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Barack Obama's just announced decision to send an additional

30,000 troops to Afghanistan is nothing but a future shortcut

to Hell for many of the soldiers as well as hundreds if not
thousands more of Afghan civilians.

The situation clearly proves the very totally sham nature

of Western society and the so-called democracy and freedom
bullshit. Bush was no different from Clinton and Obama is
now really no different from Bush. Clinton himself was no
different from the elder Bush.

All of them were or are mass murderers and warmongers. Not

one of them has ever been hauled up to answer for the acts
of the mass killings and maimings of children and women.

Women and children had no quarrel with them, yet they all
had no hesitation at all to use cluster bombs, deceleration
shells and rockets and phosphorous munitions against these
very helpless creatures.

And Obama is now clearly very keen on continuing this evil

tradition. Why ?

The main reason is the very inherent dishonest and insincere

inner nature of Mr Obama. Truly, virtually all US (and other)
politicians are very dishonest and insincere. They are only
good at peddling falsehoods and deceit and sham leadership.

Who was he trying to delude when he claimed the 'job' would

be completed by 2011. 'In 18 months the troops could come
home'. Yeah, in boxes carried inside transporter planes.

The evil US wants to impose the hogwash called 'democracy'.

The so-called democracy is just hypocrisy spelt differently.

Why can't Obama just allow Karzai to share power with all the
Afghan tribal leaders, including those who are Taliban ? ?

Has the Taliban ever attacked the US homeland ? Never.

Is the Taliban a danger to the safety and well-being of
the almighty US ? No. The Taliban actually visited the US
when Bill Clinton was still president and busily bombing a
lot of people overseas.

Clearly therefore, Obama is a liar when he alleged that

US interests and security were the reasons why he wants
to send 30,000 more well-trained killers to Afghanistan.

It is the US who has attacked the homelands of many nations.

It is the US who is threatening the interests and security
of all other peoples. The US only wants a puppet government
to stay in power in Kabul and to make sure that Kabul would
allow the US to maintain as many clandestine prisons there
as they liked. No questions asked.

Thus, Obama is clearly very devious and insincere and full

of deceit. He wants more soldiers to go there and die and at
the same time to ensure that the population of Afghanistan
gets a regular culling every now and then. Obama's evil plan
would very definitely ensure that the US troops and their
insurgent adversaries could now get to intensify their game
of who would end up killing more innocent Afghans.

How so evil of Obama to insist on sending more killers to a

land so far away from the US itself. Obama only wants to
please the Pentagon and the white Anglo-Saxon supremacists
at home. He wants to show us that he is whiter than white.
More cold-hearted than Bush and the rest. And more callous
than even the caretakers of Mauthausen or Buchenwald.
How very evil.

Obama is merely being representative of that imperialistic

warmongering nature of the US after WW2. All the so-called
'change' and 'new beginnings' and 'aspirations for dignity'
and many other pompous statements are now surely just hot
air, hot empty air, nothing more.

The US is now interested in blood; fresh human blood. Not

dried blood. First it was blood from Somalia, then Iraq,
now Afghanistan. Tommorrow it will be fresh blood direct
from Iran and Pakistan. The future ? Blood from China,
Korea, Cuba ? ?

The US is indeed very, very evil and Obama is just one more
leader to lead the way in its never-ending quest to hunt
for fresh human blood. The many cases of domestic terror
inside the US do not bother Obama at all. The many recent
shootings and massacres of its own citizens by gunmen in
cafes, residential homes, schools and in public places do
not concern Obama at all. He is only interested in foreign
places and countries.

Obama has failed to remind himself that the money used to

escalate the action in Afghanistan would be far better used
if it went to fund research to find a cure for AIDS. This
disease was presented to the world by the US and the US is
most morally obliged to do something to help the sufferers.
Yet Obama wants to use it to kill more innocent Afghans.
The money itself is actually taken from borrowed sources
and therefore it is most inexplicable why Obama wants to
be so keen on further evil warmongering.

Sending more troops to Afghanistan will achieve absolutely

nothing. The situation there will only go from bad to worse.
Shootings, killings, bombings and massacres will definitely
increase. And more people will start joining the Taliban.
Obama's senseless gamble announced on Tuesday will produce
streams of flowing blood in Kabul.

And who is actually paying for it ? Who ???

The cemeteries at Arlington and in many areas in Kabul

and eleswhere will surely have to prepare for many new
arrivals in the coming months and years. What about the
resident in the White house ? He has nothing to worry
about. Absolutely nothing. Totally nothing. For him, it
is just only business as usual. Obama like all the rest,
is just merely another pompous and deceitful politician.

Today, Afghanistan, tommorrow ?

HOK (Heaven only knows).

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