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Serial No.

Title: The most popular brand of printer used by PPISMP SEM.3 students of IPTHO.
Printer is a devie used for printin!" for e#ample print paper $or% and photo!raph.
&ased on the re'uirement in ((P of &asi Mathematis Semester 3" this survey
'uestions is about the most popular brand of printer used by )* PPISMP SEM.3
students of IPTHO.
Instrution: Please thi% +,- appropriate bra%et belo$.
.. Name: //////////////////////////
0. Ho$ old are you1
.)2.3 + - .420* + - 0.203 + -
3. 5hat is your rae1
6hinese + -
Malay + -
Indian + -
Others: ////////////
7. 8o you have any printer at home or at offie1
9es + - No + -
). Ho$ many printer did you have1
. + - 0 + - 3 + -
:. 5hat brand of printer you used1
6anon + - Hp + - ;e#mar% + -
Epson + - Others: ////////
3. 5hat type of printer you used1
In%<et + - 8e%s<et + -
;aser printer + - Thermal printer + -
Others: ////////////
4. Ho$ muh is your printer1
&elo$ =M .**.** + -
=M .*..** > =M 0**.** + -
=M 0*..** > =M 3**.** + -
=M 3*..** > =M7**.** + -
=M 7*..** > =M )**.** + -
?. 8id you satisfied $ith your printer1
@ery satisfatory + -
Satisfatory + -
Avera!e + -
Bnsatisfatory + -
Total unsatisfatory + -
.*. 5hat are the fator that $ill influene your deision $hen onsider buyin! a
Style + -
Cuntion + -
Prie + -
&rand + -
Other :////////////
... 5hih brand of printer you prefer to buy if you deide to buy a ne$ printer1
6anon + - Hp + - ;e#mar% + -
Epson + - Others: ////////
Duestion 0: Ho$ old are you1
Crom these )* 'uestionnaires !iven out" $e as%ed the respondent a!e in 'uestion 0.
The purpose of as%in! this 'uestion is to ma%e sure our tar!et surveys a!e is youn!
Tally table 0: =espondentEs a!e
Froup of a!e Tally mar%s
Cre'ueny Table 0: =espondentEs a!e
Froup of a!e Cre'ueny
Fraph 0: =espondentEs a!e
After I e#amined the 'uestionnaire !otten ba% from respondents" the result I !et
////G of respondent is in the a!e bet$een .) > .3 years old. Mean$hile" most
respondents are in the a!e bet$een .420* years old" it sored /////G. ;astly" there
are ////Gof respondents in the a!e bet$een 0.203 years old. Throu!h this result" its
sho$s us that most of the respondents $ho involve in our survey are in a!e bet$een
//2///years old.
In 'uestion 3" I as%ed about respondentEs rae beause I $ant to %no$ different
opinion from different raes as $e %no$ that Malaysia is a multi2raes ountry.
Throu!h this 'uestion I an determine our respondent from $hih raes.
Tally table 3: =espondentEs rae
=ae Tally mar%s
Cre'ueny Table 3: =espondentEs rae
=ae Cre'ueny
Fraph 3: =espondentEs rae
5ith the result obtained" these are many respondent is

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