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Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series

Barometer with 9210
Datalogger Series
Prepared by:
Sutron ISD
October, 2013
Sutron Corporation
22400 Davis Drive
Sterling, Virginia 2014
!"#: $%03& 40'2(00
)*+: $%03& 40'2(01
,"-: .ttp://0001sutron1co2/
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4
Sensor Options ......................................................................................................................... 4
Part Number ............................................................................................................................ 4
Mounting Solutions ...................................................................................................................... 5
Part Numbers ........................................................................................................................... 5
Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 6
Common Configurations ..............................................................................................................
Summar! ..................................................................................................................................... "
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
#$e barometric pressure sensor is one of Sutron%s most commonl! used sensors& and is
t!picall! used in 'eat$er and airport stations. #$is guide 'ill describe t$e proper met$od of
connecting t$e sensor 'it$ t$e ()*+ datalogger. #$is 'ill appl! to all dataloggers in t$e ()*+
series. #$e configuration of t$e soft'are 'ill be t$e same for t$e ,pert datalogger series& but
t$e 'iring diagrams 'ill be different. #$e sensor communicates -ia t$e SDI.*) protocol and can
interface 'it$ an! of Sutron%s dataloggers.
Sensor Options
#$ere are se-eral t!pes of barometers Sutron manufactures. #$e differences are t$e
communication protocol used to interface 'it$ t$is sensor& t$e accurac! rating& as 'ell as t$e
material used to construct t$e de-ice. #$e barometers 'it$ part numbers 56++.+*)+.* and
56++.+*)+.) are $oused in a lig$t'eig$t aluminum bo/& and t$e 56++.+*)+.0 -ersions are
$oused in toug$ plastic. 1lso& t$e 56++.+*)+.0 -ersions come in a -ariet! of accurac! ratings as
s$o'n belo'.
Part Number
56++.+*)+.* Pressure Sensor& 2arometric& 3S.)0) and SDI.*) outputs
56++.+*)+.) Pressure Sensor& 2arometric& 3S.)0)& SDI.*) 4 1nalog +.55DC outputs
56++.+*)+.01 SDI.*) 2arometer& +.) m2 6 )+7C
56++.+*)+.02 SDI.*) 2arometer& +.0 m2 6 )+7C
56++.+*)+.0C SDI.*) 2arometer& +.4 m2 6 )+7C
56++.+*)+.* and 56++.+*)+.) 56++.+*)+.0
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
Mounting Solutions
W$en purc$asing a completed station from Sutron& t$e barometric pressure sensor 'ill come
alread! mounted inside t$e enclosure. #$e air pressure in t$e enclosure is t$e same as outside
t$e enclosure due to -ents t$at are mounted to t$e units so t$e barometer 'ill al'a!s be
pro-iding accurate measurement. If 8ust t$e sensor is purc$ased from Sutron 'it$out a '$ole
s!stem& t$en all t$at is re9uired to mount t$e barometer 'ould be 4 scre's. If t$e barometer is
being mounted on a metal place& li:e in a Sutron station& t$en 4 self tapping scre's 'ill be
;or stations t$at re9uire -er! $ig$ accurac!& suc$ as airport 'eat$er stations& or for stations t$at
do not $a-e an enclosure -ent& t$e follo'ing parts 'ill be re9uired.
Part Numbers
56++.+*)* 2arometer Pressure Port
))*.**"( Mounting ;eet 3eplacements
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
Wiring Diagram
#$e 'iring s$o'n belo' describes t$e most common connection of t$e barometric pressure
sensor using SDI.*). P$!sicall! connecting t$e barometric pressure sensor to t$e datalogger
re9uires a t$ree 'ire conductor. #!picall!& t$e sensor 'ill be mounted in t$e station and pre.
'ired& but if 8ust t$e sensor is purc$ased t$en -ie' t$e diagram belo'.
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
Common Configurations
#$e ()*+ utili<es a grap$ical setup in order to configure t$e sensors t$at are connected. #$e
grap$ical setup is a series of bloc:s connected to depict a diagram s$o'ing $o' t$e data is
managed. 1 t!pical series of bloc:s 'ould be an Input& Displa!& Coms #ag& Measurement& and
t$en a =og bloc:. Wit$ t$is series t$e sensor 'ould be measured based on t$e parameters of
t$e input bloc:& t$en t$e -alue 'ould be -isible on t$e front displa! of t$e logger& t$e data tab in
t$e grap$ical setup 'ould be updated& t$e measurement inter-al is defined& and t$en t$e -alue
is logged in t$e log file. 1larms can also be added to t$e data management series b! placing an
alarm bloc: before t$e Coms #ag bloc:. ;or more detail on $o' to program a ()*+& use t$e
()*+ Operations and Maintenance Manual. #$e descriptions belo' 'ill pro-ide a concise
description of common measurement setup for t$e sensor measured e-er! *5 minutes.
Barometer with 9210 Datalogger Series
#$is guide $as described t$e detailed options of t$e barometric pressure sensor as 'ell as $o'
to connect it to t$e ()*+ datalogger. If !ou $a-e an! 9uestions about t$is integration guide& or if
additional guidance is needed getting started or troubles$ooting t$en please contact Sutron%s
Integrated S!stems Di-ision at +0.4+6.)"++.

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