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<<Project Name>>

Training Plan
Customer Name
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Author 0osition
2ersion: (.3
2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues
discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not
be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accurac of an
information presented after the date of publication.
This document is for informational purposes onl. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES E!PRESS OR
Microsoft and !isual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft in the "nited #tates and$or
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Revision & Sign-off Sheet
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1ocument 0roperties
,tem 1etails
1ocument Title Training 0lan
6reation 1ate
8ast 9pdated
Table of Contents
Training Re<uirements....................................................................................................
0roduct =anagement...................................................................................................
0rogram =anagement................................................................................................-
9ser >perience..........................................................................................................?
Release =anagement..................................................................................................?
,T Administration.......................................................................................................?
'elpdesk and $upport $taff........................................................................................*
Training $chedule...........................................................................................................*
Training =ethods...........................................................................................................4
'ands@on Training......................................................................................................4
6omputer or Aeb@Based Training (6BT5ABT)........................................................4
=aterials and Resources.................................................................................................4
Appendi ) 0roficienc" 8e%els......................................................................................C
345+(5+3(- (
'Intro(uction to t)e Tem*late
#escri*tion% The Training &lan identifies the needs and processes for training the
people who will participate in creating the solution. This training could be on a
particular software package or development environment or about specific hardware
components. This document focuses on the pro'ect teams (which includes the
customer)s information technolog staff and help desk*+ it does not address the
training needs of the end,user or support staff for ongoing operations.
+usti,ication- Training provides team members with the working knowledge and
proper tools re-uired to build a successful solution. The analsis performed to
develop the Training &lan will also establish the team members) skills baseline and
facilitate the mitigation of an technolog gaps that become evident. &roviding the
training as specified in the Training &lan could also 'ump start the team and increase
their satisfaction and productivit.
.Team Role Primar.- Program Management must assess the pro'ect)s knowledge
and skill re-uirements and the staff available to identif the training necessar for a
successful pro'ect. The /evelopment &lan and 0unctional #pecifications contain
information that will outline the training re-uirements for the pro'ect.
Team Role Secon(ar.- #e/elo*ment Test %ser E0*erience an( Release
Management will provide input into the Training &lan on their team members)
knowledge and skills gaps and the form of training most beneficial for them.12
'#escri*tion- &rovide an overall summar of the contents of this document.
+usti,ication- #ome readers ma need to know onl the plan)s highlights, and
summari3ing creates that user view. 4t also enables the full reader to know the
essence of the document before the e5amine the details.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The 6b'ectives section describes the training activities) ke ob'ectives
in terms of creating sufficient competenc in both technical and pro'ect management
knowledge and skill areas.
+usti,ication- 4dentifing 6b'ectives ensures that the plan)s authors have carefull
considered the situation and solution and created an appropriate training approach.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Training Re2uirements
'#escri*tion- The Training 7e-uirements section defines what the training process
must deliver. 4t does the following%
4dentifies the teams that will re-uire training
/efines their specific knowledge and skill re-uirements
8stablishes the proficienc levels for that knowledge and skill
4dentifies the training needed to attain proficienc targets
#ome of the possible team roles are listed below. Add teams as re-uired based on
the pro'ect situation.
+usti,ication- Training recommendations are best made from a set of re-uirements.
B initiall defining the re-uirements, the pro'ect can select the specific training and
methods that match the needs.
Product Management
'#escri*tion- The &roduct Management section describes the position and
responsibilities of the &roduct Management role for developing the solution and
identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to perform that role successfull.
4nclude four sets of information in this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
345+(5+3(- +
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Program Management
'#escri*tion- The &rogram Management section describes the position and
responsibilities of the &rogram Management role for developing the solution and
identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to perform that role successfull.
4nclude four sets of information in this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The /evelopment section describes the position and responsibilities of
the /evelopment role for developing the solution and identifies the knowledge and
skills necessar to perform that role successfull. 4nclude four sets of information in
this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The Test section describes the position and responsibilities of the Test
role for developing the solution and identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to
perform that role successfull. 4nclude four sets of information in this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
345+(5+3(- .
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
User Eperience
'#escri*tion- The "ser 85perience section describes the position and
responsibilities of the "ser 85perience role for developing the solution and identifies
the knowledge and skills necessar to perform that role successfull. 4nclude four
sets of information in this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Release Management
'#escri*tion- The 7elease Management section describes the position and
responsibilities of the 7elease Management role for developing the solution and
identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to perform that role successfull.2
<<Begin tet here!!
!T "dministration
'#escri*tion- The 4T Administration section describes the position and
responsibilities of the customer)s information technolog administration staff for
developing the solution and identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to perform
those responsibilities successfull. The training for this group addresses how to
support and administer the solution as well as how to use it. 4nclude four sets of
information in this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
345+(5+3(- -
<<Begin tet here!!
#elpdes$ and Support Staff
'#escri*tion- The :elpdesk and #upport #taff section describes the position and
responsibilities of the customer)s help desk and support staff for developing the
solution and identifies the knowledge and skills necessar to perform those
responsibilities successfull. The :elpdesk and #upport #taff must be prepared to
support the solution during pilot and deploment. 4nclude four sets of information in
this section%
/escription of pro'ect responsibilities
9nowledge and skill re-uirements
&roficienc levels b knowledge and skill area
Training re-uirements
This information could be placed in a table. &roficienc level standards can be found
in the Appendi5 of this document. "se them to establish the proficienc levels for the
knowledge and skill areas.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Training Sc)e(ule
'#escri*tion- The Training #chedule section provides details about when specific
training is necessar (over the life of the pro'ect* and the duration of that training.
+usti,ication- This information will be placed into the pro'ect schedule and impact
the overall budget. #ome training ma need to occur before development tasks can
be started, thus creating task dependencies.2
'#escri*tion- This section identifies the duration of the training for each training
re-uirement (b team and tpe of training*. Teams and team members ma need
different intensities of training. This information ma be placed in a table.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The /eliver section identifies when the various training tasks will
occur over the pro'ect)s life. Teams and team members ma attend training at
different times, based on development activities and resource constraints. These
training tasks can be organi3ed into training milestones and placed into the pro'ect
<<Begin tet here!!
345+(5+3(- ?
Training Met)o(s
'#escri*tion- The Training Methods section describes the manner in which training
will be delivered. The sub,sections listed serve as e5amples and ma need to be
added to or subtracted from.
+usti,ication- 8ffective training occurs when the method is matched to the audience.
B considering alternative methods, the pro'ect can make decisions about the
appropriateness of training given the pro'ect)s logistics and e5isting constraints.2
#ands-on Training
'#escri*tion- The :ands,on Training section identifies those training re-uirements
that will be satisfied using hands,on training methods.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The &resentation section identifies those training re-uirements that will
be satisfied using presentation methods.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Computer or &eb-'ased Training (C'T)&'T*
'#escri*tion- The Computer or ;eb,Based Training section identifies those training
re-uirements that will be satisfied using CBT or ;BT methods.2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The :andouts section identifies those training re-uirements that will be
satisfied using written materials. :andouts such as reference cards or brochures can
provide training or can supplement other kinds of training2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The Certification section identifies those training re-uirements that will
re-uire certification to demonstrate a specified level of proficienc.2
<<Begin tet here!!
Materials an( Resources
'#escri*tion- The Materials and 7esources section identifies what must be ac-uired
or created in order to deliver the training.
345+(5+3(- *
+usti,ication- This information ma impact the pro'ect budget and schedule,
depending on whether materials and resources are readil available.2
'#escri*tion- The Materials section describes all training materials needed and how
the will be ac-uired. 85isting materials ma be purchased, and new materials ma
re-uire development. 4f materials re-uire development, describe%
<evel of effort re-uired
;ho will provide support for the effort
:ow much time and budget is re-uired
:ow the completed materials will be shipped2
<<Begin tet here!!
'#escri*tion- The 7esources section identifies who will provide the training for each
training event and whether the training e5ists or re-uires development. 4f training will
be developed, describe%
<evel of effort re-uired
;ho will provide support for the effort
:ow much time and budget is re-uired2
<<Begin tet here!!
345+(5+3(- 4
A**en(i0 3 Pro,icienc. "e/els
=This section identifies and describes proficienc levels. These levels can be applied
to both the overall team role as well as specific knowledge and skill areas. These
levels can be used during self,assessment to allow the organi3ation to develop a skill
set gap analsis and define training plans that address deficiencies uncovered in that
gap analsis.
"e/el 4- No E0*osure&
:ave no e5posure or e5perience with the relevant technologies or products
"e/el 5- Familiar&
:ave read through and understand available materials.
:ave attended relevant presentations, technical briefings, first,look training, or
similar sessions.
:ave a strong understanding of fundamental networking and data
communication principles and technologies.
<acks significant hands,on e5perience with the product or technolog.
<acks participation in large pro'ects using relevant technologies or products.
"e/el 6- Interme(iate&
:ave reached a <evel > competenc rating.
:ave attended or completed hands,on training with labs.
:ave participated in at least one large (?00 desktop and multiple server*
pro'ect in relevant technolog.
:ave passed at least one Microsoft Certified &rofessional (MC&* e5am for the
relevant technolog or product.
<acks significant enterprise,level pro'ect leadership.
<acks significant hands,on e5perience in real,world situations, with the
relevant technolog or product.
"e/el 7- E0*erience(&
:ave reached a <evel 2 competenc rating.
:ave hands,on e5perience with the relevant products and technologies.
:ave completed a successful enterprise,level pro'ect or pilot with the relevant
technologies or products.
:ave led a successful enterprise,level pro'ect in an technolog.
:ave reached Microsoft Certified #stems 8ngineer (MC#8* status.
<acks significant e5perience leading successful enterprise,level pro'ects
and$or pilots with the relevant technologies or products.
<acks significant architecture e5perience with the relevant technologies or
"e/el 8- E0*ert&
:ave reached a <evel @ competenc rating.
345+(5+3(- B
:ave independentl led and completed several enterprise,level pro'ects
and$or pilots with the relevant technolog or product.
:ave written or collaborated on technical documents as a sub'ect matter
e5pert on the relevant technologies or products.
:ave standing as the technical specialist for the relevant technologies or
:ave architected and implemented comple5 solutions using the relevant
technologies or products.2
345+(5+3(- C

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