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800R|N6, LLvLL 2: P0|N18 0I PLRI0RMAN0L

1PL LLvLL 2 0R088I|1 0LR1|I|0A1|0N |8 A 1RA|N|N6 1L81. Y00 W|LL 8L 1L81L0 0N Y00R 00A0P|N6 0I 1PL 9
I00N0A1|0NAL M0vLMLN18 0I 0R088I|1: 800A1, IR0N1 800A1, 0vLRPLA0 800A1, 8P00L0LR PRL88, P08P
PRL88, P08P JLRk, 0LA0L|I1, 80M0 0LA0L|I1 P|6P P0LL, AN0 ML0|0|NL 8ALL 0LLAN.
i. 1A0MlN0:
Lffectlve|y artlcu|atec and lnctructc the mechanlcc of each movement.
Iocucec on Prlmary Polntc of Performance. Avoldc over emphaclzlng cubt|e/nuanced polntc.
0cec the 0roccIlt Progrecclonc for teachlng the more comp|ex movec.
2. 8lN0:
|dentlec a|| grocc and cubt|e form fau|tc.
0lctlngulchec good movement from bad movement.
3. 0RR01lN0:
0cec vlcua|, verba|, tactl|e cuec to effectlve|y and efclent|y correct movement.
Iocucec on Prlmary Polntc of Performance. Avoldc over emphaclzlng cubt|e/nuanced polntc.
4. PR8N0 AN A11l1u:
8peakc |oud|y and c|ear|y at a|| tlmec.
1ralner lc condent, commandlng, and recpectfu|.
1ralner lc energetlc, encouraglng, and fun.
Motlvatec tralneec by ho|dlng them to the hlghect ctandard of movement whl|e ce|ebratlng lmprovementc a|ong the way.
Lxhlbltc awarenecc of and recpondc to the experlence of the tralneec.
Lngagec tralneec by uclng namec, eye contact, and convercatlon.
Lxhlbltc lnvectment ln the cuccecc of tralneec.
1he fo||owlng are the 6 crlterla you wl|| be eva|uated on.
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
5. MANA0lN0 A 8MALL 0RuP:
0rganlzec we|| a|| the e|ementc of runnlng a group c|acc. 8ee 1emp|ate and 1lpc for 8ma|| 6roup 1ralnlng".
Iocterc and malntalnc group/c|acc coheclon and lnterect.
Managec tlme we|| by Prlorltlzlng content of c|acc to cover the Prlmary Polntc of Performance and correct the fu||
movement ln the a||otted tlme frame.
6. MN81RA1lN:
Lncurec that demonctratlonc are uced upon lnltla| lnctructlon and when lntroduclng each plece ln a progrecclon.
Lncurec conclctency of verba| lnctructlon and vlcua| demonctratlon. 1he demo lc done we|| by the tralner or a cultab|e
examp|e lc glven uclng comeone e|ce.
Lxhlbltc an awarenecc of one'c own movement.
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
1LMPLA1L AN0 1|P8 I0R 8MALL 6R00P 0R088I|1 1RA|N|N6, LLvLL 2
1PL8L ARL 8066L81|0N8 I0R P0W 10 MANA6L A 8MALL 6R00P 0I M|XL0 LLvLL A1PLL1L8 WPLN 1LA0P|N6 8A8|0
0pen the group by lntroduclng yource|f and the movement you wl|| teach.
0ue and demo the movement to begln. 8e thorough and conclce.
0emonctrate each plece of a progrecclon before havlng ath|etec move through lt.
0emonctrate adequate|y and then orchectrate the group. 0o not get ctuck ln the mldd|e where you cannot cee how
tralneec are movlng.
6lve 0|ear |nctructlonc |ettlng peop|e know exact|y what you wou|d |lke them to be dolng at a|| tlmec. 8e cpeclc.
Lx; Now | am golng to demonctrate the Med 8a|| 0|ean. You a|| can juct re|ax and watch." or Now we are golng to
do I0 a|| together, on my command." Ltc.
0onclce lnctructlonc: 0ene and dlctl|| one word actlon and lnltlatlon commandc. LX; When | cay 'go' you are
golng to dead|lft chrug. When | cay 'cet' you are golng to brlng the ba|| to the deck ln your co|ld cet-up pocltlon."
When | cay 're-cet' you brlng your feet back under your hlpc and your e|bowc ln front of the bar".
6et the group movlng ac much ac pocclb|e.
keep the group movlng a|| together.
Move around the group and re|ent|ecc|y obcerve and addrecc grocc fau|tc (aka: Prlmary Polntc of Performance).
keep peop|e movlng ac |ong ac lt takec to cee and correct everyone. You are ln contro| of your group; uce thlc to
your advantage.
0orrect fau|tc and watch to be cure that correctlonc actua||y happen. 8e perclctent.
0o not cpend too |ong wlth one percon at the expence of engaglng the who|e group. 8rlng the more tlme-concumlng
prob|emc to the mldd|e and engage and educate the who|e group on what to cee and how to correct.
0nce peop|e get the movement rlght, have them relnforce lt wlth addltlona| good repc.
0o not be|abor the teachlng ctepc of the progrecclonc. Addrecc grocc errorc durlng the progrecclonc but be cure
the majorlty of tralnlng tlme lc cpent worklng the fu|| movement.
0|oce your groupc by ceelng everyone do a few repc agaln, perhapc glvlng a revlew of key polntc, and acklng for
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
i. 1A0MlN0 1M MVMN1:
1hlc cectlon deccrlbec how to lntroduce and cue the movement from cetup to executlon. |n addltlon to thece verba|
cuec, remember that any lntroductlon of a movement chou|d lnc|ude a vlcua| examp|e-l.e., a demonctratlon. 1hlc
cectlon a|co lnc|udec teachlng progrecclonc for the more comp|ex movec. 1hece are lntroduced after the fu|| move lc
deccrlbed and chown. 1hey break down the comp|ex movec lnto clmp|e do-ab|e ctepc. You wl|| be tected on your uce and
know|edge of thece exact progrecclonc. Memorlze them.
2. 8lN0 1M MVMN1:
1hlc cectlon lnc|udec the Prlmary Polntc of Performance for the move. 1hece are the eccentla| mechanlcc you chou|d
be |ooklng for and focuced on ln teachlng each move. 1hece muct not be mlcced or over|ooked. Your abl|lty to cee the
Prlmary Polntc of Performance for each movement lc eccentla| to belng a good tralner.
3. 0RR01lN0 1M MVMN1:
1hlc cectlon |lctc common fau|tc and pocclb|e xec for each movement. 1hece re|ate to the Prlmary Polntc of
Performance ln each movement. Your abl|lty to demonctrate that you know, can ldentlfy, and na||y correct thece
common fau|tc dlrect|y reectc the qua|lty of your tralnlng.
1he xec" deccrlbed ln thlc cectlon are to he|p you, but they are not the on|y pocclb|e correctlonc. 0ce them, but do not
fee| conned to them. 1he goa| lc a|wayc to get the ath|ete movlng we|| through the fu|| movement. 1here are numerouc
effectlve wayc to achleve thlc end.
1PL 9 M0vLMLN18: 1LA0P|N6, 8LL|N6, AN0 00RRL01|N6
1PL 8100Y 0I MA1LR|AL PRL8LN1L0 PLRL 6|vL8 Y00 |NI0RMA1|0N 0N 1LA0P|N6, 8LL|N6, AN0 00RRL01|N6 LA0P
0I 0R088I|1'8 9 I00N0A1|0NAL M0vLMLN18.
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
A|R 800A1
1PL A|R 800A1 |8 I00N0A1|0NAL 10 1PL IR0N1 800A1 AN0 0vLRPLA0 800A1.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = chou|der wldth
Iu|| extenclon at hlpc and kneec
Welght on hee|c
Lumbar curve malntalned
0hect up
8utt trave|c back and down
8ottom of cquat lc be|ow para||e| (hlp creace lc
be|ow the top of the kneecap)
kneec track para||e| to feet
Return to fu|| extenclon at the hlpc and kneec to
comp|ete the move
Pead pocltlon lc neutra|

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Lumbar curve malntalned
Welght ln hee|c
0epth be|ow para||e|
kneec track over feet
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
FABL1. LAZY L0M8AR 00RvL, 0R L08|N6 |1 (|.L., 8011
Ilx - Llft the chect whl|e engaglng the hlp exorc by
anterlor|y rotatlng the pe|vlc ctrong|y.
Ilx - Ralce the armc ac you deccend to the bottom
of the cquat.

FABL1 - WL|6P1 8P|I18 I0RWAR0 10 8ALL8 0I ILL1.
Ilx - Lxaggerate welght ln the hee|c by oatlng the toec
c|lght|y throughout the entlre movement.

FABL1 - N01 L0W LN006P.
Ilx - 0ue Lower!" and do not re|ent.
Ilx - 8quat to a I0" box or medlclne ba|| to deve|op
awarenecc of depth.

FABL1 - kNLL8 R0LL |N.
Ilx - 0ue Puch your kneec out" or 8pread the ground
apart wlth your feet."
Ilx - 1ouch the outclde of the knee and have the ath|ete
precc lnto your hand.

FABL1 - 1RA|N WRL0k 800A1: |NA8|L|1Y 10 MA|N1A|N
L0M8AR 00RvL, 81AY 0N PLLL8, AN0 6L1 10 0LP1P ALL
A1 1PL 8AML 1|ML.

FABL1 - |MMA10RL 800A1: L0M8AR 00RvL |8
00N1A01 W|1P 1PL 6R00N0, 801 1PL A1PLL1L PA8 10
0AN1|LLvLR I0RWAR0 LX0L88|vLLY 0N10 1PL 00A08
10 MA|N1A|N 8ALAN0L.
Ilx - 8quat 1herapy: 8et up the ath|ete faclng a wa|| or
po|e wlth a I0" box under thelr butt. 8et them up ln the
proper ctance, wlth hee|c to the box, chect c|oce to wa||.
Pave them cquat to the box c|ow|y, malntalnlng contro|
and welght ln the hee|c.
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IR0N1 800A1
1he 8etup, Lxecutlon, Polntc of Performance, and 0orrectlonc carry over exact|y from
the Alr 8quat. We now add to thoce a |oad ln the IR0N1 RA0k P08|1|0N.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = chou|der Wldth
Iu|| extenclon at hlpc and kneec
8ar racked" on the chou|derc (create a che|f wlth the
chou|derc for bar to clt on), handc outclde chou|derc,
|ooce ngertlp grlp.
L|bowc hlgh, upper arm para||e| to the ground.
Welght on hee|c
Lumbar curve malntalned
0hect up
L|bowc hlgh; armc ctay para||e| to the ground throughout
the who|e movement
8utt trave|c back and down
8ottom of cquat lc be|ow para||e| (hlp creace lc be|ow
the top of the kneecap)
kneec track para||e| to feet
Return to fu|| extenclon at the hlpc and kneec to com-
p|ete the move
Pead pocltlon lc neutra|

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8ar racked proper|y: e|bowc hlgh, handc juct outclde
chou|derc, bar rectc on chou|derc wlth a |ooce
ngertlp grlp
L|bowc hlgh throughout the movement
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08 1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - 8AR N01 |N 00N1A01 W|1P 1PL 10R80 0R
P0L0|N6 8AR 001 |N IR0N1.
Ilx - 0ue L|bowc hlgh and a||ow bar to ro|| back
onto ngertlpc."
FABL1 - LL80W8 0R0P AN0 0PL81 00ML8 I0RWAR0.
Ilx - 0ue L|bowc 0P 0P 0P! And blg chect."
Ilx - 1actl|e 0ue - P|ace a hand or arm under the
ath|ete'c e|bowc to he|p keep them |lfted.
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0vLRPLA0 800A1
1he 8etup, Lxecutlon, Polntc of Performance, and 0orrectlonc carry over exact|y from
the Alr 8quat. We now add to thoce a |oad ln the 0vLRPLA0 P08|1|0N.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = chou|der wldth
Iu|| extenclon at hlpc and kneec
8ar he|d overhead, ln the fronta| p|ane, wlth a wlde grlp
Actlve chou|derc
L|bowc |ocked
Welght on hee|c
Lumbar curve malntalned
0hect up
Malntaln conctant upward preccure on the bar, and
actlve chou|derc, to cupport the |oad
8ar remalnc ln the fronta| p|ane or c|lght|y behlnd
8utt trave|c back and down
8ottom of cquat lc be|ow para||e| (hlp creace lc be|ow
the top of the kneecap)
kneec track para||e| to feet
Return to fu|| extenclon at the hlpc and kneec to com-
p|ete the move
Pead pocltlon lc neutra|
Return to fu|| extenclon at the top of movement.

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Actlve chou|derc throughout movement
8ar ctayc overhead, ln the fronta| p|ane
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08 1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - LAZY LL80W8 AN0 8P00L0LR8.
Ilx - 0ue ath|ete to actlve|y precc the bar up; uce your
handc to puch the e|bowc ctralght and the chou|derc
lnto the earc.
Ilx - 0ue the ath|ete to precc the bar up and pu|| lt back
to overhead or c|lght|y behlnd.
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8P00L0LR PRL88
1he key e|ementc of the 8hou|der Precc, and a|| the overhead |lftc, are the cetup pocltlon,
the overhead pocltlon, tlght be||y, and the bar path. 1hece are foundatlona| to a|| the
overhead |lftc.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8L10P (1P|8 8L10P |8 LXA01LY 1PL 8AML I0R ALL
1PRLL 0vLRPLA0 L|I18):
8tance = hlp wldth
Pandc juct outclde the chou|derc
8ar ln front, rectlng on the rack" or che|f" created
by the chou|derc
L|bowc down and ln front of bar; e|bowc are |ower than
ln the front cquat
1lght mldcectlon
0|oced grlp, wlth thumbc around the bar
1he cue for the actlon lc Precc"
0rlve through hee|c; keep the who|e body rlgld; tlght
8ar trave|c ctralght up to |ocked out, wlth actlve
chou|derc, dlrect|y overhead
Pead accommodatec bar (bar path lc a ctralght |lne)

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
6ood cetup
0onctant tlghtnecc ln the mldcectlon, rlbc |ocked down
0verhead and actlve chou|der at the top of the precc;
overhead meanc that the bar lc over or juct behlnd the
arch of the foot, wlth the chou|der ang|e fu||y open
8ar trave|c ctralght up
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Ilx - Precc up and pu|| back on the bar ac lt trave|c
to overhead.

FABL1 - LLAN|N6 8A0k, R|88 81|0k|N6 001.
Ilx - 1lghten abc / cuck rlb cage down (be cure to check
the overhead pocltlon agaln after thlc x).

FABL1 - PA88|vL 8P00L0LR8 0R 8LN1 LL80W8.
Ilx - 0ue Precc up!" 8hou|derc lnto earc."

FABL1 - 8AR AR08 001 AR00N0 1PL IA0L.
Ilx - Pu|| head back out of the way of the bar.
Ilx - 0heck that e|bowc are not too |ow ln the cetup.
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P08P PRL88
1he Puch Precc bul|dc on the came cetup and overhead pocltlon ac the 8hou|der Precc.
We add ve|oclty wlth the dlp and drlve of the hlp. 1he focuc here lc on a dlp and drlve that
lc exp|oclve and ctralght down and up.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = hlp wldth
Pandc juct outclde the chou|derc
8ar ln front, rectlng on the rack" or che|f" created by
the chou|derc
L|bowc down and ln front of bar; e|bowc are |ower than
ln the front cquat
1lght mldcectlon
0|oced grlp, wlth thumbc around the bar
1he cue for the actlon lc 0lp, drlve, precc"
0lp: perform a cha||ow dlp (exlon) of the hlpc, where
the kneec puch forward c|lght|y, the butt goec back, and
the chect ctayc uprlght
0rlve: extend the hlp rapld|y and fu||y
Precc: precc the bar to overhead, wlth |ocked armc
PR06RL88|0N (W|1P 81|0k):
0lp (check chect and hlp) I.
0lp-drlve c|ow 2.
0lp-drlve fact 3.
0lp-drlve-precc (fu|| Puch Precc) 4.

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
1orco dropc ctralght down on the dlp. 1here lc no
forward lnc|lnatlon of the chect and no mutlng of the hlp.
Aggrecclve turn around from the dlp to the drlve.
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
APPLY 10 1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08 1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - 001 0I 8L00LN0L: PRL88 8L6|N8 8LI0RL P|P
0PLN8 0P
Ilx - 1ake back to ctep 3 ln progrecclon-dlp-drlve fact
FABL1 - 000k|N6: PA08|N6 |N 1PL 0|P
Ilx - 0ue for dlp-drlve and more aggrecclve turnaround
of the hlp
FABL1 - I0RWAR0 |N0L|NA1|0N 0I 1PL 0PL81
Ilx - Pave ath|ete ho|d ln the dlp pocltlon and then
manua||y adjuct them to true uprlght torco
Ilx - 0ue a cha||ower dlp
Ilx - 0ue kneec forward more
Ilx - 8tand ln front of ath|ete to prevent the chect from
comlng forward
Ilx - 0lp therapy: 8tand wlth back agalnct a wa||, wlth
hee|c, butt, and chou|der b|adec a|| touchlng the wa||;
then dlp and drlve, keeplng everythlng ln contact wlth
FABL1 - M01L0 P|P
Ilx - 1urn the pe|vlc over (anterlor rotatlon) ctrong|y
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
1he Puch Jerk bul|dc from a good cetup, a good overhead pocltlon, and a co|ld dlp/drlve.
Now, we focuc on coordlnatlng thlc movement co that the hlp comec to fu|| extenclon
before the catch, and the catch occurc wlth the bar |ocked out overhead.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = hlp wldth
Pandc juct outclde the chou|derc
8ar ln front, rectlng on the rack" or che|f" created
by the chou|derc
L|bowc down and ln front of bar; e|bowc are |ower than
ln the front cquat
1lght mldcectlon
0|oced grlp, wlth thumbc around the bar
1he cue for the actlon lc 0lp, drlve, precc and dlp"
0lp: perform a cha||ow dlp (exlon) of the hlpc, where
the kneec puch forward c|lght|y, the butt goec back, and
the chect ctayc uprlght
0rlve: extend the hlp rapld|y and fu||y
Precc and dlp: retreat the hlp downward and drlve
the body under the bar, whl|e rapld|y precclng the bar
0atch" the bar wlth armc |ocked out overhead
8tand to fu|| extenclon wlth bar overhead.
PR06RL88|0N (W|1P001 81|0k/8AR):
Jump and |and wlth I. hands ar sldos. 8tlck the |andlng.
Jump and |and wlth 2. hands ar shouldors throughout the
move. 8tlck the |andlng.
Jump wlth 3. hands ar shouldors and extend them ovor-
hoad at the came tlme ac the |and.
Wlrh srlck 4. ln handc, fu|| Puch Jerk.

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Iu|| extenclon of the hlp before reverclng hlp dlrectlon
from upward to downward
Landlng lc ln a partla| cquat wlth the bar |ocked out
dlrect|y overhead
Iact and aggrecclve
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
AN0 Pu8M PR88 APPLY 10 1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08
1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - M0vLMLN1 PA11LRN 001 0I 8L00LN0L.
Ilx - 8reak lt down vla the progrecclon and bul|d back
up to the fu|| movement. Relterate that lt lc juct a clmp|e
jump and |and ln a partla| cquat.
FABL1 - P|P NLvLR 6L18 10 I0LL LX1LN8|0N.
Ilx - 0ue: More extenclon."
Ilx - P|ace your hand at the top of the ath|ete'c head
when fu||y ctandlng; keep lt at that helght and then
ack the ath|ete to hlt your hand durlng the drlve. 8e
cure they contlnue to hlt extenclon even when your
hand lc not there.
Ilx - 1ake the ath|ete back to the jump-and-|and ctepc
(I-3) of the progrecclon. You may have to c|ow lt down a
blt and then cpeed lt back up once the baclc movement
pattern lc co|ld.
FABL1 - LAN0|N6 100 W|0L.
Ilx - Lxaggerate the correctlon and cue the ath|ete do
the movement wlthout the feet movlng from under the
Ilx - 1herapy: 8|ock the feet wlth p|atec or boxec or
come object co they can't go too wlde.
FABL1 - LAZY LAN0|N6: N01 L00kL0 001 0vLRPLA0.
Ilx - 0ue to punch up and pu|| back on the bar.
0ue actlve chou|derc.
FABL1 - N01 81AN0|N6 ALL 1PL WAY 0P W|1P 1PL 8AR
8LI0RL RL-RA0k|N6 |1 0N 1PL 8P00L0LR8.
Ilx - 0ue to ctand up wlth the bar overhead.
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I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = between hlp wldth and chou|der wldth
Welght ln hee|c
8ack arched/|umbar curve |ocked ln
8hou|derc c|lght|y ln front of the bar
8ar ln contact wlth the chlnc
Armc |ocked ctralght
8ymmetrlca| grlp outclde the kneec, juct wlde enough to
not lnterfere wlth kneec
0rlve through the hee|c
Lxtend |egc whl|e hlpc and chou|derc rlce at the came
0nce the bar paccec the kneec, the hlp openc a|| the way
8ar malntalnc contact wlth the |egc the entlre tlme
Pead neutra|
0n return to the oor, puch hlpc back and chou|derc
forward c|lght|y; de|ay the knee bend
0nce bar deccendc be|ow the kneec and the torco ang|e
lc cet, return the bar down to the cetup pocltlon

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Lumbar curve malntalned
Welght on hee|c
8hou|derc c|lght|y ln front of bar on cetup
Plpc and chou|derc rlce at came rate
8ar ctayc ln contact wlth |egc throughout the movement
At the top the hlp lc comp|ete|y open and kneec are
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
FABL1 - L088 0I L0M8AR 00RvL
Ilx - 0ue to pu|| hlpc back and |lft the chect
Ilx - 1ouch percon at |umbar curve and cay, Arch!"
0o not re|ent.
Ilx - Abort and decreace the |oad to where the |umbar
arch can be malntalned.
FABL1 - WL|6P1 0N 0R 8P|I1|N6 10 10L8.
Ilx - Pave ath|ete cett|e lnto the hee|c and pu|| hlpc
back, malntalnlng tenclon ln the hamctrlngc at ctart of
movement, and focuc on drlvlng through hee|c.
Ilx - 0heck that the bar ctayc ln contact wlth |egc
throughout the movement.
FABL1 - 8P00L0LR8 8LP|N0 8AR 0N 8L10P.
Ilx - Ralce hlpc to move chou|der over or c|lght|y ln
front of the bar.
FABL1 - P|P8 R|8L 8LI0RL 1PL 0PL81 (81|II-LL66L0
Ilx - A||ow the chou|derc and chect to rlce cooner. 0ue
Llft your chect more aggrecclve|y" or Llft the chect and
hlpc at the came rate untl| the bar paccec your kneec."
FABL1 - 8P00L0LR8 R|8L W|1P001 1PL P|P8. 8AR
1RAvLL8 AR00N0 1PL kNLL8 |N81LA0 0I 81RA|6P1 0P.
Ilx - 8e cure ath|ete lc cet up correct|y: welght ln hee|c
and wlth chou|derc ln front of the bar. 0ue Puch kneec
back ac your chect rlcec."
Ilx - 8|ock the kneec' trave| wlth your hand.
Ilx - 8tlck trlck: Lock the percon ln between two ctlckc
on elther clde of the bar and have them execute the
move wlthout hlttlng the ctlckc.
FABL1 - 8AR 00LL|0L8 W|1P kNLL8 0N 1PL 0L80LN1.
Ilx - |nltlate the return by puchlng the hlpc back and
de|ay the knee bend.
FABL1 - 8AR L08L8 00N1A01 W|1P LL68.
Ilx - 0ue Pu|| the bar ln to your |egc the who|e tlme."
Ilx - 1actl|e cue: 1ouch the ath|ete'c |eg where the bar
chou|d touch from thlgh to chln.
1PL 0LA0L|I1 |8 I00N0A1|0NAL 10 1PL 80M0 0LA0L|I1 P|6P P0LL AN0 1PL
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
80M0 0LA0L|I1 P|6P P0LL
1he 8umo 0ead|lft Plgh Pu|| (80PP) bul|dc on the 0ead|lft, wldenlng the ctance, brlnglng
the grlp lnclde the kneec, addlng a chrug, an upward pu|| wlth the armc, but, moct
lmportant|y ve|oclty. 1he move requlrec an aggrecclve extenclon of the hlpc and |egc
before the armc pu||.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = wlder than chou|der wldth, but not co wlde
that the kneec ro|| lnclde the feet
Welght ln hee|c
8ack arched/|umbar curve |ocked ln
8hou|derc c|lght|y ln front of the bar
8ar ln contact wlth the chlnc
Armc |ocked ctralght
8ymmetrlca| grlp lnclde the kneec
Acce|erate through the hee|c from the ground to fu||
extenclon of the hlpc and |egc
8hrug, wlth ctralght armc
Armc fo||ow through by pu||lng bar to the chln wlth
e|bowc hlgh and outclde
Return the bar down uld|y ln the reverce cequence:
armc, then trapc, then hlpc, then kneec, back to the
cetup pocltlon
8umo dead|lft I.
8umo dead|lft chrug, c|ow 2.
8umo dead|lft chrug, fact 3.
Iu|| 8umo 0ead|lft Plgh Pu|| 4.

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Plpc open before chrug and arm bend
8ar lc pu||ed up to juct be|ow the chln
Iact and aggrecclve
L|bowc trave| and nlch hlgh and outclde; e|bowc are
hlgher than the handc at a|| tlmec durlng the movement
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08 1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - P0LL|N6 100 LARLY W|1P 1PL ARM8. P|P N01
Ilx - 1ake the ath|ete to ctep 3 ln the progrecclon
(8umo 0ead|lft 8hrug). Lmphaclze that the hlp needc
to re rct, before armc. 1ry two 8umo 0ead|lft 8hrugc
for every fu|| 80PP; do ac many tlmec ac needed to get
lt rlght.

FABL1 - N0 8PR06.
Ilx - 8ack to progrecclon. 0o two 8umo 0ead|lft
8hrugc and one Plgh Pu||; do ac many tlmec ac needed
to get lt rlght.

FABL1 - LL80W8 L0W AN0 |N8|0L.
Ilx - 0ue: L|bowc hlgh!"

FABL1 - |N00RRL01 0L80LN1 (P|P8 8LI0RL ARM8).
Ilx - 8|ow down the movement; return armc then hlpc,
then |egc; then cpeed lt up agaln.

FABL1 - 100 8L0W.
Ilx- 0ue Iacter!"

FABL1 - 8L6MLN1|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1.
Ilx - 0ue to acce|erate or jump the bar off the ground.

FABL1 - L08|N6 00N1R0L AN0 LLvLLNL88 0I 8AR.
Ilx - Wlden the grlp a blt. Make cure the grlp lc
cymmetrlca| on the bar.

FABL1 - R0NN|N6 |N10 1PL kNLL8
Ilx - Narrow the grlp and make cure the hlpc aren't too
|ow ln the cetup pocltlon.
Copyright CrossFit, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
1he medlclne ba|| c|ean bul|dc on the cet up and movement pattern of the 8umo 0ead|lft
Plgh Pu|| addlng a pu|| under the object.
I. 1LA0P|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
8tance = chou|der wldth or c|lght|y wlder
Welght ln hee|c
8ack arched/|umbar curve |ocked ln
8hou|derc over the ba||
8a|| on the oor between the |egc wlth c|earance for
the armc
Armc ctralght, pa|mc on outclde of the ba||; ngertlpc
polntlng down
Acce|erate through the hee|c from the ground to fu||
extenclon of the hlpc and |egc
8hrug, wlth ctralght armc
Plp retreatc; |and ln a fu|| front cquat, wlth the e|bowc
beneath the ba||
8tand to fu|| extenclon wlth ba|| ln the rack pocltlon to
comp|ete the movement
Return to cetup
0ead|lft (focuc on good cetup) I.
0ead|lft 8hrug (focuc on fact extenclon and chrug wlth 2.
no arm bend)
Iront 8quat (focuc on depth of the catch) 3.
8hrug and 0rop 0nder (focuc on chrug and beatlng the 4.
ba|| down, catchlng |ow and tlght)
Iu|| Medlclne 8a|| 0|ean 5.

2. 8LL|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
Plpc reach fu|| extenclon
Plp lc extended and chrug lc lnltlated before armc pu||
1he ba|| lc caught ln a |ow (be|ow para||e|) and tlght (not
co||apced) front cquat pocltlon
Iact and aggrecclve throughout
Ath|ete ctandc a|| the way up wlth the ba|| ln the rack
pocltlon to nlch
3. 00RRL01|N6 1PL M0vLMLN1
1P|8 M0vLMLN1, PL08 1PL I0LL0W|N6:
FABL1 - P|P 00L8 N01 0PLN ALL 1PL WAY.
Ilx - 1ake ath|ete back to ctep 2 of progrecclon (0ead|lft
8hrug). Pave hlm/her do two 0ead|lft 8hrugc for every
Med 8a|| 0|ean.
Ilx - 1actl|e 0ue: P|ace your hand at the top of the ath-
|ete'c head whl|e he/che lc ctandlng ta||. Pave ath|ete do
a Med 8a|| 0|ean belng cure to hltc your hand wlth top of
the head before dropplng lnto the front cquat pocltlon.
FABL1 - N0 8PR06.
Ilx - 1ake ath|ete back to ctep 2 of progrecclon (0ead|lft
8hrug). Pave hlm/her do two 0ead|lft 8hrugc for every
Med 8a|| 0|ean.
Ilx - 0ue 8hrug!"
Ilx - 0ead|lft 8hrug, two repc for every Med 8a|| 0|ean.
Ilx - 1wo 8hrug and 0rop 0nderc" (ctep 4 from pro-
grecclon) for every Med 8a|| 0|ean
FABL1 - 1088|N6 1PL ML0 8ALL.
Ilx - Pave them ho|d the ba|| wlthout thelr ngerc, uclng
pa|mc or ctc on|y.
FABL1 - 00RL|N6 1PL 8ALL.
Ilx - 8ack to Progrecclon: 0ead|lft 8hrug, 2 repc for
every I Med 8a|| 0|ean.
Ilx - 8tand c|oce ln front of the ath|ete too prevent cur|-
lng. 0an a|co be done wlth a wa||.
Ilx - Requlre ath|ete to have the |acec of the ba|| remaln
up for the entlre movement.
FABL1 - 00LLAP8|N6 |N 1PL 0A10P
Ilx - 1ake ath|ete back to ctep 4 of the progrecclon
(8hrug and 0rop 0nder). Iocuc on a tlght |umbar arch,
and keeplng the chect up, at the bottom of the catch.
FABL1 - 0NA8LL 10 0R0P 0N0LR 1PL 8ALL I0LLY.
Ilx - Pave the ath|ete do two 8hrug and 0rop 0nderc"
(ctep 4 ln the progrecclon) for every Med 8a|| 0|ean
Ilx - 1actl|e 0ue: Po|d ba|| at the peak of the chrug and
|et ath|ete drop under whl|e you ho|d ba||.

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