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MOP For SIP Office

Configuration in V4 MSC

Step.1.Configure SIP Office in Adjacent Office Configuration with
Office typeMSCE. he SPC can !e either actua" #I$ or #I% point code
O& du''y Point code.
S(O) A*+OFC,I*-./10
#o. 1Office I* 1A"ia2 1#etwor3 ype 1Modu"e 1Office ype
1Signa"ing Point Code For'at 1Signa"ing Point Code ype
1Signa"ing Point Code 1Area Code 1A22ociation ype 1Signa"ing
Point ype 1Su!2er4ice Function 1Office Attri!ute
1Su!protoco" ype 1e2t F"ag 15road!and Attri!ute
1Protoco" ype 1C"u2ter I* 1&e"ated Office
I* 1Office E6tend Info 1Area I* 15ac3up 5ureau #o.
1 ./1 57&8V%MSCe % 1 9MSCE:
...;%.% For'at *ec #u'eric Character2 14 5it Signa"ing Point Code
1.1.$ ./ *irect Connection Mode Signa"ing
End;ran2fer Point #ationa" Signa"ing Point Code
India Mode #eed e2t F"ag #ot Support 5road!and Attri!ute
Internationa" e"eco''unication2 <nion =>>%> /
9SI?5&*CS: / /
Step.$. Configure run3 ?roup with 7ine Signa"ing F"ag SIP Signa"@
Channe"&P@#P &oute ypeConcatenated Addre22.
S(O) ?, ?-./10
#o. 1run3 ?roup #u'!er 1Modu"e I* 1CMP Modu"e I* 1Office I*
1#ode I* 17ine Signa"ing F"ag 1A"ia2 1Aind Of run3 ?roup
1Channe" 1A Inde6 1Inco'ing &egi2ter Signa"ing F"ag 1Outgoing
&egi2ter Signa"ing F"ag 1Ca""ed #u'!er Se"ector 1Ca""ing #u'!er
Se"ector 1Inco'ing Ca""ed #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Inco'ing
Ca""ing #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Outgoing Ca""ed #u'!er ran2for'
Se"ector 1Outgoing Ca""ing #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Inco'ing run3
Origina" P #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Inco'ing run3 &edirect #u'!er
ran2for' Se"ector 1Outgoing run3 Origina" P #u'!er ran2for'
Se"ector 1Outgoing run3 &edirect #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Pu"2e
Meter Ca""ed #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Pu"2e Meter Ca""ing #u'!er

ran2for' Se"ector 1A8Interface run3 ?roup Attri!ute 1*irection Of
5earer E2ta!"i2h'ent 1Method Of Circuit Se"ection 1hre2ho"d For
O4er"oad Contro" 1Signa" Modification Entrance I* 1Cance" Operation
of Conge2tion 7e4e" 1 1Ca"" Acce22 &ate 1 1Cance" Operation of
Conge2tion 7e4e" $ 1Ca"" Acce22 &ate $ 1Carrier Code In #S 1Charge
#u'!er 1Charge #u'!er Attri!ute 1#P &oute ype 1(op Counter
1&eport Po"icy F"ag 1Ca"" #u'!er 7ow hre2ho"d 1Ma6 7ength Of CAS
Ca""ing #u'!er End 1Virtua" MSC Inde6 1<2age &atio Of run3 1SIP
&oute Set 1*e2tination Fai" &ea2on Mapping Inde6 1Source Fai" &ea2on
Mapping Inde6 1InCo'ing Ca"" #u'!er Ana"y2i2 Proce22 Inde6 1M7PP
*o'ain 1Carrier I* 1run3 )I# Ca""ing Se"ector 1Virtua" 7AC 1
Virtua" CI 1Ma68Forward2 Va"ue 1Super C"i Inde6 1Area I* 1
5ac3up 5ureau #u'!er
1 ./1 / B ./1
/ SIP Signa"C44D M11?111 5idirectiona" run3 ?roup
&P / In4a"id Va"ue In4a"id Va"ue
$ / /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ I#VA7I*
#o *irection Circu"ar 2e"ecting 1//
1// FA7SE 1//
/%%% #one
Concatenated Addre22 $/ #one /
1/ / 1//
% / /
/ 4$E4E=B$E>
/ =>>%>C/6ffffD =>>%>C/6ffffD B/
/ / /

Step.%. *efine the &oute for the run3 group.
S(O) &,&-./10
#o. 1&oute #u'!er 1run3 ?roup #u'!er 1Circuit ype 1A"ia2
1&oute Send F"ag 1&oute Method 1Auto'atic &e8routing
Chain Set ?roup #u'!er 1Outgoing Ca""ed #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1
Outgoing Ca""ing #u'!er ran2for' Se"ector 1Super C"i Inde6 1&oute
Indicator 1Area I* 15ac3up 5ureau #u'!er
1 ./1 ./1 run3 M11?111
#O#E Sect !y 2ect 2endF'ode i2 % /
/ /
/ #O#E / /
Step.4. *efine the &oute Set for the &oute Created a!o4e.
S(O) &S,&S-./10
#o. 1&oute Set #u'!er 1Circuit ype 1A"ia2 1&oute Po"icy 1
&oute Contro" 1&oute Info 1 1&oute Info $ 1&oute Info % 1&oute
Info 4 1&oute Info > 1&oute Info = 1&oute Info B 1&oute Info . 1
&oute Info E 1&oute Info 1/ 1&oute Info 11 1&oute Info 1$ 1&oute
Info 1% 1&oute Info 14 1&oute Info 1> 1&oute Info 1= 1&oute Info
1B 1&oute Info 1. 1&oute Info 1E 1&oute Info $/ 1&oute Info $1 1
&oute Info $$ 1&oute Info $% 1&oute Info $4 1Area I* 15ac3up
5ureau #u'!er
1 ./1 run3 M11?111 &oute !y pear
#O#E ./18/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>>
/8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>>
/8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8
$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>>
/8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8$>> /8/8/8
$>> /8/8/8$>> / /

Step.>. *efine the &oute Chain for the &oute Set Created a!o4e.
S(O) C(AI#,C(AI#-./10
#o. 1Chain #u'!er 1Circuit ype 1*irect &oute Set #u'!er 1
A"ia2 1Fir2t &oute Set #u'!er 1Second &oute Set #u'!er 1hird
&oute Set #u'!er 1Fourth &oute Set #u'!er 1Fifth &oute Set #u'!er 1
Si6th &oute Set #u'!er 1Se4enth &oute Set #u'!er 1&oute Se"ection
Po"icy #u'!er 1Area I* 15ac3up 5ureau #u'!er
1 ./1 run3 ./1
M11?111 / / /
/ / /
/ / / /
Step.=.Configure the SIP office and 2e"ect the Attri!ute2 a2
No. |Office ID |Alias |SIP URL !"e |Attri!ute2
|!"e of D#F |!"e of O$e%la" |&e%sio' ( )ase Pa%a*e+e% !"e |SIP
Use%,A-e'+ !"e |SIP,100R.L Ac+io' #o/e |Recei$e/ Offe% Co/ec
e*"la+e ID |Se'/ Offe% Co/ec e*"la+e ID |P e*"la+e i'/e0 |es+
N1*2e% |C#N +o No',C#N Ca1se e*"la+e |Si" )ill Fill PRA %1'3 !"e
|S+%ea* #o/e I' P,ea%l!,*e/ia Hea/e% |#o/e Of #a""i'- Call Fo%4a%/
I'fo%*a+io' F%o* His+o%!,i'fo Hea/e% |SIP #NP #o/e |Clea%#o/e
51/-e*e'+ |ARR #o/e |)CD fo% 676 |)CD fo% 686 |A%ea
ID |)ac31" )1%ea1 N1*2e%
1 801 )LR,&9#SCe IP Fo%*a+
FORC.,IN,)AND !"e of IN&I. &e%sio'=i+1,+@2ase=i+1,+A>B No'e

No Ac+io' 0 0
0 0 Fill
SIP %1'3 !"e =A.D Reaso'
.C1al o Ca1se NON.
Acco%/i'- +o )C ARR )! S+a+1sCo/e Solo 11 1>
0 0
Step.B. Configure the SIP route@ route 2et and route 2e"ector a2 !e"ow
for SIP Office.
No. |SIP Si-'ali'- Ro1+e ID |Ro1+e Na*e |Li'3 Selec+ #e+Do/ |
Li'3 Lis+
,,,,1 801 Fo% SIP Selec+ SeC1e'+l!
No. |SIP Si-'ali'- Ro1+e Se+ ID |Ro1+e Se+ Na*e |Ro1+e Selec+
Polic! |SIP Ro1+e
1 801 SIP I'+%a #SC SeC1e'+ial
SHOW RS.L: ID=801;
No. |Ro1+e Selec+o% ID |Ro1+e Selec+o% Na*e |)ac31" )1%ea1
1 801 801 0
S+e".8.Configure the SIP 7in3 toward2 SIP office.

SHOW SR&=: ID=801;
No. |Se%$ice =%o1" ID |Ro1+e Selec+o% |CDa%-e Polic! I'/e0 |
Se%$ice =%o1" Na*e
1 801 801 FEE9E
Step.E. Verify the 2tatu2 of SIP Office and SIP 7in3 in Maintenance

MML Commands:

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