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Ierusa|em the Land of A|m|ghty

!erusalem ls known as the clty ol the Almlghty Cod. Pe promlsed that he shall restore lt to peace.
uesplte lts current sullerlngs due to polltlcal turmoll and unrest, the Almlghty Cod promlsed salvatlon ln
thls clty, and promlsed that !esus Chrlst, hls son, wlll relgn ln thls clty to eternlty. Pe wlll not be rullng
only the people ol !erusalem, but the entlre world shall converge to the clty ln pursult ol the rlght way
ol llle and the Lord's dlrectlon.
As noted ln the scrlptures, lsalah 60 verse 18, !erusalem wlll no longer be sub[ected to the present
vlolence. When !esus relgns, lt shall become the clty characterlzed by truth. Zecharlah 8 verse 8 had
stated that lt shall become the clty ol truth. 1he whole world shall derlve pleasure and peace lrom thls
land ol the Almlghty. 1he laws set by the Almlghty shall be spread across the globe, and all soclal,
polltlcal, and rellglous dlllerences shall be ended. 1hls ls the promlse glven by the Almlghty that the
clty's lmmortal klng ls on hls way. All humanklnd wlll be unlted ln thls land ol Almlghty Cod. 1here wlll
be completely new laws that are governlng the people ol thls world.
!erusalem the centre ol worshlpplng the Almlghty Cod
Accordlng to 8lbllcal prophecy, !erusalem shall be the centre ol worshlp. not only wlll lt be deemed the
land relgned by the lmmortal klng but also a land where the world wlll converge ln the holy temple to
worshlp the Lord. 1he entlre world wlll be unlted by the truth and accept the teachlngs ol Chrlst as the
only way ol llle. Lveryone seeklng the Lord shall head to Ierusa|em the ho|y c|ty where the splrltual
klng, !esus Chrlst, wlll be relgnlng.
lt has happened ln the past where !esus Chrlst went to the temple ln !erusalem and lound people
turnlng lt lnto a commerclal property where they were tradlng lnstead ol worshlpplng. Masses ol people
have predomlnantly gathered at the temple ol the Lord ln !erusalem wlth the maln ob[ectlve ol maklng
huge prollts lrom other worshlppers. 1he Lord !esus Chrlst had been angered by thelr trades and had
consequently destroyed thelr commerclal plans. Pe went to the lnslde the temple and cast out those
who sold and those who purchased ln the temple ol the Almlghty Cod.
Cet addltlonal lnlo about Safe p|ace to rent an off|ce |n Ierusa|em
Pe destroyed everythlng lrom thelr seats to thelr tables to restore the temple. eople were selllng a
wlde range ol commerclal ltems ln temple and all those ltems were thrown away. Subsequently, he
taught them and sald that lt ls wrltten ln the scrlpture that my house shall be called ol all the natlons
the house ol prayer", Mark 11 verse 13 to 17. Many sellers were also ollended and angered by the
Lord's actlons ol destroylng thelr commerclal deslgns. Some began to be agalnst hlm. Pe vehemently
lndlcated to them that lt's hls lather's house and should be respected.
Many scrlptures have predlcted the comlng ol !esus Chrlst to rule thls land ol the Almlghty Cod.
!erusalem lndeed has a rlch hlstory ln the rellglous books. now lt ls home to ma[or rellglous groups, the
!udalsm, the Musllms, and the Chrlstlans.

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