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c122 United States Patent
Storch et al.
I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111
45O2 Patent No.:
4452 Date of Patent:
US 7 ,606, 738 B2
Oct. 20, 2009
4542 !"#$% B#SD &$'( D%$)*+
4752 5n6entors7 &erald %. Storch, 8a9ne: ;0 43"2< &re,,
#. -ro.re/, '+#son: 85 43"2
4732 Assi&nee7 (ar,et Brands, 5nc.: Minnea=olis: M; 43"2
"+1>ect to an9 #isclaimer: the term o/this
=atent is e-ten#e# or a#>+ste# +n#er 35
3.".?. 154412 19 417 #a9s.
4212 A==l. ;o.7 001288,922
4 *2 ;otice7
4222 @ile#7 No3. 29, 2004
4652 Prior P56lication Data
3" 2007/0124212Al Ma9 31: 2007
4512 $nt. 7l.
G06Q 30100 42006.012
U.S. 7l. .....................................7041268 705/1< 705/10<
705/27< 705/40< 707/3< 707/4< 235/375< 235/3$3 'ield
of 7lassification Search . ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 705/1:
705/10: 26: 27: 40< 707/3: 4< 235/375: 3$3 "ee
a==lication /ile /or com=lete search histor9.
*eferences 7ited
3.". .A*%;* DO?3M%;*"
4:759:063 A
5:$12:670 A
5:$7$:140 A
6:10$:644 A
6:74$:367 )l
6:917:922 )l*
7:127:404 )l*
7/19$$ ?ha+m
91199$ Micali
3/1999 ?ha+m
$/2000 Aol#schla& et al.
6/2004 ,ee
7/2005 )e!os et al. ............................705/27
10/2006 .oon .......................................705/1
O*'%B .3),5?A*5O;"
,ost=co=le.com: C*race email a##ress search:C htt=7//.
lost=eo=le.corn/traceDemailDa##ress.shtml: 3 =&s.
* cite# 19 e-aminer
Primary Examiner-Yogesh ? Aar&
4742 Attorney, Agent, or @irmDAri//iths & "eaton .,,?
4572 #BS(*#7(
A metho# ena1lin& a /irst =art9 to =+rchase a &i/t an# to
#eli6er the &i/t to a secon# =art9 incl+#es =ro6i#in& a retailer
e1site that ena1les the /irst =art9 to =er+se an# select a &i/t
/rom an onDline catalo&: recei6in& an eDmail a##ress o/ the
secon# =art9 or a =se+#on9m o/ the secon# =art9 /rom the /irst
=art9: =roc+rin& a shi==in& a##ress associate# ith the eDmail
a##ress or =se+#on9m: an# shi==in& the &i/t to the =roc+re#
shi==in& a##ress. Other metho#s an# s9stems are also #isD
2 7lai.s, 6 Dra9in, Sheets
3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009 "heet 1o/6 3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
I DATA I J. 52
'i,. 1






I 11&
VERIFY* .)... 120
I DATA I J. 52
3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009 "heet 2 o/ 6
ACCESS I .)... 102
3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009 "heet 3 o/ 6
5 . ...122
3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
FIG. 2
'i,. 3
3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009
FIG. -
.210 220
I 0
BASE $122+
"heet 4 o/ 6
3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
.1 . )II ISTREET I )Ii I
FIG. 3
FIG. -
3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009 "heet 5 o/ 6 3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
I DATA I1D2521





3.". Patent
Oct. 20: 2009 "heet 6 o/ 6 3" 7 :606: 73$ )2
ENTER '-10
1 PS,,56+,YM ,
3" 7:606:73$ )2
!"#$% B#SD &$'( D%$)*+
)A?KABO3;D O@ *'% 5;G%;*5O;
5t is no connnon=lace /or cons+mers to =+rchase &oo#s 6ia the
5nternet /rom retail e1sites or /rom other e1sites o//erin&
=ro#+cts /or sale. Aenerall9 at s+ch e1sites: cons+mers can
=er+se onDline catalo&s o/ =ro#+cts that are a6aila1le /or sale:
=+rchase selecte# =ro#+cts: an# ha6e the selecte# =ro#+cts
#eli6ere# to them. A##itionall9: a &roin& tren# amon& cons+mers
is to =+rchase =ersonal &i/ts 6ia s+ch e1sites an# ha6e the &i/ts
shi==e# #irectl9 to a &i/t reci=ient. *his is =artic+larl9 tr+e here
the &i/t reci=ient resi#es at a location remote /rom the +ser
=+rchasin& the &i/t. 5n s+ch instances: a cons+mer: or e1site +ser:
is t9=icall9 reH+ire# to 15 =ro6i#e to the onDline retailer the
shi==in& a##ress o/ the &i/t reci=ient.
'oe6er: =eo=le /reH+entl9 are in contact ith one another 6ia
eDmail or other electronic means 4e.&. instant messa&in&: =ersonal
e1sites: etc.2 an# o/ten #o not (no the a##ress at hich another
=erson resi#es or an associate# shi==in& a##ress. *h+s: altho+&h
the name an# e6en a &eneral location 4e.&. cit9/state2 o/ the
reci=ient ma9 1e (non: no s=eci/ic shi==in& a##ress or #eli6er9
location ma9 1e a6aila1le. *here/ore: itho+t a##itional research
or inH+ir9 19 the &i/tD 25 &i6er: &i/t #eli6er9 ma9 not 1e =ossi1le.
A##itionall9: i/ at a loss /or time or i/ the &i/tD&i6er ishes to
s+r=rise the &i/t reci=ient: s+ch a##itional research 4e.&. as(in& the
&i/t reci=ient /or his/her a##ress2 ma9 not 1e =ossi1le.
5n some instances: =eo=le ma9 maintain anon9mo+s relaD 30
tionshi=s ith one another. @or e-am=le: onDline #atin& ser6ices
o/ten ena1le mem1ers to sen# messa&es or chat ith one another
+sin& ass+me# names or =se+#on9ms so as to remain anon9mo+s
to one another. 5n s+ch a settin&: a /irst mem1er ma9 ish to sen#
a &i/t to a secon# mem1er hom he/she 35 (nos onl9 19 a
=se+#on9m an# ho ishes to remain anon9mo+s to the /irst
%m1o#iments o/ the in6ention ena1le a &i/tD&i6er to sen# a
&i/t to a &i/t reci=ient e6en hen the &i/t reci=ient's s=eci/ic
shi==in& or #eli6er9 a##ress is +n(non to the &i/tD&i6er.
)B5%@ D%"?B5.*5O; O@ *'% DBA85;A"
%m1o#iments o/ the in6ention ill 1e #escri1e# ith
res=ect to the /i&+res: in hich li(e re/erence n+merals #enote
li(e elements: an# in hich7
@5A. 1 is 1loc( #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/ a
retail s9stem accor#in& to the =resent in6ention.
@5A. 2 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/ a
=rocess /or selectin& an# #eli6erin& a &i/t accor#in& to the
=resent in6ention.
@5A. 3 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& &enerall9 one em1o#iD
ment o/ a =rocess /or selectin& a street a##ress in accor#ance
ith the =resent in6ention.
@5A. 2 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/ a 55
=rocess /or assessin& street a##resses in accor#ance ith the
=resent in6ention.
@5A. 4 is a 1loc( #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/ a
retail s9stem accor#in& to the =resent in6ention.
@5A. 6 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/ a 60
=rocess #escri1in& the o=eration o/ the retail s9stem o/@5A. 5.
D%*A5,%D D%"?B5.*5O;
@5A. 1 is a 1loc( #ia&ram &enerall9 ill+stratin& one
em1o#iment o/ a retail s9stem 00 accor#in& to the =resent
in6ention hich ena1les a /irst =art9 to =+rchase an# #eli6er a
&i/t to a secon# =art9 hen the /irst =art9 (nos onl9 an eD
mail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9. Betail s9stem 00 incl+#es a
retailer com=+ter 20 hich is =ro&rannne# to =ro6i#e a retailer
e1site hich is accessi1le 19 one or more +ser #e6ices 30 6ia
a connn+nications netor( 40. Betailer com=+ter 20 incl+#es
&i/t e1site 20 ha6in& a merchan#ise mo#+le 22 an# a #eli6er9
mo#+le 24. Merchan#ise mo#+le 22 =ro6i#es an onDline
catalo& that ena1les a +ser 6isitin& the retailer e1site to
=er+se: select: an# =+rchase merchan#ise
10 o//ere# /or sale 19 the retailer.
?onnn+nications netor( 40, as em=lo9e# herein: is 5nterD
netD1ase# accor#in& to one em1o#iment an# ma9 incl+#e local
area netor(s: i#e area netor(s an# =ri6ate netor(s 4e.&.
5ntranets2: 1+t can com=rise an9 s+ita1le netor( or
connn+nications lin( that s+==orts connn+nications 1eteen
#i//erent =arties locate# at res=ecti6e com=+ters or other s+itD
a1le electronic #e6ices: as +n#erstoo# 19 those o/ s(ill in the
art. 3ser #e6ice 30 incl+#es an 5nternet or 8orl# 8i#e 8e1
1roser 32 or other /+nctionall9 eH+i6alent so/tare that
ena1les a +ser to 6ie the contents o/ the retailer e1site
=ro6i#e# 19 retailer com=+ter 20, incl+#in& the onDline catalo&
=ro6i#e# 19 merchan#ise mo#+le 22, 6ia connn+nications
netor( 40. Altho+&h ill+strate# as a =ersonal com=+ter: +ser
#e6ice 30 can com=rise an9 t9=e o/lnternet com=liant comD
m+nications #e6ice s+ch as: /or e-am=le: a =ersonal #i&ital
assistant an#/or an 5nternet com=liant tele=hone.
5n o=eration: a /irst =art9 accesses the retailer e1site 6ia a
+ser #e6ice: s+ch as +ser #e6ice 30, an# 1roses thro+&h
=ro#+cts #is=la9e# in the onDline catalo& =ro6i#e# 19 merD
chan#ise mo#+le 22. 3=on selectin& a =ro#+ct or =ro#+cts that
the /irst =art9 o+l# li(e to =+rchase as a &i/t /or a secon#
=art9: the merchan#ise mo#+le trans/ers the /irst =art9 to
#eli6er9 mo#+le 24.
Deli6er9 mo#+le 24 =rom=ts the /irst =art9 to =ro6i#e an eD
mail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9 to hich the &i/t is #esire# to
1e #eli6ere#. 5n res=onse: #eli6er9 mo#+le 24 =roc+res += to
se6eral street a##resses associate# ith the eDmail a##ress.
5n one em1o#iment: #eli6er9 mo#+le 24 =roc+res the street
40 a##ress4 es2 19 searchin& an internal #ata1ase 26 maintaine# 19
retailer com=+ter 20 an# com=risin& street a##resses an# other
in/ormation associate# ith eDmail a##resses that ha6e 1een
=ro6i#e# 19 =ast +sers ho ha6e 6isite# the retailer e1site:
ith each street a##ress com=risin& a =l+ralit9 o/
45 com=onents 4e.&.: street: !i= co#e: state: etc.2. 5n one em1o#i D
ment: in a##ition to internal #ata1ase 26, #eli6er9 mo#+le 24 is
con/i&+re# to =roc+re street a##resses /rom one or more thir#
=art9 com=+ters 40 maintainin& similar eDmail an# street
a##ress #ata1ases 52. 5n one em1o#iment: thir# =art9
50 com=+ters 40 ma9 com=rise =ortions o/ an onDline mem1ershi=
netor(: s+ch as a =o=+lar 5nternet ser6ice =ro6i#er: /or
e-am=le: ith hich the retailer has contracte# /or access.
5n one em1o#iment: hen one or more s+ch street a##resses
are /o+n#: #eli6er9 mo#+le 24, itho+t re6ealin& the =roc+re#
street a##resses associate# ith the eDmail a##ress: H+eries the
/irst +ser a1o+t selecte# com=onents o/
the a##ress4 es2 to ena1le the /irst +ser to assess the li(elihoo#
that one o/ the =roc+re# street a##resses is the correct street
a##ress o/ the secon# =art9. @or e-am=le: altho+&h the /irst
=art9 ma9 corres=on# ith the secon# =art9 solel9 6ia eDmail
or other means 4e.&. tele=hone2 an# ma9 not (no the secon#
=art9's =recise street a##ress: o/ten the /irst =art9 ma9 (no
the state: cit9: an# e6en the street 41+t not the ho+se/ a=artment
n+m1er2 o/ the secon# =art9's street a##ress. *his is =artic+D
65 larl9 tr+e hen the /irst an# secon# =arties are lon&Dtime
/rien#s: not >+st anon9mo+s acH+aintances ho (no one
another onl9 19 an onDline =se+#on9m or eDmail a##ress.
US 7,606,738 B2
*h+s: in one em1o#iment: /or e-am=le: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22
ma9 H+er9 the /irst =art9 as to the state: cit9: an# e6en the street at
hich the /irst =art9 1elie6es the secon# =art9 to resi#e. 5n
res=onse: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 in#icates hich: i/ an9: o/ the
=roc+re# street a##resses ha6e com=onents matchin& the
com=onents =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst =art9 in res=onse to the H+eries.
)ase# on hich: i/ an9: o/ the =roc+re# street a##resses ha6e
com=onents matchin& his/her res=onses: the /irst =art9 can choose
to select: or not select: one o/ the =roc+re# street a##resses to
hich the &i/t is to 1e shi==e#. 5n 10 one em1o#iment: #eli6er9
mo#+le 22 in/orms the /irst =art9
o/ the n+m1er o/ =ossi1le street a##resses: i/ an9: that ere
/o+n# to 1e associate# ith the eDmail a##ress.
As an ill+strati6e e-am=le: in one instance: #eli6er9 mo#+le
22 ma9 /in# three street a##resses associate# ith the eDmail
a##ress o/ the secon# =art9. Altho+&h the /irst =art9 #oes not
(no the street a##ress o/ the secon# =art9: he/she is
a lon&Dtime acH+aintance o/ the secon# =art9 an# (nos that the
secon# =art9 li6es in Minnea=olis: Minn. 5n res=onse to the /irst
+ser enterin& Minnea=olis an# Minnesota as ansers 20 to H+eries
re&ar#in& the state an# cit9 com=onents o/ the secon# =art9's
shi==in& a##ress: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 in#icates that one o/ the
three =roc+re# street a##resses matches these com=onents.
Altho+&h the /irst =art9 #oes not (no the street a##ress o/ the
secon# =art9: the /irst =art9 ma9 1e /airl9 certain that the =roc+re#
street a##ress corres=on#in& to Minnea=olis: Minn.: is li(el9 the
correct street a##ress /or the secon# =art9 an# select that a##ress
as the a##ress to hich to shi= the &i/t. 'oe6er: i/ #eli6er9
mo#+le 22 in#icates that more than one o/ the =roc+re# street
a##resses are in Minnea=olis: Minn.: the /irst +ser ma9 choose not
to select either o/ the a##resses.
5/ the /irst +ser selects one o/ the =roc+re# street a##resses:
#eli6er9 mo#+le 22 =ro6i#es an o+t=+t that ena1les the selecte#
&i/t to 1e shi==e# to the selecte# a##ress itho+t re6ealin& the
selecte# a##ress to the /irst +ser. 5n one em1o#iment: /or
e-am=le: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 ma9 =ro6i#e shi==in&
instr+ctions: incl+#in& the selecte# a##ress: to an internal
shi==in& #e=artment associate# ith the retailer.
'oe6er: in some instances: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 ma9 not /in#
an9 street a##resses associate# ith the eDmail a##ress =ro6i#e#
19 the /irst =art9 or: as #escri1e# a1o6e: ma9 =roc+re one or more
a##resses /rom hich the /irst =art9 is +na1le to select a street
a##ress #+e to 1ein& +na1le to a#eH+atel9 asses the street
a##resses thro+&h the H+er9in& =rocess. @or 45 e-am=le: hile
#eli6er9 mo#+le 22 ma9 /in# onl9 one street a##ress associate#
ith the eDmail a##ress: none o/ the a##ress com=onents ma9
match those =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst +ser #+rin& the H+er9in& =rocess.
5n s+ch instances: the /irst +ser ma9 not 1e a1le to or ma9 not ish
to select a =roc+re# 50 street a##ress: an# th+s 1e +na1le to shi= the
&i/t to the secon# =art9. 5n s+ch an instance: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22
ma9 =rom=t the /irst =art9 as to hether he/she o+l# li(e
contin+e ith the transaction an# ha6e the &i/t #eli6ere# to his/her
on a##ress
or to cancel the transaction.
A retail s9stem accor#in& to em1o#iments o/ the =resent
in6ention: s+ch as retail s9stem 00 #escri1e# a1o6e: ena1les a
+ser to select: =+rchase: an# #eli6er a &i/t to a reci=ient 1ase#
on the reci=ient's eDmail a##ress itho+t re6ealin& the street/
shi==in& a##ress o/ the reci=ient to the +ser. )9 not #isclosin& 60
the street/shi==in& a##ress o/ the reci=ient to the +ser: retail
s9stem 00 ena1les a +ser to sen# a &i/t to the reci=ient hile
maintainin& the reci=ient's =ri6ac9.
@5A. 2 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& &enerall9 one em1o#iment
o/ a =rocess 000 /or selectin& an# #eli6erin& a &i/t to a 65 reci=ient
1ase# on the reci=ient's eDmail in accor#ance ith the =resent
in6ention. .rocess 000 1e&ins at 002 here a /irst
=art9 accesses the retailer e1site on retailer com=+ter 20 6ia a
+ser #e6ice: s+ch as +ser #e6ice 30. #t 002, the /irst =art9
1roses the onDline catalo& an# selects one or more items. *he
/irst =art9 then =rocee#s to chec(o+t at 006 at hich time
=a9ment an# other in/ormation ma9 1e collecte#.
A/ter chec(in& o+t at 006, the /irst =art9 is H+erie# at 008 as
to hether he/she o+l# li(e to sen# the selecte# items to a
secon# =art9 1ase# on the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress. 5/ the
anser to the H+er9 is CnoC: =rocess 000 =rocee#s to 000 here
the /irst =art9 enters a #esire# shi==in& a##ress in a
con6entional manner: s+ch as 19 /illin& o+t an onDline shi=D
=in& /orm. At 002, the shi==in& in/ormation =ro6i#e# 19 the
/irst =art9 at 000 is 6eri/ie# an# an o+t=+t is =ro6i#e# 19 retail
com=+ter 20 that ca+ses the selecte# item4s2 to 1e #eli6ere# to
15 the #esire# shi==in& a##ress entere# at 000. *he /irst =art9 is
then H+erie# at 002 as to hether he/she o+l# li(e to contin+e
sho==in&. 5/ the anser is C9esC: =rocess 000 ret+rns to the onD
line catalo& at 002. 5/ the anser is CnoC: the /irst =art9
=rocee#s to e-it the e1site at 006.
5/ the anser to the H+er9 at 008 is C9esC: the /irst =art9
=rocee#s to 008, s+ch as 19 clic(in& on a C&i/t 19 eDmailC icon:
or other s+ch icon: /or e-am=le. At 008, a #escri=tion o/ the
C&i/t 19 eDmailC =rocess is =ro6i#e#. 5n one em1o#iment: the
#escri=tion ma9 incl+#e an e-=lanation o/ a ret+rn =olic9
25 em=lo9e# as =art o/ the &i/t 19 eDmail =rocess. @or e-am=le: in
one em1o#iment: since the secon# =art9's street a##ress is not
re6eale# to the /irst =art9: an9 items that are not a1le to 1e
#eli6ere# to the secon# =art9 /or an9 reason: incl+#in& the
selecte# street a##ress 1ein& incorrect an# the secon# =art9
30 re/+sin& the &i/t: ill 1e ret+rne# #irectl9 to the retailer. 5n one
em1o#iment: the /irst =art9 is instr+cte# that an9 s+ch ret+rn o/
merchan#ise ill res+lt in a CreDstoc(C char&e to the /irst =art9.
#t 020, a =rocess /or #eterminin& an# selectin& a shi==in&
35 a##ress associate# ith the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress: s+ch
as that #escri1e# a1o6e ith re&ar# to @5A. 2, is =er/orme#.
"+ch =rocess in6ol6es the /irst =art9 enterin& the secon#
=art9's eDmail a##ress an# the /irst =art9 =otentiall9 selectin&
one o/ += to se6eral street/shi==in& a##resses assoD
40 ciate# ith the eDmail a##ress. One ill+strati6e em1o#iment
o/ a =rocess /or #eterminin& an# selectin& a shi==in& a##ress
1ase# on the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress is #escri1e# in
&reater #etail 1elo ith re/erence to @5A. 3. 5/ the /irst =art9
is a1le to select an a##ress associate# ith the secon# =art9's
eDmail a##ress: retail com=+ter 20 ca+ses the selecte# item4s2
to 1e #eli6ere# to the selecte# shi==in& a##ress itho+t
re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress to the /irst =art9. 3=on comD
=letin& the =rocess at 020, re&ar#less o/ hether the /irst =art9
is a1le to select a shi==in& a##ress /or the secon# =art9 an#
#eli6er the &i/t: =rocess 000 =rocee#s to 002 here the /irst
=art9 either ret+rns to sho==in& at 002 or e-its the e1site at
@5A. 3 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/
=rocess 020, ill+strate# &enerall9 19 @5A. 2, /or #eterminin&
55 an# selectin& a street/shi==in& a##ress 1ase# on the secon#
=art9's eDmail. .rocess 020 1e&ins at 022 here the /irst =art9
is =rom=te# to enterthe eDmail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9. At
022, ith re/erence to @5A. 0, #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 searches
internal #ata1ase 26 an#/or #ata1ases 42 o/ thir# =art9 comD
=+ters 40 hich are =art o/retail s9stem 00. 3=on com=letin&
the search at 026, the n+m1er o/ street/shi==in& a##resses
/o+n# to 1e associate# ith the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress is
5/ no street/shi==in& a##resses are /o+n# that are associate#
ith the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to
028 here the /irst =art9 is H+erie# as to hether he/she o+l#
li(e to shi= the items to another a##ress. 5/ the anser

US 7,606,738 B2
to the H+er9 is CnoC: the or#er is cancelle# an# =rocess 020
=rocee#s to 002 4see @5A. 2: here the /irst =art9 either ret+rns
to sho==in& or e-its the e1site.
5/ one or more street/shi==in& a##resses are /o+n# that are
associate# ith the secon# =art9's eDmail a##ress: =rocess 020
=rocee#s to 020. #t 020, the /irst =art9 is a1le to select one: or
to not select an9: o/ the a##resses 19 assessin& the li(elihoo#
that one o/ the street/shi==in& a##resses =roc+re#
at 022 is the act+al a##ress o/ the secon# =art9 1ase# on the
H+er9in& =rocess ith res=ect to a##ress com=onents as
#escri1e# a1o6e @5A. 1. One ill+strati6e em1o#iment o/ a
=rocess /or assessin& an# selectin& an a##ress /rom those
=roc+re# at 022 is #escri1e# in &reater #etail 19 @5A. 2 1elo.
5/ the /irst =art9 is +na1le to select one o/ the =roc+re#
a##resses: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 028. 5/ the +ser is a1le to
select one o/ the =roc+re# a##resses: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to
022 here retail com=+ter 20 =ro6i#es an o+t=+t that ca+ses the
selecte# item4s2 to 1e #eli6ere# to the shi==in& a##ress
selecte# at 020 itho+t re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress to the
/irst =art9.
@5A. 2 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& one em1o#iment o/
=rocess 020, ill+strate# &enerall9 19 @5A. 3, /or assessin& an#
selectin& a street/shi==in& a##ress /rom one or more street/
shi==in& a##resses associate# ith an eDmail a##ress. .rocess
020 1e&ins at 040, here the /irst =art9 is in/orme# o/ ho
man9 street/shi==in& a##resses ere /o+n# that are associate#
ith the eDmail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9: hile maintainin&
the anon9mit9 o/ the street/shi==in& a##resses to the /irst =art9.
*o 1e&in assessin& the =roc+re# street/shi==in& a##resses: the
/irst =art9 is H+erie# as to hether he/she (nos the state in
hich the secon# =art9 resi#es.
5/ the state entere# 19 the /irst =art9 in res=onse to the H+er9
/ails to match the state com=onent o/ an9 o/ the anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 042 here
the /irst =art9 is in/orme# that none o/ the anon9mo+s street/
shi==in& a##resses corres=on# to the entere# state. .rocess 020
then =rocee#s to 046, here the /irst =art9 is H+erie# as to
hether he/she o+l# li(e to select one o/ the anon9mo+s
a##resses in s=ite o/ there 1ein& no match. @or instance: there
ma9 ha6e onl9 1een one anon9mo+s a##ress /rom hich to
select: an# e6en tho+&h the entere# state #i# not match: the
/irst =art9 ma9 /eel con/i#ent that the anon9mo+s street/shi=D
=in& a##ress is the correct shi==in& a##ress. 5/ the anser to
the H+er9 is CnoC: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 028 4see @5A. 3:
here the /irst =art9 has the o=tion to shi= the &i/t to another
a##ress. 5/ the anser to the H+er9 is C9esC: =rocess 020
=rocee#s to 022 4see @5A. 3: here retail com=+ter 20 4see
@5A. 1) =ro6i#es an o+t=+t that ca+ses the selecte# item4s2 to
1e #eli6ere# to the shi==in& a##ress selecte# at 020 itho+t
re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress to the /irst =art9.
5/ the state entere# 19 the /irst =art9 in res=onse to the H+er9
at 040 matches at least one o/ the state com=onents o/ the
anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses: =rocess 040 =rocee#s to
048. #t 048, the /irst =art9 is in/orme# as to hich o/ the
anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses ha6e the matchin& state
com=onents an# is H+erie# as to hether he/she o+l# li(e to
one o/ the anon9mo+s a##resses that ha6e the matchin& state
com=onent. @or e-am=le: onl9 one o/ the anon9mo+s street/
shi==in& a##resses ma9 ha6e a matchin& state com=onent an#
the /irst =art9 ma9 1e con/i#ent that it is the correct shi==in&
a##ress. 5/ the /irst =art9 selects one o/ the anon9mo+s street/
shi==in& a##resses that has a matchin& state com=onent: =roD
cess 020 =rocee#s to 022 4see @5A. 3: here retail com=+ter
20 4see @5A. 0: =ro6i#es an o+t=+t that ca+ses the selecte# 65
item4s2 to 1e #eli6ere# to the shi==in& a##ress selecte# at 020
itho+t re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress to the /irst =art9.
5/ the /irst =art9 #oes not select one o/ the anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 060 here
the /irst =art9 is H+erie# as hether he/she (nos the cit9 in
hich the secon# =art9 resi#es. 5/ the cit9 entere# 19 the /irst
5 =art9 in res=onse to the H+er9 /ails to match the cit9 com=onent
o/ an9 o/ the anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses hose state
com=onents match the state =re6io+sl9 entere# 19 the /irst
=art9: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 062 here the /irst =art9 is
in/orme# that none o/ the anon9mo+s street/shi==in&
10 a##resses corres=on# to the entere# cit9 an# then to 046.
5/ the cit9 entere# 19 the /irst =art9 in res=onse to the H+er9
matches the cit9 com=onent o/ an9 o/ the anon9mo+s street/
shi==in& a##resses hose state com=onents match the state
=re6io+sl9 entere# 19 the /irst =art9: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to
15 062. #t 062, the /irst +ser is in/orme# hich anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses ha6e 1oth a state com=onent an# cit9
com=onent corres=on#in& to the /irst =art9's entries an# is
H+erie# as to hether he/she o+l# li(e to select one as the
street/shi==in& a##ress to hich the &i/t sho+l# 1e #eli6ere#.
20 5/ the /irst =art9 selects one o/ the anon9mo+s street/shi==in&
a##resses that has matchin& state an# cit9 com=onents: =rocess
020 =rocee#s to 022 4see @5A. 3: here retail com=+ter 20 4see
@5A. 1) =ro6i#es an o+t=+t that ca+ses the selecte# item4s2 to
1e #eli6ere# to the shi==in& a##ress selecte# at 020
25 itho+t re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress to the /irst =art9.
5/ the /irst =art9 #oes not select one o/ the anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 066 here
the /irst =art9 is H+erie# as to hether he/she (nos the street
on hich the secon# =art9 resi#es. 5/ the street entere# 19 the
30 /irst =art9 in res=onse to the H+er9 /ails to match the street
com=onent o/ an9 o/ the anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses
hose state an# cit9 com=onents match the state an# cit9
=re6io+sl9 entere# 19 the /irst =art9: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to
068, here the /irst =art9 is in/orme# that none o/
35 the anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses corres=on# to the
entere# street: an# then to 046.
5/ the street entere# 19 the /irst =art9 is res=onse to the H+er9
matches the street com=onent o/ an9 o/ the anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses hose state an# cit9 com=onents
40 match the state an# cit9 =re6io+sl9 entere# 19 the /irst =art9:
=rocess 020 =rocee#s to 068. #t 068, the /irst =art9 is in/orme#
hich anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses ha6e state: cit9:
an# street com=onents corres=on#in& to the /irst =art9's entries
an# is H+erie# as to hether he/she o+l# li(e
45 to select one as the street/shi==in& a##ress to hich the &i/t
sho+l# 1e #eli6ere#. 5/ the /irst =art9 selects one o/ the anon9D
mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses that has matchin& state: cit9:
an# street com=onents: =rocess 020 =rocee#s to 022 4see @5A.
3: here retail com=+ter 20 4see @5A. 0: =ro6i#es an o+t=+t
50 that ca+ses the selecte# item4s2 to 1e #eli6ere# to the shi==in&
a##ress selecte# at 020 itho+t re6ealin& the selecte# a##ress
to the /irst =art9.
5/ the /irst =art9 #oes not select one o/ the anon9mo+s
street/shi==in& a##resses: e6en tho+&h at least one o/ the
55 anon9mo+s street/shi==in& a##resses has state: cit9: an# street
com=onents matchin& those entere# 19 the /irst =art9: =rocess
020 =rocee#s to 028 4see '$&.0: here the /irst =art9 has the
o=tion o/ #eli6erin& the &i/t to another a##ress. A sit+ation
corres=on#in& to the a1o6e scenario co+l# arise
60 here the /irst =art9 is aare that the secon# =art9 has recentl9
mo6e# /rom one location to another location on the same street
an# is not a1le to select 1eteen to anon9mo+s a##resses
ha6in& state: cit9: an# street com=onents matchin& the /irst
+ser's entries.
Altho+&h @5A. 2 ill+strates the H+eries to the /irst =art9 as
com=risin& H+estions relate# to the state: cit9: an# street comD
=onents o/ the shi==in& a##resses: H+eries ma9 1e #irecte# to

3" 7:606:73$ )2
other com=onents o/ the =roc+re# street/shi==in& a##resses as
ell. @or e-am=le: H+eries ma9 1e #irecte# to the /irst an# last
name o/ the secon# =art9: herein similar to that #escri1e#
a1o6e: #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 in/orms the /irst =art9 hich: i/ an9:
o/ the =roc+re# shi==in& a##resses incl+#e the /irst an#/or last
name =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst =art9. *he H+eries ma9 also 1e
#irecte# to ho+se n+m1er: a=artment n+m1ers: an# !i= co#es:
/or e-am=le.
5n one em1o#iment o/ the =resent in6ention: in lie+ o/ searchin&
internal an# e-ternal #ata1ases 26 an# 42 an# H+er9in& the /irst
=art9 to #etermine a shi==in& a##ress as #escri1e# a1o6e ith
res=ect to @5A". 0 thro+&h 2, #eli6er9 mo#+le 22 &enerates an#
#eli6ers an eDmail reH+est to the eDmail a##ress o/ the secon#
=art9: as =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst =art9: #irectl9 reH+estin& a shi==in&
a##ress /rom the secon# 15 =art9. 5n one em1o#iment: the eDmail
reH+est in#icates that the /irst =art9 ishes to #eli6er a &i/t to the
secon# =art9 an# incl+#es a #escri=tion o/ the &i/t #eli6er9 s9stem
e-=lainin& that the secon# =art9's i#entit9 an# shi==in& a##ress: i/
so =ro6i#e# 19 the secon# =art9: ill not 1e #i6+l&e# to the /irst 20
=art9. 5n one em1o#iment: the eDmail reH+est incl+#es a
#escri=tion o/ the &i/t to 1e #eli6ere# 4e.&. a lin( to a =ro#+ct
#escri=tion in the retailer's onDline catalo&2. 5n one em1o#iment:
#eli6er9 mo#+le 22 ena1les the /irst =art9 to incl+#e a messa&e to
the secon# =art9 as =art o/ the eDmail reH+est.
5n one em1o#iment: the secon# =art9 =ro6i#es =ermission
to retail mo#+le 22 to #eli6er the &i/t 19 re=l9in& to the eDmail
reH+est an# =ro6i#in& a shi==in& a##ress. "imilarl9: the secon#
=art9 can #en9 =ermission to #eli6er the &i/t thro+&h a
res=onse to the eDmail reH+est an# 19 /ailin& to res=on# to the
eDmail reH+est ithin a =re#etermine# time =erio# 4s+ch as
ithin ten #a9s: /or e-am=le2.
An e-am=le o/ here s+ch an em1o#iment ma9 1e
em=lo9e# is hen a cor=oration 4or other entit9 or =erson2
ishes to =+rchase an# #eli6er a &i/t to its em=lo9ees: 1+t /or
le&al or other reasons is +na1le to +tili!e resi#ence in/ormation
that ma9 alrea#9 1e in the cor=oration's =ossession 4e.&.
acco+ntin& recor#s2 /or =+r=oses o/ #eli6erin& s+ch a &i/t. 5n
s+ch an instance: the cor=oration ma9 reH+est =ermission to
#eli6er a &i/t: #irect that s+ch a &i/t 1e shi==e#: an#/or ta(e
other a==ro=riate action as #escri1e# herein: 6ia merchan#ise
an# #eli6er9 mo#+les 22 and 22 o/ retailer com=+ter 20,
merel9 19 =ro6i#in& the em=lo9ees' cor=orate eDmail
5n s+mmar9: a retail s9stem accor#in& to em1o#iments o/
the =resent in6ention: s+ch as retail s9stem 00 em=lo9in&
=rocesses 000, 020, and 020 #escri1e# a1o6e: ena1les a +ser
to select: =+rchase: an# #eli6er a &i/t to a reci=ient 1ase# on the
reci=ient's eDmail a##ress itho+t re6ealin& the street/ 50 shi==in&
a##ress o/ the reci=ient a##ress to the +ser. )9 not #isclosin& the
street/shi==in& a##ress o/ the reci=ient to the +ser: retail s9stem 00
ena1les a +ser to sen# a &i/t to the reci=ient hile maintainin& the
reci=ient's =ri6ac9.
Altho+&h #escri1e# &enerall9 a1o6e in terms o/ one =art9 55
#eli6erin& a &i/t to a secon# =art9 1ase# on an eDmail a##ress:
herein the eDmail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9 hich is (non to
the /irst =art9: =eo=le o/ten comm+nicate anon9mo+sl9 ith
others 6ia the 5nternet +sin& aliases or =se+#on9ms. @or e-am=le:
onDline #atin& ser6ices t9=icall9 ena1le 60 mem1ers to sen#
messa&es or chat ith one another +sin& onl9 a =se+#on9m:
there19 remainin& anon9mo+s to one another i/ so #esire#.
Des=ite this anon9mit9: hoe6er: one mem1er a9 ish to
=+rchase an# #eli6er a &i/t to a secon# mem1er ith hom he/she
has esta1lishe# an onDline relaD 65 tionshi= 1+t (nos onl9 19 a
=se+#on9m an# ho ishes to remain anon9mo+s to the /irst
@5A. 4 is a 1loc( #ia&ram ill+stratin& &enerall9 one
em1o#iment o/ a retail s9stem 200 accor#in& to the =resent
in6ention hich ena1les mem1ers o/ a mem1ersDonl9 e1site
to =+rchase an# #eli6er &i/ts to one another hile maintainin&
the anon9mit9 an# =ri6ac9 o/ the mem1ers. Betail s9stem 200
incl+#es an a//iliate com=+ter 202 an# a retailer com=+ter 220.
A//iliate com=+ter 202 is =ro&rarmne# to =ro6i#e a mem1ersD
onl9 e1site 202 accessi1le 6ia a comm+nications netor(
220 19 mem1ers em=lo9in& +ser #e6ices: s+ch as +ser
10 #e6ices 230a an# 2301: ha6in& 8orl# 8i#e 8e1 1rosers: s+ch
as 1rosers 232a an# 2321.
Mem1ersDonl9 e1site 202 is =ro&rarmne# to ena1le re&D
istere# mem1ers to comm+nicate anon9mo+sl9 ith one
another: s+ch as 6ia onDline chat rooms: instant messa&in&: an#
electronic mail1o-es: +sin& mem1erDchosen =se+#on9ms. 5n
one em1o#iment: mem1ersDonl9 e1site 202 comD
=rises onDline #atin& e1site 202, altho+&h e1site 202 ma9
also com=rise other t9=es o/ ser6ices: 1+sinesses: &ro+=s or
other e1sites. 5n one em1o#iment: as =art o/ a mem1er
re&istration =rocess: mem1ers =ro6i#e an eDmail a##ress to the
a#ministrators o/ onDline #atin& e1site 202 so that =assD
or# an# other e1siteDrelate# in/ormation can 1e comm+D
nicate# to the mem1ers. As =art o/ the re&istration =rocess:
mem1ers also =ro6i#e a =se+#on9m hich ill 1e +se# /or
25 anon9mo+s comm+nications ith other mem1ers. 5n one
em1o#iment: a//iliate com=+ter 202 maintains a con/i#ential
re&ister or #ata1ase 206 incl+#in& a =se+#on9m an# a correD
s=on#in& eDmail a##ress /or each re&istere# mem1er. Be&ister
or #ata1ase 206 is not accessi1le 19 mem1ers. 5t is note# that
30 altho+&h #escri1e# as a mem1ersDonl9 e1site: #e=en#in& on
the reH+irements o/ the e1site: mem1ers ma9 or ma9 not 1e
char&e# a mem1ershi= /ee as =art o/ the re&istration =rocess.
Betailer com=+ter 220 incl+#es a &i/t e1site 220 ha6in& a
merchan#ise mo#+le 222 an# a #eli6er9 mo#+le 222. Ai/t
35 e1site 220 is lin(e# ith onDline #atin& e1site 202, ith
merchan#ise mo#+le 222 con/i&+re# to =ro6i#e an onDline
catalo& that ena1les mem1ers to =er+se: select: an# =+rchase
merchan#ise o//ere# /or sale 19 the retailer. 5n one em1o#iD
ment: merchan#ise mo#+le 222 is accessi1le onl9 19 memD
40 1ers o/ onDline #atin& e1site 202.
5n one em1o#iment: hen a /irst mem1er o/ onDline #atin&
e1site 202 ishes to =+rchase an# #eli6er a &i/t to a secon#
mem1er: the /irst mem1er initiall9 accesses onDline #atin&
e1site 202 on a//iliate com=+ter 202 6ia a +ser #e6ice: s+ch
45 as +ser #e6ice 230a: an# selects or clic(s on a &i/t lin( or &i/t
icon 208 that trans/ers the /irst mem1er to merchan#ise mo#D
+le 222 on retailer com=+ter 220. At merchan#ise mo#+le 222,
the /irst mem1er =er+ses an# selects one or more &i/ts /or
=+rchase /rom the onDline catalo&. 5n one em1o#iment: the onD
line catalo& com=rises a list o/ recommen#e# an#/or
a==ro=riate &i/t items hich are selecte# an# maintaine# 19
retailer sta//. 5n one em1o#iment: merchan#ise mo#+le 222 is
con/i&+re# to &enerate an onDline catalo& com=risin& a list o/
recommen#e# &i/t items 1ase# on attri1+tes o/ the secon#
mem1er 4e.&. &en#er: a&e: interests: etc.2 entere# 19 the /irst
mem1er. 5n one em1o#iment: the onDline catalo& com=rises a
com=lete list o/ merchan#ise a6aila1le /or sale 19 the retailer.
3=on selectin& one or more items /or =+rchase: merchan#ise
mo#+le 222 trans/ers the /irst mem1er to #eli6er9 mo#+le 222
here =a9ment an# 1illin& in/ormation is collecte# /rom the
/irst mem1er. Deli6er9 mo#+le 222 =rom=ts the /irst mem1er
/or the =se+#on9m o/ the secon# mem1er to hom the selecte#
&i/t is to 1e #eli6ere#. Deli6er9 mo#+le 222 s+1seH+entl9
accesses #ata1ase 206 o/ a//iliate com=+ter 202 6ia
comm+nications netor( 220 an# retrie6es the eDmail a##ress
corres=on#in& to the =se+#on9m /or the secon# mem1er
=ro6i#e# 19 the /irst mem1er.
3" 7:606:73$ )2
0 5n a /ashion similar to that #escri1e# a1o6e ith res=ect to
#eli6er9 mo#+le 24 o/ @5A. 1: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 =roc+res
+= to se6eral street a##resses associate# ith the secon#
mem1er =se+#on9m. 5n one em1o#iment: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224
=roc+res the street a##resses 19 searchin& an internal eD
mail/street a##ress #ata1ase 226 maintaine# 19 retail com=+ter
220 hich incl+#es in/ormation s+ch as names: street
a##resses: an# eDmail a##resses =ro6i#e# 19 =resent an# =reD
6io+s c+stomers o/ the retailer. 5n one em1o#iment: #eli6er9
mo#+le 224 =roc+res the street a##resses /rom one or more
thir# =art9 com=+ters maintainin& similar #ata1ases: s+ch as
thir# =arties 250a: 2501 an# associate# #ata1ases 252a: 2521.
*hir# =art9 com=+ters 250 ma9 1e associate# ith 5nternet
ser6ice =ro6i#ers: onDline retailers: or an9 other entit9 4s+ch as
/inancial instit+tions2 maintainin& s+ch #ata1ases ith hom
the retailer has contracte# ith /or access.
A/ter searchin& internal an# e-ternal #ata1ases 226 an# 252:
#eli6er9 mo#+le 224 in/orms the /irst mem1er o/ the n+m1er o/
street a##resses: i/ an9: hich ere /o+n# to 1e associate# ith
the con/i#ential eDmail a##ress corres=on#in& to the secon#
mem1er's =se+#on9m. 5/ no street a##resses ere /o+n#:
#eli6er9 mo#+le 224 #irects the /irst mem1er 1ac( to onDline
#atin& e1site 214. 5/ one or more street/ #eli6er9 a##resses
ere =roc+re#: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 H+eries the /irst mem1er
a1o+t selecte# com=onents o/ the =roc+re# a##resses 4e.&.
=art9's name: state: cit9: street name: etc.2 in a /ashion similar
to that #escri1e# a1o6e ith res=ect
to #eli6er9 mo#+le 24 o/ @5A. 1 an# #escri1e# 19 @5A". 2
thro+&h 4 to ena1le the /irst mem1er to select one o/ the
=roc+re# a##resses /or shi==in& itho+t re6ealin& the selecte#
a##ress to the /irst mem1er.
@5A. 6 is a /lo #ia&ram ill+stratin& &enerall9 one em1o#iD
ment o/ a =rocess 300 #escri1in& the o=eration o/retail s9stem
210 o/ @5A. 5. .rocess 300 1e&ins at 302 here a /irst mem1er
o/ onDline #atin& e1site 214 lo&s into mem1er e1site 214 on
a//iliate com=+ter 212 6ia a +ser #e6ice s+ch as +ser #e6ice
230a. At 304: the /irst mem1er clic(s on or selects &i/t icon 21$
hich trans/ers the /irst mem1er to merchan#ise mo#+le 222 o/
retailer com=+ter 220. 5n one em1o#iment: &i/t icon 21$
=ro6i#es an in#ication to mem1ers o/ onDline #atin& e1site
214 that the9 can recei6e #isco+nts on &i/ts =+rchase# /or other
mem1ers 6ia retail com=+ter 220.
5n one em1o#iment: &i/t icon 21$ =ro6i#es an in#ication to
mem1ers o/ onDline #atin& e1site 214 that the9 can recei6e
#isco+nts not onl9 on &i/ts =+rchase# /or other mem1ers: 1+t
#isco+nts on items in &eneral i/ the9 re&ister as +sers ith the
retailer o=eratin& retail com=+ter 220.
At 305: a #escri=tion o/ the =se+#on9mD1ase# &i/t #eli6er9
=rocess is =ro6i#e# to the /irst mem1er. 5n one em1o#iment:
the #escri=tion ma9 incl+#e an e-=lanation o/ a ret+rn =olic9.
@or e-am=le: in one em1o#iment: since the secon# mem1er's
real name an# a##ress are not re6eale# to the /irst mem1er: a
&i/t not a1le to 1e #eli6ere# to the secon# =art9 ill 1e ret+rne#
#irectl9 to the retailer to maintain the anon9mit9 o/ the secon#
mem1er. 5n one em1o#iment: the /irst mem1er is instr+cte#
that an9 s+ch ret+rn o/ merchan#ise ill res+lt in a CreDstoc(C
char&e to the /irst mem1er.
At 306: merchan#ise mo#+le 222 H+eries the /irst mem1er
as to hether he/she o+l# li(e assistance in selectin& a &i/t or
&i/ts /or the secon# mem1er. 5/ the anser to the H+er9 is CnoC:
=rocess 300 =rocee#s to 30$ here the /irst mem1er is a1le to
1rose the onDline catalo& an# select one or more &i/ts.
5n one em1o#iment: the onDline catalo& com=rises a com=lete
list o/ merchan#ise a6aila1le /or sale 19 the retailer.
5/ the anser to the H+er9 is C9esC: =rocess 300 =rocee#s to 65
310 here the /irst mem1er is =rom=te# to enter an9 (non
attri1+tes o/ the secon# mem1er /or hom the &i/t4s2 is 1ein&
selecte#. "+ch attri1+tes incl+#e thin&s s+ch as the secon#
mem1er's &en#er: a&e: an# interests: /or e-am=le. At 312:
merchan#ise mo#+le 222 &enerates an onDline catalo& comD
=risin& a Ctailore#C list o/ recommen#e# &i/t items 1ase# on
attri1+tes entere# 19 the /irst mem1er. .rocess 300 then =roD
cee#s to 30$ here the /irst mem1er =er+ses an# selects a
&i/t4s2 /rom the tailore# onDline catalo&.
A/ter selectin& a &i/t4s2: the /irst mem1er =rocee#s to
chec(o+t at 314: at hich time =a9ment an# other in/ormaD
10 ti on ma9 1e collecte#. At 316: the /irst mem1er is =rom=te# to
enter the =se+#on9m o/ the secon# mem1er /or hom the &i/t
is 1ein& =+rchase#. At 31$: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 accesses
#ata1ase 216 o/ a//iliate com=+ter 212 6ia comm+nications
netor( 240 an# retrie6es the eDmail a##ress corres=on#in&
15 to the =se+#on9m /or the secon# mem1er entere# 19 the /irst
At 320: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 =roc+res += to se6eral shi=D
=in&/street a##resses 1ase# on the eDmail a##ress corres=on#D
in& to the secon# mem1er's =se+#on9m +sin& a H+er9in&
20 =rocess ith the /irst mem1er as #escri1e# a1o6e ith res=ect to
@5A. 5 an# similar to the =rocess #escri1e# 19 @5A". 1D4 ith
res=ect to #eli6er mo#+le 24. 5/ the /irst mem1er is a1le to
select a shi==in& a##ress /or secon# mem1er: #eli6er9 mo#+le
224 ca+ses the selecte# &i/t4s2 to 1e #eli6ere# to the
25 selecte# shi==in& a##ress itho+t re6ealin& the selecte# shi=D
=in& a##ress to the /irst mem1er. 3=on either s+ccess/+ll9
selectin& a shi==in& a##ress an# shi==in& a &i/t to the secon#
mem1er or i/ no a##ress is a1le to 1e selecte# 19 the /irst
mem1er: =rocess 300 =rocee#s to 322 here the /irst mem1er
30 is #irecte# 1ac( to onDline #atin& e1site 214.
5n one em1o#iment: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 =ro6i#es an#
#eli6ers a notice alon& ith the &i/t e-=lainin& the &i/t #eli6er9
=rocess an# ens+rin& the secon# mem1er that his/her i#entit9
an# a##ress remain +n(non to the /irst mem1er. 5n
35 one em1o#iment: #eli6er9 mo#+le 224 ena1les the /irst mem1er
to com=ose a messa&e hich is incl+#e# ith #eli6er9 o/ the
&i/t4 s2 to the secon# mem1er.
)9 =roc+rin& street a##resses 1ase# on eDmail a##resses
corres=on#in& to =se+#on9ms em=lo9e# 19 mem1ers o/ a
40 mem1ersDonl9 e1site to carr9 on anon9mo+s comm+nications
ith one another: retail s9stem 210 ena1les a /irst mem1er to
=+rchase an# #eli6er a &i/t to a secon# mem1er itho+t
#isclosin& either the eDmail a##ress or the street/shi==in&
a##ress to the /irst mem1er. As s+ch: mem1ers are a1le to
45 =+rchase an# #eli6er9 &i/ts to one another hile maintainin&
their anon9mit9.
Betail s9stem 210 1ene/its 1oth an a//iliate entit9 o=eratin&
the mem1ersDonl9 e1site: s+ch as onDline #atin& e1site 214:
an# a retailer o=eratin& an#maintainin& &i/t e1site 221
50 on retailer com=+ter 220. )eca+se &i/t e1site 221 is mainD
taine# 19 the retailer o=eratin& retailer com=+ter 220: the
a//iliate entit9 o=eratin& onDline #atin& e1site 214 1ene/its
/rom retail s9stem 210 19 1ein& a1le to o//er a &i/tD&i6in&
/eat+re to its mem1ers itho+t 1earin& the cost o/maintainD
55 in& an# o=eratin& s+ch a /eat+re. "+ch a &i/tD&i6in& /eat+re ma9
ena1le onDline #atin& e1site 214 to attract ne mem1ers. *he
retailer o=eratin& an# maintainin& &i/t e1site 221 on retailer
com=+ter 220 1ene/its /rom retail s9stem 210 19 1ein& a1le to
attract an# maintain c+stomers /rom onDline
60 #atin& e1site 214. *o attract s+ch ne c+stomers: mem1ers o/
onDline #atin& e1site 214 ma9 1e o//ere# incenti6es /rom the
retailer in the /orm o/ =ro#+ct #isco+nts or other =romotional
?om=onents o/ the =resent in6ention can 1e im=lemente# in
har#are 6ia a micro=rocessor: =ro&ramma1le lo&ic: or state
machine: in /irmare: or in so/tare ith a &i6en #e6ice.
5n one as=ect: at least a =ortion o/ the so/tare =ro&rammin&
3" 7:606:73$ )2
2 is e1D1ase# an# ritten in '*M, an# 0AGA =ro&rannnin&
lan&+a&es: incl+#in& lin(s to +ser inter/aces: s+ch as a 8in#os
1ase# o=eratin& s9stem: an# each o/ the main com=onents ma9
comm+nicate 6ia a netor( +sin& a comm+nication =rotocol. @or
e-am=le: the =resent in6ention ma9 or ma9 not +se a *?./5.
=rotocol /or #ata trans=ort. Other =ro&rammin& lan&+a&es an#
comm+nication =rotocols s+ita1le /or +se ith the =resent
in6ention ill 1ecome a==arent to those s(ille# in the art a/ter
rea#in& the =resent a==lication. ?om=onents o/ the =resent
in6ention ma9 also resi#e in so/tare 10 on one or more com=+terD
rea#a1le me#i+ms: hich is #e/ine# herein to incl+#e an9 (in# o/
memor9: 6olatile or nonD6olatile: s+ch as /lo==9 #is(s: har# #ri6es:
rea#Donl9 memor9 4BOM2: ?DDBOMs: /lash memor9: an# ran#om
access memor9
Altho+&h the in6ention has 1een #escri1e# ith res=ect to
=artic+lar em1o#iments: s+ch em1o#iments are /or ill+strati6e
=+r=oses onl9 an# sho+l# not 1e consi#ere# to limit the
in6ention. Gario+s alternati6es an# chan&es ill 1e a==arent to
those o/ or#inar9 s(ill in the art.
8hat is claime# is7
1. A metho# ena1lin& a /irst =art9 to =+rchase a &i/t an# to
#eli6er the &i/t to a secon# =art9: the metho# com=risin&7
=ro6i#in& a retailer e1site s+==orte# 19 a retailer comD
hich is =art o/ a retailer s9stem: that ena1les the /irst =art9:
+sin& a com=+ter an# a 1roser: to =er+se an# select a &i/t
/rom an onDline catalo&: the retailer e1site 1ein& accessi1le
6ia a comm+nications netor(: an# the retailer com=+ter
incl+#in& a #eli6er9 mo#+le<
the #eli6er9 mo#+le recei6in& an eDmail a##ress o/ the secon#
=art9 or a =se+#on9m o/ the secon# =art9 at the retailer
com=+ter: herein the eDmail a##ress o/ the secon# =art9 or
the =se+#on9m o/ the secon# =art9 is =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst
=art9 accessin& the retailer e1site
6ia the
comm+nications netor( an# the com=+ter associate# ith
the /irst =art9: herein the /irst =art9 #oes not ha6e
in/ormation o/ a street le6el =ortion o/ one or more shi==in&
a##resses o/ the secon# =art9<
+sin& the #eli6er9 mo#+le o/ the retailer com=+ter to =roc+re a
shi==in& a##ress associate# ith the eDmail a##ress or the
=se+#on9m incl+#in& searchin& one or more #ata1ases
1ase# on the eDmail a##ress or the =se+#on9m an#
=roc+rin& a shi==in& a##ress an# maintainin& anon9mit9
o/ a street le6el =ortion o/ the =roc+re# shi==in& a##ress
to the /irst =art9<
the #eli6er9 mo#+le H+er9in& the /irst =art9 re&ar#in& hether the
/irst =art9 (nos an i#enti/ication o/ at least one o/ a cit9
an# a state o/ the secon# =art9<
the #eli6er9 mo#+le recei6in& the i#enti/ication o/ the at least one
o/ the cit9 an# the state o/ the secon# =art9 /rom the /irst
=art9: herein recei6in& the i#enti/ication occ+rs in
res=onse to the H+er9in&< an#
the #eli6er9 mo#+le com=arin& the i#enti/ication o/ the at least
one o/ the cit9 an# the state to the =roc+re# shi==in&
the #eli6er9 mo#+le noti/9in& the /irst =art9 re&ar#in& hether the
=roc+re# shi==in& a##ress matches the i#enti/ication o/
the at least one o/ the cit9 an# the state =ro6i#e# 19 the
/irst =art9<
shi==in& the &i/t to the =roc+re# shi==in& a##ress: herein the
retailer s9stem =er/orms the ste= o/ shi==in& the &i/t<
herein all o/recei6in& i#enti/ication: com=arin& the i#enD
ti/ication: noti/9in& the /irst =art9: an# shi==in& the &i/t
are all =er/orme# hile maintainin& anon9mit9 o/ the
street le6el =ortion o/ the =roc+re# shi==in& a##ress.
2. *he metho# o/ claim 1: herein noti/9in& the /irst =art9
re&ar#in& hether the =roc+re# shi==in& a##ress matches the 30
i#enti/ication o/ the at least one o/ the cit9 an# the state =ro6i#e#
19 the /irst =art9 incl+#es7
the #eli6er9 mo#+le noti/9in& the /irst =art9 hen no =roc+re#
shi==in& a##ress matches the i#enti/ication o/ the at least
one o/ the cit9 an# the state =ro6i#e# 19 the /irst =art9:
the #eli6er9 mo#+le H+er9in& the /irst =art9 re&ar#in& hether to
sen# the &i/t to the secon# =art9 at the =roc+re# a##ress.





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