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Author: tamorrison [ Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:56 pm ]

Post subject: Re: Palladium house Rules vs Core Canon

Palladium RPG Attribute Point Buy System
As you get eeper !nto the ar" a##ey, a o$en #eather%c#a young men #eap &rom
the shao's( )ug!ng &rom the!r th!c"%#ense g#asses, poc"et protectors, an
asthma !nha#ers, you rea#!$e that these thugs are &rom the notor!ous street gang
"no'n as the *eeb!e +'eeb!es, -!thout 'arn!ng, they beg!n to pe#t your
characters '!th t'e#.e%s!e !ce, )apanese cartoon cars, an t!ny p#ast!c rep#!cas
o& spacesh!ps, a## 'h!#e scream!ng shr!## 'ar cr!es !n #anguages ta"en &rom popu#ar
&antasy an sc!ence &!ct!on mo.!es( -hat o you o/0
+o your !ce spec!a#!$e !n heartbrea"/ +o you 1or your p#ayers2 e.er ro## horr!b#y
ba character attr!butes, #ea.!ng you 1or them2 to agon!$e !n character en.y0 o&
the one person !n the group 'ho seems to ha.e mag!c !ce/ *a.e you e.er been a
3ame Master nee!ng to generate non%p#ayer characters !n a hurry, but the !ce
"ept g!.!ng the street thugs 4,5,s o& 16 an P,S,s o& 7/
8r!nge no more( Pa##a!um 9P3 has an a#ternate system to generate character
attr!butes: the point buy system,
:he attribute point buy system a##o's p#ayers to eterm!ne the!r characters;
stat!st!cs, ensur!ng the generat!on o& opt!ma##y p#ayab#e characters, 4t a#so a##o's
3Ms to generate non%p#ayer characters < .!##a!ns, a##!es, .!ct!ms, an passers%by <
=u!c"#y an eas!#y,
:he &!rst step !s to eterm!ne the number o& po!nts a part!cu#ar character has to buy
attr!butes, P#ayers ha.e 70 po!nts, 'h!ch means an a.erage attr!bute o& 12, 3ame
Masters eterm!ne the po'er #e.e# o& the non%p#ayer character they are creat!ng:
each o& 'hom has bet'een 16 to 70 po!nts, &or an a.erage attr!bute score o&
bet'een > an 12, ?ote that the S,+,8, co#umn !s on#y use &or those Pa##a!um
games that a##ocate S,+,8, to characters@ !& the character !s &or a Pa##a!um game
that oes not a##ocate S,+,8, to characters, s!mp#y !gnore the S,+,8, co#umn,
Attribute Points Per Character
Power Level_|_Attribute Points_|_Base S..C.
AAM!serab#eAABAAAAAAA16AAAAAAABAC=ua# to one%=uarter the character;s
S!$e De.e#, &ract!ons roune o'n 12 &or human%s!$e characters2
escri!tion: Victim/addict, CEtreme po.erty, absence o& eucat!on, s=ua#!
#!.!ng stanars, an near%&am!ne con!t!ons pre.ente th!s person &rom
reach!ng h!s or her &u## potent!a#, A#ternat!.e#y, the person gre' up better
o&&, but ue to #ong%term a.ers!ty, has phys!ca##y an menta##y eter!orate
to th!s #e.e#,:yp!ca# o& :h!r -or# re&ugees an e.e#ope nat!ons;
#ong%term rug a!cts an S"! 9o' '!nos,
AADo'AAAAAABAAAAAAAA22AAAAAAABAC=ua# to one ha#& the character;s S!$e
De.e#, &ract!ons roune o'n 15 &or human%s!$e characters2
escri!tion: Disadvantaged/unmotivated, Po.erty, m!n!ma# eucat!on, poor
#!.!ng stanars, an poor nutr!t!on pre.ente th!s person &rom reach!ng h!s
or her &u## potent!a#, A#ternat!.e#y, the person gre' up better o&&, but
'anere through #!&e '!thout goa#s or respons!b!#!t!es < just party!ng,
'atch!ng :,F,, an sur&!ng the 4nternet, :yp!ca# o& poor peop#e an spo!#e
au#t ch!#ren 'or#'!e, :he a.erage gang member, :h!r -or# gunman,
couch potato, pot%hea, s#um 'e##er, p#ayboy, party g!r#, an au#t son !n
Mom;s basement 'ou# be !n th!s category,
AAMe!umAAABAAAAAAAA2GAAAAAAABAC=ua# to the character;s S!$e De.e# 110
&or human%s!$e characters2
escri!tion: Normal person, Steay an stab#e &am!#y !ncome guarantee
access to pr!mary an seconary eucat!on, ecent #!.!ng con!t!ons, an
ae=uate &oo, a##o'!ng th!s person to e.e#op to norma# human potent!a#,
:yp!ca# o& a.erage peop#e !n e.e#ope countr!es, or upper%m!#e c#ass
peop#e !n poor countr!es, :he a.erage 'h!te%co##ar cr!m!na#, ma&!a thug,
m!#!tary member, an po#!ce o&&!cer 'ou# be !n th!s category,
AA*!ghAAAAAABAAAAAAAAH7AAAAAAABAC=ua# to 1,5 t!mes the character;s
S!$e De.e#, &ract!ons roune up 115 &or human%s!$e characters2
escri!tion: Advantaged/motivated, Abo.e%a.erage &am!#y !ncome or
unusua# parenta# e!cat!on secure access to better schoo#s, a h!gher
stanar o& #!.!ng, an opt!ma# nutr!t!on, A!t!ona##y, th!s person;s &am!#y
anIor soc!a# en.!ronment mot!.ate h!m or her to eEce#, :yp!ca# o& h!gh#y
amb!t!ous peop#e an those 'hose parents ha.e strong &am!#y .a#ues an
'or" eth!c, espec!a##y !n soc!et!es 'here up'ar soc!a# mob!#!ty !s poss!b#e,
Most entrepreneurs, sports stars, career members o& top%notch m!#!tary an
po#!ce un!ts, #ea!ng members o& re.o#ut!onary mo.ements an
go.ernments, an h!gh#y%r!.en career%m!ne peop#e 'ou# be !n th!s
AA*ero!cAAAABAAAAAAAA70AAAAAAABASuper%heroIsuper%.!##a!n: As per
character c#ass, Jther ?P8: C=ua# to t'!ce the character;s S!$e De.e# 120 &or
human%s!$e characters2
escri!tion: Elite, A mutagen!c agent, an a#!en ancestry, or a #!&et!me o&
unusua# c!rcumstances a##o'e 1or perhaps ro.e2 th!s person to e.e#op,
phys!ca##y an menta##y, &ar abo.e the human norm, :h!s represents the top
0,1K o& peop#e !n moern, 'ea#thy soc!et!es an the top 0,01K o& peop#e !n
e.e#op!ng nat!ons, :yp!ca# o& peop#e 'ho spent ten or more years !n a
h!gh#y%eman!ng tra!n!ng an eucat!on program, such as #ong%ser.!ce
members o& 'or#%c#ass spec!a# po#!ce or m!#!tary un!ts or mart!a# art!sts 'ho
'ere ra!se &rom !n&ancy by Shao#!n mon"s, Super%heroes an super%.!##a!ns
are !n th!s category, as are J#ymp!c ath#etes, Spartan 'arr!ors, heas o&
state 1usua##y2, reno'ne subject matter eEperts, Spec!a# Lorces sen!or
?8Js an &!e#%grae o&&!cers, etc,
:he secon step !s to use the character;s po!nts to buy0 attr!butes as sho'n on the
be#o' chart, An !n!t!a# attr!bute score o& 15, 16, 16, or 1G !s cons!ere eEcept!ona#,
just as !& that attr!bute score ha been ro##e, An eEcept!ona# attr!bute ga!ns a
bonus 1+6 ae to !t@ &or e.ery 60 ro##e, another bonus !e 11+62 !s ga!ne,
Attribute Score| Point Cost | "otes
AAAAAA1GAAAAAABAAAA16AAAAB CEcept!ona# attr!bute, 9o## a bonus !e
11+62 an a the resu#t to the attr!bute, Lor e.ery 60 ro##e, another
bonus !e 11+62 !s ga!ne,
AAAAAA16AAAAAABAAAA17AAAAB CEcept!ona# attr!bute, 9o## a bonus !e
11+62 an a the resu#t to the attr!bute, Lor e.ery 60 ro##e, another
bonus !e 11+62 !s ga!ne,
AAAAAA16AAAAAABAAAA12AAAAB CEcept!ona# attr!bute, 9o## a bonus !e
11+62 an a the resu#t to the attr!bute, Lor e.ery 60 ro##e, another
bonus !e 11+62 !s ga!ne,
AAAAAA15AAAAAABAAAA10AAAAB CEcept!ona# attr!bute, 9o## a bonus !e
11+62 an a the resu#t to the attr!bute, Lor e.ery 60 ro##e, another
bonus !e 11+62 !s ga!ne,
AAAA6 or #essAAABAAAA?IAAAAB P#ayer characters are not a##o'e to ha.e an
attr!bute th!s #o',
:he th!r step !s to cont!nue character generat!on as norma#,
#$am!le o% character !oint buy: )enny !s creat!ng a p#ayer character !n &eroes
'nlimited(, As a super%hero!ne, she has 70 po!nts to buy her attr!butes, )enny
'ants to ha.e a character 'ho !s both super%smart an super%seEy, &!gur!ng that
she can bu!# up her phys!ca# tra!ts by choos!ng the appropr!ate s"!##s #ater, She
chooses an 4,5, o& 16 112 po!nts2, an M,C, o& 10 1H po!nts2, an M,A, o& 12 15
po!nts2, a P,S, o& 6 10 po!nts2, a P,P, o& 10 1H po!nts2, a P,C, o& 12 15 po!nts2, a P,M,
o& 16 112 po!nts2, an a Sp o& 6 10 po!nts2, )enny;s character;s scores o& 16 !n
both 4,5, an P,M, ga!n bonus !ce, )enny ro##s a 60 &or her 4,5,, ra!s!ng !t to 22 an
ga!n!ng another bonus !e, )enny ro##s aga!n, gett!ng a 70, y!e#!ng a &!na# 4,5, o&
26( )enny ro##s the bonus !e &or her P,M, an gets a 10, *er &!na# P,M, !s 16, )enny
eterm!nes her character c#ass an 'r!tes o'n the base S,+,8,, &u##y !nten!ng to
!mpro.e her phys!=ue an S,+,8, tota# '!th MoE!ng, 3ymnast!cs, an -rest#!ng,
#$am!le o% character !oint buy: :he 3ame Master !s creat!ng a gang o& ?e'
Nor" street thugs !n &eroes 'nlimited(, *e chec"s the Attr!bute Po!nts per
8haracter chart an ec!es that these thugs are Do' po'er: each has 22 po!nts
'!th 'h!ch to buy attr!butes, :he 3M a##ocates the po!nts as &o##o's: 4,5, > 12
po!nts2, M,C, 6 10 po!nts2, M,A, 6 10 po!nts2, P,S, 12 15 po!nts2, P,P, 10 1H po!nts2,
P,C, 11 17 po!nts2, P,M, G 11 po!nt2, an Sp 12 15 po!nts2, Cach o& the thugs starts
out '!th 5 S,+,8, :he!r phys!ca# attr!butes an S,+,8, '!## !ncrease '!th seconary
phys!ca# s"!##s such as Ath#et!cs 13enera#2, 9unn!ng, an -e!ght#!&t!ngIMoy

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