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Energy in Blowin in the Wind (outdoor air pollution detector)

Essential question: How is energy affecting our environment?

!WB"# design and build an outdoor air pollution detector and communicate the
design process and results.
Engage and E$%lore:
#eacher begins with a demo& #eacher lights a candle' lets it burn for a few
seconds and %laces a clear ar over the flame so that the glass touches the flame&
!oot will immediately develo% on the glass& "s( students )What is the blac( that
has collected inside the ar? *oes the blac( stuff e$ist when the ar is not
,& Ask students to share some sources of air pollution. How might scientist
measure pollution? How does pollution impact society?
-& Introduce activity to students
a& Read handout ollution atrol!
b& $%plain that each team must design a particulate air pollution detection
device. It must have a flat collection area& which is at least ' cm % '
cm. (he device should have relative protection from the elements and
should be able to be secured.
c& )how students the materials that they have to choose from
.& )tudents meet and develop a plan for their device.
a& (hey must agree on the materials that they will need
b& (hey must write and draw their plan before building and have it
approve by the teacher.
/& )tudents build their collection device
a& )tudents may need to rethink their plans& re*uest alternate materials&
trade with other teams or start over
0& $ach team should place their detector at a different location around the school
+near buses& parking lot& playing field ect.)
1& After ,- hours& students can e%amine particulate matter collected by their
devices using hand lenses +or microscopes)
a& Record and describe all the different types of particles they see +dust&
pollen& dirt& ect.)
E$%lain 2 Elaborate
.. Analy/e data
a. )tudents should create a grid of . cm s*uares over their device0s
collection area with string& securing it with tape. (hey should then
count the number of particles in ' random s*uares and take an average.
b. )tudents can then compare and graph findings for the different
locations tested by the class
c. )tudents can upload data onto 1oogle pages.
-. resent finding to class
2. )tudents develop a scale to rate air *uality#air pollution at the different
locations tested around the school
3. )tudents compare their data to other schools
.. 4hat do you think can be done to reduce particulate pollution around your
school? )tudents write a letter to the principal to let him#her know what can be
done to reduce air pollution in and around the school.
Energy is Blowin in the Wind
Purpose: You are a team of engineers who have been given the
challenge to design a device that can detect the presence of
particulate pollutants outside of your school. The device must have a
fat collection area which is at least 5 cm x 5 cm. The device needs to
have relative protection away from the elements and should be able to
be secured (so it does not blow away).
Step 1: Meet with your group to develop and agree on a design
for your air pollution detector. At this tie you ust
deterine the aterials that your group wants to use. With
the people in your engineering tea! draw a diagra for your
Pollution "evice. Be sure to include all the aterials that are
#eing used to #uild your device.
______________________ teacher approval
$nce your design is signed o% #y the teacher! you ay #egin
Step &: Build your air pollution detector.
uring construction did you ma!e any changes to your initial design"
(#a!e sure you record all changes and the rational for your decisions.)
Step ': "ecide where your group will place the detector. ($nly
one other group ay share your sae location.)
****************************** location
Step +: ,& hours later-.se a hand lens or a icroscope to
e/aine what you have collected. Ma0e a detailed drawing of
what you have collected and write a description using
coplete sentences in the #o/ #elow.
Step 1: .se a string to create a grid of 1 c s2uares over your
devices collection area! securing it with tape. 3ount the
nu#er of particles in 1 rando s2uares. 4ecord your data in
the ta#le #elow. 5hen calculate the average nu#er of
particles per s2uare.
Bo/ 6u#er of Particles
5otal nu#er of
$verage number of particles% (show your wor!)
Step 7: Share your 8ndings with your class. 9ill in the data
ta#le #elow showing others results.
:ocation Average 6u#er of Particles
&. 'ased on our results and the reading( how might you evaluate
the air )uality*air pollution at the locations tested around your
+. ,f you had to do it all over again( how would your planned design
change" -hy"
.. -hat type of particulate pollution did you /nd the largest
)uantity of" -hy do you thin! that is"
0. -hat do you thin! can be done to reduce particulate pollution
around your school"

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