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Line and Movement

Saturday Art School

Kyunga Connery

I. Topic
• Big Idea: Expression
• Key Concept Statement: Line can create movement in an artwork.

II. Objectives / Expected Learner Outcomes

• Students will understand how different types of line can create the sense of movement in their works.
• Students will use non-traditional materials to create movement in their paintings.

III. Standards of Education

• Related National Standards for Visual Arts Education
Content Standard #: Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes.

Achievement Standard: Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.

• Related Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning

1.3 The student will identify and use line and line variations—zigzag, dotted, wavy, and spiral
1.5 The student will create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration

IV. Student Group Targeted

• Kindergarten and First grade, normal and gifted
• Basic drawing skills

V. Time Required
One session, 50 minutes

VI. Materials and Resources

 Paper
 Plastic palette knives
 Acrylic paint mixed with gel medium
 Paper towels for clean up

VII. Itinerary and Strategies

Key terms/vocabulary:
Movement – in a picture, it’s when things look like they’re moving
Palette knife – a straight, flat tool that artists use to put paint onto paper and to make lines in a
Types of Line – Squiggly, straight, zig-zag, bumpy, spiral, swirly (defined through illustrations)

Introduction: (3 minutes)
Review the rules of the classroom. And recap what they learned last week.

Students shift focus from the rules poster on the door to the vocabulary posters on the board.

Motivation and explanations:

Go over the concept of movement in artwork and introduce the different types of lines using posters on
the board as visual aids.
Students shift focus from the board to the overhead, where images pertaining to the lesson are projected.

Questioning strategies/discussion: (4 minutes)

(Show an image of a cartoon rocket ship launching.) Project image onto the screen and ask the students
to point out lines that indicated the rocket is moving. Follow this up with more motion-related images to
aid student understanding.

Students get up from their seats and stand around one end of another table with the art making materials
on for my demonstration.

Demonstration: (4 minutes)
I go over the processes for creating their art. We cover materials and safety precautions.

Students get into their seats and have access to the materials needed to start their art making.

Student independent practice/activity: (25 minutes)

Students work on their own. During this time, I walk around the work table and offer assistance when

Checking for understanding:

As the students are working, I will walk around and talk to each of them individually about the paintings
they are creating. I will ask them specific questions about what types of lines they’re using and the
different colors they have chosen to mix together. I will review the safety and art procedures if I feel they
need to be reminded.

Students will carefully place their finished art works on the drying table, throw the used paper towels in
the trash, and wash the palettes and palette knives in the sink before they wash their hands. Students will
then sit back down at the art making table to start closure.

Closure: 4 minutes)
We review the concepts learned today about line and movement. What kind of lines did you use in your
paintings? How did they help to show movement in your artworks?

VIII. Evaluation Strategies

• (Objective #1): Students will understand how different types of line can create the sense of movement in
their works.

The students will be able to identify various types of lines and how they can be used to show movement
or motion in their paintings. What kinds of lines did you use in your painting? Straight lines, bumpy
lines, and swirly lines. How do these lines make it look like something’s moving in your painting? The
lines make it look like something is racing or flying.

• (Objective #2): Students will use non-traditional materials to create movement in their paintings.

The students will be introduced to new materials that can be used to create art. They will understand how
to use them in art and how to keep them clean. What tool did you use to paint with today? A palette
knife. How do you put paint on a paper with a palette knife? You stick it into the paint and then you
put it flat on the paper and pull it away. What do you do to clean your palette knife? You wipe it onto
a paper towel.

IX. Suggested Supplemental Activities

Students can work together to create an action painting as a class.

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