;urope. The inspiration
behind the founding of the ban& was Mr. Thomas Sutherland! a Scot who was then
wor&ing as the Hong Dong Superintendent of the Peninsular and +riental Steam
<a$igation Compan#. He reali*ed that there was considerable demand for local
ban&ing facilities both in Hong Dong and along the China coast and he helped to
establish the ban& in March 1IG?. Then! as now! the ban&9s headquarters were at 1
4ueen9s :oad Central in Hong Dong and a branch was opened one month later in
Throughout the late nineteenth and the earl# twentieth centuries! the ban& established
a networ& of agencies and branches based mainl# in China and South ;ast Asia but
also with representation in the .ndian sub-continent! Japan! ;urope and <orth
America. .n man# of its branches the ban& was the pioneer of modern ban&ing
practices. /rom the outset! trade finance was a strong feature of the ban&9s business
with bullion! e'change and merchant ban&ing also pla#ing an important part.
Additionall#! the ban& issued notes in man# countries throughout the /ar ;ast.
)uring the Second Aorld Aar the ban& was forced to close man# branches and its
head office was temporaril# mo$ed to @ondon. Howe$er! after the war the ban&
pla#ed a &e# role in the reconstruction of the Hong Dong econom# and began to
further di$ersif# the geographical spread of the ban&. The group e'panded primaril#
through offices established in the ban&s name until the mid 1E?>s when it began to
create or acquire subsidiaries. This strateg# culminated in 1EE7 with one of the largest
ban& acquisitions in histor# when HSC holdings acquired Midland an& plc! which
was founded in (D in 1I=G.
The following are some &e# de$elopments in the HSC group since 1E??6
17++ .he Hong 8ong !nd Sh!ngh!i 0!n1ing &orpor!tion of &!liforni! '!s
17+7 The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires The ritish
an& of the Middle ;ast 0formerl# the .mperial an& of Persia! now called
HSC an& Middle ;ast1 and The Mercantile an& 0originall# the
Chartered Mercantile an& of .ndia! @ondon 5 China1.
17-9 Aa#foong /inance @imited! a Hong Dong hire purchase and personal
finance subsidiar#! is established.
17-+ The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires a ma,orit#
shareholding in Hang Seng an& @imited! now the second-largest ban&
incorporated in Hong Dong.
17-: Midland an& purchases a one-third share in the parent of @ondon
Merchant ban& Samuel Montagu 5 Co. @imited 0soon to be renamed
HSC :epublic an& 0(D1 @imited1.
17:1 The C#prus Popular an& @imited 0now @ai&i an&1 becomes an
associated compan# of the 8roup.
17:2 The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation forms merchant-
ban&ing subsidiar#! Aardle# @imited 0now called HSC .n$estment an&
Asia @imited1. Midland an& acquires a shareholding in (A/ an&
@imited 0now &nown as ritish Arab Commercial an& @imitd1.
17:4 Samuel Montagu becomes a wholl# owned subsidiar# of Midland.
17:; The Saudi ritish an& is established under local control to ta&e o$er The
ritish an& of the Middle ;ast9s branches in Saudi Arabia.
17;9 The Hong&ong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires ?1K of <ew
Bor& State9s Marine Midland an&! <.A. 0now called HSC an& (SA1!
with a controlling interest in Concord @easing. (D-based merchant ban&
Anton# 8ibbs becomes a wholl# owned subsidiar#. Midland acquires a
controlling interest in leading 8erman pri$ate ban& Trin&aus 5 ur&hardt
DgaA 0now HSC Trin&aus 5 ur&hardt DgaA1.
17;1 Hong&ong an& of Canada 0<ow HSC an& Canada1 is established in
Lancou$er. The 8roup acquires a controlling interest in ;quator Holdings
17;2 ;g#ptian ritish an& S.A.;. is formed! with the 8roup holding a 3>K
17;3 Marine Midland an& acquires Carroll Mc;ntee 5 Mc8inle# 0now HSC
Securities 0(SA1 .nc.1! a <ew Bor& based primar# dealer in (S
go$ernment securities.
17;+ <ew Head office building opened at Hong Dong.
17;- The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation establishes Hong
Dong an& of Australia @imited 0now HSC an& Australia @imited1 and
acquires James Capel 5 Co. @imited! a leading @ondon-based international
securities compan#.
17;: The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation acquires the remaining
shares of Marine Midland and a 13.EK equit# interest in Midland an&.
17;7 A strategic alliance is entered into between The Hong Dong and Shanghai
an&ing Corporation and California-based Aells /argo an&. Midland
an& @aunches /irst )irect! the (D9s first 73-hour telephone ban&ing
1771 HSC Holdings is establishedH its shares are traded on the @ondon and
Hong Dong stoc& e'changes.
1772 HSC Holdings purchases the remaining equit# in Midland an&. HSC
.n$estment an& plc is formed.
1773 The HSC 8roup9s Head +ffice mo$es to @ondon. /orward Trust 8roup
@imited 0now HSC Asset /inance 0(D1 @imited1! a Midland subsidiar#!
acquires Swan <ational @easing! establishing the (D9s third largest $ehicle
contract hire compan#.
1774 The Hong Dong and Shanghai an&ing Corporation is the first foreign
ban& to incorporate locall# in Mala#sia! forming Hong Dong an&
Mala#sia erhad 0now HSC an& Mala#sia erhad1.
177+ Aells /argo 5 Co. and HSC Holdings establish Aells /argo HSC Trade
an&! <.A. in California to pro$ide customers of both companies with
trade finance and international ban&ing ser$ices.
177: HSC Holdings and Aacho$ia Corporation of the (nited States form a
non-equit# alliance to mar&et corporate financial ser$ices worldwide.
/orward Trust acquires ;$ersholt 0now HSC :ail 0(D1 @imited1! a rail
rolling-stoc& leasing compan# and the largest owner of electric trains
operating on the (D mainline networ&. Marine Midland an& acquires
/irst /ederal Sa$ings and @oan Association of :ochester in <ew Bor&. .n
@atin America! the 8roup establishes a new subsidiar# in ra*il! anco
HSC amerindus S.A. and completes the acquisition of :oberts >1S.A.
de .n$ersiones in Argentina 0now HSC Argentina Holdings S.A.1.
1777 Shares in HSC Holdings begin trading on a third stoc& e'change! <ew
Bor&. HSC Holdings acquires :epublic <ew Bor& Corporation 0now
integreted with HSC (SA .nc.1 and its sister compan# Safra :epublic
Holdings S.A. 0now HSC :epublic Holdings 0@u'embourg1 S.A.1.
Midland an& acquires a F>.>=K interest in Mid-Med an& p.l.c. 0<ow
called HSC an& Malta p.l.c.1! Malta9s largest commercial ban&.
2999 HSC and Merrill @#nch form a ,oint $enture to launch the first
international online ban&ing and in$estment ser$ices compan#. HSC
reaches an agreement in principle to acquire F?K of the issued shares of
ang&o& Metropolitan an&! the eighth largest ban& in Thailand. HSC
acquires Credit Commercial de /rance 0CC/1! a ma,or /rench ban&ing
group. Shares in HSC Holdings are listed on a fourth stoc& e'change! in
299: HSC has financed two wind farms in Scotland at :othes and
Paul%s Hill.
.!ble 1* 8ey develop#ents in the HS0& since 17++< Source* 'ebsite of HS0&
2.- 0usiness "rinciples !nd =!lues
The HSC corporate character defines the $alues and principles inherent in all their
e$er#da# dealings.
The HSC 8roup is committed to %i&e Core Business "rinci'les$
+utstanding customer ser$iceH
;ffecti$e and efficient operationsH
Strong capital and liquidit#H
Conser$ati$e lending polic#H
Strict e'pense disciplineH
HSC +perates According to Certain (ey Business )alues$
The highest personal standards of integrit# at all le$elsH
Commitment to truth and fair dealingH
Hand-on management at all le$elsH
+penl# esteemed commitment to qualit# and competenceH
A minimum of bureaucrac#H
/ast decisions and implementationH
Putting the 8roup%s interests ahead of the indi$idual%sH
The appropriate delegation of authorit# with accountabilit#H
/air and ob,ecti$e emplo#erH
A commitment to compl#ing with the spirit and letter of all laws and
A merit approach to recruitment! selection! promotionH
Promotion of good en$ironmental practice and sustainable de$elopment and
commitment to the welfare and de$elopment of each local communit#.
HSC%s reputation is founded on adherence to these principles and $alues. All actions
ta&en b# a member of HSC or staff member on behalf of a 8roup compan# should
conform to them.
2.: HS0& 4roup Mission !nd =ision
To be the bonding compan# that guarantees in the mar&et to satisf# appropriatel# and
professionall# the bonding needs of our obligors and the assurance of timel#
fulfillment of our bond to our beneficiaries is &nown as HSC%s group mission.
HSC%s group $ision is to
become the world%s leading financial ser$ices compan#H
balance group earnings between the +;C) and the emerging mar&ets.
2.; HS0& 4roup =!lues
The group $alues of HSC are gi$en below-
@ong term! ethical client ser$ice
High producti$it# through teamwor&
Confident and ambitious sense of e'cellence
.nternational character! conser$ati$e orientation
Capable of creati$it# and strong mar&eting
2.7 Objectives
HSC%s ob,ecti$es are to pro$ide inno$ati$e products supported b# qualit# deli$er#
of s#stems and e'cellence customer ser$ices! to train and moti$ate staffs and to
e'ercise social responsibilit#. # combining regional strengths with group networ&
HSC%s aim is to be the one of the leading ban&s in its principle mar&ets. HSC%s
goal is to achie$e sustained earnings growth and to continue to enhance shareholders
2.19 HS0& 4overning Objectives
Ae will beat the mean Total Shareholder :eturn performance of a peer group of
financial institutes o$er a three #ear rolling a$erageH and target to double shareholder
returns in fi$e #ears.
2.11 Intern!tion!l 3et'or1
The HSC 8roup9s international networ& comprises of some E!?>> offices in FE
countries and territories. A brief list is presented below6
Region 3u#ber of Offices
2#eric!s ?!F>I
2si!>"!cific GE=
$urope 7!IEF
Middle $!st 5 2fric! 1F7
&ountry 3u#ber of Offices
2lgeri! 1
2rgentin! 13F
2r#eni! 7
2ustr!li! =7
0!h!#!s G
0!hr!in I
0!ngl!desh E
0elgiu# 7
0er#ud! 1F
0r!)il 1!F>1
0ritish =irgin Isl!nds 1
0runei !russ!l!# 17
&!n!d! =7=
&!y#!n Isl!nds ?
&h!nnel Isl!nds =G
&hile =
&hin! ?=
&oo1 Isl!nds 1
&yprus 7
&)ech Republic 1>
$gypt 7?
6r!nce I1E
4er#!ny 17
4reece 7F
Hong1ong S2R =?1
Hung!ry 11
Indi! G3
Indonesi! 13
Irel!nd 17
Isle of M!n I
Isr!el 3
It!ly 3
?!p!n ?
?ord!n 7
8!)!1hst!n 1
8ore!< Republic of 13
8u'!it 1
,eb!non G
,iby! 1
,u%e#bourg 3
M!c!u S2R G
M!l!ysi! 33
M!ldives 1
M!lt! G>
M!uritius 17
Me%ico 1!G73
Mon!co 7
3etherl!nds 1
3e' @e!l!nd E
O#!n G
"!1ist!n 3
"!lestini!n 2utono#ous 2re! 1
"!n!#! ==
"hilippines 7=
"ol!nd 17
(!t!r ?
Russi! 7
S!udi 2r!bi! F3
Sing!pore 77
Slov!1i! 7
South 2fric! 3
Sp!in 7
Sri ,!n1! 17
S'eden 3
S'it)erl!nd 17
.!i'!n 1I
.h!il!nd 1
.ur1ey 1G=
Anited 2r!b $#ir!tes 1G
Anited 8ingdo# 1!GIE
Anited St!tes of 2#eric! 1!E7F
Arugu!y 3
=ene)uel! 1
=ietn!# =
.!ble 2* Intern!tion!l 3et'or1< HS0&B Source* 'ebsite of HS0&
2.12 0!n1s under the HS0& 4roup
Man# of the members ha$e changed their name into HSC! The Hong&ong and
Shanghai an&ing Corporation @imited to introduce the whole group under one brand
Midl!nd 0!n1 HS0& Holdings !c/uired Midl!nd 0!n1 one of the princip!l A8
cle!ring b!n1s in 1772. He!d/u!rtered in ,ondon< the b!n1 h!s !
person!l custo#er b!se of five !nd ! h!lf #illion< business
custo#ers of over h!lf ! #illion< !nd ! net'or1 of !l#ost 1<:99
br!nches in the Anited 8ingdo#. Midl!nd h!s offices in 2;
countries !nd territories< princip!lly in continent!l $urope< 'ith
! nu#ber of offices in ,!tin 2#eric!.
H!ng Seng 0!n1 H!ng Seng 0!n1< in 'hich Hong1ong 0!n1 h!s ! -2.1C e/uity
interest< #!int!ins ! net'or1 of 14- br!nches in the Hong1ong
S2R< 'here it is the second l!rgest loc!lly incorpor!ted b!n1
!fter Hong1ong 0!n1. H!ng Seng 0!n1 !lso h!s ! br!nch in
Sing!pore !nd t'o br!nches !nd t'o represent!tive offices in
M!rine Midl!nd
M!rine Midl!nd 0!n1 he!d/u!rtered in 0uff!lo< 3e' Dor1< h!s
3;9 b!n1ing loc!tions st!te'ide. .he b!n1 serves over t'o #illion
person!l custo#ers !nd 129<999 co##erci!l !nd institution!l
custo#ers in 3e' Dor1 St!te !nd< in selected businesses<
throughout the Anited St!tes.
Hong1ong 0!n1
of &!n!d!
Hong1ong 0!n1 of &!n!d! is the l!rgest foreign>o'ned b!n1 in
&!n!d! !nd the countryEs seventh>l!rgest b!n1. Fith
he!d/u!rters in =!ncouver< it h!s 11- br!nches !cross &!n!d!
!nd t'o br!nches in the 'estern Anited St!tes.
0!nco HS0&
0!nco HS0& 0!#erindus '!s est!blished in 0r!)il in 177:. .he
b!n1 h!s net'or1 of so#e 1<799 br!nches !nd sub>br!nches< the
second l!rgest in 0r!)il.
Hong1ong 0!n1
Hong1ong 0!n1 M!l!ysi! is the l!rgest foreign>o'ned b!n1 in
M!l!ysi! !nd the countryEs fifth>l!rgest b!n1< 'ith 3- br!nches.
.he 0ritish 0!n1
of the Middle $!st
G0ritish 0!n1H
.he 0ritish 0!n1 of the Middle $!st G0ritish 0!n1H is the l!rgest
!nd #ost 'idely represented intern!tion!l b!n1 in the Middle
$!st< 'ith 31 br!nches throughout the Anited 2r!b $#ir!tes<
O#!n< 0!hr!in< (!t!r< ?ord!n< ,eb!non !nd the "!lestini!n
2utono#ous 2re!< including !n offshore b!n1ing unit in 0!hr!in.
.he b!n1 !lso h!s br!nches in Mu#b!i !nd .riv!ndru#< Indi!<
!nd 0!1u< 2)erb!ij!n< !s 'ell !s priv!te b!n1ing oper!tions in
,ondon !nd 4enev!.
HS0& 0!nco
HS0& 0!nco Roberts '!s !c/uired in 177:. 0!sed in 0uenos
2ires< it is one of 2rgentin!Es l!rgest priv!tely o'ned b!n1s< 'ith
-9 br!nches throughout the country.
Hong1ong 0!n1
of 2ustr!li!
Hong1ong 0!n1 of 2ustr!li! h!s 1- br!nches !cross 2ustr!li!. It
is the fl!gship of the HS0& 4roupEs businesses there< oper!ting
under the n!#e HS0& 2ustr!li!< !nd providing ! co#plete r!nge
of fin!nci!l services.
.he S!udi 0ritish
.he S!udi 0ritish 0!n1< ! 49C>o'ned #e#ber of the HS0&
4roup< h!s -3 br!nches throughout S!udi 2r!bi! !nd ! br!nch in
.!ble 3* 0!n1s under HS0& 4roup< Source* 'ebsite of HS0&
2.13 &ountry &l!ssific!tions
To ensure that &e# resources 0management time! capital! Human resources and
information technolog#1 are correctl# allocated and that the e'change of best practice
is accelerated between entities! the group has classified the countries where it operates
into three categories6 the large! the ma,or and the international. These classifications
are a function of sustainable! attributable earnings! the number of retail clients!
balance sheet and si*e of operation. A brief presentation of this classification is shown
6igure 1* &ountry cl!ssific!tion< Source* 'ebsite of HS0& G2ppendi% 2H
HSC in angladesh
HSC obtained license from angladesh an& on The HSC Asia Pacific group 1
April 1EEG to conduct ban&ing business in the countr# and commenced formal
ban&ing operations on = )ecember 1EEG through opening a branch at )ha&a. .n
angladesh! the HSC 8roup is represented b# Hong Dong ban&! which has its head
office in HongDong and a holding compan#! HSC holding plc! which is
incorporated in ;ngland .on 31 )ecember 7>>> ! total capital and reser$e of HSC in
angladesh were )T ?=?.F million ! which comprised capital of )T 331.G million
and supplementar# capital of )T E3.7 million. :eali*ing the huge potential and
growth in personal ban&ing industr# in angladesh! HSC e'tended its operation to
the personal ban&ing sector in angladesh and within a $er# short span of time it was
able to build up a huge client base. ;'tending its operation further! HSC opened
branches at Chittagong! si' branch offices at )ha&a 0Main +ffice! 8ulshan!
Mothi,heel! )hanmondi! anani and (ttara1 and S#lhet the number of emplo#ees of
this ban& in angladesh was 7?F. At Present number of emplo#ee is I=?.
.n 7>>7! paid-up capital of this ban& was )T =I> million. )eposit of this ban& was
)T 3!EI> million. Among this deposit! called deposit was )T 3IF million and
fi'ed deposit was )T 1!=7= million. The amount of ad$ance and in$estment was
)T 1!1I> million and )T 1>> million respecti$el#. .n 7>>7! this ban& operated
foreign e'change business of )T I!7=3 million.
HSC angladesh is under strict super$ision of HSC Asia Pacific 8roup! Hong
Dong. The Chief ;'ecuti$e +fficer of HSC angladesh manages the whole ban&ing
operation of HSC in angladesh. (nder the C;+ there are heads of departments
who manage specific ban&ing functions e.g. Personal ban&ing! corporate ban&ing! etc.
Currentl# HSC angladesh is pro$iding a wide range of ser$ices both two
indi$idual and corporate le$el customers. .n the #ear 7>>>! the ban& launched a wide
arra# of personal ban&ing products designed for all &inds of 0middle and higher-
middle income1 indi$idual customers. Some such products were Personal loans! car
loans! etc. :ecentl# the ban& launched three of its personal ban&ing products 2 Ta'
loan! Personal secured loan 5 Automated Tele an&ing 0AT1 ser$ice. These
products are designed to meet the di$erse customer needs more completel#.
HSC in angladesh also speciali*es in self-ser$ice ban&ing through pro$iding 73-
hour ATM ser$ices. :ecentl# it has introduced )a# 5 <ight ban&ing b# installing
;as#-pa# machines in anani! (ttara and )hanmondi to better satisf# the needs of
both customers and non-customers. .n total HSC currentl# has 77 ATM%s of )ha&a
5 Chittagong.
3.1 Org!ni)!tion!l Hier!rchy
HSC follows a 3-la#er management philosoph# in angladesh. These are Managers!
;'ecuti$es! officers 5 Assistant officers. The C;+ is the top most authorit# of all the
le$els. Managers are the departmental heads who are responsible for the acti$ities of
their departments. The# are the heads of the department and formulate strategies for
that department. e.g. Human :esources Manger. ;'ecuti$es ha$e the authorit# ne't to
managers. The# are basicall# responsible for certain acti$ities 5 organi*ational
functions. e.g. Admin ;'ecuti$e.
These two la#ers represent the management le$el of HSC angladesh. +fficers are
the ne't persons to stand in the hierarch# list. The# are the t#pical mid-le$el
emplo#ees of HSC organi*ational hierarch#. These officers are responsible for
managing the operational acti$ities and operating le$el emplo#ees.
The operating le$el emplo#ees of HSC who are ran&ed as Assistant +fficer fill the
last la#er of this hierarch#. The# perform da#-to-da# operational acti$ities of HSC.
An organi*ational hierarch# chart is shown below6
6igure 2* Org!ni)!tion!l Hier!rchy of HS0&< 0!ngl!deshB Source* M!in office< HS0&
3.2 &hief $%ecutive &o##ittee
The organi*ational structure of HSC angladesh is designed according to the
$arious ser$ice and functional departments. The Chief ;'ecuti$e +fficer 0C;+1 heads
the chief e'ecuti$e committee! which decides on all the strategic aspect of HSC. The
C;+ is the person who super$ises the heads of all the departments and also is the
ultimate authorit# of HSC angladesh. He is responsible for all the acti$ities of
HSC angladesh and all its consequences. He administers all the functional
departments and communicates with the department heads for smooth functioning of
the organi*ation. The HSC Chief ;'ecuti$e Committee is formed with the heads of
all departments along with the C;+. esides the C;+ the C;C is staffed with G more
managers6 Manager of Human :esources! Manager of Ser$ices! and Manager of
/inancial Control )epartment! Chief of Personal an&ing! Chief of Corporate
2ssist!nt Officers
2ssist!nt Officers
an&ing! and Manager of Mar&eting. The di$isions of manager under C;+ are gi$en
6igure 3* &hief $%ecutive &o##ittee of HS0&< 0!ngl!deshB Source* M!in office< HS0&

/unctional )epartments
HSC acti$ities are performed through functional departmentalization. So! the
departments are separated according to the functions the# perform 0H:! Mar&eting!
Personal an&ing! etc.1. There are si' ma,or functional departments at HSC. The#
Human :esources
/inancial Control
Personal an&ing
Corporate an&ing and
Aithin these ma,or departments there are some other subsidiar# departments that
allow smooth operation of their own ma,or departmental function. A graphical
presentation of all the departments 0Ma,or 5 minor1 is shown in the following page.
A brief functional description of these departments is discussed below6
6igure 4* 6unction!l ep!rt#ents of HS0& 0!ngl!deshB Source* M!in office< HS0&
4.1 Hu#!n Resource ep!rt#ent
The Human :esource Manager heads this department. The ma,or functions of this
department are recruitment! training and de$elopments! Personnel Ser$ices and
Securit#. The H: department is much concerned with the discipline that is set up b#
the HSC group. HSC group has got strict rules and regulations for each and e$er#
aspect of ban&ing! e$en for non-ban&ing purposesH i.e. The )ress Code. All these
ma,or personnel functions are integrated in the best possible wa# at HSC! which
results in its higher producti$it#. The Human resource officer monitors the emplo#ee
staffing and administration acti$ities. The Training officer super$ises Training!
de$elopment 5 rotation acti$ities. The structure of the H: department is shown
A+ M Assistant +fficer
6igure +* Structure of Hu#!n Resource ep!rt#entB Source* M!in office< HS0&
4.2 Services ep!rt#ent
Ser$ices department is an integral and $ital part of the ban&. The ser$ices department
ensures smooth operation and functioning within and between all the departments of
HSC. .t also pro$ides continuous support to the core ban&ing acti$ities of HSC.
The Manager of Ser$ices heads this department who formulates and manages $arious
critical issues of the ser$ices function of HSC. He is followed b# a group of
e'ecuti$es who are the heads of $arious subsidiar# di$isions that operate within the
ser$ices department. The ser$ices department is considered as the bac&bone of all
other departments. The $arious subsidiar# di$isions within this department are
Administration! .T! .nternal Control 0.C1! <etwor& Ser$ices Centre 0<SC1! and H(.
A structure of the ser$ices department is presented below followed b# a briefing of the
subsidiar# di$isions6
6igure -* Structure of Services ep!rt#entB Source* M!in office< HS0&
4.3 6in!nci!l &ontrol ep!rt#ent G6&H
/inancial Control )epartment 0/C)1 is considered as the most powerful department
of HSC. .t &eeps trac&s of each and e$er# transaction made within HSC
angladesh. Manager of /C) who ensures that all the transactions are made
according to rules and regulation of HSC group heads it. Liolation of such rules can
bring serious consequences for the lawbrea&er.
4.4 "erson!l 6in!nci!l Services G"6SH
P/S is the most flourishing department of HSC angladesh. This department
basicall# deals with the management of products and ser$ices offered to the in
indi$idual consumers. Aithin a span of onl# se$en #ears! HSC! P/S has grown
tremendousl# and is still growing with its inno$ati$e products and ser$ice offerings.
Manager of P/S! Mr. Shafqat Hossain! Head of this department. He is the person
behind the astounding growth of P/S department in HSC angladesh. Chief of P/S
manages and super$ises the Personal an&ing acti$ities of the branch networ& of
HSC angladesh. The E branches of HSC basicall# deal with the personal ban&ing
acti$ities and pro$ide $arious accounts ser$ices to indi$idual customers. The +rgan
gram of P/S shown below6
6igure :* Org!n gr!# of "6SB Source* M!in office< HS0&
4.4.1 0r!nch 3et'or1
There are nine branches of HSC! G situated at different place in )ha&a and 7 at
Chittagong and another one is in S#lhet. +nl# the )ha&a office 0head office1 branch 5
Chittagong branch deals with both corporate and personal ban&ing. The other ?
offices onl# deal with the personal ban&ing acti$ities. There functions are to pro$ide
$arious financial ser$ices to the consumers. These include customer ser$ices! sale of
$arious P/S products! opening new accounts! pro$iding cash! remittance and other
teller ser$ices! etc. the branches are quite decentrali*ed for better deli$er# of ser$ices
to customer and ha$e their own premises and facilities. ranch managers head these
branches. ;ach branch is staffed with its own team of emplo#ees. A great deal of
teamwor& is seen within these branches. ATM%s are situated with each branch
4.4.2 &redit ep!rt#ent
The personal ban&ing credit department deals with the consumer credit schemes such
as the Personal loan! car loan! personal secured loan! personal secured credit etc.!
which are tailored to meet the demand of indi$idual customers. The manager of P/S
credit! Mr. Safiul A,am! appro$es and administers all the acti$ities of this department.
He is staffed with fi$e loan appro$al officers! two loan processing officer! two
assistant officers and one M.S cler&. The appro$al officers mainl# re,ect or appro$e
the credit requests. After being chec&ed b# the appro$al officers! the credit requests go
to the processing officers for further processing of the application.
4.4.3 2.M &entre
The ATM centre ensures smooth operation of the ATM machines that are located at
)ha&a! Chittagong and S#lhet. The ATM centre is responsible for regular
replenishment of the off-site ATM%s and ser$icing of all the ATMs. Currentl# a total
77 ATMs are in operation. The ATM centre also deals with issuance! termination and
ser$icing of the ATM cards. asicall#! the ATM centre is the department that is solel#
responsible for all the acti$ities related to ATM and is the facilitating department that
enables customers 73 hour ban&ing support.
4.4.4 2.0 &entre
AT refers to Automated Tele an&ing. This department deals with the bac& office
ser$icing of the HSC phone ban&ing ser$ices pro$ided to customers. This
department is basicall# responsible for the acti$ation of AT! AT pin generation! and
AT securit# management! AT bloc&ing and troubleshooting of all AT problems.
Currentl# this department is staffed with one e'ecuti$e and an officer.
4.+ &orpor!te 0!n1ing
4.+.1 0usiness 0!n1ing
usiness an&ing from HSC offers the fle'ibilit# of solutions specificall# catered to
growing business needs and management of business. +nce customers open a
usiness an&ing Account with HSC! the# will ha$e access to a wide range of
products as our $alued usiness an&ing Customer. HSC9s business accounts are no
longer ,ust a medium to deposit their mone# and ma&e standard pa#ments. Aith the
usiness an&ing the# will ha$e access to a range of products! which target their
business growth.
HSC offers an unmatched efficient ban&ing structure along with a whole range of
products and ser$ices to suit all their business needs. HSC understands that running
a business ta&es time! mone# and planning. That is wh# the ban& has designed their
e'tensi$e range of products and ser$ices to gi$e #ou ma'imum $alue with the
minimum of paperwor& and effort. The following ser$ices are offered free of cost to
business ban&ing account holders6
0usiness Service 2ccount
usiness an&ing Account will enable the customers to recei$e credit of all #our
cashNcheque deposits along with inward remittances and ma&e all local pa#ments
and pro$ide access to wide range of ser$ices for their business requirements.
24 hours deposits
Customers ma# deposit upto )T ?>!>>> cash per transaction and an# )T
amount in cheque 73 hours a da#! F da#s a wee& through our ATM Machines!
con$enientl# located Sales and Ser$ice Centres. ;as#Pa# Machines are also
a$ailable for deposit of )T ?>!>>> cash per transaction and an# )T amount in
cheque to #our usiness an&ing account. Bou can use both ATM Machine and
;as#Pa# Machine at an# a$ailable location free of cost.
24 hours 'ithdr!'!ls
Customers can withdraw cash from an# of the con$enientl# located HSC ATM
Machines using their usiness an&ing Account ATM Card at free of cost.
24 hours bill p!y#ents
Pa#ing bills an# time of da# and night is as eas# and accessible than e$er before
with ;as#Pa# Machines located at sales and ser$ice centres. ;as#Pa# Machines
are a$ailable F da#s a wee&! 73 hours a da#. Through ;as#Pa#! both HSC and
<on - HSC customers can ma&e deposits and pa# their utilit# bills! HSC Credit
Card pa#ments and etc. Customers can pa# bills of6
6igure ;* "!y bill &o#p!nyB Source* Febsite of HS0&
A customer ser$ice representati$e is also a$ailable from E6>>am to 1>6>>pm! F
da#s a wee&! e'cept go$ernment holida#s! to assist #ou to deposit cashNcheques
and pa# #our bills free of cost.
"hone 0!n1ing
usiness an&ing Account will also pro$ide access to accounts through our state
of the art Phone an&ing facilities. This is a secure! eas#! efficient s#stem which
allows #ou to chec& #our account balance! order cheque boo&s and much more F
da#s a wee&! 73 hours a da# free of cost.
HS0& &he/ue 0oo1
/or pa#ments to beneficiaries through business ban&ing account HSC offer one
account pa#ee cheque boo& 0?> cheque lea$es1 per month free of cost. Customers
can also recei$e additional cheque boo&s with a minimal ser$ice fee.
St!te#ents vi! 6!%
HSC now offers #ou the option of recei$ing #our statements $ia fa' e$er#da#
free of cost.
A Business Banking customer may request for the following additional services:
O 6!cility
To ensure that customers% cheques are honoured when fund is not a$ailable! in
emergencies! usiness an&ing Account can pro$ide #ou with an o$erdraft
against 1>>K margin of #our fi'ed deposit.
Internet 0!n1ing by HS0&net
Aith usiness an&ing Account! there is no longer a need for #ou to call the an&
or go to an# of the branchesNATMs to enquire balancesNstatements and to ma&e
pa#ments to other HSC accounts. Aith HSCnet .nternet an&ing at ser$ice!
customers ma# chec& #our balances! download statements and ma&e pa#ments
within HSC accounts from an# appropriate .nternet enabled PC.
.r!de Solutions
HSC offers global reach and local e'pertise in handling #our trade business!
including the complete range of ser$ices that would facilitate customer in their
import and e'port. These include6
I#port Services* .ssuance of @etter of Credits 0)ocumentar# Credits1 and
other import ser$ices
$%port Services* ;lectronic )ocumentar# Credit Ad$ising 0;)CA1 and other
e'port ser$ices.
4.+.2 &orpor!te &redit
Ahen customers choose a ban& to help support their business the# want to be sure
that it can tailor solutions to meet their specific finance needs. At HSC! a full range
of products and ser$ices are offered! which includes o$erdraft! import and e'port
A con$enient and fle'ible form of short-term financing for routine operating
e'penses and o$erheads of applicant%s compan# is &nown as o$erdraft.
I#port !nd $%port ,o!ns
@oans against import are a$ailable to the customers when the# purchase under
)ocumentar# Credit or )ocumentar# Collections terms. Pre-shipment finance is
a$ailable to meet their wor&ing capital requirements. Ad$ances are granted upon
production of a bu#er9s contract or e'port )C.
"I2 "urch!se
A cash ad$ance made to clients when the# ha$e e'ported goods to a bu#er through
)ocumentar# Collections! either on )ocuments against Acceptance 0)A1 or
)ocuments against Pa#ments 0)P1 basis.
,ong .er# ,o!ns
HSC can customi*e a Term @oan to finance the fi'ed assets that customers%
business needs 0such as land! new premises! equipment and machiner#1. .t ma# be
a 8reenfield pro,ect or an e'pansion of an e'isting plant! which ma# be financed
at competiti$e floating rate of interest.
4u!r!ntees 5 0onds
HSC in angladesh issues a full range of Performance 8uarantees! Ad$ance
Pa#ment 8uarantees! /inancial 8uarantees and id bonds for supporting the
underl#ing business of their customers.
4.+.3 .r!de Services
$%port Services
Aith o$er E!?>> offices in FE countries and territories! customers can be rest
assured that an HSC office is close to them! where$er the# are e'porting to.
HSC is a$ailable to pro$ide customers with ad$ice on an# aspect of their trade
document preparation and can also pro$ide them with wor&ing capital finance to
source raw materials.
I#port Services
Aith o$er 1=> #ears of e'perience supporting importers globall#! HSC is well
positioned to fulfill the trading needs. A full range of import ser$ices handled b#
e'perienced staff is a$ailable! ensuring that #our import documents are processed
without dela#.
4.+.4 .r!de $%press
Trade ;'press is an umbrella ser$ice! which combines traditional trade products!
document deli$er# ser$ices! reinforced b# HSC9s proprietar# state of the art e-
ban&ing 0He'agon and ;lectronic )C Ad$ising1! designed to pro$ide tailored
solutions for our priorit# customers from the con$enience of their own office remote
ban&ing. Aith this product customers can now e'ecute all their trade transactions
faster! cheaper! and with more accurac# than e$er before.
4.+.+ He%!gon
The He'agon department deals with all aspects related to HSC%s unique ban&ing
software product - He'agon. .t is the global ;lectronic an&ing s#stem of HSC!
which offers the customers more con$enient and efficient ban&ing than e$er before. .t
is an inno$ati$e des&top ban&ing s#stem de$eloped b# the HSC group! which
operates $ia the group%s proprietar# worldwide communications networ&. .t offers
comprehensi$e cash management ser$ices in an eas#-to-use and highl# secures
s#stem. This pro$ides #ou timel# and accurate account information and gi$es total
control o$er #our finances. He'agon significantl# reduces the documentation and
ph#sical deli$er# required for trade finance! resulting in both faster and more accurate
processing and administration. .t reduces data entr# and related errors and can store
frequentl# used documentar# credit 0)C1 in templates and recall them as needed to
speed in processing.
4.- M!r1eting ep!rt#ent
The si'th ma,or department of HSC is the mar&eting department. The mar&eting
department of HSC pla# a $ital role in fostering the continuous growth HSC in
angladesh. A manager is assigned to this department who loo&s after the o$erall
mar&eting operation of HSC in angladesh. This department is basicall# concerned
about mar&eting the compan#%s products! ser$ices and building a strong corporate
image. The mar&eting department of HSC has four subdi$isions6 )irect Sales!
Promotion! Mar&eting Administration and public relation. This di$ision are discussed
4.-.1 irect S!les GSH
asicall#! this )irect Sales is a $ital part of P/S as well as Mar&eting .This
department is controlled b# P/S. An e'ecuti$e is assigned to this part of the
mar&eting department. The )irect Sales di$ision coordinate 5 manages the sales
acti$ities of all the Mobile sales officers 0MS+1 of HSC angladesh. The MS+%s
basicall# ma&es sales of the compan# $arious Personal an&ing products such as!
sa$ings accounts! consumer loan! etc outside the ban&ing premises. There are a total
of more than 7>> mobile sales officers 0MS+1 emplo#ed in the cities of )ha&a and
Chittagong and S#lhet. The MS+%s are assigned to specific branches for ma&ing sales
acti$ities more smoothl#. The )S e'ecuti$e sets sales strategies 5 targets for the Sales
officers and manages the whole team of MS+%s in angladesh. The direct sales
department also decides upon the commission and remuneration of the mobile sales
officers as their salar# structure is based on sales performances. Thus this part of the
mar&eting di$ision is $er# important for the o$erall growth of the Personal an&ing
4.-.2 "ro#otion
This part of the mar&eting department deals with all the promotional acti$ities of
HSC angladesh. Prime responsibilities of this department are6 Maintaining strong
public relations with $arious media intermediaries! Ad$ertising the companies
products and ser$ices! building a strong corporate image of HSC in angladesh.
4.-.3 "ublic Rel!tions
The promotion department organi*es $arious en$ironmental and social acti$ities in
order to build a strong corporate image of HSC in the minds of customers as well as
in the media. Maintaining strong relationship with news media is another ma,or dut#
of this department.
4.-.4 2dvertising
The promotion also coordinates all the ad$ertising of HSC products within
angladesh. Some of the ad$ertising tools that are frequentl# used b# the compan#
are as follows6
3e'sp!pers 2dvertising* :egular ad$ertisements of $arious products and
ser$ices of HSC are gi$en in some of the countries most renowned dail#
0illbo!rds* Huge colourful billboards with HSC logo are found in $arious
ma,or areas of )ha&a and Chittagong. These billboards emphasi*e on the
needs of customers and shows HSC logo as solution to their needs.
Ro!d Side Signposts* Medium si*ed multi colour signposts focusing on
$arious products of HSC are found on the roadsides of $arious posh areas
such as! 8ulshan! )hanmondi! aridhara! Moti,heel! anani! etc.
M!ilers* $arious product updates and new product information are regularl#
sent to e'isting customers of HSC.
0rochures* Larious colourful brochures featuring specific products of HSC
are being displa#ed and distributed to e'isting and potential customers $ia
branch offices and Mobile sales officers.
These are some of the promotional acti$ities managed and coordinated b# the
promotion department.
4.-.+ M!r1eting 2d#inistr!tion
This department formulates 5 e'ecutes $arious mar&eting strategies of HSC
angladesh. This department also administers $arious mar&eting research acti$ities on
the e'isting and potential customers of HSC. Some such research acti$ities are6
m#ster# shopping! critical incident sur$e#s! customer suggestion sur$e#s! etc. The
results of these sur$e#s are integrated while formulating $arious mar&eting strategies.
This department also deals with the billing and in$oicing of $arious mar&eting 5
ad$ertising costs of HSC angladesh.
.n these are the ma,or departments of HSC angladesh. ;'cept the branches all
other departments are situated at HSC angladesh head offices located at Anchor
Tower! Dawran a*ar. Most of HSC%s operation and acti$ities are operated centrall#
from the head office. ut to deal with customers more completel#! the branches are
gi$en considerable authorit# and the# operate in a more decentrali*ed manner but
sub,ect to $erification of the respecti$e departments.
4.: "roduct !nd Service
HSC angladesh carries out all traditional functions! which a commercial an&
performs such as Mobili*ation of deposit! disbursement of loan! in$estment of funds!
financing e'port 5 import business! trade 5 commerce 5 so on. esides it also offers
some speciali*ed ser$ices to its customers. Products 5 ser$ices offered b# HSC can
be categori*ed according to the customers the# ser$e. Thus two ma,or groups can be
identified. The# are 2 indi$idual customers or consumers 5 corporate customers or
organi*ations. An in-depth anal#sis of HSC%s product and ser$ices in angladesh is
presented in this section. /irst of all! the liabilit# products of the ban& are discussed.
Then! the $arious products and ser$ices of personal ban&ing di$ision will be
presented. The summar# of all the products and ser$ices of HSC angladesh is
displa#ed below with the help of a diagram.
6igure 7* "roducts !nd Services of HS0& 0!ngl!deshB Source* '''.hsbc.co#.bd
4.:.1 ,i!bilities
The financial products of HSC can be categori*ed into two groups 2 Asset products
and liabilit# products. Asset products are the $arious t#pes of credit and loan schemes
offered to consumers whereas the liabilit# products consist of all the sa$ings and
deposit schemes offered to customers.
4.:.2 S!vings 2ccount
This is a depositor# account basicall# designed for small-scale sa$ers. This is an
interest bearing account and the features of this account are
+pening balance T& ?>!>>>
A$erage balance that should be maintained6 T& ?>!>>>
Short Term )eposit
/i'ed )eposit
:/C Current
<:/C Current
:/C )eposit
Con$ertible Ta&a
;'porter :etention
+ther Account
Short Term )eposit
/i'ed )eposit
:/C Current
<:/C Current
:/C )eposit
Con$ertible Ta&a
;'porter :etention
+ther Account
products 5
products 5
Power $antage
Phone an&ing
Self Ser$ice
an&ing 0ATM1
Power $antage
Phone an&ing
Self Ser$ice
an&ing 0ATM1
Personal @oan
Car @oan
M# future
+ther loan
Personal @oan
Car @oan
M# future
+ther loan
Custod# Ser$ices
Trade Ser$ices6
+ther Ser$ices6
hire purchase
Tender bonds
Custod# Ser$ices
Trade Ser$ices6
+ther Ser$ices6
hire purchase
Tender bonds
"roducts 5 Service
"roducts 5 Service
.nterest bearing 0from 3K - ?.7?K1. +ne of the unique features of HSC
sa$ings account is that interest is calculated on dail# outstanding balance and
is credit to customers account e$er# si' months.
<o restrictions on number of Transactions
<o #earl# ledger fee
/ree ATM card and phone ban&ing ser$ice
)ocumentation required to open the account6 one pp-si*e photograph! filled
account opening form! passport cop# 5 chec&Ncash of T& ?>!>>>N
Can be opened onl# b# angladesh and dual citi*ens in single or ,oint names.
4.:.3 &urrent 2ccount
This is a depositor# account basicall# designed for $arious customers. This is a non
interest bearing account and the features of this account are
+pening balance T& ?>!>>>
A$erage balance that should be maintained6 T& ?>!>>>
<o restrictions on number of Transactions
<o #earl# ledger fee
<on interest bearing
/ree ATM card and phone ban&ing ser$ice
Can be opened onl# b#6
.ndi$iduals 0,oint or single1
Proprietorship companies
Partnership companies
@imited Companies
@iason offices
)ocumentation needed6 $arious &inds of documents are needed for the
companies such as memorandum of association! board resolution! etc.
howe$er the requirements for indi$iduals are same as the sa$ings account.
4.:.4 Short .er# eposit GS.H
These accounts are opened mostl# b# the organi*ations. +rgani*ations normall#
maintain current accounts in the ban&s. The# need to transact bul& amount regularl#
that%s wh#! current account fits with their requirements. As current accounts do not
pro$ide an# interests and as the organi*ations cannot ha$e sa$ings account! the# are
depri$ed of earning an# interest despite ha$ing huge deposit in their accounts. OShort-
term deposit% accounts enable them to earn interests from their accounts. These &inds
of accounts share some properties of both current and sa$ings accounts. The account
pro$ides interests! which are li&e the sa$ings accounts! and the holder can withdraw
an# amount an# time from his account! which is a propert# of the current account.
.ndi$iduals especiall#! businessmen maintain such accounts.
4.:.+ 6i%ed eposit
.t is also &nown as term deposits. These deposits are made in the ban& for a fi'ed
period of time. This period of time should be specified in ad$ance. The ban& needs
not maintain cash reser$es against these deposits 5 therefore! it offers interest rates
that are higher than the sa$ings accounts.
4.:.- Residents 6oreign &urrency &urrent 2ccounts
angladesh nationals residing abroad open this account. /oreign nationals residing
abroad or in angladesh! /oreign firms registered abroad! angladeshis wor&ing in
multinationals at angladesh and recei$ing salar# in /C can also open such account.
The account is non-interest bearing and there are $arious &inds of restrictions for
withdrawals and deposits. The account can be maintained in ;uro 0;(:1! Pound
Sterling 08P1 and (S )ollar 0(S)1.
4.:.: 3on> Resident 6oreign &urrency &urrent !ccounts
These are time deposit interest bearing accounts. All non-resident angladeshi
nationals can open them! persons ha$ing dual citi*enship! shipping staffs! etc. the#
can be maintained in ;(:! 8P 5 (S) currencies. These accounts are strictl#
monitored b# the central ban& and restrictions e'ist for these accounts.
4.:.; Resident 6oreign &urrency eposit 2ccounts
alances in these accounts are freel# transferable abroad without an# restriction from
angladesh ban&. :esident angladeshis returning from abroad can open this account
within one month of hisNher return.
4.:.7 &onvertible .!1! 2ccount
)iplomatic missions! (< organi*ations! non-profit international companies! foreign
contractors 5 consultants! e'patriate resident emplo#ees of (< missions can open
these accounts. These accounts are maintained in T&. and are non-interest bearing.
4.:.19 $%porters Retention (uot! 2ccounts
;'porters earn foreign currenc#. ut due to legal restriction posed b# the angladesh
ban&! the# cannot &eep foreign currenc# more that P?!>>>. As the e'porters earn bul&
of foreign e'change and are depri$ed of the benefits of foreign currenc# accounts! a
special &ind of account is created to benefit them. .n this special t#pe of account the#
can &eep up to a FK of their total amount of foreign currenc# e'ports and earn
interests according to dollar interest rates. Some other special benefits are also
awarded to such customer such as free endorsements! withdrawals that are higher than
the ma'imum limits! discounted rates for TC%s! etc. The# use those accounts in the
purpose of remittance and other business purposes.
4.:.11 Other 2ccounts
There are $arious other accounts that are created to meet customer demands and
requirement. Such accounts are customi*ed and restrictions on these accounts are
sub,ect to change.
4.; Services
Aide ranges of ser$ices are offered to the customers who hold these accounts. Some
such ser$ices are6
/ree ATM Card! chec& boo& 5 phone ban&ing ser$ice
ChequesNcash deposits
Standing instruction
4uarterl#Nmonthl# statement of account
/oreign currenc# ;ndorsement against tra$el quota and sale of Tra$elers
cheques 0Thomas Coo&1.
.ssue of Sol$enc#Nan& certificate
Pa#ment orders! demand drafts! Telegraphic transfers.
.nward and outward funds transfer and recei$ing.
Some unique ser$ices are also pro$ided to customers using HSC accounts. These
ser$ices are Phone an&ing! Self Ser$ice an&ing 5 Power $antage Scheme.
4.7 "erson!l 0!n1ing "roducts
The personal ban&ing di$ision of HSC has designed $arious assets products to meet
the needs of indi$idual customers. These are $arious loans and consumer credit
schemes that satisf# and fulfill some basic purchase purpose of the indi$idual
customers. These products are described in the ne't sections.
4.7.1 ,o!ns !nd &redit
Personal Credit offered b# HSC are6
Personal .nstallment @oan
Car @oan
Home @oan
Personal Secured @oan
Personal Secured Credit
Credit card "erson!l Inst!ll#ent ,o!n
Personal installment loan can be defined as an# purpose loan. There is no cash
securit# for this loan.
Minimum monthl# income )T 1?!>>>N-
7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#
Minimum age 7? and Ma'imum ?G
Lalid income proof documents must be furnished
(nsecured loan 5 no personal guarantee required
Minimum loan amount is )T ?>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan amount is )T 7>!>>!>>> or 3 times of salar#
.nterest rate will be 1IK per annum
Ma'imum loan tenure is =G months. .f loan amount it )T 3! >>!>>>N-
or abo$e then ma'imum tenure is 3I months.
@oan processing fee is 1K of the loan amount or )T 1!>>>N-
whiche$er is higher Q stamps )T 1F>N-
/or customers maintaining relationship less than = months 0e'cept
confirmed C;PS ANC1! processing fee will be 7.?K of appro$ed amount
Auto Pa# customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K and loan
amount6 G times of salar# or 7 million whiche$er is lower
C;PS customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K and loan
amount6 1> times of salar# or 7 million whiche$er is lower
PLA customers will get discounted interest rate6 13.?K
.f C;PS and PLA together then the rate will be 1=.?K
Personal loans will be granted at discounted rates to emplo#ees of blue
chip companies against assignment of terminal benefits as per
agreement with emplo#er. @oan tenure will be up to ? #ears.
/or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be
considered! pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite
documentation N e$idence.
/or businessmen more emphasis on ban& statements will be gi$en!
although the T.< certificate will remain a mandator# document for
income $erification.
an& ma# as& for the ta' return paper on a case-to-case basis to assess
the customer%s profile.
A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for Personal
.nstallment loan
;qui$alent deposit of at least one ;M. needs to be held in customer%s account prior to
loan disbursement for all non Auto Pa# N non C;PS customers.
Personal .nstallment @oan is an# purpose loan. .t has been categori*ed into the
Professional @oan
@ifest#le @oan
/urniture @oan
Aedding @oan
The following loans with different benefits are also a$ailable under Personal
.nstallment @oan6
Tra$el @oan
Motorbi&e @oan
Student @oan
C<8 Con$ersion @oan
1 "rofession!l ,o!n J to #eet the profession!l needs
<o personal guarantee or cash securit#.
The loan amount ranges from )T?>!>>> to )T1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum of
four times of the monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.
.f it is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if he is a C;PS customer
he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of
Competiti$e interest rates.
@ow processing fees.
+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I or G> months. The loan products are
based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s
discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.
@oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable ,ifestyle ,o!n J to !dd co#fort to person!l life
<o personal guarantee or cash securit#.
The loan amount ranges from )T ?>!>>> to )T 1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum
of four times of #our monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.
.f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if he is a C;PS
customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of
)T 7!>>>!>>>.
Competiti$e interest rates.
@ow processing fees.
+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73!
=G! 3I or G> months. The loan
products are based on floating
interest rates which are sub,ect to
change at the an&9s discretion. The
installment amounts ma# $ar#
during the life of the loan.
@oan against partial securit# is also
a$ailable. 6urniture ,o!n J to decor!te ho#e
'ith right furniture
<o personal guarantee or cash securit#.
The loan amount ranges from )T?>!>>> to )T1!>>>!>>> or a ma'imum of
four times of #our monthl# income! whiche$er is lower.
.f one is an AutoPa# customer! he get si' times or if one is a C;PS customer
he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of )T
Competiti$e interest rates.
@ow processing fees.
+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I or G>
months. The loan products are based on floating
interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the
an&9s discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar#
during the life of the loan.
@oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable. .r!vel ,o!n
)ocuments needed for the tra$el loan are gi$en below-
Tra$el quotation
Lalid income proof documents
@ast si' months ban& statement
<o personal guarantee or cash securit#.
The loan amount ranges from )T?>!>>>
to )T?>>!>>> or a ma'imum of four
times of monthl# income! whiche$er is
.f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if one is a C;PS
customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of
)T ?>>!>>>.
Competiti$e interest rates.
@ow processing fees.
+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G or 3I months. The loan products are
based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s
discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.
@oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable.
)ocumentation-tra$el quotation along with other documents. Student ,o!n
<o personal guarantee or cash
@oan amount ranging from
)T?>!>>> to )TF?>!>>> or a
ma'imum of four times of monthl#
income! whiche$er is lower.
.f one is an AutoPa# customer! he can get si' times or if one is a C;PS
customer he can get ten times of his monthl# income up to a ma'imum of
)T F?>!>>>.
Competiti$e interest rates. @ow processing fees.
+ne can repa# the loan in 17! 73! =G! 3I 5 G> months. The loan products are
based on floating interest rates which are sub,ect to change at the an&9s
discretion. The installment amounts ma# $ar# during the life of the loan.
@oan against partial securit# is also a$ailable.
/acilit# for opening Student /ile is also a$ailable.
)ocumentation-cop# of collegeNuni$ersit# admission paper and proof of
formal acceptance b# student along with other documents. &34 &onversion ,o!n
Competiti$e interest rates
Ma'imum loan tenure 7 #ears
<o personal guarantee or cash securit#
@oan amount ranging from )T =>!>>> to
)T ?>!>>> &!r ,o!n
Minimum monthl# income )T 7>!>>>N-
7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#
Minimum age 7? and Ma'imum ?G
Lalid income proof documents must be
<o personal guarantee is required
Minimum loan amount is )T ?>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan amount is 3!>>>!>>>N-
/or both reconditioned car and new car
loan amount will be ma'imum F>K of the
car $alue
The loan will be paid to the Car )ealer b#
Cashier +rder
.nterest rate will be 1=.>K per annum
Ma'imum loan tenure is G> months 0at the discretion of P/S Credit1
@oan processing fee is 1K of the loan amount or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is
higher Q stamps )T 1F>N-
Car will be registered in an&%s name 0no ,oint registration1
Comprehensi$e insurance in discounted rate from selected insurance
compan# in an&%s name is mandator# and automaticall# debited from
customers account e$er# #ear.
All fees will be borne b# customer
C;PS salaried customers will get >.?K discount in loan processing fee! i.e.
.f a customer is C;PS and PLA then processing fee is >.?K of loan
/or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be
considered! pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite documentation N
/or businessmen more emphasis on ban& statements will be gi$en!
although the T.< certificate will remain a mandator# document for income
an& ma# as& for the ta' return paper on a case-to-case basis to assess the
customers profile
A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for
Car @oan
;qui$alent deposit of at least one ;M. and processing fee need to be held
in customer%s account prior to loan disbursement for all non Auto Pa# N
non C;PS customers.
%ollo*ing "arameters are common for abo&e loans
usiness persons can also appl# b# furnishing pro$en income source.
Customers can choose the loan tenure 017! 73! =G! 3I or G> installments1
A current account needs to be opened b# customer before appl#ing for loan
Prepa#ment is allowed and fee for prepa#ment is )T 1!>>>N-
.f paid in the first = months of the facilit# offered! the charge is 1K on the
outstanding amount or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is higher.
Partial prepa#ment 0at least =>K of outstanding loan1 is also allowed with
a fee of )T 1!>>>N-
)efault fee for each missed installments is R 73K on delinquent amount
.n the e$ent of three consecuti$e missed installments the account will be
handed o$er to collections for full reco$er#. Ho#e ,o!n
Minimum monthl# income )T 3>!>>>N-
7 #ears ser$ice in a well reputed! stable compan#. .f the applicant has less
than 7 #ears e'perience in his N her current ,ob! pre$ious emplo#ment record
will be considered.
Minimum age 7?. The loan must end before borrower%s age reaching ?F
#ears or retirement date! which e$er is earlier.
This loan is pro$ided for completed flats N apartments
2 less than 7> #ears of age
Lalid income proof documents must be furnished
.ncome of the spouse can be combined and sNhe can
appl# as ,oint applicant
<o personal guarantee is required
Minimum loan amount is )T F!?>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan amount is 1>>!>>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan tenure is 1? #ears! loan must be repaid prior to ?F #ears of
A ma'imum loan amount of F>K of the total $alue of the apartment costing
up to )T ?>!>>!>>>N- and G>K of the total $alue for the apartments o$er
)T ?>!>>!>>>N-. The total loan $alue is inclusi$e of the registration cost.
/inancing for the registration cost
The loan will be paid to the )e$eloper N pre$ious owner b# Cashier +rder
.nterest rate is 1=K per annum
.nterest is calculated on a monthl# reducing balance as opposed to an annual
reducing balance! gi$ing customer a lower monthl# installment amount
@oan processing fee is 1.?K of the loan amount or )T 7>!>>>N- whiche$er
is higher Q stamp charge
Securit#6 :egistered mortgage and original title deed
.nsurance6 /ire! earthqua&e! flood! c#clone
There is option of disbursing funds! up to ?>K of the loan amount prior to
registration sub,ect to the propert# being complete! as e$idenced b# suitable
representation b# a reputable de$eloper of a qualified third part# sur$e#or. .n
such cases Tri-partite Agreement between the an&! )e$eloper! and
orrower will be ta&en as securit# in the interim prior to registration.
More emphasis on ban& statements for businessmen will be gi$en. Although
submission of ta' papers remain mandator#.
/or salaried indi$iduals additional income including rent! will be considered!
pro$ided these are substantiated with requisite documentation N e$idence.
;'ception of accepting ;quitable Mortgage rather than @egal Mortgage for
properties de$eloped b# the more reputable companies and as ad$ised b# our
Partial or full prepa#ment allowed
C;PS salaried customers will get >.?K discount in interest rate! i.e. 1=.?K
A current account needs to be opened b# the customer before appl#ing for
Home @oan "erson!l Secured ,o!n
Personal Secured @oan is a simple stand b# loan against the Time )eposit and <:
onds and the loan is repa#able in equal monthl# installment
Standb# loan against TM) and <: bonds 0A;)N(S) onds1
A;) or (S)s issued from HSC and other multinational ban&s are
.nterest rate 17.?K for loan amount below )T ?!>>!>>>N- and 17K for loan
amount of )T ?!>>!>>>N- and abo$e
.nterest rate against @CB TM) is TM) rate 1=K
Minimum loan amount )T E>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan amount E>K of @CB TM) amount or A;) and I>K of
/CB TM) or (S)s.
+ption of bullet repa#ment with quarterl# interest pa#ment is a$ailable.
Partial prepa#ment is not allowed for this facilit#. ullet repa#ment facilit#
allows no monthl# repa#ment option. The quarterl# interest has to be paid b#
the customer.
1>.?K interest rate for bullet repa#ment PS@ facilit#
Processing fee against certificate issued from HSC is )T 1!>>>N- Q stamps
)T 1F>N-
Processing fee against certificate issued from other ban&s is )T 1!?>>>N- Q
stamps )T 1F>N-
/le'ible tenure! ma'imum loan tenure is ? #ears! customers can choose the
loan tenure 017! 73! =G! 3I! or G> installments1
)efault fee for each missed installment is R 73K on delinquent amount
.n the e$ent of three consecuti$e missed installments the securit# will be
encashed 5 outstanding loan amount will be reali*ed
Set off fee for liquidation of = consecuti$e delinquent amount is )T 1!>>>N-
Partial prepa#ment fee is )T 1!>>>N-
;arl# settlement fee is )T 1!>>>N- 0if within = months 2 1K of the
outstanding or )T 1!>>>N- whiche$er is higher.
4.7.1.+ "erson!l Secured &redit
Personal Secured Credit is a credit facilit# against Time )eposits and <: onds that
enables customers to ha$e the fle'ibilit# to meet short-term commitments without
unloc&ing their long-term in$estments
Customers can borrow up to E>K of their @CB TM)s and A;) $alue
A;) and (S)s issued from HSC and other multinational ban&s are
Minimum loan amount is )T E>!>>>N-
Ma'imum loan amount E>K of @CB TM) amount or A;) and I>K of
/CB TM) or (S)s.
Processing fee against A;) and (S)s issued from HSC is )T 1!>>>N-
Q stamps )T 1F>N-
Processing fee against A;) and (S)s issued from other ban&s is )T
1!?>>N- Q stamps )T 1F>N-
.nterest rate against @CB TM) is TM) rate Q =K and /CB TM) is 17.?K for
loan amount below ?!>>!>>>N- and 17K for loan amount of )T ?!>>!>>>N-
and abo$e
.nterest rate against <: bonds 1=K
SCustomer needs to ha$e a current account with us to a$ail this facilit#
4.7.1.- &redit &!rds
HSC9s co-branded credit card with Prime an& gi$es #ou the freedom to pa# for
goods and ser$ices without the hassle of carr#ing cash. The card is accepted at shops!
restaurants! hotels! airlines and tra$el agents! departmental stores! hospitals and
diagnostic centres! practicall# an#where in angladesh displa#ing the MasterCard
Product <ame6 HSC 2 Prime an& Co-branded Master Card 8old Card
Card T#pe6 @ocal Master Card 8old Card
Card @imit6 Staff Card6 )T 1?!>>>N- to 1! >>!>>>N-
Master Card 8old <ormal6 )T ?>!>>>N- to 1! >>!>>>N-
Master Card L.P6 )T 1! >>!>>>N- to 7! >>!>>>N-
Higher credit limit will be granted on e'ceptional basis
Minimum )T 7?!>>>N- gross income from regular sources. angladeshi Citi*en 71-
G? #ears of age and has account with HSC
/or Supplementar# card the person has to be at least 1I #ears of age
Card @ife6 # default 7 #ears for all cards new and renewed
illing C#cle6 F
da# of the month
:epa#ment Period6 7G
da# of e$er# month. Ma'imum ?> da#s interest
free period
Minimum Pa#ment Calculation
IK of the current balance shown on the statement or )T ?>>N- which
e$er is higher. .f current balance is less than )T ?>>N-! then full pa#ment
/or o$er limit account6 IK of the credit limit plus e'ceeded amount
/or o$erdue account6 minimum of the pre$ious statement plus IK of the
billed amount.
/ees and Charges6 0LAT applicable1
Annual /ee )T 7!>>>N-
/irst Supplementar# Annual /ee /ree
Supplementar# Annual /ee )T 1!>>>N-
Card :eplacement /ee )T ?>>N-
@ate Pa#ment /ee )T =>>N-
;'cess @imit /ee )T ?>>N-
Statement :etrie$al /ee )T ?>N- per statement
Sales Slip :etrie$al /ee )T 7?>N-
.!ble 4* 6ees !nd ch!rges for &redit &!rd
Supple#ent!ry &!rd* Total E cards can be a$ailed. There will be no annual fee
for the first supplementar# card.
Interest* 7.?Ks monthl#. .nterest is calculated on dail# basis on card accounts
from posting date. .f pa#ment is paid within the pa#ment date in full! no interest is
charged. This present a cardholder the option to en,o# a ma'imum of ?> da#s free
credit facilit#
"en!lty for ,!te "!y#ent* The billed amount needs to be repaid or the minimum
as shown on the Statement of Card Account within the Pa#ment )ue )ate to a$oid
@ate Pa#ment /ee. .f pa#ment recei$ed late for two months! the card account ma#
be suspended.
"en!lty for $%cess ,i#it* Minimum as prescribed. An# e'cess limit must be paid
immediatel# otherwise fees ma# be charged twice. .nterest! ;'cess @imit /ee shall
be debited to Card Account on the Pa#ment )ue )ate. An# discrepanc# is the
statement should be reported to Prime an& @imited! Card )i$ision within 1>
da#s from the Statement )ate. ;lse the billed amount shall be considered correct.
4.7.1.: S!vings "lus
<ow with HSC%s Sa$ings plus account! customers can earn interest from their
account on a monthl# basis rather than at the end of si' months. esides that! the#
can a$ail free ATM with dail# withdrawal of )T ?>!>>>! free phone ban&ing
facilities! personali*ed chec&boo&s and monthl# statements. An# residents in
angladesh are eligible to open this account with minimum opening balance of )T
?>>!>>> and interest pa#able is onl# if the balance is abo$e )T ?>>!>>>.
4.7.1.; $!sy "!y
.t is a unique ser$ice from HSC. ;as# Pa# machines offer customers and non-
customers an eas#! con$enient and quic& wa# to ma&e deposits! pa#ments and
instructions. Aith ;as# Pa# machines! customers can do the following6
)eposit cash or cheque to #our own or an# other HSC accountH
Pa# bills b# cashNcheque to an# of the following compan# accounts6
8rameen Phone
Pa# either HSC cheques or non-HSC cheques to a compan# accountH
Ma&e #our HSC Credit Card bill pa#ments either b# cash or chequeH
Submit the following application forms or instructions through ;as# Pa#
)emand )rafts
Telegraphic Transfers
Cashier +rders
Address change instructions
Cheque boo& requests
An# other instructions related to #our account
4.7.2 2.M &!rds
Aith HSC ATM cards! customers can access and carr# out most of #our personal
ban&ing transactions 73-hours a da#! =G? da#s a #ear. (sing the ATM cards! a wide
range of transactions can be done! such as6
Ma'imum withdrawal limit is )T ?>!>>> per da# per card. Minimum
)T ?>> can be withdrawn.
Transfer funds between customers% own account! e.g. from customer%s
current account to hisNher sa$ings account or $ice-$ersa.
alance on current or sa$ings account can be chec&ed.
ATM pin can be changed.
Customers can $iew last eight transactions.
:equest for ban& statement and new cheque boo& can be processed.
HSC offers ATM card against customers% foreign currenc# accounts.
Aith this card! customers can withdraw cash from #our accounts! at
an# time of the da# or night in I>>!>>> ATMs worldwide.
additional first supplementar# card for free! with a shared credit limitH
4.7.3 "hone>b!n1ing
Aith HSC%s phone ban&ing ser$ices! customer%s can sa# good b#es to long queues at
the branch. Aith Phone-ban&ing #ou can6
Chec& balances on #our primar# and lin&ed accounts
Transfer funds between #our accounts
Hear the details of the last fi$e transactions
+rder a statement
+rder a chequeboo&
Pa# bills to pre-designated third parties in local currenc#
:eport a lost or stolen ATM card
+pen or renew a time deposit
;nquire about foreign e'change rates
4.7.4 0!ngl!desh Intern!tion!l
Ser$ices for non-resident angladeshis are6
6oreign currency current !ccount* A non-interest bearing transactional
account to be opened with funds remitted from abroad. Bou can open this
account in a choice of currencies - (S )ollars! Pound Sterling and ;uro.
6oreign currency ti#e deposit !ccount* An interest bearing time deposit
account especiall# for non-resident angladeshis. Bou can choose tenors
ranging from 1 to 17 months. Ae offer competiti$e interest rates and complete
fle'ibilit# on this account.
"riv!te non>resident t!1! !ccount* This account can be opened with ta&as or
funds remitted from abroad. This is a local currenc# account and can be
opened as an interest pa#ing sa$ings account or non-interest bearing current
F!ge $!rner evelop#ent 0ond GF$0H !nd AS oll!r 0ond GAS0H*
8o$ernment bonds issued b# the angladesh an&! speciall# for the <:s.
"erson!l secured credit* A ta&a credit facilit# secured b# foreign currenc#
time deposit! A;)s or (S)s.
"erson!l secured lo!n* a fi'ed loan secured b# foreign currenc# time deposit!
A;)s or (S)s.
Services for resident 0!ngl!deshis !re*
Resident foreign currency deposit !ccount* This account can be opened
within one month of return from o$erseas with funds brought in from abroad
as per angladesh an&9s guidelines on foreign e'change transactions.
Customers ha$e the option to open current and time deposit accounts for this
t#pe of accounts.
"erson!l secured credit* An o$erdraft facilit# against foreign currenc# time
"erson!l secured lo!n* A fi'ed loan secured b# foreign currenc# time
4.7.+ "o'er>=!nt!ge
HSC recogni*es the numerous demands on customers% lifest#le and ha$e de$eloped
a ban&ing pac&age that sa$es both time and energ#. Aith Power-Lantage customers
recei$e special and immediate assistance at the an& branches! while a host of
ser$ices ensures that customers control their finances easil# and efficientl#. Power-
Lantage ma&es ban&ing effortless! allowing customers to get on with their bus# da#.
The benefits of Power-Lantage are as follows6
As a Power-Lantage customer! customer will recei$e accident insurance co$er
for the amount of )T 1>>! >>>. The an& will co$er the Premium.
Customers can endorse foreign currenc# in their passport against the tra$el
quota absolutel# free of charge.
Customers are entitled to special reduced rates on a Personal .nstallment @oan
and a discount on the processing fee for a Car @oan.
To benefit from a higher rate of interest! customers can issue standing
instructions to ha$e funds transferred between their current and sa$ings
accounts and time deposits.
Customers can set up standing instructions of an# fi'ed amount to be paid to
selected parties9 accounts with HSC! free of charge.
Customers% Power-Lantage ATM Card gi$es them a high cash withdrawal
limit of up to )T ?>!>>> at an# of HSC9s ATMs across angladesh.
A monthl# Power-Lantage statement helps customers &eep trac& of all #our
accounts with HSC.
To be eligible for a Power-Lantage account! customers need to maintain an a$erage
deposit balance of )T 7>>!>>>. A ser$ice charge of )T ?>> will be le$ied if the
a$erage deposit falls below the stipulated limit for a si'-month period. The annual fee
to a$ail the ser$ice is onl# )T ?>>.
4.7.- Monthly Interest 0e!ring .i#e eposit
A simple! safe and con$enient wa# to ma&e customers% mone# grow! pro$iding
them with the benefits of attracti$e interest rates! securit#! con$enience and
;arning of interest on a monthl# basis with the securit# of a fi'ed deposit
+ption of &eeping the Time )eposit for a ma'imum period of 7 #ears! which
will be renewed automaticall# e$er# #ear.
A minimum deposit balance of )T ?>>!>>> 0Ta&a fi$e lacs1 to open the
!he benefits are as follo*s$
Monthl# interest earned can be transferred to another nominated account
etter rates than normal sa$ings account
Higher rate than 1- month time deposit account9s rate
/ree ATM Card for new accounts
4.7.: .er# eposit
.f customers are loo&ing for a simple! safe and con$enient wa# to ma&e their mone#
grow! term deposits from HSC pro$ide attracti$e rates! securit#! con$enience and
fle'ibilit# with minimum deposit of )T 1>>!>>>. The benefits are as follows6
Customers can place Term )eposits with HSC! for $ar#ing periods of time!
1! =! G or 17 months.
Customers can earn higher interest on their term deposits with attracti$e rates.
.nterest is calculated from the date of the deposit until maturit#! at the rate
applicable when the deposit is first placed or renewed! and is paid when the
deposit matures. @arger amounts attract e'tra interest! so the more the#
deposit! the more the# earnT
+n maturit# of Term )eposit! the ban& automaticall# renews it with the
interest earned. Alternati$el#! customers can transfer it to an# of their accounts
with the ban&! or withdraw the Term )eposit and interest.
4.7.; .r!velerEs &he/ue
Tra$eler%s Cheques are a$ailable in all ma,or currencies and eliminate the need to
carr# cash while tra$eling o$erseas. (nli&e cash! Tra$eler%s Cheques are safe and will
be immediatel# replaced if lost or stolen. Tra$eler%s Cheques issued b# HSC are
accepted worldwide. The benefits are as follows6
Secure and con$enient! as the# can be en-cashed at ban&s and at most hotels
and shops in an# countr# or cit#
Hand# to carr#
Accepted globall#
.deal to budget
A$ailable in most ma,or currencies in denominations of ?> and 1>>.
.ndustrial Anal#sis
.t is e'tremel# crucial to anal#*e competiti$e forces in the industr# en$ironment to
identif# opportunities and threats. Michael ;. Porter%s well-&nown framewor&! &nown
as the fi$e forces model helps with this sort of anal#sis. The model focuses on fi$e
forces that shape competition within an industr#. The stronger the fi$e forces! the
more limited is the abilit# of established companies to raise prices and earn greater
profits. Therefore! we can conclude that a strong competiti$e force can be considered
as a threat because it depresses profit! whereas! a wea& competiti$e force can be
$iewed as an opportunit# as it facilitates the companies to earn higher profits. The
situation of the industr# changes o$ertime. The influence of the fi$e forces in the
carbonated soft drin&s industr# has been discussed below6
?.1 .hre!t of "otenti!l $ntr!nts
Potential competitors are companies that are not currentl# competing in an industr#
but ha$e the capabilit# to get into the industr#. The ban&ing sector of angladesh
seriousl# faces the threat of new entrants. Howe$er the threat comes from two
directions. The first threat comes with the arri$al of the multinational ban&s and their
branch e'pansion particularl# due to the booming energ# sector. Secondl#! the
continuous entries of local ban&s with lower cost structure also possess a se$ere threat
to this industr#.
.n the conte't of HSC the $arious new 5 upcoming an&s pose a significant threat!
being late entrants in the ban&ing sector of angladesh. ut HSC is aware of these
potential competitors. So it is tr#ing to e'pand countr#wide to ma&e the sector
unattracti$e 5 to create entr# barrier.
8o$ernment policies for ban&ing industr# are not so strong in this countr#. Ae don9t
ha$e strong rules and regulation from angladesh an& for regulating the pri$ate
ban&ing sectors. .f go$ernment doesn9t regulate the ban&ing sector strongl# than lots
of new ban&s will come and will ma&e the competition more intense.
?.7 Riv!lry 2#ong $st!blished &o#p!nies
.n the ban&ing sector! the mar&et si*e is measured in terms of total deposits and total
ad$ances. an&ing industr# in angladesh is highl# fragmented with categories li&e6
<ationali*ed Commercial an&s 0<Cs1! )e$elopment /inancial .nstitutions 0)/.1
or Speciali*ed an&s 0Ss1! Pri$ate Commercial an&s 0PCs1 and /oreign
Commercial an&s 0/Cs1. The ban&ing sector is at the growth phase as different
t#pes of businesses are mushrooming all o$er the places in angladesh! the need for
ban&s has emerged! resulting in lots of ban&s operating in the mar&et ma&ing the
present situation quite intense. There are more than ?> commercial ban&s in the
mar&et! which are constantl# fighting for the share in the mar&et. Among the
international ban&s! Standard Chartered an& has the largest networ& in the
metropolitans of angladesh! operating quite aggressi$el#.
+.3 .hre!t of Substitutes
There are substitute financial institutions that do man# of the acti$ities and
transactions of a ban& in the leasing field but these financial and leasing institutions
are too small in si*e. These institutions can shrin& the profit margin of commercial
ban&s. .ndustrial @easing and )e$elopment Compan# @td. 0.)@C1! .ndustrial
Promotion and )e$elopment Corporation 0.P)C1! (nited @easing Compan# are the
&e# pla#ers. The# pro$ide industrial leasing to man# companies in the countr#. Lani&
angladesh @td.! a merchant ban&! pro$ides in$estment counseling and credit ser$ices
among its other financial acti$ities. ut some of the operations of the ban&s li&e
e'portingNimporting ha$e no substitutes. .n ban&ing industr# substitute products are
$er# eas# to find. Ae need to consider all t#pes of substitute products for the ban&s.
)ifferent pri$ate and nationali*ed ban&s are offering similar products! which are close
substitutes. +n the other hand some non-ban& ban&s li&e insurance companies and
leasing companies are also competing indirectl# with the commercial ban&s product.
All the products of the commercial ban&s perform the similar functions. Ta&ing the
mone# from the depositor and sanctioning loan to in$estors are the main functions.
The# all do it in a same manner. HSC is not different from them. Since functional
similarit# is high in ban&ing industr# so competition is also high because customer
can switch at an# time the# want.

Product offered in ban&ing industr# is $er# identical. All the ban&s offer $irtuall# the
same products with same characteristics. +nl# few large multinational ban&s of our
countr# are offering some differentiated products but the ratio is $er# low. HSC
offers products that are highl# identical with other ban&s products. So! we can sa# that
product identit# is high in ban&ing industr# which means competition is also high. /or
e'ample! the launch of premier ban&ing b# SC poses a strong threat on HSC%s
premium customer group and HSC is at a condition where it should launch an e$en
better product. Moreo$er the $arious consumer credit schemes offered b# $arious
local ban&s with lower interest rates and cost also poses a strong threat on the HSC
personal ban&ing products. Again the lower ser$ice charges at national ban&s also
discourage a wide group of customers to hold account in HSC. So these are some of
the threats posed b# substitute products in the mar&et place.
?.3 0!rg!ining "o'er of 0uyers
argaining power of the bu#er can be $iewed as a competiti$e threat when the# are in
a position to demand lower prices from the compan# or when the# are in a position to
demand better ser$ice that can increase operating costs. +n the other hand! when
bu#ers are wea&! a compan# can raise its prices and earn greater profits. /or the
ban&ing industr# bu#er means customers who ta&e loan from the ban&s.
Switching cost is $er# low in ban&ing industr#. ;$er# ban& is gi$ing the similar t#pes
of loan at similar interest rate. So! an indi$idual who wants to ta&e loan from ban&s
can switch easil# to other ban&s if he or she doesn9t li&e the terms and conditions.
Customers of HSC @td are switching to other ban&s because of low interest rate and
lots of other reasons. @ower switching cost ma&es the industr# more competiti$e.
.n ban&ing industr#! there is alwa#s a chance for threat of bac&ward integrations. ig
multinational companies or corporations can gi$e threats to the commercial ban&s that
the# will arrange their funds b# forming another ban& where the cost of fund is low
compare to other ban&s. /or this reason! giant customers of this industr# alwa#s
possess more power than their ban&s.
Creditors are considered to be the bu#ers of the ban&s. There are thousands of
creditors from all wal&s of life. Mainl# businessmen are the ma,or bu#er of ban&%s
credit. ig amount creditors ha$e strong powers in determining interest rate of their
credit amounts. an&s distinguish their prime customers from others b# setting a
prime interest rate for them.
+.+ 0!rg!ining "o'er of Suppliers
argaining power of suppliers can be $iewed as a threat when the# are able to force
up the price that a compan# must pa# for its inputs or reduce the qualit# of the inputs
the# suppl#! thereb# depressing the compan#9s profitabilit#. +n the other hand! if
suppliers are wea&! this gi$es the compan# the opportunit# to force down prices and
demand higher input qualit#. /or the ban& the main supplier of fund is depositor. an&
also gets its funds from the directors.
HSC has one of the largest capitals among all other pri$ate ban&s. The ban& doesn9t
want more mone# right this moment because there is a $er# few good opportunities
for in$estment. So! it is offering lower interest rates on depositors for their funds.
argaining power of the fund suppliers is low in ban&ing industr# because there are
lots of indi$idual sa$ings in the econom# but ban&s don9t ha$e opportunities for
Sometimes suppliers of funds can gi$e threat to the ban& as well. Corporations or big
multinational companies can gi$e threat to the pri$ate ban& that the# will form
another ban& for depositing their mone#. The# will not suppl# an# fund to other
ban&s. Ae all &now that ban& ma&es mone# b# in$esting other mone#. So! this can be
lead to a higher competition in procurement of fund.
)epositors are considered to be the suppliers of the ban&s. There are thousands of
depositors from all wal&s of life. There are businessmen! ser$ice holders! farmers!
students and people from $irtuall# an# other profession who are depositors of the
ban&s. ig amount depositors ha$e strong powers in determining interest rate of their

SA+T Anal#sis
G s
SA+T anal#sis can be e'tremel# beneficial to those who ob,ecti$el# anal#*e their
compan#. The mar&eting manager should ha$e rough outline of potential mar&eting
acti$ities that can be used to ta&e ad$antage of capabilities and con$ert wea&nesses
and threats. Howe$er! at this stage! there will li&el# be man# potential directions for
the managers to pursue.
-.1 Strength
The attribute with which customers were highl# satisfied but ga$e less importance
was tagged as the strengths areas of the ban&. Some such aspects were appealing
facilities 0.ssue 1=1 neatness of emplo#ees 0.ssue 131! Technolog# of ban& 0.ssue 1I1
and phone ban&ing ser$ices 0.ssue 7I1. These were the attributes that gi$e HSC a
better standing in the competition. These issues are discussed in Chapter I 0Pro,ect
Strong corpor!te identity
HSC is the leading pro$ider of financial ser$ices worldwide and it is one of the top
ten multinationals currentl# operating in the world. Aith its strong corporate image
and identit# it can ma&e better position in the minds of customers. This image has
helped HSC to grab the personal ban&ing sector of angladesh $er# rapidl#.
istinct schedule
;$er#one in HSC from the appraiser to the top management has to wor& to the same
schedule toward a different aspect of the same goal! interfacing simultaneousl# at all
le$el o$er quite a long period of time.
Strong e#ployee bonding !nd belongingness
HSC emplo#ees are one of the ma,or assets of the compan#. The emplo#ees of
HSC ha$e a strong sense of commitment towards organi*ation and also feel proud
and a sense of belonging towards HSC. The strong culture of HSC is the main
reason behind this strength.
$fficient "erfor#!nce
HSC pro$ides hassle free customer ser$ice to its client base comparing to the other
financial institutions of angladesh. Personali*ed approach to the needs of customers
is its motto.
Doung $nthusi!stic For1force
The selection 5 recruitment of HSC emphasi*es on ha$ing the s&illed graduates 5
postgraduates who ha$e little or no pre$ious wor& e'perience. The logic behind is that
HSC wants to a$oid the problem of Ogarbage in 5 garbage out%. This t#pe #oung 5
fresh wor&force stimulates the whole wor&ing en$ironment of HSC.
$#po'ered For1 6orce
The human resource of HSC is e'tremel# well thought 5 perfectl# managed. As
from the $er# first! the top management belie$ed in empowered emplo#ees! where
the# refused to put their finger in e$er# part of the pie. This empowered en$ironment
ma&es HSC a better place for the emplo#ees. The emplo#ees are not suffocated with
authorit# but are able to grow as the organi*ation matures.
&o#p!nion!ble $nviron#ent
All office walls in HSC are onl# shoulder high partitions 5 there is no e'ecuti$e
dining room. An# of the e'ecuti$es is li&el# to plop down at a table in its cafeteria 5
,oin in a lunch chat with whoe$er is there. +ne of the emplo#ees has said! .ts
e'citing to &now #ou ma# see 5 tal& to the top management at an# time. Bou feel a
real part of things".
3o co##unic!tion b!rriers
H:) has tried hard to a$oid communication barriers 5 structural bureaucracies. The
little e'istence of authoritati$e barriers among the different le$el of management
stimulates a feeling of importance as their wor& get priorit# o$er the position.
At HSC wor&shops are conducted periodicall#. +n the wor&shops! all people
participate as equals! with new members free to openl# challenge top managers.
6ree $%ch!nge of &o##unic!tion
At HSC the main ob,ecti$e is to setting up wor&shops are to remo$e authorit# from
an artificial spot at the top 5 place it where the most &nowledgeable people are! the
people closest to the operations. The free e'change of ideas is reinforced b# a polic#
of constructi$e confrontation". ;ach emplo#ee is e'pected to challenge ideas openl#
5 aggressi$el#! but ne$er attac& an indi$idual%s moti$es for presenting an idea.
HSC also has Management b# +b,ecti$es 0M+1 e$er#where. ;ach person has
multiple ob,ecti$es. All the emplo#ees must ha$e to get the appro$al of their bosses
on what the# are going to do. @ater the# re$iew as how well the# ha$e performed
their ,ob with their management as well as the peer group.
KOne>to>oneL #eeting
The M+ ma&es the re$iew a communication de$ice among $arious groups. The &e#
to the s#stem is a one-to-one" meeting between a super$isor 5 a subordinate. .n the
meeting! the problems in dealing with customers are put forward first 5 e$er# one
dug it to sol$e them.
Modern e/uip#ent 5 technology
HSC owns the best ban&ing and information technolog# equipments in angladesh.
.t ultra modern ban&ing s#stems starting from terminal pc%s to H(%s are based on the
international HSC group standards and are the latest. The He'agon product is one of
the best e'amples in this conte't.
-.2 Fe!1nesses
Some wea&nesses of the ban& were pointed out in the sur$e#! which had low
satisfaction scores and were somewhat less important to customers. ut in order to
impro$e o$erall satisfaction these attributes should be considered. Two wea& areas
were in$estment ser$ices of the ban& 0.ssue 7?1 and Solution searching tendenc# of
emplo#ees 0.ssue G1. +ne more wea&ness that was not reflected in the sur$e# but .the
researcher has personall# felt while wor&ing for customer ser$ice department was the
loan or credit ser$ices. Most of the loan processing too& long time and man# of the
applications were refused without gi$ing an# proper clarification to the customers.
Man# customers seemed dissatisfied with this aspect of the ser$ice of HSC and the
researcher could not get a chance to fill the sur$e# questionnaire b# those customers!
as most of them were reall# furious about their loan being re,ected without a proper
3!rro' oper!ting sp!n
HSC has a $er# narrow operating span in angladesh. .t has onl# I full ser$ice
branches in angladesh situated onl# at )ha&a! Chittagong and S#lhet. Larious
geographic segments are currentl# not a$ailing the ser$ices of HSC due to
incon$enient branch location or absence of neighborhood branches.
2bsence of strong #!r1eting !ctivities
HSC currentl# don%t ha$e an# strong mar&eting acti$ities through mass media e.g.
Tele$ision. TL ads pla# a $ital role in awareness building. HSC has no such TL ad
,!c1 of custo#er confidence
As HSC is fairl# new to the ban&ing industr# of angladesh a$erage customers lac&
the confidence in HSC. This is all due to the strong and aggressi$e performance b#
the Standard Chartered an&.
-.3 Opportunities
+pportunities are the ones that hold bright prospects for HSC identifies that where it
should build its strength. /riendliness of emplo#ees 0.ssue F1! reliabilit# of statements
0.ssue 1F1! Safet# with the an& 0.ssue E1! fees and ser$ice charges 0.ssue 7=1! sa$ings
ser$ices 0.ssue 731 5 cash 5 remittance ser$ices 0.ssue 7F1 are some of the
opportunit# areas of HSC that were disco$ered during the sur$e#.
istinct oper!ting procedures
HSC is noted for its distinct operating procedures. :epa#ment capacit# as assessed
b# HSC of indi$idual client helps to decide how much one can borrow. As the whole
lending process is based on a client%s repa#ment capacit#! the reco$er# rate of HSC
is close to 1>>K. This pro$ides HSC financial stabilit# 5 gears up HSC to be
remaining in the business for the long run.
&ountry'ide net'or1
The ultimate goal of HSC is to e'pand its operations to whole angladesh.
<urturing this t#pe of $ision 5 mission 5 to act as required! will not onl# increase
HSC%s profitabilit# but also will secure its e'istence in the long run.
More e%perienced 5 #!n!geri!l 1no'>ho'
The top management team of HSC is e'pert in ban&ing acti$ities. The operating
policies established b# them are unique 5 unified. All the members of the team carr#
out their management roles e'hausti$el#. The# equall# contributed to HSC%s
superior leadership! b# carr#ing out their unique roles. The# wor&ed well together!
respecting each other%s abilities! 5 arguing openl# 5 without an# rancor when the#
&redit &!rds
This is one of the most popular and emerging products in angladesh! which offers
customers total financial mobilit#. Larious other ban&s and institutions are currentl#
offering this product. HSC has started this facilit# in collaboration with the Prime
an&. ut! to be the mar&et leader it has to introduce its own international card.
HSC is one of the e'perts in acquiring $arious firms and organi*ations. .n
angladesh it can also di$ersif# quic&l# b# acquiring $arious local established ban&s
and increase its total operation within angladesh rapidl#.
-.4 .hre!ts
Threats are the ones that represent danger for the ban& in its future growth and are
responsible for the downgrading of customer satisfaction. Some of the threats that
were identified in sur$e# were professionalism of the emplo#ees 0.ssue I1! clarit# of
the statements 0.ssue 1G1! locations of the branches 0.ssue 1E1! rates on sa$ings 0.ssue
=>1. These were the attributes that represented se$ere threat for the ban&.
Apco#ing 0!n1s
The upcoming pri$ate local 5 multinational ban&s posses a serious threat to the
e'isting ban&ing networ&s of HSC. .t is e'pected that in the ne't few
#ears more commercial ban&s will emerge. .f that happens the intensit# of
competition will rise further and ban&s will ha$e to de$elop strategies to
compete against and win the battle of ban&s.
Moder!te ,evels of &usto#er S!tisf!ction
HSC should continuousl# impro$e its customer ser$ice strategies and the o$erall
ser$ice qualit# needs to win the customer satisfaction undoubtedl#.
ef!ult &ulture
This is a ma,or problem in angladesh. As HSC is a $er# new organi*ation the
problem of non-performing loans or default loans is $er# minimum or
insignificant. Howe$er! as the ban& becomes older this problem will arise
enormousl# and the ban& ma# find itself in a more threatening
en$ironment. Thus HSC has to remain $igilant about this problem so that
proacti$e strategies are ta&en to minimi*e this problem.
/inancial Performance
/inancial ratios are useful indicators of a firm9s performance and financial situation.
/inancial ratios can be used to anal#*e trends and to compare the firm9s financials to
those of other firms and can predict future ban&ruptc#.
/or the purpose of &nowing the financial position of the ban& Hori*ontal and Lertical
alance Sheet! Hori*ontal and Lertical Cash /low Statement! Hori*ontal and Lertical
Profit and @oss Account were anal#*ed which are gi$en in the Appendi' . The
changes in the balance sheet! profit and loss account and cash flow statement are also
gi$en in the Appendi' .
:.1 Return on $/uity GRO$H
:+; measures of a corporation9s profitabilit# that re$eals how much profit a compan#
generates with the mone# shareholders ha$e in$ested. This is where the shareholders
loo& at to see how efficientl# the board of directors or the manger are running the
compan# with the mone# i.e. equit# the# ha$e pro$ided. :+; is the rate of return
flowing to ban&%s shareholders! i.e.! the net benefit the in$estors ha$e recei$ed from
in$esting their capital in the ban&. :+; is calculated as follows6
RO$ M 3et Inco#e !fter .!% I .ot!l $/uity &!pit!l
6igure 19* RO$ of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rs< Source* 2ppendi% 0
As per the figure ?! the trend of :+; has been decreasing from the #ear 7>>3 to the
#ear 7>>F. in the #ear 7>>?! the rate has fallen mainl# due to the fact that between the
#ear 7>>3 and 7>>?! the shareholder%s equit# has increased b# more than 1>>K!
whereas! the profit after ta' has increased b# G7K.! thus! resulting in lower :+; in
the #ear 7>>3 compared to the #ear 7>>?. The figure suggests that in the last one #ear!
HSC angladesh has gone for e'pansion to ma&e their networ& wider in
angladesh. esides that! the :+; in 7>>? is lower compared to 7>>3. So as far as
the e'pansion goes! the trend in :+; should be considered as positi$e one.
:.2 Return on 2ssets GRO2H
:+A is a managerial efficienc# indicator that shows how successfull# the
management has been con$erting the ban&%s assets into net earnings. :+A is
calculated as follows6
RO2 M 3et Inco#e !fter .!% I .ot!l 2sset
6igure 11* RO2 of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
As per figure 11! the trend of :+A has started increasing from the #ear 7>>3. The
growth has been quite a significant one. The figure suggests that the total assets has
been utili*ed quite efficientl#! which indicates that the resources are being used closed
to their fullest of capacities.
:.3 3et Interest M!rgin G3IMH
.t measures how large a spread between interest re$enues and costs management has
been able to achie$e b# control o$er an&%s earning assets and the pursuit of the
cheapest sources of fund. .t is calculated as follows6
3et Interest M!rgin M GInterest Inco#e J Interest $%penseH I .ot!l 2sset
6igure 12* 3et interest #!rgin of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
As per figure 17! the trend of net interest margin has mo$ed quite parallel with that of
:+A! which indicates that! the interest re$enue has increased significantl# and that
resulted in higher net profit.
:.4 3et 3oninterest M!rgin
<et <oninterest Margin 0<.M1 is a measurement of the difference between the
noninterest income generated b# ban&s or other financial institutions and the amount
of interest paid out to their lenders. .t is calculated as follows6
3et 3oninterest M!rgin M G3oninterest Inco#e J 3oninterest $%penseH I .ot!l
6igure 13* 3et noninterest #!rgin of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source*
2ppendi% 0
.n the figure 1=! it can be seen that net noninterest margin has been increasing. .n
7>>3 and 7>>? the noninterest margin was almost similar. Howe$er from 7>>? it
started to increase.
:.+ 3et Oper!ting M!rgin
.t indicates how well management and staffs ha$e been able to &eep the growth of
re$enues ahead of rising costs. .t is actuall# the combination of net interest margin
and non-interest margin. <et operating margin is calculated as follows6
3et Oper!ting M!rgin M G.ot!l Oper!ting Revenues >.ot!l Oper!ting
$%pensesH I .ot!l 2sset
6igure 14* 3et oper!ting #!rgin of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
The upward trend of net operating margin in the abo$e figure 13 indicates the growth
of HSC angladesh o$er the last four #ears. )uring the last four #ears! management
has been consistentl# able to enhance both of their interest and non-interest income
o$er its interest and non-interest e'penses.
:.- 3et "rofit M!rgin
The profit margin reflects the effecti$eness of cost control and ser$ice pricing policies
of a ban&. <et profit margin of a ban& is determined b# the following formula6
3et "rofit M!rgin M 3et Inco#e !fter .!% I .ot!l oper!ting Revenue
6igure 1+* 3et profit #!rgin of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
@i&e all the other ratios! the net profit margin has also mo$ed in the same direction as
per figure 1?. This certainl# indicates the impro$ed management of costs that results
in increased percentage of operating re$enue con$erted to net income.

:.: 2sset Atili)!tion R!tio
.t reflects the portfolio management policies! especiall# the mi' and #ield on a ban&%s
asset. The asset utili*ation ratio of a ban& is calculated as follows6
2sset Atili)!tion R!tio M .ot!l Oper!ting Revenue I .ot!l 2ssets
6igure 1-* 2sset utili)!tion r!tio of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
The trend of degree of asset utili*ation has been quite close to consistent. Howe$er
from figure 1G it can be seen that from 7>>G it started to increase. Ahen we consider
the last two #ears! the trend has been increasing indicating that #ield on the an&%s
asset has been increasing and credit for this goes to the portfolio management policies
formed b# the management.
:.; $/uity Multiplier
;quit# multiplier reflects the le$erage or financing policies that indicates the sources
chosen to fund a ban& 0debt or equit#1. .t is a wa# of e'amining how a compan# uses
debt to finance its assets. This shows how much the equit# is multiplied to get the
assets the compan# owns. .n other words! it shows a compan#9s total assets per dollar
of stoc&holders9 equit#. A higher equit# multiplier indicates higher financial le$erage!
which means the compan# is rel#ing more on debt to finance its assets. The following
formula is used to calculate equit# multiplier of a ban&6
$/uity Multiplier M .ot!l 2ssets I .ot!l $/uity &!pit!l
6igure 1:* $/uity #ultiplier of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source* 2ppendi% 0
As per figure 1F! the equit# multiplier has decreased from 17.IE times to F.G? times
between the #ear 7>>3 and 7>>?. So there is slump to F.G? times in the #ear 7>>?. The
slump has been mainl# due to the fact that between the #ear 7>>3-7>>?! the total
equit# capital has increased b# more than 1>>K! whereas! the total asset figure has
increased consistentl#! thus! lowering the equit# multiplier figure. Then again in 7>>G
it started to decline.
:.7 Oper!ting $fficiency R!tio
.t is an e'pense control measurement. This ratio is $er# much important for ban&s to
&now how effecti$el# ban&s are operating. .t is calculated b# the following formula6
Oper!ting $fficiency R!tio M.ot!l Oper!ting $%penses I .ot!l Oper!ting
6igure 1;* Oper!ting efficiency r!tio of HS0& 0!ngl!desh over the l!st 4 ye!rsB Source*
2ppendi% 0
(nli&e the other ratios! the operating efficienc# ratio has been decreasing o$er the last
four #ears as per the abo$e figure. ut this negati$e trend depicts the positi$e
financial performance of HSC angladesh. The decreasing trend during this four-
#ear period implies that operating e'penses of the an& has declined as a percentage
of operating re$enue! which indicates to its impro$ed e'pense control management.
Customer Satisfaction 0Sur$e#1
;.1 Introduction
an&ing is one the most competiti$e industr# in angladesh that has seen a huge
amount of growth during the last decade. A large number of new ban&s ha$e made
their places in the industr# and #et there are more to register in the list. .n such a
highl# competiti$e ser$ice industr#! the importance of customer satisfaction cannot be
de-emphasi*ed. .mpro$ed customer satisfaction and lo#alt# gi$es a firm better base
than its ri$als and allows it flourish in the industr#.
This pro,ect deals with the ser$ice qualit# and customer satisfaction of HSC
angladesh. A sur$e# was conducted on the customers of HSC! )ha&a. The
ob,ecti$e was to assess the le$el of importance the customers of HSC put across
$arious ser$ice le$el attributes and also to determine how well HSC was satisf#ing
the customers on those ser$ice grounds. The results of this sur$e# are then anal#*ed to
determine the most important aspects of the ser$ice and disco$er $arious dri$ers of
o$erall satisfaction. Larious important issues of customer satisfaction are also
presented in light of the findings of the sur$e#. @astl#! the findings are e'amined to
prescribe a set of specific recommendations to impro$e the o$erall ser$ice qualit#
according to customers e'pectations and also to sol$e the e'isting problems in the
whole organi*ational le$el.
;.2 Objectives of the Survey
8eneral ob,ecti$e is to assess the le$el of importance the customers of HSC put
across $arious ser$ice le$el attributes and also to determine how well HSC was
satisf#ing the customers on those ser$ice grounds.
Specific Objectives
The specific ob,ecti$es of the sur$e# are as follows-
Presentation of an introduction to the HSC 8roup
Pro$ide information on HSC angladesh
To determine $arious attributes of ser$ice qualit# in Commercial ban&s.
To assess the e'pectation 5 satisfaction le$els of HSC customers
To determine the most important attributes of ser$ice qualit#
To determine the most satisfied and dissatisfied aspects of the ban&
To identif# the most satisfied demographic segments.
To determine the relation between satisfaction 5 recommendation of the
To determine the relation between complaint resolution 5 satisfaction.
To identif# the ma,or competitors of the ban& in the customers minds.
To recommend strategies to impro$e the o$erall ser$ice qualit# and customer
satisfaction of HSC angladesh.
;.3 Signific!nce of the Study
Customer satisfaction related to e'pectation fulfillment is an e'tremel# important and
critical issue facing organi*ations in the comple' business en$ironment of toda#. The
ban&ing industr# is certainl# not an e'ception to this premise. .n fact! it has been
widel# held in financial institutions that customer satisfaction ma# be the most
influential factor in the selection of a ban&ing institution. @i&ewise! with all of the
changes ta&ing place in the financial mar&etplace and the increase in competition! it
becomes apparent that more attention must be gi$en to customer ser$ice and
satisfaction. ased on what customers ha$e indicated in $arious ban&ing situations!
personali*ed and qualit# customer ser$ice will pro$ide ban&s with the abilit# to be
more competiti$e than their counterparts. Therefore! it is important to obtain customer
input as to the ser$ices and products the# desire to a$oid situations where the
institution fails to li$e up to customer e'pectations due to failed communications.
This report e'plored the importance customer place on $arious aspects of the ser$ice
pro$ided b# HSC and at the same time assessed the current satisfaction le$els of the
customers. Such finding will be beneficial for the management in attempting to
impro$e the o$erall ser$ice qualit# and also to promote the compan#%s ser$ices to
customers. /inall#! the current le$el of satisfaction will gi$e an indication about the
o$erall qualit# of the ser$ice pro$ided currentl# from customers% point of $iew and
thus gi$ing an opportunit# to build on strengths and correcting wea&nesses and dar&
sides of the ser$ice. So the stud# will be $er# useful for the top management in
impro$ing the o$erall ser$ice qualit# and customer satisfaction.
;.3.1 &usto#er Services
Customer ser$ice is the set of beha$iors that a business underta&es during its
interaction with its customers. .t can also refer to a specific person or des& which is
set up to pro$ide general assistance to customers.
;.3.2 &usto#er S!tisf!ction
:ather than a single definition! . thin& it is appropriate to pro$ide se$eral definitions
because a single definition gi$es the impression that there can be onl# one! which is
certainl# not true. ;ach of the following definitions can be applied to the high
technolog# ser$ice business.
efinition 1* Customer satisfaction is equi$alent to ma&ing sure that product and
ser$ice performance meets customer e'perience.

efinition 2* Customer satisfaction is the perception of the customer that the outcome
of a business transaction is equal to or greater than his Nher e'perience.
efinition 3* Customer satisfaction occurs when the acquisition of products and Nor
ser$ices pro$ides a minimum negati$e departure from e'pectations when compared
with other acquisitions.
efinition 4* Customer satisfaction occur when the marginal utilit# of a transaction is
equal to or greater than preceding acquisitions.
efinition +* Customer satisfaction occurs when the perception of the reward from
the purchase of goods or ser$ice b# the customer meets or e'ceeds hisNher percei$ed
sacrifice. The perception is a consequence of matching past purchase and
consumption e'perience with the current purchase.
;.4 Hypothesis
The ser$ice that customers place most importance in is well satisfied b# HSC!
;.+ Methodology
.n this stud#! e'plorator# research was underta&en to gain insights and understanding
of the o$erall ban&ing industr# and also to determine some of the attributes of ser$ice
qualit# in an&s. After that a more comprehensi$e conclusi$e research was
underta&en to fulfill the main purpose of the stud#.
;.- Survey 6indings
.n this section an e'plorator# research was conducted among 1>> respondents
ignoring the respondents age! se'! education! li$ing area! income le$el to e'plore
through the $arious aspects of customers% satisfaction and to pro$ide insights and
understandings of the o$erall ser$ice en$ironment of ban&ing. .n this phase of
research managers! e'ecuti$e internal customers! e'ternal customers were inter$iewed
to determine the ser$ice attributes that were most important in the selection of ban&s
and also were responsible for the o$erall customer satisfaction. /or which ban&
retains the old customers and ma&e new customer b# creating a good reputation.
The inter$iewees pointed out $arious important attributes and pro$ided different
ser$ice e'ample while ta&ing inter$iew that the# thought were important to customers
in assessing ser$ice qualit# and satisfaction. .n this part of the pro,ect! the researcher%s
organi*ation colleagues Mr. M Moniru**aman 0ranch Manager! HSC Head +ffice!
)ha&a1! Mr. Par$e* Hasan 0Customer Ser$ice Manager! )ha&a main +ffice1 helped
her a lot b# pro$iding data! the most common and rele$ant responses were then
selected from the pool of attributes and were categori*ed according to fi&e
dimensions of ser$ice qualit#. Some such attributes are presented below along with
the associated ser$ice qualit# dimension6
Attributes such as manner! &eeping ser$ice promises! gi$ing appropriate solution!
error resolution were categori*ed in this dimension of ser$ice qualit#. Some educated
respondents were gi$ing good ser$ice e'amples while as&ing question regarding
optimum ser$ice. This dimension was the most uniform among the respondents.
Customer ser$ice oriented! speed of ser$ice! willingness to help! willingness to
search for solutions! etc. were the attributes that related to the responsi$eness
dimension of ser$ice qualit#. Customers put e'tra attention on this attribute.
Since ban&ing is financial ser$ice! whish is $er# much sensiti$e to an# person so! this
ser$ice assurance is $er# much essential than an# other attributes. .t pro$ides financial
safet# to the customer. The respondents also mentioned friendliness 5
professionalism of the emplo#ees and feeling of safet# with them while describing the
ser$ice attributes. These aspects were close to the assurance dimension and thus were
categori*ed in this section.
&!re !nd $#p!thy
This attribute demands customi*ation ser$ice process. Aspects li&e .ndi$idual
attention! understanding customer%s needs and interests were categori*ed in this
Though ser$ice is an intangible product and it consume simultaneousl#! respondents
0customers1 want to ma&e it tangible b# ph#sical e$idences! facilities! technologies!
neatness of the premises! etc. All these information was grouped in the tangibles
dimension of ser$ice qualit#.
Apart from these general attributes discussed abo$e! respondents also mentioned the
$ital role of location ad$antages and the features of products 5 ser$ices in forming
o$erall customer satisfaction. )ue to such emphasis on these aspects! the# were also
included in the list of attributes that affected ser$ice qualit#.
The $arious product 5 ser$ice features that were mentioned in the discussions were
ser$ice standard compare to national and international! fees 5 charges! $arious
product schemes! rates of credit or sa$ings schemes! etc.
These $arious aspects that were found in this phase of research were used to construct
a complete questionnaire for use in the ne't phase of the sur$e#. ;ach attribute was
then transformed into a questionnaire to find out the importance placed b# customers
and satisfaction towards that specific questionnaire. The questionnaire was di$ided
into $arious parts that included the ser$ice dimension and other important aspect of
the ser$ice.
Thus the e'plorator# research disco$ered ideas! pro$ided insights to the main sur$e#
and the findings in this phase formed the basis of the questionnaire used in ne't main
;.-.1 &usto#ersE I#port!nce !nd ,evel of S!tisf!ction !t HS0&
Customers% importance and le$el of satisfaction at HSC are shown briefl#. The
results are produced according to the $arious ser$ice qualit# dimensions. ;ach
dimension consists of its own specific questions. The results of the sur$e# are
presented according to these questions that were as&ed to the respondents with the
help of a structured questionnaire. The results of this stud# are discussed in the ne't
;.-.1.1 Reli!bility
Aspects relating to reliabilit# dimension of ser$ice qualit# were as&ed in = different
questions. The results are as follows6
Issue ,$ "ro&ides ser&ices *ithin the time 'romised
The respondents placed a high importance in this characteristic of the ser$ice. The
mean importance score was 3.3> 0>n a ? point scale - where ? is the highest score1.
Again! 3GK respondents score ?! which depicted that customer%s e'pectations were
high in this characteristic. The mean satisfaction score in this attribute was =.?G!
which is not $er# satisfactor#. +nl# GK respondents were highl# satisfied 0scored ?1
with this aspect and ?7K were somewhat satisfied 0scored 31. The results are
presented below6
"rovides services 'ithin the ti#e pro#ised
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction Score "ercent!ge GCH
? 3G ? G
3 3I 3 ?7
= G = =3
7 7 I
1 1
.!ble +* Services 'ithin ti#eB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -$ m'loyees gi&e a''ro'riate solution to 'roblems
The mean importance score for this attribute was 3.>>! which ma&es this attribute
important. Moreo$er! around FIK of the respondents scored 3 or abo$e. The a$erage
satisfaction score was =.=3. :esults show that onl# =GK respondents were satisfied in
this attribute and most of the others were on the neutral side.
$#ployees give !ppropri!te solution to proble#s
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction Score "ercent!ge GCH
? 73 ? 3
3 ?3 3 =7
= 7> = ?I
7 7 7 G
1 1
.!ble -* 2ppropri!te solution to proble#sB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue .$ rrors and mista/es corrected 'rom'tly
This attribute was found to be the most important attribute within reliabilit#
dimension ha$ing a mean importance score of 3.33. All the respondents placed an
importance score of 3 or abo$e with 33K respondents scoring ?. Consequentl#! most
of the customers were also satisfied with this attribute and the mean satisfaction score
was =.E> where F>K of the respondents placed a satisfaction score of 3 or abo$e.
$rrors !nd #ist!1es corrected pro#ptly
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction Score "ercent!ge GCH
? ?G ? 77
3 33 3 3I
= = 7I
7 7 7
1 1
.!ble :* $rrors !nd #ist!1es correctionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of Reli!bility
Summar# of all the reliabilit# attributes re$eals that customers placed a mean
importance score of 3.7I and mean satisfaction score of =.G> on the reliabilit#
dimension of the ser$ice qualit#.
The results are shown below6
Reli!bility i#ension
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 1 3.3> =.?G
.ssue 7 3.> =.=3
.ssue = 3.33 =.E
Mean 3.7I =.G>
.!ble ;* Reli!bility i#ensionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.-.1.2 Responsiveness
Three attributes were grouped in this dimension and the respondents were as&ed to
e'press their opinions. :esults of the $arious aspects are shown below6
Issue 0$ m'loyees gi&e you 'rom't ser&ice
An e'tremel# high importance was gi$en in this attribute of ser$ice where the mean
importance score was 3.?I. E3K of the respondents placed an importance score of 3
or abo$e. The a$erage satisfaction score of this attribute was =.G>. +nl# IK of all
respondents were highl# satisfied with the ser$ice where 3IK were somewhat
satisfied. The rest of the respondents were indifferent in their responses.
The results are as follows6
$#ployees give you pro#pt service
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? G3 ? I
3 => 3 3I
= G = 3>
7 7 3
1 1
.!ble 7* "ro#ptness of ServicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue +$ m'loyees gi&e you 'rom't ser&ice
A moderate importance was placed on this attribute of responsi$eness dimension
where the mean importance score was =.IG. I3K of the respondents scored 3 or abo$e
3 in their importance opinions. The a$erage satisfaction score across this attribute was
significantl# low and was 7.E> onl#. :espondents showed se$ere dissatisfaction with
this attribute. +nl# 13K respondents scored 3 or abo$e in their satisfaction ratings.
The results are as follows6
$#ployees give you pro#pt service
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 17 ? G
3 G7 3 I
= 7G = G3
7 7 13
1 1 I
.!ble 19* Fillingness to helpB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue 1$ m'loyees al*ays search for solutions
Moderate importance was obser$ed across this attribute where the mean importance
score was =.3G. Most of the respondents were indifferent while e'pressing their
importance towards this aspect. ut the satisfaction scores of this attribute were
dissatisfactor# and the mean was 7.FI. =>K respondents scored 7 or less than 7 and
onl# 1GK respondents scored 3 or abo$e. The results are as follows6
$#ployees !l'!ys se!rch for solutions
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? G ? 3
3 =3 3 I
= G> = ?I
7 7 77
1 1 I
.!ble 11* $#ployees se!rching for solutionsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of Responsiveness
The responsi$eness attributes re$eal that customers placed a mean importance score
of =.EF! which was slightl# lower than the reliabilit# dimension. The mean
satisfaction score was =.>E on the responsi$eness dimension! which is significantl#
lower than reliabilit# scores. The results are shown below6
Responsiveness i#ension
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 3
3.?I =.G
.ssue ?
=.IG 7.E
.ssue G
=.3G 7.FI
=.EF =.>E
.!ble 12* Responsiveness i#ensionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.-.1.3 2ssur!nce
Aspects relating to assurance dimension of ser$ice qualit# were as&ed in = different
questions. The results are as follows6
Issue 2$ %riendliness 3 Courtesy of the m'loyees
This attribute was also found to be another of the most important ones ha$ing a mean
importance score of 3.?7. All the respondents placed an importance score of 3 or
abo$e with ?7K respondents scoring ?. Consequentl#! the customers were also highl#
satisfied with this attribute and the mean satisfaction score was 3.3I where all the
respondents placed a satisfaction score of 3 or abo$e.
The results are as follows6
6riendliness 5 &ourtesy of the $#ployees
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? ?7 ? 3I
3 3I 3 ?7
= =
7 7
1 1
.!ble 13* 6riendliness 5 &ourtesy of the $#ployeesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue 4$ "rofessionalism of the m'loyees
Mean importance score of this attribute was =.EG where FGK respondents scored 3 or
abo$e. The mean satisfaction score for this attribute was 7.EG and were somewhat
dissatisfactor#. I>K of the respondents scored = or less than that.
The results are as follows6
"rofession!lis# of the $#ployees
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 7> ?
3 ?G 3 7>
= 73 = G>
7 7 1G
1 1 3
.!ble 14* "rofession!lis# of the $#ployeesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue 5$ 6ou feel safe in your transactions *ith HSBC
This attribute was found to be important and the mean importance score was 3.>3.
F>K respondents scored 3 or abo$e in the importance ratings. The respondents also
ga$e high satisfaction scores with mean of 3.37. ?>K of the respondents were highl#
satisfied with this aspect of assurance. The results are shown below6
Dou feel s!fe in your tr!ns!ctions 'ith HS0&
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? =3 ? ?>
3 =G 3 37
= => = I
7 7
1 1
.!ble 1+* S!fety in tr!ns!ctionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of 2ssur!nce
Summar# of all the assurance attributes re$eals that customers placed a mean
importance score of 3.1F and mean satisfaction score of =.E? on the assurance
dimension of the ser$ice qualit#. The results are shown below6
2ssur!nce i#ension
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue F
3.?7 3.3I
.ssue I
=.EG 7.EG
.ssue E
3.>3 3.37
3.1F =.E?
.!ble 1-* 2ssur!nce i#ensionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.-.1.4 &!re 5 $#p!thy
Three attributes were grouped in this dimension and the respondents were as&ed to
e'press their opinions. :esults of the $arious aspects are shown below6
Issue ,7$ HSBC gi&es you indi&idual attention
Mean importance score of this attribute was 3.>I where I>K respondents scored 3 or
abo$e. The mean satisfaction score for this attribute was =.=7 and where respondents
were moderatel# satisfied. ?IK of the respondents scored = or less than that. The
results are as follows6
HS0& gives you individu!l !ttention
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 7I ? 17
3 ?7 3 =>
= 7> = 37
7 7 1>
1 1 G
.!ble 1:* Individu!l !ttentionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,,$ m'loyees of HSBC understands your s'ecific needs
High importance was placed on this attribute of care 5 empath# dimension where the
mean importance score was 3.7I. <inet# percent of the respondents scored 3 or
abo$e 3 in their importance opinions. The a$erage satisfaction score across this
attribute was significantl# low and was 7.E> onl#. :espondents showed se$ere
dissatisfaction with this attribute. +nl# 13K respondents scored 3 in their satisfaction
ratings. The results are as follows6
$#ployees of HS0& underst!nds your specific needs
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? =I ? >
3 ?7 3 13
= 1> = G3
7 7 7>
1 1
.!ble 1;* Anderst!nding custo#erEs needB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,-$ HSBC has your best interest at heart
Moderate importance was gi$en to this aspect and the mean importance score was
=.G7. ut the mean satisfactions were for this attribute was the lowest of all the
attributes and was 7.I3. IIK respondents scored = or less than that and onl# 17K
respondents scored 3 on this aspect of care and empath#.
HS0& h!s your best interest !t he!rt
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 17 ? >
3 3> 3 17
= 3G = G3
7 7 7 7>
1 1 3
.!ble 17* 0est interest !t he!rtB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of &!re 5 $#p!thy
The statistics re$ealed that customers placed a mean importance score of =.EE on the
care and empath# dimension. The mean satisfaction score was =.>7 on this dimension!
which is significantl# lower than the other dimensions. The results are shown below6
&!re !nd $#p!thy
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 1>
3.>I =.=7
.ssue 11
3.7I 7.E
.ssue 17
=.G7 7.I3
=.EE =.>7
.!ble 29* &!re !nd e#p!thy di#ensionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.-.1.+ .!ngibles
Si' questions relating to the tangible dimension were as&ed to the respondents. These
questions co$ered $arious tangible aspects of the ser$ices pro$ided b# HSC. The
results are shown below6
Issue ,.$ HSBC has &isually a''ealing facilities
Moderate importance was gi$en to this attribute and the mean $alue was =.?>.
:espondents $er# satisfied with this aspect and the mean satisfaction score was 3.=3
where EIK respondents were found to satisf#. The results are as follows6
HS0& h!s visu!lly !ppe!ling f!cilities
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 1G ? =G
3 7G 3 G7
= ?> = 7
7 I 7
1 1
.!ble 21* =isu!lly !ppe!ling f!cilitiesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,0$ HSBC em'loyees a''ear neat
The mean importance score of this attribute was =.3I. The mean satisfaction score
was 3.?G where all the respondents were found to be satisfied and score 3 or abo$e.
The results are as follows6
HS0& e#ployees !ppe!r ne!t
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 17 ? ?G
3 37 3 33
= 7I =
7 1I 7
1 1
.!ble 22* 2ppe!r!nceB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,+$ HSBC has con&enient hours of o'eration
Moderate importance and satisfaction was obser$ed in this aspect where the mean
importance and satisfaction scores were =.G7 5 =.3> respecti$el#. The results are
gi$en below6
HS0& h!s convenient hours of oper!tion
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 13 ? 3
3 =3 3 =G
= ?7 = ?G
7 7 3
1 1
.!ble 23* &onvenient hours of oper!tionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,1$ Statements are easily understood
A high importance was gi$en on this attribute where the mean score was 3.>7. ut the
respondents were found to e'tremel# dissatisfied with this attribute and the mean was
7.?G where EGK respondents scored = or less than that. The results are as follows6
St!te#ents !re e!sily understood
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 7G ? >
3 ?> 3 3
= 73 = ?>
7 7 33
1 1 7
.!ble 24* Anderst!nding st!te#entsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,2$ Statements are reliable and accurate
A mean importance score of 3.>3 depicted that respondents placed high importance to
this attribute. The respondents were also $er# satisfied with this aspect and mean
satisfaction was 3.7I where E3K respondents scored 3 or higher. The results are as
St!te#ents !re reli!ble !nd !ccur!te
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction
"ercent!ge GCH
? 73 ? =3
3 ?G 3 G>
= 7> = G
7 7
1 1
.!ble 2+* Reli!bility !nd !ccur!cy of st!te#entsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue ,4$ HSBC has modern e8ui'ments and technologies that better satisfy your
:espondents were indifferent while e'pressing the importance of this attribute and the
mean was =.3>. ut the satisfaction scores across this attribute were highest with a
mean of 3.?> where all the respondents scored 3 or higher.
HS0& h!s #odern e/uip#ents !nd technologies th!t better s!tisfy your need
"ercent!ge GCH S!tisf!ction Score "ercent!ge GCH
? I ? ?>
3 =3 3 ?>
= 3I =
7 1> 7
1 > 1
.!ble 2-* $/uip#ents !nd technologies to s!tisfy custo#er needsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of .!ngibles
The moderate importance was gi$en to this dimension of ser$ice qualit#. The mean
importance score across this dimension was =.GI. This dimension was found to be the
most satisfied one with mean score of =.E3.
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 1= =.? 3.=3
.ssue 13 =.3I 3.?G
.ssue 1? =.G7 =.3
.ssue 1G 3.>7 7.?G
.ssue 1F 3.>3 3.7I
.ssue 1I =.3> 3.?>
Mean =.GI =.E3
.!ble 2:* Su##!ry st!tistics of t!ngiblesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
.n addition to these fi$e dimensions of ser$ice qualit#! two additional dimensions
were also considered and anal#*ed in the sur$e#. These were O@ocations% and
OProducts 5 ser$ices%. Sur$e# results across these dimensions are also presented to
pro$ide a better picture of the ser$ices.
;.-.1.- ,oc!tions
/our questions were as&ed in this categor# and the results are presented below6
Issue ,5$ Branch locations are con&enient
High importance was gi$en to this attribute with a mean score of 3.?3. ut the
satisfaction scores were $er# low with a mean of 7.FG where =3K respondents were
dissatisfied with the locations.
0r!nch loc!tions !re convenient
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? ?G ? 7
3 37 3 17
= 7 = ?7
7 7 7I
1 1 G
.!ble 2;* &onvenience of 0r!nch loc!tionsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -7$ A!M locations are con&enient
A high importance was also gi$en to this attribute and the mean was 3.?3. Again the
respondents were moderatel# satisfied with the location of ATM%s and the mean score
was =.?G with ?IK respondents being satisfied with the locations.
2.M loc!tions !re convenient
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? ?3 ? 3
3 3G 3 ?>
= = 33
7 7 7
1 1
.!ble 27* &onvenience of 2.M loc!tionsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -,$ "remises are neat and clean
Moderate importance was gi$en to this attribute with a mean of =.GI. The respondents
were highl# satisfied among this attribute and the mean satisfaction score was 3.=I
with EIK respondents scoring 3 or abo$e.
"re#ises !re ne!t !nd cle!n
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 1G ? 3>
3 33 3 ?I
= =7 = 7
7 I 7
1 1
.!ble 39* &le!nness !nd ne!tness of pre#isesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue --$ "ar/ing s'aces are sufficient
A$erage importance was obser$ed in this attribute with a mean score of =.G>. Again
the respondents were also highl# satisfied with this attribute scoring a mean of 3.7>
where IGK respondents were satisfied with the facilities.
"!r1ing sp!ces !re sufficient
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 77 ? =3
3 => 3 ?7
= =3 = 13
7 13 7
1 1
.!ble 31* "!r1ing Sp!cesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of ,oc!tions
The results indicated a high importance towards this dimension and the mean score
was 3.>E. Ahile on the other hand! the mean satisfaction score across this dimension
was found to be =.F=. The results are presented below6
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 1E
3.?3 7.FG
.ssue 7>
3.?3 =.?G
.ssue 71
=.GI 3.=I
.ssue 77
=.G 3.7
3.>E =.F=
.!ble 32* Su##!ry st!tistics of loc!tionsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.-.1.: "roducts !nd Services
.n this categor# $arious other attributes of HSC products 5 ser$ices were considered
and the customer e'pectations and satisfaction towards these attributes were ,udged.
;ight different aspects were anal#*ed and the results are shown below6
Issue -.$ %ees and Ser&ice charges
A customer e'pectation towards this attribute was $er# high and means score was
3.7>. +n the other hand! satisfaction scores on this aspect were also $er# high and the
mean was 3.73 where I7K respondents were satisfied with this aspect.
The results are gi$en below-
6ees !nd Service ch!rges
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 33 ? 37
3 =3 3 3>
= 7> = 1I
7 7 7
1 1
.!ble 33* 6ees !nd service ch!rgesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -0$ Sa&ings or 9e'osit ser&ices
Mean importance of this aspect was 3.=7 and mean satisfaction scores were 3.1G. This
entails that this categor# resembled high importance and high satisfaction of the
S!vings or eposit services
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? =G ? =>
3 G> 3 ?G
= G = 13
7 7
1 1
.!ble 34* S!vings !nd deposits servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -+$ In&estment ser&ices
A$erage importance was gi$en to this attribute and the mean was =.3=. Satisfaction in
this categor# was poor and the mean $alue was 7.=I where G>K respondents were
dissatisfied with the in$estment ser$ices of the ban&.
Invest#ent services
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 1> ? 7
3 3> 3 7
= =G = =7
7 1> 7 G>
1 3 1 3
.!ble 3+* Invest#ent servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -1$ :oan or credit ser&ices
High importance was gi$en to this attribute and the mean was 3.>G. Moderate
satisfaction scores were obtained with a mean of =.II where F3K customers placed a
$alue of 3 or higher.
,o!n or credit services
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? ?7 ? 73
3 7I 3 ?>
= 1I = 7>
7 7 7 7
1 1 3
.!ble 3-* ,o!n or credit servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -2$ Cash 3 remittance ser&ices
A mean importance of =.E3 was obser$ed in this aspect of products and ser$ices. The
satisfaction scores of this categor# were satisfactor# with a mean of 3.77 where I7K
customer were satisfied with the cash and remittance ser$ices.
&!sh 5 re#itt!nce services
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 7> ? 33
3 ?3 3 =I
= 7G = 13
7 7 3
1 1
.!ble 3:* &!sh !nd re#itt!nce servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -4$ !ele'hone ban/ing ser&ices
:espondents were somewhat indifferent in e'pressing their importance towards this
aspect and a mean of =.33 was found. +n the other hand! customers were highl#
pleased with this ser$ice of HSC and the mean satisfaction score was 3.3G where
EGK customers were satisfied with this ser$ice.
.elephone b!n1ing services
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 17 ? ?>
3 =7 3 3G
= 33 = 3
7 17 7
1 1
.!ble 3;* .elephone b!n1ing servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue -5$ ;ates on :oans
High importance was placed on this feature and the mean score was 3.=3. ut a$erage
satisfaction scores were found on this categor# with a mean of =.13. +nl# 7K
customers were satisfied with the rates of loans whereas G>K were indifferent. The
results are shown below6
R!tes on ,o!ns
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? =G ? 7
3 G7 3 7G
= 7 = G>
7 7 I
1 1 3
.!ble 37* R!tes on lo!nB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Issue .7$ ;ates on Sa&ings
Moderatel# high importance scores were obtained in this categor# and the mean was
=.E7. ut the satisfaction scores in this categor# were poor and the mean was 7.3>.
+nl# GK customers scored 3 or higher and the rest scored negati$el#.
;ates on Sa&ings
"ercent!ge GCH
"ercent!ge GCH
? 7> ?
3 ?7 3 G
= 7I = =I
7 7 3G
1 1 1>
.!ble 49* R!tes on s!vingsB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
Su##!ry St!tistics of "roducts !nd Services
The means importance score of this dimension was =.E? and the mean satisfaction
score was =.13. The results are shown below6
"roducts !nd Services
Me!n Score
I#port!nce S!tisf!ction
.ssue 7= 3.7 3.73
.ssue 73 3.=7 3.1G
.ssue 7? =.37 7.=I
.ssue 7G 3.>G =.II
.ssue 7F =.E= 3.77
.ssue 7I =.33 3.3G
.ssue 7E 3.=3 =.13
.ssue => =.E7 7.3
Mean =.E? =.G1
.!ble 41* Su##!ry st!tistics of products !nd servicesB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.: 4!p Score 2n!lysis on the i#ensions
8ap scores gi$e a meaningful indication as to where customers are mostl#
dissatisfied. 8ap scores are e'pressed as the difference between mean importance 0.1
and satisfactions 0S1 that is 0S U .1 and are most often negati$e numbers because
customer perceptions or satisfaction of the ser$ice t#picall# fall short of customer
e'pectations. The result of the sur$e# conducted on the customers of HSC show that
the onl# dimension where customer perception e'ceeded e'pectation is tangibles
which had a positi$e gap score of >.7G. The dimension that had highest gap was the
empath# dimension with a negati$e gap score of 2>.EF. The gap scores of assurance
were 2>.77! which depicted the perceptions fall slightl# short of e'pectations. Again
reliabilit#! responsi$eness were other dissatisfied dimension with negati$e gap scores
of 2>.GI 5 ->.IF respecti$el#. The location and products dimensions showed slight
moderate gaps and the scores were 2>.=F 5 ->.=1 respecti$el#.
The gap scores of the $arious dimensions are shown graphicall# below6
6igure 17* 4!p 2n!lysis< Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.; Service co#p!red to other b!n1s
The respondents were as&ed to rate the HSC in comparison with the ser$ices of
other ban&s 0.ssue =11. The results showed that onl# GK of the customer thought that
the ser$ices are much better compared to other ban&s whereas =>K of the respondents
belie$ed that the ser$ices are worse compared to competitors.
The results are shown below6
6igure 29* Service &o#p!rison< Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.7 &o#pl!int Resolution
The respondents were as&ed to state that weather the# had placed an# complaints to
HSC during their ser$ice life c#cle 0.ssue =71. Around 3GK respondents stated that
the# had problems with HSC and had complained where as ?3K did not ha$e
problems. The ne't phase of this question as&ed the problem faced customers%
weather that complaint was resol$ed. .n this part! G7K of the problem complainants
stated that the problem was still there.
The results of this sur$e# are presented below6
6re/uency C 6re/uency C
Bes 3G Bes =I
<o ?3 <o G7
.!ble 42* &o#pl!int resolutionB Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.19 Over!ll S!tisf!ction 'ith HS0&
Apart from all the indi$idual ratings of $arious attributes! features and aspects the
respondents were as&ed to rate their o$erall satisfaction with HSC 04=11 on a ?-
point scale. The results of this question ga$e an idea of the o$erall satisfaction with
HSC. The findings were used for determining correlations with $arious other
attributes of the ser$ices. The results of this question showed that onl# IK customers
were highl# satisfied with the ban& and score ? on this questions. This segment
represented the most lo#al group of customers. +n the other hand 1GK of the
respondents were found to be dissatisfied with the ser$ices of the ban&! which is
higher than the satisfied group. The findings of this question are presented graphicall#
6igure 21* Over!ll s!tisf!ction< Source* Survey G2ppendi% &H
;.11 I#plic!tion of Results
;.11.1 rivers of S!tisf!ction
.f ban&s are to impro$e their satisfaction and lo#alt# ratings and differentiate
themsel$es from the competition! the# need to understand what reall# dri$es
satisfaction and lo#alt#. The# also need to &now which areas ha$e the greatest room
for impro$ements. There is little point in inter$ening resources in areas that are
important but are performing well! or in areas that there is much room for
impro$ement but the# are not important in dri$ing satisfaction and lo#alt#. Thus
HSC managers need to &now what le$ers to push to increase these measures of
+ne useful tool is to search for the most important attributes that allow anal#*ing
those areas that are important and ha$e much room for impro$ements. .n the
following section the most important attributes will be discussed.
;.11.2 Most i#port!nt !ttributes of the Service
The anal#sis of the importance scores across $arious attributes of ser$ice qualit#
dimension pointed out some attributes that were highl# important to customers .These
attributes are listed below according to importance6
Speed of ser$ice 0.ssue 31
@ocation of the branches 0.ssue 1E1
@ocation of the ATM%s 0.ssue 7>1
/riendliness 5 courtes# of the emplo#ees 0.ssue F1
Promptness of error correction 0.ssue =1
Deeping Promises 0.ssue 11
:ates on @oans 0.ssue 7E1
Sa$ings ser$ices 0.ssue 731
:ecognition of needs 0.ssue 111
/ees 5 ser$ice charges 0 .ssue 7=1
These attributes were considered as the dri$ers of satisfaction for the customers.
Satisfaction across these attributes influenced the o$erall satisfaction towards the
ban&s ser$ices. Some other attributes! which were important to customers but not
considered as dri$ers of satisfaction are listed below6
.ndi$idual attention 0.ssue 1>1
@oan or credit ser$ices 0.ssue 7G1
Safet# of transactions with HSC 0.ssue E1
:eliabilit# and accurac# of the statements 0.ssue 1F1
Clarit# of the statements 0.ssue 1G1
Problem sol$ing interest within emplo#ees 0.ssue 71
Professionalism of the emplo#ees 0.ssue I1
The rest of the attributes administered during the sur$e# were found to moderatel#
important or less important for the customers and were not considered b# them while
deciding on satisfaction scores.
;.11.3 S!tisf!ction to'!rds the #ost i#port!nt !ttributes
As mentioned earlier! the ma,or concern of managers is to find out satisfaction of the
customers across the $arious dri$ers of satisfaction. The results of the sur$e# showed
that customers were satisfied onl# across the following dri$ers of satisfaction6
/riendliness 5 courtes# of the emplo#ees 0.ssue F1
/ees and ser$ice charges 0.ssue 7=1
Sa$ing and deposit ser$ices 0.ssue 731
Promptness error correction 0.ssue =1
Thus the abo$e attributes were onl# $er# few compared to the list of highl# important
attributes. Again the customers also ran&ed some of the highl# important factors as
highl# dissatisfactor#. These attributes thus damaged the o$erall satisfaction scores
drasticall#. Some such attributes are as follows6
:ecognition of needs b# HSC 0.ssue 111
@ocation of ranches 0.ssue 1E1
Most of the other dri$ers of satisfaction that were $er# important to customers showed
a$erage satisfaction scores. This depicts that most of the customers are not $er#
satisfied with the attributes and are somewhat indifferent with the attributes. This
brought down the o$erall satisfaction scores to the neutral or a$erage points.
;.11.4 Most S!tisfied 2spects of HS0& Services
The respondents showed high satisfaction scores towards some of the attributes of the
ser$ice dimensions. Though most of these were not $er# important to customers the#
do represent the good side of the ser$ices pro$ided b# HSC. Some such satisfied
attributes are listed below starting from the most satisfied ones6
<eatness of ;mplo#ees 0.ssue 131
;quipments 5 Technolog# 0.ssue 1I1
/riendliness and courtes# of emplo#ees 0.ssue F1
Tele an&ing ser$ices 0.ssue 7I1
Safet# with HSC 0.ssue E1
Cleanliness of the premises 0.ssue 711
Lisuall# appealing facilities 0.ssue 1=1
:eliabilit# and accurac# of statements 0.ssue 1F1
/ees and ser$ice charges 0.ssue 7=1
Cash and remittance ser$ices 0.ssue 7F1
Sufficienc# of par&ing spaces 0.ssue 771
Sa$ings ser$ices 0.ssue 731
Promptness of error correction 0.ssue =1
So these were the attributes that resemble strengths of ser$ices pro$ided b# HSC
ser$ices! which were ran&ed as satisfactor# b# the respondents.
;.11.+ Most iss!tisfied 2spects of HS0& Services
The respondent while e'pressing their satisfaction $iews toward $arious attributes
ran&ed some of the aspects of the ser$ice qualit# poorl#. The poor scores depict that
customer were dissatisfied with these attributes of ser$ice. These dissatisfactor#
features are the starting points of the attempts for impro$ing the o$erall customer
satisfaction. Such dissatisfied must be ta&en care as earl# as possible. Some such
poorl# ran&ed dissatisfied attributes are as follows6
Professionalism of the emplo#ees 0.ssue I1
Aillingness to help 0.ssue ?1
:ecognition of needs 0.ssue 111
HSC has best interest of the customer 0.ssue 171
Searching for solutions 0.ssue G1
@ocation of the branches 0.ssue 1E1
Clarit# of the statements 0.ssue 1G1
:ates on sa$ings 0.ssue =>1
.n$estment ser$ices 0.ssue 7?1
+f the abo$e list need recognition location of branches and clarit# of statements were
$er# important to customers. .mportance of the rest of the dissatisfied features was
somewhat moderate.
;.11.- 2ssess#ent of the Service (u!lity i#ension
This research on customer satisfaction of HSC was designed across the some
dimensions of ser$ice qualit#. Such dimensions were responsible for influencing the
o$erall ser$ice qualit# and customer satisfaction of HSC. :eliabilit#!
:esponsi$eness! Assurance! Care 5 ;mpath#! Tangibles! @ocation 5 /eatures of
Products 5 ser$ices were the se$en dimensions used in this sur$e# to assess the
o$erall customer satisfaction. Larious attributes of HSC ser$ices were grouped
within these se$en categor# and the respondents were as&ed to e'press their $iews.
The results showed that the most important dimension of ser$ice qualit# was
reliabilit# of the ser$ice2 which is abilit# to perform the promised ser$ice dependabl#
and accuratel#. HSC customers e'pressed a$erage satisfaction along this dimension
of ser$ice qualit#! which implies that HSC needs to impro$e more along this
direction of ser$ices.
The second most important dimension pointed out was the Assurance dimension of
ser$ice qualit# 2 which consists emplo#ee%s &nowledge! courtes# and abilit# to inspire
trust and confidence. The results showed that customers were satisfied with this
dimension of HSC ser$ices. /riendliness of emplo#ees and safet# with HSC are
some of the most satisfied attributes of this dimension. This indicates that HSC
should build on this dimension of ser$ice qualit#.
The con$eniences of the @ocations were another of the important dimension
mentioned b# the customers. ut the satisfaction with this dimension falls short of
e'pectation and most of the customers are on the abo$e a$erage side. Thus to impro$e
customer satisfaction HSC should impro$e it%s location facilities according to
customer needs and wants. Most of the dissatisfaction came due to the incon$enienc#
of the branches.
The most satisfied dimension of HSC came out to be the tangible 2 which includes
appearance of facilities! equipment! personnel! etc. The importance gi$en to this
attribute was a$erage. This implies that HSC has the best premises! equipment and
facilities that should be promoted more aptl# to customers.
The most dissatisfied dimension found out in the sur$e# was Care 5 ;mpath# 2
which is Caring 5 gi$ing indi$idual attention to customers. This dimension was
moderatel# important to customers but the significance of dissatisfaction along this
attribute was se$ere. To impro$e the o$erall satisfaction HSC should impro$e its
ser$ice concepts and en$isage care 5 empath# into the o$erall customer ser$ices.

@astl#! the products 5 ser$ices dimension! which included features of the products!
was somewhat important to customers in deciding ser$ice effecti$eness. A$erage
satisfaction was obser$ed in this categor#. .n$estment ser$ices 5 rates on Sa$ings
were the two most dissatisfied aspects of this dimension. To score high on
satisfaction! HSC should consider these two features and redesign them according to
customer needs. /ees and ser$ice charges! sa$ings ser$ices! cash 5 remittance 5
Phoneban&ing were some of the most satisfied aspects of this dimension and represent
the strengths of HSC.
;.12 &o#pl!int Resolution 5 S!tisf!ction
The sur$e# found that an important reason of dissatisfaction was dissatisfaction with
the wa# a customer complaint had been handled. +nl# 77K respondents were
satisfied with the outcome of a complaint the# made. This lac& of satisfaction
influenced FIK of those who had made complaints to hold negati$e remar&s about the
o$erall satisfaction of the ban&. The number and sort of complaints were not recorded.
Clearl#! HSC needs to do better in this area.
;.13 M!jor &o#petitors of HS0&
The sur$e# pointed out some of the ma,or competitors of HSC according to the
customer perceptions. This aspect is $er# important to HSC management! as
customers are the ultimate person who decided among ban&s. The offerings and
ser$ices of the ma,or competitors can be anal#*ed to better understand the customer
needs and wants. The sur$e# uniforml# e'plored that Standard Chartered an& 0SC1
was the closest competitor of HSC and also pointed out that it had a better place or
ran& in the minds of customers. This is an ob$ious fact gi$en the si*e and $olume of
SC%s businesses. There are man# names that compete for the second best competitor
of HSC. ut among those Prime an& was found to be the ne't best competitor of
HSC in the minds of customers. Some other names were :AC an&! )utch-
angla an& @td.! ;astern an& @td. Southeast an& @imited! <ational an&
@imited! etc.
The reason behind this findings is that HSC can impro$e the o$erall ser$ice
offerings b# closel# anal#*ing the offerings of its closest competitors. Aith such an
attempt customer satisfaction would be an ob$ious outcome.
;.14 Su##!ry of the 6indings
The general approach used to design this sur$e# defines satisfaction as the difference
between importance customer%s puts on ser$ice attributes and what heNshe actuall#
recei$es from HSC. .n this sur$e#! satisfaction is measured along thirt# different
attributes of HSC ser$ices that were grouped into se$en ma,or dimensions.
The o$erall satisfaction results of the sur$e# were a$erage if the total scenario is
considered for an a$erage ban&. ut in terms of HSC! which is a world-class ser$ice
pro$ider worldwide! the results were highl# dissatisfactor#. +nl# IK of the
respondents were highl# satisfied and were lo#al to the ban&. .n total! one third of the
respondents were found to be satisfied with the ser$ices of the ban&. The rest of the
respondents were found on the neutral and negati$e side of. 1GK customers were
highl# dissatisfied with the ban&. This number represents the customers that percei$ed
the ban& as inferior. The result showed that a high degree of correlation e'ists
between problem resolution and satisfaction.
ased on the abo$e results! it can be said that HSC should reconsider its ser$ice
strategies in angladesh and design products and ser$ices that better satisf# customer
needs and requirements. an& should be more tactful in dealing with the customers
and launch new products that full# meet customer e'pectations.
ased on the sur$e# a finding a set recommendation is presented in the ne't section of
the research and a general list of suggestions to the ban& is discussed.
7.1 Reco##end!tions 0!sed on the Survey
HSC is one of the most flourishing an&s of angladesh with wide growth
opportunities in the industr#. The sur$e# on the customers of HSC was conducted
with an aim of impro$ing the o$erall customer satisfaction at HSC. The research
ga$e $aluable insights as to where impro$ements were necessar# to impro$e the
qualit# of ser$ice. HSC with its strong corporate image and organi*ational strength
can successfull# utili*e the opportunities and o$ercome its wea&nesses. .n this
section! a list of recommendation is presented based on the findings of the sur$e#
conducted on HSC customers6
Ase of M!r1eting Rese!rch
The management of HSC should regularl# administer mar&eting research acti$ities
in order to &eep a regular trac& of satisfaction le$els. :egular research should also be
conducted to find out customer e'pectations about $arious ser$ice aspects. As
customer e'pectations and satisfaction are not static figures! regular research at
sufficient inter$als should be conducted.
&o#pl!int M!n!ge#ent
HSC should acti$el# manage the complaints of $arious customers and encourage
customers to gi$e feedbac& about the ser$ices. The management should collect!
document complaints! use that information to identif# dissatisfied customers! correct
indi$idual problems where possible and identif# common ser$ice failure points.
:esearch showed that this strateg# will radicall# impro$e the o$erall customer
6ocus on rel!tionship str!tegies
The ban& should focus more on e'isting customers in order to build strong and lo#al
relationship with them as most satisfied customers recommends the ban& to friends
and relati$es. Thus the power of relationship will foster positi$e Aord of Mouth
Communication and will attract new customers at a lower cost.
&l!rity of the st!te#ents
The ban& should redesign the format of its account statement in to a clearer and easil#
understandable format. The sur$e# showed a huge amount of dissatisfaction towards
the current format of statements. .t should be redesigned with inputs from customers
and satisf#ing their requirements.
$#ployee .r!inings
;mplo#ee trainings and wor&shops should be administered in order to gi$e them
&nowledge and professionalism in customer interactions. Aith a more professional
base! emplo#ees can better satisf# the customers. The# should be taught about how to
deal with problem customers and problematic situations. The sur$e# showed
significantl# low scores for emplo#ee%s willingness to help. Thus this aspect should be
Individu!l 2ttention 5 &!re
.ndi$idual attention should be gi$en to customers in order to better understand their
needs and better satisf# them.
3e' 0r!nches should be introduced
Customers showed a huge dissatisfaction with current locations as HSC pro$ides
ser$ices from onl# E branches throughout angladesh. <ew branches should be
constructed in )ha&a cit# satisf#ing more geographic segments. As con$enience of
branch location was a $er# important factor for the customers HSC should consider
building new branches and ATM%s within )ha&a cit# as well as other metropolitan
cities of angladesh.
3e' Invest#ent products
<ew in$estment schemes should be introduced to meet customer demands. Sur$e#
results indicated a high amount of dissatisfaction with current in$estment schemes
and ser$ices. <ew personal sa$ings! future in$estment products! Sancha# patra
schemes should be launched to sta# ahead of competition and better satisf# customer
Reconsider interest r!tes on S!vings
Ma,orit# of the customers suggested that the sa$ings rates should be redesign as most
of the customers were currentl# dissatisfied with the sa$ings rates. HSC should
restructure the interest schemes of its sa$ings product to attract more $aluable
9.2 4ener!l Reco##end!tions
.n this part of recommendations! some $aluable issues of HSC are discussed. These
were the aspects that came out while wor&ing as an intern at HSC. These were
related to $arious parts of HSC and thus are placed in the list of general
recommendation. Though these issues were not the part of the pro,ect! the# also
contribute $aluable information at impro$ing the o$erall customer satisfaction of
HSC. Such general recommendations are discussed below6
&usto#er defined Service st!nd!rds
A formal ser$ice blueprint should be designed with appropriate ser$ice le$el standards
to reduce the $ariabilit# of ser$ice. These standards should be customer defined and
customer e'pectation should be considered while deciding on the ser$ice standards.
efensive Str!tegy of Service (u!lity
HSC should pursue a defensi$e ser$ice qualit# strateg# that is a go slow strateg#
rather than offensi$e ser$ice strateg#. That is! it should focus on costs of operation!
increasing $olume of businesses with e'isting lo#al customers! segmentation of the
premium customersH foster a positi$e word of mouth communication in its e'isting
customers! etc. Though these strategies will ta&e time to de$elop a huge customer
base! the# will in the long run bring more lo#al customers to HSC.
6!ster elivery of 2.M c!rds
HSC should reduce the amount of time required to pro$ide new ATM cards.
Currentl# it ta&es ?-G da#s while some competitors can pro$ide the card within 7
wor&ing da#s. As the HSC ATM card comes directl# from Hong Dong dela#s are
ob$ious. HSC should ma&e necessar# arrangements to produce the new cards locall#
in order to reduce the customer difficulties faced in the absence of ATM card.
,oc1er Services
Ahile interacting with the customers at customer ser$ice point! a huge amount of
customers demanded loc&er ser$ices. Aith such demand of this ser$ice! HSC should
consider of pro$iding loc&er ser$ices to its customers. This will also attract new
customers from other ban&s who are currentl# offering these ser$ices.
&ontrol over the #!iling net'or1
HSC should strictl# monitor the courier ser$ices that are engaged in deli$ering mails
and documents. Huge amount of deli$er# failures is being piled up at branches.
Moreo$er there has been regular a customer complaint of non-receipt of statements
though the courier showed proof of deli$er# signed b# someone who doesn%t e$en
li$e at the customers% address. So HSC should ha$e some control o$er its couriers
and ensure proper deli$er# of mails and documents.
"rocess M!n!ge#ent
The actual procedures! mechanisms and flow of acti$ities at customer ser$ice should
be well-managed and structured in order to form a good e'perience of the ser$ice in
the minds of customers. As the ser$ices of the an& are comple' in nature! the
emplo#ees should pro$ide adequate guidance to customers in order to a$oid ser$ice
failures. Thus the whole process should follow a broad ser$ice philosoph#! which is
tailored to customer needs.
HSC is a global ban&ing and financial ser$ices organi*ation headquartered in
@ondon. The group%s international networ& comprises more than E!?>> offices in FE
countries and territories! operating the Asia Pacific region! ;urope! (SA! and Middle
;ast 5 Africa. HSC 8roup is represented in angladesh b# its subsidiar# ban&
HSC! angladesh. The researcher got the opportunit# to ser$e this ban& as an intern
under customer ser$ice department of HSC Main +ffice! Anchor Tower.
Consumer ban&ing industr# has been treated as a prospecti$e financial sector in
angladesh. More and more ban&s and non-ban& financial companies are entering the
industr#. The industr# became so attracti$e that multinational ban& li&e HSC has
entered the mar&et and wants to lead the mar&et. Howe$er! the entrance of ban&s li&e
HSC has brought re$olutionar# changes in ban&ing ser$ices. People get better
ser$ice than e$er before. .t becomes lot easier for people to get loans and in$esting
mone# into di$ersified portfolios. Sophisticated ser$ices li&e ATM! Phone ban&ing
etc. has been brought b# this new generation ban&ing.
As the ser$ices impro$ed wor&flow of the ban&s has been changed d#namicall# as
well. an&s use more sophisticated wa#s to assess loans. 4uic& assessment process
pressuri*es the customer ser$ice officers to use sophisticated wa#s of ser$ice
assessment. Though HSC uses it%s own in$estigation along with third part#
in$estigation for loan assessment the whole procedure ma# be de$eloped furthermore.
Central ban& ma# become more helpful b# pro$iding helps li&e hosting database
0about customers1 on the net.
The researcher got the chance to $isit new people and ma&e them customer of HSC!
not onl# that her responsibilit# is to pro$ide customer ser$ice time to time. .n her
ser$ice period she got an opportunit# to obser$e the o$erall ser$ice process of HSC
personal ban&ing di$ision. She also got the scope to interact with customers and
re$eal their e'pectations and perceptions about the ban&%s ser$ices. )uring m#
interaction with customers she felt that somewhere there are gaps between customer
e'pectations and ban&s ser$ices and since the C;+ of HSC angladesh has gi$en
emphasis on better customer ser$ice and more customer satisfaction! thus the
Customer ser$ice officer as&ed me to wor& on this topic.
This research has pro$ided some interesting insight into what &ind of ser$ice the
customers gi$e importance to and what qualit# ser$ice the# get from HSC. .t is quite
ob$ious from the research that the customer requirements are not full# met and the#
are $er# dissatisfied with some of the aspects of the ban& 0location! sa$ing rates!
credit ser$ices! in$estment ser$ices! etc.1. Again the research re$ealed that onl# one
third of customers were more of less satisfied with the ser$ices of the ban& and more
than half of the respondents were on the neutral side of satisfaction line. HSC should
attract this half and bring them to the positi$e side of the road so that strong
relationship with the customers can be maintained.
/inall#! this research report at HSC has increased practical &nowledge of usiness
Administration and can made A education more complete and applied. .n this
report there is man# opportunit# to appl# $arious tools and concepts.

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