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Ladies Perceptions Toward Lesbian- Relationship With Same Sex:

A Basis for Consellin! Pro!ram

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements in English 102
Communication Arts and Skill II
Celestial, an Rie S!
aro, Aurelio r! "!
#alon, Francis $ieth %!
Ronquillo, Almie o& '!
(a)orete, *lendelle "a+n *!
%a& 201,
%eneral "b#ecti$e:
1! (his research +ill find out the ladies- .erce.tions to+ard les)ian/
relationshi. +ith same se01 a )asis for counselling .rogram on the negati2e
Specific "b#ecti$es:
1! (he researchers +ould like to kno+ the .erce.tions of ladies to+ard
les)ian/relationshi. +ith same se0 in the terms of1
a! Social acce.tance
)! 3eha2iour as.ects
c! 'o2e Relationshi.
2! (he researchers +ill de2elo. a counselling .rogram!
Chapter &
Bac'!rond of the Std(
4hile an e2er increasing num)er of .eo.le suffering gender 5identit&6 crisis, a
.ro.ortionate increase in .eo.le 5es.eciall& ladies6 engaging in same/se0 relationshi.s
s.ecificall& les)ian/relationshi.s ha2e also )ecome a matter of concern to all! It-s a
dee. issue, and a trend& one es.eciall& among ladies! (hat is +h& the researchers
decided to conduct this stud& in line +ith this s.reading issue!
A les)ian is the rage of all +omen condensed to the .oint of e0.losion! She is the
+oman +ho, often )eginning at an e0tremel& earl& age, acts in accordance +ith her
inner com.ulsion to )e a more com.lete and freer human )eing than her societ& /
.erha.s then, )ut certainl& later / cares to allo+ her! (hese needs and actions, o2er a
.eriod of &ears, )ring her into .ainful conflict +ith .eo.le, situations, the acce.ted +a&s
of thinking, feeling and )eha2ing, until she is in a state of continual +ar +ith e2er&thing
around her, and usuall& +ith herself! She ma& not )e full& acce.ted in the societ& )ut
she need to fulfil her as necessit&, )ut on some le2el she has not )een a)le to acce.t
the limitations and o..ression laid on her )& the most )asic role of her societ&//the
female role! (he turmoil she e0.eriences tends to induce guilt .ro.ortional to the degree
to +hich she feels she is not meeting social e0.ectations, and7or e2entuall& dri2es her
to question and anal&se +hat the rest of her societ& more or less acce.ts! She is forced
to e2ol2e her o+n life .attern, often li2ing much of her life alone, learning usuall& much
earlier than her 8straight8 5heterose0ual6 sisters a)out the essential aloneness of life and
a)out the realit& of illusions! (o the e0tent that she cannot e0.el the hea2& sociali9ation
that goes +ith )eing female, she can ne2er trul& find .eace +ith herself! For she is
caught some+here )et+een acce.ting societ&:s 2ie+ of her / in +hich case she cannot
acce.t herself / and coming to understand +hat this se0ist societ& has done to her and
+h& it is functional and necessar& for it to do so! (hose of us +ho +ork that through find
oursel2es on the other side of a tortuous ;ourne& through a night that ma& ha2e )een
decades long! (he .ers.ecti2e gained from that ;ourne&, the li)eration of self, the inner
.eace, the real lo2e of self and of all +omen, is something to )e shared!
'adies are +ell/mannered and considerate +omen +ith high standards of .ro.er
)eha2iour! 'adies has to )e made more fashiona)le no+ a da&s! (he& are 2er&
conscious on ho+ the& +ear clothes, ho+ the& take actions and the +a& the&
communicate to other! All ladies ha2e its o+n a+areness on their o..onent gender )ut
as the societies gro+, some female turn to )e les)ian! So, sho+ the& .ercei2ed a same
se0 relationshi. as the& are ladies!
(he .ur.ose of this stud& is to e0amine the .erce.tions of ladies to+ard les)ian/
relationshi. for a )asis of counselling .rogram! In order for ladies to assist and
understand the .resent issues +hich is les)ian/relationshi.!
Scope and )elimitation
(his stud& is limited to the lad& students of #otre "ame of %ar)el <ni2ersit&! (he
stud& had )een outlined on the to.ic ='adies Perce.tions to+ard 'es)ian/Relationshi.
+ith Same Se01 A 3asis for Counselling Program>
(he stud& is utili9ed to the lad& students inside of #otre "ame of %ar)el
<ni2ersit& s.ecificall& the fi2e 5?6 colleges are the follo+ing1 College of Arts and
Sciences, College of 3usiness Administration, College of Education, College of
Engineering and (echnolog&, College of @ealth and Sciences!
(he research +ill )e conducted during Summer 201,!
Rele$ance of the Std(
(he stud& could hel. contri)ute kno+ledge and hel. )enefit all teens, ladies, the
.arents, administrators 5teachers, etc!6, organi9ations, .s&chologists and the general
societ&! (hrough this stud&, ladies +ill )ecome a+are a)out this issue and the results
+ill .ro2ide some insights and information on ho+ the& can handle the situation!
(he stud& +ill hel. the ladies to kno+ +hat les)ian/relationshi. is! It +ill also hel.
the ladies to determine their .erce.tions to+ard les)ian / relationshi.!
(he stud& is significant )ecause )& this stud&, it can hel. ladies to kno+ that the&
are acce.ted in our societ&!
(he stud& +ill .ro2ide the )eha2iour as.ect of les)ians as an aid in those ladies
e0.eriencing confusions a)out their sel2es es.eciall& the ladies that in the stage of
identit& crisis!
It +ill also ser2e as )asis in the stud& of ho+ les)ians can handle their
relationshi.s in facing an& conflicts and discrimination sho+n )& the en2ironment the&
(he stud& is significant )ecause it can )e used in the future research studies and
endea2ours, such 2ia)le sources for future usage of information to teachers, staff and
most es.eciall& to the ladies +ho are the main issue of this research!
(o the readers, ma& the researchers +ill )ring them an additional kno+ledge
a)out the .erce.tions to+ard les)ian/relationshi. +ith same se0! It-s a gro+ing and
trend& issue es.eciall& among the ladies! (hat is +h& the researchers ha2e conducted
this stud& to .ro2ide a+areness to the all!
)efinition of Terms
(his section defines terms used for eas& understanding of the stud&!
As.ect is a .articular .art or feature of something!
Counseling is the act of e0changing o.inions and ideasA consultation!
"iscrimination is the un;ust or .re;udicial treatment of different categories
of .eo.le or things, es.eciall& on the grounds of race, age, or seA making distinct
on treatment, it is doing a )ias treatment to+ard an indi2idual!
Feminist is a .erson +ho su..orts feminism!
*ender E0.ression is all of the e0ternal characteristics and )eha2iours
that are sociall& defined as masculine or feminine, including dress, mannerisms,
s.eech .atterns, and social interaction!
@omo.ho)ia is an irrational and the distorted 2ie+s of homose0ualit& and
homose0ual-s indi2idual!
@omo.ho)ic is a fear of or contem.t for les)ians and ga& men! 3eha2ior
)ased on such a feeling!
@omose0ual is characteri9ed )& a tendenc& to direct se0ual desire to+ard
another of the same se0!
@omose0ualit& is romantic attraction, se0ual attraction, or se0ual acti2it&
)et+een mem)ers of the same se0 or gender! As an orientation, homose0ualit&
refers to 8an enduring .attern of or dis.osition to e0.erience se0ual, affectionate,
or romantic attractions8 .rimaril& or e0clusi2el& to .eo.le of the same se0! 8It also
refers to an indi2idual:s sense of .ersonal and social identit& )ased on those
attractions, )eha2iours e0.ressing them, and mem)ershi. in a communit& of
others +ho share them!8
Immoral means not moral, unchasteA le+d! B.erationall&, an act of doing
things that is not acce.ted )& the societ& es.eciall& +ith the moral grou.s!
Ins.iration is something that is source of courage!
'adies are +ell/mannered and considerate +omen +ith high standards of
.ro.er )eha2ior!
'es)ian is a term most +idel& used in the English language to
descri)e se0ual and romantic attraction )et+een females!
'es)ian/relationshi. is a link )et+een a les)ian and another .erson! An&
inter.ersonal interaction it-s commonl& used to descri)e t+o females in an
intimate relationshi.!
#orms a standard or .attern es.eciall& of social )eha2ior that is t&.ical or
e0.ected of a grou.1 8the norms of good )eha2ior in the ci2il ser2ice8!
Perce.tion is a .articular +a& of understanding or thinking a)out
something, an insight or .oint of 2ie+!
Personalit& is the qualit& or fact of )eing a .articular .erson! B.erationall&,
it is the characteristics of an indi2idual!
Se0ual Brientation is one-s attraction to the same se0, the o..osite se0, or
)oth se0es!
Status is one-s .osition or rank! B.erationall&, it is the )elongingness of a
.erson in the communit& that is acce.ted )& the ma;orit&!
Straight is ha2ing the same direction throughout its lengthA not crooked,
)ent, etc! B.erationall&, it is a state of ha2ing a se0ual orientation that is
acce.ted )& normsA like male and female!
Chapter &&
Related Literatre
Simeon Solomon 520116 stated that, les)ian is the term most +idel& used in the
English language to descri)e se0ual and romantic attraction )et+een females! (he
+ord ma& )e used as a noun, to refer to +omen +ho identif& themsel2es or +ho are
characteri9ed )& others as ha2ing the .rimar& attri)ute of female homose0ualit&, or as
an ad;ecti2e, to descri)e characteristics of an o);ect or acti2it& related to female same/
se0 attraction! 'es)ian as a conce.t, used to differentiate +omen +ith a shared se0ual
orientation, is a 20th/centur& construct! (hroughout histor&, +omen ha2e not had the
same freedom or inde.endence to .ursue homose0ual relationshi.s as men, )ut neither
ha2e the& met the same harsh .unishment as homose0ual men in some societies!
Instead, les)ian relationshi.s ha2e often )een regarded as harmless and incom.ara)le
to heterose0ual ones unless the .artici.ants attem.ted to assert .ri2ileges traditionall&
en;o&ed )& men! As a result, little in histor& has )een documented to gi2e an accurate
descri.tion of ho+ female homose0ualit& has )een e0.ressed! 4hen
earl& se0ologists in the late 1Cth centur& )egan to categori9e and descri)e homose0ual
)eha2iour, ham.ered )& a lack of kno+ledge a)out the female homose0ualit& or
+omen:s se0ualit&, the& distinguished les)ians as +omen +ho did not adhere to female
gender roles and incorrectl& designated them mentall& ill / a designation +hich has
)een re2ersed in the glo)al scientific communit&! 4omen in homose0ual relationshi.s
res.onded to this designation either )& hiding their .ersonal li2es or acce.ting the la)el
of outcast and creating a su)culture and identit& that de2elo.ed in Euro.e and the
<nited States! Follo+ing 4orld 4ar II, during a .eriod of social re.ression +hen
go2ernments acti2el& .ersecuted homose0uals, +omen de2elo.ed net+orks to sociali9e
+ith and educate each other! *reater economic and social freedom allo+ed +omen
graduall& to )e a)le to determine ho+ the& could form relationshi.s and families!
4ith second +a2e feminism and gro+th of scholarshi. in +omen:s histor& and se0ualit&
in the 20th centur&, the definition of 8les)ian8 )roadened, s.arking a de)ate a)out
se0ual desire as the ma;or com.onent to define +hat a les)ian is! Some +omen +ho
engage in same/se0 se0ual acti2it& ma& re;ect not onl& identif&ing as les)ian )ut
as )ise0ual as +ellA se0ual identit& is not necessaril& the same as one:s actual se0ual
orientation, due to 2arious reasons such as the fear of identif&ing as such in
a homo.ho)ic setting! Portra&als of les)ians in the media suggest that societ& at large
has )een simultaneousl& intrigued and threatened )& +omen +ho challenge feminine
gender roles and fascinated and a..alled +ith +omen +ho are romanticall& in2ol2ed
+ith other +omen! 4omen +ho ado.t a les)ian identit& share e0.eriences that form an
outlook similar to an ethnic identit&1 as homose0uals, the& are unified )& the
heterose0ist discrimination and .otential re;ection the& face from their families, friends,
and others as a result of homo.ho)ia! As +omen, the& face concerns se.arate from
men! 'es)ians ma& encounter distinct .h&sical or mental health concerns arising from
discrimination, .re;udice, and minorit& stress! Political conditions and social attitudes
also affect the formation of les)ian relationshi.s and families in o.en!
(here is com.onent in encouraging les)ian, 5Sa..ho and Erinna in a *arden at
%&tilene1 (he *reat "e.ression, 20116! (he .rimar& com.onent necessar& to
encourage les)ians to )e .u)lic and seek other +omen +as economic inde.endence,
+hich 2irtuall& disa..eared in the 1C,0s +ith the *reat "e.ression! %ost +omen in the
<!S! found it necessar& to marr&, to a 8front8 such as a ga& man +here )oth could
.ursue homose0ual relationshi.s +ith .u)lic discretion, or to a man +ho e0.ected a
traditional +ife! Inde.endent +omen in the 1C,0s +ere generall& seen as holding ;o)s
that men should ha2e! (he social attitude made 2er& small and close/knit communities
in large cities that centered around )ars, +hile simultaneousl& isolating +omen in other
locales! S.eaking of homose0ualit& in an& conte0t +as sociall& for)idden, and +omen
rarel& discussed les)ianism e2en amongst themsel2esA the& referred to o.enl& ga&
.eo.le as 8in the 'ife8! Freudian .s&choanal&tic theor& +as .er2asi2e in influencing
doctors to consider homose0ualit& as a neurosis afflicting immature +omen!
@omose0ual su)culture disa..eared in *erman& +ith the rise of the #a9is in 1C,,!
As learned, Asian also had histor& in 'es)ian issues, 5Sa..ho and Erinna in a
*arden at %&tilene1 Asia, 20116! China )efore +esterni9ation +as another societ& that
segregated men from +omen! @istorical Chinese culture has not recogni9ed a conce.t
of se0ual orientation, or a frame+ork to di2ide .eo.le )ased on their same/se0 or
o..osite/se0 attractions! Although there +as a significant culture surrounding
homose0ual men, there +as none for +omen! Butside of their duties to )ear sons to
their hus)ands, +omen +ere .ercei2ed as ha2ing no se0ualit& at all! (his did not mean
that +omen could not .ursue se0ual relationshi.s +ith other +omen, )ut that such
associations could not im.ose u.on +omen:s relationshi.s to men! Rare references to
les)ianism +ere +ritten )& Ding Shao, +ho identified same/se0 relationshi.s )et+een
+omen in im.erial courts +ho )eha2ed as hus)and and +ife as dui shi 5.aired eating6!
8*olden Brchid Associations8 in Southern China e0isted into the 20th centur& and
.romoted formal marriages )et+een +omen, +ho +ere then allo+ed to ado.t
children! 4esterni9ation )rought ne+ ideas that all se0ual )eha2ior not resulting in
re.roduction +as a)errant! (he li)ert& of )eing em.lo&ed in silk factories starting in
1EF? allo+ed some +omen to st&le themsel2es t9u/shu nii 5ne2er to marr&6 and li2e in
communes +ith other +omen! Bther Chinese called them sou/hei 5self/com)ers6 for
ado.ting hairst&les of married +omen! (hese communes .assed )ecause of the *reat
"e.ression and +ere su)sequentl& discouraged )& the communist go2ernment for
)eing a relic of feudal China! In contem.orar& Chinese societ&, tong9hi 5same goal or
s.irit6 is the term used to refer to homose0ualsA most Chinese are reluctant to di2ide this
classification further to identif& les)ians! In a.an, the term re9u)ian, a a.anese
.ronunciation of 8les)ian8, +as used during the 1C20s! 4esterni9ation )rought more
inde.endence for +omen and allo+ed some a.anese +omen to +ear .ants! (he
cognate tom)o& is used in the Phili..ines, and .articularl& in %anila, to denote +omen
+ho are more masculine! Girtuous +omen in $orea .rioriti9e motherhood, chastit&, and
2irginit&A outside of this sco.e, 2er& fe+ +omen are free to e0.ress themsel2es through
se0ualit&, although there is a gro+ing organi9ation for les)ians named $kirikkiri! (he
term .ondan is used in %ala&sia to refer to ga& men, )ut since there is no historical
conte0t to reference les)ians, the term is used for female homose0uals as +ell! As in
man& Asian countries, o.en homose0ualit& is discouraged in man& social le2els, so
man& %ala&sians lead dou)le li2es! In India, a 1Hth centur& Indian te0t mentioning a
les)ian cou.le +ho had a child as a result of their lo2emaking is an e0ce.tion to the
general silence a)out female homose0ualit&! (his in2isi)ilit& disa..eared +ith the
release of a film titled Fire in 1CCF, .rom.ting some theaters in India to )e attacked )&
e0tremists! (erms used to la)el homose0uals are often re;ected )& Indian acti2ists for
)eing the result of im.erialist influence, )ut most discourse on homose0ualit& centers on
men! 4omen:s rights grou.s in India continue to de)ate the legitimac& of including
les)ian issues in their .latforms, as les)ians and material focusing on female
homose0ualit& are frequentl& su..ressed!
According to Frankie 3ashan 520126, as les)ians, +e ha2e an e0tra la&er
of ;ealous& man& straight cou.les don-t ha2e to deal +ith! 'es)ians often struggle not
to merge li2es +ith their .artner! 4anting time a+a& from &our .artner is natural,
health& and im.ortant to sustain a )alanced relationshi.! %an& +omen struggle +ith
+a&s to +alk the tightro.e +hen telling their .artner that the& +ant time +ith the =girls>
+ith the e0clusion of one, their girlfriend! Also, +e-re a small communit& in man&
settings, +hich means ha2e more histor& 5eg! romantic encounters6 +ith a smaller grou.
of .eo.le! At times it-s hard to go out and not see someone +ho +e used to date or
ha2e a romantic relationshi. +ith! Additionall&, +omen are t&.icall& more concerned
+ith emotional infidelit& than are men! 4ith t+o +omen )oth on high alert for emotional
infidelit&, +e e0.onentiall& increase our chances of )eing ;ealous of our .artner-s close
emotional )onds! All of these little e0tras can ;ust add more to the .ot, highlighting the
im.ortance of kee.ing an unhealth& ;ealous& at )a&! For &ou anal&tic t&.es +ho like to
understand the =+h&> and the function of things, this .art is for &ou! @a2e &ou e2er
+ondered =+hat-s the .oint of ;ealous&>I From an e2olutionar& stand.oint, ;ealous& has
functioned as a mate/.rotecti2e strateg&! ealous& .roduces controlling, coerci2e, and
.rotecti2e )eha2ior to reduce .romiscuit& +ith com.eting mates! @o+ does this a..l&
toda&I 4ell sur.rise, ;ealous& still .roduces controlling, coerci2e, and .rotecti2e
)eha2iors o2er one-s .artnerJ (he goal here is to not act on feelings of ;ealous& that
lead to coerci2e7controlling )eha2ior and instead use it as a cue to o.en a line of
communication +ith defined )oundaries! (here is a large difference )et+een health&,
.rotecti2e )eha2iors 2s! aggressi2e controlling )eha2ior!
Caroline 5201,6 stated that, this is not a)out se0 or .romoting .romiscuous
)eha2ior! (here is a stigma stained on les)ians that les)ians +ant e2er& +oman the&
come in contact +ith, les)ians can-t commit and continue to slee. +ith their e0es,
les)ians are cra9& +ith a lot of .ro)lems, and les)ians slee. around a lot! (his is not all
trueKthere are les)ian cou.les that are in serious monogamous relationshi.s ne2er
cheat and don-t e&e)all e2er& +oman in the +orld! 'es)ians can fall in lo2e and sta& in
lo2e! Bne ke& to this is sta&ing focused on each other! "on-t let a da& go )& +ithout
sho+ing lo2e and affection! E2er& other da& or +eekend doesn-t ha2e to )e a clu) nightA
in fact, tr& to sta& a+a& from clu)s in general unless it-s drama free, meaning going
together and sta&ing together! "o not gi2e another +oman the chance to a..roach
either one of &ou and tr& not making &our other half feel threatened! "on-t .ut her in a
situation that makes her feel it-s .ossi)le someone +ill tr& to take &ou a+a&! 4omen like
to .la& the =make &ou ;ealous game> to get a reaction out of &ou for kicks, +anting to
kno+ ho+ much &ou care! (his little game can and +ill .ush her a+a&, constantl&
)ragging on ho+ man& +omen hit on &ou that da& or ho+ man& +omen +ant &ou, e2en
if this is not true and &ou sa& it to see if she gets ;ealous! It gets old after a +hile
and sho+s that &ou are focused on other things that &our relationshi.! Dou-re going to
cause drama, so tr& to refrain from this! 'es)ians can ha2e ;o&ous, .eaceful, meaningful
relationshi.sK+hat-s )etter than s.ending &our life +ith her ha2ing more good times
than )adI %ake time for )oth of &ou, es.eciall& if one of &ou or )oth of &ou ha2e kids!
@a2ing t+o mothers seems like a dream, an e0tra +oman to hel. &ou +ith the kids!
(+o mothers are )etter than one, I must sa&, unlike a straight relationshi. +here the
+oman does all the caring for the kids and the gu& can-t understand +h& she is so
e0hausted )ecause he +asn-t hel.ing, so he can-t understand! Caring for children
seems sim.le e2en though +omen kno+ this is not true! (+o +omen means )oth of &ou
+ill )e e0hausted +ith the kids kee. an organi9ed schedule! "on-t ;ust )e
concerned a)out &ourselfA she is hel.ing &ou! Also, as the t+o of &ou la& in )ed, ru)
each other-s feet! Dou can ne2er )e too tired for affection! Remem)er it is not a one +a&
street! If &ou are feminine and &our girlfriend is )utch7stud, do not treat her as if she is
a man, thus doesn-t deser2e to )e .am.ered and s.oiled )ecause she is not feminine
and might not like it ;ust )ecause she is not girl&! (r& not to disregard her feelingsA in a
fem7)utch relationshi., there is no =Bka&, +ho is the man and +ho is the +omanI 4ho
does all the +orkI 4ho sta&s home and +ho +orksI 4ho earns the li2ingI 4ho s.oils
+hoI> 3oth of &ou do these things for each other! 'es)ian relationshi.s are ;ust as hard
as straight ones +ith a fe+ e0tra issues! 'o2e )et+een t+o +omen is a )eautiful thing!
#othing com.ares to itKthe softness and +armth of her touch, seeing her gracious
smile! (he com.assion and lo2e of a +oman is as strong as the strongest glue! 4hen
&ou make her feel a..reciated and needed like she matters and e2er&thing she does
matters to &ou, think of ho+ ama9ing and solid a les)ian relationshi. +ill )e )& )oth of
&ou doing these things to make it +orkA not one carr&ing the load more than the other!
4omen are e0traordinar& creatures, &ou kno+! 'es)ians ha2e so man& la)els stam.ed
on them and their relationshi.s! It is unfortunate there are +omen +ho .re& on other
+omen resorting to ga& relationshi.s onl& to use another +oman to do things the& don-t
+ant to do, either taking care of their kids, su..orting them and other sad thingsKusing
another +oman kno+ing +omen are caring and nurturing, looking to a +oman )ecause
the& can-t use a man or get hel. from a man! Sta& a+a& from those t&.es of +omenA
another +oman can sense it the moment she comes across someone not looking for
lo2e )ut for a hand out! 4omen like that usuall& cause misera)le, unhealth&, going
no+here relationshi.s! It is sad to see good +omen +ith no good +omen! Real les)ians
don-t need that! (here is nothing +orse than a scorned, hurt les)ian +oman! 'ike I said,
les)ians- relationshi.s can +ork if most of these things are follo+ed! Also, ne2er forget a
.erson has to see &ou and relate to &ou at &our +orst and not al+a&s &our )est! (his
+ill decide if it )rings &ou closer or a.art, strengthen the lo2e or +eaken the lo2e! Dou
+ill kno+ in a crisis ho+ much a .erson reall& cares and their true feelings for &ou! And
that ho+ les)ians lo2e )&Kmaking it +ork!
Caron 520126 said that, the cou.lesK+hether heterose0ual, ga&, or les)ianKare
not isolated, )ut rather de2elo. and maintain relationshi.s +ithin a com.le0 social
conte0t! #umerous studies indicate that social su..ort .ositi2el& influences indi2iduals-
.s&chological and .h&sical health and contri)utes to the initiation, de2elo.ment, and
maintenance of cou.le relationshi.s! 'es)ians ma& choose to hide their se0ual
orientation for fear of harassment, 2iolence, or disa..ro2al! (he& ma& also encounter a
failure to recogni9e the relationshi.Kcou.les in heterose0ual relationshi.s or
homo.ho)ic .ersons ma& attri)ute the relationshi. to ;ust friendshi.!! In our stud&, +e
sought to measure 2arious degrees of closeting )& assessing the le2el of disclosure
+ithin les)ians- net+orks and the o.enness and su..ort net+orks offered les)ian
.artnershi.s!! Further, .articular famil& )eha2iors 5e!g!, in2itations e0tended to a .artner,
acce.tance of affection6 .rofoundl& influence the relationshi.! Families ma& .ass
through le2els of o.enness or stages of understanding and acce.tance! For e0am.le, a
+oman ma& disclose her se0ual orientation to famil& and recei2e a..ro2al, tacit
tolerance, or re;ection! Families +ho a..ro2e or tolerate ma& )egin in2iting the les)ian
.artner to social e2ents, leading to interaction, understanding, and a..ro2al! 4hen full
a..ro2al is reached, the cou.le can feel comforta)le e0.ressing affection in the
.resence of famil&! 3ecause a famil&-s reaction to a les)ian mem)er disclosing her
se0ual orientation 2aries, this item correlates least +ith relationshi. qualit&A )ut a
+oman +ho feels comforta)le e0.ressing affection in the .resence of famil& .ro)a)l&
also recei2es the famil&-s a..ro2al and su..orti2e in2itations to social e2ents, +hich
leads to greater relationshi. satisfaction! Recogni9ing the significance of families:
attitudes and )eha2iors, hel.ing .rofessionals should stri2e to ena)le famil& mem)ers
to su..ort their les)ian daughters, sisters, and mothers!
Chapter &&&
(his cha.ter deals +ith the methods and .rocedures to use in the research stud&
.ertaining to the lad&-s .erce.tions to+ard les)ian/relationshi. of #otre "ame of %ar)el
Research *ethod
(he researchers- design of the stud& is a descri.ti2e design! It is )ecause, it
seeks to descri)e or e0.lain the .henomenon )& collecting and gathering information
through guided questions, and since the stud& has something to do +ith ladies-
.erce.tions to+ard les)ian/relationshi. +ith same se0!
Research Locale and Research Respondent
(he stud& conducted at #otre "ame of %ar)el <ni2ersit&! It is o+ned )& the
%arist 3rothers of the School, located at Alunan A2enue, Cit& of $oronadal, South
Cota)ato, Phili..ines!
(he res.ondents of this stud& +ere lad& students from the fi2e 5?6 colleges of
#otre "ame of %ar)el <ni2ersit&! (he fi2e 5?6 colleges are the follo+ing1 College of Arts
and Sciences, College of 3usiness Administration, College of Education, College of
Engineering and (echnolog&, College of @ealth and Sciences!
Sample Si+e and Samplin! Techni,e
(he sam.ling technique used )& the researchers is .ur.osi2e sam.ling
technique! It is )ecause the researchers alread& identified the res.ondents of the stud&
)efore the sur2e& +as conducted! (he total estimated num)er of lad& students in the
<ni2ersit& is t+o hundred 52006 as +hat the researchers estimated the ma0imum lad&
students in the <ni2ersit&! From the .o.ulation, using Slo2in-s formula, the researchers
acquired a sam.le si9e of one hundred thirt&/three 51,,6 res.ondents +hich is si0t&/si0
.oint fi2e .er cent 5FF!?L6 of the +hole .o.ulation +ith a margin of error of fi2e .er cent
Research &nstrment
(he researchers +ill .re.are a sur2e& questionnaire, +hich +ill )e ans+ered )&
the said res.ondents! (hrough this method, the researchers +ill )e a)le to gather
.ertinent information from the res.ondents, +hich +ill )e useful for the stud&!
(he sur2e& +ill include a co2er letter +ith an im.lied consent +hich +ould include
the title and descri.tion of the stud&! (he sur2e& instrument +ill face 2alidit& and content
2alidit&! Face 2alidit& refers to the instrument questions ha2ing a logical connection to
the conce.t and research question! 3ecause the questions and conce.ts to )e
addressed in the sur2e& are literature/ins.ired, it +ill determine that the& clearl& connect
to the ladies- .erce.tions to+ard les)ian/relationshi. +ith same/se0! Content 2alidit&
refers to the instrument statements- co2erage of the full range of conce.ts under the
larger to.ic! (he questions +ill address )road range .erce.tions of ladies to+ard
les)ian/relationshi. +ith same/se0 in terms of social acce.tance, )eha2iour as.ect, and
lo2e relationshi.!
<sing the Slo2in-s formula, the researchers alread& identified the total target
Research Procedres
(he researchers selected a to.ic for research and finali9ed that the to.ic +ill )e
='adies Perce.tions (o+ard 'es)ian MRelationshi. +ith same se01 A 3asis for
counselling Program>! (he researchers then started looking for an& .ossi)le sources for
the research to.ic such as an& article from the )ooks and an& reading materials in the
uni2ersit& li)rar& and also in the electronic sources using the 4orld 4ide 4e)!
(he researchers +ill .re.are sur2e& questionnaires and +hen done finali9ing the
instrument, the researchers +ill distri)ute it to the res.ondents )ased on the sco.e of
the stud&! (hen, researchers +ill anal&se and inter.ret the data to )e gathered in the
Simeon Solomon 520116! (he +ord les)ian can refer to a +oman:s identit&, to desire, or
to acti2it& )et+een +omen! Retrie2ed %a& 0H, 201,, from
%arcie 3ianco 5201,6! 8%akers8 does +ell +ith +omen, unless the&:re les)ians!
Retrie2ed %a& 0H, 201,, from
Sa..ho and Erinna in a *arden at %&tilene! (he *reat "e.ression! Retrie2ed %a& 0H,
201,, from htt.177en!+iki.edia!org7+iki7'es)ianN*eneral
Sa..ho and Erinna in a *arden at %&tilene! Asia, 2011! Retrie2ed %a& 0H, 201,, from
(oledo, P!F 51CE16! @o+ les)ians and homos should )e treated! Phili..ine "ail&
E0.ress! .. 1HH!
Frankie 3ashan 520126! ealous& in 'es)ian Relationshi.s! Retrie2ed %a& 0C, 201,,
from htt.177+++!littlega&)ook!com7)log720O/;ealous&/in/les)ian/
"i2ine Caroline 5201,6! 'es)ian 'o2e1 %aking It 4ork! Retrie2ed %a& 0C, 201,, from
Sandra '! Caron and %ar;orie <lin 520126! Social Su..ort and the Pualit& of 'es)ian
Relationshi.s! Retrei2ed %a& 0C, 201,, from

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