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Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
a 9 84 abandon v renoncer to stop doing an activity before you
have finished it
a 2 16 abrupt adj subit describes something that is sudden
and unexpected, and often
a 11 102 abuse n injures rude and offensive words said to
another person
a 11 102 accessory n accessoire something added to a machine or to
clothing, which has a useful or
decorative purpose
a 5 47 achieve v russir, atteindre to succeed in finishing something or
reaching an aim, especially after a lot
of work or effort
a 3 29 adapt v s'adapter to change something to suit different
conditions or uses
a 4 35 aim v viser to intend
a 4 41 airy adj ar with a lot of light and space
a 6 53 alert adj alerte quick to see, understand and act in a
particular situation
a 1 8 amused adj amus showing that you think something is
a 15 136 ancient adj ancien of or from a long time ago, having
lasted for a very long time
a 1 10 annoy v agacer to make someone angry
a 14 125 anxiety n angoisse an uncomfortable feeling of
nervousness or worry about
something that is happening or might
happen in the future
a 5 48 appreciate v apprcier to recognise or understand that
something is valuable, important or as
a 5 44 approach n approche a way of considering or doing
a 10 89 appropriate adj appropri suitable or right for a particular
situation or occasion
a 14 125 arch n arche a structure consisting of a curved top
on two supports, which holds the
weight of something above it
a 12 111 arise v survenir to happen
a 13 119 ashore adv vers le rivage towards or onto land from an area of
a 5 49 aspect n aspect one part of a situation, problem,
subject, etc.
a 1 11 assume v supposer to accept something to be true without
question or proof
a 12 107 at first glance premire vue when first looking
a 4 35 attitude n attitude a feeling or opinion about something
or someone, or a way of behaving
that is caused by this
a 16 147 attract attention attirer l'attention to make someone notice you
b 13 119 backpack n sac dos a bag that you carry on your back
b 3 29 bare adj dnud if a cupboard or room is bare, there is
little or nothing in it
b 13 118 bark v aboyer (of a dog) to make a loud rough noise
b 5 49 barrier n barrire anything that prevents people from
being together or understanding each
b 9 84 be supposed v tre cens to have to; to have a duty or a
responsibility to
Wordlist: English to French
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
b 10 89 be to do with v porter sur to be caused by or connected with
b 16 143 be up to no good v prparer un mauvais
to be doing something bad that you
should not be doing
b 1 10 best-selling adj succs selling in very large numbers
b 5 49 bilingual adj bilingue (of a person) able to use two
languages for communication, or (of a
thing) using or involving two
b 8 71 blister n ampoule a painful red swelling on the skin that
contains liquid, caused usually by
continuous rubbing, especially on
your foot, or by burning
b 14 124 block n immeuble a large, usually tall building divided
into separate parts for use as offices
or homes by several different
organisations or people
b 7 64 blow down v renverser If the wind blows something down, it
makes it fall to the ground by blowing
on it.
b 1 8 bored adj ennuy feeling tired and unhappy because
something is not interesting or
because you have nothing to do
b 6 53 branch n branche one of the parts of a tree that grows
out from the main trunk and has
leaves, flowers or fruit on it
b 16 145 break down v tomber en panne If a machine or vehicle breaks down,
it stops working.
b 15 138 break out v clater If something dangerous or unpleasant
breaks out, it suddenly starts.
b 11 101 brilliant adj 1 super 2 brillant 1 very good 2 extremely clever or
b 1 10 bring up v lever to care for a child until he/she is an
adult, often giving him/her particular
b 9 83 brutal adj brutal not considering someones feelings
b 16 143 built-in adj encastr If a place or piece of equipment has
built-in objects, they are permanently
connected and cannot be easily
b 4 35 bunch n bande a group of people
b 9 83 by accident par accident without intending to, or without being
c 4 39 cage n cage a space surrounded on all sides by
bars or wire, in which animals or birds
are kept
c 7 62 call centre n centre d'appel a large office in which a companys
employees provide information to its
customers, or sell or advertise its
goods or services by telephone
c 8 72 cant help ne pas pouvoir
If you cant help doing something, you
cannot stop yourself doing it.
c 5 45 cancel v annuler to decide that an organised event will
not happen
c 12 107 canned food n conserves food which is sold in cans (= closed
metal containers)
c 8 71 career n carrire the job or series of jobs that you do
during your working life, especially if
you continue to get better jobs and
earn more money
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
c 8 72 carry on v poursuivre to continue doing something, or to
cause something to continue
c 7 62 cashier n caissier a person whose job is to receive and
pay out money in a shop, bank,
restaurant, etc.
c 8 73 casual adj dcontract describes clothes that are not formal
or not suitable for special occasions
c 9 84 celebrity n clbrit someone who is famous, especially in
the entertainment business
c 14 125 cellar n cave a room under the ground floor of a
building, usually used for storage
c 5 49 challenge n dfi something that is difficult and that
tests someones ability and
c 9 81 chance of a lifetime n chance d'une vie an opportunity which only comes once
in your life
c 12 107 change your mind changer d'avis to change your decision or opinion
c 15 138 chaotic adj chaotique in a state of chaos (= a situation
where there is no order and
everything is confused)
c 13 119 charge v foncer to move forward quickly and violently,
especially towards something which
has caused difficulty or anger
c 1 11 charming adj charmant pleasant and attractive
c 12 106 check-up n contrle a general medical examination to see
if you are healthy
c 9 84 cheering n acclamation shouts of encouragement and
c 15 138 chuck v jeter to throw something carelessly
c 2 17 clamber v se hisser to climb up, across or into somewhere
with difficulty, using the hands and the
c 5 45 classmate n camarade someone who is in the same class as
you at school
c 6 53 clearing n clairire an area in a wood or forest from
which trees and bushes have been
c 4 40 combination n combinaison the mixture you get when two or more
things are combined
c 9 83 come down to v se rsumer If a situation or decision comes down
to something, that is the thing that
influences it most.
c 2 20 commit v commettre to do something illegal or something
that is considered wrong
c 3 29 compartment n compartiment one of the separate areas inside a
vehicle, especially a train
c 16 143 compatible adj compatible compatible equipment can be used
c 2 20 compete v concurrencer to try to be more successful than
someone or something else
c 1 11 compromise n compromis an agreement in an argument in
which the people involved reduce
their demands or change their opinion
in order to agree
c 11 102 concern n inquitude when you feel worried or nervous
about something, or something that
makes you feel worried
c 2 20 consistent adj constant always behaving or happening in a
similar, especially positive, way
c 14 128 consultant n consultant someone who advises people on a
particular subject
c 15 136 contemporary adj contemporain existing or happening now
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
c 9 82 contract n contrat a legal document that states and
explains a formal agreement between
two different people or groups, or the
agreement itself
c 11 99 convenient adj commode near or easy to get to or use
c 15 135 conventional adj conventionel traditional and ordinary
c 16 143 coordination n coordination the ability to make your arms, legs
and other body parts move in a
controlled way
c 4 41 cosy adj douillet comfortable and pleasant, especially
(of a building) because small and
c 12 107 counsellor n conseiller someone who is trained to listen to
people and give them advice about
their problems
c 1 11 counter-argument n contre-argument an argument against another
argument, idea or suggestion
c 1 10 countless adj innombrable very many; too many to be counted
c 15 138 cram v entasser to force a lot of things into a small
c 13 119 crash v entrer en collison to hit something, often making a loud
noise or causing damage
c 12 111 crew n quipage the people who work together on a
ship, aircraft, or plane
c 6 56 crop n culture a plant such as a grain, fruit, or
vegetable that is grown in large
amounts by farmers
c 14 125 cruel adj cruel causing suffering
c 13 119 crunch v croquer, crisser to crush hard food loudly between the
teeth, or to make a sound as if
something is being crushed or broken
c 5 44 culture n culture the way of life, especially the general
customs and beliefs, of a particular
group of people at a particular time
c 16 143 current adj courant of the present time
c 4 35 curriculum n programme the group of subjects studied in a
school, college, etc.
c 14 125 customary adj 1 habituel 2
1 usual 2 traditional
c 14 127 cut down v abattre to make a tree fall to the ground by
cutting it near the bottom
d 7 66 database n base de donnes a large amount of information stored
in a computer system in such a way
that it can be easily looked at or
d 7 65 daunting adj dcourageant making you feel slightly frightened or
worried about your ability to achieve
d 1 10 deal with v 1 avoir affaire /
avec quelqu'un
2 s'occuper de
3 traiter
1 to talk to someone or meet
someone, especially as part of your
job 2 to take action in order to
achieve something or in order to solve
a problem 3 to be about or be on the
subject of something
d 14 125 dealer n marchand a person whose work is to buy and
sell something
d 6 56 debate n dbat a serious discussion of a subject in
which many people take part
d 9 84 delighted adj enchant very pleased
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
d 11 99 delivery n livraison when goods, letters, parcels, etc. are
taken to peoples houses or places of
d 16 143 demand v rclamer to need something such as time,
effort, or a particular quality
d 11 102 deny v nier to not admit that you have knowledge,
responsibility, feelings, etc.
d 1 10 desire v dsirer a strong feeling that you want
d 16 143 device n appareil an object or machine which has been
invented for a particular purpose
d 10 88 devote something to
v se consacrer to use time, energy, etc. for a
particular purpose
d 4 34 diet n alimentation the food and drink usually eaten or
drunk by a person or group
d 2 19 disappoint v dcevoir to make someone feel unhappy
because something or someone was
not as good as they had expected or
because something did not happen
d 8 71 disappointment n dception the feeling of being unhappy because
something or someone was not as
good as you had hoped or because
something did not happen
d 12 111 discreetly adv discrtement in a way that will not cause
embarrassment or attract too much
d 3 29 dismantle v dmonter to take something apart so that it is in
many pieces
d 8 72 disqualify v disqualifier to stop someone from being in a
competition or doing something
because they are unsuitable or they
have done something wrong
d 2 19 distract v distraire to make someone stop giving their
attention to something
d 10 89 divide v diviser to (cause to) separate into parts or
d 1 13 do someone a
rendre service
to do something for someone in order
to help them
d 3 29 document n document a paper or set of papers with written
or printed information, especially of an
official type
d 16 143 downside n inconvnient the disadvantage of a situation
d 12 107 dramatically adv de faon dramatique suddenly or obviously
d 12 107 drastic adj radical (especially of actions) severe and
sudden or having very noticeable
d 8 71 drop out v laisser tomber to not do something that you were
going to do, or to stop doing
something before you have
e 10 89 earn v gagner to receive money as payment for work
that you do
e 4 34 edible adj comestible suitable or safe for eating
e 7 65 elaborate adj complexe containing a lot of careful detail or
many detailed parts
e 14 125 elegant adj lgant graceful and attractive in appearance
or behaviour
e 16 143 elsewhere adv ailleurs somewhere different; somewhere else
e 1 8 embarrassed adj embarass feeling ashamed or shy
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
e 6 52 endangered species n espces menaces a type of animal that may soon not
exist because there are very few alive
e 3 29 endure v endurer to suffer something difficult,
unpleasant or painful
e 1 9 energetic adj nergique,
the power and ability to be physically
and mentally active
e 13 119 enraged adj furieux extremely angry
e 11 103 ensure v s'assurer to make something certain to happen
e 3 29 epic adj pique describes events that happen over a
long period and involve a lot of action
and difficulty
e 7 65 equip v quiper to provide a person or a place with
objects that are necessary for a
particular purpose
e 7 64 equipment n quipement the set of necessary tools, clothing,
etc. for a particular purpose
e 8 71 eternity n ternit time which never ends or which has
no limits
e 3 33 excursion n excursion a short journey usually made for
pleasure, often by a group of people
e 2 19 exhaust v puiser to make someone feel extremely tired
e 6 52 exhaust fumes n gaz d'chappement the waste gas from a vehicles engine
e 9 83 exhilarating adj enivrant making you feel very excited and
e 4 35 experimental adj exprimental experiencing and observing different
methods or situations in order to
discover what the result will be
e 1 8 extend v agrandir to add to something in order to make
it bigger or longer
f 3 29 fake adj faux not real, but made to look or seem
f 1 9 fanatic n fanatique someone whose interest in something
or enthusiasm for something is
f 2 17 fantasise v fantasmer to imagine something that you would
like to happen but which is not likely
to happen
f 10 88 fascinated adj fascin very interested
f 9 81 fascinating adj fascinant very interesting
f 12 110 fasten v attacher to (cause something to) become firmly
fixed together, or in position, or closed
f 4 40 feature v prsenter to include someone or something as
an important part
f 10 88 feel like avoir envie to want to do something
f 14 125 fetch v rapporter to be sold for a particular amount of
f 10 88 financial adj financier relating to money or how money is
f 1 9 firm n entreprise a company or business
f 1 9 fitness n fitness the condition of being physically
strong and healthy
f 13 119 flat out adj d'arrache-pied as fast or as hard as possible
f 5 45 flatmate n colocataire a person who shares an apartment or
flat with another person
f 4 40 flavour n got how food or drink tastes, or a
particular taste itself
f 8 71 flexible adj flexible able to change or be changed easily
according to the situation
f 15 138 flock v affluer to move or come together in large
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
f 5 49 fly by v filer If a period of time flies by, it seems to
pass very quickly, usually because
you are enjoying yourself or very
f 5 47 focus on something v se focaliser sur to give a lot of attention to one
particular subject or thing
f 15 138 frenzy n frnsie uncontrolled and excited behaviour or
emotion, which is sometimes violent
f 5 44 frustrated adj frustr feeling annoyed or less confident
because you cannot achieve what you
f 4 34 funds n fonds money needed or available to spend
on something
f 8 71 furious adj endiabl using a lot of effort or strength
f 9 84 further adj de plus extra; additional
f 2 17 further afield plus loin a long distance away
g 16 144 gadget n gadget a small device or machine with a
particular purpose
11 102 get by v se dbrouiller to be able to live with difficulty, having
just enough money
g 9 83 get involved v prendre part to do things and be part of an activity
or event
g 12 106 get over v se remettre to get better after an illness, or feel
better after something or someone
has made you unhappy
g 12 107 get rid of se dbarasser de to remove or throw away something
g 5 44 get to know v apprendre
connatre quelqu'un
to spend time with someone or
something so that you gradually learn
more about them
g 10 88 give out v mettre to make a sound
g 1 9 give someone a lift emmener to give someone a free ride
somewhere, usually in a car
g 16 145 give up v renoncer to stop owning and using something
g 11 102 glance v coup d'oeil to give a quick, short look
g 6 53 go ahead v aller de l'avant to go somewhere before the other
people that you are walking or
travelling with
g 16 143 goal n but an aim or purpose
g 7 65 grab v saisir to take hold of something or someone
suddenly and roughly
g 11 100 grateful adj reconnaissant showing or expressing thanks,
especially to another person
g 6 56 ground v immobiliser If aircraft are grounded, they are
prevented from flying or ordered not
to fly.
g 3 29 gust n rafale a sudden strong wind
h 6 59 habitat n habitat the natural environment in which an
animal or plant usually lives
h 8 71 hallucination n hallucination when you see, hear, feel or smell
something which does not exist,
usually because you are ill or have
taken a drug
h 14 125 handrails n balustrade a long bar that you hold in order to
support yourself when walking, for
example at the side of stairs
h 11 99 harm v faire du mal,
to hurt someone or damage
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
h 15 136 harvest n rcolte the time of year when crops are cut
and collected from the fields, or the
activity of cutting and collecting them,
or the crops which are cut and
h 14 126 haunted adj hant describes a place where ghosts
h 7 65 have something in
avoir en commun to share interests, experiences, or
other characteristics with someone or
h 2 17 heap n tas an untidy pile or mass of things
h 2 16 heartbroken adj avoir le coeur bris extremely sad, often because a
relationship has finished
h 2 17 high-pitched adj aigu describes a noise that is high and
sometimes also loud or unpleasant
h 11 99 high-quality adj de bonne qualit very good and well made
h 8 74 hire v louer to pay to use something for a short
h 4 38 historic adj historique important or likely to be important in
h 3 29 holdall n fourre-tout a small case used for carrying clothes
and personal things when travelling
h 5 48 homesick adj mal du pays unhappy because of being away from
home for a long period
h 11 102 hoover v passer l'aspirateur to clean a floor by using an electric
machine which sucks up the dirt
h 5 49 hospitality n hospitalit when people are friendly and
welcoming to guests and visitors
h 3 30 host n hte someone who has guests
h 14 124 housing estate n lotissement an area containing a large number of
houses or apartments built close
together at the same time
h 11 100 hunter n chasseur a person or an animal that hunts
animals for food or for sport
h 15 138 hurl v lancer to throw something with a lot of force,
usually in an angry or violent way
i 6 53 idly adv oisivement without any particular purpose
i 10 89 immeasurably adv immesurablement in an extreme way
i 5 47 immerse yourself in
v se plonger dans to become completely involved in
i 10 90 impact n impact a powerful effect that something,
especially something new, has on a
situation or person
i 7 65 improvise v improviser to invent or make something, such as
a speech or a device, at the time
when it is needed without already
having planned it
i 12 111 in mid-air n en plein ciel in the air or sky
i 3 27 in style en beaut if you do something in style, you do it
in a way that people admire, usually
spending a lot of money
i 6 53 in the wild en libert in natural conditions, independent of
i 10 89 income n revenu money that is earned from doing work
or received from investments
i 5 44 independent adj indpendant not needing anyone else to help you
or do things for you
i 8 70 individually adv individuellement separately
i 16 143 indoors adv l'intrieur into or inside a building
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
i 4 35 ingredient n ingrdient a food that is used with other foods in
the preparation of a particular dish
i 5 48 initial adj initial of or at the beginning
i 4 35 initiative n initiative a new action or movement, often
intended to solve a problem
i 12 107 instance n 1 cas 2 par exemple 1 a particular situation, event or fact,
especially an example of something
that happens generally 2 for instance
said before you give something as an
i 12 106 intake n consommation the amount of a particular substance
which is eaten or drunk during a
particular time
i 10 89 intense adj intense strong
i 5 47 intensive adj intensif involving a lot of effort or activity in a
short period of time
i 11 105 interactive adj interactif describes a system or computer
program which is designed to involve
the user in the exchange of
i 1 9 interrupt v interrompre to stop a person from speaking for a
short period by something you say or
i 13 120 intimate adj intime If a place or event is intimate, it is
small in a way that feels comfortable
and private.
i 9 83 invaluable adj inestimable extremely useful
i 3 29 involve v impliquer If a situation or activity involves
something, that thing is a necessary
part of it.
i 12 107 IQ n QI intelligence quotient: a measure of
someones intelligence found from
special tests
i 2 16 irrelevant adj hors de propos not related to what is being discussed
or considered and therefore of no
i 1 10 irritate v irriter to make someone angry
i 4 35 isolated adj isol feeling unhappy because of not
seeing or talking to other people
i 8 72 its no good adj laisser tomber used to say that trying to do
something has no effect
i 8 72 its not worth ca ne vaut pas la
used to say that something is not
useful or enjoyable enough to use
time, effort or money doing
i 11 102 item n article something which is part of a list or
group of things
j 15 135 juggling n jonglage the activity of throwing two or more
balls into the air, repeatedly, often in
order to entertain people
j 14 125 jumbled adj dsordonn mixed together in an untidy way
k 8 71 keep up with v aller aussi vite que to move at the same speed as
someone or something that is moving
forward so that you stay level with
k 6 53 keeper n gardien a person who takes care of animals in
a zoo
k 7 66 key in v taper to put information into a computer or a
machine using a keyboard
l 1 10 lack of something n manque de not having something or not having
enough of something
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
l 10 89 lead v mener lead a busy/happy/normal, etc. life; to
live in a particular way
l 2 23 leisure n temps libre the time when you are not working or
doing other duties
l 6 59 level n niveau the height of something
l 15 138 lie ahead v se profiler to be going to happen in the future
l 9 84 lifestyle n mode de vie someones way of living; the things
that a person or particular group of
people usually do
i 16 143 link v joindre to connect computers so that
information can be sent between them
l 6 58 litter n dtritus small pieces of rubbish that have
been left lying on the ground in public
l 9 83 live adj en direct (of a performance) broadcast,
recorded or seen while it is happening
l 7 65 live up to
tre la hauteur to be very good, as good as you were
expecting or hoping
l 15 138 load n charge a large amount of things that a person
or animal carries
l 16 143 loudspeaker n haut-parleur a piece of equipment that changes
electrical signals into sounds,
especially used in public places so
that large numbers of people can hear
someone speaking or music playing
l 7 64 luggage n bagages the bags, cases, etc. which contain
your possessions and that you take
with you when you are travelling
l 3 27 luxury n de luxe great comfort, especially as provided
by expensive and beautiful things
m 6 52 machete n machette a large knife with a wide blade, used
for cutting trees and plants or as a
m 9 82 make sense avoir un sens to be a good thing to do
m 2 17 make up v fabriquer to invent something, such as an
excuse or a story, often in order to
m 15 138 manic adj maniaque very excited and physically active in a
way that is not controlled
m 5 49 marked adj marqu describes a change or difference in
behaviour that is very obvious or
m 5 47 master v matriser to learn how to do something well
m 10 88 match v mettre en rapport to choose someone or something that
is suitable for a particular person,
activity, or purpose
m 1 10 mature adj mr fully grown or developed
m 8 71 methodical adj mthodique describes people who do things in a
very ordered, careful way
m 1 9 mind your own
mle-toi de tes
used to tell someone in a rude way
that you do not want them to ask
about something private
m 9 81 miss v rater to not see or hear something or
m 3 31 mood n humeur the way you feel at a particular time
m 2 16 mousy adj chtain terne describes hair which is brown and not
special or attractive
m 15 135 move on v circuler If the police or other people in
authority move you on, they ask you
to leave a place.
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
m 15 136 myth n mythe an ancient story or set of stories,
especially explaining in a literary way
the early history of a group of people
or about natural events and facts
n 6 59 nature reserve n rserve naturelle an area of land which is protected in
order to keep safe the animals and
plants that live there, often because
they are rare
n 7 65 neat adj rang tidy, with everything in its place
n 10 88 neighbourhood n quartier the area of a town that surrounds
someones home, or the people who
live in this area
n 7 65 nightly adv de tous les soirs happening every night
n 3 27 novelty n nouveaut something which has not been
experienced before and so is
n 13 119 numb adj engourdi If a part of your body is numb, you are
unable to feel it, usually for a short
n 4 35 nutrition n alimentation the substances that you take into your
body as food and the way that they
influence your health
o 10 89 objective n objectif something which you plan to do or
o 10 89 observation n observation a remark about something that you
have noticed
o 1 13 on average en moyenne usually, based on an amount which is
calculated by adding some amounts
together, and then dividing by the
number of amounts
o 12 111 on board n bord on a boat, train or aircraft
o 2 16 on display en exposition If something is on display, it is in a
place for people to look at.
o 4 35 organic adj biologique not using artificial chemicals in the
growing of plants and animals for food
and other products
o 10 88 original adj d'origine existing since the beginning, or being
the earliest form of something
o 9 83 outlet n exutoire a way in which emotion or energy can
be expressed or made use of
o 8 77 outline v exposer brivement to give the main facts about
o 5 45 overhear v surprendre to hear what other people are saying
without intending to and without their
o 16 143 overlong adj trop long too long
o 3 29 overnight adj de nuit, pour la nuit for or during the night
p 8 71 pace n pas the speed at which someone or
something moves, or with which
something happens or changes
p 3 29 packed adj bond completely full
p 13 119 pan n pole a metal container that is round and
often has a long handle and a lid,
used for cooking things on top of a
p 3 29 panel n panneau a flat, usually rectangular part, or
piece of wood, metal, cloth, etc., that
fits into or onto something larger
p 12 107 patrol v patrouiller (especially of soldiers or the police) to
go around an area or a building to see
if there is any trouble or danger
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
p 13 118 pay attention v prter attention to watch, listen to, or think about
something carefully or with interest
p 8 73 peaceful adj paisible quiet and calm
p 13 119 penultimate adj pnultime second from the last
p 11 99 permission n permission If someone is given permission to do
something, they are allowed to do it.
p 16 143 persuade v convaincre to make someone do or believe
something by giving them a good
reason to do it or by talking to them
and making them believe it
p 13 116 pet n animal de compagnie an animal which is kept in the home
as a companion and treated kindly
p 13 119 pierce v percer (of a light, sound, etc.) to suddenly be
seen or heard, despite darkness,
noise, etc.
p 2 17 pile n pile an amount of a substance in the
shape of a small hill or a number of
objects on top of each other
p 16 143 pinpoint v localiser to find out or say the exact position in
space or time of something
p 6 56 play a part prendre part to help to achieve something
p 6 58 pollution n pollution damage caused to water, air, etc. by
harmful substances or waste
p 13 119 pot n casserole any of various types of container,
usually round, especially one used for
cooking food
p 10 89 poverty n pauvret the condition of being extremely poor
p 16 143 price tag n prix how much something costs
p 13 119 prick n piqre the quick feeling of pain that you get
when something sharp makes a very
small hole in your skin
p 14 125 print v imprimer to produce writing or images on paper
or other material with a machine
p 1 11 prioritise v metttre en priorit to decide which of a group of things
are the most important so that you
can deal with them first
p 3 29 privacy n intimit the state of being alone
p 3 29 proclamation n proclamation a definite statement
p 12 107 profoundly adv profondment deeply or extremely
p 16 146 proud adj fier feeling pleasure and satisfaction
because you or people connected
with you have done or got something
p 10 88 prove v prouver to show that something is true
p 7 66 punctual adj ponctuel arriving, doing something or
happening at the expected, correct
p 7 64 put effort into
s'fforcer to work hard in order to achieve
something, using a lot of time and
p 12 106 put on v grossir if people or animals put weight on,
they become heavier
q 5 45 qualification n certificat an official record showing that you
have finished a training course or
have the necessary skills, etc.
q 12 111 queue n queue to wait in a line of people, often to buy
r 4 35 range n gamme a set of similar things
r 11 100 rate v classer to judge the value or character of
someone or something
r 15 136 raw adj cru (of food) not cooked
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
r 4 35 recipe n recette a set of instructions telling you how to
prepare and cook food, including a list
of what food is needed for this
r 11 100 regard v considrer to consider or have an opinion about
something or someone
r 9 83 reject v refuser to refuse to accept someone for a job,
course, etc.
r 5 45 remind v rappeler to make someone think of something
they have forgotten or might have
r 6 53 remote adj lointain describes an area, house or village
that is a long way from any towns or
r 11 102 rental n de location an arrangement to rent something, or
the amount of money that you pay to
rent something
r 11 105 replace v remplacer to take the place of something, or to
put something or someone in the
place of something or someone else
r 11 101 reputation n rputation the opinion that people in general
have about someone or something, or
how much respect or admiration
someone or something receives,
based on past behaviour or character
r 14 125 request n demande when you politely or officially ask for
r 5 44 research n recherche a detailed study of a subject,
especially in order to discover
information or reach a new
r 16 143 resemble v ressembler to look like or be like someone or
r 11 100 reveal v dvoiler to make known or show something
that is surprising or that was
previously secret
r 10 88 reward n rcompense something good that you get or
experience because you have worked
hard, behaved well, etc.
r 13 119 root n racine the part of a plant which grows down
into the earth to get water and food
and which holds the plant firm in the
r 14 125 rounded adj arrondi smooth and curved
r 3 27 route n parcours a particular way or direction between
r 13 120 rural adj rural relating to the countryside and not to
r 2 17 rush n lan sudden, quick movement
s 10 88 sample n chantillon a small amount of something that
shows you what the rest is or should
be like
14 128 saucer n soucoupe a small curved plate which you put a
cup on
s 5 49 scare v effrayer to (cause to) feel frightened
s 15 138 scour v parcourir to search a place or thing very
carefully in order to try to find
s 6 53 scramble v grimper to move or climb quickly but with
difficulty, often using your hands to
help you
s 13 119 scratch n gratignure a slight cut or a long, thin mark made
with a sharp object
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
s 13 119 scream v crier to cry or say something loudly and
usually on a high note, especially
because of strong emotions such as
fear, excitement or anger
s 3 29 screwdriver n tournevis a tool for turning screws, consisting of
a handle joined to a metal rod shaped
at one end to fit in the cut in the top of
the screw
s 4 40 seafood n poisson et fruits de
animals from the sea that can be
eaten, especially fish or sea animals
with shells
r 11 99 security n scurit protection of a person, building,
organisation or country against
threats such as crime or attacks by
foreign countries
s 14 125 sense of humour n sens de l'humour your ability to understand amusing
s 16 143 set targets v fixer les objectifs to decide what you want to achieve by
a particular time
s 8 71 severe adj grave causing very great pain, difficulty,
anxiety, damage, etc.; very serious
s 9 83 show off v frimer to behave in a way which is intended
to attract attention or admiration, and
which other people often find
s 14 125 shutter n volet a wooden cover on the outside of a
window which prevents light or heat
from going into a room or heat from
leaving it
s 16 143 signal n signal an action, movement or sound which
gives information, a message, a
warning or an order
s 2 20 simultaneously adv simultanment happening or existing at the same
s 14 127 site n site a place where something happened
or was built in the past
s 15 138 sizzle v grsiller to make a sound like food cooking in
hot fat
s 11 102 slam v claquer to close violently and noisily
s 10 89 slightly adv lgrement a little
s 6 53 slip v se glisser to go somewhere or do something
quickly, often so that you are not
s 13 119 smash v fracasser to cause something to move with
great force against something hard,
usually causing damage or injury
s 3 29 snack n goter a small amount of food that is eaten
between meals, or a very small meal
s 3 29 snatch v attraper to take hold of something suddenly
and roughly
s 6 56 sneeze v ternuer when you sneeze, air and often small
drops of liquid suddenly come out of
your nose and mouth in a way you
cannot control
s 6 53 sniff v renifler to smell something by taking air in
through your nose
s 13 119 snorkelling n plonge avec tuba the activity of swimming while using a
snorkel (= a tube that you breathe
through when your face is under the
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
s 15 138 sour adj aigre having a sharp, sometimes
unpleasant, taste or smell, like a
lemon, and not sweet
s 1 9 sporty adj sportif relating to sports
s 15 138 squash v aplatir to crush something into a flat shape
s 6 53 squat v s'accroupir to position yourself close to the
ground balancing on the front part of
your feet with your legs bent under
s 15 138 stale adj rassis no longer new or fresh, usually as a
result of being kept for too long
s 15 138 stall n stand a large table or a small shop with an
open front from which goods are sold
in a public place
s 7 65 stare v regarder fixement to look for a long time with the eyes
wide open, especially when surprised,
frightened or thinking
s 10 88 start out v commencer to begin your work or a task in a
particular way
s 7 65 status n statut the amount of respect, admiration or
importance given to a person,
organisation or object
s 9 84 steady adj fixe steady career/job, etc.; work that is
likely to continue for a long time and
that will pay you regular amounts of
s 14 125 store v ranger to put or keep things in a special
place for use in the future
s 14 124 storey n tage a level of a building
s 8 71 strategy n stratgie a detailed plan for achieving success
in situations such as war, politics,
business, industry or sport, or the skill
of planning for such situations
s 2 17 straw n paille the dried yellow stems of crops such
as wheat, used as food for animals or
as a layer on the ground for animals
to lie on
s 9 83 strip away v dpouiller quelqu'un
to gradually reduce something
important or something that has
existed for a long time
s 14 125 struggle v lutter to experience difficulty and make a
very great effort in order to do
s 16 143 substantial adj substantiel large in size, value or importance
s 16 143 suit v convenir to be right for a particular person,
situation or occasion
s 2 16 sum up v rsumer to describe the important facts about
something briefly
s 9 84 superb adj superbe of excellent quality; very great
s 13 117 supervise v superviser to watch a person or activity to make
certain that everything is done
correctly, safely, etc.
s 4 35 supply v approvisionner to provide something that is wanted or
needed, often in large quantities and
over a long period of time
s 6 56 surface n surface the outer or top part or layer of
s 13 119 survive v survivre to continue to live or exist, especially
after coming close to dying or being
destroyed or after being in a difficult
or threatening situation
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
s 14 125 suspicious adj mfiant feeling doubt or no trust in someone
or something
s 3 29 sweaty adj en sueur covered in sweat or smelling of sweat
s 16 143 switch on v allumer to turn a piece of equipment on
s 15 136 symbolise v symboliser to represent something
t 11 102 tackle v entreprendre to try to deal with something or
t 9 83 take time out v prendre du temps
to spend a period of time doing
something that is not your normal job
or course of study
t 8 73 take up v se mettre to start doing a particular job or
t 4 37 talkative adj bavard talking a lot
t 13 119 tangle v s'emmler to become twisted together, or to
make something become twisted
t 7 64 task n tche a piece of work to be done, especially
one done regularly, unwillingly or with
t 9 83 taste n avant-got a short experience of something
t 4 36 tasty adj savoureux describes food which has a strong
and very pleasant flavour
t 7 65 terrifying adj terrifiant very frightening
t 1 10 the key to something secret, cl the best way of achieving something
t 5 49 theoretical adj thorique based on the ideas that relate to a
subject, not the practical uses of that
t 13 118 thick adj pais made of strong, heavy material
t 6 52 threat n menace someone or something that is likely to
cause harm or damage
t 13 117 timid adj timide shy and nervous; without much
confidence; easily frightened
t 8 71 to cut a long story
pour faire court, bref something that you say before you
describe, very briefly, something that
happened, without saying all the
t 11 102 toiletries n articles de toilette things such as soap, toothpaste, etc.
that you use for keeping yourself
t 16 143 track v suivre la trace de to follow a person or animal by
looking for proof that they have been
somewhere, or by using electronic
t 14 125 trade n mtier a particular business or industry
t 8 71 train v s'entraner to prepare or be prepared for a job,
activity or sport, by learning skills
and/or by mental or physical exercise
t 15 136 trap v piger to catch an animal using a piece of
t 12 106 treatment n traitement the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to
cure a person of an illness or injury
t 15 140 triumph n triomphe a very great success, achievement or
victory (= when you win a war, fight or
competition), or a feeling of great
satisfaction or pleasure caused by
t 2 16 triviality n banalit something that is not important
t 7 65 trolley n chariot a table on four small wheels with one
or more shelves under it which is
used for serving food or drinks
t 12 108 troublemaker n fauteur de trouble someone who intentionally causes
t 15 138 trundle v cahoter (to cause something) to move slowly
on wheels
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
t 4 34 tuition n cours teaching, especially when given to a
small group or one person, such as in
a college or university
t 16 143 turn into v (se) transformer (en) to change and become someone or
something different, or to make
someone or something do this
t 10 89 turn out v s'avrer to be known or discovered finally and
t 9 83 turn something v rejeter to refuse an offer or request
u 7 65 undeniably adv incontestablement certainly
u 11 102 underwear n sous-vtements clothes worn next to the skin, under
other clothes
u 5 48 unique adj unique being the only existing one of its type
or, more generally, unusual or special
in some way
u 3 27 unspoilt adj prserv an unspoilt place is beautiful because
it has not been changed or damaged
by people
u 15 138 upbeat adj joyeux full of hope, happiness and good
u 1 10 upset adj contrari worried, unhappy or angry
u 2 16 urge v inciter to strongly advise or try to persuade
someone to do a particular thing
v 4 40 value for money bon march If something is value for money, it is
good quality or there is a lot of it so
you think the amount of money you
spent on it was right.
v 12 107 vandalism n vandalisme the crime of intentionally damaging
property belonging to other people
v 4 38 variety n varit many different types of things or
v 11 99 vehicle n vhicule a machine usually with wheels and an
engine, which is used for transporting
people or goods on land, especially
on roads
v 2 17 venture v hasarder to risk going somewhere or doing
something that might be dangerous or
v 7 65 vision n vision an idea or mental image of something
v 1 11 vital adj d'importance capitale extremely important
v 7 68 volunteer n bnvole a person who does something,
especially helping other people,
willingly and without being forced or
paid to do it
v 7 68 volunteer v se porter volontaire to offer to do something that you do
not have to do, often without having
been asked to do it and without
expecting payment
w 6 53 wander v vagabonder to walk around slowly in a relaxed way
or without any clear purpose or
w 14 215 warehouse n entrept a large building for storing things
before they are sold, used, or sent out
to shops
w 4 38 warn v avertir to make someone realise a possible
danger or problem, especially one in
the future
w 6 53 watchful adj vigilant paying careful attention and ready to
deal with problems
Cambridge University Press 2011
Unit no. Page no. English word n, v, adj, adv French
Wordlist: English to French
w 13 119 wave v faire un signe de la
to raise your hand and move it from
side to side as a way of greeting
someone, telling them to do
something or adding emphasis to an
w 9 84 wealthy adj fortun rich; having a lot of money
w 15 136 welfare n bien-tre physical and mental health and
happiness, especially of a person
w 9 82 well-known adj clbre famous
w 3 29 wildlife n faune et flore animals and plants that grow
independently of people, usually in
natural conditions
w 3 29 witness v tmoin to see something happen, especially
an accident or crime
w 12 106 workout n sance de mise en
when you do a series of exercises to
make your body strong and healthy
z 13 119 zip n fermeture clair a fastener consisting of two rows of
metal or plastic teeth-like parts which
are brought together by pulling a
small sliding piece over them, and
which is used for closing openings,
especially in clothes or bags
Cambridge University Press 2011
Wordlist: English to French
Unit No. Page No. English
n, v, adj,

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