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Rationalist vs Constructivist

- logic of consequences (brute rationality eg. I do this because it's the rational/utility maximizing
thing to do vs logic of a!!ro!riateness (norm conforming
- reality is socially constituted" not interest-driven
#hat are the main rationalist theories of integration in the $%& #hat ma'es them rationalist&
- intergovernmentalist theory -( governments have a )ay of ordering the !references and and ma'e
rational choices to fulfill these ob*ectives" $% integration is one )ay of doing so (eg. +ndre)
- neo-functionalist theory -( -aas has said that the ontology of ./ is soft rational choice theory" )e
are loo'ing at interest-driven action" institution building that centralizes authority and ma'es it
rational for actors to transfer their loyalties to this governmental body
-ix (0112 as an exam!le of ho) to a!!ly rational choice thin'ing to an $% to!ic 3 '$urosce!ticism
- institutions determine !olicy outcomes
- therefore actors' !references about design of institutions follo) from their !references over
Rational actors )ould desire institutional out!uts to be as close to !olicy ob*ectives as !ossible
Can ex!lain left/right in $urosce!ticism
4tri!!ing a)ay the normative references/values of $uro!ean integration in favor of interest-based
decision ma'ing
- allo)s us to see through the fog of rhetoric that surrounds $urosce!ticism as )ell
+dvantages& #ea'nesses&
Interests are socially consituted" not materially given -( emerge though interaction or via the !o)er
of ideas
5ifferent ty!es of constructivsm6
+ 7ositivist -( causal effects of norms
8 7ost-7ositivist -( ho) norms are consturcted discursively
Can constructivists )or' )ith rationalists or are the !ositions irreconciliable&
- to fill in the ga!s of rationalism or to debun' it com!letely&
Rhetorical entra!ment6 strategic use of norm-based arguments
- sets himself against intergovernmentalism (I9

#hat I9 can ex!lain -( !reference formation" interstate bargaining
#hat I9 cannot ex!lain -( choice of international institutions (actual deision to enlarge
-o)ever" the decisions to enlarge the east canot be ex!lained in term of egotistical cost-benefit
4chimmelfennig invo'es logic of a!!ro!riateness
- eastern euro!ean is the normatively correct thing to do given our membershi! of and commitment
to liberal society of states
Rationality is bound u! )ith the logic of a!!ro!riateness as much as the logic of consequences

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