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A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................2
B. CHAPTER SPECIFIC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................2
1. Safety Coordinators................................................................................................2
2. Supervisors.............................................................................................................2
3. Employees..............................................................................................................3
C. DEFINITIONS...............................................................................................................3
D. COMPRESSED AND LIQUEFIED GASES.................................................................4
1. Hazard Identification..............................................................................................4
2. Identification/Laelin! " #eneral $e%uirements.....................................................4
3. &se' Handlin!' and Stora!e ( #eneral $e%uirements...........................................)
4. *ransportation of Cylinders.....................................................................................+
E. CRYOGENICS.............................................................................................................+
F. SPECIFIC GASES.....................................................................................................11
1. Corrosive #ases...................................................................................................11
2. ,lammale #ases.................................................................................................11
3. -.y!en and -.idizin! #ases...............................................................................14
4. /yrop0oric #ases.................................................................................................14
). *o.ic and Hi!0ly *o.ic #ases...............................................................................14
G. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)......................................................14
H. TRAINING..................................................................................................................1)
I. REFERENCES...........................................................................................................1)
1ttac0ment 1 ( $eceivin! Cylinders C0ec2list33333333333333333..14
20 - i
1. *0e properties of compressed !ases' li%uefied compressed !ases and
cryo!enic fluids ma2e t0em e.tremely useful. Ho5ever' due to potential
0azards of stored ener!y and c0emical reactivity' t0e safety practices in t0eir
0andlin!' use' stora!e' and transportation is of prime importance. *0e
purpose of t0is C0apter is to provide fire' safety and employee 0ealt0
information as t0ey relate to t0ese !ases and fluids.
2. It is t0e policy of t0e Smit0sonian Institution 6SI7 t0at t0e 0andlin!' stora!e'
and use of all compressed !as cylinders s0all conform to t0e follo5in!
a. -ccupational Safety and Healt0 1dministration 6-SH17' 29 Code of
,ederal $e!ulations 6C,$7 standards8 29 C,$ 191:.1:1 ( Compressed
#ases' #eneral $e%uirements; 29 C,$ 191:.1:2 ( 1cetylene; 29 C,$
191:.1:3 ( Hydro!en; 29 C,$ 191:.1:4 ( -.y!en; 29 C,$ 191:.1:) (
<itrous -.ide' Clic2 Here and Stora!e and 0andlin! of li%uefied
petroleum !ases " 191:.11:.
. <ational ,ire /rotection Standards 6<,/17 see references.
c. Compressed #as 1ssociation 6C/17 pamp0lets.
d. *0e International ,ire Code 6I,C7.
e. 1merican <ational Standards Institute 61<SI7.
3. $efer to C0apter 14' =Hot >or2 ?ana!ement and /ermit System@' of t0is
Manual' for information on 0ot 5or2 6e.!.' 5eldin!' cuttin!' and razin!7 and
C0apter 34' @ ,ire /rotection@' of t0is Manual' for information on
flammale/comustile compressed !ases.
4. ?edical o.y!en 5ill not e addressed in t0is C0apter.
1. Safety Coordinators
a. Identify' 5it0 t0e assistance of supervisors and t0e -ffice of Safety' Healt0
and Environmental ?ana!ement 6-SHE?7' areas t0at 0ave compressed
!ases and cryo!enics. Inspect t0ese areas durin! t0eir annual p0ysical
self"inspection and evaluate compliance 5it0 t0is C0apter in t0eir annual
self"assessment pro!ram.
. Coordinate any trainin! on specific !ases t0rou!0 t0e
manufacturer/supplier or -SHE?' if needed.
2. Supervisors
20 - 0
a. Ensure t0at t0ey are 2no5led!eale aout any compressed !as and
cryo!enics in t0eir 5or2place and t0e applicale -SH1' <,/1 or C/1
. Aetermine t0at compressed !as cylinders under t0eir control are in a safe
condition to t0e e.tent t0at t0is can e determined y visual inspection.
c. Ensure employees receive trainin! on t0is C0apter and for specific !ases
or cryo!enics' and understand t0e 0azards and safe 5or2 practices
involved efore 5or2in! 5it0 t0em.
d. /rovide appropriate personal protective e%uipment 6//E7 to employees
5or2in! 5it0 compressed !ases or cryo!enics.
e. $evie5 5it0 employees t0e causes of' future prevention of' and lessons"
learned from any accident or near misses t0at 0ave occurred involvin!
compressed !ases and/or cryo!ens.
3. Employees
a. 1ttend re%uired safety trainin! on compressed !ases and cryo!enics and
apply t0ese lessons and safe 5or2 practices to t0eir assi!ned Bo tas2s.
. /rovide' researc0 and lead discussions on safety topics of compressed
!ases or cryo!enics pertinent to your Bo.
c. >ear appropriate personal protective e%uipment.
1. Compressed #as ( 1ny material or mi.ture 0avin!' 50en in its container' an
asolute pressure e.ceedin! 4: psia 6an asolute pressure of 2C42/a7 or C:
de!ree , 621.1 de!ree C or' re!ardless of t0e pressure at C: de!ree ,621.1
de!ree C' 0avin! an asolute pressure e.ceedin! 1:4 psia 6an asolute
pressure of C1C 2/a7 at 13: de!ree ,6)4.4 de!ree C7.
2. Compressed <atural #as 6C<#7 ( ?i.tures of 0ydrocaron !ases and vapors
consistin! principally of met0ane in !aseous form t0at 0as een compressed
for use as a ve0icular fuel.
3. Cryo!enic ,luid ( 1 sustance t0at e.ists only in t0e vapor p0ase aove
minus C3 de!ree C 6minus 99 de!ree ,7 at one atmosp0ere pressure and t0at
is 0andled' stored' and used in t0e li%uid state at temperatures at or elo5
minus C3 de!ree C 6minus 99 de!ree ,7 50ile at any pressure.
4. Li%uefied <atural #as 6L<#7 ( 1 fluid in t0e cryo!enic li%uid state t0at is
composed predominantly of met0ane.
). Li%uefied /etroleum #as 6L/ #as7 ( 1ny material 0avin! a vapor pressure
not e.ceedin! t0at allo5ed for commercial propane t0at is composed
predominantly of t0e follo5in! 0ydrocarons' eit0er y t0emselves or as
mi.tures8 propane' propylene' utant 6normal utane or isoutene7' and
20 - 1
4. /ressure $elief Dalve ( 1 device desi!ned to open to prevent a rise of internal
pressure in e.cess of a specified value due to emer!ency or anormal
C. Stora!e " -.y!en and !as cylinder stora!e in =!eneral industry@ 5or2places
are not considered to e stora!e 50en t0ey are eit0er =in use@ or =connected
for use'@ per 29 C,$ 191:.2)3. Ho5ever' in t0e =construction industry@ a
cylinder 5ould e considered to e in use only 50en !as is ein! dra5n or it
is reasonaly anticipated t0at !as 5ill e dra5n from t0e cylinder 5it0in 24
0ours' per 29 C,$ 1924.3):.
1. Hazard Identification. Aependin! on t0e particular compressed !as' t0ere is
a potential for simultaneous e.posure to eit0er c0emical or p0ysical 0azards'
or a comination of ot0 types of 0azards.
a. C0emical 0azards include corrosive and poisonous compressed !ases.
Even 0i!0 concentrations of an =inert !as@ suc0 as nitro!en may cause
. /0ysical 0azards include flammale/comustile or e.plosive compressed
!ases. 1 flas0 point t0at is lo5er t0an room temperature and compounded
y a 0i!0 rate of diffusion presents a dan!er of fire or e.plosion. Since
compressed !ases are stored in 0eavy' 0i!0ly pressurized metal
containers' t0e lar!e amount of potential ener!y resultin! from t0e
compression of a !as ma2es t0e cylinder a potential roc2et or
fra!mentation om.
2. Identification/Laelin! " #eneral $e%uirements
a. *0e contents of all compressed !as cylinders must e clearly identified.
*0e contents may e stenciled or stamped on t0e cylinder' or a lael may
e used. *0e mar2in!s s0all e located on t0e s0oulder of t0e cylinder.
*0is met0od conforms to t0e ?IL"S*A 14111 =Inspection and
?aintenance of Compressed #as Cylinders 62::27@ and A-* re!ulations
per 29 C,$ 191:.4.
. Cylinders t0at are not le!ily mar2ed 5it0 its contents s0all not e
accepted from t0e vendor/delivery company. *0erefore' a visual
inspection s0ould e performed on all incomin! cylinders; 1ttac0ment 1'
$eceivin! Cylinder c0ec2list can e used for t0is inspection. If t0e
laelin! on an SI cylinder ecomes ille!ile to t0e point t0at t0e contents
cannot e identified' t0e cylinder s0all e mar2ed =contents un2no5n.@
Contact your supervisor and Safety Coordinator for assistance in
arran!in! for t0e un2no5n cylinder to e returned to t0e manufacturer
t0rou!0 t0e vendor/delivery company.
c. *0e color of t0e cylinder ?&S* <EDE$ e relied on for identification.
Color"codin! is not reliale ecause cylinder colors may vary y supplier
and t0eir caps are interc0an!eale.
20 - 2
d. 1ll facility !as lines leadin! from a compressed !as supply s0all e clearly
laeled to identify t0e !as' t0e area served' and t0e telep0one numer of
t0e emer!ency point of contact for t0e facility.
e. >arnin! si!ns s0all e conspicuously posted in areas 50ere flammale
compressed !ases are stored. *0e 5arnin! si!n s0all identify t0e
compressed !as and t0e appropriate 5arnin!6s7/precaution6s7. ,or
e.ample8 =HEA$-#E< ( ,L1??1FLE C-?/$ESSEA #1S ( <-
S?-GI<# ( <- -/E< ,L1?ES.@
3. &se' Handlin!' and Stora!e ( #eneral $e%uirements
a. Stora!e
617 $ead laels and ?aterial Safety Aata S0eets 6?SASs7 efore usin!'
0andlin!' and storin! compressed !ases.
627 Compressed !as cylinders must e secured 6c0ained in place' stored
in a 0oldin! ca!e or rac2s' or 0ave a non"tip ase attac0ed7 to prevent
tippin! over. *0e cylinders 6empty or full7 s0all also e stored in an
upri!0t position unless desi!ned specifically for use in a 0orizontal
position' and e stored a5ay from elevators' stairs or 0i!0 traffic areas.
637 Dalve caps or collars s0all protect containers' cylinder and tan2 valves
from p0ysical dama!e. >0ere compressed !as containers' cylinders
or tan2s are desi!ned to accept valve protective caps' t0e caps s0all
e 2ept on t0e container' cylinder or tan2 at all times' e.cept 50en
ein! processed or connected for use.
647 1ll portale cylinders used for s0ipment and stora!e of compressed
!as cylinders s0all e constructed and maintained in accordance 5it0
t0e &.S. Aepartment of *ransportation 6A-*7 re!ulations' 49 C,$
/arts 1C1"1C9.
6)7 >0en !ases of different types are stored at t0e same location'
cylinders s0all e !rouped y types of !ases. #roups s0all e
arran!ed to ta2e into account t0e !ases contained; per <,/1 ))'
flammale !ases s0all not e stored near o.idizin! !ases.
647 -.y!en cylinders' full or empty' s0all not e stored in t0e same vicinity
as flammales and comustiles. *0e proper stora!e for o.y!en
cylinders re%uires t0at a minimum of 2: feet e maintained et5een
flammale !as cylinders and o.y!en cylinders or t0e stora!e areas e
separated' at a minimum' y a fire5all ) foot 0i!0 5it0 a fire ratin! of H
0our. #reasy and oily materials s0all never e stored around
o.y!en cylinders.
6C7 Cylinders containin! flammale !ases suc0 as 0ydro!en or acetylene
must not e stored in close pro.imity to open flames' areas 50ere
electrical spar2s are !enerated' or 50ere ot0er sources of i!nition may
e present.
6+7 Cylinders containin! acetylene s0all never e stored on t0eir side.
20 - 3
697 Cylinders s0all not e stored in unventilated enclosures suc0 as
loc2ers or cupoards.
61:7 If cylinders are stored inside a uildin!' t0ey must e stored at least 2:
feet from flammale li%uids and easily i!nitale materials 6e.!.' 5ood'
paper' oil' !rease' etc.7 per <,/1 )).
6117 If cylinders are stored in separate rooms/uildin!s' t0e
rooms/uildin!s s0all e 5ell ventilated. Indoor stora!e areas s0all
not e located near oilers' steam/0ot 5ater pipes or e.cessive
temperatures' or ot0er sources of i!nition. *0ey are not to e
e.posed to p0ysical dama!e' or tamperin! y unaut0orized persons.
6127 -utdoor stora!e areas must 0ave proper draina!e and s0all e
protected from direct sunli!0t.
6137 Cylinders s0all not e stored in asements' pit' or similar location
50ere 0eavier"t0an"air !as mi!0t collect.
6147 Ful2 stora!e of cylinders in a laoratory is pro0iited.
61)7 Empty and full cylinders s0all e stored separately.
. E%uipment ( Dalves' Connections' and $e!ulators
617 Standard cylinder"valve outlet connections 0ave een devised y
t0e Compressed #as 1ssociation 6C#17 to prevent mi.in! of
incompatile !ases. *0e outlet t0reads used vary in diameter and may
e internal' e.ternal' ri!0t"0anded' and/or left"0anded.
627 Compressed !as cylinders s0all e e%uipped 5it0 connections
complyin! 5it0 t0e C#1"D"1 =Standard for Compressed #as Cylinder
Dalve -utlet and Inlet Connections 62::)7@.
637 -nly C#1 standard cominations of valves and fittin!s s0all e used in
compressed !as installations. E.amine t0e t0reads on cylinder valves'
re!ulators' and ot0er fittin!s to ensure t0ey correspond and are
647 Cylinders s0all e placed 5it0 t0e valve accessile at all times.
6)7 *0e main cylinder valve s0all e closed 50en it is not in use. It s0all
never e left open 50en t0e e%uipment is unattended or not in
operation. Closin! t0e cylinder valve is important to maintain safety
50en t0e cylinder is under pressure and to prevent t0e corrosion and
contamination resultin! from diffusion of air and moisture into an empty
647 Cylinders are e%uipped 5it0 eit0er a 0and 50eel or stem valve8
6a7 ,or cylinders e%uipped 5it0 a stem valve' 2eep t0e valve
spindle 2ey on t0e stem 50ile t0e cylinder is in service.
67 -nly 5renc0es or tools provided y t0e cylinder supplier s0all e
used to open or close a valve.
6c7 /liers s0all never e used to open a cylinder valve.
20 - 4
6C7 Ao not apply oil or !rease to fittin!s or re!ulators.
6+7 $e!ulators are !as"specific and are not necessarily interc0an!eale.
1l5ays ma2e sure t0e re!ulator and valve fittin!s are compatile.
c. Lea2in! Cylinders
617 Lea2in! compressed !as cylinders s0all e immediately reported to
your supervisor and facility Safety Coordinator. Aependin! on t0e type
of !as in t0e cylinder' t0e 5or2 area may need to e evacuated. *0e
Safety Coordinator 5ill use t0e ?SAS to evaluate t0e 0azard. Contact
t0e vendor as soon as possile.
627 <ever attempt to repair a lea2in! cylinder or valve.
637 Lea2in!' dama!ed' or corroded compressed !as containers' cylinders
and tan2s s0all e removed from service in an approved manner and
repaired to a serviceale condition' per <,/1 )).
d. Ho5 to &se
617 -pen cylinder valves slo5ly.
627 -pen o.y!en cylinder valves all t0e 5ay. -pen up t0e o.y!en cylinder
valve stem Bust a crac2. -nce t0e needle on t0e 0i!0 pressure !au!e
0as stopped' open up t0e valve all t0e 5ay' 50ic0 5ill ac2 seat t0e
637 >0en openin! t0e valve on a cylinder containin! an irritatin! or to.ic
!as' position t0e cylinder 5it0 t0e valve pointin! a5ay from you and
5arn any ot0er employees 5or2in! neary.
647 Ao not empty cylinders to a pressure lo5er t0an 1C2 2/a 62) psi per
s%uare inc07; t0e residual contents may ecome contaminated if t0e
valve is left open.
6)7 >0en 5or2 involvin! t0e compressed !as is completed' t0e cylinder
valve must e turned to zero =:@ and t0e lines led.
647 >eldin! or cuttin!8
6a7 >0en 5eldin! or cuttin! is stopped for an 0our or lon!er8
i. Close t0e cylinder or manifold valve.
ii. -pen t0e torc0 valves momentarily to leed t0e lines of !as
iii. $elease t0e re!ulator pressure adBustin! scre5s.
67 >0en t0e operation 0as stopped for a fe5 minutes' t0e torc0 valves
alone may e closed.
6c7 Fefore turnin! t0e cylinder or manifold valve to t0e open position to
resume 5or2' doule"c0ec2 t0e re!ulator to ensure t0at t0e
pressure is still released from t0e re!ulator. If not' release t0e
pressure efore openin! t0e cylinder or manifold valves.
4. *ransportation of Cylinders
20 - 5
a. Fefore movin! a cylinder' all valves s0all e closed' t0e system led' t0e
re!ulator removed' and t0e valve cap replaced. If t0e cylinder is empty' it
s0all e clearly mar2ed as =empty@ and returned to t0e empty stora!e area
for pic2"up y t0e supplier.
. Ao not suBect cylinders to rou!0 0andlin! or ause. *0ey are 0eavy and
could cause inBury if not 0andled or stored properly. ?isuse of cylinders
may 5ea2en t0e cylinder and render it unfit for furt0er use. Frea2in! off
t0e stem/valve could transform t0e cylinder into a proBectile' 0avin!
sufficient t0rust to drive it t0rou!0 masonry 5alls.
c. *o protect t0e valve durin! transportation' re!ulators s0all e removed' t0e
valve cap s0all e scre5ed on' 0and"ti!0t' and remain on until t0e cylinder
is in place and ready to use. If t0e cylinders are in a specially desi!ned
cart t0at assures protection from dama!e' t0e re!ulators do not
necessarily 0ave to e removed.
d. Ao not roll or dra! cylinders.
e. Cylinders s0all not e lifted y t0e valve protection cap.
f. Cylinders' empty or full' s0all not e used as rollers or supports.
!. Strap cylinders into a properly desi!ned 50eeled cart.
0. Consult t0e compressed !as cylinder supplier if t0ere is any dout aout
t0e proper 0andlin! and transportation procedures.
). *ransfer of compressed !ases are outlined in <,/1 )). Inflatale e%uipment'
devices' or alloons s0all only e pressurized or filled 5it0 compressed air or
inert !ases per <,/1 )).
1. Cryo!enic li%uids are !ases t0at 0ave een transformed into e.tremely cold
refri!erated li%uids t0at are stored at temperatures elo5 minus 1:3 de!ree ,
6minus 9: de!ree C7. E.amples of !ases commonly 0andled as cryo!enic
li%uids include o.y!en' fluorine' nitro!en' ar!on' neon' 2rypton' .enon'
0ydro!en' met0ane 6natural !as7' and 0elium. Li%uefied natural !as 6L<#7
and/or li%uid met0ane and caron mono.ide are also 0andled as cryo!enic
li%uids. *0e stora!e or use of cryo!enics s0all e in accordance 5it0 t0is
C0apter' <,/1 ))' and C#1 /"12 =Safe Handlin! of Cryo!enic Li%uids@
2. Hazards. *0ere are four types of 0azards related to t0e use of
cryo!enic li%uids8 17 flammaility' 27 0i!0 pressure !as' 37 urns from t0e
material' and 47 asp0y.iation.
a. *0e flammaility 0azard is clear 50en !ases suc0 as 0ydro!en' met0ane'
and acetylene are considered. Ho5ever' t0e fire 0azard may e !reatly
increased 50en !ases normally t0ou!0t to e non"flammale are used.
*0e presence of o.y!en 5ill !reatly increase t0e flammaility of ordinary
comustiles' and may even cause some noncomustile materials li2e
caron steel to urn readily under t0e ri!0t conditions.
20 - 6
. *0e 0i!0"pressure !as 0azard is al5ays present 50en cryo!enic fluids are
used or stored. Since t0e li%uefied !ases are usually stored at or near
t0eir oilin! point' t0ere is al5ays some !as present in t0e container. *0e
lar!e e.pansion ratio from li%uid to !as provides a source for t0e uild"up
of 0i!0 pressures due to t0e evaporation of t0e li%uid. *0e rate of
evaporation 5ill vary' dependin! on t0e c0aracteristics of t0e fluid'
container desi!n' insulatin! materials' and environmental conditions of t0e
c. E.posure of personnel to t0e 0azards of t0e material must e avoided;
very rief s2in contact 5it0 fluids or materials at cryo!enic temperatures is
capale of causin! urns similar to t0ermal urns from 0i!0 temperature
contacts. /rolon!ed contact 5it0 t0ese temperatures 5ill cause
emrittlement of e.posed memers ecause of t0e 0i!0 5ater content of
t0e 0uman ody. *0e eyes are especially vulnerale to t0is type of
d. >0ile a numer of t0e !ases in t0e cryo!enic ran!e are not to.ic' t0ey are
all capale of causin! asp0y.iation y displacin! t0e air necessary to
support life. Even o.y!en may 0ave 0armful p0ysiolo!ical effects if
prolon!ed reat0in! of pure o.y!en ta2es place.
3. &se' Handlin!' and Stora!e
a. E%uipment8
617 ?aterials must e carefully selected for cryo!enic service ecause of
t0e drastic c0an!es in t0e properties of materials 50en t0ey are
e.posed to e.treme lo5 temperatures. *0e 1merican Society of
?ec0anical En!ineersI Foiler and /ressure Dessel Code' Section DIII
&nfired /ressure Dessels may e used as a specific !uide to t0e
selection of materials to e used in cryo!enic service.
627 /ipin! or transfer lines s0all e constructed so t0at it is not possile for
fluids to ecome trapped et5een valves or closed sections of t0e line.
Evaporation of t0e li%uid in a section of line may result in pressure
uild"up and e.plosion. If it is not possile to empty all lines' t0ey must
e e%uipped 5it0 safety relief valves and rupture discs. >0en ventin!
stora!e containers and lines' consideration must e !iven to t0e
properties of t0e !as ein! vented. Dentin! s0all e to an outside
location to prevent an accumulation of flammale' to.ic or inert !as in
t0e 5or2 area.
637 Cryo!enic li%uid e%uipment s0all e 2ept clean' and contamination
avoided' 50ic0 may create a 0azardous condition upon contact 5it0
t0e cryo!enic li%uids used ( especially 50en 5or2in! 5it0 li%uid or
!aseous o.y!en.
. &se and Handlin!
617 Cryo!enic fluids are to e used in e%uipment and systems t0at are free
from contaminatin! materials t0at could create a 0azardous condition
upon contact 5it0 t0e cryo!en.
20 - 7
627 ?i.tures of !ases or fluids s0all e strictly controlled to prevent t0e
formation of flammale or e.plosive mi.tures. >0en flammale !ases
are ein! used' potential i!nition sources s0all e strictly controlled.
>or2 areas/laoratories s0all e monitored so t0at personnel may e
5arned 50en a dan!erous condition is developin!. >0en practical'
t0e cryo!enic li%uid system s0all sound a 5arnin! alarm and
automatically s0ut do5n.
637 Stora!e
6a7 1ll cryo!enic stora!e vessels must include an allo5ance for t0at
portion 50ic0 5ill e in t0e !aseous state and s0all e c0osen to
5it0stand t0e 5ei!0ts and pressures of t0e materials used' and
s0all 0ave ade%uate ventin! to prevent pressure uildup.
67 Store cryo!enic li%uids in a 5ell"insulated container desi!ned to
minimize loss of product due to oil"off. *0e most common
container for cryo!enic fluids is a doule"5alled' evacuated
container 2no5n as a Ae5ar flas2' of eit0er metal or !lass. *ape
e.posed !lass portions of t0e container to minimize a flyin! !lass
0azard if t0e container rea2s or implodes. ?etal containers are
!enerally used for lar!er %uantities of cryo!enic fluids and usually
0ave a capacity of 1: to 1:: liters 62.4 to 24 !allons7. *0ese
containers 0ave doule"5alled evacuated construction' and usually
contain some adsorent material in t0e evacuated space. Fot0 t0e
metal and !lass Ae5ars s0all e 2ept covered 5it0 a loose"fittin!
cap to prevent air or moisture from enterin! t0e container' and to
allo5 uilt"up pressure to escape.
6c7 Cryo!enic fluids 5it0 oilin! point elo5 t0at of li%uid nitro!en
6particularly li%uid 0elium and 0ydro!en7 re%uire specially
constructed and insulated containers to prevent rapid loss of
product from evaporation.
(d) Chemical reactivity between the fluid or a! and the !torae container!
and e"ui#ment mu!t be !tudied$ %ood or a!#halt !aturated with o&yen
ha! been 'nown to literally e&#lode when !ub(ected to mechanical !hoc'$
%hen #ro#ertie! of material! that are bein con!idered for cryoenic u!e!
are un'nown) or not to be found in the 'nown uide!) e&#erimental
evaluation !hould be #erformed before the material! are u!ed in the
1. Corrosive #ases (
Corrosive !ases attac2 0uman tissue and personnel 0andlin! and usin!
corrosive !ases must 0ave personal protective e%uipment availale for t0e
particular !as to e used. E.amples of acid !ases include oron tric0loride'
c0lorine' dic0lorosilane' 0ydro!en romide' 0ydro!en c0loride 6an0y!rous7'
0ydro!en fluoride' and sulfur dio.ide. E.amples of al2ali !ases include
ammonia' monomet0ylamine' dimet0ylamine and trimet0ylamine. *0e
20 - *
stora!e or use of corrosive compressed !ases s0all e in accordance to
<,/1 )).
2. ,lammale #ases (
,lammale !ases are defined y t0e Aepartment of *ransportation 6A-*7 as
t0ose t0at 50en mi.ed 5it0 air are flammale in concentrations of 13 percent
or less y volume of air. E.amples of flammale !ases include acetylene'
utadiene' caron mono.ide' et0ane' et0ylene' 0ydro!en' 0ydro!en sulfide'
t0e li%uefied petroleum !ases 6i.e.' utane' isoutene' propane' and
propylene7' met0ane' met0ylacetylene"propadiene' met0yl c0loride' silane'
and vinyl c0loride. *0e stora!e or use of flammale !ases s0all e in
accordance to <,/1 )).
a. 1cetylene ( Handlin!' stora!e and utilization of acetylene in cylinders
s0all e in accordance 5it0 C#1 #"1@1cetylene 62::37@ pamp0let.
. ,uel"#as cylinders stored inside a uildin!' e.cept t0ose in actual use or
attac0ed ready for use' s0all e limited to a total !as capacity of 2':::
cuic feet or 3:: ls of li%uefied petroleum !as.
c. Li%uefied /etroleum #as 6L/#
617 #eneral
6a7 Li%uefied petroleum !as 6L/#7' L/"!as' and propane s0all e
67 1ll propane tan2s s0all e installed in accordance 5it0 -SH1 Standard
29 C,$ 191:.11:' =Stora!e and Handlin! of Li%uefied /etroleum #ases'@
<ational ,ire /rotection 1ssociation 6<,/17 )+' =Standard for Stora!e and
Handlin! of Li%uefied /etroleum #ases'@ and' 50ere applicale' <,/1 )4
and 1<SI Standard J233.1"2::4' =<atural ,uel #as Code.@
6c7 Cylinders s0all e mar2ed as provided in t0e re!ulations' rules' or code
under 50ic0 t0ey are faricated.
6d7 >0ere L/"#as and one or more ot0er compressed !ases are to e stored
or used in t0e same area' t0e cylinders s0all e mar2ed 5it0 a minimum of
4 inc0 size letters t0at state =,lammale@ and eit0er =L/#@' =L/"#1S@'
=/ropane@' or =Futane@' or s0all e mar2ed in accordance 5it0 t0e
re%uirements of ?IL"S*A 14111 =Inspection and ?aintenance of
Compressed #as Cylinders 62::27@ and 49 C,$' =*ransportation.
6e7 >arnin! si!ns s0all e conspicuously posted on t0e outside of t0e fence in
areas 50ere propane is stored. *0e 5arnin! si!n s0all identify t0e !as
and t0e appropriate 5arnin!s/precautions. ,or e.ample8 =/$-/1<E (
,L1??1FLE ( <- S?-GI<# >I*HI< 3: ,EE* ( <- -/E< LI#H* -$
-/E< ,L1?ES@.
6f7 *0e amount of L/ !as in containers for researc0 and e.perimental use
0all e limited to t0e smallest practical %uantity.
6!7 Li!0tin! s0all e provided to ade%uately illuminate t0e stora!e tan2s' t0e
control valves' and t0e safety e%uipment.
20 - +
627 E%uipment
6a7 /umps' pipin!' 0oses' and ot0er attac0ments s0all meet -SH1 and <,/1
)+ re%uirements.
67 /ipin!' pipe and tuin! fittin!s' and valves used to supply utilization
e%uipment 5it0in t0e scope of <,/1 )4' <ational ,uel #as Code' s0all
comply 5it0 t0at code.
6c7 Cylinders s0all e e%uipped 5it0 pressure relief valves as re%uired y
A-* re!ulations.
6d7 Dalves' manual s0ut"offs' c0ec2 valves' and relief valves s0all meet <,/1
)+ re%uirements.
6e7 Dalves' re!ulators' !au!es and ot0er container appurtenances s0all e
protected a!ainst p0ysical dama!e.
6f7 1ll re!ulators for outdoor installations s0all e desi!ned' installed' or
protected so t0eir operation 5ill not e affected y t0e elements 6freezin!
rain' sleet' sno5' ice' mud' or deris7.
637 Location
6a7 Containers s0all meet A-* specifications' and s0all only e located
outside of uildin!s e.cept as identified in 29 C,$ 191:.11:' 50ic0
includes portale use' L/"!as fueled stationary or portale en!ines' L/"
!as fueled industrial truc2s' and L/ fueled ve0icles.
67 Containers s0all e located aove!round' unless t0e container is
desi!ned for under!round installation.
6c7 Cylinders s0all e installed on a firm foundation' not e in contact 5it0 t0e
soil or 5ater' and e protected from ve0icular dama!e' and free of rust.
6d7 *0e container and all associated accessories s0all e enclosed y a
minimum 4"foot 0i!0 industrial"type fence. 1 minimum of 3"feet of
clearance s0all e maintained et5een t0e container and t0e fence.
6e7 $eadily i!nitale materials suc0 as 5eeds and lon! dry !rass s0all e
removed 5it0in 1: feet of any container.
647 ,ire Safety. /er po5ered industrial truc2s. " 191:.1C+ t0e stora!e and
0andlin! of L/# s0all e in accordance 5it0 <,/1 )+.
6)7 Stora!e of Cylinders 15aitin! &se' $esale' or E.c0an!e8
6a 7 Cylinders in stora!e s0all e located to minimize e.posure to
e.cessive temperature rises' p0ysical dama!e' or tamperin!.
67 Cylinders in stora!e 0avin! individual 5ater capacity !reater t0an 2.C l 6l.l
2!7 Knominal l l 6:.4) 2!7 L/"#as capacityL s0all e positioned sot0at t0e
pressure relief valve is in direct communication 5it0 t0e vapor space of t0e
6c7 Cylinders stored in uildin!s fre%uented y t0e pulic s0all not e located
near e.its' stair5ays' or in areas normally used' or intended to e used'
for t0e safe e!ress of occupants.
20 - 10
6d7 Location of stora!e outside of uildin!s for cylinders a5aitin! use' resale'
or part of a cylinder e.c0an!e point s0all e located as follo5s8
617 1t least ) feet from any door5ay or openin! in a uildin! fre%uented y
t0e pulic 50ere occupants 0ave at least t5o means of e!ress as
defined y <,/1 1:1' Life Safety Code.
627 1t least 1: feet from any door5ay or openin! in a uildin! or sections
of a uildin! t0at 0as only one means of e!ress.
637 1t least 2: feet from any automotive service station fuel dispenser.
6e7 If empty cylinders t0at 0ave een in L/"#as services are stored indoors'
t0ey s0all e considered as full cylinders for t0e purposes of determinin!
t0e ma.imum %uantities of L/"#as permitted y <,/1 )+.
647 Industrial 6and ,or2lift7 *ruc2s /o5ered y L/"#as8
6a7 Cylinders s0all e desi!ned' constructed' or fitted for installation and fillin!
in eit0er t0e vertical or 0orizontal position' or if of t0e universal type' in
eit0er position.
67 Industrial truc2s 5it0 permanently mounted fuel containers s0all e
c0ar!ed outdoors.
6c7 >0ere cylinders are e.c0an!ed indoors' t0e fuel pipin! system s0all e
e%uipped to minimize t0e release of fuel 50en cylinders are e.c0an!ed' in
accordance 5it0 eit0er of t0e follo5in!8
617 &sin! an approved %uic2"closin! couplin! in t0e fuel line'
627 Closin! t0e s0utoff valve at t0e fuel cylinder and allo5in! t0e en!ine to
run until t0e fuel in t0e line is e.0austed.
6d7 >0ere L/"#as fueled industrial truc2s are used in uildin!s or structure'
t0e follo5in! s0all apply8
617 *0e numer of fuel cylinders on suc0 a truc2 s0all not e.ceed t5o.
627 Industrial truc2s may only e used in uildin!s fre%uented y t0e pulic
50en no pulic or visitors are present.
637 *ruc2s s0all not e par2ed and left unattended in areas occupied y or
fre%uented y t0e pulic. If left unattended in areas 5it0 approval' t0e
cylinder s0utoff valve s0all e closed.
647 In no case s0all truc2s e par2ed and left unattended in areas of
e.cessive 0eat or near sources of i!nition.
3. -.y!en and -.idizin! #ases ( -.y!en and !as mi.tures containin! lar!e
%uantities of o.y!en react c0emically 5it0 or!anic materials to produce 0eat.
E.amples include fluorine' c0lorine' nitro!en trifluoride and nitrous o.ide. *0e
stora!e or use of o.idizin! compressed !ases s0all e in accordance to
<,/1 )).
4. /yrop0oric #ases ( *0e stora!e or use of pyrop0oric !ases s0all e in
accordance to <,/1 )). Silane and silane mi.tures s0all e stored' used and
20 - 11
0andled in accordance 5it0 t0e provisions of C#1 #"13 =Stora!e and
Handlin! of Silane and Silane ?i.tures 62::47@.
). *o.ic and Hi!0ly *o.ic #ases ( *0e use of to.ic cylinders s0all only e under
a laoratory 0ood' vented !as cainet or 5it0 special safety"vented re!ulators
connected to a local e.0aust system for direct disc0ar!e to t0e atmosp0ere
per C0apter 2C' =Dentilation for Healt0 Hazard Control@' of t0is Manual.
E.amples include arsine' diorane' met0yl romide' nitric o.ide' nitro!en
dio.ide' p0os!ene and p0osp0ine. *0e stora!e or use of to.ic and 0i!0ly
to.ic !ases s0all e in accordance to <,/1 )).
1. /rotective eye5ear 6e.!. safety !lasses' !o!!les' face s0ields' etc.7 s0all e
re%uired 50en 0andlin! and usin! compressed !ases' especially 50en
disconnectin! compressed !as re!ulators and lines. $efer to C0apter 1C'
=/ersonal /rotective E%uipment@' of t0is Manual' for more information.
2. 1 face s0ield alon! 5it0 eye!lasses or !o!!les s0all e re%uired 50en
0andlin! and usin! an irritatin! !as.
3. >0en 0andlin! and usin! li%uefied !ases' never touc0 any non"insulated part
of t0e cold e%uipment 5it0 any unprotected part of your ody. *0e follo5in!
//E s0all e 5orn8
a. EmployeeMs eyes and faces s0all e protected 5it0 safety !lasses'
!o!!les or face s0ields.
. Clean' loose"fittin!' non"porous !loves s0all e 5orn to!et0er 5it0 a lon!"
sleeved la coat or Bac2et.
c. 1void 5earin! open poc2ets' pants 5it0 cuffs' and ot0er clot0in! t0at 0ave
places 50ere a li%uefied !as spill may collect.
20 - 12
1. Aue to dan!erous conditions t0at can result in t0e use of compressed !ases
and cryo!enics' only personnel e.perienced and trained in t0e use of t0e
compressed !ases may 0andle t0em.
2. No specific 0azard a5areness trainin! on t0e compressed !as or cryo!enic
to e used 5ill e provided y t0e supervisor to all persons prior to actually
performin! 5or2.
3. $etrainin!' or refres0er trainin!' 5ill occur 50en8
a. $e%uired y SI policy' re%uired y re!ulation and/or detailed in specific
operational C0apters of t0is Manual.
. 1 ne5 0azardous process or material is introduced to t0e Bo site.
c. C0an!es 0ave occurred in applicale safety standards or 5or2place
procedures t0at render t0e ori!inal trainin! osolete.
d. 1n employee 0as demonstrated inade%uacies in t0eir understandin!'
2no5led!e' or s2ill in t0e use of e%uipment' tools' or reco!nized safety
procedures of compressed !ases or cryo!enics.
e. 1n employee 0as een reassi!ned to different duties' re%uirin! different
safety s2ill'
1. /art 191: C,$ -ccupational Safety and Healt0 1dministration' 29
C,$'191:.1:1 Compressed #ases 6#eneral $e%uirements7'191:.1:2
1cetylene' 191:.1:3 Hydro!en' 191:.1:4 -.y!en and 191:.1:) <itrous
2. -SH1 Standard 29 C,$ 191:.11:' =Stora!e and Handlin! of Li%uefied
/etroleum #ases.@
3. -SH1 Standard 29 C,$ 191:.2)3 =-.y!en",uel #as >eldin! and Cuttin!@.
4. <ational ,ire /rotection 1ssociation 6<,/17 3:' =,lammale and Comustile
Li%uids Code.@
). <,/1 4)' =Standard on ,ire /rotection for Laoratories &sin! C0emicals.@
4. <,/1 )1' =Aesi!n and Installation of -.y!en",uel #as Systems for >eldin!'
Cuttin! and 1llied /rocesses.@
C. <,/1 )4/1<SI J223.1"2::4' =<ational ,uel #as Code@.
+. <,/1 ))' =Stora!e' use and Handlin! of Compressed #ases and Cryo!enic
,luids in /ortale and Stationary Containers' Cylinders' and *an2s.@
9. <,/1 )+' =Standard for Stora!e and Handlin! of Li%uefied /etroleum #ases.@
1:. International Code CouncilMs' =International ,ire Code@.
11. ?IL"S*A 1:1F =Color Code for /ipelines and Compressed #as Cylinders@.
20 - 13
12. ?IL"S*A 14111 =Inspection and ?aintenance of Compressed #as Cylinders@.
13. C#1 D"1 =Standard for Compressed #as Cylinder Dalve -utlet and Inlet
Connections 62::)7@.
14. C#1 /"12 =Safe Handlin! of Cryo!enic Li%uids 62::)7@.
1). &.S. Aepartment of *ransportation 6A-*7 re!ulations' 49 C,$ /arts 1C1"1C9.
20 - 14
A!"#$%& 1
/ersonnel responsile for receivin! cylinders and containers s0ould
perform an e.ternal inspection efore movin! t0em to t0e point of
use or to t0e stora!e area.
Fasic !uidelines for performin! t0is inspection are as follo5s8
Ao t0e cylinder laels a!ree 5it0 50at 5as ordered from t0e vendorO
Have t0e cylinders een t0orou!0ly inspected for any ovious dama!e
or lea2sO
1re t0e cylinder surfaces clean and free from defects suc0 as cuts'
!ou!es' urns and ovious dentsO
Ao t0e cylinders stand stead and do not 5oleO
Ao t0e cylinders 5it0 nec2 t0reads 0ave a cap in place over t0e valveO
1re t0e Cylinder valves not ent or dama!edO
Have t0e cylinder valves een inspected for t0e presence of any dirt or
oil 50ic0 could not contaminate t0e !asO
$ememer' t0e lael is t0e only means of identifyin! t0e product in t0e cylinder.
<ever identify t0e product y t0e color of t0e cylinder.
$emove t0e cap y 0and.
20 - 1

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