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This agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into July 1, 2002 at Rochester,
Michigan, between A!"A#$ %#&'(R)&T* (+%,), a Michigan constitutional body
cor-orate, with a mailing address o. Rochester, Michigan, /01023//01, and 4om-ass
5rou- #orth America through its 46ART7("") di8ision (+46ART7(""),), a $elaware
cor-oration ha8ing its -rinci-al -lace o. business at 2/00 *or9mont Road, 4harlotte,
#orth 4arolina, 2021:; % and 46ART7(""), .or the considerations named, agree to
the .ollowing arrangements and -ro8isions o. this Agreement and its a--endices;
I. The Contractor.
A; 46ART7("") shall be deemed an inde-endent contractor and shall not,
during the term o. the Agreement, or any renewals or e<tensions thereo., sell,
assign, trans.er, sublet, or sublease all or any -art o. this Agreement without
the -rior written consent o. %; This Agreement is not a =oint 8enture .or -ro.it;
46ART7("") may change its legal name without %>s -rior written a--ro8al,
-ro8ided that 46ART7("") noti.ies % o. the name change within ten (10)
days o. the e..ecti8e date o. the name change;
?; 46ART7("") shall o-erate at its own e<-ense and u-on its own credit and
shall store, -re-are, and ser8e .ood in the dining rooms, 9itchens, ser8ice
areas, and .ood storage areas -ro8ided by % .or that -ur-ose in 'andenberg
6all, the a9land 4enter, the )chool o. (ducation ?uilding and in any other
areas designated by %; The .ood ser8ice areas in 'andenberg 6all and the
a9land 4enter will also be used by 46ART7("") .or the -re-aration o. .ood
.or catered .unctions, as directed by %;
4; 46ART7("") shall be res-onsible .or com-liance with all .ederal, state and
local laws a--licable to its -er.ormance under this Agreement, including, but
not limited to those related to .ood ser8ice and nondiscrimination;
46ART7("") shall com-ly with all a--licable sections o. the Michigan
@ersons 7ith $isabilities 4i8il Rights Act (Act 220 o. the @ublic Acts o. 12:A,
as amended, being M4"A 1:;1101 et seB;) and the (lliott3"arsen 4i8il Rights
Act (Act /C1 o. the @ublic Acts o. 12:A as amended, being M4"A 1:;2101 et
seB;); &llegal discrimination by 46ART7("") may be considered a material
breach o. this Agreement; 7ith res-ect to the -er.ormance o. its obligations
under this Agreement, 46ART7("") shall con.orm to the % (Bual
--ortunity @olicy as set .orth in A--endi< A;
@age 1 o. 0/
II. Insurance and Indemnification
A; 46ART7(""), at its own e<-ense, agrees to -ro8ide at all times throughout
the term o. the Agreement, in insurance com-anies with an A;M; ?est rating o.
A or better, all o. the .ollowingD
1; 7or9ersE com-ensation insurance su..icient under the laws o. the )tate o.
Michigan to co8er all 46ART7("") em-loyees wor9ing on %>s cam-us
or otherwise .ul.illing 46ART7("")> obligations under this Agreement; &n
no e8ent shall 46ART7("")> em-loyees be considered em-loyees o. %
.or any -ur-ose, including, but not limited to, wor9ers> com-ensation,
bene.its and disability;
2; 4om-rehensi8e 5eneral "iability in combination with e<cess insurance,
and @ro-erty &nsurance in the combined single limit o. not less than ten
million dollars (F10,000,000;00), including but not limited to @ersonal &n=ury
"iability, ?odily &n=ury, ?road Gorm @ro-erty $amage "iability, ?lan9et
4ontractual "iability and @roducts "iability, co8ering only the o-erations
and acti8ities o. 46ART7("") under the Agreement;
1; ?road .orm auto liability in minimum amounts o. F1,000,000, with co8erage
.or all autos owned and non3owned;
46ART7("") shall ma9e % an additional insured on its com-rehensi8e
general liability and -ro-erty insurance -olicy with res-ect to liability arising
.rom the -er.ormance o. 46ART7("")> obligations under this Agreement;
The abo8e insurance -olicies shall contain a co8enant reBuiring thirty (10)
days written notice to % be.ore cancellation, reduction or other modi.ication
o. co8erage; Gailure to maintain insurance co8erage as s-eci.ied abo8e shall
be considered a material breach o. the Agreement; 46ART7("") shall
reBuire its subcontractors, i. any, to maintain eBui8alent co8erage;
46ART7("") agrees to -ro8ide %, at Agreement ince-tion and annually
therea.ter or u-on written reBuest, with certi.icates o. insurance .or the
co8erages listed abo8e, in a .orm acce-table to %;
?; 46ART7("") shall indemni.y % .rom any loss resulting .rom the dishonest
acts o. 46ART7("")> em-loyees;
4; 46ART7("") shall de.end, indemni.y, and hold % harmless .or any and all
7or9ersE 4om-ensation claims made against % by any 46ART7("")
em-loyee(s) or agent(s);
@age 2 o. 0/
$; 46ART7("") shall indemni.y, de.end and hold %, its trustees, o..icers,
em-loyees and agents harmless .rom and against any and all losses,
damages or e<-enses, including reasonable attorneysE .ees, arising out o. or
resulting .rom claims or actions .or bodily in=ury, death, sic9ness, -ro-erty
damage or other in=ury or damage caused by any negligent act or omission o.
46ART7(""), its o..icers, em-loyees or agents; 7ith res-ect to any loss,
damage, in=ury or death occurring during the course o. the Agreement, this
indemni.ication -ro8ision shall sur8i8e e<-iration or termination o. this
III. Facilities Fi!ed E"ui#ment $tilities Tele#hone Ser%ice &icenses'(ermits
A; Gor the -ur-oses o. the Agreement, ".acilities" and ".i<ed eBui-ment" mean %
-ro-erty utiliHed locally by 46ART7("") in the -er.ormance o. its obligations
under this Agreement, with the e<ce-tion o. looseware as de.ined in &';A;, .ood
su--lies, o..ice su--lies, and 8ehicles (i. any);
?; (Bui-ment and Gacilities
1; (<isting (Bui-ment and Gacilities;
a; % shall -ro8ide 46ART7("") with all e<isting .ood ser8ice .acilities
and .i<ed eBui-ment that are in -lace on July 1, 2002; 46ART7("")
shall -ay .or all maintenance contract charges and other maintenance
and re-air e<-enses .or dishwashers, re.rigeration units, ty-ewriters,
com-uters, cash registers, card readers and other .i<ed eBui-ment
used in .ood ser8ice o-erations; % shall not be liable .or any loss that
may result .rom .ailure o. any such .i<ed eBui-ment to .unction -ro-erly;
b; &. .i<ed eBui-ment re-lacement is reBuired, % shall be res-onsible .or
re-lacement when reBuired by normal wear and tear, i. re-lacement
cost is greater than F1,000;00I i. re-lacement cost is F1,000;00 or less,
46ART7("") shall be res-onsible .or re-lacement; &. re-lacement is
reBuired due to negligent acts or omissions o. 46ART7("") or its
em-loyees, 46ART7("") shall be res-onsible .or re-lacement;
c; 4om-uters may be -ro8ided to 46ART7("") as -art o. e<isting o..ice
eBui-ment; 46ART7("") shall be solely res-onsible .or their re-air
and re-lacement;
2; 46ART7("") shall -er.orm -re8enti8e maintenance and cleaning o.
.acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment in accordance with all manu.acturer cleaning
and maintenance schedules and the schedule attached as A--endi< ?, and
shall treat all .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment with -rudent care and as
reBuired by %; &. 46ART7("") .ails to -er.orm these -re8enti8e
@age 1 o. 0/
maintenance and cleaning duties by the s-eci.ied or reBuired com-letion
time or date, % reser8es the right to -er.orm, or ha8e its agents -er.orm,
such maintenance or cleaning and to charge bac9 to 46ART7("") the
cost o. all labor and materials reBuired in the -er.ormance o. such
maintenance or cleaning; % may o..set these costs .rom .unds it owes to
1; 46ART7("") will each contract year establish an accrual .und o. 1J o.
estimated annual gross sales (not including sales ta<) to be ad=usted to 1J
o. actual gross sales (not including sales ta<) at contract year end;
46ART7("") may a--ly these .unds to -ay its obligations during that
year under &&&;?;1;a; abo8e; &n the e8ent that less than 1J o. annual gross
sales (not including sales ta<) .or a gi8en year are reBuired .or the
e<-enses during that year, the unused -ortion will be -aid to % to .und a
de-reciation re-lacement account;
4; %tilities; % shall -ro8ide all utilities at its e<-ense, e<ce-t .or tele-hone; ()ee
-aragra-h &&&; ";) % will use its best e..orts to maintain uninterru-ted utility
ser8ice, but % shall not be liable .or any losses or liabilities o. any 9ind
caused directly or indirectly by utility outages or eBui-ment .ailures;
46ART7("") agrees to 9ee- energy consum-tion at a minimum through
res-onsible consum-tion and com-liance with %>s energy conser8ation
e..orts, -ractices and -olicies;
$; % uses ?lac9board>s -tim 2000, &$Kdebit card system; All cash register
eBui-ment, -oint o. sale and meal -lans must be a--ro8ed .or use with this
system; 46ART7("") will in-ut data and maintain -tim databases .or
meal -lans, .ood -roduct lists, -roduct numbers and current retail -rices;
46ART7("") is res-onsible .or annual eBui-ment maintenance costs
beginning at F:,:00 .or the .irst contract year; This amount is ad=usted each
contract year .or the duration o. the Agreement based on the increased cost to
%, -rorated .or 46ART7("") use; 4osts associated with training
46ART7("") em-loyees and agents in the use o. s-eci.ic -ortions o. -tim
will be charged to 46ART7(""); This cost may be -aid out o. the accrual
.und created -ursuant to -aragra-h &&&;?;1;
(; The a9land 4enter utiliHes 4( )o.tware to reser8e .acility s-ace and .ood
ser8ice orders; 46ART7("") is res-onsible .or the .ood ordering -rocess;
46ART7("") will in-ut .ood orders and maintain all .ood ser8ice databases
in 4(; Good ser8ice -ersonnel training costs will be 46ART7("")>
G; % will ma9e a8ailable to 46ART7("") at the beginning o. the .irst contract
year an in8entory listing o. all .i<ed eBui-ment; 46ART7("") agrees at the
-oint o. e<-iration or termination o. the Agreement to return all such .i<ed
eBui-ment to % in the condition in which it was recei8ed e<ce-t .or the
@age / o. 0/
e..ects o. normal wear and tear, or, in the alternati8e, to reimburse % .or
necessary re-airs or .or the .air mar9et 8alue o. the eBui-ment; )uch -ayment
shall be due within thirty (10) days o. e<-iration or termination unless
otherwise agreed to in writing;
5; All .i<ed eBui-ment is to remain within the de.ined .ood -re-aration and
ser8ing areas co8ered by the Agreement unless -rior written consent o. %
has been obtained .rom an authoriHed % o..icial;
6; An ins-ection o. all .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment and an in8entory o. all .i<ed
eBui-ment shall be carried out annually by 46ART7("") u-on the reBuest o.
%, in the -resence o. a re-resentati8e o. %, within se8en (:) calendar days
.ollowing the end o. the winter semester, or earlier i. necessary to ensure that
the ins-ection and in8entory are com-leted not less than .orty3.i8e (/C) days
-rior to any date established .or renewal, e<-iration or termination o. the
Agreement; % shall determine, u-on com-letion o. the ins-ection and
in8entory, whether there has been any loss o. .i<ed eBui-ment or any
e<cessi8e wear or misuse o. .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment on the -art o.
46ART7(""); 4om-ensation .or any loss o. .i<ed eBui-ment or any misuse
o. .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment by 46ART7("") shall be -aid to % by
46ART7("") within thirty (10) days o. the determination or -rior to any
renewal o. the Agreement, whiche8er is earlier; % may o..set any amount
due to % .rom .unds -ayable to 46ART7("");
&; At the e<-iration o. the Agreement and i. it is not to be renewed, or u-on
termination o. the Agreement, an ins-ection o. all .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment
shall be carried out by % in the -resence o. a re-resentati8e o.
46ART7(""); $etermination shall be mutually made, u-on com-letion o.
this ins-ection and in8entory, regarding any loss o. .i<ed eBui-ment or any
e<cessi8e wear or misuse o. .acilities on the -art o. 46ART7("");
4om-ensation .or any loss o. .i<ed eBui-ment or any misuse o. .acilities and
.i<ed eBui-ment shall be -aid by 46ART7("") to % within thirty (10) days
o. the com-letion o. this in8entory; % may o..set any amount due to % .rom
.unds -ayable to 46ART7("");
J; % has the right, without inter.ering with normal .ood ser8ice, to use the
dining, -roduction, and ser8ice areas .rom time to time as it chooses;
A--ro-riate set u- and clean u- will be -er.ormed by %; % agrees to
reimburse 46ART7(""), in an amount agreed to by the -arties in ad8ance
o. the usage, .or any e<traordinary e<-enses incurred by 46ART7("") as a
result o. such usage;
!; 46ART7("") may use the .acilities -ro8ided by % only .or -ur-oses
-ermitted by % in this Agreement, unless % agrees otherwise in writing;
46ART7("") shall -re-are board and *acht 4lub .ood in 'andenberg 6all
and catering and retail .ood in .acilities as directed by %;
@age C o. 0/
"; Tele-hone )er8ice; 46ART7("") shall be res-onsible .or the -ayment o.
tele-hone installation, instrumentation and ser8ice .or use by 46ART7("")
in .ood ser8ice o..ices and associated on3cam-us .ood .acilities;
46ART7("") may install as many e<tensions as are necessary .or -ro-er
communications both inside and outside o. the % community; % shall bill
46ART7("") .or such tele-hone ser8ice on the same basis as it bills other
non3% users;
M; "icenses and -ermits; 46ART7("") shall, at its own e<-ense, obtain all
licenses and -ermits which may be reBuired by a9land 4ounty, the )tate o.
Michigan or by any other com-etent ci8il authority, and shall -ro8ide co-ies o.
same to %;
#; 46ART7("") shall ma9e no alterations to any % -ro-erty, including but not
limited to .acilities and .i<ed eBui-ment, or erect any signs without -rior written
-ermission .rom %;
; % shall -ro8ide 46ART7("") with 9eys to .acilities to which 46ART7("")
must ha8e access in order to -ro8ide .ood ser8ice; 46ART7("") shall be
res-onsible .or control and use o. such 9eys; 46ART7("") shall be
res-onsible .or reimbursing % .or the re-lacement o. lost 9eys and cost o. re3
9eying and re-lacement o. loc9 cylinders that may be reBuired as a result o.
negligence andKor lost 9eys by 46ART7("") em-loyees or agents; All 9eys
shall be returned immediately to % u-on e<-iration or termination o. this
IV. &oose E"ui#ment Glass)are Flat)are China)are *itchen)are &inens
A; % agrees to -ro8ide, at its own e<-ense, its e<isting in8entory o. small
utensils, glassware, .latware, chinaware, -ots and -ans (collecti8ely
"looseware"); A record o. this starting in8entory will be made a8ailable to
46ART7("") by %;
?; 46ART7("") agrees to re-lace, at its own e<-ense, all looseware .ound to
be missing, bro9en, worn beyond use, or becoming obsolete during the term o.
the Agreement or any renewal thereo.I or in lieu o. re-lacement,
46ART7("") will, at %Es reBuest, reimburse % .or the re-lacement 8alue;
Re-lacement or reimbursement will be made with -atterns which match, i.
reasonably a8ailable, and at a le8el o. Buality commensurate with the original
in8entory; All re-lacements are to be made in accordance with s-eci.ications
-ro8ided by %, whene8er a--licable, and will be sub=ect to ins-ection by
re-resentati8es o. %;
4; &n8entories o. looseware shall be ta9en annually by 46ART7("") u-on the
reBuest o. %, in the -resence o. an % re-resentati8e, concurrent with or
@age A o. 0/
immediately a.ter the in8entory o. .i<ed eBui-ment called .or in -aragra-h &&&;6;
Re-lacement or reimbursement as called .or in -aragra-h &';?; will be based
u-on this in8entory;
$; 46ART7("") agrees to return to %, at the e<-iration or termination o. the
Agreement, all o. the looseware designated in the starting in8entory .urnished
by % or which was subseBuently -urchased and added to the in8entory, or to
com-ensate % .or any missing items under the terms o. -aragra-h &';?;,
abo8e; All such items returned by 46ART7("") are to be in the condition
recei8ed by 46ART7(""), e<ce-t .or normal wear and tear; "ooseware
-urchased by 46ART7("") that was not -urchased -ursuant to -aragra-h
&';?; or otherwise to com-ensate % may be retained by 46ART7("") a.ter
e<-iration or termination o. the Agreement; 46ART7("") shall noti.y % in
writing whene8er such looseware -urchases are made and such -urchases
shall be noted during annual looseware in8entories;
(; 46ART7("") shall -er.orm -re8enti8e maintenance and cleaning o.
looseware as reBuired;
G; "inens; 46ART7("") agrees to -ro8ide and launder, at its own e<-ense, all
linens reBuired .or the .ul.illment o. the Agreement; Gor the -ur-ose o. the
Agreement, "linens" shall be understood to include all table linens, 9itchen
linens, and em-loyee uni.orms (coats, a-rons, ca-s, etc;);
V. Cleanin+ and Sanitation
A; 46ART7("") shall adhere to the highest standards o. cleanliness and
sanitation and shall com-ly with all .ederal, state and local health and
sanitation laws and regulations that a--ly to .ood ser8ice o-erations; 4o-ies
o. all health de-artment ins-ection re-orts shall be -ro8ided to %;
46ART7("") shall immediately remedy any shortcomings identi.ied by the
health de-artment that are within its control and res-onsibility; Gailure to ta9e
immediate remedial action shall be considered a material breach o. this
?; 4leaning must be su..icient to -ro8ide -re8entati8e maintenance against
unnecessary deterioration o. the .acilities, eBui-ment, and .urniture, and to
-resent at all times a clean and neat a--earance;
4; 46ART7("") agrees to -er.orm its maintenance, cleaning and sanitation
obligations in accordance with the schedule set .orth in A--endi< ? ;
$; % is res-onsible .or the general cleaning in the a9land 4enter and )chool
o. (ducation ?uilding; % shall clean the .loors, walls, ceilings, windows and
dra-eries o. the a9land 4enter dining areas a.ter the conclusion o. .ood
@age : o. 0/
ser8ice each day; % is also res-onsible .or setting u- and ta9ing down all
.urniture and eBui-ment used in these dining areas, .or both regular .ood
ser8ice dining use and any other authoriHed acti8ities which may ta9e -lace in
these areas, -ro8ided such .urniture and eBui-ment is not the e<clusi8e
-ro-erty o. 46ART7("");
(; 4atered (8ents; %-on com-letion o. catered e8ents, 46ART7("") shall
-rom-tly, within the same day or be.ore the ne<t scheduled use o. the area,
which e8er comes .irst, remo8e catering eBui-ment and remaining .ood .rom
the area and clean .loors and tables o. .ood and .ood debris;
G; Trash 4reation, 4om-acting, Recycling, and $is-osal; 46ART7("") shall
remo8e and dis-ose o. all trash, garbage, and debris resulting .rom the .ood
ser8ice o-eration; This will be -er.ormed daily, unless 46ART7("") and %
agree mutually on the necessity o. establishing a di..erent schedule;
46ART7("") will not be -ermitted to incinerate any dis-osable materials on
the % cam-us and 46ART7("") shall use the trash com-actors -ro8ided
by %; % agrees to -ro8ide trash dis-osal ser8ice, at the e<-ense o.
46ART7(""), and shall bill 46ART7("") an amount eBual to .i.ty -ercent
(C0J) o. the monthly a9land 4enter bill .or trash dis-osal ser8ice, such .ee to
be -aid by 46ART7("") within twenty (20) days; % may o..set any amount
due to % .rom .unds -ayable to 46ART7("");
46ART7("") shall incor-orate biodegradable and recyclable -roducts and
containers into its daily .ood o-eration to the e<tent .easible and shall
-artici-ate in trash reco8ery -rograms in accordance with % and industry
standards; 7hen .easible, 46ART7("") will wor9 with en8ironmental grou-s
on cam-us to achie8e higher rates o. recycling;
46ART7("") shall dis-ose o. coo9ing grease, oils or .ats using a rendering
com-any or other %3a--ro8ed method o. dis-osal;
5; @est 4ontrol; % shall -ro8ide -est e<termination in the )chool o. (ducation
?uilding; 46ART7("") shall engage the ser8ices o. a -est e<terminator as
.reBuently as is reBuired in the areas occu-ied by 46ART7("") in
'andenberg 6all and the a9land 4enter; &. 46ART7("") so elects, %
agrees to continue its -resent contract .or -est control ser8ices throughout the
area o. the Residence 6alls and the a9land 4enter, to include the .ood
ser8ice areas at both locations; 4harges .or -est control that are allocated
s-eci.ically to .ood ser8ice areas in 'andenberg 6all and the a9land 4enter
or any other .ood ser8ice areas used by 46ART7("") will be charged bac9
to 46ART7("") by % on a monthly basis; Any -est control contractor hired
by 46ART7("") shall be -ro-erly licensed and sub=ect to % a--ro8al .or
health and sa.ety -ur-oses; 46ART7("") must ha8e a8ailable at all times all
a--licable Material )a.ety $ata )heets (M)$)) and shall also -ro8ide co-ies
o. the $ata )heets to % at least two (2) wee9s -rior to the onset o. -est
@age 0 o. 0/
control acti8ities; Gailure to submit M)$)s may result in sus-ension o. wor9
until the M)$)s are obtained; 46ART7("") shall bear any cost or loss it
incurs as a result o. such a sus-ension and shall reimburse % .or its costs or
losses, i. any, resulting .rom such sus-ension;
6; 46ART7("") will, -rior to beginning wor9, su--ly % with M)$)s and a list
o. all haHardous substances that its em-loyees or agents may use during
maintenance, cleaning and sanitation or otherwise in the -er.ormance o.
46ART7("")> obligations under this Agreement; 46ART7("") agrees to
noti.y % as to the -resence and storage location o. any haHardous materials
on % -ro-erty; &t will be 46ART7("")> res-onsibility to -ro-erly remo8e
and dis-ose o. any such haHardous materials; % may -reclude the use o. a
s-eci.ic substance(s) by 46ART7("");
&; &., during or u-on the e<-iration or termination o. the Agreement, it is .ound
that 46ART7("") has .ailed to underta9e the obligations set .orth in this
)ection ', % reser8es the right to -er.orm, or direct its agent to -er.orm, such
cleaning as is reasonably necessary to bring the condition o. such areas u- to
these standards, and to charge bac9 to 46ART7("") the cost o. all labor
and materials reBuired in the -er.ormance o. such cleaning; % may o..set
any such amount due to % .rom .unds -ayable to 46ART7("");
VI. (ersonnel , Mana+ement and Su#er%ision
A; 46ART7("") shall maintain an adeBuate sta.. at all times to ensure a high
Buality .ood ser8ice o-eration, including e<-ert -ersonnel .or o-erational and
.inancial administration, meal -lanning, -urchasing, and su-er8ision;
46ART7("") shall submit by June 1 o. each contract year the organiHation
and sta..ing -lan .or administration o. the .ood ser8ice o-erations .or re8iew
and a--ro8al by %; A Buali.ied su-er8isor shall be on duty at all times .ood is
being -re-ared or ser8ed, or a .ood ser8ice area is being cleaned by
?; 46ART7("") ac9nowledges that the Buality o. management and stability in
management is a signi.icant .actor in a success.ul .ood ser8ice o-eration;
46ART7("") re-resents that it will wor9 diligently and ta9e commensurate
corres-onding action to ensure minimal turno8er in management o. the %
account during the term o. this Agreement and its renewals; To the e<tent it is
within 46ART7("")> control, 46ART7("") shall not -ermit or cause both
the )enior $irector o. $ining )er8ices and the Resident $ining $irector to
lea8e the % account within the same twel8e (12) month -eriod;
4; % must a--ro8e 46ART7("")> choice o. managers in writing -rior to
-lacement at %, and % may reBuest the remo8al o. any manager at any
time and .or any reason; &. % ma9es such a reBuest, 46ART7("") shall
@age 2 o. 0/
re-lace the manager no later than thirty (10) days a.ter the reBuest is made,
e<ce-t that 46ART7("") shall re-lace the manager immediately i. %
determines that the manager has engaged in the.t or dishonesty, has used
alcohol or illegal substances during wor9 hours or been under the in.luence o.
alcohol or illegal substances during wor9 hours, has abused legal substances
during wor9 hours, or has been con8icted o. a crime; 46ART7("") shall not
assign a manager to wor9 away .rom % without %>s -rior written a--ro8al;
)uch consultation and a--ro8al shall be underta9en -rior to in.orming the
indi8idual in Buestion o. the other assignment;
$; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide cor-orate andKor regional management sta..,
made 9nown to % by name, to routinely re8iew and ins-ect o-erations,
-ersonally .ill management 8acancies, consult with % on current and .uture
.ood ser8ice -rograms, and to act with .ull authority on 46ART7("")> behal.
in any and all matters -ertaining to the s-eci.ications o. the Agreement;
(; Management @ersonnel 33 5eneral; 46ART7("") shall assign to wor9 .ull3
time on %>s cam-us a -ro.essionally trained )enior $irector o. $ining
)er8ices, 4atering $irector, Retail $irector, Resident $ining $irector,
(<ecuti8e 4he., Assistant 4atering $irector, Assistant Retail $irector and
Assistant Resident $ining $irectorI each o. whose Buali.ications with regard to
education and e<-erience are .ully commensurate with the res-onsibilities o.
the -osition; (ach management3le8el em-loyee must be inter8iewed and
a--ro8ed by % be.ore the manager may be assigned to wor9 on %>s
G; Management @ersonnel 33'andenberg 6all; 46ART7("") shall assign at
least one .ull3time Resident $ining $irector and one .ull3time Assistant
Resident $ining $irector to 'andenberg 6all to manage and su-er8ise the
residence hall dining -rogram; The Resident $ining $irector or Assistant
Resident $ining $irector shall be accessible to -atrons o. residence hall dining
during all times when .ood ser8ice is o..ered; )uch management must be non3
-roduction -ersonnel and should be clearly identi.iable as the indi8idual in
charge o. the o-eration; A su-er8isor shall be -resent at the *acht 4lub during
those -eriods o. time when the *acht 4lub is o-en, but the residence hall
dining -rogram is not ser8ing .ood;
5; Management @ersonnel33a9land 4enter; 46ART7("") shall assign at
least one .ull3time Retail $irector and one .ull3time Assistant Retail $irector to
the a9land 4enter to manage and su-er8ise the a9land 4enter retail .ood
-rogram; The Retail $irector and Assistant Retail $irector shall be accessible
to -atrons during all times when .ood ser8ice is o..ered; )uch management
must be non3-roduction -ersonnel and should be clearly identi.iable as the
indi8idual in charge o. the o-eration;
@age 10 o. 0/
6; Management @ersonnelLRegional; 46ART7("") shall assign a Regional
Mar9eting $irector to engage in e..ecti8e mar9eting o. the .ood ser8ice
o-eration at % and to ensure that 46ART7("") abides by the mar9eting
and mar9et research -rograms set .orth in A--endices @ and );
&; 46ART7("") shall assign su..icient additional managerial and su-er8isory
-ersonnel to -ro8ide co8erage at each .ood ser8ice location during all ser8ice
hours; The number and s9ill le8els o. managerial and su-er8isory -ersonnel
shall be such as to ensure at all times that the ser8ice o. .ood is -rom-t,
attracti8e, e..icient, and sanitary;
J; 46ART7("") shall -eriodically schedule e8aluation and training 8isits to %
by its cor-orate administrati8e, dietetic, em-loyee relations, and internal audit
VII. (ersonnel
a; 5eneral
1; nly em-loyees who are acce-table to % shall be utiliHed by
46ART7("") in the -er.ormance o. the Agreement;
2; 46ART7("") shall ensure that its em-loyees and agents abide by all %
ordinances, regulations, -olicies and -rocedures while on cam-us,
including, but not limited to, those concerning wea-ons and e<-losi8es,
non3discrimination, tra..ic and -ar9ing, smo9ing, and drugs and alcohol;
46ART7("") shall at %>s reBuest, -ermanently remo8e an em-loyee or
agent who is belie8ed by % to ha8e 8iolated the law or an % ordinance,
regulation, -olicy or -rocedure; $rin9ing o. alcoholic be8erages, the use o.
illegal drugs or being under the in.luence o. either on the =ob by a
46ART7("") em-loyee or agent will not be -ermitted; )mo9ing is
-rohibited inside all .acilities used by 46ART7("") in the -er.ormance o.
its obligations under this Agreement; 7ea-ons are not -ermitted on %
-ro-erty, including -ro-erly -ermitted concealed wea-ons;
1; 46ART7("") re-resents and warrants that is has -er.ormed a -olice
records chec9 on all em-loyees and agents wor9ing on %>s cam-us;
46ART7("") re-resents and warrants that no such em-loyees or agents
a--ear on the Michigan @ublic )e< ..ender Registry or ha8e e8er been
con8icted o. criminal se< o..ense, .orcible assault or a crime against a
minor; @ersons with .elony con8ictions other than those s-eci.ically listed
immediately abo8e may wor9 on cam-us only i. 46ART7("") has the
e<-ress written -ermission o. % through its $irector o. @urchasing and
Ris9 Management;
@age 11 o. 0/
/; 46ART7("") shall ensure that all 46ART7("") em-loyees assigned to
wor9 on %>s cam-us are attired in clean uni.orms and wear -rominently
dis-layed nametags that identi.y them as 46ART7("") em-loyees and
state their name and title; Management and administrati8e sta.. shall be
dressed in business attire with nametags as described immediately abo8e;
46ART7("") agrees that it shall, on its own initiati8e or u-on reBuest o.
%, end the wor9 day o. any 46ART7("") em-loyee who is wearing an
unclean uni.orm or who otherwise a--ears unclean;
b; )tudent "abor
46ART7("") is encouraged, but not reBuired, to em-loy % students; %
students, when hired by 46ART7(""), shall be sub=ect to 46ART7("")>
em-loyment -olicies and -ractices;
VIII. Ins#ection.
% shall, at all times and without -rior notice, ha8e the right to access all Good
)er8ice .acilities to ins-ect the o-eration thereo. and the wor9 o. 46ART7("")
with res-ect to 46ART7("")> com-liance with this Agreement, including but not
limited to the Buality and Buantity o. .ood ser8ed, -re-aration and ser8ing methods
and -rocedures, sanitary and sa.ety standards, cleanliness, a--earance and
conduct o. 46ART7("")> em-loyees, o-erating hours, and general
house9ee-ing and u-9ee- o. -remises;
I-. Food Ser%ice Food Standards Other Res#onsi.ilities Re#ortin+
a; % shall designate all grou-s .or
whom .ood ser8ice is to be
-ro8ided, both on and o.. cam-us;
#o .ood ser8ice shall be -ro8ided
without % a--ro8al;
@age 12 o. 0/
b; All coo9ing and -re-aration o.
.ood shall be -er.ormed in %
.acilities on cam-us;
46ART7("") will not be
authoriHed to utiliHe the .acilities or
to conduct or -re-are any .ood
items .or any other Good )er8ice
or -ur-ose not s-eci.ically set
.orth in this Agreement, unless %
agrees otherwise in writing; The
use o. the .ood .acilities .or o..3
cam-us catering must be -re3
a--ro8ed in writing by %;
c; 46ART7("") shall .urnish and
ser8e .ood to such grou-s in
accordance with s-eci.ications
and -ro8isions o. the this
Agreement and its a--endices;
1; % reser8es the right to re8iew 46ART7("") in8oices to 8eri.y
com-liance with .ood s-eci.ications; 46ART7("") agrees to ma9e
a8ailable co-ies o. any or all such in8oices at %Es reBuest, within se8en
(:) wor9ing days o. such reBuest;
2; % reser8es the right to re8iew reci-es used by 46ART7("") in the
-re-aration o. .ood ser8ed at %I howe8er, % recogniHes that such
reci-es may be con.idential in.ormation which 46ART7("") wishes not
to be made -ublic, and % shall not co-y such reci-es nor ma9e them
-ublic without 46ART7("")> -ermission, e<ce-t as may be reBuired by
1; 46ART7("") will -ro8ide .ood ser8ice .rom .ood conce-ts s-eci.ied in
A--endi< ; 46ART7("") agrees to change out .i.ty -ercent (C0J) o.
the .ood conce-ts in the a9land 4enter by the end o. the third contract
year, consistent with the re.reshing -lan set .orth in A--endi< or as
otherwise mutually agreed u-on in writing; The -arties may agree in
writing to alter the re.reshing -lan set .orth in A--endi< to res-ond to
in.ormation -ro8ided through 46ART7("")> mar9et research -lan
-ro8ided .or in )ection M and detailed in Attachment ), or to otherwise
meet the needs o. % and the % community;
/; 46ART7("") shall submit .or % a--ro8al a -rice listing .or items sold in
all cash o-erations .our wee9s -rior to each semester (including summer
@age 11 o. 0/
-. Mar/et Research Mar/etin+ and Outreach
a; 46ART7("") shall, on a
continuing basis, -er.orm mar9et
research intended to determine
the board and retail .ood ser8ice
-atterns, and needs and desires
o. % students, .aculty and sta..;
46ART7("") agrees to -er.orm
the mar9et research -lan set .orth
in A--endi< ) throughout the term
o. the Agreement and its
renewals; All results o. such
mar9et research shall be -ro8ided
to % within ten (10) wor9ing
@age 1/ o. 0/
b; 46ART7("") shall underta9e a
-rogram whereby the le8el o.
satis.action with the .ood ser8ice
-rogram on the -art o. students,
.aculty, and sta.. will be .airly
a--raised no less than two times
-er academic year, as set .orth in
A--endi< ); 46ART7("") shall
-ro8ide % with all in.ormation
recei8ed or generated as a result
o. the a--raisal -rogram set .orth
in Attachment ); )uch in.ormation
shall be -ro8ided to % no later
than ten (10) wor9ing days a.ter it
is recei8ed or generated by
46ART7(""); &. %, in its sole
discretion, determines that the
a--raisal -rogram is not -ro8iding
a .air a--raisal o. student, .aculty
and sta.. satis.action,
46ART7("") agrees to de8ise
and im-lement another a--raisal
-rogram that is acce-table to %;
c; 46ART7("") shall res-ond to
com-laints .rom students, .aculty
and sta.. within ten (10) business
days; A.ter consulting with %,
46ART7("") shall res-ond in
writing to written com-laints and
-ro8ide % with a courtesy co-y
o. its res-onse;
d; % reser8es the right to .orm a
.ood committee o. its own or to
create other means by which to
a--raise and e8aluate the
-er.ormance o. 46ART7("");
46ART7("") agrees to meet
with such a committee to discuss
any or all as-ects o. the .ood
ser8ice -rogram, and to coo-erate
in e8ery way and at all times to
maintain good -ublic relations with
the 8arious constituencies o. %;
@age 1C o. 0/
e; All -ublications concerning the
.ood ser8ice o-eration must
recei8e -rior written a--ro8al .rom
%; 46ART7("") must adhere
to % -ublishing guidelines unless
a -rior e<ce-tion is granted
through %>s 'ice @resident .or
)tudent A..airs;
.; #either -arty shall use the other
-arty>s trade or ser8ice mar9(s)
e<ce-t as authoriHed in writing by
the owner o. the mar9;
g; 46ART7("") shall immediately
ha8e in -lace, and maintain
throughout the term o. the
Agreement and its renewals, a
mar9eting -rogram that
em-hasiHes an entre-reneurial
attitude regarding dining ser8ices;
46ART7("")> mar9eting -lan .or
the .irst contract year has been
submitted in accordance with the
reBuirements set .orth in A--endi<
-I. Vendin+
% shall ha8e the right to negotiate an e<clusi8e machine 8ending concession
with other contractors; 'ending machines shall be -laced at locations as
determined solely by %;
-II. (ourin+ Ri+hts
46ART7("") understands that % has entered into an e<clusi8e -ouring rights
agreement with a 8endor .or the -ro8ision o. carbonated so.t drin9s, bottled
waters, isotonicKs-orts drin9s, bottled iced teas, bottled iced co..ees, bottled .ruit
=uices and bottled .ruit =uice drin9s, and any other similar be8erage -roducts
(collecti8ely the +"iBuid Re.reshments,); &n such e8ent and in the e8ent
46ART7("") wishes to sell "iBuid Re.reshments or is reBuired to -ro8ide "iBuid
Re.reshments under the terms o. the Agreement, 46ART7("") shall -urchase
such "iBuid Re.reshments only .rom the 8endor designated by %, shall sell or
distributed only such "iBuid Re.reshments -ro8ided by that 8endor, and shall not
@age 1A o. 0/
-ermit signs or other ad8ertisements .or com-etitors o. that 'endor; "iBuid
Re.reshments does not include mil9I alcoholic be8eragesI .reshly brewed co..ee
or tea, whether or not dis-ensed .rom a 8ending machineI hot chocolateI non3
bottled waterI =uice sBueeHed .reshI yogurt and ice cream drin9sI sou- and drin9
mi<ers .or which 8endor does not ha8e a -roduct; #othing herein shall -rohibit
46ART7("") .rom selling be8erages other than "iBuid Re.reshments (+ther
?e8erages,) or .rom obtaining such ther ?e8erages .rom sources other than
-III. (a0ment to C1ART2E&&S3 Accountin+ (rocedures3 Ta!es3 Other Financial
Considerations3 E!clusi%it0 of Food Ser%ice3 (roduct (ricin+
a; @ayment to 46ART7("")
1; ?oard @rogram
a; 46ART7("") shall bill % monthly .or the board -rogram at a daily
board rate; The daily board rates .or the .irst contract year are set .orth
in A--endices J, ! and "; The monthly in8oice shall be com-uted as
.ollowsD the number o. board -atrons -er day times the daily board rate
times the number o. a--licable board days in the month; &t shall be the
res-onsibility o. % on the 1Cth day o. each month to submit to
46ART7("") a record o. the number o. board -atrons .or each day o.
the -receding 1/ days; 46ART7("") will ma9e an estimated count o.
the number o. board -atrons .or each day .or the remainder o. the
month and re-ort this number to %; 46ART7("")> monthly billing to
% .or the board -rogram will be based u-on the in.ormation -ro8ided
in this re-ort;
(ach contract year, % shall -ay the .irst month>s estimated bill .or the
board -rogram one month be.ore residence dining is scheduled to
begin; % and 46ART7("") shall mutually agree u-on an estimated
number o. board -atrons and 46ART7("") shall submit this initial bill
based on that agreed3u-on estimate; 46ART7("") shall credit the
amount o. this initial bill on the last monthly bill .or the winter semester
in the contract year;
b; 46ART7("") shall submit monthly billings to % no sooner than the
1:th day o. the month; )uch billing shall be -re-ared as described in
-aragra-h M&&&;A;1;a; % will -ay the billing within twenty (20) wor9ing
days; The monthly billing will be recogniHed as an estimate by both
-arties; Ad=ustments will ta9e into account the actual number o. board
-atrons, which shall be calculated and re.lected in the subseBuent
monthEs billing;
@age 1: o. 0/
c; Any ad=ustment to the monthly in8oices .or the board -rogram must
ha8e the a--ro8al o. both 46ART7("") and %; )uch ad=ustments
should a--ear and be clearly identi.ied on the subseBuent monthEs
d; 46ART7("") shall not be reBuired to allow credit .or meals missed by
residents on the board -lan unless the meals were missed as a result o.
either a documented health reason or a residentEs .ul.illing an % credit
course reBuirement; &n such cases, % and 46ART7("") shall
mutually agree on the amount and terms o. such credit;
e; 46ART7("") shall ma9e re.unds, issue credits, or cancel charges on
a -ro3rata basis, as a--ro-riate, u-on o..icial noti.ication .rom % o. the
withdrawal o. indi8idual residents .rom .urther -artici-ation in the board
-lan; % shall -ro8ide such notice in writing no more than two wee9s
a.ter the date o. a residentEs withdrawal .rom the board -rogram;
.; All amounts not -aid when due shall be sub=ect to interest at one and
one3hal. -ercent (1N J) -er month .rom the due date until -aid;
2; )ummer 4am-s, 4on.erences and 4atered Gunctions
?illings .or summer cam-s, con.erences and catered .unctions will be
-re-ared wee9ly and -resented to the a9land 4enter )cheduling ..ice
.or -ayment; The rates .or the .irst contract year are as set .orth in
A--endi< (; @ayment will be made within twenty (20) wor9ing days; &.
recei8ables .or ser8ices to non3% -arties subseBuently become
uncollectible and are canceled by %, credit will be gi8en by
46ART7("") to % .or said recei8ables;
1; Ta<es
7ithout additional e<-ense to %, 46ART7("") shall be liable .or all
a--licable .ederal, state, and local ta<es, including but not limited to the
collecting and remitting o. Michigan sales ta<;
b; ther Ginancial 4onsiderations
1; @ar9ing; Gor the con8enience o. 46ART7("") in loading and unloading
items necessary in the carrying out o. the .ood ser8ice .unction, % shall
-ro8ide two -ar9ing s-aces ad=acent to the a9land 4enter .or
46ART7("")> use; These two -ar9ing s-aces are not a s-ecial -ri8ilege
.or 46ART7("")> em-loyees, who shall -ar9 in the -ar9ing areas
designated .or % em-loyeesI these s-aces are allocated to .acilitate the
e..icient .unctioning o. the .ood ser8ice o-eration; &. this -ur-ose ceases to
be a--licable, this s-ecial -ar9ing arrangement will be discontinued;
@age 10 o. 0/
2; )u-er8isory Meals; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide % with .our su-er8isory
meal -asses .or use in the residence halls board -rogram and three
-asses .or use in the a9land 4enter; The sole -ur-ose o. these -asses is
to .acilitate %Es monitoring o. 46ART7("")> com-liance with this
Agreement; % recogniHes that these -asses are to be used =udiciously at
all times;
1; Right to Audit; 46ART7("") will submit a co-y o. the % .ood ser8ice
o-eration .inancial o-erating statement monthly to %, se-arately re-orting
retail sales by .ood conce-t and, i. one conce-t is -laced in more than one
location, by 8enue; 46ART7("") shall 9ee- .ull and accurate records
and accounts in connection with the .ood ser8ice o-eration ; All such
records shall be retained by 46ART7("") .or a -eriod not less than .i8e
(C) years and may be audited by % or its designated re-resentati8es at
any time during regular wor9 hours with or without -rior notice; All
contracts or -urchase orders between 46ART7("") and its
subcontractors or su--liers shall reBuire that the subcontractor or su--lier
retain -urchase orders and related records .or a minimum o. .i8e (C) years
and also contain a -ro8ision allowing % access to rele8ant records .or the
-ur-ose o. assessing 46ART7("")> com-liance with this Agreement;
c; (<clusi8ity o. Good )ales
2; All .ood sold under the residence halls .ood -rogram or sold in the a9land
4enter is to be sold by 46ART7("") with the .ollowing e<ce-tionsD
a; 46ART7("") may delegate or wai8e the right to sell .ood to other
grou-s or de-artments sub=ect to written % a--ro8al;
b; 'ending machine sales may be made by cor-orations other than
c; % may -urchase .rom 46ART7("") alcoholic be8erages to be
ser8ed by 46ART7("") at e8ents or meetings catered by
46ART7(""); % also may -urchase alcoholic be8erages .rom a
third -arty .or consum-tion either in con=unction with or se-arate .rom
.ood ser8ices -ro8ided by 46ART7("");
d; % shall be entitled to wai8e this -ro8ision and use other .ood ser8ice
-ro8iders .or student e8ents in the residence halls and the a9land
4enter twice -er semester throughout the duration o. this Agreement;
)tudent grou-s may use the 9itchen .acilities to reheat .ood or .or li9e
minimal acti8ities, sub=ect to 46ART7("") su-er8ision and a--ro8al,
not to be unreasonably withheld;
@age 12 o. 0/
e; )nac9 and be8erage items may be sold at the boo9store located in the
a9land 4enter, -ro8ided that i. the boo9store sells items also sold by
46ART7("") in the a9land 4enter, the boo9store shall sell that item
.or the same or higher -rice than is charged by 46ART7("");
a; @roduct @ricing
1; &nitial retail -roduct -rices shall be -ro-osed by 46ART7("") and
re8iewed by % at the ince-tion o. this Agreement; All -ricing is sub=ect to
% a--ro8al;
/; )ubseBuent year -rice changes in board rates, con.erence acti8ity a.ter the
initial contract year, catering, retail cash sales, and any other -rices shall
be negotiated by the -arties based on the needs o. the % community,
mar9et conditions and the need .or reasonable -ro.itability; &. agreement is
not reached, 46ART7("") may increase -rices three (1) -ercent or, i. it
is higher than three (1) -ercent, the -ercentage change in the %; );
$e-artment o. "aborEs 4onsumer @rice &nde< .or %rban 7age (arnerEs and
4lerical 7or9erEs %;); A8erage (or in the absence o. such inde<, a similar
inde< agreed u-on by the -arties) .or the twel8e3month -eriod ending on
June 10 -rior to the beginning o. the contract year under negotiation;
46ART7("") and % agree that % may reBuest modi.ications to the
board -rogram that may increase 46ART7("">s cost o. o-erating the
-rogram; &n that e8ent, 46ART7("") may reBuest a greater increase in
board rate, to be mutually agreed u-on by 46ART7("") and %;
C; n or be.ore A-ril 1 o. each year during the term o. the Agreement, the
-arties shall mutually agree in writing to these .inancial terms and
conditions .or the ensuing s-ring, summer, .all, and winter terms that are
not s-eci.ically established at this time by this Agreement;
A; Residential con.erence rates are established on a contract year basis;
-IV. Commission (a0ment to O$
a; 4ommission @ayment
46ART7("") shall -ay to % a commission o. two hundred .i.ty thousand
dollars (F2C0,000) -er contract year; 46ART7("") agrees to -ay to % on
July 0, 2002, the .irst .i8e contract years> o. commission in the amount o. one
million two hundred .i.ty thousand dollars (F1,2C0,000); &. this agreement is
terminated be.ore June 10, 200: as -ro8ided .or in -aragra-h M'&;4;, % shall
within thirty (10) days reimburse 46ART7("") FA0/;21 .or each day
between the day a.ter the date o. termination and June 10, 200:;
@age 20 o. 0/
b; % -ro8ides a debit card
-urchasing -rogram, called
)-irit4aFh, to students, .aculty
and sta..; 46ART7("") agrees
to enter into the )-irit4aFh
agreement enclosed as A--endi<
O and to acce-t )-irit4aFh
-urchases at all o. its .ood ser8ice
locations; A .ee o. three -ercent
(1J) shall be -aid by
46ART7("") to % .or all
)-irit4aFh sales by
46ART7(""); The .ee shall be
based u-on gross )-rit 4aFh
sales (not including sales ta<) and
remitted to % on a monthly
basis; This .ee is inde-endent o.
the commission -aid to %
-ursuant to )ection M&';A; The
-ercentage o. the .ee may be
ad=usted during the term o. the
Agreement u-on mutual written
agreement o. the -arties;
-V. Recreation'Athletic Center Food Ser%ice.
% -ro8ides, either itsel. or through a 8endor, concessions at athletic e8ents and
.ood ser8ice in its RecreationKAthletic 4enter; 46ART7("") agrees that students,
.aculty and sta.. may use a total o. twenty3.i8e dollars (F2C;00) -er semester o. their
declining balance dollars and meal -lan .le< dollars .or concessions and
RecreationKAthletic 4enter .ood ser8ice, -ro8ided that 46ART7("") recei8es a
10J commission .rom the 8endor .or all such sales;
@age 21 o. 0/
-VI. Term and Termination.
a; The term o. the Agreement shall
be .i8e years commencing on July
1, 2002, and continuing through
June 10, 200:; The -arties may
agree in writing to e<tend the
Agreement .or two se-arate one
year terms therea.ter;
b; Gor the -ur-oses o. this
Agreement, a +contract year, shall
be the twel8e month -eriod
beginning July 1 and ending June
c; (ither -arty may terminate the
Agreement at any time during its
term without cause by gi8ing not
less than ninety (20) days -rior
written notice to the other -arty,
e<ce-t that 46ART7("") may
not terminate this Agreement at
any time during the .irst contract
year or -rior to the last board day
o. the winter semester o. any
contract year therea.ter;
@age 22 o. 0/
d; &. at any time during the term o.
this Agreement either -arty
considers terminating the
Agreement, such -arty shall gi8e
the other -arty written notice that it
is considering such action, which
notice shall set .orth with su..icient
s-eci.icity such -artyEs reasons .or
contem-lating termination; $uring
the .ollowing thirty (10) day -eriod
the -arties shall discuss, in good
.aith, the -artyEs reasons .or
considering termination in an e..ort
to a8oid the need .or such action;
Gollowing the thirty (10) day
discussion -eriod, the -arty
considering termination, i. not .ully
satis.ied, may elect to terminate
the Agreement by gi8ing the other
-arty si<ty (A0) daysE written notice
o. its intention to terminate,
-ro8ided, howe8er, neither -arty
may gi8e notice o. its intention to
terminate during the .irst ninety
(20) days o. o-eration under this
e; As soon as reasonably -ossible,
but in any e8ent within thirty (10)
days o. any termination o. the
Agreement, 46ART7("") shall
remo8e all e8idence o. its trade
names and registered trademar9s
and restore the -remises at its
-VII. Force Ma4eure
@age 21 o. 0/
a; &n the e8ent that any act o. 5od,
stri9e, riot, disru-tion or other
.orce ma=eure would in the sole
discretion o. % necessitate the
tem-orary discontinuance o. all or
-art o. the % .ood ser8ice
-rogram, or in the e8ent that there
is a 8oluntary closing o. % .or
any reason by action o. the ?oard
o. Trustees or its designee, both
-arties shall be relie8ed .rom their
res-ecti8e obligations under the
Agreement .or that -ortion o. the
-rogram so a..ected during such
-eriod o. discontinuance;
b; &n the e8ent o. a business
interru-tion caused by an
occurrence o. .orce ma=eure,
notwithstanding the duration or the
.reBuency o. such business
interru-tion, % will not ma9e
-ayment to 46ART7("") .or the
net number o. days by which the
board contract calendar is
reduced as a result o. that
-VIII. Financial Ca#ital In%estment and Installation of Ne) Food Conce#ts
@age 2/ o. 0/
a; 46ART7("") agrees to -ro8ide
one million three hundred .orty
one thousand dollars (F1,1/1,000)
(the +4a-ital &n8estment,) to %,
which % shall e<-end in a
manner intended to bene.it .ood
ser8ice o-erations; All
e<-enditures o. the 4a-ital
&n8estment shall be made at %>s
sole discretion and
46ART7("") shall ha8e no
ownershi- or other interest in any
eBui-ment or other goods or
ser8ices -urchased with the
4a-ital &n8estment;
46ART7("") shall amortiHe the
4a-ital &n8estment on a straight3
line basis o8er a -eriod o. ten (10)
years beginning in the .irst
contract year;
@age 2C o. 0/
b; &nstallation o. #ew Good
4once-ts; %- to .i8e hundred
si<ty3three thousand one hundred
and eighty dollars (FCA1,100) (the
+@ro=ect @rice,) o. the 4a-ital
&n8estment shall be dedicated to
the cost o. designing, building and
installing the new .ood conce-ts
.or the a9land 4enter,
'andenberg 6all, and the )chool
o. (ducation and 6uman )er8ices
?uilding, as set .orth in A--endi<
(the +@ro=ect,), e<ce-t that the
modi.ications to the *acht 4lub
shall not be included in the @ro=ect
or @ro=ect @rice; &n addition,
se8enteen thousand .i8e hundred
ninety3.i8e dollar (F1:,C2C) o. the
-ermits and .ees costs .or the
'andenberg $ining Room
reno8ation set .orth in A--endi< T
shall not be included in the @ro=ect
@rice, but shall be -aid by the
%ni8ersity i. reBuired to com-lete
the 'andenberg $ining Room
reno8ation; (The cost estimates
.or installing the indi8idual .ood
conce-ts are set .orth in A--endi<
T;) The @ro=ect shall include
remo8al o. all or -art o. the
e<isting .ood conce-ts, as
necessary; The .ollowing
additional terms and conditions
shall a--ly to the @ro=ect;
@age 2A o. 0/
2; 46ART7("") shall .urnish or cause to be .urnished all management,
su-er8ision, .inancing, goods, -roducts, materials, eBui-ment, systems,
labor, ser8ices, -ermits, licenses, construction machinery, trans-ortation
and other .acilities necessary .or -ro-er e<ecution and com-letion o. the
1; All wor9 related to the @ro=ect shall be -er.ormed in a wor9manli9e manner
and in accordance with the standards currently -racticed by -ersons and
entities -er.orming or -ro8iding com-arable management, su-er8ision,
labor and ser8ices on -ro=ects o. similar siHe, com-le<ity and cost;
/; All designs, schematic or otherwise, .or the @ro=ect are sub=ect to %>s
-rior written a--ro8al;
C; All -ortions o. the @ro=ect are sub=ect to the %ni8ersity>s -rior a--ro8al, and
all construction contracts shall contain insurance and indemnity -ro8isions,
guarantees and warranties, 4ontractor selection -rocesses, and other
terms and conditions acce-table to %; All guarantees and warranties, i.
any, .rom all 4ontractors, shall run directly to 46ART7(""), but shall be
made assignable and trans.erred .rom 46ART7("") to % u-on
com-letion o. the @ro=ect;
A; 46ART7("") shallD
a) com-ly with all a--licable laws, statutes, building codes, regulations
and law.ul orders o. all go8ernmental, -ublic and Buasi3-ublic
authorities and agencies ha8ing =urisdiction o8er the @ro=ect;
b) -re-are and .ile documents reBuired to obtain and maintain all
necessary a--ro8als and -ermits, including building -ermit(s), o. all
go8ernmental authorities ha8ing =urisdiction o8er the @ro=ect;
c) gi8e all notices reBuired by it o. go8ernmental authorities relating to the
d) in the course o. wor9ing on the @ro=ect, coo-erate and
communicate with % and all other -ersons or entities as reBuired .or
satis.actory and timely com-letion o. the @ro=ect;
e) em-loy -ersons s9illed in the tas9s assigned to them and shall
contract with general contractors, subcontractors, su--liers and
materialmen (collecti8ely +4ontractors, and indi8idually +4ontractor,)
s9illed in the tas9s assigned to them and ca-able o. wor9ing
harmoniously with all trades, cra.ts and other indi8iduals wor9ing on the
@age 2: o. 0/
.) enter into written contracts with its 4ontractors, i. any, and
those written contracts shall be consistent with the a--licable -ro8isions
o. this Agreement, including, but not limited to, insurance,
indemni.ication and nondiscrimination; 46ART7("") shall engage
each o. its 4ontractors with written contracts which -reser8e and
-rotect the rights o. % and include the ac9nowledgment and
agreement o. each 4ontractor that % is a third3-arty bene.iciary o. the
g) ma9e a8ailable to each 4ontractor, i. any, -rior to the e<ecution
o. written contracts with any o. them, a co-y o. this Agreement and all
@ro=ect s-eci.ications and designs, schematic or otherwise, which ha8e
been a--ro8ed by %, including those -ortions to which the 4ontractor
will be bound, and shall reBuire that each 4ontractor shall similarly
ma9e co-ies o. a--licable -arts o. such documents a8ailable to all its
res-ecti8e subcontractors, su--liers, 8endors and materialmen;
h) include in its agreements with its 4ontractors a -ro8ision which
contains the ac9nowledgement and agreement o. the 4ontractor that it
will abide by the a--licable terms, conditions and reBuirements set .orth
in this Agreement and its a--endices;
i) .urnish goods, -roducts, materials, eBui-ment and systems
which are new (unless otherwise s-eci.ied or -ermitted) and without
a--arent damage and are .ree .rom de.ects;
=) -rom-tly correct or reBuire the correction o. all as-ects o. the
@ro=ect that are re=ected by % irres-ecti8e o. the date o. re=ection;
46ART7("") shall bear all costs o. correcting the re=ected as-ects,
including but not limited to additional testing and ins-ections and
com-ensation .or all ser8ices and e<-enses necessitated by such
correction; )hould 46ART7("") .ail to -rom-tly correct any .ailure or
de.ect, % may ta9e whate8er actions it deems necessary to remedy
the .ailure or de.ect and 46ART7("") shall -rom-tly reimburse %
.or any e<-enses or damages it incurs as a result o. 46ART7("")>
.ailure to correct the .ailure or de.ect;
9) name a re-resentati8e (the +?uilder>s Re-resentati8e,) to ser8e
as its -rimary communication contact with %;
l) retain in its records co-ies o. all -lans, s-eci.ications,
submittals, corres-ondence, minutes, memoranda, ta-e recordings,
8ideos, accounting records, documents re.lecting the unit -rice o.
construction and other writings or things which document the @ro=ect, its
design, and its construction; 46ART7("") shall maintain
substantiating records .or .i8e (C) years a.ter % acce-ts the @ro=ect as
@age 20 o. 0/
com-leted and .or any longer -eriod o. time as may be reBuired by law
or good construction -ractice; &. 46ART7("") recei8es noti.ication o.
a dis-ute or the commencement o. litigation regarding the @ro=ect within
this .i8e (C) year -eriod, 46ART7("") shall continue to maintain all
@ro=ect records until .inal resolution o. the dis-ute or litigation;
m) -ro8ide a -er.ormance and -ayment bond, the -enal sum o.
which shall be in an amount not less than the @ro=ect @rice, and each
bond shallD
(1) ?e in a .orm a--ro8ed by %I
(2) ?e e<ecuted by a com-any licensed and authoriHed to do business
in the state o. MichiganI
(1) ?e accom-anied by a -ower o. attorney certi.ying that the -erson(s)
e<ecuting the bond has the authority to do soI and
(/) ?e deli8ered to % -rior to commencement o. the @ro=ect;
@age 22 o. 0/
:; 46ART7("") understands and ac9nowledges that % may need access
to or use o. certain areas where wor9 relating to the @ro=ect is being
-er.ormed -rior to com-letion o. the @ro=ect, and that such occu-ancy,
access or use shall not constitute %>s acce-tance o. the @ro=ect or any
-art thereo.;
0; 46ART7("") re-resents and warrants that i. the cost to com-lete the
@ro=ect is greater than the @ro=ect @rice, 46ART7("") shall bear the
additional cost o. com-leting the @ro=ect in con.ormance with the
s-eci.ications agreed u-on by the -arties and the standards set .orth in this
Agreement; &. the cost o. com-leting the @ro=ect is less than the @ro=ect
@rice, the sa8ings shall be the sole -ro-erty o. %;
2; %nless otherwise directed by %, % shall designate one % em-loyee
who shall act as %>s re-resentati8e .or the -ur-oses o. the @ro=ect .rom
the e..ecti8e date o. this Agreement (the +@ro.essional,); The @ro.essional
so designated will (i) be %>s design re-resentati8e during -er.ormance o.
the @ro=ectI (ii) consult on all design and with any necessary 4ontractors o.
the date o., and reBuest their -artici-ation in, the wal93through ins-ection;
The -ur-ose o. the wal93through ins-ection will be to determine i. there are
de.ects or .ailures which reBuire correction; 7hen all de.ects and .ailures
are corrected to %>s satis.action and the @ro=ect is otherwise com-lete,
46ART7("") shall ha8e achie8ed Ginal 4om-letion; 46ART7("")
shall achie8e Ginal 4om-letion on or be.ore )e-tember 1, 2002; Gailure to
achie8e Ginal 4om-letion by )e-tember 1, 2002 may be considered a
material breach o. this Agreement;
10; The ?uilder>s Re-resentati8e shall meet wee9ly with the @ro.essional to
re-ort u-on the -rogress o. the @ro=ect; % shall ha8e un.ettered access
to su-er8isory logs and other documentation o. -rogress;
11; &n addition to the warranties and guarantees set .orth elsewhere herein,
46ART7("") e<-ressly warrants and guarantees to %D
a) that the @ro=ect com-lies with all s-eci.ications a--ro8ed by % relating
to the @ro=ectI and all a--licable laws, statutes, building codes, rules
and regulations o. all go8ernmental, -ublic and Buasi3-ublic authorities
and agencies ha8ing =urisdiction o8er the @ro=ectI and
b) that the goods, -ro=ects, materials, eBui-ment and systems
incor-orated into the @ro=ect con.orm to a--licable s-eci.ications,
descri-tions, instructions, drawings, data and sam-les and shall be and
are (a) new (unless otherwise s-eci.ied or -ermitted in writing) and
without a--arent damage or de.ectI (b) o. Buality eBual to or higher than
that reBuired by %I and, (c) merchantable;
@age 10 o. 0/
12; All in.ormation, documents, and electronic media -re-ared by or on behal.
o. 46ART7("") .or the @ro=ect are the sole -ro-erty o. % .ree o. any
retention rights o. 46ART7(""); 46ART7("") hereby grants to % an
unconditional right to use, .or any -ur-ose whatsoe8er, any in.ormation,
documents or electronic media -re-ared by or on behal. o. 46ART7("")
.or the @ro=ect, .ree o. any co-yright claims, trade secrets or other
-ro-rietary rights with res-ect to such documents;
11; %-on the reBuest o. %, 46ART7("") shall ma9es its records a8ailable
during normal business hours to %, its authoriHed re-resentati8e(s) or to
any state, .ederal or other regulatory authority; Any such authority, % and
its authoriHed re-resentati8e(s) shall be entitled to ins-ect, e<amine, re8iew
and co-y 46ART7("")> records at the co-ying -arty>s reasonable
e<-ense, within adeBuate wor9s-ace at 46ART7("")> .acilities; Gailure
by 46ART7("") to su--ly substantiating records shall be reason to
e<clude the related cost(s) .rom amounts which might otherwise be
-ayable by % to 46ART7("") -ursuant to this Agreement;
a; 7ithin ten days o. Ginal
4om-letion, 46ART7("") shall
-ay to % an amount eBual to the
4a-ital &n8estment minus either
the @ro=ect @rice or the actual cost
o. com-leting the @ro=ect as
8eri.ied by %, whiche8er is less;

b; %-on e<-iration o. the Agreement
or u-on termination o. this
Agreement -ursuant to -aragra-h
M'&;4;, abo8e, % shall within
thirty (10) days reimburse
46ART7("") .or the
unamortiHed balance o. the
4a-ital &n8estment as o. the date
o. e<-iration or termination; &n no
e8ent shall % -ay any interest o.
any sort that may ha8e or could
ha8e accrued on the 4a-ital
@age 11 o. 0/
% is not reBuired to reimburse 46ART7("") .or the unamortiHed balance o.
the 4a-ital &n8estment i. % terminates the Agreement due to a material
breach o. the Agreement by 46ART7(""); %>s release .rom the obligation
to re-ay the unamortiHed -ortion o. the 4a-ital &n8estment shall in no e8ent be
construed as a wai8er by % o. any breach o. this Agreement by
46ART7("") or as limiting %>s damages should it see9 en.orcement o. its
rights under this Agreement;
c; 46ART7("") agrees to e<-end
an additional .orty3si< thousand si<
hundred dollars (F/A,A00) towards
8ehicles and com-uter hardware
to be used to .ul.ill its obligations
under this Agreement;
46ART7("") shall own the
8ehicle and com-uter hardware
-urchased and in no e8ent shall
% be reBuired to reimburse
46ART7("") .or all or -art o.
this e<-ense u-on e<-iration or in
the e8ent o. termination o. this
-I-. (erformance Standards
46ART7("") understands and agrees that the Buality o. the .ood ser8ice
-rogram directly a..ects %>s students, .aculty and sta..; 46ART7("") also
understands and agrees that % deems it im-erati8e that the .ood ser8ice
o-eration .unction as s-eci.ied in this Agreement; 46ART7("") and % ha8e
agreed u-on measurable -er.ormance standards which are set .orth in A--endi<
M; 46ART7("") and % agree that 46ART7("") shall be -enaliHed .or
.ailure to meet the -er.ormance standards in the manner set .orth in A--endi< M;
Any amounts owing to % .or .ailure to meet the -er.ormance standards may be
o..set .rom amounts due 46ART7(""); &n no e8ent shall 46ART7("")>
-ayment o. a -enalty .or .ailing to meet a -er.ormance standard be construed as a
wai8er by % o. 46ART7("")> breach o. this Agreement or as limiting %>s
damages should it see9 en.orcement o. its rights under this Agreement;
Amounts -aid by 46ART7("") .or .ailure to meet the -er.ormance standards
set .orth in A--endi< M are se-arate and inde-endent .rom commissions and
other -ayments made by 46ART7("") to % -ursuant to this Agreement;
--. Reno%ations.
@age 12 o. 0/
46ART7("") understands that % desires to e<-and andKor reno8ate the
a9land 4enter and .ood ser8ice areas in 'andenberg 6all during the term o. this
Agreement; 46ART7("") ac9nowledges and acce-ts that such e<-ansion
andKor reno8ation may interru-t .ood ser8ice o-erations -artially or in their
entirety, ad8ersely a..ecting 46ART7("")> -ro.its .or that -eriod; The -arties
agree that i., due to unantici-ated e8ents, 46ART7("") is unable to return to
.ull .ood ser8ice o-erations within the time .rame antici-ated at the outset o. the
e<-ansion andKor reno8ation, 46ART7("") may reBuest reimbursement .or a
-ortion o. the commission -aid to % -ursuant to -aragra-h M&';A, in an amount
agreeable to both -arties;
46ART7("") agrees to coo-erate .ully with % during any -eriod o. e<-ansion
andKor reno8ation to ensure that .ood ser8ice continues during that -eriod; A
descri-tion o. the e<-ansion -lans .or the a9land 4enter is enclosed as
A--endi< #;
--I. A##endices.
The .ollowing a--endices shall be deemed to be -art o. the Agreement;
46ART7("") shall -ro8ide .ood ser8ice in the manner and under the conditions
set .orth in the Agreement and the .ollowing Agreement a--endicesD
@age 11 o. 0/
a; a9land %ni8ersity (Bual
--ortunity @olicy
b; 5eneral 4leaning and )anitation
c; 4atering )-eci.ications
d; 2002 and 2001 4atering Rates
e; 4on.erenceK4am- Rates
.; ?oard and Retail )er8ice 6ours
g; -eration $ates and 6ours 20023
h; Residential ?oard -eration Meal
i; ?oard $ays P )-ring 2002
through 7inter 2001
=; 2001 )-ring ?oard @lan
9; 2002 )ummer ?oard @lan
l; 200232001 GallK7inter ?oard
m; @er.ormance )tandards
n; a9land 4enter Reno8ation
o; Gi8e *ear Re.reshing @lan
-; Mar9eting @lan
B; )-irit 4aFh Agreement
r; Minimum )-eci.ications .or Good
)er8ed and Good )a.ety
); Assessment @lan
T; &nstallation 4osts
--II. Mer+er
This Agreement sets .orth the .ull understanding o. the -arties concerning its
sub=ect matter; This Agreement su-ercedes any -re8ious communications,
re-resentations, or agreements by either -arty, whether 8erbal or written; To the
e<tent there is a con.lict between the terms o. this Agreement and any a--endi<
hereto, the terms o. the Agreement shall control;
--III. Authori5ed O$ Official
The $irector o. 6ousing and Good )er8ices (or another -erson as designated in
writing by %) shall be %>s designated agent and shall assume o8erall %
res-onsibility .or monitoring 46ART7("")> com-liance with this Agreement;
46ART7("") shall re-ort -eriodically to that -erson on .inancial, -ersonnel and
Agreement com-liance terms;
@age 1/ o. 0/
nly %>s 'ice @resident .or Ginance and Administration is authoriHed to modi.y
or otherwise alter this Agreement on behal. o. %;
--IV. Go%ernin+ &a)
The laws o. the )tate o. Michigan shall go8ern the 8alidity, construction,
inter-retation, and e..ect o. the Agreement, and en.orcement shall be e<clusi8ely
in the courts o. the )tate o. Michigan;
--V. Ta! Matters
The Agreement is intended to -ro8ide % with income that is not unrelated
business income under )ection C12 o. the &nternal Re8enue 4ode o. 120A; This
Agreement shall be inter-reted and a--lied in a manner consistent with this
intention, and % reser8es the right to disclaim and the -arties agree to modi.y
any -ro8isions that may be determined to be inconsistent with this intention;
--VI. Notices
All notices will be in writing and will be deemed gi8en when deli8ered -ersonally
or sent by %nited )tates registered or certi.ied mail, return recei-t reBuested, to
the address shown below, or to such other -lace as the -arties .rom time to time
may direct;
Gor %D $r; Mary ?eth )nyder
'ice @resident .or )tudent A..airs
a9land %ni8ersity
1// a9land 4enter
Rochester, M& /01023//01
@age 1C o. 0/
Gor 46ART7("")D 46ART7("")
2/00 *or9mont Road
4harlotte, #orth 4arolina, 2021:
--VII. 1eadin+s.
The headings used in this Agreement are -ro8ided .or con8enience o. re.erence
only and ha8e no meaning; These headings shall not be used to inter-ret or
otherwise construe the meaning or intent o. a -articular section(s) o. the
Agreement or the Agreement itsel.;
--VIII. 2ai%er.
The .ailure o. either -arty at any time to reBuire -er.ormance o. any -ro8ision o.
this Agreement and its a--endices shall in no way a..ect the right to reBuire such
-er.ormance at any time therea.ter, nor shall the wai8er o. either -arty o. a breach
o. any -ro8ision constitute a wai8er o. any succeeding breach o. the same or any
other -ro8ision;
&n witness whereo., the -arties hereto ha8e caused the Agreement to be e<ecuted by
their duly authoriHed o..icers; The date o. signature notwithstanding, the e..ecti8e date o.
this Agreement is July 1, 2002;
46ART7("")D A!"A#$ %#&'(R)&T*D
)te8e )weeney, "ynne 4; )chae.er,
@resident 'ice @resident o. Ginance and
@age 1A o. 0/
A--ro8ed by the ?oard o. Trustees on May 20, 1201
Amended by the ?oard o. Trustees on June 0, 122C
a9land %ni8ersity rea..irms its unwa8ering commitment to eBuality o. o--ortunity .or all
-ersons; &n a society that relies on an in.ormed, educated citiHenry, no one should be
denied the o--ortunity to attain his or her .ullest -otential; The uni8ersity shall stri8e to
build a community that welcomes and honors all -ersons and that -ro8ides eBual
o--ortunity in education and em-loyment;
&t is the -olicy o. a9land %ni8ersity that there shall be no unlaw.ul discrimination against
any -erson on the basis o. race, se<, se<ual orientation, age, height, weight, handica-,
color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, marital status, .amilial status, or 8eteran
status; The uni8ersity shall a..irmati8ely .ollow the -ro8isions o. a--licable )tate and
Gederal anti3discrimination legislation in all o. its acti8ities in this area and so rea..irms its
-olicy at this time;
4on.lict with "aws
To the e<tent that this -olicy con.licts with .irst amendment or other legal rights o.
members o. the uni8ersity community, such other rele8ant legal -ro8ision shall control;
Gurthermore, this -olicy shall not be inter-reted to modi.y eligibility criteria .or student
and em-loyment bene.its or modi.y the legal de.inition o. the terms +s-ouse, or
@age 1: o. 0/
A((ENDI- 8
&n addition to those obligations set .orth elsewhere in the Agreement and its a--endices,
at a minimum, 46ART7("")> cleaning and sanitation obligations shall include the
.ollowing tas9s, which shall be -er.ormed as s-eci.iedD
4lean and organiHe wal93ins;
4lean used coo9ing oil container and surrounding area;
#eatly store dirty laundry, including linens and a-rons;
?us .ood and .ood trays, sanitiHe tableto-s, wi-e o.. chair sur.aces, -ic93u- .ood
debris and trash;
(m-ty trash containers be.ore they become .ull;
4lean condiment area;
!ee- 'andenberg 6all loading doc9 clean and doors closed when not in use; %
shall be res-onsible .or -oint3in3time clean u- o. s-illage, lea9age or
uncleanliness caused by % on the loading doc9 and unrelated to the .ood
ser8ice o-eration;
4lean -oint3in3time s-illage, lea9age or uncleanliness caused by 46ART7("")
on the a9land 4enter and (ducation ?uilding loading doc9s and close doors
when not in use; % shall be res-onsible .or general cleaning o. the a9land
4enter and (ducation ?uilding loading doc9s;
(nsure that the (ducation ?uilding, a9land 4enter and 'andenberg loading
doc9s are not used .or eBui-ment and .ood storage;
Once (er Da09
Mo- andKor scrub all hard sur.ace .loors, including sur.aces under eBui-ment
4lean eBui-ment, including, but not limited to, remo8al o. 8isible grease on
eBui-ment sur.aces such as o8en .ronts, coo9 to-s, .ryer sur.aces, 8entilation
hoods (not including ductwor9), and behind all mo8able eBui-ment;
$ust -oint3o.3sale counters and eBui-ment
@age 10 o. 0/
$ust to-s o. be8erage coolers, dis-lays, heat slides, signs, and li9e eBui-ment
4lean microwa8e o8ens
Once (er 2ee/9
4lean inside sur.aces o. reach3in coolers, including o-en3air coolers
4lean and maintain an orderly a--earance o. o..ice s-ace, including 8acuuming
.loors and cleaning 8ents, light .i<tures and counters; 4ar-ets shall be cleaned as
Once (er Month9
4lean walls, light .i<tures, ceiling 8ents and trash collection containers
@age 12 o. 0/
&n addition to those obligations set .orth elsewhere in the Agreement and its a--endices,
the s-eci.ications .or catered ser8ices areD
1; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide all linen and s9irting; "inen will be clean,
-ressed, and neatly -resented; 46ART7("") agrees to -ro8ide colored
linens .or .ood and be8erage dis-lays and ma9e colored linens and na-9ins
otherwise a8ailable;
2; 46ART7("") shall ensure that .ood -resentation and ser8ice sta.. is staged
and ready a minimum o. 1C minutes -rior to scheduled ser8ice times;
1; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide adeBuate le8els o. sta..ing and su-er8ision .or all
catering e8ents;
/; % shall set u- and ta9e down o. tables and chairs .or all catered meetings
and e8ents;
C; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide table -ro-s, ice scul-tures and theme
decorations, as needed .or all .ood and be8erage dis-lays; Table -ro-s and
decorations will be a--ro8ed by an % re-resentati8e; At the discretion o.
%, % may -ro8ide decorations, ice scul-tures, and table -ro-s .or catering
A; 4atering -rices and menu items shall not change more than once -er contract
year, e<ce-t .or custom menus -re3a--ro8ed by %;
:; 46ART7("") shall -ro8ide adeBuate sta.. to ta9e catering orders, ad8ise
e8ent -lanners, and assist with menu selection;
@age /0 o. 0/
46ART7("") and % are unable to establish 4atering Rates .or the .irst contract year
until the .ood ser8ice -rogram is closer to im-lementation; ?oth -arties agree that
46ART7("") shall recommend catering rates to % no later than July 1, 2002, and
that the catering rates shall be in three tiers (student, standard and e<ecuti8e) and o..er
e<cellent 8alue .or e<cellent .ood and ser8ice; % must a--ro8e all catering rates;
4atering rates that do not meet these criteria shall be re=ected;
@age /1 o. 0/
Contract 6ear =
>?ul0 = :;;: @ ?une <; :;;<A
4on.erenceKcam- rates are established on a calendar year basis; 46ART7("") will
bill % at a daily rate o. F11;A0 -er -erson .or all wee9day and wee9end residential
con.erences during the .irst contract year, e<ce-t .or any state .unded or .ederally .unded
-rograms which -rohibit the charging o. di..erential residential rate, in which cases %
shall be billed the established )-ringK)ummer board rate; &n s-ecial cases, and u-on
mutual agreement, % and 46ART7("") may agree to rates other than these;
&. on any day during the con.erenceKcam- season less than three meals is ser8ed to
con.erenceKcam- -atrons, 46ART7("") shall bill % only .or the meal(s) ser8ed to the
con.erenceKcam- -atrons, at the .ollowing guest meal ratesD
?rea9.ast3 F/;0A
"unch 3 FC;12
$inner FA;1C
@age /2 o. 0/
8oard and Retail Ser%ice 1ours :;;:,:;;<
Gall37inter 6ours
-eration 6ours Monday3Thursday Gridays )aturdayK)unday
'andenberg :D1Ca3:D10- :D1Ca32D10-
*acht 4lub
(All 4once-ts)
2a3midnight 2a3midnight 11a3midnight
Good 4ourt
4oyote Jac9>s :D10a3:D00- :D10a31D00- 4losed
#oble Roman>s 10D10a3:D00- 10D10a3:D00- 4losed
)ubway 10D10a311D00-
(: -311 - ser8ice
window only)
(: -311 - ser8ice
window only)
10D10 a3: -
ser8ice window
7ild 5reens 10D10a31D00- 10D10a31D00- 4losed
4hic93Gil3A 10D10a3:D00- 10D10a31D00- 4losed
Good 4ourt island
.ood station (Mi<
o. MenutainmentK
Au ?on @ain
'eK$ouble Treat
10D10a32D00- 4losed
4enter o.
:D10 a3:D00 -
a9land 4enter
(All 4once-ts)
:D10a3:D10- :D10a3CD00- 2D00a31D00-
a9land 4enter
"ower "e8el
(All 4once-ts)
10D10a32D00- 10D10a32D00- 4losed
(All 4once-ts)
@age /1 o. 0/
)-ring3)ummer 6ours
-eration 6ours Monday3Thursday Gridays )aturdayK)unday
Good 4ourt
(All 4once-ts)
10D10a3:D00- 10D10a31D10- 4losed
a9land 4enter
(All 4once-ts)
:D10a31D10- :D10a31D10- 4losed
4 "ower "e8el
(All 4once-ts)
4losed 4losed 4losed
(All 4once-ts)
T?A T?A 4losed
$ni%ersit0 Official 8rea/s and Summer Cam#s O#eration 1ours
8rea/ 1ours
Monda0 @ Frida0 Saturda0 , Sunda0
Good 4ourt 10D10 a P 1D10 - 4losed
a9land 4enter !ios9 :D10 a P 1D10 - 4losed
)(6) T?A T?A
Cam# Meal 1ours
Monda0 @ Frida0 Saturda0 , Sunda0
?rea9.ast :D10 a P 10D10 a :D10 a P 10D10 a
"unch 11D10 a P 1D10 - 11D10 a P 1D10 -
$inner /D10 - P AD00 - /D10 - P AD00 -
@age // o. 0/
Food Ser%ice Calendar Summar0 of O#eration Dates and 1ours , :;;:,:;;<
July 13 July 1, 2002 )ummer term, cam-s,
)ummer and cam- hours
July /3:, 2002 6oliday Recess All o-erations closed
July 03 August 1A, 2002 )ummer term, cam-s,
)ummer and cam- hours
August 1: P August 10,
)ummerKGall ?rea9 ?rea9 6ours
August 11 P )e-tember
2, 2002
Mo8e3in 7ee9end *acht 4lub, )ub conce-t,
)e-tember 13 #o8ember
2:, 2002
Academic *ear GallK7inter 6ours
#o8ember 203$ecember
1, 2002
Than9sgi8ing ?rea9 All o-erations closed
$ecember 23 $ecember
1:, 2002
Academic *ear GallK7inter 6ours
$ecember 10 P
$ecember 20, 2002
GallK7inter ?rea9 ?rea9 6ours
$ecember 213 January 1,
6oliday Recess All o-erations closed
January 2 P January C,
GallK7inter ?rea9 ?rea9 6ours
January A3 January 12,
Academic 6ours GallK7inter 6ours
January 20, 2001 M"! $ay ?rea9 6ours, '?6 hours
January 21 P Gebruary
21, 2002
Academic *ear GallK7inter hours
@age /C o. 0/
Gebruary 223 March 2,
7inter Recess ?rea9 6ours
March 13 A-ril 2C, 2001 Academic *ear GallK7inter 6ours
A-ril 2A3 A-ril 22, 2001 )-ring ?rea9 ?rea9 6ours
A-ril 103 June 21, 2001 )-ring Term )-ring 6ours
June 213 2/, 2001 )-ringK)ummer ?rea9 4am- and ?rea9 6ours
June 2/3 June 10, 2001 )ummer Term, 4am-s,
)ummer and 4am- 6ours
@age /A o. 0/
A((ENDI- 1
Residential 8oard O#eration Meal (ro+rams
(ro+ram Descri#tion
The residential board o-eration includes the 'andenberg $ining 4enter and the *acht
4lub 4on8enience )tore; ?oth o. these .ood ser8ice .acilities are o-en to .aculty, sta..,
guests and non3board students on a cash basis or through a 8oluntary meal -lan; Meal
-lans are designed to -ro8ide 8arious le8els o. .le<ibility; )tudents li8ing in a residence
hall must -urchase a meal -lan; The meal -lan is combined with the housing contract
and charges .or .ood -lans are included in the housing bill; )tudents li8ing in Matthews
4ourt and %ni8ersity )tudent A-artments are not reBuired to -urchase a meal -lan, but
may do so at a rate eBual to the cost o. the daily board rate multi-lied by the number o.
board days in the .all and winter semesters;
Vanden.er+ Dinin+ Center, Meal (ro+rams
%nlimited @lus 100
)tudents selecting this -lan may eat an unlimited number o. meals in the
'andenberg $ining 4enter; This -lan also allows .or meal e<changes, .or three
missed meals during the .ood ser8ice wee9 in the *acht 4lub or at )ubways in the
a9land 4enter, Monday P )unday; Additionally, this -lan includes 100 (C0 -er
semester) declining balance -oints (meal dollars) .or students use to -urchase
.ood in any 46ART7("") .ood .acility or at the )tudent RecreationKAthletic
4enter on the bases -ro8ided .or in the Agreement;
1/ Meals @lus 200 @lan
)tudents selecting this -lan may eat 1/ meals ser8ed wee9ly in the 'andenberg
$ining 4enter; This -lan also allows .or meal e<changes, .or two missed meals
during the .ood ser8ice wee9 in the *acht 4lub or at )ubways in the a9land
4enter, Monday P )unday; Additionally, this -lan includes 200 (100 -er
semester) declining balance -oints (meal dollars) to use to -urchase .ood in any
46ART7("") .ood .acility or in the )tudent RecreationKAthletic 4enter on the
bases -ro8ided .or in the Agreement;
10 Meals @lus C00 @lan
)tudents selecting this -lan may eat any 10 meals ser8ed wee9ly in the
'andenberg $ining 4enter; This -lan includes C00 (2C0 -er semester) declining
balance -oints (meal dollars) to use to -urchase .ood in any 46ART7("") .ood
.acility or in the )tudent RecreationKAthletic 4enter on the bases -ro8ided .or in
the Agreement;
@age /: o. 0/
C Meals @lus :00 @lan
)tudents selecting this -lan may eat any C meals ser8ed wee9ly in the
'andenberg $ining 4enter; This -lan includes :00 (1C0 -er semester) declining
balance -oints (meal dollars) to use to -urchase .ood in any 46ART7("") .ood
.acility or in the )tudent RecreationKAthletic 4enter on the bases -ro8ided .or in
the Agreement;
Voluntar0 Meal (ro+rams
Gaculty, sta.. and students who do not li8e in the residence halls may -urchase a
8oluntary meal -rogram, as .ollowsD
$eclining ?alance 'oluntary Meal @rogram
Gaculty, sta.. and students may -urchase a F2C0, FC00, or F:00 -lan .or the .all
and winter semesters o. each contract year; @ersons who -urchase the FC00 or
the F:00 -lan be.ore the .irst scheduled day o. classes will recei8e an additional
F2C and F1C, res-ecti8ely; Additional declining balance dollars may be added to
any o. the three -lans in bloc9s o. F2C at any time during the .all and winter
semesters; &. more than F100 o. such additional declining balance dollars are
-urchased at one time, the -urchaser will recei8e an additional CJ bonus;
%nused declining balance dollars will roll o8er .rom the .all to winter semesters,
but 46ART7("") will retain any declining balance dollars unused by the end o.
the winter semester; $eclining balance dollars may be used during brea9 times;
?loc9 Meal @rogram
Gaculty sta.. and students may -urchase a -lan that allows them to consume a
certain number o. meals in 'andenberg 6all; $uring the .irst contract year,
46ART7("") will o..er % .aculty, students and sta.. a 1C3meal bloc9 -lan .or
F1C2;2C and a C0 meal bloc9 .or F21/;
@age /0 o. 0/
8OARD DA6S @ S(RING :;;: T1RO$G1 2INTER :;;<
)ummer 2002
July 1, 2002 P August 1A, 2002 22N days
Gall 2002
August 11, 2002 P $ecember 1:, 2002 10C days
7inter 2001
January A, 2001 P A-ril 2C, 2001 101 days
@age /2 o. 0/
A((ENDI- ?
:;;< S(RING 8OARD (&AN
The 2001 )-ring ?oard -lan will be a declining balance -rogram o-erating in the
a9land 4enter; (ach resident will recei8e declining balance -oints to -urchase meals
in the @ioneer Good 4ourt or at any 46ART7("") .ood o-eration;
2001 )-ring $eclining ?alance @oints @er )tudentD 100
2001 )-ring 4harge to Residence 6allsD F2;02 -er day -er student
At each meal 46ART7("") will o..er +meal deals, which minimally will include an
entrRe, be8erage, and a dessert at a -rice lower than a la carte;
&. at any time during the s-ring semester less than a .ull day o. meals is ser8ed to board
students, 46ART7("") will bill % only .or those meals ser8ed, according to the
.ollowing brea9down o. the normal daily board rateD
?rea9.ast one3si<th
"unch two3si<ths
$inner three3si<ths
)-ring residents who also contract .or the summer semester will be allowed to s-end
any unused s-ring declining -oints during the summer session; All other unused -oints
will be retained by 46ART7("");
@age C0 o. 0/
A((ENDI- *
:;;: S$MMER 8OARD (&AN
The 2002 )ummer ?oard -lan will be a declining balance -rogram o-erating in the
a9land 4enter; (ach resident will recei8e declining balance -oints to -urchase meals
in the @ioneer Good 4ourt or at any 46ART7("") .ood o-eration;
2002 )ummer $eclining ?alance @oints @er )tudentD 100
2002 )ummer 4harge to Residence 6allsD F2;02 -er day -er student
At each meal 46ART7("") will o..er +meal deals, which minimally will include an
entrRe, be8erage, and a dessert at a -rice lower than a la carte;
&. at any time during the summer semester less than a .ull day o. meals is ser8ed to
board students, 46ART7("") will bill % only .or those meals ser8ed, according to the
.ollowing brea9down o. the normal daily board rateD
?rea9.ast one3si<th
"unch two3si<ths
$inner three3si<ths
At the end o. the summer semester any unused declining balance -oints will be retained
by 46ART7("");
@age C1 o. 0/
A((ENDI- &
:;;:,:;;< FA&&'2INTER 8OARD RATES
a9land %ni8ersity
)liding )cale
&ncrements o. C0
Total )tudent A8e; $aily Rate
(nrollment S Gor All @lans
1:10 T 6igher A;121
1AA031:02 A;2//
1A1031AC2 A;1:1
1CA031A02 A;C11
1C1031CC2 A;AA/
=BC;,=D;E C.F:E
1/1031/C2 :;002
11A031/02 :;20C
1110311C2 :;/22
12A031102 :;AA1
12C2 T "ower :;22:
4ounts and Rates re.lect a charge o. F1,/00 -er student .or declining balance meal -lans;
&. the total number o. students on a meal -rogram .alls below 1200, 46ART7("") and
% will re8iew the daily board rate; The daily board rate shall not change unless both
-arties agree in writing;
@age C2 o. 0/
&n addition to other obligations set .orth in the Agreement and its a--endices,
46ART7("") shallD
1; 6a8e its Regional $irector meet with the $irectors o. Good )er8ice and Au<iliary
)er8ices on a Buarterly basis .or the -ur-ose o. discussing Buarterly .inancial
results and business -lan goals;
2; Maintain the cleaning and sanitation schedules established by the manu.acturers
o. .i<ed eBui-ment and as set .orth in A--endi< ?;
1; &nitiate a minimum o. one recycling initiati8e annually to reduce trash dis-osal in
the a9land 4enter or 'andenberg 6all;
/; Maintain a stable management team with no greater than 2CJ turno8er in any
twel8e (12) month -eriod; 46ART7("") management team consists o. the
directors and assistant directors listed in -aragra-h '&;(; o. the Agreement;
There shall be no .inancial -enalty, as -ro8ided .or below, .or .ailure to meet this
-er.ormance standard during the .irst si< months o. the .irst contact year;
C; 4onduct a minimum o. one customer satis.action e8aluation each semester and
share all resulting in.ormation with the $irector o. %ni8ersity 6ousing and Good
)er8ices and the $irector o. the a9land 4enter; &n res-onse to .eedbac9
recei8ed and a.ter consultation with the $irector o. %ni8ersity 6ousing and Good
)er8ices and the $irector o. the a9land 4enter, identi.y and im-lement three (1)
new initiati8es each semester that will lead to continuous im-ro8ement in the
o8erall -rogram,
A; Meet once -er month with student .ood ser8ice ad8isory grou- .or the -ur-ose o.
continuous im-ro8ement o. ser8ices; There shall be no .inancial -enalty, as
-ro8ided .or below, .or .ailure to meet this -er.ormance standard during the .irst
si< months o. the .irst contact year;
:; &nclude in catering -rocedures a mutually agreed u-on standardiHed -ractice o.
.ollow u- calls to 2CJ o. customers (randomly selected); All resulting in.ormation
is to be -ro8ided to the $irector o. 6ousing and Good )er8ices e8ery month;
0; @ro8ide a redesigned .ood ser8ice web site that includes accurate menu
a8ailability .or board, retail and catering o-erations with associated -rices; There
shall be no .inancial -enalty, as -ro8ided .or below, .or .ailure to meet this
-er.ormance standard during the .irst si< months o. the .irst contact year;
2; Maintain board o-erations until designated closing times;
@age C1 o. 0/
10; @ro8ide community taste tests .or catering menu items once -er menu roll out or
-er contract year, whiche8er is sooner; There shall be no .inancial -enalty, as
-ro8ided .or below, .or .ailure to meet this -er.ormance standard during the .irst
si< months o. the .irst contact year;
11; Mar9et the )-irit 4aFh -rogram at least twice -er semester; There shall be no
.inancial -enalty, as -ro8ided .or below, .or .ailure to meet this -er.ormance
standard during the .irst si< months o. the .irst contact year;
&. % determines that 46ART7("") has .ailed to meet one or more o. the abo8e
-er.ormance standards, % shall noti.y 46ART7("") in writing and -ro8ide
46ART7("") with se8en (:) wor9ing days to correct the de.iciency; &. 46ART7("")
.ails to correct the de.iciency to %>s satis.action within the se8en (:) wor9ing day
-eriod, 46ART7("") shall -ay to % one thousand dollars (F1,000) -er de.iciency .or
e8ery ten (10) wor9ing days therea.ter that the de.iciency continues uncorrected; The
-arties agree that the -ur-ose o. such -enalties is to -ro8ide 46ART7("") with an
incenti8e .or 46ART7("") to -er.orm its obligations under this Agreement; &n no e8ent
shall -ayment andKor acce-tance o. such a -ayment be construed as a wai8er by % o.
any breach o. this Agreement by 46ART7("") or as limiting %>s damages should it
see9 en.orcement o. its rights under this Agreement;

@age C/ o. 0/
% currently -lans to e<-and the a9land 4enter with a 10,000 sB .t, multi3le8el
addition; The most recent e<-ansion -lan is attached to this A--endi< #; The
-ro=ect is e<-ected to be com-leted by .all o. 2001; The e<-ansion will alter .ood
court seating ca-acity, 9itchen -re-aration s-ace, .ood ser8ice storage, and
banBuet .acilities;
The e<-ansion is e<-ected to includeD
3 Addition o. /00 seat diningKmulti-ur-ose s-ace
3 Addition o. 100 seat co..ee sho-
3 Reno8ated 9itchen s-ace
3 &ncreased .oodser8ice storage s-ace
3 Additional meeting rooms
3 )tudent study and gathering areas
The reno8ated and new s-aces are intended to im-ro8e e..iciencies and
com-lement .oodser8ice growth initiati8es; $ue to the sco-e o. this -ro=ect, some
disru-tion to .oodser8ice o-erations is e<-ected between summer o. 2002 and .all
semester, 2001;
@age CC o. 0/

@age CA o. 0/
@age C: o. 0/
@age C0 o. 0/
*ear ne (nhancements P
- a9land 4enter Good 4ourt
o 4hic93Gil3A
o )ubway
o RitaHHa
o 7ild 5reens
o Au ?on @ain )ou-s
o Menutainment
o Terra 'e
o $ouble Treat ?a9ery
o 4enter o. Re.reshment
o utta9es
o 4oyote Jac9s
o #oble Roman>s remains unchanged
- a9land 4enter !ios9
o !ris-y !reme
o RitaHHa
o Greshens remains unchanged
o utta9es
- a9land 4enter "ower "e8el
o @retHel "ogic remains unchanged
o 4enter o. Re.reshment
o utta9es
- 'andenberg
o Morning (ditions
o )andwich 4entral
o Gresh 5rille
o Menutainment
o Mar9et 4ar8ery
o Trattoria @iHHa n> @asta
o 5arden (m-orium
o $ouble Treat ?a9ery
o Terra 'e
o 4enter o. Re.reshment
@age C2 o. 0/
- *acht 4lub
o 43store
o RitaHHa
o #oble Roman>s
- )chool o. (ducation ?uilding
o (<-anded utta9es
o 4enter o. Re.reshment
o RitaHHa
o !ris-y !reme
*ears Two 3 Gi8e (nhancements P Gor $iscussion
- +6ome re-lacement, meals, which are well3balanced meals that can
easily be trans-orted to the student residence;
- 4om-ass 5rou- +?rands, -resentation utiliHing the resources o.
46ART7("">s ?rand Manager; @resent .or consideration and
e8aluation the new .ood conce-ts and deli8ery systems currently being
.ield tested by 4om-ass;
- (<-lore how other sectors o. 4om-ass 5rou-, such as the resources o.
4anteen, 4rothal or the "e8y Restaurant grou- can be used to su--ort
%>s mission;
- &nstitute a 8isiting che. -rogram;
- (stablish a chat room or other on3line system to gather customer .eedbac9;
- (<-lore the de8elo-ment o. a cam-us community outreach -rogram by
o..ering a series o. learning3based -rograms s-onsored by
46ART7(""); These -rograms would re8ol8e around culinary
sub=ects such asD 4a9e $ecorating or 4oo9ing 5ourmet )tyle;
@rograms would be o..ered during non3-ea9 hours and in con=unction
with a theme idea or, .or e<am-le, a boo9store -romotion;
- $etermine whether #oble Roman>s should be re-laced by a di..erent
-iHHa conce-t;
46ART7("") and % shall continuously discuss re.reshment -lans .or contract years
two through .i8e as the -rogram de8elo-s;
@age A0 o. 0/
A((ENDI- (
&n addition to those mar9eting and mar9et research reBuirements set .orth in the
Agreement and its a--endices, 46ART7("") shallD
1; $esign, de8elo-, -ublish and distribute a 8ariety o. -romotional materials
including a student in.ormation brochure;
2; $esign, de8elo-, -rint and distribute to the % community a monthly .ood ser8ice
calendar identi.ying s-ecial e8ents, .ood s-ecials and newly introduced menu
1; $e8elo- and maintain a web site .or cam-us .ood ser8ices and in.ormation;
/; &mmediately de8elo- and maintain e<-ertise to su--ort %>s outreach e..orts in
educating students in -rograms related to nutrition and cultural di8ersity;
C; &mmediately de8elo- and maintain an inno8ati8e nutrition awareness -rogram;
The -rogram might consist o. nutritional labeling, -eriodic newsletters, bulletin
board dis-lays, table tents, and handouts, which -ro8ide nutrition in.ormation,
based on the %)$A&$66) $ietary 5uidelines .or Americans;
A; (ncourage customer .eedbac9 through -eriodic sur8eys o. all dining ser8ice
o-erations, use o. suggestion bo<es andKor boards with -rom-t res-onses, and by
managers and su-er8isors mingling and con8ersing with the customers; Results
o. sur8ey and -ro-osed actions will be -ro8ided to %;
:; )ubmit a written mar9eting -lan to % each year and im-lement the -lan, sub=ect
to %>s written a--ro8al; The mar9eting -lan .or the .irst contract year, 20023
2001, has been recei8ed by %;
@age A1 o. 0/
This A5R((M(#T, made and entered into this 1
day o. July, 2002 and between
a9land %ni8ersity, on behal. o. the &$ 4ard ..ice, 112 a9land 4enter, Rochester,
Michigan /0102 (herein re.erred to as the +&$ 4ard ..ice,) and 46ART7("") (herein
re.erred to as the "Merchant");
?A4!5R%#$D 4ommencing on )e-tember 0, 1220, the &$ 4ard ..ice o..ered
to a9land %ni8ersity .aculty, sta.., and students a discretionary s-ending -rogram which
is accessible through an electronic debit trans.er card -ri8ilege access control system
(")-irit4aFh"); )-irit4aFh is a %ni8ersity s-onsored -rogram wherein the -artici-ant
de-osits .unds into a declining balance account; The &$ 4ard ..ice establishes and
maintains the account balance in the cardholder>s name, 8alidates and issues the
-artici-ant>s )-irit4ard .or use at -artici-ating merchant locations; The cardholder then
may use these .unds .or -urchases where8er )-irit4aFh is honored;
@%R@)(D The &$ 4ard ..ice enters into this agreement to -ro8ide a method .or
%ni8ersity )-irit4aFh @rogram -artici-ants, by means o. electronic .und trans.er utiliHing
the )-irit4ard, to -urchase goods and ser8ices .rom Merchant;
T6(R(GR(, Merchant desires to -ro8ide such goods and ser8ices to the
%ni8ersity>s .aculty, sta.. and students through the )-irit4aFh @rogram; The -arties to
this agreement, in consideration o. the mutual co8enants and sti-ulations set out herein,
agree as .ollowsD
This Agreement is e..ecti8e .rom the date .irst set .orth abo8e and may be
renewed annually, by the &$ 4ard ..ice, .or additional one3year -eriods unless
terminated by either -arty u-on thirty (10) days written notice to the other -arty; &. the &$
4ard ..ice elects to renew the Agreement .or an additional one3year -eriod, ser8ice
charge ad=ustments are -ermitted ()ee 2 4); The &$ 4ard ..ice shall -ro8ide the
Merchant thirty (10) days ad8ance notice -rior to the e..ecti8e date o. a new Agreement
-eriod o. any ser8ice charge increase; Any ser8ice charge increase will be e..ecti8e at
the beginning o. the new Agreement -eriod;
A; Retail (ricin+D The Merchant agrees that the retail -rices o. goods and
ser8ices sold to -artici-ants under this agreement, including any discounts, s-ecial
-romotions andKor sales, or cou-ons will be no higher than the retail -rices charged to
the general -ublic;
@age A2 o. 0/
?; E"ui#ment and Data &inesD All -oint3o.3sale eBui-ment shall be in .ull
com-liance with ATTT system reBuirements; Merchant shall -urchase -oint3o.3sale
system eBui-ment through the &$ 4ard ..ice; Merchant is res-onsible .or -ro8iding own
data lines unless -ro8ided during initial on3cam-us system im-lementation;
4; Fees and (a0ment TermsD Merchant agrees that the &$ 4ard ..ice shall
acce-t de-osits .rom student, .aculty, and sta.. .or the )-irit4aFh @rogram and shall
9ee- as a ser8ice charge 1J (three -ercent) o. )-irit4aFh gross debit card transaction
sales at Merchant>s business; )-irit4aFh gross debit card transaction sales are de.ined
as total re8enue .rom all )-irit4aFh sales o. .ood, boo9s, clothing, sundries, and other
-roducts made at Merchant locations less a--licable sales ta<; The ser8ice charge rate
may be ad=usted at the time o. renewal o. the Agreement as stated abo8e; The &$ 4ard
..ice shall -ro8ide -ayment to Merchant (less the ser8ice charge and any in8alid
charges) on a monthly basis unless otherwise agreed u-on by &$ 4ard ..ice; At the
end o. the monthly re8enue -eriod, the &$ 4ard ..ice will 8eri.y Merchant )-irit4aFh
sales .igures; @ayment to Merchant shall be within twenty (20) days a.ter the close o.
monthly accounting -eriods; @ayment shall be made .or the monthly accounting -eriod
immediately -rior to the -ayment due date; &nterest shall not be -aid to the Merchant on
sales made during any monthly accounting and or -ayment -eriod;

$; Sales Ta!D Merchant assumes com-lete res-onsibility .or all ta<es,
including sales ta< and .ees associated with the ser8ices co8ered under this agreement;
(; S#iritCaGh RefundsD 4ash re.unds will not be made .or returned
merchandise -urchased with )-irit4aFh, howe8er an ad=ustment will be made, by
Merchant at Merchant>s register, to restore the amount to the cardholder>s account;
)-irit4aFh account ad=ustments are sub=ect to a--licable Merchant re.und -olicies;

G; Card Ins#ectionD Merchant will 8eri.y by 8isual ins-ection that the
cardholder is the -erson -ictured in the )-irit4ard -hoto, -rior to acce-ting a )-irit4ard
-ayment; &. it is determined that Merchant acce-ted a lost, stolen, or in8alid card,
Merchant will not be reimbursed .or the -urchase; The &$ 4ard ..ice assumes no
res-onsibility .or Merchant sales -er.ormed when the account holder was not -resent;
5; Off,&ine Interru#tionD &. at any time, the &$ eBui-ment at MerchantEs
location indicates an o..3line status or otherwise is o-erating im-ro-erly, Merchant must
noti.y the &$ ..ice immediately by tele-hone (2/0) 1:032221; A.ter &$ 4ard ..ice
business hours, Merchant is to re-ort immediately o..3line status by contacting the a.ter
hour on3call ser8ice number; At times o. o..3line o-eration, Merchant is to sus-end
)-irit4aFh sales until on3line ser8ice is restored; The &$ 4ard ..ice shall not ma9e
-ayment .or any transaction which is later denied by the &$ 4ard ..ice due to insu..icient
account .unds, insu..icient board meals or board meal -lan -oints, or because the card
was in8alid or stolen; &n no e8ent shall the &$ 4ard ..ice be liable .or any losses o.
re8enues or -ro.its incurred by Merchant i. the &$ system .ails to o-erate -ro-erly;
@age A1 o. 0/
6; E"ui#ment Re#airsD Merchant agrees to -ay the cost o. maintaining,
re-airing, and re-lacement o. -oint3o.3sale eBui-ment;
&; Menu RestrictionsD Merchant shall not acce-t the &$ 4ard in -ayment .or
the -urchase o. alcoholic be8erages; The &$ 4ard ..ice shall not -ro8ide -ayment .or
such -urchases;
The &$ 4ard ..ice shall -ro8ide su--ort .or the )-irit4aFh @rogram which shall
A; Managing an o..ice to o-en and close )-irit4aFh accounts, ta9e de-osits,
answer Buestions, error resolution, -ro8ide -artici-ants monthly statements, re-lace lost
or stolen cards, manage database o. customer and Merchant accounts, -romote and
mar9et )-irit4aFh, coordinate eBui-ment re-airs, and maintain the 4@% and so.tware;
?; The &$ 4ard ..ice shall -ay Merchant in accordance with -aragra-h 24
4; Maintain on3cam-us -oint o. sale data lines;
$; @ro8ide accounting documentation to Merchant showing )-irit4aFh
transactions by Merchant during monthly transaction accounting -eriods; The &$ 4ard
..ice reser8es the right to audit Merchant )-irit4aFh transactions to determine i. a sale
or re.und occurred;
(; @ro8ide limited training -ertaining to the -ro-er use o. -oint3o.3sale
7hene8er any notice is reBuired or -ermitted under this Agreement, such notice
shall be in writing; #otices reBuired or -ermitted under this Agreement shall be deli8ered
as .ollows or at such other address as ha8e there.ore been s-eci.ied by written notice;
&$ 4ard ..ice Merchant
a9land %ni8ersity 46ART7("")
112 a9land 4enter 2/00 *or9mont Road
Rochester, Michigan /0102 4harlotte, #orth 4arolina, 2021:

Merchant shall not, without the -rior written consent o. the &$ 4ard ..ice, assign
or trans.er its interest under this Agreement in whole or in -art;
@age A/ o. 0/
Merchant shall indemni.y and sa8e and hold harmless a9land %ni8ersity, its
?oard o. Trustees and its o..icers, agents and em-loyees .rom and against any loss or
liability, damage, cost and e<-ense, including but not limited to reasonable attorney .ees,
.or in=ury, death, loss or damage o. whate8er nature to any -erson, -ro-erty or any other
claim by the Merchant or o..icers, em-loyees, agents customers, licenses, in8itees, or
any other -erson, .irm or cor-oration resulting .rom the use o. and -artici-ation in the
)-irit4aFh @rogram;
:; DEFA$&T
&. Merchant de.aults in the -er.ormance o. any term or condition o. this Agreement
and such de.ault shall continue .or a -eriod o. thirty (10) days a.ter, the &$ 4ard ..ice
shall gi8e notice to the Merchant in writing, that this Agreement shall terminate; &. &$
4ard ..ice chooses not to terminate this Agreement u-on learning o. Merchant>s de.ault
and chooses to continue to -er.orm under this Agreement, such continuation shall not be
deemed as a cure .or the de.ault;
Merchant agrees that it shall not ad8ertise any connection with a9land
%ni8ersity, its ?oard o. Trustees, nor use the %ni8ersity>s name, symbols or any other
identi.ying mar9s or -ro-erty nor ma9e any re-resentations, either e<-ress or im-lied, as
to the %ni8ersity>s -romotion or endorsement o. Merchant or Merchant>s business unless
it has recei8ed written -ermission .rom the %ni8ersity; Merchant may use the o..icial
)-irit4aFh logo in its ad8ertising u-on written -ermission o. the &$ 4ard ..ice;
This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the &$ 4ard ..ice and
Merchant and su-ersedes all -rior )-irit4aFh agreements, i. any, between &$ 4ard
..ice and Merchant in connection with the sub=ect matter o. this Agreement; Any
subseBuent addendums, modi.ications or alterations to this Agreement must be signed
by both -arties and should be attached to this Agreement;
10; COM(&IANCE 2IT1 &A2S
Merchant shall com-ly with all .ederal, state, county and munici-al laws,
ordinances and regulations with res-ect to Merchant>s -artici-ation in the )-irit4aFh
11; A$DIT
The Merchant hereby agrees to retain all boo9s, records, and other documents
relati8e to this Agreement .or .i8e (C) years; The &$ 4ard ..ice, its authoriHed agents
@age AC o. 0/
shall ha8e .ull access to and the right to e<amine any o. said materials during said
&. any -ro8isions o. this Agreement or any a--lication thereo. shall be in8alid or
unen.orceable, the remainder o. this Agreement and any a--lication o. such -ro8ision
shall not be a..ected thereby;
11; 2AIVER
#o .ailure by either -arty to insist u-on the strict -er.ormance by the other o. any
term or condition o. this Agreement or to e<ercise any right to remedy contingent u-on a
breach thereo. shall constitute a wai8er o. any such breach or o. such term or condition
o. this Agreement and the term or condition shall continue in .ull .orce and e..ect with
res-ect to any then e<isting or subseBuent breach;
This Agreement shall be go8erned by and in accordance with the laws o. the )tate
o. Michigan; Any legal action arising -ursuant to this Agreement shall be brought in a
court o. com-etent =urisdiction in the )tate o. Michigan;
&# 7&T#()) T6(R(G, the -arties ha8e caused the Agreement to be e<ecuted
by the .ollowing duly authoriHed o..icialsD
a9land %ni8ersity Merchant
"ynne 4; )chae.er, )te8e )weeney,
'ice @resident .or @resident
Ginance and Administration
@age AA o. 0/
&n addition to those obligations set .orth elsewhere in this Agreement and its a--endices,
the minimum s-eci.ications .or .ood ser8ed and .ood sa.ety areD
A; The minimum s-eci.ications .or .ood ser8ed -ursuant to the Agreement areD
1; Ouality ratings o. raw .ood shall be no less than the standards o. %;);
5rade A, #umber 1, or eBui8alent as the case may be .or meat, .ish,
-oultry, eggs, and -roduce -roducts 3 .resh or .roHen; 5round bee. shall
not e<ceed a 20J .at content; All canned -roducts shall be %)$A 4hoice
or Gancy; #o dented cans, cans with swollen to-s or bottoms, or rusted
cans are -ermitted;
2; All .oods ser8ed shall be wholesome and .ree .rom s-oilage and decay;
%ncoo9ed items, such as .resh .ruits, shall be clean and .ree .rom blemish;
All .oods shall, when ser8ed, be attracti8e in a--earance and correct in
tem-erature and consistency;
1; $is-lay and ser8ing areas shall be clean, orderly and attracti8e at all times;
)-eci.ically, the Buality and a--earance o. .ood shall be obser8ed by
46ART7("") -rior to the start o. each -ea9 tra..ic or meal -eriod, and as
.reBuently therea.ter as necessary .or the duration o. the high tra..ic -eriod;
Any s-illage or soil s-ots shall be remo8ed -rom-tly .rom the counter,
steam -ans, and general ser8ing area; )alads and other -re3dished items
shall be .reBuently re-lenished or regrou-ed to -re8ent a s-arse or
dishe8eled counter a--earance; Good ser8ing areas are to be well stoc9ed
throughout the -osted ser8ing hours;
/; % may, at its discretion, reBuire inclusion o. certain .ood and .ood
su--lies, or s-eci.ic brands in the in8entory and menu o. 46ART7("");
C; 46ART7(""), wor9ing with authoriHed sta.. members o. % and student
committees, shall -ro8ide a 8ariety o. -rograms and s-ecial dinners .or
board students at no additional charge; These shall range .rom holiday
dinners to s-ecial +theme, dinners, com-lete with costumes, decorations
and music a--ro-riate .or the occasion; These shall occur a minimum o.
si< times during the academic year, as determined by %>s calendar;
These meals shall be ser8ed and adeBuately -romoted to encourage
ma<imum student -artici-ation;
A; @remium night dinners (u-scale s-ecial entree dinners) will be ser8ed twice
each month .or board students during the academic year; @remium night
will rotate between Monday, Tuesday, 7ednesday and Thursday nights;
@age A: o. 0/
:; (<am treats will be -ro8ided at no e<tra charge to ?oard students a
minimum o. one (1) wee9 -er semester, as determined by %;
0; @rogressi8e coo9ing will be the normal method o. o-eration, staggering the
hot entrees and 8egetables so that relati8ely small amounts become ready
.or ser8ing at -rogressi8e -eriods during the meal;
2; A--ro-riate .ood accom-animents will automatically be ser8ed with some
dishes and -laced on the condiment table; (<am-les include, but are not
limited to, a--lesauce with -or9, cranberry sauce with tur9ey, tartar sauce
and lemon slices with .ish, 8inegar with greens and mint =elly with lamb;
10; )aucers, cream, sugar and a--ro-riate sugar substitutes will always be
a8ailable ne<t to co..ee cu-sI ice will be a8ailable ne<t to the teaI and
butter will be a8ailable ne<t to the bread;
11; 46ART7("") will ha8e and utiliHe a standard reci-e ser8ice; 4oo9s and
ba9ers will be reBuired to .ollow standardiHed reci-es;
12; (ach day>s menu will be written with nutrition and eye a--eal considered
as im-ortant as cost and -o-ularity; $aily and wee9ly menus will be
-rominently -osted at each station in the 9itchens and in the dining rooms;
11; 46ART7("") will -ro8ide the daily menu on an automatic tele-hone3
answering de8ice and on the .ood ser8ice -rogram web site;
1/; 46ART7("") will -ro8ide s-ecial mealsKdiets .or board students when
a--ro8ed in writing by % 6ousing $irector;
1C; 46ART7("") will gi8e % all in8oices or other in.ormation reBuested by
% to assist % in ensuring that these s-eci.ications and any other
s-eci.ications in the Agreement and its a--endices are being met;
1A; All coo9ing and -re-aration o. .ood shall be -er.ormed in % .acilities on
cam-us; 46ART7("") will not be authoriHed to utiliHe the .acilities or to
conduct or -re-are any .ood items .or any other Good )er8ice or -ur-ose
not s-eci.ically set .orth in this Agreement, unless % agrees otherwise in
writing; The use o. the .ood .acilities .or o..3cam-us catering must be -re3
a--ro8ed in writing by %;
1:; 46ART7("") will -re-are .oods .rom +scratch,;
10; Good will be arranged and dis-layed to ensure ma<imum eye a--eal;
@age A0 o. 0/
12; )tandardiHed reci-es .or all ser8ice areas are reBuired o. 46ART7("");
20; The daily menu shall be -osted -rior to the day o. ser8ice where it can be
read by the guestsKcustomers;
21; @ermanent signs shall be dis-layed in %3a--ro8ed areas to identi.y .ood
conce-ts, salad bars, dessert areas, etc; as reBuested by %; % shall
a--ro8e both design and location o. all signage;
22; 46ART7("") shall maintain rigid -rocurement -rocedures throughout the
entire -rocess o. -urchasing, recei8ing, storage and in8entory o. all .oods
and direct su--lies, and will -ay .or all .ood and direct su--lies related to
.ood -roduction, ser8ice and management a--licable to the Agreement;
46ART7("") must be able to identi.y a clear audit trail .or all
21; % shall ha8e un.ettered access to any and all 46ART7("") records,
recei-ts, -roduction sheets, -roduct s-eci.ication, and Buantities o. .ood
issued by each ser8ice unit to ensure com-liance with s-eci.ied -ortions;
2/; All .ood items shall be deli8ered in -ro-er trans-ortation containers at %
a--ro8ed times and locations, and re.lect -ro-er re.rigeration tem-eratures
to maintain Buality o. -roduct; Any -ur8eyor not -ro8iding adeBuate
re.rigeration or -rotection .rom -roduct deterioration during trans-ort shall
be, at the discretion o. %, barred .rom % as an acce-table -ur8eyor; &t
will be 46ART7("")> res-onsibility to re-lace the -ur8eyor with a
-ur8eyor acce-table to %;
2C; % Re-resentati8e(s) will randomly test .ood Buality; This will include
sam-ling .rom the 9itchen, the ser8ing line, and catering menus; &. .ood
does not meet % standards, it must be remo8ed .rom ser8ice
?; The minimum s-eci.ications .or .ood sa.ety areD
1; 46ART7("") must com-ly with all health and sa.ety laws;
46ART7("") will reBuire its em-loyees assigned to % to
submit to -eriodic health e<aminations at least as .reBuently and
as stringently as reBuired by law, and to submit satis.actory
e8idence o. com-liance with all go8ernmental health regulations
to %>s designated re-resentati8e;
2; 46ART7("") shall reBuire its em-loyees to abide by all health
and sa.ety reBuirements im-osed by law; Gurther, 46ART7("")
@age A2 o. 0/
and all o. its em-loyees shall abide by sa.ety and health
regulations set .orth by %;
1; 4oo9ing and storage tem-erature and coo9ing and storage times
will be regulated in order to eliminate harm.ul bacteria, germs,
-arasites and other causes o. .ood3borne illnesses, and to retain
nutrients and ser8e -alatable and attracti8e .ood;
/; 46ART7("") agrees to .orward a co-y o. the health ins-ection
re-ort .or each contracted .ood ser8ice area to %>s authoriHed
C; 46ART7("") is res-onsible .or establishing and maintaining a
sanitary barrier to minimiHe the contamination o. .ood byD
(nsuring that it does not hire .ood handling -ersonnel with
in.ectious diseases where there are no reasonable,
scienti.ically3a--ro8ed methods to -re8ent s-read o. that
disease 8ia .ood -re-aration and ser8ice;
(nsuring that em-loyees with in.ectious diseases that can
be -re8ented .rom s-reading through .ood handling 8ia
reasonable scienti.ically3a--ro8ed methods are trained in
and consistently use those methods, and that such
em-loyees who .ail to use those methods are immediately
and -ermanently remo8ed .rom 46ART7("")> .ood
ser8ice -rogram at %;
$e8elo-ing and monitoring high standards o. -ersonal
hygiene among em-loyees and agents;
@ro8iding necessary eBui-ment and su--lies .or
maintaining -ersonal hygiene and sanitation -ractices;
(nsuring an adeBuate wor9.orce and sic9 lea8e so that
em-loyees with communicable illnesses, including but not
limited to colds and .lu, are not -ressured to come to wor9
des-ite their illness;
AdeBuately training em-loyees in hygiene and
sanitation reBuirements and techniBues;
4onstantly and consistently su-er8ising to ensure that
em-loyees and agents do not s-read illness or disease
through .ood -re-aration or ser8ice;
@age :0 o. 0/
@age :1 o. 0/
Measuring the e..ecti8eness o. the retail, residential and catering -rogram at %
will be a continuous -rocess; This +Assessment @lan, is an outline o. the -rocess
46ART7("") will continually em-loy to e8aluate and measure the success o. each
as-ect o. the cam-us dining -rogram and to ma9e recommendations regarding changes
to the -rogram;
(stablish Gocus 5rou-s
- Residential )tudents
- 4ommuter )tudents
- Gaculty, )ta.. T Administration
(stablish a 7eb3based .eedbac9 system;
4onduct Manager Table meetings in each dining unit, soliciting .eedbac9 .rom
4onduct Merchandising Audits in each dining unit;
$istribute +4ustomer )atis.action )ur8eys, at least two times -er academic year;
$is-lay +4hartwells "et>s Tal9, customer comment cards and manager res-onses
-rominently in each location;
(m-loy +secret sho--ers, in each unit randomly throughout the year;
$istribute 4lient )atis.action )ur8eys to cam-us administrators; These sur8eys
are distributed by an inde-endent third -arty (4M), tabulated and re-orted
directly to 4hartwells> @resident;
Meet with % re-resentati8e a minimum o. once -er month to re8iew the
-rogram>s -rogress; Gocus s-eci.ically onD
- Management @er.ormance and relationshi-s
- )tudent )atis.action and Geedbac9
- (8aluation o. 4atering (8ents
- )co-e and e..ecti8eness o. merchandising and mar9eting
- Ginancial @er.ormance
- (m-loyee training -rograms
- 4onstruction re8iew, -rogress and im-act on the deli8ery o. .ood
- 4lient Ouestions
@age :2 o. 0/
4onduct +Round Table, re8iew, Gall )emester 2001;
46ART7("") shall also trac9 and e8aluate national trends and utiliHe that
in.ormation when ma9ing recommendations to % regarding changes to ser8ice
and .ood conce-ts;
All in.ormation gathered by 46ART7("") as a result o. actions discussed in this
A--endi< ) shall be shared with % within ten (10) business days o. its de8elo-ment
andKor recei-t;
@age :1 o. 0/
A--endi< sets .orth the .ood conce-ts to be o-erating on %>s cam-us during the .irst
contract year; As set .orth in the Agreement, 46ART7("") shall install those .ood
conce-ts; The -ro=ect estimate .or each .ood conce-t a--ears on the .ollowing -ages;
@age :/ o. 0/
Facility: Coyote Jacks
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $10,50000
Case Work 5,!0000
Signage / Menuboards ",10000
Subtotal !"#$%%&%%
#lectrical $ 4,50000
Plu$%in& 2,00000
Car'entry (,50000
Paintin& ) Finis*es 1,50000
Ceilin& +ork 1,25000
Floorin& 2,00000
Subtotal !'#($%&%%
Contingency !%) $",,2500
Permits / Fees !%) ",,2500
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) !(500
Subtotal '#-.$&%%
Grand Total $46,875.00
@age :C o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: /u%7ay
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $12,50000
Case Work 1,,0000
Signage / Menuboards 5,10000
Subtotal ./#"%%&%%
#lectrical $2,,0000
Plu$%in& (5000
Car'entry ,,50000
Paintin& ) Finis*es 1,50000
Ceilin& +ork -
Floorin& -

Subtotal !0#$$%&%%
Contingency !%) $",,4000
Permits / Fees !%) ",,4000
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 1,24500
Subtotal '#".$&%%
Grand Total $47,375.00
@age :A o. 0/
$ining )er8ices
Facilit0 (lannin+ H Desi+n
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: 4enutain$ent - 8erra9e
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $1,15000
Case Work ",10000
Signage / Menuboards 2,,5000
Subtotal '#!%%&%%
#lectrical $1,20000
Plu$%in& -
Car'entry 1,,0000
Paintin& ) Finis*es (5000
Ceilin& +ork -
Floorin& -

Subtotal 0#($%&%%
Contingency !%) $1,1,500
Permits / Fees !%) 1,1,500
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 40500
Subtotal .#(($&%%
Grand Total $14,625.00
@age :: o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: 5u .on Pain /ou's)
:ou%le 8reat .akery
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $1,!(500
Case Work -
Signage / Menuboards "(500
Subtotal .#0$%&%%
#lectrical $ -
Plu$%in& -
Car'entry (5000
Paintin& ) Finis*es -
Ceilin& +ork -
Floorin& -

Subtotal ($%&%%
Contingency !%) $ -
Permits / Fees !%) -
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 11(00
Subtotal !!(&%%
Grand Total $3,217.00
@age :0 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: 9anden%er& ;esident
:inin& ;oo$
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment 5!,10000
Case Work 21,"0000
Signage / Menuboards 1,,0000
Subtotal ".#(%%&%%
#lectrical $2!,50000
Plu$%in& ,,(0000
Car'entry 4,,40000
Paintin& ) Finis*es (,50000
Ceilin& +ork ",00000
Floorin& ",,0000

Subtotal !%%#"%%&%%
Permits / Fees !%) $1!,"1000
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 4,1"500
Subtotal .0#""$&%%
Grand Total $217,595.00
@age :2 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: :ou%le 8reat .akery
;ita<<a-Ctr ;efres*$ent
Pioneer Court
Location Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $2,1(500
Case Work 2,"0000
Signage / Menuboards 10,02000
Subtotal !/#/"$&%%
#lectrical $2,10000
Plu$%in& 2,20000
Car'entry ",50000
Paintin& ) Finis*es 1,00000
Ceilin& +ork -
Floorin& -

Subtotal "#0%%&%%
Contingency !%) 2,",000
Permits / Fees !%) 2,",000
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) (2500
Subtotal $#/'$&%%
Grand Total $29,280.00
@age 00 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facilit09 utta9esK!ris-y !reme
4ollege o. (ducation
&ocation9 a9land %ni8ersity
Date9 C31/302
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $"1,4!500
Case Work / C1Store Design 15,41000
Signage / Menuboards 1,,0000
2lackboard / P3S 1(,10000
Subtotal (%#'$$&%%
#lectrical $1,,0000
Plu$%in& ",50000
Car'entry 4,50000
Paintin& ) Finis*es 15000
Ceilin& +ork -
Floorin& -

Subtotal !$#/$%&%%
Contingency !%) ,,1"100
Permits / Fees !%) ,,1"100
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 2,1,(00
Subtotal !"#"/"&%%
Grand Total $106,254.00
@age 01 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: C*ick-Fil-5
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $50,00000
Case Work 4,10000
Signage / Menuboards 4,10000
Subtotal $"#.%%&%%
#lectrical $",10000
Plu$%in& 1,,0000
Car'entry (,50000
Paintin& ) Finis*es !0000
Ceilin& +ork ,0000
Floorin& (5000
Subtotal !$#0$%&%%
Contingency !%) $(,45500
Permits / Fees !%) (,45500
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) 2,(1400
Subtotal !(#-./&%%
Grand Total $92,174.00
@age 02 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility: Oakland Center =iosk
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Signage 50000
Subtotal $%%&%%
Paintin& ) Finis*es 50000
Ceilin& +ork ",00000

Subtotal 0#$%%&%%
Contingency !%) $ -
Permits / Fees !%) 40000
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) -
Subtotal /%%&%%
Grand Total $4,400.00
@age 01 o. 0/
Chart)ells Dinin+ Ser%ices
Gacility @lanning T $esign
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$
Facility2 +ild >reens
Pioneer Food Court
Location: Oakland University
Date: 5-14-02
Page: 1 of 1
(ro4ect Estimate
Equipment $10,15500
Case Work 2,15000
Signage / Menuboards 000
Subtotal !.#0%$&%%
#lectrical $1,50000
Plu$%in& -
Car'entry 1,00000
Paintin& ) Finis*es 50000
Ceilin& +ork 50000
Floorin& (0000

Subtotal /#.%%&%%
Contingency !%) $ -
Permits / Fees !%) 1,15000
*a+ E+empt -
Freig,t $) ,2500
Subtotal ./($&%%
Grand Total $18,980.00
@age 0/ o. 0/
$ining )er8ices
Facilit0 (lannin+ H Desi+n
"45, -osey .lvd /out*
-a Crosse, +0 54101
P*2 10,-(,,-,11" Fa32 10,-(,,-51,"
#-4ail 5ddress2
/teve 4uellen%er&6e3c*co$'ass-usaco$

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