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1. Read the attach research report carefully, then identify the research objective, materials and
method, result and the conclusion
Objective : studies on incidence of an outcome after a dural lesion are mainly based on
retrospective studies. The purpuse of teh present study was to elucidate within the
framework of the Swedish register, incidence, risk factors, and effect on outcome of an
incidental dural lesion in lumbar disc herniation surgery.
Materials and Method : in a prospective study within the framework of the Swedish spine
register, 4,173 patients operated on for lumbar disc herniation were evaluated using pre and
one years postoperative protocol and complication registration. Mean patient age was 41 (18-
81) years and 53% of the patient were male.
Result : 93% of the operations were performed on the two lower most lumbar levels. The
incidence of dural lesion in the material was 2,7% . in patients with previous this surgery, the
incidence was doubled, 5%, a significant increase (p = 0,02). Patient with dural lesion
preoperatively had more back pain and inferior scores in general health and role emotional
domains of the FS-36.
Conclusion : it is concluded that a dural lesion is a technical complication which must be solved
at the time of surgery but which does not beat any negative implications on the long-term
outcome for the patient

2. When you look at the topic as well as research objective, you can then elaborate them into a
comprehensive research title. What is the apropriate research title for the article then?
Studies on incidence, risk factors and outcome after a dural lesion in lumbar disc
herniation surgery.

3. Rewrite the research question of the journal !
How many incidence, risk factors and outcome of the dural lesion in lumbar disc herniation
surgery ?

4. The proximity of the dural sac in intraspinal means that the risk for injury it cannot be
neglected ? how do you clarrify the statement in your own english ?
Operation dural lesion surgery in lumbar disc herniation for the younger patient had lower
morbidity, according to previous study that reported prevalence of dural tears.

5. Identify the negative effect of the dural lesion on the one year post-operative outcome !
The patients with the previous surgery more often sustemic dural lesion and more often had an
unfavourable outcome then did patient undergoing first time surgery.

6. What is your general remark on the research paper ?
it is concluded that a dural lesion is a technical complication whisch must be solved at the time
of surgery but which does not beat any negative implications on the long-term outcome for the

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