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Every morning
1. I am the best.
2. I can do it.
3.God is always with me.
4.I am a winner.
5.Today is my day


Why You Should Be Eating Watermelon
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Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of watermelon
can help decrease the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, and
heart disease. Watermelon also promotes healthier complexions and hair,
as well as increasing energy levels.
One cup of diced watermelon (152 grams) contains 43 calories, 0 grams of
fat, 2 grams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrate (including 9 grams of
sugar and 1 gram of fiber) and 1 gram of fiber. One cup of watermelon will
provide 17% of vitamin A, 21% of vitamin C, 2% of iron and 1% of
calcium needs for the day.
Watermelon also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate,
pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper,
manganese, selenium, choline, lycopene and betaine. According to the
National Watermelon Promotion Board, watermelon contains more
lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable.
Here are a few of the benefits adding a cup or two of watermelon daily to
your diet will bring:
Asthma prevention: The risks for developing asthma are lower in people
who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is
vitamin C, found in abundance in watermelon.
Blood pressure: A study published by the American Journal of
Hypertension found that watermelon reduced ankle blood pressure,
brachial blood pressure and carotid wave reflection in obese middle-aged
adults with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension.
The study also showed that watermelon consumption improved arterial
Cancer: An excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin C, as well as
others, watermelon can help combat the formation of free radicals known
to cause cancer. Lycopene intake, for example, has been linked to a
decreased risk of prostate cancer prevention in several studies.
Digestion and regularity: Watermelon, because of its water and fiber
content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy
digestive tract.
Hydration: Made up of 92% water and full of important electrolytes,
watermelons are a great snack to have on hand during the hot summer
months to prevent dehydration.
Inflammation: Choline is a very important and versatile nutrient that aids
in sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to
maintain the structure of cellular membranes, assists in the transmission of
nerve impulses, and helps in the absorption of fat. Choline can also
alleviate chronic inflammation.
Muscle soreness: Watermelon and its juice have been shown to reduce
muscle soreness and improve recovery time following exercise in athletes.
Researchers believe this is likely do to the amino acid L-citrulline that
watermelon contains.
Skin: Watermelon is fantastic for your skin because it contains vitamin A,
a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized.
Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including
skin and hair.

11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can
Revolutionize Your Health
June 15, 2014 Health

Whats a home without raw apple cider vinegar? It has been used for centuries as a
powerful cure-for-all. It contains many essential vitamins and trace elements like
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and copper. When I published the previous article
about 10 uses for apple cider vinegar (ACV) for great health and at home, little did I
know how many questions I would get about other uses of ACV for our health. Due
to the interest of many of my readers, Ive decided to write about other uses of apple
cider vinegars that can literally revolutionize your health !
Heres a list of the rather impressive benefits that can revolutionize your health that
havent been mentioned in the previous article:
1. Aids Weight Loss
ACV is no weight loss miracle on its own, but it can definitely help you on the way. It
speeds up metabolism, is low in calories, the acetic acid suppresses your appetite,
and reduces water retention.
Some studies even report that ACV interferes with the starch digestion, meaning
fewer calories end up in your bloodstream. And it doesnt stop there, ACV can help
your body to break down fat instead of storing it. So if your aim is to lose weight, use
ACV instead of dressings or mayonnaise.
Weight loss remedy: add 2 tablespoons of ACV to 16 ounces of water and sip during
the day. You could add a little bit of honey for a better taste. For more helpful tips for
weight loss read my article about 12 simple tweaks for weight loss and great health,
and amazing 9 secrets of losing weight without diet. If you want to get rid of your
belly fat than my article aboutbelly fat burning foods is a must read !
2. Reduces the Appearance Of Cellulite
Many woman swear by the use of ACV to reduce cellulite. Add 1 part of ACV to 2
parts of any massage oil of your liking (sweet almond, jojoba, coconut oil). Gently
Massage the cellulite affected areas, make circular movements. Repeat this twice a
day, preferably in the morning and evening until desired result. It can take a while
before any effect is visible. Find here more ways to reduce cellulite naturally.
3. Treats Diabetes
According to webMD website, the effect of ACV on blood sugar levels is one of the
best researched and the most promising. Like mentioned above, ACV interferes with
starch or carb digestion and slows down absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.
This helps to prevent blood sugar spikes. Several studies have found that vinegar
may help lower glucose levels. For example, webMD website mentions a small 2007
study with type 2 diabetes found that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4%-6%.
It might also reduce diabetes-related complications such as heart issues, impotence,
nerve damage, and blindness. If you are diabetic make sure to contact your
physician before you start using ACV for the long term. If you have diabetes, you
may also like to read my previous article about the best 12 foods to control diabetes.
4. ACV For a Healthy Heart
ACVs acetic acid can reduce blood pressure and LDL or bad cholesterol. ACV
decreases the levels of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL) in your blood
and increases the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol.
If you have heart issues it may be wise to replace sodium and ingredients high in
saturated fats or trans fats with ACV to add flavor to your dishes. Also find here
the top 10 herbs for healthy heart, including heart tonic recipe.
5. Can Kill Cancer Cells or Slow Growth
According to webMD website, some studies reported that ACV may kill cancer cells
or slow their growth thanks to the high levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene
(special form of vitamin A). Antioxidants protect your body against free radicals.
Those are highly reactive molecules that can damage your bodys cells and tissues.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also full of those healing antioxidants, so to enhance
their effect add ACV to your salads and fruit to improve taste and health. Also read
my article aboutthe best ways to combine antioxidants in your daily nutrition.
6. Prevents premature aging
The same antioxidants that will protect your body from cancer, will help you slow
down aging. But not only will they help your body get rid of free radicals, they keep
the acid-base balance stable which makes you feel and look better. Find here 5
more anti aging treatments, as well as the best ultimate anti wrinkle and anti aging
oil blend.
7. Treats Blemishes and Tone Your Skin
To treat blemishes, apply diluted ACV on a cotton pad and dab on the blemishes to
dry them out and speed up the healing process.
If you want to tone your skin, mix ACV with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply on your
face. Washing your face regularly with ACV helps to prevent skin infections and
balances the pH of your skin. You can also find here a fantastic cleansing
homemade face scrub for blemished skin.
8. Prevents Osteoporosis
ACV improves nutrient absorption of calcium and other minerals from the food you
eat. Leafy greens are a good source of calcium, but your body isnt able to absorb
the most out of those greens. So including ACV in meals or having a mild tonic just
before meals enables your body to absorb more calcium to build stronger bones and
prevent osteoporosis. Also read my article about the 4 steps to prevent
9. Soothes Sore Throat
ACV has antiviral and antibacterial properties and can be used to soothe a sore
throat at the moment you feel a prickle. Use a 1:1 dilution of ACV and water to
If you cant bear the taste, try the following remedy: add 1 tablespoon ACV, the juice
of half a lemon, and honey to 1 cup of warm water. Drink 3 times a day at first signs
until symptoms disappear. You can also find here easy and effective syrup to relieve
sore throat and cough.
10. Clears Blocked Sinuses
ACV is rich in mucus-clearing potassium and the acetic acids has anti-bacterial
properties. Mix one teaspoon (or up to one tablespoon) in a glass of water and drink
to drain your sinuses. You can find here more home remedies for sinus infection.
11. Stops Hiccups
We all know the annoying feeling of a hiccup. Next time youll find yourself in this
situation try ACV diluted in a bit of water. It is believed that ACV relaxes the nerves
responsible for the muscle spasms that cause a hiccup. ACV also can restore the
acid balance in your stomach, another cause of a hiccup.
FYI: Which ACV Should You Use?
Always use raw organic ACV that still contains The Mother to reap all its benefits.
Clear ACV has been processed and all the good stuff has been removed. Or if
youre feeling adventures try and make your own.
Although ACV has many wonderful uses and health benefits, much more research
needs to be done. But the results are promising and it is very obvious that raw ACV
holds some strong healing properties.
Keep in mind that ACVs main compound is acetic acid, so make sure to dilute it
before use to avoid damage to your digestive tract and tooth enamel.
If you have skin tags or warts and wants to get rid of them, read my article how to
use ACV to remove them:
How to Remove Skin Tags and Warts
Naturally and Cheaply at Home

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3 Responses to 11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can
Revolutionize Your Health
1. Sharad shukla says:
June 23, 2014 at 9:02 am
Dear, sir, where can i perched in Delhi apple vinegar. Please tell me.
I will so many thankful to you,
sharad Shukla from Ghaziabad India.
o Jenny says:
June 25, 2014 at 12:41 am
You can find organic unfiltered ACV in some supermarkets, health food stores or
2. Angelina says:
July 1, 2014 at 3:07 am
when i used apple cider venigar, i started to feel the pain in my right foot. then i go to
doctor to find out the reason why. they checked me up and gave medecine to
away the pain. ive been tru blood chem to find out what others illness might be
came in but all the result are all negative.. I thanks God i dont have any
desase..but still ill feel the pain in my foot.I tried another doctor, then he told me that
my potassuim was very lowi started to stop taking apple cider venigar just to
recover the potssuim content and take off the pain
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