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ep # 1 Checking for Prerequisites.

yum list installed | egrep 'httpd|gcc|glibc|glibc-common|gd|gd-devel'

compat-gcc-!.i"# .!.#-! installed
compat-gcc-!-c$$.i"# .!.#-! installed
compat-gcc-!-g%%.i"# .!.#-! installed
compat-glibc.i"# 1&'..!-'.'# installed
compat-glibc-headers.i"# 1&'..!-'.'# installed
compat-libgcc-'(#.i"# '.(#-1" installed
gcc.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gcc-c$$.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gcc-gfortran.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gcc-gnat.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gcc-*ava.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gcc-ob*c.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
gd.i"# '.+.-(.!.el),1.1 installed
gd-devel.i"# '.+.-(.!.el),1.1 installed
gdb.i"# #."-'%.el) installed
gdbm.i"# 1.".+-'#.'.1 installed
gdbm-devel.i"# 1.".+-'#.'.1 installed
gdk-pi-buf.i"# 1&+.''.+-').el) installed
gdm.i"# 1&'.1#.+-!%.el).centos installed
glibc.i#"# '.)-! installed
glibc-common.i"# '.)-! installed
glibc-devel.i"# '.)-! installed
glibc-headers.i"# '.)-! installed
httpd.i"# '.'.-''.el).centos installed
libgcc.i"# !.1.'-!!.el) installed
sysklogd.i"# 1.!.1-!!.el) installed

.bove output sho/s that required packages are installed on system. 0n the
case the are not installed you can install them using your Cent12 ). 343. 0f
you /ant to install from Cent12 ). 343 you need to enable Cent12-
6nabling Cent12-5edia.repo
vim 7etc7yum.repos.d7Cent12-5edia.repo
# Cent12-5edia.repo
# 8his repo is used to mount the default locations for a C3915 7 343 on
# Cent12-). :ou can use this repo and yum to install items directly o; the
# 343 021 that /e release.
# 8o use this repo< put in your 343 and use it /ith the other repos too&
# yum --enablerepo=c)-media >command?
# or for 1@A: the media repo< do this&
# yum --disablerepo=BC --enablerepo=c)-media >command?
name=Cent12-Dreleasever - 5edia

2tep # ' 0nstalling Prerequisites.

yum --disablerepo=BC --enablerepo=c)-media -y install httpd gcc glibc glibc-
common gd gd-devel
2tep # Creating Hsers7Froups needed.
groupadd nagcmd
useradd -F nagcmd<apache nagios
id nagios
pass/d nagios
2tep # ! 3o/nloading @agios I Plugins
mkdir 7do/nloads
cd 7do/nloads
/get -c http&77prdo/nloads.sourceforge.net7sourceforge7nagios7nagios-
/get -c http&77prdo/nloads.sourceforge.net7sourceforge7nagiosplug7nagios-
2tep # ) 6-tracting @agios tar ball.
tar J-vf nagios-.1.'.tar.gJ
cd nagios-.1.'
2tep # # running .7conEgure script.
.7conEgure --/ith-command-group=nagcmd
2tep # % compiling the source code.
make all
2tep # " 0nstalling @agios binaries.
make install
2tep # ( 0nstalling init script.
make install-init
2tep # 1+ 0nstalling sample conEg Eles.
make install-conEg
2tep # 11 setting permissions on the e-ternal command directory.
make install-commandmode

2tep # 1' Hpdating contacts7groups information in contacts.cfg Ele.
vim 7usr7local7nagios7etc7ob*ects7contacts.cfg
change email address of nagiosadmin user line ) according to your
2tep # 1 0nstalling /eb conEguration.
make install-/ebconf
2tep # 1! creating nagiosadmin user and setting pass/ord for /eb-
htpass/d -c 7usr7local7nagios7etc7htpass/d.users nagiosadmin
2tep # 1) ConEguring< 9estarting .pache 2ervice and .dding to runlevel ) .
vim 7etc7httpd7conf7httpd.conf
go to line (1 and add inde-.php
chkconEg --level ) httpd on
service httpd restart
2tep # 1# Compiling and installing @agios plugins.
cd 7do/nloads7
tar J-vf nagios-plugins-1.!.1.tar.gJ
cd nagios-plugins-1.!.1
.7conEgure --/ith-nagios-user=nagios --/ith-nagios-group=nagios
make install
2tep # 1% 4erifying< restarting nagios service and .dding to runlevel ) .
7usr7local7nagios7bin7nagios -v 7usr7local7nagios7etc7nagios.cfg
chkconEg --level ) nagios on
Changing nagios user home directory to 7usr7local7nagios
usermod -d 7usr7local7nagios7 nagios
service nagios restart
ps au- | grep nagios
2tep # 1" 5odifying 2eAinu- 2etting for @agios
chcon -9 -t httpd,sys,content,t 7usr7local7nagios7sbin7
chcon -9 -t httpd,sys,content,t 7usr7local7nagios7share7
2tep # 1( Aogin to Keb-0nterface.
2tep # '+ Check for @agios Aogs
tail -f 7usr7local7nagios7var7nagios.log

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