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&+ A laiien oi desoIale aiea, especiaIIy: ,+ A diy, oflen sandy iegion of IillIe
iainfaII, exliene lenpeialuie, and spaise vegelalion. -+ A iegion of peinanenl coId
lhal is IaigeIy oi enliieIy devoid of Iife. .+ An appaienlIy IifeIess aiea of valei. /+ An
enply oi foisaken pIace, a vasleIand: a cu||ura| dcscr|. 0+ 1$.2,3. A viId, uncuIli-
valed, and uninhaliled iegion.
|MiddIe LngIish, fion OId Iiench, fion Lale Lalin dcscr|un, fion neulei pasl
pailicipIe of dcscrcrc, lo deseil, see 4"#"$%
Aulhois Nole
I have viillen Deseil as a naluie Ioving anaichisl piinaiiIy addiessing olh-
eis vilh siniIai feeIings. As a iesuIl I have nol aIvays expIained ideas lo vhich
I hoId vhen lhey aie, lo sone exlenl, givens vilhin nany anaichisl and iadicaI
enviionnenlaI ciicIes. HopefuIIy I have viillen in an accessilIe enough nan-
nei, so even if you donl cone fion lhis lackgiound you viII sliII hnd Deseil
ieadalIe. WhiIe lhe lesl inlioduclions lo ecoIogy and anaichy aie nonenls
spenl vilhin undoneslicaled ecosyslens and anaichisl connunilies, sone
nay aIso hnd lhe foIIoving looks heIpfuI - I did.
6 Ielei MaishaII, Dcnanding |nc |npcssio|c. A His|crq cf Anarcnisn
(London: HaipeiCoIIins, 2OO8).
6 Iiedy IeiInan, Agains| His-s|crq, Agains| |ctia|nan (Delioil:
Iack & Red, 1983).
6 Chiislophei Manes, Grccn Ragc. Radica| |ntircnncn|a|isn and |nc
Unna|ing cf Citi|iza|icn (oslon: LillIe, iovn and Conpany,
6 CIive Ionling, A Grccn His|crq cf |nc lcr|d (London: Ienguin
ooks, 1991).
In oui heails ve aII knov lhe voiId viII nol le 'saved - Aclive disiIIusion-
nenl is Iileialoiy
&+ :) ;<=)-,=> 7*%*$"
ReIigious nylhs: piogiess, gIolaI capilaIisn, gIolaI ievoIulion, gIolaI
coIIapse - I Iove us, lheies so nuch ve can do and le, lul lheie aie Iinils -
Iion anli-gIolaIisalion lo cIinale change
/+ ?%@# A,%"$ B2,( C" B2)*D2%
Olseived cIinale change is faslei lhan expecled - Chosl acies feed popuIa-
lion oveishools - CIinale change liings possiliIilies as veII as cIosuies
0+ !"#"$% E%)$F#
The niIilaiy Iooks lo lhe fuluie - Hol vais and faiIed slales - Ieacekeepeis
in lhe giaveyaid of lhe Iiving - Iion (food) Riols lo Insuiieclion
G+ 1H$3.,( I),4# %) 1(,$.2J
Anaichic eIenenls in eveiyday (peasanl) Iife - IeopIes vilhoul govein-
nenls - Connons iesuigenl as gIolaI liade ieliacls - Oulvilling lhe slale
K+ L3M3=3#,%3)( I"%$",%#N C3=4("## O"$#3#%#
Lnpiies spiead deseils vhich lhey cannol suivive - Nonadic fieedons
and lhe coIIapse of agiicuIluie - Sandgiouse and cieosole
P+ B"$$)$6:*==3*# I"%*$(#
CiviIisalion expands as lhe coId deseils lhav ~ Cenocide and ecocide in
lhe 'enply Iands - Lives of Iileily/sIaveiy on lhe nev fionlieis
Q+ L)(M"$D"(." ,(4 %2" :"8 R$-,( S,T)$3%3"#
Life expeclancy and expeclalions of 'nodein Iife - Diveigenl voiIds - Sui-
vivaI in lhe sIuns - OId gods and nev heavens - Vagalond pIanls in uilan
U+ L)(#"$M,%3)( 1F34#% L2,(D"
ApocaIypses nov - Conseivalion is oui goveinnenl - Danage conlioI -
Naluie lals Iasl
V+ 1(,$.23#%# W"23(4 %2" C,==#
SociaI vai in lenpeiale cIinales - SuiveiIIance slales and secuiily cuIluies
- Resisl nuch, oley IillIe - Love, heaIlh and insuiieclion
&X+ !"#"$%

6 ?( )*$ 2",$%# 8" ,== Y()8 %2" 8)$=4 83== ()% -" Z#,M"4@
6 1.%3M" 43#3==*#3)(F"(% 3# =3-"$,%)$J
Sonelhing haunls nany aclivisls, anaichisls, enviionnenlaIisls, nany of ny
fiiends. Il haunled ne. Much of oui sulcuIluies leII us ils nol lheie, lhal ve canl
see il, heai il. Oui lesl vishes foi lhe voiId leII us nol lo see il. ul foi nany, despile
lheii lesl effoils - caiiying on vilh lhe noinaI aclivisn, lhe novenenl luiIding,
Iiving lolh accoiding lo and as an expiession of lheii elhics - despile aII lhis, lhe
speclie gains foin. The fainl inage giovs noie soIid, noie unavoidalIe, unliI lhe
ghosl is slaiing one in lhe face. And Iike nany nonsleis of pasl laIes, vhen ils gaze
is nel - peopIe fieeze. econe unalIe lo nove. Cive up hope, lecone disiIIusioned
and inaclive. This naIaise, fieezing, nol onIy sIovs 'aclivisl voikIoad, lul I have
seen il affecl eveiy facel of nany of ny fiiends Iives.
The speclie lhal nany liy nol lo see is a sinpIe ieaIisalion - lhe voiId viII
nol le 'saved. CIolaI anaichisl ievoIulion is nol going lo happen. CIolaI cIinale
change is nov unsloppalIe. We aie nol going lo see lhe voiIdvide end lo civiIisa-
lion/capilaIisn/paliiaichy/aulhoiily. Ils nol going lo happen any line soon. Ils
unIikeIy lo happen evei. The voiId viII nol le 'saved. Nol ly aclivisls, nol ly nass
novenenls, nol ly chaiilies and nol ly an insuigenl gIolaI pioIelaiial. The voiId
viII nol le 'saved. This ieaIisalion huils peopIe. They donl vanl il lo le liue! ul
il piolalIy is.
These ieaIisalions, lhis alandonnenl of iIIusions shouId nol lecone disalIing.
Yel if one leIieves lhal ils aII oi nolhing, lhen lheie is a piolIen. Many fiiends have
'diopped oul of lhe 'novenenl vhiIsl olheis have ienained in oId palleins lul
vilh a sadness and cynicisn vhich signaIs a feeIing of fuliIily. Sone hovei aiound
scenes ciiliquing aII, lul Iiving and hghling IillIe.
Ils nol lhe despaii -I can handIe lhe despaii. Ils lhe hope I canl han-
The hope of a ig Happy Lnding, huils peopIe, sels lhe slage foi lhe pain feIl
vhen lhey lecone disiIIusioned. ecause, liuIy, vho anongsl us nov ieaIIy le-
Iieves` Hov nany have leen luinl up ly lhe effoil needed lo ieconciIe a funda-
nenlaIIy ieIigious failh in lhe posilive liansfoinalion of lhe voiId vilh lhe ieaIily
of Iife aII aiound us` Yel lo le disiIIusioned - vilh gIolaI ievoIulion/vilh oui capac-
ily lo slop cIinale change - shouId nol aIlei oui anaichisl naluie, oi lhe Iove of na-
luie ve feeI as anaichisls. Theie aie nany possiliIilies foi Iileily and viIdness sliII.
Whal aie sone of lhese possiliIilies and hov can ve Iive lhen` Whal couId il
nean lo le an anaichisl, an enviionnenlaIisl, vhen gIolaI ievoIulion and voiId-
vide sociaI/eco suslainaliIily aie nol lhe ain` Whal oljeclives, vhal pIans, vhal
Iives, vhal advenluies aie lheie vhen lhe iIIusions aie sel aside and ve vaIk inlo
lhe voiId nol disalIed ly disiIIusionnenl lul unluidened ly il`
- /" 012"3*24 '5$5(%
6 I"=3D3)*# FJ%2#[ \$)D$"##N D=)-,= .,\3%,=3#FN D=)-,= $"M)=*%3)(N D=)-,= .)=6
6 ? =)M" *#N %2"$"@# #) F*.2 8" .,( 4) ,(4 -"N -*% %2"$" ,$" =3F3%#
6 7$)F ,(%36D=)-,=3#,%3)( %) .=3F,%" .2,(D"
I"=3D3)*# FJ%2#[ \$)D$"##N D=)-,= .,\3%,=3#FN D=)-,= $"M)=*%3)(N
D=)-,= .)==,\#"
The idea of Iiogiess vas cenliaI lo lhe nodein Weslein paiadign and lhe pie-
sunplion lhal lhe enliie voiId vas noving evei onvaids lo a lellei fuluie vas
doninanl. The idea of lhe inevilaliIily oi possiliIily of a gIolaI Iileilaiian fuluie
oiiginales fion lhal leIief.
In nany vays Anaichisn vas/is lhe Iileilaiian exliene of lhe Luiopean Ln-
Iighlennenl - againsl god and lhe slale. In sone counliies such as luin of lhe Tvenli-
elh Cenluiy Spain il uas lhe LnIighlennenl - ils niIilanlIy pio-science anli-cIeiicisn
leing as nuch an alliaclion as ils anli-capilaIisn. Yel lhe iullish of hisloiy is nol
so easiIy discaided and 'piogiessive ievoIulionaiy novenenls have oflen leen, in
essence, foin and ain, lhe conlinualion of ieIigion ly olhei neans. As an exanpIe,
lhe leIief lhal univeisaI peace and leauly vouId le ieached lhiough apocaIyplic
lunuIls of lIood and hie (ievoIulion/lhe niIIenniun/lhe coIIapse) indicales hinIy
!" # " $%
lhal as an enIighlennenl ideoIogy, Anaichisn has leen heaviIy luidened ly ils
Luio-Chiislian oiigins. }ohn Ciay vas laIking aloul Maixisn vhen he said il vas
a ...a iadicaI veision of lhe enIighlennenl leIief in piogiess - ilseIf a nulalion of
Chiislian hopes... |IoIIovingj }udaisn and Chiislianily in seeing hisloiy as a noiaI
diana, lhals Iasl acl is saIvalion.
WhiIe sone anaichisls nevei feII foi such lun-
kun, nany did, and sone sliII do.
These days Iiogiess ilseIf is incieasingIy queslioned lolh ly anaichisls and
acioss sociely. I have yel lo neel anyone loday vho sliII leIieves in lhe incti|aoi|i|q

of a gIolaI anaichisl fuluie. Hovevei lhe idea of a gIolaI novenenl, confionling
a gIolaI piesenl and ciealing a gIolaI fuluie has nany aposlIes. Sone of lhese aie
even Iileilaiians and Iook hopefuIIy lo lhe pcssioi|i|q of gIolaI anaichisl ievoIulion.
The iIIusoiy liiunph of capilaIisn foIIoving lhe desliuclion of lhe eiIin WaII
Iead lo lhe piocIanalion - noie ulopian
lhan ieaI - of a Nev WoiId Oidei - a gIolaI
capilaIisl syslen. The ieaclion of nany lo gIolaIisalion vas lo posil one fion leIov,
and lhis vas onIy ie-enfoiced ly lhe neai sinuIlaneous pulIic eneigence of lhe
Zapalislas and lhe invenlion of lhe Wel. The sulsequenl inleinalionaI aclion days,
oflen coinciding vilh sunnils, lecane lhe focus foi lhe supposedIy gIolaI anli-
capilaIisl 'novenenl of novenenls. The excilenenl on lhe slieels enalIed nany
lo foieslaII seeing lhe speclie ly Iooking in lhe diieclion of lhe 'gIolaI novenenl.
ul lheie nevei vas a gIolaI novenenl againsl capilaIisn, lhen
, oi evei
, jusl as
capilaIisn ilseIf vas nevei liuIy gIolaI. Theie aie nany, nany pIaces vheie capi-
laIisl ieIalions aie nol lhe doninanl piaclice, and even noie vheie anli-capilaIisl
(neveinind anaichisl) novenenls sinpIy donl exisl.
Anidsl lhe joIIy unieaIily of lhis peiiod of 'CIolaI Resislance sone couId gel
ieaIIy caiiied avay: We have no inleiesl in iefoining lhe WoiId ank oi lhe IMI,
ve vanl il aloIished as pail of an inleinalionaI anaichisl ievoIulion.
Such slale-
nenls aie undeislandalIe if viillen in lhe diunk-Iike exuleiance one can sone-
lines feeI on having defealed lhe poIice, lul lhey aie found noie connonIy. The
seIf-desciiplion of one Anaichisl Iedeialion ieads: As lhe capilaIisl syslen iuIes
lhe vhoIe voiId, ils desliuclion nusl le conpIele and voiIdvide.
The iIIusion of a singuIai voiId capilaIisl piesenl is niiioied ly lhe iIIusion of
a singuIai voiId anaichisl fuluie.
? =)M" *#N %2"$"@# #) F*.2 8" .,( 4) ,(4 -"N -*% %2"$" ,$" =3F3%#
Anaichisls aie gioving in nunlei. Cioups and counlei-cuIluies aie appeaiing
in counliies vheie lheie veie fev, oi no, sociaI novenenl anaichisls
Yel an honesl appiaisaI of oui slienglhs and piospecls, and lhose of lhe connuni-
lies and cIasses ve aie pail of, vouId shov cIeaiIy lhal ve aie nol gioving lhe nev
sociely in lhe sheII of lhe oId
, lhal soneday viII Iileiale lhe voiId in a nonenl of
iupluie. The eailh has a Iol of pIaces vilh a Iol of peopIe, a ieaIily lhal can incieas-
ingIy easiIy gel Iosl in lhe vel-encapsuIaled gIolaI (aclivisl) viIIage.
To vanl lo iid
lhe voiId of capilaIisl sociaI ieIalions, oi fuilhei sliII civiIisalion, is one lhing. To le
capalIe of doing so is sonelhing eIse enliieIy. We aie nol eveiyvheie - ve aie iaie.
& '(') *(+#
Aclions, ciicIes of fiiends, sociaI cenlies, uilan gueiiiIIa ceIIs, nagazine edi-
loiiaI gioups, eco-vaiiiois, housing co-ops, sludenls, iefuges, aisonisls, paienls,
squals, scienlisls, peasanls, sliikeis, leacheis, Iand lased connunes, nusicians,
liilespeopIe, slieel gangs, Ioving insuigenls and so, so nuch eIse. Anaichisls can
le vondeifuI. We can have leauly, and seIf-possessed povei and possiliIily in
luckels. We cannol, hovevei, ienake lhe enliie voiId, lheie aie nol enough of us,
and nevei viII le.
Sone nay aigue lhal a gIolaI Iileilaiian ievoIulion can succeed vilhoul leing
nade, oi signihcanlIy aided, ly oveil anaichisls so 'oui piesenl nunleis and ie-
souices aie nuII and void. WhiIe ils a given lhal sociaI ciises and ievoIl aie ieguIai
occuiiences in socielies lased on cIass vaifaie, lo pul ones failh in lhe 'ievoIulion-
aiy inpuIse of lhe pioIelaiial is a lheoiy appioxinale lo saying 'IlII le aIiighl on
lhe nighl.
Theie is unfoilunaleIy IillIe evidence fion hisloiy lhal lhe voiking
cIass - nevei nind anyone eIse - is inliinsicaIIy piedisposed lo Iileilaiian
oi ecoIogicaI ievoIulion. Thousands of yeais of aulhoiilaiian sociaIisalion
favoui lhe jacklool...
Neilhei ve, noi anyone eIse, can cieale a Iileilaiian and ecoIogicaI gIolaI fu-
luie sociely ly expanding sociaI novenenls. Iuilhei, lheie is no ieason lo lhink
lhal in lhe alsence of such a vasl expansion, a gIolaI sociaI liansfoinalion congiu-
enl vilh oui desiies viII evei happen. As anaichisls ve aie nol lhe seed of |nc fuluie
sociely in lhe sheII of lhe oId, lul neieIy one of nany eIenenls fion vhich lhe
fuluie is foining. Thals ok, vhen faced vilh such scaIe and conpIexily, lheie is a
vaIue in non-seiviIe huniIily - even foi insuigenls.
To give up hope foi gIolaI anaichisl ievoIulion is nol lo iesign oneseIf lo anai-
chy ienaining an eleinaI piolesl. Seaveed puls il veII:
RevoIulion is nol eveiyvheie oi novheie. Any lioiegion can le Iilei-
aled lhiough a succession of evenls and slialegies lased on lhe condilions
unique lo il, noslIy as lhe giip of civiIisalion in lhal aiea veakens lhiough
ils ovn voIilion oi lhiough lhe effoils of ils inhalilanls... CiviIisalion
didnl succeed eveiyvheie al once, and so ils undoing nighl onIy occui
lo vaiying degiees in diffeienl pIaces al diffeienl lines.
Lven if an aiea is seeningIy fuIIy undei lhe conlioI of aulhoiily lheie aie aI-
vays pIaces lo go, lo Iive in, lo Iove in and lo iesisl fion. And ve can exlend lhose
spaces. The gIolaI silualion nay seen leyond us, lul lhe IocaI nevei is. As anai-
chisls ve aie neilhei enliieIy poveiIess noi polenliaIIy onnipolenl, lhankfuIIy.
Iion anli-gIolaIisalion lo cIinale change
Ioi nany of us, vhen lhe luin of lhe cenluiy anli-gIolaIisalion suige Iosl ils
lhe gIolaI lhinking, and ieIigious oplinisn venl vilh il. Hovevei, in
lhe Iasl fev yeais, an allenpl lo iesuiiecl lhe 'gIolaI novenenl appeaied anongsl
us once again - lhis line aiound cIinale change.
The noliIisalion al lhe Copenhagen UN CIinale Change Confeience vas
!" # " $%
liIIed ly nany as lhe nexl SeallIe
and sone gioups have cIained lhey aie luiId-
ing a gIolaI novenenl lo soIve lhe cIinale ciisis.
Cieenpeace, foi inslance, says
cIinale change is a gIolaI pulIic 'lad. To soIve il iequiies gIolaI coIIeclive aclion...
We have no aIleinalive lul lo luiId a gIolaI giassiools novenenl, nove poIili-
cians foivaid, and foice coipoialions and lanks lo change diieclion.
III lake il
as a given lhal you lhe ieadei undeisland lhe naive unieaIily of such Iolly gioups
lul ils voilh Iooking al lhose al lhe Iess inslilulionaIised end of cIinale change
Theie aie lhiee nain lendencies, and sonelines foIk vandei fion one lo an-
olhei. IiislIy, lheie aie lhose lhal have siniIai leIiefs lo Cieenpeace - i.e. 'diiecl ac-
lion as an avaieness iaising/Iollying slialegy. SecondIy, lheie aie lhose vho use
lhe discouise aiound cIinale change lo aid noliIisalion in IocaI canpaigns vhich,
lhough unIikeIy lo have any effecl on cIinale change, al Ieasl have piaclicaI and
sonelines achievalIe oljeclives in nind i.e. haIling lhe desliuclion of an ecosys-
len/lhe voisening veIIleing
of a connunily oi sinpIy incieasing seIf-sufhen-
ThiidIy, lheie aie lhose noslaIgic anli-capilaIisls vho envision 'cIinale juslice
as a nelanoiphosis of lhe inagined aIlei- gIolaIisalion novenenl
(nolice ils
incieasingIy no Iongei anli-gIolaIisalion). An anonynous viilei desciiled lhe Iasl
lendency veII:
|When aclivislsj liy lo convince us lhal ils lhe 'Iasl chance lo save lhe
eailh... ils lecause lheyie liying lo luiId sociaI novenenls... Theie is
a gioving and disluiling liend lhal has leen Iingeiing aiound iadicaI
ciicIes ovei lhe Iasl fev yeais, lased on lhe idea lhal lIind posilivily can
Iead lo inleiesling and unexpecled successes. MichaeI Haidl and Tony
Negiis looks have piovided sone of lhe lheoielicaI lases foi lhis, and il
has leen laken up ly sone vho vanl lo unile lhe nasses undei lhe lan-
nei of piecaiily, oiganise nigianls and noliIise foi sunnils. Ioi nany
coning fion lhe Iefl ving liadilion, il has leen lhe nessage of hope lhal
lhey veie vanling lo heai, al a line vhen lheii ideoIogies seened noie
noiilund lhan evei.
...Theoielicians vho shouId undeisland capilaIisn veII enough lo
knov lellei, viile lhal a gIolaI lasic incone oi fiee novenenl foi aII
is an achievalIe goaI. They nay nol leIieve il lhenseIves, lul oslensilIy
vanl lo inspiie olheis lo leIieve in il, cIaining lhal lhe 'nonenls of ex-
cess geneialed ly such Ulopian dieans viII give iise lo polenl nove-
nenls foi change. CIinale change... is ceilainIy a suilalIe lesling giound
foi lhe poIilics of nanufacluied hope, leing so aIienaled fion oui acluaI
eveiyday ieaIilies. ul vhiIsl lhe nev novenenl poIilicians - faciIilalois
nol diclalois - valch lheii novenenls giov, lheie is sliII a case foi Iiving
in lhe ieaI voiId.
Oulside lhe convenlion cenlies lhe nev slais appeai noie and noie Iike lhose
vilhin. Inside and oul lhe nessage is lhal a gIolaI fuluie is vinnalIe if onIy ve
oiganise. Hovevei, lhe ieaIily lolh vilhin ecosyslens geneiaIIy and peopIes slon-
& '(') *(+#
achs in pailicuIai is lhal lheie is no gIolaI singuIai fuluie
and no inaginaiy con-
nunily, eilhei of slales oi 'nuIliludes (oi lolh a Ia Cochalanla)
can slop cIinale
Civen oui olvious inaliIily lo ie-nake lhe enliie voiId lhe vay ve nighl
Iike il lo le, sone iepIace lhe nylh of 'gIolaI ievoIulion vilh a leIief in inninenl
'gIolaI coIIapse - lhese days usuaIIy sone nix of cIinale change and peak oiI. As
ve shaII see Ialei (lolh in lhe nexl chapleis and oui fuluie yeais) gIolaI healing viII
seveieIy chaIIenge civiIisalion in sone aieas and piolalIy vanquish il in olheis.
Yel in sone iegions il viII IikeIy open up possiliIilies foi lhe spiead of civiIisalions
iuIe. Sone Iands nay ienain (ieIaliveIy) lenpeiale - cIinalicaIIy and sociaIIy. As
foi civiIisalion, so foi anaichy and anaichisls - seveieIy chaIIenged, sonelines van-
quished, possiliIilies foi Iileily and viIdness opening up, possiliIilies foi Iileily
and viIdness cIosing. The unevenness of lhe piesenl viII le nade noie so. Theie
is no gIolaI fuluie.
6 -$7& 8*$%( 9:*# ;% 9:"5<:$
- ]-#"$M"4 .=3F,%" .2,(D" 3# H,#%"$ %2,( "^\".%"4
- <2)#% ,.$"# H""4 \)\*=,%3)( )M"$#2))%#
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]-#"$M"4 .=3F,%" .2,(D" 3# H,#%"$ %2,( "^\".%"4
One iecuiiing lhene in enviionnenlaIisn is lhal lhe apocaIypse is aIvays in-
ninenl lul foievei defeiied. Lveiy geneialion seens lo have one Iasl chance lo
save lhe pIanel. ioIogisl aiiy Connonei said lack in 197O: We aie in a peiiod of
giace, ve have lhe line - peihaps a geneialion - in vhich lo save lhe enviionnenl
fion lhe hnaI effecls of lhe vioIence ve have aIieady done lo il.
SiniIai pio-
nouncenenls can le heaid loday lul lhe peiiod of giace is piolalIy ovei. ack in
199O lhe edilois of Tnc |cc|cgis| sel oul a geneiaI evaIualion of lhe slale of lhe eailh
in 5000 Daqs |c Satc |nc P|anc|.
Today ve aie loId lhal oui pIanel is in ciisis, lhal ve aie deslioying
and poIIuling oui vay lo a gIolaI calasliophe... We nay have as IillIe as
hfleen yeais, peihaps as shoil a line as 5OOO days lo save lhe pIanel... One
of lhe najoi conceins aiising oul of lhe Caia lheoiy is lhal ve aie push-
ing naluiaI piocesses leyond lheii capacily lo nainlain an alnospheie
hl foi highei foins of Iife. eyond a ceilain poinl, lhe syslen nay ip lo
an enliieIy nev slale vhich vouId le exlieneIy unconfoilalIe foi Iife as
ve knov il... once liiggeied, lhe change lo lhe nev slale couId occui vilh
exliene iapidily.
y 2OO5 lhe counldovn envisaged in lhe lilIe had ieached zeio and lhe oiigina-
loi of lhe Caia lheoiy, }anes LoveIock, vas viiling Tnc Rctcngc cf Gaia vheie he
vouId slale lhal he lhoughl lhe Iiving eailh vas piolalIy nov noving iiievocalIy
lo a hol slale. LoveIock cane lo lhis concIusion piinaiiIy as a iesuIl of seeing sci-
enlihc olseivalions of cIinale change suipassing vhal nosl piediclions said vas
neanl lo le happening. In an addiess lo lhe RoyaI Sociely he slaled:
The posilive feedlack on healing fion lhe neIling of oaling Aiclic
and Anlaiclic ice aIone is causing an acceIeialion of syslen diiven healing
& '(') *(+#
& '(') *(+#
vhose lolaI viII soon oi aIieady le giealei lhan lhal fion aII of lhe poI-
Iulion CO
lhal ve have so fai added. This suggesls lhal inpIenenling
Kyolo oi sone supei Kyolo is nosl unIikeIy lo succeed... ve have lo un-
deisland lhal lhe Lailh Syslen is nov in posilive feedlack and is noving
ineIuclalIy lovaids lhe slalIe hol slale of pasl cIinales.
LoveIocks pulIic advocacy of nucIeai povei,
disleIief in vind fains as a
panacea and his cIeai slalenenls lhal nassive cIinale change is nov piolalIy in-
evilalIe has nade hin unpopuIai vilh nany gieens. Hes dehnileIy 'off- nessage.
Ils ialhei inconvenienl, lhen, lhal hes gol such a good enviionnenlaI and scienlihc
pedigiee. As a poIynalh in his ninelies he has voiked in nany heIds. NolalIy,
he invenled lhe LIeclion Capluie Delecloi lhal nade lhe discoveiy of lhe Ozone
HoIe and lhe viiling of RacheI Caisons Si|cn| Spring
possilIe. His iniliaIIy heieli-
caI Caia hypolhesis, of a seIf nanaging Iiving eailh, is nov videIy accepled undei
lhe lilIe Lailh Syslen Science. Hes Iong aigued foi viId Iand expansion and leen
synpalhelic lo ecoIogicaI defence aclions. As an avid hikei he even caiiied oul a
peisonaI lonling canpaign aiound lhe iighl lo ioan vay lack in lhe 193Os! His
deliaclois oflen adniie his pioneeiing voik lul say (in a sonevhal ageisl nannei)
lhal he has nov gone a lil lally. The ieaI piolIen, lhough, is lhal he has nade a
piofessionaI caieei of leing lehoIden lo no-one eIses ideoIogy oi pay-packel. As
such he has lhe capacily lo say vhal nany in scienlihc and enviionnenlaI inslilu-
lions aie lhinking lul aie afiaid lo say so diieclIy in pulIic. LoveIock lhinks lhal
a iange of faclois have Ied lo a consislenl undei-diagnosis of lhe exlenl of hunan
effecls on lhe eailh. These faclois incIude:
- A speed and conpIexily of change vhich ieseaich/pulIicalion scheduIes cannol
keep up vilh.
- A faiIuie lo see and conpiehend lhe Iiving eailh as a dynanic seIf-ieguIaling
- A Iack of joined up lhinking due lo acadenic conpailnenlaIisalion.
- CoveinnenlaI piessuies on lhe viiling of IICC synlhesis iepoils.
- The possilIy consideialIe nasking of piesenl healing ly gIolaI dinning.
Ils leyond lhe scope of lhis lexl lo give an oveiaII sunnalion of LoveIocks
lhinking, nevei nind lhe videi science aiound gIolaI healing. Iail of lhe naluie
of lhe piolIen is lhal ly lhe line you iead lhis lhe science viII have noved on
consideialIy. If you aie inleiesled have a Iook al lhe souices I have iefeienced and
iead videi youiseIf. Hovevei vhiIe lhe delaiIs nay vaiy lhe inexoialIe diieclion
of nuch of lhe science seens lo le lhal ve aie piolalIy heading lo a consideialIy
hollei eailh, and fasl. Recenl olseivalions pul us fuilhei dovn lhe ioad lhan nany
of us lhoughl even a fev yeais ago. Decades Ialei dovn lhe ioad. Conlined vilh
ineilia aiound ieducing cailon enissions lhis nakes lhe chances of 'slopping nas-
sive cIinale change piolalIy ialhei sIighl.
WhiIe NCOs aie sliII lallIing aloul slopping a lvo degiees vaining, incieas-
ingIy nany cIinale scienlisls aie discussing a foui degiee vaining ly end of lhe
cenluiy oi even as eaiIy as 2O6O.
This is ly no neans a fiinge voiiy. The 2OO7 IICC
!" # " $%
iepoil piedicled a iise of lelveen 2 and 6.4C lhis cenluiy. ol Walson, ils foinei
chaiinan has vained lhal lhe voiId shouId voik on niligalion and adaplalion
slialegies lo 'piepaie foi 4C of vaining.
This is lad enough lul LoveIock goes
fuilhei and ciles a nunlei of feedlack nechanisns he lhinks aie aIieady noving us
lo an even hollei slale, of vhich lhe neIling of sea ice nenlioned alove is lhe nosl
veII knovn. Whal couId lhis nev hol slale Iook Iike` Sone highIighls:
- Hol deseils spieading ovei nuch of lhe gIolaI soulh and inlo soulhein and
even sone of cenliaI Luiope.
- CoId deseils piedoninanlIy in lhe gIolaI noilh ieliacling lo Ieave nev fionliei
Iand in Sileiia, Scandinavia, Canada, CieenIand, AIaska and even lo a ceilain
exlenl in lhe Anlaiclic.
- Mass allenpls al nigialion fion aiid zones lo lhe sliII halilalIe aieas.
- Mass hunan die-off coupIed vilh acceIeialing species exlinclions.
LoveIock puls il ialhei lIunlIy:
Hunans aie in a pielly difhcuIl posilion and I donl lhink lhey aie
cIevei enough lo handIe vhals ahead. I lhink lheyII suivive as a species
aII iighl, lul lhe cuII duiing lhis cenluiy is going lo le huge... The nunlei
ienaining al lhe end of lhe cenluiy viII piolalIy le a liIIion oi Iess.
Of couise, I donl |ncu lhis is a liue picluie of piesenl and fuluie cIinale
change. The liue conpIexily of lhe Lailh Syslen (and hunan sociaI dynanics vilh-
in il) is piolalIy leyond oui conpiehension (dehnileIy leyond nine) and nodeIs
shouId nol le confused vilh ieaIily. My infoined hunch (lhals aII one has in lhe
fooI-naking lusiness of desciiling lhe fuluie) is lhal lhe picluie painled is piol-
alIy a ieasonalIe appioxinalion. You nay nol lhink so, lul I vouId ask lhal you
iun vilh ne as ils a possiliIily voilh consideiing. Thal hunch is as nuch infoined
ly an anaichisl ciilique of capilaIisn as il is a ieading of cIinale science. Looking
aiound ne, ils a IoveIy liighl day and lhe Ieaves of lhe liees aie aInosl shining,
lul IillIe in lhe sociely in vhich I Iive indicales lo ne lhal a piolIen of lhe scaIe
and conpIexily of cIinale change is going lo gel hxed. Civen lhal, I feeI lhal lhe lig
queslion posed is nol so nuch if ve viII ieach a voiId sonevhal iesenlIing lhal
oulIined alove lul uncn.
LoveIock is seiiousIy pioposing lhal such a voiId (oi lo le noie accuiale, such
voiIds) viII eneige ly lhe end of lhis cenluiy, and lhal eneigence liends viII slail
lo lecone olvious ly nid cenluiy. Il couId lake Iongei, lul eilhei vay il nay le
advanlageous lo lake such shifls inlo consideialion vhen lhinking aloul vhal ve
vanl lo achieve in oui Iives.
Heie, lo le cIeai, ve aie nol laIking aloul a niIIeniaI apocaIypse, lhough il nay
feeI Iike lhal lo sone caughl in ils noie hoiiilIe oi exciling nonenls. Ralhei ve aie
laIking aloul nassive acceIeialing change. }anes Hansen (NASA), connenls:
If ve vish lo pieseive a pIanel siniIai lo lhal in vhich civiIizalion
deveIoped and lo vhich Iife adapled, IaIaeoIilhic evidence and ongoing
cIinale change suggesl lhal CO
viII need lo le ieduced fion ils cuiienl
385 ppn lo al nosl 35O ppn.
& '(') *(+#
Chances aie il vonl le. The enviionnenlaI niche lhal civiIisalion (cIass di-
vided agiicuIluiaIIy-suslained cily cuIluie) deveIoped in is on lhe vay oul. Wilh il
viII piolalIy go nany of civiIisalions cilizens. And lheie aie nany, nany cilizens.
1 W3.J.=3(D W)F-"$
One of lhe causes LoveIock deveIoped an aInosl iiialionaI passion aloul vas
lhe iighl lo ioan, and he haled lhe Iandovneis vho luiIl olsliuclions acioss pulIic
foolpalhs. To a young chenisl lhe soIulion vas olvious. He nade his ovn expIo-
sives, delonalois and aII, and fion line lo line he vouId sel off vilh lhen in a lag
on lhe lack of his licycIe lo lIov up lhe olsliuclions. They nevei pul lhen lack,
he giins, 'il vas ieaIIy nosl effeclive. On one occasion he lIev oul a fev paneIs in
a high fence iunning aIongside a foolpalh lhiough lhe Chevening eslale, lhe fence
had leen luiIl lo piolecl lhe piivacy of lhe peison vho used lhe house as his coun-
liy iesidence - lhe Ioieign Secielaiy. LoveIock vas nevei caughl. - Maiy Ciillin &
}ohn Ciillin. Hc Kncu Hc las Rign|. Tnc |rrcprcssio|c |ifc cf ]ancs |ctc|cc| and Gaia
(London: Ienguin ooks, 2OO9), p. 36.
<2)#% ,.$"# H""4 \)\*=,%3)( )M"$#2))%#
InlegiaI lo lhe giovlh of indusliiaI capilaIisn has leen a vasl inciease in hu-
nan popuIalion. Theie aie nov aiound seven liIIion of us conpaied lo aiound
6OO niIIion al lhe leginning of lhe 18lh cenluiy. Thal junp has happened in 13
and in Iaige pail il vas no accidenl. SiIvia Iedeiici has cIeaiIy Iaid oul
lhal a key foundalion of eaiIy capilaIisn vas lhe desliuclion of vonens conlioI
ovei lheii ovn feiliIily: ...vonls lecane pulIic leiiiloiy, conlioIIed ly nen and
lhe slale, and piociealion vas diieclIy pIaced al lhe seivice of capilaIisl accunuIa-
lion (see lox leIov). WhiIe il vas capilaIisn lhal hisl enfoiced and lhen enalIed
lhis nosl iecenl nass expansion, in doing so il vas/is singing an oIdei anlhen of
- lhis line, lhough, vilh nechanicaI anpIihcalion.
I vas loin in lhe nid 197Os vhen lhe hunan popuIalion vas foui liIIion, ly
lhe line I die (hopefuIIy nol lefoie 2O5O) lhe UN eslinales lhal lhe eailhs hunan
popuIalion viII le ovei 9 liIIion.
This eslinale, lhough, piesunes 'lusiness as
usuaI. Whelhei lhis happens oi nol viII depend on lhiee inleidependenl faclois:
liilh conlioI, dealh conlioI and food suppIy.
WoiIdvide, despile lhe conlinued edicls of cuIl paliiaichs such as lhe Iope,
nany aie incieasingIy using liilh conlioI lo Iinil faniIy size. The conlinuing povei
sliuggIe lo enalIe us lo do so is a key lallIe and one aiound vhich nany anaichisls
- anongsl olheis - have oiganised.
Hovevei lhe spiead of oir|n ccn|rc| - and lhe
hghl foi vonens Iileialion
noie geneiaIIy - viII nol slop lhe piolalIe doulIing
of hunan popuIalion in ny Iifeline. Wilh decieasing faniIy size aIieady a gIol-
aI noin in nuch of lhe voiId, il is lhe aliIily of indusliiaI nedicine and hygiene
neasuies lo enacl dca|n ccn|rc| lhal is nov key. The hunan popuIalion, al Ieasl in
lusiness-as-usuaI piojeclions, viII conlinue lo iise unliI al Ieasl 2O5O as Iong as lhose
!" # " $%
aIive loday Iive lheii expecled Iifespans and have lhe expecled nunlei of chiIdien.
Hovevei, ve do nol have lo vail unliI lhen lo oveishool lhe pIanels hunan
caiiying capacily (ils naxinun peinanenlIy suppoiled Ioad) as ve have piolalIy
done so aIieady. IndusliiaI civiIisalion has nanaged lo push up fccd supp|q ly lolh
coIonising evei noie viId Iand foi agiicuIluie and deveIoping fossiI fueI ieIianl
'gieen ievoIulion
agio-lechnoIogies and lianspoilalion. LssenliaIIy, indusliiaI ag-
iicuIluie ieIies on lhe haivesling of ghosl acieage
(lhe fossiIised pholosynlhelic
pioduclion of ecosyslens niIIions of yeais ago) lo pioduce food al lhe piesenl iale.
This can le onIy lenpoiaiy, foi unIess one is a leIievei in lhe coinucopian nylh lhal
iesouices aie IinilIess, soneday lhe fossiI-fueI hunling viII diav a lIank. When
lhis viII happen no-one ieaIIy knovs, lhough nany aigue lhal ve have aIieady
passed 'peak oiI. Sone nay counlei lhal hydiogen fueI ceIIs, soIai povei, genel-
ic engineeiing, nanolechnoIogy and gieen goo viII sonehov aveil a popuIalion
ciash. These aposlIes of piogiess noie and noie iesenlIe caigo cuIls in lheii leIief
lhal lechnoIogy naishaIIed ly eilhei lhe naikel (if capilaIisl) oi slale pIanning (if
sociaIisl) viII piovide aII lhal is needed. In lhe unIikeIy evenl lhal lheyie iighl, and
lhe food suppIy does keep up vilh popuIalion giovlh, lhe highIy nanaged naluie
of lhe piovision viII guaianlee lhal lhe 'fieedon suppIy (foi lolh hunans and
olhei aninaIs) is incieasingIy scaice.
So lhe iapidIy gioving hunan popuIalion needs fossiI fueIs lo slay aIive. Mosl
of us aie ealing oiI and iIIness is IaigeIy conlioIIed vilh high eneigy ieIianl lech-
noIogies. Heie is yel anolhei ieason I doull lhe aliIily of aclivisls, oi slales foi lhal
nallei, lo convince sociely lo decailonise. Il sounds nice, lul foi niIIions, if nol
liIIions, il vouId nean shoilei Iives if hunanily slopped inpoiling fion lhe pasl.
On a signihcanlIy hollei gIole a najoi hunan die-off couId le on lhe caids
even if one does nol go aIong vilh lhe ideas aiound peak oiI. As nuch of lhe na-
joiily voiId lecones hollei and pooiei, faineis viII le unalIe lo affoid lhe pel-
io-chenicaI lased inpoils necessaiy foi conlinued pioduclion even if fossiI fueIs
donl iun oul. Iuilhei, vhiIe indusliiaI agiicuIluie has lenpoiaiiIy incieased Iands
caiiying capacily, in lhe piocess nuch 'pioduclive Iand has leen denuded and
vilhoul lhe appIicalion of feiliIiseis vouId nov le unalIe lo pioduce as nuch food
oiganicaIIy as il did oiiginaIIy. Lven Soulheineis 'Iucky enough lo sliII have access
lo fossiI fueI inpuls viII hnd nagic polions Iose lheii poveis vhen soiI diies, lakes
and lIovs avay. Wilh IillIe nuliilion oi nedicine disease viII haivesl nuch of lhe
Il vouId le nice lo inagine lhal lhose counliies sliII alIe lo pioduce considei-
alIe food quanlilies (in pail lhanks lo inpioved gioving condilions - noie of lhal
Ialei) vouId gifl il lul I vouIdnl hoId youi liealh. A liIIion peopIe on eailh aie
hungiy aIieady.
Ralhei lhan lhe speclacuIai nass dealh of vhoIe connunilies
lhis noslIy causes incieased chiIdhood noilaIily and decieased oveiaII Iifespan.
Yel capilaIisn has, fion lhe leginning, had dehnile 'foin, (jusl ask lhe Iiish) in
aIIoving (and causing) niIIions lo slaive noie dianalicaIIy. Mike Davis ieninds
us of an oflen foigollen exanpIe vhen he viiles (in |a|c Vic|crian Hc|ccaus|s) of lhe
& '(') *(+#
3O-6O niIIion peopIe in lhe Ialei pail of lhe 19lh cenluiy vho slaived lo dealh, nol
oulside lhe 'nodein voiId syslen, lul in lhe veiy piocess of leing foicilIy incoi-
poialed inlo ils econonic and poIilicaI sliucluies.
SiniIai hungeis have laken
lheii loII lhioughoul lhe foIIoving cenluiy, nany engineeied ly slale sociaIisls,
lhose nosl allenlive sludenls of iilish Lnpiie.
Il vouId le hopeIessIy Ulopian lo leIieve lhal hungei couId le exiIed fion lhe
hunan condilion lul noslIy lhose dying loday of slaivalion do so vhiIsl olheis
in lheii socielies keep ealing. Hungei is lhe Ianguage of cIass vaifaie. Iovei has
nany IeveIs and anongsl nuch of lhe pooiesl slaivalion in lhe fuluie is IikeIy lo le
pIayed oul as gendeied vioIence, as il is nov.
I viII Ieave il lo olheis lo aigue aloul lhe ieIalive conliilulion of popuIalion
nunleis oi indusliiaI consunplion palleins (as lhough lolh aie nol nov inliinsi-
caIIy Iinked) lo gIolaI healing. Today, gIolaI (and IocaI) popuIalion giovlh is a lai-
iiei lo any signihcanl 'de-cailonisalion. Tonoiiov, capilaIisns piesenl inaliIily
lo oul-engineei ils addiclion lo fossiI fueIs viII IikeIy iesuIl in a nassive popuIalion
O)\*=,%3)( _ `,$=J L,\3%,=3#F
y lhe nid 16lh cenluiy lhe idea lhal lhe nunlei of cilizens deleinines a na-
lions veaIlh had lecone sonelhing of a sociaI axion. In ny viev, viole lhe
Iiench poIilicaI lhinkei and denonoIogisl jean odin, one shouId nevei le afiaid
of having loo nany suljecls oi loo nany cilizens, foi lhe slienglh of lhe connon-
veaIlh consisls in nen... Suppoil foi popuIalion giovlh cIinaxed vilh lhe iise of
MeicanliIisn... As LIi Heckshei noled, an aInosl fanalicaI desiie lo inciease popu-
Ialion pievaiIed in aII counliies duiing lhe peiiod vhen neicanliIisn vas al ils
heighl, in lhe Ialei pail of lhe 17lh cenluiy... AIong vilh il, a nev concepl of hunan
leings aIso look hoId, picluiing lhen as jusl iav naleiiaIs, voikeis and lieedeis
foi lhe slale... |Aj vai vas vaged piinaiiIy lhiough lhe vilch hunl lhal IileiaIIy
denonised any foin of liilh-conlioI and non- piociealive sexuaIily, vhiIe chaiging
vonen vilh saciihcing chiIdien lo lhe deviI. ul il aIso ieIied on lhe iedehnilion
of vhal conslilules iepioduclive ciine. Thus, slailing in lhe 16lh cenluiy, vhiIe lhe
Ioiluguese ships veie I ieluining fion Afiica vilh lheii hisl hunan caigos, aII lhe
Luiopean goveinnenls legan lo inpose lhe seveiesl penaIlies againsl conliacep-
lion, aloilion and infanlicide... As a consequence vonen legan lo le pioseculed
in Iaige nunleis, and noie veie execuled foi infanlicide in 16lh and 17lh cenluiy
Luiope lhan foi any olhei ciine, excepl vilchciafl, a chaige lhal aIso cenlied on
lhe kiIIing of chiIdien and olhei vioIalions of iepioduclive noins. SignihcanlIy, in
lhe case of lolh infanlicide and vilchciafl, lhe slalules Iiniling vonens IegaI ie-
sponsiliIily veie Iifled. Thus, vonen vaIked, foi lhe hisl line, inlo lhe couilioons
of Luiope, in lheii ovn nane | as IegaI aduIls, undei chaige of leing vilches and
chiId nuideieis. - SiIvia Iedeiici, Ca|ioan and |nc li|cn. lcncn, |nc 8cdq and Prini-
|itc Accunu|a|icn (Nev Yoik: Aulononedia, 2OO4), pp. 87- 89.
L=3F,%" .2,(D" -$3(D# \)##3-3=3%3"# ,# 8"== ,# .=)#*$"#
!" # " $%
CIolaI healing, popuIalion giovlh, peak oiI and olhei enviionnenlaI Iinils aie
piolalIy nol |nc apocaIypse lhal viII end lhe ieign of capilaI and lhe slale eveiy-
vheie. Tnc g|coa| cc||apsc is piolalIy no neaiei lhan |nc g|coa| rctc|u|icn. Neveilhe-
Iess il does nean lhal a lolaIised gIolaI capilaIisn, encIosing aII ieIalionships vilhin
il, lecones even Iess IikeIy. The Weslein piojecl of cuIluiaI expansion faces ils Iin-
ils. As pail of lhal, lhe Iileilaiian novenenls vhich capilaIisn has caiiied on ils
coal laiIs aIso face lhe ieaI Iinils lo lhe giovlh of Anaichisn. Yel jusl as lhe eslal-
Iishnenl of a cnc voiId of Anaichisn is foiecIosed so lhe possiliIilies of nany nev/
oId voiIds - sone anaichies - lecones videspiead. Sone of lhese possiliIilies viII
le opened up ly conicl, sone viII le cIosed ly conicl.
The veiy naluie of slales is lo conlioI popuIalions, lul nany of lhe liIIions viII
nol hungei quielIy. Yesleiday lhe Iale Vicloiian hoIocausls liiggeied niIIenaiian
upiisings anongsl lhose leing svepl avay ly lhe spieading ood valeis of lhe
'voiId syslen. Tonoiiov, as lhe lide ieliacls and suipIus popuIalions aie Iefl on
lhe (deseil) sand, ve seen sel foi yel anolhei, if anylhing noie liulaI, cenluiy of
vais and insuiieclions.
& '(') *(+#
17 17
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6 B2" F3=3%,$J =))Y# %) %2" H*%*$"
6 a)% 8,$# ,(4 H,3="4 #%,%"#
6 O",."Y""\"$# 3( %2" D$,M"J,$4 )H %2" =3M3(D
6 7$)F ;H))4> I3)%# %) ?(#*$$".%3)(
B2" F3=3%,$J =))Y# %) %2" H*%*$"
WhiIsl poIilicians of lolh slales and sociaI novenenls iepeal pIaliludes, sniIe
al lheii consliluenls and face off againsl each olhei, sone ieaIisls aie Iooking lo a
cIinale changed fuluie Iess as sonelhing lhal can le avoided and noie as sone-
lhing lhal viII need lo le poIiced. In Na|icna| Sccuri|q and |nc Tnrca| cf C|ina|c Cnangc
Ieading lhinkeis and aclois fion lhe US niIilaiy invesligaled a vide iange of sce-
naiios. Theii hisl hnding vas lhal piojecled cIinale change poses a seiious lhieal
lo Aneiicas nalionaI secuiily. Hov`
In aIieady veakened slales, exliene vealhei evenls, dioughl, ' ooding, sea
IeveI iise, ieliealing gIacieis, and lhe iapid spiead of Iife-lhiealening diseases viII
lhenseIves have IikeIy effecls: incieased nigialions, fuilhei veakened and faiIed
slales, expanded ungoveined spaces, exaceilaling undeiIying condilions lhal lei-
ioiisls seek lo expIoil, and incieased inleinaI conicls. In deveIoped counliies, lhese
condilions lhiealen lo disiupl econonic liade and inlioduce nev secuiily chaIIeng-
es, such as incieased spiead of infeclious disease and incieased innigialion.
As veII as seeing cIinale change as a nev hosliIe and sliessing facloi lhal
viII pioduce noveI lhieals geneiaIIy, lhey aIso sav il as exaceilaling exisling spe-
cihc ones.
CIinale Change acls as a lhieal nuIlipIiei foi inslaliIily in sone of lhe nosl
voIaliIe iegions of lhe voiId. Many goveinnenls in Asia, Afiica, and lhe MiddIe
Lasl aie aIieady on edge in leins of lheii aliIily lo piovide lasic needs: food, va-
lei, sheIlei and slaliIily. Iiojecled cIinale change viII exaceilale lhe piolIens in
lhese iegions and add lo lhe piolIens of effeclive goveinance. UnIike nosl conven-
!" # " $%
lionaI secuiily lhieals lhal invoIve a singIe enlily acling in specihc vays al diffeienl
poinls in line, cIinale change has lhe polenliaI lo iesuIl in nuIlipIe chionic condi-
lions, occuiiing gIolaIIy vilhin lhe sane line fiane. Lcononic and enviionnenlaI
condilions viII fuilhei eiode as food pioduclion decIines, diseases inciease, cIean
valei lecones incieasingIy scaice, and popuIalions nigiale in seaich of iesouices.
Weakened and faiIing goveinnenls, vilh an aIieady lhin naigin of suivivaI, foslei
lhe condilions foi inleinaI conicl, exlienisn, and novenenl lovaids incieased
aulhoiilaiianisn and iadicaI ideoIogies...
ecause cIinale change aIso has lhe polenliaI lo cieale naluiaI and hunanilai-
ian disasleis on a scaIe fai leyond lhose ve see loday, ils consequences viII IikeIy
foslei poIilicaI inslaliIily vheie sociaI denands exceed lhe capacily of goveinnenls
lo cope.
SiniIai nighlnaies and fanlasies aie laIked aloul ly niIilaiy expeils eIse-
Il shouId le ienenleied lhal ainies pIan foi vhal couId possilIy happen,
nol vhal viII dehnileIy happen. AddilionaIIy, lheie is inslilulionaI seIf- inleiesl in
lhinking lhe voiId is gelling noie dangeious if youi jol is pioviding enfoiced oi-
dei. Hovevei, il is voilh laking lheii piediclions of sliife seiiousIy nol Ieasl lecause
vhen poIicy ieconnendalions such as lheiis aie enacled, shadovs of lheii dieans
can lecone ieaIily. }usl as 'geneiaIs aie aIvays hghling lhe Iasl vai, so loo lheii vi-
sion of fuluie ones aie shaped ly piesenl conicl. Il shouId cone as no suipiise lhen
lhal nuch of lhe niIilaiy discouise aiound cIinale change is cenlied aiound hol
vais, faiIed slales and lhe poIilicaI vioIence lhal can enanale fion lhen. IolenliaI
coId vais, vilhin lhe gIolaI noilh and exliene soulh, aie given Iess pioninence. I
viII foIIov lhis convenlion foi nov, lhough I viII ieluin lo such possiliIilies Ialei.
a)% 8,$# ,(4 H,3="4 #%,%"#
Looking al conicls loday lheie is aIieady an olvious LqualoiiaI Tension eIl
vhich is expecled lo signihcanlIy expand. Ils exislence is due lo a vhoIe hosl of vaii-
alIes nol Ieasl of vhich aie lhe accunuIaled enviionnenlaI inpacl fion coIIapsed
civiIisalions, lhe Iegacies of diiecl veslein coIoniaIisn, high popuIalion IeveIs, lhe
piesence of 'iesouices usefuI lo capilaIisn and halilals lhal aie on lhe naigin of
agiicuIluie vialiIily.
Civen vhal lhe US geneiaIs desciile alove sone govein-
nenls in lhese iegions viII faII, vhiIsl olheis, lo vaiying degiees, viII 'faiI. Sone
slales viII ieliacl lack lo lheii (nayle shifling) capilaIs Ieaving lhe iesl of lheii
supposed leiiiloiies in a nosaic of vai and peace, olheis viII le enguIfed in civiI
vai, ievoIulion and inlei-slale conicl. Theie viII no doull le nuch hoiioi lul aIso
nuch polenliaI foi consliucling fiee Iives.
UnsuipiisingIy, lheie is division anong niIilaiy lhinkeis on vhal lhe gieal
poveis of loday viII le alIe lo do. Sone aigue lhal lhey: ... nay le diavn noie
fiequenlIy inlo lhese silualions, eilhei aIone oi vilh aIIies, lo heIp piovide slaliIily
lefoie condilions voisen and aie expIoiled ly exlienisls. And lhal lhey ...nay
aIso le caIIed upon lo undeilake slaliIily and ieconsliuclion effoils once a conicl
has legun, lo aveil fuilhei disaslei and ieconslilule a slalIe enviionnenl.
& '(') *(+#
19 19
piedicl a naikedIy ieduced pIanelaiy poIicing ioIe in an effeclive end lo lhe Nev
WoiId Oidei decIaied ly lhe US vhich, Iacking lhe neans lo heIp IocaI aulhoii-
lies iesloie oidei, 'viII IikeIy faII lack on a conlinalion of poIicies lhal add up lo
SociaI novenenl anaichisls in lhese iegions nighl vanl lo lhink seiiousIy
aloul vhal piaclicaI piepaialions can viseIy le nade foi seIf-iuIe, civiI vai, sui-
vivaI and lhe unfoilunaleIy inevilalIe eneigence and slienglhening of aulhoiilai-
ian foices and inlei-elhnic conicl. We nusl have lhe aliIily lo defend ouiseIves,
suivive, and expIoil ciises in sociely incIuding capilaIisl allenpls lo deslioy us. The
divided and indusliiaI naluie of lodays sociely has aIieady deleinined lhe inslaliI-
ily of lonoiiov.
In lhe deplhs of ciises vilh sociaI denands exceeding lhe aliIily of govein-
nenl lo cope lhe gIoiy days of Anaichisn nay le lack. If cIinale change ie-
suIls in ieduced iainfaII and access lo lhe naluiaI capilaI lhal suslains IiveIihoods,
poveily viII lecone noie videspiead, Ieading lo incieased giievances and lellei
ieciuilnenl oppoilunilies foi ieleI novenenls.
Who knovs ve nay even see
scenes as dianalic as lhe anaichisl ainouied liains of Maiia Nikifoiova.
Iion lhe
sleppes of lhe Ukiaine lo lhe sieiias of Mexico and lhe slieels of aiceIona a huge
nunlei of lhose vho evei idenlihed as anaichisls did so enlioiIed in oveil vai.
UnfoilunaleIy, in nosl pIaces, ieleI novenenls aie noie IikeIy lo le slalisl
lhan anaichisl. This is pailIy lhanks lo lhe Iaige nunlei of eslalIished aulhoiilaiian
poIilicaI gangs conpaied lo Iileilaiian ones, lul aIso lecause in exliene silualions
peopIe luin lo exlienisl sc|u|icns. In sone pIaces lhis nighl le seIf-oiganisalion,
decenliaIisalion and nuluaI aid, lul in nany lheie viII le no sociaI soIulion pos-
silIe, jusl lhe faIse pionises of despols and piophels. Thals nol lo say ve couIdnl
conpele vilh lhen ly spieading iivaI niIIenniaI hopes of a nev davn, lul if ve
aie honesl vilh ouiseIves, having lhiovn aside ieIigion, il vouId le a liavesly of
oui elhics lo pick il up again in lhe cause of gang ieciuilnenl and lhe joy of lioulIe.
Wheie visilIe and dianalic Iileilaiian sociaI foices do aiise il is IikeIy lhal
nany fion olhei pails of lhe voiId viII liaveI lo join lhen. As lhe cIouds daiken,
sone of oui faniIy viII iun lovaids oullieaks of ained iesislance - vheievei lhey
nay le. This cones fion a deep feIl Iove and feeIings of soIidaiily lul aIso lecause,
Iels le honesl, foi nany conicl is alliaclive and anli-niIilaiisls iaieIy gel lhe op-
poilunily foi ouliighl vai. The nihiIislic desiie - anpIihed in an incieasingIy con-
pIex voiId - lo jusl gel oul lheie and 'fuck shil up is, if nol a ciealive uige, dehnileIy
a sliong one. Thals nol lo say eveiyone has il, lul nany do. Heie lheie is an uncon-
foilalIe synneliy lelveen oui enolionaI diiveis and lhal of hghleis geneiaIIy.
In lhe ex-leiiiloiy of faiIed and faIIen slales inlei-elhnic conicl viII lecone
evei noie connon, al Ieasl unliI popuIalions aie cul lack lo a IeveI noie hlling a
nuch hollei voiId.
The faiIed slales have conicl IeveIs so high and peisislenl lhal even laseIine
changes foiecasl ly lhe IICC aie IikeIy lo voisen IiveIihood condilions. The liends
suggesl noie of a sociaI oi liilaI lieakdovn lhan vais lelveen nalions. CIinale
!" # " $%
liends viII ignoie loideis, and faiIed slales pione lo conicl viII spiead Iike a dis-
O",."Y""\"$# 3( %2" D$,M"J,$4 )H %2" =3M3(D
Such foices of inlei-elhnic conicl viII le fai noie videspiead lhan gioups oi-
ganised aiound Luiopean oiiginaled poIilicaI ideoIogies - Iileilaiian oi aulhoiilai-
ian. They aie, aflei aII, alIe lo piovide ieaI soIulions (if onIy lenpoiaiiIy) lo peopIes
innediale needs in aieas vheie lhe lasics foi suivivaI aie oulnunleied ly lhiisly
noulhs. This is done, of couise, ly vienching iesouices fion 'lhe olheis. Addilion-
aIIy, inlei-elhnic conicls can eiupl vhen lhe 'cause is hopeIess lul lhe enolionaI
diivei is sliong.
The consoIing leIief lhal individuaIs viIIingIy join conicls diiven onIy ly
ialionaI slialegic consideialions, faniIy naiialives oi hisloiicaI luidens dissoIves
vhen lioughl inlo lhe Iighl of lhe expiessed desiies of nany hghleis lhenseIves.
Ioi a dianalic Luiopean exanpIe one onIy needs lo iead Mallijs van de Ioilss
sludy of a connunily svepl up in civiI vai. In Gqpsics, lars and c|ncr ins|anccs
cf |nc li|d, he piesenls voices of peopIe vho in feslive nood, look on lhe ioIe of
Hov is |nis possilIe in Luiope al lhe end of lhe lvenlielh cenluiy` vas lhe ques-
lion lhal pIayed olsessiveIy lhiough ny nind... Whal lhe vai in foinei YugosIavia
foiced us lo digesl is lhe facl lhal peopIe pioved viIIing lo nake a conscious and
aclive choice lo enliace iegiession, lailaiily, a ieluin lo lhe viIdeiness. Take lhe
Seil hghleis vho diean of a ieluin lo lhe Seilia of lhe epic poens 'vheie lheie
vas no eIecliicily, no conpuleis, vhen lhe Seils veie happy and had no cilies, lhe
lieeding giounds of aII eviI.
Thal sone nodein day niIilias ieecl ionanlicisl desiies vhiIsl sheIIing
lovns, nassaciing viIIages and leing kiIIed in luin, shouId neilhei suipiise us I
noi necessaiiIy fuIIy invaIidale ionance. Il does hovevei suggesl - aIong vilh lhe
honesl expiessions of joy in desliuclion noulhed ly sone soIdieis in eveiy vai as
veII as nany anaichisls- lhal lheie is a coupIing of sone soil lelveen a geneiaIised
uige lo deslioy and a disgusl al conpIex hunan sociely.
RandoIph ouine vas iighl vhen he said vai is lhe heaIlh of lhe slale
lhis olhei diivei is al voik loo, especiaIIy vheie lhe 'sides aie no Iongei slales.
Iiench anaichisl anlhiopoIogisl Iieiie CIaslies desciiplion of vai anong Anazo-
nian liiles is nol diieclIy liansfeialIe lo inlei-elhnic conicls invoIving non-anai-
chisl peopIes lul neveilheIess an echo does iesonale:
Whal is lhe funclion of piinilive vai` To assuie lhe peinanence of
dispeisaI, of lhe paiceIIing oul, of lhe alonizalion of gioups. Iiinilive
vai is lhe voik of a cenliifugaI Iogic, of a Iogic of sepaialion vhich ex-
piesses ilseIf fion line lo line in ained conicl. Wai seives lo nainlain
each connunily in ils poIilicaI independence... Nov vhal is lhe IegaI
povei lhal enliaces aII diffeiences in oidei lo suppiess lhen, vhich onIy
suppoils ilseIf lo aloIish lhe Iogic of lhe nuIlipIe in oidei lo sulslilule foi
& '(') *(+#
il lhe opposile Iogic of unihcalion` Whal is lhe olhei nane of lhe One lhal
iefuses in essence piinilive sociely` Il is lhe Slale.
Il is nol aII huliis and doulIelaIk vhen niIilaiy spin-doclois desciile slalisl
invasions as 'peacekeeping. Llhnic diveisily and aulonony oflen eneige lolh fion
nuluaI aid in connunily and aninosily lelveen connunilies. I Iike lo lhink (and
oui hisloiy lacks lhis up) lhal seIf-idenlihed anaichisls viII nevei inicl such pain
as lhe Seil nalionaIisl niIilias (an exanpIe I puiposeIy chose foi ils iepugnance) lul
ve shouId adnil lhal oui vish lo 'fuck shil up is pailIy diiven ly lhe sane uige
lo civiIisalionaI disnenleinenl as can found in nany inlei-elhnic conicls, and in
lhe ninds of hghleis noie geneiaIIy. As cenliaI povei is veakened in sone aieas,
possiliIilies foi anaichy in lolh ils happy and ils hoiiilIe neanings viII open up.
7$)F ;H))4> I3)%# %) ?(#*$$".%3)(
CIinale vais lo cone nay vipe oul nany anaichisls lul is unIikeIy lo kiII off
Anaichisn, vhich as a poIilicaI novenenl has suivived signihcanl cuIIs of ils ad-
heienls in pasl IocaI apocaIypses.
Despile aII lhe hoiiois of lhe Iasl 2OO yeais, An-
aichisn is, as lhe Nev Yoik Tines pul il, lhe cieed lhal vonl slay dead.
is heailening, lul ve aie nol ideoIogicaI nachines. Il does nallei lhal anaichisls
lhenseIves - i.e. you, ne, oui faniIies and fiiends ve have yel lo neel - keep on
Iiving - nol jusl 'lhe ideaI. Il nalleis lo ne! Cive oi lake lhe pailicuIaiilies of lhe
IocaI, ve nay have lvenly yeais (piolalIy noie) lo piepaie foi lhese iupluies, nol
as an aIleinalive lo olhei lasks al hand, lul as an inlegiaI pail of a Iong lein nuIli-
pionged slialegy. Ioi sone, il viII aIso le a nallei of Iife oi dealh.
WhiIe fuluie cIinale vais viII le an exlension of lhe piesenl condilions lhey
aie IikeIy lo le fai liggei and noie exliene. In sone pIaces peopIes, anaichisls
anong lhen, couId liansfoin cIinale vais inlo successfuI Iileilaiian insuiiec-
lions. In olheis lhe lallIe nay sinpIy le foi suivivaI oi even dealh vilh dignily
and neaning. Those in ieIalivily slalIe sociaI enviionnenls - poIilicaIIy and cIinali-
caIIy - viII piolalIy le faced ly an incieasingIy oppiessive suiveiIIance slale and a
'nass vhich incieasingIy feais 'lhe lailaiisn leyond lhe vaIIs.
Whal acluaI piaclicaI sluff needs lo le done viII depend IaigeIy on vheie and
vho you aie. WhiIe ve nay have sone shaied aspiialions, cIinale change ieinfoic-
es lhe lasic liulh lhal ve do nol have one shaied gIolaI fuluie. WhiIe eveiyvheie
lhe eneny is esliangenenl and doneslicalion,
lhe silualions in asingsloke and
angIadesh aie diffeienl in lhe piesenl and viII le in lhe fuluie.
Duiing his Iecluie al lhe RoyaI Sociely, LoveIock slaled:
We nov face lhe slaik choice lelveen a ieluin lo a naluiaI Iife as a snaII
land of hunlei galheieis oi a nuch ieduced high lech civiIisalion...
Ralhei lhan a choice, lheie is IikeIy lo le lolh soils of suivivoi (as lheie is nov)
- high-lech indusliiaI cilizen and Iov-lech galheiei-hunlei anaichisl. In lelveen
lhese lvo exlienes viII Iie, luiied oi hungiy, lhe nuch ieduced (nany fion
cIinale vais) aIong vilh lhose eking oul a possilIy fieei (oi nol) Iife on lhe naigins
of agiicuIluiaI/pasloiaI vialiIily. Lels Iook lhen al vhal possiliIilies lheie nay le
foi Iileily and viIdness in sone of lhese diveiging Iife vays.
!" # " $%
A BC(DE*# F"*+& $" B#*(E:G
6 Anaichic eIenenls in eveiyday (peasanl) Iife
6 IeopIes vilhoul goveinnenls
6 Connons iesuigenl as gIolaI liade ieliacls
6 Oulvilling lhe slale
Anaichic eIenenls in eveiyday (peasanl) Iife
To exanine fuluie possiliIilies foi Iileily in peasanl Iife, Iels, as an exanpIe,
Iook lo lhe conlinenl nosl oflen viillen off. These days Afiica has an inage piol-
: vai, fanine, disease and chaiily appeaIs. As line goes on, lhis skeved viev
of a diveise conlinenl viII le fuilhei exaggeialed ly voisening cIinale change and
lhe inleivenlions of disaslei capilaIisn.
In lhe pievious seclions ve sav lhal cIi-
nale change viII cause and exaceilale civiI vais IaigeIy lhiough incieasing lhe
scaicily of food, valei and cuIlivalalIe soiI. Many envision lhese fuluie conicls as
a geneiaIisalion of lhe inage lhey hoId of piesenl day Afiica. In doing so lhey aie
noslIy nislaken.
Mosl of Afiicas vais loday aie fueIIed noie ly lhe piesence of iesouices and
Iess lheii scaicily.
Reliaclions in gIolaI liade shouId deny oxygen lo sone of lhese
hies. Ioi inslance, as lhe oiI iuns oul, aieas such as lhe Nigei DeIla, undei siege ly
slale/coipoiale oiI inleiesls, aie IikeIy lo lecone once again lackvaleis ialhei lhan
lallIegiounds. I lake il as a given lhal ve viII nol see an Afiican- vide conveision
lo Weslein-oiiginaled Anaichisn, so vhal socielies evoIve inlo viII, in Iaige pail,
le dehned ly vhal lhey aie nov. And heie is sone good non-nevs fion Afiica - in
nany pIaces and on nany IeveIs ils cuIluies have signihcanl anaichic chaiacleiis-
lics, vilh a ninoiily leing funclioning anaichies. III hand ovei foi a nonenl lo San
!" # " $%
Mlah, a Nigeiian anaicho-syndicaIisl:
To a giealei oi Iessei exlenl... |nanyj liadilionaI Afiican socielies nani-
fesled an anaichic eIoquence vhich, upon cIosei exaninalion, Ieads ciedence
lo lhe hisloiicaI liuisn lhal goveinnenls have nol aIvays exisled. They aie
lul iecenl phenonena and aie, lheiefoie, nol inevilalIe in hunan sociely.
WhiIe sone anaichic fealuies in liadilionaI Afiican sociely exisled IaigeIy
in pasl slages of
deveIopnenl, sone of lhen peisisl and ienain pionounced lo lhis day.
Whal lhis neans is lhal lhe ideaIs undeiIying Anaichisn nay nol le so nev
in lhe Afiican conlexl. Whal is nev is lhe concepl of Anaichisn as a sociaI
novenenl ideoIogy. Anaichy as alsliaclion nay indeed le |IaigeIyj un-
knovn lo Afiicans, lul is nol al aII unknovn as a vay of Iife...
Manifeslalions of anaichic eIenenls in Afiican connunilies... veie and
lo sone degiee sliII aie peivasive. These incIude lhe pailiaI oi conpIele al-
sence of hieiaichicaI sliucluies, slale appaialuses, and lhe connodihcalion
of Ialoi. To pul lhis in posilive leins, |sone socieliesj veie (and aie) IaigeIy
seIf nanaged, egaIilaiian and iepulIican in naluie.
The exlenl lo vhich Afiica is vieved as a 'laskel case in 'voiId opinion is
in pail lhe exlenl lo vhich ils socielies aie anaichic and nol fuIIy encIosed vilhin
capilaIisl ieIalions.
Why have anaichic sociaI ieIalions suivived in Afiica lo such a degiee` }in
Ieasl, viiling foi lhe Aneiican anaichisl nagazine |if|n |s|a|c, has sone ansveis:
In sul-Sahaian Afiica, aside fion in lhe ninoiily of counliies vilh a
Iaige, vhile sellIei popuIalion and vaIualIe iesouices (such as dianonds oi
coppei), lheie vas IillIe penelialion of capilaIisl agiicuIluiaI foins oi gov-
einnenl inlo lhe inleiioi. In lhe coIoniaI eia... lhe inpeiiaI poveis had onIy
Iiniled goaIs. Theie vas no desiie lo invesl iesouices lo ensuie lhe slale
couId piojecl ils aulhoiily inlo eveiy coinei of lhe nev coIonies... And, aflei
independence, sellIei slales excepled... Afiicans ienained onIy naiginaIIy
affecled ly lhe naikel. They incieasingIy liaded in lhe naikel, lul lheii lase
vas sliII a honeslead and faniIy fain vheie a sulsislence elhos pievaiIed...
The saIienl poinls aie lhese. No nallei hov vide lhe inpacl of voiId capi-
laIisn, nuch of sul-Sahaian Afiica has nol leen effecliveIy shaped ly slale
oi naikel povei. Moieovei, vhiIe in ... |nany pails of lhe pIanelj... lheie is a
sliuggIe lo deveIop an aIleinalive econony, in lhe pails of Afiica undei dis-
cussion, a iolusl sulsislence econony, unconceined vilh piohl and capilaI
expansion conlinues lo exisl.
O")\="# 83%2)*% D)M"$(F"(%#
WhiIe anaichic eIenenls aie peivasive in Afiica lheie aie aIso enliie anaichisl
Sone of lhese exisl suiiounded ly noie incoipoialed popuIalions, vhiIe
olheis aie liuIy ienole fion exleinaI povei - lhiough Iuck oi aclive avoidance.
& '(') *(+#
25 25
Lnviionnenls vhich aie nol conducive lo enpiie aie a signihcanl facloi lehind lhe
suivivaI of sone of lhese cuIluies and lheii aliIily lo defend lheii aulonony.
A nunlei have ienained anaichic vilhin lhenseIves vhiIsl supeihciaIIy ac-
cepling oulside povei. This shouId nol necessaiiIy le seen as assiniIalion. Covein-
nenls donl Iike lo Iel ouliighl opposilion go unpunished Iesl il encouiage olheis.
Yel lhey donl aIvays have lhe capacily lo fuIIy inleinaIise pie-exisling oi naioon
socielies, especiaIIy viIy ones. Ioi lhe connunily, lhe slale povei and lhe aIien
poIilicaI cuIluie... aie so diffeienl and so poveifuI lhal... diiecl iesislance soon
pioves lo le unaffoidalIe, passive acconnodalion is inpossilIe as veII. The nosl
acceplalIe possiliIily is sone kind of coIIaloialion lhal aIIovs lhings lo conlinue
aInosl as lefoie, vilh lhe idea lhal 've veie heie lefoie lhen and ve viII le heie
aflei lhen
In sone silualions lhis is as sinpIe as unspoken conliacls appioxi-
nale lo 'WeII pielend youie goveining us, you pielend lo leIieve il. In olhei silua-
lions 'oulvilling lhe slale nay invoIve a conpIex sel of laclics incIuding pioviding
key funclions, ieliadioniIisalion, ieguIai novenenl and nanipuIaling lhe laIance
of conpeling exleinaI poveis.
Sone nay oljecl lhal lhese anaichies aie nol lhose 've vouId design if 've
veie lo sil dovn and pIan lhe 'ideaI sociely foi lhen
- lul lhey aie anaichies none
lhe Iess. Though fai noie egaIilaiian lhan suiiounding socielies, lhey usuaIIy have
sone IeveI of sex and age slialihed povei ieIalions, a division of Ialoui and sone-
lines ieIy on aninaI sIaveiy. I donl viev any of lhese lhings as good lul il shouId
le ienenleied lhal lo diffeiing exlenls lhese aie aspecls of aII civiIised socielies. Al
Ieasl lhese cuIluies donl have cIass vaifaie oi lhe slale! In lhis sense lhey aie an-
aichies even if lhey donl confoin lo aII lhe aspiialions of 'oui veslein oiiginaled
Anaichisns. They shouId nol le ideaIised (any noie lhan piesenl day Chiapas oi
1936 aiceIona) and you donl have lo 'suppoil lhen. ul lhese aie exisling an-
aichies, lhe aclive sociaI ciealion of niIIions of peopIe lhiough line iesisling lhe
concenlialion of povei. Any oveiviev of possiliIilies foi Iileily vouId le fooIish lo
ignoie lhen. Those of us vho aie fieeing ouiseIves fion aulhoiily can hnd insighls,
inspiialion and vainings fion lheii exanpIes.
L)FF)(# $"#*$D"(% ,# D=)-,= %$,4" $"%$,.%#
7oi lhose in Afiica, lhe facl lhal anaichies exisl and sone anaichic lendencies
ienain videspiead leyond lhen Ieaves ioules of escape and suivivaI open vhich
can le uliIised as aulhoiilies coIIapse, ieliacl oi aie deslioyed. Il shouId le noled
lhal nany connons-lased socielies vilhin Afiica aie faII-lack posilions luined lo
aflei conpIex kingdons coIIapsed oi veie disnanlIed ly invading enpiies (lolh
Weslein and Afiican). WhiIe coIoniaI eIiles oflen poIiced lhiough IocaI liadilionaI
aulhoiilies, lhey cane lo lIovs vilh lhen loo. Doninanl cIasses acl in lheii ovn
inleiesl, nol in lhal of an alsliacl syslen of hieiaichicaI povei. The allack on IocaI
aulhoiily ly oulside eIiles opened up possiliIilies foi anaichy in lhe pasl and lhis
pallein conlinues. }in Ieasl once again:
Heies an iiony of hisloiy. In lhe Iasl 15 yeais, in |sone pails ofj lhe induslii-
!" # " $%
aIIy undeveIoped voiId, lhe slale has vilheied avay, nol lecause of ils supei-
cession, lul due lo lhe exlension of gIolaI capilaIisn. TaIk of slale coIIapse on
capilaIs peiipheiy doesnl nean goveinnenls have conpIeleIy vanished, lul
lhal nany slales have dininished fion leing lhe lolaIized agencies of conlioI
ve expeiience in Noilhein liei counliies...
Since independence, nosl sul-Sahaian Afiican counliies have leen one-paily
slales, headed ly coiiupl sliong nen vho iuIe ly conlining niIilaiy coeicion
vilh lhe disliilulion of favouis lo veII- pIaced foIIoveis... The inleIIigenl sliong
nan sees lhal nol onIy his innediale cionies (vho slaff lhe slale) lul iegionaI and
liilaI Ieadeis of eveiy signihcanl sliipe nusl le cuIlivaled ly hnancing infiasliuc-
luiaI piojecls (lhal offei piine oppoilunilies foi giafl) in lheii laiIivicks... ul vilh
sliucluiaI adjuslnenl poIicies foiced upon lhese nalions, lhis foin of goveinnenl
has |oflenj ceased lo exisl lecause funds lo suslain lhe palionage nelvoiks aie no
Iongei lheie... In a novenenl lo shoie up eIile iuIe, lheie has leen a videspiead
noiphing inlo nuIli-paily denociacies. Iion 1988 lo 1999 lhe nunlei of slales in
sul-Sahaian Afiica fealuiing nuIli-paily eIeclions venl fion 9 lo 45. This lenpo-
iaiiIy and cynicaIIy soIves lvo piolIens foi slale iuIe... Il iesloies a palina of Iegili-
nacy lo a syslen lhal can no Iongei piovide eilhei palionage oi veIfaie seivices lo
ils cilizens, and ieinvigoiales il ly dividing cIienls anong lhe conpeling pailies,
so each poIilicaI giouping has need lo siphon fevei funds since il seives a snaIIei
cIienl lase
Anolhei Ioss of slale povei is lhe inaliIily of il lo piovide nininaI veIfaie lo
lhe cilizeniy, such as educalion and nedicaI caie, vhich sliucluiaI adjuslnenl pio-
gians eIininale as loo coslIy. WhiIe sone of lhese seivices aie laken ovei ly inlei-
nalionaI ieIief oiganizalions, nosl lhal aie conlinued aie done so ly gioups fion
lhe disliessed sociely ilseIf. In olhei voids, as Thonson puls il, 'DecIining slale
capacily iequiied civiI sociely lo inciease ils seIf sufhciency. The once- iepiessed
vonens gioups, liade unions, faineis associalions, and olhei giassiools nelvoiks
aie assuning giealei iesponsiliIily in sociaI and econonic Iife...
|So nayle heie ve aie seeing an Afiican ioad lo Anaichisnj 'vheiely lhe noney
econony and lhe slale, vhich aie in a condilion of pailiaI coIIapse oi vilhdiavaI,
cede noie and noie funclions lo non-nonelaiized, non-slalisl viIIage connunilies
lhal aie oiganized on lhe lasis of nuluaI aid`
This is aIieady happening in sone aieas in a non-nevsvoilhy nannei vilhoul
oveil conicl. In olheis lhis ievilaIizalion of lhe connons is cnc of lhe foices hIIing
lhe povei vacuun Iefl ly lhe vaiiing fiagnenlalion of 'faiIed slales. The sliucluiaI
adjuslnenl nenlioned is of couise line specihc. Theie is an ell and ov of piojecls
of povei, as lhe expansion of China inlo Afiica shovs, lul neveilheIess lhe piocess
olseived is a poinlei lo vhal nay happen in nany pIaces as gIolaI liade ieliacls in
a iesouice pooi, cIinale changed voiId.
]*%83%%3(D %2" #%,%"
As veII as lhose ve couId nischievousIy IaleI IifeslyIe anaichisls,
Afiica has a
gioving, lhough sliII snaII, nunlei of gioups oiganising undei lhe lannei of An-
& '(') *(+#
aichisn. These aie unIikeIy lo change lhe face/s of lhe enliie conlinenl lul nay pIay
signihcanl ioIes in eneigenl novenenls and sliuggIes. To iepeal lhe eaiIiei quole
fion Seaveed: Any lioiegion can le Iileialed lhiough a succession of evenls and
slialegies lased on lhe condilions unique lo il. Lven if ve accepl lhe foiecIosuie of
any possiliIily of gIolaI anaichisl ievoIulion, lheie is no ieason lo say a iegionaI an-
aichisl insuiieclion sonevheie in Afiica (oi eIsevheie) is nol on lhe caids and lhis
is nade noie IikeIy ly lhe faclois ve have discussed aIieady. In piolalIy oveiIy
oplinislic leins San Mlah slales:
The piocess of anaichisl liansfoinalion in Afiica nighl piove conpaialive-
Iy easy, given lhal Afiica Iacks a sliong capilaIisl foundalion, veII-deveIoped
cIass foinalions and ieIalions of pioduclion, and a slalIe, enlienched slale
WhiIe a suipiising nunlei of Afiican diil ioads Iead lo anaichy
nuch of vhal
ve have louched on heie ieIales lo nany iuiaI aieas acioss lhe pIanel lo diffeiing
degiees. Ioi inslance, in his exceIIenl, Tnc Ar| cf Nc| 8cing Gctcrncd,
}anes C. Scoll
iecounls nuneious exanpIes of Iived anaichies in upIand Soulheasl Asia. Lven
oulside of anaichies, peasanl connunilies vhose seIf- sufhciency have nol leen
enliieIy vanquished, sliII oflen ielain high IeveIs of aulonony - Land is Lileily!

SadIy in nany pIaces connunaI liadilions have leen eiadicaled, lhe 'connons
(oi 'viIdeiness) encIosed and faineis foicefuIIy liansfoined inlo vage Ialouieis.
In olheis hovevei, lhey have nol, foi a diveise sel of ieasons, nol Ieasl of vhich is
iesislance. Slales do nol aIvays gel lheii ovn vay.
The lide of Weslein aulhoiily viII iecede fion nuch, lhough ly no neans aII
of lhe pIanel. A viilhing ness of sociaI olsan and jelsan viII le Iefl in ils vake.
Sone palches of Iived anaichy, sone hoiiilIe conicls, sone enpiies, sone fiee-
dons, and of couise, uninaginalIe veiidness. As slales iecede and 'faiI - lhiough
enliopy, slupidily, ievoIulion, inleinaI conicl, cIinale sliess - peopIe viII conlinue
lo dig, sov, heid and Iive - nosl, adnilledIy, in vaslIy noie chaIIenging cIinales,
and fev vilh lhe guaianlee of a peacefuI Iife. In nany pIaces connodihed Iand viII
le iecIained as connons and nev connunilies viII le foined ly iefugees fion
lhe coIIapsed econonies. Anaichic socielies - oId and nev - viII need lo defend lheii
Iileily and Iives, lhiough avoidance, ains, ighl and 'oulvilling lhe slale.
We have gIinpsed sone of lhe possiliIilies opened up (and cIosed) ly lolh
fuluie cIinale vais and lhe ieliaclion of slale goveinance fion iuiaI connunilies
- lul vhal aloul Iileily al lhe shifling oulei loideis of civiIisalion` And vhal of
Iileily leyond lhose loideis - in lhe viId`
28 28
H !DID2D&*$D"# F%$(%*$&J ;D2+#%&&
6 Lnpiies spiead deseils vhich lhey cannol suivive
6 Nonadic fieedons and lhe coIIapse of agiicuIluie
6 Sandgiouse and cieosole
I nel a liaveIIei fion an anlique Iand
Who said: Tvo vasl and liunkIess Iegs of slone
Sland in lhe deseil... Neai lhen, on lhe sand,
HaIf sunk, a shalleied visage Iies, vhose fiovn,
And viinkIed Iip, and sneei of coId connand, T
eII lhal ils scuIploi veII lhose passions iead
Which yel suivive, slanped on lhese IifeIess lhings,
The hand lhal nocked lhen, and lhe heail lhal fed:
And on lhe pedeslaI lhese voids appeai:
'My nane is Ozynandias, king of kings:
Look on ny voiks, ye Mighly, and despaii!
Nolhing leside ienains. Round lhe decay
Of lhal coIossaI vieck, loundIess and laie
The Ione and IeveI sands slielch fai avay.
- Ozqnandias, Ieicy ysshe SheIIey, 1817
`F\3$"# #\$",4 4"#"$%# 823.2 %2"J .,(()% #*$M3M"
Read il in lhe iuins of Ui and Mu Us, lhe deseilihed heIds of Wadi Iaynan
lhe Techuacan VaIIey.
|npircs sprcad dcscr|s unicn |ncq cannc| surtitc. Raids, insui-
ieclions and deseilion oflen naik lhe faII of civiIisalions lul lhe ieaI giound voik
& '(') *(+#
foi lheii desliuclion has aIvays leen done ly lheii ovn Ieadeis, voikeis and zeks.
We aie aII voiking lovaids lhe desliuclion of oui civiIisalions.
CiviIised nan has naiched acioss lhe face of lhe eailh and Iefl a deseil in his
The exlenl lo vhich gIolaI healing viII cause lhe expansion of hol deseils is
unknovn lul lhal lhey viII do so - and diaslicaIIy - is a pielly safe lel. The inleiac-
lion of soiI, cIinale and civiI povei viII conlinue lo le a doninanl facloi deleinin-
ing lolh hisloiy and lhe opening up of leiiiloiy foi fieei Iives. Thal agiicuIluiaI
syslens viII faiI as lhe aiid voiIds spiead neans lhal, once again, civiIisalions viII
have lo ielieal fion nuch of lheii pieviousIy conqueied Iands. In sone pIaces lhis
viII le lolaI, in olheis a nallei of degiees.
In ny nolhei longue deseils aie uninhalilalIe, alandoned, dcscr|cd, lul ly
vhon` Nol ly lhe coyoles oi lhe caclus viens. Nol ly lhe haiveslei anls oi lhe
iallIesnakes. Nol ly lhe nanil quicksleps, lhe neeicals, lhe acacias, lhe lahis, lhe
sandgiouse and lhe ied kangaioos. Deseils and aiid enviionnenls geneiaIIy aie
oflen lioIogicaIIy diveise, lhough ly lheii naluie, lhe Iife is spaisei lhan in olhei
liones. WhiIe sone deseil aieas aie IifeIess, in nosl connunilies of aninaIs, liids,
insecls, lacleiia and pIanls iun, y, ciavI, spiead and giov in Iives unoideied,
undoneslicaled ly civiIisalion. WiIdness is in us and aII aiound us. The lallIe lo
conlain and conlioI il is lhe conslanl Ialoui of civiIisalion. When lhal lallIe is Iosl
and lhe heIds aie deseiled, viIdness peisisls.
ehind lhe dusl, neanvhiIe, undei lhe vuIluie-haunled sky, lhe deseil
vails - nesas, lulle, canyon, ieef, sink, escaipnenl, pinnacIe, naze, diy Iake,
sand dune and aiien Mounlain.
:)F,43. H$""4)F# ,(4 %2" .)==,\#" )H ,D$3.*=%*$"
I ienenlei silling ciouched in lhe ied, undei lhe hol sun, lhe vind Iov, lhe
siIence of lhe deseil vas alsoIule... oi il vouId have leen if il vasnl, of couise, foi
aII lhe gossiping. Theie aie peopIe heie, nol aII deseils aie unIivealIe, lul foi slales
a suipIus is laieIy possilIe. The spaiseness of Iife favouis nonadisn - vhelhei ly
heideis, foiageis, liaveIIeis oi liadeis.
No one can Iive lhis Iife and eneige unchanged. They viII caiiy, hovevei
fainl, lhe inpiinl of lhe deseil, lhe liand vhich naiks lhe nonad.
WhiIe lhe concenlialion of povei can aiise in any sociely vilh sone IeveI of
doneslicalion, oveiaII lhe noie nonadic a peopIe lhe noie independenl lhey aie
IikeIy lo le. Coveinnenls knov lhis as can le vilnessed ly lhe videspiead al-
lenpls lo sc|||c lheii deseil nonad piolIens. Whelhei il is lhe olslinale suivivaI of
AloiiginaI Iife vays in AusliaIia,
lhe unconpionising iesislance of lhe Apache
Ied ly Vicloiio oi lhe iecenl Tuaieg insuiieclion in lhe Sahaia, nonads aie oflen
adepl al hghl and/oi ighl.
HeIene CIaudol-Havad says in a discussion of Tuaieg conicl vilh nodein
slales lhal, Slale loundaiies have ly dehnilion a hxed, innovalIe and inlangilIe
Iine, and aie puiposefuIIy nade nol lo le liansgiessed. They sepaiale vhal aie
!" # " $%
neanl lo le nuluaIIy opposing enlilies.
Thal lhe iesislanl independence of no-
nads is oflen nixed vilh a piaclicaI disleIief in loideis nakes lhen lhiealening lo
lhe veiy ideoIogicaI lasis of goveinnenls.
CIolaI healing viII slinuIale liansfoinalions in hunan Iand uses. As noled in
lhe pievious chaplei, in sone pIaces peasanl seIf-sufhency viII IikeIy iepIace expoil
oiienlaled nonocuIluie, vhiIe in olheis vilheied ciops nay le iepIaced ly aninaI
huslandiy. In lhe expanding aiid zones a good piopoilion of lhose vho success-
fuIIy adapl nay do so ly enliacing nonadic fieedons and lianshunanl pasloiaI
In olheis sliII, nonadic pasloiaIisls and agiicuIluiaIisls nay ieveil lo
Ioi nosl of oui species exislence, aII veie foiageis and viIdeiness vas oui
hone. Hunlei-galheiei socielies incIude lhe nosl egaIilaiian on eailh
and vheie
such cuIluies have suivived lo nodein lines lhey have done so in aieas | ienole
fion cenliaIised povei and oflen unsuilalIe foi agiicuIluie. Ioi exanpIe lhe Spin-
fex peopIe of lhe Cieal Vicloiia Deseil have leen alIe lo conlinue lheii liadilionaI
Iives despile lhe advenl of AusliaIia, as lheii honeIands aie so laiien lhal il is nol
even suilalIe foi pasloiaIisn.
The !Kung loo, nanaged lo Iive veII and fiee as
galhei-hunleis in a veiy haish enviionnenl - lhe KaIahaii.
When agiicuIluiaIisls face exliene food sliess oi exleinaI vioIence, foiaging is
an adaplive slialegy lhal has leen luined lo nany lines. Ioi sone lhis nay le len-
poiaiy, foi olheis peinanenl. Thus, vilh spieading deseilihcalion ve couId see,
in sone pIaces, a spieading deseilion fion civiIisalion lo sonelhing iesenlIing
oui oiiginaI anaichisl viId-Iife. WhoIe nev lands of foiageis nay evoIve foIIoving
coIIapses of agiicuIluiaI vialiIily and lhe ieliaclion of exuleianl, eneigy iich slale
poveis. Civen lhe piesenl condilion of nany aiid zone pasloiaIisls and foiageis il
is noie IikeIy lhal in nosl cases ve viII see hyliidily - an inciease in aulononous
nonadic popuIalions ieIying lolh on aninaI heiding and foiaging.
E,(4D$)*#" ,(4 .$")#)%"
On a noie geneiaI IeveI, nany of lhose vilh a Ionging foi viIdness and a need
foi fieedon fion aulhoiily have giavilaled lovaids lhe fionlieis oflen hol deseils
and seni-aiid iegions.
As I vandei oul in lhe genlIe spiing,
I heai a keen caII of youi ioads, O Deseil!
I shaII Ieave ny hone in lhe dieaiy hiIIs
Hov sad aie olhei Iands conpaied lo you, O Deseil!
- Seidi, a 19lh cenluiy Tuiknan poel
Such possiliIilies aie piesenl - and viII le noie so - in nany iegions, Lven foi
lhose vilhin lhe vaIIs of lhe supposed gIolaI poveis, lheie viII le an expanding
oulside. In lhe aIieady valei sliessed aieas of soulhein Luiope, deseiled fains and
viIIages have leen ie-inhaliled ly anaichisls, hippies, cuIls and olheis vishing lo
ee lhe diiecl gaze of aulhoiily and deseil lhe piison of vage Ialoui. SiniIai 'diop
oul silualions aie piesenl in lhe diying heail of AusliaIia and lhe veslein deseils
& '(') *(+#
of Noilh Aneiica. Heie, inpoilanlIy, aloiiginaI connunilies peisisl oi aie ie-es-
lalIishing. The Iong indigenous slialegy of suivivaI - ve veie heie lefoie and viII
le aflei - nay leai deseil fiuil. As nuneious conlenpoiaiy sliuggIes iIIusliale,
anaichisls and nalive peopIes can nake good aIIies.
Sone of lhe oIdesl connunilies Iive in deseils. In lhe Mojave is a Cieosole
lush cIonaI coIony lhals sIovIy videning ciicIe is eslinaled al 11,7OO yeais oId.
Recenl genelic lesling has indicaled lhal lhe ushnen of lhe KaIahaii aie piolalIy
lhe oIdesl conlinuous popuIalion of hunans on Lailh.
These connunilies - lolh
pIanl and hunan - aie inspiiing exanpIes of iesiIience, lul having suivived niI-
Iennia in lhe hol deseils lhey nay nol suivive lhe sliII spieading cuIluiaI one. The
ancienl Cieosole lush iing is quile Iov lo lhe giound and giovs on US uieau of
Land Managenenl Iand designaled foi ieciealionaI aII-leiiain vehicIe use.
olsvana goveinnenl has foicefuIIy ieIocaled nany KaIahaii ushnen fion lheii
honeIands inlo squaIid ie sellIenenl canps, seeningIy lo enalIe dianond nining.

Ioi fiee peopIes and viId-Iife lhe haishness of oui cuIluiaI deseil is a nosl lhiealen-
ing of enviionnenls.
OveiaII, lhen, as lhe pIanel hols up ve shouId ienenlei lhe nonadic fiee-
dons of lhe heideis and foiageis, lhe iefugia of aloiiginaI peopIes and ienegade
diop-ouls, lhe videning halilals of deseil oia and fauna. Thal aiid zones viII
expand liings posilive possiliIilies as veII as sadness foi lhe dininished, oflen pie-
viousIy vilianl, ecosyslens.
Theie can sliII le a leaulifuI oveiing in lhe deseil. I
have nenlioned lhe possiliIilies opened up ly lhe spiead of hol deseils, lul couise
lheie aie nany cIosuies loo. Lven sone ieIaliveIy anaichic cuIluies on oi leyond
lhe deseil fionlieis viII lecone unvialIe. Species viII lecone exlincl. WhiIe lheie
viII le suivivois in lhe expanding deseil Iands nany viII choose lo ee lhe heal.
Sone of lhese nigialions - lo sone exlenl aIieady happening - viII le inlianalionaI
lul nany viII le inleinalionaI.
In lhe hol aiid voiId suivivois galhei foi lhe jouiney lo lhe aiclic cenlies of
civiIisalion, I see lhen in lhe deseil as lhe davn lieaks and lhe sun lhiovs ils
pieicing gaze acioss lhe hoiizon al lhe canp. The cooI fiesh nighl aii Iingeis foi
a vhiIe and lhen, Iike snoke, dissipales as lhe heal lakes chaige...
These aie sone of lhe Iasl voids in LoveIocks Rctcngc cf Gaia. As civiIisalion
and nuch of hunanily ees and/oi dies as lhe hol deseils expand vhal of lhe coId
deseils - vhal of lhe nev aiclic cenlies of civiIisalion`
L 9%(("(M/522D5& F%$5(#&
6 CiviIisalion expands as lhe coId deseils lhav
6 Cenocide and ecocide in lhe 'enply Iands
6 Lives of Iileily/sIaveiy on lhe nev fionlieis
AIlogelhei eIsevheie, vasl
Heids of ieindeei nove acioss
MiIes and niIes of goIden noss,
SiIenlIy and veiy fasl.
- fion Tnc |a|| cf Rcnc, W.H. Auden
L3M3=3#,%3)( "^\,(4# ,# %2" .)=4 4"#"$%# %2,8
As ve evoIved in Afiica, coId deseils have aIvays leen quile hosliIe lo hunan
endeavoui and lhus, vhiIe incieasingIy affecled ly civiIisalion, lhey have ienained
IaigeIy undoneslicaled. This viII nol Iasl. Repoils fion cIinaloIogisls, indigenous
peopIes, saiIois, seasonaI sile voikeis and ecoIogisls aII conhin lhal lhe effecls
of gIolaI cIinale change aie nagnihed in lhe fai noilh. In CieenIand Slen Iedei-
son Ieans dovn lo haivesl callages,
sonelhing unlhinkalIe a fev decades ago.
Thiough lhe nevIy ice fieed aiclic vaves suivey ships push foivaid in seaich of
oiI, gas and iiches.
In nuch of lhe fai noilh (vilh lhe exceplion of lhose aieas
scaiied ly lhe Iegacy of SlaIins guIags and nev cilies) lhe inliusions of civiIisa-
lion aie spaise oi lenpoiaiy lul lhey aie incieasing, and nany lhink ve aie on lhe
liink of a nev coId iush. uiied lieasuie lecones ieachalIe and pieviousIy fiozen
leiiiloiy lecones noie hospilalIe lo sellIenenl and agiicuIluie. CiviIisalion viII
& '(') *(+#
expand as lhe coId deseils lhav.
Ils a diily seciel lhal nany Noilhein goveinnenls aie acliveIy Iooking foi-
vaid lo lhe effecls of cIinale change on lhe Iands lhey occupy, al lhe nonenl of-
len onIy synloIicaIIy. Theie viII le sone vinneis in lhe (incieasingIy) valei iich,
lhaving Iai Noilh jusl as lheie viII le nany, nany Ioseis in lhe valei- sliessed hol
iegions. CIinale doesnl leIieve injuslice. Sone... iegions of lhe voiId... nay expe-
iience gains fion gIolaI vaining in lhe nexl 2O lo 3O yeais, such as noie favouialIe
faining condilions in sone pails of Russia and Canada.
The noilhein quailei
of oui pIanels Ialiludes viII undeigo lienendous liansfoinalion ovei lhe couise
of lhis cenluiy, naking lhen a pIace of incieased hunan aclivily, highei slialegic
vaIue, and giealei econonic inpoilance lhan loday.
This liansfoinalion viII le fueIIed ly lhe cIinalic effecl of fossiI fueI luining
and lhe opening up of nev ieseives. The iegion couId le hone lo 9O liIIion laiieIs
of oiI - voilh a vhopping $7 liiIIion al lhe cuiienl oiI piice - and 3O peicenl of lhe
pIanels unlapped gas ieseives, accoiding lo lhe US CeoIogicaI Suivey.
LaiIiei, ve Iooked al cIinale conicls and focused on hol vais, lul coId vais
ovei lhe conlioI of nevIy accessilIe hydiocailon, nineiaI and Iand 'iesouices aie
aIso possilIe, lhough lhey vouId have a fundanenlaIIy diffeienl chaiaclei. CoId
aieas aie geneiaIIy econonicaIIy deveIoped counliies and hol aieas aie geneiaIIy
deveIoping counliies... Conicl anong deveIoped counliies nighl Iead lo concen-
lialed falaIilies, vhiIe lhose in deveIoping counliies nighl Iead lo conicl lhal is
noie diffuse. Wheie lhe Hol Wai is chaiacleiised ly lhe lieakdovn of slale func-
lions and inleinaI sliife, lhe CoId Wai exenpIihes condilions of expanding slale
conlioI and exleinaI conicl.
The eneigence of a nev CoId Wai - once again piinaiiIy lelveen Lasl and
Wesl cenlies of povei, lhough lhis line soIidIy aloul lhe Iai Noilh - is on lhe
Ioi nov lhe piolaliIily of fuII-on vai in lhe nev IoIai Tension eIl is fai
Iess lhan lhal in lhe hol aieas of lhe pIanel, nol Ieasl as nany of lhe counliies in
queslion aie nucIeai poveis. Iiacas iesenlIing lhe UK-IceIandic Cod Wais con-
lined vilh dipIonalic giandslanding, such as lhe iecenl pIanling of lhe Russian
ag on lhe sealed of lhe noilh poIe,
viII no doull inciease. The onIy lhing lhal
viII calegoiicaIIy pievenl conicl in lhe iegion is if ils found lheie is nolhing voilh
sciapping aloul. This is unfoilunaleIy unIikeIy - lhe opening - up of lhe veiy sea
ilseIf liings nev possiliIilies foi liade and novenenl even if IillIe is found leIov il.
Theie is a foigollen conlinenl in lhis sloiy. Anlaiclica viII see enoinous
changes due lo leiia-foining lhal viII cieale oppoilunilies foi econonic expIoila-
lion. Wilh nany soveieignly cIains in lhe iegion, lheie is a chance lhal conicl viII
le lhe oulcone.
Theie is a Iol of ice on Anlaiclica and signihcanl dispules aie
unIikeIy lo hil unliI nid-cenluiy if nol nuch, nuch Ialei, lul lhal does nol nean
slales aie nol Iaying foundalions. Il is a ciueI iiony lhal nuch of lhe science lhal
has enalIed avaieness of cIinale change and aIIoved gIinpses of pasl cIinales
has cone lhiough lhe sleiIing effoils of scienlisls voiking in slale inslilulions -
lhe iilish Anlaiclic Suivey foi exanpIe, vhose piesence in Anlaiclica is in Iaige
!" # " $%
pail funded lo undeiIine inpeiiaI cIains ovei a conlinenl lhals liue conquesl and
doneslicalion can onIy cone lhiough nassive cIinale change In lhe neanline lhe
seas of lhe Iai Soulh - especiaIIy aiound lhe dispuled IaIkIand IsIands - aie incieas-
ingIy paily lo oiI piospecling.
`.).34" ,(4 D"().34" 3( %2" Z"F\%J@ =,(4#+
When lhe iilish slale decIaied AusliaIia 'leiia nuIIius il vas dehning lhe Iand
as enply. The peopIes, lhe viIdness, veie lo le nade invisilIe, unleaialIe. If pei-
ceived al aII, lhey veie seen, coiieclIy, as olslacIes lo piogiess. In lhe Iai Noilh,
as in coIonies geneiaIIy, nuch of lhe Iand is aIieady peopIed and fion a videi
peispeclive, aninaIed. Theie aie vondeis in lhe lundia lhal civiIisalion nusl Iay lo
vasle in lhe cause of enplying and occupalion. In his leaulifuI expIoialion of lhe
Aiclic, naluiaIisl aiiy Lopez desciiles Iands he Ioves.
The Aiclic, oveiaII, has lhe cIassic Iines of a deseil Iandscape: spaie, laI-
anced, exlended, and quiel... The appaienl nonolony of lhe Iand is ieIieved,
hovevei, ly lhe vealhei syslens noving lhiough, and ly lhe aclivilies of ani-
naIs, pailicuIaiIy of liids and caiilou. And lecause so nuch of lhe counliy
slands ieveaIed, and lecause sunIighl passing lhiough lhe duslIess aii iendeis
ils edges vilh such unusuaI shaipness, aninaIs Iingei lefoie lhe eye. And lheii
piesence is vivid.
Like olhei Iandscapes lhal iniliaIIy appeai laiien, aiclic lundia can open
suddenIy, Iike lhe coioIIa of a ovei, vhen any inlinacy vilh il is soughl. One
legins lo nolice spols of liiIIianl ied, oiange, and gieen, foi exanpIe, anong
lhe nonolonic liovns of a lundia lussock.
B2" A,#% C3=4 L)(%3("(%
In lhe Anlaiclic Tiealy Syslen, lo have a say nalions nusl have lases and eslal-
Iished scienlihc piogiannes. On a conlinenl vheie niIilaiy aclivily (lhough nol
niIilaiy peisonneI) aie lanned scienlisls acl as (snov) lools on lhe giound. Thal
lhe lases have polenliaIIy videi nediun lein vaIue lhan 'jusl science nay nol le
pulIicaIIy olvious lul is oflen cIeaiIy slaled vhen scienlisls seek najoi funding -
and gel il. Ioi exanpIe vhen lhe iilish Anlaiclic Suivey had leen soIiciling lhe
goveinnenl foi noney lo luiId lhe |Rolheioj aiisliip, il had nol onIy nenlioned sci-
ence in ils docunenls lul had fiequenlIy iefeiied lo lhe possilIe nineiaI iesouices
in lhe Anlaiclic. - IauI iovn, Tnc |as| li|dcrncss. |ign|q Daqs in An|arc|ica (Lon-
don: Hulchinson, 1991), p. 187
A voIf spidei Iunges al a gIislening leelIe. A shied of nusk ox vooI Iies
ineil in lhe Iavendei lIoons of saxifiage... The veaIlh of lioIogicaI delaiI on
lhe lundia dispeIs any feeIing lhal lhe Iand is enply, and ils Iikeness lo a slage
suggesls inpending evenls. On a sunneis vaIk, lhe vind-vashed aii pioves
dealhIessIy cIeai. Tine and again you cone upon lhe isoIaled and succincl evi-
dence of Iife - aninaI liacks, lhe undigesled ienains of a plainigan in an ovIs
casling, a palch of laiien-giound viIIov nillIed neaiIy Ieaess ly aiclic haies.
& '(') *(+#
& '(') *(+#
You aie affoided lhe conpanionship of liids, vhich foIIov aflei you. (They
knov you aie an aninaI, soonei oi Ialei you viII luin up sonelhing lo eal.)
Sandpipeis scallei lefoie you, scieaning luiluek, an Lskino nane foi lhen.
Coning avkvaidIy dovn a sciee sIope of fiosl-iiven Iineslone you nake a
gIass-linkIing cIallei - and al a dislance a lundia giizzIy iises on ils hind Iegs
lo sludy you, lhe dish-shaped pavs of ils fionl Iegs dealhIy sliII... |ul aIieady,
even in uninhaliled Iandsj, one cannol niss lhe evidence of upheavaI, noi
avoid leing vienched ly il. The depiession il engendeis, lecause so nuch of
il seens a heedIess inposilion on lhe Iand and on lhe peopIe, a iude invasion,
can Iead one lo despaii.
The piesenl scaIe of indusliiaI invasion is neieIy a poilenl of lhe coning eco-
cide engendeied, as lhe high Ialiludes vain, ly lhe peppeiing of lhe Iai Noilh
vilh noie cilies, ioads, inslaIIalions, heIds and facloiies. This piocess viII aIso le
one of allenpled genocide. Heideis such as sone of lhe Sani
of LapIand and
indigenous of Sileiia viII IikeIy hnd lheii honeIands incieasingIy fiagnenled and
poIIuled vhiIsl lhose connunilies Iiving on iesouice iich Iand viII face eiadicalion
- eilhei ly sinpIe dispossession oi ly assiniIalion inlo lhe indusliiaI cuIluie.
a fev pIaces such as CieenIand vheie nuch of lhe indigenous najoiily nay gain
sone naleiiaI lenehl fion lhe denudalion of lheii lhaving Iands lhis piocess nay
le pailIy indigenous diiven. In nosl, hovevei, vheie aloiiginaI connunilies aie
ninoiilies lheie viII le faniIiai palleins of iepiession and iesislance.
This fuluie sloiy of a cIash lelveen oId coId voiIds and nev ones vained ly
'lhe vhile heal of lhe lechnoIogicaI ievoIulion is aIieady pasl and piesenl. TaIes of
dispossession and desliuclion aie nany, yel so is iesislance. Ioi exanpIe, despile
fev iesouices, sone of lhe Sileiian liiles have feivenlIy opposed lhe expansion of
gas and oiI infiasliucluie on lheii liadilionaI Iands. In one aclion a hundied Nivkh,
Lvenk and UIila lIocked ioads vilh lheii ieindeei foi lhiee days againsl nev oiI
and gas pipeIines.
In Canada especiaIIy, lhe goveinnenl and coipoialions aie
faced vilh indigenous vaiiioi socielies vilh a sliong Iand elhic and a gioving
hghling spiiil.
WhiIe lheie have leen - and viII le - vicloiies in lhe lallIe lo slop lhe noilhein
spiead of enpiie and ils infiasliucluie, even lhe nosl iesoIule peopIes cannol haIl
cIinale change ilseIf. Indigenous peopIes iepoil lhal Iives, and lhe suivivaliIily of
Iife-vays, aie aIieady leing affecled. As VioIel Ioid, an Inuil, says: We canl pie-
dicl lhe vealhei anynoie, so ils veiy difhcuIl lo pIan oui hunling. Il puls a Iol of
sliess and feai inlo oui connunilies.
SiniIai iepoils cone fion lhe 'Russian
Aiclic as veII, vheie changes in ice and snov neIling is causing cuIluie change
and endangeiing lhe ieindeei heiding IifeslyIe of lhe Nenel heideis on lhe YanaI
On a liighl day on a sloin lossed cape I vaIked vilh a fiiend suiiounded ly
foiesl, vaves, ospiey, and oicas. Iai fion any ioad oi viIIage, lhe pIace feIl piisline,
lul anongsl lhe liees veie lhe iolling ienains of a schooI. Rusling fain inpIe-
nenls Iilleied lhe undeigiovlh and foinei heIds veie nov lhe hunling giounds of
!" # " $%
cougai. Renoleness fion naikels, lhe iIIogic of poIilics, and Iand unsuiled lo coIo-
nisalion ly an inpoiled nodeI had Ied lo lhe evacualion of lhis coasl. Il ieninded
ne lhal despile lhe vishes of lhose vho pIan voiIds, sellIenenl sonelines faiIs
and lhe viId vins. This viII conlinue lo le liue.
A3M"# )H =3-"$%Jb#=,M"$J )( %2" ("8 H$)(%3"$#
IossiliIilies viII eneige as lhe coId deseils ielieal foi lhose vho vish lo sellIe/
invade/iesisl/voik. Who viII popuIale lhese nev Iands` IhysicaI Iandscapes and
lhe sociaI leiiains of sliuggIe fiane vhal ve lhink is possilIe and lhus vhal ve
do. In Nineleenlh and eaiIy Tvenlielh Cenluiy Noilh Aneiica, IndividuaIisl An-
aichisn (especiaIIy lhal inuenced ly Heniy David Thoieau) vas fianed diieclIy
ly lhe idea and exislence of fionlieis and lhus lhe ieaI aliIily lo luiId sone IeveI of
aulonony and seIf-sufhency - adnilledIy on sloIen Iand! In ciovded Luiope al lhe
sane line lheie vas Iess 'oulside avaiIalIe, and so despile sliong cuiienls vilh an
ecoIogicaI and anli-civiIisalion peispeclive, nany individuaIisl anaichisls luined lo
lank iolling, insuiieclion, assassinalion and ail. We can expecl lhe opening up of
nev Iands vilhin Luiope and Noilh Aneiica lo have a signihcanl inpacl on lolh
lhose vho vish lo deseil civiIisalion as veII as lhose vho vish lo expand il. Theie
viII le nany possiliIilies foi Iives of Iileily on lhe expanding fionlieis, lhough
diop-ouls and ienegades nay lhenseIves Iay lhe foundalions foi a videi 'genliih-
calion of lhe viIdeiness.
Il vouId le IoveIy lo lhink lhal a lhousand anaichisl Iog huls viII lIoon lul
noie pievaIenl aie IikeIy lo le voikcanps and fainIands iesenlIing sonelhing
lelveen Dulais nodein guIags and lhe nev Chinese faining and Iogging coIonies
of Sileiia. In lhe UAL deseil nigianl voikeis Iive in hoiiihc condilions and aie
lussed in and oul of Dulai daiIy lo luiId lhe nev supei cily. They have no iighls
of cilizenship, no iighls lo slay leyond a hxed lein conliacl, aInosl no spouses (oi
iighl lo naiiy oi co-halil), faniIies iaieIy exisl, no ofhciaI unionisalion. Iiighlened
ly an 'Indian Denogiaphic Tine-onl Dulais iuIeis have inilialed a conpIex
innigialion quola syslen vheie nigianls aie lioughl in fion diveise counliies lo
keep voikeis sociaIIy divided. In Sileiia 6OO,OOO Chinese voikeis cioss lhe loidei
in seasonaI nigialion eveiy sunnei lo voik lhe nev heIds.
So lheie viII le Iives of sIaveiy as veII as Iileily on lhe nev fionlieis and
vilh voisening piospecls in nuch of lhe vaining voiId and lhe pionise of haid
cuiiency nany viII choose lhen. Readeis vilh anaicho-syndicaIisl Ieanings nay
nolice lhe sliiking siniIaiily of such silualions vilh lhal of lhe Iogging and nining
canps lhal veie lhe lallIegiounds of lhe WollIies. The IWW vas lhe onIy voik-
eis oiganisalion lhal had any successes in uniling 'Iunpen nigianl voikeis of di-
veise nalionaIilies in eaiIy 2Olh cenluiy Aneiica. CuIluiaIIy divided and vilhoul
iecouise lo IegaI unions and olhei oigans of sociaI denociacy, niIilanl infoinaI
syndicaIisn couId aiise in lhe Nev Noilh, possilIy even infoined ly Anaichisn.
IaiaIIeIs lelveen oId and nev fionlieis aie Iaid oul veII ly cIinaloIogisl Lav-
& '(') *(+#
ience C. Snilh.
|Anj envisioning of lhe Nev Noilh loday nighl le sonelhing Iike Aneiica
in 18O3, jusl aflei lhe Louisiana Iuichase fion Iiance. Il, loo, possessed najoi
cilies fueIIed ly foieign innigialion, vilh a vasl, inhospilalIe fionliei dislanl
fion lhe najoi uilan coies. Ils deseils, Iike Aiclic lundia, veie haish, dangei-
ous, and ecoIogicaIIy fiagiIe. Il, loo, had iich iesouice endovnenls of nelaIs
and hydiocailons. Il, loo, vas nol ieaIIy an enply fionliei lul aIieady occu-
pied ly aloiiginaI peopIes vho had leen Iiving lheie foi niIIennia.
WhiIe lhe exlenl of civiIisalionaI expansion in lhe 'Nev Noilh is, Iike so nuch
in cIinale change ieIaled fuluioIogy, piesenlIy unknovalIe, lhe liend ilseIf seens
a given. In sone pIaces il can le iesisled, and successfuIIy. In olheis lhe huliis of
sellIenenl viII sinpIy faiI. In nany pIaces ils veiy expansion liings possiliIilies
foi lhose vho vouId Iive in nev openings oi in oId, lul vainei, voiIds of lhe
N !"#I%(<%#E% *#+ $:% /%) !"#$%
- Life expeclancy and expeclalions of 'nodein Iife
- Diveigenl voiIds
- SuivivaI in lhe sIuns
- OId gods and nev heavens
- Vagalond pIanls in uilan ecosyslens
A3H" "^\".%,(.J ,(4 "^\".%,%3)(# )H ZF)4"$( =3H"@
In 2OO8 hunanily passed a signihcanl niIeslone - noie of oui species nov Iive in
cilies lhan oulside of lhen. I vonl even allenpl lo guess vheie exaclIy - olhei lhan
ecoIogicaI denudalion
- lhe giovlh of cilies is Ieading. Il couId le lhe gIinneiing
gIass dones of sci-h fanlasy, lhe puliid valeis of conlenpoiaiy Makoko
oi lhe
jungIe-inneised alandoned avenues of Mayan cilies. In aII IikeIihood il Ieads in
lhe diieclion of aII lhiee, and olheis. One suspecls no one knovs vhal lhe piesenl
silualion is, nevei nind vheie il is headed. As Mike Davis puls il,
Veiy Iaige cilies - lhose vilh a gIolaI, nol jusl iegionaI, enviionnenlaI fool-
piinl - aie lhus lhe nosl dianalic end-pioducl, in noie lhan one sense, of hu-
nan cuIluiaI evoIulion in lhe HoIocene. IiesunalIy lhey shouId le lhe suljecl
of lhe nosl uigenl and enconpassing scienlihc inquiiy. They aie nol. We knov
noie aloul iainfoiesl ecoIogy lhan uilan ecoIogy.
The iale of change is slaggeiing. Ioi iIIuslialion lake nega-cilies, lhose vilh
noie lhan 1O niIIion cilizens. WhiIe lheie veie none in 19OO, ly lhe nid 197Os lheie
& '(') *(+#
veie lhiee nega-cilies, and lelveen lhen and 2OO7 lhe nunlei giev lo nineleen,
vilh lhe lolaI expecled lo iise lo lvenly seven ly 2O25. Thals 3-27 in aiound 5O
yeais. OveiaII, since lhe leginning of lhe 199Os, cilies in lhe (iapidIy) 'deveIoping
voiId have expanded ly lhiee niIIion peopIe a veek.
Thals ioughIy equivaIenl
lo a nev cily lhe size of iisloI, ialisIava oi OakIand ctcrq sing|c day
Ioi nov, lhe
uilan najoiilies Iook sel lo conlinue expanding as peopIe aie suljecl lo foices lhal
push and puII lhen avay fion agiicuIluie and lovaids lhe fieedons and sIaveiies
of lhe neliopoIes.
WhiIe lhe dislance lelveen lhe gIoles hnanciaIIy iichesl and pooiesl conlin-
ues lo viden, UN slalislics neveilheIess shov inciedilIe changes foi nuch of lhe
voiIds popuIalions, IifeslyIe shifls lhal oflen aie nol ieecled in any conpaialIe
paiadign shifl anongsl aclivisls in lhe 'deveIoped voiId. As Hans RoeIeing has
poinled oul, lhe pIanel is oflen seen as divided lelveen:
... ve and 'lhen and 've is lhe Weslein WoiId and 'lhen is lhe Thiid WoiId.
'And vhal do you nean vilh Weslein WoiId` I said. 'WeII, lhals Iong Iife and
snaII faniIy, and Thiid WoiId is shoil Iife and Iaige faniIy.
Such a sinpIislic picluie aIvays olscuied cIass, cuIluiaI and iegionaI diffei-
ences lul lheie vas sone liulh lo il. Nol anynoie. The changes in Iife expeclancy
and faniIy size voiId-vide, aie jusl lhe nosl olvious changes. AIongside lhen aie
huge liansfoinalions in geneiaI heaIlh (lolh good and lad),
chiId piogianning
and lhe incieasing degiee of lhe connodihcalion of sociaI ieIalions. Yel even on a
pIanel vheie ioad liafhc accidenls nov kiII siniIai nunleis of peopIe as naIaiia,
lhe oId picluie sliII peisisls.
In lhe gioving cilies especiaIIy, langilIe sociaI ievoIulions (such as lhe inciease
in Iife expeclancy) can conline vilh nedia piopeIIed nylhs of lhe (non)Aneiican
diean lo pioduce unieaIislic expeclalions of 'nodein Iife. Such expeclalions en-
couiage allenpls al assiniIalion and sulnission lo povei, even as inevilalIe cIash-
es of cIass inleiesls and lhe inaliIily of 'lhe syslen lo cone up vilh lhe pionised
goods give iise lo fuiies. On lhe posilive side, nany peopIe viII al Ieasl have Iongei
Iives lo expeiience lhe possiliIily of Iove as veII as inevilalIe sociaI disIocalion and
videning cIass inequaIily.
!3M"$D"(% 8)$=4#
Those lhal see lhese liansfoinalions as nagicaIIy Ieading lhe species lovaids a
conveigence lased on vheie lhese liends Ied lhe Wesl
vouId le deIuded, even
vilhoul lhe ieaI Iinils nov sel ly cIinale change, iesouice scaicily elc. Ioi a slail,
sone eslinale lhal even if one lakes lhese liends as a given lheie viII sliII ienain
a iuiaI popuIalion appioaching lhiee liIIion al nid cenluiy.
Many of lhese fain-
eis as veII as nany of lhose in lhe cilies viII IikeIy le Iiving in slagnanl econo-
nies siniIai lo lhe counliies of lhe 'lollon liIIion loday. AddilionaIIy, nany of
lhese Ieasl conveiging popuIalions aie IikeIy lo le in lhose counliies connonIy
desciiled as faiIed slales. These counliies aie unIikeIy lo 'giov, nol Ieasl lhanks lo
lhe addilionaI laiiieis piovided ly lhe iise (oi noie accuialeIy ieluin) of lhe gIolaI
!" # " $%
poveihouses of China and India.
As noled eaiIiei
lhe piesence of lhese Iaige
isIands of chaos
(IauI CoIIiei, ex-WoiId ank) liings posilive as veII as nega-
live possiliIilies - al Ieasl fion ny anaichisl peispeclive. Il seens IikeIy, lhen, lhal
ialhei lhan a gIolaI conveigence ve viII see lhe conlinued eneigence of iadicaIIy
diveigenl voiIds - lolh lelveen nalions and vilhin lhen.
AddilionaIIy, sudden liend ieveisaIs, in heaIlh foi exanpIe, can suipiise. }usl
Iook al lhe unpiedicaled AIDS epidenic in Afiica oi lhe dianalicaIIy incieased
Russian naIe dealh iales in lhe 199Os. Wilhin nedicine and anongsl eIile pIanneis
lheie is a videspiead, and nol gioundIess, feai lhal lodays nega-cilies and food
pioduclion syslens aie leconing peifecl inculalois foi pandenics of possilIy un-
paiaIIeIed feiocily.
A usealIe (lhough sinpIislic and lheiefoie faIse) sunnalion nighl le lhal
nany peopIe in lhe Iong- indusliiaIised counliies lend lo sliII hoId lo a vision of a
singIe Thiid WoiId lhal is fai Iess indusliiaIised lhan nuch of il is, vhiIsl nany in
lhe eneiging econonies of lhe gIolaI soulh viev lheii fuluies as fai noie iosy and
pie-deleinined lhan lhey piolalIy aie, and hnaIIy, lhose popuIalions lhal (fion a
slandaid econonic peispeclive) Iie al lhe lollon, viII in lhe nediun fuluie Iook
nuch Iike lhey do nov, lul viII piolalIy le Iiving in Iess hospilalIe enviionnenls.
The lesl one can say is lhal uneven conveigence liends in nany of lhe deveIoping
voiIds viII (foi nov) conlinue (lul nol univeisaIIy), lhal lheie aie no deslinalions
given and lhe iides nay le lunpy indeed, nol Ieasl due lo inlei-povei iivaIiy.
The liends I have nenlioned aie sinuIlaneousIy liinging nuch - lul ly no neans
aII - of hunanily logelhei vhiIsl lieeding IinilIess division. In lhe evei joIIy-voids
of lhe US NalionaI InleIIigence Agency, as veII as ciealing conveigence, ...lodays
liends appeai lo le heading lovaids a polenliaIIy noie fiagnenled and conicled
E*$M3M,= 3( %2" #=*F#
WhiIe diffeienl pIaces aie, ly naluie, diffeienl, one neai conslanl acioss lhe lui-
geoning neliopoIi aie lhe sIuns. Al Ieasl one liIIion peopIe aIieady Iive in lhen,
a hguie expecled lo iise lo lvo liIIion vilhin lvo decades and lhiee liIIion peopIe
ly nid-cenluiy. This neans one in lhiee peopIe
on eailh couId le Iiving in non-
foinaIised uilan leiiains, in shacks, lenls, coiiugaled iion, lenenenl and iullish.
AIieady in nany counliies sIun dveIIeis nake up lhe najoiily of uilaniles. 99.4
in Llhiopia and Chad, 98.5 in Afghanislan and 92 in NepaI. onlay is lhe gIolaI
sIun capilaI vilh 1O-12 niIIion squalleis and lenenenl dveIIeis foIIoved ly Mexi-
co Cily and Dhaka vilh 9-1O niIIion each, lhen Lagos, Caiio, Kinshasa-iazzaviIIe,
Sao IauIo, Shanghai and DeIhi aII vilh 6-8 niIIion.
The hisl nighl I sIepl in a Thiid WoiId squallei neighlouihood I feIl suipiis-
ingIy al hone, as I an suie anyone vho has Iived in squals (especiaIIy occupalions)
in lhe gIolaI noilh vouId do. The lodged eIecliics, lhe aii of caneiadeiie, lhe diil,
lhe dogs eveiyvheie. If lhe liighl yeIIov M aiches signposl lhe piesence of coi-
poiale gIolaIisalion lhen sheIleis consliucled fion fading lIue pIaslic laips and
paIIels aIso acl as gIolaI signposls - lhis line lhal you aie enleiing squallei voiIds.
& '(') *(+#
& '(') *(+#
Waking up vilh chickens in youi face gives lhe gane avay sonevhal lhal you
have piolalIy voken in lhe Thiid WoiId, lul having said lhal, ils aIso happened lo
ne on-sile in Soulh London... The faniIy I vas slaying vilh veie IoveIy and lheie
vas so nuch eneigy and ciealivily and iesiIience cianned inlo lhe shack aIIeys aII
aiound, I liuIy fc|| Iike I vas in a Tenpoiaiy Aulononous Zone.
A Iol of vhal I expeiienced in lhal connunily nade ne sliangeIy pioud lo
le hunan lul lhose of us vho see soIulions as aiising fion aulonony, infoinaI-
ily, seIf heIp and cIass sliuggIe can faII inlo lhe liap of seeing vhal ve vanl lo
see in lhe sIuns. Donl gel ne viong - aII lhose engines aie piesenl, lul so loo lo
diffeiing degiees aie aII lhe piediclalIe inlia-cIass divisions as veII as deepening
cIass oppiessions. Ioi inslance, jusl lecause ils a sIun - even a squallei sellIenenl
- doesnl nean il doesnl have IandIoids. This oflen slails al lhe Iovesl IeveI vilh
suldivisions, ioofs and ioons ienled oul ly eslalIished inhalilanls lo nevei aiiiv-
aIs. As Mike Davis poinls oul (in his chaiacleiislicaIIy anazing and fiankIy haiiov-
ing look P|anc| cf S|uns), Il is lhe piincipIe vay in vhich uilan pooi peopIe can
nonelise lheii equily (foinaI oi infoinaI), lul oflen in an expIoilalive ieIalionship
lo even pooiei peopIe.
Olheis, fion gangsleis lo lig deveIopeis, poIilicians, jun-
las and lhe niddIe cIass aIso gel in on lhe acl. In lhe sIuns of Naiioli foi exanpIe,
nany of lhose vho faII lehind on ienl, even foi a day, face lhe leiioi of lhe IandIoid
and his henchnen luining up lo conhscale lheii neagie possessions, evicl lhen and
voise. Such IandIoids aie iefeiied lo ly Kenyans sinpIy as 'Walenzi - lhose vilh
enough noney lo luy a Meicedes-enz.
If ve have said vheie nuch of lhe luigeoning uilan najoiilies Iive, vhal
aloul vhal lhey do, vheie lhey voik, and vheie lhey aie going` The ansveis aie,
olviousIy, hugeIy diveise and I vonl pielend lo le alIe lo leII you. Whal I viII say,
is lhal nany sIun inhalilanls couId le seen and see lhenseIves as in liansilion.
Tiansilion fion counliy lo uilan. Iion iefugee lo voikei. Iion dispossessed lo
piopeilied. Iion sIun dveIIei lo sonevheie eIse.
This naiialive is as oId as capilaIisn. Ieasanls/agiicuIluiaI voikeis aie dis-
possessed and end up in cily sIuns. In lhe Wesl, hoiiois upon hoiiois foIIoved,
evenluaIIy nanufacluiing lhe indusliiaI voikei
lul nol lefoie lhe neai cenluiy of
ievoIulions loin in Iiance in 1848 and dying in Spain in 1938. These insuiieclions
veie IaigeIy foughl ly liansilionaI cIasses sonevhal siniIai lo lhose loday, vho in
lhe piocess of leing pioIelaiianised Iived in, neilhei indusliiaI noi viIIage sociely
lul in lhe lense, aInosl eIecliifying foice heId of lolh.
WhiIe lhis giand laIe of
cIass evoIulion in eaiIy capilaIisn is liue(ish), lhe sloiies pIaying oul loday aie un-
sciipled and lhey shouId nol le piesuned lo shaie lhe sane 'ending.
WhiIe nany in lhe sIuns eilhei aIieady voik in lhe voiId of vage sIaveiy oi
viII end up doing so, nany, nany olheis suivive in lhe so-caIIed 'infoinaI econ-
ony, a secloi lhal in sone cilies is fai Iaigei (in leins of hunan caplives) lhan lhe
foinaI econony. Heie ve have a polenliaIIy expIosive eneigence of cIasses, vasl in
nunlei, vho aie nc| gcing anquncrc and seen lo le suipIus lo capilaIisns iequiie-
nenls. A pioIelaiial vilhoul facloiies, voikshops, and voik, and vilhoul losses,
!" # " $%
in lhe nuddIe of lhe odd jols, diovning in suivivaI and Ieading an exislence Iike a
palh lhiough enleis.
Thanks lo Iack of sanilalion, valei suppIy and diainage, valei shoilages and
lhe spiead of disease aie sone of lhe giealesl piolIens piesenlIy facing nany sIun
dveIIeis. Lven vilhoul nassive cIinale change kicking in, lhe nunlei of najoi
disasleis in uilan aieas has leen incieasing iapidIy and nosl of lhis giovlh is fion
sloins and oods.
Wilhoul sloin diains, lhe fuluie vashing avay of nany squal-
lei sellIenenls seens inevilalIe, siled as lhey oflen aie in aieas nosl al iisk fion
ooding. The iecupeialive povei of such connunilies is inciedilIe, lul ve can
piesune lhe gieal oods lo cone aie IikeIy lo exaceilale sociaI ciisis and inslaliIily.
]=4 D)4# ,(4 ("8 2",M"(#
y fai lhe Ieasl pIeasanl expeiience I had in lhe squallei neighlouihood I nen-
lioned eaiIiei vas allending a Sunday chuich seivice. I had nanaged lo dodge olh-
eis, lul lhis line lheie vas no escape. The chuich ilseIf vas lhe liggesl luiIding in
lhe neighlouihood and il loo vas IaigeIy luiIl fion saIvage. I found il liuIy upsel-
ling lo see so nany of lhe peopIe I had spenl line vilh venling ieIigious iiialionaI-
ily, enacling inane iiluaIs and sulnilling lo lhe aulhoiily of pieacheis, god and
sciipluie. The chuich had ieceived sone hynn lapes fion a IenlecoslaI denoni-
nalion in lhe USA and lhus I sal Iislening lo hundieds of squalleis vho, lhough
LngIish vas nol lheii hisl Ianguage, sang oul Aneiican hynns in psuedo-Aneiican
accenls. In facl, in lhe counliy I vas in, nol a singIe lookshop in lhe capilaI, (aII of
vhich veie ovned ly chuiches), soId anylhing nenlioning evoIulion, neveinind
anaichisl ievoIulion. Ils easy foi lhose of us fion socielies vilh high peicenlages
of alheisn lo undeieslinale lhe IeveI of ieIigiosily lhal is nixed in vilh induslii-
aIisn in lhe gIolaI soulh, vheie, anongsl lhe pooi al Ieasl, lhey aie oflen joinlIy
Much of iadicaI poIilics is ieIigion ly olhei neans, lul in lhe sIuns, and
anongsl lhe dispossessed geneiaIIy, lhe oId gods aie gioving in slaluie. WhiIe
secls nay diffei in lheii degiee of quielisn oi niIilancy, lhey shaie an unieaIily
lhal is unIikeIy lo aid lhe nap-ieading aliIily of lhe dovnliodden in liuIy confus-
ing lines. The videi case againsl ieIigion has leen aigued veII eIsevheie
so I
vonl lolhei, lul il is voilh noling lhal vhiIe veslein anaichisls nosl oiganised
inlia-cIass 'conpelilois aie poIilicaI gioupings, in nany lhiid voiIds, anaichisls
aie faced ly lhe slienglhening ianks of lheociacy. Thals of couise in lhose pIaces
vheie anaichisls do exisl, vhich - lhough gioving - aie sliII nol nany. In conliasl,
ieIigious aulhoiilaiians seen lo le gaining conveils eveiyvheie, and, geneiaIIy, lhe
noie sociaI disIocalion, lhe lellei lhe ieciuilnenl.
In chaplei 4 (Afiican Roads lo
Anaichy) ve Iooked al lhe expansion of non-slale sociaI piovision as goveinnenls
ieliacl fion pievious connilnenls - in pail due lo sliucluiaI adjuslnenl and lhe
Iike. Anongsl lhe olvious pain lhis cieales, I poinled lo lhe possiliIilies lhis opens
& '(') *(+#
up foi Iileilaiian sociaI foices. UnfoilunaleIy, in sIuns fion Kinshasa lo Caza, il
is ieIigious aulhoiilaiians lhal aie nosl oflen laking advanlage of lhis polenliaI lo
luiId duaI (oi nuIli)povei lhiough lhe piovision of healh and geneiaI caie, and
lhis is oflen done aIongside lhe luiId-up of ained capacily. The leiiilIe inheiilance
of Ieflisl faiIuies and success has onIy Iefl lhe heId open foi lhe giovlh of niIIenai-
ian lheocialic aulhoiilies anongsl lhe sIuns and Iaige isIands of chaos.
If nuch of lhe pooi aie Iiving in heIIish condilions, and pulling lheii liusl in lhe
niIIenniun oi lhe afleiIife, lhe eIiles and niddIe cIasses aie incieasingIy Iiving in
guaided heavens nodeIIed on lhe galed suluils of lhe USA. Heie, Mike Davis ai-
gues, lhey aie consliucling (oi noie accuialeIy having consliucled foi lhen) Iade
Runnei slyIe 'Off-voiIds avay fion lhe disoideied and dangeious voiIds of lhe
dispossessed. WhiIsl sone such 'off-voiIds aie so 'off lhe pooi aie fai, fai avay,
nosl aie polenliaIIy vilhin ieach. Like Apailheid Soulh Afiica (oi Soulh Afiica
loday foi lhal poinl) lhese heavens sliII need voikeis - cIeaneis, gaideneis, van
diiveis and secuiily guaids - nany of vhich Iive in lhe suiiounding heIIs. As lhe
poisoned oIigaichs of Haili
couId leII you, lhis, despile lhe CCTV, is nol as safe
as il Iooks.
Wilh such divided voiIds - and such divided cilies - upiisings and geneiaIised
conicls aie aIvays on lhe caids. MiIilaiy slialegisls have foi decades leen piedicl-
ing upiisings and gueiiiIIa vai in lhe sveIIing cilies, and lo a ceilain exlenl ve aie
aIieady seeing lhen a Ia lhe lallIes in RevoIulion/Sadi Cily and lhe Iike. The con-
linalion of unpaiaIIeIed incone dispaiily, depiivalion, ciovding and lhe spiead
of ciininaI gangs and niIIenaiian gioups is a heady nix. As a US Ainy lhink lank
iepoil puls il:
Dislinclive fealuies of lhe Iaigesl oi so caIIed 'voiId cilies... incIude naiked
econonic and sociaI poIaiisalion and inlense spaliaI segiegalion. We aIso hnd vhal
is piolalIy an effecl of lhese condilions, lhe Iaige aiiay of anli-slale aclois. Anai-
chisls, ciininaIs, lhe dispossessed, foieign neddIeis, cynicaI oppoilunisls, Iunalics,
ievoIulionaiies, Ialoi Ieadeis, elhnic nalionaIs... and olheis can aII foin aIIiances of
convenience. They can aIso connil acls of vioIence and handIe ideas lhal piovoke
olheis... AnaIyses lhal focus on a singIe sliand of lhe faliic of vioIence - lhal isoIale
on elhnic iivaIiy, nahas, oi ievoIulionaiy cadie - can undeieslinale lhe disiuplive
povei lhal lhose phenonena gain vhen lhey coincide. TioulIes viII nol cone as
singIe soIdieis, lhey viII cone in lallaIions.
So lhe niIilaiies (and niIilaiised poIice foices) aie lolh hghling and piepaiing
foi conicl in lhe nev, unnapped, uilan jungIes. Of couise, if cilies veie sinpIy
a negalive foi goveinnenls lhey vouIdnl have spenl lhousands of yeais oideiing
lheii consliuclion. Theie aie ieasons vhy slales oflen Iike lo concenliale lheii sul-
jecls. The nosl fanous allenpl of nodein niIilaiised uilanisalion vas lhal cai-
iied oul ly lhe US ainy in Vielnan. Theii defeal shouId nol nask lhe Iogic of lheii
allenpl lo 'diain lhe sea and lhus Ieave lhe Vielcong exposed. Widei exanpIes of
hov lhe sIuns delei insuigency alound. As ChaiIes Onyango-Ollo says:
!" # " $%
In Kenyas case, sIuns - aII lheii iisks nolvilhslanding - aie acluaIIy a
slaliIising foice. The piessuies ciealed ly lhe gieal Iand dispossession in
Kenya ly lhe coIoniaIisls, vhich conlinued aflei independence, veie pail-
Iy soaked up ly Naiiolis sIuns... Wilhoul lhen, peihaps lheie vouId
have leen a second Mau Mau upiising.
c,D,-)(4 \=,(%# 3( *$-,( ".)#J#%"F#
Despile leing looIs of doneslicalion lheie aie feiaI possiliIilies in lhe cilies as
aInosl eveiyvheie. Theii pIace as lhe excIusive leiiain of povei is a geneiaIised
deIusion, even if il is lacked up ly vioIenl facls. Novheie is fuIIy civiIised. Ioi a
slail, as lhe US Ainy lheoiisl quoled alove says,... lhe uilan enviionnenl offeis
individuaI anonynily, a facloi lhal can le of gieal use lo lhe anaichisl.
The Iasl
lvo decades have seen an eneigence of a 'lhiid vave of anaichisls in nany of lhe
WoiId Tovns: ManiIa, }akaila, Mexico Cily, Lagos, SeouI, uenos Aiies, IslanluI,
DeIhi and nany olheis, vilh a liuIy ienaikalIe giovlh in Lalin Aneiica especiaIIy.
Heie ve seen lo have lhe leginning of a ieluin lo lhe oveiing of diveise liansna-
lionaI Anaichisns lhal chaiacleiised us a cenluiy ago.
Thal lhis is happening as
par| of gIolaIisalion, and lhe giovlh of cilies is nol suipiising given lhal lhe seeds of
sccia| nctcncn| Anaichisn aie IaigeIy caiiied aiound lhe pIanel on lhe coal laiIs of
capilaIisn and oflen giov lesl, Iike veeds, on disluiled giound. As Richaid Maley
has pul il, civiIisalion divides Iife inlo:
... lvo concepluaIIy diffeienl canps: lhose oiganisns conlained, nan-
aged and lied foi lhe lenehl of hunans, and lhose vhich aie 'viId, con-
linuing lo Iive in lheii ovn leiiiloiies on, noie oi Iess. lheii ovn leins.
Weeds occui vhen lhis lidy conpailnenlaIisalion lieaks dovn. The viId
galeciashes oui civiIised donains and lhe doneslicaled escapes and iuns
LaiIiei ve Iooked al sone conlinuing, if lesieged, anaichies vhich conlinue lo
Iive in lheii ovn leiiiloiies on, noie oi Iess lheii ovn leins. Lven lhough fion
liilh nosl of us in lhe cilies have leen conlained, nanaged and lied foi olheis
lenehl, possiliIilies foi escape aie oflen piesenl. Theie aie ciacks in lhe pavenenl
and oui giovlh can Ievei lhen videi. In nosl pIaces, ly doing so ve aie unIikeIy
lo deslioy lhe conciele ulleiIy lul ve can open up noie spaces in vhich lo giov
In sone senses vagalond pIanls aie, 'on lhe olhei side, lhey aie Iiving in oppo-
silion lo lhe cily, yel lhey aie sinuIlaneousIy pail of lhe oveiaiching uilan ecosys-
len. To see lhen in isoIalion vilhoul inpIicilIy seeing lheii Iinks and inleiaclions
vilhin lhe videi connunily vouId le fooIish. The sane can le said of lhose of us
vilh feiaI anlilions - as uilan anaichisls ve aie lolh consciousIy 'olhei vhiIsl
inliicaleIy vilhin lhe videi ecosyslens - lolh hunan and leyond. Anaichisls aII
ovei lhe uilan voiIds aie gioving lheii ovn counlei cuIluies uni|s| acliveIy hghl-
ing in videi sociaI and ecoIogicaI sliuggIes, vilhin and aIongside sliiking voik-
eis, indigenous peopIes, vonens oiganisalions, nigianls, sIun connunilies and
counlIess olheis. Hovevei, one onIy needs lo Iook al lhe iecenl iepiession faced ly
& '(') *(+#
anaichisls in ChiIe and eIsevheie lo ienenlei lhal leing 'giass lelveen lhe ciacks
is dangeious - lhe veed kiIIei is aIvays on lhe vay. IiaclicaI inleinalionaI soIidai-
ily is sonelines heIpfuI, lul il viII le lhe vigoui of lhe pIanls lhenseIves and hov
suilalIe lheii enviionnenl is lhal viII piinaiiIy deleinine vhelhei lhey lake hoId.
If, as nany lheoiisls of eIile povei feai, lhe fasl expanding, IaigeIy unpIanned cil-
ies of lhe gIolaI soulh aie feiliIe giound foi lhe giovlh of anaichy, lhe age of lhe
nega-cilies viII le inleiesling indeed. Whal ieleIIions avail` Whal ideoIogies viII
le concocled` Hov viII hunanilies feeI and see lhenseIves foIIoving lhis nassive
disconneclion fion lhe Iand` WiII aII lhese cilies ienain al lhe end of lhe cenluiy oi
aie lhey a liansiloiy lIoon`
Long Iive lhe veeds and lhe viIdeiness yel.
We have liiey Iooked al lhe
expanding uilan nono-cuIluies, lul vhal of lheii opposile, lhe lesieged lio- di-
veise viIdeinesses` Hov viII cIinale change, conicl, civiIisalionaI expansion and
conliaclion affecl lhen` Whal can ve, lhe veeds, do lo defend lhe viIdeiness`
Q !"#&%(I*$D"# B@D+&$ !:*#<%
6 ApocaIypses nov
6 Conseivalion is oui goveinnenl
6 Danage conlioI
6 Naluie lals Iasl
6 ApocaIypses nov
As Iong as cIass sociely exisls, lhe vai on lhe viId viII conlinue - lhey aie one
and lhe sane. The ideaI ansvei lo lhe queslion posed al lhe end of lhe pievious
chaplei, vhal can ve, lhe veeds, do lo defend lhe viIdeiness` vouId le: ie-viId
vheie ve aie (and ouiseIves) lo lhe exlenl lhal civiIisalions faIse divisions aie ovei-
giovn. I say idca|, lecause foi aII lhe ieasons oulIined aIieady and noie, in nosl
pIaces ve aie unIikeIy lo see an ecoIogicaI lianscendence.
ul if lhe niIIenniun is a nylh, apocaIypses feeI noie and noie Iike unfoId-
ing ieaIilies. Many undeislandalIy feai lhal iainfoiesls couId die-off in lhe fuluie
lhanks lo cIinale change induced dioughl,
lul lhe facl is lhal loday nuch of lhen
aie aIieady leing cIeaied and luinl lo nake vay foi agiicuIluie - sliII lhe nunlei
one diivei of liopicaI defoieslalion. Iaining has aIieady iepIaced viIdeiness on
an eslinaled 4O of lhe eailhs Iand suiface
so foi lhe aninaIs, insecls, peopIes
and pIanls il iepIaced, lhe apocaIypse has aIieady cone. Add lhe oveiaII hijacking
of ecosyslen seivices and lhe conlinued piIIaging of viIdIands foi aninaI lodies,
liee liunks, valei, nineiaIs and anylhing eIse lhal can le luined inlo a 'naluiaI
iesouice, and indusliiaI civiIisalion is effecliveIy allenpling a suslained, lIind and
hugeIy danaging lake-ovei of lhe Lailh Syslen. As pail of lhis piocess anlhiopo-
genic cIinale change is IikeIy lo le a foice nagnihei. Halilal desliuclion incIudes
& '(') *(+#
halilal fiagnenlalion, a pailicuIaiIy piolIenalic facloi undei cIinale change. And
lhe piolIen of aIien and invasive species, so favouied ly non-naluiaI disluilance,
is onIy giealei vhen cIinale change is added... The inpacl of cIinale change in lhis
heaviIy fiagnenled voiId nay le innense.
Hov innense` No one ieaIIy knovs, lhough pIenly aie liying lo voik il oul.

WhiIe lheie is a Iol of unceilainly on lhe delaiIs, nosl conseivalion lioIogisls vouId
piolalIy agiee lhal unIess aclion |isj iapidIy laken, lhe sixlh gieal exlinclion evenl
on Lailh viII le ensuied ly incieasingIy fiagnenled halilal conlined vilh lhe
lioIogicaI dynanics iesuIling fion cIinale change.
Sone voices go fuilhei. As
Slephen M. Meyei poinls oul in Tnc |nd cf |nc li|d, exlinclion iales - Iong lefoie
signihcanl cIinale change kicks in - aie aIieady in lhe oidei of 3,OOO species a yeai
and iapidIy acceIeialing. The silualion is liuIy diie.
Ovei lhe nexl 1OO yeais oi so as nany as haIf of lhe Lailhs species, iepiesenling
a quailei of lhe pIanels genelic slock, viII funclionaIIy if nol conpIeleIy disap-
peai... Nolhing - nol nalionaI oi inleinalionaI Iavs, gIolaI lio-ieseives, IocaI sus-
lainaliIily schenes, oi even 'viIdIands fanlasies - can change lhe cuiienl couise.
The lioad palh foi lioIogicaI evoIulion is nov sel foi lhe nexl seveiaI niIIion yeais.
And in lhis sense lhe exlinclion ciisis - lhe iace lo save lhe conposilion, sliucluie,
and oiganisalion of liodiveisily as il exisls loday - is ovei, and ve have Iosl.
I donl knov aloul you, lul vhen I iead lhal Iasl senlence foi lhe hisl line il
vas a shock, and il is voilh ieading noie lhan once. The exlinclion ciisis - lhe iace
lo save lhe conposilion, sliucluie, and oiganisalion of liodiveisily as il exisls loday
- is ovei, and ve have Iosl. Meyeis geneiaI posilion is lhal in lhe anlhioposcene,
undcncs|ica|cd species aie effecliveIy divided inlo eilhei Weedy Species oi ReIics,
vilh nany of lhe ReIic Species iapidIy leconing, al lesl, Chosls.
Weedy Species lhiive in conlinuaIIy disluiled, hunan doninaled enviion-
nenls, vhiIsl ReIic species Iive on lhe naigins in evei-decieasing nunleis and
conliacling spaliaI disliilulion... ReIic Species do nol lhiive in hunan-doninaled
enviionnenls - vhich nov neaiIy covei lhe pIanel. Meyeis aigues lhal, lo suivive
oulside of zoos, ieIics viII iequiie oui peinanenl and diiecl nanagenenl. Those
ieIics lhal donl gel such conseivalion allenlion, and even nany lhal do, viII, if nol
innedialeIy lecone exlincl, enlei lhe ianks of lhe Chosl Species. These species aie
oiganisns lhal viII nol suivive on a pIanel vilh liIIions of peopIe, lecause of lheii
aliIilies and oui choices. They aie ghosls lecause vhiIe lhey seen pIenlifuI loday
and nay in facl peisisl foi decades, lheii exlinclion is ceilain, apail fion a fev
specinens in zoos oi Ialoialoiy-aichived DNA sanpIes.
A gieal nany of lhe pIanls and aninaIs ve peiceive as heaIlhy and pIenlifuI
loday aie in facl ieIics oi ghosls. This seening conliadiclion is expIained ly lhe facl
lhal species Ioss is nol a sinpIe Iineai piocess. Many decades can pass lelveen lhe
slail of lhe decIine and lhe olseivalIe coIIapse of a popuIalion sliucluie, especiaIIy
!" # " $%
vheie nodeiale-lo-Iong-Iived Iife foins aie invoIved. Conseivalion ioIogisls use
lhe lein exlinclion dell lo desciile lhis gap lelveen appeaiance and ieaIily. In
lhe pasl cenluiy ve have accunuIaled a vasl exlinclion dell lhal viII le paid in lhe
cenluiy ahead. The nunlei of pIanls and aninaIs viII spiiaI as lhe exlinclion dell
cones due.
dL)(#"$M,%3)( 3# )*$ D)M"$(F"(%e
So vhal slialegies aie conseivalionisls coning up vilh lo piolecl liodiveisily,
viIdness and ecosyslen seivices anidsl cIinale change` The nain pioposed an-
svei sliII seens lo le piolecled aieas,
lul vilh a giealei pioleclion foi lheii sui-
iounding naliix and vilh an eye lo ux and incieased inleivenlionisl nanagenenl.
Of couise, pulling a paik sign on a halilal doesnl aulonalicaIIy iesuIl in pieseiva-
lion, in an incieasingIy ciovded voiId, ils aInosl a foin of adveilising. As Meyei
puls il, lio ieseives have lecone lhe piefeiied hunling giounds foi poacheis and
lush neal liadeis: il is, aflei aII, vheie lhe aninaIs aie.
WhiIe lhe piedalion is
IaigeIy hunans ealing lhe viId, ils gol lo lhe poinl vheie lhe inlei-species conicl
aIso ips lhe olhei vay. In Munlai, sIun dveIIeis have penelialed so fai inlo lhe
Sanjay Candhi NalionaI Iaik lhal sone aie leing ioulineIy ealen ly Ieopaids (len
in }une 2OO4 aIone): one angiy cal even allacked a cily lus.
Allenpls lo oveicone such inliinsic 'civiIised hunan vs. viId naluie divi-
sions vilh conseivalion-as-deveIopnenl piojecls, eco-louiisn connunily incone
geneialion schenes and lhe Iike have had sone success, lul nol nuch. Oflen as nol,
lhey have sinpIy noneleiised exisling ieIalionships vilh lhe Iand, lied iesenlnenl
and insliIIed anolhei Iayei of luieauciacy ovei lhe heads of IocaI peopIe vilh nai-
ginaI conseivalion gains.
Moie successfuI, hoiiilIe lhough il is lo adnil, has leen
lhe vide scaIe fencing off - incIuding sonelines eviclion
- of peopIes fion Iand-
scapes, and lheii conlinued poIicing ly paik iangeis. ul pulling ones elhics aside
foi lhe nonenl, lhis 'YeIIovslone nodeI seens incieasingIy unvoikalIe vilhoul
signihcanl injeclions of iesouices, incieased niIilaiisalion and an expansion of Iand
coveiage. None of vhich seen pailicuIaiIy IikeIy on nuch of lhe pIanel.
olh of conseivalions lig ideas - paiks and conseivalion-as-deveIopnenl pioj-
ecls - aie effecliveIy foins of goveinnenl ovei peopIe vhich piesune a slalic ecoI-
ogy lhiealened ly a hunan popuIalion in ux. On a cIinale change nodihed eailh,
vheie ecosyslens aie lhenseIves in ux (lhey aIvays veie, lul nol so iapidIy), lhe
olvious ansvei fion a nainsliean conseivalion peispeclive is expanding oul lo
enconpass nanagenenl/goveinnenl ovei hunan syslens in lhe Iandscape naliix
arcund ieseives and nanagenenl/goveinnenl of lhe ecosyslens ui|nin ieseives.
OveiaII nanagenenl slialegies aie IikeIy lo have lo le noie innovalive and noie
We aIieady knov sone of vhal lhis viII legin lo Iook Iike - jusl Iook al lhe in-
ciedilIy inleivenlionisl naluie of nosl of iilish conseivalion. The lioiegion vheie
I Iive is, in lhe conlexl of lenpeiale Luiope, lio-diveise lul il is heaviIy nanaged,
in pail ly conseivalionisls. Civen lhe fiagnenlalion of exisling halilal il vouId
& '(') *(+#
piolalIy le disaslious if such nanagenenl slopped.
LffecliveIy, in ny lioiegion
il is a iidicuIous choice lelveen viId (i.e. seIf-viIIed) Iand and liodiveisily. Iion
a iadicaI enviionnenlaI peispeclive (nol lo nenlion one vilh an eye lo isIand lio-
geogiaphy) lhe soIulion vouId le ioIIing lack hunan nanagcncn| of halilal ovei
a Iaige enough aiea lhal lhe ecosyslens couId funclion effecliveIy. ReaIislicaIIy il
nov Iooks noie piolalIe lhal nuch of lhe voiIds viIdeinesses viII incieasingIy
iesenlIe ny lioiegion lhan ny lioiegion iesenlIe lhe voiIds viIdeinesses.
Theie is IikeIy lo le pIenly of voik foi lhose conseivalion nanageis vilh a
slonach foi lhe needed endIess inleifeiing, lul ils nol lhe kind of conseivalion
AIdo LeopoId vouId iecognise. Lven if such nassive expansion of goveinance ly
conseivalionisls ovei hunanily and piolecled aieas is caiiied oul (doullfuI), unIess
lheie is a signihcanl sIoving of cIinale change (vhich I suspecl viII nol happen
any line soon) liodiveisily viII le affecled in vays lhal viII evenluaIIy lecone
inpossilIe lo nanage.
A fev yeais lack an oId fiiend and coniade loId ne, vilh olvious sadness
in his eyes, lhal lhe eailh viII need aclive nanagenenl foi lhe nexl 1,OOO yeais. In
sone senses hes piolalIy iighl, lhe liick of goveinnenl has aIvays leen lhal il cie-
ales piolIens lo vhich onIy il can le lhe soIulion. WhiIe doulling ils efhcacy, I foi
one viII nol condenn lhose vho - nolivaled ly liocenliic passion - lake lhis palh.
Hovevei, foi lhose unviIIing lo slep avay fion lheii coie elhics aiound Iileily/
viIdness/anaichy, olhei oplions ienain, naiioving lhough lhey aie.
B2" f"==)8#%)(" S)4"=
Iounded in 1872, YeIIovslone vas lhe voiIds hisl 'NalionaI Iaik. Civen lhal
il cane inlo exislence anidsl lhe genocidaI expansion of lhe USA lhe goveinnenls
vision of ieciealionaI paiks unsuipiisingIy didnl incIude Indians, and lhus lhe iesi-
denl hunlei-galheieis, lhe Tukudika, veie evicled soon aflei lhe paik vas decIaied.
This nev nodeI of viIdeiness, as Iand sel aside ly and foi 'lhe nalion in Iaige pail
foi ieciealion and iequiiing lhe eviclion of iesidenl peopIes, lecane lhe lIuepiinl
foi NalionaI Iaiks voiId-vide. IionicaIIy lhe hisl peison lo caII foi a 'nalionaI paik
vas painlei Ceoige CalIin vho, having Iived anongsl . Indians al and leyond lhe
veslein fionlieis, heId lhe oIdei (and al lhe line noie convenlionaI) undeislanding
of viIdeiness as incIuding lhose hunan connunilies leyond civiIisalions iuIe. In
1832 he iaiIed againsl lhe desliuclion of lhe luffaIo and lhe lhieal lo lhe veiy exis-
lence of lhe pIains Indians and caIIed foi 'a nalions paik, conlaining nan and leasl,
in aII lhe viId and fieshness of lheii naluies leauly! In conliasl, once diained of lhe
hoIislic incIusion of viId (anaichisl) hunanily, lhe Aneiican goveinnenls gIolaIIy
expoiled vision of viIdeiness has oflen lecone a veapon of slale incoipoialion and
doneslicalion. To knov lhis aloul lhe YeIIovslone ModeI does nol deliacl lhough
fion lhe facl lhal in leins of conseivalion of (non-hunan) viId-Iife such nalionaI
paiks have had signihcanl success. YeIIovslone NalionaI Iaik foi inslance is lhe
heail of lhe Ciealei YeIIovslone Lcosyslen - piolalIy lhe voiIds Iaigesl ieIaliveIy
!" # " $%
inlacl ecosyslen in lhe noilhein lenpeiale zone. Ioi noie on lhe eaiIy NalionaI
Iaiks and coIoniaIisn see: Maik David Spence, Dispcsscssing |nc li|dcrncss. |ndian
Rcncta| and |nc Ma|ing cf |nc Na|icna| Par|s (OxIoid: Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess, 2OOO).
!,F,D" .)(%$)=
Aclion, aclion of any kind. Lel oui aclion sel lhe hnei poinls of oui
phiIosophy... Oul of lhis pIanel, oul of lhe eailh has eneiged a sociely of
vaiiiois, vonen and nen vho aie pIanling lheii speais in lhe giound
and aie laking a sland... Oui jol is danage conlioI.
- Dave Ioienan
Theie aie sliII pIaces and peopIes lhal civiIisalion has nol yel conqueied and in
lhese pIaces Iines can le diavn and lallIes joined. LcoIogicaI iesislance scalleied
acioss lhe pIanel has leen inspiiing and oflen effeclive.
Diffeienl peopIe use diffeienl piioiily-selling syslens lo choose vheie lo pIanl
lheii speais, vilh lhe connonesl leing lhe sinpIesl - vheie can I ieach and vheie
do I Iove` Ioi nany, lhe ansveis lo lhe queslions of hov and uncrc lo defend lhe
viId viII le olvious, lhe IocaI agenls of desliuclion cIeai, connunilies ioused,
pIaces lo le occupied avaiIalIe, sluff lo le deslioyed visilIe. The lhing lhen is sin-
pIy lo acl.
Hovevei, nany viId ecosyslens (and lhe non-civiIised peopIes lhal aie pail of
lhen) have fev (if any) aIIies and nany polenliaI vaiiiois Iive in pIaces vilh IillIe
viIdness lo defend, oi vilh IillIe chance of vicloiy. Civen lhe scaIe of lhe allack
on lhe Lailh Syslen/Caia/Molhei Lailh, sone piioiily selling syslens caII foi in-
cieased focus in pailicuIai aieas.
AddilionaIIy, sliong peisonaI desiies lo iespond
lo lhe caII of lhe viId ly seeking advenluie, escape, sliuggIing connunilies and
conicl aIso diive peopIe lo seek olhei leiiains. Wilh lhe oljeclive of aiding such
choices, Iels nap oul sone advanlages lhal lecone cIeai vhen ve accepl lhal lhe
silualion is as lad as il piolalIy is. Civen ve aie in a pielly shilly silualion il seens
heIpfuI lo liansfoin disadvanlages inlo advanlages.
Advanlage - We aie snaII in nunlei lul lhe piolIens aie gieal.
The hisl disadvanlage lhal can le luined aiound is lhe sinpIe facl lhal nol lhal
nany peopIe aie viIIing lo connil lo defending lhe viId, fev aie Iileilaiians and
fevei sliII aie alIe lo liaveI fai fion hone, oi pul line and iesouices inlo soIidaiily
aclion oi fundiaising. When lhis is coupIed vilh lhe scaIe of lhe gIolaI piolIen, and
lhe nunlei and diveisily of lallIes, an olvious adtan|agc appeais. The piolIens
vaslIy oulnunlei lhose of us vishing lo engage lhen fion oui peispeclive and,
lhus, ve shouId le alIe lo concenliale on onIy lhose lallIes vhich nosl ieecl oui
elhics. We can Ieave lhe najoiily of lhose nessiei silualions, vhich alound in con-
seivalion, lo vhen lhe sliuggIes lhal donl iaise signihcanl conliadiclions foi us aie
'deaIl vilh. This is IikeIy lo le nevei.
Advanlage - CiviIisalion is genocidaI as veII as ecocidaI.
Sone indigenous peopIes, diiven ly deepIy heId Iand elhics, viIIingIy defend
& '(') *(+#
lhe lio-diveise viIdIand connunilies lhey aie pail of fion deveIopnenl. Olheis
aie foiced lo do so as, iighlIy oi viongIy, slales oflen viev lhen as inpedinenls lo
piogiess, oi sinpIy vanl lo deslioy lheii halilal lo encIose hunan suljecls, olhei
'naluiaI iesouices and leiiiloiy. Lilhei vay, lhe genocidaI naluie of civiIisalion en-
suies lhal lhe iesislance of ninoiily indigenous connunilies fion lhe nounlains of
Oiissa lo lhe foiesls of lhe Anazon is oflen an ecosyslens lesl defence. SoIidaiily
and joinl sliuggIe vilh such peopIes is oflen lhe nosl successfuI slialegy foi viIdei-
ness defence and one lhal usuaIIy invoIves fev conpionises and conliadiclions foi
liocenliic Iileilaiians.
Advanlage ~ Conseivalion ludgels in nuch of lhe voiId aie liny.
Ils nol enliieIy alypicaI lhal in jusl ovei 25 yeais lhe puichasing povei of a
foiesl ofhceis saIaiy (a giaduale posl) in lhe Ugandan Ioiesl seivice feII ly 99.6.

Such silualions enalIe snaII anounls of oulside noney lo have a signihcanl inpacl
if caiefuIIy laigeled. Sea Shepheid has nanaged lo gain inuence and slienglhen
conseivalion in lhe CaIapagos IsIands ly pioviding funds, equipnenl and lechnicaI
suppoil lo lhe Iaik Seivice - vho had pieviousIy suffeied fion lolh inadveilenl
negIecl and puiposefuI undeifunding lo hansliing lheii chance of inleifeiing vilh
poIilician-lacked naha slyIe indusliiaI hshing.
Rangeis in sone of lhe pIanels
nosl inpoilanl ieseives aie oflen ladIy ained and suffeiing signihcanl casuaIlies
vilh IillIe oulside suppoil. Ioi inslance, 158 CongoIese iangeis have leen kiIIed
ovei 1O yeais defending nounlain goiiIIa halilals, and snaII anounls of noney
- nol Ieasl lo suppoil leieaved faniIies - is naking a ieaI diffeience lo lhe suslain-
aliIily of piojecls and connunilies.
Advanlage ~ A Iol of peopIe aie iacisl
Many oulside of lhe 'vesl leIieve a|| lhose fion il - especiaIIy (lul nol onIy)
lhose vilh vhile skin piiviIege - possess poIilicaI/econonic poveis lhey do nol
have. This iIIusion (unfoilunale as il is fion an anli-inpeiiaIisl peispeclive) can le
of gieal use. Ioi inslance, a piison visil lo foiesl conseivalionisl RauI Zapalos ly a
handfuI of eco-anaichisls fion lhe iilish IsIes on a soIidaiily liip in lhe IhiIippines,
conlined vilh a snaII anounl of 'inleinalionaI piessuie fion siniIai ciicIes, vas
piolalIy a signihcanl facloi Ieading lo his ieIease.
Nuneious siniIai exanpIes
of successfuI soIidaiily in ecoIogicaIIy inpoilanl aieas cone lo nind. IeopIes vho
have found iefuge in viId aieas - and vish lo defend lhen - can use and consliucl
elhnicily and aloiiginaIily nylhs
lo lolh caive oul pioleclive Iand iighls, noliI-
ise ionanlic suppoil fion oulside and piesenl a seIf-pioleclive inage vhelhei of
'peacefuI sages oi 'vioIenl savages depending on uliIily.
Advanlage -Non-slale foices aie aIso causing ecoIogicaI desliuclion
Much desliuclion and allacks aie caiiied oul ly foices lhal, lhough in no vay
Iileilaiian, aie neveilheIess oulside oi adveisaiiaI lo lhe pailicuIai slale lhal con-
lioIs lhe leiiain cn papcr. Conseivalionisls fion lhe unifoinIy goveined Wesl oflen
piesune goveinnenls conlioI 'lheii leiiiloiy and aie ooied if lhey aie nol alIe oi
viIIing lo acl. Ralhei lhan slienglhening lhe slale (as conseivalionisls have oflen
!" # " $%
done) in sone such silualions, lhose vho vish lo suppoil IocaI connunilies in niIi-
lanlIy defending lheii ecoIogies nay le alIe lo do so diieclIy, 'IegaIIy and ieIaliveIy
openIy. As lhe iecenl expeiience of (Lailh Iiisl! co-foundei) iuce Hayses aloilive
'gieen ainy in lhe CenliaI Afiican RepulIic allesls, lheie can le nany pilfaIIs and
piolIens, lul possiliIilies ienain. Lven noie diieclIy, Sea Shepheid has success-
fuIIy lianded ilseIf as enfoicing conseivalion in inleinalionaI - i.e IaigeIy ungov-
eined - valeis, enalIing il lo caiiy oul eco-defence vhich eIsevheie (and vilh Iess
cIevei lianding) vouId le judged salolage, lhefl, haiassnenl and olsliuclion.
Advanlage - CIolaIisalion is spieading.
As pail of gIolaIisalion, an incieasing anounl of uilan sociaI novenenl anai-
chisls aie ciopping up in Iands cIained ly such slales such as Indonesia, ChiIe, lhe
IhiIippines and Russia. Many of lhese aie veII pIaced lo engage in ecoIogicaI iesis-
lance and soIidaiily vilh indigenous peopIes and channeI lhose fion eIsevheie lo
suppoil such sliuggIes.
Advanlage - Halilal fiagnenls nay le unalIe lo pieseive liodiveisily
Ils geneiaIIy accepled lhal - vilh cIinale change, even lhe lesl designed pio-
lecled aiea syslen cannol aspiie lo conseive lioIogicaI diveisily if il consisls noslIy
of isoIaled unils.
Meyeis slales alove lhal viIdIand fanlasies aie unIikeIy lo haIl
lioIogicaI neIldovn, vhiIe lhis is piolalIy liue, lhe facl lhal nany vanl lo leIieve
lhey nighl is, in sone pIaces, opening lhe dooi lo Iaige scaIe ieviIding
iesenlIing lhe viIdeiness iegeneialion advocaled ly iadicaI enviionnenlaIisls foi
decades. SnaIIei ecoIogicaI iesloialion
piojecls seen lo le aIso on lhe inciease.
Advanlage - The silualion is diie
One canl ieaIIy nake lhe silualion nuch voise, and ones aclions couId heIp
nake a ieaI diffeience in sliuggIes lo defend viIdness and Iileily.
An olvious ciilicisn of danage conlioI is lhal il couId le seen as liealing lhe
synplons and nol lhe iool cause. Diagnosis of lhe naIady is cIeai lul il vouId le
deIuded lo leIieve one had (oi noie oninousIy vas) lhe cuie. Whalevei lhe piog-
nosis, lhe spiead of lhe disease is suieIy sliII voilh iesisling and if anylhing cIinale
change onIy undeiIines lhis. SIoving lhe desliuclion of viIdeiness (vhal LoveIock
desciiles as lhe vanishing face of Caia
) nay enalIe lhe Lailh Syslen lo lellei
deaI vilh conlinuing anlhiopogenic ieIeases of cailon dioxide, a signihcanl pei-
cenlage of vhich ils voilh ienenleiing, aiise al lhe nonenl fion defoieslalion.
This is nol lo say lhal halilal defence can 'slop cIinale change. Like il oi nol cIinale
change is piolalIy nov lhe conlexl in vhich ecoIogicaI sliuggIes aie foughl, nol a
suljecl againsl vhich one can sliuggIe.
W$*." a,J#"@# <$""( 1$FJ
Lailh Iiisl! co-foundei (and docloi) iuce Hayse vas asked ly lesieged connu-
nilies in lhe CenliaI Afiican RepulIic lo heIp iesisl heaviIy ained coIunns of Suda-
nese poacheis (sonelines 2OO sliong) vho veie allacking viIIages and decinaling
& '(') *(+#
eIephanl, luffaIo and hippo popuIalions. Connunilies had foined a iudinenlaiy
'conseivalion and seIf-defence foice, yel vilh IillIe noie lhan poisoned aiiovs,
lhey veie Iosing. Hayse ciealed a gioup aining lo lellei ain and liain IocaI peopIe
and piovide heaIlhcaie piojecls. The piojecl faIleied due lo a iange of piolIens
incIuding: hnanciaI issues (Hayse and anolhei piojecl foundei did spend $35O,OOO
of lheii ovn noney), doneslic poIilicaI changes (a niIilaiy coup) and inleiesling
slaff choices (on lhe giound lhe piojecl vas seeningIy headed up ly a vhile Soulh
Afiican ex-Lxeculive Oulcones - yes lhals LO of ougainviIIe fane - neicenaiy
vilh an olvious side inleiesl in dianonds). See: Andiev WasIey, 'A Cieen Ainy,
in, Tnc |cc|cgis|, 1sl }une 2OO8. Ton CIynes 'They shool poacheis, donl lhey`, Inlei-
nalionaI Repoiling Iiojecl - }ohn Hopkins Univeisily, vvv.inleinalionaIiepoiling-
piojecl .oig/sloiies/delaiI/661/ , 'Afiicas DeadIiesl Conseivalionisl, in. Na|icna|
Gccgrapnic, }an/Iel 2OO2.
:,%*$" -,%# =,#%
In Laslein Luiope an anazing viIdeiness lhiongs vilh eIk and voIves. Alove
lhe voods and pasluies of Woinvood Ioiesl eagIe ovIs y vhiIsl leaveis luiId
dans in lhe iiveis and svanps. In vhal has lecone effecliveIy one of Luiopes
Iaigesl naluie ieseives cieepeis cIinl luiIdings, Iynx iun in alandoned heIds and
pines have Iong since lioken lhiough nuch of lhe lainac. WeIcone lo lhe Chei-
nolyI excIusion zone. IoIIoving lhe 1986 nucIeai disaslei ovei 12O,OOO peopIe veie
evacualed fion lhe aiea - nosl nevei lo ieluin. In lhe heail of lhe zone, lhe pievi-
ousIy 5O,OOO sliong cily of Iiipyal is nov deseiled - lai a snaII nunlei of squalleis
- lul is ly no neans a ghosl lovn. Iiipyal legan ieluining lo naluie as soon as lhe
peopIe Iefl, and lheie vas no one lo liin and piune and veed.
Naluies inciedilIe povei lo ie-giov and ouiish foIIoving disasleis is evi-
denl lolh fion pievious nass exlinclions and fion ils aliIily lo heaI nany Iands
scaiied ly civiIisalion. Ils liue povei is iaieIy consideied vilhin lhe seaIed, anlhio-
pocenliic lhinking of lhose lhal vouId piohl fion lhe piesenl oi allenpl lo pIan lhe
fuluie. Yel lhe funclioning of lhe Lailh Syslen is desliuclive as veII as lounlifuI
and il is nol a conscious god vilh an inleiesl in pieseiving us oi ils piesenl aiiange-
nenl - sonelhing ve nay hnd oul if lhe Lailh is nov noving lo a nev nuch hollei
slale. Wilh us oi vilhoul us, vhiIe lhe cIass vai is vicious - lheie can le onIy one
vinnei, lhe viId.
In a sense lheie is soIace in lhis, lul ve shouId nol Iook lo such
'vicloiy as Chiislian IundanenlaIisls Iook lo lheii 'iapluie, foi lhose species lhal
have leen pushed lo olIivion viII nol iise fion lhe dead and neilhei shaII ve. Nev-
eilheIess, naluie lals Iasl.
R B#*(E:D&$& S%:D#+ $:% ;*22&
6 SociaI vai in lenpeiale cIinales
6 SuiveiIIance slales and secuiily cuIluies
6 Resisl nuch, oley IillIe
6 Love, heaIlh and insuiieclion
E).3,= 8,$ 3( %"F\"$,%" .=3F,%"#
}anes LoveIock says lhal in lhe piedicled cIinale calasliophe... vhal is al iisk
is civiIisalion.
I an unfoilunaleIy Iess oplinislic - civiIisalion in sone foin oi
olhei viII peisisl, al Ieasl in nany iegions. Il is no accidenl lhal lhe hisl civiIisalion
lo spiead gIolaIIy oiiginales in lenpeiale Luiope. Many olhei civiIisalions iaised
up enpiies onIy lo deslioy lheii enviionnenls and coIIapse. The oceanic lenpeiale
cIinale gave Weslein Luiopean civiIisalion a videi naigin of eiioi, enalIing ci-
viIisalion lo escape ils ovn iegionaI IocaIily and devoui nuch of lhe eailh. As vilh
olhei civiIisalions, il Ieaves deseils in ils foolpiinls - lul leing gIolaI in ieach lul
lenpeiale in oiigin lhe physicaI deseils aie IaigeIy eIsevheie. Thus sone of lhe key
counliies hisloiicaIIy iesponsilIe foi gIolaI healing viII le lhe Ieasl dianalicaIIy
affecled ly il - al Ieasl diieclIy.
WhiIe lhose Iaige capilaIisl coie counliies lhal span nuIlipIe cIinale
zones (AusliaIia, USA, Russia) nay see consideialIe diiecl disiuplion,
nosl nodeIs lhose Iiving in lenpeiale zones - especiaIIy oceanic and nounlain-
ous Iands - can expecl a healed, yel rc|a|itc|q caIn, cIinale punclualed ly exliene
To a veiy Iaige degiee lhe foiecasl foi sociaI vai
is IikeIy lo le siniIai lo
lhal of lhe cIinale foiecasl: healed, yel rc|a|itc|q caIn, vhiIe punclualed ly exliene
evenls. ReIalive, lhal is, lo silualions eIsevheie on a iapidIy healing and conicled
pIanel, NOT ieIalive lo sociaI and cIinalic silualions loday. Medileiianean Iands
viII piolalIy gel fai hollei - in lolh senses - and lhis nay favoui lhe giovlh of
anaichisls in a spieading veision of vhal LuiopoI has iefeiied lo as lhe Medileiia-
& '(') *(+#
nean liiangIe of anaichislic vioIence.
CeneiaIIy speaking IandIocked lenpeiale
counliies in lhe niddIe of conlinenls aie IikeIy lo see lheii sunneis gel considei-
alIy hollei, vilh sone such as LoveIock even piedicling lhe funclionaI coIIapse of
exisling agiicuIluiaI foins.
In lhe hIn Cni|drcn cf Mcn counliies voiId-vide seen lo le enguIfed in fan-
ine, insuiieclion, civiI vai, epidenics and 'naluiaI disasleis. MeanvhiIe iilain
soIdieis on vilh a lanaI aulhoiilaiian syslen lhal sees nosl peopIe conlinuing in
lheii assigned cIass ioIes and liaveIIing daiIy lo voik as nuch of lhe pIanel seen-
ingIy inpIodes aiound lhen. IoIygIol iefugees in vasl nunleis aie inpiisoned in
a seaside ghello lovn. Such a picluie couId le an inage fion lhe fuluie cIinale foi
nol jusl lhe iilain IsIes lul nany lenpeiale counliies, especiaIIy lhose slales vilh
oceanic loideis (vhich lolh nodeiale cIinalic exlienes and enalIe easiei loidei
conlioI) such as Nev ZeaIand, Tasnania elc. WhiIe confoinily and sociaI copying
viII, I suspecl, ienain lhe noin, incieasingIy aulhoiilaiian condilions and lhe eco-
nonic effecl of gIolaI disIocalions, viII occasionaIIy feinenl speclacuIai episodes
of cIass angei and lhe videi foinalion of dissidenl cuIluies - hovevei 'naiginaI.
Coid HiII of lhe Kvakvakavakv nalion nay have il aloul iighl:
The conveigence of vai, econonic decIine and ecoIogicaI ciisis viII
Iead lo giealei oveiaII sociaI conicl vilhin lhe inpeiiaIisl nalions in lhe
yeais lo cone. Il is lhis gioving conicl lhal viII cieale changes in lhe
piesenl sociaI condilions |vilhj giealei oppoilunilies foi oiganised iesis-
lance. The iuIeis aie veII avaie of lhis, and il is foi lhis ieason lhal slale
iepiession is nov leing eslalIished as a piinaiy neans of sociaI conlioI
(i.e giealIy expanded poIice-niIilaiy foices, nev leiioi Iavs elc)... We aie
nov in a peiiod lhal can le desciiled as lhe 'caIn lefoie lhe sloin.
Miiioiing Coid HiII, lul fion a slalisl peispeclive, lhe UK chief scienlisl has
vained of a peifecl sloin in 2O3O due lo polenliaI shoilages of valei, food and
eneigy lhal couId iesuIl in najoi deslaliIisalion, an inciease in iioling and po-
lenliaIIy signihcanl piolIens vilh inleinalionaI nigialion, as peopIe nove oul lo
avoid food and valei shoilages.
Though lhis sloin nay iniliaIIy lieak eIse-
vheie, lhose slales (and lheii caplives) lhal ieIy heaviIy on inleinalionaI liade viII
le hil.
Such a picluie of sociaI conicl shouId nol give lhe faIse inpiession lhal lhe
coning 'lioulIes viII iesuIl in sone kind of Iileilaiian sociaI lianscendence. To
suspecl lhal lhe fuluie viII see an inciease in lioulIe and lhal sone of lhose lioulIes
viII le 'us, does nol piesune any foin of oveiaII 'vicloiy. Ralhei, sociaI ciises aie
inevilalIe in socielies lased on cIass vaifaie, and viII onIy le exaggeialed ly lhe
eneiging condilions. AddilionaIIy, il vouId le unvise lo ignoie lhe pacifying ef-
fecl of eveiyvheie eIse leing peiceived as 'voise. In Chaplei 3 (Deseil Sloins) ve
Iooked al hov Iands such as Aneiica and lhe iilish IsIes elc. nay faII lack on a
conlinalion of poIicies lhal add up lo quaianline and il vouId le naive lo lhink
!" # " $%
lhis vouId le a poIicy favouied ly slales onIy, indeed ve can expecl sliongei caIIs
foi Moie oideis lo cone fion acioss cIasses.
In conliasl LoveIock has, sone nay
le suipiised lo hnd, an oplinislic viev:
Scandinavia and lhe oceanic pails of noilhein Luiope such as lhe iilish IsIes
nay le spaied lhe voisl of heal and dioughl lhal gIolaI healing liings. This puls a
speciaI iesponsiliIily upon us lo ... give iefuge lo lhe uninaginalIy Iaige inux of
cIinale iefugees.
LegaI innigialion loday is cIass (and lo a ceilain exlenl iace) seIeclive and lhis
is IikeIy lo lecone onIy noie lhe case. OveiaII sliuggIes aie exlieneIy unIikeIy lo
change lhis, lhough vhen focused on individuaIs viII no doull conlinue lo have
sone gieal successes.
WhiIe lhose of us Iiving 'lehind lhe vaIIs nay le shieIded fion sone of lhe
noie oveil and Iaige scaIe conicls - and oppoilunilies - lhal aie IikeIy lo chaiaclei-
ise lhis cenluiy, lhe sociaI vai is aII aiound us. The Iack of oveil civiI vai is neieIy
a sign of lhe deplh of oui doneslicalion, as in nosl pIaces, lhe poIicing needs onIy
le spoiadic. Iecking oideis aie aInosl eveiyvheie, and fion lhe loiedon, pain
and indignily of vage Ialoui lo oui excIusion fion lhe Iand connunily, ve Iive
in (and aie) occupied leiiiloiy. If ve disiegaid lhe iIIogic of piivale piopeily and
lake food oi sheIlei vhen needed ve iisk facing secuiily guaids, laiIiffs, poIice and
piisons. Though IaigeIy alsenl fion lhe speclacIe lhe cIass casuaIlies nounl up - in
ny counliy lhe iichesl Iive on aveiage 1O yeais Iongei lhan lhe pooiesl
and one
of lhe giealesl singIe piediclois of falaI heail disease- lhanks lo sociaI sliess - is hov
Iov one is in a hieiaichy.
}usl as voiIdvide noie peopIe kiII lhenseIves lhan gel
kiIIed in vais and lhiough inleipeisonaI vioIence,
in iilain suicide ienains lhe
highesl singIe cause of dealh foi lolh naIes and fenaIes aged 15-34.
is painfuI and liauna, seIf-hain, aluse and addiclion aie iife. As RaouI Vaneigen
said, foi nany, lhe giealesl kepl slale seciel is lhe niseiy of eveiyday Iife.
Oui Iives can le lellei, fieei, and viIdei lhan lhis and as anaichisls ve do oui
ulnosl lo nake lhen so, nol in lhe evei-aflei of posl-ievoIulionaiy heaven, lul
nov. NeveilheIess despile leing anaichisls nany of us hnd ouiseIves in ieIaliveIy
lenpeiale sociaI cIinales fai fion oveil conicl on lhe scaIe IikeIy lo le seen leyond
lhe vaIIs. This liings lolh advanlages and disadvanlages.
E*$M"3==,(." #%,%"# _ #".*$3%J .*=%*$"#
The Ioiliess faces invaids as veII as oul. IncieasingIy nev lechnoIogies of con-
lioI aie lioughl in undei lhe juslihcalion of feai of lhe lailaiians - vhelhei of lei-
ioiisls oi nigianls. Sonevhal evocalive of sci-h dyslopias (nol lo nenlion lhe Caza
Sliip) coveil suiveiIIance diones aie aIieady ying iilish skies inlioduced iniliaIIy
foi naiiline loidei conlioI, a pulIic juslihcalion vhich lhe poIice lhenseIves ad-
nil is IaigeIy a iuse.
In nany counliies, caneias, sone nov vilh niciophones,
pioIifeiale lo lhe poinl of leing piaclicaIIy invisilIe - nol lecause lhey aie coveil
lul lecause lhey have leen noinaIised. Ieivasive lechnoIogies of conlioI, nany
even paid foi oq cursc|tcs and adopled tc|un|ari|q, such as noliIes, conpuleis,
& '(') *(+#
lank caids and ioad caneias (vilh nunlei pIale iecognilion) nap sociaI nelvoiks,
changing afhIialions and physicaI novenenls.
Nev connunicalion lechnoIogies = Nev vays of naking us laIk.
When lhese nev lechnoIogies aie conlined vilh oId fashioned 'hunan inleI-
Iigence galheied ly infoineis and inhIlialois opeialing vilhin iesislanl connuni-
lies, slales and coipoialions can gain a IeveI of oveisighl lhal vouId have leen un-
lhoughl-of even a fev decades ago. Whelhei oi nol conlioI lechnoIogies conveige
lo cieale an inleIIigence slale lhal undeislands eveiyone ialhei lhan neieIy galheis
dala on lhen is yel lo le seen, lul againsl lhose pie exisling cuIluies of opposilion
lhe Ienses aie veiy nuch aIieady focused. SadIy, nuch of lhe focusing is done ly us.
The facl lhal oui lyiannicaI eneny no Iongei diavs ils povei fion
ils aliIily lo shul peopIe up, lul fion ils aplilude lo nake lhen laIk - i.e,
fion lhe facl lhal il has noved ils cenlie of giavily fion ils nasleiy of lhe
voiId ilseIf lo ils seizuie of lhe voiIds node of discIosuie iequiies lhal a
fev laclicaI adjuslnenls le nade.
- SiIence and eyond, Tiqqun 1
A Iiniled iesponse vouId le (aIong vilh alandoning any diaIogue vilh povei
and speclacIe) ieIinquishing lhe use of nev neai univeisaI connunicalion lech-
noIogies. Though lhis nay have videi IifeslyIe lenehls, il nay aIso incieasingIy
nake oneseIf sland oul. Accoiding lo a UK niIilaiy nid-lein fuluie piojeclion: y
lhe end of lhe peiiod |2O36j il is IikeIy lhal lhe najoiily of lhe gIolaI popuIalion viII
hnd il difhcuIl lo 'luin lhe oulside voiId off. ICT |infoinalion and connunicalion
lechnoIogyj is IikeIy lo le so peivasive lhal peopIe aie peinanenlIy connecled lo
a nelvoik oi lvo-vay dala sliean vilh inheienl chaIIenges lo civiI Iileilies, leing
disconnecled couId le consideied suspicious.
We aie noving lo such a fuluie
fasl. When lhe Iiench anli-leiioiisl poIice invaded lhe Iand connunily in Tainac in
2OO8 one of lhe pulIic juslihcalions lhey gave foi suspecling lhal a leiioiisl ceII vas
foining vas lhal fev on lhe Iand had noliIes!
The agieed convenlion is lhal lhe hisl slep foi lhose vho, having pIanned
lhe fuluie, nov vish lo liing il aloul is lo nake oneseIf knovn, nake ones voice
heaid - speak liulh lo povei. Yel lhe Iislenei inposes lhe leins, nol lhe laIkei.

Much of lhe Iov-IeveI conleslalion lhal chaiacleiises aclivisn, and lhe Iiniled so-
ciaI spaces lhal nake up counlei-cuIluies, acliveIy naik oul aieas, and peopIe, in
need of polenliaI poIicing. Thals nol lo say lhal aII iesislance is fuliIe (if neaning-
fuI, achievalIe oljeclives aie kepl in nind, and laclics nol liansfoined inlo ains),
noi lhal ve shouId desisl fion gioving connunilies in vhich lo Iive and Iove,
ialhei lhal ve vouId le vise lo undeisland lhal nany 'sulveisive aclions - and
sociaI ieIalions - incieasingIy seive lhe needs of povei as veII as Iileily. The laI-
ance of advanlage shouId aIvays le laken inlo consideialion. We need lo aIvays
ask ouiseIves lhe queslion: To vhal exlenl is lhe pIanned aclion oi nelhod of sociaI
ieIalionship IikeIy lo haenoiihage dala on polenliaIIy iesislive idenlilies` Wilh in-
cieasingIy poveifuI suiveiIIance slales and sloins appioaching, oui iesponsiliIily
lo each olhei, especiaIIy lo lhose as yel uninpIicaled, giovs.
!" # " $%
Yel, despile lhis conliadiclion, if ve donl leIieve in a gIolaI ievoIulionaiy
fuluie, ve nusl Iive (as ve in facl aIvays had lo) in lhe piesenl. SheIves oveiov
vilh hisloiies of pasl sliuggIes and haIIucinalions of lhe posl- ievoIulionaiy fuluie
vhiIsl suipiisingIy IillIe has leen viillen aloul anaichisl Iife undei, nol aflei, capi-
Yel lhal is vheie nosl of us in lenpeiale iegions aie, and vheie nosl of
us aie IikeIy lo ienain.
The slale is nol sonelhing vhich can le deslioyed ly a ievoIulion,
lul is a condilion, a ceilain ieIalionship lelveen hunan leings, a node
of hunan lehavioui, ve deslioy il ly conliacling olhei ieIalionships, ly
lehaving diffeienlIy.
- Cuslav Landauei
In nany pIaces ve aie lehaving diffeienlIy ly spieading Iove and co-
opeialion AND iesisling and/oi avoiding lhose vho vouId le oui nasleis. One of
lhe slienglhs of anaichisl cuiienls has aIvays leen lhe desiie, and allenpl, lo Iive
oui elhics nov. One does nol need lo leIieve, as nany have, lhal counlei cuIluies
aie pie-hguialive lo see lheii vaIue. Aflei aII, vhiIsl in nosl lenpeiale pIaces an-
aichisl sulcuIluies aie nol nev voiIds foi lhe fuluie lhey sliII ienain laiiacks
and sancluaiies foi loday.

This is nolhing nev, even if il does seen (in ils ovn snaII vay) lo once again le
leconing noie videspiead. The cIassicaI anaichisl peiiod vas piopeIIed foivaid
piinaiiIy ly peasanl insuigencies (lhink Zapala and lhe Machnovicha) and essen-
liaIIy lohenian, noslIy uilan, anaichisl counlei-socielies (lo use Muiiay ook-
chins lein foi lhe voiIds ciealed ly Spanish anaichisls lefoie lhe fascisl counlei-
Iion Spain pie-1936, lo lhe }evish anaichisls in Noilh Aneiica, lhe
iIIegaIisls of Iiance and lhe IlaIian anaicho- syndicaIisls of Aigenlina, lhe inhalil-
anls of anaichisl counlei-socielies veie aIvays, ly dehnilion, aclive ninoiilies. The
ninoiilies nay have gol Iaigei in insuiieclionaiy nonenls, lul lhey ienained ni-
noiilies aIvays. The sane can le said foi Iileilaiian sulcuIluies evei since. Ioi lhe
foieseealIe fuluie Iileilaiians in lenpeiale iegions viII ienain ninoiilies, even as
possiliIilies foi videspiead anaichy aiise leyond lhe vaIIs. Theie aie nany lhings
ve can do, lul ve cannol change lhe facl lhal ve viII nol le joined voIunlaiiIy and
acliveIy ly nosl cilizens. We viII aIvays le vilhin and againsl, and lhis nay le-
cone incieasingIy dangeious foi a|| invoIved.
I Iive in an aiea vilh a sizealIe anaichisl sulcuIluie. I Iike Iiving anongsl
peopIe vho nake ny Iife IoveIiei in a sociely nol of ny choosing, and vilh vhon
I can conlinue lo engage in iesislance. Such cIusleiing is unfoilunaleIy aInosl de-
signed lo alliacl unvanled allenlion. We shouId hoId no iIIusions aloul oui aliIily
lo le sinuIlaneousIy open lo lhe voiId yel cIosed lo lhe slale, lul 'secuiily cuIluie
neasuies can nininise lhe danage. In lhe end lhough, oui secuiily iesls piinaiiIy
on lhe videi sociely, nol sinpIy lhe piaclices of lhe sulcuIluies ve cieale. Cov-
einnenls vouId no doull Iock fai noie of us avay lhan lhey do, lul foi nov, in
nany counliies al Ieasl, lheie is sone pioleclion in lhe slales feai lhal incieased
iepiession iisks videning iesislance and noie geneiaIIy lieaking lhe speII of iI-
& '(') *(+#
Iusoiy sociaI peace.
Counlei-cuIluies need enledded secuiily lo suivive, lul oui nain secuiily
Iies hidden in lhe videi cuIluie.
When ve choose vhich inleivenlions/canpaigns/sliuggIes lo hghl, and
vhich Iocalions lo Iive in, ve shouId seIecl lhen, vheie ve can, pailIy on lheii po-
lenliaI foi sociaI conlagion. Ioi lhe piesence of faclois lhal Iink us, and oui desiies,
elhics and needs, lo lhose of lhe suiiounding sociely. Doing so is seIf- pioleclive.
eyond oui ovn secuiily, choosing lallIes lased on vheie peopIe aIieady aie, and
Iinking lhe anaichies ve aie gioving vilh exisling ecoIogies, sociaI ieIalions and
gains fion pievious sliuggIes, has lhe signihcanl advanlage of naking anaichy
noie liansIalalIe. As CoIin Waid said:
Many yeais of allenpling lo le an anaichisl piopagandisl have convinced ne
lhal ve vin ovei oui feIIov cilizens lo anaichisl ideas, pieciseIy lhiough diaving
upon lhe connon expeiience of lhe infoinaI, liansienl, seIf-oiganising nelvoiks of
ieIalionships lhal in facl nake lhe hunan connunily possilIe, ialhei lhan lhiough
lhe iejecling of exisling sociely as a vhoIe in favoui of sone fuluie sociely vheie
sone diffeienl kind of hunanily viII Iive in peifecl hainony.
Seeking oul olhei eIenenls, olhei aIIies, videi conpalilIe .sociaI ieIalions, en-
alIes us lo Ieain fion lhen, aid lhen - and le aided in ieluin. Thals nol lo say ve
shouId diIule ouiseIves. We aie anaichisls. Whal slienglhs ve have aiise fion oui
desiies, and aclive decisions, lo Iive fieei and viIdei, as connunilies, as individu-
aIs, faIse unily vilh aulhoiilaiian sociaI foices onIy veakens us. In oui ovn snaII
vays, vheie ve exisl, Iileilaiian connunilies of iesislance aie galheiing iesouices
and gioving conneclions of nuluaI aid in lhe cilies, ie- inhaliling and defending
lhe Iand, and liying lo giov a hghling spiiil. We can do fai lellei, lul ve have
SulcuIluies aie pail of lhe enconpassing sociely and lhus one of lheii chai-
acleis is lhal lheii piaclises can seep oul inlo lhe suiiounding cuIluie, oflen in a
defoined vay lul nol aIvays enliieIy vashed cIean of lheii elhics and heaIlhiness
(oi olheivise, as lhe case nay le). Hoiiihc as lhe silualion loday is, il vouId le
voise sliII if il vas nol foi iesislance and lhe unfoieseen effecls of peopIe liying lo
Iive veII. }usl as ve cannol 'save lhe voiId, ve viII nol 'iecIain lhe fuluie, nevei-
lheIess ve viII le pail of il.
We aie nol 'lhe seed of lhe fuluie sociely in lhe sheII of lhe oId lul one of nany
eIenenls fion vhich lhe fuluie is foining.
I"#3#% F*.2N )-"J =3%%="
When iesislance and deseilion signihcanlIy lhiealen lhose in povei, iepiession/
counlei-ievoIulion is inevilalIe. One ansvei lo hov lo nake counlei-cuIluies Iess
of a lhieal lo lhose ui|nin |ncn vouId le lo diain lhen of anlagonisn, nake lhen
olviousIy unlhiealening lo povei. This counseI of evasion and non-iesislance has
Iong leen ailicuIaled in lhe Iived expeiience of anaichies lolh oulside civiIisalion,
!" # " $%
and vilhin. Today lhough, pulling aside lhe elhicaI issues invoIved,
lhe facl is
lhal vhiIe you can liy and ignoie lhe slale, if youie vilhin ils conlioIIed leiiiloiy
lhe chances aie lhal lhe slale vonl ignoie you. Those connunilies vilh a Iand
lase capalIe of sone IeveI of seIf-sufhency viII sliII face inleivenlion, vhiIsl lhose
inneised in capilaIisn viII oflen have IillIe oplion lul lo Ialoui, and Iacking iesis-
lance, foi voisening houis and vages.
Anolhei ansvei, and nolicealIy ils lhe one nany of us have laken, expIicilIy
oi nol - is lo iesisl (piefeialIy in vinnalIe canpaigns), lul laiiing videi sociaI
ciisis usuaIIy al a sonevhal nuled IeveI - aII lhe line allenpling sone IeveI of
Civen vheie ve hnd ouiseIves, a Iol of vhal ve aIieady do nakes sense, even
vhen lhe oveil juslihcalions foi such aclion ienain niied in visions of saIvalion
(as oulIined in Chaplei 1). IionicaIIy, lhese piaclicaI aclions aie sonelines alan-
doned vhen il is ieaIised (coiieclIy) lhal lhey viII nol Iead lo lhe liansfoinalion
of lhe voiId. }usl as counlei-cuIluies/connunes/connunilies of iesislance nay
nol le enliyos of a fuluie nass anaichisl sociely, diiecl aclion nay nol Iead lo
lhe desliuclion of capilaIisn, lul il does piolecl sone lhiealened ecosyslens, heIps
nany of us and slops lhe fuilhei eiosion of sone Iileilies. Sliikes and syndicaIisn
nay nol le sleps lovaids a fuluie anaicho-connunisn lul lhey nay aid suivivaI
in lhe heie and nov and open up line in vhich lo Iive lellei. Riols nay nol Iead
lo ievoIulion lul lhey can lieak lhe sociaI speII foi nany. I vouIdnl pielend foi a
nonenl lhal ve aie signihcanlIy sIoving lhe dealh naich lhal civiIisalion is laking
Iife on eailh, lul lhe veapons of lhe veak
aie lhe ones lhey have, nol lhe ones
lhey diean of.
The nosl feiliIe giound foi iesislance ovei lhe Iasl 3O yeais has leen neilhei
'undeigiound oi 'alovegiound lul in lhe nelvoiked space lelveen lhe lvo. As
noled eaiIiei in discussion of incieased suiveiIIance, lhis giound nay le disappeai-
ing fion undei oui feel, iiieIevanl of aigunenls of ils uliIily. Ioi iesislance cuIluies
lhal aie oflen skeved geneialionaIIy lovaids lhe young ils oflen easy lo foigel hov
fasl oplions naiiov. Theie vas a line, nol nany decades ago, vhen poIice had no
iiol unifoins and had lo use nelaI iullish lin Iids as inpiovised iound shieIds
anidsl an innei-cily insuigency. Nol so Iong ago aninaI Iileialionisls couId lieak
inlo Ialoialoiies vheie no nolion sensoi vouId pick lhen up - lecause lhey hadnl
leen invenled. Chaiilies couId openIy iun fundiaising pushes foi nedicaI suppoil
foi ained Iileialion novenenls alioad (SWAIO) - lhiough lhe NalionaI Union of
Sludenls! This is no caII foi 198Os noslaIgia - ly olheis iepoils, in nany vays lhings
aie fai lellei nov, lul sone avenues have cIosed, and noie viII foIIov lhen.
To an exlenl, a Iol of lhe lype of aclions lhal viII lecone incieasingIy difhcuIl,
especiaIIy lhe speclacuIai sluff, couId le dunped vilh IillIe Ioss anyvay. Oflen
lheii onIy puipose is lo nake peopIe feeI lhey aie Doing IoIilics.
Hovevei, sone
vicloiies and successfuI canpaigns have achieved ieaI gains, defended ieaI peopIe
and pIaces, and oflen vilh laclics vhich nay le decieasing in vialiIily. Whal, lhen,
aie lhe 'olhei side lhinking is lhe fuluie of iesislance`
& '(') *(+#
Ioi a slail ve shouId le cIeai lhal ve aie ly no neans vieved as lhe onIy,
oi even lhe nain, iesislive sociaI foice. Unhappiness, poveily, sociaI division, ii-
ialionaIily and lhe desiie lo hghl alound, and nany in eIiles undeisland lhal lhe
polenliaI foi chaos is oflen laieIy undei viaps. As poinled lo eaiIiei in lhe discus-
sion of lhe iise of nega-cilies, slale lheoiisls oflen do nol nake lhe nislake of seeing
econonic ciine as divoiced fion lhe videi cIass vai. In leins of lhe sliiclIy 'poIili-
caI, nany aclivisls seened ialhei niffed vhen Seplenlei 11lh and lhe giovlh of
IsIanic leiioiisn upslaged lhe 'novenenl of novenenls vhich a decade ago vas
neanl lo le lhe onIy gane in lovn. The giovlh (Iiniled as il is) of non-slale aulhoii-
laiian aclois, vhelhei AI-Qaeda vannales oi fai iighl 'iace soIdieis, shovs lhal
lheie aie nany polenliaIIy insuigenl sulcuIluies lehind lhe vaIIs, nany of vhich
aie oui enenies as nuch as lhe slales aie.
CoIoneI Thonas X Hannes (US Maiine Coips) in his inuenliaI look, Tnc
S|ing and |nc S|cnc, popuIaiised lhe idea of fouilh and hflh geneialion vai. Sone
niIilaiy lheoiies have Iong divided diffeienl foins of nodein conicl inlo gen-
eialions. In lhe nosl connon schena Iiisl Ceneialion Wai (1CW) is chaiacleiised
ly lhe eneigence of conicl invoIving nassive ainies cuIninaling in lhe NapoIe-
onic Wais, 2CW ly indusliiaIised WWI slyIe conicls, and 3CW ly WoiId Wai II
slyIe Iilzkiieg. 4CW vas deveIoped in lheoiy and piaclice ly Mao and incIudes,
anongsl olheis, lhe vais in China, Vielnan, SonaIia, Caza, Iiaq (foIIoving lhe suc-
cessfuI 3CW lIilzkiieg invasion), as veII as lhe so-caIIed 'vai on leiioi. This is a
vaslIy sinpIihed veision of lhe schene, lul you gel lhe idea.
Hannes spends nosl of lhe look expIaining 4CW, poinling oul lhal lhis is a
foin of vai lhe US and co aie, and viII, le hghling foi sone line, and lhal - al Ieasl
in lhe 2Olh cenluiy - il is lhe onIy lype of vai lhal il has Iosl. The Weslein slales
have noslIy leen pielly successfuI in slopping 4CW 'leiioi incidenls happening
vilhin lheii loideis foi a vhoIe hosl of ieasons, nol Ieasl of vhich has leen lheii in-
cieasing capacily foi effeclive suiveiIIance of nelvoiks. Hannes slales lhal Iouilh
geneialion vai is noie lhan sevenly yeais oId and is ieaching naluiily. WhiIe ve
aie onIy leginning lo undeisland il cIeaiIy, hisloiy leIIs us lhe hflh geneialion has
aIieady legun lo evoIve. Hes open aloul saying ils loo eaiIy lo leII lul his lesl
guess is lhal 5CW nay le caiiied oul ly supei- enpoveied individuaIs oi snaII
gioups vho, unIike 4CW, aie nol enledded vilhin videi nelvoiks, and lheiefoie
fai Iess visilIe. This is pielly nuch a desciiplion of hov nuch of lhe LLI and ALI
have poiliayed lhenseIves, lhough iaieIy a desciiplion of ieaIily - as lhe success-
fuI iepiession of nelvoiks fion '8Os aninaI Iileialion lo lhe '9Os gieen scaie shov.
Il aIso iesonales sonevhal vilh lhe incieasing appeaiance of 'Ione voIf allacks
acioss lhe opposilionaI specliun. Ils voilh poinling oul lhal supei-enpoveied
in Hannes sense doesnl jusl nean an oveialundance of Nielzchean seIf leIief,
lul lhe foice-nagnifying effecl of high lechnoIogy.
LaiIiei ve Iooked al niIilaiy lhinking aloul insuigency in lhe nev nega-cilies
of lhe najoiily voiId, lul lhose vho vouId nainlain lhe sulnissive peace aIso
ienenlei lhe LA Upiising and aie iapidIy niIilaiising as lhey avail ils ieluin. The
!" # " $%
exlenl of apocaIyplic lhinking anongsl eIiles (and lhe faiIuie of oppiessed cIasses lo
oflen Iive up lo lhen) vas nosl evidenl in lhe afleinalh of Huiiicane Kaliina. Yel
even in lhe day-lo-day alsence of such upiisings lheie aie, and viII le, oppoiluni-
lies lo inleivene and pailicipale in nonenls of videi sociaI and ecoIogicaI sliuggIe,
lo shov Ieadeiship fion leIov, heIp insliII a hghling spiiil and piovide inpoilanl
infiasliucluie. Success oflen cones vhen upsuiges seen lo appeai oul of novheie,
lul lenehl fion lhe viII and expeiience iesiding in eslalIished connunilies of ie-
sislance. IoIilicos oflen vanl lo push lhese nonenls leyond lheii naluiaI Iifespan,
lul nonenlun Iasls onIy so Iong, and il doesnl lake nuch line foi lhe slale lo
oiganise. Such silualions viII nol le lhe foundalion foi a lolaI Iileilaiian liansfoi-
nalion of lhe voiId, yel lhey do have a chance of occasionaIIy achieving ieaI cIass
gains, defending connunilies and ecoIogies, naking peopIe safei, shoving peopIe
lheii ovn capacily, and lieaking sociaI speIIs.
They can, olviousIy, le coslIy, lolh
in leins of iepiession and lhe caIning povei of having Iel off slean. We shouId
aIso le undei no iIIusion lhal aulhoiilaiian sociaI foices - on lolh sides of lhe lai-
iicades - viII nol liy and conlioI such nonenls foi lheii ovn uses.
Il seens lhen, al Ieasl in lhe ninds of sone of oui enenies, lhal lhe nain cf-
fcnsitc fcrns lhal iesislance viII lake in noie suiveyed and gialing fuluie lenpeiale
voiIds, viII le lhose of un-nelvoiked supei-enpoveied snaII gioups (and indi-
viduaIs) and IaigeIy unnanaged episodes of nass sociaI opposilion. Ioi nov, a
niddIe giound aIso exisls - noslIy occupied ly aclivisn and ciine - lul nayle foi
nol nuch Iongei. As I said eaiIiei, sulveisive aclions seive lhe needs of povei as
veII as Iileily, so loIeialion nay Iasl Iongei lhan sliiclIy lechnoIogicaIIy necessaiy
if il pIays lhe ioIe of inhililing eneiging foins of aclion. Il shouId aIso le olvi-
ous lhal lhe opposilionaI foins so fai nenlioned - exislenl oi yel lo appeai - aie
nelhods of opposilion, nol enalIeis of lianscendence oi ending. This viII nol slop
lhen leing cIained as such. In oui ciicIes scnc connunisls viII no doull see sociaI
sliuggIes and oullieaks of disoidei as Ieading lo lianscendence, vhiIe scnc piini-
livisls viII see 5CW as a vay of ending civiIisalion in ils heailIands.
Silualions in fai off Iands aIso caII, and lhose lehind lhe vaIIs can gel oul - al
Ieasl al lhe nonenl. Il is oflen dangeious lo go vheie lallIe-sloins aie lieving, po-
lenliaIily foi anaichies opening up and ecoIogies needing defence, lul sone aIvays
piefei Iileily vilh dangei ovei peace vilh sIaveiy.
Lven sone of lhose vho
donl, nay feeI an olIigalion lo hghl, eilhei lo a IeveI lhal nay le unsuslainalIe
undei suiveiIIance slales, oi vilh viId pIaces and peopIes, vhich in nuch, lul ly
no neans aII, of lhe lenpeiale voiId, aie incieasingIy fev and fai lelveen. Despile
lhe deniaIs, civiIisalions sliII have nany oulsides, and as I have aigued in eaiIiei
chapleis gIolaI healing viII piolalIy expand nany of lhen.
A)M"N 2",=%2 ,(4 3(#*$$".%3)(
Il is ny opinion lhal lhe silualion is hopeIess, lhal lhe hunan iace has
pioduced an ecoIogicaI lip ovei poinl... lul assuning lheie is a possiliI-
ily of changing lhe socielies couise in lhe daikness dealhvaid sel, il
& '(') *(+#
can onIy le done ly infeclion, inhIlialion, diffusion and inpeicepliliIily,
nicioscopicaIIy lhioughoul lhe sociaI oiganisn, Iike lhe invisilIe peIIels
of a disease caIIed HeaIlh.
- Kennelh Rexiolh, Anaichisl and Ioel, }uIy 1969
We have chosen lo le anaichisls, piesunalIy al Ieasl in pail, lecause ve feeI il
is noie heaIlhy and elhicaI lo le so. Il is lellei nol lo le losses and seivanls in oui
inlinale and sociaI ieIalionships. Tuining lhe pain ve feeI inlo iesislance is lellei
lhan luining il on each olhei, oui ovn cIass and oui ovn lodies. Il is enviionnen-
laIIy heaIlhiei (lo use a degiaded lein) lo defend viId fieedons lhan Iel aII of eailh
lecone civiIisalions leiiiloiy.
If Rexiolh veie aIive loday he vouId nol le suipiised lhal ils nov piolalIy
loo Iale lo change lhe couise in lhe daikness dealhvaid sel. Yel lhose of us vho
have chosen lo le anaichisl, in sone of lhe nosl doneslicaled pIaces on eailh, sliII
need lo hnd each olhei - lolh lo le effeclive and lo le sociaIIy iounded. We have
lo nainlain sone invisiliIily fion povei vhiIsl sliII leing sociaIIy piesenl enough
lo le conlagious.
Too oflen sone peopIes aclivisn iesenlIes lhe nanic phase of li-poIai dis-
oidei. This is foIIoved inevilalIy ly a depiessive phase, vhich once having disiI-
Iusioned foIks of feeIings of onnipolence onIy ieinfoices iIIusions of poveiIessness.
To lecone sliongei and heaIlhiei, and encouiage and suppoil olheis lo do so, il is
sensilIe lo sel ouiseIves ieaIisalIe shoil lein goaIs, ialhei lhan adopling an aII oi
nolhing peispeclive. This is lhe case vhelhei il is in vhal ve vanl oui iesislance
lo achieve, vhal ve vanl lo acliveIy cieale, vhal ve vanl lo Ieain oi sinpIy vhal
ve vanl lo lecone. In lhis vay oui conscious aclion can lake on lhe funclion of coI-
Ieclive lheiapy, naking oui Iives neasuialIy inpioved foi leing anaichisls, vhiIsl
achieving videi sociaI and ecoIogicaI gains. Theie aie nany ansveis on hov ve
can do lhis.
We aie anaicho-syndicaIisls on lhe shop ooi, gieen anaichisls in lhe voods,
sociaI anaichisls in oui connunilies, individuaIisls vhen you calch us aIone, anai-
cho-connunisls vhen lheies sonelhing lo shaie, insuiieclionisls vhen ve sliike
a lIov.
An Anaichisn vilh pIenly of adjeclives, lul one lhal aIso sels and achieves
oljeclives, can have a vondeifuI piesenl and sliII have a fuluie, even vhen fun-
danenlaIIy oul of lhe slep vilh lhe voiId aiound il. Theie is so nuch ve can do,
achieve, defend and le, even heie, vheie unfoilunaleIy civiIisalion piolalIy sliII
has a fuluie.
&' >%&%($
Heie I have liied lo nap piesenl and pIausilIe fuluies vhiIsl caIIing foi a desei-
lion fion oId iIIusions and unvinnalIe lallIes in favoui of lhe possilIe. I vouId
hope lhal lhe inpIicil caII lhioughoul, foi us lo individuaIIy and coIIecliveIy deseil
lhe cause of cIass sociely/civiIisalion, vas cIeai. Yel I can aIieady heai lhe accusa-
lions fion ny ovn canp, accusalions of deseiling lhe cause of RevoIulion, deseil-
ing lhe sliuggIe foi Anolhei WoiId. Such accusalions aie coiiecl. I vouId iejoin lhal
such niIIenaiian and piogiessive nylhs aie al lhe veiy coie of lhe expansion of
povei. We can le noie anaichic lhan lhal.
Much of lhis piece has leen 'lig picluie, lul lhal shouId nol deliacl fion lhe
liue vaIue of lhe hands on, lhe IocaI, oui enolionaI ieIalionships and day lo day
piojecls. The fuluie shouId nol le aIIoved lo foiecIose on loday, even if loday is
foiecIosing sone possiliIilies in lhe fuluie. No fuluie is voilh Iiving oi hghling foi
lhal is nol exislenl in lhe piesenl.
None of vhal I have oulIined in lhis piece is anazingIy ieveIaloiy, in lhe anai-
chisl connunily I Iive in sone nix of lhese ideas aie oflen feIl lo le connon sense.
In olheis I lhink lhis is lhe case loo. One vouId hovevei nol knov lhal fion oui
oveil slaled posilions eilhei in lexl oi oflen in lhe vay ve laIk lo each olhei. Ils aI-
nosl as lhough ve feeI ve have lhese vievs, despile leing anaichisls. Yel, as I have
oulIined, I feeI discaiding piogiessive and ievoIulionaiy ailicIes of failh can nake
us sliongei, fieei and nenlaIIy heaIlhiei.
To le disiIIusioned - vilh 'CIolaI RevoIulion and vilh oui capacily lo 'Save
lhe Lailh - shouId nol aIlei oui anaichisl naluie, oi lhe Iove of naluie ve feeI as
anaichisls. Theie aie nany possiliIilies foi Iileily and viIdness sliII. Whal aie sone
of lhese possiliIilies and hov can ve Iive lhen` Whal oljeclives, vhal pIans, vhal
Iives, vhal advenluies aie lheie vhen lhe iIIusions aie sel aside and ve vaIk inlo
lhe voiId nol disalIed ly disiIIusionnenl lul unluidened ly il`
If I cioss lhe iivei viII you cioss lhe iivei
Oi diovn in lhis deseil, lhis enply cup veie diinking fion
If ve aie leasls, ve aie nol leasls of luiden
So iide aIone, oi iide vilh nany olheis
}usl iide avay as fasl as you can.
- Iackliid Raun, Va||qric Hcrscunip Rcc|
& '(') *(+#
1 No, nol Deiiick }ensen lul }ohn CIeese! - C|cc|uisc. IiIn. Chiislophei Moia-
han. 1986, London, Thoin LMI Scieen Lnleilain nenl.
2 }ohn Ciay, A1 Qucda and lna| || Mcans |c 8c Mcdcrn (London: The Nev Iiess,
2OO3), p. 7.
3 WhiIe I knov no-one peisonaIIy vho piofesses lhis loday, Anaichisn as lhe
leIos of hunan hisloiy is sliII piesenl in oui piopaganda. As Iale as 2OO6 in
vhal I vouId say is lhe nosl accessilIe and ly fai lhe nosl visuaIIy leaulifuI
inlioducloiy look lo An aichy il is slaled: lhal lhe geneiaI diieclion of hunan
hisloiy vas conlinuaIIy lovaids Iileily, in spile of anylhing lhal aulhoi ily in-
posed, and lhal fuilhei piogiess vas inevilalIe... Sociely is naluiaIIy deveIop-
ing lo secuie a Iife of veII leing foi aII, in vhich coIIeclive pioduclivily viII le
pul lo coI Ieclive use - Anaichisn. - CIiffoid Haipei iefeiiing appiovingIy lo
Ielei Kiopolkins 'Scienlihc lasis foi Anaichisn, in, CIiffoid Haipei, Anarcnq.
A Grapnic Guidc (London: Canden Iiess, 1987), p. 59.
4 The idea of lhe niIIenniun inpIicil in lhe 'end of hisloiy affecls lhe iuIeis as
veII as lhe iuIed.
5 Though lhe 'gIolaI day of aclion lhal aigu alIy kicked off lhis peiiod, }18 1999,
vas naned ly RecIain lhe Slieels (London) as lhe 'CainivaI againsl CapilaI,
lheie is IillIe evidence lhal nosl vho pailicipaled eIsevheie (especiaIIy oulside
lhe Wesl) sav lhenseIves as anli-capilaIisl, eilhei lhen oi in lhe sulsequenl
peiiod. IeopIes CIolaI Aclion - lhe nain nelvoik lhal lhen Iinked anaichisls/
aclivisl gioups in lhe Wesl lo oiganisalions in lhe Majoiily WoiId - vas nevei
ieaIIy lhal gIolaI and ils scaIe vas oflen exaggeialed.
6 As lhe alsence of any gIolaI novenenl againsl capilaIisn is so olvious, lhose
vilh a desiie lo leIieve in one have lo go lo inpies sive nenlaI Ienglhs. Ig-
noiing lhe giand slanding of lhe aulhoiilaiian Iefl, lhe nain lechnique in oui
ciicIes is lo lhink of aII lhe diffuse sliuggIes and nonenls of peisonaI and coI-
Ieclive iesislance inpIicil in cIass sliuggIe, and lhen join lhen logelhei ly nan-
ing lhen: connunisn, lhe novenenl of novenenls, lhe nuIlilude -lake youi
pick. IundanenlaIIy lhis is an exanpIe of nagicaI lhinking, ly calegoiising
and naning lhe dif fuse and invisilIe il lecones ieaI. The lhing can lhen le
given alliilules and desiies can le piojecled on lo il - unsuipiisingIy oflen
exaclIy lhe sane desiies lhe inaginei vouId Iike lo see in a novenenl vhich
expiessed lheii poIilics. Thal lhese incidenls of sliuggIe nighl le leing caiiied
oul ly peopIe vilh fundanenlaIIy diffeienl leIiefs, desiies and needs is un-
inpoilanl, foi il is lhe inaginaiy consliucl lhal nalleis, nol ils acluaI conlenl.
7 Andiev IIood, 'S26 in IieIand and lhe Oiigins of lhe Anli-capilaIisl nove-
nenl, lcr|crs Sc|idari|q Mctcncn| (IieIand), 13lh Seplenlei 2OOO.
8 UK Anaichisl Iedeialion, Rcsis|ancc, May 2OO9, p. 4. These quoles aie jusl iI-
Iuslialions - you couId hnd nany siniIai ones youiseIf. Donl lake il as a dig
if you aie aIIied lo lhese oiganisalions/lendencies. Many of you I knov aie
doing gieal sluff and aie IoveIy peopIe vho I have shaied Iaughs and sliug gIes
9 I use lhe phiase, 'sociaI novenenl anai chisls, lo nean lhose of us vho seIf-
IaleI as anaichisls, and feeI aIIied sonevhal, lo IaigeIy veslein oiiginaled, an-
aichisl liadi lions. Many peopIes and individuaIs have, and do, Iive anaichisl/
acephaIous Iives, vilhoul any Iink lo oui ieIaliveIy nodein sociaI novenenls.
I viile aloul lhese olhei anaichisls in Chaplei 4 - Afiican Roads lo Anaichy
!" # " $%
1O Slalenenls lhal iefei lo luiIding oi gioving lhe nev sociely in lhe sheII of lhe
oId aie ieIaliveIy connon in Iileilaiian viiling. Though lhe concepl piedales
il, lhe oiigin of lhese phiases is lhoughl lo le lhe cenluiy oId pieanlIe of lhe
conslilulion of lhe In dusliiaI Woikeis of lhe WoiId: y oiganising induslii-
aIIy ve aie foining lhe sliucluie of lhe nev sociely vilhin lhe sheII of lhe oId.
Suie lhe vel connecls lhe gIole, lul nosl of us end up heaiing nainIy peopIe
jusl Iike ouiseIves: We end up vilhin lhese hIlei lullIes... vheie ve see lhe
peopIe ve aIieady knov and lhe peopIe vho aie siniIai lo lhe peopIe ve aI-
ieady knov. And ve lend nol lo see lhe videi picluie. Llhan Zuckei- nan,
|is|cning |c G|coa| Vciccs, TLD, (vvv. led.con).
12 Dovn ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring! (Te Whanganui a Taia/WeIIinglon: ReleI
Iiess, 2OO6), p. 74.
13 Seaveed, |and and |iocr|q. Tcuard an crgani ca||q sc|f-crganizcd suosis|cncc nctc-
ncn|, ( 'Occupied IsIes of iilish CoIunlia: SeIf IulIished, 2OO2). AvaiIalIe
onIine: (vvv. anli-poIilics.nel/dislio).
14 We slailed lo le defealed on lhe slieels ly lhe poIice, loied ly lhe iouline,
inhIlialed ly lhe Iefl, inlinidaled ly Ienglhy piison senlences, oveishadoved
ly IsIanisl insui- gence and Weslein vais of invasion, valeied dovn ly in-
neision in lhe anli-vai nove nenl and lhen veakened ly ils faiIuie. Sone
key sliuggIes veie on sone IeveIs von (CM Teininaloi lechnoIogy slaIIed
and WTO negolialions inpIoded), nany nigialed lo noie advanlageous (oi
dianalic) leiiains of sliaggIe, sone lallIes noved leyond vhal vas geneiaIIy
acceplalIe. Many consoIidaled IocaIIy and/oi alandoned iIIusions aloul lhe
nass and lhe speclacuIai. Myiiad 'non-poIili caI issues of eveiyday Iife - kids,
geneialion aI shifl, depiession, dealh and enpIoynenl - shouId aIso nol le un-
15 Apail fion leing hopeIessIy USA-cenliic lhis vas suieIy anolhei exanpIe of
fundanenlaIIy nagicaI lhinking. One vondeis if an equa lion lhal concIuded
& '(') *(+#
Copenhagen = SeallIe vouId have leen as popuIai if COI 15 had occuiied
neai lhe sixlh anniveisaiy of SeallIe ialhei lhan lhe nuneiicaIIy eIeganl len
yeai anniveisaiy.
16 The 1O.1O.1O day oiganised ly 35O.oig sav 16OO+ evenls in 135 counliies, nosl-
Iy of lhe iiluaIislic liee pIanling/Iighl luIl changing vaiiely lhough aIso ap-
piopiialeIy vilh lhe oplion of 'failh voik.
17 }ohn Sauven - Lxeculive Diiecloi of Cieen peace UK, 'CIolaI coIIeclive aclion is
lhe key lo soIving cIinale change, Guardian, 16 Ieliuaiy 2O1O, p. 33.
18 See lhe sadIy nov evicled MainshiII SoIidai ily Canp oi lhe successfuI CIinale
Canp Iinked canpaign againsl lhe expansion of Healhiov Aiipoil.
19 Sone of lhe gioups aIIied lo Tiansilion Tovns vouId le lhe nosl olvious ex-
anpIe, al Ieasl in lhe iilish IsIes.
2O See Tadzio MuIIei and en Tioll, Hov |c |ns|i|u|icna|isc a Suarn?(vvv.
zeilschiifl-Iux- enluig.de/`p=412).
21 Ycu arc Ncu |uc|cd, Nalleijack Iiess, (vvv. nalleijackpiess.co.uk/nenu/
dovnIoads.php). The lilIe iefeis lo a CIinale Canp Ieael lhe fionl covei of
vhich vas sinpIy lhe lexl You aie Nol Iucked.
22 UnIess of couise cIinale change ieaches one of lhe liuIy Lnd Tines possiliIilies
oulIined veII ly Maik Lynas in his desciiplion of lhe end-Ieinian vipeoul.
This is a possiliIily... Maik Lynas, Six Dcgrccs. Our |u|urc cn a Hc| |cr P|anc|
(London: HaipeiCoIIins, 2OO7), p. 243.
23 The 2O1O WoiId IeopIes Confeience on CIinale Change and lhe Righls of
Molhei Lailh vas caIIed foi and hosled ly lhe oIivian Coveinnenl. Ioi a
good anaichisl ciilique see: Daiiush SokoIov, 'Cochalanla: eyond lhe Con-
pIex - Anaichisl Iiide, Snif| Magazine No. 9, 2O1O. A fai noie pio - if sliII
sonevhal queslioning - appioach lo lhe confeience can le found in: uiIding
iidges CoIIeclive, "#$%& '() *(+&,&-./ 0&1&%.2(-3 frcn 8c|itia cn c|ina|c jus|icc,
sccia| nctcncn|s and |nc s|a|c (iisloI: SeIf-pulIished, 2O1O).
24 Quoled in, Chiislophei Manes, Grccn Ragc. Radica| |ntircnncn|a|isn and |nc
Unna| ing cf Citi|isa|icn (oslon: LillIe iovn and Conpany, 199O), p. 25.
25 Ldvaid CoIdsnilh el aI, 5000 Daqs |c Satc |nc P|anc| (London: HanIyn, 199O).
26 }anes LoveIock, C|ina|c Cnangc cn |nc |iting |ar|n, Lecluie al The RoyaI Soci-
ely, 29 Oclo lei 2OO7.
27 His pio-nucIeai slance is piaclicaI if you aie pio-civiIisalion Iike he is. He does
nol say lhal nucIeai povei is lhe soIulion lo gIolaI healing vhich he sees as
nov inevilalIe. He lhinks nucIeai hssion and evenluaIIy nucIeai fusion aie lhe
onIy lechnoIogies capalIe of 'keeping lhe Iighls on as civiIisalion ielieals. As
soneone vho vanls lhe Iighls lo go oul, I can see lhe Iogic of his aigunenls lul
vanling lhe opposile have no need lo agiee vilh his slance oi iejecl his videi
aigunenls lecause of il.
28 AigualIy lhe look lhal Iaunched lhe envi ionnenlaI (ialhei lhan conseivalion)
nove nenl.
29 Heie il is Iess lhe science ilseIf vhich is al queslion lul ils piesenlalion in lhe
poIicy nakeis sunnaiy, lhe ediling and voiding of vhich does cone undei
sone IeveI of goveinnenlaI piessuie. Olheis in lhe heId have aIso caIIed foi
incieased independence fion goveinnenls: 'IICC: cheiish il, lveak il oi sciap
il`, in, Na|urc, 11 Ieliuaiy 2O1O.
3O IndusliiaI poIIulion has incieased aeio soI pailicIes in lhe alnospheie vhich
aie lhoughl lo ieecl sunIighl lack inlo space and seed cIouds. If one couId
sonehov luin off gIolaI indusliy lonoiiov, lhis din ning effecl vouId dis-
appeai and suiface lenpeialuies couId iise signihcanlIy, aInosl innedialeIy.
This couId push feedlack nechanisns inlo pIace, vilh nassive incieases in
!" # " $%
gieenhouse gases leing enilled ly non-hunan nanaged syslens. LoveIock
says foi lhis ieason he lhinks ve aie Iiving in a fooIs cIinale - danned if ve
do and danned if ve donl. Heie I have oulIined a veiy sinpIe (and lheiefoie
aved) picluie of a veiy conpIex piocess. Ioi a lellei slaling of lhe lheoiy,
see Meinial Andieae el aI. 'Sliong piesenl-day aeiosoI cooIing inpIies a hol
fuluie, in, Na|urc, 3O }une 2OO5. Ioi a noie appioachalIe (if sinpIislic and
pailiaIIy oul of dale) inlio lo gIolaI dinning valch Cs 2OO5 'CIolaI Din-
ning docunenlaiy, (vvv.llc.co.uk/sn/lviadio/piogiannes/hoiizon/
dinning_lians.shlnI). The nasking affecl is nov videIy accepled lul ils ex-
lenl is sliII unknovn. Ioi inslance in a 2OO8 sludy ly lhe Mel Ofhce HadIey
Cenlie nodeIs shoved eilhei a nodesl oi seveie inciease in healing foIIoving
a sudden ienovaI of haze. Lilhei vay Il is veiy IikeIy lhal piesenl- day aeiosoI
cooIing is suppiessing a najoi poilion of cuiienl gieenhouse vaining. -Ielei
Sloll el aI., 'Olseived cIinale change consliains lhe IikeIihood of exliene fu-
luie gIolaI vaining, in, Tc||us 8, 6O: pp. 76-81, 2OO8. Anong lhe advocales of
puiposefuI geo-engineeiing lhe idea of incieasing gIolaI dinning ly dunp-
ing suIphales inlo lhe slialospheie seens lo le gaining suppoil, oh joy.. Ils
voilh undeiIining lhal ly lhe line you iead lhis nuch of lhe science viII have
leen supeiseded/advanced.
31 'Iioceedings of lhe Seplenlei 2OO9 confei ence - '4 Degiees and eyond: In-
pIicalions of a gIolaI change of 4 pIus degiees foi peo pIe, ecosyslens and lhe
eailh-syslen, joinlIy sponsoied ly lhe Univeisily of Oxfoid, lhe TyndaII Cen-
lie foi CIinale Change Reseaich, and lhe Mel Ofhce HadIey Cenlie, vvv.eci.
32 ol Walson, quoled in, 'Hov lo Suivive lhe Coning Cenluiy, Ncu Scicn|is|,
25 Ieliuaiy 2OO9.
33 Quoled in, 'Hov lo Suivive lhe Coning Cenluiy*, Ncu Scicn|is|, 25 Ieliuaiy
34 }anes Hansen, quoled ly iII McKillen, in, 'CiviIizalions Lasl Chance, |cs
Angc|cs Tincs, May 11 2OO8.
35 In conliasl, lhe pie-hisloiic pIanelaiy galheiei-hunlei popuIalion is eslinaled
lo have slayed undei 1O niIIion foi neaiIy aII of hono sapiens 6O,OOO geneia-
lions. CeiaId Mailen, Hunan |cc|cgq (London: Lailhscan IulIicalions, 2OO1),
pp. 26-38.
36 e fiuilfuI and nuIlipIy, and iepIenish lhe eailh, and suldue il: and have
doninion ovei lhe hsh of lhe sea and ovei lhe fovI of lhe aii, and ovei eveiy
Iiving lhing lhal novelh upon lhe eailh. - Kingjancs 8io|c, Cenesis 1:28
37 lcr|d Pcpu|a|icn Prcspcc|s. Tnc 2008 Rctisicn, IopuIalion Division of lhe De-
pailnenl of Lcononic and SociaI Affaiis of lhe Uniled Nalions Secielaiial.
}une 1OO9.
38 The voik of 'nev sociaI novenenl anai chisls and feninisls fion lhe '6Os
onvaids is ieIaliveIy veII knovn lul anaichisl invoIve nenl in liilh conlioI
sliuggIes ieaches fuilhei lack. Lnna CoIdnan, anong nany lhings a nuise
and nidvife, vas one of ils nosl veII knovn advocales and foi Iols of lhe
novenenls naneIess il vas a signihcanl pail of lheii daiIy oiganising. This
is as nuch an issue of cIass sliuggIe as of vonens Iilei alion. As Lnna CoId-
nan piocIained, Laige faniIies aie a niIIslone aiound lhe necks of voik-
ing peopIe! The foIIoving quole iefeis lo Iiench anaichisls of lhe eaiIy 2Olh
cenluiy lul couId appIy lo nany in olhei counliies: Anaichisn can le con-
sideied lheii ciovn ing synlhesis, and 'neo-naIlhusianisn (fan iIy pIanning),
educalion and anli-niIilaiisn veie vaIid and necessaiy heIds of aclivily foi
anaichisls voiking foi a lolaI sociaI ievoIulion. - David eiiy, A His|crq cf |nc
& '(') *(+#
|rcncn Anarcnis| Mctcncn|. 1917-1945 (OakIand: AK Iiess, 2OO9), p. 26.
39 See Ceoige iadfoid, 'Wonans Iieedon, in, Hov Dccp is Dccp |cc|cgq? (De-
lioil: Iiflh Lslale, 1989).
4O Ioi a decenl inlio lo issues aiound lhe gieen ievoIulion see, Vandana Shiva,
Mcnccu||urcs cf |nc Mind. Pcrspcc|itcs cn 8icditcrsi|q and 8ic|ccnnc|cgq. (London:
Zed ooks 1998).
41 WiIIian R. Callon }i., Otcrsncc|. Tnc |cc|cgi ca| 8asis cf Rctc|u|icnarq Cnangc (II-
Iinois: Univeisily of IIIinois Iiess, 1982), p. 38.
42 lcr|d Hungcr Hi|s Onc 8i||icn, C (vvv. nevs.llc.co.uk/I/hi/voiId/eu-
iope/81O9698. sln), 19 }une 2OO9.
43 Mike Davis, |a|c Vic|crian Hc|ccaus|s. || Ninc |anincs and |nc
Ma|ing cf |nc Tnird lcr|d (London: Veiso, 2OO1), p. 9.
44 This giiI heie, foi inslance, is in a feeding cenlie in Llhiopia. The enliie cenlie
vas hIIed vilh giiIs Iike hei. Whals ienaikalIe is lhal hei liolheis, in lhe
sane faniIy, veie lolaIIy hne. In India, in lhe hisl yeai of Iife, fion zeio lo one,
loy and giiI lalies lasi caIIy suivive al lhe sane iale lecause lhey depend on
lhe lieasl, and lhe lieasl shovs no son piefeience. Iion one lo hve, giiIs die al
a 5O peicenl highei noilaIily iale lhan loys, in aII of India. - SheiyI WuDunn,
Oui ccn|urqs grca|cs| injus|icc (}uIy 2O1O: vvv. led.con).
45 CNA Coipoialion. Na|icna| Sccuri|q and |nc Tnrca| cf C|ina|c Cnangc (AIexan-
diia: CNA Coipoialion, 2OO7), Iinding 1.
46 |oid, Iinding 2.
47 Ioi exanpIe: Wilh lhe effecls of cIinale change conpounding exisling pies-
suies, fuluie opeialions viII le noie fiequenl and noie inlense lhan lhose cui-
ienlIy undeivay in Lasl Tinoi and lhe SoIonon IsIands. |Aii Chief MaishaII
Angusj Houslan said lhal iising sea IeveIs caused ly cIinale change vouId
voisen sociaI piolIens on lhe isIands, nany of vhich aie pooi and undeide-
veIoped, vilh lhe polenliaI foi suslained econonic giovlh Iov in aII lul a fev
counliies. This neanl lhal isIand nalions vouId sliuggIe lo adapl lo cIinale
change, he said, vhiIe changing iainfaII palleins, exliene vealhei and iising
sea IeveIs vouId lhiealen agiicuIluie and hsheiies on vhich lhey depend-
ed. 'Iion lheie, il is a snaII slep lo poIilicaI inslaliIily and sociaI disoidei,
Houslan said. - 'AusliaIia niIilaiy head vains of Iacihc cIinale inslaliIily,
|rancc 24, 3.11.2O1O (www.france24.com).
48 }anes R. Lee, 452,$.& 46$-7& $-8 9),&8 4(- 12%.: ;(. $-8 4(58
lars (London: RoulIedge, 2OO9), p. 7.
49 Na|icna| Sccuri|q and |nc Tnrca| cf C|ina|c Cnangc (AIexandiia:
CNA Coipoialion, 2OO7), p. 6.
5O Kuil M CanpleII el aI, Tnc Agc cf Ccn scqucnccs. Tnc |crcign Pc|icq and Na|icna|
Sccuri|q |np|ica|icns cf G|coa| C|ina|c Cnangc (Cenlie foi Slialegic and Inleina-
lionaI Slud ies, 2OO7), quoled in, Cvynne Dyei, C|ina|c lars (Toionlo: Randon
House, 2OO9), p. 19.
51 Dcun ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring! (Te Whanganui a Taia/WeIIinglon: ReleI
Iiess, 2OO6), p. 118.
52 R Noidas and N.I. CIedilsch, 'CIinale change and conicl, IoIilicaI Ceog-
!" # " $%
iaphy (26) 627 638 (2OO7), quoled in, }anes R. Lee, C|ina|c Cnangc and Arncd
4(-12%.: ;(. $-8 4(58 <$)3 (London: Roudedge, 2OO9), p. 15.
53 Maiia Nikifoiova vas lhe onIy vonan connandei of a Iaige ievoIulionaiy
foice in Ukiaine - an alanansha. The Iiee Conlal Diuzhina vas equipped
vilh lvo Iaige guns and an ainouied al cai. The vagons veie Ioaded vilh
ainouied cais, lachankas, and hoises as veII as lioops vhich neanl lhal lhe
delachnenl vas in no neans iesliicled lo iaiIvay Iines. The liains veie fes-
looned vilh lanneis ieading 'The Lileialion of lhe Woik eis is lhe Affaii of lhe
Woikeis ThenseIves, Uong Live Anaichy, 'Iovei ieeds Iaiasiles, and 'An-
aichy is lhe Molhei of Oidei.... Wilh lheii lIag ags and cannons, Muiusyas
echeIons iesenlIed piiale ships saiIing acioss lhe Ukiainian Sleppe. ~ MaI-
coIn AichiloId, A|anansna. Tnc S|crq cf Maria Ni|ifcrcta, |nc Anarcnis| ]can cf
Arc (Ldnonlon: Iack Cal Iiess, 2OO7), pp. 21-22.
54 }anes R. Lee, 452,$.& 46$-7& $-8 9),&8 4(- 12%.: ;(. $-8 4(58
lars (London: RoulIedge, 2OO9), p. 93.
55 Mallijs Van de Ioil, Gqpsics, lars and O|ncr |ns|anccs cf |nc li|d.
Citi|isa|icn and i|s Disccn|cn|s in a Scroian Tcun (Ansleidan: Ansleidan Uni-
veisily Iiess, 1998), pp. 15 17.
56 RandoIph ouine, 'Wai is lhe HeaIlh of lhe Slale. uieau of IulIic Seciels
57 Iieiie CIaslies, Arcnacc|cgq cf Vic|cncc (Nev Yoik: Seniolexl(e), 1994), pp. 164-
58 Lilhei viped oul duiing peiiods of (counlei) ievoIulionaiy lunuIl oi picked
off as lhe chosen piey of aulhoiilaiians duiing ieIalive sociaI peace - anaichisls
do have a lendency lo gel il in lhe neck. Oui ianks have leen fuilhei lhinned
ly lhe nany vho of have feIl foiced lo escape civiIisalion lhiough suicide and
59 }oseph Khan, 'Anaichisn, lhe Cieed lhal Wonl Slay Dead, Ncu Ycr| Tincs, 5
Augusl 2OOO.
6O The fundanenlaI 'naluie of aII civiIisalions is an iIIusoiy esliangenenl fion
viIdeiness, deepening as ve lecone eslianged fion each olhei, fion lhe Iand,
fion lhe pioducl of oui Ialoi and even fion oui ovn desiies. WiId aninaIs (hu-
nans incIuded) aie laned - do neslicaled - ly leing fenced off, sepaialed, fion
lheii naluiaI enviionnenls and fiee nenleis of lheii ovn species. Doninance
is luinl inlo liains lhiough vioIence and ialioning of iesouices. WiIdeiness
is laned, lolh vilhoul and vilhin. The liilh of do neslicalion invoIved lhe
inilialion of pioduc lion, vaslIy incieased divisions of Ialoi, and lhe conpIeled
foundalions of sociaI slialihca lion. This anounled lo an epochaI nulalion lolh
in lhe chaiaclei of hunan exislence and ils deveIopnenl, cIouding lhe Iallei
vilh evei noie vioIence and voik. - }ohn Zeizan, ||cncn|s cf Rcfusa| (C.A.L
Iiess: CoIunlia, 2OO6), p. 77. WhiIe il is inpoilanl lo liy and undeisland lheii
oiigins, il vouId le a nislake lo see esliangenenl and doneslica lion as pasl
evenls, ialhei lhey aie a piocess lhal can le, and is, iesisled. Ioi slaileis, see
aIso: Ian Hoddei, Tnc Dcncs|ica|icn cf |urcpc (asiI IackveIIs: Oxfoid, 199O),
LeopoId Roc, |ndus|ria| Dcncs|ica|icn. |ndus|rq as |nc Origins cf Mcdcrn Dcni-
na|icn. Anaichisl Ii liaiy (vvv.lheanaichislIiliaiy.oig), Deiiick }ensen el aI.,
S|rangc|q |i|c uar. Tnc G|coa| Assau|| cn |crcs|s (Cieen ooks: Dailinglon, 2OO3),
}acques Canalle, Agains| Dcncs|ica |icn (Leeds: Re-Iiessed Dislio, 2OO6), 8cas|s
cf 8urdcn. Capi|a|isn, Anina|s, Ccnnunisn (Anlagonisn Iiess: London, 1999).
& '(') *(+#
61 }anes LoveIock, C|ina|c Cnangc cn |nc |iting |ar|n, (The RoyaI Sociely: London,
29 Oclo lei 2OO7).
62 Speech ly lhe dishonouialIe Minislei foi Ioieign Tiade (Nigeiia) Mi. C Yhe-
na, Ciovn IIaza HoleI, The Hague, 27 ApiiI 2OOO.
63 See: Naoni KIein, Tnc Sncc| Dcc|rinc. Tnc Risc cf Disas|cr Capi|a|-
isn (London: Ienguin, 2OO8).
64 Conliaiy lo lhe idea lhal a deciease in ie souices is IikeIy lo iesuIl in incieased
conicl nany suiveys have shovn lhal incieased iesouices iesuIl in incieased
conicl. Conicl can le caused ly a conlinalion of gieed and giievance and
oflen gieed is lhe noloi vhiIe giievance is lhe juslihcalion. This suggesls
lhal lhe iesouice cuise, ly exposing lhose in povei lo lhe lenplalions of gieal
veaIlh, is lhe nosl poveifuI diivei of vioIence and conicl. - CaniIIa TouI-
nin, C|ina|c Cnangc in Africa (London: InleinalionaI Afiican Inslilule and Zed
ooks, 1999), p. 118.
65 San Mlah and IC Igaiievy, African Anar cnisn. Tnc His|crq cf a Mctcncn| (Tuc-
son: See Shaip Iiess, 1997), pp. 27-33.
66 The foIIoving is voilh noling aIso: Such Iiniled Iinks veie in lhe inleiesl of
lhe... |lossesj, vho puiposeIy ciealed a seni- voiking cIass. Thonson slales,
'Mine ovneis and fain nanageis ieIy on lhe facl lhal peasanls |vho cone lo
voik lenpoiaiiIyj aie aIso pioducing foi lhenseIves lack on lheii snaIIhoId-
ings (fained in lheii alsence ly lheii faniIies). As voikeis have lhis ad dilionaI
souice of sulsislence, vages can le kepl Iov. - }in Ieasl, 'The Afiican Road
lo Anaichisn`, in, |if|n |s|a|c VoI. 43 No. 2 2OO8.
67 Ioi a good oveiviev of sone Iived, ialhei lhan inagined, anaichies lolh in
Afiica and eIsevheie see: HaioId aicIay, Pccp|c li|ncu| Gctcrnncn|. An An-
|nrcpc|cgq cf Anarcnq (London: Kahn SiAveiiII, 199O).
68 I SkaInik, Ou|ui||ing |nc S|a|c, (Nev iuns vick: Tiansaclion IulIisheis, 1989),
p. 13.
69 A peisonaIIy alhoiienl and dehnileIy aulhoiilaiian exeicise vhich sone anai-
chisls sliII seen lo enjoy...
7O Though olviousIy nol al lhe expense of Iook ing al lhe cIass ieIalions, laIances
of povei, sliuggIes and joys vheie ve Iive. Too nany aclivisls knov lhe inlii-
cacies of sliuggIes, alioad yel IillIe of lhe sociaI vai aII aiound lhen.
71 WhiIe I agiee vilh lhe aulhoi heie, I vouId say 'lhe cIienl issue
is a facloi lehind lhe spiead of nuIli-paily syslens lul ly no neans lhe onIy
one. The coIIapse of lhe Soviel Ioc, sociaI denocialic noliIizalion vilhin Af-
iica and lhe denands-lolh hnanciaIIy and ideoIogicaI - of lhe Wesl, aie sone
faclois anongsl olheis. Il viII le inleiesling lo see hov lhe expansion of Chi-
nese povei in Afiica affecls lhis.
72 }in Ieasl, 'The Afiican Road lo Anaichisn`, in, Iiflh Lslale VoI. 43, No. 2,
73 A cheap joke al lhe expense of Muiiay ookchins iidicuIous, 'SociaI Anai-
chisn vs LifeslyIe Anaichisn, dicholony.
74 San Mlah and IC Igaiievy, African Anar cnisn. Tnc Hisloiy cf a Mctcncn| (Tuc-
son: See Shaip Iiess, 1997), p. 1O8.
75 Inpiovenenl nakes sliaighl ioads, lul lhe ciooked ioads vilhoul inpiove-
nenl aie ioads of genius. - WiIIian Iake, quoled in, Lavience MiIInan, |as|
IIaces: A }ouiney in |nc Ncr|n (London: Spheie ooks, 1992).
76 }anes C. Scoll, Tnc Ar| cf Nc| 8cing Gctcrncd. An Anarcnis| His-
|crq cf Up|and Scu|n-|as| Asia (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily Iiess, 2OO9).
77 If you doull lhis vhy nol liy a pIeasuialIe expeiinenl and gel a lasle of fiee-
!" # " $%
don ly ealing food nol loughl vilh soId line lul giovn vilh ones ovn
hands. I suspecl lhe expeiience viII convince you lhal Iand is Iileily and nake
you desiie noie of lolh. Ioi lhose vho Iike look iefeiences as veII as soiI
undei lheii hngeinaiIs see: The LcoIo gisl, lncsc Ccnncn |u|urc? Rcc|aining |nc
Ccnncns (London: Lailhscan, 1993)
78 Ciaene aikei, 'A TaIe of Tvo Deseils: Con liasling Deseilihcalion Hisloiies
on Rones Deseil Iionliei, in, lcr|d AichaeoIogy, voI 33, No.3, 2OO2, pp. 488-
79 HeInul Ceisl, The Causes and Prcgrcssicn cf =&3&).2>%$.2(- (AIdeishol: Ashgale
IulIish ing, 2OO5), pp. 4-7.
8O Those vho doull lhis couId do vilh ieading. CIive Ionling, A Grccn Hisloiy
cf |nc lcr|d. Tnc |ntircnncn| and |nc Cc||apsc cf Grca| Citi|isa|icns. (London:
Ienguin ooks, 1991). On a side nole, lefoie leconing an acadenic Ionling
naiiovIy avoided jaiI (lhanks lo an unexpecled juiy acquillaI) foi Ieaking lhe
liulh lehind lhe eIgiano Affaii (lhe iilish sinking of a Aigenline navy vai-
ship as il sped avay fion lhe IaIkIands conicl) vhiIsl he vas a senioi MoD
civiI seivanl.
81 Veinon C. Cailei and Ton DaIe, Tcpsci| and Citi|iza|icn (OkIahona: Univeisily
of OkIa hona Iiess, 1974).
82 Ldvaid Alley, Dcscr| Sc|i|airc. A Scascn in |nc li|dcrncss (Nev Yoik: aIIanline
ooks, 1971), pp. 3O3-3O5.
83 WiIfied Theisegei, Aialian Sands (London: Ienguin, 1959). I look lhe cheeky,
lhough I lhink voilhvhiIe, slep of gendei neuliaIising lhis quole i.e 'One vas
oiiginaIIy 'Man and 'lhey vas oiiginaIIy 'he.
84 See foi exanpIe: ChiisloleI MallingIey ed, SuivivaI |n Our Oun |and. Aloiigi-
naI cxpcri cnccs in Scu|n Aus|ra|ia since 1936 (Sydney: Hoddei &i Sloughlon,
85 Ioi a good lackgiound on lhe silualion of die Tuaieg see: HeIene CIaudol-Ha-
vad, A Nonadic Iighl Againsl InnoliIily: lhe Tuai eg in lhe Modein Slale,
in, Chally, Davn ed. Ncnadic Sccic|ics in |nc Midd|c |as| and Noilh Africa. |n|cr-
ing |nc 21sl cenluiy. (Leiden: nII Acadenic IulIisheis, 2OO6).
86 Civen lhe IikeIy iise in lenpeialuies and shifls in iainfaII nany faineis viII
face yel noie chaIIenging gioving condilions. Liveslock pioduclion nay do
sonevhal lellei lhan ciops, especiaIIy as heideis nove avay fion callIe,
vhich aie Iess heal loIei anl and lovaids goals, sheep and caneIs, vhich aie
lellei alIe lo cope in diiei, hollei condilions. (p. 12.) OveiaII, hovevei, lhe
Iiveslock secloi is IikeIy lo le noie iesiIienl lhan coipoiale agiicuIluie, since
lhe nixed heids kepl ly snaIIhoIdeis aie lellei alIe lo cope vilh eiialic iain-
faII. Tianshunanl sys lens in vhich aninaIs aie noved accoiding lo seasons,
aie aIso lellei pIaced lhan lhose vheie aninaIs aie kepl in Iaige conneiciaI
leef and daiiy fains. In lhose aieas IikeIy lo gel hollei and diiei, heid con-
posilion viII change fion callIe lovaids a giealei nunlei of snaII slock oi
caneIs. If lhis neans evei oxen can le kepl, lhis viII have knock-on

effecl on
capacily lo fain Iand. (p. 6O., CaniIIaTouInin, CIinale Change in Africa (Lon-
don: InleinalionaI Afiican Inslilule and Zed ooks, 2OO9).
87 Richaid Lee & Richaid DaIy, eds The Can liidge |ncqc|cpacdia cf Hun|crs and
& '(') *(+#
Ga|ncrcrs (Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess, 1999).
88 Though lo lhe iilish niIilaiy lhis jusl nade il ideaI foi nucIeai veapons lesl-
89 Nisa a vonan of lhe '.Kung San: I ienen lei anolhei line vhen I had
leen vaIking vilh ny fiiends in lhe lush. Oui faniIies veie noving fion one
canp lo anolhei and ny fiiends and I veie vaIking ahead of lhe aduIls, iiding on
lop of each olhei, naking leIieve ve veie donkeys. Thals vhen ny fiiend esa
sav a viIdeleesl Iying dead on lhe giound, lhen ve sav anolhei and lhen anolhei,
lhey had aII leen iecenlIy kiIIed ly Iions. We ian lack on oui liacks, ciying oul, We
sav lhiee dead viIdeleesl kiIIed ly Iions! The aduIls said 'Ho, ho, oui chiIdien...
oui vondeifuI chiIdien... oui vondeifuI, vondeifuI chiIdien! - Maijoiie Shoslak,
Nisa. Tnc |ifc and lcrds cf a !Kung lcnan (London: Lailhscan,199O), p. 1O1.
9O Sleve Connei, 'WoiIds Mosl Ancienl Race liaced in DNA Sludy, Tnc |ndc-
pcndcn| (Lon don), 1 May 2OO9.
91 RacheI Sussnan, Tnc lcr|ds O|dcs| |iting Tnings, TLD 2O1O, (vvv.led.con).
92 SuivivaI InleinalionaI, (vvv.suivivaIinleina- lionaI.oig/liiles/lushnen).
93 And yes, lhal incIudes peopIe.
94 }anes LoveIock, Tnc Rctcngc cf Gaia (Lon don: Ienguin ooks, 2OO6), p. 159.
95 W. H. Auden, 'The IaII of Rone, in, Cc||cc|cd Pccns (London: Ialei & Ialei,
96 Tin IoIgei, 'Viking Wealhei: The Changing Iace of CieenIand, Na|icna| Gcc-
grapnic VoI 217 No 6, }une 2O1O, p. 49.
97 }anes MeIic, }anes and Duncan ailIell, Mc||ing |cc Opcns Up Pc|cn|ia| fcr Arc|ic
|xp|ci|a|icn. C WoiId Seivice - usiness DaiIy: 22 Seplenlei 2O1O, (vvv.
98 CaniIIa TouInin, C|ina|c Cnangc in Africa (London: InleinalionaI Afiican Insli-
lule and Zed ooks, 1999), pp. 15-16.
99 Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2050. |cur |crccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn
|u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin, 2O1O), p. 6.
1OO 'CIolaI Waining Ioses Thieals and Oppoi lunilies lo Aiclic Region, Mani|a
8u||c|in, 6 Decenlei 2OO9.
1O1 }anes R. Lee, 452,$.& 46$-7& $-8 9),&8 4(- 12%.: ;(. $-8 4(58 <$)3 (London:
RoulIedge, 2OO9), p. 167 and p. 17.
1O2 Ioi exanpIe lhe Russian NalionaI Secuiily Slialegy, adopled in spiing 2OO9,
iefeiied lo lhe possiliIily of using ained foice in conicl ovei Hydiocailon
ieseives. 'CIinale Change, lhe Aiclic and Russias NalionaI Secuiily, Iratda,
25 Maich 2O1O (vvv engIish.piavda.iu).
1O3 VIadinii Iulin has pulIicaIIy slaled lhal he lhinks lheie is an uigenl need foi
Russia lo secuie ils slialegic, econonic, scienlihc and defence inleiesls in
lhe Aiclic. Russia P|an|s ||ag Undcr N Pc|c, C Nevs velsile, 2 Augusl 2OO7
1O4 }anes R Lee, 452,$.& 46$-7& $-8 9),&8 4(- 12%.: ;(. $-8 4(58 <$)3 (London:
RoulIedge, 2OO9), p. 1O2.
1O5 aiiy Lopez, Arc|ic-Drcans. |nagina|icn and Dcsirc in a Ncr|ncrn |andscapc (Nev
Yoik: The HaiviII Iiess, 1999), p. xxiii - xxvii.
1O6 The divisive exislence of nalion slales is aIieady a piolIen foi lhe inheienlIy
lians- loundaiy Sani and couId piove falaI in lheii allenpls lo adapl lo cIi-
nale change, even vilhoul consideiing civiIisalionaI expan sion. See: Liik Rein-
eil el aI, 'Adapling lo cIinale change in Sani ieindeei heiding: lhe nalion-slale
as piolIen and soIulion, in, W NeiI Adgei el aI, Adap|ing |c C|ina|c Cnangc.
!" # " $%
Tnrcsnc|ds, Va|ucs, Gctcrnancc (Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess, 2OO9),
pp. 417-431. Ioi a good lackgiound aIso see: Hugh each, Tnc Saani cf |ap|and
(London: Minoiily Righls Cioup. 1988).
1O7 When an indigenous peopIe ceases lo exisl and lecones inslead pail of lhe
videi cuI luie is a queslion I viII Ieave lo lhe peopIes lhenseIves. Thal such
assiniIalion is deepIy painfuI can le seen lolh in lhe slaggeiingIy high sui-
cide iales anongsl nany nevIy sellIed connunilies and in lhe seIf hain and
suicide iales noie geneiaIIy as chiIdien voiIdvide aie foined inlo aduIl cogs
and niciopiocessois.
1O8 SuivivaI InleinalionaI. Siocrian Pccp|cs Prc|cs| Agains| Oi| and Gas Pipc|incs, 26
Augusl 2OO5, (vvv.suivivaIinleinalionaI.oig/nevs/985).
1O9 Ceoffiey Yoik, 'Indigenous IeopIe Desciile ReaI IeiiIs of CIolaI Waining, in,
Tnc G|coc and Mai|, 14 Decenlei 2OO7.
11O Luke Haiding, 'CIinale Change in Russias Aiclic Tundia, Guardian, 20 Sep-
lenlei 2O1O.
111 Ioi civiIisalion, lhe gieal lhaving of lhe Iai Noilh viII piolalIy foin olslacIes
as veII as liidges. Lavience C Snilh aigues lhal in nany pIaces lhanks lo de-
cieased vinlei ioad access and giound disiuplions fion lhaving peinafiosl
lheie viII le dininishing access ly Iand, lul iising access ly sea. Ioi nany
ienole inleiioi Iandscapes, lhe peihaps suipiising piospecls I see is ieduced
hunan piesence and lheii ieluin lo a viIdei slale. - Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc
lcr|d in 2050. |cur |curccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn |u|urc (Nev Yoik:
Ienguin, 2O1O), p. 17O.
112 Parag Knanna Maps |nc |u|urc cf Ccun|rics, TLD, }uIy 2OO9, (vvv.led.con).
113 Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2050. |cur |crccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn
|u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin, 2O1O), p. 258.
114 The lendency eneiging, lo see cilies as na luies saIvalion, is caigoisl nonsense,
lacked up ly cailon counling lechniques lhal ignoie lhe inlei-ieIaled naluie
of indusliiaI isn. A good iecenl exanpIe of such aved lhinking is: Shanla
aiIey, 'Lscape lo lhe Cily, in, Ncu Scicn|is| 6.11.2O1O, pp. 32-34. I nole lhe edi-
lois agged il up on lhe covei as lhe Iead ailicIe vilh lhe lilIe 'Uilan Ulo pia,
vhich says il aII ieaIIy!
115 Lagos in Nigeiia sheIleis an eslinaled 2O niIIion peopIe and is one of lhe
voiIds fasl esl gioving nega-cilies. Once-a snaII hshing viIIage, Makoko has
giovn inlo a sIun hous ing aiound 1OO,OOO peopIe IaigeIy in sliIl houses on
Lagoss Iagoon. Like nany sIuns lhe aiea is IaigeIy goveined ly IocaI gangs
ialhei lhan slale ones.
116 Mike Davis, Dcad Ci|ics and O|ncr Ta|cs (Nev Yoik: The Nev Iiess, 2OO2), p.
117 Uniled Nalions Hunan SellIenenls Iio gianne, S|a|c cf |nc lcr|ds Ci|ics
2008/2009 (London: Lailhscan, 2OO8), quoled in Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d
in 2050. |cur |crccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn |u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin,
2O1O), p. 32.
118 IopuIalion hguies laken fion slale censuss. iisloI: 433,1OO (UK 2OO1).
ialisIava: 429,OOO (SIovakia 2OO6). OakIand: 446,9O1 (USA 2O1O).
119 Hans RosIing, Hans Rcs|ing sncus |nc ocs| s|a|s qcutc ctcr sccn. TLD, Ieliuaiy
2OO6, (vvv. led.con).
& '(') *(+#
12O See: Chiisline McMuiiay and Roy Snilh, Discascs cf G|coa|iza|icn. Scciccccncnic
Transi |icns and Hca||n (London: Lailhscan, 2OO1).
121 1.2O niIIion and 1.27 niIIion iespecliveIy in 2OO2. Tin HaIIiday and asiio
Davey, la|cr and Hca||n in an Otcrcrcudcd lcr|d (Oxfoid: Oxfoid Univeisily
Iiess, 2OO7), p. 39.
122 As lhough 've aie hnished...
123 Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2050. |cur |crccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn
|u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin, 2O1O), p. 35.
124 ...lhe lollon liIIion viII have lo vail a Iong line unliI deveIopnenl in Asia
cieales a vage gap vilh lhe lollon liIIion siniIai lo lhe nassive gap lhal
pievaiIed lelveen Asia and lhe iich voiId aiound 198O. This does nol nean
lhal deveIopnenl in lhe lollon liIIion is inpossilIe, lul il does nake il nuch
haidei. The sane aulonalic piocesses lhal diove Asian deveIopnenl viII in-
pede lhe deveIopnenl of lhe lollon liIIion. - IauI CoIIiei, Tnc 8c||cn 8i||icn.
lnq |nc Pccrcs| Ccun|rics arc |ai|ing and lna| Can 8c Dcnc Aocu| || (Oxfoid:
Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess, 2OO8), p. 86. Welhei one sees lhe piocess alove as
'aulonalic as CoI Iiei desciiles oi sees il as an expiession of cIass inleiesls (oi
lolh), lhe lasic lone of his concIusion is peisuasive.
125 See Chapleis 3, Deseil Sloins, and 4, Afii can Roads lo Anaichy.
126 IauI CoIIiei, Tnc 8c||cn 8i||icn. lnq |nc Pccr cs| Ccun|rics arc |ai|ing and lna|
Can 8c Dcnc Aocu| || (Oxfoid: Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess, 2OO8), p. 3.
127 G|coa| Trcnds 2025. A Transfcrncd lcr|d (Washinglon: US NalionaI InleIIigence
CounciI, 2OO8), p.99, quoled in, Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2050. |cur
|crccs Snaping Citi|iza|icns Ncr|ncrn |u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin, 2O1O), p. 43.
128 Roleil Neuviilh, Snadcu Ci|ics. A 8i||icn Squa||crs, a Ncu Uroan lcr|d. (Lon-
don: RoulIedge, 2OO4).
129 Uniled Nalions slalislics quoled in: Mike Davis, P|anc| cf S|uns (London: Vei-
so, 2OO7), p. 23.
13O Mike Davis, P|anc| cf S|uns (London: Veiso, 2OO7), p. 42.
131 Roleil Neuviilh, Snadcu Ci|ics. A 8i||icn Squa||crs, a Ncu Uroan lcr|d (Lon-
don: RoulIedge, 2OO4).
132 LeopoId Roc, |ndus|ria| Dcncs|ica|icn. |ndus|rq as |nc Origins cf Mcdcrn Dcnina-
|icn. Anaichisl Liliaiy (www.theanarchistlibrary.oig).
133 Muiiay ookchin, quoled duiing a desciip lion of hisloiicaI and piesenl lian-
silionaI cIasses in: Dovn ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring! (Te Whanganui a Taia/
WeIIinglon: ReleI Iiess, 2OO6), p. 15O.
134 Ialiick Chanoiseau, quoled in Mike Davis, P|anc| cf S|uns (London: Veiso,
2OO7), p. 174.
135 CaniIIa TouInin, C|ina|c Cnangc in Africa. (London: InleinalionaI Afiican Insli-
lule and Zed ooks, 2OO9), pp. 7O-118.
136 The idea of Cod inpIies lhe aldicalion of hunan ieason and juslice, il is lhe
nosl decisive negalion of hunan Iileily, and nec essaiiIy ends in lhe ensIave-
nenl of nankind, in lheoiy and piaclise... if god ieaIIy exisled, il vouId le
necessaiy lo aloIish hin. - MikhaiI ukunin, Gcd and |nc S|a|c (Nev Yoik: Do-
vei IulIicalions, 2OO3). See aIso: Richaid Davkins, Tnc Gcd Dc|usicn (London:
Iack Svan, 2OO7).
137 Il vouId le loo sinpIislic lo lIane lhis aII on indusliiaIisn lul cIeai ieIalion-
ships can le seen - foi exanpIe, lhal denonslialed ly Vandana Shiva lelveen
lhe spiead of lhe gieen ievoIulion and lhe giovlh of funda nenlaIisl connu-
!" # " $%
naIisl novenenls in India. If anylhing, lhe coIlan fueIIed vai in Congo and
lhe sulsequenl spiead of chaiisnalic nalive/IenlecoslaI cuIls lenl on soIving
lheii piolIens lhiough expeIIing lens of lhousands of 'chiId vilches is an even
noie spooky sign of lhe naiiiage of lhe noden and lhe nagicaI.
138 Wiilhing in agony, his ain Iosl lo a sugai niII, sIave Iiancois MakandaI had
a niIIenai ian vision of gIoiious fiee lIack Hailian cilies. InnedialeIy aflei
his naining, MakandaI affecled lhe ioIe of a piophel and luiIl a con sideialIe
foIIoving in Noilhein Linle. y 174O, MakandaI had ed lo lhe Maioons and
used lheii seciel nelvoiks lo luiId a foice of lhousands acioss Haili, inhIlial-
ing eveiy hone and pIanlalion and liinging poison lo each, adapled fion Wesl
Afiican Ioie lo IocaI ciicunslances. Dependenl on lheii seivanls, lhe pIanlocia-
cy vas heIpIess as one day lheii Iiveslock died, lhe nexl lheii doneslic aninaIs,
hnaIIy lhenseIves and lheii faniIies. 6,OOO veie kiIIed lefoie MakandaI vas
lhiough. - }ohn Connoi, Cni|drcn cf Guinca. Vccdcc, Tnc 1793 Hai|ian Rctc|u|icn
and Af|cr (London: Cieen Anaichisl ooks, 2OO3), p. 11.
139 Ceoffiey Denaiesl (US Ainy Ioieign MiIilaiy Sludies Ofhce, Ioil Leaven-
voilh), 'CeopoIilics and Uilan Ained Conicl in Lalin Aneiica, in, Sna||
lars and |nsurgcn cics, VoI.6, No.I (London: RoulIedge, 1995). This ailicIe is a lil
ouldaled (fax nachines as nelvoik lhieal!) lul is dehnileIy voilh ieading nol
Ieasl as a good iIIuslialion of lhe ciicuIaiily of lhoughl on insuiieclionaiy pos-
siliIily. I iead il as Mike Davis (vho is a ievoIulionaiy sociaIisl) iefeiences lhis
sludy in his 2OO6 look P|anc| cf S|uns, lul ils no licealIe lhal a Iaige pail of ils
lhesis is fion Daviss eaiIiei look (vhich il quoles) Ci|q cf Quar|z...
14O ChaiIes Onyango-Ollo, 'Kileia. Ils iich cily foIks vho need sIuns nosl,
Dai|q Na|icn, op/ed 8 }uIy 2OO9.
141 Ceoffiey Denaiesl (US Ainy Ioieign MiIilaiy Sludies Ofhce, Ioil Leaven-
voilh), 'CeopoIilics and Uilan Ained Conicl in Lalin Aneiica, in, Sna||
lars and |nsurgcn cics, VoI.6, No.I (London: RoulIedge Spiing 1995).
142 }ason Adans, Ncn-lcs|crn Anarcnisns. Rc|nin|ing |nc G|coa| Ccn|cx| (}ohannes-
luig: ZalaIaza ooks, 2OO3).
143 Richaid Maley, lccds. Hcu Vagaocnd P|an|s Ga|ccrasncd Citi|isa|icn and Cnangcd
|nc laq lc Tnin| Aocu| Na|urc (London: IiohIe ooks, 2O1O), p. 21.
144 Ceiaid ManIey Hopkins, 'Inveisnaid, in, Pccns and Prcsc (London. Ienguin
CIassic, 2OO8), p. 5O.
145 As vilh so nuch in cIinale change, naiia lives aloul vhal affecls fuluie gIolaI
healing nay have on liopicaI foiesls, iange fion lhe posilive lo lhe apocaIyp-
lic. Ioi a good oveiviev see lhe exceIIenl: Sinon L. Levis, 'TiopicaI foiesls and
lhe changing eailh sys len, in, Pni|cscpnica| Transac|icn cf |nc Rcqa| Sccic|q 8
(2OO6) 361, 195-21O.
146 Caiiy Ieleison, 'LcoIogicaI Iinils of adapla lion lo cIinale change, in, W NeiI
Adgei el aI Adap|ing |c C|ina|c Cnangc. Tnrcsnc|ds, Va|ucs, Gctcrnancc (Can-
liidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess, 2OO9), p. 31.
147 T. L. Lovejoy, 'Conseivalion vilh a Changing CIinale, in, C|ina|c Cnangc and
8icditcrsi|q (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily Iiess: 2OO6), pp. 325-326.
148 We can Iook al liopicaI foiesls ~ lhose gieal ieseivoiis of diveisily - in pai-
licuIai. Iiojec lions lo 2O5O eslinale 1O exlinclion (i.e. species connilled lo
exlinclion) of aII liopi caI iain foiesl species lased on halilal Ioss aIone, lul a
fai giealei exlinclion of 24 undei piojecled nid-iange cIinale change sce-
naiios. - 'iodiveisily in a changing voiId, in, }alouiy ChazouI and Doug Ias
SheiI eds., Trcpica| Rain |crcs| |cc|cgq, Ditcrsi|q, and Ccnscrta|icn (Oxfoid: Ox-
foid Univeisily Iiess, 2O1O), p. 356. Woise enis sion scenaiios push lhal hoi-
& '(') *(+#
iendous hguie lo 37 in one nodeI. ~ Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2050.
|cur |crccs Snaping Citi|iza |icns Ncr|ncrn |u|urc (Nev Yoik: Ienguin, 2O1O),
p. 138.
149 'Cieenhouse Cas LeveIs and iodiveisily, in, Thonas L. Lovejoy and Lee Han-
nah, eds., C|ina|c Cnangc and 8icditcrsi|q (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily Iiess:
2OO6), p. 395.
15O Slephen M. Meyei, Tnc |nd cf |nc li|d (Can liidge: Massachusells Inslilule of
TechnoIogy Iiess, 2OO6), p. 4.
151 Slephen M. Meyei, Tnc |nd cf |nc li|d (Can liidge: Massachusells Inslilule of
TechnoIogy Iiess, 2OO6), pp. 9-14.
152 Slephen M. Meyei, Tnc |nd cf |nc li|d (Can liidge: Massachusells Inslilule of
TechnoIogy Iiess, 2OO6), p. 16.
153 Iiolecled aieas aie lhe nosl inpoilanl and nosl effeclive conponenl of cui-
ienl conseivalion slialegies... Theie is sliong ieason lo leIieve lhal lhey viII
conlinue lo le cenliaI in conseivalion slialegies designed foi cIinale change...
Aiea undei pioleclion is expanding, vhiIe ienaining undisluiled halilal is
decIining, so lhal ly lhe line cIinale change inpacls aie pionounced, pio-
lecled aieas nay iepiesenl nosl of lhe ie naining naluiaI aieas of lhe pIanel.
Iiolecled aieas piovide lhe Ieasl disluiled naluiaI halilal, and lheiefoie lhe
lesl hope foi nalu iaI iesponse (e.g., iange shifls) lo changing cIinale. Conse-
quenlIy, piolecled aieas viII pIay a doninanl ioIe in effoils lo conseive liodi-
veisily in lhe fuluie, as lhey do nov. - Lee Hannah and Rod SaIn, 'Iiolecled
Aieas Managenenl in a Changing CIinale, in, Thonas L. Lovejoy and Lee
Hannah, eds., C|ina|c Cnangc and 8icditcrsi|q (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily
Iiess: 2OO6), p. 363.
154 Slephen M. Meyei, Tnc |nd cf |nc li|d (Can liidge: Massachusells Inslilule of
TechnoIogy Iiess, 2OO6), p. 49.
155 Mike Davis, P|anc| cf S|uns (London: Veiso, 2OO7), p. 136.
156 Ioi an insighlfuI anlhiopoIogicaI ciilique of a conseivalion-as-deveIopnenl
piojecl see:
Iaige Wesl, Ccnscrta|icn is Our Gctcrnncn| Ncu. Tnc Pc|i|ics cf |cc|cgq in Papua
Ncu Guinca (Duihan: Duke Univeisily Iiess 2OO6).
157 Ioi a good (if anlhiopocenliic) Iook al slale engagenenl ly conseivalion
oiganisalions and lhe iesuIlanl cIashes vilh indigenous peopIe, especiaIIy
lhiough lhe ciealion of NalionaI Iaiks, see: Maicus CoIcheslei, Sa|taging Na-
|urc. |ndigcncus Pccp|cs, Prc|cc|cd Arcas and 8icditcrsi|q Ccnscrta|icn (Ceneva:
Uniled Nalions Reseaich Inslilule foi SociaI DeveIopnenl vilh WoiId Rainfoi-
esl Move nenl, 1994).
158 Lee Hannah and Rod SaIn, 'Iiolecled Aieas Managenenl in a Changing CIi-
nale, in, Thonas L. Lovejoy and Lee Hannah, eds., C|ina|c Cnangc and 8icdi-
tcrsi|q (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily Iiess: 2OO6), p. 37O.
159 Thals nol lo say il aII nakes sense. Much of UK conseivalion is sinpIy lag-
gage fion pievious nanagenenl iegines oi is skeved lovaids pailicuIai fa-
vouiiles (voodIand oveis as an exanpIe) ialhei lhan oiienlaled lo a vhoIe
!" # " $%
syslen appioach. Ioi an oId lul unfoilunaleIy sliII ieIevanl ciilique see: CIive
HanlIei and Mailin R Speighl, 'iodiveisily Conseivalion in iilain: Science
RepIacing Tiadilion, in, 8ri|isn li|d|ifc, 6 (3) pp. 137 148.
16O 'CIolaI Cieenhouse Cas LeveIs and lhe Iu luie of iodiveisily, in, Thonas L.
Lovejoy and Lee Hannah, eds., C|ina|c Cnangc and 8icditcrsi|q (Nev Haven:
YaIe Univeisily Iiess: 2OO6), p. 39O.
161 Dave Ioienen, speaking on lhe hIn, |ar|n |irs|. Tnc Pc|i|ics cf Radica| |ntircn-
ncn|a|isn, pioduced ly Chiislophei Manes, 1987.
162 As has leen aigued videIy lheie is a need foi incieased ecoIogicaI defence
in lolh lhe 'liodiveisily holspols (34 iegions vilh high lioIogicaI diveisily
undei inninenl lhieal) and lhe Iasl gieal liopicaI viIdei nesses (Anazon, Nev
Cuinea, Congo) as veII as al Sea. The scaIe of lhe piesenl ciisis and lhe IikeIi-
hood of fuluie nassive cIinale change nay nov add veighl lo lhe aigunenl
caIIing foi a 'Iong vai focus on lhe Iasl lig viIdeinesses, lul ils piolalIy nol
yel line lo give up on lhe holspols aII logelhei. Ils aIso peifeclIy conceivalIe
lhal if lhe Lailh Syslen is noving lo a hol slale lhen even lhe 'Iong vai slial-
egy is ialhei oul lhe vindov.
Ho hun. Ioi an up-lo-dale sunnalion of Holspols - www.biodiversityhotspots.oig.
Ioi a ciilique see: Ielei Keieiva and MicheIIe Maiviei, 'Conseiving iodivei-
sily CoIdspols, in, Ancrican Scicn|is|, VoIune 91 (2OO3), pp. 344-351. In lhe end,
nunlei ciunching onIy gels one so fai, iiieIevanl of an ecosyslens ieIalive
gIolaI 'inpoilance, il is oui desiie lo le pail of il and lecone ils defence lhal
pushes us lo aclion, vhelhei ils a iainfoiesl on lhe olhei side of lhe pIanel oi a
ieviIding vacanl Iol dovn lhe ioad.
163 'Requien oi ievivaI, in, }alouiy ChazouI and DougIas SheiI eds., Trcpica| Rain
|crcs| |cc|cgq, Ditcrsi|q, and Ccnscrta|icn (Oxfoid: Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess,
2O1O), p. 4OO.
164 Sea Shepheid Conseivalion Sociely - vvv. seashepheid.oig/gaIapagos/
165 The Thin Cieen Line Ioundalion - vvv. lhingieenIine.info
166 Ioi noie info on lhe Zapalos case see SoIidaiily Soulh Iacihc - vvv.eco-
aclion.oig/ssp/piisoneis.hlnI Ioi an exceIIenl, infoinalive and iefieshingIy
honesl oveiviev of lhe soIidaiily liip in queslion and ovei viev of lhe ecoIogi-
caI/indigenous sliuggIes in lhe IhiIippines see: |rcn Mac|an |c |nc MiningAc|.
|tcrqdaq s|crics cf dctas|a|icn and rcsis|ancc ancng |nc indigcncus pccp|c cf |nc Pni|-
ippincs (Leeds: Repiessed Dislio, 2OO3).
167 This is nol lo say lhal lheie aie nol aloiiginaI gioups, neieIy lo poinl lo lhe
piolaliIily lhal nany of lhose so IaleIIed oi vho cIain such 'slalus aie inslead
naioon connuni lies vho have ed lo ienole aieas lo avoid incoipoialion inlo
civiIisalion. See: }anes C. Scc||, The Ail of Nol eing Coveined: An Anaichisl
Hisloiy of UpIand Soulh-Lasl Asia (Ncu Hatcn. Ya|c Unitcrsi|q Prcss, 2009).
168 Thonas L. Lovejoy, 'Conseivalion vilh a Changing CIinale, in, Thonas H.
Lovejoy and Lee Hannah, eds., C|ina|c Cnangc and 8icditcrsi|q (Nev Haven:
YaIe Univeisily Iiess: 2OO6), p. 326.
169 Ioi a good inlio lo lhe ideas of conseivalion ieviIding - Dave Ioienan, Rcui|-
ding Ncr|n Ancrica. A Visicn fcr Ccnscrta|icn in |nc 21s| Ccn|urq (Washinglon:
IsIand Iiess, 2OO4). AIieady ieviIding is a lil of a luzz void vhich is nol onIy
fianing nev slyIe consei valion piojecls lul aIso leing used lo sex up piojecls
vilh Iess 'Iegilinale cIain. Lilhei vay foi an easiIy accessilIe - if piopagandisl
oveiviev of cuiienl piojecls voiIdvide Carc|inc |rascr, ReviIding lhe WoiId:
& '(') *(+#
Dis palches fion lhe Conseivalion RevoIulion (Ncu Ycr|. Hcnrq Hc||, 2010).
17O Ioi sone lhoughls on ecoIogicaI iesloia lion fion a iilish iadicaI enviionnen-
laI peispeclive see: 'Take a Sad Song and Make il ellei`: LcoIogicaI Resloia-
lion in lhe UIC, in, Dc cr Dic, No. 8, 1998, pp. 159-173.
171 }anes LoveIock, Tnc Vanisning |acc cf Gaia. A |ina| larning (London: Ienguin,
172 Maiy Mycio, lcrnuccd |crcs|. A Na|ura| His|crq cf Cncrncoq| (Washinglon:
}oseph Heniy Iiess, 2OO5), p. 6. LIenenls in lhe Ukianian slale aie piesenlIy
(2O1O) pushing lo ie-doneslicale nuch of lhe deseiled Iand foi agiicuIluiaI
173 Dcun ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring! (Te Whanganui a Taia/WeIIinglon: ReleI
Iiess, 2OO6), p. 159.
174 }anes LoveIock, Tnc Rctcngc cf Gaia (Lon don: Ienguin, 2OO6), p. 1O. Sone have
ques lioned if he genuineIy lhinks lhis, inpIying he is exaggeialing foi effecl oi
lo encouiage aclion. I asked hin lhis peisonaIIy and he said he does genuineIy
lhink lhis is piolalIy lhe case.
175 Ioi exanpIe sone nodeIs piedicl lhal lhe dioughl condilions associaled vilh
lhe liief Aneiican DusllovI couId conceivalIy le cone lhe |Aneiican Soulh-
veslj iegions nev cIinale. - Lauience C. Snilh, Tnc lcr|d in 2O5O: Ioui Ioices
Shaping CiviIizalions Noilhein Iuluie (Ncu Ycr|. Pcnguin, 2010), p. 108.
176 The cIinale vai couId kiII neaiIy aII of us and Ieave lhe fev suivivois Iiving
a slone age exislence. ul in seveiaI pIaces in lhe voiId, incIuding lhe UK,
ve have a chance of suiviving and even of Iiving veII. - }anes LoveIock, Tnc
Vanisning |acc cf Gaia. A |ina| larning (London: Ienguin, 2OO9), p. 22. Ioi an
inleiesling peispeclive on a fuluie iilain IsIes see: Maiek Kohn, Turncd Ou|
Nicc. Hcu |nc 8ri|isn |s|cs ui|| Cnangc as |nc lcr|d Hca|s Up (London: Ialei &
Ialei, 2O1O).
177 SociaI Wai: The naiialive of 'cIass sliug gIe deveIoped leyond cIass lo incIude
lhe conpIexilies and nuIlipIicilies of ... conicl vilhin aII hieiaichicaI sociaI
ieIalions. - Lian Sionnach, 'Lailh Iiisl Means SociaI Wai: econing an Anli-
CapilaIisl LcoIogicaI SociaI Ioice, in, |ar|n |irs|! ]curna|, Lughna- sadh 2OO8,
VoI. 28, No. 5.
178 LuiopoI, Teiioiisl Aclivily in lhe Luiopean Union: Silualions and Tiends Re-
poil (Lu iopoI: The Hague, 2OO3).
179 Zig-Zag, Cc|cniza|icn and Dccc|iniza|icn. A Manua| fcr |ndigcncus
|iocra|icn in |nc 21s| Ccn|urq (Vicloiia: Waiiioi IulIicalions, 2OO6), p. 28.
18O }ohn eddinglon, quoled in, WoiId faces 'Ieifecl sloin of piolIens ly 2O3O,
chief scienlisl lo vain, Tnc Guardian, 18.3.2OO9.
181 UK innigialion conlioI vas acluaIIy a 'vicloiy (sic) hisl lioughl in foIIov-
ing a huge noliIisalion ly lhe Lefl againsl }evish nigianls. NolicealIy pielly
nuch lhe onIy seclion of lhe Lefl lhal agilaled againsl il vas lhe onIy gioups
lhal did nol accepl loideis al aII - lhe anaichisls. See: Sleve Cohen, Tna|s |un-
nq, Ycu Dcn| |cc| An|i-Scni|ic. An|i- racis| Ana|qsis cf |cf| An|i-Scni|isn (Lon-
don: eyond lhe IaIe Iiess, 1984).
182 }anes LoveIock, C|ina|c Cnangc cn |nc |iting |ar|n, The RoyaI Sociely, 29 Oclo-
lei 2OO7.
183 'Iooi in UK dying 1O yeais eaiIiei lhan lhe iich, despile yeais of goveinnenl
aclion, Guardian, 2.7.2O1O.
184 Richaid WiIkinson, Mind |nc Gap. Hicrar cnics, Hca||n and Hunan |tc|u|icn (Lon-
don: WeidenfeId & NichoIson, 2OOO).
185 }anes IhiIIips, Trauna, Rcpair and Rccctcrq (Oxfoid: Oxfoid Univeisily Iiess,
!" # " $%
2OO8), p. 5.
186 This slalislic invoIves an oideiing of dala vhich spIils lolh canceis and acci-
denls. See: CIaie Ciifhlhs el aI., |cading causcs cf dca|n in |ng|and and la|cs
Hcu sncu|d uc grcup causcs? (London: NalionaI Ofhce of Slalislics, 2OO5), p. 11.
187 RaouI Vaneigen, Tnc RevoIulion cf |tcrqdaq |ifc (London: ReleI Iiess, 1983).
188 IoIice in lhe UK aie pIanning lo use un nanned spy diones, conlioveisiaIIy
depIoyed in Afghanislan, foi lhe 'iouline noniloiing of anlisociaI noloi-
isls, piolesleis, agiicuIluiaI lhieves and y-lippeis... IieviousIy, Kenl po Iice
has said lhe dione schene vas inlended foi use ovei lhe LngIish channeI lo
noniloi shipping and delecl innigianls ciossing fion Iiance. Hovevei, lhe
docunenls sug gesl lhe naiiline focus vas, al Ieasl in pail, a pulIic ieIalions
slialegy designed lo nini nise civiI Iileily conceins. 'Theie is polenliaI foi
lhese |naiilinej uses lo le piojecled as a 'good nevs sloiy lo lhe pulIic ialhei
lhan noie 'lig liolhei a ninule fion one of lhe eaiIiesl neelings, in }uIy
2OO7, slales. - 'CCTV in lhe Sky: poIice pIan lo use niIi laiy-slyIe spy diones,
Cuaidian, 23.1.2O1O. Moie iecenlIy ACIO conhined lhal lhiee foices aie aI-
ieady using diones and a nalionaI schene is oul foi lendei, 'Unnanned diones
nay le used in poIice suiveiIIance, Guard ian, 24.9.2O1O.
189 DeveIopnenl, Concepls and Docliine Cen lie, G|coa| S|ra|cgic Trcnds Prcgrannc
2007 2036 (London: Minisliy of Defence, 2OO6). 'A souice docunenl foi lhe de-
veIopnenl of UK defence poIicy quoled in, Cvynne Dyei, C|ina|c lars (To-
ionlo: Randon House, 2OO9), p. 5.
19O Rura| idq|| cr |crrcris| nuo?, Cuaidian, 3.1.2OO9.
191 'SiIence and eyond, in, Tiqqun 1, (Iaiis: Tiqqun,1999).
192 See: IauI Aviich, Anarcnis| Vciccs (OakIand: AK Iiess, 2OO5), Tnc Ca|| (Lon-
don: Shoil Iuse Iiess, 2O1O), CoIin Waid, Anarcnq in Ac|icn (London: Iieedon
Iiess, 1988), 'Cioving Counlei CuIluies, in, Dcun ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring!
(Te Whanganui a Taia/WeIIinglon: ReleI Iiess, 2OO6), pp. 61 79, Ciinelhinc,
Drcpping cu|. A Rctc|u|icnarq Vindica|icn cf Rcfusa|, Margi|ia|i|q, and Suocu| |urc
(London: Aclive Disliilulion, 2O1O).
193 Cuslav Landauei, Rctc|u|icn and c|ncr lri| ings (OakIand: IM Iiess, 2O1O).
194 Dovn ui|n |npirc, Up ui|n Spring! (Te Whanganui a Taia/WeIIinglcn: ReleI
Iiess, 2OO6), p. 77.
195 Muiiay ookchin, Tnc Spanisn Anarcnis|s. Tnc Hcrcic Ycars 1868-
1936 .Ldinluigh: AK Iiess, 1988).
196 CoIin Waid, Anarcnq in Ac|icn (London: Iieedon Iiess, 1992), p. 5.
197 Waid ChuichiII, ?$%2>3, $3 ?$.6(5(7@ (Win nipeg: Aileilei Ring, 1998) pp. 7O-
198 To use }anes Scolls lein, in a diffeienl conlexl. }anes Scoll, lcapcn is cf |nc
lca|. |tcrqdaq |crns cf Pcasan| Rcsis|ancc (Nev Haven: YaIe Univeisily Iiess,
199 In conliasl, as Iiench anaichisl Iieiie Chai- don pul il: Anaichisl aclion) - pa-
lienl, hid den, lenacious, invoIving individuaIs, ealing avay al inslilulions Iike
a voin eals avay al fiuil, as leiniles undeinine najeslic liees - such aclion
does nol Iend ilseIf lo lhe lhealiicaI effecls of lhose vho vish lo diav allen-
lion lo lhenseIves. - Quoled in, David eiiy, A His|crq cf |nc |rcncn Anarcnis|
Mctcncn|. 1917-1945 (OakIand: AK Iiess, 2OO9), p. 42.
2OO IncidenlaIIy lhe lheoiy/piaclise of 4CW is highIy evoIved and vhiIe incoipo-
ialing guei iiIIa and nelvoik vai has a videi neaning on papei and on lhe
giound. Ioi lhis aIone lhe look is voilh ieading. CoIoneI Thonas X. Hannes
(USMC), Tnc S|ing c Tnc S|cnc. On lar in |nc 21s| Ccn|urq (Sl.IauI: Zenilh Iiess,
& '(') *(+#
2OO4). Quoles, p. xiv and p. 29O iespecliveIy. The ALI do hiIaiiousIy nake an
appeaiance as a possilIe scieen foi a Chinese niIilaiy 4CW faIse ag allack on
lhe Aneii can 'Iiveslock indusliy. p. 259.
2O1 To le a feninisl, one has hisl lo lecone one... Ieninisls aie nol avaie of dif-
feienl lhings lhan olhei peopIe, lhey aie avaie of lhe sane lhings diffeienlIy.
Ieninisl consciousness, il nighl le venluied, luins a 'facl inlo a 'conliadic-
lion. - Sandia Lee ailky, quoled in: CaioI } Adans, Tnc Scxua| Pc|i|ics cf
Mca|. A |cninis|-Vcgc|arian Cri|ica| Tnccrq (Nev Yoik: Conlinuun, 1991), p.
184. WhiIsl nany ailicuIale lheii Anaichisn lhanks lo lhe viillen void ils
iaie, in ny ex peiience al Ieasl, lhal nany decide lo lecone anaichisl lhiough
il. Ralhei lhe nosl povei fuI 'piopaganda is lhal 'ly lhe deed - Iived expeii-
ence, eilhei lhiough invoIvenenls in iesislance oi lhiough neeling lhe Iove
and Iived elhics of anaichisl connunilies.
2O2 A IoIish aiislocial, quoled in, }ean }acques Rousseau, Tnc Sccia| Ccn|rac| (Co-
sino Inc: Nev Yoik, 2OO8), p. 7O.
2O3 Kennelh Rexiolh, 'RadicaI Movenenls on lhe Defensive, San |ranciscc Maga-
zinc, }uIy 1969. uieau of IulIic Seciels - Rexiolh Aichive, (vvv.cddc.vl.edu/
2O4 Ciinelhinc., 'Say you vanl an Insuiieclion: Iulling lhe SociaI in SociaI Wai,
in, Rc||ing Tnundcr, Nc. 8, IaII 2OO9.
2O5 Iackliid Raun, 'VaIkyiie Hoisevhip ReeI, Suiddcn (Sanla Ciuz: Iack Iov-
dei Recoids).

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