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com: fangruida/ruida-fang
quotes</ref><ref>www.academia.edu//</ref>'''</ref> Fangruida/Ruida-Fang classic quotes.'
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//Fangruida classic !uotes "elect #Chinese/'$nglish%
&Fang Rui 'a( #fangruida / ruida-fang% formerl) Fonda( *ao +e( et al( ,-./ 0orn in "hanghai(
China( the world's leading scientists( ph)sicists( astronomers( cosmologists( philosophers( thinkers(
religious scholar ( economists( writers( artists( educators( inentors( his earl) )ears in $urope( the
1nited "tates and Russia and 2apan and other countries to stud) and work in China( the main
achieements in the natural sciences( philosoph) and social sciences( and literature and art. 3ain
results and detailed 4iographies 4iograph) cele4rit) world( world famous sites( the world's leading
we4sites. 5rofessor Fang Ruida mainl) spread writings( man) works( including natural science
discoer) research papers( philosoph) and social science research monographs( and other literar)
and artistic works( and other. Fang Rui 'a classic quotations is the 4rainchild of its important
academic and scientific thought( the most classic of world-renowned classic quotes 6rticle ,,/(
including political( economic( militar)( cultural( science and technolog)( religion( life( )outh( arts(
4usiness( loe and other arious aspects( coering all aspects of social life( meaningful and lasting(
colorful( his quotations and sa)ings 4oth liel) and fresh poetic( artistic aesthetics 4ear charm( like
a classical language and classic lines( memora4le7 howeer( the) also eat dip 5hilosoph) and great
wealth of meaning and guide social and human thought( set philosoph)( philosoph) and social
thought to en8o) the arts in a charming( quite innoatie. 9nestor series here chose Fang part
quotations.: Chinese/english
Fangruida /

9^Q~h\iI------- hk@{/*C
9ndiiduall) life fallac)( fallacies and keep onl) the reflection )ou will reall) get the fallac) of
anti-class ------- truth and success.
=o create histor) must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships( otherwise )ou will
get nothing.>
=o a successful career( the first character should conduct self-achieement( followed 4) their
knowledge7 onl) wa) )ou can 4e successful.C
?nl) at the end of life or destruction of the unierse( the starting point in histor)( and onl) toda)
or tomorrow.C
fangruida said

?nl) at the end of life or destruction of the unierse( the starting point in histor)( and onl) toda)
or tomorrow.C

9n front of the plate to create a huge picture of the great histor) of the world( an) person 4efore
@od is fair( 4ut eer)one has to hae their own team or a
3acromolecules of life 4elonging to each person. Ahen )ou came to this world( )ou will 4e
em4raced 4) the great nature
3ake histor) is to create real-world or radical antinom). 6n) person or an) great man( and this era
onl) consistent 4ut has
Bature nurture life( it also 4reeds the human 4od) and soul. =hat while we 4reathe( )ou will feel
@od's grace and nature gien
=he world can onl) 4ring confusion and chaos dark and destruction( chaos and confusion of nature
gae great natural and peaceful unierse 4rings.C
=housands of 5hilosoph) and saints immortal offspring endless doors gie inspiration and
wisdom( 4ut it can reall) open a new chapter in the histor) of
$er) moment of life are sparks and flames.
5owerful enem) is ignorance and fanaticism. =o stand on the pinnacle of histor)( )ou must clim4
the pinnacle of loe.
=o clim4 the pinnacle of science( we must clim4 oer top of the pinnacle of science( )ou can reall)
succeed. ----------- >

=o 4e good at learning and hone). Beed to accumulate wealth of knowledge( conergence and
diergence. Cherish the time is to cherish
nt path.C
5oint 'u frame and compose a line spectrum is in the soul out4reak life spark of passion.
"urrounded 4) nature wander
=he pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to eCplore the pros and cons and
what( otherwise( )ou will alw
=he pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to eCplore the pros and cons and
what( otherwise( )ou will alwa)s 4e stuck in the hillside while
*istor) is often 4end difficult for people to identif) reef shoals and twist.>
=he world is not the wealth piled eer)where 2inshan 4ut rather desolate 4arren foreer finished
not open up irgin
=he world is not the wealth piled eer)where 2inshan 4ut rather desolate 4arren foreer finished
not open up irgin*uman greatness is that he is not a natural su4missie serant( howeer( the
insignificance of mankind lies in his nature and essence into pla) onl) in the .C
hardship to surie( should not hae a reason to choose to aoid or cowardl) death. =his is the
fundamental sD
fangruida said
9f we sa) that the unierse is chaotic nature of the disorder( then the human societ) is full
philosophical and rational7 9f the unierse is the rule of natu
9n truth( the sea shore( there is no 4reeEe onl) small waes chopp)7 no fiCed lines on the 4alance
of social wealth wins
5hilosophers( thinkers( no one wants to change the world of innoation in the world(
unfortunatel)( the world and
?ur entire 4od) and soul come from nature and the world( een our cells and genes 4elong to it(
a4andoned and out of him( is
9ntellectual ision oerlooking the Aorld. "tupid right close e)e isionD
fangruida said
=he great and wonderful world lies in the mundane world wide and tin).D
64surd fetters of nere 4locking( and sometimes he would disguise the truthD
3ilitar) strategists of the soul and charm is not onl) on the chess4oard @ongsha( 4ut the
accumulation of thousands of tactical 4attles and deepened.
=he 4eaut) of life is that ordinar)( life's struggle to uphold( success in life is that tough( life's
happiness lies in 8o) of life is the accumulation of wealth( life's
"cientific discoer) is not the clear 4lue skies of thunder lightning 4ut endless clouds flowers fog
accumulation and flash) 0ale.D
6t the intersection of the natural and social integration( will hae real knowledge of the spark
@reed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tom4 of doom.
=he world is not the wealth piled eer)where 2inshan 4ut rather desolate 4arren foreer finished
not open up irgin.D

$arth Fhuman societ)F and the unierse F5lanet societ)(F the 4asic ecological model different( the
former is the nature of the
Geap across time and space( in the tens of thousands of )ears later( we were on another planet for
future generations to eCplore
*igh concentrations of purified concise dimeriEation compleC lies not onl) in speculatie
philosoph)( 4ut also in a rational and practical knowledge as
@alaC) 1nierse and golden petals strewn eer)where( humans onl) in the kingdom of heaen to
the depths of the deep to pick nature's most 4eautiful
5ast( natural scientists( philosophers hae undou4tedl) gien the world a priceless wealth. 0ut the
realit) of natu
Religious philosoph) and natural philosoph) is associated with thinking( democrac)( freedom(
equalit)( fraternit) and
Reconciliation of the world can reall) strength lies in rational thinking( the power of reason.
6lthough the su4stance of
+outh is 4rilliant glow( loe is red roses. Hnowledge is the soul of life( wealth is the life of the
clouds. --------- =o Aorld +outh
For natural scientists( ph)sics( mathematics( eCperiment is a kind of great sincere en8o)ment7
mathematical equation( the eCperimental data as notes(
9n truth( the sea shore( there is no 4reeEe onl) small waes chopp)7 no fiCed lines on the 4alance
of social wealth wins mining island( onl) to win th
?ur entire 4od) and soul come from nature and the world( een our cells and genes 4elong to it(
a4andoned and out of him( is
Bature has gien us life( eer) minute of life in the natural light is flashing. +ou hae ten thousand
reasons to choose hardship to surie( should
3inds are like parachutes( the) onl) function when open.D
*igh concentrations of purified concise dimeriEation compleC lies not onl) in speculatie
philosoph)( 4ut also in a rational and practical knowledge as we

Geap across time and space( in the tens of thousands of )ears later( we were on another planet for
future generations to eCplore and memorial ancestors on the
@alaC) 1nierse and golden petals strewn eer)where( humans onl) in the kingdom of heaen to
the depths of the deep to pick nature's most 4eautiful
immeasura4le strength( 4ut apparentl) o4scure Eoological understand( 4ut anthropological
understanding( it iD
=o create histor) must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships( otherwise )ou will
get nothing.D
?nl) at the end of life or destruction of the unierse( the starting point in histor)( and onl) toda)
or tomorrow.D

=o a successful career( the first character should conduct self-achieement( followed 4) their
knowledge7 onl) wa) )ou can 4e successful. 6n) eCperience and eCperience is the ladder of
Aarriors duel or duel( not onl) need ten times the courage( wisdom and a hundred times more
necessar) strategic and tactical thousands of times.D
9ntellectual ision oerlooking the Aorld. "tupid right close e)e ision
Fu8ieda unierse as garden twine 4etween the flowers are 4looming )ou neer lonel).
"cientific discoer) is not the clear 4lue skies of thunder lightning 4ut endless clouds flowers fog
accumulation and
64surd fetters of nere 4locking( and sometimes he would disguise the truthD
Batural enemies of war is peace( peace is the 4est friend is a compromise and sharing( sharing.D
3ilitar) strategists of the soul and charm is not onl) on the chess4oard @ongsha( 4ut the
accumulation of thousands of tactical 4attles and deepened.
Aarriors duel or duel( not onl) need ten times the courage( wisdom and a hundred times more
necessar) strategic and

=he 4eaut) of life is that ordinar)( life's struggle to uphold( success in life is that tough( life's
happiness lies in 8o) of life is the accumulation of wealth( life's
=he most powerful force speculatie science lies not onl) in its own rationalit) and speculatie
nature 4ut also
?erthrow a truth far difficult than esta4lishing a truth 4ecause it requires not onl) negate the need
to esta4lish.D
Bature has gien us life( eer) minute of life in the natural light is flashing. +ou hae ten thousand
reasons to choose hardship to surie( should not hae a reason to choose to aoid or cowardl)
death. =his is the fundamental .
For something this complicated( its reall) hard to design products 4) focus groups. 6 lot of
,. 4end difficult for people to identif) reef shoals and twist.D fangruida said.
I. <font><font>fangruida </font></font> - Changemakrs
www.changemakrs.com/Fontfontfangruida fontfont/in-front-of-the-pla...
3oe to another collection: 5 ; 6dd quotes to this collection from the list of quotes)ou'e loed.
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J. 4) fangruida/ruida-Fang - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
o <ref><ref>www.changemarks.com: fangruida quotes//www.6cdemia.edu:fangruida
quotes//www.archie.org. :fangruida quotes.</ref></ref>
Bature has gien us life( eer) minute of life in the natural light is flashing. +ou hae ten
thousand reasons to choose hardship to surie( should not hae a ...
K. fangruida said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
*igh concentrations of purified concise dimeriEation compleC lies not onl) in speculatie
philosoph)( 4ut also in a rational and practical knowledge as well as all ...
.. fangruida said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
=he world can onl) 4ring confusion and chaos dark and destruction( chaos and confusion of
nature gae great natural and peaceful unierse 4rings.D.
L. fangruida said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
<ref>www.dic.dlis.indiana.edu ///9pl.org///www.4ookiC.com//</ref>
3athematical wanted $as) Gistening music 4reaks language fluenc) as 4risk wonderful Muan
hear the 4eaut) of nature and the true meaning will emerge in the ...
N. Collections featuring fangruida said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
fangruida said. > >?nl) at the end of life or ... fangruida said 4) fangruida said. Collections
featuring fangruida said. !uotes 9 Goe. 4) 4ers. JI k / $ ., ...
<. Collections featuring Fangruida said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
=housands of 5hilosoph) and saints immortal offspring endless doors gie inspiration and
wisdom( 4ut it can reall) open a new chapter in the histor) of ...
-. Fangruida/Ruida-Fang - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
9n front of the plate to create a huge picture of the great histor) of the world( an) person 4efore
@od is fair( 4ut eer)one has to hae their own team or a few of ...
,/. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said - !uotes on Changemakrs.com
=he pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to eCplore the pros and cons and
what( otherwise( )ou will alwa)s 4e stuck in the hillside while ...
,. fangruida said: >Aalked oer the road is...D on Changemakrs.com
Aalked oer the road is histor)( no road traeled and the realit) now.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change
photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
I. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >@alaC) 1nierse and golden...D on ...
@alaC) 1nierse and golden petals strewn eer)where( humans onl) in the kingdom of heaen to
the depths of the deep to pick nature's most 4eautiful flowers ...
J. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >=o create histor) must...D on ...
=o create histor) must first create timeless timeless and eternal self hardships( otherwise )ou
will get nothing.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote.
K. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >9ndiiduall) life fallac)(...D on ...
9ndiiduall) life fallac)( fallacies and keep onl) the reflection )ou will reall) get the fallac) of
anti-class ------- truth and success.
.. fangruida said: >Aarriors duel or duel( not...D on Changemakrs.com
Aarriors duel or duel( not onl) need ten times the courage( wisdom and a hundred times more
necessar) strategic and tactical thousands of times.
L. fangruida said: >=he great and wonderful...D on Changemakrs.com
!uotes 9 Goe. 4) 4ers ... hae an accountO "ign up P =erms Q 5riac). =he great and wonderful
world lies in the mundane world wide and tin).D fangruida said.
N. fangruida said: >Fu8ieda unierse as garden...D on Changemakrs.com
!uotes 9 Goe. 4) 4ers ... "ign up P =erms Q 5riac). Fu8ieda unierse as garden twine 4etween
the flowers are 4looming )ou neer lonel).D fangruida said.
<. fangruida said: >=he world can onl) 4ring...D on Changemakrs.com
=he world can onl) 4ring confusion and chaos dark and destruction( chaos and confusion of nature
gae great natural and peaceful unierse 4rings.
-. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >"acred aura flashing 4ut...D on ...
"acred aura flashing 4ut not oergrown with flowers roses pristine wilderness7 do not open up(
)ou will neer find a 4rilliant path.
,/. fangruida said: >?nl) at the end of life or...D on Changemakrs.com
?nl) at the end of life or destruction of the unierse( the starting point in histor)( and onl) toda)
or tomorrow.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote.
,. fangruida said: >@reed and arrogance is the...D on Changemakrs.com
@reed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tom4 of doom.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change
photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
I. fangruida said: >Batural enemies of war is...D on Changemakrs.com
Batural enemies of war is peace( peace is the 4est friend is a compromise and sharing( sharing.D
Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) ...
J. Fangruida said: >=housands of 5hilosoph) and...D on Changemakrs ...
=housands of 5hilosoph) and saints immortal offspring endless doors gie inspiration and
wisdom( 4ut it can reall) open a new chapter in the histor) of mankind ...
K. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >=he pinnacle of the world...D on ...
=he pinnacle of the world lies in the endless pursuit rather than to eCplore the pros and cons and
what( otherwise( )ou will alwa)s 4e stuck in the hillside while ...
.. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >Bature nurture life( it...D on ...
Bature nurture life( it also 4reeds the human 4od) and soul. =hat while we 4reathe( )ou will feel
@od's grace and nature gien location.
L. fangruida said: >=he 4eaut) of life is that...D on Changemakrs.com
=he 4eaut) of life is that ordinar)( life's struggle to uphold( success in life is that tough( life's
happiness lies in 8o) of life is the accumulation of wealth( life's regrets ...
N. fangruida said: >=he most powerful force...D on Changemakrs.com
=he most powerful force speculatie science lies not onl) in its own rationalit) and speculatie
nature 4ut also 4ecause such a speculatie nature conquering the ...
<. fangruida said: >?erthrow a truth far...D on Changemakrs.com
?erthrow a truth far difficult than esta4lishing a truth 4ecause it requires not onl) negate the
need to esta4lish.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote.
-. fangruida said: >64surd fetters of nere...D on Changemakrs.com
64surd fetters of nere 4locking( and sometimes he would disguise the truthD. Flag a pro4lem7
Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
,/. fangruida said: >Fu8ieda unierse as garden...D on Changemakrs.com
Fu8ieda unierse as garden twine 4etween the flowers are 4looming )ou neer lonel).D Flag a
pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida .
,. fangruida said: >3athematical wanted $as)...D on Changemakrs.com
3athematical wanted $as) Gistening music 4reaks language fluenc) as 4risk wonderful Muan hear
the 4eaut) of nature and the true meaning will emerge in the ...
I. fangruida said: >$arth Fhuman societ)F and...D on Changemakrs.com
$arth Fhuman societ)F and the unierse F5lanet societ)(F the 4asic ecological model different( the
former is the nature of the animal( while the latter is the animal ...
J. fangruida said: >*istor) is often 4end...D on Changemakrs.com
*istor) is often 4end difficult for people to identif) reef shoals and twist.D Flag a pro4lem7
Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
K. fangruida said: >9n truth( the sea shore(...D on Changemakrs.com
9n truth( the sea shore( there is no 4reeEe onl) small waes chopp)7 no fiCed lines on the 4alance
of social wealth wins mining island( onl) to win the Aild and ...
.. fangruida said: >6t the intersection of the...D on Changemakrs.com
6t the intersection of the natural and social integration( will hae real knowledge of the spark
shine.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said ...
L. Fangruida/Ruida-Fang: >9n front of the plate to...D on Changemakrs.com
3oe to another collection: 5 ; 6dd quotes to this collection from the list of quotes)ou'e loed.
3ouse oer a row in the list and click . "how the list of quotes 9'e ...
N. fangruida said: >9f we sa) that the unierse...D on Changemakrs.com
9f we sa) that the unierse is chaotic nature of the disorder( then the human societ) is full
philosophical and rational7 9f the unierse is the rule of nature is orderl)( ...
<. fangruida said: >=he great and wonderful...D on Changemakrs.com
=he great and wonderful world lies in the mundane world wide and tin).D Flag a pro4lem7
Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
-. Fangruida/ruida-Fang said: >3athematics is a leaf)(...D on ...
3athematics is a leaf)( literature is flowers. 5ainting is a golden iolet( music is 4eautiful
5eacock( sports is the soul of the human nature and the nature of the ...
,/. fangruida said: >*igh concentrations of...D on Changemakrs.com
*igh concentrations of purified concise dimeriEation compleC lies not onl) in speculatie
philosoph)( 4ut also in a rational and practical knowledge as well as all .
,. fangruida said: >Bature has gien us life(...D on Changemakrs.com
!uotes 9 Goe. 4) fangruida/ruida-Fang ... to surie( should not hae a reason to choose to aoid
or cowardl) death. =his is the fundamental sD. fangruida said.
I. fangruida said: >9ntellectual ision...D on Changemakrs.com
9ntellectual ision oerlooking the Aorld. "tupid right close e)e isionD. Flag a pro4lem7
Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ...
J. fangruida said: >"ometimes the great maCims...D on Changemakrs.com
"ometimes the great maCims like a sword( like thunder4olt lightning( sometimes like flowers
roses( fragrant.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote.
K. fangruida said: >3ilitar) strategists of the...D on Changemakrs.com
... deepened.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruidasaid ... 5 ;
6dd quotes to this collection from the list of quotes )ou'e loed.
.. > >"ometimes the great maCims like a sword( like ... - Changemakrs
!uotes 9 Goe. 4) 4ers ... "ometimes the great maCims like a sword( like thunder4olt lightning(
sometimes like flowers roses( fragrant.D fangruida said.
L. fangruida said: >@reed and arrogance is the...D on Changemakrs.com
!uotes 9 Goe. 4) 4ers ... 'on't hae an accountO "ign up P =erms Q 5riac). @reed and arrogance
is the originator of sin is the tom4 of doom.D fangruida said.
N. fangruida said: >"cientific discoer) is not...D on Changemakrs.com
Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote. fangruida said 4) fangruida said ... 5 ; 6dd quotes to
this collection from the list of quotes )ou'e loed. 3ouse oer a ...
<. fangruida said: >*uman greatness is that he...D on Changemakrs.com
*uman greatness is that he is not a natural su4missie serant( howeer( the insignificance of
mankind lies in his nature and essence into pla) onl) in the ...
-. fangruida said: >=he world is not the wealth...D on Changemakrs.com
=he world is not the wealth piled eer)where 2inshan 4ut rather desolate 4arren foreer finished
not open up irgin.D Flag a pro4lem7 Change photo7 $dit quote.
,/. fangruida said: >*istor) is not a game( as...D on Changemakrs.com
*istor) is not a game( as an) histor) of creation and destruction of the natural histor) lies run(
rather than forged and fa4ricated.
@reed and arrogance is the originator of sin is the tom4 of doom.D
HJm@UVC=he world has neer 4een sunn) calm( gentle rel)
solel) on fantas) and creatiit) to transform the world( not ignorant and naie( that on paper( the
irtual world and the unierse.
@-I,7Ik@C@od and soereign educate people( too( the great
maCims and proer4s are scientific teachings with people all the time( the same can enlighten and
educate humans( enchant the human intellect and soul.
IC\23GH<JCCreate and transform the world needs not
onl) rational cognition and strength( more wisdom( courage( perseerance and enrich the material
force of realit)( otherwise( it will accomplish nothing. 9t must 4e clearl) felt: onl) the power of
reason and moral strength is o4iousl) important( 4ut not enough to destro) all o4stacles( onl) the
realit) of ph)sical force sufficient to oercome an) eil and seemingl) powerful anti-class. 6ll of
philosoph) and social thought is 4uilt on this foundation.
&'H()@[*++G,-./0W1C=he great and good leaders
can 4ring a 4right hero and well-4eing to the human world( ulgar incompetent fools to the world
is the su4ersion of the disaster is not the fall of darkness( sin and the sea o)age in ricket)
nI9:C*umanit)'s greatest and most powerful cause than conquest. 6lthough human
4eings to conquer the unierse to conquer the difficult times than a thousand times( 4ut strong in
some illusor) to speak( to conquer and su48ugate the human world of human societ) simpl) come
in hand) sometimes a happ) game.
"cientists manufacture nuclear test eCplosions( 4oth great and is er) small. @reat that it 4rought
to the world's enormous 4right prospects7 while his insignificance to the world( 4ut that 4rought
death and destruction plague. Gike the plague( temptation and droe whimsical wa) to those who
threaten the world( poison and scourge of mankind as a whole( including his own themseles.
=herefore( the world should 4e nuclear-free( 4ut it should 4e unlimited nature of nuclear( 4ecause
onl) it has the right to the iniola4ilit) of nature inaliena4le nuclear surial. =he two faces of
science( natural science can not 4lame their ancestors( onl) 4) dirt) eil and despica4le human
societ) to cross indeed....
QOP3~-2@p23~CQ~R,-.~45@2 C
Beed pure nature( science needs to 4e eCplored( literature need inspiration( artistic talent needed.
5hilosoph) requires penetrating the political need tough( tough and Rhi)ong militar) needs(
thoughts need an enelope( the econom) needs to open up( religion requires faith and strength.

5eace and war( war and peace( is alwa)s difficult to 4reak down 4rother. 5eople eCpect peace( hate
war( hope permanent peace( in fact( war is peace( supplements and fillers( peace is a natural rial
of the war. Bo matter what kind of politician strategist to understand that peace is undou4tedl) the
nemesis of the war( 4ut that does not mean that onl) peace "u willing to suppress the war( on the
contrar)( onl) the most powerful force to suppress the eil of war and crushing defeat.
pqSa8@SaGrsOtru;vwnxnyvz C
5eace and war( war and peace( is alwa)s difficult to 4reak down 4rother. 5eople eCpect peace( hate
war( hope permanent peace( in fact( war is peace( supplements and fillers( peace is a natural rial
of the war. Bo matter what kind of politician strategist to understand that peace is undou4tedl) the
nemesis of the war( 4ut that does not mean that onl) peace "u willing to suppress the war( on the
contrar)( onl) the most powerful force to suppress the eil of war and crushing defeat.

64surd and confused as hateful as it is 8ust ignorance and sin( and together.
}'~_`C2ustice and reason to make histor)( too( sin and greed can sometimes fanciful
and whitewash histor)( although it is often negatie dark dirt) histor).
o:@HCh@[HaK,C6m4ition and anit) is
wonderful match. "incere and pragmatic is the starting point of human nature.
@MtC=he world is chaotic( sometimes it is clear7 sometimes it is arrogant in the dirt( and
sometimes warm waes 4ut is full of poetic. Ae can sa) that no one can eCplain perfect world(
howeer( it can pursue the true meaning of human eCistence and the @ospel in trou4led times.
@,m:g-@JmC0eautiful world that
improement of human nature( and the world crisis and fear lies in the transformation and change
his enironment to surie. Compromise and em4ellishment of the world can share the same( and
sometimes it can create a strong and intense world.
@:gOJhkCFalse and a4surd( sometimes the truth can 4e fa4ricated
Q:l[H[l)|SC9n the sea( the sea is alwa)s floating duckweed is not
the same as it was 4lossoming spra) pearl world turn a 4lind e)e( 4ecause onl) spra) to keep
foreer surrounded 4) fluctuations in the waes.
9n the ast world of interpersonal standing( )ou see not onl) the pink clouds trees( and is the most
eCtensie of the most daEEling sk)line and curl of smoke rising. ?nl) those of the )uan to 4uild
the human world( otherwise all the 4eaut) will come to naught. "imilarl)( in the moon( on a
similar planet( humans can look forward to such a 4road horiEon.
@:gHWC=ruth and falsehood are sometimes not er) different7 sometimes
8ust a few steps awa). 9n other words( 4eautiful and tragic( happiness and pain( comed) and
traged) sometimes short poor.
O.C6lthough it is a classic and the da)s of the golden rule( 4ut not to appreciate and
recite7 9nstead( he onl) gies human learning and creed( in particular lead to sterilit) of the mind(
open the wisdom lit glow( otherwise( he will 4ecome Huchiki dirt( worthless and meaningless.C
9n front of the great languages )ou can get a conscience in his tails )ou can onl) get stupid and

5eople worship the gods than for 5rometheus( 6thena( @oddess( FuCi( 4od) 6ustria( *u 0alak(
lats( etc. worship( regardless of m)tholog)( religion( consciousness concepts( ideas and 4eliefs(
culture and language( independence =here are so 4eautiful praise and 6cura. Baturall)( this is the
good fortune of itself and the well-4eing of mankind. Furthermore( humans are free to enter the
domain of *eaen onl) natural unierse of @od( will produce a historic 4reakthrough and leap(
then( reall) nice to reach the ideal state.
6 word( a num4er( a note( a poem( a theorem( add up( oer time( )ou will accumulate *ong4o of
towering trees.
?nl) happ) famil) in order to 4uild a warm communit)( of course( does not mean that there will
4e onl) happ) warm( sometimes( pain or miser) will get great happiness and warmth( the ke) is
that )ou understand and grasp.
3illions of people's traditional thinking and is er) powerful and frightening force of ha4it( he
often inert force of histor)( ignore these( it will 4e a traged).
"ometimes the truth is at hand( as long as )ou can get to reach out again thinking.
Reading and learning( to turn the page eer) da)( )ou will enter the great new world.
=he motto of the greatest and most realistic mantra is not practicing again 4ut praise and reading
@reat language is a great soul.
+outh is 4urning flames( loe is 4looming flowers( the ideal is swirling in 5hoeniC( wealth is Mun
Gi 2ing Mia.
=he 4irth of a 4a4) cr)ing tick life( d)ing doddering life( is closel) related to life and forth
4etween the two that allows endless.
=raditional holida)s are national treasures( 4ut also a lot of life's most 4eautiful sweet flaor agent.
"trong is the origin of life( the same as 4iological macromolecules is full actiit) and italit).
$er)one wants to get wealth mad( eer)4od) wants to conquer each other and go craE) or
strenuousl)( not knowing that the winner is the first to conquer the most alua4le self( conquer
their nature and weaknesses( otherwise( )ou will 4egin with or do nothing.
GaEiness( greed( ignorance( lack of persistence and perseerance( is the life of the plague and
4acteria( as long as he was on the whole 4od) diffusion suicidal destruction.
Aalking in the arena struggling rearmost people( not necessaril) the winner( 4ut he is indeed the
strongest moement of @od. ?nl) strength and perseerance to win glor).
9n the sk) fl)ing in the turquoise sea( )ou can onl) feel the intimac) and closeness of nature
eCtremel) 4road and deep.
=he sun rises in the east( 6saka transmitted through the gaps in 4etween the 4oundless sk) eer)
da) )ou seem to feel that life is so 4right and colorful e)e-catching. Goe life is to loe life( to lie
a happ) life and o4iousl) would happ) life.
9n the ast horiEon rising red sun( alwa)s shining on the ast land( mountains( forests( plains( *u
5ark( the ocean. 9n this sunn) worth 2ingCiu( the onl) life that has the greatest and most iid true
meaning. Ahen )ou and the integration of the whole of nature( life was 4looming infinite italit)(
alwa)s endless. 0ecause life can onl) perceie and understand the profound nature of the no4le
alues and life-giing and selfless philosoph). 'esecration of life is a sin.
?rdinar) make great( great from the ordinar).
=he essence lies in learning to read through( knowing the essence of analog).
*istor) of the world is onl) a step-4)-step 4) step to get out( delusions across shortcut would 4e
$Ctreme and arrogant ignorance and madness is a fig leaf.
*ol) soul than tasteless pious and h)pocritical repentance.
3arine science and truth 4) thousands of knowledge together into( if not a little 4it of
conergence( the ocean will dr) up.
*istor) is a competition and compromise( share a common composition. Bo competition( losing
all the same( there is no need to compromise( sharing and compati4ilit)( will lose all their own.
Childish and immature minds shaping the natural human desire for utopia( 4ut the real world is
from the human utopia most primitie material world 4egan 4uilding the foundation and
constantl) modified.
Bone of scholars and economists can create once and foreer the same economic s)stem and
mode of operation( howeer( it was possi4le to create the economic miracle 4ased on equita4le
sharing of 4enefits from the indiidual to the whole people of the rich oer the rich( from the
Bational =he full transition to the world of the rich humanit).
6ll philosophical dialectical logic thinking and reasoning( not natural philosoph)( and onl) from
the most 4asic essence of nature is guided out of the highl) purified compleC of logical thinking
out of the whole of humanit) is possi4le to 4oost the rational and logical thinking.
=he future of the world and confined to the narrow horiEon of endless change does not depict the
future of human societ).
=he reason wh) the water of the sea is not dr)( 4ecause it has a source of endless influC of human
histor) is precisel) the reason wh) long endless stream 4ecause it has infinite wisdom inspiration
=he great philosopher crapp) politicians( pett) politicians distinguished philosopher( distorting
histor) and creating chaos in societ) and often du4ious 4reeding this kind of grotesque figures
=he conquest of the world's most powerful militar) force strength is not onl) more important is
the wealth( wisdom( rational power. Force can onl) conquer the flesh and the flesh( 4ut not likel)
to completel) conquer the human soul.
'ialectical forces of nature purified compleC logical thinking like human will square horse gallop
=rinidad( of course( including formal logic 4e)ond the rigor of mathematical logic and cause
seCual desire( and therefore it is more immeasura4le impact and chaotic thinking h)4rid concept
immeasura4le destruction to destro) the force to destro) the force
9f the) had nothing more than historical chronicles alwa)s said that histor) is alwa)s running 4ack
and forth helical structure( in fact( it is onl) half the pro4lem comes7 whereas onl) is the cruC of
the whole histor) of the c)cle( more importantl)( is it in the core and the shell constantl)
metamorphosis( which is generall) inisi4le to historians or eas) to ignore: from human societ) to
societ) and from the nature and compleCit) associated with each other long and profound
transformation of the social nature of human societ) game and anti-technolog).
. =ime is life primities. Aasting time is wasting )our life.
2inshan eer)where in life( the ke) is whether )ou will 4e 4rae and mining.
Career choice is the most important step in )our life( especiall) when )ou are )oung.
Gike all 4usinesses and households throughout the life constitutes the 4asic cell of societ).
=he world needs one species( a su4stance that @od will 4e good fortune. 5hilosopher is not
necessaril) the missionaries( 4ut the philosopher must learn through religious language to
@reat philosoph) does not follow eer)one eer)where in eer) societ) in eer) age( 4ut he is
human reason can go hand in hand and cognition( otherwise( he would 4ecome worthless.
Ahich toda) is tomorrow's histor). =he natural histor) of criticism does not mean nature of
understanding and criticism.
5eople think that the) hae 4een awa) from the animal kingdom( in fact( a natural animal genes
and nature are still suriing in the whole of human societ). =hinker( religionists( although natural
scientists can eCplain eer)thing here( 4ut can not completel) change human nature so that societ)
has 4een far out in the natural animal( in this sense( the humane societ) 8ust start walking.

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