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Ekrrochimm Am, Vol 39, No .9n 99. 1281-1289.

Pergamon Copyn& 0 1994 Ekwer Saeme Ltd
Pnnwd 111 Oreal BnWn All ngbls nserwd


*M&allur@e-Electrochume,CP165, Umversitb Llbre de Bruxelles, 50 Avenue F D Roosevelt,
B-1050 Bruxelles,Belgmm
TLaboratoire de Phyaco-Chlmie des MatCnaux, Umversltt de Provence (Aix Marseille I),
3 Place Victor Hugo, F-13331 Marserlle Cedex 3, France

(Received 5 September 1993, In retnsedform 25 November 1993)

Abstract-Thm oxide films are grown electrochenncally on commercially pure titamum substrates Con-
stant potential (potentiostatic), constant current (galvanostahc) and mitml constant current followed by
constant potential (comhned) growth modes are stu&ed The structure, the composition, the thickness,
the electrochernuzl and the -conducting properties of the oxide films are considerably mfluenced by
the growth mode even if the final anodlzlng potential has a constant value

Key words anodization, structure, properties, titanium, oxide films, copper nucleation

1. INTRODUCTION acid bath as described prevlously[24] As mentioned

by the producer, the mam impurity contents of
The composltlon and the structure of the oxide films IMIllS are listed m Table 1 All the anodes have
produced by anodlc oxidation of titanium m sul- been cut from the same titanium sheet to hmlt the
phunc acid have been mvestlgated m great detd by mod&ations of composltlon The other electrode
many researchers[l-61 was a platinum cathode Analytical grade sulphunc
Three modes are described m the literature for the acid (Carlo Erba) was used to prepare a 1 M sul-
growth of these anodlc oxide films phurlc acid solution The electrolyte temperature
was maintained at 25°C A Philips PE 1649 dc power
the potentlostatlc growth mode for which a con-
supply was used
stant potential vs a reference electrode 1s applied
For the potentlostatlc anodlzatlon, a constant
directly to the anode,
anode-to-cathode voltage drop of 5OV was preset
the galvanostatlc growth mode for which a con-
mth a maximum permlsslble current density of
stant current IS apphed to the electrochemical cell,
~l~nAm-z This constant value was mamtamed for
the combined growth mode for which a constant
current 1s first applied to the cell until the anode
For the galvanostatlc anodlzatlon, a constant
potential reached a fixed value Then, this poten-
current density of 1OOAm-2 was preset Hnth a
tial 1s maintained for a gven penod of time
maximum permlsslble anode-to-cathode voltage
Accordmg to the data published m the literature, drop of 50 V
whatever the growth mode, the composition of the For the combined growth mode, galvanostatlc
film, for final anodlzmg potentials higher than 45V anodization, as described above, was first performed
1s (mlcro)crystalhne anatase and/or rutlle[7-231 until the 50V anode-to-cathode voltage drop value
Unfortunately, the same agreement does not exist for was reached Then this constant 50V value was
the optical and electronic properties of these films maintained for 1 mm
The purpose of this paper 1s then to study m the
same electrolyte and at the same temperature the
Table 1 Composition of the commercndly pure IMIllS
influence of the growth mode on the structure and titanium samples
the propewes of films produced at the same final
anodizmg potential Impunty Content (% w/w)

Oxygen 007
Chromium 005
2. EXPERIMENTAL Manganese 005
Nickel 005
2 1 Anodtzatlon Vanadium 005
Commercially pure titanium anodes (IMIllS) Iron 0 025
Carbon 002
were chenucally polished m a hydrofluonc-mtnc

1282 J -L DELPLANCKE et al

2 2 Analysts l the potentlostatlc anodlc oxide film presents, on

2 2 1 Structural analyszs Surface mlcrographs of the titanium surface, a uniform pale yellow colour
the oxide films were obtamed by means of an optical Only a few grams present a very pale blue colour
microscope REICHERT-JUNG MeF3A and by l the galvanostatic anodlc oxide film presents, on
means of a Scannmg Electron Microscope (SEM) the titanium surface, a mixture of dark yellow and
JEOL JSM 820 pale blue grams Very fine dark blue spots are ran-
The structure of the films was observed at high domly dispersed m the pale blue grams Slmllarly,
magmficatlon with a Transmlsslon Electron Mlcro- dark brown spots are observed m the yellow
scope (TEM) JEM 200CX with an accelerating grams but these spots seem to form clusters
voltage of 200 kV (The oxide films were separated l the combined anodlc oxide films presents a struc-
from their substrates as described by Nurse et ture and a colour similar to those of the galvano-
al WI 1 static film with a smaller density of dark blue
The crystallmlty of the films was obtained by spots
Transmlsslon High Energy Electron Diffraction These macrostructures are confirmed by the TEM
(THEED) m the TEM The spot diameter on the experiments (after the titanium substrate
sample for the electron dlffractlon 1s about 3 pm dlssolutlon) Indeed, a common feature to all the
The elementary composltlon of the anodized tlta- anodlc films IS that they reproduce the gram struc-
mum samples and the composltlon profile inside the ture of their underlying titanium substrates, but the
oxide films were determined by Auger analysis (PHI TEM experiments also reveal the microstructure of
32-060 A SAM) the anodlc films This microstructure 1s different
2 2 2 Electrochemzcal propertzes The electro- according to the growth mode
chemical properties of the oxide films were studied
by nucleating copper electrochemlcally on the anod- l the potentiostatlc film 1s constituted of very small
ized substrates m an additive-free copper sulphate- crystals with a diameter rangmg from 10 to
sulphurlc acid electrolyte at 25°C 2OOnm, homogeneously dispersed m a matrix
Short-time (15 s) potential cathodic pulses with a There 1s no difference from one gram to the other
magnitude of + 56mV vs the standard hydrogen except that these crystals are not observed at the
electrode (she) were applied and the current gram boundaries (see Fig 2a)
responses were recorded (see reference [26]) The l the galvanostatlc film 1s heterogeneous (see Fig
copper nuclei were observed by optical microscopy 2b) Some grams present a microstructure slmllar
and their positrons were correlated with the mlcro- to that observed m the potentlostatlc film Hrlth
structures of the oxide films homogeneously dispersed small crystals For other
2 2 3 Semrconductzng propertzes Electrochemical grams, these small crystals are grouped to form
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was carried out m a large elongated or small spherical clusters It
0 5 M H,SO, solution wth a 273 PAR potentiostat/ seems that these clusters could be correlated
galvanostat and a PAR 5208 lock-m analyser (by respectively to the elongated clusters observed m
superlmposmg a 001 V UC voltage) The exposed the yellow grams and to the dark blue spots
surface area was 4 x 10-4m2 A 10-2m2 gold observed m the pale blue grams
counter electrode was used The capacitance mea- l the combined !ilm presents microstructures very
surements vs the applied potential were performed similar to the galvanostatlc films
m the cathodic direction by step of 0 1 V, starting
from 2 656 V vs she and holding the fixed potential
3 2 Composztzonof the anodzcjlms
for 2mm before performmg the electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy Measurements of the mter- For all the samples, the Auger analysis reveals the
facial capacitance were carried out m the l-40 kHz presence of tltamum and oxygen with a slight surface
frequency domain Using the EQUIVCRT software, contammatlon with carbon and sulphur The shape
the capacitance values were calculated by fitting the of the titanium peaks 1s characterlstlc of titanium
experimental values The equivalent clrcult was a dioxide with the L3M2,Mz3 peak higher than the
resistor m series with a capacitor (high frequency L,M,,V peaW71
measurements) The relative error on the capacitance The Auger profiles reveal thm films on the tita-
values was always lower than 3% mum substrates but the oxide film thickness 1s about
twice as large for the potentlostatlc film than for the
galvanostatlc and the combined films
Whatever the growth mode, the electron dlffrac-
3. RESULTS tlon patterns show the simultaneous presence of
rutlle and anatase For the potentlostatlc film, rings
of small diffraction spots are observed, attesting the
3 1 Structure of the anodzc oxzdejlms absence of a preferential orientation for the small dlf-
Scanning electron nucroscopy reveals, for the fractmg crystals (see Fig 3a) The same result 1s
anodlc films grown by the three different techniques, obtained for the galvanostatlc and the combined
only the gram structure of the titanium substrates films while diffracting m the grams that contam
after chemical pohshmg The oxide films do not homogeneously dispersed small crystals On the con-
show differences, as a function of the anodlc growth trary, when the diffraction 1s performed m the grams
mode, for the reflected electrons On the contrary, that contam the clusters, very intense spots supenm-
optical microscopy reveals a lot of differences for the posed on the fine dlffractlon rings are observed (see
same samples (see Fig 1) Fig 3b) Unfortunately, these spots are so intense
Influence of the anodlang procedure 1283

Fig 1 Optical rmcroscop~es of tttamum samples anti by the three Merent modes ((a) poten-
tlostatic, (b) galvanostatx, (c) combined growth mode)

Potentlostatx growth modd

ialvdnostatx growth mode

2 ‘ansm~s~on electron m~croscop~es of tltamum samples anodxed by the three duffel ‘ent growth
modes ((a) potentlostatlc, (b) galvanostatlc, (c) combmed growth mode)
Influence of t& anodlpng procedure 1285

Electron dIffractIon patterns

Galvanostatlc anodlc oxide film on tltamum
Rg 3 Electron d&a&on analysis of the tltamum anodlc oxide tilms ((a) potentlostatic oxide film, (b)
galvanostak oxide film-dflraction in a gram contnmng clusters)

and the anatase and rutrle drffractron patterns are so 4. DISCUSSION

close that, with the used apparatus, rt IS rmpossrble
to determme the composttron and the preferential The influence of the growth mode on the structure
onentation correspondmg to these spots and the proper&s of thin trtamum ano&c oxrde
films 1s complex Mrcrocrystalhne structures, very
3 3. EIectrochemlcaI propertles srmrlar to those reported for galvanostatrc films by
Shmuzu et al [28], are observed The mam mfluence
The electrochemmal properties of the oxide films
of the growth mode seems to be the spahal Qstribu-
are affected by their growth mode For the poten-
non and the onentatron of these mrcrocrystals
trostatrc i%lm,that presents a homogeneous colour m
For the potentrostatrc film, numerous randomly
optrcal mmroscopy, the few copper nuclei obtained
oriented and homogeneously drstnbuted mmro-
after a potentiostatic pulse of 15 s at + 56 mV vs she,
crystals are observed They do not act as preferential
are randomly drspersed (see Fig 4a and b) On the
electronic or iomc conductmg channels and the film
contrary, for the galvanostatrc and the combined
is very resistrve for copper nucleation
film, the copper nucler mrhally grow exactly on top
For the galvanostatrc and combined fihns, then
of some of the dark blue spots observed by optrcal
mmrocrystalhmty depends on the orientation of the
nucroscopy in the pale blue grams (see Fig 4c and
underlymg trtanmm crystals Specral features corre-
d) After a long (20s) potentlostatrc pulse, all the
spondmg to clusters contammg a small number of
dark blue spots together wrth the dark brown spots
hrghly or-rented mmrocrystals are observed These
observed m the yellow grams have served as centres
clusters act as preferentml conductmg channels and
for the copper nucleatron (see Frg 5a and b)
copper nucleates on top of these clusters The con-
The drfference between the combined hlms and the
stant potential mamtamed for 1 mm m the combined
galvanostatrc film rs lymg m the densrty of dark blue
growth mode, do not change the structure of the
spots and then m the density of copper nuclei This
anodtc film but seems to mhrbrt the nucleatmg
mrcroscoprc effect IS confirmed by the macroscoprc
action of some of these clusters
current transrents observed durmg these poten-
The composrhons of the different regrons of the
tmstatrc pulses (see Fig 6) Starting wrth nearly the
anodrc films are htamum droxrde but then allotropic
same current density, the decreasmg order of the
forms (anatase or ruttle)‘are sttll a problem to be
final current transient mtensrty 1s the galvanostatrc
solved wtth htgh resolutron transmrsston electron
film, the combined film and the potentrostatrc film
The flat band potent& of the different oxrde films
3 4 Semrconduchng propertzes are in agreement with prevrously reported
The Mott-Schottky plots are presented m hg 7, values[29-32-J The srmrlar structure of the galvano-
for the three growth modes static and the combined films correspond to slmrlar
The galvanostatic and the combmed films present semtconductmg behavrour and Mott-Schottsky
nearly the same flat band potential ( f 80 & 10 mV plots
vs she), the same slope m the Mott-Schottky plots Taking into account the hmrtmg values, observed
and a small linear Mott-Schottky regron On the m the hterature[ll, 30, 33-351, for the relative per-
contrary, the potentrostatrc film presents a large mrttrvlty of the titanium anodrc oxide films (E = 10
linear regron, a smaller slope and a more anodrc flat and 100), rt IS possrble to e&mate the donor den-
band potential (+ 130 + 10 mV vs she) than the gal- sities m the films These values are m agreement wrth
vanostatic film literature data The donor densrtres (for E = 10) of
Before copper nucleation After cower nucleation

Fig 4 Optical mwroscoples of the tltamum anodlc oxide films before ((a) and (c)) and after ((b) and (d))
copper electrodeposltlon durmg 15 s ((a) and (b) potentlostatlc oxide film, (c) and (d) galvanostatlc oxide
Influence of the anodmng procedure 1287
et al

The growth mode of anodlc oxide films on tlta-
mum has a considerable mfluence on the composl-
tlon and the properties of these films From a
macroscopic point of view, whatever the growth
mode, films grown at SOV are crystalhzed but the
mlcroscoplc orientation of the mlcrocrystals depends
on the anodlnng condltlons For galvanostatlc and
I I I I I I I I I combined films, preferential conducting channels are
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 observed These channels modify the electrochemical
Time (s) and semlconductmg propertles of the anodlc films
Rg 6 Current transients observed dunng the copper
nucleation on the anodlc oxide film (+ 56mV vs she dunng Acknowledgements-The authors are Indebted to the
15s) National Fund for Snentdic Research of Belgmm, the
Conumssanat GenCral aux Relations Internatlonales de la
Communautt FranGzuse de Belgque and the Service cul-
the galvanostatlc and the combined films turel et sclentifique de I’Ambassade de France for their
(5 6 x 10”) are about tHrlce the density of the poten- financial support
tiostatic film (2 2 x 1020)
A tentative quahtatlve explanation could be the REFERENCES
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Influence of the anodtzmg procedure 1289

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