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Hagakure: Livro do Samurai

Embora se levanta argumentar que um samurai deveria estar atento do Modo do Samurai,
pareeria que n!s somos todo negligentes" Por onseguinte, se algu#m $osse perguntar, o
que # o verdadeiro signi$iado do Modo do Samurai %& a pessoa que poderia responder
prontamente # rara" 'sto # porque n(o $oi anteriormente estabeleido na mente da pessoa"
)isto, podem ser on*eidos o unmind$ulness da pessoa do Modo" +eglig,nia # uma oisa

O Modo do Samurai # a*ado em morte" .uando vier a eit*er/or, *0 s! a esol*a r0pida de
morte" +(o # partiularmente di$1il" Se2a determinado e avan3a" )i4er que morrendo sem
alan3ar a pontaria da pessoa # morrer a morte de um a*orro # o modo $r1volo de
sop*istiates" .uando apertou om a esol*a de vida ou morte, n(o # neess0rio gan*ar a
pontaria" +!s todo o dese2o para viver" E em grande parte n!s $a4emos nossa l!gia de
aordo om o que n!s gostamos" Mas n(o ter atingido nossa pontaria e ontinuar vivendo
s(o ovardia" Esta # uma lin*a perigosa magra" Morrer sem gan*ar a pontaria da pessoa # a
morte de um a*orro e $anatismo" Mas n(o *0 nen*uma vergon*a nisto" Esta # a
subst5nia do Modo do Samurai" Se $i-ando todas as man*(s e noite para o direito de
ora3(o da pessoa, a pessoa pode viver omo se o orpo dele 20 este2a morto, ele d!i
liberdade do Modo" A vida inteira dele estar0 sem ulpa, e ele ter0 suesso na *amada

Um *omem # um retentor bom 6 e-tens(o que ele earnestl7 oloa import5nia no mestre
dele" Este # o tipo mais alto de retentor" Se a pessoa naser em uma $am1lia proeminente
que volta para gera38es, # su$iiente onsiderar o assunto de obriga3(o pro$undamente aos
antepassados da pessoa, oloar o orpo da pessoa e notar, e para earnestl7 estime o mestre
da pessoa" 9 mais adiante $ortuna boa se, mais que isto, a pessoa tem sabedoria e talento e
pode os usar adequadamente" Mas at# mesmo uma pessoa que # bom para nada e
sumamente desa2eitado ser0 um retentor de on$ian3a se s! ele tiver a determina3(o para
pensar earnestl7 do mestre dele" Tendo s! sabedoria e talento # a mais bai-a $ileira de

)e aordo om a nature4a deles/delas, *0 ambas as pessoas que t,m intelig,nia r0pida, e
esses que t,m que retirar e t,m que levar tempo para re$letir sobre oisas" Ol*ando
ompletamente nisto, se a pessoa pensa abnegadamente e adere aos quatro votos do samurai
de +abes*ima, sabedoria surpreendente aonteer0 embora os pontos altos ou bai-os da
nature4a da pessoa" : as Pessoas pensam que eles podem larear assuntos pro$undos se eles
os onsideram pro$undamente, mas eles e-eritam pensamentos perversos e v,m nen*um
bom porque eles $a4em o re$letindo om s! ego1smo ao entro deles/delas"

9 di$1il os *0bitos de um bobo mudarem a abnega3(o" Con$rontando um assunto, por#m,
se no prin1pio vo, dei-ar isto s!, $i-e os quatro votos em seu ora3(o, e-lua ego1smo, e
$a3a um es$or3o, vo, n(o ir0 longe de sua mara"
;eause <e do most t*ings rel7ing onl7 on our o<n sagait7 <e beome sel$=interested,
turn our ba>s on reason, and t*ings do not turn out <ell" As seen b7 ot*er people t*is is
sordid, <ea>, narro< and ine$$iient" ?*en one is not apable o$ true intelligene, it is good
to onsult <it* someone o$ good sense" An advisor <ill $ul$ill t*e ?a7 <*en *e
ma>es a deision b7 sel$less and $ran> intelligene beause *e is not personall7 involved"
T*is <a7 o$ doing t*ings
<ill ertainl7 be seen b7 ot*ers as being strongl7 rooted" 't is, $or e-ample, li>e a large tree
<it* man7 roots" One
man:s intelligene is li>e a tree t*at *as been simpl7 stu> in t*e ground"
?e learn about t*e sa7ings and deeds o$ t*e men o$ old in order to entrust ourselves to t*eir
<isdom and prevent
sel$is*ness" ?*en <e t*ro< o$$ our o<n bias, $ollo< t*e sa7ings o$ t*e anients, and on$er
<it* ot*er people,
matters s*ould go <ell and <it*out mis*ap" Lord @atsus*ige borro<ed $rom t*e <isdom o$
Lord +aos*ige" T*is is
mentioned in t*e O*anas*i>i>iga>i" ?e s*ould be grate$ul $or *is onern"
Moreover, t*ere <as a ertain man <*o engaged a number o$ *is 7ounger brot*ers as
retainers, and <*enever *e
visited Edo or t*e @amigata area, *e <ould *ave t*em aompan7 *im" As *e onsulted
<it* t*em ever7da7 on bot*
private and publi matters, it is said t*at *e <as <it*out mis*ap"
Sagara @7uma <as ompletel7 at one <it* *is master and served *im as t*oug* *is o<n
bod7 <ere alread7 dead" Ae
<as one man in a t*ousand"
One t*ere <as an important meeting at Master Sa>7o:s Mi4ugae Billa, and it <as
ommanded t*at @7uma <as to
ommit seppu>u" At t*at time in Osa>i t*ere <as a tea*ouse on t*e t*ird $loor o$ t*e
suburban residene o$ Master
Ta>u +ut" @7uma rented t*is, and gat*ering toget*er all t*e good=$or=not*ings in Saga *e
put on a puppet s*o<,
operating one o$ t*e puppets *imsel$, arousing and drin>ing all da7 and nig*t" T*us,
overloo>ing Master Sa>7o:s
villa, *e arried on and aused a great disturbane" 'n instigating t*is disaster *e gallantl7
t*oug*t onl7 o$ *is master
and <as resolved to ommitting suiide"
;eing a retainer is not*ing ot*er t*an *emp a supporter o$ one:s lord, entrusting matters o$
good and evil to *im, and
renouning sel$=interest" '$ t*ere are but t<o or t*ree men o$ t*is t7pe, t*e $ie$ <ill be
'$ one loo>s at t*e <orld <*en a$$airs are going smoot*l7, t*ere ar man7 <*o go about
putting in t*eir appearane,
being use$ul b7 t*eir <isdom, disrimination and art$ulness" Ao<ever, i$ t*e lord s*ould
retire or go into selusion,
t*ere are man7 <*o <ill qui>l7 turn t*eir ba>s on *im and ingratiate t*emselves to t*e
man o$ t*e da7" Su* a t*ing
is unpleasant even to t*in> about" Men o$ *ig* position, lo< position, deep <isdom and
art$ulness all $eel t*at t*e7
are t*e ones <*o are <or>ing rig*teousl7, but <*en it omes to t*e point o$ t*ro<ing a<a7
one:s li$e $or *is lord, all
get <ea> in t*e >nees" T*is is rat*er disgrae$ul" T*e $at t*at a useless person o$ten
beomes a mat*less <arrior at
su* times is beause *e *as alread7 given up *is li$e and *as beome one <it* *is lord" At
t*e time o$ Mitsus*ige:s
deat* t*ere <as an e-ample o$ t*is" Ais one resolved attendant <as ' alone" T*e ot*ers
$ollo<ed in m7 <a>e" Al<a7s
t*e pretentious, sel$=asserting notables turn t*eir ba>s on t*e man 2ust as *is e7es are
losing in deat*"
Lo7alt7 is said to be important in t*e pledge bet<een lord and retainer" T*oug* it ma7 seem
unobtainable, it is rig*t
be$ore 7our e7es" '$ 7ou one set 7oursel$ to it, 7ou <ill beome a superb retainer at t*at
ver7 moment"
To give a person one:s opinion and orret *is $aults is an important t*ing" 't is
ompassionate and omes $irst in
matters o$ servie" ;ut t*e <a7 o$ doing t*is is e-tremel7 di$$iult" To disover t*e good
and bad points o$ a person is
an eas7 t*ing, and to give an opinion onerning t*em is eas7, too" Cor t*e most part,
people t*in> t*at t*e7 are being
>ind b7 sa7ing t*e t*ings t*at ot*ers $ind distaste$ul or di$$iult to sa7" ;ut i$ it is not
reeived <ell, t*e7 t*in> t*at
t*ere is not*ing more to be done" T*is is ompletel7 <ort*less" 't is t*e same as brining
s*ame to a person b7
slandering *im" 't is not*ing more t*an getting it o$$ one:s *est"
To give a person an opinion one must $irst 2udge <ell <*et*er t*at person is o$ t*e
disposition to reeive it or not"
One must beome lose <it* *im and ma>e sure t*at *e ontinuall7 trusts one:s <ord"
Approa*ing sub2ets t*at are
dear to *im, see> t*e best <a7 to spea> and to be <ell understood" Dudge t*e oasion, and
determine <*et*er it is
better b7 letter or at t*e time o$ leave=ta>ing" Praise *is good points and use ever7 devie to
enourage *im, per*aps
b7 tal>ing about one:s o<n $aults <it*out tou*ing on *is, but so t*at t*e7 <ill our to
*im" Aave *im reeive t*is in
t*e <a7 t*at a man <ould drin> <ater <*en *is t*roat is dr7, and it <ill be an opinion t*at
<ill orret $aults"
T*is is e-tremel7 di$$iult" '$ a person s $ault is a *abit o$ some 7ears prior, b7 and large it
<on:t be remedied" ' *ave
*ad t*is e-periene m7sel$" To be intimate <it* alt one:s omrades, orreting ea* ot*er:s
$aults, and being o$ one
mind to be o$ use to t*e master is t*e great ompassion o$ a retainer" ;7 bringing s*ame to a
person, bo< ould one
e-pet to ma>e *im a better man&
't is bad taste to 7a<n in $ront o$ people" ?*en one une-petedl7 *as to 7a<n, i$ *e rubs
*is $ore*ead in an up<ard
diretion , t*e sensation <ill stop " '$ t*at does not <or>, *e an li> *is lips <*ile >eeping
*is mout* losed, or
simpl7 *ide it <it* *is *and or *is sleeve in su* a <a7 t*at no one <ill >no< <*at *e is
doing" 't is t*e same <it*
snee4ing" One <ill appear $oolis*" T*ere are ot*er t*ings besides t*ese about <*i* a
person s*ould use are and
?*en a ertain person <as sa7ing t*at present matters o$ eonom7 s*ould be detailed,
someone replied t*at t*is is not
good at all"
't is a $at t*at as* <ill not live <*ere t*e <ater is too lear" ;ut i$ t*ere is du><eed or
somet*ing, t*e $is* <ill *ide
under its s*ado< and t*rive" T*us, t*e lo<er lasses <ill live in tranquilit7 i$ ertain
matters are a bit overloo>ed or
le$t un*eard" T*is $at s*ould be understood <it* regard to people:s ondut"
One <*en Lord Mitsus*ige <as a little bo7 and <as supposed to reite $rom a op7boo>
$or t*e priest @aion, *e
alled t*e ot*er *ildren and aol7tes and said, %Please ome *ere and listen" 't:s di$$iult to
read i$ t*ere are *ardl7
an7 people listening"% T*e priest <as impressed and said to t*e aol7tes, %T*at:s t*e spirit in
<*i* to do ever7t*ing"%
Ever7 morning one s*ould $irst do reverene to *is master and parents and t*en to *is
patron deities and guardian
;udd*as" '$ *e <ill onl7 ma>e *is master $irst in importane, *is parents <ill re2oie and t*e
gods and ;udd*as <ill
give t*eir assent" Cor a <arrior t*ere is not*ing ot*er t*an t*in>ing o$ *is master " '$ one
reates t*is resolution <it*in
*imsel$, *e <ill al<a7s be mind$ul o$ t*e master:s person and <ill not depart $rom *im even
$or a moment"
Moreover, a <oman s*ould onsider *er *usband $irst, 2ust as *e onsiders *is master $irst"
Aording to a ertain person, a number o$ 7ears ago Matsuguma @7oan told t*is stor7 E
'n t*e pratie o$ mediine t*ere is a di$$erentiation o$ treatment aording to t*e Fin and
Fang o$ men and <omen"
T*ere is also a di$$erene in pulse" 'n t*e last $i$t7 7ears, *o<ever, men:s pulse *as beome
t*e same as <omen:s"
+otiing t*is, in t*e treatment o$ e7e disease ' applied <omen:s treatment to men and $ound
it suitable" ?*en '
observed t*e appliation o$ men:s treatment to men, t*ere <as no result" T*us ' >ne< t*at
men:s spirit *ad <ea>ened
and t*at t*e7 *ad beome t*e same as <omen, and t*e end o$ t*e <orld *ad ome" Sine '
<itnessed t*is <it*
ertaint7, ' >ept it a seret"
?*en loo>ing at t*e men o$ toda7 <it* t*is in mind, t*ose <*o ould be t*oug*t to *ave a
<oman:s pulse are man7
indeed, and t*ose <*o seem li>e real men $e<" ;eause o$ t*is, i$ one <ere to ma>e a little
e$$ort, *e <ould be able to
ta>e t*e upper *and quite easil7" T*at t*ere are $e< men <*o ar able to ut <ell in
be*eadings is $urt*er proo$ t*at
men:s ourage *as <aned" And <*en one omes to spea> o$ >ais*a>u, it *as beome an age
o$ men <*o are prudent
and lever at ma>ing e-uses" Cort7 or $i$t7 7ears ago, <*en su* t*ings as matanu>i <ere
onsidered manl7, a man
<ouldn:t s*o< an unsarred t*ig* to *is $ello<s, so *e <ould piere it *imsel$"
All o$ man:s <or> is a blood7 business" T*at $at, toda7, is onsidered $oolis*, a$$airs are
$inis*ed leverl7 <it* <ords
alone, and 2obs t*at require e$$ort are avoided" ' <ould li>e 7oung men to *ave some
understanding o$ t*is"
T*e priest Tannen used to sa7, ::People ome to no understanding beause priests tea* onl7
t*e dotrine o$ :+o
Mind": ?*at is alled :+o Mind: is a mind t*at is pure and la>s ompliation ": T*is is
Lord Sanenori said, %'n t*e midst o$ a single breat*, <*ere perversit7 annot be *eld , is t*e
?a7" :: '$ so, t*en t*e
?a7 is one" ;ut t*ere is no one <*o an understand t*is larit7 at $irst" Purit7 is somet*ing
t*at annot be attained
e-ept b7 piling e$$ort upon e$$ort"
T*ere is not*ing t*at <e s*ould be quite so grate$ul $or as t*e last line o$ t*e poem t*at
goes, %?*en 7our o<n *eart
as>s"% 't an probabl7 be t*oug*t o$ in t*e same <a7 as t*e +embutsu, and previousl7 it
<as on t*e lips o$ man7
Geentl7, people <*o are alled %lever% adorn t*emselves <it* super$iial <isdom and
onl7 deeive ot*ers" Cor t*is
reason t*e7 are in$erior to dull=<ilted $ol>" A dull= <ilted person is diret" '$ one loo>s
deepl7 into *is *eart <it* t*e
above p*rase, t*ere <ill be no *idden plaes" 't is a good e-aminer" One s*ould be o$ t*e
mind t*at, meeting t*is
e-aminer, *e <ill not be embarrassed"
T*e <ord gen means %illusion% or %apparition"% 'n 'ndia, a man <*o uses on2ur7 is alled a
gen2utsus*i H%a master o$
illusion te*nique%I" Ever7t*ing in t*is <orld is but a marionette s*o<" T*us <e use t*e
<ord gen"
To *ate in2ustie and stand on rig*teousness is a di$$iult t*ing" Curt*ermore, to t*in> t*at
being rig*teous is t*e best
one an do and to do one:s utmost to be rig*teous <ill, on t*e ontrar7, brig man7 mista>es"
T*e ?a7 is in a *ig*er
plae t*en rig*teousness" T*is is ver7 di$$iult to disover, but it is t*e *ig*est <isdom"
?*en seen $rom t*is
standpoint, t*ings li>e rig*teousness are rat*er s*allo<" '$ one does not understand t*is on
*is o<n, it annot be
>no<n" T*ere is a met*od o$ getting to t*is ?a7, *o<ever, even i$ one annot disover it b7
*imsel$" T*is is $ound in
onsultation <it* ot*ers" Even a person <*o *as not attained t*is ?a7 sees ot*ers $ront t*e
side" 't is li>e t*e sa7ing
$rom t*e game o$ goE %Ae <*o sees $rom t*e side *as eig*t e7es"% T*e sa7ing, %T*oug*t b7
t*oug*t <e see our o<n
mista>es,% also means t*at t*e *ig*est ?a7 is in disussion <it* ot*ers" Listening to t*e old
stories and reading boo>s
are $or t*e purpose o$ sloug*ing o$$ one:s o<n disrimination and atta*ing onesel$ to t*at
o$ t*e anients"
A ertain s<ordsman in *is delining 7ears said t*e $ollo<ingE
'n one:s li$e" t*ere are levels in t*e pursuit o$ stud7" 'n t*e lo<est level, a person studies but
not*ing omes o$ it, and
*e $eels t*at bot* *e and ot*ers are uns>ill$ul" At t*is point *e is <ort*less" 'n t*e middle
level *e is still useless but is
a<are o$ *is o<n insu$$iienies and an also see t*e insu$$iienies o$ ot*ers" 'n a *ig*er
level *e *as pride
onerning *is o<n abilit7, re2oies in praise $rom ot*ers, and laments t*e la> o$ abilit7 in
*is $ello<s" T*is man *as
<ort*" 'n t*e *ig*est level a man *as t*e loo> o$ >no<ing not*ing "
T*ese are t*e levels in generalJ" ;ut t*ere is one transending level, and t*is is t*e most
e-ellent o$ all" T*is person is
a<are o$ t*e endlessness o$ entering deepl7 into a ertain ?a7 arid never t*in>s o$ *imsel$
as *aving $inis*ed" Ae
trul7 >no<s *is o<n insu$$iienies and never in *is <*ole li$e t*in>s t*at *e *as
sueeded" Ae *as no t*oug*ts o$
pride but <it* sel$=abasement >no<s t*e ?a7 to t*e end" 't is said t*at Master Fag7u one
remar>ed, %' do not >no<
t*e <a7 to de$eat ot*ers, but t*e <a7 to de$eat m7sel$" ::
T*roug*out 7our li$e advane dail7, beoming more s>ill$ul t*an 7esterda7, more s>ill$ul
t*an toda7" T*is is neverending"
Among t*e ma-ims on Lord +aos*ige:s <all t*ere <as t*is oneE ::Matters o$: great onern
s*ould be treated lig*tl7"::
Master lttei ommented, %Matters o$ small onern s*ould be treated seriousl7"% Among
one:s a$$airs t*ere s*ould not
be more t*an t<o or t*ree matters o$ <*at one ould all great onern" '$ t*ese are
deliberated upon during ordinar7
times, t*e7 an be understood" T*in>ing about t*ings previousl7 and t*en *andling t*em
lig*tl7 <*en t*e time omes
is <*at t*is is all about" To $ae an event ane< solve it lig*tl7 is di$$iult i$ 7ou are not
resolved be$ore*and, and t*ere
<ill al<a7s be unertaint7 in *itting 7our mar>" Ao<ever, i$ t*e $oundation is laid
previousl7, 7ou an t*in> o$ t*e
sa7ing, %Matters o$ great onern s*ould be treated lig*tl7,% as 7our o<n basis $or ation"
A ertain person spent several 7ears o$ servie in Osa>a and t*en returned *ome" ?*en *e
made *is appearane at t*e
loal bureau, ever7one <as put out and *e <as made a laug*ingsto> beause *e spo>e in
t*e @amigata dialet" Seen
in t*is lig*t, <*en one spends a long time in ado or t*e @amigata area, *e *ad better use *is
native dialet even more
t*an usual"
?*en in a more sop*istiated area it is natural t*at one s disposition be a$$eted b7
di$$erent st7les" ;ut it is vulgar
and $oolis* to loo> do<n upon t*e <a7s o$ one:s o<n distrit as being booris*, or to be
even a bit open to t*e
persuasion o$ t*e ot*er plae:s <a7s and to t*in> about giving up one:s o<n" T*at one:s o<n
distrit is unsop*istiated
and unpolis*ed is a great treasure" 'mitating anot*er st7le is simpl7 a s*am"
A ertain man said to t*e priest S*unga>u, %T*e Lotus Sutra Set:s *arater is not good
beause it:s so $earsome"%
S*unga>u replied, %'t is b7 reason o$ its $earsome *arater t*at it is t*e Lotus Sutra Set" '$
its *arater <ere not so,
it <ould be a di$$erent set altoget*er"% T*is is reasonable"
At t*e time <*en t*ere <as a ounil onerning t*e promotion o$ a ertain man, t*e
ounil members <ere at t*e
point o$ deiding t*at promotion <as useless beause o$ t*e $at t*at t*e man *ad
previousl7 been involved in a
drun>en bra<l" ;ut someone said, %'$ <e <ere to ast aside ever7 man <*o *ad made a
mista>e one, use$ul men
ould probabl7 not be ome b7" A man <*o ma>es a mista>e one <ill be onsiderabl7
more prudent and use$ul
beause o$ *is repentane" ' $eet t*at *e s*ould be promoted"::
Someone else t*en as>ed, %?ill 7ou Jguarantee *im&% T*e man replied, %O$ ourse ' <ill"%
T*e ot*ers as>ed, %;7 <*at <ill 7ou guarantee *im&%
And *e replied, %' an guarantee *im b7 t*e $at t*at *e is a man <*o *as erred one" A
man <*o bas never one
erred is dangerous"% T*is said, t*e man <as promoted"
At t*e time o$ a deliberation onerning riminals, +a>ane @a4uma proposed ma>ing t*e
punis*ment one degree
lig*ter t*an <*at <ould be appropriate" T*is is a treasur7 o$ <isdom t*at onl7 *e <as t*e
possessor o$" At t*at time,
t*oug* t*ere <ere several men in attendane, i$ it *ad not been $or @a4uma alone, no one
<ould *ave opened *is
mout*" Cor t*is reason *e is alled Master Commenement and Master T<ent7=$ive )a7s"
A ertain person <as broug*t to s*ame beause *e did not ta>e revenge" T*e <a7 o$
revenge lies in simpl7 $oring
one:s <a7 into a plae and being ut do<n" T*ere is no s*ame in t*is" ;7 t*in>ing t*at 7ou
must omplete t*e 2ob 7ou
<ill run out o$ time" ;7 onsidering t*ings li>e *o< man7 men t*e enem7 *as, time piles
upJ in t*e end 7ou <ill give
up" +o matter i$ t*e enem7 *as t*ousands o$ men, t*ere is $ul$illment in simpl7 standing
t*em o$$ and being
determined to ut t*em all do<n, starting $rom one end" Fou <ill $inis* t*e greater part o$
Conerning t*e nig*t assault o$ Lord Asano:s ronin, t*e $at t*at t*e7 did not ommit
seppu>u at t*e Senga>u2i <as an
error, $or t*ere <as a long dela7 bet<een t*e time t*eir lord <as stru> do<n and t*e time
<*en t*e7 stru> do<n t*e
enem7" '$ Lord @ira *ad died o$ illness <it*in t*at period, it <ould *ave been e-tremel7
regrettable" ;eause t*e men
o$ t*e @amigata area *ave a ver7 lever sort o$ <isdom, t*e7 do <ell at praise<ort*7 ats
but annot do t*ings
indisriminatel7, as <as done in t*e +agasa>i $ig*t"
Alt*oug* all t*ings are not to be 2udged in t*is manner, ' mention it in t*e investigation o$
t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai"
?*en t*e time omes, t*ere is no moment $or reasoning" And i$ 7ou *ave not done 7our
inquiring be$ore*and , t*ere
is most o$ten s*ame" Geading boo>s and listening to people:s tal> are $or t*e purpose o$
prior resolution"
Above all, t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai s*ould be in being a<are t*at 7ou do not >no< <*at is
going to *appen ne-t, and
in quer7ing ever7 item da7 and nig*t" Bitor7 and de$eat are matters o$ t*e temporar7 $ore
o$ irumstanes" T*e
<a7 o$ avoiding s*ame is di$$erent" 't is simpl7 in deat*"
Even i$ it seems ertain t*at 7ou <ill lose, retaliate" +eit*er <isdom nor te*nique *as a
plae in t*is" A real man does
not t*in> o$ vitor7 or de$eat" Ae plunges re>lessl7 to<ards an irrational deat*" ;7 doing
t*is, 7ou <ill a<a>en $rom
7our dreams"
T*ere are t<o t*ings t*at <ill blemis* a retainer, and t*ese are ri*es and *onor" '$ one but
remains in strained
irumstanes, *e <ill not be marred"
One t*ere <as a ertain man <*o <as ver7 lever, but it <as *is *arater to al<a7s see
t*e negative points o$ *is
2obs" 'n su* a <a7, one <ill be useless" '$ one does not get it into *is *ead $rom t*e ver7
beginning t*at t*e <orld is
$ull o$ unseeml7 situations, $or t*e most part *is demeanor <ill be poor and *e <ill not be
believed b7 ot*ers" And i$
one is not believed b7 ot*ers, no matter *o< good a person *e ma7 be, *e <ill not *ave t*e
essene o$ a good person"
T*is an also be onsidered as a blemis*"
T*ere <as a man <*o said, %Su* and su* a person *as a violent disposition, but t*is is
<*at ' said rig*t to *is $ae"""
T*is <as an unbeoming t*ing to sa7, and it <as said simpl7 beause *e <anted to be
>no<n as a roug* $ello<" 't <as
rat*er lo<, and it an be seen t*at *e <as still rat*er immature" 't is beause a samurai *as
orret manners t*at *e is
admired" Spea>ing o$ ot*er people in t*is <a7 is no di$$erent $rom an e-*ange bet<een
lo< lass spearmen" 't is
't is not good to settle into a set o$ opinions" 't is a mista>e to put $ort* e$$ort and obtain
some understanding and t*en
stop at t*at" At $irst putting $ort* great e$$ort to be sure t*at 7ou *ave grasped t*e bastes,
t*en pratiing so t*at t*e7
ma7 ome to $ruition is somet*ing t*at <ill never stop $or 7our <*ole li$etime" )o not rel7
on $ollo<ing t*e degree o$
understanding t*at 7ou *ave disovered, but simpl7 t*in>, %T*is is not enoug*"%
One s*ould sear* t*roug*out *is <*ole li$e *o< best to $ollo< t*e ?a7" And *e s*ould
stud7, setting *is mind to
<or> <it*out putting t*ings o$$" ?it*in t*is is t*e ?a7"
T*ese are $rom t*e reorded sa7ings o$ Famamoto Din:=emonE
'$ 7ou an understand one a$$air, 7ou <ill understand eig*t"
An a$$eted laug* s*o<s la> o$ sel$=respet in a man and le<dness in a <oman"
?*et*er spea>ing $ormall7 or in$ormall7, one s*ould loo> *is listener in t*e e7e" A polite
greeting is done at t*e
beginning and $inis*ed" Spea>ing <it* do<nast e7es is arelessness"
't is arelessness to go about <it* one:s *ands inside t*e slits in t*e sides o$ *is *a>ama"
A$ter reading boo>s and t*e li>e, it is best to burn t*em or t*ro< t*em a<a7" 't is said t*at
reading boo>s is t*e <or>
o$ t*e 'mperial Court, but t*e <or> o$ t*e Aouse o$ +a>ano is $ound in militar7 valor,
grasping t*e sta$$ o$ oa>"
A samurai <it* no group and no *orse is not a samurai at all"
A >usemono is a man to rel7 upon"
't is said t*at one s*ould rise at $our in t*e morning, bat*e and arrange *is *air dail7, eat
<*en t*e sun omes up, and
retire <*en it beomes dar>"
A samurai <ill use a toot*pi> even t*oug* *e *as not eaten" 'nside t*e s>in o$ a dog,
outside t*e *ide o$ a tiger"
Ao< s*ould a person respond <*en *e is as>ed, %As a *uman being, <*at is essential in
terms o$ purpose and
disipline&% Cirst, let us sa7, %'t is to beome o$ t*e mind t*at is rig*t no< pure and la>ing
ompliations"% People in
general all seem to be de2eted" ?*en one *as a pure and unompliated mind, *is
e-pression <ill be livel7" ?*en
one is attending to matters, t*ere is one t*ing t*at omes $ort* $rom *is *eart" T*at is, in
terms o$ one:s lord, lo7alt7J
in terms o$ one:s parents, $ilial piet7J in martial a$$airs, braver7 J and apart $rom t*at,
somet*ing t*at an be used b7
all t*e <orld"
T*is is ver7 di$$iult to disover" One disovered, it is again di$$iult to >eep in onstant
e$$et" T*ere is not*ing
outside t*e t*oug*t o$ t*e immediate moment"
Ever7 morning, t*e samurai o$ $i$t7 or si-t7 7ears ago <ould bat*e, s*ave t*eir $ore*eads,
put lotion in t*eir *air, ut
t*eir $ingernails and toenails rubbing t*em <it* pumie and t*en <it* <ood sorrel, and
<it*out $ail pa7 attention to
t*eir personal appearane " 't goes <it*out sa7ing t*at t*eir armor in general <as >ept $ree
$rom rust, t*at it <as
dusted, s*ined, and arranged"
Alt*oug* it seems t*at ta>ing speial are o$ one:s appearane is similar to s*o<iness, it is
not*ing a>in to elegane"
Even i$ 7ou are a<are t*at 7ou ma7 be stru> do<n toda7 and are $irml7 resolved to an
inevitable deat*, i$ 7ou are
slain <it* an unseeml7 appearane, 7ou <ill s*o< 7our la> o$ previous resolve, <ill be
despised b7 7our enem7, and
<ill appear unlean" Cor t*is reason it is said t*at bot* old and 7oung s*ould ta>e are o$
t*eir appearane"
Alt*oug* 7ou sa7 t*at t*is is troublesome and time=onsuming, a samurai:s <or> is in su*
t*ings" 't is neit*er bus7=
<or> nor time=onsuming" 'n onstantl7 *ardening one:s resolution to die in battle,
deliberatel7 beoming as one
alread7 dead, and <or>ing at one:s 2ob and dealing <it* militar7 a$$airs, t*ere s*ould be no
s*ame" ;ut <*en t*e time
omes, a person <ill be s*amed i$ *e is not onsious o$ t*ese t*ings even in *is dreams,
and rat*er passes *is da7s in
sel$= interest and sel$=indulgene" And i$ *e t*in>s t*at t*is is not s*ame$ul, and $eels t*at
not*ing else matters as long
as *e is om$ortable, t*en *is dissipate and disourteous ations <ill be repeatedl7
T*e person <it*out previous resolution to inevitable deat* ma>es ertain t*at *is deat* <ill
be in bad $orm" ;ut i$ one
is resolved to deat* be$ore*and, in <*at <a7 an *e be despiable& One s*ould be
espeiall7 diligent in t*is onern"
Curt*ermore, during t*e last t*irt7 7ears ustoms *ave *angedJ no< <*en 7oung samurai
2eer toget*er, i$ t*ere is not
2ust tal> about mone7 matters, loss and gain, serets, lot*ing st7les or matters o$ se-, t*ere
is no reason to gat*er
toget*er at all" Customs are going to piees" One an sa7 t*at $ormerl7 <*en a man rea*ed
t*e age o$ t<ent7 or
t*irt7, *e did not arr7 despiable t*ings in *is *eart, and t*us neit*er did su* <ords
appear" '$ an elder un<ittingl7
said somet*ing o$ t*at sort, *e t*oug*t o$ it as a sort o$ in2ur7" T*is ne< ustom probabl7
appears beause people
atta* importane to being beauti$ul be$ore soiet7 and to *ouse*old $inanes" ?*at t*ings
a person s*ould be able to
aomplis* i$ *e *ad no *aug*tiness onerning *is plae in soiet7K
't is a <ret*ed t*ing t*at t*e 7oung men o$ toda7 are so ontriving and so proud o$ t*eir
material possessions" Men
<it* ontriving *earts are la>ing in dut7" La>ing in dut7, t*e7 <ill *ave no sel$=respet"
Aording to Master lttei, even a poor penman <ill beome substantial in t*e art o$
alligrap*7 i$ *e studies b7
imitating a good model and puts $ort* e$$ort" A retainer s*ould be able to beome
substantial too, i$ *e ta>es a good
retainer as *is model"
Toda7, *o<ever, t*ere are no models o$ good retainers" 'n lig*t o$ t*is, it <ould be good to
ma>e a model and to learn
$rom t*at" To do t*is, one s*ould loo> at man7 people and *oose $rom ea* person *is best
point onl7" Cor e-ample,
one person $or politeness, one $or braver7, one $or t*e proper <a7 o$ spea>ing, one $or
orret ondut and one $or
steadiness o$ mind" T*us <ill t*e model be made"
An apprentie <ill not be up to *is tea*er:s good points in t*e <orld o$ t*e arts eit*er but
<ill reeive and imitate
onl7 *is bad ones" T*is is <ort*less" T*ere are people <*o are good at manners but *ave no
uprig*tness" 'n imitating
someone li>e t*is, one is li>el7 to ignore t*e politeness and imitate onl7 t*e la> o$
uprig*tness" '$ one pereives a
person:s good points, *e <ill *ave a model tea*er $or an7t*ing"
?*en delivering somet*ing li>e an important letter or ot*er <ritten materials, grasp it
$irml7 in 7our *and as 7ou go
and do not release it one, but *and it over diretl7 to t*e reipient "
A retainer is a man <*o remains onsistentl7 undistrated t<ent7=$our *ours a da7, <*et*er
*e is in t*e presene o$
*is master or in publi" '$ one is areless during *is rest period, t*e publi <ill see *im as
being onl7 areless"
Gegardless o$ lass, a person <*o does somet*ing be7ond *is soial standing <ill at some
point ommit mean or
o<ardl7 ats" 'n t*e lo<er lasses t*ere are even people <*o <ill run a<a7" One s*ould be
are$ul <it* menials and
t*e li>e "
T*ere are man7 people <*o, b7 being atta*ed to a martial art and ta>ing apprenties,
believe t*at t*e7 *ave arrived
at t*e $ull stature o$ a <arrior" ;ut it is a regrettable t*ing to put $ort* mu* e$$ort and in t*e
end beome an %artist"%
'n artisti te*nique it is good to learn to t*e e-tent t*at 7ou <ill not be la>ing" 'n general,
a person <*o is versatile
in man7 t*ings is onsidered to be vulgar and to *ave onl7 a broad >no<ledge o$ matters o$
?*en somet*ing is said to 7ou b7 t*e master, <*et*er it is $or 7our good or bad $ortune, to
<it*dra< in silene s*o<s
perple-it7" Fou s*ould *ave some appropriate response" 't is important to *ave resolution
Moreover, i$ at t*e time t*at 7ou are as>ed to per$orm some $untion 7ou *ave deep
*appiness or great pride, it <ill
s*o< e-atl7 as t*at on 7our $ae" T*is *as been seen in man7 people and is rat*er
unbeoming" ;ut anot*er t7pe o$
person >no<s *is o<n de$ets and t*in>s, %':m a lums7 person but ':ve been as>ed to do
t*is t*ing an7<a7" +o< *o<
am ' going to go about it& ' an see t*at t*is is going to be mu* trouble and ause $or
onern"% T*oug* t*ese <ords
are never said, t*e7 <ill appear on t*e sur$ae" T*is s*o<s modest7 "
;7 inonsisten7 and $rivolit7 <e stra7 $rom t*e ?a7 and s*o< ourselves to be beginners"
'n t*is <e do mu* *arm"
Learning is a good t*ing, but more o$ten it leads to mista>es" 't is li>e t*e admonition o$ t*e
priest @onan" 't is
<ort*<*ile 2ust loo>ing at t*e deeds o$ aomplis*ed persons $or t*e purpose o$ >no<ing
our o<n insu$$iienies"
;ut o$ten t*is does not *appen" Cor t*e most part, <e admire our o<n opinions and beome
$ond o$ arguing"
Last 7ear at a great on$erene t*ere <as a ertain man <*o e-plained *is dissenting
opinion and said t*at *e <as
resolved to >ill t*e on$erene leader i$ it <as not aepted" Ais motion <as passed" A$ter
t*e proedures <ere over
t*e man said, %T*eir assent ame qui>l7" ' t*in> t*at t*e7 are too <ea> and unreliable to be
ounselors to t*e
?*en an o$$iial plae is e-tremel7 bus7 and someone omes in t*oug*tlessl7 <it* some
business or ot*er, o$ten
t*ere are people <*o <ill treat *im oldl7 and beome angr7" T*is is not good at all" At
su* times, t*e etiquette o$ a
samurai is to alm *imsel$ and deal <it* t*e person in a good manner" To treat a person
*ars*l7 is t*e <a7 o$ middle
lass la>e7s"
Aording to t*e situation, t*ere are times <*en 7ou must rel7 on a person $or somet*ing or
ot*er" '$ t*is is done
repeatedl7, it beomes a matter o$ importuning t*at person and an be rat*er rude" '$ t*ere is
somet*ing t*at must be
done, it is better not to rel7 on ot*ers"
T*ere is somet*ing to be learned $rom a rainstorm" ?*en meeting <it* a sudden s*o<er,
7ou tr7 not to get <et and
run qui>l7 along t*e road" ;ut doing su* t*ings as passing under t*e eaves o$ *ouses, 7ou
still get <et" ?*en 7ou
are resolved $rom t*e beginning, 7ou <ill not be perple-ed, t*oug* 7ou still get t*e same
soa>ing" T*is understanding
e-tends to ever7t*ing"
'n C*ina t*ere <as one a man <*o li>ed pitures o$ dragons, and *is lot*ing and
$urnis*ings <ere all designed
aordingl7" Ais deep a$$etion $or dragons <as broug*t to t*e attention o$ t*e dragon god,
and one da7 a real dragon
appeared be$ore *is <indo<" 't is said t*at *e died o$ $rig*t" Ae <as probabl7 a man <*o
al<a7s spo>e big <ords but
ated di$$erentl7 <*en $aing t*e real t*ing"
T*ere <as a ertain person <*o <as a master o$ t*e spear" ?*en *e <as d7ing, *e alled
*is best disiple and spo>e
*is last in2untions E
' *ave passed on to 7ou all t*e seret te*niques o$ t*is s*ool, and t*ere is not*ing le$t to
sa7" '$ 7ou t*in> o$ ta>ing
on a disiple 7oursel$, t*en 7ou s*ould pratie diligentl7 <it* t*e bamboo s<ord ever7
da7" Superiorit7 is not 2ust a
matter o$ seret te*niques"
Also, in t*e instrutions o$ a renga tea*er, it <as said t*at t*e da7 be$ore t*e poetr7
meeting one s*ould alm *is
mind and loo> at a olletion o$ poems " T*is is onentration on one a$$air" All pro$essions
s*ould be done <it*
onentration "
Alt*oug* t*e Mean is t*e standard $or all t*ings, in militar7 a$$airs a man must al<a7s
strive to outstrip ot*ers"
Aording to ar*er7 instrutions t*e rig*t and le$t *ands are supposed to be level, but t*e
rig*t *and *as a tenden7
to go *ig*er" T*e7 <ill beome level i$ one <ill lo<er t*e rig*t *and a bit <*en s*ooting" 'n
t*e stories o$ t*e elder
<arriors it is said t*at on t*e battle$ield i$ one <ills *imsel$ to outstrip <arriors o$
aomplis*ment, and da7 and nig*t
*opes to stri>e do<n a po<er$ul enem7, *e <ill gro< inde$atigable and $iere o$ *eart and
<ill mani$est ourage" One
s*ould use t*is priniple in ever7da7 a$$airs too"
T*ere is a <a7 o$ bringing up t*e *ild o$ a samurai" Crom t*e time o$ in$an7 one s*ould
enourage braver7 and
avoid triviall7 $rig*tening or teasing t*e *ild" '$ a person is a$$eted b7 o<ardie as a
*ild, it remains a li$etime
sar" 't is a mista>e $or parents to t*oug*tlessl7 ma>e t*eir *ildren dread lig*tning, or to
*ave t*em not go into dar>
plaes, or to tell t*em $rig*tening t*ings in order to stop t*em $rom r7ing "
Curt*ermore, a *ild <ill beome timid i$ *e is solded severel7"
One s*ould not allo< bad *abits to $orm" A$ter a bad *abit is ingrained, alt*oug* 7ou
admonis* t*e *ild *e <ill not
improve" As $or su* t*ings as proper spea>ing and good manners, graduall7 ma>e t*e *ild
a<are o$ t*em" Let *im
not >no< avarie" Ot*er t*an t*at, i$ *e is o$ a normal nature, *e s*ould develop <ell b7 t*e
<a7 *e is broug*t up"
Moreover, t*e *ild o$ parents <*o *ave a bad relations*ip <ill be un$ilial" T*is is natural"
Even t*e birds and beasts
are a$$eted b7 <*at t*e7 are used to seeing and *earing $rom t*e time t*e7 are born" Also,
t*e relations*ip bet<een
$at*er and *ild ma7 deteriorate beause o$ a mot*er:s $oolis*ness" A mot*er loves *er *ild
above all t*ings, and <ill
be partial to t*e *ild t*at is orreted b7 *is $at*er" '$ s*e beomes t*e *ild:s all7, t*ere
<ill be disord bet<een
$at*er and son" ;eause o$ t*e s*allo<ness o$ *er mind, a <oman sees t*e *ild as *er
support in old age"
Fou <ill be tripped up b7 people <*en 7our resolution is la-" Moreover, i$ at a meeting 7ou
are distrated <*ile an=
ot*er person is spea>ing, b7 7our arelessness 7ou ma7 t*in> t*at *e is o$ 7our opinion and
7ou <ill $ollo< along
sa7ing, %O$ ourse, o$ ourse,% even t*oug* *e is sa7ing somet*ing t*at is ontrar7 to 7our
o<n $eelings, and ot*ers
<ill t*in> t*at 7ou are in agreement <it* *im" ;eause o$ t*is, 7ou s*ould never be
distrated even $or an instant
<*en meeting <it* ot*ers"
?*en 7ou are listening to a stor7 or being spo>en to, 7ou s*ould be mind$ul not to be
tripped up J and i$ t*ere is
somet*ing t*at 7ou do not agree <it*, to spea> 7our mind, to s*o< 7our opponent *is error,
and to grapple <it* t*e
situation" Even in unimportant a$$airs mista>es ome $rom little t*ings" One s*ould be
mind$ul o$ t*is" Moreover, it is
better not to beome aquainted <it* men about <*om 7ou *ave $ormerl7 *ad some
doubts" +o matter <*at 7ou do,
t*e7 <ill be people b7 <*om 7ou <ill be tripped up or ta>en in, To be ertain o$ t*is $at
7ou must *ave mu*
T*e sa7ing, %T*e arts aid t*e bod7,% is $or samurai o$ ot*er regions" Cor samurai o$ t*e
+abes*ima lan t*e arts bring
ruin to t*e bod7" 'n all ases, t*e person <*o praties an art is an artist, not a samurai, and
one s*ould *ave t*e
intention o$ being alled a samurai"
?*en one *as t*e onvition t*at even t*e slig*test art$ul abilit7 is *arm$ul to t*e samurai,
all t*e arts beome use$ul
to *im" One s*ould understand t*is sort o$ t*ing"
Ordinaril7, loo>ing into t*e mirror and grooming onesel$ is su$$iient $or t*e up>eep o$
one:s personal appearane"
T*is is ver7 important" Most people:s personal appearane is poor beause t*e7 do not loo>
into t*e mirror <ell
enoug* "
Training to spea> properl7 an be done b7 orreting one:s spee* <*en at *ome"
Pratie in letter <riting goes to t*e e-tent o$ ta>ing are in even one=line letters"
't is good i$ all t*e above ontain a quiet strengt*" Moreover, aording to <*at t*e priest
G7o4an *eard <*en *e <as
in t*e @amgala area, <*en one is <riting a letter, *e s*ould t*in> t*at t*e reipient <ill
ma>e it into a *anging sroll "
't is said t*at one s*ould not *esitate to orret *imsel$ <*en *e *as made a mista>e" '$ *e
orrets *imsel$ <it*out t*e
least bit o$ dela7, *is mista>es <ill qui>l7 disappear" ;ut <*en *e tries to over up a
mista>e, it <ill beome all t*e
more unbeoming and pain$ul" ?*en <ords t*at one s*ould not use slip out, i$ one <ill
spea> *is mind qui>l7 and
learl7, t*ose <ords <ill *ave no e$$et and *e <ill not be obstruted b7 <orr7" '$ t*ere is,
*o<ever, someone <*o
blames a person $or su* a t*ing, one s*ould be prepared to sa7 somet*ing li>e, %' *ave
e-plained t*e reason $or m7
areless spee*" T*ere is not*ing else to be done i$ 7ou <ill not listen to reason" Sine ' said
it un<ittingl7, it s*ould
be t*e same as i$ 7ou didn:t *ear it" +o one an evade blame"% And one s*ould never tal>
about people or seret
matters" Curt*ermore, one s*ould onl7 spea> aording to *o< *e 2udges *is listener:s
T*e proper manner o$ alligrap*7 is not*ing ot*er t*an not being areless, but in t*is <a7
one:s <riting <ill simpl7 be
sluggis* and sti$$" One s*ould go be7ond t*is and depart $rom t*e norm" T*is priniple
applies to all t*ings"
't is said, %?*en 7ou <ould see into a person:s *eart, beome ill"% ?*en 7ou are si> or in
di$$iulties, man7 o$ t*ose
<*o <ere $riendl7 or lose to 7ou in dail7 li$e <ill beome o<ards" ?*enever an7one is in
un*app7 irumstanes,
7ou s*ould above all inquire a$ter t*em b7 visiting or sending some gi$t" And 7ou s*ould
never in 7our <*ole li$e be
negligent to<ard someone $rom <*om 7ou *ave reeived a $avor"
;7 su* t*ings t*e onsideration o$ ot*ers an be seen" 'n t*is <orld t*e people <*o <ill
rel7 on ot*ers <*en t*e7 are
in di$$iulties and a$ter<ards not give t*em a t*oug*t are man7 "
Fou annot tell <*et*er a person is good or bad b7 *is viissitudes in li$e" Lood and bad
$ortune are matters o$ $ate"
Lood and bad ations are Man:s ?a7" Getribution o$ good and evil is taug*t simpl7 as a
moral lesson"
;eause o$ some business, Moroo>a Ai>oemon <as alled upon to s<ear be$ore t*e gods
onerning t*e trut* o$ a
ertain matter" ;ut *e said, %A samurai:s <ord is *arder t*an metal" Sine ' *ave impressed
t*is $at upon m7sel$,
<*at more an t*e gods and ;udd*as do&% and t*e s<earing <as anelled" T*is *appened
<*en *e <as t<ent7=si-"
Master lttei said, %?*atever one pra7s $or <ill be granted" Long ago t*ere <ere no
matsuta>e mus*rooms in our
provine" Some men <*o sa< t*em in t*e @amigata area pra7ed t*at t*e7 mig*t gro< *ere,
and no<ada7s t*e7 are
gro<ing all over @itagama" 'n t*e $uture ' <ould li>e to *ave Dapanese 7press gro< in our
provine" As t*is is
somet*ing t*at ever7one desires, ' predit it $or t*e $uture" T*is being so, ever7one s*ould
pra7 $or it"%
?*en somet*ing out o$ t*e ordinar7 *appens, it is ridiulous to sa7 t*at it is a m7ster7 or a
portent o$ somet*ing to
ome" Elipses o$ t*e sun and moon, omets, louds t*at $lutter li>e $lags, sno< in t*e $i$t*
mont*, lig*tning in t*e
t<el$t* mont*, and so on, are all t*ings t*at our ever7 $i$t7 or one *undred 7ears" T*e7
our aording to t*e
evolution o$ Fin and Fang" T*e $at t*at t*e sun rises in t*e east and sets in t*e <est <ould
be a m7ster7, too, i$ it
<ere not an ever7da7 ourrene" 't is not dissimilar" Curt*ermore, t*e $at t*at somet*ing
bad al<a7s *appens in t*e
<orld <*en strange p*enomena our is due to people seeing somet*ing li>e $luttering
louds and t*in>ing t*at
somet*ing is going to *appen" T*e m7ster7 is reated in t*eir minds, and b7 <aiting $or t*e
disaster, it is $rom t*eir
ver7 minds t*at it ours" T*e ourrene o$ m7steries is al<a7s b7 <ord o$ mout*"
Calulating people are ontemptible" T*e reason $or t*is is t*at alulation deals <it* loss
and pain, and t*e loss and
gain mind never stops" )eat* is onsidered loss and li$e is onsidered gain" T*us, deat* is
somet*ing t*at su* a
person does not are $or, and *e is ontemptible"
Curt*ermore, s*olars and t*eir li>e are men <*o <it* <it and spee* *ide t*eir o<n true
o<ardie and greed"
People o$ten mis2udge t*is"
Lord +aos*ige said, %T*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai is in desperateness" Ten men or more annot
>ill su* a man" Common
sense <ill not aomplis* great t*ings" Simpl7 beome insane and desperate":
%'n t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai, i$ one uses disrimination, *e <ill $all be*ind" One needs
neit*er lo7alt7 nor devotion,
but simpl7 to beome desperate in t*e ?a7" Lo7alt7 and devotion are o$ t*emselves <it*in
T*e sa7ing o$ S*ida @i*inosu>e, %?*en t*ere is a *oie o$ eit*er living or d7ing, as long
as t*ere remains not*ing
be*ind to blemis* one:s reputation, it is better to live,% is a parado-" Ae also said, %?*en
t*ere is a *oie o$ eit*er
going or not going, it is better not to go"% A orollar7 to t*is <ould *e, %?*en t*ere is a
*oie o$ eit*er eating or not
eating, it is better not to eat" ?*en t*ere is a *oie o$ eit*er d7ing or not d7ing, it is better
to die"::
?*en meeting alamities or di$$iult situations, it is not enoug* to simpl7 sa7 t*at one is
not at all $lustered" ?*en
meeting di$$iult situations, one s*ould das* $or<ard bravel7 and <it* 2o7" 't is t*e rossing
o$ a single barrier and is
li>e t*e sa7ing, %T*e more t*e <ater, t*e *ig*er t*e boat"%
't is spiritless to t*in> t*at 7ou annot attain to t*at <*i* 7ou *ave seen and *eard t*e
masters attain" T*e masters are
men" Fou are also a man" '$ 7ou t*in> t*at 7ou <ill be in$erior in doing somet*ing, 7ou <ill
be on t*at road ver7 soon
" Master lttei said , %Con$uius <as a sage beause *e *ad t*e <ill to beome a s*olar
<*en *e <as $i$teen 7ears old"
Ae <as not a sage beause *e studied later on"% T*is is t*e same as t*e ;udd*ist ma-im,
%Cirst intention, t*en
A <arrior s*ould be are$ul in all t*ings and s*ould disli>e to be t*e least bit <orsted"
Above all, i$ *e is not are$ul in
*is *oie o$ <ords *e ma7 sa7 t*ings li>e, %':m a o<ard,% or %At t*at time ':d probabl7
run,% or %Ao< $rig*tening,%
or %Ao< pain$ul"% T*ese are <ords t*at s*ould not be said even in 2est, on a <*im, or <*en
tal>ing in one:s sleep" '$ a
person <it* understanding *ears su* t*ings, *e <ill see to t*e bottom o$ t*e spea>er:s
*eart" T*is is somet*ing t*at
s*ould be are$ull7 t*oug*t about be$ore*and "
?*en one:s o<n attitude on ourage is $i-ed in *is *eart, and <*en *is resolution is devoid
o$ doubt, t*en <*en t*e
time omes *e <ill o$ neessit7 be able to *oose t*e rig*t move" T*is <ill be mani$ested
b7 one:s ondut and spee*
aording to t*e oasion" One:s <ord is espeiall7 important" 't is not $or e-posing t*e
dept*s o$ one:s *eart" T*is is
somet*ing t*at people <ill >no< b7 one:s ever7da7 a$$airs"
A$ter ' too> up t*e attitude o$ a retainer, ' never sat sloppil7 <*et*er at *ome or in some
ot*er plae" +eit*er did '
spea>, but i$ t*ere <as somet*ing t*at ould not be done properl7 <it*out <ords, ' made an
e$$ort to settle t*ings b7
putting ten <ords into one" Fama4a>i @urando <as li>e t*is "
't is said t*at even a$ter one:s *ead *as been ut o$$, *e an still per$orm some $untion"
T*is $at an be >no<n $rom
t*e e-amples o$ +itta Fos*isada and Ono )o>en" Ao< s*all one man be in$erior to
anot*er& Mitani Do>7u said,
%Even i$ a man be si> to deat*, *e an bear up $or t<o or t*ree da7s "::
'n t*e <ords o$ t*e anients, one s*ould ma>e *is deisions <it*in t*e spae o$ seven
breat*s" Lord Ta>anobu said,
%'$ disrimination is long, it <ill spoil" % Lord +aos*ige said, %?*en matters are done
leisurel7, seven out o$ ten <ill
turn out badl7" A <arrior is a person <*o does t*ings qui>l7"::
?*en 7our mind is going *it*er and t*it*er, disrimination <ill never be broug*t to a
onlusion" ?it* an intense,
$res* and undela7ing spirit, one <ill ma>e *is 2udgments <it*in t*e spae o$ seven breat*s"
't is a matter o$ being
determined and *aving t*e spirit to brea> rig*t t*roug* to t*e ot*er side"
'n admonis*ing t*e master, i$ one is not o$ t*e proper ran> to do so, it s*o<s great lo7alt7 to
*ave someone <*o is o$
t*at ran> spea> and *ave t*e master orret *is mista>es" To be on a $ooting to do t*is one
must be on ordial terms
<it* ever7one" '$ one does t*is $or *is o<n sa>e, it is simpl7 $latter7" One does t*is, rat*er,
in *is onern to support
t*e lan on *is o<n"
'$ one <ill do it, it an be done"
;ad relations bet<een retired and present rulers, $at*er and son, and elder and 7ounger
brot*ers develop $rom sel$is*
motives" T*e proo$ o$ t*is is t*at t*ere are no su* bad relations bet<een master and
't is unt*in>able to be disturbed at somet*ing li>e being ordered to beome a ronin" People
at t*e time o$ Lord
@atsus*ige used to sa7, ::'$ one *as not been a ronin at least seven times, *e <ill not be a
true retainer" Seven times
do<n, eig*t times up"%
Men li>e +arutomi A7ogo *ave been ronin seven times" One s*ould understand t*at it is
somet*ing li>e being a sel$=
rig*ting doll" T*e master is also apt to give su* orders as a test"
'llnesses and t*e li>e beome serious beause o$ one:s $eelings" ' <as born <*en m7 $at*er
<as sevent7=one 7ears old
and <as *ene a rat*er si>l7 *ild" ;ut beause ' *ave *ad t*e great desire to be o$ use
even in old age, <*en t*e
*ane ame ' improved m7 *ealt* and *aven:t been si> sine" And ' *ave abstained $rom
se- and *ave onsistentl7
ta>en mo-a auter7" T*ere are t*ings t*at ' $eel *ave de$initel7 *ad e$$et"
T*ere is a sa7ing t*at even t*oug* one burns up a mamus*i seven times, it <ill return ea*
time to its original $orm"
T*is is m7 great *ope" ' *ave al<a7s been obsessed <it* one ideaE to be able to reali4e m7
*eart:s desire, <*i* is
t*at, t*oug* ' am born seven times, ea* time ' <ill be reborn as a retainer o$ m7 lan"
Famamoto Din:emon one said t*at it is best $or a samurai to *ave good retainers" Militar7
a$$airs are not matters $or
one person alone, regardless o$ *o< use$ul *e tries to be" Mone7 is somet*ing t*at one an
borro< $rom people, but a
good man annot suddenl7 be ome b7" One s*ould sustain a man >indl7 and <ell $rom t*e
$irst" And in *aving
retainers it <ill not do to nouris* onesel$ alone" '$ 7ou divide <*at 7ou *ave and $eed 7our
lo<er ran>s, 7ou <ill be
able to *old good men"
A person <it* a bit o$ <isdom is one <*o <ill ritii4e t*e times" T*is is t*e basis o$
disaster" A person <*o is
disreet in spea>ing <ill be use$ul during t*e good times and <ill avoid punis*ment during
t*e bad"
;eing superior to ot*ers is not*ing ot*er t*an *aving people tal> about 7our a$$airs and
listening to t*eir opinions"
T*e general run o$ people settle $or t*eir o<n opinions and t*us never e-el" Aaving a
disussion <it* a person is one
step in e-elling *im, A ertain person disussed <it* me t*e <ritten materials at t*e lan
o$$ie" Ae is better t*an
someone li>e me in <riting and resear*ing" 'n see>ing orretion $rom ot*ers, 7ou e-el
't is bad <*en one t*ing beomes t<o" One s*ould not loo> $or an7t*ing else in t*e ?a7 o$
t*e Samurai" 't is t*e same
$or an7t*ing t*at is alled a ?a7" T*ere$ore, it is inonsistent to *ear somet*ing o$ t*e ?a7
o$ Con$uius or t*e ?a7
o$ t*e ;udd*a, and sa7 t*at t*is is t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai" '$ one understands t*ings in t*is
manner, *e s*ould be able
to *ear about all ?a7s and be more and more in aord <it* *is o<n"
Cor a samurai, a simple <ord is important no matter <*ere *e ma7 be" ;7 2ust one single
<ord martial valor an be
made apparent" 'n peae$ul times <ords s*o< one:s braver7" 'n troubled times, too, one
>no<s t*at b7 a single <ord
*is strengt* or o<ardie an be seen" T*is single <ord is t*e $lo<er o$ one:s *eart" 't is not
somet*ing said simpl7
<it* one:s mout*"
A <arrior s*ould not sa7 somet*ing $aint*earted even asuall7" Ae s*ould set *is mind to
t*is be$ore*and" Even in
tri$ling matters t*e dept*s o$ one:s *eart an be seen"
+o matter <*at it is, t*ere is not*ing t*at annot be done" '$ one mani$ests t*e
determination, *e an move *eaven and
eart* as *e pleases" ;ut beause man is plu> less, *e annot set *is mind to it" Moving
*eaven and eart* <it*out
putting $ort* e$$ort is simpl7 a matter o$ onentration"
A person <*o is said to be pro$iient at t*e arts is li>e a $ool" ;eause o$ *is $oolis*ness in
onerning *imsel$ <it*
2ust one t*ing, *e t*in>s o$ not*ing else and t*us beomes pro$iient" Ae is a <ort*less
Until t*e age o$ $ort7 it is best to gat*er strengt*" 't is appropriate to *ave settled lo<n b7
t*e age o$ $i$t7"
?*en disussing t*ings <it* someone, it is best to spea> appropriatel7 about <*atever t*e
sub2et ma7 be" +o matter
*o< good <*at 7ou are sa7ing mig*t be, it <ill dampen t*e onversation i$ it is irrelevant"
?*en someone is giving 7ou *is opinion, 7ou s*ould reeive it <it* deep gratitude even
t*oug* it is <ort*less" '$ 7ou
don:t, *e <ill not tell 7ou t*e t*ings t*at *e *as seen and *eard about 7ou again" 't is best to
bot* give and reeive
opinions in a $riendl7 <a7"
T*ere is a sa7ing t*at great genius matures late" '$ somet*ing is not broug*t to $ruition over
a period o$ t<ent7 to
t*irt7 7ears, it <ill not be o$ great merit" ?*en a retainer is o$ a mind to do *is <or>
*urriedl7, *e <ill intrude upon
t*e <or> o$ ot*ers and <ill be said to be 7oung but able" Ae <ill beome over=ent*usiasti
and <ill be onsidered
rat*er rude" Ae <ill put on t*e airs o$ someone <*o *as done great <or>s, <ill beome a
$latterer and insinere, and
<ill be tal>ed about be*ind *is ba>" 'n t*e pursuit o$ one:s development, i$ *e does not
ma>e great e$$ort and is not
supported b7 ot*ers in *is advanement in t*e <orld, *e <ill be o$ no use"
?*en one is involved in t*e a$$airs o$ a <arrior su* as being a >ais*a>u or ma>ing an
arrest <it*in one:s o<n lan or
group, people <ill notie <*en t*e time omes i$ *e *as resolved be$ore*and t*at no one
an ta>e *is plae" One
s*ould al<a7s ta>e t*e attitude o$ standing above ot*ers in martial valor, al<a7s $eel t*at *e
is in$erior to no one, and
al<a7s ultivate *is ourage"
?*en on t*e battle$ield, i$ 7ou tr7 not to let ot*ers ta>e t*e lead and *ave t*e sole intention
o$ brea>ing into t*e
enem7 lines, t*en 7ou <ill not $all be*ind ot*ers, 7our mind <ill beome $iere, and 7ou
<ill mani$est martial valor"
T*is $at *as been passed do<n b7 t*e elders" Curt*ermore, i$ 7ou are slain in battle, 7ou
s*ould be resolved to *ave
7our orpse $aing t*e enem7"
'$ ever7one <ere in aord and le$t t*ings to Providene, t*eir *earts <ould be at ease" '$
t*e7 are not in aord,
t*oug* t*e7 <ould do ats o$ rig*teousness, t*e7 la> lo7alt7" To be at odds <it* one:s
ompanions, to be prone to
miss even in$requent meetings, to spea> onl7 antan>erous <ords===a1 ome $rom a
s*allo< $oolis*ness o$ mind" ;ut
t*in>ing o$ t*e moment o$ trut*, even t*oug* it be unpleasant, one s*ould $i- it in *is mind
to meet people ordiall7 at
all times and <it*out distration, and in a <a7 in <*i* one <ill not seem bored" Moreover,
in t*is <orld o$
unertainties one is not even sure o$ t*e present" 't <ould be <ort*less to die <*ile being
t*oug*t ill o$ b7 people"
Lies and insinerit7 are unbeoming" T*is is beause t*e7 are $or sel$=pro$it "
T*oug* it is not pro$itable to *ave ot*ers lead t*e <a7, or not to be quarrelsome, or not to
be la>ing in manners, or to
be *umble, i$ one <ill do t*ings $or t*e bene$it o$ ot*ers and meet even t*ose <*om *e *as
met o$ten be$ore in a $irsttime
manner, *e <ill *ave no bad relations*ips" Manners bet<een *usband and <i$e are not
di$$erent $rom t*is" '$ one
is as disreet in t*e end as *e is in t*e beginning, t*ere s*ould be no disord"
T*ere is a ertain priest <*o is said to be able to get ever7t*ing aomplis*ed b7 means o$
*is leverness" T*ere is not
a mon> in Dapan toda7 <*o an oppose *im" T*is is not t*e least bit strange" T*ere is
simpl7 no one <*o sees t*roug*
to t*e $oundation o$ t*ings"
Senilit7 is <*en one goes about doing onl7 t*at to<ards <*i* *e is most inlined" One is
able to suppress and *ide
t*is <*ile *is vigor is still strong, but <*en *e <ea>ens, t*e essential strong points o$ *is
nature appear and are a
s*ame to *im" T*is mani$ests itsel$ in several $orms, but t*ere is not a man <*o does not
get senile b7 t*e time *e
rea*es si-t7" And <*en one t*in>s t*at *e <ill not be senile, *e is alread7 so, 't an be
t*oug*t t*at Master lttei *ad a
senilit7 o$ argumentation" As i$ to s*o< t*at *e alone ould support t*e Aouse o$
+abes*ima, *e <ent about <it* a
senile appearane to prominent people:s *ouses and *atted amiabl7 <it* t*em" At t*e time,
ever7bod7 t*oug*t t*at it
<as reasonable, but t*in>ing about it no<, it <as senilit7" Cor m7sel$, <it* t*at good
e-ample and t*e $eeling t*at
dotage <as overta>ing me, ' delined to partiipate at t*e temple on t*e t*irteent*
anniversar7 o$ Lord Mitsus*ige:s
deat*, and ' *ave deided to sta7 more and more indoors" One must get a lear vie< o$ <*at
lies a*ead"
'$ one is but seure at t*e $oundation, *e <ill not be pained b7 departure $rom minor details
or a$$airs t*at are ontrar7
to e-petation" ;ut in t*e end, t*e details o$ a matter are important" T*e rig*t and <rong o$
one:s <a7 o$ doing t*ings
are $ound in trivial matters"
Aording to a stor7 at t*e G7utai2i, t*ere <as a master o$ t*e ;oo> o$ C*anges in t*e
@amigata area <*o said t*at
even i$ a man is a priest, it is useless to give *im ran> <*ile *e is under t*e ape o$ $ort7"
T*is is beause *e <ill ma>e
man7 mista>es" Con$uius <as not t*e onl7 man to beome unperple-ed a$ter rea*ing t*e
age o$ $ort7" Upon
rea*ing t*e age o$ $ort7, bot* <ise and $oolis* *ave gone t*roug* an appropriate amount
o$ e-periene and <ill no
longer be perple-ed "
Conerning martial valor, merit lies more in d7ing $or one:s master t*an in stri>ing do<n
t*e enem7" T*is an be
understood $rom t*e devotion o$ Sate Tsugunobu"
?*en ' <as 7oung, ' >ept a %)air7 o$ Gegret% and tried to reord m7 mista>es da7 b7 da7,
but t*ere <as never a da7
<*en ' didn:t *ave t<ent7 or t*irt7 entries" As t*ere <as no end to it, ' gave up" Even toda7,
<*en ' t*in> about t*e
da7:s a$$airs a$ter going to bed, t*ere is never a da7 <*en ' do not ma>e some blunder in
spea>ing or in some ativit7"
Living <it*out mista>es is trul7 impossible" ;ut t*is is somet*ing t*at people <*o live b7
leverness *ave no
inlination to t*in> about"
?*en reading somet*ing aloud, it is best to read $rom t*e bell7" Geading $rom one:s mout*,
one:s voie <ill not
endure" T*is is +a>ano S*i>ibu:s tea*ing"
)uring *app7 times, pride and e-travagane are dangerous" '$ one is not prudent in ordinar7
times, *e <ill not be able
to at* up" A person <*o advanes during good times <ill $alter during t*e bad"
Master lttei said, %'n alligrap*7 it is progress <*en t*e paper, brus* and in> are in
*armon7"% Fet t*e7 are so <ont to
be dis2ointedK
T*e master too> a boo> $rom its bo-" ?*en *e opened it t*ere <as t*e smell o$ dr7ing
love buds"
?*at is alled generosit7 is reall7 ompassion" 'n t*e S*in:ei it is <ritten, %Seen $rom t*e
e7e o$ ompassion, t*ere is
no one to be disli>ed" One <*o *as sinned is to be pitied all t*e more"% T*ere is no limit to
t*e breadt* and dept* o$
one:s *eart" T*ere is room enoug* $or all" T*at <e still <ors*ip t*e sages o$ t*e t*ree
anient >ingdoms is beause
t*eir ompassion rea*es us 7et toda7"
?*atever 7ou do s*ould be done $or t*e sa>e o$ 7our master and parents, t*e people in
general, and $or posterit7" T*is
is great ompassion" T*e <isdom and ourage t*at ome $rom ompassion are real <isdom
and ourage" ?*en one
punis*es or strives <it* t*e *eart o$ ompassion, <*at *e does <ill be limitless in strengt*
and orretness" )oing
somet*ing $or one:s o<n sa>e is s*allo< and mean and turns into evil" ' understood t*e
matters o$ <isdom and
ourage some time ago" ' am 2ust no< beginning to understand t*e matter o$ ompassion"
Lord 'e7asu said, %T*e $oundation $or ruling t*e ountr7 in peae is ompassion, $or <*en
one t*in>s o$ t*e people as
being *is *ildren, t*e people <ill t*in> o$ *im as t*eir parent"% Moreover, an:t it be
t*oug*t t*at t*e names %group
parent% and %group *ild% Hi"e", group leader and memberI are so alled beause t*e7 are
atta*ed to ea* ot*er b7 t*e
*armonious *earts o$ a parent=*ild relations*ip &
One an understand t*at Lord +aos*ige:s p*rase, %A $ault$inder <ill ome to be punis*ed
b7 ot*ers,% ame $rom *is
ompassion" Ais sa7ing, %Priniple is be7ond reason,% s*ould also be onsidered
ompassion" Ae ent*usiastiall7
stated t*at <e s*ould taste t*e ine-*austible"
T*e priest Tannen said, %A lever retainer <ill not advane" Ao<ever, t*ere are no ases o$
stupid people oming up
in t*e <orld eit*er"%
T*is <as +a>ano S*i>ibu:s opinion"
?*en one is 7oung, *e an o$ten bring on s*ame $or a li$etime b7 *omose-ual ats" To *ave
no understanding o$ t*is
is dangerous" As t*ere is no one to in$orm 7oung men o$ t*is matter, ' an give its general
One s*ould understand t*at a <oman is $ait*$ul to onl7 one *usband" Our $eelings go to one
person $or one li$etime" '$
t*is is not so, it is t*e same as sodom7 or prostitution" T*is is s*ame $or a <arrior" '*ara
Sai>a>u *as <ritten a $amous
line t*at goes, %An adolesent <it*out an older lover is t*e same as a <oman <it* no
*usband"% ;ut t*is sort o$
person is ridiulous"
A 7oung man s*ould test an older man $or at least $ive 7ears, and i$ *e is assured o$ t*at
person:s intentions, t*en *e
too s*ould request t*e relations*ip" A $i>le person <ill not enter deepl7 into a relations*ip
and later <ill abandon *is
'$ t*e7 an assist and devote t*eir lives to ea* ot*er, t*en t*eir nature an be asertained"
;ut i$ one partner is
roo>ed, t*e ot*er s*ould sa7 t*at t*ere are *indranes to t*e relations*ip and sever it <it*
$irmness" '$ t*e $irst s*ould
as> <*at t*ose *indranes are, t*en one s*ould respond t*at *e <ill never in *is li$e sa7" '$
*e s*ould ontinue to pus*
t*e matter, one s*ould get angr7 J i$ *e ontinues to pus* even $urt*er, ut *im do<n"
Curt*ermore, t*e older man s*ould asertain t*e 7ounger:s real motives in t*e
a$orementioned <a7" '$ t*e 7ounger
man an devote *imsel$ and pet into t*e situation $or $ive or si- 7ears, t*en it <ill not be
Above all, one s*ould not divide one:s <a7 into t<o" One s*ould strive in t*e ?a7 o$ t*e
Aos*ino G7otetsu <as t*e progenitor o$ *omose-ualit7 in our provine, and alt*oug* it an
be said t*at *is disiples
<ere man7, *e instruted ea* one individuall7" Eda7os*i Saburo4aemon <as a man <*o
understood t*e $oundation
o$ *omose-ualit7" One, <*en aompan7ing *is master to ado, G7otetsu as>ed
Saburo4aemon, %?*at *ave 7ou
understood o$ *omose-ualit7&%
Saburo4aemon replied, %'t is somet*ing bot* pleasant and unpleasant"::
G7otetsu <as pleased and said, %Fou *ave ta>en great pains $or some time to be able to sa7
su* a t*ing"::
Some 7ears later t*ere <as a person <*o as>ed Saburo4aemen t*e meaning o$ t*e above"
Ae replied, %To la7 do<n
one:s li$e $or anot*er is t*e basi priniple o$ *omose-ualit7" '$ it is not so, it beomes a
matter o$ s*ame" Ao<ever,
t*en 7ou *ave not*ing le$t to la7 do<n $or 7our master" 't is t*ere$ore understood to be
somet*ing bot* pleasant and
Master lttei said, : :'$ one <ere to sa7 <*at it is to do good, in a single <ord it <ould be to
endure su$$ering" +ot
enduring is bad <it*out e-eption"%
Until one rea*es t*e ape o$ $ort7 it is better to put o$$ <isdom and disrimination and e-el
in vitalit7" Aording to
t*e person and t*e ran>, t*oug* a person *as passed t*e age o$ $ort7, i$ *e *as no vitalit7, *e
<ill pet no response $rom
Geentl7, a ertain person on *is <a7 to Edo sent *ome a detailed letter $rom t*e $irst
nig*t:s inn" T*oug* *e <as a
person <*o negleted su* t*ings <*en *e <as bus7, *e e-elled ot*er people in being as
attentive as t*is"
'n t*e 2udgment o$ t*e elders, a samurai:s obstina7 s*ould be e-essive" A t*ing done <it*
moderation ma7 later be
2udged to be insu$$iient" ' *ave *eard t*at <*en one t*in>s *e *as gone too $ar, *e <ill not
*ave erred" T*is sort o$
rule s*ould not be $orgotten"
?*en one *as made a deision to >ill a person, even i$ it <ill be ver7 di$$iult to sueed b7
advaning straig*t a*ead,
it <ill not do to t*in> about going at it in a long roundabout <a7" One:s *eart ma7 sla>en,
*e ma7 miss *is *ane,
and b7 and large t*ere <ill be no suess" T*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai is one o$ immedia7,
and it is best to das* in
*eadlong" ?*en a ertain man <as going to t*e sutra readings at t*e Dissoin in @a<a>ami,
one o$ *is pages got drun>
on t*e $err7boat and began to pester one o$ t*e sailors" ?*en t*e7 landed on t*e ot*er side,
as t*e page *ad dra<n *is
s<ord, t*e sailor too> a pole and stru> *im on t*e *ead" At t*at time t*e ot*er sailors all
ran up toget*er arr7ing
oars and <ere at t*e point o$ stri>ing t*e page do<n" Ao<ever, as t*e master passed b7 <it*
an air o$ not >no<ing
<*at <as *appening, one o$ t*e ot*er pages ran ba> and apologi4ed to t*e sailors" T*en,
pai$7ing *is omrade, *e
aompanied *im *ome" T*at nig*t t*e page <*o *ad been drun> learned t*at *is s<ord
<as being ta>en a<a7 $rom
+o<, $irst o$ all, it <as an insu$$iien7 on t*e master:s part not to *ave reproved and
pai$ied t*e drun>en page <*ile
t*e7 <ere on t*e boat" Curt*ermore, even t*oug* *is page *ad ated unreasonabl7, a$ter *e
*ad been stru> on t*e
*ead t*ere <as no reason $or an apolog7" T*e master s*ould *ave approa*ed t*e sailor and
t*e drun>en page in an
apologeti manner and ut t*em bot* do<n" Certainl7 *e <as a spiritless master"
T*e resolution o$ t*e men o$ $ormer times <as deep" T*ose bet<een t*e ages o$ t*irteen
and si-t7 <ent to t*e $ront
lines" Cor t*is reason men o$ advaned 7ears *id t*eir age"
Cor serious a$$airs t*at bear diretl7 on onesel$, i$ one does not ta>e are o$ t*ings b7
ma>ing *is o<n 2udgment *is
$oundation and brea>ing t*roug* *eadlong, matters <ill not be broug*t to a lose" 'n
on$erring <it* people about
matters o$ importane, t*ere ma7 be man7 ases <*en 7our a$$air is t*oug*t lig*tl7 o$, or
<*en people <ill not spea>
o$ t*e real irumstanes" At su* times one must use *is o<n 2udgment" At an7 rate, it is
su$$iient to beome a
$anati and *oose to t*ro< a<a7 one:s li$e" At su* a time, i$ one t*in>s about doing t*ings
<ell, on$usion <ill soon
arise and *e <ill blunder" 'n man7 ases one:s do<n$all ma7 be broug*t about b7 an all7
<*o is tr7ing to do
somet*ing $or one:s bene$it, or one ma7 be >illed b7 *is $riend:s >indness" 't is t*e same as
<*en one requests
permission to beome a mon>"
Lord +aos*ige said, %An anestor:s good or evil an be determined b7 t*e ondut o$ *is
desendants ":: A desendant
s*ould at in a <a7 t*at <ill mani$est t*e good in *is anestor and not t*e bad" T*is is $ilial
't is a <ret*ed t*ing t*at one:s $amil7 lineage be t*ro<n into on$usion <it* an adoption
based on mone7 alone"
Su* a t*ing is immoral $rom t*e beginning, but it is e-treme <i>edness to be t*us
immoral <it* t*e e-use t*at
<it*out doing so one <ill be unable to a$$ord even toda7:s rie"
?*en +a>ano S*ogen ommitted seppu>u, t*e members o$ *is group gat*ered at O>i
A7obu:s plae and said various
bad t*ings about *im" A7obu said, %One does not spea> bad t*ings about a person a$ter *is
deat*" And espeiall7
sine a person <*o *as reeived some ensure is to be pitied, it is t*e obligation o$ a
samurai to spea> somet*ing
good o$ *im, no matter *o< little" T*ere is no doubt t*at in t<ent7 7ears S*ogen <ill *ave
t*e reputation o$ a $ait*$ul
retainer"% T*ese <ere trul7 t*e <ords o$ a seasoned man "
To plae one:s armor out splendidl7 is a $ine disipline, but it is su$$iient i$ it is simpl7 all
aounted $or" Cu>abori
'nosu>e :s armor is a good e-ample" Men o$ *ig* ran> and <it* man7 retainers <ill also
need su* t*ings as mone7 to
set aside $or ampaign use" 't is said t*at O>abe @unai made bags equaling t*e number o$
men in *is Jgroup, a$$i-ed a
name to ea*, and put in t*e appropriate amount o$ mone7 $or a ampaign" T*is sort o$
disipline is pro$ound" As $or
men o$ lo< ran>, i$ t*e7 annot ma>e t*e proper preparation at t*e time, t*e7 s*ould rel7 on
assistane $rom t*eir
group leader" To t*is e-tent, it is neessar7 $or t*e group leader to be on intimate terms <it*
*is men be$ore*and" As
$or men <*o are under t*e master:s diretion, and espeiall7 $or t*ose <*o are <it* *im
diretl7, it is better to be
<it*out preparation mone7" At t*e time o$ t*e summer maneuvers at Osa>a, a ertain
person broug*t along t<elve
monme o$ re$ined silver and <ent o$$ <it* Master Ta>u Mus*o" T*is, o$ ourse, <ould *ave
been $ine i$ *e *ad simpl7
ridden o$$ earl7" ' t*in> t*at it is better to dispense <it* su* are"
'n are$ull7 srutini4ing t*e a$$airs o$ t*e past, <e $ind t*at t*ere are man7 di$$erent
opinions about t*em, and t*at
t*ere are some t*ings t*at are quite unlear" 't is better to regard
su* t*ings as un>no<able" Lord Sanenori one said, %As $or t*e t*ings t*at <e don:t
understand, t*ere ere <a7s o$
understanding t*em" Curt*ermore, t*ere are some t*ings <e understand 2ust naturall7, and
again some t*at <e an:t
understand no matter *o< *ard <e tr7" T*is is interesting"%
T*is is ver7 pro$ound" 't is natural t*at one annot understand deep and *idden t*ings"
T*ose t*ings t*at are easil7
understood are rat*er s*allo<"
't is said t*at mu* sa>e, sel$=pride and lu-ur7 are to be avoided b7 a samurai, T*ere is no
ause $or an-iet7 <*en 7ou
are un*app7, but <*en 7ou beome a little elated, t*ese t*ree t*ings beome dangerous"
Loo> at t*e *uman ondition"
't is unseeml7 $or a person to beome pride$ul and e-travagant <*en t*ings are going <ell"
T*ere$ore, it is better to
*ave some un*appiness <*ile one is still 7oung, $or i$ a person does not e-periene some
bitterness, *is disposition
<ill not settle do<n" A person <*o beomes $atigued <*en un*app7 is useless"
Meeting <it* people s*ould be a matter o$ qui>l7 grasping t*eir temperament and reating
appropriatel7 to t*is
person and t*at" Espeiall7 <it* an e-tremel7 argumentative person, a$ter 7ielding
onsiderabl7 one s*ould argue *im
do<n <it* superior logi, but <it*out sounding *ars*, and in a $as*ion t*at <ill allo< no
resentment to be le$t
a$ter<ards" T*is is a $untion o$ bot* t*e *eart and <ords" T*is <as an opinion given b7 a
priest onerning personal
enounters "
)reams are trut*$ul mani$estations" ?*en ' oasionall7 *ave dreams o$ d7ing in battle or
ommitting seppu>u, i$ '
brae m7sel$ <it* ourage, m7 $rame o$ mind <it*in t*e dream graduall7 *anges"
T*is onerns t*e dream ' *ad on t*e nig*t o$ t*e t<ent7= sevent* da7 o$ t*e $i$t* mont*"
'$ one <ere to sa7 in a <ord <*at t*e ondition o$ being a samurai is, its basis lies $irst in
seriousl7 devoting one:s
bod7 and soul to *is master" And i$ one is as>ed <*at to do be7ond t*is, it <ould be to $it
onesel$ in<ardl7 <it*
intelligene, *umanit7 and ourage": T*e ombining o$ t*ese t*ree virtues ma7 seem
unobtainable to t*e ordinar7
person, but it is eas7" 'ntelligene is not*ing more t*an disussing t*ings <it* ot*ers"
Limitless <isdom omes $rom
t*is" Aumanit7 is somet*ing done $or t*e sa>e o$ ot*ers, simpl7 omparing onesel$ <it*
t*em and putting t*em in t*e
$ore" Courage is gritting one: s teet* J it is simpl7 doing t*at and pus*ing a*ead, pa7ing no
attention to t*e
irumstanes" An7t*ing t*at seems above t*ese t*ree is not neessar7 to be >no<n"
As $or out<ard aspets, t*ere are personal appearane, one:s <a7 o$ spea>ing and
alligrap*7" And as all o$ t*ese are
dail7 matters, t*e7 improve b7 onstant pratie" ;asiall7, one s*ould pereive t*eir nature
to be one o$ quiet
strengt*" '$ one *as aomplis*ed all t*ese t*ings, t*en *e s*ould *ave a >no<ledge o$ our
area:s *istor7 and ustoms"
A$ter t*at *e ma7 stud7 t*e various arts as rereation" '$ 7ou t*in> it over, being a retainer is
simple" And t*ese da7s,
i$ 7ou observe people <*o are even a bit use$ul, 7ou <ill see t*at t*e7 *ave aomplis*ed
t*ese t*ree out<ard aspets"
A ertain priest said t*at i$ one t*oug*tlessl7 rosses a river o$ un>no<n dept*s and
s*allo<s, *e <ill die in its
urrents <it*out ever rea*ing t*e ot*er side or $inis*ing *is business" T*is is t*e same as
<*en one is
indisriminatel7 eager in being a retainer <it*out understanding t*e ustoms o$ t*e times or
t*e li>es and disli>es o$
t*e master and, as a result, is o$ no use and brings ruin upon *imsel$" To tr7 to enter t*e
good graes o$ t*e master is
unbeoming" One s*ould onsider $irst stepping ba> and getting some understanding o$
t*e dept*s and s*allo<s and
t*en <or> <it*out doing an7t*ing t*e master disli>es"
'$ 7ou atta* a number o$ bags o$ loves to 7our bod7, 7ou <ill not be a$$eted b7
inlemen7 or olds" Some 7ears
ago +a>ano @a4uma returned to t*is provine as a messenger b7 *orse in t*e dead o$
<inter, and t*oug* *e <as an
old man, *e <as not t*e least bit in pain" 't is said t*at t*at <as beause o$ *is *aving used
loves" Curt*ermore,
drin>ing a deotion o$ t*e $ees $rom a dappled *orse is t*e <a7 to stop bleeding $rom an
in2ur7 reeived b7 $alling
o$$ a *orse"
A $aultless person is one <*o <it*dra<s $rom a$$airs" T*is must be done <it* strengt*"
T*ere is surel7 not*ing ot*er t*an t*e single purpose o$ t*e present moment" A man:s <*ole
li$e is a suession o$
moment a$ter moment" '$ one $ull7 understands t*e present moment, t*ere <ill be not*ing
else to do, and not*ing else
to pursue" Live being true to t*e single purpose o$ t*e moment "
Ever7one lets t*e present moment slip b7, t*en loo>s $or it as t*oug* *e t*oug*t it <ere
some<*ere else" +o one
seems to *ave notied t*is $at" ;ut grasping t*is $irml7, one must pile e-periene upon
e-periene" And one one *as
ome to t*is understanding *e <ill be a di$$erent person $rom t*at point on, t*oug* *e ma7
not al<a7s bear it in mind"
?*en one understands t*is settling into single=mindedness <ell, *is a$$airs <ill t*in out"
Lo7alt7 is also ontained
<it*in t*is single=mindedness"
't is said t*at <*at is alled %t*e spirit o$ an ape: : is seine= t*ing to <*i* one annot return"
T*at t*is spirit graduall7
dissipates is due to t*e <orld:s oming to an end" 'n t*e same <a7, a single 7ear does not
*ave 2ust spring or summer"
A single da7, too, is t*e same"
Cor t*is reason, alt*oug* one <ould li>e to *ange toda7:s <orld ba> to t*e spirit o$ one
*undred 7ears or more ago,
it annot be done" T*us it is important to ma>e t*e best out o$ ever7 generation" T*is is t*e
mista>e o$ people <*o are
atta*ed to past generations" T*e7 *ave no understanding o$ t*is point"
On t*e ot*er *and, people <*o onl7 >no< t*e disposition o$ t*e present da7 and disli>e t*e
<a7s o$ t*e past are too
;e true to t*e t*oug*t o$ t*e moment and avoid distration" Ot*er t*an ontinuing to e-ert
7oursel$, enter into not*ing
else, but go to t*e e-tent o$ living single t*oug*t b7 single t*oug*t"
T*e brave men o$ old times <ere $or t*e most part ro<dies" As t*e7 <ere o$ t*e disposition
to be out running amu>,
t*eir vitalit7 <as strong and t*e7 <ere brave" ?*en ' *ad doubts about t*is and as>ed,
Tsunetomo said, %'t is
understandable t*at sine t*eir vitalit7 <as strong t*e7 <ere generall7 roug* and <ent
about running amu>" T*ese
da7s ro<diness is none-istent beause man:s vitalit7 *as <ea>ened" Bitalit7 *as $allen
be*ind, but man:s *arater *as
improved" Balor is 7et a di$$erent t*ing" Alt*oug* men *ave beome gentle t*ese da7s
beause o$ t*e la> o$ vitalit7,
t*is does not mean t*at t*e7 are in$erior in being ra47 to die" T*at *as not*ing to do <it*
Conerning t*e militar7 tatis o$ Lord +aos*ige, Us*ida S*oemon said t*at it <as
*arateristi o$ *is retainers to
$ae a situation <it* no previous >no<ledge o$ <*at <as to *appen, and $or *im to $reel7
bring ever7t*ing to a $inis*
b7 a single <ord" ?*en *e <as at t*e point o$ passing $rom t*is <orld, *e said not*ing,
even <*en *is *ie$ retainers
ame to see *im"
One Lord 'e7asu gamed not*ing in a battle, but in a later 2udgment it <as said, %'e7asu is a
general o$ great ourage"
O$ *is retainers <*o died in battle, not one o$ t*em died <it* *is ba> turned" T*e7 all died
$aing t*e enem7 lines"%
Sine a <arrior: s dail7 $rame o$ mind is mani$ested even a$ter deat*, it is somet*ing t*at
an bring s*ame to *im"
As Fasuda U>7o said about o$$ering up t*e last <ine up, onl7 t*e end o$ t*ings is
important" One:s <*ole li$e s*ould
be li>e t*is" ?*en guests are leaving, t*e mood o$ being relutant to sa7 $are<ell is
essential" '$ t*is mood is la>ing,
one <ill appear bored and t*e da7 and evening:s onversation <ill disappear" 'n all dealings
<it* people it is essential
to *ave a $res* approa*" One s*ould onstantl7 give t*e impression t*at *e is doing
somet*ing e-eptional" 't is said
t*at t*is is possible <it* but a little understanding"
Our bodies are given li$e $rom t*e midst o$ not*ingness" E-isting <*ere t*ere is not*ing is
t*e meaning o$ t*e p*rase,
%Corm is emptiness"% T*at all t*ings are provided $or b7 not*ingness is t*e meaning o$ t*e
p*rase, %Emptiness is
$orm"%: One s*ould not t*in> t*at t*ese are t<o separate t*ings "
Uesugi @ens*in said, %' never >ne< about <inning $rom beginning to end, but onl7 about
not being be*ind in a
situation"% T*is is interesting" A retainer <ill be dumb$ounded i$ *e is be*ind in a situation"
'n ea* and ever7 instane
one:s $untion or responsiveness <ill not be s*allo< i$ *e is not be*ind "
One s*ould be <ar7 o$ tal>ing on end about su* sub2ets as learning, moralit7 or $ol>lore
in $ront o$ elders or people
o$ ran>" 't is disagreeable to listen to"
'n t*e @amigata area t*e7 *ave a sort o$ tiered lun* bo- t*e7 use $or a single da7 <*en
$lo<er vie<ing" Upon
returning, t*e7 t*ro< t*em a<a7, trampling t*em under$oot" As mig*t be e-peted, t*is is
one o$ m7 reolletions o$
t*e apital H@7otoI" T*e end is important in all t*ings"
?*ile <al>ing along t*e road toget*er, Tsunetomo said, %'s not man li>e a <ell=operated
puppet& 't is a piee o$
de-terous <or>mans*ip t*at *e an run, 2ump, leap, and even tal> t*oug* t*ere are no
strings atta*ed" ?ill <e not be
guests at ne-t 7ear:s ;en Cestival& T*is <orld is vanit7 indeed" People al<a7s $orget t*is"%
't <as one said to one o$ t*e 7oung lords t*at %rig*t no<:: is ::at t*at time, :: and ::at t*at
time:: is ::rig*t no<":: One <ill
miss t*e oasion i$ *e t*in>s t*at t*ese t<o are di$$erent" Cor e-ample, i$ one <ere alled
be$ore t*e master to e-plain
somet*ing rig*t a<a7, *e <ould most li>el7 be perple-ed" T*is is proo$ t*at *e understands
t*e t<o to be di$$erent" '$,
*o<ever, a person ma>es %rig*t no<% and %at t*at time% one, t*oug* *e <ill never be an
advisor to t*e master, still *e
is a retainer, and in order to be able to sa7 somet*ing learl7, <*et*er it be in $ront o$ t*e
master, t*e elders or even
t*e s*ogun at Edo Castle, it s*ould be pratied be$ore*and in t*e orner o$ one:s bedroom"
All t*ings are li>e t*is" Aordingl7, one s*ould inquire into t*ings are$ull7" 't is t*e same
$or martial training as $or
o$$iial business" ?*en one attempts to onentrate t*ings in t*is manner, <on:t dail7
negligene and toda7:s la> o$
resolve be understood&
Even t*oug* one *as made some blunder in governmental <or>, it an probabl7 be e-used
b7 pleading lumsiness or
ine-periene" ;ut <*at >ind o$ e-use ma7 be given $or t*e $ailure o$ t*e men <*o <ere
involved in t*is reent
une-peted event&% Master Din:emon al<a7s used to sa7, %'t is enoug* i$ a <arrior is simpl7
a stal<art,% and t*is is
2ust su* a ase" '$ one $elt t*at su* a $ailure <ere a morti$iation, it <ould be t*e least *e
ould do to ut open *is
stoma*, rat*er t*an live on in s*ame <it* a burning in *is breast and t*e $eeling t*at *e
*ad no plae to go, and, as
*is lu> as a <arrior *ad run out, *e <as no longer able to $untion qui>l7 and *ad been
given a bad name" ;ut i$ one
regretted losing *is li$e and reasoned t*at *e s*ould live beause su* a deat* <ould be
useless, t*en $or t*e ne-t $ive,
ten or t<ent7 7ears o$ *is li$e, *e <ould be pointed at $rom be*ind and overed <it* s*ame"
A$ter *is deat* *is orpse
<ould be smeared <it* disgrae, *is guiltless desendants <ould reeive *is dis*onor $or
*aving been born in *is line,
*is anestors: name <ould be dragged do<n, and all t*e members o$ *is $amil7 <ould be
blemis*ed" Su*
irumstanes are trul7 regrettable"
'$ one *as no earnest dail7 intention, does not onsider <*at it is to be a <arrior even in *is
dreams, and lives t*roug*
t*e da7 idl7, *e an be said to be <ort*7 o$ punis*ment"
Presumabl7 it an be said t*at a man <*o *as been ut do<n <as la>ing in abilit7 and *ad
run out o$ lu> as a
<arrior" T*e man <*o ut *im do<n, ompelled b7 unavoidable irumstanes and $eeling
t*at t*ere <as not*ing else
to be done, also put *is li$e on t*e line, and t*us t*ere s*ould be no evidene o$ o<ardie"
;eing s*ort=tempered is
inappropriate, but it annot be said t*at t<o men <*o $ae ea* ot*er are o<ards" 'n t*is
reent event, *o<ever, t*e
men <*o lived and overed t*emselves <it* s*ame <ere not true <arriors "
One s*ould ever7 da7 t*in> over and ma>e an e$$ort to implant in *is mind t*e sa7ing, %At
t*at time is rig*t no<"% 't
is said t*at it is strange indeed t*at an7one is able to pass t*roug* li$e b7 one means or
anot*er in negligene" T*us,
t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai is, morning a$ter morning, t*e pratie o$ deat*, onsidering
<*et*er it <ill be *ere or be
t*ere, imagining t*e most sig*tl7 <a7 o$ d7ing, and putting one:s mind $irml7 in deat*"
Alt*oug* t*is ma7 be a most
di$$iult t*ing, i$ one <ill do it, it an be done" T*ere is not*ing t*at one s*ould suppose
annot be done"
Moreover, t*e in$luene o$ <ords is important in militar7 a$$airs" 't <ould *ave been best
$or stopping t*e man in t*is
reent event, too" ?*en t*e situation is too mu*, one ma7 eit*er ut t*e man do<n, or, i$
t*e man is esaping, 7ell
somet*ing li>e, %)on:t run ' Onl7 o<ards run K% and t*us, aording to <*at t*e situation
demands, a*ieve one:s
goals b7 t*e in$luene o$ <ords" T*ere <as a ertain man <*o <as said to be good at
2udging men:s dispositions and
$ormerl7 *ad ever7one:s attention, and *e <as able to *andle su* ases" T*is is proo$ t*at
%rig*t no<% is no di$$erent
$rom %<*en t*e time omes"% T*e position o$ 7o>o4a no 7ari is anot*er e-ample o$ t*is "O 't
is somet*ing t*at s*ould
be made one:s aim be$ore*and"
T*e t*ings to be deepl7 onsidered be$ore*and are man7" '$ t*ere is someone <*o *as >illed
a man in t*e lord:s
mansion and *as managed to esape, as one does not >no< <*et*er *e ma7 still be
s<inging *is s<ord and advaning
to<ard t*e room ne-t to t*e lord:s, *e s*ould ut t*e man do<n" 'ndeed, one ma7 be blamed
later in an investigation
as a on$ederate o$ t*e >iller, or as someone <*o *ad a grudge against *im" ;ut at t*at time
one s*ould t*in> onl7 o$
utting t*e man do<n and not antiipate later blame"
Even i$ one:s *ead <ere to be suddenl7 ut o$$, *e s*ould be able to do one more ation
<it* ertaint7" T*e last
moments o$ +itta Fos*isada are proo$ o$ t*is " Aad *is spirit been <ea>, *e <ould *ave
$allen t*e moment *is *ead
<as severed" Geentl7, t*ere is t*e e-ample o$ Ono )o>en" T*ese ations ourred beause
o$ simple determination"
?it* martial valor, i$ one beomes li>e a revenge$ul g*ost and s*o<s great determination,
t*oug* *is *ead is ut o$$,
*e s*ould not die"
?*et*er people be o$ *ig* or lo< birt*, ri* or poor, old or 7oung, enlig*tened or on$used,
t*e7 are all ali>e in t*at
t*e7 <ill one da7 die" 't is not t*at <e don:t >no< t*at <e are going to die, but <e grasp at
stra<s" ?*ile >no<ing t*at
<e <ill die someda7, <e t*in> t*at all t*e ot*ers <ill die be$ore us and t*at <e <ill be t*e
last to go" )eat* seems a
long <a7 o$t "
's t*is not s*allo< t*in>ing& 't is <ort*less and is onl7 a 2o>e <it*in a dream" 't <ill not do
to t*in> in su* a <a7 and
be negligent" inso$ar as deat* is al<a7s at one:s door, one s*ould ma>e su$$iient e$$ort and
at qui>l7"
't is good to arr7 some po<dered rouge in one:s sleeve" 't ma7 *appen t*at <*en one is
sobering up or <a>ing $rom
sleep, *is omple-ion ma7 be poor" At su* a time it is good to ta>e out and appl7 some
po<dered rouge"
T*ere are times <*en a person gets arried a<a7 and tal>s on <it*out t*in>ing mu*" ;ut
t*is an be seen b7
observers <*en one:s mind is $lippant and la>ing trut*" A$ter su* an oasion it is best to
ome $ae to $ae <it* t*e
trut* and e-press it" T*e trut* <ill t*en be arrived at in one:s o<n *eart too" Even <*en
greeting someone lig*tl7, one
s*ould onsider t*e irumstanes and a$ter deliberation spea> in a <a7 t*at <ill not in2ure
t*e man:s $eelings"
Curt*ermore, i$ t*ere is a person <*o is ritii4ing t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai or one:s o<n
provine, one s*ould spea>
<it* *im severel7, <it*out t*e least bit o$ eremon7" One must be resolved in advane"
Alt*oug* a person <*o e-els in an art regards ot*ers as ompetitors, last 7ear A7odo
Sa*u gave up t*e title o$
Master o$ Genga to Famagu*i S*o*in" A praise<ort*7 at"
T*e priest Tannen used to *ang up <ind=bells but said, %'t:s not beause ' li>e t*e sound" '
*ang t*em in order to >no<
t*e <ind onditions in t*e event o$ $ire, $or t*at is t*e onl7 <orr7 in *aving a large temple"%
?*en t*e <ind ble<, *e
*imsel$ <al>ed about at nig*t" T*roug*out *is <*ole li$e t*e $ire in *is bra4ier <as never
out, and *e al<a7s put a
paper lantern and lig*ter b7 *is pillo<" Ae said, : :People are $lustered during an emergen7,
and t*ere is no one to
qui>l7 stri>e a lig*t"%
'$ one ma>es a distintion bet<een publi plaes and one:s sleeping quarters, or bet<een
being on t*e battle$ield and
on t*e tatami, <*en t*e moment omes t*ere <ill not be time $or ma>ing amends" T*ere is
onl7 t*e matter o$ onstant
a<areness" '$ it <ere not $or men <*o demonstrate valor on t*e tatami, one ould not $ind
t*em on t*e battle$ield
;raver7 and o<ardie are not t*ings t*at an be on2etured in times o$ peae" T*e7 are in
di$$erent ategories"
T*oug* it ma7 be said t*at t*e gods disli>e impurit7, i$ one t*in>s a bit, *e <ill see t*at *e
*as not been negligent in
*is dail7 <ors*ip" T*us, one:s previous $ait*$ulness *as been e-atl7 $or t*e sa>e o$ pra7ing
$or good $ortune in su*
times as <*en one is barbed in blood and limbing over t*e dead" At su* a time, i$ it is a
god t*at turns ba> <*en
one is de$iled, t*en one s*ould >no< learl7 t*at pra7ing is ine$$etive and s*ould <ors*ip
regardless o$ de$ilement"
At times o$ great trouble or disaster, one <ord <ill su$$ie" At times o$ *appiness, too, one
<ord <ill be enoug*" And
<*en meeting or tal>ing <it* ot*ers, one <ord <ill do" One s*ould t*in> <ell and t*en
spea>" T*is is lear and $irm,
and one s*ould learn it <it* no doubts" 't is a matter o$ putting $ort* one:s <*ole e$$ort and
*aving t*e orret attitude
previousl7" T*is is ver7 di$$iult to e-plain but is somet*ing t*at ever7one s*ould <or> on
in *is *eart" '$ a person *as
not learned t*is in *is *eart, it is not li>el7 t*at *e <ill understand it"
Auman li$e is trul7 a s*ort a$$air" 't is better to live doing t*e t*ings t*at 7ou li>e" 't is
$oolis* to live <it*in t*is dream
o$ a <orld seeing unpleasantness and doing onl7 t*ings t*at 7ou do not li>e" ;ut it is
important never to tell t*is to
7oung people as it is somet*ing t*at <ould be *arm$ul i$ inorretl7 understood"
Personall7, ' li>e to sleep" And ' intend to appropriatel7 on$ine m7sel$ more and more to
m7 living quarters and pass
m7 li$e a<a7 sleeping"
' *ad a dream on t*e nig*t o$ t*e t<ent7=eig*t* da7 o$ t*e t<el$t* mont* in t*e t*ird 7ear o$
S*oto>u" T*e ontent o$
t*e dream *anged graduall7 to t*e e-tent t*at ' strengt*ened m7 <ill" T*e ondition o$ a
person is revealed b7 *is
dreams" 't <ould be good to ma>e ompanions o$ 7our dreams and to put $ort* e$$ort"
S*ame and repentane are li>e upsetting a pot o$ <ater" ?*en a ertain $riend o$ mine
listened to t*e <a7 t*at a man
<*o *ad stolen *is s<ord ornament on$essed, *e $elt ompassion" '$ one <ill reti$7 *is
mista>es, t*eir traes <ill
soon disappear"
Aording to <*at t*e ;udd*ist priest @aion said, a person beomes more and more
pride$ul i$ *e gains a little
understanding beause *e t*in>s *e >no<s *is o<n limits and <ea> points" Ao<ever, it is a
di$$iult t*ing to trul7
>no< one:s o<n limits and <ea> points"
At a glane, ever7 individual:s o<n measure o$ dignit7 is mani$ested 2ust as it is" T*ere is
dignit7 in personal
appearane" T*ere is dignit7 in a alm aspet" T*ere is dignit7 in a pauit7 o$ <ords" T*ere
is dignit7 in $la<lessness
o$ manners" T*ere is dignit7 in solemn be*avior" And t*ere is dignit7 in deep insig*t and a
lear perspetive"
T*ese are all re$leted on t*e sur$ae" ;ut in t*e end, t*eir $oundation is simpliit7 o$
t*oug*t and tautness o$ spirit"
Covetousness, anger and $oolis*ness are t*ings to sort out <ell" ?*en bad t*ings *appen in
t*e <orld, i$ 7ou loo> at
t*em omparativel7, t*e7 are not unrelated to t*ese t*ree t*ings" Loo>ing omparativel7 at
t*e good t*ings, 7ou <ill
see t*at t*e7 are not e-luded $rom <isdom, *umanit7 and braver7 "
T*is is aording to <*at +a>ano @a4uma Tos*ia>i said" T*ere are people <*o $eel t*at
using old utensils $or t*e Tea
Ceremon7 is oarse, and t*at it is better to use ne<, lean utensils" T*ere are also people
<*o are <ont to use old
materials beause o$ t*eir la> o$ gaudiness" ;ot* are mista>en" Old utensils, alt*oug* t*e7
are t*ings t*at are used b7
t*e *umble, are also used b7 t*e *ig*er lasses beause o$ t*eir value" T*eir value is
A retainer is 2ust li>e t*is" A person rises $rom t*e *umble to t*e *ig*er lasses beause *e
*as value" At t*e same
time, to $eel t*at a person o$ no $amil7 annot do t*e same <or> as one o$ *ig*er $amil7, or
t*at a man <*o *as
*ereto$ore been onl7 a $oot soldier s*ould not be allo<ed to beome a leader, is entirel7
<rong t*in>ing" As $or a
person <*o *as risen $rom t*e *umble, *is value s*ould be pri4ed and espeiall7 respeted,
even more t*an t*at o$ a
person <*o <as born into *is lass"
M7 $at*er Din:emon said t*at <*en *e <as 7oung *e <as ta>en $rom time to time to t*e
entrane o$ t*e C*inese
settlement in order to be e-posed to t*e atmosp*ere o$ t*e it7 and to beome used to
people" Crom t*e time *e <as
$ive 7ears old *e <as sent as $amil7 representative to various people:s *omes, and in order
to ma>e *im strong *e <as
made to put on a <arrior:s stra< sandals and visit t*e temples o$ *is anestors $rom t*e time
*e <as seven"
't is said t*at one <ill not be able to do great <or>s i$ *e does not be*ave <it* some reserve
to<ards *is master, t*e
*ie$ retainers and elders" ?*at is done asuall7 and $reel7 <ill not <or> out <ell" 't is a
matter o$ attitude"
't is un$itting t*at one be ignorant o$ t*e *istor7 and origins o$ *is lan and its retainers" ;ut
t*ere are times <*en
e-tensive >no<ledge beomes a *indrane" One s*ould use disretion" @no<ing t*e
irumstanes an be an
obstrution in ever7da7 a$$airs, too" One s*ould use disretion"
't is <ritten t*at t*e priest S*unga>u said, %'n 2ust re$using to retreat $rom somet*ing one
gains t*e strengt* o$ t<o
men"% T*is is interesting" Somet*ing t*at is not done at t*at time and at t*at plae <ill
remain un$inis*ed $or a
li$etime" At a time <*en it is di$$iult to omplete matters <it* t*e strengt* o$ a single man,
one <ill bring it to a
onlusion <it* t*e strengt* o$ t<o" '$ one t*in>s about it later, *e <ill be negligent all *is
%Stamp qui>l7 and pass t*roug* a <all o$ iron% is anot*er interesting p*rase" To qui>l7
brea> in and stamp t*roug*
diretl7 is t*e $irst step o$ elerit7" 'n onnetion <it* t*is, Aide7os*i an be t*oug*t o$ as
t*e onl7 man <*o *as
grasped solidl7 t*e *ane o$ a li$etime sine t*e reation o$ Dapan"
People <*o tal> on and on about matters o$ little importane probabl7 *ave some omplaint
in t*e ba> o$ t*eir mind"
;ut in order to be ambiguous and to *ide t*is t*e7 repeat <*at t*e7 are saving over and
over" To *ear somet*ing li>e
t*is auses doubt to arise in one:s breast"
One s*ould be are$ul and not sa7 t*ings t*at are li>el7 to ause trouble at t*e time" ?*en
some di$$iult7 arises in
t*is <orld, people get e-ited, and be$ore one >no<s it t*e matter is on ever7one:s lips" T*is
is useless" '$ <orse
omes to <orse, 7ou ma7 beome t*e sub2et o$ gossip, or at least 7ou <ill *ave made
enemies b7 sa7ing somet*ing
unneessar7 and <ill *ave reated ill <ill" 't is said t*at at su* a time it is better to sta7 at
*ome and t*in> o$ poetr7"
To tal> about ot*er people:s a$$airs is a great mista>e" To praise t*em, too, is un$itting" 'n
an7 event, it is best to >no<
7our o<n abilit7 <ell, to put $ort* e$$ort in 7our endeavors, and to be disreet in spee*"
T*e *eart o$ a virtuous person *as settled do<n and *e does not rus* about at t*ings" A
person o$ little merit is not at
peae but <al>s about ma>ing trouble and is in on$lit <it* all"
't is a good vie<point to see t*e <orld as a dream" ?*en 7ou *ave somet*ing li>e a
nig*tmare, 7ou <ill <a>e up and
tell 7oursel$ t*at it <as onl7 a dream" 't is said t*at t*e <orld <e live in is not a bit di$$erent
$rom t*is"
People <it* intelligene <ill use it to $as*ion t*ings bot* true and $alse and <ill tr7 to pus*
t*roug* <*atever t*e7
<ant <it* t*eir lever reasoning" T*is is in2ur7 $rom intelligene " +ot*ing 7ou do <ill *ave
e$$et i$ 7ou do not use
'n a$$airs li>e la< suits or even in arguments, b7 losing qui>l7 one <ill lose in $ine
$as*ion" 't is li>e sumo
H<restlingI" '$ one t*in>s onl7 o$ <inning, a sordid vitor7 <ill be <orse t*an a de$eat" Cor
t*e most part, it beomes a
squalid de$eat"
Ceeling deepl7 t*e di$$erene bet<een onesel$ and ot*ers, bearing ill <ill and $alling out
<it* people==t*ese t*ings
ome $rom a *eart t*at la>s ompassion" '$ one <raps up ever7t*ing <it* a *eart o$
ompassion, t*ere <ill be no
oming into on$lit <it* people"
A person <*o >no<s but a little <ill put on an air o$ >no<ledge" T*is is a matter o$
ine-periene" ?*en someone
>no<s somet*ing <ell, it <ill not be seen in *is manner" T*is person is genteel"
?*en going someplae $or a tal> or somet*ing similar, it is best to let t*e person >no<
a*ead o$ time, and t*en go" To
go <it*out >no<ing <*et*er t*e ot*er part7 is bus7, or <*en *e *as some partiular
an-iet7, is a<><ard" T*ere is
not*ing t*at surpasses not going <*ere 7ou *ave not been invited" Lood $riends are rare"
Even i$ someone is invited
some<*ere, *e s*ould use understanding" 't is di$$iult to $eel deepl7 t*e sensitivities o$
people ot*er t*an t*ose <*o
go out onl7 rarel7" Ciasos at pleasure gat*erings are numerous "
Ao<ever, 7ou s*ould not be brusque to<ards a person <*o *as ome to visit, even i$ 7ou
are bus7"
't is bad to arr7 even a good t*ing too $ar" Even onerning t*ings su* as ;udd*ism,
;udd*ist sermons, and moral
lessons, tal>ing too mu* <ill bring *arm"
T*e late Din:emon said t*at it is better not to bring up daug*ters" T*e7 are a blemis* to t*e
$amil7 name and a s*ame to
t*e parents" T*e eldest daug*ter is speial, but it is better to disregard t*e ot*ers"
T*e priest @ei*o related t*at Lord A>i one said t*at martial valor is a matter o$ beoming
a $anati" ' t*oug*t t*at
t*is <as surprisingl7 in aord <it* m7 o<n resolve and t*erea$ter beame more and more
e-treme in m7 $anatiism"
T*e late +a>ano @a4uma said t*at t*e original purpose o$ t*e Tea Ceremon7 is to leanse
t*e si- senses" Cor t*e e7es
t*ere are t*e *anging sroll and $lo<er arrangement" Cor t*e nose t*ere is t*e inense" Cor
t*e ears t*ere is t*e sound
o$ t*e *ot <ater" Cor t*e mout* t*ere is t*e taste o$ t*e tea" And $or t*e *ands and $eet t*ere
is t*e orretness o$ term"
?*en t*e $ive senses *ave t*us been leansed, t*e mind <ill o$ itsel$ be puri$ied" T*e Tea
Ceremon7 <ill leanse t*e
mind <*en t*e mind is logged up" ' do not depart $rom t*e *eart o$ t*e Tea Ceremon7 $or
t<ent7=$our *ours a da7,
7et t*is is absolutel7 not a matter o$ taste$ul living" Moreover, t*e tea utensils are somet*ing
t*at s*ould be in aord
<it* one:s soial position"
'n t*e poem, %Under t*e deep sno<s in t*e last village/ Last nig*t numerous bran*es o$
plum blossomed,% t*e
opulene o$ t*e p*rase %numerous bran*es% <as *anged to %a single bran*"% 't is said
t*at t*is %single bran*%
ontains true tranquilit7"
?*en intimate $riends, allies, or people <*o are indebted to 7ou *ave done some <rong,
7ou s*ould seretl7
reprimand t*em and intervene bet<een t*em and soiet7 in a good manner" Fou s*ould
erase a person:s bad
reputation and praise *im as a mat*less all7 and one man in a t*ousand" '$ 7ou <ilt t*us
reprimand a person in
private and <it* good understanding, *is blemis* <ill *eal and *e <ill beome good" '$ 7ou
praise a person, people:s
*earts <ill *ange and an ill reputation <ill go a<a7 o$ itsel$" 't is important to *ave t*e
single purpose o$ *andling all
t*ings <it* ompassion and doing t*ings <ell"
A ertain person said t*e $ollo<ing"
T*ere are t<o >inds o$ dispositions, in<ard and out<ard, and a person <*o is la>ing in
one or t*e ot*er is <ort*less"
't is, $or e-ample, li>e t*e blade o$ a s<ord, <*i* one s*ould s*arpen <ell and t*en put in
its sabbard, periodiall7
ta>ing it out and >nitting one:s e7ebro<s as in an atta>, <iping $ t*e blade, and t*en
plaing it in its sabbard again "
'$ a person *as *is s<ord out all t*e time, *e is *abituall7 s<inging a na>ed blade J people
<ill not approa* *im and
*e <ill *ave no allies"
'$ a s<ord is al<a7s s*eat*ed, it <ill beome rust7, t*e blade <ill dull, and people <ill
t*in> as mu* o$ its o<ner"
One annot aomplis* t*ings simpl7 <it* leverness" One must ta>e a broad vie<" 't <ill
not do to ma>e ras*
2udgments onerning good and evil" Ao<ever, one s*ould not be sluggis*" 't is said t*at
one is not trul7 a samurai i$
*e does not ma>e *is deisions qui>l7 and brea> rig*t t*roug* to ompletion"
One, <*en a group o$ $ive or si- pages <ere traveling to t*e apital toget*er in t*e same
boat, it *appened t*at t*eir
boat stru> a regular s*ip late at nig*t" Cive or si- seamen $rom t*e s*ip leapt aboard and
loudl7 demanded t*at t*e
pages give up t*eir boat:s an*or, in aord <it* t*e seaman:s ode" Aearing t*is, t*e pages
ran $or<ard 7elling, %T*e
seaman:s ode is somet*ing $or people li>e 7ouK )o 7ou t*in> t*at <e samurai are going to
let 7ou ta>e equipment
$rom a boat arr7ing <arriors& ?e <ill ut 7ou do<n and t*ro< 7ou into t*e sea to t*e last
man K% ?it* t*at, all t*e
seamen $led ba> to t*eir o<n s*ip"
At su* a time, one must at li>e a samurai" Cor tri$ling oasions it is better to aomplis*
t*ings simpl7 b7 7elling"
;7 ma>ing somet*ing more signi$iant t*an it reall7 is and missing one:s *ane, an a$$air
<ill not be broug*t to a
lose and <ill be no aomplis*ment at all"
A ertain person <*o ame up <it* a as* s*ortage <*en losing out an aount boo> sent
a letter to *is setion
leader sa7ing, %'t is regrettable to *ave to ommit seppu>u over a matter o$ mone7" As 7ou
are m7 setion leader,
please send some $unds"% Sine t*is <as reasonable, t*e balane <as provided and t*e
matter <as losed" 't is said
t*at even <rongdoings an be managed <it*out detetion"
;7 being impatient, matters are damaged and great <or>s annot be done" '$ one onsiders
somet*ing not to be a
matter o$ time, it <ill be done surprisingl7 qui>l7" Times *ange" T*in> about t*e <orld
$i$teen 7ears $rom no<" 't
s*ould be rat*er di$$erent, but i$ one <ere to loo> into a boo> o$ prop*eies, ' imagine t*at
it <ould not be t*at
di$$erent" 'n t*e passing $i$teen 7ears, not one o$ t*e use$ul men o$ toda7 <ill be le$t" And
even i$ men <*o are 7oung
no< ome $ort*, probabl7 less t*an *al$ <ill ma>e it" ?ort* graduall7 <anes" Cor e-ample,
i$ t*ere <ere a s*ortage o$
gold, silver <ould beome treasure, and i$ t*ere <ere a s*ortage o$ silver, opper <ould be
valued" ?it* *anging
times and t*e <aning o$ men:s apaities, one <ould be o$ suitable <ort* even i$ *e put
$ort* onl7 slig*t e$$ort"
Somet*ing li>e $i$teen 7ears is t*e spae o$ a dream" '$ a man but ta>es are o$ *is *ealt*, in
t*e end *e <ill *ave
aomplis*ed *is purpose and <ill be a valuable person" Certainl7 in a period <*en masters
are man7, one must put
$ort* onsiderable e$$ort" ;ut at t*e time <*en t*e <orld is sliding into a deline, to e-el is
To put $ort* great e$$ort in orreting a person:s bad *abits is t*e <a7 it s*ould be done"
One s*ould be li>e t*e digger
<asp" 't is said t*at even <it* an adopted *ild, i$ 7ou tea* *im ontinuall7 so t*at *e <ill
resemble 7ou, *e surel7
'$ 7our strengt* is onl7 t*at <*i* omes $rom vitalit7, 7our <ords and personal ondut
<ill appear to be in aord
<it* t*e ?a7, and 7ou <ill be praised b7 ot*ers" ;ut <*en 7ou question 7oursel$ about t*is,
t*ere <ill be not*ing to
be said" T*e last line o$ t*e poem t*at goes, %?*en 7our o<n *eart as>s,% is t*e seret
priniple o$ all t*e arts" 't is
said t*at it is a good ensor"
?*en 7ou are listening to t*e stories o$ aomplis*ed men and t*e li>e, 7ou s*ould listen
<it* deep sinerit7, even i$
it:s somet*ing about <*i* 7ou alread7 >no<" '$ in listening to t*e same t*ing ten or t<ent7
times it *appens t*at 7ou
ome to an une-peted understanding, t*at moment <ill be ver7 speial" ?it*in t*e tedious
tal> o$ old $ol>s are t*eir
meritorious deeds"
Lord +aos*ige one said, %T*ere is not*ing $elt quite so deepl7 as giri" T*ere are times
<*en someone li>e a ousin
dies and it is not a matter o$ s*edding tears" ;ut <e ma7 *ear o$ someone <*o lived $i$t7 or
a *undred 7ears ago, o$
<*om <e >no< not*ing and <*o *as no $amil7 ties <it* us <*atsoever, and 7et $rom a
sense giri s*ed tears"%
?*en Lord +aos*ige <as passing b7 a plae alled C*iri>u, someone said to *im, : :'n t*is
plae t*ere lives a man
<*o is over ninet7 7ears old" Sine t*is man is so $ortunate, <*7 don:t 7ou stop and see
*im&% +aos*ige *eard t*is
and said, %Ao< ould an7one be more piti$ul t*an t*is man& Ao< man7 o$ *is *ildren and
grand*ildren do 7ou
suppose *e *as seen $all be$ore *is ver7 e7es& ?*ere is t*e good $ortune in t*at&%
't seems t*at *e did not stop to see t*e man"
?*en Lord +aos*ige <as spea>ing to *is grandson, Lord Motos*ige, *e said, %+o matter
<*et*er one be o$ *ig* or
lo< ran>, a $amil7 line is somet*ing t*at <ill deline <*en its trine *as ome" '$ one tries to
>eep it $rom going to ruin
at t*at time, it <ill *ave an unsig*tl7 $inis*" '$ one t*in>s t*at t*e time *as ome, it is best
to let it go do<n <it* good
grae" )oing so, *e ma7 even ause it to be maintained"%
't is said t*at Motos*ige:s 7ounger brot*er *eard t*is $rom *im"
?*en +abes*ima Tadanao <as $i$teen 7ears old, a manservant in t*e >it*en ommitted
some rude at and a $oot
soldier <as about to beat *im, but in t*e end t*e servant ut t*e soldier do<n" T*e lan
elders deemed t*e deat*
sentene appropriate, sa7ing t*at t*e man *ad in t*e $irst plae erred in matters onerning
t*e ran>s o$ men, and t*at
*e *ad also s*ed t*e blood o$ *is opponent" Tadanao *eard t*is and said, %?*i* is <orse,
to err in matters
onerning t*e ran>s o$ men or to stra7 $rom t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai &:: T*e elders <ere
unable to ans<er" T*en
Tadanao said, %' *ave read t*at <*en t*e rime itsel$ is unlear, t*e punis*ment s*ould be
lig*t" Put *im in
on$inement $or a <*ile"%
One, <*en Lord @atsus*ige <as *unting at S*irois*i, *e s*ot a large boar" Ever7one ame
running up to see it and
said, %?ell, <ell" Fou *ave broug*t do<n an unommonl7 large one K% Suddenl7 t*e boar
got up and das*ed into
t*eir midst" All o$ t*em $led in on$usion, but +abes*ima Matabet dre< *is s<ord and
$inis*ed it o$$" At t*at point
Lord @atsus*ige overed *is $ae <it* *is sleeve and said, %'t sure is dust7"% T*is <as
presumabl7 beause *e did not
<ant to see t*e spetale o$ *is $lustered men"
?*en Lord @atsus*ige <as 7oung, *e <as instruted b7 *is $at*er, Lord +aos*ige, %Cor
pratie in utting, e-eute
some men <*o *ave been ondemned to deat*"% T*us, in t*e plae t*at is no< <it*in t*e
<estern gate, ten men <ere
lined up, and @atsus*ige ontinued to deapitate one a$ter anot*er until *e *ad e-euted
nine o$ t*em" ?*en *e ame
to t*e tent*, *e sa< t*at t*e man <as 7oung and *ealt*7 and said, %':m tired o$ utting no<"
':ll spare t*is man:s li$e"%
And t*e man:s li$e <as saved"
Lord @atsus*ige al<a7s used to sa7 t*at t*ere are $our >inds o$ retainers" T*e7 are t*e
%qui>, t*en lapping,% t*e
%lagging, t*en qui>,% t*e %ontinuall7 qui>,% and t*e ::ontinuall7 lagging":: T*e
%ontinuall7 qui>% are men <*o
<*en given orders <ill underta>e t*eir e-eution qui>l7 and settle t*e matter <ell"
Cu>u*i @i*i4aemon and t*e
li>e resemble t*is t7pe"
T*e %lagging, t*en qui>% are men <*o, t*oug* la>ing in understanding <*en given
orders, prepare qui>l7 and
bring t*e matter to a onlusion" ' suppose t*at +a>ano @a4uma and men similar are li>e
t*is" T*e %qui>, t*en
lagging% are men <*o <*en given orders seem to be going to settle t*ings but in t*eir
preparation ta>e time and
prorastinate" T*ere are man7 people li>e t*is" Ot*er t*an t*ese, one ould sa7 t*at t*e rest
are ::ontinuall7 lagging"%
?*en Lord Ta>anobu <as at t*e ;attle o$ ;ungo, a messenger ame $rom t*e enem7 amp
bearing sa>e and $ood"
Ta>anobu <anted to parta>e o$ t*is qui>l7, but t*e men at *is side stopped *im, sa7ing,
%Presents $rom t*e enem7
are li>el7 to be poisoned" T*is is not somet*ing t*at a general s*ould eat"%
Ta>anobu *eard t*em out and t*en said, %Even i$ it is poisoned, *o< mu* o$ an e$$et
<ould t*at *ave on t*ings&
Call t*e messenger *ereK% Ae t*en bro>e open t*e barrel rig*t in $ront o$ t*e messenger,
dran> t*ree large ups o$
sa>e, o$$ered t*e messenger one too, gave *im a repl7, and sent *im ba> to *is amp"
Ta>agi A>i$usa turned against t*e G7u4o2i lan, appealed to Maeda '7o no >ami 'esada, and
<as s*eltered b7 *im"
A>i$usa <as a <arrior o$ mat*less valor and <as an aomplis*ed and agile s<ordsman"
Ais retainers <ere
'nga4aemon and Cudo4aemon, stal<arts in no <a7 in$erior, and t*e7 le$t A>i$usa:s side
neit*er da7 nor nig*t" T*us it
*appened t*at a request <as sent $rom Lord Ta>anobu to 'esada to >ill A>i$usa" At one
point, <*en A>i$usa <as
seated on t*e veranda *aving 'nga4aemon <as* *is $eet, 'esada ame running up be*ind
*im and stru> o$$ *is *ead,
;e$ore *is *ead $ell, A>i$usa dre< out *is s*ort s<ord and turned to stri>e, but ut o$$
'nga4aemon:s *ead" T*e t<o
*eads $ell into t*e <as* basin toget*er" A>i$usa:s *ead t*en rose into t*e midst o$ t*ose
present" T*is <as t*e sort o$
magi te*nique t*at *e onsistentl7 *ad"
T*e priest Tannen used to sa7 in *is dail7 tal>s t*at E A mon> annot $ul$ill t*e ;udd*ist
?a7 i$ *e does not mani$est
ompassion <it*out and persistentl7 store up ourage <it*in" And i$ a <arrior does not
mani$est ourage on t*e
outside and *old enoug* ompassion <it*in *is *eart to burst *is *est, *e annot beome a
retainer" T*ere$ore, t*e
mon> pursues ourage <it* t*e <arrior as *is model, and t*e <arrior pursues t*e
ompassion o$ t*e mon>"
' traveled about $or man7 7ears and met men o$ <isdom but never $ound t*e means to t*e
pursuit o$ >no<ledge"
T*ere$ore, <*enever ' *eard o$ a man o$ ourage in one plae or anot*er, ' <ould go and
loo> $or *im regardless o$
t*e *ards*ips on t*e <a7" ' *ave learned learl7 t*at t*ese stories o$ t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai
*ave been an aid on t*e
road to ;udd*ism" +o< a <arrior <it* *is armor <ill rus* into t*e enem7 amp, ma>ing
t*at armor *is strengt*" )o
7ou suppose t*at a mon> <it* a single rosar7 an das* into t*e midst o$ spears and long
s<ords, armed <it* onl7
mee>ness and ompassion& '$ *e does not *ave great ourage, *e <ill do no das*ing at all"
As proo$ o$ t*is, t*e priest
o$$ering t*e inense at a great ;udd*ist memorial servie ma7 tremble, and t*is is beause
*e *as no ourage"
T*ings li>e >i>ing a man ba> $rom t*e dead, or pulling all living reatures out o$ *ell, are
all matters o$ ourage"
+evert*eless, mon>s o$ reent times all entertain $alse ideas and desire to beome laudabl7
gentle J t*ere are none
<*o omplete t*e ?a7" Curt*ermore, among <arriors t*ere are some o<ards <*o advane
;udd*ism" T*ese are
regrettable matters" 't is a great mista>e $or a 7oung samurai to learn about ;udd*ism" T*e
reason is t*at *e <ill see
t*ings in t<o <a7s" A person <*o does not set *imsel$ in 2ust one diretion <ill be o$ no
value at all" 't is $ine $or
retired old men to learn about ;udd*ism as a diversion, but i$ a <arrior ma>es lo7alt7 and
$ilial piet7 one load, and
ourage and ompassion anot*er, and arries t*ese t<ent7=$our *ours a da7 until *is
s*oulders <ear out, *e <ill be a
'n one:s morning and evening <ors*ip, and as one goes about *is da7, *e *ad best reite t*e
name o$ *is master" 't is
not a bit di$$erent $rom t*e ;udd*a:s names and *ol7 <ords" Curt*ermore, one s*ould be in
*armon7 <it* *is $amil7
gods" T*ese are matters o$ t*e strengt* o$ one:s $ate" Compassion is li>e a mot*er <*o
nurtures one:s $ate" E-amples
o$ t*e ruin o$ meriless <arriors <*o <ere brave alone are onspiuous in bot* past and
T*ere <as a ertain point in t*e onversation <*en a retainer o$ Lord +abes*ima +ao*iro
said, %T*ere are no men
*ere upon <*om t*e master an trul7 rel7" Alt*oug* ' am onsistentl7 useless, ' am t*e onl7
one <*o <ould t*ro<
a<a7 *is li$e $or 7ou"%
't is said t*at Lord +ao*iro got outrageousl7 angr7, sa7ing, %Among our retainers t*ere is
not a one <*o *olds *is li$e
in regretK Fou are tal>ing arroganeK% and *e <as at t*e point o$ stri>ing *im <*en t*e man
<as pulled a<a7 b7
ot*ers <*o <ere t*ere"
One <*en Master Tanesada, t*e $ounder o$ t*e C*ina $amil7, <as oming b7 sea to t*e
island o$ S*i>o>u, a strong
<ind began blo<ing and t*e boat <as damaged" T*e boat <as saved $rom sin>ing b7
abalone gat*ering toget*er and
overing over t*e damaged setions" Crom t*at time on none o$ t*e C*ina $amil7 nor an7 o$
its retainers ate abalone"
'$ one o$ t*em mista>enl7 ate one, it is said t*at *is bod7 <as overed <it* boils in t*e
s*ape o$ abalone"
At t*e $all o$ t*e astle at Arima, on t*e t<ent7=eig*t* da7 in t*e viinit7 o$ t*e inmost
itadel, Mitsuse Lender sat
do<n on a levee bet<een t*e $ields" ?*en +a>ano S*into*i passed b7 and as>ed t*e reason
$or t*is, Mitsuse replied,
%' *ave abdominal pains and an:t go a step $art*er" ' *ave sent t*e members o$ m7 group
a*ead, so please ta>e
ommand"% T*is situation <as reported b7 t*e overseer, pronouned to be a ase o$
o<ardie, and Mitsuse <as
ordered to ommit seppu>u"
Long ago, abdominal pains <ere alled %o<ardie grass"% T*is is beause t*e7 ome
suddenl7 and render a person
At t*e time o$ Lord +abes*ima +ao*iro:s deat*, Lord Mitsus*ige $orbade +ao*iro :s
retainers t*e pratie o$ tsui$u>u"
Ais messenger <ent to +ao*iro:s mansion and made t*e delaration, but t*ose <*o
reeived t*is ne<s ould in no
<a7 agree to it" Crom t*eir midst 's*imaru Uneme Tlater alled Sei4aemonU spo>e $rom t*e
lo<est seat, %'t is improper
$or me as a 7ounger person to spea> out, but ' t*in> t*at <*at Lord @atsus*ige *as said is
reasonable" As a person
<*o reeived t*e master:s are <*en ' <as 7oung, ' *ad <*ole= *eartedl7 deided on
tsui$u>u" ;ut *earing Lord
@atsus*ige:s ditum and being onvined o$ *is reasoning, no matter <*at t*e ot*ers ma7
do, ' am giving up t*e idea
o$ tsui$u>u and <ill serve t*e master:s suessor"% Aearing t*is, t*e ot*ers all $ollo<ed suit"
One Lord Masaie <as pla7ing s*ogi <it* Lord Aide7os*i and t*ere <ere a number o$
daim7o <at*ing" ?*en it
ame time to <it*dra<, alt*oug* Lord Masaie ould stand, *is $eet <ere numb and *e ould
not <al>" Ae made *is
<it*dra<al ra<ling a<a7, ausing ever7one to laug*" ;eause Lord Masaie <as big and
obese *e <as not ordinaril7
able to be on *is >nees" A$ter t*is event *e t*oug*t it <ould not be $itting to *e in
attendane an7more and began
re$using su* duties "
+a>ano Uemonnosu>e Tadaa>i <as >illed on t*e t<el$t* da7 o$ t*e eig*t* mont* in t*e
si-t* 7ear o$ Eiro>u, at t*e
time o$ t*e $ig*t bet<een Master Loto and Master Airai o$ Su>o on t*e island o$
@abas*ima in t*e @is*ima distrit"
?*en Uemonnosu>e <as leaving $or t*e $ront lines, *e embraed *is son S*i>ibu Tlater
alled Din:emonU in t*e garden
and, alt*oug* S*i>ibu <as ver7 7oung, said, %?*en 7ou gro< up, <in *onor in t*e ?a7 o$
t*e SamuraiK%
Even <*en t*e *ildren in *is $amil7 <ere ver7 7oung, Famamoto Din:emon <ould dra<
near to t*em and sa7, %Lro<
up to be a great stal<art, and be o$ good use to 7our master"% Ae said, %'t is good to breat*e
t*ese t*ings into t*eir ears
even <*en t*e7 are too 7oung to understand"%
?*en Oga<a Tos*i>i7o:s legitimate son Sa*ei @i7o2i died as a 7out*, t*ere <as one 7oung
retainer <*o galloped up
to t*e temple and ommitted seppu>u"
?*en Ta>u +agato no >ami Fasu7ori passed a<a7, @ola Fataemon said t*at *e *ad been
unable to repa7 t*e master:s
>indness and ommitted seppu>u"
+arutomi A7ogo said, %?*at is alled <inning is de$eaing one:s allies" )e$eating one:s
allies is de$eating onesel$, and
de$eating onesel$ is vigorousl7 overoming one:s o<n bod7"
%'t is as t*oug* a man <ere in t*e midst o$ ten t*ousand allies but not a one <ere $ollo<ing
*im" '$ one *asn:t
previousl7 mastered *is mind and bod7, *e <ill not de$eat t*e enem7"::
)uring t*e S*imabara Gebellion, *is armor being still at t*e enampment, S*ug7o E*i4en
no >ami Tanenao
partiipated in t*e $ig*t dressed onl7 in *a>ama and *aori" 't is said t*at *e died in battle in
t*is attire"
At t*e time o$ t*e atta> on t*e astle at S*imabara, Ta4a>i Le>i <as <earing ver7
resplendent armor" Lord
@atsus*ige <as not pleased b7 t*is, and a$ter t*at ever7 time *e sa< somet*ing s*o<7 *e
<ould sa7, %T*at:s 2ust li>e
Le>i:s armor"::
'n t*e lig*t o$ t*is stor7, militar7 armor and equipment t*at are s*o<7 an be seen as being
<ea> and *aving no
strengt*" ;7 t*em one an see t*roug* t*e <earer:s *eart"
?*en +abes*ima <i4en no >ami Tadanao died, *is attendant E4oe @inbei too> *is remains
and *ad t*em onserated
at Mt" @ola" T*en, on$ining *imsel$ in a *ermitage, *e arved a statue o$ *is master and
anot*er o$ *imsel$ doing
reverene be$ore t*e master" On t*e $irst anniversar7 o$ Tadanao:s deat*, *e returned to *is
*ome and ommitted
tsui$u>u" Later t*e statue <as ta>en $rom Mt" @o7a and <as plaed at t*e @oden2i"
'n t*e generation o$ Lord Mitsus*ige, Ois*i @osu>e <as at $irst a $oot soldier serving at t*e
side o$ *is master"
?*enever Lord Mitsus*ige <as ma>ing t*e trip $or *is alternate= 7ear residene in Edo,
@osu>e <ould ma>e t*e
rounds around t*e sleeping quarters o$ *is master, and i$ *e t*oug*t a ertain area to be
inseure, *e <ould spread a
stra< mat and pass t*roug* t*e nig*t a<a>e b7 *imsel$" 'n rain7 <eat*er *e <ould simpl7
<ear a bamboo *at and an
oilpaper rainoat and <ould stand <at* <*ile being pelted b7 t*e rain" 't is said t*at to t*e
end *e never spent a
single nig*t in negligene "
?*en Ois*i @osu>e <as an u*itonin, a m7sterious person snea>ed into t*e area o$ t*e
maids: *ambers late at nig*t":
T*ere <as a great ommotion $rom upstairs to do<n and men and <omen o$ all ran>s <ere
running aboutJ onl7
@osu>e <as not to be seen" ?*ile t*e senior ladies=in= <aiting <ere sear*ing about,
@osu>e 7an>ed *is s<ord $rom
its sabbard and <aited quietl7 in t*e room ne-t to t*e master:s bed*amber" As all <as in
on$usion, *e *ad $elt
appre*ension $or t*e master and <as t*ere to protet *im" ;eause o$ t*is it <as said t*at
*is vie<point <as quite
T*e man <*o *ad snea>ed in <as +arutomi @i*ibei" Ae and *is aomplie Aamada
'*i4aemon <ere ondemned
to deat* $or adulter7"
One <*en Lord @atsus*ige <as *unting at +is*ime, $or some reason *e got ver7 angr7"
Ae dre< *is s<ord $rom *is
obi, sabbard and all, and began beating Soe2ima Menno2o <it* it, but *is *and slipped and
*is s<ord $ell into a
ravine" Menno2o, in order to sta7 <it* t*e s<ord, $umbled do<n into t*e ravine and pi>ed it
up" T*is done, *e stu>
t*e s<ord in *is lapel, ra<led up t*e preipie, and 2ust as *e <as, o$$ered t*e s<ord to *is
master" 'n terms o$ qui>=
mindedness and reserve t*is <as mat*less resoure"
One <*en Master Sane U>7o <as rossing over t*e Ta>ao Giver, t*e bridge <as being
repaired and t*ere <as one
large piling t*at ould not be pulled up" Master U>7o dismounted, grasped t*e piling $irml7,
pave a s*out, and began
to pull it up" T*ere <as a tremendous sound, and alt*oug* *e <as able to pull it up to *is
o<n *eig*t, it <ould go no
$urt*er and t*ereupon san>" A$ter *e returned *ome *e beame si> and suddenl7 died"
At t*e time o$ t*e $uneral at t*e temple in Dobaru, <*en t*e $uneral proession rossed t*e
Ta>ao ;ridge, t*e orpse
leapt $rom t*e as>et and $ell into t*e river" A si-teen=7ear= old aol7te $rom t*e S*u$u>u2i
immediatel7 2umped into
t*e river and too> *old o$ t*e dead bod7" Ever7one t*en ran do<n into t*e river and pulled
up t*e orpse" T*e *ead
mon> <as ver7 impressed and instruted t*e ot*er aol7tes to be guided b7 t*is 7oung man"
't is said t*at *e later
beame a ver7 $amous mon>"
Famamoto @i*i4aemon <as ordered b7 *is $at*er Din:emon to ut do<n a dog at t*e age o$
$ive, and at t*e age o$
$i$teen *e <as made to e-eute a riminal" Ever7one, b7 t*e time t*e7 <ere $ourteen or
$i$teen, <as ordered to do a
be*eading <it*out $ail" ?*en Lord @atsus*ige <as 7oung, *e <as ordered b7 Lord
+aos*ige to pratie >illing <it*
a s<ord" 't is said t*at at t*at time *e <as made to ut do<n more t*an ten men
A long time ago t*is pratie <as $ollo<ed, espeiall7 in t*e upper lasses, but toda7 even
t*e *ildren o$ t*e lo<er
lasses per$orm no e-eutions, and t*is is e-treme negligene" To sa7 t*at one an do
<it*out t*is sort o$ t*ing, or
t*at t*ere is no merit in >illing a ondemned man, or t*at it is a rime, or t*at it is de$iling,
is to ma>e e-uses" 'n
s*ort, an it not be t*oug*t t*at beause a person:s martial valor is <ea>, *is attitude is onl7
t*at o$ trimming *is nails
and being attrative&
'$ one investigates into t*e spirit o$ a man <*o $inds t*ese t*ings disagreeable, one sees t*at
t*is person gives *imsel$
over to leverness and e-use ma>ing not to >ill beause *e $eels unnerved" ;ut +aos*ige
made it *is orders e-atl7
beause t*is is somet*ing t*at must be done"
Last 7ear ' <ent to t*e @ase E-eution Lrounds to tr7 m7 *and at be*eading, and ' $ound it
to be an e-tremel7 good
$eeling" To t*in> t*at it is unnerving is a s7mptom o$ o<ardie"
Among t*e pagebo7s in $orelo>s in Lord Mitsus*ige:s retinue, one Tomoda S*o4aemon
<as in attendane" A rat*er
<anton $ello<, *e $ell in love <it* a leading ator o$ t*e t*eater b7 t*e name o$ Tamon
S*o4aemon and *anged bot*
*is name and *is rest to t*at o$ t*e ator" Completel7 abandoning *imsel$ to t*is a$$air, *e
spent ever7t*ing *e *ad
and lost all *is lot*ing and $urnis*ings" And at lengt*, <*en *e *ad e-*austed all *is
means, *e stole Ma<atari
Go>ubei:s s<ord and *ad a spearman ta>e it to a pa<ns*op"
T*e spearman, *o<ever, spo>e up about t*is matter, and in t*e investigation bot* *e and
S*o4aemon <ere
ondemned to deat*" T*e investigator <as Famamoto Loro4aemon" ?*en *e read t*e
report, *e spo>e in a loud voie
and said, %T*e man <*o auses t*e de$endant is Spearman so=and= so "::
Mitsus*ige responded qui>l7, %Put *im to deat*"%
?*en it ame time to announe *is $ate to S*o4aemon, Loro4aemon ame in and said,
%T*ere is no< not*ing le$t to
be done $or 7ou" Prepare 7oursel$ $or 7our plae o$ deat* "::
S*o4aemon settled *imsel$ and said, %Ber7 <ell" ' understand <*at 7ou *ave said and am
grate$ul $or 7our <ords"%
)ue to somebod7:s tri>er7, *o<ever, <*ile a >ais*a>u <as introdued to S*o4aemon, it
<as arranged t*at a $oot
soldier, +ao4u>a Go>uuemon, <as to step $rom t*e side and deapitate *im"
Gepairing to t*e e-eution grounds, <*ere t*e >ais*a>u stood opposite *im, S*o4aemon
saluted *im <it* e-treme
alm" ;ut 2ust t*en, seeing +ao4u>a dra<ing *is s<ord, *e 2umped up and said, %?*o are
7ou& ':ll never let 7ou ut
o$$ m7 *eadK% Crom t*at point on *is peae o$ mind <as s*attered and *e s*o<ed terrible
o<ardie" Cinall7 *e <as
broug*t to t*e ground, stret*ed out, and deapitated"
Loro4aemon later said seretl7, : :'$ *e *adn:t been deeived, *e <ould *ave probabl7 met
*is deat* <ell"%
+oda @i4aemon said about t*e $untion o$ >ais*a>u, %?*en a man <*o *as ome to *is
plae o$ deat* loses *is <its
and is ra<ling about, it is li>el7 seine damage <ill be done <*en it omes time to per$orm
>ais*a>u" At su* a time
$irst <ait a bit and b7 some means gat*er 7our strengt*" T*en i$ 7ou ut b7 standing $irm
and not missing t*e *ane,
7ou <ill do <ell"%
'n t*e generation o$ Lord @atsus*ige t*ere <ere retainers <*o, regardless o$ *ig* or lo<
ran>, <ere requested to <or>
be$ore t*e master $rom t*e time t*e7 <ere 7oung" ?*en S*iba @i4aemon <as doing su*
servie, one t*e master
<as lipping *is nails and said, %T*ro< t*ese a<a7"% @i4aemon *eld t*em in *is *and but
did not stand up, and t*e
master said, %?*at:s t*e matter&% @i4aemon said, %T*ere:s one missing":: T*e master said, :
:Aere it is,:: and banded
over t*e one t*at *e *ad *idden"
Sa<abe Aei4aemon <as ordered to ommit seppu>u on t*e elevent* da7 o$ t*e elevent*
mont* in t*e seond 7ear o$
Tenna" As t*is beame >no<n to *im on t*e nig*t o$ t*e tent*, *e sent a request to
Famamoto Lonno2o HTsunetomoI
to be >ais*a>u" T*e $ollo<ing is a op7 o$ Famamoto:s repl7" TTsunetomo <as t<ent7=$our
7ears old at t*is time"U
' am in aord <it* 7our resolution and aept 7our request $or me to $untion as >ais*a>u"
' instintivel7 $elt t*at '
s*ould deline, but as t*is is to ta>e plae tomorro< t*ere is no time $or ma>ing e-uses
and ' <ill underta>e t*e 2ob"
T*e $at t*at 7ou *ave *osen me $rom among man7 people is a great personal satis$ation
to me" Please set 7our
mind at ease onerning all t*at must $ollo<" Alt*oug* it is no< late at nig*t, ' <ill ome to
7our *ouse to tal> over
t*e partiulars"
?*en Aei4aemon sa< t*is repl7, it is said t*at *e remar>ed, %T*is is a mat*less letter"%
Crom ages past it *as been onsidered ill=omened b7 samurai to be requested as >ais*a>u"
T*e reason $or t*is is t*at
one pains no $ame even i$ t*e 2ob is <ell done" And i$ b7 *ane one s*ould blunder, it
beomes a li$etime disgrae"
One <*en Tana>a Fa*ei <as attending to a$$airs in Edo, one o$ *is menials <as rat*er
insolent and Fa*ei solded
*im severel7" Late t*at nig*t Fa*ei *eard t*e noise o$ someone oming up t*e stairs" Ae $elt
t*is to be suspiious and
quietl7 got up" ?it* s*ort s<ord in *and *e as>ed <*o <as t*ere, and it turned out to be t*e
menial <*om *e *ad
solded previousl7, seretl7 *olding a s*ort s<ord" Fa*ei leapt do<n and <it* a single
stro>e ut t*e man do<n" '
*eard man7 people later state t*at *e *ad *ad good lu>"
A ertain Master To>u*isa <as born quite di$$erent $rom ot*er people and loo>ed to be a bit
moroni" One, a guest
<as invited and mud$is* salad <as served" At t*at time ever7one said, %Master To>u*isa:s
mud$is* salad,% and
laug*ed" Later <*en *e <as in attendane and a ertain person made $un o$ *im b7 quoting
t*e above remar>,
To>u*isa pulled out *is s<ord and ut t*e man do<n" T*is event <as investigated and it
<as stated to Lord +aos*ige,
%Seppu>u is reommended beause t*is <as a matter o$ ras*ness <it*in t*e palae"%
?*en Lord +aos*ige *eard t*is, *e said, : :To be made $un o$ and remain silent is
o<ardie" T*ere is no reason to
overloo> t*is $at beause one is <it*in t*e palae" A man <*o ma>es $un o$ people is
*imsel$ a $ool" 't <as *is o<n
$ault $or being ut do<n"%
One <*en +a>ano Mo>unosu>e bearded a small boat on t*e Sumida Giver to en2o7 t*e
oolness, a rogue got in too
and ommitted all manner o$ rude ats" ?*en Mo>unosu>e sa< t*at t*e rogue <as
relieving *imsel$ over t*e side o$
t*e boat, *e ut t*e man:s *ead o$$ and it $ell into t*e river" So t*at people <ould not notie
t*is, *e qui>l7 overed
t*e bod7 <it* various t*ings" Ae t*en said to t*e boatman, %T*is matter s*ould not beome
>no<n" Go< up to t*e
upper rea*es o$ t*e river and bur7 t*e orpse" ' s*all naturall7 pa7 7ou <ell"%
T*e boatman did as *e <as told, but in t*e lagoon <*ere t*e bod7 <as buried Mo>unosu>e
ut o$$ t*e *ead o$ t*e
boatman and returned diretl7" 't is said t*at t*is $at never beame >no<n publil7" At t*at
time t*ere <as also one
7oung *omose-ual male prostitute riding in t*e boat" Me>unosu>e said, %T*at $ello< <as a
man too" 't is best to learn
*o< to ut a man <*ile one is still 7oung,% and so t*e man ut t*e orpse one" ;eause o$
t*at t*e 7oung man said
not*ing later on"
't is said t*at ever7 time O>i A7obu:s group gat*ered and a$ter all t*eir a$$airs <ere $inis*ed
*e <ould sa7, %Foung
men s*ould disipline t*emselves rigorousl7 in intention and ourage" T*is <ill be
aomplis*ed i$ onl7 ourage is
$i-ed in one:s *eart" '$ one:s s<ord is bro>en, *e <ill stri>e <it* *is *ands" '$ *is *ands are
ut o$$, *e <ill press t*e
enem7 do<n <it* *is s*oulders" '$ *is s*oulders are ut a<a7, *e <ill bite t*roug* ten or
$i$teen enem7 ne>s <it* *is
teet*" Courage is su* a t*ing"%
S*ida @i*inosu>e said, %At $irst it is an oppressive t*ing to run until one is breat*less" ;ut
it is an e-traordinaril7
good $eeling <*en one is standing around a$ter t*e running" More t*an t*at, it is even better
to sit do<n" More t*an
t*at, it is even better to lie do<n" And more t*an t*at, to put do<n a pillo< and sleep
soundl7 is even better" A man:s
<*ole li$e s*ould be li>e t*is" To e-ert onesel$ to a great e-tent <*en one is 7oung and t*en
to sleep <*en *e is old or
at t*e point o$ deat* is t*e <a7 it s*ould be" ;ut to $irst sleep and t*en e-ert onesel$ " " " To
e-ert onesel$ to t*e end,
and to end one:s <*ole li$e in toil is regrettable"% S*imomura Go>urouemon told t*is stor7"
A sa7ing o$ @i*inosu>e:s t*at is similar to t*is is, %A man:s li$e s*ould be as toilsome as
?*en Ueno Gi*ei <as overseer o$ aounting in Edo, *e *ad a 7oung assistant <*om *e
treated in a ver7 intimate
<a7" On t*e $irst nig*t o$ t*e eig*t* mont* *e <ent drin>ing <it* Aas*imoto Taemon, an
overseer o$ $oot soldiers,
and got so drun> t*at *e lost good sense" Ae aompanied *is 7oung assistant ba> *ome,
babbling on in a drun>en
manner, and <*en t*e7 arrived t*ere, Gi*ei said t*at *e <as going to ut t*e assistant do<n"
T*e assistant pus*ed
a<a7 t*e tip o$ Gi*ei:s sabbard" T*e7 grappled and bot* $ell into t*e gutter <it* t*e
assistant on top pus*ing Gi*ei
do<n" At t*is time, Gi*ei:s servant ran up and as>ed, %'s Master Gi*ei on t*e top or on t*e
?*en Gi*ei replied, ::':m on t*e bottom K:: t*e servant stabbed t*e assistant one" T*e
assistant got up and, as *is
<ound <as lig*t, ran a<a7"
?*en t*e a$$air <as broug*t under investigation, Gi*ei <as put into on$inement at t*e
+ae>i7ama prison and <as
ondemned to apital punis*ment b7 be*eading" ;e$ore t*is, <*en *e <as positioned in
Edo and living in a rented
*ouse in t*e mer*ants: distrit, a servant *ad opposed *im and *e *ad ut *im do<n" ;ut
*e *ad ated in a good <a7
at t*at time, and people said t*at *e *ad ated li>e a man" T*is time, *o<ever, *is ations
<ere outrageous and <ere
ertainl7 unneessar7"
'$ one t*in>s about t*is <ell $rom beginning to end, to get so drun> as to dra< one:s s<ord
is bot* o<ardie and la>
o$ resolve" Gi*ei:s servant <as a man $rom Ta>u, but *is name is not remembered" T*oug*
*e <as a member o$ t*e
lo<er lasses, *e <as a brave man" 't is said t*at Taemon ommitted suiide during t*e
'n t*e t<el$t* setion o$ t*e $i$t* *apter o$ t*e G7oan>7o t*ere is t*is stor7 E
'n t*e Provine o$ <i4en t*ere <as a ertain man $rom Ta>e <*o, alt*oug* *e *ad
ontrated smallpo-, <as
onsidering 2oining t*e $ores atta>ing t*e astle at S*imabara" Ais parents earnestl7 tried
to get *im to desist,
sa7ing, %?it* su* a grave illness, even i$ 7ou s*ould get t*ere, *o< ould 7ou be o$ an7
Ae replied, %'t <ould be to m7 satis$ation to die on t*e <a7" A$ter *aving reeived t*e
<arm benevolene o$ t*e
master, s*ould ' tell m7sel$ t*at ' <ill be o$ no use to *im no<&% And *e le$t $or t*e $ront"
Alt*oug* it <as <inter
amp and t*e old <as e-treme, *e did not pa7 an7 attention to *is *ealt*, and neit*er put
on man7 la7ers o$ lot*ing
nor too> o$$ *is armor da7 or nig*t" Moreover, *e did not avoid unleanliness, and in t*e
end reovered qui>l7 and
<as able to $ul$ill *is lo7alt7 ompletel7" So to t*e ontrar7 o$ <*at 7ou <ould e-pet, it
annot be said t*at one is to
despise unleanliness"
?*en t*e tea*er, Su4u>i S*o4o, *eard t*is, *e said, %?as it not a leansing at to t*ro<
a<a7 *is li$e $or *is master&
Cor a man <*o <ill ut o$ *is li$e $or t*e sa>e o$ rig*teousness, t*ere is no need to all
upon t*e god o$ smallpo-" All
t*e gods o$ *eaven <ill protet *im" %
Lord @atsus*ige said, %?*et*er a man o$ Ai4en *olds deat* in regret or not is not a matter
o$ onern" ?*at ' <orr7
about is t*at people <ill not ta>e to *eart t*e ommand to >eep t*e rules o$ manners and
etiquette orretl7" ' am
a$raid t*at t*e entire lan, our relatives and elders, out o$ too mu* earnestness, <ill $eel
t*at t*e ommand to >eep
orret etiquette is an e-aggeration" Up to no< t*ere *ave e-isted men <*o <ere used to
t*ese t*ings, and even i$
etiquette <as slig*tl7 <rong, t*e7 ould remember t*e orret <a7, and t*e matter <as
settled" ' *ave given t*is
ommand beause people are negligent in a$$airs o$ t*is sort"%
)uring t*e Lenro>u period t*ere <as a samurai o$ lo< ran> $rom t*e Provine o$ 'se b7 t*e
name o$ Su4u>i Go>ubei"
Ae <as ill <it* a severe $ever, and *is onsiousness beame dim" At t*at time a ertain
male nurse <as une-petedl7
stri>en <it* greed and <as about to open up t*e in>bo- and steal t*e mone7 t*at <as >ept
in it" Dust t*en t*e si>
man suddenl7 stirred, too> t*e s<ord $rom t*e base o$ *is pillo<, and in a sudden atta> ut
t*e man do<n <it* one
blo<" ?it* t*at, t*e si> man $ell ba> and died" ;7 t*is at, Go>ubei seemed to be a man
o$ prinipled disposition"
' *eard t*is stor7 in Edo, but later <*en ' <as serving in t*e same provine <it* a )r"
+agatsu>a, <*o <as also $rom
t*e Provine o$ 'se, ' as>ed *im about it, and indeed *e >ne< t*e stor7 and said t*at it <as
On t*e nig*t o$ t*e t*irteent* da7 o$ t*e nint* mont* in t*e $ourt* 7ear o$ Tei>7o, t*ere <as
a group o$ ten +o ators
moon=vie<ing at t*e *ouse o$ +a>a7ama Mosu>e, a $oot soldier, in Sa7anomoto"
;eginning <it* +aotsu>a
@an4aemon t*e7 all began to ma>e $un o$ t*e $oot soldier Ara>i @7o4aemen beause *e
<as so s*ort" Ara>i beame
angr7, >illed @an4aemon <it* *is s<ord, and t*en began stri>ing at t*e ot*ers "
T*oug* *e su$$ered a severed *and, Matsumoto Go>u4aemon ame do<n into t*e garden,
sei4ed Ara>i $rom be*ind
<it* *is ot*er *and, and said, %As $or t*e li>es o$ 7ou, ':ll t<ist 7our *ead o$$ <it* one
*andK% Lrabbing a<a7 Ara>i:s
s<ord, *e pus*ed *im to t*e doorsill and pressed *im do<n <it* *is >nee, but as *e sei4ed
*im b7 t*e ne> *e beame
$aint and <as qui>l7 overpo<ered"
Ara>i qui>l7 sprang ba> and again began to stri>e at t*ose around *im, but no< Master
Aa7ata Tlater >no<n as
Diro4aemonU met *im <it* a spear" 'n t*e end *e <as overpo<ered b7 a number o$ men"
Collo<ing t*is, Ara>i <as
made to ommit seppu>u, and t*e ot*ers <*o <ere involved <ere all made ronin on
aount o$ t*eir indisretion, but
Aa7ata <as later pardoned"
As Tsunetomo does not remember t*is stor7 learl7, one s*ould as> around about it"
Some 7ears ago t*ere <as a sutra reading at t*e Dissoin in @a<a>ami" Cive or si- men $rom
@on:7ama*i and t*e area
o$ Tas*iro *ad gone to t*e servie, and on t*eir <a7 *ome passed some time drin>ing"
Among t*em <as one o$
@i4u>a @7u4aemon:s retainers <*o, *aving some reason $or doing so, turned do<n *is
ompanions: invitation to 2oin
t*em and returned borne be$ore nig*t$all" T*e ot*ers, *o<ever, later pot into a $ig*t <it*
some men and ut t*em all
@7u4aemon:s retainer *eard o$ t*is late t*at nig*t and <ent qui>l7 to *is ompanions:
quarters" Ae listened to t*e
details and t*en said, %'n t*e end ' suppose 7ou <ill *ave to submit a statement" ?*en 7ou
do, 7ou s*ould sa7 t*at '
<as t*ere also and assisted in utting do<n t*ose men" ?*en ' return, ' <ill sa7 as mu* to
@7u4aemon" Sine a $ig*t
is a matter involving all onerned, ' s*ould meet t*e same deat* sentene as 7ou" And t*at
is m7 deepest desire" T*e
reason is t*at even i$ ' <ere to e-plain to m7 master t*at ' *ad returned *ome earl7, *e
<ould never aept it as t*e
trut*" @7u4aemon *as al<a7s been a severe man, and even i$ ' <ere leared b7 t*e
investigators, *e <ould probabl7
*ave me e-euted as a o<ard rig*t be$ore *is e7es" 'n su* a ase, d7ing <it* t*e bad
reputation o$ *aving run a<a7
$rom a plae <ould be e-tremel7 regret$ul"
%Sine t*e $ate o$ d7ing is t*e same, ' <ould li>e to die being blamed $or *aving >illed a
man" '$ 7ou are not in
agreement <it* t*is, ' <ill ut m7 stoma* open rig*t *ere"::
Aaving no alternative, *is ompanions spo>e as *e *ad requested" Presentl7, during t*e
inquir7, alt*oug* t*e
irumstanes <ere e-plained in t*e above manner, it beame >no<n t*at t*e retainer *ad
returned *ome earl7" All
t*e investigators <ere impressed and in $at praised t*e man"
T*is matter <as transmitted to me onl7 in outline, so ' <ill loo> into t*e details at a later
One <*en +abes*ima A>i no >ami S*igeta>e <as *al$<a7 t*roug* *is meal, a guest
suddenl7 ame to see *im and
*e le$t *is tra7 2ust as it <as" Later, a ertain retainer o$ *is sat do<n at t*e tra7 and began
eating t*e $ried $is* t*at
<as on it" Dust t*en Lord A>i ame ba> and sa< *im, and t*e man beame $lustered and
ran o$$" Lord A>i 7elled out,
%?*at a lo<=li$e slave 7ou are to eat somet*ing t*at someone else *as been eatingK% and sat
do<n and $inis*ed <*at
<as le$t"
T*is is one o$ Din:emon:s stories" 't is said t*at t*is retainer <as one o$ t*ose <*o ommitted
tsui$u>u $or t*e master"
Famamoto Din:emon al<a7s said to *is retainers, %Lo a*ead and gamble and lie" A person
<*o <ill not tell 7ou seven
lies <it*in a *undred 7ards is useless as a man" % Long ago people spo>e in t*is $as*ion
beause t*e7 <ere onl7
onerned <it* a man:s attitude to<ards militar7 matters and onsidered t*at a man <*o
<as %orret% <ould never
do great <or>s" T*e7 also ignored t*e misondut o$ men and dismissed su* matters b7
sa7ing, %T*e7 do good
<or>s, too"""::
Men li>e Sagara @7oma also e-used retainers <*o *ad ommitted t*e$t and adulter7 and
trained t*em graduall7" Ae
said, %'$ it <eren:t $or su* persons, <e <ould *ave no use$ul men at all"%
'>umo Oribe said, %'$ a retainer <ill 2ust t*in> about <*at *e is to do $or t*e da7 at *and, *e
<ill be able to do
an7t*ing" '$ it is a single da7:s <or>, one s*ould be able to put up <it* it" Tomorro<, too, is
but a single da7"%
At t*e time <*en Lord +abes*ima Tsunas*ige *ad still not ta>en over as *eir, *e <as
onverted b7 t*e Men priest
@urota>i7ama C*oon and learned ;udd*ism $rom *im" Sine *e *ad *ad an enlig*tenment,
t*e priest <as going to
on$er t*e seal upon *im, and t*is beame >no<n t*roug*out t*e mansion" At t*at time
Famamoto Loro4aemon *ad
been ordered to be bot* Tsunas*ige:s attendant and overseer" ?*en *e *eard o$ t*is, *e
>ne< t*at it absolutel7 <ould
not do and planned to ma>e a request to C*oon, and i$ *e did not assent, >ill *im" Ae <ent
to t*e priest:s *ouse in Edo
and enteredJ t*e priest, t*in>ing t*at *e <as someone on a pilgrimage, met *im in a
digni$ied manner"
Loro4aemon dre< near *im and said, : :' *ave some seret t*ing to tell 7ou diretl7" Please
send out 7our attendant
priests "
%'t is said t*at 7ou <ill soon a<ard Tsunas*ige t*e seal beause o$ *is leverness in
;udd*ism" +o< as 7ou are $rom
Ai4en, 7ou s*ould >no< in large part t*e ustoms o$ t*e G7u4o2i and +abes*ima lans" Our
ountr7 is ruled <it*
*armon7 bet<een *ig* and lo< beause, unli>e ot*ers, it *as *ad ontinuous *eirs $or
suessive generations" T*ere
*as never been t*e ta>ing o$ a ;udd*ist seal b7 t*e daim7o $or ages past" '$ 7ou present t*e
seal no<, Tsunas*ige <ill
probabl7 t*in> o$ *imsel$ as enlig*tened and regard <*at *is retainers sa7 as so mu* dirt"
A great man <ill beome
vain" Absolutel7 do not give t*is a<ard" '$ 7ou do not agree to t*is, ' too am resolved" T*is
*e said <it*
T*e priest:s olor *anged, but *e said, %?ell, <ell" Fou *ave trust<ort*7 intentions, and '
see t*at 7ou under= stand
t*e a$$airs o$ 7our lan <ell" Fou are a lo7al retainer " " " %
;ut Loro4aemon said, %+oK ' understand t*at plo7" ' didn:t ome *ere to be praised"
?it*out adding an7t*ing else, let
me *ear learl7 <*et*er 7ou plan to anel t*e seal or not"::
C*oon said, %?*at 7ou sa7 is reasonable" ' <ill de$initel7 not a<ard t*e seal"%
Loro4aemon made sure o$ t*is and returned" Tsunetomo *eard t*is stor7 diretl7 $rom
A group o$ eig*t samurai all too> t*e same road $or some merr7ma>ing" T<o o$ t*em,
@omori Ei2un and Otsubo
Din:emon, <ent into a tea*ouse in $ront o$ t*e @annon temple at Asa>usa, got into an
argument <it* t*e male
emplo7ees t*ere, and <ere soundl7 beaten" T*is ould be *eard b7 t*e ot*ers, <*o <ere in
an e-ursion boat, and
Mute Go>uemen said, %?e s*ould go ba> and ta>e revenge"% Fos*ii Foi*iemon and E4oe
Dinbei bot* agreed to
T*e ot*ers, *o<ever, dissuaded t*em, sa7ing, %T*is <ill ause trouble $or t*e lan,% and
t*e7 all returned *ome"
?*en t*e7 arrived at t*e mansion, Go>uemon again said, ::?e s*ould de$initel7 ta>e
revengeK:: but t*e ot*ers
disuaded *im" Alt*oug* t*e7 sustained *eav7 <ounds on t*eir arms and legs, Ei2ian and
Din:emon ut t*e tea*ouse
men do<n, and t*ose <*o *ad returned <ere ta>en to tas> b7 t*e master"
'n due ourse some t*oug*t <as given to t*e details o$ t*is event" One person said, %;7
<aiting to Jget t*e agreement
o$ ot*ers, a matter li>e ta>ing revenge <ill never be broug*t to a onlusion" One s*ould
*ave t*e resolution to go
alone and even to be ut do<n" A person <*o spea>s ve*ementl7 about ta>ing revenge but
does not*ing about it is a
*7porite" Clever people, b7 using t*eir mout*s alone, are ta>ing are o$ t*eir reputations
$or a later date" ;ut a real
stal<art is a man <*o <ill go out seretl7, sa7ing not*ing, and die" 't is not neessar7 to
a*ieve one:s aim J one is a
stal<art in being ut do<n" Su* a person <ill most li>el7 a*ieve *is purpose"::
l*i7u>en <as a lo< lass servant in t*e >it*en o$ Lord Ta>anobu" ;eause o$ some
grudge *e *ad over a matter o$
<restling, *e ut do<n seven or eig*t men and <as *ene ordered to ommit suiide" ;ut
<*en Lord Ta>anobu *eard
o$ t*is *e pardoned t*e man and said, %'n t*ese stri$e=torn times o$ our ountr7, brave men
are important" T*is man
<ould seem to be a man o$ braver7"% Consequentl7, at t*e time o$ t*e ation around t*e U2i
Giver, Lord Ta>anobu
too> '*i7u>en along, and t*e latter earned unrivaled $ame, advaning deep into t*e lead
and plundering t*e enem7
ever7 time "
At t*e battle o$ Ta>agi, '*i7u>en <ent so $ar into t*e enem7 lines t*at Lord Ta>anobu $elt
regret and alled *im
ba>" Sine t*e vanguard *ad been unable to advane, onl7 b7 qui>l7 das*ing out <as *e
able to grab '*i7u>en b7
t*e sleeve o$ *is armor" At t*at time '*i7u>en:s *ead *ad su$$ered man7 <ounds, but *e
*ad stopped t*em up <it*
preen leaves <*i* *e bound <it* a t*in to<el"
On t*e $irst la7 o$ t*e atta> on Aara Caste, Tsuruta Fas*i*ibei <ent as a messenger $rom
Lord Mimasa>a to O>i
A7obu, but as *e <as delivering t*e message, *e <as s*ot t*roug* t*e pelvi region b7 a
bullet $ired $rom t*e astle
and instantl7 $ell on *is $ae" Ae got up again and delivered t*e rest o$ t*e message, <as
$elled a seond time, and
died" Fas*i*ibei:s bod7 <as arried ba> b7 Taira C*i*7oei" ?*en C*i*7oei <as returning
to A7obu:s amp, *e too
<as stru> b7 a ri$le ball and died"
)ense <as born in Ta>u , and t*e members o$ *is $amil7 living at t*is time <ere *is elder
brot*er Dirbei, *is 7ounger
brot*er and *is mot*er" Around t*e nint* mont* )en>o:s mot*er too> Dirobei:s son <it* *er
to *ear a sermon" ?*en it
<as time to go *ome, t*e *ild, as *e <as putting on *is stra< sandals, aidentall7 stepped
on t*e $oot o$ t*e man
ne-t to *im" T*e man rebu>ed t*e *ild, and in t*e end t*e7 pot into a ve*ement argument
and t*e man uns*eat*ed
*is s*ort s<ord and >illed *im" Dirobei:s mot*er <as dumb stru>" S*e lung to t*e man,
and *e >illed *er too" Aaving
done t*is, t*e man returned to *is *ouse"
T*is man:s name <as Lorouemon, and *e <as t*e son o$ a ronin b7 t*e name o$ +a>a2ima
Moan" Ais 7ounger brot*er
<as t*e mountain aseti, C*u4obo" Moan <as an advisor to Master Mimasa>a, and
Lorouemon *ad been given a
stipend also"
?*en t*e irumstanes beame >no<n at Dirobei:s *ome, *is 7ounger brot*er set out $or
Lorouemon:s plae" Cinding
t*at t*e door <as lo>ed $rom <it*in and t*at no one <ould ome out, *e disguised *is
voie, pretending to be a
visitor" ?*en t*e door <as opened, *e s*outed *is real name and rossed s<ords <it* *is
enem7" ;ot* men $umbled
into t*e rubbis* *eap, but in t*e end Lorouemon <as >illed" At t*is point, C*u4obo das*ed
in and ut do<n Dirobei:s
7ounger brot*er"
Aearing o$ t*is inident, )ense <ent immediatel7 to Dirobei:s plae and said, %O$ our
enemies onl7 one *as been
>illed, <*ile <e *ave lost t*ree" T*is is e-tremel7 regret= table, so <*7 don:t 7ou stri>e at
C*u4obo&% Dirobei,
*o<ever, <ould not ompl7"
)en>o $elt t*at t*is <as indeed s*ame$ul, and alt*oug* a ;udd*ist priest, *e deided on
stri>ing at t*e enem7 o$ *is
mot*er, 7ounger brot*er and nep*e<" Ae >ne<, nevert*eless, t*at sine *e <as simpl7 an
ordinar7 priest, t*ere <as
li>el7 to be a reprisal $rom Master Mimasa>a and t*ere$ore <or>ed *ard, $inall7 gaining
eminene as t*e *ie$ priest
o$ t*e G7uun2i" Ae t*en <ent to t*e s<ord ma>er '7ono2o and as>ed *im to ma>e bot* a
long and a s*ort s<ord,
o$$ered to be *is apprentie, and <as even allo<ed to ta>e part in t*e <or>"
;7 t*e t<ent7=t*ird da7 o$ t*e nint* mont* o$ t*e $ollo<ing 7ear, *e <as read7 to ma>e *is
departure" ;7 *ane a
guest *ad ome at t*is time" Living orders $or $ood to be served, )en>o seretl7 slipped out
o$ t*e *ie$ priest:s
*eadquarters disguised as a la7man" Ae t*en <ent to ta>u and, upon as>ing about C*u4obo,
learned t*at *e <as <it* a
large group o$ people <*o *ad gat*ered to <at* t*e moonrise, and t*at t*ere$ore not*ing
mu* ould be done"
Un<illing to let time pile up, *e $elt t*at it <ould be $ul$illing *is basi desire to stri>e at
t*e $at*er, Moan" Loing to
Moan:s *ouse, *e $ored *is <a7 into t*e sleeping *ambers, announed *is name, and
<*en t*e man began to get up,
stabbed and >illed *im" ?*en t*e people o$ t*e neig*bor*ood ame running and
surrounded *im, *e e-plained t*e
situation, t*re< a<a7 bot* long and s*ort s<ords, and returned *ome" +e<s o$ t*is
preeded *im to Saga, and a good
number o$ )en>o:s paris*ioners ame out qui>l7 and aompanied *im on *is return"
Master Mimasa>a <as quite outraged, but as )en>o <as t*e *ie$ priest o$ a +abes*ima
lan temple, t*ere <as
not*ing to be done" Cinall7, t*roug* t*e o$$ies o$ +abes*ima Toneri, *e sent <ord to
Tannen, t*e *ie$ priest o$ t*e
@oden2i, sa7ing, %?*en a priest *as >illed a man, *e s*ould be given a sentene o$ deat*"%
Tannen:s repl7 <as, %T*e
punis*ment $or one <it*in t*e religion <ill be in aordane <it* t*e $eelings o$ t*e
@oden2i" @indl7 do not
Master Mimasa>a beame even angrier and as>ed, %?*at sort o$ punis*ment <ill t*is be&%
Tannen replied, %Alt*oug*
it is pro$itless $or 7ou to >no<, 7ou are $oring t*e question, so ' <ill give 7ou an ans<er"
T*e H;udd*istI La< is t*at
an apostate priest is deprived o$ *is robes and driven out"%
)en>o:s robes <ere ta>en $rom *im at t*e @oden2i, and <*en *e <as to be driven out, some
novies put on t*eir long
and s*ort s<ords, and a great number o$ paris*ioners ame to protet *im, aompan7ing
*im as $ar as Todoro>i" On
t*e road a number o$ men <*o loo>ed li>e *unters appeared and as>ed i$ t*e part7 *ad
ome $rom Ta>u" T*erea$ter
)en>o lived in C*i>u4en, <as <ell reeived b7 all, and <as on $riendl7 terms <it* samurai
as <ell" T*is stor7 <as
<idel7 irulated, and it is said t*at *e <as treated >indl7 ever7<*ere "
Aorie San:emon:s misdeed <as robbing t*e +abes*ima <are*ouse in Edo o$ its mone7 and
$leeing to anot*er
provine" Ae <as aug*t and on$essed" T*us it <as pronouned , ::;eause t*is is a grave
rime *e s*ould be tortured
to deat*, % and +a>ano )aiga>u <as ordered to be t*e o$$iial <*o veri$ied t*e e-eution"
At $irst all t*e *airs on *is
bod7 <ere burner o$$ and *is $ingernails <ere pulled out" Ais tendons <ere t*en ut, *e <as
bored <it* drills and
sub2eted to various ot*er tortures" T*roug*out, *e did not $lin* one, nor did *is $ae
*ange olor" 'n t*e end *is
ba> <as split, *e <as boiled in so7 saue, and *is bod7 <as bent ba> in t<o"
One <*en Cu>u*i Go>urouemon <as leaving t*e astle, t*e palanquin o$ <*at appeared
to be a rat*er upper lass
<oman <as passing in $ront o$ Master Ta>u:s mansion, and a man <*o <as standing t*ere
made t*e proper salutation"
A *alberd arrier <*o <as <it* t*e palanquin proession, *o<ever, said to t*e man, %Fou
didn:t bo< lo< enoug*,%
and stru> *im on t*e *ead <it* t*e *andle o$ *is *alberd" ?*en t*e man <iped *is *ead,
*e $ound t*at *e <as
bleeding" 'n 2ust t*at ondition *e stood up and said, %Fou *ave ommitted an outrageous
at, even t*oug* ' <as
ourteous" A regrettable piee o$ lu>"% So sa7ing, *e ut t*e *alberd arrier do<n <it* a
single blo<" T*e palanquin
ontinued on to <*erever it <as going, but Go>urouemon uns*eat*ed *is spear, stood
be$ore t*e man, and said" %Put
a<a7 7our s<ord" ?it*in t*e astle grounds it is $orbidden to go about *olding a na>ed
blade":: T*e man said, %?*at
*appened no< <as unavoidable, and ' <as ompelled b7 t*e irumstanes" Certainl7 7ou
ould see t*at t*is <as so"
Alt*oug* ' <ould li>e to s*eat*e m7 s<ord, it is di$$iult to do so due to t*e tone o$ 7our
<ords" 't is unpleasant, but '
s*all be glad to aept 7our *allenge"::
Go>urouemon immediatel7 t*re< do<n *is spear and said ourteousl7, %?*at 7ou *ave
said is reasonable" M7 name
is Cu>u*i Go>urouemon" ' <ill bear <itness t*at 7our ondut <as quite admirable"
Moreover, ' <ill ba> 7ou up
even i$ it means $or$eiting m7 li$e" +o< put a<a7 7our s<ord"::
%?it* pleasure,% t*e man said, and s*eat*ed *is s<ord" On being as>ed <*ere *e <as $rom,
t*e man replied t*at *e
<as a retainer o$ Ta>u +agato no >ami Fasu7ori" T*ere$ore Go>urouemon aompanied
*im and e-plained t*e
irumstanes" @no<ing t*at t*e <oman in t*e palanquin <as t*e <i$e o$ a nobleman,
*o<ever, Lord +agato ordered
*is retainer to ommit seppu>u"
Go>urouemon ame $or<ard and said, %;eause ' *ave given t*e promise o$ a samurai, i$
t*is man is ordered to
ommit seppu>u, t*en ' <ill ommit seppu>u $irst"%
't is said t*at t*e a$$air <as t*us $inis*ed <it*out mis*ap"
Lord S*ima sent a messenger to *is $at*er, Lord A>i, sa7ing, %' <ould li>e to ma>e a
pilgrimage to t*e Atago S*rine
in @7oto"% Lord A>i as>ed, %Cor <*at reason&% and t*e messenger replied, %Sine Atago is
t*e pod o$ ar*er7, m7
intentions are $or t*e sa>e o$ $ortune in <ar"% Lord A>i beame angr7 and ans<ered" %T*at
is absolutel7 <ort*lessK
S*ould t*e vanguard o$ t*e +abes*imas be ma>ing requests to Atago& '$ t*e inarnation o$
Atago <ere $ig*ting on t*e
enem7:s side, t*e vanguard s*ould be equal to utting *im neatl7 in t<o"%
)o*a>u lived in @urotsu*ibaru" Ais son <as named Lorobei" One <*en Lorobei <as
arr7ing a load o$ rie, a
ronin o$ Master @umas*iro Sa>7o:s b7 t*e name o$ '<amura @7unai <as oming $rom t*e
ot*er diretion" T*ere <as
a grudge bet<een t*e t<o o$ t*em $rom some $ormer inident, and no< Lorobei stru>
@7unai <it* *is load o$ rie,
started an argument, beat *im and pus*ed *im into a dit*, and t*en returned *ome" @7unai
7elled some t*reat at
Lorobei and returned to *is *ome <*ere *e related t*is event to *is older brot*er
Len:emon" T*e t<o o$ t*em t*en
<ent o$$: to Lorobei:s to ta>e revenge"
?*en t*e7 got t*ere t*e door <as open 2ust a bit, and Lorobei <as <aiting be*ind it <it*
dra<n s<ord" +ot >no<ing
t*is, Len:emon entered and Lorobei stru> at *im <it* a s<eep $rom t*e side" *aving
reeived a deep <ound,
Len:emon used *is s<ord as a sta$$ and *obbled ba> outside" T*en @7unai rus*ed in and
stru> at )o*a>u:s son=inla<
@atsuemon, <*o <as sitting b7 t*e *eart*" Ais s<ord glaned o$$ t*e pot *anger, and *e ut
o$$ *al$ o$
@atsuemen:s $ae" )o*a>u, toget*er <it* *is <i$e, grabbed t*e s<ord a<a7 $rom @7unai"
@7unai apologi4ed and said, %' *ave alread7 a*ieved m7 purpose" Please give me ba> m7
s<ord and ' <ill
aompan7 m7 brot*er *ome" ;ut <*en )o*a>u banded it ba> to *im, @7unai ut *im
one in t*e ba> and severed
*is ne> *al$<a7 t*roug*" Ae t*en rossed s<ords <it* Lorobei again and bot* <ent
outside and $oug*t an even
mat* until *e ut o$$ Lorobei:s arm"
At t*is point @7unai, <*o also su$$ered man7 <ounds, s*ouldered *is elder brot*er
Len:emon and returned *ome"
Len:emon, *o<ever, died on t*e <a7 ba>"
Lorobei:s <ounds <ere numerous" Alt*oug* *e stopped t*e bleeding, *e died on aount o$
drin>ing some <ater"
)o*a>u:s <i$e su$$ered some severed $ingers" )o*a>u:s <ound <as a severed ne> bone,
and sine onl7 *is t*roat
remained intat, *is *ead *ung do<n in $ront" +o< boosting *is *ead up <it* *is o<n
*ands, )o*a>u <ent o$$ to t*e
surgeon :s "
T*e surgeon s treatment <as li>e t*isE Cirst *e rubbed a mi-ture o$ pine resin and oil on
)o*a>u:s 2a< and bound it in
ramie" Ae t*en atta*ed a rope to t*e top o$ *is *ead and tied it to a beam, se<ed t*e open
<ound s*ut, and buried *is
bod7 in rie so t*at *e <ould not be able to move"
)o*a>u never lost onsiousness nor did *e *ange $rom *is ever7da7 attitude, nor did *e
even drin> ginseng" 't is
said t*at onl7 on t*e t*ird da7 <*en t*ere <as a *emorr*age did *e use a little mediinal
stimulant" 'n t*e end t*e
bones mended, and *e reovered <it*out inident"
?*en Lord Mitsus*ige ontrated smallpo- at S*imonose>i, '>us*ima Sa>uan gave *im
some mediine" 't <as an
e-eptionall7 *eav7 ase o$ smallpo-, and *is attendants bot* *ig* and lo< <ere rat*er
tense" Suddenl7 *is sabs
turned bla>" T*e men <*o <ere nursing *im lost *eart and seretl7 in$ormed Sa>uan, <*o
ame immediatel7" Ae
said, %?ell, t*is is somet*ing to be t*an>$ul $or" T*e sabs are *ealing" Ae s*ould soon
ma>e a omplete reover7
<it* no ompliations" ' give 7ou m7 guarantee"%
T*e people <*o <ere at Lord Mitsus*ige:s side *eard t*is and t*oug*t, %Sa>uan loo>s a
little deranged" T*is *as
beome all t*e more *opeless" %
Sa>uan t*en set $olding sreens around, ame out a$ter a <*ile, and $ed Lord Mitsus*ige
one pa>et o$ mediine"
Ber7 qui>l7 t*e patient:s sabs *ealed, and *e made a omplete reover7" Sa>uan later
on$ided to someone, %' gave
t*e master t*at one pa>et o$ mediine resolved t*at, as ' <as underta>ing t*is treatment
alone, i$ *e did not reover '
<ould qui>l7 ut open m7 stoma* and die <it* *im"::
?*en +a>ano Ta>umi <as d7ing, *is <*ole *ouse gart*ered and *e said, %Fou s*ould
understand t*at t*ere are t*ree
onditions to t*e resolution o$ a retainer" T*e7 are t*e ondition o$ t*e master:s <ill, t*e
ondition o$ vitalit7, and t*e
ondition o$ one:s deat*"::
One <*en a number o$ men *ad gat*ered on t*e plat$orm o$ t*e inner itadel o$ t*e astle,
a ertain man said to
U*ida S*ouemon, %'t is said t*at 7ou are a tea*er o$ t*e s<ord, but 2udging b7 7our
ever7da7 attitude, 7our tea*ing
must be ver7 <ild indeed" '$ 7ou <ere requested to per$orm >ais*a>u, ' an imagine t*at
instead o$ utting t*e ne>
7ou:d probabl7 ut t*e top o$ t*e man:s *ead "::
S*ouemon re2oined, %Su* is not t*e ase" )ra< a little in> spot on 7our o<n ne>, and ':ll
s*o< 7ou t*at ' an ut
<it*out being o$$ b7 a *air"%
+aga7ama Go>uro4aemon <as going do<n t*e To>aido and <as at Aamamatsu" As *e
passed b7 an inn, a beggar
$aed *is palanquin and said, %' am a ronin $rom E*igo" ' am s*ort o$ mone7 and in
di$$iulties" ?e are bot*
<arriors" Please *elp me out"%
Go>uro4aemon got angr7 and said, %'t is a disourtes7 to mention t*at <e are bot* <arriors"
'$ ' <ere in 7our state o$
a$$airs, ':d ut m7 stoma* open" Gat*er t*an being out o$ mone7 $or t*e road and e-posing
7oursel$ to s*ame, ut
7our stoma* open rig*t <*ere 7ou areK:: 't is said t*at t*e beggar moved o$$"
'n Ma>igu*i Fo*ei:s li$e *e <as >ais*a>u $or man7 men" ?*en a ertain @ana*ara <as to
ommit seppu>u, Fo*ei
onsented to be >ais*a>u" @ana*ara t*rust t*e s<ord into *is bell7, but at t*e point o$
pulling it aross *e <as unable
to go $urt*er" Fo*ei approa*ed *is side, 7elled %EiK% and stamped *is $oot" Crom t*is
impetus, @ana*ara <as able to
pull *is s<ord straig*t aross *is bell7" A$ter $inis*ing t*e >ais*a>u, it is said t*at Fo*ei
s*ed tears and said, %Even
t*oug* *e <as $ormerl7 a good $riend o$ mine " " " % T*is is a stor7 o$ Master Su>eemon:s"
At t*e time o$ a ertain person:s seppu>u, <*en t*e >ais*a>u a ut o$$ *is *ead, a little bit o$
s>in <as le$t *anging and
t*e *ead <as not entirel7 separated $rom t*e bod7" T*e o$$iial observer said, %T*ere:s some
le$t"% T*e >ais*a>u got
angr7, too> *old o$ t*e *ead, and utting it ompletel7 o$$, *eld it above e7e level and said ,
::Ta>e a loo>K:: 't is said
t*at it <as rat*er *illing" T*is is a stor7 o$ Master Su>eemon:s "
'n t*e pratie o$ past times , t*ere <ere instanes <*en t*e *ead $le< o$$:" 't <as said t*at
it is best to ut leaving a
little s>in remaining so t*at it doesn:t $l7 o$t in t*e diretion o$ t*e veri$7ing o$$iials"
Ao<ever, at present it is best to
ut lean t*roug*"
A man <*o *ad ut o$$ $i$t7 *eads one said, %Aording to t*e *ead, t*ere are ases <*en
even t*e trun> o$ a bod7
<ill bring some reation to 7ou" Cutting o$$ 2ust t*ree *eads, at $irst t*ere is no reation and
7ou an ut <ell" ;ut
<*en 7ou pet to $our or $ive, 7ou $eel quite a bit o$ reation" At an7 rate , sine t*is is a ver7
important matter, i$ one
al<a7s plans on bringing t*e *ead to t*e ground t*ere s*ould be no mista>es"%
?*en Lord +abes*ima Tsunas*ige <as a *ild, '<amura @uranosu>e <as ordered to t*e
position o$ elder" On one
oasion @uranosu>e sa< t*at t*ere <ere gold oins be$ore t*e 7oung Tsunas*ige and
as>ed t*e attending retainer,
%Cor <*at reason *ave 7ou broug*t t*ese out be$ore t*e 7oung master&% T*e attendant
replied, %T*e master 2ust no<
*eard t*at a gi$t *ad been broug*t $or *im" Ae said t*at *e *ad not 7et seen it, so ' broug*t
it out $or *im "::
@uranosu>e solded t*e man severel7, sa7ing, %To plae su* base t*ings be$ore a person o$
importane is t*e
e-tremit7 o$ areless ness" Fou ma7 also onsider t*em somet*ing not to be put be$ore t*e
lord:s son" Attending
retainers s*ould *ene$ort* be ver7 mind$ul o$ t*is"%
Anot*er time, <*en Lord Tsunas*ige <as about t<ent7 7ears old, *e one <ent to t*e
mansion at +ae>i7ama $or
some diversion" As t*e part7 neared t*e mansion, *e as>ed $or a <al>ing sti>" Ais sandal
arrier, Miura Dibu4aemon,
$as*ioned a sti> and <as about to give it to t*e 7oung lord" @uranosa>e sa< t*is, qui>l7
too> t*e sti> $rom
Dibu4aemon, and solded *im severel7, sa7ing, : :?ill 7ou ma>e our important 7oung lord a
sluggard & Even i$ *e
s*ould as> $or a sti> , it s*ould not be given to *im" T*is is arelessness on t*e part o$ t*e
attending retainer"%
Dibu4aernon <as later promoted to t*e ran> o$ tea>i7ari, and Tsunetomo *eard t*is stor7
diretl7 $rom *im"
?*en S*imomura S*oun <as on servie at t*e astle, Lord +aos*ige said, %Ao< <onder$ul
it is t*at @atsus*ige is so
vigorous and po<er$ul $or *is age" 'n <restling <it* *is peers *e even beat t*ose <*o are
older t*an *e is"%
S*oun replied, %Even t*oug* ':m an old man, ':ll bet ':m best at seated <restling"% So
sa7ing, *e 2er>ed up @atsus*ige
and t*re< *im so $ore$ull7 t*at it *urt" Ae t*en said, %To be pride$ul about 7our strengt*
<*ile 7our mettle is not 7et
establis*ed is li>el7 to bring 7ou s*ame in t*e midst o$ people" Fou are <ea>er t*an 7ou
loo>":: T*en *e <it*dre<"
At t*e time <*en Matsuda Fo*ei <as an intimate $riend o$ 's*ii Din>u:s, t*ere developed
some bad $eeling:s bet<een
t*e $ormer and +o4oe Dinbei" Fo*ei sent <ord to Dinbei sa7ing, %Please ome and ' <ill
settle t*is matter one and $or
all"% T*en *e and Din>u set out toget*er and, oming to t*e Famabus*i mansion at @i*ara,
t*e7 rossed t*e onl7
bridge t*ere <as and destro7ed it" Tal>ing over t*e irumstanes o$ t*e disord, t*e7
e-amined t*em $rom all sides
and $ound no reason to $ig*t" ;ut <*en t*e7 deided to turn around and go *ome, t*ere
<as, o$ ourse, no bridge
?*ile t*e7 <ere loo>ing $or an appropriate <a7 o$ rossing t*e moat, t*e men <*om t*e
t<o *ad *allenged ould be
seen approa*ing stealt*il7" Fo*ei and Din>u sa< t*is and said, %?e *ave passed t*e point
o$ no return, and ma7 as
<ell $ig*t rat*er t*an be disgraed at a later date" % T*e battle lasted $or some time"
Seriousl7 <ounded, Fo*ei $ell
do<n bet<een t<o $ields" Dinbei also reeived a deep <ound, and <it* blood $lo<ing into
*is e7es <as unable to $ind
Fo*ei" ?*ile Dinbei t*us sear*ed about blindl7, Fo*ei <as able to *old *im o$$ $rom *is
prone position and in t*e
end ut *im do<n" ;ut <*en *e attempted to deliver t*e $inis*ing blo<, *aving no strengt*
le$t in *is *and, *e piered
Dinbei:s ne> b7 pus*ing t*e s<ord <it* *is $oot"
At t*is point, $riends arrived and aompanied Fo*ei ba>" A$ter *is <ounds *ealed *e <as
ordered to ommit
seppu>u" At t*at time *e alled *is $riend Din>u, and t*e7 dran> a $are<ell up toget*er"
O>ubo Toemon o$ S*ioda ran a <ines*op $or +abes*ima @enmotsu" Lord O>ura, t*e son o$
+abes*ima @ai no >ami,
<as a ripple and on$ined indoors in a plae alled Mine" Ae *arbored <restlers and li>ed
ro<dies" T*e <restlers
<ould o$ten go to nearb7 villages and ause disturbanes" One time t*e7 <ent to Toemon:s
plae, dran> sa>e and
tal>ed unreasonabl7, bringing Toemon into an argument" Ae met t*em <it* a *alberd, but
as t*ere <ere t<o o$ t*em
*e <as ut do<n"
Ais son, @annosu>e, <as $i$teen 7ears old and <as in t*e midst o$ studies at t*e Do4ei2i
<*en *e <as in$ormed o$ t*e
inident" Lalloping o$$, *e too> a s*ort s<ord about si-teen in*es in lengt*, 2oined ombat
<it* t*e t<o big men, and
in a s*ort time $inis*ed t*em bot* o$$" Alt*oug* @annosu>e reeived t*irteen <ounds, *e
reovered" Later *e <as
alled )o>o and is said to *ave beome ver7 adept at massage"
't is said t*at To>unaga @i*i4aemon repeatedl7 omplained, %':ve gro<n so old t*at no<,
even i$ t*ere <ere to be a
battle, ' <ouldn:t be able to do an7t*ing" Still, ' <ould li>e to die b7 galloping into t*e
midst o$ t*e enem7 and being
stru> do<n and >illed" 't <ould be a s*ame to do not*ing more t*an to die in one:s bed"%
't is said t*at t*e priest L7o2a>u *eard t*is <*en *e <as an aol7te" L7o2a>u:s master <as
t*e priest Femen, <*o <as
@i*i4aemon:s 7oungest *ild"
?*en Sagara @7uma <as requested to beome a *ie$ retainer, *e said to +abes*ima
Aei4aemon, %Cor some reason '
*ave been inreasingl7 <ell treated b7 t*e master and no< *ave been requested to ta>e a
*ig* ran>" +ot *aving a
good retainer, m7 a$$airs are liable to be in disorder" 't is m7 request t*at 7ou give me 7our
retainer, Ta>ase
Dibusaemon"% Aei4aemon listened to *im and onsented, sa7ing, %'t is ver7 grati$7ing t*at
7ou *ave >ept an e7e on m7
retainer" ' <ill t*ere$ore do as 7ou as>"%
;ut <*en *e related t*is to Dibusaemon, t*e latter said, %' s*ould repl7 diretl7 to Master
@7uma"% Ae t*en <ent to
@7uma:s plae and tal>ed <it* *im" Dibusaemon told @7uma, %' >no< it is a great *onor
t*at 7ou *ave t*oug*t <ell o$
me and *ave made t*is request" ;ut a retainer is a person <*o annot *ange masters" As
7ou are o$ *ig* ran>, i$ '
<ere to beome 7our retainer m7 li$e <ould be replete, but t*at repleteness <ould be a
ve-ation to me" ;eause Aer
4aemon is o$ lo< ran> and is *ard pressed, <e live b7 eating *eap rie gruel" Fet t*at is
s<eet enoug*" Please t*in>
t*is over"::
@7uma <as e-tremel7 impressed"
A ertain man <ent o$ some<*ere and on returning *ome late at nig*t, $ound t*at a strange
man *ad slipped into t*e
*ouse and <as ommitting adulter7 <it* *is <i$e" Ae t*ereupon >illed t*e man" Ae t*en
bro>e do<n a <all and
propped up a bale o$ rie, and b7 t*is arrangement submitted to t*e aut*orities t*at *e *ad
>illed a t*ie$" T*us it <ent
<it*out mis*ap" A$ter some time *ad passed *e divored *is <i$e and t*e a$$air <as
?*en a ertain person returned *ome $rom some plae or ot*er, *e $ound *is <i$e
ommitting adulter7 <it* a retainer
in t*e bedroom" ?*en *e dre< near t*e t<o, *is retainer $led t*roug* t*e >it*en" Ae t*en
<ent into t*e bedroom and
sle< *is <i$e"
Calling t*e maidservant, *e e-plained <*at *ad *appened and said, %;eause t*is <ould
bring s*ame to t*e *ildren,
it s*ould be overed up as deat* b7 illness and ' <ill need onsiderable *elp" '$ 7ou t*in>
t*at t*is is too mu* $or
7ou, ' ma7 as <ell >ill 7ou too $or 7our part in t*is serious rime"::
S*e replied, %'$ 7ou <ill spare m7 li$e, ' <ill go on as i$ ' don:t >no< an7t*ing" % S*e
rearranged t*e room and set out
t*e orpse in its nig*tlot*es" T*en, a$ter sending a man to t*e dotor:s plae t<o or t*ree
times sa7ing t*at t*ere <as
a sudden illness, t*e7 sent a last messenger sa7ing t*at it <as too late and t*ere <as no
longer an7 need to ome" T*e
<i$e:s unle <as alled in and told about t*e illness, and *e <as onvined" T*e entire a$$air
<as passed o$t as deat*
b7 illness, and to t*e end no one >ne< t*e trut*" At a later date t*e retainer <as dismissed"
T*is a$$air *appened in
At +e< Fear:s in t*e t*ird 7ear o$ @ei*o at a plae in @orea alled Folsan, <*en t*e
armies o$ t*e Ming appeared b7
t*e *undreds o$ t*ousands, t*e Dapanese troops <ere ama4ed and <at*ed <it* bated
breat*" Lord +aos*ige said,
%?ell, <ell" T*at:s a great number o$ men K ' <onder *o< man7 *undreds o$ t*ousands
t*ere are&::
Din:emon said, %'n Dapan, $or somet*ing t*at:s numberless <e sa7 :as man7 as t*e *airs on a
t*ree=7ear=old al$": T*is
<ould ertainl7 live up to t*e number o$ *airs on a t*ree=7ear=old al$K% 't is said t*at
ever7bod7 laug*ed and
regained t*eir spirits"
Later, Lord @atsus*ige <as *unting at M'" S*irois*i and told +a>ano Matabei about t*is" :
:E-ept $or 7our $at*er
<*o spo>e in su* a <a7, t*ere <as no one <*o said even a <ord "::
+a>ano Din:emon onstantl7 said, %A person <*o serves <*en treated >indl7 b7 t*e master
is not a retainer" ;ut one
<*o serves <*en t*e master is being *eartless and unreasonable is a retainer" Fou s*ould
understand t*is priniple
<ell "::
?*en Famamoto Din:emon <as eig*t7 7ears old, *e be= ame ill" At one point, *e seemed to
be on t*e verge o$
groaning, and someone said to *im, %Fou:ll $eel better i$ 7ou groan" Lo a*ead" O: ;ut *e
replied, %Su* is not t*e ase"
T*e name o$ Famamoto Din:emon is >no<n b7 ever7one, and ' *ave s*o<n up <ell
t*roug*out a <*ole li$etime" To
let people *ear m7 groaning voie in m7 last moments <ould never do"% 't is said t*at *e
did not let out a groan to t*e
ver7 end"
A ertain son o$ Mori Monbei got into a $ig*t and returned *ome <ounded" As>ed b7
Monbei, %?*at did 7ou do to
7our opponent&% *is son replied, %' ut *im do<n"%
?*en Monbei as>ed, %)id 7ou deliver t*e oup de grae&% *is son replied, %'ndeed ' did"%:
T*en Monbei said, %Fou *ave ertainl7 done <ell, and t*ere is not*ing to regret" +o<, even
i$ 7ou $led 7ou <ould
*ave to ommit seppu>u an7<a7" ?*en 7our mood improves, ommit seppu>u, and rat*er
t*an die b7 anot*er:s *and,
7ou an die b7 7our $at*er:s" % And soon a$ter *e per$ormed >ais*a>u $or *is son"
A man in t*e same group as Aiura Len4aemon ommitted some ne$arious deed, and so t*e
group leader gave *im a
note, ondemning *im to deat*, <*i* <as to be ta>en to Len4aemon:s plae" Len4aemon
perused t*e note and t*en
said to t*e man, %'t sa7s *ere t*at ' s*ould >ill 7ou, so ' <ill do a<a7 <it* 7ou on t*e
eastern ban>" Previousl7 7ou
*ave pratied su* t*ings as s<ordsmans*ip " " " " +o< $ig*t <it* all 7ou:ve got"%
T*e man replied, %' <ill do as 7ou sa7,% and <it* Len4aemon alone aompan7ing *im,
t*e7 le$t t*e *ouse" T*e7 *ad
gone about t<ent7 7ards along t*e edge o$ t*e moat <*en a retainer o$ Len4aernon:s 7elled
out, %Ae7, Ae7K% $rom t*e
ot*er side" As Len4aemon <as turning around, t*e ondemned man atta>ed *im <it* *is
s<ord" Len4aemon du>ed
ba><ards, dre< *is s<ord, and ut t*e man do<n" Ae t*en returned *ome"
Ae put t*e lot*es *e *ad been <earing at t*at time into a *est and lo>ed t*em up, never
s*o<ing t*em to an7one
$or t*e rest o$ *is li$e" A$ter *e died t*e lot*es <ere e-amined, and it <as seen t*at t*e7
<ere rent" T*is <as told b7
*is son, Len4aemon"
O>ubo )o>o is said to *ave remar>ed E
Ever7one sa7s t*at no masters o$ t*e arts <ill appear as t*e <orld omes to an end" T*is is
somet*ing t*at ' annot
laim to understand" Plants su* as peonies, a4aleas and amellias <ill be able to produe
beauti$ul $lo<ers, end o$
t*e <orld or not" '$ men <ould give some t*oug*t to t*is $at, t*e7 <ould understand" And
i$ people too> notie o$ t*e
masters o$ even t*ese times, t*e7 <ould be able to sa7 t*at t*ere are masters in t*e various
arts" ;ut people beome
imbued <it* t*e idea t*at t*e <orld *as ome to an end and no longer put $ort* an7 e$$ort"
T*is is a s*ame" T*ere is
no $ault in t*e times"
?*ile Cu>a*ori Magoro>u <as still living as a dependent seond son, *e one <ent *unting
at Cu>a*ori, and *is
retainer, mista>ing *im $or a <ild boar in t*e dar>ness o$ t*e undergro<t*, $ired t*e ri$le,
<ounding *im in t*e >nee
and ausing *im to $all $rom a great *eig*t" T*e retainer, greatl7 upset, stripped *imsel$ to
t*e <aist and <as about to
ommit seppu>u" Magoro>u said, %Fou an ut 7our stoma* open later" ' don:t $eel <ell, so
bring me some <ater to
drin>"% T*e retainer ran about and obtained some <ater $or *is master to drin> and in t*e
proess almed do<n" A$ter
t*at t*e retainer <as again about to ommit seppu>u, but Magoro>u $oribl7 stopped *im"
Upon returning t*e7
*e>ed in <it* t*e man on guard, and Magoro>u as>ed *is $at*er, @an4aemen, to $orgive
t*e retainer"
@an4aemon said to t*e retainer, %'t <as an une-peted mista>e, so do not be <orried" T*ere
is no need $or reservation"
Continue <it* 7our <or>"::
A man b7 t*e name o$ Ta>agi got into an argument <it* t*ree $armers in t*e neig*bor*ood,
<as soundl7 beaten out in
t*e $ields, and returned *ome" Ais <i$e said to *im, %Aaven:t 7ou $orgotten about t*e matter
o$ deat*&% %)e$initel7
notK% *e replied"
Ais <i$e t*en retorted, %At an7 rate, a man dies onl7 one" O$ t*e various <a7s o$ d7ing
=d7ing o$ disease, being ut
do<n in battle, seppu>u or being be*eaded==to die ignominiousl7 <ould be a s*ame,% and
<ent outside" S*e soon
returned, are$ull7 put t*e t<o *ildren to bed, prepared some tor*es, dressed *ersel$ $or
battle a$ter nig*t$all, and
t*en said, %?*en ' <ent out to surve7 t*e sene a bit earlier, it seemed t*at t*e t*ree men
<ent into one plae $or a
disussion" +o< is t*e rig*t time" Let:s go qui>l7K% So sa7ing, t*e7 <ent out <it* t*e
*usband in t*e lead, burning
tor*es and <earing s*ort s<ords" T*e7 bro>e into t*eir opponents: plae and dispersed
t*em, bot* *usband and <i$e
slas*ing about and >illing t<o o$ t*e men and <ounding t*e ot*er" T*e *usband <as later
ordered to ommit seppu>u"
T*ere <as a ertain retainer o$ '>eda S*ingen:s <*o started an argument <it* a man,
grappled *im to t*e ground,
t*ras*ed *im soundl7, and trampled on *im until *is ompanions ran up and pulled t*em
apart" T*e elders on$erred
over t*is and said, %T*e man <*o <as trampled s*ould be punis*ed"% S*ingen *eard t*is
and said, %A $ig*t is
somet*ing t*at goes to t*e $inis*" A man <*o $orgets t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai and does not
use *is s<ord <ill be
$orsa>en b7 t*e gods and ;udd*as" As an e-ample to subsequent retainers, bot* men s*ould
be rui$ied"% T*e men
<*o *ad pulled t*em apart <ere banis*ed"
'n Fui S*osetsu:s militar7 instrutions, %T*e ?a7 o$ t*e T*ree Ultimates,% t*ere is a passage
on t*e *arater o$
>arma": Ae reeived an oral tea*ing o$ about eig*teen *apters onerning t*e Lreater
;raver7 and t*e Lesser
;raver7" Ae neit*er <rote t*em do<n nor ommitted t*em to memor7 but rat*er $orgot
t*em ompletel7" T*en, in
$aing real situations, *e ated on impulse and t*e t*ings t*at *e *ad learned beame
<isdom o$ *is o<n" T*is is t*e
*arater o$ >arma"
?*en $aed <it* a risis, i$ one puts some spittle on *is earlobe and e-*ales deepl7 t*roug*
*is nose, *e <ill
overome an7t*ing at *and" T*is is a seret matter" Curt*ermore, <*en e-periening a rus*
o$ blood to t*e *ead, i$
one puts spittle on t*e upper part o$ one:s ear, it <ill soon go a<a7"
T4u C*:an <as on t*e point o$ deat* <*en someone as>ed *im *o< to govern t*e ountr7"
Ae repliedE
T*ere is not*ing t*at surpasses ruling <it* benevolene" Ao<ever, to put into pratie
enoug* benevolent governing
to rule t*e ountr7 is di$$iult" To do t*is lu>e<arml7 <ill result in neglet" '$ governing
<it* benevolene is di$$iult,
t*en it is best to govern stritl7" To govern stritl7 means to be strit be$ore t*ings *ave
arisen, and to do t*ings in
su* a <a7 t*at evil <ill not arise" To be strit a$ter t*e evil *as arisen is li>e la7ing a snare"
T*ere are $e< people
<*o <ill ma>e mista>es <it* $ire a$ter *aving one been burned" O$ people <*o regard
<ater lig*tl7, man7 *ave been
A ertain man said, %' >no< t*e s*apes o$ Geason and o$ ?oman"% ?*en as>ed about t*is,
*e replied, %Geason is
$our=ornered and <ill not move even in an e-treme situation" ?oman is round" One an
sa7 t*at s*e does not
distinguis* bet<een good and evil or rig*t and <rong and tumbles into an7 plae at all"%
T*e basi meaning o$ etiquette is to be qui> at bot* t*e beginning and end and tranquil in
t*e middle" Mitani
C*i4aemon *eard t*is and said, %T*at:s 2ust li>e being a >ais*a>u"
Cu>ae Angen aompanied an aquaintane o$ *is to t*e priest Tess*u o$ Osa>a, and at $irst
said privatel7 to t*e
priest, %T*is man aspires to stud7 ;udd*ism and *opes to reeive 7our tea*ing" Ae is a
man o$ rat*er *ig*
Soon a$ter t*e intervie< t*e priest said, %Angen is a man <*o does *arm to ot*ers" Ae said
t*at t*is man is a good
man, but <*erein is *is goodness& T*ere <as no goodness visible to Tess*u:s e7es" 't is not
a good idea to praise
people arelessl7" ?*en praised, bot* <ise and $oolis* beome pride$ul" To praise is to do
?*en Aotta @aga no >ami Masamori <as a page to t*e s*ogun, *e <as so *eadstrong t*at
t*e s*ogun <is*ed to test
<*at <as at t*e bottom o$ *is *eart" To do t*is, t*e s*ogun *eated a pair o$ tongs and plaed
t*em in t*e *eart*"
Masamori:s ustom <as to go to t*e ot*er side o$ t*e *eart*, ta>e t*e tongs, and greet t*e
master" T*is time, <*en *e
unsuspetingl7 pi>ed up t*e tongs, *is *ands <ere immediatel7 turned" As *e did
obeisane in *is usual manner,
*o<ever, t*e s*ogun qui>l7 pot up and too> t*e tongs $rom *im"
A ertain person said, %?*en a astle is being surrendered, as long as t*ere are one or t<o
men <it*in it <*o are
determined to *old on, t*e de$ending $ores <ill not be o$ one aord, and in t*e end no one
<ill *old t*e astle" %'n
t*e ta>ing o$ t*e astle, i$ <*en t*e man <*o is to reeive it approa*es and t*e one or t<o
men <*o are determined
to *old on to it lig*tl7 $ire on *im $rom t*e s*ado<s, t*e man <ill be alarmed and t*e battle
<ill be on" 'n su* a ase,
even t*oug* it is un<illingl7 done, t*e astle <ill *ave to be stormed" T*is is alled being
$ored to besiege a astle
b7 t*ose besieged"%
T*e ;udd*ist priest G7o4an <rote do<n some generalities onerning Ta>anobu:s battles" A
ertain priest sa< t*is
and ritii4ed *im, sa7ing, %'t is inappropriate $or a priest to <rite about a militar7
ommander" +o matter *o<
suess$ul *is <riting st7le ma7 be, sine *e is not aquainted <it* militar7 t*ings, *e is
liable to be mista>en in
understanding a $amous general:s mind" 't is irreverent to pass on misoneptions
onerning a $amous general to later
A ertain person said, %'n t*e Saint:s mausoleum t*ere is a poem t*at goes E
'$ in one:s *eart
Ae $ollo<s t*e pat* o$ sinerit7,
T*oug* *e does not pra7
?ill not t*e gods protet *im&
?*at is t*is pat* o$ sinerit7&%
A man ans<ered *im b7 sa7ing, ::Fou seem to li>e poetr7" ' <ill ans<er 7ou <it* a poem"
As ever7t*ing in t*is <orld is but a s*ame,
)eat* is t*e onl7 sinerit7"
't is said t*at beoming as a dead man in one:s dail7 living is t*e $ollo<ing o$ t*e pat* o$
'$ 7ou ut a $ae lengt*<ise, urinate on it, and trample on it <it* stra< sandals, it is said
t*at t*e s>in <ill ome o$$"
T*is <as *eard b7 t*e priest L7o2a>u <*en *e <as in @7oto" 't is in$ormation to be
One o$ Matsudaira Sagami no >ami:s retainers <ent to @7oto on a matter o$ debt olletion
and too> up lodgings b7
renting living quarters in a to<n*ouse" One da7 <*ile standing out $ront <at*ing t*e
people go b7, *e *eard a
passer=b7 sa7, %T*e7 sa7 t*at Lord Matsudaira:s men are involved in a $ig*t rig*t no<"% T*e
retainer t*oug*t, %Ao<
<orrisome t*at some o$ m7 ompanions are involved in a $ig*t" T*ere are some men to
relieve t*ose at Edo sta7ing
*ere" Per*aps t*ese are t*e men involved"% Ae as>ed t*e passer=b7 o$ t*e loation, but <*en
*e arrived out o$ breat*,
*is ompanions *ad alread7 been ut do<n and t*eir adversaries <ere at t*e point o$
delivering t*e oup de grae" Ae
qui>l7 let out a 7ell, ut t*e t<o men do<n, and returned to *is lodgings"
T*is matter <as made >no<n to an o$$iial o$ t*e s*ogunate, and t*e man <as alled up
be$ore *im and questioned"
%Fou gave assistane in 7our ompanions: $ig*t and t*us disregarded t*e government:s
ordinane" T*is is true be7ond
a doubt, isn:t it&%
T*e man replied, %' am $rom t*e ountr7, and it is di$$iult $or me to understand ever7t*ing
t*at Four Aonor is sa7ing"
?ould 7ou please repeat t*at&%
T*e o$$iial got angr7 and said, %'s t*ere somet*ing <rong <it* 7our ears& )idn:t 7ou abet
a $ig*t, ommit bloods*ed,
disregard t*e government:s ordinane, and brea> t*e la<&%
T*e man t*en replied, %' *ave at lengt* understood <*at 7ou are sa7ing" Alt*oug* 7ou sa7
t*at ' *ave bro>en t*e la<
and disregarded t*e government:s ordinane, ' *ave b7 no means done so" T*e reason $or
t*is is t*at all living t*ings
value t*eir lives, and t*is goes <it*out sa7ing $or *uman beings" ', espeiall7, value m7 li$e"
Ao<ever, ' t*oug*t t*at
to *ear a rumor t*at one:s $riends are involved in a $ig*t and to pretend not to *ear t*is is
not to preserve t*e ?a7 o$
t*e Samurai , so ' ran to t*e plae o$ ation " To s*amelessl7 return *ome a$ter seeing m7
$riends stru> do<n <ould
surel7 *ave lengt*ened m7 li$e, but t*is too <ould be disregarding t*e ?a7" 'n observing
t*e ?a7, one <ill t*ro<
a<a7 *is o<n preious li$e" T*us, in order to preserve t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai and not to
disregard t*e Samurai
Ordinanes, ' qui>l7 t*re< a<a7 m7 li$e at t*at plae" ' beg t*at 7ou e-eute me
T*e o$$iial <as ver7 impressed and later dismissed t*e matter, ommuniating to Lord
Matsudaira, %Fou *ave a ver7
able samurai in 7our servie" Please treasure *im"%
T*is is among t*e sa7ings o$ t*e priest ;an>er" %+ot to borro< t*e strengt* o$ anot*er, nor
to rel7 on one:s o<n
strengt* J to ut o$$ past and $uture t*oug*ts, and not to live <it*in t*e ever7da7 mind " " "
t*en t*e Lreat ?a7 is rig*t
be$ore one:s e7es"%
Lord Soma:s $amil7 genealog7, alled t*e C*i>en maro>as*i, <as t*e best in Dapan" One
7ear <*en *is mansion
suddenl7 aug*t $ire and <as burning to t*e ground, Lord Soma said, %' $eel no regret about
t*e *ouse and all its
$urnis*ings, even i$ t*e7 burn to t*e ver7 last piee, beause t*e7 are t*ings t*at an be
replaed later on" ' onl7 regret
t*at ' <as unable to ta>e out t*e genealog7, <*i* is m7 $amil7:s most preious treasure"%
T*ere <as one samurai among t*ose attending *im <*o said, %' <ill go in and ta>e it out"%
Lord Soma and t*e ot*ers all laug*ed and said, %T*e *ouse is alread7 engul$ed in $lames"
Ao< are 7ou going to ta>e it
+o< t*is man *ad never been loquaious, nor *ad *e been partiularl7 use$ul, but being a
man <*o did t*ings $rom
beginning to end, *e <as engaged as an attendant" At t*is point *e said, %' *ave never been
o$ use to m7 master
beause ':m so areless, but ' *ave lived resolved t*at someda7 m7 li$e s*ould be o$ use to
*im" T*is seems to be t*at
time":: And *e leapt into t*e $lames"
A$ter t*e $ire *ad been e-tinguis*ed t*e master said, ::Loo> $or *is remains " ?*at a pit7K::
Loo>ing ever7<*ere, t*e7 $ound *is burnt orpse in t*e garden ad2aent to t*e living
quarters" ?*en t*e7 turned it
over, blood $lo<ed out o$ t*e stoma*" T*e man *ad ut open *is stoma* and plaed t*e
genealog7 inside and it <as
not damaged at all" Crom t*is time on it <as alled t*e %;lood Lenealog7":
Aording to a ertain person:s stor7, %'n t*e tradition o$ t*e ' C*ing, it is a mista>e to t*in>
t*at it is somet*ing $or
divination" 'ts essene is non=divination" T*is an be seen b7 t*e tat t*at t*e C*inese
*arater :': is read as :*ange":
Alt*oug* one divines good $ortune, i$ *e does evil it <ill beome bad $ortune" And
alt*oug* *e divines bad $ortune, i$
*e does good it <ill beome good $ortune"
%Con$uius: sa7ing, :;7 setting m7sel$ to t*e tas> $or man7 7ears and in t*e end learning
*ange H'I, ' s*ould ma>e no
big mista>es,: is not a matter o$ learning t*e ' C*ing" 't means b7 stud7ing t*e essene o$
*ange and onduting
onesel$ $or man7 7ears in t*e ?a7 o$ Lood, one s*ould ma>e no mista>es"%
Airano Lonbei <as one o$ t*e Men o$ Seven Spears <*o advaned straig*t up t*e *ill at t*e
battle o$ S*i4ugada>e" At
a later date *e <as invited to beome one o$ Lord 'e7asu:s *atamoto" One *e <as being
entertained at Master
Aose>a<a:s" T*e master said, %Master Lonbei:s braver7 is not a *idden matter in Dapan" 't is
trul7 a s*ame t*at su* a
man o$ braver7 *as been plaed in a lo< ran> su* as 7ou are in no<" T*is must be ontrar7
to 7our <is*es" '$ 7ou
<ere to beome a retainer o$ mine, ' <ould give 7ou *al$ t*e domain "::
Living no ans<er at all, Lonbei suddenl7 pot up $rom *is seat, <ent out to t*e veranda,
stood $aing t*e *ouse, and
urinated" T*en *e said, %'$ ' <ere t*e master:s retainer, it <ould never do to urinate $rom
?*en t*e priest )ai7u $rom Sans*u <as ma>ing a si> all at a ertain plae, *e <as told,
%T*e man *as 2ust no<
died"% )ai7u said, %Su* a t*ing s*ouldn:t *ave *appened at t*is time" )idn:t t*is our
$rom insu$$iient treatment&
?*at a s*ameK::
+o< t*e dotor *appened to be t*ere at t*at time and *eard <*at <as said $rom t*e ot*er
side o$ t*e s*o2i" Ae got
e-traordinaril7 angr7 and ame out and said, %' *eard Four Geverene sa7 t*at t*e man died
$rom insu$$iient
treatment" Sine ' am a rat*er bungling dotor, t*is is probabl7 true" ' *ave *eard t*at a
priest embodies t*e po<er o$
t*e ;udd*ist La<" Let me see 7ou bring t*is dead man ba> to li$e, $or <it*out su*
evidene ;udd*ism is
)ai7u <as put out b7 t*is, but *e $elt t*at it <ould be un= pardonable $or a priest to put a
blemis* on ;udd*ism, so *e
said, %' <ill indeed s*o< 7ou *o< to bring *is li$e ba> b7 pra7er" Cleas: <ait a moment" '
must go prepare m7sel$,%
and returned to t*e temple" Soon *e ame ba> and sat in meditation ne-t to t*e orpse"
Prett7 soon t*e dead man
began to breat*e and t*en ompletel7 revived" 't is said t*at *e lived on $or anot*er *al$ a
7ear" As t*is <as somet*ing
told diretl7 to t*e priest Tannen, t*ere is not*ing mista>en about it"
?*en telling o$ t*e <a7 *e pra7ed, )ai7u said, %T*is is somet*ing not pratied in our set,
so ' didn:t >no< o$ an7
<a7 o$ pra7er" ' simpl7 set m7 *eart $or t*e sa>e o$ t*e ;udd*ist La<, returned to t*e
temple, s*arpened a s*ort s<ord
t*at *ad been given as an o$$ering to t*e temple, and put it in m7 robe" T*en ' $aed t*e
dead man and pra7ed, :'$ t*e
strengt* o$ t*e ;udd*ist La< e-ists, ome ba> to li$e immediatel7" : Sine ' <as t*us
ommitted , i$ *e *adn:t ome
ba> to li$e, ' <as resolved to t*e point o$ utting open m7 stoma* and d7ing embraing
t*e orpse"%
?*en Famamoto Loro4aemon <ent to t*e priest Tetsug7u in Edo <anting to *ear
somet*ing about ;udd*ism,
Tetsug7o said, %;udd*ism gets rid o$ t*e disriminating mind" 't is not*ing more t*an t*is" '
an give 7ou an
illustration in terms o$ t*e <arrior" T*e C*inese *arater $or ::o<ardie:: is made b7
adding t*e *arater $or
%meaning% to t*e *arater radial $or %mind%" +o< %meaning% is %disrimination, % and
<*en a man atta*es
disrimination to *is true mind, *e beomes a o<ard " 'n t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai an a
man be ourageous <*en
disrimination arises& ' suppose 7ou an get t*e idea $rom t*is"%
Aording to <*at one o$ t*e elders said, ta>ing an enem7 on t*e battle$ield is li>e a *a<>
ta>ing a bird" Even t*oug*
it enters into t*e midst o$ a t*ousand o$ t*em, it gives no attention to an7 bird ot*er t*an t*e
one t*at it *as $irst
mar>ed "
Moreover, <*at is alled a te4u>e no >ubi is a *ead t*at one *as ta>en a$ter *aving made
t*e delaration, %' <ill ta>e
t*at <arrior <earing su* and su* armor"%
'n t*e @i7ogun>an one person said, %?*en $aing t*e enem7, ' $eel as i$ ' *ave 2ust entered
dar>ness" ;eause o$ t*is
' get *eavil7 <ounded" Alt*oug* 7ou *ave $oug*t <it* man7 $amous men, 7ou *ave never
been <ounded" ?*7 is
T*e ot*er man ans<ered, %?*en ' *ave $aed t*e enem7, o$ ourse it is li>e being in t*e
dar>" ;ut i$ at t*at time '
tranquili4e m7 mind, it beomes li>e a nig*t lit b7 a pale moon" '$ ' begin m7 atta> $rom
t*at point, ' $eel as t*oug* '
<ill not be <ounded" % T*is is t*e situation at t*e moment o$ trut*"
A ri$le ball *itting t*e <ater <ill rio*et" 't is said t*at i$ one mar>s it <it* a >ni$e or dents
it <it* *is teet*, it <ill
pass t*roug* t*e <ater" Moreover, <*en t*e master is *unting or some su* t*ing, i$ one
mar>s t*e ball <it* a sign, it
<ill ome in *and7 in ase o$ a mis*ap"
?*en Master O<ari, Master @it and Master Mite <ere around t*e age o$ ten, one da7 Lord
'e7asu <as <it* t*em in
t*e garden and >no>ed do<n a big <asps: nest" A great number o$ <asps $le< out, and
Master O<ari and Master @it
<ere $rig*tened and ran a<a7" ;ut Master Mite pi>ed o$$ t*e <asps t*at <ere on *is $ae,
t*re< t*em a<a7 one b7
one, and did not run a<a7"
Anot*er time, <*en Lord 'e7asu <as roasting a great number o$ *estnuts in a large *eart*,
*e invited t*e bo7s to 2oin
*im" ?*en t*e *estnuts got su$$iientl7 *ot, t*e7 all started to pop out at one" T<o o$ t*e
bo7s <ere $rig*tened and
moved a<a7" Master Mite, *o<ever, not t*e least bit $rig*tened, pi>ed up t*e ones t*at *ad
popped out and t*re<
t*em ba> into t*e *eart*"
'n order to stud7 mediine Egu*i T*an <ent to old Fos*ida l*ian:s plae in t*e ;an*o
area o$ Edo" At t*at time,
t*ere <as in t*e neig*bor*ood a tea*er o$ s<ordsmans*ip, to <*om *e used to go $or
training $rom time to time"
T*ere <as a ronin pupil t*ere <*o one da7 ame up to Toan and said as a parting remar>, %'
am no< going to reali4e
a long *eris*ed ambition, one ' *ave *ad $or man7 7ears" ' am in$orming 7ou o$ t*is
beause 7ou *ave al<a7s been
$riendl7 to me"% T*en *e <al>ed a<a7" T*an $elt uneas7 about t*is, and <*en *e $ollo<ed
*im, *e ould see a man
<earing a braided *at oming $rom t*e opposite diretion"
+o< t*e s<ord tea*er <as about eig*t or ten 7ards a*ead o$ t*e ronin, and in passing b7
t*e man <it* t*e *at *e
soundl7 stru> t*e man:s sabbard <it* *is o<n" ?*en t*e man loo>ed around, t*e ronin
>no>ed o$$: t*e man:s *at
and announed in a loud voie t*at *is purpose <as revenge" ?it* t*e man:s attention being
distrated b7 t*e
on$usion, *e <as easil7 ut do<n" A tremendous amount o$ ongratulations ame $rom t*e
nearb7 mansions and
to<n*ouses" 't is said t*at t*e7 even broug*t out mone7 $or *im" T*is <as a $avorite stor7
o$ Toan:s"
One <*en t*e priest Ungo o$ Matsus*ima <as passing t*roug* t*e mountains at nig*t, *e
<as set upon b7 mountain
bandits" Ungo said, %' am a man o$ t*is area, not a pilgrim" ' *ave no mone7 at all, but 7ou
an *ave t*ese lot*es i$
7ou li>e" Please spare m7 li$e"%
T*e bandits said, %?ell, our e$$orts *ave been in vain" ?e don:t need an7t*ing li>e lot*es,%
and passed on" T*e7 *ad
gone about t<o *undred 7ards <*en Ungo turned ba> and alled to t*em, %' *ave bro>en
t*e ommandment against
l7ing" 'n m7 on$usion ' $orgot t*at ' *ad one piee o$ silver in m7 mone7bag" ' am trul7
regret$ul ' said t*at ' *ad
not*ing at all" ' *ave it *ere no<, so please ta>e it"% T*e mountain bandits <ere deepl7
impressed, ut o$$ t*eir *air
rig*t t*ere, and beame *is disiples"
'n Edo $our or $ive *atamoto gat*ered toget*er one nig*t $or a game o$ go" At one point one
o$ t*em got up to go to
t*e toilet, and <*ile *e <as gone an argument bro>e out" One man <as ut do<n, t*e lig*ts
<ere e-tinguis*ed, and
t*e plae <as in an uproar" ?*en t*e man ame running ba>, *e 7elled, %Ever7bod7 alm
do<n ' T*is is reall7 over
not*ing at all" Put t*e lamps ba> on and let me *andle t*is":: A$ter t*e lamps *ad been
relig*ted and ever7one *ad
almed do<n, t*e man suddenl7 stru> o$$ t*e *ead o$ t*e ot*er man involved in t*e
argument" Ae t*en said, %M7
lu> as a samurai *aving run out, ' <as not present at t*e $ig*t" '$ t*is <ere seen as
o<ardie, ' <ould be ordered to
ommit seppu>u" Even i$ t*at didn:t *appen, ' <ould *ave no e-use i$ it <ere said t*at '
*ad $led to t*e toilet, and '
<ould still *ave no reourse ot*er t*an seppu>u" ' *ave done t*is t*ing beause ' t*oug*t '
<ould die *aving ut do<n
an adversar7 rat*er t*an die *aving s*amed m7sel$ alone"% ?*en t*e s*ogun *eard o$ t*is
matter, *e praised t*e man"
One a group o$ ten blind masseuses <ere traveling toget*er in t*e mountains, and <*en
t*e7 began to pass along t*e
top o$ a preipie, t*e7 all beame ver7 autious, t*eir legs s*oo>, and t*e7 <ere in general
stru> <it* terror" Dust
t*en t*e leading man stumbled and $ell o$ t*e li$$" T*ose t*at <ere le$t all <ailed, %A**,
a** ' Ao< piteousK% ;ut t*e
masseuse <*o *ad $allen veiled up $rom belo<, %)on:t be a$raid" Alt*oug* ' $ell, it <as
not*ing" ' am no< rat*er at
ease" ;e$ore $alling ' >ept t*in>ing :?*at <ill ' do i$ ' $all&: and t*ere <as no end to m7
an-iet7" ;ut no< ':ve settled
do<n" '$ t*e rest o$ 7ou <ant to be at ease, $all qui>l7K::
Ao2o A<a no >ami one gat*ered toget*er *is disiples in t*e martial arts and alled in a
p*7siognomist, <*o <as
popular in Edo at t*e time, to *ave *im determine <*et*er t*e7 <ere brave men or
o<ards" Ae *ad t*em see t*e man
one b7 one, telling t*em, %'$ *e determines :braver7,: 7ou s*ould strive all t*e more" '$ it is
:o<ardie,: 7ou s*ould
strive b7 t*ro<ing a<a7 7our li$e" 't:s somet*ing t*at 7ou:re born <it*, so t*ere:s no s*ame
in it"%
Airose )en4aemon <as t*en about t<elve or t*irteen 7ears old" ?*en *e sat do<n in $ront
o$ t*e p*7siognomist, *e
said in a bristling voie , ::i$ 7ou read o<ardie in me, ':ll ut 7ou do<n <it* a single
blo< K%
?*en t*ere is somet*ing to be said, it is better i$ it is said rig*t a<a7" '$ it is said later, it
<ill sound li>e an e-use"
Moreover, it is oasionall7 good to reall7 over<*elm 7our opponent" Also, in addition to
*aving spo>en su$$iientl7
it is t*e *ig*est sort o$ vitor7 to tea* 7our opponent some= t*ing t*at <ill be to *is
bene$it" T*is is in aordane
<it* t*e ?a7"
T*e priest G7oi said E T*e samurai o$ old <ere morti$ied b7 t*e idea o$ d7ing in bed J t*e7
*oped onl7 to die on t*e
battle$ield" A priest, too, <ill be unable to $ul$ill t*e ?a7 unless *e is o$ t*is disposition"
T*e man <*o s*uts *imsel$
a<a7 and avoids t*e ompan7 o$ men is a o<ard" Onl7 evil t*oug*ts allo< one to imagine
t*at somet*ing good an
be done b7 s*utting onesel$ a<a7" Cor even i$ one does some good t*ing b7 s*utting
*imsel$ a<a7, *e <ill be unable
to >eep t*e <a7 open $or $uture generations b7 promulgating t*e lan traditions "
Ta>eda S*ingen:s retainer, Amari ;i4en no >ami, <as >illed in ation and *is son, To4o, at
t*e age o$ eig*teen too>
over *is $at*er:s position as an armed *orseman atta*ed to a general" One a ertain man in
*is group reeived a deep
<ound, and sine t*e blood <ould not lot, To4o ordered *im to drin> t*e $ees o$ a red=
*aired *orse mi-ed <it*
<ater" T*e <ounded man said, %Li$e is dear to me" Ao< an ' drin> *orse $ees&: To4o
*eard t*is and said, %?*at an
admirabl7 brave <arrior K ?*at 7ou sa7 is reasonable" Ao<ever, t*e basi meaning o$
lo7alt7 requires us to preserve
our lives and gain vitor7 $or our master on t*e battle$ield" ?ell, t*en, ':ll drin> some $or
7ou":: T*en *e dran> some
*imsel$ and banded over t*e up to t*e man <*o too> t*e mediine grate$ull7 and
reovered "
'n t*e %+otes on Martial La<s% it is <ritten t*atE
T*e p*rase, ::?in $irst, $ig*t later, :: an be summed up in t*e t<o <ords, %?in be$ore*and"%
T*e resoure$ulness o$
times o$ peae is t*e militar7 preparation $or times o$ <ar" ?it* $ive *undred allies one an
de$eat an enem7 $ore o$
ten t*ousand"
?*en advaning on t*e enem7:s astle and t*en pulling ba>, do not retreat b7 t*e main
road, but rat*er b7 t*e side
One s*ould la7 one:s dead and <ounded allies $ae do<n in t*e diretion o$ t*e enem7"
't is a matter o$ ourse t*at a <arrior:s attitude s*ould be to be in t*e vanguard during an
atta> and in t*e rear during
a retreat" 'n approa*ing $or t*e atta> *e does not $orget to <ait $or t*e rig*t moment" 'n
<aiting $or t*e rig*t
moment *e never $orgets t*e atta>"
A *elmet is usuall7 t*oug*t to be ver7 *eav7, but <*en one is atta>ing a astle or
somet*ing similar, and arro<s,
bullets, large ro>s, great piees o$ <ood and t*e li>e are orning do<n, it <ill not seem t*e
least bit so"
One <*en Master Fag7u <as be$ore t*e s*ogun on some business, a number o$ bamboo
s<ords $ell $rom t*e eiling"
Ae qui>l7 lasped *is *ands above *is *ead and <as not stru> "
Again, at a ertain time <*en *e <as summoned, t*e s*ogun <as <aiting be*ind over <it*
a bamboo s<ord read7 to
stri>e *im" Master Fag7u alled out in a loud voie, %T*is is $or 7our o<n disipline" )on:t
loo> K% As t*e s*ogun
turned around, Master Fag7u stepped up and too> t*e s<ord out o$ *is *and"
A person <*o does not <ant to be stru> b7 t*e enem7 s arro<s <ill *ave no divine
protetion" Cor a man <*o does
not <is* to be *it b7 t*e arro<s o$ a ommon soldier, but rat*er b7 t*ose o$ a <arrior o$
$ame, t*ere <ill be t*e
protetion $or <*i* *e *as as>ed"
?ind=bells are t*ings t*at are used during ampaigns in order to >no< t*e diretion o$ t*e
<ind" Cor nig*t atta>s,
$ire an be set <ind<ard <*ile t*e atta> an be arried out $rom t*e opposite diretion"
Four allies s*ould be
mind$ul o$ t*is also" One s*ould al<a7s *ang <ind=bells in order to >no< t*e diretion o$
t*e <ind"
Lord A>i delared t*at *e <ould not *ave *is desendants learn militar7 tatis" Ae said,
%On t*e battle$ield, one
disretion starts it annot be stopped" One <ill not brea> t*roug* to t*e enem7 <it*
disretion" 'ndisretion is most
important <*en in $ront o$ t*e tiger:s den" T*ere$ore, i$ one <ere in$ormed o$ militar7
tatis, *e <ould *ave man7
doubts, and t*ere <ill be no end to t*e matter" M7 desendants <ill not pratie militar7
Aording to Lord +aos*ige:s <ordsE
T*ere is somet*ing to <*i* ever7 7oung samurai s*ould pa7 attention" )uring times o$
peae <*en listening to
stories o$ battle, one s*ould never sa7, %'n $aing su* a situation, <*at <ould a person
do&% Su* <ords are out o$
t*e question" Ao< <ill a man <*o *as doubts even in *is o<n room a*ieve an7t*ing on
t*e battle$ield& T*ere is a
sa7ing t*at goes, %+o matter <*at t*e irumstanes mig*t be, one s*ould be o$ t*e mind to
<in" One s*ould be
*olding t*e $irst spear to stri>e"% Even t*oug* 7ou *ave put 7our li$e on t*e line, t*ere is
not*ing to be done <*en t*e
situation doesn:t go as planned"
Ta>eda S*ingen one said, %'$ t*ere <as a man <*o ould >ill Lord 'e7asu, ' <ould give
*im a *andsome re<ard"%
Aearing t*is, a bo7 o$ t*irteen entered into t*e servie o$ Lord 'e7asu and one nig*t <*en
*e sa< t*at 'e7asu *ad
retired, too> a stab at *is bedding" Lord 'e7asu <as atuall7 in t*e ne-t room silentl7
reading a sutra, but *e qui>l7
grabbed t*e bo7"
?*en t*e investigation <as *eld, t*e bo7 related t*e $ats *onestl7, and Lord 'e7asu said,
%Fou seemed to be an
e-ellent 7oung man, so ' emplo7ed 7ou on $riendl7 terms" +o<, *o<ever, ' am even more
impressed b7 7ou"% Ae
t*en sent t*e lad ba> to S*ingen"
One nig*t some samurai $rom @aratsu gat*ered toget*er and <ere pla7ing go" Master
@itabata>e <as <at*ing t*e
game, and <*en *e o$$ered a suggestion, one man atta>ed *im <it* a s<ord" A$ter t*e
people around t*em *ad
stopped t*e man, Master @itabata>e pin*ed out t*e lig*t o$ t*e andle and said, %'t <as
not*ing more t*an m7 o<n
indisretion, and ' apologi4e" T*e s<ord *it t*e go aseJ ' <as not t*e least bit <ounded"%
T*en t*e andle <as relig*ted, but <*en t*e man ame to reoniliate and o$$er *im a sa>e
up, @itabata>e ut t*e
man:s *ead o$$ <it* one blo<" Presentl7 *e said, %M7 t*ig* *aving been ut t*roug*, it <as
di$$iult to o$$er an7
resistane, but b7 binding m7 leg <it* m7 oat and supporting m7sel$ <it* t*e go board, '
*ave done t*is t*ing"%
Aaving said t*is, *e e-pired"
T*ere is not*ing so pain$ul as regret" ?e <ould all li>e to be <it*out it" Ao<ever, <*en <e
are ver7 *app7 and
beome elated, or <*en <e *abituall7 2ump into somet*ing t*oug*tlessl7, later <e are
distraug*t, and it is $or t*e
most part beause <e did not t*in> a*ead and are no< regret$ul" Certainl7 <e s*ould tr7 not
to beome de2eted, and
<*en ver7 *app7 s*ould alm our minds"
T*ese are tea*ings o$ Famamoto Din:emonE
Singlemindedness is all=po<er$ul"
Tet*er even a roasted *i>en"
Continue to spur a running *orse"
A man <*o <ill ritii4e 7ou openl7 arries no onnivane "
A man e-ists $or a generation, but *is name lasts to t*e end o$ time"
Mone7 is a t*ing t*at <ill be t*ere <*en as>ed $or" A good man is not so easil7 $ound"
?al> <it* a real man one *undred 7ards and *e:ll tell 7ou at least seven lies"
To as> <*en 7ou alread7 >no< is politeness" To as> <*en 7ou don:t >no< is t*e rule"
?rap 7our intentions in needles o$ pine"
One s*ould not open *is mout* <ide or 7a<n in $ront o$ anot*er" )o t*is be*ind 7our $an or
A stra< *at or *elmet s*ould be <orn tilled to<ard t*e $ront"
't is a priniple o$ t*e art o$ <ar t*at one s*ould simpl7 la7 do<n *is li$e and stri>e" '$ one:s
opponent also does t*e
same, it is an even mat*" )e$eating one:s opponent is t*en a matter o$ $ait* and destin7"
One s*ould not s*o< *is sleeping quarters to ot*er people" T*e times o$ deep sleep and
da<ning are ver7 important"
One s*ould be mind$ul o$ t*is" T*is is $rom a stor7 b7 +aga*ama lnosu>e"
?*en one departs $or t*e $ront, *e s*ould arr7 rie in a bag" Ais under<ear s*ould be
made $rom t*e s>in o$ a
badger" T*is <a7 *e <ill not *ave lie" 'n a long ampaign, lie are troublesome"
?*en meeting <it* t*e enem7, t*ere is a <a7 to determine *is strengt*" '$ *e *as *is *ead
ast do<n, *e <ill appear
bla> and is strong" '$ *e is loo>ing up<ard, *e <ill appear <*ite and is <ea>" T*is is $rom
a stor7 b7 +atsume Toneri
'$ a <arrior is not unatta*ed to li$e and deat*, *e <ill be o$ no use <*atsoever" T*e sa7ing
t*at %All abilities ome
$rom one mind% sounds as t*oug* it *as to do <it* sentient matters, but it is in $at a matter
o$ being unatta*ed to li$e
and deat*" ?it* su* non=atta*ment one an aomplis* an7 $eat" Martial arts and t*e li>e
are related to t*is inso$ar
as t*e7 an lead to t*e ?a7"
To alm one:s mind, one s<allo<s *is saliva" T*is is a seret matter" ?*en one beomes
angr7, it is t*e same" Putting
spittle on one:s $ore*ead is also good" 'n t*e Fos*ida s*ool o$ ar*er7, s<allo<ing one:s
spittle is t*e seret priniple
o$ t*e art"
A ertain general said, %Cor soldiers ot*er t*an o$$iers, i$ t*e7 <ould test t*eir armor, t*e7
s*ould test onl7 t*e $ront"
Curt*ermore, <*ile ornamentation on armor is unneessar7, one s*ould be ver7 are$ul
about t*e appearane o$ *is
*elmet" 't is somet*ing t*at aompanies *is *ead to t*e enem7:s amp"%
+a>ano Din:emon said, %Learning su* t*ings as militar7 tatis is useless" '$ one does not
stri>e out b7 simpl7 losing
*is e7es and rus*ing into t*e enem7, even i$ it is onl7 one step, *e <ill be o$ no use"% T*is
<as also t*e opinion o$
'7anaga Sasu>e"
'n +atsume Toneri:s %Militar7 Stories% it is <rittenE %Loo> at t*e soldiers o$ reent times K
Even in long battles t*ere
are *ardl7 one or t<o oasions <*en blood is <as*ed <it* blood" One s*ould not be
negligent"% Toneri <as a ronin
$rom t*e @amigata area"
To *ave e-eution grounds in a plae <*ere travelers ome and go is useless" T*e
e-eutions in Edo and t*e
@amigala area are meant to be an e-ample $or t*e <*ole ountr7" ;ut t*e e-eutions in one
provine are onl7 $or an
e-ample in t*at provine" '$ rimes are man7, it is a provine:s s*ame" Ao< <ould t*is loo>
to ot*er provines&
?it* t*e passing o$ time, t*e riminal <ill $orget t*e reason $or *is rime J it is best to
e-eute *im on t*e spot"
Matsudaira '4u no >ami said to Master Mi4uno @enmotsu, %Fou:re su* a use$ul person, it:s
a s*ame t*at 7ou:re so
@enmotsu replied, %T*at:s true" Sometimes t*ings in t*is <orld don:t go t*e <a7 <e <ould
li>e" +o< i$ ' <ere to ut
o$$ 7our *ead and atta* it to t*e bottom o$ m7 $eet, ' <ould be taller" ;ut t*at:s somet*ing
t*at ouldn:t be done"%
A ertain person <as passing b7 t*e to<n o$ Fae <*en suddenl7 *is stoma* began to *urt"
Ae stopped at a *ouse on
a side street and as>ed to use t*e toilet" T*ere <as onl7 a 7oung <oman t*ere, but s*e too>
*im to t*e ba> and
s*o<ed *im <*ere it <as" Dust as *e <as ta>ing o$$ *is *a>ama and going into t*e toilet, t*e
<oman:s *usband ame
*ome and aused t*em bot* o$ adulter7" 'n t*e end, it beame a publi matter"
Lord +aos*ige *eard t*e ase and said, %Even i$ t*is is not a matter o$ adulter7, it is t*e
same as adulter7 to ta>e o$$
one:s *a>ama <it*out *esitation in a plae <*ere t*ere is an unaompanied <oman, and in
t*e <oman:s ase to allo<
someone to disrobe <*ile *er *usband is absent $rom *ome "::
't is said t*at t*e7 <ere bot* ondemned to deat* $or t*is at"
'n assessing t*e enem7:s astle t*ere is a sa7ing t*at goes, %Smo>e and mist are li>e loo>ing
at a spring mountain"
A$ter t*e rain is li>e vie<ing a lear da7"% T*ere is <ea>ness in per$et larit7"
Among t*e <ords spo>en b7 great generals, t*ere are some t*at <ere said o$$*andedl7" One
s*ould not reeive t*ese
<ords in t*e same manner, *o<ever"
People <*o *ave an intelligent appearane <ill not be outstanding even i$ t*e7 do
somet*ing good, and i$ t*e7 do
somet*ing normal, people <ill t*in> t*em la>ing" ;ut i$ a person <*o is t*oug*t o$ as
*aving a gentle disposition
does even a slig*tl7 good t*ing, *e <ill be praised b7 people"
On t*e $ourteent* da7 o$ t*e sevent* mont* in t*e t*ird 7ear o$ S*oto>u, t*ere <ere some
oo>s in t*e midst o$
preparations $or t*e ;en Cestival in t*e outer itadel o$ t*e astle" One o$ t*em, Aara
Duro4aemon, uns*eat*ed *is
s<ord and ut o$$ t*e *ead o$ Sagara Len4aemon" Ma<atari Go>uuemon, Aiura Tarobei,
@ola @inbei and @a>i*ara
Giemen all ran a<a7 in on$usion" ?*en Duro4aemon sig*ted @inbei and started *asing
*im, t*e latter $led to t*e
$oot soldiers: gat*ering area" T*ere, t*e daim7o:s palanquin attendant, Tana>a Ta>euemon,
stood against Duro4aemon
and too> a<a7 *is still dra<n s<ord" 's*irnaru San:emon *ased Duro4aemon, and <*en
t*e7 ame to t*e $oot soldiers:
area, assisted Ta>euemon"
T*e punis*ment <as given on t*e t<ent7=nint* da7 o$ t*e elevent* mont* in t*e same 7ear"
Duro4aemon <as bound
<it* rope and be*eaded" Go>uuemon, Tarobei, @inbei and Giemon <ere banis*ed, and
San:emon <as ordered to
retire" Ta>euemon <as re<arded <it* t*ree piees o$ silver"
't <as later said t*at Ta>euemon *ad been slo< to at, $or *e *ad not bound t*e man at t*at
Among Ta>eda S*ingen:s retainers t*ere <ere men o$ mat*less ourage, but <*en
@atsu7ori <as >illed in t*e $ig*t
at Tenmo>u4an, t*e7 all $led" Tsu*i7a So4o, a <arrior <*o *ad been in dis$avor $or man7
7ears, ame out alone,
*o<ever, and said, %' <onder <*ere all t*e men are <*o spo>e so bravel7 ever7 da7& '
s*all return t*e master:s $avors
to me"% And *e $ell alone in battle"
T*e essentials o$ spea>ing are in not spea>ing at all" '$ 7ou t*in> t*at 7ou an $inis*
somet*ing <it*out spea>ing,
$inis* it <it*out sa7ing a single <ord" '$ t*ere is somet*ing t*at annot be aomplis*ed
<it*out spea>ing, one s*ould
spea> <it* $e< <ords, in a <a7 t*at <ill aord <ell <it* reason "
To open one:s mout* indisriminatel7 brings s*ame, and t*ere are man7 times <*en people
<ill turn t*eir ba>s on
su* a person"
A devotee o$ t*e +embutsu reites t*e ;udd*a:s name <it* ever7 inoming and outgoing
breat* in order never to
$orget t*e ;udd*a" A retainer, too, s*ould be 2ust li>e t*is in t*in>ing o$ *is master" +ot to
$orget one:s master is t*e
most $undamental t*ing $or a retainer"
Men <*o did <ell at t*e time o$ t*eir deat* <ere men o$ real braver7" T*ere are man7
e-amples o$ su*" ;ut people
<*o tal> in an aomplis*ed $as*ion ever7 da7 7et are agitated at t*e time o$ t*eir deat*
an be >no<n not to *ave
true braver7 "
'n t*e seret priniples o$ Fag7u Ta2ima no >ami Munenori t*ere is t*e sa7ing, %T*ere are
no militar7 tatis $or a
man o$ great strengt*"% As proo$ o$ t*is, t*ere <as one a ertain vassal o$ t*e s*ogun <*o
ame to Master Fag7u and
as>ed to beome a disiple" Master Fag7u said, %Fou seem to be a man <*o is ver7
aomplis*ed in some s*ool o$
martial art" Let us ma>e t*e master=disiple ontrat a$ter ' learn t*e name o$ t*e s*ool"%
;ut t*e man replied, %' *ave never pratied one o$ t*e martial arts"%
Master Fag7u said, %Aave 7ou ome to ma>e sport o$ Ta2ima no >ami & 's m7 pereption
amiss in t*in>ing t*at 7ou
are a tea*er to t*e s*ogun&% ;ut t*e man s<ore to it and Master Fag7u t*en as>ed, %T*at
being so, do 7ou not *ave
some deep onvition&%
T*e man replied, %?*en ' <as a *ild, ' one beame suddenl7 a<are t*at a <arrior is a
man <*o does not *old *is
li$e in regret" Sine ' *ave *eld t*at in m7 *eart $or man7 7ears, it *as beome a deep
onvition, and toda7 ' never
t*in> about deat*" Ot*er t*an t*at ' *ave no speial onvition"::
Master Fag7u <as deepl7 impressed and said, %M7 pereptions <ere not t*e least bit a<r7"
T*e deepest priniple o$
m7 militar7 tatis is 2ust t*at one t*ing" Lip until no< , among all t*e man7 *undreds o$
disiples ' *ave *ad, t*ere is
not one <*o is liensed in t*is deepest priniple" 't is not neessar7 $or 7ou to ta>e up t*e
<ooden s<ord" ' <ill
initiate 7ou rig*t no<":: And it is said t*at *e promptl7 banded *im t*e erti$ied sroll"
T*is is a stor7 o$ Muraga<a Soden:s"
Meditation on inevitable deat* s*ould be per$ormed dail7" Ever7 da7 <*en one:s bod7 and
mind are at peae, one
s*ould meditate upon being ripped apart b7 arro<s, ri$les, spears and s<ords, being arried
a<a7 b7 surging <aves,
being t*ro<n into t*e midst o$ a great $ire, being stru> b7 lig*tning, being s*a>en to deat*
b7 a great eart*qua>e,
$alling $rom t*ousand=$oot li$$s, d7ing o$ disease or ommitting seppu>u at t*e deat* o$
one:s master" And ever7 da7
<it*out $ail one s*ould onsider *imsel$ as dead"
T*ere is a sa7ing o$ t*e elders: t*at goes, %Step $rom under t*e eaves and 7ou:re a dead man"
Leave t*e gate and t*e
enem7 is <aiting"% T*is is not a matter o$ being are$ul" 't is to onsider onesel$ as dead
People <ill beome 7our enemies i$ 7ou beome eminent too qui>l7 in li$e, and 7ou <ill
be ine$$etual" Gising
slo<l7 in t*e <orld, people <ill be 7our allies and 7our *appiness <ill *e assured"
'n t*e long run, <*et*er 7ou are $ast or slo<, as long as 7ou *ave people:s understanding
t*ere <ill be no danger" 't is
said t*at $ortune t*at is urged upon 7ou $rom ot*ers is t*e most e$$etive"
T*e <arriors o$ old ultivated musta*es, $or as proo$ t*at a man *ad been slain in battle,
*is ears and nose <ould be
ut o$$ and broug*t to t*e enem7:s amp" So t*at t*ere <ould be no mista>e as to <*et*er
t*e person <as a man or a
<oman, t*e musta*e <as also ut o$$ <it* t*e nose" At su* a time t*e *ead <as t*ro<n
a<a7 i$ it *ad no musta*e,
$or it mig*t be mista>en $or t*at o$ a <oman" T*ere$ore, gro<ing a musta*e <as one o$ t*e
disiplines o$ a samurai
so t*at *is *ead <ould not be t*ro<n a<a7 upon *is deat*" Tsunetomo said, %'$ one <as*es
*is $ae <it* <ater ever7
morning, i$ *e is slain *is omple-ion <ill not *ange" %
T*e <ord %person o$ t*e nort*% omes $rom a tradition o$ t*e orret <a7 o$ upbringing" A
ouple <ill put t*eir
pillo<s in t*e <est, and t*e man, l7ing on t*e sout* side, <ill $ae t*e nort*, <*ile t*e
<oman, l7ing on t*e nort*
side, <ill $ae t*e sout*"
'n bringing up a bo7, one s*ould $irst enourage a sense o$ valor" Crom t*e time *e is 7oung
t*e *ild s*ould li>en *is
parents to t*e master, and learn ever7da7 politeness and etiquette, t*e serving o$ ot*er
people, t*e <a7s o$ spee*,
$orbearane and even t*e orret <a7 o$ <al>ing do<n t*e street" T*e elders <ere taug*t in
t*e same $as*ion" ?*en
*e does not put e$$ort into t*ings, *e s*ould be solded and made to go t*e entire da7
<it*out eating" T*is is also one
o$ t*e disiplines o$ a retainer"
As $or a girl, it is most important to tea* *er *astit7 $rom t*e time s*e is a *ild" S*e
s*ould not be in t*e ompan7
o$ a man at a distane o$ less t*an si- $eet, nor s*ould s*e meet t*em e7e to e7e, nor s*ould
s*e reeive t*ings $rom
t*em diretl7 $rom *and to *and" +eit*er s*ould s*e go sig*t=seeing or ta>e trips to
temples" A <oman <*o *as been
broug*t up stritl7 and *as endured su$$ering at *er o<n borne <ill su$$er no ennui a$ter s*e
is married"
'n dealing <it* 7ounger *ildren one s*ould use re<ards and punis*ments" '$ one is la- in
being sure t*at t*e7 do as
t*e7 are told, 7oung *ildren <ill beome sel$=interested and <ill later be involved in
<rongdoings" 't is somet*ing
about <*i* one s*ould be ver7 are$ul"
As a retainer o$ t*e +abes*ima lan, one s*ould *ave t*e intention o$ stud7ing our
provine:s *istor7 and traditions,
but provinial studies are made lig*t o$ no<ada7s" T*e basi reason $or t*is stud7 is to
understand t*e $oundation o$
our lan, and to >no< t*at t*e lan:s $ore$at*ers establis*ed its perpetuit7 b7 means o$ t*eir
su$$ering and ompassion"
T*e $at t*at our lan *as perpetuall7 ontinued in an unrivaled manner up to t*is ver7 da7
is due to t*e *umanit7 and
martial valor o$ Master G7u4o2i 'e>ane, t*e *arit7 and $ait* o$ Master +abes*ima
@i7o*isa, and t*e appearane o$
Lord G7u4o2i Ta>anobu and Lord +abes*ima +aos*ige and t*eir mig*t"
' am at a omplete loss <*en it omes to understanding <*7 people o$ t*is generation *ave
$orgotten t*ese t*ings and
respet t*e ;udd*as o$ ot*er plaes" +eit*er t*e S*a>7amuni ;udd*a, nor Con$uius, nor
@usuno>i, nor S*ingen
<ere ever retainers o$ t*e G7u4o2is or t*e +abes*imasJ *ene it annot be said t*at t*e7 are
in *armon7 <it* our
lan:s ustoms" 'n times o$ <ar or in times o$ peae it <ould be su$$iient i$ bot* t*e upper
and lo<er lasses <ould
<ors*ip our anestors and stud7 t*eir tea*ings" One <ors*ips t*e *ead o$ <*atever lan or
disipline to <*i* *e
belongs" Outside learning $or retainers o$ our lan is <ort*less" One ma7 t*in> t*at it is $ine
to stud7 ot*er disiplines
as a diversion a$ter *is provinial studies are replete" Fet i$ a person *as a good
understanding o$ provinial studies,
*e <ill see t*at t*ere is not*ing la>ing in t*em"
Toda7, i$ someone $rom anot*er lan <ere to as> about t*e origin o$ t*e G7u4o2is and t*e
+abes*imas, or <*7 t*e $ie$
<as trans$erred $rom t*e $ormer to t*e latter, or i$ t*e7 <ere to as> somet*ing li>e, %' *ave
*eard t*at t*e G7u4o2is and
t*e +abes*imas are t*e greatest in @7us*u $or deeds o$ martial valor, but an 7ou tell me
some o$ t*e partiulars&% '
suppose t*at t*e man <it* no >no<ledge o$ provinial studies <ould not be able to ans<er
a <ord"
Cor a retainer t*ere s*ould be not*ing ot*er t*an doing *is o<n 2ob" Cor t*e most part
people disli>e t*eir o<n 2obs,
$ind t*ose o$ ot*ers more interesting, ause misunderstanding, and bring on utter disasters"
Lood models o$ men <*o
per$ormed t*eir dut7 in t*eir <or> are Lord +aos*ige and Lord @atsus*ige" T*e retainers o$
t*ose times all per$ormed
t*eir duties" Crom t*e upper lasses, men <*o <ould be o$ good use <ere sear*ed out,
<*ile $rom t*e lo<er lasses
men desired to be use$ul" T*e minds o$ t*e t<o lasses <ere o$ mutual aord , and t*e
strengt* o$ t*e lan <as
'n all our generations o$ masters t*ere *as never been a bad or $oolis* one, and in t*e end
t*ere *as never been one
<*o ran>ed seond or t*ird among t*e daim7o o$ Dapan" 't is trul7 a <onder$ul lanJ t*is is
due to t*e $ait* o$ its
$ounders" Moreover, t*e7 did not send t*e lan:s retainers to ot*er provines" nor did t*e7
invite men $rom ot*er
provines in" Men <*o <ere made ronin <ere >ept <it*in t*e provine, as <ere t*e
desendants o$ t*ose <*o <ere
made to ommit seppu>u" T*e <onder o$ being born into a lan <it* su* a deep pledge
bet<een master and servant
is an ine-pressible blessing, passed do<n t*roug* t*e apes, $or bot* $armer and to<nsman"
T*is goes <it*out sa7ing
$or t*e retainer "
T*e $oundation o$ a +abes*ima samurai s*ould be in >no<ing t*is $atJ in being deepl7
resolved to return t*is
blessing b7 being use$ul J in serving more and more sel$lessl7 <*en treated >indl7 b7 t*e
master J in >no<ing t*at
being made a ronin or being ordered to ommit seppu>u are also $orms o$ servie J and in
aiming to be mind$ul o$ t*e
lan $orever, <*et*er one is banis*ed deep in t*e mountains or buried under t*e eart*"
Alt*oug* it is un$itting $or
someone li>e me to sa7 t*is, in d7ing it is m7 *ope not to beome a ;udd*a" Gat*er, m7
<ill is permeated <it* t*e
resolution to *elp manage t*e a$$airs o$ t*e provine, t*oug* ' be reborn as a +abes*ima
samurai seven times" One
needs neit*er vitalit7 nor talent" 'n a <ord, it is a matter o$ *aving t*e <ill to s*oulder t*e
lan b7 onesel$"
Ao< an one *uman being be in$erior to anot*er& 'n all matters o$ disipline, one <ill be
useless unless *e *as great
pride" Unless one is determined to move t*e lan b7 *imsel$, all *is disipline <ill ome to
naug*t" Alt*oug*, li>e a
tea >ettle, it is eas7 $or one:s ent*usiasm to ool, t*ere is a <a7 to >eep t*is $rom *appening"
M7 o<n vo<s are t*e
$ollo<ing E
+ever to be outdone in t*e ?a7 o$ t*e Samurai"
To be o$ good use to t*e master"
To be $ilial to m7 parents"
To mani$est great ompassion, and to at $or t*e sa>e o$ Man"
'$ one dediates t*ese $our vo<s to t*e gods and ;udd*as ever7 morning, *e <ill *ave t*e
strengt* o$ t<o men and
<ill never slip ba><ard" One must edge $or<ard li>e t*e in*<orm, bit b7 bit" T*e gods
and ;udd*as, too, $irst
started <it* a vo<"
About the Hagakure T$rom *ttpE//<<<"pitt"edu/Zblair1/*aga>ure"*tmlU
Famamoto Tsunetomo <as a samurai in t*e earl7 1VYYs" Corbidden b7 la< $rom
ommitting tsuifuku Tsuiide o$ a
retainer a$ter *is master:s deat*U, *e retired to a monaster7" T*oug* *e never $oug*t in an7
battles, *e nonet*eless $elt
t*at t*e samurai o$ *is time *ad beome so$t" A 7ounger samurai t*at visited Famamoto
over t*e 7ears <rote do<n
*is <ords in t*e Aaga>ure" 't *as been translated man7 times, inluding a translation b7 t*e
$amous Dapanese aut*or
Mis*ima Fu>io"
The Book of the Samurai
"...if you are slain in battle, you should be resolved
to have your corpse facing the enemy."
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
T$rom *ttpE//<<<"geoities"om/To>7o/To<ers/X1R1/*aga>ure"*tmU
Hagakure !hi"h "an be trans#ated as either $hidden #eaves$ or
$hidden b% #eaves$ !as &ub#ished on Se&tember '() '*'+, -t is
a "om&i#ation of the &hi#oso&hies of Yamamoto Tsunetomo) a "#ose retainer of
.abeshima /itsushige) the
third ru#er of !hat is no! Saga
The book is interesting not so mu"h for a## of its &hi#oso&hies) !hi"h run from the
&rofound to the mundane to
the absurd) but rather for the histori"a# "onte7t in !hi"h it !as !ritten, B% the time
/itsushige &assed a!a% in
/a% '*(() 8a&an had been at &ea"e for a#most e7a"t#% '(( %ears, This #eft the samurai
!ith the same &rob#em
fa"ing our modern mi#itar%: ho! do %ou remain a &roud) dis"i&#ined !arrior in times
of e7tended &ea"e9
-f %ou read the head#ines toda%) %ou:## see that the mi#itar% is strugg#ing !ith that
;uestion, 6o#iti"a#
"orre"tness and budgetar% "on"erns have eroded readiness and mora#e, -magine) then)
ho! the fanati"a#)
deathdriven) honorobsessed samurai of feuda# 8a&an must have fe#t as the% !at"hed
their &rofession
stagnate, Tsunetomo himse#f !as forbidden to "ommit junshi) a retainer:s ritua#
sui"ide in order to fo##o! his
master into death) b% the "ommand of the Tokuga!a Shogunate, .o doubt) this added
to his miser% and
So) in a !a%) Hagakure is not 2ust $The Book of the Samurai)$ but a#so a #ast bit of
verba# bravado from a
d%ing breed, Sad#%) the $"u#t of the !arrior$ !ou#d rear its head again !ith more
tragi" "onse;uen"es t!i"e in
8a&an:s re"ent histor%: on"e during the -m&eria# Arm% u&risings that #ed to the
/an"hurian -n"ident and
u#timate#% <or#d <ar --= and again on a sma##er s"a#e !hen 8a&an:s most "e#ebrated
author) /ishima Yukio)
"ommitted ritua# sui"ide samuraist%#e 0"a##ed hara-kiri or more often seppuku5 in the
offi"e of 8a&an Se#f
>efense ?or"e Genera# /ashita for numerous reasons in"#uding /ishima:s obsession
!ith bushido 0see be#o!5)
the !a% of the !arrior,
The &hi#oso&h% of Hagakure is t%&i"a# of the uni;ue b#end of @en and Aonfu"ianism
that !as &reva#ent during
Edo Era 0'+(('B+B5 8a&an, This &arti"u#ar so"ia# s%stem !as &romu#gated b% the
Tokuga!a Shogunate
be"ause it added to the fo"us of @en the Aonfu"ian em&hasis on an"estor !orshi&)
!hi"h strengthened the
status ;uo and the "on"e&t of feuda# "#ass s%stems, -,e, b% &rea"hing fi#ia# &iet% and
devotion to one:s father:s
trade) it further entren"hed the idea that farmers beget farmers and !arriors beget
!arriors, To "om&#ain
about one:s &osition !ou#d be to dis"redit one:s &arents) and to break #a!s !ou#d be to
bring unbearab#e
shame u&on a## of one:s fami#% and asso"iates,
A#though 8a&an is be"oming in"reasing#% <esterniCed in re"ent times) the Tokuga!a
Shogunate:s 4+B%ear
ru#e sti## has a strong sub"ons"ious im&a"t on 8a&anese behaviour, So) to better
understand the 8a&anese) it is
usefu# to understand their so"io&o#iti"a# histor%,
-n addition to the histori"a# "hara"ter sket"h it &aints of samurai during the Edo Era)
there are some gems of
Eastern &hi#oso&h% to be mined from the book, ?or e7am&#e:
Having on#% !isdom and ta#ent is the #o!est tier of usefu#ness
-t is diffi"u#t for a foo#:s habits to "hange to se#f#essness
A samurai !ith no grou& and no horse is not a samurai at a##
A man e7ists for a generation) but his name #asts to the end of time
Aontinue to s&ur a running horse
There is sure#% nothing other than the sing#e &ur&ose of the &resent moment, A man:s
!ho#e #ife is a
su""ession of moment after moment, -f one fu##% understands the &resent moment)
there !i## be nothing e#se to
do) and nothing #eft to &ursue,
-n a## dea#ings !ith &eo&#e) it is essentia# to have a fresh a&&roa"h, Dne shou#d
"onstant#% give the
im&ression that he is doing something e7"e&tiona#, -t is said that this is &ossib#e !ith
but a #itt#e understanding,
Uesugi Kenshin 0a famous daimyo) or feuda# #ord5 said) $- never kne! about !inning
from beginning to
end) but on#% about not being behind in a situation,$
The end is im&ortant in a## things, 0Yamamoto "omes ba"k to this &oint often) using
severa# e7am&#es to
sho! that if things end bad#%) a## good that ma% have "ome before it !i## be erased,
This reinfor"es his &rimar%
theme that one must sta% fo"used on ever% &resent moment) and in this !a% !i## never
be found neg#igent,5
Get %our "o&% hereE
Usua##% shi&s in 4G hours
Estimated 6ri"e: J*,4(
Code o$ t*e ?arrior
Soul o$ Dapan
T$rom *ttpE//<<<"geoities"om/To>7o/To<ers/X1R1/bus*ido"*tmU
Bushido <as t*e guiding p*ilosop*7 o$ t*e samurai, or bushi Tmilitar7 gentr7U, as t*e7
<ere ommonl7 alled" 't *as
o$ten been ompared to t*e ode o$ *ivalr7 $ollo<ed b7 European >nig*ts" Per*aps
bus*ido:s aim <as t*e same,
namel7 to provide a ode o$ *onor and rules $or living $or t*e ountr7:s armed $ores" ;ut
bus*ido is uniquel7
Eastern" 't <as born o$ a blend o$ ;udd*ism, C*u=Tsu, Con$uius and S*into, and == t*oug*
o$$iiall7 introdued in
t*e seventeent* entur7, it <as ingrained in t*e bus*i $rom t*e time o$ t*eir origin"
Collo<ing are t*e eig*t priniples o$ bus*idoE
Din = to develop a s7mpat*eti understanding o$ people
Li = to preserve t*e orret et*is
C*u = to s*o< lo7alt7 to one:s master
@o = to respet and to are $or one:s parents
Gei = to s*o< respet $or ot*ers
C*i = to en*ane <isdom b7 broadening one:s >no<ledge
S*in = to be trut*$ul at all times
Tei = to are $or t*e aged and t*ose o$ a *umble station
T$rom *ttpE//<<<"bunbun"ne"2p/Zs<ord/Aaga>ure1"*tmlU
T*e +abes*ima Castle Guins
Bushido as an independent code of ethics may vanish, but its
power will not vanish from the earth; its schools of martial
prowess or civic honour may be demolished, but its light and
its glory will long survive their ruins. Like its symbolic flower,
after it is blown to the four winds, it will still bless mankind
with the perfume with which it will enrich life. Ages after, when
its custom will have been buried and its name forgotten, its
fragrance will come floating in the air as from a far-off, unseen
hill, the wayside gae beyond!; - then in the beautiful
language of the "uaker poet, #he traveler owns a grateful
sense of sweetness near, he knows not whence, and, pausing,
takes with the forehead bare benediction of the air!.
$nao %itobe &Bushido- #he 'oul of (apan, %ew )ork *+,-.
YA/A/DTD TSU.ETD/D T*is man <as born on Dune 1Nt* 1SRX in @atatae, an area
o$ t*e +abes*ima $ie$"
+o<ada7s bot* @atatae and +abes*ima are part o$ 1YQ 7ear old Saga Cit7" Tsunetomo or
Do*o as *e is loall7
>no<n *ad entered into t*e servie o$ Lord Mitsus*ige at t*e age o$ nine" At t*e age o$
$ort7=one *e reeived @etsum7a>u
Tblood relations*ipU $rom t*e priest Tannen" T<o 7ears be$ore ommenement o$ t*e
Aaga>ure @i>iga>>i *e
<rote T*e Lu>ens*o T A Colletion o$ m7 Aumble OpinionsU" Passing a<a7 at t*e age o$
si-t7 one, *is li$e *ad
spanned an age o$ radial *ange in $eudal Dapan and a time <*en t*e spiritual strengt* o$
t*e samurai <as beginning
to deline"
+o<ada7s it is di$$iult to deepl7 understand t*e essential attitudes $ostered b7 t*e Samurai
aste" Ao<ever being in
t*e presene o$ a real Dapanese s<ord, even more so i$ it is pointing at 7ou and it is in t*e
*ands o$ a <ell pratied
master an give one an idea o$ t*e strengt* o$ mind t*e Samurai possessed" T*eir ver7 li$e
<as in oming to terms
<it* t*e end" T*e t*oug*t o$, Per*aps ' <ill dieK louded t*e mind and <ould *ave been
enoug* to ensure ones
premature demise" T*ere also e-isted at t*at time an until deat* devotion to ones master"
T*is devotion oupled <it*
no $ear o$ deat* <as lin>ed toget*er in Seppu>u Tsel$ disembo<elmentU or Duns*i, sel$
immolation on t*e deat* o$
ones Lord"
To ommit Seppu>u a$ter t*e deat* o$ ones Lord <as >no<n as Oibaru" Sometimes a
retainer died be$ore *is lord"
Ot*er $orms su* as departing be$ore*and <ere >no<n as Maebaru or Sa>ibaru" Ot*er
<ords su* *ara=>iri Tutting
ones stoma*U *ave been loosel7 translated as ritual suiide" As suiide generall7 means an
at o$ sel$ destrution
usuall7 assoiated <it* an imbalane o$ t*e mind, it *ardl7 seems to be an appropriate
translation o$ t*e alm
alulating deision o$ Duns*i made b7 t*e people onerned"
Famamoto <as born into t*e peae$ul era and in atual $at never partiipated in a battle"
Ao<ever it <as onl7
t<ent7=one 7ears be$ore *is birt* t*at t*e last uprising *ad ta>en plae <*i* ended a one=
*undred 7ear period o$ <ar"
T*ere$ore st7le o$ upbringing $or Famamoto remained un*anged, tea*ing *im t*e
attitudes and role o$ *is li$e as a
Samurai" Even toda7 in Dapan some o$ t*e onepts still e-ist" 't is still t*e norm to *ave to
sometimes set aside ones
personal $eelings" On in $avour o$ dut7 and obligation giri to ones $amil7, ompan7, or
*elping ones loal ommunit7"
Alt*oug* lo7alt7 to *is Lord <as unquestionable, a lot o$ t*e orations b7 Famamoto in
Aaga>ure re$er to *is Lords
$at*er and t*ose be$ore *im " Geading Aaga>ure <e an understand <*7 Seppu>u <as
banned b7 t*e +abes*ima lan
be$ore t*e To>uga<a government" T*e Lord o$ Famamoto <as +abes*ima Mitsus*ige
seond lord o$ +abes*ima
Cie$" Ais $at*er +abes*ima Tadanao <as d7ing o$ smallpo-"" A retainer o$ Tadanao, @inbei
Masas*ige E4oe pra7ed
t*at *is Lords li$e <ould be prolonged b7 one <ee>, b7 utting one o$ *is $ingers" T<o
<ee>s later as *e <as going to
ut *is t*ird $inger, Tadanao died preeding *is o<n $at*er, never to sueed as t*e seond
Lord" Ae *ad died aged NP
on Danuar7 NWt* in t*e t<el$t* 7ear o$ @an7ei T1SPRU"
T*is <as t*irt7 7ears be$ore t*e To>uga<a ban on Seppu>u" Eig*t men and <omen <*o
<ere lose to t*e Lord died ,
but E4oe *ad not been inluded"
Ae t*en disappeared" )uring t*e $ollo<ing 7ear ot*er retainers began
to ritii4e E4oe as a o<ard" E4oe une-petedl7 reappeared $or one
7ear $or t*e Memorial Servie o$ Tadanao at @oden=2i, t*e +abes*ima
lan temple" Ae e-plained t*at *e *ad limbed Mt" @o7a in @is*u,
pra7ed $or t*e repose o$ *is dead Lord and arved a <ooden statue o$
*is lord and anot*er one o$ *imsel$ >neeling in $ront o$ t*e Lord"
Ever7one praised *im sa7ing *o< great *e <as" Ae t*en <ent to
anot*er room at t*e temple, <rote a deat* poem and ommitted
Tsui$u>u TSeppu>u related to anot*er[s deat*U"
Mitsus*ige, per*aps vaguel7 remembered *is $at*er as *e <as onl7 Q 7ears old <*en *e *ad
died" Ao<ever t*an>s to
E4oe *is ould see *is $at*ers $igure <*en *e visited @oden=2i" People <ere not surprised
<*en in t*e si-t* 7ear o$
@anbun T1SS1U t*e pratie o$ sel$ immolation <as banned in +abes*ima Cie$ preeding
t*e government ban b7 t<o
Tadanao *ad arried t*e statue on *is ba> to @oden=2i to o$$er it to Mitsus*ige" 't an still
be seen at @oden=2i" 't *as
great *istorial value and artisti <ort* and <as t*e primar7 ause o$ t*e ban on sel$
'n t*e t*ird 7ear o$ Lenro>u TMa7 1VYYU Mitsus*ige +abes*ima passed a<a7" T*e reation
o$ Tsunetomo Famamoto
<as to <ant to $ollo< *is master in deat*, but *e ould not do so" Ae sa7s in Aaga>ure, '
$eel $orlorn to see t*at no
one <ants to $ollo< *is Lord to t*e grave" T*ere are no retainers t*at *ave $ollo<ed t*eir
Lord sine t*e pro*ibition o$
+o matter *o< mu* Famamoto <is*ed to $ollo< *is lord in deat*, *e ould not do so" '$
someone bro>e t*e ne<
la<, *is $amil7 and $ollo<ers <ould be punis*ed"" Also t*e $amil7 o$ t*e Lord <ould be
e-euted or t*eir ran> and
salar7 <ould be lo<ered" T*e onl7 <a7 Famamoto ould avoid brea>ing t*e la< <as to
selude *imsel$ $rom soiet7"
To enter t*e priest*ood and indulge in reminisene"
On t*e evening o$ t*e 1Pt* o$ Ma7 QN 7ear old Famamoto <as permitted to enter
t*e priest*ood" Ais *ead <as s*aved at @oden=2i " On t*e nineteent* *e too> t*e
;udd*ist vo<s *anging *is name to Do*o @7o>u4an" A$ter ompleting t*e eleven
eremonies, *e moved to live in semi=selusion at @urotsu*ibaru, an area l7ing at
t*e $oot o$ t*e mountains nort* o$ present da7 Saga"
Ten 7ears later on t*e Rt* o$ Mar* *e <as visited b7 a 7oung samurai sribe alled
Tsuramoto Mota4aemon Tas*iro"
T*is sribe set do<n t*e onversations o$ Do*o" T<o 7ears a$ter t*is Famamoto
*imsel$ died" People visiting present da7 Saga an see *is grave"
T*ere is unertaint7 as to <*et*er or not Famamoto <is*ed is orations to be
publis*ed" Ae died in omparative obsurit7"
T*e grave o$ Famamoto at G7u=Un2i in Faema*i
Ae never >ne< t*at *is <ords <ould in $uture desribe some o$ t*e attitudes t*at people
<ould <is* to re>indle in
<*at seems to be a soiet7 o$ delining values in bot* east and <est"
T*e <a7 o$ t*e Samurai is in deat* is still toda7 one o$ t*e most debatable and interesting
statements made b7
Aa means lea$ TleavesU" @ure is $rom t*e verb kakureru to *ide, *ene t*e title Aaga>ure" 't
is also >no<n as t*e
Aaga>ure @i>iga>i @o*o meaning t*e <ritings t*at <ere *eard re$erring to t*e $at t*at it is
a <ritten aount o$ t*e orations o$ Famamoto" T*e >an2i $or Aaga>ure o$ ourse *as man7
meanings" T*is is t*e literar7 beaut7 o$ Dapanese"
Ot*er meanings are into>u *idden virtue, >a>us*i bo>o, >a>us*i to>u *idden servie, also
*idden love" ?e *ear o$ Aaga>ure Mus*i Tnon sel$U and muga Tsel$lessnessU
T*e original manusript *as long sine disappeared" Cour di$$ering transripts e-ist toda7"
T*ere are t*irteen *undred ap*orisms in eleven volumes t*at <ere retransribed" Some o$
t*ese *ave alread7 been translated and printed in t*e $orm o$ boo>s and artiles" ' *ave
<or>ed on t*e transripts o$ @uri*ara @o7a <*o publis*ed t*e Aaga>ure S*in4ui
TT*e Essene o$ Aaga>ureU in 1XPR and @o*u Aaga>ure T'nterpretation o$ t*e Aaga>ureU
in 1XQY" T*ere are man7
parts t*at *ave not been translated into Englis* be$ore"
)uring t*e seond <orld <ar Aaga>ure <as arried b7 t*e @ami>a4e pilots" Ber7 $e< o$
t*ese opies no< e-ist as
a$ter t*e <ar t*e oupational $ores ordered t*em to be destro7ed" T*ere are per*aps t*ree
reasons <*7 t*e7 related
to t*is boo>" Cirstl7 and naturall7 is t*eir identi$7ing <it* t*e passage S*inu be>i
mitsu>etari" T*e seond is t*at a
great number o$ t*ese pilots <ere $rom Saga, t*e *ome o$ t*e Aaga>ure" T*e pilots <ere
trained at an air$ield at
nearb7 Metabaru Tstill a sel$ de$ense $ore baseU A eremon7 <as *eld, and t*e7 $le< to
@agos*ima to re$uel be$ore
going out over t*e Pai$i" T*irdl7 is t*e $at t*at t*e ver7 <ord @ami>a4e is a loal name ,
as it <as t*e name $irst
given to a t7p*oon <*i* stopped t*e Mongol invasion against @7us*u"
Aaga>ure *omepageE *ttpE//<<<"geoities"om/To>7o/To<ers/X1R1/inde-"*tml

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