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1. Free space is space that does not interfere with the normal radiation and propagation of
radio waves. Thus, it has no magnetic or gravitational fields.No, solid bodies and no
ionized particles.
2. Electromagnetic waves are oscillations that propagate through free space with the
velocity of light equal to 2.!2"#$%
3. Electro Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. Electromagnetic waves are
reflected, refracted, diffracted, attempted and scattered. (agnetic waves are transverse
4. Propagation of radio waves )adio communication uses electromagnetic waves
propagated through earth*s atmosphere or space to carry information over long
distances without use of wires. )adio waves with frequencies ranging from about $%+h

in the ,-F band to well above .%% /0
in the E0F band have been used for
communication purposes.
!. The direction of the electric field, the magnetic field and propagation are mutually
perpendicular in electromagnetic waves.
". #ree spa$e para%eter

1ermeability of free space23 ) / ( 10


21ermittivity of free space2

) / (
10 36
m F
42velocity of propagation2
0 0

52intrinsic impedance of free space2

2$2% = 377
&. Free space path loss2.2.362% log
F62% log
7.8hen F and 7 are e9pressed in (05 and :m respectively.
'. Free space is unli+ely to e9ist anywhere; it certainly does not e9ist near the earth.
0owever the concept of free space is used because it simplifies the approach to wave
propagation, since it is possible to calculate the conditions if the space were free, and
then to predict the effect of its actual properties.
(. 8hen the antenna is vertical to the ground, the polarization is called vertical polarization
i.e. the electric field is vertical and magnetic field is horizontal while the wave is
propagated.0orozontal antennas produce waves whose polarization is horizontal .
1). 1olarization refers to the physical orientation of the radiated waves in space.
11. ,ertical and horizontal polarizations are called linearly polarized where as light emitted
by coherent sources <such as sum or light globes= is said to be randomly polarized.
12. The relation between power attenuation with distance is

log 20 log 10
field intensity attenuation2

log 20

8here r
and they are the distance from
the source.
13. ?bsorption of ratio waves does not occur in free space. ?bsorption of E( waves of
frequencies of below $% /05 is insignificant in space.

14. ?t certain frequencies absorption is greatly reduced... and $$% /05 are such
1!. @% and $2% /05 frequencies are restricted for long distance propagation in the
1". ?bsorption of power <attenuation= increases with humidity, rain and snow or fog.
1&. E( waves may be refracted by layers of atmosphere, reflected byground, mountain,
and buildings and diffracted around tall, massive obAects.
1'. The reflection E( wave will have the same angle as the angle of incidence.
1(. The reflection coefficient

is defined as the ratio of the electric intensity of the reflected

wave to that of the incidence wave. Bt*s value is unity for a perfect conductor and less
than one for practical conductors.
2). )efraction ta+en when E( waves pass from one propagation medium to a medium
having a different density.
21. 8hen a wave enters from a rarer medium ? to denser medium C,the relation between
incident wave and refracted wave is given by

8hen is the incident wave angle and velocity of the wave is ,
* * is the refracted
wave angle and velocity of the wave is ,
22. 8ave velocity is inversely proportional to the square root of the dielectric constant of the

= =
This equation is called DEnell*s law*
8here and :
are directric constants of ? and C mediums respectively

2)efractive inde9
23. 8hen E( wave travels from rarer medium to denser medium, the refracted wave is
nearer to normal.
24. 7ue to interference of E( waves the signal may decrease. This problem is significant
above ,0F.
2!. Eignals are received behind tall buildings, mountains and other similar obstacies as a
result of diffraction.
2". Bn an environment, electromagnetic waves propagate in many ways that depend not
only on their own properties, but also on those of the environment itself. 8aves travel in
straight lines, e9cept where the earth and its atmosphere alter their path.
2&. The frequencies above 0F <0igh frequency= travel in straight lines e9cept for refraction
due to changing atmospheric density*s waves are propagates by means of space
waves. Eome times these are called troposphere waves since they travel in
2'. Frequencies below the 0F range travel around the curvature of the earth. The means
are probably a combination of diffraction and a type of wave guide effect which used the
earth*s surface and the lowest ionized layer of the atmosphere as the two wave guide
walls. These ground waves or surface waves are one of the means of beyond the
horizon propagation.
2(. 8aves in the 0F range, are reflected by the ionized layers of the atmosphere, and are
called s+y waves. Euch signals are beamed into the s+y and come down again after
reflection, returning to earth well beyond the horizon.
3). Tropospheric catter and stationary satellite communications are the two more developed
means of beyond the horizon propagation.
31. /round wave propagationF
i= Earth behaves li+e a lea+y capacitance.
ii= /round wave should be vertically polarized. Gtherwise the electric
component is grounded. Eo the electric vector must be normal to the earth*s
iii= /round wave induces charges in the earth when travel along the earth*s
iv= There will be loss in this moment. Bnduced current will flow through earth*s
resistance and this will be dissipation loss.
v= The field strength at a distance Dd* is
i h
. 120

and velocity receivered by receiving antenna is

i h h
r t

8here $2%

is the characteristic impedance of free space.

and h
are the effective heights of transmitting and receiving
antennas respectively.
B is the antenna current
d is the distance from the transmitting antenna
is the wave length
vi=. /round loss is a function of
a= Earth*s limited conductivity.
b= 7ielectric constant of ground level.
c= 7istance from transmitter.
d= Frequency of the electromagnetic wave used as carrier.
vi= the degree of the electromagnetic wave used as carrier
32. Bf 0F signals are propagated using surface wave propagation they can not travel longer
33. -ong term signal strength variations ta+es place due to $$ years solar cycle also.
34. ,-F antennas are certain to be insufficient high powers and the tallest masts are used.
7ue to these problems they are not used much.
3!. ?ll broadcast radio signals received in day time propagate by means of surface waves.
3". +,- wave propagation Bt is also called ionospheric wave propagation.
i. The ionosphere is the upper portion of the atmosphere. The upper reaches
of the earth*s atmosphere are ionized i.e electrons are detached from
atmospheric gas atoms mainly as a result of receiving ultraviolet radiation
and ,
radiation form the sun as well as cosmic says and meters
ii. ,arious pea+s<layers= are observed in electron density corresponding to the
heights at which various gasses settle in the upper atmosphere. The various
layers are 7 layer, E layer, F
and F
layes.7uring night time 7 and E layers
disappear and F
is mi9ed with F
as a result only F
layer is present
iii. The E
layer is a thin layer of very high ionization density. Bt is also called the
sporadic E layer. Eome times appears with E
layer often persists during the
iv. Ref/e$tion %e$0anis% ElectroHmagnetic waves returned to earth by one
of the layers of the ionosphere appear to have been reflected. Bn actual fact
the mechanism involved is refraction, ?s the ionization*s density increases
for a wave approaching the given layer at an angle, so the refractive inde9
of the layer is reducted.0ence the incident wave is gradually bent further
and further away from the normal.
Bs the rate of change of refractive inde9 per unit height is
sufficient, the refracted ray will eventually became parallel to the layer. Bt will
then be bent downward finally emerging from the ionized layer at an angle
equal to the angle of incidence. some absorption ta+es place, but the wave
has been returned by the ionosphere.
3&. Virt1a/ 0eig0t Bt is the height which would be reached by an E( 1ulse of energy with
in the same time as the actual pulse. Bt is called virtual height to distinguish it from
actual <true= height which will be reached if there is no inter change of energy between
the E( waves and the ions. The virtual height is greater than actual height.

3(. 2riti$a/ fre31en$- 4f
. The
critical frequency for a given layer is the highest frequency that will be returned down to
earth by that layer when the angle of incidence is normal.
4). 56# (a9imum usable frequency., is the upper limit of frequency which will be reflected
bac+ to the earth, on the basis of optimum ionic density of the ionosphere layers and for
specific angle of incidence other than normal, Normal values of (IFF& (0zH."(0z
41. +e$ant /aw Bf the angle of incidence<angle between the incident ray and normal= is
Then (IF2

Sec f
c COs
eqency Criticalfr
42. Gptimum wor+ing frequency <J8F=2%.&"<(IF=
43. +,ip distan$e it is the shortest distance from a transmitter measured along the
surface of the earth at which a s+y wave of fi9ed frequency will be returned to earth.
-ayer 0eight Thic+ness )eflects
2"%H3%%<7ay time=
,-FK,F waves
(fK 0F waves
0F waves
0F waves
-ayer Bonic densities 4ritical
44. sing/e 0op or %1/ti 0op trans%ission 8hen the s+y wave is received on earth after
being reflected from the ionosphere only once then the transmission is termed as single
hop. Bf more than once, it is called multiHhop transmission.
4!. 8ith multi hop transmission e9tremely long distance communication is possible.
4". EB7<Euddenly Bonospheric disturbances or 7ellinger 7ropouts= are caused by solar
flares. 7ue to this, long distance communication may disappear completely,EB7E
improves the ,-F propagation.
4&. +pa$e wave propagation 8hen the frequency of CF e9ceed .(0z ground wave
does not propagate. Bt gets shortHcircuited to earth. Bn the range of . (0zH.%(0z
ionosphere reflects waves, on the basis of ionospheric reflections. 0owever above
.%(0z ionosphere refracts the )F wave, which is consequently last to earth, e9cept by
utilizing satellite base equipment to receive it and retransmit the same to the earth.
Frequencies above .% (0z are propagate by means of space waves in the
space immediately above the earth called troposphere,upto a height of roughly
4'. Epace waves travel in straight lines. The radio horizon for space waves
km h h
r t
) 4 +
8here h
2Transmitting antenna height in mts.above the ground
2 )eceiving antenna height above the ground in mts
4(. )adio horizon 2 3'. # optical horizon
!). 7ue to the temperature inversion, atmospheric ducts are formed. The temperature
inversion ta+es with in .% meters from the earth*s surface.
!1. Ising super refraction or duct propagation micro waves are propagated for distances
more than $%%% +m also.
!2. Euper refraction ta+es place between the inversion layer and earth surface where as
multi hop ta+es place between ionosphere and earth surface.
!3. Bn the standard atmosphere the atmosphere the decrease in temperature is @."
!4. Troposphere or forward scatter propagation is a means of beyond the horizon
propagation for I0F signals
!!. Troposphere is the nearest portion of the atmosphere and it is within $"
+ms.Troposphere is not a sporadic phenomenon. Bt is a permanent state of affair. The
best suitable frequencies are %%.2%%% and "%%%(05.The troposphere propagation
may be due to blobs in atmosphere.
!". )adio broadcasts<(edium wave= generally uses ground wave propagation.
!&. The tropospheric scatter propagation is often used to provide long distance telephone
and communication lin+s. The path lin+s are .%% to "%% +m long.
!'. -ong distance short wave radio broad casting uses ionospheric propagation.
!(. T, broadcast uses line of sight propagation.
"). Bn electro magnetic waves, polarization is due to transverse nature of the waves
"1. Fading is fluctuation in signal strength at the receiver.
"2. Frequencies in I0F normally propagate by means of space waves
"3. The main problems of troposcatter is fading .0ence high transmitting power are
required.)ayleigh fading reduces the signal heavily and it is due to multipart
"4. 1olarization fading occurs due to change of polarization of the down coming s+y wave.
"!. Eelective fading produces series distortion of modulated signals
"". To reduce the fading effect generally diversity reception systems are used. Juadruple
diversity systems are employed to reduce the fading effect in case of tropospheric
scatter propagation.
"&. )efraction becomes insignificant at frequencies above $%% (0z and atmospheric
absorption is negligible up to about $3 /05.
"'. The polarization of the radio wave rotate as it passes through the ionosphere and it may
not possible to receive a signal using the same polarized antenna. The effect is called
Faraday Effect to overcome this helical antennas are used.
"(. The Faraday effect is negligible above $/05 frequency.
&). The satellite which is orbiting at the lower orbit ta+es % minutes to circum navigate the
O*7E2TIVE PRO*8E5+ 9 +O86TION+
$. ? certain radio station broadcasts at a frequency of %% + 4ycles'sec.The wave length of
the wave transmitted by the station is
a= ..%m b= ..%cm c= ......cm d= ...... m
so/ ,elocity of radio waves2,2.9$%
m'sec, Frequency 2f2%%+ cycles'sec2%% :0z
8ave length of the wave transmitted 2
33 . 333
10 900
10 3
= = =
2. 8hat is the critical frequency for reflection at vertical incidence if the ma9imum electron
density is 3# $%
a= .@ :0z b= $& :05 c= $& (05 d= .@ (05
so/ 4ritical frequency2f
2 max
(a9imum electron density2N
18 10 2 9 10 4 9
6 12
= = =
.. Two points which are %% +m apart on earth are communicated by beams of 0F for a
single hop transmission; the critical frequency at that time is " (05 all conditions are
idealized. Find the (IF for those two points if the height of the ionospheric layer
is 2%% +m
a= .%2 :0z b= $2..$ (0z c= &.. (0z d= $$.@2 (0z
+o/ /iven data,f
2"(0z, 72%% +m, h22%% +m
(IF <(a9imum Isable frequency= 2f

200 2

2$2..$ (05
3. ? microwave lin+ has a chain of repeaters at "@ +m intervals The minimum height of
transmitting and receiving antennas above ground level < /iven that they are similar=
To ensure line of sight conditions isL..
a= @%m b= !m c= 3m d= &m
+o/ 8e +now that, d2
( )km h h
r t
4 4 +
/iven that h
<in meters=
m h h h d
t t t
49 7 8 = = =
". ?t 2% +m in free space form appoint source, the power density is 2%%
/ m .what is the
power density 2" +m away form this sourceM
a= @3 ) / (
m b= $2& m <w'm
= c= $2& ) / (
m d= @3m <w'm
so/ 1ower density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
2 2
1 1
r ! r !
! =
8here 1
and 1
are the power densities at points r
and r
respectively due to a
source. 1
/ m ,1
2 2%%#<2%=
@. Find the optical horizon if h
H22" m and h
a= !@ +m b= !@m c= $%$...+m d= "! +m
so/ )adio horizon 2
( )km h h
r t
4 4 +
( )km h h
r t
4 4 +
)adio horizon 2
ri"#n XOpticalh#
Gptical horizon 2
# )adio horizon 2
km X 57 76
568TIP8E 2:OI2E ;6E+TION+
$. propagation by means of space waves occurs in the range of F
a= I0F b= ,-F c= 0F d= ,0F
2. 7uring night time, most of the commercial broadcast is viaF
a= 7 layer b= F
layer c= F
layer d= E layer
.. Eignals in I0F range useF
a= Epace wave propagation b= E+y wave propagation
c= Eurface wave propagation d= ?ny of the above
3. ? radio station transmits at a frequency of @$% :0z its corresponding wave length in
meters is F
a= $%% b= $2% c= 3% d= @
". Troposphere scatter is used for communication in the frequency range of F
a= 0F b= ,0F c= I0F d= ,-F
@. Bf
is the dielectric constant of a medium ,the refractive inde9 is given by F


c= r

!. )adio horizon distance is F

a= /reater than geometrical horizon distance
b= -ess than geometrical horizon distance
c= Equal to geometrical horizon distance
d= -ess than or equal to geometrical distance
&. The troposphere e9tends from earth surface to a height ofF
a= $" +m b= %+m c= $2%+m d= 2"% +m
. The intrinsic impedance of free space is F
a= $!! b= 2!! c= .!! d= 3!!
$%. ?udio frequency range lies betweenF
a= 2%0z and 2% :0z b= 2%0z and 2%% :0z
c= 2 +0z and 2%% :0z d= 2(0z and 2% (0z
$$. ? wave length of $ meter can be e9pected in F
a= ,-F b= (F c= 0F d= ,0F
$2. (edium wave radio broadcast is done in F
a= 0orizontal polarization b= ,ertical polarization
c= 4ircular polarization d= Elliptical polarization
$.. The main difference between the operation of transmission lines and waveguides is that
a= the latter are not distributed, li+e transmission lines
b= the former can use stubs and quarterHwave transformers, unli+e the latter
c= transmission lines use the principal mode of propagation, and therefore do not suffer
from lowHfrequency cutoff
d= terms such as impedance matching and standingHwave ratio cannot be applied to
$3. Bonosphere propagation fails beyond
a= .% :0z b= .%%:0z c= .%%%:0z d= .%,%%%:0z
$". For the ground wave propagation the antenna should be polarizedF
a= 0orizontally b= ,ertically c= circularly d= None
$@. ?s one moves away from transmitter, ground wave eventually disappears becauseF
a= E+y wave interfaces with ground wave
b= Gf tilit in wave front
c= Gf loss of line of sight
d= Gf limitation of single hop distance
$!. The shortest distance form the transmitter along the surface of the earth at which s+y
wave of fi9ed frequency < more than critical frequency= is returned to the earth is +nown
as F
a= Elip distance b= E+ip distance c= dead zone d= virtual distance
$&. The principal propagation agency for propagating signals in the frequency range .%%
:0zH. (0z is byF
a= Epace wave b= grounded wave c= s+y wave d= None
$. (ost of the absorption suffered by an electromagnetic wave passing through the
ionosphere ta+es place in F
a= 4ircular b= vertical c= horizontal d= mi9ed
2%. (ost of the absorption suffered by an electromagnetic wave passing through the
ionosphere ta+es place in F
a= F
layer b= EHlayer c= F
layer d= F
2$. )eception of commercial radio broadcast is better during the cloudy weather because
of the absence of the followingF
a= E layer b= 7 layer c= F
layer d= F
22. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere increases with the increase of F
a= 7istance b= Frequency c= height d= None
2.. The highest components of atmosphere responsible for absorption of E( waves are F
a= 4ritical frequencyb= (IF c= useful frequency d= None
23. The main components of atmosphere responsible for absorption of E( waves are F
a= nitrogen and o9ygen b= nitrogen and hydrogen
c= o9ygen and water vapor d= nitrogen and water vapor
2". To increase the radar range of ground and surface targets to see well beyond the
normal radar horizon, the electromagnetic wave propagation adopted is F
a= ionospheric scatter b= troposcatter
c= ground wave vapour d= duct
2@. The (IF for an angle of incidence of @%
and a critical frequency of @% (0z will beF
a= 3" (0z b= $$$.!(0z c= $2% (0z d= $"% (0z
2!. The amplifiers which are inserted at intervals to amplify the signal and compensate for
transmission loss on the cable are calledF
a= line amplifiers b= equalizing amplifiers
c= compandors d= repeaters
2&. Transmission of signals in a terrestrial micro wave system is achieved throughF
a= reflection from the ionosphere b= line of sight mode.
c= reflection from the ground d= differation from the stratosphere
2. ? )adio wave is incident on a layer of ionosphere at an angle of .%
with the vertical. Bf
the critical frequency is $.2 (0z .The ma9imum usable frequency is F
a= $.2 (0z b= 2.3(0z c= %.@ (0z d= $..&@ (0z
.%. For a short wave radio lin+ between two stations via the ionosphere, the ratio of the
ma9imum usable frequency to the critical frequency
a= is always less than $ b= is always greater than $
c= may be

$ depending upon the distance between the two stations

d= does not depend on the distance between the two stations.
.$. (edium wave radio signals may be received at far off distance at night times becauseF
a= radio waves travel faster at night b= grounded wave alternation is low at night
c= the s+y wave is stronger at night d= these is no fading at night
.2. 8hen electromagnetic waves are propagated in a waveguide
a= They travel along the broader walls of the guide
b= /round wave attamation is low at night
c= They travel through the dielectric without touching the walls
d= They travel along all four walls of the waveguide
... 7 layer roughly e9tends fromF
a= "" to % +m b= 2% to 3% +m c= % to $$% +m d= beyond $$% + m
.3. 8aveguides are used mainly for microwave signals because
a= They depend on straightHline propagation which applies to microwaves only
b= -osses would be too heavy at lower frequencies
c= There are no generators powerful enough to e9cite them at lower frequencies
d= They would be too bul+y at lower frequencies.
.". For a given ionipheric layer, the highest frequency that will be reflected bac+ for vertical
incidence is
a= f
b= f

c= max
81N f
d= max
81 N f
.@. ? cho+e flange may be used to couple two waveguides
a= To help in the alignment of the waveguides
b= Cecause it is simpler than any other Aoin
c= to compensate for discontinuities at the Aoin
d= to increase the bandwidth of the system
.!. The dominant mode of propagation is preferred with rectangular waveguides because
< Bndicate false statement=
a= Bt leads to the smallest waveguide dimensions
b= The resulting impedance can be matched directly to coa9ial lines
c= Bt is easier to e9cite than the other modes
d= 1ropagation of it without any spurious generation can be ensured
.&. ? signal propagated in a waveguide has a full wave of electric intensity change
between the two further walls, and no component of the electric field in the direction of
propagation. The mode is
a= TE
b= TE$.% c= T(
d= TE
.. For very high frequencies earth acts as a
a= 4onductor b= dielectric c= resistor d= Euper conductor
3%. The ionosphere plays a significant role in radio wave propagation atF
a= Gptical frequencies b= microwave frequencies
c= high frequency d= medium frequency
3$. Bndicate the false statement .8hen the freeHspace wavelength of a signal equals the
cutoff wavelength of the guide
a= The group velocity of the signal becomes zero
b= The phase velocity of the signal becomes zero
c= The characteristic impedance of the guide becomes infinite
d= The wavelength within the waveguide becomes infinite
32. ?s a result of reflections from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic waves acquire
an apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space This is called the
a= ,elocity of propagation b= normal velocity
c= group velocity d= phase velocity
3.. This layer of the ionosphere vanishes during night timeF
a= CHlayer b= 7Hlayer c= EHlayer d= FHlayer
33. 8hen electromagnetic waves are reflected at an angle from a wall, their waveHlength
along the wall is
a= The same as in free space
b= The same as the wavelength perpendicular to the wall
c= Ehortened because of the 7oppler Effect
d= /reater than in the actual direction of propagation
3". .%%H.%%%(0z frequency range is +nows asF
a= 0F b= (F c= ,0F d= I0F
3@. 4ompared with equivalent transmission lines,.H/0z waveguides <indicate false
a= ?re less lossy b= can carry higher powers
c= ?re less bul+y d= have lower attenuation
$= a 2= b .= a 3= c "= c @= d != a
&= a = c $%= a $$= d $2= b $.= c $3= d
$"= b $@= b $!= b $&= b $= b 2%= d 2$= b
22= b 2.= b 23= a 2"= b 2@= c 2!= d 2&= a
2= d .%= b .$= c .2= b ..= b .3= d ."= c
.@= c .!= b .&= d .= b 3%= c 3$= c 32= d
3.= c 33= d 3"= d 3@= c

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