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Medical defnition of death death is the termination of the

termination of the biological of the biological functions that defne a

living organism. There is a wide disagreement between doctors
about the defnition of death.
Islamic defnition death occurs when the soul leaves the body
eternally (not during sleep) in this worldly life.
According to shariah death is either based upon two things !)
complete cardiorespiratory rest and it is irreversible and ")
cessation of all brain activity and confrmation that such cessation is
irreversible or that the brain has entered the state of death.
#hen we sleep our soul dies and the dreams we see are actually
lived by our souls.
The unmarried man is punished less than the married man (with
regards to $ina) and the ne%t door neighbour is punished more than
the &
There are " opinions with regards to ta'ing medicine
!) (bligatory since it allows the continual wor' of the human
") )enerally spea'ing it is mubah. (*hay'h Abu +esa,s
The statement -.a illaaha illallaah/ doesn,t literally have to be the
last word.
0or a righteous slave the angel of death and its helpers ta'e the soul
gently and from the front of the feet (and also from the right and
left) and it,s the opposite
It is not allowed to delay the funeral and it is not allowed to do autopsy unless we
suspect criminal behavior, unless we suspect any suspicious behavior. Shaykh Abu
Eesa says that we can cut the body only when needed but it
The prophet (saw) prayed the anaa!ah prayer for some sahaaba.
There is a "awaaid al#fi""iyah that the rewards are correlated to the deeds. Some
scholars use this as it helps to dinsti$uish (ibn "ayyim said that when you see bi$
numbers of rewards, names of certain individuals (outside of the sahaaba) and when
the reward doesn%t fit the deed then these are normally a si$n of a weak h &'d(th)
If you pray far and then stay seated in your area then you $et the reward of a full ha
and umrah (due to the h&'d(th of the prophet (SA))) but the h&'d(th specifies the far
prayer in amaa% so how can women $et the reward for
The prophet (SA)) said don%t be like the camel who takes a certain place to pray and
always prays in their. *n a side point the most number of animals is mentioned
donkey, crow, do$
+husl # )ashin$ of the body
,afn # Shroudin$ of the body
-afn # .uryin$ of the body
The scholars say that if there is no/ to do kafn for a women then you do tayamum for
her. This is the opinion of the four imams
)hen you pray over a man 0 you are near his head, when you pray over a women you
are near her middle, when there are men, women and children then the
recommendation is that the men are ahead and then the children and then the women.
If there are men then the one closest to the imam should be the one who has
memori!ed the most 1uran (if we don%t know then we put the eldest closer).
2whenever a muslim dies and 3 lines of muslim pray amaa!ah for him, he is $ranted
for$iveness4 0 h&'d(th narrated by imam ahmad and imam tirmidhi and abu dawood
and is hassan.
The word musalah is the place where salaah is performed (other than the masid)
5 takbeeraats
6 narrated my imam muslim
Ali (7A) did 8 on sahl ibn hunayf
the prophet (SA)) did 9 for the people of badr
:or teachin$ purposes you can do the whole anaa!ah prayer out loud (shafi%ees and
hanbalees say that it is a proper prayer and your must rcite the fatihah, however the
hanafi%ees and ibn taymiyyah hold the opinion that it is a dua%a) but the default is to
recite it silently.
It is permissible to recite the thana and a surah after the fatihah but you shouldn%t do
this as you are delayin$ the burial.
;anafi and malikees say that you don%t do rafa yadayn since there is no hadith on this,
the shafi%ees and hanbalees say that the <asl is the prayer hence they make "iyaas.
If you oin the prayer late then accordin$ to Shaykh Abu Eesa you start the prayer and
try to catch up with the imam.
Theres a woman who is called al#$haamidiya (didn%t have someone to ween her child)
and=or al#uhayniya and they both commited !ina and wanted the punishment.
Imam Abu dawood narrates that the prophet (SA)) was approached and a companion
died and the prophet (SA)) said pray on your friend and the companions became
upset and said your friend has stolen from the money of the muslims.
)e can shroud non#muslims.
The son of Abdullah ibn ubay wanted to pray over his father and he told the prophet
(SA)) and <umar ibn al#khataab said what are you doin$ are you prayin$ over a
hypocrite and the prophet (SA)) said that the All'h has said 2whether you pray for
them or not All'h will not for$ive them4 All'h then revealed the rest of the ayah
-u%a in con$re$ation is accepetable
:ormali!in$ dua in con$re$ation in a place where it isn%t le$islated is bidah
There are 9 main cases where a woman inherits in three of these scenarios she $ets
more than the man, in one of them she $ets the same and in the remainin$ three she
receives less than atleast one man but possibly more than the others. :or e>ample, if
someone passes away, the mother $ets a third the husband $ets half and the
$randfather $ets the remainder.
A dau$hter with no siblin$s but a $randdau$hter (not hers).
A sister with only a half#sister.
A $randdau$hter with a wife and a mother.
All of the first mentioned $et a half of the money.
Estate ? everythin$ you own
It is permissible to take the money for the funeral out of the estate (but its best to not
take the money from them)
@o breastfed child inherits
3 scenarios when it comes to inheritance
Ta%seeb ? a$nation (people who are called the <asaba and are the people from the male
paternal side (father, $randfather, uncle) $et money left in the kitty.
al#<adillah ? when the people and money shares ? /
al?%a%illah ? when the people is more than the money
al ? rad ? when the people is less than the money
A radd is when all the money has been shared out and then $oes out and $ets shared
around another time.
An <awl is when people have been allocated fractions and this e"uals more than one
overall 0 here we decrease all the percenta$es proportionally
:i"h is law that is established
:atwa is beyond that.

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