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The Holy Spirit:

Giver of Life

God has sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of His Son which cries out: Abba
(Gal 4:6)
e believe in the Holy Spirit! the Lord! the Giver of life! who proceeds fro" the
Father and the Son. ith the Father and the Son He is worshipped and #lorified. He
has spo$en throu#h the prophets.
(Nicene Creed)
The different Titles of the Holy Spirit:
1. Paraclete, Consoler, Comforter or Advocate
2. Guide or Helper
3. Spirit of the Lord
4. Spirit of esus
!. Spirit of God
". Spirit of truth
#. $uach % He&re' for 'ind or &reath
(. Pneuma % Gree) for &reath or air
%elevant passa#es
ohn 14*1"
ohn 14*2"
ohn 1!*2"
ohn 1"*#
1 ohn 2*1
The Spirit has the attributes of God :
eternal, havin+ neither &e+innin+ nor end ,He&re's -*14.,
omni/potent, havin+ all po'er ,Lu)e 1*3!.0
omni/present, &ein+ ever1'here at the same time ,Psalm 13-*#.0 and
omni/scient, understandin+ all matters , 1 Corinthians 2*12,11..
3he Hol1 Spirit is a Person and not a mere s1m&ol of an1thin+. 4o mere s1m&ol is a&le to*
communicate ,5spea)5. ,Acts 13*2.,
intercede ,step in on &ehalf of someone. ,$omans (*2".,
testif1 ,ohn 1!*2".
+uide ,ohn 1"*13.,
command ,Acts 1"*",#.,
appoint ,Acts 22*2(.,
lead ,$omans (*14.,
reveal to someone ho' 'ron+, foolish, or sinful he6she 'as ,ohn 1"*(..
seal God5s promise in &elievers5 hearts ,7phesians 1*13/14.
shape the life of each person and communit1 to Christ5s ,$omans (*1/1#.
C843793* 3he Hol1 Spirit as 7:perienced &1 the ;ilipino Catholics
&. H' T' (&S)*%+ TH* S,&%&T
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F&%ST ST*,* here do we loo$ for the Spirit
First, the within 'e e:perience in our o'n thou+hts and feelin+s.
Second, the interpersonal experiences 'e have 'ith famil1 and friends.
Third, our 'or) and our social life in the community and parish.
It is in our actual, daily ongoing living in all these levels that we discover who the Holy Spirit is and how
He operates in our lives.
hat is the Spirit doin# in our life
At the deepest level of our e:perience is our ver1 identit1 as persons. Ho' is God, and particularl1 the
Hol1 Spirit, involved in our ver1 o'n identit1< 3he Creed offers a clear response &1 +roundin+*
who we are
our &asic identit1
in God our Father 'ho created us and adopted us as His children0
what we do in the divine Son sent &1 the ;ather to &ecome one of us (cf. al !"!#$%, to teach us ho'
to love and &rin+ =for+iveness for our sins> (cf. &ol '"'!%(
what we can hope for in the Spirit of adoption 'ho ena&les us to cr1 out ?)**a ;ather@ He +ives 'itness 'ith our spirit
that 'e are children of God. . . heirs of God, heirs 'ith Christ> (+o, -"'$f%.
.asically, the Spirit unites us with the isen Christ and with one another in Christ!s Church" 3he Spirit
is doin+ this now, and &1 this action is movin+ us dail1 to'ard the future 'hich God promised us
Christ is no' at 'or) in the hearts of men &1 the po'er of his Spirit* not onl1 does he arouse in
them a desire for the 'orld to come, &ut he animates , puri#ies and stren$thens the +enerous aspirations of
man)ind to ma)e life more humane and render the 'hole earth su&missive to this +oal (cf. S /-%.
3he twofold truth of the Hol1 Spirit in our life
0ne, that in some 'a1 the Spirit is li)e the air 'e &reathe, the sea in 'hich 'e sail or s'im, the
atmosphere in 'hich ='e live and move and have our &ein+> ()cts '1"2-%.
Two, 'e discover He is nevertheless a divine %erson& the personal love of the ;ather and the $isen
Christ present 'ithin and amon+ us (cf. &&& 3-$%.
S*)'+( ST*,* (ifficulties in reco#ni.in# the Spirit
First, to the Spirit Himself &ecause, as Spirit, He has no shape or form. ConseAuentl1, in contrast to
our man1 personal ima+es of the ;ather and Christ our Lord, 'e are forced to represent the Spirit
throu+h impersonal s1m&ols such as 'ater, fire, cloud, 'ind and &reath, or the ima+e of a dove, 'hite
and innocent and air1 (cf. &&& 34!#15'%.
Boreover, the Spirit al'a1s acts in a completel1 self/less manner, leadin+ us not to Himself &ut to Christ and the
;ather (cf. &&& 3-1%. He =does not spea) on his o'n,> &ut =onl1 'hat He hears> from Christ, the Cord (cf. 6n '3"'/%.
3hus, instead of pra1in+ directl1 to the Spirit 'e more often pra1 in the Spirit throu+h the Son to the ;ather.
A second source of difficult1 in reco+niDin+ the Spirit comes from our o'n limitations.
'. First, in thin)in+ a&out the Spirit. Enli)e Christ and the ;ather, the Spirit is not somethin+
o&Fective, =in front of us> as it 'ere, &ut rather within our su'(ective e)perience. Ce do not so
much thin7 a*out the Spirit 'ith our =head,> ma)in+ Him the o&Fect of our thou+ht. $ather, it is
more li)e *eco,ing conscious of the Hol1 Spirit@s presence in the deepest level of our hearts, our
loo'. 3his is 'here 'e feel He is at 'or), ma)in+ us a'are of the $isen Christ and of God our
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;ather alive and present to us. Christ promised his disciples at the Last Supper the Spirit of truth
'hom you can reco$ni*e &ecause He remains with you and 'ill 'e within you> (6n '!"'1%.
2. A second =limitation> 'hich impedes reco+niDin+ the Spirit is our self/centered tendenc1 to see)
e:traordinar1 spiritual +ifts. Ce ;ilipinos seem especiall1 attracted to ecstasies, miracles, visions,
and prophecies. 3his fascination can lead to man1 distorted notions of the Spirit. Gt also o&scures
the more important =ordinar1 +ifts> of the Spirit, especiall1 the hi+hest +ift, divine 8ove (cf. al
$"22( ' &or '/%.
3he practical a'areness of this self/see)in+ tendenc1 ma1 &e the reason &ehind a curious fact.
Ce are tau+ht to pra1 =0ur Father,> and 'e constantl1 refer to Christ as =0ur 8ord.> Hut 'e do
not presume to call upon the Hol1 Spirit as 0ur Spirit.
TH&%( ST*,* 'verco"in# the difficulties.
Where can we be sure of reco#ni.in# the Holy Spirit< (&f. &&& 3--.%
1. Gn the Sacred Scriptures, 'hich =ma)e the voice of the Hol1 Spirit resound in the 'ords of the
prophets and apostles> (9: 2'%.
.ut Scripture ,ust *e read and interpreted according to the sa,e Spirit *y who, it was written
(9: '2%.
2. Gn the Sacred +radition& 'hich is handed do'n in the Church!s ordinary teachin$.
3. The Magisterium: It is through the authoritative teaching of the Bishops, which is guided by the
Spirit, that clarity and correct judgment are assured.
4. We experience the Spirit particularly in prayer. Christian prayer can only be authentic if carried on
in Spirit and in truth (Jn 4:23). The test is how these devotions agree with the Churchs Spirit-
inspired liturgical worship, and help build up and unite the local Christian community.
!. A further place for meetin+ the Spirit is Christian witness (cf. ;&; II 1-%.
;rom the earliest da1s of Christianit1 ri+ht up to the present da1, the Spirit has inspired countless
saints, &lessed, and simple ordinar1 Christians, to dail1 acts of charit1 in follo'in+ Christ. Some 'ere
called even to the e:tent of heroic mart1rdom. Ban1 are still called &1 God to dedicate themselves
full1 in a pu&lic 'a1 to His service in the Church &1 enterin+ reli+ious life and proclaimin+ throu+h
the vo's of povert1, chastit1 and o&edience the po'er of +race to effect the sacrifices 'hich the
follo'in+ of Christ crucified entails. 3oda1 'e are constantl1 =surprised> &1 the Spirit. Ce often
e:perience his action in the most une:pected persons, places, times, and 'a1s.
(iscernin# the Spirit"
How can we discover these actions of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
Ce )no' the 'or) of the 'or) of the Spirit if*
1. It always leads to faith in Jesus Christ whom he glorifies;
2. Gt acts al'a1s in ,eepin$ with Scripture and +radition sho'in+ unit1, continuit1 and consistenc10
3. -t $ives spiritual $i#ts to individuals #or the service o# the community: to &uild up the Christian
communit1 and fello'ship, and 'or) to'ard overcomin+ dissensions and factions (cf. ' &or '"'5(
4. Gt is ,nown 'y his #ruits 'hich St.Paul lists as =love, Fo1, peace, patient endurance, )indness,
+enerosit1, faith, mildness, and chastit1> (al $"22%(
!. Gt is authoritatively discerned, and the proper use of his Gi#ts is Fud+ed &1 =those 'ho preside over
the Church 'hose office is not indeed to e:tin+uish the Spirit, &ut to test all thin+s and hold fast to
'hat is +ood> ,LG 12..
". Gt is #ound in humility" =God resists the proud, &ut &esto's His favor on the lo'l1> (6as !"3%.
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&&. TH* A)T&/&T0 'F TH* H'L0 S,&%&T
Six areas of the Spirit@s 'or) are e:plored*
a. in the 'hole creation, and especiall1 amon+ human persons, created in God@s ima+e and li)eness0
&. in salvation histor1 amon+ the chosen People, Gsrael0 and
c. in the life, death, and resurrection of the promised Bessiah, esus Christ.
d. in the Church,
e. in each of us as disciples of Christ, and finall1
f. in t'o &asic life orientations.
A. The Spirit1s Activity in )reation
&n creation.
3he Hol1 Spirit is present in the Creation at three levels*
1. Cith the Hol1 Spirit as God!s creative power giving existence now to all reality and life to all living
2. With the Spirits creative activity that keeps everything existing
3. 3he Hol1 Spirit is present in creation especiall1 in the human person 'here he is especiall1 active.
Created in God@s o'n ima+e and li)eness, the first human persons 'ere vivified 'hen God &le' into
their nostrils =the &reath ISpiritJ of life,> ma)in+ them livin+ &ein+s (cf. n 2"1%.
2. The Spirit1s Activity in Salvation History
Sta#es of Spirit1s Activity in Salvation History:
1. 7ra of the Patriarchs* Gn the Spirit, .'raham heard and responded to God@s call. 3he Spirit &rou+ht
to+ether the t'elve tri&es into one Chosen People. /oseph 'as =a man so endo'ed 'ith the Spirit of
God> (n !'"/-%.
2. 7ra of the ud+es* 3he Spirit inspired 0oses to lead the Gsraelites out of 7+1pt, the house of slaver1.
Gn the &oo) of /ud$es =the Spirit came upon 8thaniel and ephthah> (6g /"'5(''"24%, and =enveloped
Gideon> (6g 3"/!%.
3. 7ra of the Kin+s* 1avid<s last 'ords claimed* =3he Spirit of the Lord spo)e throu+h me> (2 S, 2/"2%.
4. Prophetic Era: 3he Spirit spo7e through the prophets to renew the &hosen ;eople.
+wo prophetic lines developed.
a.8ne focused on =a'aitin+ the Bessiah,>
&. 3he other =announcin+ a 4e' Spirit> (cf. Is ''"'#2%.
!. 3he 7ra of Caitin+ for the Promise of the Spirit* In the prophet Joel, God promised:
=G 'ill pour out m1 Spirit upon all man,ind"
Lour sons and dau+hters shall prophes1,
1our old men shall dream dreams,
1our 1oun+ men shall see visions0
7ven upon the servants and the handmaids,
in those da1s, G 'ill pour out m1 Spirit> (6l /"'#2%.
). The Spirit1s Activity in )hrist! the ,ro"ised 3essiah
3his universal outpourin+ of the Spirit 'as to ta)e place throu+h the promised Bessiah. 3hus Peter
proclaimed in his Pentecostal discourse* =7:alted at God@s ri+ht hand, esus first received the promised
Hol1 Spirit from the ;ather, then poured this Spirit out on us> ()cts 2"//%. So did the prophetic promise of
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the Spirit@s outpourin+ find its perfect fulfillment in the life, Meath and $esurrection of Christ esus, our
Lord and Savior.
3he Spirit@s action in esus in four steps"
1. the Preparation0
2. Christ@s Pu&lic Binistr10
3. his Paschal B1ster1, and
4. his oint Bission 'ith the Spirit.
4. ,reparation
The /ir#in 3ary" 3he Spirit prepared for the comin+ of the Savior especiall1 in two specific persons.
3he first, of course, 'as 0ary. 3he Spirit had prepared her to &ecome the Bother of God (Theoto7os% &1
ind'ellin+ in her from the first moment of her Gmmaculate Conception in her mother@s 'om& (cf. &&&
122#23%. At the Annunciation, Ga&riel told Bar1* =3he Hol1 Spirit 'ill come upon 1ou and the po'er of
the Bost Hi+h 'ill overshado' 1ou> (87 '"/$%. 3hus our Lord esus Christ, =for us and our salvation 'as
&orn as to his humanit1 from Bar1 the Nir+in Bother of God> (&halcedon, =9 3'!%. ;illed 'ith the Hol1
Spirit, Bar1 could e:claim to her cousin 7liDa&eth* =B1 soul proclaims the +reatness of the Lord0 m1
spirit reFoices in God m1 Savior> (87 '"!3#!1%.
Gn and throu+h the Nir+in Bar1, therefore, the Hol1 Spirit*
> reali?ed the savin+ plan of the ;ather,
> ,anifested the Son of the ;ather &efore all,
O &e+an to dra' all into co,,union 'ith Christ.
5ohn the 2aptist 'as the second person throu+h 'hom the Hol1 Spirit prepared for the comin+ of the
Savior (cf. &&& 1'1#25%. =;illed 'ith the Hol1 Spirit from his mother@s 'om&,> /ohn 'as sent &efore the
Bessiah =in the spirit and po'er of 7liFah, . . . to prepare for the Lord a people 'ell/disposed> (87
'"'$,'1%. ohn 'as a =voice in the desert cr1in+ out* Ba)e strai+ht the 'a1 of the Lord>0 a ='itness to
testif1 to the li+ht so that throu+h him all mi+ht &elieve> (6n '"2/,1%. ohn himself confessed* =G sa' the
Spirit descend li)e a dove from the s)1 and it came to rest on him. . . the Lam& of God . . . 'ho ta)es
a'a1 the sin of the 'orld> (6n '"/'#/!(24%.
6. The Spirit in )hrist1s ,ublic 3inistry
&nau#uration" St. Lu)e@s Gospel introduces the &e+innin+ of esus@ pu&lic ministr1 statin+* =esus
returned in the po'er of the Spirit to Galilee> (87 !"'!( cf. &&& 1'!%. 3here, in his home to'n of 4aDareth,
esus laid out his 'hole messianic pro+ram*
3he Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
&ecause He has anointed me.
He has sent me to &rin+ +lad tidin+s to the poor,
to proclaim li&ert1 to captives,
$ecover1 of si+ht to the &lind
and release to prisoners,
3o announce a 1ear of favor from the Lord (87 !"'-f%.
Hi#h ,oints" esus@ empo'erment &1 the Spirit is recorded in two precedin+ incidents and confirmed in a
1. First, at his 'aptism &1 ohn the Haptist in the ordan, esus 'as =anointed> &1 the Spirit, 'ho
=descended on him in visi&le form li)e a dove> (87 /"22%.
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2. Second, immediatel1 after his &aptism, =esus, full of the Hol1 Spirit, 'as conducted 'y the
Spirit into the desert for fort1 da1s, 'here he overcame the devil@s temptation, no dou&t in the
po'er of the Spirit 'ho 'as in him (cf. 87 !"'#2, '!%.
3. Third, confirmin+ these t'o e:periences 'as /esus! +rans#i$uration. =His clothes &ecame
daDDlin+ 'hite. . . A cloud came, overshado'in+ them, and out of the cloud a voice" ?3his is
m1 &eloved Son. Listen to him@> (@7 4"2#/, 1%. 3he cloud traditionall1 s1m&oliDed the
presence or Spirit of the Lord. esus@ ver1 identit1, then, is mar)ed &1 his t'o uniAue relations*
to od 'ho addressed esus as =Heloved Son,> and to the Spirit 'ho transfi+ured esus.
7(oin# Good8" 3he accounts of esus@ .aptis,, 9esert Te,ptations, and Transfiguration sho' ho'
5esus is al'a1s directly lin7ed with the Spirit 'ho inspires and empo'ers his pu&lic Bessianic ministr1.
3hrou+hout his pu&lic ministr1 =God anointed him 'ith the Hol1 Spirit and po'er. He 'ent a&out doin+
+ood 'or)s and healin+ all 'ho 'ere in the +rip of the devil, and God 'as 'ith him> ()cts '5"/-%.
9. The Spirit in )hrist1s ,aschal 3ystery
3he clima: came in Christ@s Passion, Meath and $esurrection. Stren+thened &1 the Spirit in his A+on1 in
the Garden, esus pra1ed to his ;ather, =not m1 'ill &ut 1ours &e done> (87 22"!2%. ;rom the Cross esus
=delivered over his Spirit> (6n '4"/5( cf. 1"/4( 25"22%.
Hut the Spirit@s po'er is seen most clearl1 in the +esurrection. esus ='as made Son of God in po'er
accordin+ to the Spirit of holiness &1 his resurrection from the dead> (+o, '"!%. =7:alted at God@s ri+ht
hand, Ithe $isen ChristJ first received the promised Hol1 Spirit from the ;ather, then poured this Spirit out
on us> ()cts 2"//%. St. Paul proclaims the $isen Christ has &ecome a =life/+ivin+ Spirit> (' &or '$"!$%.
He descri&es in 3rinitarian terms ho' Christ, the Son& 'or)s to+ether 'ith the Spirit to fulfill God!s plan
of salvation. ;or St. ohn, onl1 'hen Christ 'as risen, could the Spirit &e +iven, and 'e receive ne' life
of +race.
:. 5oint 3ission of )hrist and the Spirit
Christ and the Spirit 'or) closel1 to+ether that 'e can ri+htfull1 spea) of the Aoint ,ission of the Son
and of the Spirit (cf. &&& 3-4, 152, 121%. Chen the ;ather sends His Cord, He al'a1s sends His
2reath ,the Spirit. * there occurs a Foint mission in 'hich the Son and the Hol1 Spirit are distinct &ut
insepara*le. Gt is Christ 'ho appears as the visi&le Gma+e of the invisi&le God, &ut it is the Hol1 Spirit
'ho reveals him. 3he )no'led+e of the =m1steries of the $ei+n of God> of 'hich Christ is the fullness, is
=+iven> (@t '/"''% in the +ift of the Hol1 Spirit (cf. &&& 124%. Christ +ives the form and content of
salvation, 'hile the Spirit ma)es present and e:tends this ne' life.
(. The Spirit1s Activity in the )hurch
4. ,entecost" Gn St. Lu)e@s )cts, the Church is inau+urated 'ith the spectacular outpourin$ o# the
2oly Spirit. )ll were filled with the Holy Spirit ()cts 2"!%. 3his corresponds to esus@
inau+uratin+ his pu&lic ministr1 'ith his openin+ discourse in Lu)e@s ospel, =the Spirit of the Lord
is upon me> (87 !"'-( cf. /5%. At Pentecost the lar+e cro'd 'ere much confused upon hearin+ the
These events also indicate the three divine Persons: God the Father as Voice, Jesus as Incarnate Son, and the Holy Spirit as cloud or
dove. This confirms the action of the three divine Persons in the angel Gabriels Annunciation to Mary: you have found favor with God.
You shall conceive and bear a son, Jesus, [who] will be called Son of the Most high, because the Holy Spirit will come upon you and
the power of the Most High will overshadow you (Lk 1:30-35).
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eleven =e:press themselves in forei+n ton+ues and ma)e &old proclamation as the Spirit prompted
them> ()cts 2"!%. 3he people as)ed* =Chat are 'e to do<> Peter ans'ered =Lou must reform and &e
&aptiDed, each one of 1ou, in the name of esus Christ, that 1our sins ma1 &e for+iven0 then 1ou 'ill
receive the +ift of the Hol1 Spirit> ()cts 2"/-%.
3hus it 'as the 2oly Spirit, sent &1 the ;ather and the $isen Christ, that $ave 'irth to the #irst
Christian community& the apostolic Church. St. Paul descri&es the people of this 4e' Covenant as
=a letter of Christ, . . . 'ritten not 'ith in) &ut &1 the Spirit of the livin+ God, not on ta&lets of stone
&ut on the ta&lets of human hearts> (2 &or /"/%. 3his Spirit is the =Gift of God> 'ho is Love (cf. '
6n !"-,'3%, the first +ift 'hich contains all the others, and 'hich =has &een poured out into our
hearts> (+o, $"$( cf. &&& 1//%.
Three Functions of the Holy Spirit:
4. to give life to,
6. to unify, and
9. to ,ove the 'hole &od1, the Church (cf. 8 1%.
How The Spirit Gives Life
3he Spirit@s role in vivi#yin$ the Church is +raphicall1 s)etched in Natican GG*
Chen in the 'om& of the &aptismal font the Spirit &e+ets to a ne' life those 'ho &elieve in Christ,
he +athers them into the one People of God 'hich is a ?chosen race, a ro1al priesthood, a hol1
nation, a purchased people@ (' ;t 2"4( ) '$%.
7ven the Church@s practical pastoral decisions 'ere made under such influence of the Spirit that the
apostles could 'rite* =Gt is the decision of the Hol1 Spirit, and ours too, not to la1 on 1ou an1 &urden
&e1ond 'hat is necessar1> ()cts '$"2-%.
How The Spirit ;nifies
3he Spirit uni#ies the Church &1 unitin+ its mem&ers 'ith Christ and 'ith one another. 3he Spirit*
> prepares us to accept Christ, and draws us to hi,0
> ,anifests the $isen Christ to us interiorl1, openin+ our minds and hearts to Christ@s 'ords and
deeds, especiall1 his Passion, Meath and $esurrection0
> ,a7es &hrist present especiall1 in the Sacraments, reconcilin+ and puttin+ us in communion 'ith
O so 'e can &ear much fruit (cf. 6n '$"$,-,'3( cf. &&& 1/1%.
Ce e:perience the Spirit in the preachin+ of the Gospel, cele&ratin+ the sacraments, and the
deepenin+ of our faith throu+h the ne' life of +race, callin+ us to share in &uildin+ up the People of God
(cf. ;&; II !2-%. =3hrou+hout the a+es, the Hol1 Spirit ma)es the entire Church one in communion and
ministr10 and provides her 'ith different hierarchical and charismatic +ifts, +ivin+ li#e to the ecclesiastical
structures, &ein+ as it 'ere their soul> () !%.
Hoth the li#e and unity of the Church are fostered &1 the Spirit@s =charisms.> St. Paul descri&ed the
charismatic $i#ts 'ith 'hich the Spirit endo's individual mem&ers of the Church for the +ood of the
'hole Hod1.
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3o each person the manifestation of the Spirit is +iven for the common +ood. 3o one the Spirit +ives
'isdom in discourse, to another the po'er to e:press )no'led+e. 3hrou+h the Spirit one receives
faith0 &1 the same Spirit another is +iven the +ift of healin+ . . . &ut it is one and the same Spirit 'ho
produces all these +ifts, distri&utin+ them to each as he 'ills (' &or '2"1#''%.
3he teachin+ authorit1 of the Hishops pla1s an indispensa&le role here in Fud+in+ the presence of
+enuine charisms of the Spirit and ho' the1 are to &e used for the +ood of the Christian communit1.
How The Spirit 3oves to 3inistry
3he Spirit ,oves the Church to'ard its mission and ministry. ;&; II insists that the Hol1 Spirit*
is the principal a+ent of evan+eliDation0
continues and &rin+s the 'or) of Christ to perfection0
precedes, accompanies, and fructifies the 'or) of the Church0
impels each individual to proclaim the Gospel, and
causes the 'ord of salvation to &e accepted and understood in the depths of consciences0
sho's His presence, po'er, and activit1 not onl1 in the Church, &ut in the si+ns of the times that mar)
the contemporar1 'orld (cf. ;&; II 2'2#'$%.
3he Spirit also moves the Church to renewal and puri#ication. =Guided &1 the Hol1 Spirit, the
Church ceaselessl1 e:horts her children to purification and rene'al so that the si+n of Christ ma1 shine
more &ri+htl1 over the face of the Church> (S !/%.
%ecent ,hilippine History. 8ur o'n recent histor1 reminds ;ilipino Catholics of the Spirit@s role in our
local Church toda1. 3he 2nd Plenar1 Council of the Philippines sa1s*
3he 1-(" e:perience of solidarit1 in pra1er and mass action preventin+ violence at a time of
national crisis, popularl1 )no'n as the 31S. e)perience&> is to &e honored as an historical event
'ith a reli+ious dimension that continues to call us to &e a people 'ho 'or) for conversion,
reconcillation and peace in the 'a1 of peace ,;&; II !%.
3his t1pifies the Church@s constant effort to activel1 respond to the Spirit@s +uidance and inspiration.
Hut as al'a1s, the Spirit!s wor, is never a su'stitute #or our human endeavor" $ather the Spirit inspires
ne' =Bovements> in the Church, and empo'ers us 'ith ne', unsuspected stren+ths to +rapple 'ith the
ever ne' pro&lems and challen+es of dail1 life. Hesides, He often creates and =opens up> for us surprisin+
ne' possi&ilities for fuller and deeper human life, &oth personal and communal.
The Activity of the Spirit in )hristians
The Holy Spirit <oins us to )hrist. 3he Spirit Foins us intimatel1 'ith Christ in two *asic ways. First,
the +isen &hrist is present 'ithin and amon+ us toda1 in his Spirit. Second, the Spirit is the inner source
of our life of faith &1 'hich 'e accept esus. =4o one can sa1 ?esus is Lord@ e:cept in the Hol1 Spirit> ('
&or '2"/( cf. ;&; II 3!, 3-%. 3his means that we can co,e to 7now, recogni?e, and experience 6esus only
*ecause the Holy Spirit ,a7es it possi*le.
4or is this Fust pious tal) far removed from dail1 life. Paul uses the ver1 concrete matter of se:ual
moralit1 to sho' that ='hoever is Foined to the Lord &ecomes one Spirit 'ith Him . . . 1our &od1 is a
temple of the Hol1 Spirit 'ithin 1ou> (' &or 3"'1,'4%.
Pa+e ( of 12
;or St. Paul, to &e =in Christ> and =in the Spirit> means &asicall1 the same thin+. Ce are Austified in the
name of the 4ord /esus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. Ce are sanctified =in Christ /esus> and =in
the 2oly Spirit.> 8ur righteousness is &ased in Christ and eAuall1 also in the 2oly Spirit. Ce are
called to =reAoice in the 4ord> and to find Aoy in the 2oly Spirit. Paul claims to spea7 7in Christ and
also =&1 the Spirit o# God.> =;or in one Spirit 'e 'ere all *apti?ed into one *ody,> =*apti?ed into Christ>
to form =one *ody in Christ.> (&f. ' &or '"2,/5( 3"''( '2"/,'/( 2 &or 2"'1( $"2'( +o, '2"$( '!"'1(
'$"'3( al /"21( ;hil /"'.%
The Spirit1s Actions
Hut &1 lin)in+ us to Christ, 'hat actuall1 does the Hol1 Spirit do< 3o spell out in some detail 'hat the
Spirit does 'ithin and amon+ us, the follo'in+ para+raphs set forth six particular activities.
3he Spirit* 1. adopts us as children of the ;ather0 2. ena&les us to love as Christ commanded0 3.
empo'ers us to &ear 'itness to Christ, and 4. to )no' the truth0 !. dra's us into communit1 unit1 and
service0 and ". inspires us to live a trul1 Christian life.
4. The Spirit Adopts ;s
3he Spirit is first of all the =Spirit o# adoption> &1 'hich 'e &ecome =children of od> (cf. 6n '"'2(
&&& 34/%. esus is the onl1 &e+otten, God@s o'n Son, &ut throu+h him and his Spirit 'e are adopted &1
the ;ather, and are =called children of God
IforJ that is 'hat 'e are> (' 6n /"'%. Ce can trul1 call God
=)**a, ;ather.> =3he proof that 1ou are sons is the fact that God has sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of
His Son 'ho cries out ?)**a, ;atherQ@ > (al !"3%
6. The Spirit *"powers ;s to Love
4944.3he Spirit thus ena&les us to love God& and love every'ody else throu$h 2is Spirit. =3he love of
God has &een poured out into our hearts throu+h the Hol1 Spirit 'ho has &een +iven to us> (+o, $"$%.
And =if God has loved us so, 'e must have the same love for one another . . . Gf 'e love one another, God d'ells
in us and His love is &rou+ht to perfection in us> (' 6n !"''#'2%. St. Paul stresses this +ift of love a&ove all charisms. =Gf G
spea) 'ith human and an+elic ton+ues. . .have the +ift of prophec1. . . comprehend all m1steries. . . have faith enou+h to
move mountains, &ut have not love, G am nothin+> (' &or '/"'#2,-%.
9. The Spirit *"powers ;s to 2ear itness
4946. Gn addition, the Hol1 Spirit empo'ers us to &ear 'itness to /esus Christ" At the Last Supper
esus told the apostles* =Chen the Paraclete comes, . . . he 'ill &ear 'itness on m1 &ehalf. Lou must &ear
'itnesses as 'ell> (6n '$"23f%. ust &efore his Ascension, the $isen Christ promised* =Lou 'ill receive
po'er 'hen the Hol1 Spirit comes upon 1ou, then 1ou are to &e m1 'itnesses in erusalem . . . even to the
ends of the earth> ()cts '"-%. 3herefore, not onl1 are 'e saved &1 Christ and the Spirit
God 'or)in+ in
&ut 'e share in 3heir redeemin+ 'or) as 'ell
God 'or)in+ throu$h us. Gn sendin+ the Hol1
Spirit, the $isen Christ calls us to +ive 'itness to him &efore others &1 sharin+ his o'n triple mission of
Prophet, Priest and Kin+.
:. The Spirit *"powers ;s to =now the Truth
4949. 3o )no' the truth is a further po'er 'hich the Hol1 Spirit inspires in us. ;&; II points out that =all
persons are &ound to see) the truth, especiall1 in reli+ious matters> (;&; II /32%. esus promised his
apostles the Spirit of truth 'ho ='ill teach 1ou ever1thin+ and remind 1ou of all that G told 1ou> and
Pa+e - of 12
=+uide 1ou to all truth> (6n '!"23( '3"'/%. ohn Paul GG adds that this means =that the Spirit 'ill help
people understand the correct meanin+ of the content of Christ@s messa+e0 He 'ill ensure the continuit1
and identit1 of understandin+ . . . the same truth 'hich the Apostles heard from their Baster> (9:iv !%.
>. The Spirit (raws ;s into )o""unity! ;nity and Service
494:. Boreover, the Hol1 Spirit is the principle of unit1 and service in the community" =3he Spirit is
for the Church and for each and ever1 &eliever, the principle of their union and unit1 in the teachin+ of the
apostles and fello'ship, in the &rea)in+ of &read and pra1er> (8 '/%.
;&; II e:plains ho' the la1 faithful are called to =animate the temporal order 'ith Christ@s Spirit>
(;&; II !21%. 3his unit1 in lovin+ service is made possi&le throu+h the Spirit@s manifold +ifts and
charisms, the same promised in Gsaiah the prophet* =a spirit of 'isdom and of understandin+, a spirit of
counsel and of stren+th, a spirit of )no'led+e and of fear of the Lord> (Is ''"2%.
?. The Spirit &nspires True )hristian Life
494>. Lastl1, the Spirit vivifies us to live a truly Christian li#e" ;&; II descri&es ho' =in the depths of
the ;ilipino spirit is a lon+in+ for 7aayusan, . . . a lon+in+ for the life that the creative Spirit of esus +ives
as a +ift, a +ift 'hich is li)e'ise a challen+e> (;&; II 2$1%. 3he Spirit not onl1 stren+thens us in our
stru++le a+ainst the po'ers of evil, &ut frees us &1 his interior transformin+ presence. =All of us, +aDin+
on the Lord@s +lor1 . . . are &ein+ transformed from +lor1 to +lor1 into his ver1 ima+e &1 the Spirit of the
Lord> (2 &or /"'-%.
Hut it is especiall1 in time of temptation and trial that 'e ;ilipino Christians learn to pra1 for the
Spirit@s purif1in+ and stren+thenin+ po'er*
A clean heart create for me, 8 God,
and a steadfast spirit rene' 'ithin me.
Cast me not out from 1our presence,
and 1our Hol1 Spirit ta)e not from me (;s $'"'2#'/%.
Chen 'e are trou&led, in dou&t, or on slipper1 +round, 'e learn to pra1* =Ba1 1our +ood Spirit +uide me
on level +round> (;s '!/"'5%.

F. Two 2asic Life 'rientations
4o', accordin+ to St. Paul, there are two *asic, contradictory orientations amon+ us.
4. Bither 'e 4ive accordin$ to the #lesh& turned a+ainst God and to'ard sin and death.
6. 0r 'e live accordin$ to the Spirit o# Christ& to'ard life and peace (+o, -"!#3%. St. Paul contrasts
the t'o orientations*
> =the natural ,an does not accept 'hat is tau+ht &1 the Spirit of God, for to him it is foolishness,
and he cannot understand it, &ecause it has to &e Fud+ed spirituall1.
> 3he spiritual ,an, on the other hand can appraise ever1thin+> (' &or 2"'!f%.
St. Paul assures the earl1 Christians* =Lou are not in the flesh0 1ou are in the spirit, since the Spirit of God
d'ells in 1ou> (+o, -"4%. And e:horts them* =since 'e live &1 the Spirit, let us follo' the spirits lead>
(al $"2$%.
&&&. TH* S,&%&T1S &(*+T&T0
4966. Gn the 4icene Creed 'e identif1 the Hol1 Spirit as =4ord, the Giver o# 4i#e.> 3he life 'hich the
Spirit shares 'ith us is the divine life, the life of God 'ho is love (cf. ' 6n !"-%. 4o' in ohn@s Gospel the
Pa+e 12 of 12
Hol1 Spirit is called the %araclete* literall1, he who is called to help. 3hus the Spirit is our )dvocate,
Helper, &ounsellor. 3he life He inspires in us, then, is a life that supports, stren+thens, and +uides,
precisel1 &ecause it &rin+s us in intimac1 'ith esus (cf. &&& 342%.
4969. Ban1 times the Spirit 'ill &e co,forting and consoling. At other times He 'ill trou*le us out of
our complacenc1, remind us of the =fire> esus has come to cast on the earth in callin+ for our 'itness to
Fustice and preferential option for the poor (cf. 87 '2"!4%. 3his is the repentance and conversion from our
sinful 'a1s desired &1 Christ and our lovin+ heavenl1 ;ather. Let, 'e come to realiDe that these consolin+
and trou&lin+ effects are Fust two different ,anifestations of the same li'eratin$& vivi#yin$& and
trans#ormin$ li#e5in5the5Spirit"
496:. 3he 4icene Creed continues* =who proceeds #rom the Father and the Son.> 3hus the Hol1
Spirit is not created li)e 'e are, &ut li)e the onl1 &e+otten divine Son =proceeds> from the ;ather. ohn
Paul GG e:plains =that in the Hol1 Spirit the intimate life of the 3riune God &ecomes totall1 +ift, an
e:chan+e of mutual love &et'een the Mivine Persons. Gt is the Hol1 Spirit 'ho is the personal expression
of this self/+ivin+, of this &ein+/love. He is Person/Love, Person/Gift> (cf. 9:iv '5%. 3he difference
&et'een the Mivine Son and the Hol1 Spirit is that the Spirit proceeds as H$7A3H of love, 'hile the Son
proceeds as the Cord or I,age of the ;ather. 3hus 'e spea) of the Hol1 Spirit as the +hird %erson of the
Hlessed 3rinit1, one in &ein+ 'ith the ;ather and the Son.
496>. 6ith the Father and the Son 2e is worshipped and $lori#ied is perhaps the most su++estive
part of the 4icene Creed@s description of the Hol1 Spirit. ;or it indicates first that it is in litur+ical
worship that 'e most often e:perience the Spirit. Second, in this 'orship the Spirit is e:perienced as =on
our side>* He is within us as 'e pra1 united to+ether in one Hod1 under esus Christ our Head, to 8ur
The 2lessed Trinity:
3ystery of ,ersonal Lovin# )o""union
496?. 4o' 'e can &etter appreciate the doctrine of the Hlessed 3rinit1 'hich states there is 7N3
G71& who is +233 389.4 and 1-S+-NC+ %3S7NS"
God is '+*. Ce must not ima+ine the three divine Persons are three Gods, nor three parts of the one
God. 7ach Person is the CH8L7 G8M. 3he divine Persons are $7LA3G84S 'hich SEHSGS3 in the
divine nature. 3he one God is ;ather as &e+ettin+ the Son and &reathin+ the Spirit0 the same God is Son as
&e+otten of the ;ather and &reathin+ the Spirit0 the same God is Spirit as Hreath of ;ather and Son. =3he
;ather +enerates, the Son is +enerated and the Hol1 Spirit proceeds, so that there &e distinctions &et'een
the Persons &ut unit1 in nature> (8ateran I:, cf. =9 /'-#'4%. 3he three Persons constitute 847 G8M, one
divine nature, a m1ster1 of =P7$S84AL L8NG4G C8BBE4G84> (cf. F& ''%.
=3he Lord esus, 'hen pra1in+ to the ;ather ?that the1 ma1 all &e one . . . even as 'e are one@ (6n
'1"2'#22%, has opened up ne' horiDons to human reason &1 impl1in+ that there is a certain parallel
&et'een the union e:istin+ amon+ the divine Persons and the union of the sons of God in truth and
love> (S, 2!%.
The three (ivine ,ersons are *@;AL. God the ;ather does not come first, then the Son, and then the
Hol1 Spirit. All three divine Persons are e:ually eternal, 'ith no &e+innin+ and no end (cf. &&& 2$$%.
Ce often for+et that =father> and =son> are relational terms, and presume that the father comes first,
and then the son. Hut this is not true. A man is a person and a hus&and &ut not a father until he has a son
Pa+e 11 of 12
or dau+hter. ;ather and son are co/relational terms* one e:ists in relation to the other. So God the ;ather
and God the Son relate to each other and are eAuall1 eternal. 8ne does not come &efore the other. 3he
same for the Spirit 'ho is the H$7A3H of the ;ather and Son. Hreath and Hreather are simultaneous.
4either comes &efore the other.
The (ivine ,ersons are (&ST&+)T. esus affirmed =the ;ather and G are one> (6n '5"/5%. H1 this he did
not mean he is identical 'ith the ;ather, &ut rather that he is perfectl1 D=ITB9 'ith the ;ather. As he
e:plained to Philip =G am in the ;ather and the ;ather is in me. 3he 'ords G spea) are not spo)en of
m1self0 it is the ;ather 'ho lives in me accomplishin+ his 'or)s> (6n '!"'5%. So God the ;ather and
esus, His onl1 &e+otten Son/made/flesh (cf. 6n '"'!%, are distinct Persons, 1et 'holl1 united in L8N7,
their Hol1 Spirit (cf. &&& 2$!%.
499A. Gn creatin+ us, the three Mivine Persons freel1 shared themselves, their o'n divine life of Love,
'ith us. Boreover, 'e are raised from &ein+ =creatures> of God to &ein+ His sons and dau+hters. 3he
;ather adopts us as His children &1 sendin+ His onl1 &e+otten Son to &ecome one of us, and the Hol1
Spirit to d'ell 'ithin us as the inner source of divine life. 3his is 'hat 'e properl1 mean &1 Grace.
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Cisdom, &1 detachin+ us from the 'orld, ma)es us relish and love onl1 the thin+s of heaven.
Enderstandin+ helps us to +rasp the truths of reli+ion as far as is necessar1.
Counsel ena&les us to see and choose correctl1 'hat 'ill help most to the +lor1 of God and our o'n
;ortitude. the coura+e to overcome the o&stacles and difficulties that arise in the practice of our
reli+ious duties.
Kno'led+e points out to us the path to follo' and the dan+ers to avoid in order to reach heaven.
Piet1 or +odliness / inspires us 'ith a tender and filial confidence in God, ma)es us Fo1full1 em&race
all that pertains to His service.
;ear of the Lord fills us 'ith a soverei+n respect for God, and ma)es us dread, a&ove all thin+s, to
offend Him.
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