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Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-1

Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders

Table of Clauses
A. General.............................................................................................................................
1. Scope of Bid3
2. Source of Funds 3
3. Corrupt Practices 3
4. Eligible Bidders 4
5. Eligible Plant and Serices 5
B. Contents of Bidding Document......................................................................................
!. Sections of Bidding "ocu#ent 5
$. Clarification of Bidding "ocu#ent% Site &isit% Pre-Bid 'eeting 5
(. )#end#ent of Bidding "ocu#ent !
C. Preparation of Bids..........................................................................................................
*. Cost of Bidding !
1+. ,anguage of Bid $
11. "ocu#ents Co#prising t-e Bid $
12. ,etter of Bid and Sc-edules $
13. )lternatie Bids $
14. "ocu#ents Establis-ing t-e Eligibilit. of Plant and Serices (
15. "ocu#ents Establis-ing t-e Eligibilit. and /ualifications of t-e Bidder (
1!. "ocu#ents Establis-ing Confor#it. of t-e Plant and Serices (
1$. 0ec-nical Proposal% Subcontractors *
1(. Bid Prices and "iscounts *
1*. Currencies of Bid and Pa.#ent 11
2+. Period of &alidit. of Bids 11
21. Bid Securit. 11
22. For#at and Signing of Bid 12
D. Submission and Opening of Bids.................................................................................
23. Sub#ission% Sealing and 'ar1ing of Bids 12
24. "eadline for Sub#ission of Bids 13
25. ,ate Bids 13
2!. 2it-dra3al% Substitution% and 'odification of Bids 13
2$. Bid 4pening 14
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-2 Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
. !aluation and Comparison of Bids.............................................................................
2(. Confidentialit. 15
2*. Clarification of Bids 15
3+. "eiations% 7eserations% and 4#issions 1!
31. Preli#inar. E8a#ination of 0ec-nical Bids 1!
32. 7esponsieness of 0ec-nical Bid 1!
33. 9on#aterial 9onconfor#ities 1!
34. "etailed Ealuation of 0ec-nical Bids 1$
35. Eligibilit. and /ualification of t-e Bidder 1$
3!. Correction of )rit-#etical Errors 1(
3$. Conersion to Single Currenc. 1(
3(. 'argin of Preference 1(
3*. Ealuation of Price Bids 1(
4+. Co#parison of Bids 1*
41. E#plo.er:s 7ig-t to )ccept )n. Bid% and to 7e;ect )n. or )ll Bids 1*
". A#ard of Contract..........................................................................................................
42. )3ard Criteria 1*
43. 9otification of )3ard 1*
44. Signing of Contract 1*
45. Perfor#ance Securit. 1*
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-3
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection 3it- t-e Initation for Bids indicated in t-e Bid "ata S-eet
<B"S=% t-e E#plo.er% as indicated in t-e B"S% issues t-is Bidding
"ocu#ent for t-e procure#ent of plant and serices as specified in Section
! <E#plo.er:s 7e>uire#ents=. 0-e na#e% identification% and nu#ber of lots
<contracts= of t-e International Co#petitie Bidding <ICB= are proided in
t-e B"S.
1.2 ?nless ot-er3ise stated% t-roug-out t-is Bidding "ocu#ent definitions and
interpretations s-all be as prescribed in Section $ <5eneral Conditions of
$. Source of
2.1 0-e Borro3er or 7ecipient <-ereinafter called @Borro3erA= indicated in t-e
B"S -as applied for or receied financing <-ereinafter called @fundsA= fro#
t-e )sian "eelop#ent Ban1 <-ereinafter called @)"BA= to3ard t-e cost of
t-e pro;ect na#ed in t-e B"S. 0-e Borro3er intends to appl. a portion of
t-e funds to eligible pa.#ents under t-e contract<s= for 3-ic- t-is Bidding
"ocu#ent is issued.
2.2 Pa.#ents b. )"B 3ill be #ade onl. at t-e re>uest of t-e Borro3er and
upon approal b. )"B in accordance 3it- t-e ter#s and conditions of t-e
financing agree#ent bet3een t-e Borro3er and )"B <-ereinafter called
t-e ,oan )gree#ent=% and 3ill be sub;ect in all respects to t-e ter#s and
conditions of t-at ,oan )gree#ent. 9o part. ot-er t-an t-e Borro3er s-all
derie an. rig-ts fro# t-e ,oan )gree#ent or -ae an. clai# to t-e funds.
%. Corrupt
3.1 )"B:s )nticorruption Polic. re>uires t-at borro3ers <including beneficiaries
of )"B-financed actiit.=% as 3ell as bidders% suppliers% and contractors
under )"B-financed contracts% obsere t-e -ig-est standard of et-ics
during t-e procure#ent and e8ecution of suc- contracts. In pursuance of
t-is polic.% t-e )"B6
<a= defines% for t-e purposes of t-is proision% t-e ter#s set fort- belo3 as
<i= @corrupt practiceA #eans t-e offering% giing% receiing% or
soliciting% directl. or indirectl.% an.t-ing of alue to influence
i#properl. t-e actions of anot-er part.B
<ii= @fraudulent practiceA #eans an. act or o#ission% including a
#isrepresentation% t-at 1no3ingl. or rec1lessl. #isleads% or
atte#pts to #islead% a part. to obtain a financial or ot-er benefit
or to aoid an obligationB
<iii= @coercie practiceA #eans i#pairing or -ar#ing% or t-reatening to
i#pair or -ar#% directl. or indirectl.% an. part. or t-e propert. of
t-e part. to influence i#properl. t-e actions of a part.B
<i= @collusie practiceA #eans an arrange#ent bet3een t3o or #ore
parties designed to ac-iee an i#proper purpose% including
influencing i#properl. t-e actions of anot-er part.B
<b= 3ill re;ect a proposal for a3ard if it deter#ines t-at t-e bidder
reco##ended for a3ard -as% directl. or t-roug- an agent% engaged in
corrupt% fraudulent% collusie% or coercie practices in co#peting for t-e
ContractB and
<c=3ill sanction a fir# or an indiidual% at an. ti#e% in accordance 3it-
)"B:s )nticorruption Polic. and Integrit. Principles and 5uidelines
<bot- as a#ended fro# ti#e to ti#e=% including declaring ineligible%
eit-er indefinitel. or for a stated period of ti#e% to participate in )"B-
financed or )"B-ad#inistered actiities or to benefit fro# an )"B-
financed or )"B-ad#inistered contract% financiall. or ot-er3ise% if it at
an. ti#e deter#ines t-at t-e fir# or indiidual -as% directl. or t-roug-
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-4 Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
an agent% engaged in corrupt% fraudulent% collusie% or coercie or ot-er
pro-ibited practices.
3.2 Furt-er#ore% Bidders s-all be a3are of t-e proision stated in t-e
Conditions of Contract <5CC *.! and 42.2.1 <c==.
&. ligible
4.1 ) Bidder #a. be a priate entit. or a goern#ent-o3ned entit. - sub;ect to
I0B 4.5 - or an. co#bination of suc- entities 3it- t-e intent to enter into an
agree#ent supported b. a letter of intent or under an e8isting agree#ent in
t-e for# of a ;oint enture% consortiu#% or association <C&=. In t-e case of
a C&6
<a= all partners s-all be ;ointl. and seerall. liable% and
<b= t-e C& s-all no#inate a 7epresentatie 3-o s-all -ae t-e aut-orit. to
conduct all business for and on be-alf of an. and all t-e partners of t-e
C& during t-e bidding process and% in t-e eent t-e C& is a3arded t-e
Contract% during contract e8ecution.
4.2 ) Bidder% and all partners constituting t-e Bidder% s-all -ae a nationalit. of
an eligible countr.% in accordance 3it- Section 5 <Eligible Countries=. )
Bidder s-all be dee#ed to -ae t-e nationalit. of a countr. if t-e Bidder is
a national or is constituted% incorporated% or registered and operates in
confor#it. 3it- t-e proisions of t-e la3s of t-at countr.. 0-is criterion
s-all also appl. to t-e deter#ination of t-e nationalit. of proposed
subcontractors or suppliers for an. part of t-e Contract including related
4.3 ) Bidder s-all not -ae a conflict of interest. )ll Bidders found to -ae a
conflict of interest s-all be dis>ualified. ) Bidder #a. be considered to be
in a conflict of interest 3it- one or #ore parties in t-is bidding process if%
including but not li#ited to6
<a= t-e. -ae controlling s-are-olders in co##onB or
<b= t-e. receie or -ae receied an. direct or indirect subsid. fro# an. of
t-e#B or
<c=t-e. -ae t-e sa#e legal representatie for purposes of t-is bidB or
<d= t-e. -ae a relations-ip 3it- eac- ot-er% directl. or t-roug- co##on
t-ird parties% t-at puts t-e# in a position to -ae access to #aterial
infor#ation about or i#properl. influence t-e bid of anot-er Bidder% or
influence t-e decisions of t-e E#plo.er regarding t-is bidding processB
<e= a Bidder participates in #ore t-an one bid in t-is bidding process%
eit-er indiiduall. or as a partner in a ;oint enture% e8cept for
alternatie offers per#itted under I0B Clause 13. 0-is 3ill result in t-e
dis>ualification of all Bids in 3-ic- it is inoled. Do3eer% sub;ect to
an. finding of a conflict of interest in ter#s of I0B 4.3 <a= - <d= aboe%
t-is does not li#it t-e participation of a Bidder as a subcontractor in
anot-er bid or of a fir# as a subcontractor in #ore t-an one bidB or
<f= a Bidder or an. affiliated entit.% participated as a consultant in t-e
preparation of t-e design or tec-nical specifications of t-e plant and
serices t-at are t-e sub;ect of t-e bid.
4.4 A frm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement
activities under an ADB-fnanced or ADB-supported project while
under sanction by ADB pursuant to its Anticorruption Policy (see
ITB !" whether such sanction was directly imposed by ADB" or
imposed by ADB pursuant to the Agreement #or $utual
%n#orcement o# Debarment Decisions& A bid #rom a sanctioned or
cross-debarred frm will be rejected.
4.5 5oern#ent-o3ned entities in t-e Borro3er:s countr. s-all be eligible onl. if
t-e. can establis- t-at t-e.
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-5
<a= are legall. and financiall. autono#ous%
<b= operate under t-e principles of co##ercial la3% and
<c=are not dependent agencies of t-e E#plo.er or t-e Borro3er.
4.! Bidders s-all proide suc- eidence of t-eir continued eligibilit. satisfactor.
to t-e E#plo.er% as t-e E#plo.er s-all reasonabl. re>uest.
4.$ Fir#s of a countr. s-all be e8cluded if% b. an act of co#pliance 3it- a
decision of t-e ?nited 9ations Securit. Council ta1en under C-apter &II of
t-e C-arter of t-e ?nited 9ations% t-e Borro3er:s countr. pro-ibits an.
i#port of goods fro# t-at countr. or an. pa.#ents to persons or entities in
t-at countr..
4.( In case a pre>ualification process -as been conducted prior to t-e bidding
process% t-is bidding is open onl. to pre>ualified Bidders.
'. ligible Plant
and Ser!ices
5.1 0-e plant and serices to be supplied under t-e Contract s-all -ae t-eir
origin in eligible source countries as defined in I0B 4.2 aboe and all
e8penditures under t-e Contract 3ill be li#ited to suc- plant and serices.
5.2 For purposes of I0B 5.1 aboe% @originA #eans t-e place 3-ere t-e plant% or
co#ponent parts t-ereof are #ined% gro3n% produced or #anufactured%
and fro# 3-ic- t-e serices are proided. Plant co#ponents are
produced 3-en% t-roug- #anufacturing% processing% or substantial or
#a;or asse#bling of co#ponents% a co##erciall. recogniEed product
results t-at is substantiall. in its basic c-aracteristics or in purpose or utilit.
fro# its co#ponents.
B. Contents of Bidding Document
(. Sections of
!.1 0-e Bidding "ocu#ent consists of Parts 1% 2% and 3% 3-ic- include all t-e
Sections indicated belo3% and s-ould be read in con;unction 3it- an.
)ddenda issued in accordance 3it- I0B (.
PA)T I Bidding Procedures
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders <I0B=
Section 2 - Bid "ata S-eet <B"S=
Section 3 - Ealuation and /ualification Criteria <E/C=
Section 4 - Bidding For#s <B"F=
Section 5 - Eligible Countries <E,C=
PA)T II )e*uirements
Section ! - E#plo.er:s 7e>uire#ents <E7/=
PA)T III Conditions of Contract and Contract "orms
Section $ - 5eneral Conditions of Contract <5CC=
Section ( - Special Conditions of Contract <SCC=
Section * - Contract For#s <C4F=
!.2 0-e Initation for Bids issued b. t-e E#plo.er is not part of t-e Bidding
!.3 0-e E#plo.er is not responsible for t-e co#pleteness of t-e Bidding
"ocu#ent and its addenda% if t-e. 3ere not obtained directl. fro# t-e
source stated b. t-e E#plo.er in t-e Initation for Bids.
!.4 0-e Bidder is e8pected to e8a#ine all instructions% for#s% ter#s% and
specifications in t-e Bidding "ocu#ent. Failure to furnis- all infor#ation or
docu#entation re>uired b. t-e Bidding "ocu#ent #a. result in t-e
re;ection of t-e bid.
+. Clarification of
Document, Site
-isit, Pre-Bid
$.1 ) prospectie Bidder re>uiring an. clarification of t-e Bidding "ocu#ent
s-all contact t-e E#plo.er in 3riting at t-e E#plo.er:s address indicated in
t-e B"S or raise -is en>uiries during t-e pre-bid #eeting if proided for in
accordance 3it- I0B $.4. 0-e E#plo.er 3ill respond to an. re>uest for
clarification% proided t-at suc- re>uest is receied no later t-an t3ent.-
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-! Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
one <21= da.s prior to t-e deadline for sub#ission of bids. 0-e E#plo.er:s
response s-all be in 3riting 3it- copies to all Bidders 3-o -ae ac>uired
t-e Bidding "ocu#ent in accordance 3it- I0B !.3% including a description
of t-e in>uir. but 3it-out identif.ing its source. S-ould t-e E#plo.er dee#
it necessar. to a#end t-e Bidding "ocu#ent as a result of a re>uest for
clarification% it s-all do so follo3ing t-e procedure under I0B ( and I0B
$.2 0-e Bidder is adised to isit and e8a#ine t-e site 3-ere t-e plant is to be
installed and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its o3n responsibilit.
all infor#ation t-at #a. be necessar. for preparing t-e bid and entering
into a contract for t-e proision of plant and serices. 0-e costs of isiting
t-e site s-all be at t-e Bidder:s o3n e8pense.
$.3 0-e Bidder and an. of its personnel or agents 3ill be granted per#ission b.
t-e E#plo.er to enter upon its pre#ises and lands for t-e purpose of suc-
isit% but onl. upon t-e e8press condition t-at t-e Bidder% its personnel% and
agents 3ill release and inde#nif. t-e E#plo.er and its personnel and
agents fro# and against all liabilit. in respect t-ereof% and 3ill be
responsible for deat- or personal in;ur.% loss of or da#age to propert.% and
an. ot-er loss% da#age% costs% and e8penses incurred as a result of t-e
$.4 0-e Bidder:s designated representatie is inited to attend a pre-bid
#eeting% if proided for in t-e B"S. 0-e purpose of t-e #eeting 3ill be to
clarif. issues and to ans3er >uestions on an. #atter t-at #a. be raised at
t-at stage.
$.5 0-e Bidder is re>uested% as far as possible% to sub#it an. >uestions in
3riting% to reac- t-e E#plo.er not later t-an one 3ee1 before t-e pre-bid
$.! 'inutes of t-e pre-bid #eeting% including t-e te8t of t-e >uestions raised%
3it-out identif.ing t-e source% and t-e responses gien% toget-er 3it- an.
responses prepared after t-e #eeting% 3ill be trans#itted pro#ptl. to all
Bidders 3-o -ae ac>uired t-e Bidding "ocu#ent in accordance 3it- I0B
!.3. )n. #odification to t-e Bidding "ocu#ent t-at #a. beco#e
necessar. as a result of t-e pre-bid #eeting s-all be #ade b. t-e
E#plo.er e8clusiel. t-roug- t-e issue of an )ddendu# pursuant to I0B (
and not t-roug- t-e #inutes of t-e pre-bid #eeting.
$.$ 9onattendance at t-e pre-bid #eeting 3ill not be a cause for dis>ualification
of a Bidder.
/. Amendment of
(.1 )t an. ti#e prior to t-e deadline for sub#ission of bids% t-e E#plo.er #a.
a#end t-e Bidding "ocu#ent b. issuing addenda.
(.2 )n. addendu# issued s-all be part of t-e Bidding "ocu#ent and s-all be
co##unicated in 3riting to all 3-o -ae obtained t-e Bidding "ocu#ent
fro# t-e E#plo.er in accordance 3it- I0B !.3.
(.3 0o gie prospectie Bidders reasonable ti#e in 3-ic- to ta1e an addendu#
into account in preparing t-eir bids% t-e E#plo.er #a.% at its discretion%
e8tend t-e deadline for t-e sub#ission of bids% pursuant to I0B 24.2
C. Preparation of Bids
0. Cost of Bidding *.1 0-e Bidder s-all bear all costs associated 3it- t-e preparation and
sub#ission of its Bid% and t-e E#plo.er s-all not be responsible or liable
for t-ose costs% regardless of t-e conduct or outco#e of t-e bidding
11. 2anguage of 1+.1 0-e Bid% as 3ell as all correspondence and docu#ents relating to t-e bid
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-$
Bid e8c-anged b. t-e Bidder and t-e E#plo.er% s-all be 3ritten in t-e Englis-
language. Supporting docu#ents and printed literature t-at are part of t-e
Bid #a. be in anot-er language proided t-e. are acco#panied b. an
accurate translation of t-e releant passages into t-e Englis- language% in
3-ic- case% for purposes of interpretation of t-e Bid% suc- translation s-all
11. Documents
Comprising t3e
11.1 0-e Bid s-all co#prise t3o enelopes sub#itted si#ultaneousl.% one called
t-e 0ec-nical Bid containing t-e docu#ents listed in I0B 11.2 and t-e ot-er
t-e Price Bid containing t-e docu#ents listed in I0B 11.3% bot- enelopes
enclosed toget-er in an outer single enelope.
11.2 0-e 0ec-nical Bid sub#itted b. t-e Bidder s-all co#prise t-e follo3ing6
<a= ,etter of 0ec-nical BidB
<b= Bid Securit. or Bid Securing "eclaration% in accordance 3it- I0B 21B
<c=alternatie bids% if per#issible% in accordance 3it- I0B 13B
<d= 3ritten confir#ation aut-oriEing t-e signator. of t-e Bid to co##it t-e
Bidder% in accordance 3it- I0B 22.2B
<e= docu#entar. eidence establis-ing in accordance 3it- I0B 14.1 t-at
t-e plant and serices offered b. t-e Bidder in its bid or in an.
alternatie bid% if per#itted% are eligibleB
<f= docu#entar. eidence in accordance 3it- I0B 15 establis-ing t-e
Bidder:s eligibilit. and >ualifications to perfor# t-e contract if its Bid is
<g= 0ec-nical Proposal in accordance 3it- I0B 1$.
<-= docu#entar. eidence establis-ing in accordance 3it- I0B 1! t-at t-e
plant and serices offered b. t-e Bidder confor# to t-e Bidding
<i= in t-e case of a bid sub#itted b. a C&% C& agree#ent% or letter of intent
to enter into a C& including a draft agree#ent% indicating at least t-e
parts of t-e Plant to be e8ecuted b. t-e respectie partnersB
<;= ,ist of subcontractors% in accordance 3it- I0B 1$.2B and
<1=an. ot-er docu#ent re>uired in t-e B"S.
11.3 0-e Price Bid sub#itted b. t-e Bidder s-all co#prise t-e follo3ing6
<a= ,etter of Price BidB
<b= co#pleted sc-edules as re>uired% including Price Sc-edules% in
accordance 3it- I0B 12 and 1(BB
<c=alternatie price bids% if per#issible% in accordance 3it- I0B 13B and
<d= an. ot-er docu#ent re>uired in t-e B"S
1$. 2etter of Bid
and Sc3edules
12.1 0-e ,etters of 0ec-nical Bid and Price Bid% and t-e Sc-edules% and all
docu#ents listed under I0B 11% s-all be prepared using t-e releant for#s
furnis-ed in Section 4 <Bidding For#s=. 0-e for#s #ust be co#pleted
3it-out an. alterations to t-e te8t% and no substitutes s-all be accepted. )ll
blan1 spaces s-all be filled in 3it- t-e infor#ation re>uested.
1%. Alternati!e
13.1 ?nless ot-er3ise indicated in t-e B"S% alternatie bids s-all not be
considered. If t-e. are allo3ed% t-e B"S 3ill also indicate 3-et-er t-e. are
per#itted in accordance 3it- I0B 13.3% or inited in accordance 3it-
I0B13.2 andFor I0B 13.4.
13.2 2-en alternaties to t-e 0i#e Sc-edule are e8plicitl. inited% a state#ent to
t-at effect 3ill be included in t-e B"S% and t-e #et-od of ealuating
different ti#e sc-edules 3ill be described in Section 3 <Ealuation and
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-( Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
/ualification Criteria=.
13.3 E8cept as proided under I0B 13.4 belo3% Bidders 3is-ing to offer tec-nical
alternaties to t-e E#plo.er:s re>uire#ents as described in t-e bidding
docu#ent #ust also proide6 <i= a price at 3-ic- t-e. are prepared to offer
a plant #eeting t-e E#plo.er:s re>uire#entsB and <ii= all infor#ation
necessar. for a co#plete ealuation of t-e alternaties b. t-e E#plo.er%
including dra3ings% design calculations% tec-nical specifications%
brea1do3n of prices% and proposed installation #et-odolog. and ot-er
releant details. 4nl. t-e tec-nical alternaties% if an.% of t-e lo3est
ealuated Bidder confor#ing to t-e basic tec-nical re>uire#ents s-all be
considered b. t-e E#plo.er.
13.4 2-en bidders are inited in t-e B"S to sub#it alternatie tec-nical solutions
for specified parts of t-e facilities% suc- parts s-all be described in Section
! <E#plo.er:s 7e>uire#ents=. 0ec-nical alternaties for t-e specific parts
of t-e facilities t-at co#pl. 3it- t-e perfor#ance and tec-nical criteria
specified for t-e plant and serices s-all be considered b. t-e E#plo.er on
t-eir o3n #erits% pursuant to I0B 32.
1&. Documents
t3e ligibilit4 of
Plant and
14.1 0o establis- t-e eligibilit. of t-e plant and serices in accordance 3it- I0B
Clause 5% Bidders s-all co#plete t-e countr. of origin declarations in t-e
Price Sc-edule For#s% included in Section 4 <Bidding For#s=.
1'. Documents
t3e ligibilit4
of t3e Bidder
15.1 0o establis- its eligibilit. and >ualifications to perfor# t-e Contract in
accordance 3it- Section 3 <Ealuation and /ualification Criteria=% t-e
Bidder s-all proide t-e infor#ation re>uested in t-e corresponding
infor#ation s-eets included in Section 4 <Bidding For#s=.
15.2 "o#estic Bidders% indiiduall. or in ;oint entures% appl.ing for eligibilit. for
do#estic preference s-all suppl. all infor#ation re>uired to satisf. t-e
criteria for eligibilit. as described in I0B 3(.
1(. Documents
Conformit4 of
t3e Plant and
1!.1 0-e docu#entar. eidence of t-e confor#it. of t-e plant and serices to t-e
Bidding "ocu#ent #a. be in t-e for# of literature% dra3ings and data% and
s-all furnis-6
<a= a detailed description of t-e essential tec-nical and perfor#ance
c-aracteristics of t-e plant and serices% including t-e functional
guarantees of t-e proposed plant and serices% in response to t-e
<b= a list giing full particulars% including aailable sources% of all spare
parts and special tools necessar. for t-e proper and continuing
functioning of t-e plant for t-e period na#ed in t-e B"S% follo3ing
co#pletion of plant and serices in accordance 3it- proisions of
contractB and
<c=a co##entar. on t-e E#plo.er:s Specification and ade>uate eidence
de#onstrating t-e substantial responsieness of t-e plant and serices
to t-ose specifications. Bidders s-all note t-at standards for
3or1#ans-ip% #aterials and e>uip#ent designated b. t-e E#plo.er in
t-e Bidding "ocu#ent are intended to be descriptie <establis-ing
standards of >ualit. and perfor#ance= onl. and not restrictie. 0-e
Bidder #a. substitute alternatie standards% brand na#es andFor
catalog nu#bers in its bid% proided t-at it de#onstrates to t-e
E#plo.er:s satisfaction t-at t-e substitutions are substantiall.
e>uialent or superior to t-e standards designated in t-e Specification.
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-*
1!.2 In order to facilitate ealuation of 0ec-nical Bids% deiations% if an.% fro# t-e
ter#s and conditions or Specification s-all be listed as indicated in I0B
1+. Tec3nical
1$.1 0-e Bidder s-all furnis- a 0ec-nical Proposal including a state#ent of 3or1
#et-ods% e>uip#ent% personnel% sc-edule and an. ot-er infor#ation as
stipulated in Section 4 <Bidding For#s=% in sufficient detail to de#onstrate
t-e ade>uac. of t-e Bidders: proposal to #eet t-e 3or1 re>uire#ents and
t-e co#pletion ti#e.
1$.2 For #a;or ite#s of plant and serices as listed b. t-e E#plo.er in Section 3
<Ealuation and /ualification Criteria=% 3-ic- t-e Bidder intends to
purc-ase or subcontract% t-e Bidder s-all gie details of t-e na#e and
nationalit. of t-e proposed Subcontractors% including #anufacturers% for
eac- of t-ose ite#s. In addition% t-e Bidder s-all include in its bid
infor#ation establis-ing co#pliance 3it- t-e re>uire#ents specified b. t-e
E#plo.er for t-ese ite#s. Bidders are free to list #ore t-an one
Subcontractor against eac- ite# of t-e plant and serices. /uoted rates
and prices 3ill be dee#ed to appl. to 3-ic-eer Subcontractor is
appointed% and no ad;ust#ent of t-e rates and prices 3ill be per#itted.
1$.3 0-e Bidder s-all be responsible for ensuring t-at an. Subcontractor
proposed co#plies 3it- t-e re>uire#ents of I0B 4% and t-at an. plant% or
serices to be proided b. t-e Subcontractor co#pl. 3it- t-e re>uire#ents
of I0B 5 and I0B 15.1
1/. Bid Prices and
1(.1 ?nless ot-er3ise specified in t-e B"S andFor Section ! <E#plo.er:s
7e>uire#ents=% bidders s-all >uote for t-e entire plant and serices on a
@single responsibilit.A basis suc- t-at t-e total bid price coers all t-e
Contractor:s obligations #entioned in or to be reasonabl. inferred fro# t-e
bidding docu#ent in respect of t-e design% #anufacture% including
procure#ent and subcontracting <if an.=% delier.% construction% installation
and co#pletion of t-e plant. 0-is includes all re>uire#ents under t-e
Contractor:s responsibilities for testing% pre-co##issioning and
co##issioning of t-e plant and% 3-ere so re>uired b. t-e bidding
docu#ent% t-e ac>uisition of all per#its% approals and licenses% etc.B t-e
operation% #aintenance and training serices and suc- ot-er ite#s and
serices as #a. be specified in t-e Bidding "ocu#ent% all in accordance
3it- t-e re>uire#ents of t-e 5eneral Conditions. Ite#s against 3-ic- no
price is entered b. t-e Bidder 3ill not be paid for b. t-e E#plo.er 3-en
e8ecuted and s-all be dee#ed to be coered b. t-e prices for ot-er ite#s.
1(.2 Bidders are re>uired to >uote t-e price for t-e co##ercial% contractual and
tec-nical obligations outlined in t-e bidding docu#ent. If a Bidder 3is-es
to #a1e a deiation% suc- deiation s-all be listed in t-e releant for# in
Section 4 <Bidding For#s=. 0-e Bidder s-all also proide t-e additional
price if an.% for 3it-dra3al of t-e deiation.
1(.3 Bidders s-all gie a brea1do3n of t-e prices in t-e #anner and detail called
for in t-e Price Sc-edules included in Section 4 <Bidding For#s=. 2-ere
no different Price Sc-edules are included in t-e Bidding "ocu#ent% bidders
s-all present t-eir prices in t-e follo3ing #anner6 Separate nu#bered
Sc-edules included in Section 4 <Bidding For#s= s-all be used for eac- of
t-e follo3ing ele#ents. 0-e total a#ount fro# eac- Sc-edule <1 to 4= s-all
be su##ariEed in a 5rand Su##ar. <Sc-edule 5= giing t-e total bid
price<s= to be entered in t-e Bid For#.
Sc-edule 9o. 16 Plant <including 'andator. Spare Parts= Supplied fro#
Sc-edule 9o. 26 Plant <including 'andator. Spare Parts= Supplied fro#
3it-in t-e E#plo.er:s Countr.
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-1+ Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
Sc-edule 9o. 36 "esign Serices
Sc-edule 9o. 46 Installation and 4t-er Serices
Sc-edule 9o. 5 5rand Su##ar. <Sc-edule 9os. 1 to 4=
Sc-edule 9o. !6 Spare Parts
Bidders s-all note t-at t-e plant and e>uip#ent included in Sc-edule 9os.
1 and 2 aboe e8clude #aterials used for ciil% building and ot-er
construction 3or1s. )ll suc- #aterials s-all be included and priced under
Sc-edule 9o. 4% Installation and 4t-er Serices.
1(.4 In t-e Sc-edules% bidders s-all gie t-e re>uired details and a brea1do3n of
t-eir prices as follo3s6
<a= Plant to be supplied fro# abroad <Sc-edule 9o. 1=6
<i= t-e price of t-e plant s-all be >uoted as per Incoter#s specified
in t-e B"S
<ii= all custo# duties and ot-er ta8es paid or pa.able in t-e
E#plo.er:s countr. on t-e plant if t-e contract is a3arded to t-e
BidderB and
<iii= t-e total price for t-e plant
<b= Plant supplied fro# 3it-in t-e E#plo.er:s countr. <Sc-edule 9o. 2=6
<i= 0-e price of t-e plant s-all be >uoted as per Incoter#s specified
in t-e B"S%
<ii= Sales ta8 and all ot-er ta8es pa.able in t-e Purc-aser:s countr.
on t-e plant if t-e contract is a3arded to t-e Bidder% and
<iii= 0-e total price for t-e plant.
<c="esign Serices. <Sc-edule 9o. 3=.
<d= Installation and ot-er Serices s-all be >uoted separatel. <Sc-edule
9o. 4= and s-all include rates or prices for local transportation%
insurance and ot-er serices incidental to delier. of t-e plant% all
labor% contractor:s e>uip#ent% te#porar. 3or1s% #aterials%
consu#ables and all #atters and t-ings of 3-atsoeer nature%
including operations and #aintenance serices% t-e proision of
operations and #aintenance #anuals% training% etc.% 3-ere identified in
t-e Bidding "ocu#ent% as necessar. for t-e proper e8ecution of t-e
installation and ot-er serices% including all ta8es% duties% leies and
c-arges pa.able in t-e E#plo.er:s countr. as of t3ent.-eig-t <2(=
da.s prior to t-e deadline for sub#ission of bids.
<e= 7eco##ended spare parts s-all be >uoted separatel. <Sc-edule != as
specified in eit-er subparagrap- <a= or <b= aboe in accordance 3it-
t-e origin of t-e spare parts.
1(.5 0-e current edition of Incoter#s% publis-ed b. t-e International C-a#ber of
Co##erce s-all goern.
1(.! 0-e prices s-all be eit-er fi8ed or ad;ustable as specified in t-e B"S.
<a= In t-e case of Fi8ed Price% prices >uoted b. t-e Bidder s-all be fi8ed
during t-e Bidder:s perfor#ance of t-e contract and not sub;ect to
ariation on an. account. ) bid sub#itted 3it- an ad;ustable price
>uotation 3ill be treated as non responsie and re;ected.
<b= In t-e case of )d;ustable Price% prices >uoted b. t-e Bidder s-all be
sub;ect to ad;ust#ent during perfor#ance of t-e contract to reflect
c-anges in t-e cost ele#ents suc- as labor% #aterial% transport and
contractor:s e>uip#ent in accordance 3it- t-e procedures specified in
t-e corresponding )ppendi8 to t-e Contract )gree#ent. ) bid
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-11
sub#itted 3it- a fi8ed price >uotation 3ill not be re;ected% but t-e price
ad;ust#ent 3ill be treated as Eero. Bidders are re>uired to indicate t-e
source of labor and #aterial indices in t-e corresponding For# in
Section 4 <Bidding For#s=.
1(.$ If so indicated in B"S 1.1% bids are being inited for indiidual lots
<contracts= or for an. co#bination of lots <pac1ages=. Bidders 3is-ing to
offer an. price reduction <discount= for t-e a3ard of #ore t-an one contract
s-all specif. in t-eir ,etter of Price Bid t-e price reductions applicable to
eac- pac1age% or alternatiel.% to indiidual contracts 3it-in t-e pac1age%
and t-e #anner in 3-ic- t-e price reductions 3ill appl..
10. Currencies of
Bid and
1*.1 0-e currenc.<ies= of t-e bid s-all be% as specified in t-e B"S.
1*.2 Bidders s-all indicate in t-e Sc-edule of Prices and t-e ,etter of Bid t-e
portion of t-e bid price t-at corresponds to e8penditures incurred in t-e
currenc. of t-e E#plo.er:s countr..
1*.3 Bidders e8pecting to incur e8penditures in ot-er currencies for inputs to t-e
Facilities supplied fro# outside t-e E#plo.er:s countr. and 3is-ing to be
paid accordingl.% #a. indicate in t-e Sc-edule of Prices and t-e ,etter of
Bid up to t-ree foreign currencies of t-eir c-oice.
$1. Period of
-alidit4 of Bids
2+.1 Bids s-all re#ain alid for t-e period specified in t-e B"S after t-e bid
sub#ission deadline date prescribed b. t-e E#plo.er. ) bid alid for a
s-orter period s-all be re;ected b. t-e E#plo.er as non responsie.
2+.2 In e8ceptional circu#stances% prior to t-e e8piration of t-e bid alidit. period%
t-e E#plo.er #a. re>uest Bidders to e8tend t-e period of alidit. of t-eir bids.
0-e re>uest and t-e responses s-all be #ade in 3riting. If a bid securit. is
re>uested in accordance 3it- I0B 21% it s-all also be e8tended for a
corresponding period. ) Bidder #a. refuse t-e re>uest 3it-out forfeiting its bid
securit.. ) Bidder granting t-e re>uest s-all not be re>uired or per#itted to
#odif. its bid.
$1. Bid Securit4 21.1 ?nless ot-er3ise specified in t-e B"S% t-e Bidder s-all furnis- as part of its
bid% a Bid Securing "eclaration or a bid securit. in original for# and in t-e
a#ount and currenc. as specified in t-e B"S.
21.2 ) Bid Securing "eclaration s-all use t-e for# included in Section 4 <Bidding
For#s=. 0-e E#plo.er 3ill declare a Bidder ineligible to be a3arded a
Contract for a specified period of ti#e if t-e Bid Securing "eclaration is
e8ecuted% as proided in t-e B"S.
21.3 0-e bid securit. s-all be a de#and guarantee, at t-e Bidder:s option% in an.
of t-e follo3ing for#s6
<a= an unconditional ban1 guaranteeB or
<b= an irreocable letter of creditB or
<c=a cas-ier:s or certified c-ec1B
fro# a reputable source fro# an eligible countr.. 0-e bid securit. s-all be
sub#itted eit-er using t-e Bid Securit. For# included in Section 4
<Bidding For#s=% in t-e case of a ban1 guarantee% or in anot-er for#at
approed b. t-e E#plo.er. In eit-er case% t-e for# #ust include t-e
co#plete na#e of t-e Bidder. 0-e bid securit. s-all be alid for t3ent.-
eig-t da.s <2(= be.ond t-e original alidit. period of t-e bid% or be.ond
an. period of e8tension if re>uested under I0B 2+.2.
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-12 Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
21.4 If a bid securit. is specified% an. bid not acco#panied b. a substantiall.
co#pliant bid securit. or bid securing declaration s-all be re;ected b. t-e
E#plo.er as non responsie.
21.5 If a bid securit. is specified pursuant to I0B 21.1% t-e bid securit. of t-e
unsuccessful Bidder s-all be returned as pro#ptl. as possible upon t-e
successful Bidder:s furnis-ing of t-e perfor#ance securit. pursuant to I0B
21.! If a bid securit. is specified pursuant to I0B 21.1% t-e bid securit. of
successful Bidders s-all be returned as pro#ptl. as possible once t-e
successful Bidder -as signed t-e Contract and furnis-ed t-e re>uired
perfor#ance securit..
21.$ 0-e bid securit. #a. be forfeited or t-e bid securing declaration e8ecuted6
<a= if a Bidder 3it-dra3s its bid during t-e period of bid alidit. specified
b. t-e Bidder on t-e ,etter of Bid For#% e8cept as proided in I0B 2+.2
<b= if t-e successful Bidder fails to6
<i= sign t-e Contract in accordance 3it- I0B 44B
<ii= furnis- a perfor#ance securit. in accordance 3it- I0B 45B or
<iii= accept t-e arit-#etical corrections of its Bid in accordance 3it-
I0B 3!.
21.( 0-e Bid Securit. or t-e Bid Securing "eclaration of a C& s-all be in t-e
na#e of t-e C& t-at sub#its t-e bid. If t-e C& -as not been legall.
constituted at t-e ti#e of bidding% t-e Bid Securit. or t-e Bid Securing
"eclaration s-all be in t-e na#es of all future partners as na#ed in t-e
letter of intent referred to in I0B 4.1.
$$. "ormat and
Signing of Bid
22.1 0-e Bidder s-all prepare one original of t-e 0ec-nical Bid and one original
of t-e Price Bid co#prising t-e Bid as described in I0B 11 and clearl. #ar1
it @47I5I9), - 0ECD9IC), BI"A and @47I5I9), - P7ICE BI"A.
)lternatie bids% if per#itted in accordance 3it- I0B 13% s-all be clearl.
#ar1ed @),0E79)0I&EA. In addition% t-e Bidder s-all sub#it copies of t-e
bid% in t-e nu#ber specified in t-e B"S and clearl. #ar1 eac- of t-e#
@C4PG.A In t-e eent of an. discrepanc. bet3een t-e original and t-e
copies% t-e original s-all preail.
22.2 0-e original and all copies of t-e Bid s-all be t.ped or 3ritten in indelible in1
and s-all be signed b. a person dul. aut-oriEed to sign on be-alf of t-e
Bidder. 0-is aut-oriEation s-all consist of a 3ritten confir#ation as specified in
t-e B"S and s-all be attac-ed to t-e bid. 0-e na#e and position -eld b.
eac- person signing t-e aut-oriEation #ust be t.ped or printed belo3 t-e
signature. )ll pages of t-e bid 3-ere entries or a#end#ents -ae been #ade
s-all be signed or initialed b. t-e person signing t-e bid.
22.3 ) bid sub#itted b. a C& s-all be signed so as to be legall. binding on all
22.4 )n. interlineations% erasures% or oer3riting s-all be alid onl. if t-e. are
signed or initialed b. t-e person signing t-e bid.
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
$%. Submission,
Sealing and
.ar6ing of Bids
23.1 Bidders #a. sub#it t-eir bids b. #ail or b. -and. 2-en so specified in t-e
B"S% bidders s-all -ae t-e option of sub#itting t-eir bids electronicall..
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-13
Procedures for sub#ission% sealing and #ar1ing are as follo3s6
<a= Bidders sub#itting bids b. #ail or b. -and s-all enclose t-e original
and eac- cop. of t-e Bid% including alternatie bids% if per#itted in
accordance 3it- I0B 13% in separate sealed enelopes% dul. #ar1ing
t-e enelopes as @47I5I9),A% @),0E79)0I&EA and @C4PG.A 0-ese
enelopes containing t-e original and t-e copies s-all t-en be
enclosed in one single enelope. 0-e rest of t-e procedure s-all be in
accordance 3it- I0B sub-Clauses 23.2 and 23.3.
<b= Bidders sub#itting bids electronicall. s-all follo3 t-e electronic bid
sub#ission procedures specified in t-e B"S.
23.2 0-e inner and outer enelopes s-all6
<a= bear t-e na#e and address of t-e BidderB
<b= be addressed to t-e E#plo.er in accordance 3it- I0B 24.1B and
<c=bear t-e specific identification of t-is bidding process indicated in t-e
B"S 1.1.
23.3 0-e outer enelopes and t-e inner enelopes containing t-e 0ec-nical Bid
s-all bear a 3arning not to open before t-e ti#e and date for t-e opening
of 0ec-nical Bid% in accordance 3it- I0B Sub-Clause 2$.1.
23.4 0-e inner enelopes containing t-e Price Bid s-all bear a 3arning not to
open until adised b. t-e E#plo.er in accordance 3it- I0B Sub-Clause
23.5 )lternatie Bids% if per#issible in accordance 3it- I0B Clause 13% s-all be
prepared% sealed% #ar1ed% and deliered in accordance 3it- t-e
proisions of I0B Clauses 2+ and 21% 3it- t-e inner enelopes #ar1ed in
addition @),0E79)0I&E 94H.A as appropriate.
23.! If all enelopes are not sealed and #ar1ed as re>uired% t-e E#plo.er 3ill
assu#e no responsibilit. for t-e #isplace#ent or pre#ature opening of t-e
$&. Deadline for
Submission of
24.1 Bids #ust be receied b. t-e E#plo.er at t-e address and no later t-an t-e
date and ti#e indicated in t-e B"S.
24.2 0-e E#plo.er #a.% at its discretion% e8tend t-e deadline for t-e sub#ission of
bids b. a#ending t-e Bidding "ocu#ent in accordance 3it- I0B (% in 3-ic-
case all rig-ts and obligations of t-e E#plo.er and Bidders preiousl. sub;ect
to t-e deadline s-all t-ereafter be sub;ect to t-e deadline as e8tended.
$'. 2ate Bids 25.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all not consider an. bid t-at arries after t-e deadline for
sub#ission of bids% in accordance 3it- I0B 24. )n. bid receied b. t-e
E#plo.er after t-e deadline for sub#ission of bids s-all be declared late%
re;ected% and returned unopened to t-e Bidder.
$(. 7it3dra#al,
.odification of
2!.1 ) Bidder #a. 3it-dra3% substitute% or #odif. its bid after it -as been sub#itted
b. sending a 3ritten notice% dul. signed b. an aut-oriEed representatie% and
s-all include a cop. of t-e aut-oriEation in accordance 3it- I0B 22.2% <e8cept
t-at 3it-dra3al notices do not re>uire copies=. 0-e corresponding substitution
or #odification of t-e bid #ust acco#pan. t-e respectie 3ritten notice. )ll
notices #ust be6
<a= prepared and sub#itted in accordance 3it- I0B 22 and I0B 23 <e8cept
t-at 3it-dra3als notices do not re>uire copies=% and in addition% t-e
respectie enelopes s-all be clearl. #ar1ed @2it-dra3al%A
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-14 Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
@Substitution%A @'odificationBA and
<b= receied b. t-e E#plo.er prior to t-e deadline prescribed for
sub#ission of bids% in accordance 3it- I0B 24.
2!.2 Bids re>uested to be 3it-dra3n in accordance 3it- I0B 2!.1 s-all be returned
unopened to t-e Bidders.
2!.3 9o bid #a. be 3it-dra3n% substituted% or #odified in t-e interal bet3een t-e
deadline for sub#ission of bids and t-e e8piration of t-e period of bid alidit.
specified b. t-e Bidder on t-e ,etter of 0ec-nical Bid or an. e8tension t-ereof.
$+. Bid Opening 2$.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all conduct t-e opening of 0ec-nical Bids in t-e presence of
BiddersI designated representaties 3-o c-oose to attend% and at t-e
address% date and ti#e specified in t-e B"S. )n. specific electronic bid
opening procedures re>uired if electronic bidding is per#itted in accordance
3it- I0B Sub-clause 23.1% s-all be as specified in t-e B"S. 0-e Price Bids
3ill re#ain unopened and 3ill be -eld in custod. of t-e E#plo.er until t-e
specified ti#e of t-eir opening. If t-e 0ec-nical Bid and t-e Price Bid are
sub#itted toget-er in one enelope% t-e E#plo.er #a. re;ect t-e entire
Bid. )lternatiel.% t-e Price Proposal #a. be i##ediatel. resealed for
later ealuation.
2$.2 First% enelopes #ar1ed @2I0D"7)2),A s-all be opened and read out and
t-e enelope 3it- t-e corresponding bid s-all not be opened% but returned
to t-e Bidder. 9o bid 3it-dra3al s-all be per#itted unless t-e
corresponding 3it-dra3al notice contains a alid aut-oriEation to re>uest
t-e 3it-dra3al and is read out at bid opening.
2$.3 Second% outer enelopes #ar1ed @S?BS0I0?0I49A s-all be opened. 0-e
inner enelopes containing t-e Substitution 0ec-nical Bid andFor
Substitution Price Bid s-all be e8c-anged for t-e corresponding enelopes
being substituted% 3-ic- are to be returned to t-e Bidder unopened. 4nl.
t-e Substitution 0ec-nical Bid% if an.% s-all be opened% read out% and
recorded. Substitution Price Bid 3ill re#ain unopened in accordance 3it-
I0B Sub-Clause 2$.1. 9o enelope s-all be substituted unless t-e
corresponding Substitution 9otice contains a alid aut-oriEation to re>uest
t-e substitution and is read out and recorded at bid opening.
2$.4 9e8t% outer enelopes #ar1ed @'4"IFIC)0I49A s-all be opened. 9o
0ec-nical Bid andFor Price Bid s-all be #odified unless t-e corresponding
'odification 9otice contains a alid aut-oriEation to re>uest t-e
#odification and is read out and recorded at t-e opening of 0ec-nical Bids.
4nl. t-e 0ec-nical Bids% bot- 4riginal as 3ell as 'odification% are to be
opened% read out% and recorded at t-e opening. Price Bids% bot- 4riginal
as 3ell as 'odification% 3ill re#ain unopened in accordance 3it- I0B Sub-
Clause 2$.1.
2$.5 )ll ot-er enelopes -olding t-e 0ec-nical Bids s-all be opened one at a
ti#e% and t-e follo3ing read out and recorded6
<a= t-e na#e of t-e BidderB
<b= 3-et-er t-ere is a #odification or substitutionB
<c= t-e presence of a Bid Securit.% if re>uiredB and
<d= an. ot-er details as t-e E#plo.er #a. consider appropriate.
4nl. 0ec-nical Bids and alternatie 0ec-nical Bids read out and recorded
at bid opening s-all be considered for ealuation. 9o Bid s-all be re;ected
at t-e opening of 0ec-nical Bids e8cept for late bids% in accordance 3it-
I0B Sub-Clause 25.1.
2$.! 0-e E#plo.er s-all prepare a record of t-e opening of 0ec-nical Bids t-at
s-all include% as a #ini#u#6 t-e na#e of t-e Bidder and 3-et-er t-ere is a
3it-dra3al% substitution% or #odificationB and alternatie proposalsB and t-e
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-15
presence or absence of a bid securit. or a bid securing declaration% if one
3as re>uired. 0-e Bidders: representaties 3-o are present s-all be
re>uested to sign t-e record. 0-e o#ission of a Bidder:s signature on t-e
record s-all not inalidate t-e contents and effect of t-e record. ) cop. of
t-e record s-all be distributed to all Bidders 3-o sub#itted bids in ti#e%
and posted online 3-en electronic bidding is per#itted.
2$.$ )t t-e end of t-e ealuation of t-e 0ec-nical Bids% t-e E#plo.er 3ill inite
bidders 3-o -ae sub#itted substantiall. responsie 0ec-nical Bids and
3-o -ae been deter#ined as being >ualified for a3ard to attend t-e
opening of t-e Price Bids. 0-e date% ti#e% and location of t-e opening of
Price Bids 3ill be adised in 3riting b. t-e E#plo.er. Bidders s-all be
gien reasonable notice of t-e opening of Price Bids.
2$.( 0-e E#plo.er 3ill notif. Bidders in 3riting 3-o -ae been re;ected on t-e
grounds of t-eir 0ec-nical Bids being substantiall. non-responsie to t-e
re>uire#ents of t-e Bidding "ocu#ent and return t-eir Price Bids
2$.* 0-e E#plo.er s-all conduct t-e opening of Price Bids of all Bidders 3-o
sub#itted substantiall. responsie 0ec-nical Bids% in t-e presence of
BiddersI representaties 3-o c-oose to attend at t-e address% date and
ti#e specified b. t-e E#plo.er. 0-e Bidder:s representaties 3-o are
present s-all be re>uested to sign a register eidencing t-eir attendance.
2$.1+)ll enelopes containing Price Bids s-all be opened one at a ti#e and t-e
follo3ing read out and recorded6
<a= t-e na#e of t-e BidderB
<b= 3-et-er t-ere is a #odification or substitutionB
<c= t-e Bid Prices% including an. discounts and alternatie offersB and
<d= an. ot-er details as t-e E#plo.er #a. consider appropriate.
4nl. Price Bids% discounts% and alternatie offers read out and recorded
during t-e opening of Price Bids s-all be considered for ealuation. 9o Bid
s-all be re;ected at t-e opening of Price Bids.
2$.110-e E#plo.er s-all prepare a record of t-e opening of Price Bids t-at s-all
include% as a #ini#u#6 t-e na#e of t-e Bidder% t-e Bid Price <per lot if
applicable=% an. discounts% and alternatie offers. 0-e Bidders:
representaties 3-o are present s-all be re>uested to sign t-e record.
0-e o#ission of a Bidder:s signature on t-e record s-all not inalidate t-e
contents and effect of t-e record. ) cop. of t-e record s-all be distributed
to all Bidders 3-o sub#itted bids in ti#e% and posted online 3-en
electronic bidding is per#itted.
. !aluation and Comparison of Bids
$/. Confidentialit4 2(.1 Infor#ation relating to t-e ealuation of bids and reco##endation of contract
a3ard% s-all not be disclosed to Bidders or an. ot-er persons not officiall.
concerned 3it- suc- process until infor#ation on Contract a3ard is
co##unicated to all Bidders.
2(.2 )n. atte#pt b. a Bidder to influence t-e E#plo.er in t-e ealuation of t-e bids
or Contract a3ard decisions #a. result in t-e re;ection of its bid.
2(.3 9ot3it-standing I0B 2(.2% fro# t-e ti#e of bid opening to t-e ti#e of Contract
a3ard% if an. Bidder 3is-es to contact t-e E#plo.er on an. #atter related to
t-e bidding process% it s-ould do so in 3riting.
$0. Clarification of
2*.1 0o assist in t-e e8a#ination% ealuation% and co#parison of t-e 0ec-nical and
Price Bids% and >ualification of t-e Bidders% t-e E#plo.er #a.% at its
discretion% as1 an. Bidder for a clarification of its bid. )n. clarification
sub#itted b. a Bidder t-at is not in response to a re>uest b. t-e E#plo.er
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-1! Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
s-all not be considered. 0-e E#plo.er:s re>uest for clarification and t-e
response s-all be in 3riting. 9o c-ange in t-e substance of t-e 0ec-nical
Bid or prices in t-e Price Bid s-all be soug-t% offered% or per#itted% e8cept to
confir# t-e correction of arit-#etic errors discoered b. t-e E#plo.er in t-e
ealuation of t-e bids% in accordance 3it- I0B 3!.
2*.2 If a Bidder does not proide clarifications of its bid b. t-e date and ti#e set in
t-e E#plo.er:s re>uest for clarification% its bid #a. be re;ected.
%1. De!iations,
and Omissions
3+.1 "uring t-e ealuation of bids% t-e follo3ing definitions appl.6
<a= @"eiationA is a departure fro# t-e re>uire#ents specified in t-e
Bidding "ocu#entB
<b= @7eserationA is t-e setting of li#iting conditions or 3it--olding fro#
co#plete acceptance of t-e re>uire#ents specified in t-e Bidding
"ocu#entB and
<c=@4#issionA is t-e failure to sub#it part or all of t-e infor#ation or
docu#entation re>uired in t-e Bidding "ocu#ent.
%1. Preliminar4
of Tec3nical
31.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all e8a#ine t-e 0ec-nical Bid to confir# t-at all docu#ents
and tec-nical docu#entation re>uested in I0B Sub-Clause 11.2 -ae been
proided% and to deter#ine t-e co#pleteness of eac- docu#ent sub#itted.
If an. of t-ese docu#ents or infor#ation is #issing% t-e Bid #a. be
31.2 0-e E#plo.er s-all confir# t-at t-e follo3ing docu#ents and infor#ation
-ae been proided in t-e 0ec-nical Bid. If an. of t-ese docu#ents or
infor#ation is #issing% t-e offer s-all be re;ected.
<a= ,etter of 0ec-nical BidB
<b= 3ritten confir#ation of aut-oriEation to co##it t-e BidderB
<c= Bid Securit.% if applicableB and
<d= 0ec-nical Proposal in accordance 3it- I0B 1$.
%$. )esponsi!enes
s of Tec3nical
32.1 0-e E#plo.er:s deter#ination of a bid:s responsieness is to be based on t-e
contents of t-e bid itself% as defined in I0B11.
32.2 ) substantiall. responsie 0ec-nical Bid is one t-at #eets t-e re>uire#ents of
t-e Bidding "ocu#ent 3it-out #aterial deiation% reseration% or o#ission. )
#aterial deiation% reseration% or o#ission is one t-at%
<a= if accepted% 3ould6
<i= affect in an. substantial 3a. t-e scope% >ualit.% or perfor#ance
of t-e plant and serices specified in t-e ContractB or
<ii= li#it in an. substantial 3a.% inconsistent 3it- t-e Bidding
"ocu#ent% t-e E#plo.er:s rig-ts or t-e Bidder:s obligations under
t-e proposed ContractB or
<b= if rectified% 3ould unfairl. affect t-e co#petitie position of ot-er
Bidders presenting substantiall. responsie bids.
32.3 0-e E#plo.er s-all e8a#ine t-e tec-nical aspects of t-e Bid sub#itted in
accordance 3it- I0B 1$% 0ec-nical Proposal% in particular to confir# t-at all
re>uire#ents of Section ! <E#plo.er:s 7e>uire#ents= -ae been #et 3it-out
an. #aterial deiation or reseration.
32.4 If a bid is not substantiall. responsie to t-e re>uire#ents of t-e Bidding
"ocu#ent% it s-all be re;ected b. t-e E#plo.er and #a. not subse>uentl. be
#ade responsie b. correction of t-e #aterial deiation% reseration% or
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-1$
%%. 9onmaterial
33.1 Proided t-at a Bid is substantiall. responsie% t-e E#plo.er #a. 3aie an.
nonconfor#ities in t-e bid t-at do not constitute a #aterial deiation%
reseration or o#ission.
33.2 Proided t-at a Bid is substantiall. responsie% t-e E#plo.er #a. re>uest
t-at t-e Bidder sub#it t-e necessar. infor#ation or docu#entation% 3it-in
a reasonable period of ti#e% to rectif. non#aterial nonconfor#ities in t-e
Bid related to docu#entation re>uire#ents. 7e>uesting infor#ation or
docu#entation on suc- nonconfor#ities s-all not be related to an. aspect
of t-e Price Bid. Failure of t-e Bidder to co#pl. 3it- t-e re>uest #a. result
in t-e re;ection of its Bid.
33.3 Proided t-at a Bid is substantiall. responsie% t-e E#plo.er s-all rectif.
non#aterial nonconfor#ities related to t-e Bid Price. 0o t-is effect% t-e Bid
Price s-all be ad;usted% for co#parison purposes onl.% to reflect t-e price
of a #issing or non-confor#ing ite# or co#ponent. 0-e ad;ust#ent s-all
be #ade using t-e #et-od indicated in Section 3 <Ealuation and
/ualification Criteria=.
%&. Detailed
!aluation of
Tec3nical Bids
34.1 0-e E#plo.er 3ill carr. out a detailed tec-nical ealuation of t-e bids not
preiousl. re;ected as being substantiall. non-responsie% in order to
deter#ine 3-et-er t-e tec-nical aspects are in co#pliance 3it- t-e
Bidding "ocu#ent. In order to reac- suc- a deter#ination% t-e E#plo.er
3ill e8a#ine and co#pare t-e tec-nical aspects of t-e bids on t-e basis of
t-e infor#ation supplied b. t-e bidders% ta1ing into account t-e follo3ing6
<a= oerall co#pleteness and co#pliance 3it- t-e E#plo.er:s
7e>uire#entsB deiations fro# t-e E#plo.er:s 7e>uire#entsB
confor#it. of t-e plant and serices offered 3it- specified perfor#ance
criteriaB suitabilit. of t-e plant and serices offered in relation to t-e
eniron#ental and cli#atic conditions preailing at t-e siteB and >ualit.%
function and operation of an. process control concept included in t-e
bid. 0-e bid t-at does not #eet #ini#u# acceptable standards of
co#pleteness% consistenc. and detail 3ill be re;ected for
<b= t.pe% >uantit. and long-ter# aailabilit. of #andator. and
reco##ended spare parts and #aintenance sericesB and
<c=ot-er releant factors% if an.% listed in Section 3 <Ealuation and
/ualification Criteria=.
34.2 2-ere alternatie tec-nical solutions -ae been allo3ed in accordance 3it- I0B
13% and offered b. t-e Bidder% t-e E#plo.er 3ill #a1e a si#ilar ealuation of
t-e alternaties. 2-ere alternaties -ae not been allo3ed but -ae been
offered% t-e. s-all be ignored.
%'. ligibilit4 and
5ualification of
t3e Bidder
35.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all deter#ine to its satisfaction during t-e ealuation of
0ec-nical Bids 3-et-er a Bidder #eets t-e eligibilit. and >ualif.ing criteria
specified in Section 3 <Ealuation and /ualification Criteria=.
35.2 0-e deter#ination s-all be based upon an e8a#ination of t-e docu#entar.
eidence of t-e Bidder:s >ualifications sub#itted b. t-e Bidder% pursuant to
I0B 15.
35.3 )n affir#atie deter#ination s-all be a prere>uisite for t-e opening and
ealuation of a Bidder:s Price Bid. ) negatie deter#ination s-all result into
t-e dis>ualification of t-e Bid% in 3-ic- eent t-e E#plo.er s-all return t-e
unopened Price Bid to t-e Bidder.
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-1( Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
35.4 0-e capabilities of t-e #anufacturers and subcontractors proposed in its Bid to
be used b. t-e Bidder 3ill also be ealuated for acceptabilit. in accordance
3it- Section 3 <Ealuation and /ualification Criteria=. 0-eir participation s-ould
be confir#ed 3it- a letter of intent bet3een t-e parties% as needed. S-ould a
#anufacturer or subcontractor be deter#ined to be unacceptable% t-e Bid 3ill
not be re;ected% but t-e Bidder 3ill be re>uired to substitute an acceptable
#anufacturer or subcontractor 3it-out an. c-ange to t-e bid price. Prior to
signing t-e Contract% t-e corresponding )ppendi8 to t-e Contract )gree#ent
s-all be co#pleted% listing t-e approed #anufacturers or subcontractors for
eac- ite# concerned.
%(. Correction of
3!.1 "uring t-e ealuation of Price Bids% t-e E#plo.er s-all correct arit-#etical
errors on t-e follo3ing basis6
<a= 3-ere t-ere are errors bet3een t-e total of t-e a#ounts gien under
t-e colu#n for t-e price brea1do3n and t-e a#ount gien under t-e
0otal Price% t-e for#er s-all preail and t-e latter 3ill be corrected
<b= 3-ere t-ere are errors bet3een t-e total of t-e a#ounts of Sc-edule
9os. 1 to 4 and t-e a#ount gien in Sc-edule 9o. 5 <5rand
Su##ar.=% t-e for#er s-all preail and t-e latter 3ill be corrected
accordingl.B and
<c=if t-ere is a discrepanc. bet3een 3ords and figures% t-e a#ount in
3ords s-all preail% unless t-e a#ount e8pressed in 3ords is related to
an arit-#etical error% in 3-ic- case t-e a#ount in figures s-all preail
sub;ect to <a= and <b= aboe.
3!.2 If t-e Bidder t-at sub#itted t-e lo3est ealuated bid does not accept t-e
correction of errors% its bid s-all be dis>ualified and its bid securit. #a. be
forfeited or its bid securing declaration e8ecuted.
%+. Con!ersion to
3$.1 For ealuation and co#parison purposes% t-e currenc.<ies= of t-e bid s-all be
conerted into a single currenc. as specified in t-e B"S .
%/. .argin of
3(.1 ?nless ot-er3ise specified in t-e B"S% a #argin of preference s-all not appl..
%0. !aluation of
Price Bids
3*.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all use t-e criteria and #et-odologies listed in t-is Clause.
9o ot-er ealuation criteria or #et-odologies s-all be per#itted.
3*.2 0o ealuate a Price Bid% t-e E#plo.er s-all consider t-e follo3ing6
<a= t-e bid price% e8cluding proisional su#s and t-e proision% if an.% for
contingencies in t-e Price Sc-edulesB
<b= price ad;ust#ent for correction of arit-#etical errors in accordance 3it-
I0B 3!.1B
<c=price ad;ust#ent due to discounts offered in accordance 3it- I0B 1(.$B
<d= conerting t-e a#ount resulting fro# appl.ing <a= to <c= aboe% if
releant% to a single currenc. in accordance 3it- I0B 3$B and
<e= t-e ealuation factors indicated in Section 3 <Ealuation and
/ualification Criteria=.
3*.3 If price ad;ust#ent is allo3ed in accordance 3it- I0B 1(.!% t-e esti#ated effect
of t-e price ad;ust#ent proisions of t-e Conditions of Contract% applied oer
t-e period of e8ecution of t-e Contract% s-all not be ta1en into account in bid
3*.4 If t-is Bidding "ocu#ent allo3s Bidders to >uote separate prices for different
lots <contracts=% and t-e a3ard to a single Bidder of #ultiple lots <contracts=%
t-e #et-odolog. to deter#ine t-e lo3est ealuated price of t-e lot <contract=
co#binations% including an. discounts offered in t-e ,etter of Price Bid% is
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders 1-1*
specified in Section 3 <Ealuation and /ualification Criteria=.
3*.5 If t-e bid% 3-ic- results in t-e lo3est Ealuated Bid Price% is seriousl.
unbalanced or front loaded in t-e opinion of t-e E#plo.er% t-e E#plo.er #a.
re>uire t-e Bidder to produce detailed price anal.ses for an. or all ite#s of t-e
Price Sc-edules% to de#onstrate t-e internal consistenc. of t-ose prices 3it-
t-e #et-ods and ti#e sc-edule proposed. )fter ealuation of t-e price
anal.ses% ta1ing into consideration t-e ter#s of pa.#ents% t-e E#plo.er #a.
re>uire t-at t-e a#ount of t-e perfor#ance securit. be increased at t-e
e8pense of t-e Bidder to a leel sufficient to protect t-e E#plo.er against
financial loss in t-e eent of default of t-e successful Bidder under t-e
&1. Comparison of
4+.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all co#pare all substantiall. responsie Bids to deter#ine t-e
lo3est ealuated bid% in accordance 3it- I0B 3*.2.
&1. mplo4er:s
)ig3t to Accept
An4 Bid, and to
)e;ect An4 or
All Bids
41.1 0-e E#plo.er reseres t-e rig-t to accept or re;ect an. bid% and to annul t-e
bidding process and re;ect all bids at an. ti#e prior to contract a3ard% 3it-out
t-ereb. incurring an. liabilit. to Bidders. In case of annul#ent% all bids
sub#itted and specificall.% bid securities% s-all be pro#ptl. returned to t-e
".A#ard of Contract
&$. A#ard Criteria 42.1 0-e E#plo.er s-all a3ard t-e Contract to t-e Bidder 3-ose offer -as been
deter#ined to be t-e lo3est ealuated bid and is substantiall. responsie to
t-e Bidding "ocu#ent% proided furt-er t-at t-e Bidder is deter#ined to be
eligible and >ualified to perfor# t-e Contract satisfactoril..
42.2 0-e E#plo.er reseres t-e rig-t to accept an. of t-e deiations sub#itted in
accordance 3it- I0B 1(.2 b. t-e lo3est ealuated bidder% at t-e price s-o3n
for t-e deiation in t-e bid.
&%. 9otification of
43.1 Prior to t-e e8piration of t-e period of bid alidit.% t-e E#plo.er s-all notif. t-e
successful Bidder% in 3riting% t-at its bid -as been accepted. 0-e notification
letter <-ereinafter and in t-e Conditions of Contract and Contract For#s called
t-e @,etter of )cceptanceA= s-all specif. t-e su# t-at t-e E#plo.er 3ill pa. t-e
Contractor in consideration of t-e e8ecution and co#pletion of t-e plant and
serices <-ereinafter and in t-e Conditions of Contract and Contract For#s
called @t-e Contract PriceA=.
43.2 )t t-e sa#e ti#e% t-e E#plo.er 3ill publis- in an Englis- language
ne3spaper or 3ell-1no3n freel. accessible 3ebsite t-e results identif.ing
t-e bid and lot nu#bers and t-e follo3ing infor#ation6 <i= na#e of eac-
Bidder 3-o sub#itted a BidB <ii= bid prices as read out at bid openingB <iii=
na#e and ealuated prices of eac- Bid t-at 3as ealuatedB <i= na#e of
bidders 3-ose bids 3ere re;ected and t-e reasons for t-eir re;ectionB and
<= na#e of t-e 3inning Bidder% and t-e price it offered% as 3ell as t-e
duration and su##ar. scope of t-e contract a3arded. )fter publication of
t-e a3ard% unsuccessful bidders #a. re>uest in 3riting to t-e E#plo.er for
a debriefing see1ing e8planations on t-e grounds on 3-ic- t-eir bids 3ere
not selected. 0-e E#plo.er s-all pro#ptl. respond in 3riting to an.
unsuccessful Bidder 3-o% after Publication of contract a3ard% re>uests a
43.3 ?ntil a for#al contract is prepared and e8ecuted% t-e notification of a3ard s-all
constitute a binding Contract.
43.4 0-e E#plo.er s-all pro#ptl. respond in 3riting to an. unsuccessful Bidder
3-o% after notification of a3ard in accordance 3it- I0B 43.1% re>uests in 3riting
t-e grounds on 3-ic- its bid 3as not selected.
&&. Signing of 44.1 Pro#ptl. after notification% t-e E#plo.er s-all send t-e successful Bidder t-e
Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope
1-2+ Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders
Contract Contract )gree#ent.
44.2 2it-in t3ent.-eig-t <2(= da.s of receipt of t-e Contract )gree#ent% t-e
successful Bidder s-all sign% date% and return it to t-e E#plo.er.
&'. Performance
45.1 2it-in t3ent.-eig-t <2(= da.s of t-e receipt of notification of a3ard fro# t-e
E#plo.er% t-e successful Bidder s-all furnis- t-e perfor#ance securit. in
accordance 3it- t-e conditions of contract% sub;ect to I0B 3*.5% using for t-at
purpose t-e Perfor#ance Securit. For# included in Section ! <E#plo.er:s
7e>uire#ents=% or anot-er for# acceptable to t-e E#plo.er. If t-e institution
issuing t-e perfor#ance securit. is located outside t-e countr. of t-e
E#plo.er% it s-all -ae a correspondent financial institution located in t-e
countr. of t-e E#plo.er to #a1e it enforceable.
45.2 Failure of t-e successful Bidder to sub#it t-e aboe-#entioned
Perfor#ance Securit. or sign t-e Contract s-all constitute sufficient
grounds for t-e annul#ent of t-e a3ard and forfeiture of t-e bid securit. or
e8ecution of t-e bid securing declaration. In t-at eent t-e E#plo.er #a.
a3ard t-e Contract to t-e ne8t lo3est ealuated Bidder 3-ose offer is
substantiall. responsie and is deter#ined b. t-e E#plo.er to be >ualified
to perfor# t-e Contract satisfactoril..
Single-Stage6 03o-Enelope Bidding "ocu#ent for Procure#ent of +2 nos. 5as Process Plant including 5as 5at-ering Pipelines

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