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CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 1

!"#$%&' )*++, -'./0 12/# 3"45%

65&4785 *)9 :;6<=:1>=? ?3> !@::;3=!?<=@3
- 7-13 seconds Lo make a good flrsL lmpresslon, 4 mln for someone Lo declde Lo go beyond flrsL lmpresslon
- :;6<=:1>=?: everyLhlng you can hear or see, Medla lnclude LexLs, books, plcLures, muslc, sounds, Cus,
vldeos, uvus, M3 players, lods, records fllms eLc
- :;<6<=:1>=? (Lechnlcal): uescrlbes any appllcaLlon or Lechnology LhaL can be used Lo presenL: 1exL,
lmages, sound, anlmaLlon vldeo
- We communlcaLe uslng Lhe flve senses
A"B4C/85 /$$0'&/4'".% >50'D58E ". 4F5 =.458.54 G'/ H5I%'45 !"#I'.5J '.4" / #5J'/ /$$0'&/4'". 4"
'.B"8#K 5J7&/45K 5.4584/'.
:704'#5J'/ L'%4"8E M7'N
- LarllesL drawlngs/palnLlngs by humans dlscovered ln -8/.&5
- 1he flrsL permanenL phoLograph was Laken beLween )OP*Q)O+*
- 1he flrsL moLlon plcLure was recorded beLween )OO*Q)OR*
- 1he flrsL full lengLh movle wlLh synchronlzed dlalogue (Lalkle) was !"# %&'' ()*+#,
- Cne of Lhe flrsL full lengLh movles Lo use colour was !"# -)'&,. /0 1'
- ?8$/.54 was Lhe name of Lhe predecessor Lo Lhe lnLerneL
- <'# ,58.58%Q655 lnvenLed Lhe World Wlde Web
- :"%/'& was Lhe flrsL graphlcal browser for Lhe World Wlde Web
- <F5 S"00'.T A4".5% was Lhe flrsL band Lo glve a concerL over Lhe lnLerneL
- !/2 (3/,2 was Lhe flrsL full lengLh feaLure fllm LhaL was compleLely compuLer generaLed
- 3/$%458 was an appllcaLlon LhaL revoluLlonlzed/lrrlLaLed Lhe muslc lndusLry ln 1999
- ulglLal cameras became falrly accesslble and affordable Lo Lhe publlc ln )RRU
:704'#5J'/ L'%4"8E "B 4F5 =.458.54
- )RUR: nL1WC8k 1LCPnCLCC? ln18CuuCLu ?SV?31<
! ?SV?31<: Advanced 8esearch ro[ecLs Agency neLwork, 1969
! llrsL packeL swlLchlng neLwork and predecessor Lo Lhe lnLerneL (dlscussed ln 1962)
! Cb[ecLlve: a neLwork Lechnology Lo allow researchers aL varlous locaLlons across Lhe counLry Lo
share lnformaLlon
! 4 locaLlons ln 1969 uCLA, SLanford, uC SanLa 8arbara, unlverslLy of uLah
! 1970 LasL coasL
- )RR): H@S6> H=>1 H1, ls flnlshed and debuLs (<'# ,58.58%Q655)
- )RR+: :"%/'& llrsL graphlcal browser (web pages wlLh lmages), by :/8& ?.J855%5.K 18'. ,8'./, and <'#
!0/8W (Lransformed lnLerneL from research Lo household)
- )RRO: X@@X61 search englne operaLes by 6/88E V/T5 & A58T5E ,8'.
- )RRR: napsLer debuLs, allowlng users Lo download and share M3s
- P***%: lnLegraLlon of compuLer, memory sLorage, dlglLal daLa, camcorders, M3 players, lpods, speakers,
Lelephones Pu 1v and oLher Lechnologles
- -74785: mulLlmedla wlll conLlnue Lo grow lnLo more Lhan 1 $100 bllllon lndusLry wlLh Lop Lhree appllcaLlons
Y) LnLerLalnmenL $13 bllllon
YP ubllshlng $7 bllllon
Y+ LducaLlon/1ralnlng $7 bllllon
! L-leanlng, l1v (lnLeracLlve 1v)
! Web 2.0 (sharlng beLween users) Lrend ln web deslgn, developmenL, can refer Lo second
generaLlon of web-based communlLles and hosLed servlces (soclal neLworklng, wlkls, blogs) whlch
alm Lo faclllLaLe creaLlvlLy, collaboraLlon, and sharlng beLween users
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 2
! LapLops becomlng smaller, Lhlnner, more powerful
! Legal lssues copyrlghL, rlghLs managemenL, plracy problemaLlc slnce rapld Lechnology changes
! 8eLLer skllls sLrong undersLandlng of medla and movlng lmages as well as LradlLlonal l1 and
programmlng skllls
!"#$%!&'%( *&($"+&,
-. %/$&+(0$%1%$2
! ",&+ 03/$+3# over Lhe appllcaLlon
! Lxperlence (0$%1& raLher Lhan passlve as wlLh Lelevlslon
! Lxamples: cllcklng on llnks on Lhe lnLerneL, on-llne compuLer-based exam, drlvlng slmulaLlon
4. 526&+#%/7%/8
! %/'&9 allows for jumping around sections
! vs ,:;<:=>?@A: sLarL aL beglnnlng and move Lo Lhe end (books, movles, vldeos)
P1ML has feaLures LhaL allows you Lo bulld hyperllnks Lo oLher webpages or locaLlon on Lhe
same page
B. 03!6"$&+ C(,&' '&#%1&+2
! CompuLer-based mulLlmedla appllcaLlons ln1LC8A1L Lhe varlous medla componenLs and ALLCW
! Modes of dellvery of Lhe appllcaLlons lnclude: vldeo games, lnLeracLlve web appllcaLlons, Cu 8CM
dlsks, lnfo klosks
- !<A>?D:E?@ F@>:GHI?:J @=E @KKA?F@>?H=J
! &E<F@>?H= offerlng lnsLrucLlon (Cu-8oms for preschoolers, blo ln vlrLual labs)
! &=>:I>@?=D:=> largesL caLegory (games (Cus/web), proprleLary sysLems (x-box), M3
! %=LHID LncarLa and lnLeracLlve world aLlas (lnLeracLlve mulLlmedla lncludlng sound, vldeo, and 3-
u anlmaLlon Lo provlde lnformaLlon and lllusLraLe concepLs)
! C<J?=:JJ businesses delivering marketing applications and employee training on CDs and
lnLerneL ([ob openlngs, producL llnes, servlces)
- Pow should you dellver Lhe appllcaLlon WWW vs Cu/uvu
0'M'1' NHIAE N?E: N:O
Access 1lme vlew lnsLanLly by lnserLlng lnLo drlve May encounLer slow connecLlon speeds
AblllLy Lo change
CannoL change conLenL musL
recreaLe and redlsLrlbuLe
Lasy Lo updaLe maLerlal, new updaLes can
be accessed lnsLanLly
- +:;<?I:E :;<?KD:=>
! ':P:AHKD:=> JQJ>:DJ: sysLems used by mulLlmedla developers Lo creaLe appllcaLlons
! "J:I JQJ>:DJ: sysLems used Lo playback mulLlmedla appllcaLlons
! MulLlmedla developer requlres: sound card, vldeo card, mlcrophone, speakers, camera, uvu drlves
!"#$%!&'%( 03!63/&/$,
$&9$ ($$+%C"$&,
- uual role:
! 1%,"(# represenLaLlon of Lhe message
! 8+(65%0(# elemenL
- use of LexL ln mulLlmedla appllcaLlons varles on:
! $R: >QK: HL @KKA?F@>?H= educaLlonal, enLerLalnmenL, buslness
! (<E?:=F: chlldren, Leens, adulLs, elderly, LSL (less LexL for chlldren vs adulLs)
- Changlng Lhe mood of webpage by changlng:
! $:S> @>>I?O<>:J colour, slze, fonL Lype
! ':J?G=MA@QH<>MKA@F:D:=> HL >:S> bulleLs, allgnmenL, LexL ln groups
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 3
- Lmphasls can be added by varylng text attr|butes
! Iont type Arlal, Llmes new roman
SLkII Lalls, scrlpL, body paragraphs (Llmes, courler new, cenLury schoolbook, palaLlno)
1alls = easler Lo read on paper
SANS-SLkII no Lalls, block-orlenLed, headlngs, LlLles (arlal, verdana, PelveLlca, comlc)
Lasler Lo read paragraphs on webslLes, shorL headlngs
! Sty|e regular, bold lLallcs
! kern|ng space beLween !"#$% '( )*++*$%, measurement expressed in em (emphasis) negaLlve,
0, poslLlve values
Pelps allgn mulLlple llnes
! 1rack|ng space beLween ")) +,* )*++*$% horlzonLally

! 1ext Lead|ng verLlcal space beLween llnes of LexL, measured ln poslLlve, 0, or negaLlve polnLs
lower value closer LogeLher, hlgher value furLher aparL
! S|ze pLs vs. plxels
! Co|our red, blue, black...
! Spec|a| effects underllne, shadows, superscrlpL, subscrlpL
- 1ext s|ze |xe|s vs. o|nts
IkLL (.pp| aka dp|) (|n genera| use p|xe|s)
unlL of measure for monlLor resoluLlon (px)
CIN1S (.dp|)
unlL of measure for prlnLer resoluLlon (pL)
- # of plxels per lnch of monlLor dlsplay
-a dlsplay seLLlng of: 1280x1024 has 1.3 mllllon ul,
800x600 has 480,000 ul
-sLandard resoluLlon on Mac 72 dpl
-sLandard resoluLlon on Wlndows 96 dpl
-C fonLs 23 larger Lhan mac fonLs on webslLes
-# of doLs per lnch
-absoluLe Lype slze usually used ln prlnLlng
-hlgher dpl = beLLer resoluLlon
-polnLs are a 8ln1 unlL of measure
-fronLs more preclsely Lhe slze you wanL on Lhe
-some browsers wlll noL allow Lhe LexL slze Lo change
(lL no, ll yes)
-prlnL sLyle sheeLs creaLed Lo prlnL LexL uslng polnLs
*develop webslLes uslng Lhe plxel sysLem
-lf web documenL LexL expressed ln polnLs
-can be dlsplayed much larger or smaller Lhan you
-ConLrol over Lhe vlewlng slze
*72 pLs WlLL ALWA?S 8L 1 lnCP WPLn 8ln1Lu,
regardless of whaL monlLor lL was processed on
10 px ls SMALLL8 Lhan 10 pLs nC1 LCuAL

- 1ext co|our - Pexadeclmal code
! 8epresenLed as a number of 6 hexadeclmal dlglLs
! Made up of declmals (0-9) and leLLers (A-l)
! 8epresenLs kkGG88
! 8ed = #ll0000, WhlLe = #llllll, 8lack = #000000, WesLern = #660099
- 1ext des|gn readab|||ty, v|sua| appea| (comp||ment graph|cs, pos|t|on), mood creat|on (head|ngs sans-
ser|f, body ser|f),
! Avold exoLlc fonLs for conslsLency on dlfferenL sysLems
! use a max of 2-3 dlfferenL Lypes of fonLs
! use a max of 2-3 dlfferenL colours ln a documenL/webslLe
! nLvL8 use underllnlng ln a webpage
- CkA: r|nc|p|es of oster & Webpage Des|gn:
! CCN1kAS1: avold maklng 2 elemenLs [usL slmllar elLher made Lhem same (colour/fonL) or vL8?
! kLL1I1ICN: repeaL some aspecL of Lhe deslgn LhroughouL
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 4
! !"#$%&'%(: lLems are allgned creaLes sLronger coheslve unlL
! *+,-#&#(.: group relaLed lLems LogeLher *physlcal grouplngs lmply relaLlonshlp
"/0123/ 456 #&!$'78$+!*9#:7
- We rely on lmages for #;<=3>?1@=;A /BCD?;?1@=;EA /;1/31?@;>/;1
- Craphlcs orlglnaLe from: non-dlglLal medlum (paper copy of a phoLo), ouLslde world, creaLe lmage
- Computers only understand/speak F#%!+. (digits 0 and 1) converL all words, lmages, eLc. Lo 0 and 1
- G#$#(#H!(#,%: Lhe process of LranslaLlng a plece of lnformaLlon (LexL, lmages, sound recordlng, vldeo) lnLo
F#%!+. F#(7 (compuLers only undersLand/speak blnary)
! F#(6 short for Binary Digit, value of 1 or 0 fundamenLal unlLs of lnformaLlon ln a compuLer
! When press a keyA I@;?3J 0=K/ E/;1 1= +!& L>/>=3JM Cu vldeo card Cn screen
! &/?E23/>/;1 EJE1/> blnary sysLem (base of 2, exponenL = number of blLs)
! F.(': collecLlon of N I@1E L5
M O 5PQ posslble comblnaLlons of 1s and 0s
'B: 2
= 2 values (0, 1), 2
= 4 values (00, 01, 10, 11)...
- 9,R &!%. 7.7('&7 !+' (9'+'6
! F@;?3J (2 Flnary ulg@1E/ F#(7)
0,1,10,11,100,101, 111,1000
! ,01?D (8 ulglLs or Lhlnk of lL as 8 number values)
! G/0@>?D (10 ulglLs)
! 9/B?K/0@>?D (16 ulglLs)
0,1,2,3,4,3,6,7,8,9,A,8,C,u,L,l, 10,11,12,13,14,13,16,17,18,19,1A,18,1C,1u,1L,1l,20
- #&!$': represenLed by a grld (array, maLrlx) of squared plcLure elemenLs called *#-'"7 (Lhe E>?DD/E1 @>?S/
0=>C=;/;1 and Lhus shows Lhe smallesL deLall)
! *@B/D numerlcal value correspondlng Lo a CCLC8 lnulCA1C8 (bw or colour)
! QT4BTN4 E03//; 640 doLs on each of 480 rows 300,000 plxels
- :=K@;S 0=D=3E
! 8lack/whlLe = 1 blL CnL? (0 = black, 1 = whlLe)
! 2 blLs comblnaLlon of black and whlLe (01/10) grey
! More blLs, more shades... 4 blLs 2
= 16 grey shades
U7'G V,+ R'F W !KK@1@X/ &=K/D (8C8) U7'G V,+ *+#%(#%$W 72I13?01@X/ &=K/D (CM?k) (k=black)
rlmary colours: 8ed, Creen, 8lue rlmary colours: Cyan, MagenLa, yellow
?KK/K llghL Lo a black background ln order Lo
obLaln color shades
E2I13?01/K from a white background

- In (+U' :,",+ each pixel represents some color shade uses 5T I@1 represenLaLlon = 16 mllllon colors
- Color can be expressed ln:
+$F :=K/ 9/B?K/0@>?D :=K/
Lach plxel ls represenLed by 3 values
-le: llghL yellow = <233,233,127> <8,C,8>
Lach value ranges from 0-233
236 color shades = 2
-16 mllllon colors ln Lhe specLrum (236
-conslsLs of 16 unlque symbols:
0,1,2,3,4,3,6,7,8,9,L, and l
-color represenLed by 6 dlglLs: le, #llCC66
8ed: <233,0,0>
Creen: <0,233,0>
8ed: #ll0000
Creen: #00ll00
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 3

! 8C8 does noL = Pexadeclmal, need converLer
! CaLhode ray Lube devlces (such as compuLer monlLors) can only dlsplay colour wlLh red, green and
blue llghL Lhls ls Lhe color sysLem of Lhe web
! noLe: equal amounLs of red, blue and green make gray
- !"#$% '( )*+#,-.% 8lLmap or vecLor effecLs how graphlcs are dlsplayed on a compuLer screen: CuallLy,
flle slze, Llme Lo dlsplay graphlcs
/0!123 (zoom ln Lo plxels) 456!78 (zoom ln, no plxels)
-lmages made up of small squares called lxels
-LdlLlng plxels: changlng color, shade, brlghLness
29:+;<+=$% of uslng a small lmage raLher Lhan larger:
-shorLer Llme needed Lo dlsplay on screen
-smaller flle slze
-dlsLorLlon occurs when lmage ls enlarged
-lmage ls represenLed wlLh llnes and arcs LhaL have a
maLhemaLlcal relaLlonshlp
-descrlbes Lhe drawlng of Lhe shape
- ?-;$: sLarLlng polnL, dlrecLlon lengLh
- 8$.<+;=@$: sLarL polnL, wldLh helghL
- 6-*.@$: cenLer and radlus
*SMALLL8 llLL: records maLhemaLlcal relaLlonshlp
-as lmage ls enlarged (reslzed):
- uoLs become larger, edges more [agged
- CuallLy decreases
- llle slze lncreases
-as lmage enlarged (reslzed):
- uoLs become larger, edges sLlll clean, crlsp
- CuallLy ls malnLalned no dlsLorLlon
- llle slze lncrease
**vecLor CAnnC1 be converLed Lo 8lLmap, buL 8lLmap CAn be converLed Lo vecLor

/0!123ABASED programs PAINT 456!78 )*+#,-.% #*'=*+B% DRAW
-ability to edit an images pixels
-lmages from scanners, cameras
-need a PAINT program
-greaLer conLrol and preclslon wlLh free-hand Lool
-dlsplay more accuraLely on screen
-download fasLer because supporL of llash and Scalable
vecLor Craphlcs (SvC formaLs)
-produce smaller flles LhaL download fasLer
-more deLalls ln vecLor-based lllusLraLlons
-must use a DRAW program draw and edlL paLhs
hoLoshop, palnLshop pro, phoLoplus
(buL phoLoshop v6.0 has vecLor feaLures)
Adobe lllusLraLor or Macromedla lreePand, Corel uraw

- CD2E!0F0E) Pow many 9-%.*$<$ :+@G$% HI-<%J wlll l use Lo represenL each plxel represenLs Lhe colour
- )*+#,-. 2<<*-IG<$% lMACL CuALl1?: lmage resoluLlon, lmage blL depLh
! 012)5 85K7?D!07E (ppl/dpl): Lhe number and spaclng of plxels ln an lmage
1he number of plxels per square lnch on a compuLer-generaLed dlsplay
Lx: lf resoluLlon 100 ppl, each plxel 1/100
When you lncrease Lhe number of plxels, lncrease quallLy of deLall ln Lhe resoluLlon
lor dlfferenL ouLpuL dellvery:
Web set to 72 dpi (smaller graphics, dont see detail)
Laser rlnLers 300-600 dpl
Plgh end lmageseLLers 1200 dpl, 2400 dpl, or hlgher (newspapers/magazlnes)
0B+=$ %-L$: Lhe physlcal dlmenslons of an lmage
lf number of plxels ln an lmage ls llxLu:
decreaslng Lhe slze of an lmage lncreases lLs resoluLlon (crlsper edges)
lncreaslng Lhe slze of an lmage decreases lLs resoluLlon (plxelaLed, [agged)
8lue: <0,0, 233> 8lue: #0000ll
-Web-safe colors: only 1,3,6,9,C,l
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 6
Lecture 04: GkAnICS CCN1INULD
- IMAGL 8I1 DL1n (aka CCLCk DL1n): maxlmum number of colors used Lo represenL an lmage
1he more blLs used Lhe more color lnfo sLored Lo descrlbe Lhe color of a plxel
CuallLy lmproves and larger flle slze
Puman eye can deLecL abouL 10 m||||on co|ors, Lherefore, sLorlng more Lhan 10 mllllon
colours ls polnLless, so we only use 24 blL color (16 mllllon colours)
! Un|versa||y supported f||es: unlversally supporLed by graphlcs lndusLry !C, Cll
When an lmage ls belng senL Lo anoLher appllcaLlon, converL Lo !C or Cll
! ropr|etary f||es (NA1IVL IILLS): uefaulL flles used by speclflc sofLware appllcaLlon, can be 8lLmap
or vecLor formaLs psd, dwg, plc can save ln naLlve formaL or unlversal formaL
SD: Adobe hoLoshop, AU: AudaclLy, MVMM: movlemaker
noL meanL Lo be Lransferred Lo oLher appllcaLlons
SofLware-speclflc lmage properLles can only be reLalned when an lmage ls saved ln Lhe
softwares native format (layering in photoshop)
! CDk: Coreluraw vecLor
! DWG: AuLocad vecLor
.GII Graph|cs |nterchange format (b|tmapped) .IG [o|nt photograph|c experts group (b|tmapped)
-aLLrlbuLes flle formaL
-color resoluLlon
-aLLrlbuLes flle formaL
-progresslve [peg

**dlsLorLs edges where Lhere ls sharp conLrasL
Ak1IIAC1S: nolse/specs around Lhe lmage
-common lmage formaL used on Lhe lnLerneL
-cross plaLform
-supporLs a max of 8-b|t co|or scheme (8 blLs/plxel = 2S6
colours) - good for cllp arL, noL phoLos
-sLores full color lnformaLlon max 24 b|ts/plxel (16
m||||on colors)
-besL for large areas of solld, flaL color -besL for: blends of color, sofLer shadow effecLs and
subLle changes ln color
-nC1 for well deflned llnes or sharp conLrasLs beLween
-uses: lllusLraLlons, logos, LexL as graphlcs, carLoons,
-uses: phoLos, compuLer games, screenshoLs, sLllls from
a movle
**t|ny f||e s|ze and ||m|ted co|ors **|arger f||e s|ze but fu|| co|or scheme
LCSSLLSS compression no daLa dlscarded durlng
compresslon CuALl1? kL1
LCSS compression daLa ls dlscarded each Llme flle
compressed CuALl1? uLC8AuLS

CCMkLSSICN 1LCnNIULS: 1024 bytes = 1 k8
- Clls LOSSLESS compression no dlscard of daLa
! uoes noL geL blurry or mess
! uses slmple Lechnlque called LZW compresslon Lo reduce flles slzes of lmages by flndlng repeaLed
paLLerns of plxels
! never degrades lmage quallLy
- !Cs LOSSY compression dlscards daLa
! noL all lnformaLlon ln orlglnal lmage ls preserved nC1 Lhe same as orlglnal
! uegrades lmage quallLy
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 7
! Compression achieved by forgetting certain details about the image, which JPG fills in later when
lL ls dlsplayed
! uegree of losslness can be varled by ad[usLlng compresslon parameLers
0 compresslon = 100 quallLy, 93 compresslon = 3 quallLy
! *work wlLh lmage ln naLlve formaL Lhen save flnal ln [pg
! uses compresslon algorlLhm whlch can be applled on slldlng scale
! When savlng [pg lmage, can generally selecL quallLy or compresslon raLlo of flnal lmage
! CbservaLlons:
CuallLy of !LC flle ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe flle slze
Plgher lmage quallLy seLLlng (has a lower compresslon value) resulLs ln less daLa belng

!"#$%&&'( *+%&,"-
May see it as CompuServe GIF since Compuserve creaLed lL
Cne of Lwo .#%/(%+(. 0.'( 1/ #,' 2'3 wlLhouL plug-lns
4"5 51+$%# 1/67 .0&&1+#. 0& #1 89: -161+.
4+%&,"-. ;/#'+-,%/*' <1+$%#
SLandard 3"#$%&&'( 51+$%# on Lhe Wlndows plaLform
SupporLed by mosL Wlndows appllcaLlons.
2"/(1=. !"#$%&
>'-#1+ 3%.'( graphlc
opular lmage flles slnce Lhey can be lmporLed lnLo nearly any
Encapsulated Postscript
(.LS, .LSl)
MosL wldely used 3"#$%&&'( flle formaL
SupporLed by "$%*'?'("#"/* %&&6"-%#"1/.@ .-%//"/* .15#=%+'@ &%*'?
6%710# &+1*+%$.@ %/( =1+( &+1-'.."/* .15#=%+'.
SupporLs blL depLhs from 1 Lo 32 blLs
Cross plaLforms for MAC, C, and unlx sysLems
MosL commonly used when Lhe 10#&0# ". &+"/#'(
A%**'( ;$%*' <"6' <1+$%#.
(.1ll, .1lll)
<"6' BC#'/."1/ <"6' <1+$%#
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 8
- Sources of Craphlcs graphlcs musL be ln ulCl1lZLu form Lo use ln mulLlmedla appllcaLlon
! !"#"$"%&' )*+&,*-. )*+)/,'&,-: capLures lmages and dlglLlzes Lhem lnLo compuLer lmages Lhrough
lLs sofLware
0&#*1"2&34 how many mllllons of plxels you can capLure ln a phoLograph on your dlglLal
! 5)*66&,-: dlglLlzes drawlngs, lllusLraLlons, and 3u ob[ecLs lnLo compuLer lmages uslng lLs sofLware
1he scanner or Lhe camera deLermlnes how many samples Lo Lake measured as dpl (doLs
per lnch

! 76$&,6&$ -"$&-: free cllparL, on-llne sLock phoLo llbrary ($$)

589:895 ;<! =>?@;!7<A
- =1$"+&: how long does server sLay up
- =13/*': Lransfer flles Lo server so Lhey can be dlsplayed on Lhe web
- AdvanLages of a server:
1) ConnecLed: on all Lhe Llme and connecLed Lo lnLerneL
2) Always avallable: webslLe always avallable slnce always on
3) 1aken care of: securlLy and malnLenance by people
- >*6$B&,: name of computer, server, that hosts uwo website
! PosL name: panLher.uwo.ca
! user webslLe: hLLp://www.publlsh.uwo.ca/~username
- CD>: flle Lransfer proLocol
! Lx: SSP Secure llle, lllezllla, WS-l1, lugu (for mac)
! Some flle Lransfer programs do noL connecL Lo all servers
- 5ECD> F-"6# 5&)F,& -B&33
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 9
! !"#$$ &$'#(): can Lype ln commands by hand but its in Unix
! *'$# )+,(!*#+ &$'#(): allows us Lo Lransfer flles Lo panLher
! SeLLlng permlsslons:
Sometimes you cant see your files on internet because files are locked after uploaded
!-./01-2 3: change file permissions Lvery Llme you upload new flle, go Lo Shell wlndow
and type in publish
!-./01-2 4: change file permissions uslng Secure llle 1ransfer, everyLlme you upload
new flle change permlsslon rlghLs on LhaL flle or folder (change properLles)
"-56768-7 checkmarks shaped ln an upslde down u
644 for flle, 733 for folder
"-9 1:;<76 ;57 /67=
- *-5 >512012<: 1) CuallLy, 2) llle Slze
- *-5 087 ?7@: 1) llle Slze, 2) CuallLy (uCWnLCAu speed) ob[ecLlve download webslLe as qulckly as
AB)'C'D# 'C,E#!: reduce Lhe flle slze (download Llme) wlLhouL compromlslng lmage CuallLy
- 3F *1.7 G-5:;06 choose [pg or glf
- 4F +7=/H12< H-.-5 576-./01-2 24 blLs, 16 blLs, 8 blL
- llle formaLs accepLable on Lhe web: glf, [pg, png
- &-.-5 576-./01-2
! Cll conLrol: color resoluLlon (number of colors) supporL 8-blL color 236, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8 byLes
8y changlng Lhe color resoluLlon (blL depLh) can lower download Llme
- ICB G1.76 no compresslon, sLores lnformaLlon abouL each plxel, each plxel ls 1 byLe
- E'* G1.76 dlvlde lmage lnLo shapes on a grld (sLarLx, sLarLy, endx, endy, color)
! Lach shape records 3 byLes
! AnoLher way:
Looks for paLLerns: ex: 12343123431234312343, 1=12343 1111
8ullds a decodlng hash Lable (1 = 12343)
- JB#E G1.76 converslon programs Lry Lo save lnformaLlon abouL brlghLness (human eye pays more aLLenLlon
Lo brlghLness Lhan color deLalls). lf lL flnds Lwo ad[acenL plxels wlLh very slmllar colors, sLore boLh plxels as
same color and dlscard oLher color
- K')"#+'(E: (when savlng Clls) mosL common meLhod of reduclng Lhe color range of lmages down Lo Lhe
236 colors seen ln 8-blL Cll lmages
! !uxLaposlng plxels of Lwo colors Lo creaLe Lhe llluslon LhaL a Lhlrd color ls presenL (gralny look)
! I+A?!#+ !,*# B,$$#)#: 216 colors honoured beLween MAC & C browsers, operaLlng sysLems,
and compuLer plaLforms
! lf lmage uses color hues ouLslde browser safe paleLLe auLomaLlcally dlLhers dlsplayed lmage lnLo
browser-safe lmage
! J/L0;>-676 coloured plxels from browser-safe paleLLe ln order Lo slmulaLe any color whlch ls noL ln
! Can reduce number of colors ln a Cll and choose opLlons Lo conLrol Lhe way colors dlLher ln
appllcaLlon or browser
- '2075.;H12< 07H821M/7: how lmages downloaded Lo your screen (applles Lo Cll flles)
! rocess by whlch lmage ls drawn ln a serles of passes raLher Lhan all aL Lhe same Llme (flle slze
blgger) see full lmage, geLs clearer as downloads
- )5;26>;572HN: allows page background Lo dlsplay Lhrough Lhe lmage so Lhe lmage appears Lo have no
vlslble border around lL supporLed by E'* and B(E A($O
- B(E (orLable neLwork Craphlcs)
! ueveloped as replacemenL for Cll due Lo legal lssues wlLh LZW compresslon sLarLlng Lo replace
! $A!!$#!! H-:>57661-2 (no dlscarded)
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 10
nC-8 (max of 236 colours)
nC-24 (max of 16 mllllon colours)
Allows lmages Lo have up Lo 48 blL color (buL would never be necessary) more for phoLos
! Can seL whlch color blL depLh you wanL Lo make flle slzes smaller
! !"#$%&$'() +, -./0
Lossless compresslon
Smaller/same slze as Clls keeplng lossless (3-23 smaller)
nC beLLer Lhan !C wlLh lmages LhaL conLaln LexL or llne arL
SupporLs +1$23&4 and &5$%)672(%24
! 83)$"#$%&$'() +, 9-./0
Clder browsers may noL supporL
.+ $%3:$&3+% (unllke Clls)
llle slze for 24 blL color phoLographs blgger Lhan !C flles

- ;("72( &<( "+=%6+$" &3:( >4 7)3%' $%4 +5 $66 2+:>3%$&3+%)0
1) 8educe flle slze
2) Chooslng .[pg or .glf formaLs
3) 8educlng color resoluLlon (24 blLs, 16 blLs, 8 blLs)

- /+$60 "+=%6+$" =(> 1$'( ,$)& download Llme effecLed by graphlc flle slze and flle formaL
! ?36( )3@(
Use smaller sized graphics expressed in KB measurement to reduce amount of webspace
needed Lo sLore lmage
8ecommended flle slze for graphlcs on Lhe lnLerneL ls no larger Lhan abouL 100k8,
oLherwlse lL wlll add seconds Lo download Llme
! ?36( ?+5:$&: .Cll or !C raLher Lhan 8M, 1lll or oLher
! MosL graphlcs sofLware can exporL from any exLenslon Lo .[pg or .glf
- Why bulld a webslLe
! 8each poLenLlal cusLomers
! ueLalls on servlces/producLs provldlng LesLlmonlals
- rocess:
! Choose a domaln name
! Crder Web hosLlng
! MeeL wlLh Lhe cllenL
! CreaLe webslLe
- Canadlans purchased $40 bllllon onllne, 28 hours onllne each monLh, 1/373 web pages/CAn household
- Web searches worldwlde = 3.7 bllllon per day
- EF!J onllne aucLlon and shopplng, March 2008 revenues $8.7 bllllon
! G(1& KLLC -3(55( M:3"4$5 Echo Bay consulting, broken Laser pointer
! G(1& KLLN O(,, GP+6 QMovle producer) MarkeLplace for goods and servlces
! G(1& KLLR wenL publlc S(' D<3&:$% (Parvard, Pasbro) Vision: connecting people
! O+<% 8+%$<+( CLC of Lbay
D(>)3&( G&$5&71
- ITE H.IE;.EI: a collecLlon of local, reglonal, naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal compuLer neLworks LhaL are llnked
LogeLher Lo exchange daLa and dlsLrlbuLe processlng Lasks
! a global sysLem of lnLerconnecLed compuLer neLworks LhaL use Lhe sLandardlzed lnLerneL roLocol
SulLe (1C/l) Lo serve bllllons of users worldwlde, a neLwork of neLworks
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 11
! 1he lnLerneL ls hardware - Lhe World Wlde Web ls sofLware LhaL runs on Lhe lnLerneL!
! 1C = 1ransmlsslon ConLrol roLocol developed by A8A (A8AnL1)
! Works by !"#!$"% '("%!)"*+ or ,-!./% '("%!)"*+
- nCS1: a computer on Lhe lnLerneL LhaL provldes servlces such as web pages, emalls, web sLorage
- IS: lnLerneL Servlce rovlder WesLern, 8ell, 8ogers, Lxecullnk, CosLco
! Allows one Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL
! Company LhaL malnLalns an lnLerneL hosL compuLer provldlng lnLerneL access and user account for
access|ng |nternet, e-ma|| box, webspace to host webs|te
! offers connecLlon vla Lelephone llnes, cable 1v or personal saLelllLe dlsh
- daLa Lravels from one lnLerneL hosL Lo anoLher along best route, lf llnks overloaded/ouL of servlce
- I (lnLerneL roLocol) Address: unlquely ldenLlfles each compuLer/devlce connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL
! An l Address ls 32 blLs (4 byLes) wlde and may be represenLed varlous ways
! ConslsLs of 4 numbers (dotted-quad - mosL popular) =
! Lach quad musL be beLween 0-233
! |cks a route for a packet, stopp|ng at routers (dev|ces) wh|ch p|ck the next best
mach|ne]network to send the packet to (the router |s the centra| sw|tch|ng dev|ce).
- DCMAIN NAML: Lhe LexL name correspondlng Lo Lhe numerlc l address of a compuLer on Lhe lnLerneL
! *on|y what comes after www ex: uwo.ca (, csd.uwo.ca (
! 2 parLs ldenLlfles Lhe nL1WC8k and Lhe speclflc CCMu1L8
! When browslng a webslLe, l address deLermlnes successful communlcaLlon beLween your
compuLer and webslLe
! A unS (uomaln name SysLem) maps Lhe domaln name Lo Lhe correcL l address so daLa can rouLe
Lo Lhe correcL compuLer
- llndlng your l address www.showmylp.com, www.whaLlsmylp.com
- llndlng l address of any webslLe Command prompL Lype plng and Lhe webslLe
- UkL: unlform 8esource LocaLor an Address of a web documenL on a compuLer
! Lvery webpage ls referred Lo by a unlque u8L

- Doma|n name ru|es
! Max of 67 characLers (lncludlng exLenslon)
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 12
! 0-9, a-z
! uash characLer (hyphen)
! nC unuL8LlnL, no spaces, cannoL sLarL or end wlLh dash, case lnsenslLlve, no _
! MusL end wlLh a domaln exLenslon - .neL, .com, .org... (1Lu)
- !"#$%&'()* a domain that is part of a larger domain, two or more parts (labels) separated by .s
! hLLp://www.en.wlklpedla.org domaln name: Wlklpedla.org, Subdomaln: en
! used Lo organlze webslLe conLenL
3564 ls Lhe flrsL level domaln (86: ;-7-; <64.=> 1Lu)
&,5./9 ls Lhe second level domaln mycars.com ls Lhe uCMAln
4,56/7-88-9 ls Lhe Lhlrd level domaln subdomain of the domain mycars.com
,-./0112 ls Lhe fourLh level domaln subdomain of mycorvettes.mycars.com
! 8ules:
Max of 127 labels (each level ls a label)
Lach label max 63 characLers long, mln 3 characLers
8uL whole domaln cannoL exceed 233 characLers, lncludlng 1Lu
- ?@$: ldenLlfles Lhe Lype of organlzaLlon LhaL ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe domaln
! .564 (commerclal organlzaLlon, buslness, companles), .>-8 (lnLerneL admlnlsLraLlve slLe, neLwork
provlders), .6/A (non-proflL organlzaLlons), .-<B (educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons), .A67 (governmenL
agencles), .=>C6 (lnformaLlon), .D=E (buslness), .5. (Canada), .B9 (unlLed sLaLes)....
- Chooslng domaln name pay on a per year basls, musL re-new
! search: mydomaln.com, yahoo.com, godaddy.com, reglsLer.com...
- FG# H%!?()I* Lhe SL8vlCL LhaL provldes lnLerneL users wlLh onllne sysLems for sLorlng lnformaLlon,
lmages, vldeo, or any conLenL accesslble vla Lhe web
! FG# H%!?!: (lSs) CCMAnlLS LhaL provlde space on a server Lhey own for use by Lhelr cllenLs as
well as provldlng lnLerneL connecLlvlLy (rogers, execullnk, ACL...) **flles musL be hosLed on
webserver provlded by lS Lo be avallable on Lhe lnLerneL
! FJ, >68 86 J698 K-D9=8- 6> ,6B/ 564:B8-/:
Lxpenslve, conLlnual connecLlon (needs 24/7 hlgh speed connecLlon), Lechnlcal
(compllcaLed), supporL (server malnLenance requlres 24 hour supporL, skllls, knowledge)
! L/=8-/=. C6/ 5J669=>A K-D J698=>A 564:.>,: dlsk space (3-10C8), bandwldLh (amounL of Lrafflc LhaL
ls allowed Lo occur beLween your webslLe and Lhe resL of Lhe lnLerneL ln a glven Llme perlod), web
slLe speed, daLabase/programmlng language supporL, Lechnlcal supporL, upLlme, l1 access, web
sLaLlsLlcs summary, scrlpLs avallablllLy, web provlder
@-58B/- 1M* FG#!(?G LNG'?(%) ')$ $NG'&FG'OGN L%)LGP?!
LffecLlve WebslLe ueslgn
- Cood feaLures:
! klSS rlnclple (keep lL slmple, sLupld)
! ConslsLency
! Color
! 8alance
! Lasy Lo navlgaLe

- LNG'?()I ' FG#!(?G:
1) P;.>>=>A .>< $-9=A> MeeL wlLh cllenL, declde on colors, fonLs,
background, llnks
! ALWA?S call splash page lndex.hLml LhaL way domaln name
leads rlghL Lo lL
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 13
2) !"#$%"%&'(')*& who wlll malnLaln? sLralghL P1ML programmlng vs Web page sofLware? complexlLy, klSS
prlnclple, C8A prlnclples, 1esL ln neLscape, explorer, flrefox, documenLaLlon
!"#$%"%&'(')*&: ueslgnlng for Web
a. +,- /01,: P1ML (hyperLexL markup language) compuLer lnsLrucLlons used Lo creaLe web page,
browser reads hLml code
l. P1ML cross plaLform, any compuLer can read
ll. P1ML 1ags: <Lag> xxxxxx </Lag>
b. +,- 2!3,: collecLlon of web pages creaLed and malnLalned by an lndlvldual/organlzaLlon
c. +,- 2,45,4: compuLer LhaL sLores web pages and makes Lhem avallable for people Lo see on Lhe
d. +,- -46+2,4: program LhaL allows you Lo vlew Lhe lnLerneL (lL, ll, neLscape, Safarl...)

3) /78$)9: Web space, use l1 sofLware, upload once webslLe ls ready, 8ack up flles
4) ;()&'%&(&<% who ls malnLalner, Lralnlng, updaLe frequenLly, documenLaLlon, backup lnformaLlon
! Make sure allow for frequenL updaLes ln deslgn
=%<'7>% ?@8A B4,0;+,05,4 C6DC,/32
- !"# %&'()*+,- .)/'01*" !2.3!24 50(1' 6)& 7"" +7 0(1' 6)& -"'8
! ureamweaver: web page edlLor and slLe managemenL Lool
2!3, ;0D01,;,D3: organlze flles/folders, movlng flles, rearranglng pages and updaLlng
llnks easlly
records P1ML code as you bulld
! lnLerface:
B*<7"%&' E)&F*E: area where you bulld webpage
/(&%$9: provlde you wlLh commands/properLles and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe currenL ob[ecL or
Lask you are busy wlLh can move Lhem, mosL common floaLlng ls properLy lnspecLor
2)'% #(&%$: folder LhaL you are currenLly worklng on, glves fllenames, paLh dlrecLory, eLc
/>*#%>'G #(&%$: characLerlsLlcs of ob[ecLs/LexL LhaL you have lnserLed (slze, color, fonL)
! navlgaLlon sLyles make sure conslsLenL beLween pages
- CreaLlng a new SlLe
! ** ALWA?S ldenLlfy Lo ureamweaver: Lhe folder where your webslLe wlll be sLored Lhrough
Manage SlLes
new slLe: no flles exlsL yeL, buL wlll be creaLlng Lhem
lolder/flles exlsL: buL never worked wlLh flles ln uW
! ldenLlfy SlLe name (descrlpLlve name) and local rooL folder (where all pages sLored)
! llle names:
uo noL use spaces ln flle names and folders (allowed - 20 = space)
uo noL use caplLal leLLers An1PL8 lS CASL SLnSl1lvL
.:'" (hyperLexL Markup) uW verslons prlor Lo 8, based on uos/wlndows 3.x
.:'"$ (hyperLexL markup language) uW 8
.9:'"$ (server slde lncludes) means LhaL hLml documenL has speclal commands for Lhe
server Lo process
.<H) (common gaLeway lnLerface) lnsLrucLlons LhaL causes evenLs Lo happen on server by
execuLlng programs wrlLLen ln perl, c..., used for daLabase access, forms processlng
.(9# (acLlve server pages) scrlpLlng language developed by MS, scrlpL embossed wlLhln a
webpage along wlLh lLs P1ML, causes acLlve server slde processlng
Same funcLlon as .cgl buL lnLegraLed lnLo AcLlve x envlronmenL
.#:# (hyperLexL pre-processor) alLernaLlve Lo asap, scrlpL language and lnLerpreLer used
prlmarlly on Llnux web servers, empeded wlLhln web page along wlLh lLs P1ML, before
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 14
page senL Lo user LhaL has requesLed lL, server calls php Lo lnLerpreL and perform Lhe
operaLlons called for ln Lhe scrlpL
! !"#$%&: speclal lnsLrucLlons beyond uW commands
- vlew LayouLs:
! ueslgn vlew: shows W?SlW?C vlew
! SpllL: combo of boLh vlews (deslgn and code)
! Code vlew: shows your P1ML code
- age 1lLle roperLy: assoclaLes a general descrlpLlon of whaL webpage ls abouL an ldenLlLy
! ulsplays LlLle on flrsL llne (LlLle bar) when page open ln browser wlndow (CPAnCL lC8 LACP ACL)
! lmporLanL: when prlnLed, ldenLlLy
- LnLerlng 1exL
! AuLomaLlc llne wrapplng
! wldLh of paragraph depends on wldLh of web browser wlndow (unless ln Lable or CSS sLyle sheeLs
! paragraph break leaves plank llne beLween llnes (<p> P1ML Lag) ress <Ln1L8>
! Llne 8reak no space beLween llnes (<br> P1ML Lag) press <SPll1><Ln1L8>
- '(#)*&&$+, ./0&
! ConLrol:
Peaders P1, P2, P3, P4, P3, P6 (predeflned approxlmaLe slzes and bolds LexL)
1exL color hexadeclmal #
1exL Slze use plxel sysLem (pLs larger)
lonL Lype l.e. 1lmes new 8oman, Callbrl
Speclal effecLs bold, lLallcs, underllne eLc. uC nC1 uSL unuL8LlnL
! lndenLlng paragraphs
- 1*,/ %#(%/#&$/2: (seL defaulLs)
! SeL background color, background lmages
- 3#*%4$"2 enhances appearance of a web page
! lmages from scanner, dlglLal camera, cllparL, lnLerneL
! lormaLs glf (cllparL), [pg (phoLo), png
! Lower download Llmes use smaller slzed graphlcs, reslze larger lmage ln graphlcs package noL uW
! CpLlmlze: color resoluLlon, compresslon wlll affecL quallLy and slze
- 5(6+7(*8 &$)/ (9 %*,/: 8enchmark: 36k modem speed, max of 30-33 seconds
! See sLaLus bar LoLal slze appears ln kb (edlL>preferences>sLaLus bar)
- :)*,/ *&&#$;<&/2 uslng properLy lnspecLor: slze, space around lmage, border, alLernaLlve LexL, allgnmenL,
sharpen, conLrasL, crop
! =7&/#+*&$>/ ./0&: capLlon ln browser, dlsplays LexL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lmage
May dlsplay whlle graphlc loadlng, or lf uslng a LexL only browser
To meet barrier free access
For Firefox: insert title=xxxxx before alt=xxxxx
- ?:@A:@3 .B1C!
! 1o anoLher web page wlLhln your slLe ln your folder polnL Lo Lhe flle
! 1o anoLher webslLe on Lhe lnLerneL (sLarL wlLh hLLp://)
use LargeL fleld Lo open ln new wlndow set to D;7*+E
1ype u8L address dlrecLly
! 1o an e-mall address
SelecL LexL for hyperllnk, lnserL e-mall llnk mallLo:[ohnsmlLh[uwo.ca
! CreaLlng an lmage hyperllnk
SelecL lmage, ln properLy lnspecLor cllck on folder, selecL paLh dlrecLory
! CreaLe mulLl-llnks wlLhln an lmage lmage map (PC1SC1S)
SelecL lmage, Lype descrlpLlve name ln map fleld, cllck on drawlng Lool, draw an area on
lmage, cllck folder and lndlcaLe flle assoclaLed wlLh hoLspoL
! 1o [ump Lo a speclflc spoL (oLher Lhan beglnnlng of Lhe webpage) wlLhln a web page (seLLlng
bookmarks, anchors, LargeLs
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 13
CreaLe Lhe anchor
CreaLe Lhe llnk Lo Lhe anchor
AnCPC8S: predeflned anchor (#Lop), reLurns you Lo Lop of page
ln IE: no need to define top, but do in FF so ALWA?S uLllnL
1o geL rld of blue llnk llnes cllck on lmage and change brdr Lo 0
! ?ou can llnk Lo flles of Lype: CLher Lhan hLml flles, roprleLary sofLware (word, excel audlence
needs sofLware on Lhelr sysLem), lmages (.glf, .[pg....), AcrobaL reader flles (.pdf)
- 1ab|es conLrol web page layouL and cusLomlze effecLs
! 1ab|e w|dth: expressed as - covers a percenLage of Lhe screen, flxed wldLh flxed on screen
Ass|gnments llxLu 780 plxels for wldLh
! Insert|ng a tab|e cllck where you wanL Lable Lo appear, selecL lnserL>Lable...
! Se|ect|ng tab|e place mouse over tables cell grids until see red outline, single-cllck
! Merg|ng ce||s: hlghllghL cells you wanL Lo merge, cllck merge ln properLy lnspecLor
! Sp||tt|ng ce||s: hlghllghL cells you wanL Lo spllL, selecL spllL lcon, enLer lnformaLlon
! 1ab|e propert|es: can conLrol LayouL, wldLh (plxels/percenL), cell paddlng (space around conLenLs
of each cell), cell spaclng (space beLween each cell ln Lable), borders (0 = lnvlslble)
! Ce|| propert|es: applled Lo one cell or group of cells: horlzonLal allgnmenL, verLlcal allgnmenL,
wldLh/helghL, cell border (colour), background color
Lecture 07: MAkkL1ING 1nL WL8SI1L
- WL8 U8LISnING upload/ftping compleLed pages Lo server wlLh Secure Shell CllenL or from wlLhln uW
! use l1 sofLware
! I||e 1ransfer protoco|: an lnLerneL sLandard LhaL allows you Lo upload and download flles wlLh
oLher compuLers on Lhe lnLerneL
nC1 ALL l1 SCl1WA8L can connecL Lo a web server (securlLy, flrewalls)
noL all l1 cllenLs wlll connecL Lo a server Secure Shell, lllezllla, cuLepdf, lugu
! Added feaLures: vla l1 sofLware can deleLe, rename, move, and copy flles on a server
! DCWNLCADING: process of recelvlng a program, documenL or flle vla a neLwork from anoLher
compuLer - 8emoLe slLe (server) Local compuLer
! ULCADING: Local compuLer 8emoLe slLe (server)
! ubllshlng Lhe webslLe: need 4 pleces of lnformaLlon from web hosL:
1. PosL name (ex: panLher.uwo.ca)
2. username
3. assword
4. u8L/Web page address
- MarkeLlng include website address in signature, on all printed materials, advertisements
- llndlng lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL: use program LhaL searches lnLerneL for Loplcs or keywords and polnLs
you Lo a slLe ul8LC1C8? vs SLA8CP LnClnL (83 of people flnd slLes Lhrough search englnes)
SLAkCn LNGINL - Goog|e, A|ta V|sta, notbot SU8ILC1 DIkLC1Ck - ahoo, About.com, ACL
-A program LhaL enables Lhe user Lo search lnLerneL slLes
- user Lypes a llsL of keywords
-a program LhaL enables Lhe user Lo search lnLerneL slLes
-lnLerneL slLes are organlzed by sub[ecL and Loplc
-allowlng users Lo choose a sub[ecL lnLeresL and Lhen
browse Lhe llsL of resources ln LhaL caLegory
- reLurns a llsL of Lhe documenLs where Lhe keywords
were found
collecLlon of webslLes organlzed by Loplc
searches a daLabase of lnformaLlon abouL Lhe lnLerneL Puman-selecLed (hand-plcked) lnLerneL resources are
arranged and classlfled ln hlerarchlcal Loplcs
Uses sp|ders, webcraw|ers Lo gaLher daLabase
lnformaLlon of webslLes, lndex slLes and score pages and
puLs Lhe lnformaLlon lnLo a daLabase
numan ed|tors revlew webpages, rank Lhem, organlze
Lhem lnLo caLegorlzed llsL wlLh brlef descrlpLlons
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 16
ubllsher reglsLers lnLo daLabase, or walL for splder WalL for human edlLors
Lxamples: Coogle, alLavlsLa, PoLboL ?ahoo, abouL.com, ACL, Cpen ulrecLory (open dlrecLory
ls 1 slze of google)

- !"#$%&'(%) +&,(-%&: web sofLware LhaL consLanLly searches for new web pages and follows any llnks
- $,.,),!%: addresses, page LlLles, slgnlflcanL words, Loplcs
! search englnes access Lhe daLabase nC1 Lhe lnLerneL slLes
- /%.,0!%,&+1 %23#23%'/%.,+&,(-%&: lnLerneL search englne whlch searches oLher search englnes
! Uses searches of other engines, returns the top results, doesnt create its own databases
- 1op search provlders: google (62), yahoo, msn
- 145 6478 3449:7 54;<=
1. 3>?@7;8 ?@7 #AB4;C>?D4A: crawl and lndex bllllons of pages of WWW, performed by 3449:7E4?, a
spider which connects to web servers around the world to fetch documents. Spider gives each
reLrleved page a number so lL can refer Lo Lhe pages lL feLched
2. )FD:6 > 6>?>E>87 GDA67HI: LlsL every documenL LhaL conLalns a cerLaln word
3. &>A< ;78F:?8: rank Lhem ln Lerms of relevance google uses many facLors ln ranklng:
a. ">97&>A< >:94;D?@C how many :DA<8 Lhere are Lo a web page from oLher pages, JF>:D?K of
Lhe llnklng slLes
b. L;7JF7AMK 4B <7K54;68 DA > 57EN>97
c. Appearance words rlghL nexL Lo each oLher
4. &>A< &78F:?8: make a llsL of documenLs and Lhelr scores Lake Lhe documenLs wlLh Lhe hlghesL scores
as Lhe besL maLches
a. Coogle also shows snlppeLs from each documenL LhaL hlghllghL Lhe words Lhe user Lyped
b. ln search ranklng, google reLurns Lhe ranked u8Ls and Lhe snlppeLs Lo Lhe user as resulLs page
- !%O= !7>;M@ %A9DA7 ON?DCDP>?D4A: 3 ComponenLs you should look aL when you are Lrylng Lo make your slLe
more vlslble are:
! 1exL:
S1L 1: luLn1ll? 1PL C8uClAL kL?WC8uS
S1L 2: u1 kL?WC8uS ln 8LS1 LCCA1lCnS (1lLle, roperLy 1lLle, vlslble 8ody 1exL around
and ln llnks, 1exL LhaL ls above Lhe !"#$ &!'()* )+(,,-.)
keyword denslLy
! Llnks: no broken llnks
! opularlLy: Llnk-popularlLy and cllck-Lhrough popularlLy
- +,+1%$: hlghllghLs where searched words are
- 145 ?4 DCN;4Q7 ;>A<DA9 4B 57E8D?7 DA > 87>;M@ 7A9DA7:
! Lnsure pages have full meanlngful ?D?:78
1he mosL lmporLanL Lag, headlng people wlll see ln search englnes <LlLle> xxx<LlLle>
uW = Lhe properLy LlLle lmporLanL: unlCuL properLy LlLle aLLrlbuLe for every page
! Add a meta description: descrlpLlon of Lhe slLe (1-2 llnes) whlch someLlmes appears along wlLh
Lhe LlLle ln Lhe search resulLs page of some search englnes
<meta name=Description content =xxx>
! Add meta <7K54;68: words LhaL your cusLomers would enLer Lo search Lo flnd slLe
keywords nC1 a ma[or facLor search englnes conslder when ranklng slLes because of abuse
<meta name=keywords content=x,x,x,x,x>
1lS: slngle words, do noL repeaL more Lhan 3-3 Llmes, use plurals, use lmporLanL words ln
dlfferenL forms, keep lengLh beLween 200-300 characLers (10-13 words)
LlsL of occurances of each words on a page more lmporLanL
Speclal welghL Lo keywords LhaL appear: placemenL (hlgh vs low), beglnnlng of senLence vs
embedded, proxlmlLy, headlngs, ln LlLle, meLaLag descrlpLlon, alL Lags for graphlcs, generlc
meLaLags keywords, ln llnk LexL for lnbound llnks, ln Lhe u8L
! ,66 K4F; N>97 Lo Lhe acLual search englne slLe
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 17
Search englnes: roboLs used Lo lndex slLes, use meLa Lags keywords, LlLle, and alL flelds
ulrecLorles: roboLs noL used, human edlLor revlews, Lherefore, meLa Lags eLc uC nC1 help
wlLh ranklng besL Lo descrlbe slLe accuraLely make sure slLe compleLely done before
! CeL slLes LhaL score hlghly on Lhe search englne resulLs Lo llnk Lo your slLe
lnLegraLe a blog lnLo your webslLe, press release, submlL lnLo soclal neLwork slLes,
comment on other peoples blogs
! Check your compeLlLors web pages deLermlne why Lhelrs ranks hlgher Lhan yours
- !"#$% '()(#"(#*" knowlng whaL vlslLors llke and dlsllke abouL webslLe
! lS web servers keeps logs of all vlslLor acLlvlLy records requesLs for flles on slLe, daLe, Llme eLc
+ ,- .#"#(,/": number of users Lo your slLe
0#12": number of flles reLrleved from a web slLe
3)%2": number of dlsLlncL hLml flles/pages looked aL (sLlcklness)
4#(": number of flles senL Lo a user afLer a page resulLs (lncludes graphlc flles)
History of Searching the Net
- 5667: 1he flrsL Lool for searchlng Lhe lnLerneL was called 8/*9#2 (short for archives)
! Crlglnal lmplemenLaLlon wrlLLen ln 1990 by 81)$ :;()%2, 8lll Peelan, and eLer !. ueuLsch aL McClll
! ueslgned Lo lndex l1 archlves, allowlng people Lo flnd speclflc flles
! Words first internet search engine
! uownloaded dlrecLory llsLlngs of all flles locaLed on publlc anonymous l1 servers: creaLlng a
searchable daLabase of flle names
- 5665: <,=92/ by >)/? >*@)9#11, lrahad Anklesarla, aul Llnder, uan 1orrey, and 8ob AlberLl of
unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa
! Copher ls a dlsLrlbuLed documenL (shared by compuers) search and reLrleval neLwork proLocol
deslgned for Lhe lnLerneL
! lLs goal was slmllar Lo LhaL of Lhe world wlde web, buL now become obsoleLe
- 5665: A,/1B A#B2 A2C developed aL CL8n D#; E2/$2/"FG22 (Ceneva, SwlLzerland)
! roblem: daLa dlfflculL Lo access and exchange due Lo dlfferlng encodlng formaLs and neLworklng
! Several crlLerla: sysLem musL be flexlble, compaLlble wlLh numerous languages and operaLlng
sysLems, sysLem musL be capable of recordlng random llnks beLween ob[ecLs, enLerLlng and
correcLlng lnformaLlon ls easlly performed
- 566H: Aprll I)9,, J).#B 0#1,K L2//M I)$% more Lhan 10,000 employees
- 566N: SepLember <,,%12 (search englne): G)//M 3)%2 and '2/%2M E/#$ more Lhan 10,000 employees,
managemenL Leam mosL experlenced Lechnology professlonals ln Lhe lndusLry
G2*(O/2 7NP 8QR>8DRSQ
8QR>8DRSQ: a drawing that moves, bringing the drawing to life
- Rely on moving images for effective communication
- used for: enLerLalnmenL (acLlon, reallsm), LducaLlon (vlsuallzaLlon, demonsLraLlon)
- A9M O"2 )$#;)(#,$T
! Shows progress
! lndlcaLe movemenL
! lllusLraLe change over Llme
! vlsuallze 3u ob[ecLs
! ALLracL aLLenLlon
- SlmulaLlon of movemenL Lhrough a serles of plcLures LhaL have ob[ecLs ln sllghLly dlfferenL poslLlons
- Lach drawlng ls called a 0U8>:: snapshoL of whaL ls happenlng aL a parLlcular momenL (lS: frames per
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 18
! Movles on fllm 24 fps
! 1v 30 fps
! 9000 frames for flve mlnuLe carLoon computer animation, jerky anything less
- ln anlmaLlon, each frame overlaps Lhe prevlous one
- !"#$%$&' ls caused by: rapldly dlsplaylng each frame ln sequence
- )*+$, "- .&/%0'/"&
! 1"%+2'$3450,$6 '30/&/&7 +3"730%,8 Lhe way someLhlng works (assembllng parLs, surgery)
! 962:0'/"&8 Leach applled and hands on skllls (spelllng, exam prep, learnlng lnsLrumenLs, aLhleLes)
! ;0%$,8 playsLaLlon, nlnLenLo, xbox...
! <$58 anlmaLed buLLons, banners, LexL, characLers, eLc
- 1wo Lypes of anlmaLlon 2-u AnlmaLlon (cel/paLh) 3-u anlmaLlon
! =4> .&/%0'/"&8 1$?4@0,$6
1$? (Celluloid): clear sheet material on which images were drawn by movie animators
lmages placed on a sLaLlonary background background remalns flxed
Cb[ecL changes from frame Lo frame
Lx: Loonz sofLware
! =4> .&/%0'/"&8 A0'B450,$6
Moves ob[ecL along predeLermlned paLh on screen
aLh: sLralghL or any curves
CfLen ob[ecL does noL change (buL reslzed or roLaLed)
aLh anlmaLlon easler Lo creaLe Lhan cel based anlmaLlon
lck: a sLarLlng polnL for an ob[ecL, (sLarL frame) + an endlng polnL for an ob[ecL (end frame)
+ a paLh for Lhe ob[ecL Lo follow
And Lhen Lhe compuLer generaLed all Lhe frames ln beLween called )<99CDC;
!"'/"& )E$$& FB0+$ )E$$&
Works wlLh symbols only Works wlLh shapes only
Cant morph (only movement) Can morph shapes
Cnly one symbol per layer lf Lhe symbol wlll
have a moLlon Lween
Can have more Lhan one shape per layer
buL be careful, depends on whaL you wanL
Lo morph
Can be used wlLh %"'/"& 72/6$ Cant use motion guide

AnlmaLlon sofLware feaLures:
G30%$ 30'$: speed of Lhe anlmaLlon
)30&,/'/"&,: speclal effecLs (fade ln, fade ouLs)
H,$3 :"&'3"?: play back, how many Llmes Lo run
I""+/&78 plays conLlnuously unLll user sLops lL
Speed up anlmaLlon by lncreaslng !"#$% "#'%()%*+,- or %./$/,#'/,0 1"#$%)
! J4> .&/%0'/"&: lnvolves 3 sLeps: Modellng, AnlmaLlng, 8enderlng
1. !"6$?/&7: deflnlng Lhe ob[ecLs 3u shape process of creaLlng broad conLours and
sLrucLure of 3u ob[ecLs and scenes (draw vlews Lop, slde, cross secLlon)
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 19
2. !"#$%&#"': process of defining objects motion deflnlng llghLlng and perspecLlve vlews Lo
creaLe change durlng anlmaLlon
3. ()"*)+#"': glve ob[ecLs aLLrlbuLes colour, amounLs of Lransparency, surface LexLures
- (!, .(!/012: Lechnlque of addlng llghL and shadows Lo a 3u lmage
- 34)5#%6 )77)5&8
! 9:+4;#"'< process of blendlng LogeLher Lwo lmages lnLo a serles of lmages
useful for showlng how lmage mlghL change over Llme
! =%+4#"': dlsLorLs a slngle lmage warp frown lnLo smlle
- >0(.?!@ (A!@0., (v8): creaLes envlronmenL where user becomes parL of Lhe experlence
! 8oelng: fllghL slmulaLors of alrplane cockplLs (hydraullc conLrolled on legs)
! Cu based advenLure games: polnL and go Lhru doors, sLalrs
! Pand-held equlpmenL allows person Lo lnLeracL wlLh envlronmenL
- !"#$%&)* 20B3 C8#$46) %"#$%&#:"8D
! Speclal Lype of Cll flle known as %"#$%&)* 20BE20BFG% LhaL provldes Lhe anlmaLlon you need
! AnlmaLed CllS are formally called 9H6&#IJ6:5K 20B3< a serles (blocks) or sLlll Cll lmages wlLhln CnL
slngle Cll flle
! When Lhe Cll documenL ls vlewed, Lhe mulLlple lmages dlsplay qulckly and ln successlon, and
produce a 3.(A!9012 !109!.0L1
! /;%+%5&)+#8&#58 :7 %" !"#$%&)* 20B<
llle slze ls affecLed by: Lhe # of colours (236 max), amounL of nolse ln Lhe frames ([usL llke
oLher Cll flles)
number of colors: only 236****
no plug-lns requlred: requlre no plug-lns, and Lhe auLhorlng Lools Lo creaLe Lhem are ofLen
free and easy Lo learn
M@?2I01: a program LhaL permlLs web browser Lo access and execuLe flles LhaL Lhe
browser would noL normally recognlze (llash uses Shockwave)
no sound
- Sources of anlmaLlon loLs of free sofLware onllne Lo creaLe Cll anlmaLlons
- L&;)+ %"#$%&#:" 7#6) &N4)8:
! !"#$%&)* 20B3 (.glf) (unlversal)
! B6%8; (.fla, .swf) (by Adobe)
! 9%5+:$)*#% O#+)5&:+
! 3:4;#8&#5%&)* !"#$%&#:"8: sLraLa 3u, LlghLwave, 3d sLudlo Max, Maya, Poudlnl
- AnlmaLlon SofLware
! B6%8; M+:7)88#:"%6 /3P mulLlmedla auLhorlng and playback sysLem
Launched 1996 by Macromedla/Adobe boughL ln 2003
llash popular for lLs anlmaLed graphlcs
Industrys most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites, digital
experlences and moblle conLenL
Why popular?
rofesslonal deslgns, lnLeracLlve conLenL rlch wlLh vldeos, graphlcs, anlmaLlon
lmporL mulLlmedla elemenLs from oLher appllcaLlons
SupporL vecLor graphlcs much more space efflclenL over blLmapped frames, scale
up wlLh accuraLe deLall no maLLer how large Lhe wlndow ls reslzed by Lhe user
**B6%8; 46%N)+ #8 % 7+)) 56#)"& %446#5%&#:" LhaL works wlLh popular web browsers Lo play
Lhe anlmaLlon
1he sLandard for dellverlng hlgh-lmpacL, rlch web conLenL. ueslgns, anlmaLlon, and
appllcaLlon user lnLerfaces are deployed lmmedlaLely across all browsers and plaLforms
*smaller flle slze
- .)+$#":6:'N
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 20
! !"#$%&'" &)*+,-*.): anlmaLlng a graphlcal ob[ecL by creaLlng smooLh LranslLlons beLween
varlous !"#$%&'"/ (Lhe frames LhaL lndlcaLe Lhe beglnnlng and end of an ob[ecLs moLlon paLh
! 01""2324: short for in-betweening, the process of generating intermediate frames between two
lmages Lo glve Lhe appearance LhaL Lhe flrsL lmage evolves smooLhly lnLo Lhe second lmage
! 52352 /!322324: 2u compuLer graphlcs Lerm for a Lechnlque used ln creaLlng anlmaLed carLoons
and edlLlng movles Lo see several frames aL once
urpose: anlmaLor/edlLor can make declslons on how Lo creaLe or change an lmage based
on Lhe prevlous lmage ln Lhe sequence
! %.-.67.8*)9: An anlmaLlon Lechnlque for comblnlng (!"#$"%&'&()) flgures wlLh reallsLlc seLLlngs ln
Lelevlslon commerclals and ls also used for speclal effecLs ln feaLure-lengLh fllms
$=,6> ?*@;7-.@
(no sound)
llash (sound) ulrecLor (sound)
LxLenslon Source
.fla (source)
.swf (movle)
.flv (flash vldeo encoder)
.dlr (source)
.dcr (movle)
Slze Larger
normal glf
vecLor lmages Lake up less
space Lhan Cll blLmapped
vecLor lmages Lake up less space Lhan Cll blLmapped
uses 8anners,
small areas
lnLeracLlve vldeo, graphlcs,
More lnLeracLlve slLes
need Lo
play lL
noLhlng llash layer (lree and works
wlLh mosL browsers)
Web browser plug ln (1he Shockwave layer)

- &)*+,-*.) *) ->; '.A*;6
! ulglLal vldeo: 1983 SLar 1rek - Lhe WraLh of khan
! ulglLal AnlmaLlon: 1oy SLory (1993) flrsL full lengLh fllm creaLed enLlrely wlLh dlglLal anlmaLlon
! Movles vlsual effecLs: 1ermlnaLor ll, !urasslc ark ulnosaurs
! 12 hlghesL gross earnlngs made so far by compuLer generaLed anlmaLlons worldwlde as of 2007
! Shrek 2 hlghesL grosslng compuLer generaLed fllm
B;7-C@; DE: F3?"5
- vldeo uses Lhe power of '50352 and /5G2?
- &2&B54 F3?"5: smooLh elecLronlc waves (ex: ConvenLlonal 1v)
- ?3430&B F3?"5: converLs lnLo dlglLal medla (0s and 1s) beneflL of dellverlng on lnLerneL
! Composed of a serles of blLmap graphlcs, each one called a H@,+;
! MoLlon ln a vldeo ls an llluslon caused by Lhe rapld dlsplay of several sLlll lmages or frames
! Movles dlsplay aL 24-30 fps compuLer dlsplayed vldeo dlsplay aL 12-13 fps
! CharacLerlsLlcs:
8lLs sLore Colour and 8rlghLness daLa for each vldeo frame
8eLalns lmage quallLy no maLLer how many Llmes lL ls copled
Laslly manlpulaLed on a pc because sLored ln dlglLal formaL
! klnds of dlglLal vldeos:
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 21
1. ueskLop vldeo (u1v): consLrucLed and dlsplayed uslng a personal compuLer
2. Web-based vldeo: lncorporaLed ln web pages and accessed wlLh a browser
3. uvu-vldeo: used for commerclal uvus LhaL conLaln feaLure-lengLh fllms
4. uA vlde: small-formaL vldeo deslgned Lo be vlewed on a uA or cell phone screen
! CreaLlng dlglLal vldeo (flrsL sLoryboard)
1. !"#$%&' )*$'# +##,-.'. SelecL equlpmenL for fllmlng vldeos and use effecLlve fllmlng
2. /"-012'" 3*$'# 2##,-.' ,# - &#45%,'". use cable Lo cable Lransfer or a vldeo capLure card
to move video footage from cameras, videotapes, television, and DVDs to your computers
hard dlsk
3. 6$*, 3*$'# 2##,-.'. use sofLware Lo selecL vldeo segmenLs, arrange Lhem lnLo a vldeo, and
add a soundLrack
4. 7,#"' -0$ 58-9 3*$'#. SelecL dlglLal vldeo flle formaLs for playback on deskLop, web, uA,
and uvu plaLforms
! 8eady Lo make a vldeo
1. re-roducLlon sLage: lannlng Lhe vldeo and gaLherlng any resources you mlghL need
2. roducLlon sLage: Camera work and sound recordlng
3. osL-producLlon:
uownloadlng from camcorder Lo compuLer
LdlLlng and/or encodlng Lhe flnlshed vldeo
8emovlng unwanLed fooLage
Arranglng deslred fooLage ln Lhe correcL order
Addlng muslc, LlLles, LranslLlons, and posslbly oLher effecLs
ConverLlng (encodlng) lnLo Lhe correcL formaL(s)
! :;<=>? ; )=@6AB osL-roducLlon
1. CapLure vldeo: download vldeo from camcorder Lo compuLer
2. LdlL ulglLal vldeo (uslng compuLer, dlglLal vldeo sofLware): edlL lL, add LlLles, fllLers,
LranslLlons, superlmpose cllps, synchronlze audlo wlLh vldeo, auLhorlng sofLware: creaLe
menus and lnLeracLlvlLy
3. CuLpuL vldeo: ouLpuL Lo dlfferenL flle formaLs back ouL Lo Lape, Lhe Web, Cu, uvu
- C-5,%"*0. )*$'# musL be ln @=?=/;D form Lo use ln mulLlmedla appllcaLlon. rocess:
! vldeo camera (analog vldeo) (analog slgnal) vldeo card (dlglLal slgnal) C
! ulglLal camera (dlglLal slgnal) (ulglLal slgnal C
- llve lacLors Lo conslder when maklng a vldeo:
1) 7#%"&' @'3*&': camcorders and dlglLal vldeo cameras can be used Lo capLure full-moLlon lmages
(analog vs dlglLal)
2) )*$'# C-5,%"' @'3*&': vldeo capLure card needed (lf uslng analog camcorder from analog Lo
! no need lf source devlce ouLpuLs a dlglLal slgnal (such as llrewlre or uS8)
3) C#00'&,*0. D'-$1: llrewlre, uS8 cable
4) C#45%,'": uownload vldeo Lo edlL
3) 7#2,E-"': capLurlng, edlLlng, ouLpuLLlng
- F#4' 3*$'# 6$*, 2-&*8*,*'1 2#": edlLlng Pome movles, creaLlng 1v producLlons, manufacLurlng Cus,
auLhorlng and uploadlng lnLerneL maLerlal, lnLerneL vldeo conferenclng
- )*$'# C-5,%"' @'3*&'
! ;0-8#. C-4&#"$'"B >''$ )=@6A C;!/GH6 C;H@
! @*.*,-8 C-4&#"$'"B +=H6I=H6 &#00'&,*#0
1. 7AGHC6 @6)=C6B
! C;:CAH@6H J&-4'"- H'&#"$'"KB devlce for recordlng vldeo lmages and audlo onLo a sLorage
devlce. 1o use vldeo ln a mulLlmedla appllcaLlon, lL musL be ln dlglLal form (1s and 0s)
! ;0-8#. 31L @*.*,-8 &-4&#"$'"1B
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 22
ANALCG (o|der 1echno|ogy) 1983 DIGI1AL (Newer 1echno|ogy) 198
-8ecords e|ectr|ca| s|gna|s]pu|ses dlrecLly onLo a
medlum (llke a Lape) wlLh a magneLlc encodlng
-8ecords b|nary code (sLrlng of 1s and 0s) compressed
on magneLlc Lape or oLher medla
D|sadvantage: lcLure loses quallLy Advantage: no lmage degradaLlon
V|deo Capture card needed Lo converL vldeo from
analog Lo dlglLal for your compuLer
lug vldeo camera dlrecLly lnLo compuLer vla I|rew|re
(aka |.L|nk) or US8 connect|on
1hese are d|g|ta| connect|ons and allow you Lo
dump footage straight from the camera to hard drive
! 1983: VnS, VnS-C formaL (8eLaMovle) no playback/rewlnd capablllLles, 30 mln recordlng
! 198S: 8mm formaL smaller casseLLe slze, 2 hr recordlng, hlgher recordlng quallLy
! 1990: V|deo8 (orlglnal) and Pl 8 formaL (lmproved) (Lypes of 8mm)
! S|ze compar|son (sma||est to |argest): Mlnl-uv, vPS-C, vPS
! 1994: (M|n|DV) ulglLal vldeo smaller Lhan 8mm casseLLe, Lape LransporL slze ad[usLmenL,
lmproved audlo and vldeo quallLy over besL analog camcorders, sLandard play of 60 mln
! 1999: (D8) ulglLal 8 obsoleLe: casseLLe slze large as Pl8 formaL (a Lype of 8mm)
! 2001: (DVD) ulglLal versaLlle ulsk
! 2006: (nDD) Pard ulsk urlve and (SD Memory sLlck) Solld SLaLe Medla Card
- 1ypes of Camcorder record|ng med|a:
! V|deotape cassette: recordlng Lo dlglLal Lape, llke Mlnluv (uv) and Puv
! DVD D|sc: uses recordable uvu dlscs for playlng ln a home uvu player or C
! nard D|sk Dr|ve: Puu, savlng Lo non-removable hard dlsk drlves
! So||d State Med|a Card: Savlng Lo cards llke Su and Memory sLlck 8C
- V|ew|ng Images on 1Vs
Ck1 D|sp|ay: C|der 1echno|ogy I|at-pane| D|sp|ay : LASMA]LCD
Screen resoluLlon 480, elecLron gun beam acLlvaLes Lhe
-Cur eyes see phosphor doLs on Lhe screen
An elecLron beam (gun) acLlvaLes Lhe doLs. 1he gun
scans Lhrough Lhe doLs horlzonLally
A compleLe scan ls when Lhe gun sLarLs aL Lhe Lop lefL
and scans several Llmes horlzonLally Llll lL geLs Lo Lhe
boLLom rlghL
Screen resoluLlon 1080l/1080p, flaL grld of plxels
l=lnLerlaclng, p=progresslve
Inter|ac|ng effect (llne 1, 3, 3, 7,) (llne 2, 4, 6, 8)
-each pass ls called a fleld
rogress|ve effect (Llne 1,2,3,4,3,6,7...)
-each plxel has 3 sub-plxels (8C8)

- D|g|ta| Advantage: h|gher reso|ut|on (# of horlzonLal llnes)
! D|g|ta| recorders: 480+ horlzonLal llnes recordlng
! Ana|og recorders: 280 llnes for black and whlLe, 240 llnes for color wlLh analog recorders
- uevlce phoLos: see lecLure 9 sllde 32
- VIDLC CA1UkL CAkD: needed Lo converL vldeo from analog Lo dlglLal for compuLer
! laced ln open expanslon sloL on maln board of Lhe compuLer
! Cnce lnsLalled, vldeo capLure cards allow you Lo connecL a camcorder, vC8, or 1v Lo Lhe compuLer
! Speclal sofLware enables Lhe lmages Lo be converLed from analog Lo dlglLal form
- IIkLWIkL (l.Llnk, lLLL1394): a means by whlch lnformaLlon could be senL from Lhe camcorder dlrecLly Lo
Lhe compuLer
! A hlgh speed dlglLal serlal daLa connecLlon LhaL allows Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe camera Lo be fed dlrecLly
lnLo a compuLer ln dlglLlzed form
! ulglLal vldeo fooLage requlres 13 G8 of storage per hour of v|deo
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 23
! All ma[or manufacLures agreed Lo use a common dlglLal Lape formaL and a meLhod llrewlre
(unlversal sLandard)
- !"#$%"#$ '( )*+
! llrewlre 400 by Apple: wanLed Lo charge per machlne used, so C used uS8 1.1 lnsLead
- 1ransmlLLed orlglnally aL 400Mbps
- eer Lo eer Lechnology (can chaln one camcorder Lo anoLher wlLhouL a compuLer)
! uS8 1.1 could LransmlL aL 12 M8ps
- used for mlce, keyboards, prlnLers, Loo slow for vldeo
- uS8 2.0 backward compaLlble, LransmlLLed aL 480M8ps
- MasLer/Slave Lechnology need Lo connecL Lo a compuLer
! CurrenLly llrewlre 800, LransmlLs aL 800 M8S, expecL fuLure Lo LransmlL aL 3.2 Cbps
- +$,$-".( /- 0"1".23
! 4/ 3/(( /- 5623".7: ulglLal vldeoLape can be copled almosL lndeflnlLely
! 4/ ,$$8 -/# 2,23/19./98"1".23 :/,'$#("/,: can be dlrecLly uploaded Lo dlglLal edlLlng sysLems
! 8educes/ellmlnaLes problems such as dropouLs due Lo error correcLlon assoclaLed wlLh dlglLal
! ;#:<"'23 =3/,19.$#>? (./#21$: beLLer sulLed for longer perlods
! @623".7 /- 8"1".23 #$:/#8",1( ls slgnlflcanLly beLLer Lhan analog recordlngs
- ConLrolllng Lhe Lransfer process
! Video capture software: doesnt matter if using analog or dlglLal camera
! *</638 <2'$ -$2.6#$(A
- SLarL and sLop Lhe Lransfer
- SelecL a flle formaL for sLorlng your vldeo fooLage
- Speclfy flle name for each vldeo cllp
- vldeo capLure sofLware ls supplled wlLh vldeo edlLlng sofLware and wlLh vldeo capLure
! LasL ma[or Pollywood plcLure Lo be reallzed as a vPS plcLure ! #$%&'() '* +$',-./-
- ),:/>B#$(($8 -/#>2. /, .<$ 8"1".23 :2>:/#8$#
! AlmosL all dlglLal camcorders sLore vldeo ln 0C -/#>2. dlglLal vldeo (uncompressed), mosL
common form ln uv23
! Wlndows moves uv dlrecLly lnLo ;CD (whlch can be uncompressed or compressed) and never deals
wlLh .uv flles
! Culck 1lme wlll converL .uv Lo oLher formaLs
- E/3/6# !/#>2. -/# C"8$/
! lor plcLures FG+ commonly used
! lor vldeo H /# I)C=EJE#? (for MLC compress)
- H lumlnance (brlghLness)
- )C =E
? chromlnance (color/hue)
! 8lack/WhlLe 1v only used Lhe ? slgnal slnce only LransmlLs brlghLness lnformaLlon
! Puman eye deLecLs changes ln lumlnance more easlly
- E/3/# (2>B3",1: dlglLal vldeo compresslon Lechnlque
! 4:1:1, 4:2:0, 4:4:4: (no color subsLlLuLlon) Lhe numbers represenL colour sampllng
- *:23$A K ,/ :/>B#$(("/,L M 9 >2N :/>B#$(("/, .<6( KAKAK O ,/ :/>B#$(("/,
- PAHAQ =P O J#"1<.,$((R HLQ O :/3/6#? O KAKAK
! Averages ouL plxels Lo cuL down on bandwldLh for fasLer Lransfer raLes
! Lye senslLlvlLy: rods (llghL vs dark, black vs whlLe noL color) cones see color
! We can deLecL brlghLness beLLer Lhan color (more rods)
! WhaL does 4:1:1: mean?
- Assume we have 4 plxels red, orange, blue, purple (red and blue = purple)
- 8locks of 4 plxels averaged ouL, 4x1 block
- All four plxels geL forced Lo become purple (shades of brlghLness), block of 4 plxels
averaged ouL
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 24
! 4:2:0 blocks of 4 plxels averaged ouL 2x2 grld
AmounL of ?
AmounL of u
(color or hue)
AmounL of v (color
or hue)
AmounL of
used ln
!"!"! ! $%&'()$ ! $%&'()$ ! $%&'()$ *+,)
-. $%&'()$ /+0 )%12
30+4' +/ ! '56)($

!".". ! $%&'()$ . $%&'()$ . $%&'()$ 7)841)8 /0+& -.
$%&'()$ 9+ :; <<=
0)84195+, 5, $9+0%3)
>5359%( ?)9%1%&
!"."@ ! $%&'()$ . $%&'()$ +/ )592)0 A +0 B; +,) $1%,
(5,) +/ A; 92), +,) $1%, (5,) +/ B
-. 9+ C; D@=
0)84195+, 5, $9+0%3)
!"-"- ! $%&'()$ - $%&'() - $%&'() -. 9+ C; D@=
0)84195+, 5, $9+0%3)
*MNO >B; &5,5>B
85359%( 1%&1+08)0

L)1940) -@" BP>HQ H>PMP*I
- H8595,3 >5359%( R58)+
! 1ransfer vldeos ln a serles of shorL cllps (1-2 mln)
! Some sofLware auLomaLlcally deLecLs frame changes
! LP*HK7 H>PMP*I: before dlglLal camcorders conslsLed of recordlng segmenLs from one vldeoLape
Lo anoLher Lape cant jump around
! *Q*JLP*HK7 H>PMP*I: (now) compuLer hard dlsk and vldeo edlLlng sofLware
- Several glgabyLes of avallable sLorage space aL leasL 312 M8 8AM-2C8
- LdlL and easlly arrange vldeo cllps any order
! vldeo edlLlng sofLware key aLLrlbuLes:
- Arrange vldeo cllps on MPFHLP*H
- BP>HQ M7KOSN conLaln vldeo segmenLs, LranslLlons
- KA>PQ M7KOSN (volces, muslc)
- Cverlay vldeo Lrack wlLh several audlo Lracks
- LdlL lL, add LlLles, fllLers, LranslLlons and lx, superlmpose cllps, synchronlze audlo wlLh
vldeo ouLpuL ln dlfferenL flle formaLs
! lor besL quallLy flnal producL sLore vldeo ln a 8aw, non-compressed uv formaL for edlLlng
! AfLer Lrlmmlng unwanLed fooLage converL vldeo ln oLher formaLs for dlsLrlbuLlon
! *know whlch vldeo flles are compressed and whlch are sLreamed
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 23
* I||e 1ype Also known as: Crlglnally creaLed by
.mov u|ck1|me mov|e App|e
.avl Aud|o V|deo Inter|eave Inte|
.rm kea| V|deo kea| Systems
.wmv W|ndows Med|a M|crosoft
MLG Mot|on |cture Lxperts Group
.flv I|ash V|deo Adobe
.mkv Newest techno|ogy

- CpLlmlzlng for web: 8alance beLween CuALl1? and llLL SlZL
! llLL SlZL ls dependenL on:
- Lower Irames per second (fps) 1v = 30 fps, Web vldeo = 10-13 fps
- |cture s|ze d|mens|on lull screen = 640x680 plxels, sLd web frame slze 160x120 plxels
- Co|our reso|ut|on (24 blL, 16 blL, 8 blL) Lower resoluLlon lower quallLy smaller flle
- Length of the c||p
- |ck a CCDLC that does h|gher compress|on
! vldeo daLa conLalns boLh SpaLlal and 1emporal compresslons
- SlmllarlLles are encoded by ldenLlfylng dlfferences:
WlLhln a frame SpaLlal
8eLween frames Lemporal
CCDLCS: SA1IAL CCMkLSSICN (w|th|n a frame) CCDLCS: 1LMCkAL CCMkLSSICN (8etween Irames)
-compress each frame lndlvldually
-uses same Lechnlques as !C compresslon
-[usL save lnfo on selecLed frames (keyframes)
-all oLher frames [usL save Lhe dlfferences from Lhe
prevlous keyframe
-good when dlfference beLween currenL frame and
keyframe ls small
Codecs LhaL do spaLlal compresslon are: An|mat|on,
Codecs uslng Lemporal compresslon are: Sorenson
v|deo, n.264

- Compress|on techno|ogy: reduces Lhe flle slze for Lransfer and sLorage whlle malnLalnlng quallLy
! Speed Lransfer lmproved
- CCDLCS: vldeo compresslon/decompresslon programs scheme fro codlng and decodlng
large amounLs of daLa
S1C8ACL coded
vlLW uecoded
! LlecLronlcally compress and decompress vldeo and relaLed daLa
! 8eneflLs:
- end resulL smaller flle slze
- large amounLs of lnformaLlon can be sLored on medla or senL by e-mall
- sLreamed over Lhe lnLerneL ln smaller packages buL sLlll looks good upon playback and
downloads fasLer
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 26
! 1wo Lypes of compresslon: lossless vs. lossy
!"##!$## &"'()$##*"+ (no loss of daLa) !"##, &"'()$##*"+ (loss of daLa)
-Squeezes daLa lnLo smaller space wlLhouL ellmlnaLlng
-100 of daLa sLlll Lhere, slmllar Lo zlpplng a documenL
-uses a compresslon algorlLhm LhaL reduces flle slze buL
does noL lose any daLa
-discards repetitive or redundant data; may not be
noLlceable Lo Lhe eye
-resulLs ln compresslon raLlo as large as 200:1 for some
-greaLer raLlo, poorer Lhe decompressed lmage
-applled Lo vldeo because quallLy loss noL noLlceable ln
movlng lmages
-applled Lo lnLerneL sLreamlng
**applled Lo .[pg and .mpg formaLs
redundant info = similar info
20:1 compresslon, 1M8 Lo only 30 k8 or 1024k8 Lo 30k8

&"-$&# .&"'()$## -$&"'()$##/:
- Speed up downloads 10 Llmes smaller Lhan uncompressed vldeo flles, whlch would Lake 3-3x longer
- Codecs for audlo/vldeo, sLreamlng medla, vldeoconferenclng, mp3s, speech, screen capLure
- 1he codec used Lo compress ls Lhe one needed Lo vlew
01234 56789:36 :46 ;<3 =3>
?55(@ ?AB36;3C; 56789:36 (64;4D4E )5#(@ )37EF51G3 #;637G18H (64;4D4E
-uownload Lhe video from the host (server) to the users
compuLer ln lLs enLlreLy Lhen play Lhe cllp
-Played directly from the sever to the users computer in
a process called #5)$I'*+J
-81S allows Lhe user Lo perform Lasks such as pause
and play
user musL walL for Lhe download process Lo end llle played dlrecLly from server, Lhus some delay
vldeo can be played repeaLedly and copled lf necessary vldeo ls broadcasL Lo user and afLer dlsplayed, dlscarded
SulLed for #'I!! vldeo cllps SulLed for !I)J$ flle and !*0$ broadcasLs
- )5#( #;637G18H (=3>D79;18H)
! 8equlres a program Lo dlsplay sLreamlng vldeo
! Leadlng programs: )37E (E7A36K =1824L9 '3217 (E7A36K IBBE3 MN1DO51G3 (E7A36
- All 3 can: play boLh audlo and vldeo, handle Lrue sLreamlng medla, provlde plug-lns for use
on elLher plaLform (Mac/C) aL no charge Lo Lhe user
! All 3 players work wlLh popular vldeo formaLs such as I0*K '($J
! WebcasLlng of vldeo evenLs ln real Llme concerLs, conference speakers
! SLreamlng ls elLher "8F-3G782 (sLored on server and sLreamed on user requesL) or !1P3 (sporLlng
evenL, elecLlon resulLs)
- #;637G18H: 1he process of Laklng large audlo/vldeo flle and LransmlLLlng small, conLlnuous amounLs of LhaL
file over a network. Steady and continuous llle remalns on server
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 27

- Small buffer space is created on the users computer
- uaLa sLarLs downloadlng lnLo lL as soon as buffer ls full, flle sLarLs Lo play
- !"#$%&& #( $"%)*+,- &*"%).+,- (+/%&0 12345 6478!6952:46;
! LocaLe and prepare source maLerlals/medla conLenL
! ulglLlze and Lhen compress flles wlLh a sLreamlng formaL
! l1 sLreamlng flles Lo sLreamlng server
! Llnk from a webpage Lo Lhe sLreamlng medla/embed flle on a webpage
- P1ML webpage llnks Lo a .ram flle whlch launches Lhe real player and llnks Lo Lhe cllp
- Savlng Lhe sLreamlng flle LxLenslon for 8ealroducer = .rm
- AdvanLages of sLreamlng:
! uoes noL Lake up local dlsk space
! LlLLle walLlng Llme
! uellver long duraLlon vldeos
! Llve dellvery and archlvlng: audlo and vldeo programs can be dellvered llve and archlved
- AdvanLages of downloadable medla flles:
! 8eadlly avallable lndependenL of server user can use lL laLer
! Plgher lmage quallLy (sLreamed vldeos hlghly compressed for efflclenL dellvery)
! SLep Lhrough frame-by-frame can [ump Lhrough audlo/vldeo Lrack
- 2,+$)&* each user geLs hls/her own sLream of vldeo, Lhe server has Lo send ouL A LC1 of daLa lf several
users are waLchlng aL once
- !"#$%&'($ "#$% &'# "()# "&*#() &+ ( bunch of users buL Lhen Lhey ,+"# &'# (-.,.&/ Lo pause, rewlnd, eLc.

vldeo for mulLlmedla appllcaLlons conslder:
- Source: quallLy Lled Lo color resoluLlons, frames/sec, compresslon formaL
! Plgher Lhe quallLy of orlglnal vldeo, Lhe beLLer Lhe dlglLlzed verslon
- ApproprlaLeness: due Lo large vldeo flle slzes and poor quallLy, anlmaLlon could be beLLer
- layback sysLems: web-based vldeo may requlre browser plug-lns
- user conLrol: provlde user wlLh conLrol opLlons Lo sLarL vldeo, [ump Lhrough, pause, sLop, volume
<+%=+,- <+>%# #, *?% @%A 1),> )B>+#;
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 28
!"#$% '(!%)
! *+,-.+/0 123+435667859: llles 0+,-.+/050 to the users computer, and only then begin to play
- ulsadvanLage: large flles, long walL Llmes
- AdvanLage: permanenLly sLored on users compuLer
! 23+43566785 0+,-.+/0: cllck beglns download, buL afLer some porLlon had been downloaded movle
sLarLs Lo play
- ulsadvanLage: lnLerrupLlons ln waLchlng vldeo, delay Llmes
- AdvanLage: permanenLly sLored on users compuLer
- Pow ls lL done player calculaLes Lhe speed of Lhe download and guesses when Lo sLarL
playlng Lhe porLlon lL has, plan Lo sLarL laLe enough LhaL whole movle downloaded by Lhe
Llme flnlshed waLchlng
! ;3<5 6=35/>7-4: flle ls noL downloaded aL all medla belngs Lo play as soon as lL geLs Lhe packeL
- AdvanLages:
lasLesL buL requlres LhaL Lhe server be seL up Lo serve sLreamlng medla
8educes walLlng Llme requlred of Lhe user
- Drawback: congestion on the net may cause media to stall if cant keep up with playback
!5?=<35 @@: )ABC*
)ABC*: #5?+30 D3+?566 05.7853
- 8ely on sound Lo enhance mulLlmedla appllcaLlons: easlly capLure Lhe aLLenLlon of users, faclllLaLe easy
learnlng, seL Lhe mood
- Cn Lhe web sound offers: 8ackground muslc, narraLlon, sound effecLs, 8ecord LesLlmonlals,
educaLe/presenLaLlons webcasL, one-way audlo offers on-demand radlo llsLenlng, conferenclng
- EF/= 76 6+<-0: pressure waves of alr
! vlsuallze Lhe sounds as a serles of recurrlng waves called E"G%'A#H
! GA!BH%: Lhe hlgher Lhe wave Lhe louder Lhe sound
! 2(;IJK'#%LB%CIM: Lhe closer Lhe waves Lhe hlgher Lhe plLch
- )+<3?56 +N 6+<-0:
! 235OD/?P/450 (come wlLh compuLer), D<3?F/650KQ+33+,50, ?35/=5 +,- (recordlng program,
recordlng sLudlo for hlgher quallLy, elecLronlc lnsLrumenLs capLured ln Mlul)
- J+, 76 6+<-0 35?+3050
! H(I#A2JAC% LranslaLes movemenL lnLo elecLrlcal slgnals (analog) Lhen Lape recorder LranslaLes
Lhe waveform from an elecLrlcal slgnal on a wlre Lo a magneLlc slgnal on a Lape (analog)
! "-/.+4O=+O0747=/. ?+-853=53 ("*I): AuC capLures a snapshoL of Lhe elecLrlc volLage on an audlo llne
and represenLs lL as a dlglLal number LhaL can be senL Lo a compuLer
! )ABC* I"#*: a devlce LhaL ls responslble for Lransformlng Lhe blLs sLored ln an audlo flle lnLo
muslc. uoes 3 Lhlngs:
1. 1ransforms dlglLal blLs lnLo analog waves when you play back a waveform audlo flle
2. 1ransforms analog waves lnLo dlglLal blLs when you make a sound recordlng
3. Pandles compresslon and decompresslon, lf necessary
- ln mulLlmedla appllcaLlon, sound musL be ln a ulCl1AL lC8M (sLrlng of 1s and 0s)
! Sound can be recorded dlrecLly ln dlglLal form or an analog sound can be converLed Lo a dlglLal
! 1o converL analog sounds Lo dlglLal sounds Lhousands of )"H2!%) are Laken of Lhe sound waves
and recorded as blLs
! Lach doL ln Lhe sound wave phoLo (wavy llne) represenLs CnL audlo sample
- L</.7=R +N 0747=/. 35?+307-4 05D5-06 +-:
1. )"H2!% #";%: raLe aL whlch samples are capLured, number of Llmes/sec LhaL Lhe
waveform ls measured
@SSS 6/>D.56 D53 65?+-0 T @UJV 1@SSSJV9WWWW
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 29
8kPZ volce only, 22kPZ muslc flles, 44.1kPZ used on Cu
*lower raLe flle smaller slnce mlsslng sound
2. "#$%&' "()': resoluLlon or preclslon LhaL sample was Laken (ln blLs)
3. *+#,,'&": Mono vs SLereo
MCnC SlCnAL: one sLream of daLa reproduced equally on boLh speaker channels,
lose sLereo operaLlon
S1L8LC SlCnAL: conslsLs of Lwo sLreams of daLa worklng LogeLher (lefL and rlghL)
! double Lhe slze of mono flle
4. *-.'*": sofLware programs LhaL greaLly 8LuuCL Lhe audlo flle slze
use lossy compresslon: removes redundanL daLa, quallLy reduced each Llme
! PlCPL8 sampllng raLe and LA8CL8 sample slze, Lhe more accuraLely sound can be dlglLlzed
! CuallLy of Lhe dlglLlzed sound geLs beLLer as flle slze lncreases
! ln audaclLy, seLLlngs are ln edlL>preferences
! 1 mln of recordlng could end up belng 10M8
- "/012 3245416 78/689:; <=989<5384;54<;>
! 8ecord sounds ln dlfferenL sample slze and resoluLlons
! ulglLlze analog sounds
! CreaLe speclal effecLs
! Save sounds ln dlfferenL flle formaLs
- #029<45? ;/@5A983: edlL Lhe cllp, comblne lL wlLh oLher sound flles, Add LranslLlons and lx
! Same for WaveSLudlo
- %B-*'""
! Cnce dlglLlzed sound ls ln Lhe compuLer
! Sound edlLlng sofLware
1. LdlLs: unwanLed nolse, pauses, Lrlmmlng
2. lade-lns, fade-ouLs, background muslc, speclal effecLs
3. Several found flles can be mlxed or spllced LogeLher
! Save Lhe flle ln a formaL lnLended for Lhe audlence appllcaLlon
- uLLlvL8: Lo head Lhrough speakers, dlglLal sound ls senL Lhrough a dlglLal-Lo-analog converLer (uAC)
! uellvery meLhod powerpolnL, webslLe, Cu
- "/012 /1 5=3 A3C
! llle slze: selecL small slzed flles, Lhe smaller Lhe flle, Lhe fasLer webpage wlll download
! llle formaLs: conslder plaLform supporL, browser supporL, compressed of uncompressed quallLy
- "/012 @4D3 @/8:95;: know whlch are sLreamed/compressed, large/small, plug-ln requlred

- #(EE (audlo lnLerchange formaL) - .alf !"##!$##
! LxcellenL sound quallLy, supporLed ln browsers wlLhouL a plug-ln
! Audlo daLa ls sLored raw %&'()*+,--,. formaL, flles LA8CL
- $%F (MLC-1 Layer 3) - .mp3 !"##/
! Cood sound quallLy, even Lhough flle '()*+,--,., can be sLreamed over Lhe web
! 8equlres sLandalone player or browser plug-ln
- B'#&#G.(- - .ra .rx
! Plgh degree of '()*+,--0(& produces smaller flles, daLa can be ;5839:32 over Lhe web
! Sound quallLy ls noL up Lo Lhe sLandards of oLher formaLs, requlres a player/plug-ln
- H#I' - .wav - !"##!$##
! Cood sound quallLy: supporLed ln browsers wlLhouL a plug-ln
! Audlo daLa ls sLored ln raw, %&'()*+,--,. formaL so flles are very large
- &-""J K; &-""&'""
! .94@@ and .A9K LCSSLLSS
! .:7F ls LCSS?: wlLh medlum quallLy, a Lyplcal song compressed Lo 1/10 Lhe slze lL would have been
on a Cu
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 30
! .!"# and ."$% are LCSS? and allow for bullL-ln lockdowns whlch ls why MlcrosofL and apple
- &'(': Muslcal lnsLrumenL ulglLal lnLerface
! Classlfled as S?n1PLSlZLu sound
! ConLalns lnsLrucLlons for creaLlng Lhe plLch, volume and duraLlon of noLes LhaL sound llke varlous
muslcal lnsLrumenLs
! ulsadvanLage: does noL produce hlgh-quality vocals, no full resonance of real sound
! AdvanLage: mldl flles are more compacL 3 mln of Mlul = 10 k8, 3 mln oLher = 13 M8
! *compact, but cant get full sound or produce hlgh-quallLy vocals
! &'(' *+,&-.
1. Muslc composlLlon sofLware (le llnale)
2. CreaLe your own Lunes
3. lnpuL dlrecLly from a Mlul lnsLrumenL Lo your compuLer
4. LdlL noLes/comblne parLs for several lnsLrumenLs
- LlsLenlng Lo Audlo on Lhe Web problem large flles
(/!01/#2#314 -526/
AdvanLages ulsadvanLages
Cnce downloaded,
can be replayed,
edlLed over and over
(dont need to wait
agaln for download)
1akes a long Llme Lo
download, especlally for
blg flles
Dont need a special
sLreamlng web server
Lo posL Lhe flle
1akes up dlsk space on
Lhe compuLer Lo sLore lL
Lxample: Audlo llles on Llmewlre

- SLreamed vldeo broadcasL 1v
- SLreamed audlo broadcasL radlo
- Lower bandwldLh requlred sLreamlng successful for audlo
- Lmbeddlng code lnLo a webpage
! Llnklng Lo Lhe sound flle
! Lmbed Lhe sound flle
,4764! 8549:6/09; <4=:5>4 ?@
name Lhe 4 Lhlngs Lo waLch for when dolng any deslgn: !"#$ $&'()'*+,-
name 3 componenLs LhaL make up mulLlmedla? .,/01 '234,1 -56(71 8'7,51 3('230'5(
WhaL measuremenL would you use for LexL ln creaLlng a Word documenL? $5'(0-
name 3 relevanL evenLs ln Lhe hlsLory of mulLlmedla.
#&*3(,0 9:;<;=> ?(0&5 05 @5&+7 @'7, @,A 9:;;:=> B5-3') 9:;;CDE'&-0 4&3*F')3+ A&5@-,&=
WhaL Lype of fonL ls Lhls: !"##$ &$'#( 9-,&'E=

,4764! 8549:6/09; <4=:5>4 ?A

CuesLlon: Pow many Lhlngs can you represenL wlLh a 3 blL depLh (3 blLs)?
CuesLlon: WhaL ls Lhe smallesL value LhaL you should seL Lhe dpl for an lmage LhaL you plan Lo prlnL?
CuesLlon: When converLlng analog Lo dlglLal whaL Lwo Lhlngs Lo you have Lo do Lo analog daLa?
B:>4#"42 -526/
AdvanLages ulsadvanLages
lays lmmedlaLely CanL rewlnd, pause, eLc.
Consumes 8AM only
whlle belng played,
Lhen purged afLer
need a speclal server Lo
posL lL
Lxample: cbc radlo
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 31
CuesLlon: WhaL blL depLh do you need Lo represenL a black and whlLe lmage?

!"#$"% '(")*$+,)- ."/*(0" 12
CuesLlon: Pow blg wlll an lmage be ln Lerms of byLes lf lL ls uncompressed, Lrue colour and 200 by 400
byLes? !"" $ %"" & '"(""" )*+,-
Question: What type of compression doesnt lose any of the original information about the image? ./--0,--
CuesLlon: Whlch Lype(s) of flle formaLs perform a lossless compresslon? 1234 567 1892
CuesLlon: !Cs wlll produce a smaller flle slze Lhan nC 24 for a phoLograph: !"#$
CuesLlon: WhaL should you seL Lhe dpl for an lmage you wlsh Lo prlnL? (your own prlnLer) %&' )*+,'&*
*&-./0'+., 1' 233 4)+, When prlnLlng lmages you should seL your prlnLer resoluLlon Lo 300-ppl (dpl) slnce
you can geL reasonable 4x6
CuesLlon: If you want to print an image at 5 by 7, what is the minimum size it must be in pixels for it not
Lo look plxelaLed:
AssumpLlon: 8esL Lo use prlnLer resoluLlon 300dpl
lC8MuLA ls: (lnches plxels)
rlnL Slze ulmenslons(ln lxLLS)
= lnCP dlmenslons x prlnL resoluLlon
= 3lnches x 300dpl
= 7lnches x 300dpl
lmage slze : :;"" <=$,0- $ !:"" <=$,0-
CuesLlon: Whlch of Lhe followlng lmages wlll prlnL Lhe largesL?
(a) 300 plxels by 300 plxels aL 100dpl
(b) 300 plxels by 300 plxels aL 30dpl
3/4 511 6$7"8) 9: 511 6$7"8) ;* <1=6$
(d) 1hey wlll all be Lhe same slze
?@!AB.> $)- 36$7"8) $,/C")4
D0$,* E$F" G$H",)$+,) 3$, $,/C")4I6$7"8 =$H",)$+,) J60$,* 0")+8(*$+,
(a) 511J<11 ;,= 300/100 = 3 x 3
(b) 300/50 and 300/50 = 6 x 6
(c) 300/10 and 300/10 = 30 x 30
B,/+H60"))"= K$8" )$F" 3;))(H" L29$* ="6*C4
! = (lmage dlmenslons - plxels) x (<8,C,8> blLs)
! = 200 * 300 * 24blLs
! = 200 * 300 * 3 byLes = <M1N111 9:*")

!"#$"% '(")*$+,)- ."/*(0" 1O

1. WhaL are Lhe chunks of daLa LhaL are senL over Lhe lnLerneL called?
2. 1rue or false, Lhe lnLerneL and Lhe World Wlde Web are Lhe same Lhlng?
3. Clve an example of a valld l address.
4. 1rue or false, >>>1?-71@>/1?5A?/@B-,- ls a domaln name?
3. Clve 3 valld 1Lus
6. www.homer.slmpson.com ls a valld domaln name. 18uL or lALSL
7. Zack&Cody.Love.?ou.2.com ls a valld domaln name. 18uL or lALSL
8. WhaL ls a message (a webpage or an emall message or a flle) on Lhe lnLerneL broken down lnLo before lL ls
senL over Lhe neL?
9. Are Lhe followlng valld l addresses?

!" $%&&' ()*+, -.+/ 01234 5+63 &7
!"#$"% '(")*$+,)- ."/*(0" 12
89342)1*: ;<+2 )4 2<3 )*=92 >3 6)?3 + >3@ @A1>43AB
89342)1*: ;<+2 )4 2<3 192=92 HA1/ 2<3 >3@ @A1>43A =A16A+/B
;3@=+63 1* 2<3 4IA33*
89342)1*: !+* J19 *+/3 & >3@ @A1>43A =A16A+/4B
K*23A*32 -.=,1A3AL "+H+A)M N116,3 !<A1L3
89342)1*: O134 +*J1*3 P*1> <1> J19 ,11P +2 2<3 <2/, 2<+2 >+4 943G 21 IA3+23 2<3 =+63 I9AA3*2,J
G)4=,+J3G )* 2<3 @A1>43AB
K*23A*32 Q ?)3> 419AI3

!"#$"% '(")*$+,)- ."/*(0" 13
89342)1*: ;<+2 )4 2<3 5+63R+*P +,61A)2</B
Googles algorithm to decide what order to present the pages it found to you
89342)1*: 0+/3 2<3 /142 =1=9,+A 43+AI< G)A3I21AJ >3@ 4)23B
89342)1*: 0+/3 2<3 /142 =1=9,+A 43+AI< 3*6)*3 >3@4)23B ;<+2 T 1H 2<3 /+AP32 G134 )2 I9AA3*2,J <+?3B
89342)1*: ;<+2 +A3 2<3 & I1/=1*3*24 J19 /942 +GGA344 21 632 J19A =+63 + <)6<3A A+*P)*6B
D3.2L F)*P4L 51=9,+A)2J
89342)1*: ;<1 42+A23G S+<11L ><1 42+A23G N116,3B
S+<11 O+?)G (),1L U3AAJ S+*6
N116,3 V F+AAJ 5+63L "3A63J W)*
89342)1*: 0+/3 1*3 43+AI< 211, 2<+2 =A3G+234 N116,3 +*G S+<11
'AI<)3X N1=<3A
KH J19 >+*2 + 2+@,3 )* J19A >3@=+63 21 +921/+2)I+,,J A34)Y3 +4 2<3 943A A34)Y34 2<3 >)*G1>L 2<3* J19 4<19,G
G3H)*3 )2 )* 23A/4 1H =).3,4 *12 =3AI3*2+634
;<)I< 1H 2<3 H1,,1>)*6 )4 2<3 /142 )/=1A2+*2 )* 23A/4 1H 6322)*6 J19A >3@4)23 A+*P3G <)6<,J )* N116,3B
89342)1*: ;<)I< >),, A+*P J19 <)6<3A >)2< 5+63 R+*PL <+?)*6 $ ,)*P 21 J19A 4)23 HA1/ !!!"!#$#%&'#(")*+
1A <+?)*6 & ,)*P4 21 J19A 4)23 HA1/ >>>M9>1MI+B
D<3 *9/@3A 1H ,)*P4 HA1/ 12<3A =+634 21 J19A =+63
Question: if we search for the terms !"##$%, &"'(), *%+", and we only get pages back that have those
>1AG4L ><+2 +A3 41/3 1H 2<3 H+I21A4 2<+2 >),, /+P3 1*3 =+63 4<1> 9= +<3+G 1H +*12<3A =+63B
5A1=3A2J 2)2,34X +,2 2+64X HA3Z93*IJ 1H P3J >1AG4X I,143A HA3Z93*2 >1AG4

!"#$"% '(")*$+,)- ."/*(0" 14

89342)1*: ;<+2 *+/3 G1 >3 6)?3 21 2<3 42+A2 HA+/3 +*G 2<3 3*G HA+/3B [*12 2<3 HA+/34 2<+2 +A3 I1/=923A
63*3A+23GL A+2<3A 2<3 HA+/34 GA+>* @J 94B\
] ^3JHA+/34
89342)1*: ;<J )4 2<3 +I2 1H 63*3A+2)*6 2<3 HA+/34 )* @32>33* 2<3 H)A42 HA+/3 +*G 2<3 ,+42 HA+/3 I+,,3GB
] D>33*)*6
89342)1*: D<3 =+2< 2<3 1@_3I2 H1,,1>4 <+?3 21 @3 + 42A+)6<2 ,)*3L ('F"-
89342)1*: ;<+2 41H2>+A3 +,,1>4 94 21 G1 =+2< @+43G +*)/+2)1*B
] (,+4<
"2+63: A3I2+*69,+A +A3+ ><3A3 2<3 ?)4)@,3 /12)1* >),, 2+P3 =,+I3
D)/3,)*3: 43A)34 1H HA+/34 )* + A1> +*G 42+IP4 1H ,+J3A4M K*G)I+234 P3J HA+/34L A369,+A HA+/34 +*G 3/=2J HA+/34
"<+=3: @+4)I 4<+=34 GA+>* >)2< 2<3 4<+=3 211,4L ,)*3 211, 1A + 4)*6,3 ,3223A
CS 1033A llnal Lxam noLes age 33
Symbol: sLore ln a llbrary and can be reused. Changes Lo Lhe llbrary symbol wlll resulL ln changes ln all of Lhe coples
of Lhls symbol currenLly on Lhe sLage.
Craphlc: sLaLlc graphlc, can be used ln oLher symbols
8uLLon: lnLeracLlve parL of anlmaLlon wlLh user, responds Lo mouse cllcks and rollovers.
Movle cllp: reusable plece of anlmaLlon, can Lurn a slmple anlmaLlon lnLo a movle cllp symbol and
reuse lL.
CuesLlon: Pow many frames per second should we have when bulldlng an anlmaLlon for dlsplay on a compuLer?
CuesLlon: Whlch Lype of anlmaLlon uses frames:
Cel 8ased
aLh 8ased
CuesLlon: lf an anlmaLlon ls 40 frames long and Lhe fps ls 3, how long wlll Lhe anlmaLlon Lake Lo play? 8 seconds

&'()'* +,'-#)".-/ 0'1#,2' 34

1. Whlch ls fasLer: llrewlre 400 or uS8 2.0 or 1hunderbolL?
2. Lvery Apple compuLer has a flrewlre porL, Lrue or false ?
3. WhaL was Lhe !"#$% '#(% for n1SC 1vs ln Lhe 80s?
4. WhaL ls Lhe !"#$% '#()* for n1SC 1vs
3. WhaL ls Lhe !"#$% '#()* for Pu 1vs
6. WhaL does 1080p mean?
7. CuesLlon: 8lack and WhlLe 1v only used Lhe ? slgnal
(flll ln Lhe blank wlLh ?, u or v)
8. CuesLlon: Whlch of Lhe followlng color sampllng meLhods offers 0 compresslon? 4:4:4
9. CuesLlon: name Lwo Lypes of daLa Lransfer meLhods you can use Lo move your vldeo from your camcorder
Lo your compuLer. 56!7 8)2'*)2'
10. CuesLlon: Pow many scan llnes are Lhere on an analog 1v from Lhe 1970s? 9:3
11. CuesLlon: WhaL does 720p mean? ;<3 =).'- ). !"#$"%&&'#( >6'?,'.1'@

&'()'* +,'-#)".-/ 0'1#,2' A3

CuesLlon: Why can your compuLer someLlmes play one .avl flle buL Lhen noL play anoLher .avl flle? B== C'D'.C- ".
CuesLlon: WhaL flle formaL does ?ou1ube use (.Avl, .WMl, eLc.) WhaL newer flle formaL ls llash layer pushlng
CuesLlon: avl ls a conLalner flle formaL. I2,'
CuesLlon: .avl flles wlll always use Lhe same codec Lo play Lhem. 8J=-'
CuesLlon: name 3 ways of reduclng Lhe flle slze of a plece of vldeo before movlng lL onLo your webslLe.
a) Lower frame slze (from 680x480 320x240)
b) Lower frame raLe
c) Choose a CCuLC
Whlch of Lhese wlll nC1 affecL Lhe slze of a vldeo flle?
a. K)1#,2' 6)L'
b. E"="2 &'-"=,#)".
c. IMD' "N N".# ,-'C N"2 12'C)#-
d. number of lrames per second
e. LengLh of Cllp
f. All of Lhe above wlll affecL Lhe slze
WhaL ls a codec?
!" $%&&' ()*+, -.+/ 01234 5+63 &7
+8 ' 29:3 1; <)=31 >+:2?@3 >+@=
A8 ! #$%&% '( )'(*+,-% .)%/ ('- &'0#-%))$'12/%&'0#-%)) '( 3$/%') ,1/ ,./$')
>8 ' :)3>3 1; 41;2B+@3 ?43= 21 3=)2 <)=314
=8 01*3 1; 2C3 +A1<3

4%3$%+ 5.%)*$'1)6 7%&*.-% 88

$8 DC)>C C+4 /1@3 4+/:,34 :3@ 43>1*=E
+8 !F @3>1@=)*6 77GHI
A8 (J K+=)1 LLGHI
>8 M12C +@3 2C3 4+/3
L8 N* 63*3@+,O BC+2 )4 2C3 /)*)/?/ +/1?*2 1; 4+/:,34 *33=3= ;1@ <1)>3 1*,9E PGQI
&8 DC)>C :+@2 1; + 41?*= B+<3 @3;,3>24 2C3 <1,?/3E

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