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Dear Super Hero David (and David's family)

Miss Amy and Miss Dee don't know your name. However, you (and your family) have been so
very brave, ust like the shepherd David who bravely fou!ht a !iant named "oliath and won# So,
be$ause you were ust as brave as David, we have de$ided to $all you by his name.
%e want you to know that you and your family are not alone in this battle. &one of this is your
fault. 'ou are not to blame now and will never be to blame for any of this bad stuff that has
happened. Althou!h it is ust the two us writin! this letter, there are many, many people
throu!hout the world who have heard about your bravery. 'ou have be$ome a super hero in their
'our abuser was $onvi$ted of (super a!!ravated se)ual assault( a!ainst you. *hose are really bi!
words that mean he hurt you very badly and that the adults know that he needed to be seriously
punished. His a$tions brou!ht you and your family mu$h pain.
+ven thou!h you were s$ared, you told your family, the poli$e and the people in the $ourt what
had happened to you. 'ou did su$h a !ood ob in tellin! them what happened that all of the
!rownups in the ury believed you# 'ou did the ri!ht thin! even thou!h it was hard. ,n fa$t you are
a super hero. 'ou are as brave as Spiderman and -atman and that is awesome# .eople all over
the world are so proud of you.
'our abuser did thin!s to you that no normal adult would ever do to a kid. He was wron!. ,n fa$t,
he was so wron! that he will be in prison for /0 years. *hat means he will $ould be older than
your parents when he !ets out of ail. +ven then, as an older man, he will still be wat$hed by the
poli$e and the people in his $ommunity for the rest of his life. He will never be trusted a!ain. And
that is very !ood be$ause it will prevent other kids from bein! hurt by him. *his all happened
be$ause you were brave and told your story. 'ou are a super hero.
'ou will never for!et what has happened to you. ,t is 12 to feel s$ared or sad. &ever be afraid to
tell your family or other !rownups if you feel that way. *hose are normal feelin!s and those who
love you $an help you durin! those times. ,n fa$t, it is super hero brave to tell them that you are
sad or s$ared but you already know that be$ause you have done it.
And !uess what3 Someday, when you are a little bi!!er, you may be able to help other kids who
have been hurt in the same way be$ause that is what super heroes do.
%e understand that some teena!ers do not believe that a popular football player $ould do su$h a
thin! to a kid. -ut you are smarter than them. 'ou know that people who look $ool on the outside
$an be rotten on the inside. %e think that they will $han!e their minds as they !row up and learn
more about bad people who hurt kids.
4emember this always. Miss Amy and Miss Dee think you are the most awesome super hero that
we have ever heard about. %e are so proud of you and so are many other people. %e hope that
your family and you will hear of this letter and know that we $are about you. %e believe you and
are available to your family if we $an ever be of help.
Amy Smith
Mom and S&A. leader in Dallas56ort %orth
Dee .arsons
Mom and -lo!!er

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