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2013 Annual Resumee


2013 Annual Resumee

Spanish Asociation of Conservator-Restorers
Asociacin Espaola de Conservadores -Restauradores

Ana Galn Prez
A.C.R.E. Vicepresident
Delegate A.C.R.E in E.C.C.O

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee



This is the result of the work done in 2013 by the Board, advisors and Working Groups:
the activities that have been made this year, that are grouped into three sections that
corresponded to the needs to Report, to Build and Denounce.

1. Ratification of the Supreme Court Decision on Higher Artistic Education.
2. Brazil vetoes the regulation of the profession of Conservator-Restorer.
3. Collecting signatures to support the official studies of conservation and restoration in
the Panthon-Sorbonne University.

4. Professional Competences Report
5. Participation in the V AESCROM Meeting
6. Conference Report about ACRE in the First Meeting of Heritage NGO in Rota
7. E.C.C.O. Delegates Meeting
8. Enjoying EVoCH Group
9. Participation in Expomuseus
10. Attending Informative Sessions about Europe Creative
11. Urdimbre A.C.R.E.s Project granted by Spanish Ministery of Culture.
12. Participation in SOPA 2013 Heritage Congress (Spain)
13. A.C.R.E. Report written by Majo Prieto and Marta Gonzlez: The limits of FP (Non
High University Education).
14. Manifesto supporting #Defraugrados, Galician Students of Conservation-
15. About the Cultural Governmental founding 1%
16. A.C.R.E. Lecture at the VII Reseach Meeting organized by the Episcopal
Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church.
17. ACRE new member of NGO Cultural Heritage Asociation (AEPC)
18. ACRE Report made by Majo Prieto A profesional regulation that never comes.
A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


19. The Aula Mentor Courses does not give the training for the profession
development of Conservator-Restorer.

20. ACRE Report written by Rosa Tera, President: Online Course, a gimmick for the
students and also for the Cultural Heritage.

21. ACRE change request about the Report 130020-J from the Spanish Ministry of
Culture about job recruitment.

Rosa Tera, Guadalupe Carramiana and Rocio Salas.
A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee



1. Ratification of the Supreme Court Decision on Higher Artistic Education.
On February the 2nd, the Supreme Court ruling on the Higher Artistic teachings, ratified
the adequacy of our studies to the European Higher Space, the "grade level", and the
adequacy of the Masters and his definition.
But it is certainly not good news. In contrast to other less literal interpretations and
more interesting, in ACRE understand it that such studies are equivalent in all respects
to the university degree, but can not hold the name "degree."
Our position remains, no matter who, the same as announced in the post-sentence
manifesto a year ago: "The Conservators and Restorers Association of Spain (ACRE)
unequivocally advocates of a single title and university in Spain Grade designation in
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. This unitary structure by eliminating
dualities and comparisons, promote the following objectives, inescapable for regulation
of the profession"
So we continue working with platforms that have been organized for this purpose as
the platform for the integration of Higher Arts Education in the Galician University
system and platform for the integration of Higher Arts Education in the University
In both, nationwide and in Galicia, are still collecting signatures to indicate that our
rulers desire of many people is the integration of such teaching in the university

2. Brazil vetoes the regulation of the profession of Conservator-Restorer.
After Italy, Brazil looked to be the second country to regulate the profession of
Under the document, it is possible to exercise the profession of conservator-restorer
the cultural superior graduates, undergraduate or graduate education, in addition to
graduates in any upper-level course that have demonstrated professional practice in
the activity at least three years and graduated in technical courses recognized by law.
This news was known in September, however, a month later we knew how the
President of the Republic came to veto this Bill No 370 of 2007 (no. 4042/08, the
House of Representatives)
The conservators Brazilians showed their disagreement with the decision of drafting
manifestos and campaigns collecting signatures under the premise that ACRE is
supported by: "Without the regulation of the profession of conservator-restorer of our
cultural heritage is at the mercy of people who call themselves" restorers "which no
preparation, knowledge and ethical criteria, interventions made irresponsible and
A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


inappropriate treatments. Denaying the profession of conservator-restorer is an
irresponsible act, which relegates culturally and equal to any common object, no
special importance or significance"

3. Collecting signatures to support the official studies of conservation and
restoration in the Panthon-Sorbonne University
The impact of the law on university autonomy and the budget deficit of the University of
Paris 1 - Panthon Sorbonne make us fear for the future of conservation-restoration
training in France.
This professional sector is especially threatened by the reduction in hours and budgets
and considers the content and features of this university graduates are directly related
to future recognition in the labor market.
The importance of the support of ACRE this call is that the University of Paris 1 -
Panthon Sorbonne is the only public university offering the degree of conservation
and restoration.

ACRE Assambly, February 2013
A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee



4. Professional Competences Report by Rosa Tera
On behalf this Essay, Rosa Tera, ACRE President, analyzes the skills of our
profession. Shows in a critical way, the difference in the recognition given to the
practice of conservation-restoration in comparison with other professions:
"In my opinion, is shocking and shameful, for example, that in many museums, some
renowned, conservators prefer to be led by fellow conservative official, the general
body of the state, which a colleague; and substantiate the institutional justification,
claiming that no level to assume jurisdiction when normally reaches the coordination of
teams with enough management experience that have been proved

5. Participation in the IV AESCROM Meeting

On April the 27th, we were invited to attend the IV AESCROM Meeting held in
collaboration with the School of Conservation Restoration of Cultural Heritage in
and attended by about fifty people.
Around the title "From Theory to Practice in Conservation and Restoration" we grouped
various professionals to master count roads we had taken to be what we are (a pre
mind that it is always in change). Divided into two parts, the first offered a view from the
educational point of view and the second on professional practice.
Elena Gayo (ACRE Advisor) and Rocio Salas (Coordinator of International Relations
Group) showed the vision of the worker who is employed in administration, its lights
and shadows. In both cases the loophole described, the uncertainty which prevents
regulate the rights in which both professional and heritage, should enjoy the benefits.
As members of ACRE, in his talk, stress the importance of working together to defend
the profession and heritage from a public perspective.
Tera Rosa (President) raised the urgent needs that the profession, all focused from
associative approaches.
Ideas that were repeated among the speakers: we are competent professionals in
preserving cultural Heritage directly or indirectly. Our skills are vast. Relate to all that
may entail the preservation of the direct but also the media, team coordination,
planning, social participation ... intervention many aspects that are already being
considered from programs

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


6. E.C.C.O. Delegates Meeting

On Sunday April 21 was held in Lisbon the Meeting of Presidents and Delegates of
ECCO, the European Confederation of Conservators & Restorers organizations whose
primary objective is to safeguard the Heritage from the defense of the profession.
The Presidents and Delegates meeting was chaired by Mechtild Noll-Minor and
Dobrusskin Sebastian. Ana Galan (VP) attended the Meeting on behalf ACRE.
At the meeting, it became clear the needing to go in the same way from all
Associations of conservators and restorers of the various member countries, from
Norway to Hungary, to Spain.
At the Meeting was approved a common Strategic Plan, that will be soon be accessible
to all members of ACRE, the Association of Conservators and Restorers of Spain. One
of its main objectives is the European mobility of conservators and to achieve a higher
relevance in the Council of Europe.

7. Conference Report about ACRE in the First Meeting of Local Heritage NGO in
Rota (Cdiz-Spain)
On May the 25th, was held in Rota (Cdiz-Spain) the First Meeting of Associations of
Cultural Heritage
, organized by the Association "The Natural and Cultural place of
Rota (Cdiz-Spain) and the Researching Group HUM673 SOS Heritage, from the
University of Sevilla
The ACRE Vicepresident, Ana Galn presented a Report about the goals, the mission
the cultural projects achieved, and the ongoing projects. She also encouraged to enjoy
ACRE to the group of students of the Degree of Preservation and Restoration of
Cultural Heritage in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville, who were attending the
We realized after the First Meeting between local organizations dedicated to the
Heritage conservation and preservation, that they are good citizens, good
professionals, and that stimulate the creation of synergies, allowing to share
knowledge about similar realities, also to help how to find support and share resources.
Therefore, the participation of our association ACRE has helped to broaden the
perspective of local associations in accordance with aspects that require the vision and
guidance of Conservator-Restorer.

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


8. Enjoying EVoCH Group

The EVoCH Project (Economic Value of Cultural Heritage), will develope its activities
around the economy of Cultural Heritage through a stable working group that has
recently been created. The Fundacin Caja Madrid is also in there.
Platform has become a European cultural cluster in Castilla y Len, and it has
managed to lead through contact with European public and private institutions working
together to measure and disseminate the influence activities around the Cultural
Heritage have activity economic and social development.
The working group is formed by public and private institutions that signed in 2012 in
Brussels under the auspices of the President of the Junta de Castilla y Len, Juan
Vicente Herrera: the European Association of Restoration (AEERPA), Caja Madrid, the
Basque Country, Tecnalia Foundation, Santa Mara la Real Foundation, Cartif
Foundation and the Community of Madrid Foundation.

9. Participation in Expomuseus

From August the 10
to December the 20
, was held the First Online International Fair
of Equipment and Management of Museums organized by American Institute of
Museology (Spain) and the Ibero-American Network of Workers Museum. ACRE
participated with an on line stand. At the same time took place the Iberoamerican
Museums Workers and focused on two interesting topics: Museums and Emerging
Technologies and Safety and preventive conservation in museums.

10. Attending Informative Sessions about Europe Creative

Creative Europe is the European Commission's framework programme for support to
the culture and media sectors.
Following on from the previous Culture Programme and MEDIA programmes, Creative
Europe, with a budget of 1.46 billion (9% higher than its predecessors), will support:
Culture sector initiatives, such as those promoting cross-border cooperation, platforms,
networking, and literary translation;
The Cultural Contact Point in collaboration with AC/E, held on September the 6
information day on Creative Europe, framework program, including the MEDIA
program, MEDIA Mundus, Culture 2007-13.
Creative Europe will begin on 2014 January the 1
, and will end in December 2020
and its aims are to support the initiatives of cultural cooperation in Europe.

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


This event, attended by our President, Rosa Tera, was directed to disclose the action
lines of the next program of the European Commission, focused on the cultural
operators and cultural industries in the public and private sectors: government,
foundations, businesses, associations, companies, consultants and producers linked to
the cultural sector.

11. Urdimbre A.C.R.E.s Project granted by Spanish Ministery of Culture.

The Ministry of Culture (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports) has granted Action
Aid and Cultural Promotion 114/379 to our project "Urdimbre. Cultural Heritage
These are good news for ACRE because it allows them to fulfill two objectives: first, to
spread the Spanish heritage in order to ensure the preservation and future of them;
Then, give work to people who ruled it (Tera Rosa, President and Pilar Aguilar-
Communication Coordinator) and in the nearest future, giving work to people in order to
continue their development.
The project is based on a service that facilitates the connection between
restored with institutional funds, in the communities of Madrid, Castilla la
Mancha and Castilla y Len, with the objective of producing and promoting educational
tour packages and matching cultural heritage restored with inter-tourist flow based on
economic issues.
The offer includes the narrative thread of the routes, its suitability through images for
web and social networking, training for guides who will do it, and the ability to download
course content through web children. The visibility of the product is carried out by
digital or physical means.

Rosa Tera, ACRE President

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


12. Participation in SOPA 2013 Heritage Congress (Spain)

The Vice President of ACRE, Ana Galn, participates in the SOPA 13 - First
International Conference on Heritage Socialization held in Cceres from 18 to 21
September with the poster "Partnerships for education and socialization of wealth in
rural areas" presented with three another Spanish associations.
The First International Conference on Education and Socialization Heritage, dedicated
to rural areas that want to raise, and which arise, innovative strategies for
empowerment and socialization (artistic, archaeological, ethnographic) cultural heritage
based not only on what is already writing, but also in what remains to be written, and all
returned to society itself as a way of keeping that heritage and the rest of the world can
enjoy it and make it live.

13. A.C.R.E. Report written by Majo Prieto and Marta Gonzlez: The limits of FP
(Non High University Education).
This Report made by the Group of Educational Competencies rules by Majo prieto and
Marta Gonzlez, analyzes the questions made by ACRE in the past six months
regarding the lack of regulation of the profession. What rules referring to the work of
conservator-restorer? Is sufficiently reflected the profession? Which way shall we go?
Majo and Marta share this thoughts: We think that is needed a work of social
awareness, pretending to imply that professionalization in the maintenance of cultural
heritage is a complex and multidisciplinary working task that can not and should not be
regulated on behalf training structures that starting from lower university degree".
The ACRE Professional Competences Group, has conducted a thorough analysis of
the rules as it is shown in the report. We must also say that depends on the
involvement of the group of conservators how this regulation is made, so from the
Association we would like to our members to be more implicated.

14. Manifesto supporting #Defraugrados, Galician Students of Conservation-
On October the 8
, began the mobilizations of the School of Conservation-Restoration
of Galicia with road walk to Santiago de Compostela to request the assignment of
Advanced Studies in Conservation-Restoration to the College (University).
ACRE supports this initiative because we believe that to achieve professional
regulation is critical that we finish with the duplication degrees. We believe in a Higher
Art Education located within the university system, with a single grade to end the
inequality of the degree obtained by the students of the schools (Higher Degrees) and
Universities (Grades).

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


15. About the Spanish Cultural Governmental founding 1%
Through our group on LinkedIn Fernando Mendoza (Architect, National Award for
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage) opened a debate: Does anyone
know when it starts again 1% culture?
From there came a shower of interesting answers that originated this text produced by
Fernando Mendoza with the introduction and conclusions of the ACRE president,
Rosa Tera:
"The set of actions for Cultural Heritage has an important effect on the economy,
generating income and employment. Restorations and valuations have an acumulative
effect: qualify the territory and provide it for cultural tourism. The buildings and
historical sites are nonrenewable resources. The place that is destroyed or lost, it could
not be recover. In Cultural economy are growing resources, which make an important
business structure and workers, salaried or self-employed. This growth, and other
factors, are based on increased demand for cultural heritage by the general
population. "

16. A.C.R.E. Lecture at the VII Reseach Meeting organized by the Episcopal
Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church
From February the 20
to 21
, the ACRE President, Tera Rosa, exposed to the
Episcopal Conference: "The competencies of the conservator-restorers. Bases for
engagement ", which informed them of the skills of the profession and showed the
characteristics and the advantages of hiring qualified professionals.

17. ACRE new member of NGO Cultural Heritage Asociation (AEPC)

ACRE is part of the board of the Association of Institutions of Cultural Heritage (SACH)
assuming the secretary tasks. The Association for Cultural Heritage Institutions
consists of 27 companies in the region employing six hundred workers and are
dedicated to Heritage Conservation, the restoration of artefacts, architecture,
archeology, building and the environment In Valladolid has become the first national
association of entities related to cultural heritage.

A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


18. ACRE Report made by Majo Prieto A profesional regulation that never
This Report made by the Coordinator of the Educational Competences focuses on
the issue of professional regulation, remembering Brazil veto, and after the approval
made in Italy.
The Spanish case is different and therefore looks back through the figure of the
Spanish legislation conservator-restorer: "In Spain this work can be performed in
practice, almost by anyone, whether or not is entitled, without control or possession of
the minimum competences required; why is facing a reurgent regulation immediately .

ACRE Comitee, February 2013
A.C.R.E. 2013 Annual Resumee


19. The Aula Mentor Courses does not give the training for the profession
development of Conservator-Restorer.

On February the 27
was made known through the ACRE Facebook the existence of
"Conservation and restoration of antiques" 90 hours and encouraged at anyone, with or
without education competences.

This is developed by Aula Mentor and certified by the Spanish Ministry of Education,
Culture and Sports.

ACRE was contacted with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Ministry of
Culture of Andalusia, the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and Museum
Institutions, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Granada, and the city of
Granade, showing complete disagreement about the implementation of this type of
course, that under no circumstances enable to the students the develop of the
profession of conservation restoration.

20. ACRE Report written by Rosa Tera, President: Online Course, a gimmick for
the students and also for the Cultural Heritage.

The President, Rosa Tera, wrote an opinion report for The Confidencial.com in
Section Tribune Experts who analyzed the Aula Mentor courses and municipalities in
which online courses said to enable the exercise of conservation-performed

She warned on the article about the risks to the Heritage that could happened because
these courses without no qualification, remembering that only people with official
qualifications can exercise this profession.

21. ACRE change request about the Report 130020-J from the Spanish Ministry
of Culture about job recruitment.
The announcement of the work called "Research services and analysis of sculpture
formed by the altar of Don Frederic, the altarpiece of Santa Librada, the cover of jasper
and access to the Sacristy of Santa Librada in the Cathedral of Siguenza
(Guadalajara)" was published in Procurement Platform on 2013 May the 21
, with an
total amount of 91,915.94 euros.
In the Statement of Administrative Requirements (section 6 on page 29) as a
requirement for technical or professional solvency indicated that should have been
billed at least 240.000en the last three years in this specific task. At that point, ACRE
was not agree and ask for it changes. So, after analyzing the application of the ACRE
board, Contracting Body resolved rewritte and publishing again. That will allow to
interested professionals to submit their timely offers.

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