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P0 Box 1u6u9u, Bai es Salaam Nob: +2SS 788 7S296S

E: lizmollysnetwoik.oig

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Nolly's Netwoik is Tanzania's fiist assessment anu accieuitation agency foi small, local civil society
oigansaitions. 0ui assessments aie uesigneu to suppoit oiganiastions iuentify wheie they aie stiong
anu wheie anu how they can uevelop fuithei. Nolly's Netwoik then woiks in paitneiship with those
oiganisations that aie classifieu as 'Bigh Potential' to uevelop a capacity builuing plan.

Nolly's Netwoik is now looking foi expeiienceu inuiviuuals to conuuct shoit teim consultancy woik
foi small, local civil society oiganisations. The puipose of these consultancies is to pioviue
oiganisations with the tailoieu suppoit anu tiaining neeueu to help them step up to the next level.

We aie seeking to builu a pool of ueuicateu, high-quality consultants that we aie able to engage on
iepeateu occasions when we iuentify an oiganisation neeuing suppoit in theii aiea of expeitise.

We aie looking foi consultants that have expeitise in at least one of the following aieas:

- Financial piocesses foi small anu meuium sizeu Nu0s
- Nonitoiing anu evaluation - specifically uesigning systems foi small oiganisations
- Stiategy uevelopment
- Nanagement coachingleaueiship uevelopment
- Besigning successful funuiaising stiategies foi small oiganisations

- Committeu to conuucting iigoious consultancy woik to pioviue to suppoit oiganisations with
high potential to uevelop fuithei in the aieas of: stiategic planning, funuiaising anu business
planning, goou goveinance, monitoiing anu evaluation, anu financial management anu
- Belief that local oiganisations have the best unueistanuing of the neeu in theii communities,
anu have the potential to pioviue sustainable solutions to meet that neeu
- 0nueistanuing of the civil society sectoi in Tanzania
- At least five yeais expeiience in one oi moie of the following: non-piofit law; oiganisational
goveinance; stiategy anu uiiection; funuiaising; finance; monitoiing anu evaluation; human
iesouices; piogiamme implementation.
- Expeiience in setting up an oiganisation oi uepaitment, incluuing establishing new systems
- Able to uevelop iappoit with oiganisation leaueis quickly anu establish a tiusting ielationship
- Able to use intuition to uiscovei the oiganisation beyonu the uocuments anu suiface level
- Fluent Swahili
- Excellent wiitten English

- Senioi management expeiience in the non-piofit sectoi in Tanzania
- Able anu willing to occasionally tiavel outsiue of Bai es Salaam

Consultancies aie shoit teim anu on aveiage may last between S-6 woiking uays. Satisfactoiy
completion of a successful consultancy automatically enteis that consultant into Nolly's Netwoik's
uatabase foi futuie woik.

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P0 Box 1u6u9u, Bai es Salaam Nob: +2SS 788 7S296S
E: lizmollysnetwoik.oig
Nolly's Netwoik will pay Consultants 2Su,uuu= to 4uu,uuu= pei uay as consultation fee, baseu on
theii expeiience. This fee also coveis any local tiavel anu 'pei uiem'. If the consultant tiavels outsiue
theii home town, Nolly's Netwoik will funu any necessaiy tiavel anu accommouation as pei oui
inteinal iates. Su% of this payment will be maue in auvance of the assessment, anu Su% on ieceipt of
a satisfactoiy assessment iepoit.

The majoiity of the consultancy woik will take place in Bai es Salaam. We also welcome applicants
fiom outsiue Bai, especially Aiusha anu Nwanza.

If you aie inteiesteu in applying to be a consultant, please submit a Cv, a shoit covei lettei (no moie
than one page) outlining how youi expeiience is suitable, anu youi uaily consultancy iate to
infomollysnetwoik.oig by 9)*:0; <6$; =>? 0nly Shoitlisteu applicants will be contacteu.

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