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Instructors Resources

Items Included in Part I
1. Philosophy Behind the Strategic Management Course
2. Importance of Strategic Management Cases
Cases Included in the Thirteenth dition of the Te!t"oo#
$. Mc%onalds Cohesion Case
&. 'ssurance of (earning !ercises
The 'ssurance of (earning !ercises Included in the Thirteenth dition
). %escription of the Supplements for the Thirteenth dition
Instructors Manual
Case Instructors Manual
Po*erPoint Presentations
Test Item +ile
Test,en -test.generating program/
0ideos on %0%
0ideo ,uide
1. Philosophy ehind the Strate!ic "ana!ement Course
Strategic Management is the capstone course for "usiness administration ma1ors. Students learn ne*
strategy formulation2 implementation2 and e3aluation concepts and techni4ues. Students use this ne*
#no*ledge2 coupled *ith #no*ledge ac4uired from other courses2 to chart the future direction of
different organi5ations.
Strategic Management students analy5e firms in different industries2 ma#e o"1ecti3e strategic decisions
for companies2 and 1ustify those decisions through oral or *ritten communication. Students
recommend strategies for the organi5ations studied and specify ho* those strategies could "est "e
implemented. Strategic Management is a challenging and e!citing course for students.
Strategic Management is an interesting course to teach "ecause the pro"lems and issues of strategic
management co3er the *hole spectrum of "usiness2 including finance2 mar#eting2 management2
management information systems2 production operations2 economics2 and statistics. Strategic
management is an emerging and rapidly de3eloping discipline. 6eighing the pros and cons of alternati3e
strategies entails a total enterprise perspecti3e and a talent for 1udging ho* all rele3ant factors fit
together. This is 4uite a contrast to other re4uired and electi3e courses2 *hich are generally concerned
*ith a narro*er2 more speciali5ed "ody of #no*ledge. 'lthough the features of Strategic
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
Management pose an instructional challenge2 there is plenty of opportunity to ma#e the study of
strategic management the "est course in the "usiness curriculum.
There are different *ays to teach a good course in Strategic Management. Some instructors
supplement the te!t *ith a management simulation game: some instructors assign outside
readings: some use e!periential e!ercises in class: and some instructors in3ite guest spea#ers to
class. Most Strategic Management professors use cases. The amount of class time de3oted to
lecture and case analysis 3aries considera"ly among instructors.
If you are e!perienced in teaching Strategic Management2 you may ha3e resol3ed many
pedagogical issues to your o*n satisfaction. 9o*e3er2 if this is the first time you are teaching
Strategic Management2 then the information pro3ided in the ne!t fe* pages could help you
structure your o*n course.
#. Importance o$ Strate!ic "ana!ement Cases
Strategic Management cases represent the most commonly used method for applying strategic.
management concepts and techni4ues in different types and si5es of organi5ations. ' Strategic
Management case typically descri"es the e!ternal conditions and internal situation facing a firm
and presents sufficient information to de3elop2 analy5e2 and choose among alternati3e strategies.
Strategic Management can "e a 3ery e!citing course *ith the use of 1ust te!t and cases alone.
The 2; Strategic Management cases in the Thirteenth edition of Strategic Management represent
the most up.to.date compilation of cases e3er assem"led in a policy te!t. The cases co3er a "road
spectrum of "usiness and industry situations. 'll of the cases in this te!t are undisguised. The
cases are a"out real organi5ations and real people. Most of the cases concern *ell.#no*n firms.
<sing the cases in this te!t2 students do not ha3e to put themsel3es "ac# in time to understand the
economic and political conditions surrounding the strategic decisions to "e made. Students can
go to their college li"rary and easily find additional information to supplement all of the cases in
this te!t. Students find current cases more interesting2 more e!citing2 and more realistic than older
cases. This fact adds a great deal of life and realism to Strategic Management *hen the Strategic
Management te!t is used.
'll of the cases in this te!t ha3e "een class tested to ensure that they are interesting2 challenging2
and effecti3e for illustrating strategic.management concepts. I "elie3e you *ill find the collection
of cases to complement any approach you use in teaching Strategic Management at the
undergraduate or graduate le3el. =ou *ill also find the teachers notes in the Case Solutions
Manual to "e e!ceptionally *ell done.
The 2; cases in this te!t are listed along *ith the respecti3e case authors and their school
affiliation. The industries represented "y the cases are also gi3en. The cases are listed "elo* in the
order in *hich they appear in the te!t. The case manual contains information a"out the topics that
the indi3idual cases co3er.
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
Cases Included in the Thirteenth Edition o$ the Te%t&oo'
1. 6alt %isney Company > 288;2 Mernoush Banton
2. Merryland 'musement Par# > 288;2 ,regory Stone
$. ?etBlue 'ir*ays Corporation > 288;2 Mernoush Banton
&. 'irTran 'ir*ays2 Inc. > 288;2 Charles M. Byles
). +amily %ollar Stores2 Inc. > 288;2 ?oseph 6. (eonard
@. 6al.Mart Stores2 Inc. > 288;2 'mit ?. Shah and Michael (. Monahanat
A. 6hole +oods Mar#et2 Inc. > 288;2 ?ames (. 9ar"in and Patricia 9umphrey
B. Macys2 Inc. > 288;2 Rochelle R. Brunson and Marlene M. Reed
;. =ahooC Inc. > 288;2 9amid Da5eroony
18. eBay Inc. > 288;2 (ori Radulo3ich
11. 6ells +argo Corporation > 288;2 %onald (. Croo#s2 Ro"ert S. ,oodman2 and ?ohn
12. Drispy Dreme %oughnuts -DD%/ > 288;2 ?ohn Bur"ridge and Coleman Rich
1$. Star"uc#s Corporation > 288;2 Sharynn Tomlin
1&. The <nited States Postal Ser3ice -<SPS/ > 288;2 +red and +orest %a3id
1). Eational Railroad Passenger Corporation -'MTR'D/ > 288;2 Dristopher ?. Blanchard
1@. ,ood*ill of San +rancisco2 San Mateo and Marin Counties > 288;2 Mary . 0radelis
1A. 9arley.%a3idson2 Inc. > 288;2 Carol Pope and ?oanne Mac#
1B. +ord Motor Company > 288;2 'len Badal
1;. Draft +oods Inc. > 288;2 Dristopher ?. Blanchard
28. 9ershey Company > 288;2 'nne 6alsh and llen Mansfield
21. ?ohnson F ?ohnson > 288;2 Sharynn Tomlin2 Matt Milhauser2 Bernhard ,ier#e2 Thi"ault
(efe"3re2 and Mario Martine5
22. '3on Products Inc. > 288;2 Rochelle R. Brunson and Marlene M. Reed
2$. Molson Coors > 288;2 'mit ?. Shah
2&. PepsiCo > 288;2 ?ohn and Sherry Ross
2). Pfi5er2 Inc. > 288;2 0i1aya Earapareddy
2@. Merc# F Company Inc. > 28182 Mernoush Banton
2A. Ei#e2 Inc. > 28182 Randy 9arris
2B. Calla*ay ,olf Company > 288;2 'mit ?. Shah
2;. Che3ron Corporation > 288;2 (inda 9er#enhoff
' 4uestion that arises concerning cases is the appropriate num"er of cases to co3er in an academic
term. That can 3ary depending on factors such as *hether a Strategic Management simulation game is
used2 ho* many *ritten comprehensi3e case analyses are assigned2 *hether the class is di3ided into
teams of students2 and *hether outside readings2 class spea#ers2 or 3ideotapes are used. I personally
find 18 cases to "e an appropriate amount to co3er2 as indicated in the course sylla"us presented in a
fe* pages.
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
(. The "c)onalds Cohesion Case
This edition features a ne* Cohesion Case on Mc%onalds Corporation. The Cohesion Case allo*s
students to apply strategic.management concepts and techni4ues to a real organi5ation as chapter
material is co3ered in class. This integrati3e or cohesi3e approach readies students for case analysis.
The Cohesion Case pro3ides a continuous illustration of the interdependence of parts of the strategic.
management process. 'ssurance of (earning !ercises at the end of each chapter apply concepts to the
Cohesion Case.
*. Assurance o$ +earnin! E%ercises
This is a"out the only Strategic Management te!t that offers strategic.management 'ssurance of
(earning !ercises "oth on.line and at the end of chapters. The end.of.chapter 'ssurance of (earning
!ercises are designed to get students in3ol3ed2 to increase students interest in the course2 and to aid
students in learning ho* to apply important concepts and techni4ues. The 'ssurance of (earning
!ercises allo* students to test ne*ly learned theories2 concepts2 and analytical techni4ues. The
e!ercises also help students ma#e the transition from school to *or# more easily. The 'ssurance of
(earning !ercises can "e used for home*or# assignments2 indi3idual class *or#2 group assignments2
or e!tra.credit *or#. They offer a great change of pace in class.
Gn a3erage2 there are fi3e e!ercises at the end of each chapter. ' couple of the e!ercises apply chapter
material to the Mc%onalds Cohesion Case. 't least one e!ercise applies chapter material to the
students o*n college or uni3ersity and at least one e!ercise instructs the student to contact or 3isit a
local "usiness to e!plore important strategic.management topics.
=ou *ill not "e a"le to do all of the 'ssurance of (earning !ercises2 due to time limitations in class2
"ut ta#e the time to do as many as possi"le. I personally de3ote a"out 1) minutes of each class to
'ssurance of (earning !ercises and assign students one e!ercise home*or# assignment for each
class. 's# students to put ans*ers to the 'ssurance of (earning !ercises either in their notes or on a
separate sheet of paper rather than *riting in the te!t itself. This *ould present a pro"lem in usage of
the te!t in later semesters if ans*ers to the e!ercises *ere *ritten in the te!t.
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
The Assurance o$ +earnin! E%ercises Included in the Thirteenth Edition
Chapter 1,
!ercise 1'H ,athering Strategy Information
!ercise 1BH Strategic Planning for My <ni3ersity
!ercise 1CH Strategic Planning at a (ocal Company
!ercise 1%H ,etting +amiliar *ith SMCG
Chapter #,
!ercise 2'H 3aluating Mission Statements
!ercise 2BH 6riting a 0ision and Mission Statement for Mc%onalds Corporation
!ercise 2CH 6riting a 0ision and Mission Statement for My <ni3ersity
!ercise 2%H Conducting Mission Statement Research
Chapter (,
!ercise $'H %e3eloping an + Matri! for Mc%onalds Corporation
!ercise $BH The !ternal 'ssessment
!ercise $CH %e3eloping an + Matri! for My <ni3ersity
!ercise $%H %e3eloping a Competiti3e Profile Matri! for Mc%onalds Corporation
!ercise $H %e3eloping a Competiti3e Profile Matri! for My <ni3ersity
Chapter *,
!ercise &'H Performing a +inancial Ratio 'nalysis for Mc%onalds Corporation
!ercise &BH Constructing an I+ Matri! for Mc%onalds Corporation
!ercise &CH Constructing an I+ Matri! for My <ni3ersity
Chapter -,
!ercise )'H 6hat Strategies Should Mc%onalds Pursue in 2811.281$I
!ercise )BH !amining Strategy 'rticles
!ercise )CH Classifying Some =ear 288; Strategies
!ercise )%H 9o* Ris#y 're 0arious 'lternati3e StrategiesI
!ercise )H %e3eloping 'lternati3e Strategies for My <ni3ersity
!ercise )+H (essons in %oing Business ,lo"ally
Chapter .,
!ercise @'H %e3eloping a S6GT Matri! for Mc%onalds
!ercise @BH %e3eloping a SP'C Matri! for Mc%onalds
!ercise @CH %e3eloping a BC, Matri! for Mc%onalds
!ercise @%H %e3eloping a JSPM for Mc%onalds
!ercise @H +ormulating Indi3idual Strategies
!ercise @+H The Mach Test
!ercise @,H %e3eloping a BC, Matri! for My <ni3ersity
!ercise @9H The Role of Boards of %irectors
!ercise @IH (ocating Companies in a ,rand Strategy Matri!
Chapter /,
!ercise A'H Re3ising Mc%onalds Grgani5ational Chart
!ercise ABH %o Grgani5ations Really sta"lish G"1ecti3esI
!ercise ACH <nderstanding My <ni3ersitys Culture
Chapter 0,
!ercise B'H %e3eloping a Product.Positioning Map for Mc%onalds
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
!ercise BBH Performing an PSKBIT 'nalysis for Mc%onalds
!ercise BCH Preparing Pro1ected +inancial Statements for Mc%onalds
!ercise B%H %etermining the Cash 0alue of Mc%onalds
!ercise BH %e3eloping a Product.Positioning Map for My <ni3ersity
!ercise B+H %o Ban#s Re4uire Pro1ected +inancial StatementsI
Chapter 1,
!ercise ;'H Preparing a Strategy.3aluation Report for Mc%onalds Corp.
!ercise ;BH 3aluating My <ni3ersitys Strategies
Chapter 12,
!ercise 18'H %oes Mc%onalds 9a3e a Code of Business thicsI
!ercise 18BH The thics of Spying on Competitors
!ercise 18CH 6ho Prepares a Sustaina"ility ReportI
Chapter 11,
!ercise 11'H Mc%onalds 6ants to nter 'frica. 9elp Them.
!ercise 11BH %oes My <ni3ersity Recruit in +oreign CountriesI
!ercise 11CH 'ssessing %ifferences in Culture 'cross Countries
!ercise 11%H 9o* 6ell Tra3eled 're Business Students at =our <ni3ersityI
-. )escription o$ the Supplements $or the Thirteenth Edition
Supplements are a3aila"le for adopting instructors to do*nload at ***.pearsonhighered.comKirc.
Registration is simple and gi3es the instructor immediate access to ne* titles and ne* editions.
Pearsons dedicated technical support team is ready to help instructors *ith the media
supplements that accompany this te!t. The instructor should 3isit httpHKK2&A.pearsoned.comK for
ans*ers to fre4uently as#ed 4uestions and for toll.free user support phone num"ers. Supplements
Instructors "anual>This manual includes lecture o"1ecti3es2 outlines2 and ans*ers to
all end.of.chapter material and 'ssurance of (earning e!ercises. In addition2 se3eral
supplemental 'ssurance of (earning e!ercises and ans*ers are included.
Case Instructors "anual>this solutions manual includes a"stracts2 discussion
4uestions2 and audits for each case.
Po3erPoint Presentations . The Po*erPoint slides highlight te!t learning o"1ecti3es and
#ey topics and ser3e as an e!cellent aid for classroom presentations and lectures.
Test Item 4ile L This test "an# features for each chapter on a3erage )8 TrueK+alse
4uestions2 )8 Multiple.Choice 4uestions2 and 18 ssay 4uestions *ith page references and
difficulty le3el pro3ided for each 4uestion. The Test Item +ile has "een *ritten specifically
for this edition and is pro3ided in MS 6ord2 so that instructors can easily incorporate
select 4uestions into their o*n tests.
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all
Instructors Resources
Test5en 6test7!eneratin! pro!ram8 L The test "an# is also a3aila"le on Test,en2 a test.
generating program that allo*s instructors to add2 edit2 or delete 4uestions from the test
"an#: analy5e test results: and organi5e a data"ase of e!ams and student results.
9ideos on )9)>The %0% contains 3ideo segments that illustrate the most pertinent topics in
management today and highlight rele3ant issues in the ne*s2 demonstrating ho* people lead2
manage2 and *or# effecti3ely: ISBE 8.1$.@12)&A.@.
9ideo 5uide L The 3ideo guide pro3ides a "rief summary of each clip and suggested
4uestions for discussion follo*ed "y possi"le ans*ers.
"y"ana!ement+a& . MyManagement(a" pro3ides help "eyond home*or# *ith a range of
assessment options and tutorial resources that help students learn from their mista#es. 'llo*ing
you to teach a course your *ay2 use this as an out.of.the."o! resource for students *ho need
e!tra help2 or ta#e full ad3antage of its ad3anced customi5ation options. +or more information2 go
to ***.mymanagementla".com.
Copyright 7 2811 Pearson ducation2 Inc. Pu"lishing as Prentice 9all

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