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This Tenancy Agreement is dated __________ (insert date agreement is granted)

Particulars of tenancy
In this agreement:-
Landlord means
Tenant means
Property means
Commencement Date means
Term means
A term of
starting on the Commencement Date *
Rent means
The sum of per month
Inclusive rate of accommodation gas
electricity !ater and internet " su#$ect to
allo!ance limits%
If the Rent changes during the tenancy
Rent means rent at the ne! rate%
The Deposit means
Landlord&s Address for 'ervice (insert
address to which the Tenant should send
any notices to the Landlord) means
(nless the Landlord notifies the Tenant in
!riting of a su#stituted address in !hich
case that address shall #ecome the
Landlord&s Address for 'ervice%
Tenant&s )otice Period (inset period of
notice which the tenant(s) must give in
order to terminate the tenancy) means
* +onth #efore the tenancy ends no
#rea, clauses during tenancy term%
Grant of tenancy
*% The Landlord grants and the Tenant accepts a tenancy of the Property on the terms set
out in the a#ove Particulars and the e-pressions in the left hand column of the Particulars
have the meanings respectively set against them in the right hand column%
.% This Agreement is intended to give rise to an assured shorthold tenancy under section
*/A of the 0ousing Act */11%
Tenants obligations
2% The Tenant covenants !ith the Landlord as follo!s:-
2%*% To pay the Rent in advance clear of all deductions in advance times specified
!hether formally demanded or not and the Rent shall #e paid #y the follo!ing:-
2%*%*% In 34P 5Pounds 'terling6 to a nominated (7 4an, Account or #y
Credit8De#it Card via PayPal 52%9:; surcharge applies6%
2%.% To pay the council ta- or any ta- replacing it paya#le in respect of the
Property% If the council ta- is paya#le #y the Landlord the Tenant !ill fully
indemnify and ,eep the Landlord indemnified in respect of it% 5Exempt for Students
upon application6%
2%2% To pay directly to the landlord any charges for use of telephone supplied to
the Property during the tenancy and to indemnify the Landlord in respect thereof%
2%<% pay to the Landlord or Agent all reasona#le costs and e-penses incurred #y the
Landlord in:
recovering or attempting to recover any Rent or other monies in arrears=
the enforcement of any reasona#le o#ligation of the Tenant under this Agreement=
the service of any )otice relating to any ma$or #reach of this Agreement !hether or
not court proceedings are #rought%
To pay any reasona#le charges or other costs incurred #y the Landlord or
Agent if any che>ue provided #y the Tenant is dishonoured or if any
'tanding ?rder is !ithdra!n%
2%:% the tenant holds insurance that the Landlord deems ade>uate to protect the
tenant@s personal possessions and to insure against accidental damage caused #y
his family visitors or others to Aurniture Ai-tures Decor and Bffects at the
Premises as descri#ed in the Inventory%
2%C% )ot to ,eep or use in the Property any television unless the Tenant is the
holder of a valid television licence in respect of the Property 5including the use of
PC8Laptop to !atch TD programmes6%
2%9% )ot to ma,e any alteration or addition to the Property%
2%1% )ot to change the internal or e-ternal colour of the Property !ithout the prior
!ritten consent of the Landlord and not to suspend or affi- to the ceilings !alls or
contents of the Property #y any means !hatsoever any pictures posters or other
2%/% )ot to carry on any trade profession or #usiness on or from the Property #ut
to use the Property as a private residence only in the occupation of the Tenants%
2%*E% )ot to assign su#-let or part !ith possession of the Property or any part of it
nor to ta,e in any lodgers or paying guests%
2%**% )ot to ,eep any animals #ird or reptile on the Property%
2%*.% )ot to commit or allo! mem#ers of the Tenant&s household or visitors to
cause a nuisance or annoyance to other persons in the neigh#ourhood or to any other
tenant of the Landlord%
2%*2% )ot to commit or allo! mem#ers of the Tenant&s household or visitors to
commit at or near the Property any:-
2%*2%*% Criminal offence=
2%*2%.% 0arassment or threat of harassment on the grounds of race colour
religion se- se-ual orientation or !hich may interfere !ith the peace and
comfort of or cause offence to any other tenant mem#er of his8her
household visitor or employee of the Landlord or his agents or contractors=
2%*2%2% )uisance or intimidation or physical ver#al or !ritten a#use
against other tenant visitor or employee of the Landlord or his agents or
2%*<% )ot to permit or suffer any television hi-fi radio musical instrument or
other sound producing e>uipment to #e audi#le outside the Property #et!een the
hours of *E%2Epm and 9%EEam nor outside those hours to #e a nuisance or annoyance
to any neigh#ouring property%
2%*:% )ot to permit or suffer to #e done any act or thing !hich may render void or
voida#le any policy of insurance on the Property or 5if applica#le6 the #uilding of
!hich the Property forms part or !hich may cause an increased premium to #e
paya#le in respect thereof%
2%*C% )ot to ,eep any com#usti#le or offensive goods provisions or materials in
the Property nor to use a paraffin or porta#le gas heater !ithin the Property%
2%*9% )ot to smo,e or permit any guest or visitor to smo,e to#acco or any other
su#stance in the Premises% )ot to allo! any illegal drugs to #e present or used on
the Property%
2%*1% )ot to ma,e any duplicate ,eys to the Property nor to replace or add any ne!
loc,s !ithout the prior !ritten consent of the Landlord and in the event of such
consent #eing forthcoming the Tenant underta,es that one full set of ,eys to the ne!
loc,s shall at all times #e provided at the Tenant&s e-pense to the Landlord%
2%*/% )ot to erect or permit to #e pro$ected outside the Property any
!ireless8satellite dish or television aerial ca#ling !ithout the prior !ritten consent
of the Landlord%
2%.E% )ot to leave the Property unattended for a period of more than .1
consecutive days !ithout the prior !ritten consent of the Landlord%
2%.*% To ma,e good all damage occasioned to the Property or to any #uilding of
!hich the Property forms part !hich arises:-
2%.*%*% As a conse>uence of any #reach of any o#ligations of the Tenant
under this agreement=
2%.*%.% Through the negligence of the Tenant or any person for the time
#eing at the Property=
2%.*%2% Through the stopping up #ursting overflo!ing or lea,age of any
tap #ath !ash#asin lavatory sin, cistern heater pipe fitting or !ater
apparatus due to the negligence of the Tenant or of any such person=
PR?DIDBD T0AT this su#-clause shall not impose any o#ligation on the
Tenant !hich is the o#ligation of the Landlord under section ** of the
Landlord and Tenant Act */1:%
2%..% During the !inter months to ta,e ade>uate precautions to avoid damage from
the freeFing and #ursting pipes PR?DIDBD this shall not o#lige the Tenant to lag or
other!ise protect pipes that are not already lagged or protected%
2%.2% To ,eep the interior of the Property 5including the glass in the !indo!s6
during the Term in as good and clean state of repair condition and decoration as the
Property is at the commencement of the tenancy and to ma,e good all damages and
#rea,ages to the Property !hich may occur during the tenancy 5fair !ear and tear
and damage #y accidental fire e-cepted6%
2%.<% To permit the Landlord and all persons authorised #y the Landlord !ith or
!ithout !or,men at all reasona#le times to enter the Property for purposes of:-
2%.<%*% B-amining the state of repair decoration and condition of the
2%.<%.% B-ecuting repairs decorations or alterations to or upon the Property
or any ad$oining or neigh#ouring property=
2%.<%2% Cleansing emptying or rene!ing the se!er pipes drains or
soa,!ays and gutters #elonging to the same=
2%.<%<% Constructing any #uildings or erections on any ad$oining or
neigh#ouring property=
2%.<%:% Carrying out his repairing o#ligations hereunder and any repairs
additions alterations or other !or,s !hich may appear to the Landlord or
his agents to #e necessary or desira#le to the Property or any ad$oining or
near#y property%
2%.:% To permit the Landlord to enter the Property at reasona#le times of day and
vie! the condition thereof and forth!ith to comply !ith any notice that may #e
given #y the Landlord re>uiring any #reach of any of the o#ligations on the part of
the Tenant under this Agreement to #e and his agents made good and if the Tenant
shall fail for a period of one month to comply !ith such notice it shall #e la!ful for
the Landlord 5#ut !ithout pre$udice to the right of re-entry hereinafter contained6 to
enter the Property and e-ecute the repairs in accordance !ith the provisions hereof
and the cost incurred #y the Landlord in so doing shall #e repaid #y the Tenant on
2%.C% To test the smo,e8car#on mono-ide detectors at the Property at least once a
month to replace the #atteries !hen re>uired and to notify the Landlord in !riting
of any defect in any smo,e detector immediately the Tenant #ecomes a!are of it%
2%.9% )ot to discharge into any of the drains or se!ers serving the Property any oil
grease or other deleterious matter or any su#stance !hich might #e or #ecome a
source of danger or in$ury to the drainage system and to reim#urse to the Landlord
all costs incurred in conse>uence of a #reach of this provision%
2%.1% )ot display any sign notice or advertisement on the outside of the Property
or on the inside so as to #e visi#le from the outside%
2%./% )ot to do anything to permit any state of affairs to e-ist on the Property
!hich may #e a #reach of any Act of Parliament or any regulations or directions
under it%
2%2E% At any time after the Landlord has served on the Tenant a notice under
section .* of the 0ousing Act */11 or the Tenant has served on the Landlord notice
to >uit to permit prospective tenants or purchasers to vie! the Property at reasona#le
times and should the Landlord !ish to e-hi#it upon the Property notice that the same
is for sale or to let to permit such notice to #e displayed%
2%2*% If the Tenant&s goods or any of them or any goods #elonging to mem#ers of
the Tenant&s household shall not have #een removed from the Property !hen the
tenancy ends:-
2%2*%*% To pay to the Landlord damages at a rate e>ual to the Rent then
paya#le for the Property until the Tenant shall have removed all such goods=
2%2*%.% To pay any additional e-pense incurred in chec,ing the inventory
5!hich cannot #e chec,ed until all goods #elonging to the Tenant or
mem#ers of his household shall have #een removed6%
2%2.% If any such goods remain on the Property for .* days after the Landlord
reasona#ly #elieves the Tenant has vacated the Tenant here#y gives the Landlord
consent to remove the goods and sell or dispose of the goods as the Landlord sees
2%22% To for!ard forth!ith to the Landlord any correspondence addressed to either
of them !hich is delivered to or left at the Property or has other!ise come to the
attention of the Tenant%
2%2<% To clean all !indo!s of the Property and paint !or, surrounding the same at
least once every eight !ee,s%
2%2:% To ,eep in a clean and tidy manner the garden of the Property and to ,eep the
Property free from ru##ish or offensive matter%
2%2C% Ghen the tenancy ends to deliver to the Landlord all ,eys to the Property%
2%29% If the Tenant has the use of the Landlord&s furniture and effects including
2%29%*% The furniture and effects shall #e specified in an inventory signed
#y the Tenant%
2%29%.% The Tenant !ill:-
2%29%.%*% )ot damage or remove from the Property any of the
furniture or effects%
2%29%.%.% +a,e good all damages and #rea,ages to the furniture
and effects !hich may occur during the tenancy%
2%29%.%2% Leave the furniture and effects including appliances at
the end of the tenancy in the same position as they !ere in at its
2%29%.%<% To pay to the Landlord the cost of any repairs of any
mechanical and electrical appliances #elonging to the Landlord
resulting from misuse or negligence #y the Tenant his family or his
2%29%.%:% Clean or pay the cleaning of all carpets furniture linen
counterpane #lan,ets and curtains 5if any6 including in the letting
!hich shall have #een soiled during the tenancy%
Landlords obligations
<% The Landlord agrees !ith the Tenant as follo!s:-
<%*% That the Tenant paying the Rent and performing the o#ligations on the part of
the Tenant may >uietly possess and en$oy the Property during the tenancy !ithout
unla!ful interruption from the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for
the Landlord%
<%.% The Landlord must insure the Property and those of its contents !hich #elong
to the Landlord !ith an insurance company of repute against fire and such other
ris,s as the Landlord from time to time in his a#solute discretion decides to insure
against% The Landlord shall #e under no o#ligation to insure the Tenant&s property at
the Property%
<%2% To pay directly to the respective suppliers all charges for gas electricity to
the Property during the tenancy 5su#$ect to a fair usage agreement6%
<%<% To pay all !ater and se!erage charges and metered payments in respect of
the supply of !ater to the Property 5su#$ect to a fair usage agreement6%
<%:% To pay all charges for internet services 5including line rental6 supplied to the
Property during the tenancy%
:% Provided all rent is paid up for the complete tenancy no deposit is re>uired% 0o!ever
the tenant remains responsi#le for payment8reim#ursement of the Landlord :-
:%*%*% Any sum !hich the Landlord e-pends in remedying any failure #y
the Tenant to comply !ith his o#ligations under this agreement=
:%*%.% After the end of the tenancy any sum o!ing to the Landlord in
respect of any period of unauthorised occupation #y the Tenant or anyone
under the Tenant&s control=
:%*%2% Any unpaid administration charges fees or other charges paya#le
to the Landlord under the Terms of this Agreement%
:%*%<% Any damage to the Premises and Ai-tures and Aittings caused #y
the Tenant or resulting from any #reach of the Terms of this Agreement #y
the Tenant=
:%*%:% Any damage caused or cleaning re>uired as a result of any pets
occupying the Premises=
:%*%C% Any e-cess cleaning re>uired to restore the Premises to the
condition it !as in at the start of the tenancy and as recorded in the
Inventory and 'chedule of Condition=
:%*%9% Any sum repaya#le to the Landlord to the local authority !here
housing #enefit has #een paid direct to the Landlord or the Agent #y the local
:%*%1% Any other #reach #y the Tenant of the Terms of this Agreement=
:%*%/% Any charges for !ater electricity or gas or other fuels used #y the
Tenant in the Premises in e-cess of the fair usage agreement=
:%*%*E% Any unpaid council ta- 5if e-emption does not apply6=
:%*%**% Any unpaid telephone charges%
:%*%*.% Any other sums from time to time due to the Landlord under this
agreement or other!ise arising out of the Tenant&s occupation of the
:%*%*2% Any interest paya#le to the Landlord under this agreement=
Termination by the Tenant (There are no break clauses ithin this agreement!
C% If the Tenant re>uires to terminate this agreement the Tenant must give !ritten notice
to the Landlord and the period of notice shall not #e less than the Tenant&s )otice Period% If
the Tenant vacates the Premises during the Term the Tenant !ill remain lia#le to pay Rent
and any other monies paya#le under this Agreement until the Term e-pires%
9% If at any time:-
9%*% Any Rent8Additional Payment paya#le under this agreement is outstanding
for *< days after #ecoming due 5!hether formally demanded or not6= or
9%.% There shall #e a #reach #y the Tenant of any of o#ligation or other provision
of this agreement= or
9%2% Any of the follo!ing grounds for possession contained in 'chedule . of the
0ousing Act */11 shall apply:-
9%2%*% Part I of 'chedule . grounds . or 1= or
9%2%.% Part II of 'chedule . all grounds !ith the e-ception of grounds /
and *C= or
9%<% The Tenant #ecomes #an,rupt has an administration order made in respect of
his assets has a receiver appointed or enters into an arrangement for the #enefit of
his creditors
Then the Landlord may forfeit the tenancy and #ring court proceedings to recover
possession of the Property even if the Landlord has !aived any previous right to do
so and this shall #e !ithout pre$udice to any other right or remedy of the Landlord%
#iscellaneous pro$isions
PR?DIDBD ALGAH' and it is agreed as follo!s that:-
1% If any sum paya#le #y the Tenant to the Landlord shall not #e paid *< days after
#ecoming paya#le 5!hether formally demanded or not6 the Tenant !ill pay interest on the
outstanding amount at the rate of <; a#ove the #ase lending rate for the time #eing in force
of 4arclays 4an, plc calculated on a daily #asis from the date of the same #ecoming due until
the date of actual payment and the same shall #e recovera#le as rent in arrear%
/% Any notice to #e served hereunder on the Tenant shall #e sufficiently served if sent #y
first class post to the Tenant at the Property or left addressed to the Tenant at the Property or
sent to the Tenant #y first class post at the last ,no!n address in 3reat 4ritain of the Tenant%
*E% )otices 5including notices in proceedings6 to #e served on the Landlord may #e
served at the Landlord&s Address for 'ervice%
**% If the Landlord has cause to !rite to the Tenant due to the Rent or any part of it #eing
in arrears for any period or for any reason follo!ing a #reach of this agreement a charge !ill
#e levied for each letter sent on the follo!ing scale:
**%*% Airst letter - no charge
**%.% 'econd letter - I*E%EE
**%2% Third letter - I.:%EE
**%<% Aourth or any su#se>uent letter - I.:%EE
**%:% Any such charges shall #e paya#le immediately #y the Tenant and if not paid
!ill #e recovera#le as rent%
*.% In this agreement:-
*.%*% Gords importing one gender include all other genders and !ords importing
the singular include the plural and vice versa
*.%.% If t!o or more persons are together the Tenant their o#ligations to the
Landlord shall #e Joint and several%
'igned #y the Landlord5s6 'ign here
'igned #y the Tenant5s6 (all tenants must
sign personally)
'ign here
The #asis upon !hich the Landlord can recover possession from the Tenant during the fi-ed
term apart from 3round * are set out in the 3rounds of 'chedule . of the 0ousing Act */11 (as
amended6 and !hich are referred to in this Agreement are as follo!s:
#andatory Grounds
G%&'(D )
The Landlord 0BRB4H 3IDB' )?TICB to the Tenant that the Landlord is the o!ner
occupier of the Premises !ithin the meaning of 3round * Part * of 'chedule . of the 0ousing
Act */11 and that
5a6 At some time #efore the #eginning of the Tenancy the Landlord !ho is see,ing
possession or in the case of $oint Landlords see,ing possession at least one of
them occupied the d!elling-house as his only or principal home= or
5#6 The Landlord !ho is see,ing possession or in the case of $oint Landlords see,ing
possession at least one of them re>uires the d!elling-house as his or his spouse@s
only or principal home and neither the Landlord 5or in the case of $oint Landlords
any one of them6 nor any other person !ho as Landlord derived title under the
Landlord !ho gave the notice mentioned a#ove ac>uired the reversion on the
Tenancy for money or money@s !orth%
and that possession of the Premises may #e recovered under 3round * of part * of
'chedule . of the 0ousing Act */11 and the Tenant upon signing the Agreement
ac,no!ledges that he has received such notice%
G%&'(D *
The Landlord 0BRB4H 3IDB' )?TICB to the Tenant that the d!elling house is
su#$ect to a mortgage granted #efore the #eginning of the Tenancy and
5a6 the mortgagee is entitled to e-ercise a po!er of sale conferred on him #y the
mortgage or #y 'ection *E* of the La! of Property Act */.:= and
5#6 the mortgagee re>uires possession of the d!elling house for the purpose of
disposing of it !ith vacant possession and e-ercise of that po!er= and
5c6 either notice !as given as mentioned in 3round * a#ove or the Court is satisfied that it
is $ust and e>uita#le to dispense !ith the re>uirement notice=
and for the purposes of this ground KmortgageK includes a charge and KmortgageeK shall #e
construed accordingly and that possession of the Premises might #e recovered under
3round . of Part * of 'chedule . of the 0ousing Act */11 and the Tenant upon signing
the Agreement ac,no!ledges that he has received such notice%
G%&'(D +
4oth at the date of the service of the notice under section 1 of this Act relating to the
proceedings for possession and at the date of the hearing
5a6 if rent is paya#le !ee,ly or fortnightly at least eight !ee,s@ rent is unpaid=
5#6 if rent is paya#le monthly at least t!o months@ rent is unpaid=
5c6 if rent is paya#le >uarterly at least one >uarter@s rent is more than three months in arrears=
5d6 if rent is paya#le yearly at least three months@ rent is more than three months in arrears=
and for the purpose of this ground KrentK means rent la!fully due
from the Tenant% Discretionary 3rounds - Court +ay ?rder
G%&'(D ),
'ome rent la!fully due from the Tenant
5a6 is unpaid on the date on !hich the proceedings for possession are #egun= and
5#6 e-cept !here su#section 5*65#6 of 'ection 1 of this Act applies !as in arrears at
the date of the service of the notice under that section relating to those proceedings%
G%&'(D ))
Ghether or not any rent is in arrears on the date on !hich proceedings for possession are
#egun the Tenant has persistently delayed paying rent !hich has #ecome la!fully due%
G%&'(D )*
An o#ligation of the tenancy 5other than one related to the payment of rent6 had #een
#ro,en or not performed%
G%&'(D )-
The condition of the d!elling-house or any of the common parts has deteriorated o!ing
to acts of !aste #y or neglect or default of the Tenant or any other person residing in the
d!elling-house and in the case of an act of !aste #y or the neglect or default of a person
lodging !ith the Tenant or a su#-Tenant of his the Tenant has not ta,en such steps as he
ought reasona#ly to have ta,en for the removal of the lodger or su#-Tenant%
Aor the purposes of this ground Kcommon partsK means any part of a #uilding
comprising the d!ellinghouse and any other premises !hich the Tenant is entitled under
the terms of the tenancy to use in common !ith the occupiers of other d!elling-houses in
!hich the landlord has an estate or interest%
G%&'(D ).
The Tenant or a person residing in or visiting the d!elling-house
5a6 has #een guilty of conduct causing or li,ely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to a
person residing visiting or other!ise engaging in a la!ful activity in the locality=
5#6 has #een convicted of
5i6 using the d!elling-house or allo!ing it to #e used for immoral or
illegal purposes= or
5ii6 an arresta#le offence committed in or in the locality of the
G%&'(D )/
The condition of any furniture provided for use under the tenancy has in the opinion of
the court deteriorated o!ing to ill-treatment #y the Tenant or any other person residing in
the d!elling-house and in the case of ill-treatment #y a person lodging !ith the Tenant or
#y a su#-Tenant of his the Tenant has not ta,en such steps as he ought reasona#ly to have
ta,en for the removal of the lodger or su#-Tenant%
G%&'(D )0
The Tenant is the person or one of the persons to !hom the tenancy !as granted and the
Landlord !as induced to grant the tenancy #y a false statement made ,no!ingly or
rec,lessly #y
5a6 the Tenant or
5#6 A person acting at the Tenant@s instigation%

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