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The history of all hitherto existing society is the history struggles.

The Communist Manifesto is considered as one of the the worlds most influential political
manuscripts of all time. It holds the theories of Marx and Engel on nature of society and
politics. Hoping to inspire revolutions against the bourgeoisie and achieve their dream of pure
communism, they wrote the Communist Manifesto.
The Vol. 1 of Capital was published. It was a work that was examined the capitalist process of production

There are various ways to define communism. The type of communism that Karl Marx believed
in was stateless communism which is also called pure communisis
Pure Communism(Pure communism is not successful, never have been successful, and never will be): is
a system that was imagined by Karl Marx where all of society, economics and politics are combine into a
single, perfect, classless, equal, automatic, government-less system. This system is based on economic
means of production as common ownership and social equality. It is characterized by freedom

The Vol. 1 of Capital was published. It was a work that was examined the capitalist process of production
In Das Kapital, Marx developed the theory put forth by British economist David Ricardo that the
value of an object is measured by the labor required to produce it. Marx claimed that the owners
of the means of production, who he called the capitalists or bourgeoisie, exploited the
proletariatthat is, the working classby paying them only a small fraction of the value of their
labor and keeping the surplus value for themselves. Marx also claimed the competitive capitalist
system forced capitalists to pay workers as little as possible and replace the workers with
machinery to reduce production costs and increase profits. Marx insisted that the capitalists
inevitably would grow richer and the workers poorer. Eventually the exploited workers would
rebel, overthrow the capitalist system, and create a classless society. The means of production, or
capital, would then be owned by the community and each person would contribute his or her best
efforts and be paid according to need.
Das Kapital stimulated widespread interest in the study of economics and inspired Socialists and
Communists throughout the world. However, Marxs analysis failed to anticipate the worlds
first socialist revolution in early 20th-century Russia, a country with a mainly feudal economy.
In addition, Marx did not foresee that capitalism would become the worlds predominant
economic system.

Born on May 5
, 1818, Trier Rhemish Prussia
Karl Marx was known advocating communism
Karl Marx is a famous German Jew philosopher, political economist, sociologist, historian, journalist and
a socialist whose revolutionary philosophies still continues to effect the modern world today.
His philosophy changed the world from the soviet revolution from 1917 to the present day a 3
of the
worlds population of a thousand million people in over 30 countries have come to leave in societies
claiming inspiration from the ideas of Karl Marx.
His revolutionary ideas of class struggle have inspired a chain revolutions throughout the world but the
Marxist States resulted of sometimes in a long way from the Marxs ideas.
Marx did meticulous background research for Das Kapital in the reading room of the British Museum in
London. Marx lived much of his life in exile and poverty, and his ideas were not widely recognized until
after his death. Marx came from a Jewish family that converted to Christianity to avoid persecution.

Workers of world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains
-Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto.
These are the working class to whom Marx address themselves, his writing aim their emancipation. It
was rooted in the material reality of their lives. Marx began by examining human labor, the exercise of
labor power, labor is the own worker life activity and in this life activity he sells to another person in
order to secure the necessary means of subsistence he works in order to live.
During the Industrial Revolution technological and organizational changes replaced the old feudal
system of landlords and serfs to capitalists (factory owners) and workers. Marx believed that although
the old system was gone, there was still conflict between the new classes. The modern bourgeois
society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It
has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, and new forms of struggle in place of the
old one.
For Marx the capitalists hired the workers labor power in order to extract a surplus from it and there
was a built in conflict between the workers and the capitalists who exploited them are Class Struggle.
Nothing new he wrote because one fact is common to all past ages the exploitation of one class by
The key thing about any society was:
1) who provided labor power;
2) who own the means of production;
3) and how this relationship was organized

In CAPITALISM for instance the workers dont own the factories, the means of production so they must
sell their labor as a commodity to those who do who extract the surplus from their labor.
In the same way in FEUDAL SOCIETY the serfs were tied to the land and obliged to handover part of
what they produced to the lord of the manor.
And in SLAVE SOCIETY the slaves were physically owned by their masters who also own what they
produced with their labor.
For Marx, difference between CAPITALISM and previous systems was its phenomenal productiveness
and dynamism. Marx believed that the pumping out of surplus from the workers labor power gave
capitalism its revolutionary force allowing it to reinvest the surplus and expand, harnessing the new
technologies of the industrial age shattering older ways of organizing society. Drawing men, women and
children from of the land into the new forms of factory production. Capitalism adapted workers the
disciplines of factory labor, fixing them in their place.

It transform the living worker into a mere living accessory of the machine Karl Marx
In so doing Capitalism had produced the new kind of human being the industrial worker (Proletariat), for
Marx workers were alienated or separated from both products of their labor and from the surplus
expropriated by the Capitalist. Their working lives were fragmented by the division of labor, they were
split off from other workers through competition. They lost sense of being at home in the world they
themselves have created, instead their lives were over shadowed by the alien force of capital feeding off
their living labor.
Four Aspects of Theories of Alienation
1. Alienation of the workers from the result of his labor
Workers productions are properties of the capitalists
The workers produces goods they will never be able to use
They did not have the right to their labors result no matter how desperate they were
2. The alienation of workers from the control of production process
The workers have no control over the condition they work in or the organization of their work
Capitalists are hostile to workers in order to drive them more production
The workers eventually began to think of activity as something that is part from his own mind
and as passivity
The repetitive process of production buries humans creativity and talents as a result
3. The alienation of workers from other human beings
The structure of society makes antagonist and result in the alienation of workers from other
human beings. The workers are alienated from the people who uses and disposes their
4. The alienation of the worker from their human nature
The workers who allows the inclination of economy under capitalism is deprived of the benefits
they create
The forced labor are not related to the humans collective interest. Therefore, our creativity and
ability to share the world decreases.

Capitalist dead labor that vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor and lives the more , the more
labor its sucks Karl Marx and yet he believed capitalism was to be its own grave digger.

History according to Marx
Slave Society -> slave owners EXPLOIT slaves -> slave society collapses (as it is too difficult to maintain a
vast empire like the Roman Empire
Feudalism -> Feudal Lords EXPLOIT peasant serfs -> feudalism is overthrown by the wealthy new
capitalists which POWER is determined by wealth not birth
Capitalism -> Capitalists/bourgeoisie EXPLOIT workers/ proletariat -> capitalism is flawed because over
time there are far more workers than capitalists, the workers are increasingly unhappy the proletariat
overthrow the bourgeoisie
Socialism -> Capitalism is replaced by common ownership, society becomes equal and this spreads to
the whole world there is no more exploitation

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