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Digital Marketing

Glossary Of Terms
0 - A
Above 1he Io|d - An are of a web page whlch ls vlewable wlLhouL Lhe vlslLor havlng Lo scroll. Cenerally ad space ln
Lhls area oen carrles a hlgher raLe as lL's more llkely Lo be vlewed by Lhe vlslLor.

Abso|ute L|nk - A llnk showlng Lhe compleLe u8L of Lhe page belng llnked aL.

301 = Moved ermanent|y - A permanenL server redlrecL whlch lndlcaLes LhaL a le or web page has been moved
permanenLly Lo a dlerenL locauon.

302 = Iound - A server redlrecL lndlcaung LhaL Lhe le has been found buL lL ls locaLed on a dlerenL u8L.

404 = Not Iound - lL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe server ls noL able Lo locaLe Lhe requesLed u8L.

AdWords - A conLexLual ay er Cllck (C) adveruslng program by Coogle. lL ls Lhe mosL common onllne
adveruslng program.

Am||ate - A webslLe LhaL markeLs brands, producLs, and servlces oered by oLher webslLes or onllne buslnesses ln
exchange for a commlsslon or payouL.

AIAk = Asynchronous IavaScr|pt and kML - A program LhaL allows a web page Lo requesL daLa from a server
wlLhouL Lhe need Lo load a new page.

AIAk = Asynchronous IavaScr|pt and kML - A program LhaL allows a web page Lo requesL daLa from a server
wlLhouL Lhe need Lo load a new page.

AL1 Attr|bute - A LexL equlvalenL of an lmage. MosL search englnes can'L read Lhrough an lmage so an lmage AL1
aLLrlbuLe Lells Lhe search englnes whaL Lhe lmage ls abouL.

Ana|yt|cs - A program LhaL allows webmasLers Lo Lrack slLe sLaLlsLlcs llke page vlews, user paLhs, and converslon
of webslLe by lnLerpreLlng Lhe log flles or by lncludlng a !avaScrlpL Lracklng code on Lhe slLe.

An|mated GII - 1hls ls an anlmaLlon LhaL comblnes mulLlple lmages (or layers) lnLo one flle ln order Lo creaLe Lhe
lmpresslon LhaL Lhere ls movemenL.

Anchor 1ext - 1he vlslble LexL of a llnk LhaL users can cllck Lo follow Lhe llnk. ln case of lmages, Lhe alL aLLrlbuLe
can acL as Lhe anchor LexL.

Aff|||ate Market|ng - A program LhaL allows merchanLs Lo mulLlply Lhelr LargeL markeL scope by paylng afflllaLes
on a CosL er AcLlon (CA) basls. 1hls paymenL scheme pays afflllaLes only lf vlslLors compleLe an acLlon.

AI = App||cat|on rogram Interface - A program used Lo geL lnLo sofLware funcLlons Lhrough a serles of
convenLlons or rouLlnes.

AS = Act|ve Server ages - A dynamlc programmlng language from MlcrosofL.

Author|ty - 1he capaclLy of a page or u8L Lo rank well on Lhe ma[or search englnes. lL also refers
Lo Lhe amounL of LrusL LhaL a page or u8L ls aLLrlbuLed wlLh for a speclflc search Lerm. 1here are
dlfferenL elemenLs LhaL affecL auLhorlLy: llnk equlLy, age, Lrafflc, slLe hlsLory, and unlque conLenL.

A|gor|thm - A programmlng rule used by search englnes ln lndexlng conLenL, ranklng webslLes,
and dlsplaylng resulLs for every search query.

Author|ty S|te - A hlghly LrusLed webslLe wlLh numerous lncomlng llnks from experL slLes. lL
usually has hlgh age8ank and beLLer search resulL placemenL.

AL1 1ags - An alLernaLe LexL used wlLh a web page graphlc. lL geLs dlsplayed when Lhe mouse
cursor hovers over Lhe graphlc. lL Lells whaL Lhe graphlc ls abouL and ls usually opLlmlsed.

Automated Subm|ss|on - 1he use of auLomaLed sofLware Lo submlL web pages, u8Ls, and
domalns Lo Lhe search englnes, webslLes, and dlrecLorles.
828 - 8uslness Lo 8uslness

82C - 8uslness Lo Consumer

8ack||nk = Incom|ng L|nks, Inbound L|nks - Any llnk from an exLernal web page or u8L polnLlng Lo
a slLe's page or u8L.

8a|t And Sw|tch - A markeLlng Lechnlque LhaL uses a slngle u8L buL provldes one page Lo a search
englne or dlrecLory and anoLher page Lo an onllne user. lL opLlmlses a page for Lhe search englnes
and dlrecLorles buL replaces lL wlLh Lhe regular page afLer lL has been lndexed or has galned
auLhorlLy. 1hls ls usually consldered as a black haL Lechnlque.

8anned - A search englne has blocked a slLe from appearlng on lLs search resulLs pages.

8ehav|oura| 1arget|ng - An ad LargeLlng Lechnlque LhaL ls grounded on pasL user experlence.

8anner Ad - An adverLlslng graphlc lmage LhaL can be placed anywhere on a web page. 1he slze
varles buL sLandard banner ad ls 468 x 60 plxels.

8eacon - A llne of code LhaL Lracks slLe vlslLors' acLlons. 1he code ls placed ln an ad or on a web

8|dd|ng - laclng an amounL LhaL adverLlsers are wllllng Lo pay on a ay er Cllck (C) search

8|ack nat SLC - Search Lnglne CpLlmlsaLlon Lechnlques LhaL are generally ln conLradlcLlon Lo
search englne guldellnes such as Lhe Coogle WebmasLer Culdellnes. lL opLlmlses Lhe webslLe
merely for Lhe search englnes and wlLhouL lmprovlng user experlence.

8|og - Also referred Lo as weblog", Lhls ls a recurrenLly updaLed [ournal or dlary. lL provldes a
feed and allows user lnLeracLlon.

8ot = kobot, Sp|der, Craw|er - A program LhaL ls used by Lhe search englnes Lo flnd and lndex
web pages.

8|ogro|| - A llsL of llnks and blogs found on a blog page.

8ounce kate - 1he percenLage of onllne users who vlslLed a page or slLe and Lhen leave wlLhouL vlslLlng Lhe
oLher pages.

8road Match - MaLchlng of keywords ln any order Lo a search llsLlng or adverLlsemenL.

8utton - A graphlc LhaL can be cllcked and Lakes Lhe onllne user Lo a dlfferenL page or u8L.

8roken L|nk - A llnk LhaL ls noL worklng and does noL lead Lhe user Lo Lhe requesLed u8L or page.

8rowser - A program LhaL ls used Lo dlsplay P1ML flles and ls used Lo navlgaLe Lhe World Wlde Web

Cache - Copy of a web page LhaL ls sLored wlLhln a search englne's daLabase.

C1A = Ca|| 1o Act|on - Words LhaL are used Lo persuade onllne users Lo compleLe an
acLlon. 1hls ls normally used ln onllne adverLlslng.

CGI = Common Gateway Interface - A sofLware used beLween a web server and oLher
sofLware runnlng on LhaL server. lL lmproves lnLeracLlvlLy of a webslLe. lL Lells Lhe search
englne splders LhaL Lhe pages are dynamlc.

C||ck Iraud - lraudulenL cllcks on a ay er Cllck (C) adverLlsemenL for Lhe purpose of
lncreaslng proflL.

C||ckthrough - 1he acL of cllcklng on an onllne ad and reachlng anoLher page or u8L.

C1k = C||ckthrough kate - 1he percenLage of onllne users who vlewed and cllcked on an
ad or search englne llsLlng.
C|oak|ng - A Lechnlque LhaL dlsplays Lo search englne splders a conLenL dlfferenL from whaL
onllne users see. lL ls a balL and swlLch Lechnlque.

CMS = Content Management System - A program LhaL ls used for conLenL creaLlon. lL ls
preferred because of lLs slmpllclLy and lL has ellmlnaLed Lhe need for compllcaLed codlngs.

Content Integrat|on - uslng conLenL as an adverLlslng form or lnserLlng ads wlLhln Lhe
conLenL. lL ls also referred Lo as web adverLorlal or sponsored conLenL.

Comment Spam - osLlng unconnecLed commenLs on blogs and forums for Lhe purpose of
accumulaLlng a large number of lnbound llnks.

Contextua| Advert|s|ng - A program LhaL generaLes adverLlsemenLs whlch are relaLed Lo a
web page conLenL.

Content = Web 1ext, Web Copy - lnformaLlve parL of a web page. lLs purpose ls Lo dellver
valuable lnformaLlon LhaL ls of lnLeresL Lo onllne users. 1he search englnes hlghly value
quallLy conLenL.
Convers|on - ConverLlng a slLe vlslLor lnLo a cusLomer. lorms of converslon lnclude cllcks, slgn ups, and

Convers|on kate - 1he percenLage of slLe vlslLors who are converLed lnLo cusLomers.

Cook|e - lnformaLlon LhaL ls sLored ln an onllne user's compuLer Lhrough Lhe web server.

CA = Cost er Act|on - 1he cosL an adverLlser has Lo pay for every acLlon. 1hls ls also known as Cost
er Convers|on

CC = Cost er C||ck - 1he cosL an adverLlser has Lo pay for ever cllck Lo a llnk LhaL leads Lo Lhe landlng

CM = Cost er 1housand Ad Impress|ons - 1he cosL an adverLlser has Lo pay for every one Lhousand
ad lmpresslons.

CL = Cost er Lead - 1he cosL an adverLlser has Lo pay for every new leads generaLed by an ad or

CS = Cost er Sa|e - 1he cosL an adverLlser has Lo pay for Lhe number of sales LransacLlons LhaL
Lhe ad generaLes.

Counter - A program LhaL Lracks Lhe number of web page lmpresslons.

Craw|er = Sp|der, 8ot - A program LhaL flnds and lndexes web pages LhroughouL Lhe World
Wlde Web (WWW).

CSS = Cascad|ng Sty|e Sheets - A program LhaL ls used Lo deslgn web pages and documenLs.

D|rectory - A slLe LhaL conLalns a llsL of webslLes arranged accordlng Lo caLegorles.

Dead L|nk - A llnk LhaL ls no longer worklng.

Deep L|nk - A llnk LhaL ls dlrecLed Lo an lnLernal page or u8L ln a webslLe.

DMC2 = 1he Cpen D|rectory ro[ect - 1he largesL human edlLed dlrecLory onllne. lL ls
managed and owned by ACL.

DNS = Doma|n Name Server, Doma|n Name System - A namlng sysLem LhaL ls used Lo
resolve a domaln name Lo a parLlcular 1C/l address.

Doorway age = Gateway age, 8r|dge age - A page LhaL ls lnLended Lo rank hlgh on
cerLaln search Lerms uslng keyword rlch copy and lL leads Lo Lhe webslLe or landlng page.

Dynam|c Content - ConLenL LhaL use a dynamlc language llke P. lL changes over Llme.
Lcommerce S|tes - WebslLes LhaL are devoLed for reLalls sales.

Lrror age - A web page LhaL ls dlsplayed when a page or flle requesLed ls noL

Lntry age - 1he web page by whlch an onllne user has enLered a webslLe.

Lverf|ux - 1he process of updaLlng Lhe search lndexes.

Lxterna| L|nk - A llnk ln a web page LhaL polnLs Lo anoLher domaln or webslLe.
Ieed - rogram LhaL allows users Lo subscrlbe Lo conLenL updaLe noLlflcaLlons Lhrough 8SS or xML. lL
dellvers conLenL Lo users.

IIA = Iree Ior A|| - A web page or webslLe LhaL has llLLle valuable conLenL and wlLh a large number of
ouLgolng llnks.

I|ash - vecLor graphlcs-based anlmaLlon sofLware LhaL web deslgners employ Lo embed lnLeracLlve
mulLlmedla lnLo web pages.

Irames - A web page deslgn whereln mulLlple small pages are dlsplayed on a slngle screen, each wlLhln
lLs own frame.

Irequency Cap - 1hls ls a llmlL on Lhe number of Llmes LhaL ls lmposed, ln order for an onllne
adverLlsemenL Lo be dlsplayed Lo a vlslLor.

I|ux - 1he rearrangemenL of Lhe search englne poslLlons due Lo Lhe updaLes done by Lhe search englnes.

I1 = I||e 1ransfer rotoco| - A proLocol used for Lransferrlng flles beLween compuLers. MosL CMS
plaLforms has l1 capablllLy.
GA = Goog|e Advert|s|ng rofess|ona| - A program LhaL helps ldenLlfy and quallfy proflclenL
AdWords markeLers. lL allows markeLers Lo manage several Coogle AdWords cllenLs.

Geo-1arget|ng - An adverLlslng sLraLegy LhaL LargeLs a dlsLlncLlve geographlc locaLlon llke counLry,
sLaLe, clLy, or suburb.

Goog|e - 1he leadlng search englne ln Lerms of lLs markeL share. lL was founded by Larry age and
Sergey 8rln ln 1998. lL analyses llnkage daLa Lhrough age8ank.

Goog|e AdSense - ald adverLlslng opLlon LhaL allows webmasLers Lo place ads on Lhelr webslLes.

Goog|e Ana|yt|cs - A free Lool LhaL allows webmasLers Lo Lrack slLe acLlvlLles llke vlslLs, page vlews,
bounce raLes, duraLlon of vlslLs, and more. lL ls also used Lo Lrack AdSense Lrafflc.

Goog|e Dance - 1he ad[usLmenL ln Lhe search englne resulLs pages due Lo an updaLe ln Lhe
algorlLhm used by Coogle Lo rank webslLes.

Goog|e 8ow||ng - A sLraLegy LhaL hurLs compeLlLor slLes by bulldlng low quallLy lncomlng llnks for
Goog|e Checkout - An onllne paymenL processlng sysLem by Coogle LhaL ls less compllcaLed Lo use.

Goog|e keyword 1oo| - A webmasLer Lool LhaL provldes adverLlsers wlLh esLlmaLes of Lhe
compeLlLlon for a parLlcular keyword. lL also glves recommendaLlons for relaLed keywords.

Goog|e Cne8ox - 1he area aL Lhe Lop of Lhe organlc search resulLs LhaL dlsplays verLlcal search
resulLs from Coogle 8ase, Coogle news, and oLher verLlcal search servlces.

Goog|e S|temaps - A webmasLer Lool whlch helps ensure LhaL Coogle lndexes all pages and conLenL
of Lhe webslLe.

Goog|e Supp|ementa| Index - 1he secondary daLabase where Coogle keeps Lhe pages LhaL have low
LrusL score.

Goog|e 1rends - A webmasLer Lool LhaL shows Lhe changes ln Lhe search volume of a parLlcular
keyword or search Lerm.

Grey nat SLC = Search Lng|ne Cpt|m|sat|on - A markeLlng sLraLegy LhaL comblnes boLh whlLe haL
SLC and black haL SLC Lechnlques.
na||way age - An opLlmlsed lndex page LhaL search englne splders can vlslL. Cnce lndexed, Lhe splders should
also follow Lhe oLher llnks on LhaL page.

nead|ngs - An P1ML Lag LhaL descrlbes Lhe sub[ecL of a parLlcular secLlon. lL ls also used Lo slgnal a new secLlon.
lL ls consldered Lo be more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe oLher parLs of Lhe conLenL.

n|dden 1ext - A pracLlce used by some webmasLers Lo opLlmlse a page wlLh keywords LhaL onllne users can'L see.
1he hldden keywords are solely for Lhe search englne splders.

n|ts - lL ls generaLed when a flle, documenL, or graphlcs have been downloaded or senL from a web server.

nomepage - 1he maln page or cover of a webslLe. lL conLalns lnformaLlon abouL Lhe general ob[ecLlve of Lhe
webslLe. lL has an lndex of navlgaLlon LhaL onllne users can uLlllze Lo geL around Lhe webslLe.

n1ML = nyper1ext Markup Language - A programmlng language LhaL ls used Lo make web pages for Lhe World
Wlde Web (WWW).

n11 = nyper1ext 1ransfer rotoco| - used Lo communlcaLe beLween browsers and web servers. lL ls used Lo
Lransfer daLa from Lhe server Lo Lhe browser.

nub - Also referred Lo as LxperL age. A page wlLh hlgh LrusL score because of lLs hlgh quallLy conLenL LhaL llnks
Lo LrusLed pages ln Lhe Loplcal communlLy.
I - J
Impress|on = age V|ew - CeneraLed when an onllne user vlews a page.

Inbound L|nk = Incom|ng L|nk, In||nk - A llnk from anoLher webslLe LhaL polnLs Lo your webslLe or web page. lL ls
consldered as a voLe Lo a webslLe.

Index - 1he daLabase where Lhe search englnes sLore daLa from every web page vlslLed by Lhe splders. 1hls ls
where Lhe search englnes generaLe Lhe resulLs from for every search query made by onllne users.

Interna| L|nk - A llnk from a web page polnLlng Lo anoLher web page wlLhln Lhe same webslLe.

Indexed ages - ages LhaL have been vlslLed and lndexed by Lhe search englne splders.

Internet = Net - A reachable worldwlde neLwork used Lo send and recelve lnformaLlon onllne.

I Address = Internet rotoco| Address - A four parL serles of numbers separaLed by doLs whlch hosLs webslLes.
lL ldenLlfles Lhe sender and recelver of daLa ln Lhe neLwork. lL can be sLaLlc or dynamlc.

IS = Internet Serv|ce rov|der - rovldes servlces llke lnLerneL, emall, slLe or domaln hosLlng, and domaln name

IavaScr|pt - A scrlpLlng language LhaL allows dynamlc feaLures Lo be added Lo P1ML documenLs or flles.

keyword - A word or phrase LhaL ls used by an onllne user when searchlng for lnformaLlon, producLs, or servlces onllne.

keyword Dens|ty - ercenLage of keyword or keyword phrase LhaL appears on a web page.

keyword Match|ng - 1he process of maLchlng ads and conLenL wlLh Lhe onllne users' search query.

keyword Cann|ba||sat|on - Lxcesslve use of slmllar keyword or keyword phrase on Lhe web pages LhroughouL Lhe

keyword opu|ar|ty - 1he number of Llmes a keyword or keyword phrase has been used as a search Lerm over a perlod
of Llme.

keyword rom|nence - 1he placemenL of a keyword or keyword phrase ln a web page. Plgher placemenL ls consldered
more promlnenL.

keyword kesearch - 1he process of sourclng ouL words and phrases LhaL Lhe poLenLlal LargeL markeL wlll mosL llkely use
when searchlng for Lhe lnformaLlon, producLs, or servlces offered by a parLlcular webslLe.

keyword Stuff|ng - 1he acL of over opLlmlslng a web page by addlng excesslve amounL of keywords and key phrases.

keyword kesearch 1oo|s - WebmasLer Lools LhaL are relevanL ln bulldlng keyword llsL based on keyword search volumes,
search Lrend, blds, and webslLe conLenL.

Land|ng age - 1he page LhaL an onllne user lands on afLer cllcklng on a llnk from Lhe search resulLs, onllne
adverLlsemenL, or oLher web pages.

L|nk - A hyperllnked clLaLlon from a web page or documenL polnLlng Lo anoLher page. lL ls consldered as a LrusL
voLe Lo a web page.

L|nk 8a|t - A web page LhaL ls deslgned and opLlmlsed for Lhe purpose of drawlng lncomlng llnks.

L|nk 8u||d|ng - A markeLlng sLraLegy LhaL alms Lo bulld a number of hlgh quallLy lncomlng llnks Lo a web page or

L|nk 8urst - An abrupL lncrease ln Lhe number of lncomlng llnks polnLlng Lo a parLlcular web page or webslLe.

L|nk Lxchange = kec|proca| L|nk|ng - A scheme LhaL allows webmasLers Lo llnk Lo oLher webslLes ln exchange for
an lncomlng llnk.

L|nk Iarm - Croup of webslLes LhaL exchange llnks among each oLher.

L|nk opu|ar|ty - ueLermlned by Lhe number of lncomlng llnks polnLlng Lo a web page or webslLe.

Long 1a|| - An exLenslve and more speclflc keyword or keyword phrase.

Meta Descr|pt|on - A Lag LhaL descrlbes Lhe conLenL of Lhe page. lL ls usually composed
of a senLence or Lwo.

Meta keywords - A Lag LhaL ls used Lo hlghllghL Lhe keywords and keyword phrases
relevanL Lo Lhe page.

Meta Search - Search englne LhaL generaLes lLs resulL by pulllng Lop ranked resulLs from
oLher search englnes.

Meta 1ags - 8efer Lo MeLa descrlpLlons and MeLa keywords. 1hey are placed ln Lhe P1ML
LhaL ls noL vlslble Lo onllne users.

MIA = Made Ior Advert|sements - WebslLes LhaL are expllclLly deslgned Lo caLer Lo

M|rror S|te - A webslLe LhaL ls slmllar Lo anoLher webslLe buL on a dlfferenL web address.
N - O
Nav|gat|on 8ar - lcons LhaL dlrecL Lhe splders and onllne users Lo Lhe dlfferenL pages ln Lhe webslLe.

N|che - A speclflc Lheme or sub[ecL LhaL a webslLe ls creaLed for.

Nofo||ow - A command used Lo Lell Lhe search englne splders noL Lo follow a llnk. 1hls prevenLs Lhe llnk
from sharlng llnk auLhorlLy.

Non kec|proca| L|nk - A llnk LhaL ls glven Lo a web page or webslLe wlLhouL requlrlng a llnk ln reLurn.

Cpen kate - A Lerm used Lo deLermlne Lhe raLlo of people who opened your emall agalnsL Lhe LoLal number
of people wlLh whom lL was senL Lo.

Cpt-In L|st - Lmall markeLers have daLabases of subscrlbers LhaL conLaln speclflc lnformaLlon such as emall
addresses, names eLc. Such a llsL ls deemed Lo be an CpL-ln llsL as recelvers can choose wheLher Lo remaln
lncluded or noL (as opposed Lo Spam where Lhere ls llLLle cholce)

Cutbound L|nk = Cutgo|ng L|nk - A llnk LhaL polnLs Lo a web page on a dlfferenL webslLe.

Crgan|c L|st|ngs - Also known as naLural or unpald llsLlngs are Lhe represenLaLlon of where a parLlcular
webslLe ls ranked wlLhln Lhe search englne dependlng on Lhe search Lerm used.
agekank - A value ranglng from 0 Lo 10 whlch ls used Lo rank webslLes based on dlfferenL facLors
lncluded ln Lhe Coogle AlgorlLhm.

a|d Search - ald search ls a form of adverLlslng LhaL LargeLs users wlLh conLenL based on Lhe relevancy
of Lhelr search Lerm lnpuLLed lnLo Lhe search englne. 1he adverLs are selecLed by auLomaLed sysLems
based on a number of dlfferenL facLors and meLrlcs.

II = ay Ior Inc|us|on - A scheme LhaL allows webslLes or search englnes Lo charge a fee for lncluslon
ln Lhe search englne, webslLe, or dlrecLory.

I = ay Ior erformance - A prlclng model where afflllaLes are pald based on sales dellvered or when
cerLaln acLlons are performed.

n = n nypertext reprocessor - A scrlpLlng language used ln addlng lnLeracLlvlLy Lo web pages.

C = ay er C||ck - A prlclng model where adverLlsers pay for every cllck generaLed by an ad or llsLlng.

= ay er ost - A prlclng model whereln conLenL creaLors and bloggers are pald by adverLlsers for
posLlng relevanL conLenL.
Q - R
ua||ty Content - useful conLenL LhaL ls consldered as llnk worLhy.

ua||ty L|nk - A llnk from a hlgh quallLy and LrusLed source.

uery - An lnqulry made by an onllne user on Lhe search englnes uslng a keyword or keyword

kec|proca| L|nk - A llnk glven Lo a web page or webslLe ln exchange of a reLurn llnk.

ked|rect - A way of Lelllng Lhe search englnes and browsers LhaL a speclflc web page has been
moved or deleLed. lL usually Lakes Lhe onllne user Lo an alLernaLlve web page.

ke|nc|us|on - When a webslLe asks Lo be reconsldered and lncluded ln Lhe search lndex agaln
afLer belng penallzed for spammlng.

kepeat V|s|tor - Cnllne user who has vlslLed Lhe web page or webslLe more Lhan once over a
perlod of Llme.
ke|evancy - Measure of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe search resulLs based on Lhe query of Lhe onllne user.

kemarket|ng - 1hls refers Lo Lechnlques and sLraLegles where auLomaLed sysLems populaLe adverLlsemenLs
LhaL follow webslLe vlslLors across varlous oLher webslLes.

k|ch Med|a - 1hls ls a Lype of adverLlslng LhaL lncludes vldeo, audlo or graphlcs wlLhln Lhe adverLlsemenL. 8lch
medla adverLs generally allow Lhe vlslLor Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe adverL wlLhouL leavlng Lhe web page Lhey are

kobots.txt - llle locaLed ln Lhe rooL dlrecLory of a webslLe. lL ls used Lo conLrol or resLrlcL Lhe acLlons of Lhe
search englne splders.

kCI = keturn Cn Investment - 1he revenue generaLed ln relaLlon Lo Lhe lnvesLmenL cosL lncurred. lL ls
measured ln percenLage by subLracLlng LoLal lnvesLmenL from LoLal revenue and dlvlded by LoLal lnvesLmenL.

kCS = 8un Cf SlLe - 1hls refers Lo Lhe schedullng of adverLs across an enLlre slLe lnsLead of [usL dedlcaLed
pages. 8CS adverLs can be used across mulLlple caLegorles for lnsLance ln order Lo LargeL wlder demographlcs.

kSS = k|ch S|te Summary, kea| S|mp|e Synd|cat|on - Allows syndlcaLlon of daLa or lnformaLlon Lo a feed
reader. lL allows people Lo subscrlbe Lo Lhe conLenL.
Sandbox - Where Coogle ls sald Lo place all new slLes and conLrolllng Lhem from ranklng well for a perlod
of Llme.

Scrape - MeLhod of copylng conLenL from a web page or webslLe.

Search Lng|ne - A program or webslLe LhaL allows onllne users Lo search for conLenL from Lhe many
dlfferenL web pages on Lhe lnLerneL. lL ranks webslLes accordlng Lo Lhelr lmporLance ln relaLlon Lo Lhe
search Lerm enLered.

SLM = Search Lng|ne Market|ng - 1he process of helplng a webslLe rank well on Lhe search englnes. lL
lnvolves dlfferenL sLraLegles lncludlng Search Lnglne CpLlmlsaLlon (SLC) and ay er Cllck adverLlslng (C).

SLC = Search Lng|ne Cpt|m|sat|on - 1he process of opLlmlslng a webslLe naLurally so LhaL lL wlll rank hlgh
on Lhe search englne resulLs pages and lead Lo an lncreased number of slLe vlslLors. lL lnvolves many
dlfferenL sLraLegles.

SLk = Search Lng|ne kesu|t ages - Web page conLalnlng Lhe search resulLs generaLed by Lhe search

Search 1erm - 1he word or phrase used by onllne users Lo execuLe a query uslng a search englne.
Server - CompuLer used ln hosLlng flles LhaL wlll be served on Lhe World Wlde Web (WWW).

Spam - 1echnlques LhaL are agalnsL mosL search englne rules.

S|te Map - A web page LhaL glves a llsL of all Lhe pages on Lhe slLe. lL helps Lhe search englne splders ln
navlgaLlng around Lhe webslLe.

Sp|der = 8ot, Craw|er - A program LhaL ls used by Lhe search englne Lo flnd and lndex web pages LhroughouL
Lhe World Wlde Web (WWW).

Soc|a| Med|a - WebslLes LhaL allow users Lo creaLe valuable conLenL and share lnformaLlon and
perspecLlves. 1here are dlfferenL Lypes of soclal medla. 1he mosL common are blogs, wlkls, forums, soclal
neLworklng webslLes, and raLlng slLes.

SMM = Soc|a| Med|a Market|ng - romoLlng a webslLe or brand Lhrough Lhe dlfferenL soclal medla

Stat|c Content - lnformaLlon on a web page or webslLe LhaL ls noL frequenLly updaLed or changed.

Supp|ementa| kesu|t = Supp|ementa| Index - 8esulL showlng pages wlLh low age8ank. 1hese pages sLlll
appear on Lhe search resulLs lf Lhey are hlghly relevanL Lo a search query.
T - U
1arget Aud|ence = 1arget Market - Croup of people LhaL webslLes focus on Lo sell Lhelr
producL or servlce or share Lhelr lnformaLlon.

1ext L|nk Ads - Ads LhaL are dlsplayed ln a LexL formaL.

1ext L|nk - An P1ML llnk LhaL only conLalns LexL. 1here ls no graphlc or speclal code

1|t|e 1ag = age 1|t|e - 1he LexL LhaL ls dlsplayed on Lhe Lop parL of Lhe browser. lL ls also
dlsplayed as Lhe LlLle of Lhe web page or webslLe on Lhe search resulLs.

1raff|c - 1he number of onllne users LhaL vlslL a web page or webslLe.

1rustkank - An algorlLhm LhaL measures Lhe value of web pages based on llnks from
LrusLed seed webslLes.

UkL = Un|form kesource Locator - Also referred Lo as Web Address. lL ls Lhe unlque
address of a web page or a webslLe. lL ldenLlfles Lhe locaLlon of a web page or flle.

UkL = Un|form kesource Locator - Also referred Lo as Web Address. lL ls Lhe unlque
address of a web page or a webslLe. lL ldenLlfles Lhe locaLlon of a web page or flle.

Un|que V|s|tors - lndlvldual onllne users who have vlslLed a web page or webslLe.
Cne unlque vlslLor can generaLe mulLlple pagevlews or user sesslons.

Usab|||ty - 8efers Lo how easy lL ls for slLe vlslLors Lo navlgaLe Lhe slLe and perform
Lhe deslred acLlon.

UGC = User Generated Content - ConLenL creaLed and publlshed by onllne users.
v - x
V|ra| Market|ng - 1echnlque LhaL makes conLenL popular Lhrough Lhe use of emall, blogs, soclal medla, and
word of mouLh markeLlng.

V|s|b|||ty - 8efers Lo how well a webslLe ls poslLloned on Lhe search englne resulLs pages based on a
keyword search.

Web 2.0 - Web based servlces and communlLles LhaL are deflned by lnformaLlon sharlng, collaboraLlon, and
parLlclpaLlon of onllne users.

Wh|te nat SLC = Search Lng|ne Cpt|m|sat|on - Search englne frlendly Lechnlques LhaL help lmprove a
webslLe's ranklng and vlslblllLy on Lhe search englnes.

Wordpress - A blogglng sofLware plaLform and hosLlng soluLlon LhaL ls popular for lLs ease of use.

W|dget - AppllcaLlons wlLh speclflc funcLlons used on web pages.

kn1ML = Lxtens|b|e nyper1ext Markup Language - used Lo move P1ML formaLs Lo adapL Lo xML formaLs.

kML = Lxtens|b|e Markup Language - used Lo make syndlcaLlon and formaLLlng of lnformaLlon uslng 8SS
Lechnology easler.

Pave more Lo add Lo Lhe llsL? LeL us know.

vlslL us aL hLLp://LlnderpolnL.com

resenLaLlon CreaLed by aul C'8yrne - CllenL Servlces Manager, 1lnderolnL

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