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#- )(@ ABCDE
LllglblllLy for learnlng dlsablllLy (Lu) servlces has
been LradlLlonally based on havlng an lC on or below
70 (lnLelllgenL quoLlenL: ofLen measured by
psychologlsLs uslng Lhe Wechsler AdulL lnLelllgence
Scale WAlS).

8eLLer pracLlce: lnLernaLlonally, 3 crlLerla are regarded
as requlrlng Lo be meL before a dlagnosls of Lu ls
glven (WPC, 2010):

lnLellecLual lmpalrmenL
Soclal or adapLlve dysfuncLlon
CnseL before adulLhood
Whats this got to do with OT?
7n WesL uorseL, we have been looklng aL besL pracLlce:

Valuing !"#$%"& ( )"* +,-(,"./ 0#- %"(-)1). 21+(31%1,/ 0#-
,4" 56
century (uoP, 2001), says Lu should lnclude -0#
5*#"#%3# 1: ) *#+43#+ ),$($-. -1 (#)*% %#2 "F$((" )%+ -1
315# $%+#5#%+#%-(.E

789: ;7-1,1+4 8)+,1,<," 0#- 9"(-)1). :1+(31%1,1"+=& IQ is an
lmporLanL measuremenL, buL only lf lL ls carrled ouL
alongslde oLher assessmenL and measuremenL lncludlng
social functioning and adaptation.

We have plloLed Lhe followlng process:

1. A referral ls made Lo Lhe Lu servlce, where Lhere ls no
clear dlagnosls of Lu, psychology wlll perform an lC
2. Where Lhe lC has been close Lo 70 and more
lnformaLlon ls needed abouL adapLlve funcLlonlng, a
referral ls made Lo C1 for an assessmenL of Lhe
persons occupational performance.

Where posslble, >4" ?++"++@"), #0 A#,#- ()2 !-#B"++
CD1%%+ ;?A!C= (llsher and !ones, 2010) ls Lhe preferred
cholce, as lL ls sLandardlsed, valld and rellable.

1he cllnlcal psychology Leam compared scores beLween
Lhe WAlS, AMS and A8AS (AdapLlve 8ehavlour
AssessmenL SysLem). AMS has been agreed as
preferable Lo A8AS, as lL ls based on observaLlon,
raLher Lhan sub[ecLlve lnformaLlon glven by carers.

Sample slze: 36
Age: 18 38 years, average 29.3 years
Sex: 22 males, 34 females

EFGH I?8C ()2 ?7?C
EF55 I?8C ()2 ?A!C
EFJ I?8CK ?7?C ()2 ?A!C

no slgnlflcanL correlaLlons were found, whlch
demonsLraLes LhaL lC alone does noL ldenLlfy
lmpalrmenL ln soclal and adapLlve funcLlon and ls
Lherefore noL broad enough Lo meeL all Lhree
dlagnosLlc crlLerla. lurLher assessmenL of soclal and
adapLlve funcLlon ls requlred.
Mesa eL al have looked aL Lhe role of C1 ln Lhls process ln
Packney, London. 1hey sLudled a sample of 124 people
and a weak correlaLlon suggesLed lnLellecLual funcLlon
does noL predlcL soclal and adapLlve funcLlon.

H$>$()*$-$#"/ boLh sLudles have shown LhaL lC alone does
noL assess and ldenLlfy soclal or adapLlve dysfuncLlon.

Lack of slgnlflcanL correlaLlon beLween scores, a
correlaLlon could suggesL llmlLed [usLlflcaLlon for uslng
Lhe AMS as well.
1he Lwo assesslng cllnlclans make Lhe declslon based
on Lhelr assessmenLs and oLher lnformaLlon gaLhered.
lollowlng assessmenL, lf ellglble for Lu servlces, furLher
assessmenL would be compleLed by Lhe communlLy Lu

I$::#*#%3#": ln London sLudy:-

Larger sample slze .
AMS was compleLed when lC fell below 70.
Agreed Lhreshold for process sklll componenL of AMS:
cuL-off polnL of 1.0 loglL.
WAlS and AMS admlnlsLered wlLhln one monLh of
each oLher.

lrom Lhe evldence provlded, lL ls clear LhaL C1 can have
a role ln assesslng soclal and adapLlve funcLlonlng.


lurLher dlscusslon based on Lhe evldence, lncludlng
all relevanL sLake holders, Lo agree besL pracLlce for
dlagnoslng Lu and ellglblllLy for servlces.
CreaLer clarlLy and Lransparency ln Lhe declslon
maklng process.
LqulLy across servlces ln uorseL.
Agree a pan uorseL process/paLhway
Could Lhe new LvaluaLlon of Soclal lnLeracLlon (LSl) be
used Lo look aL soclal funcLlonlng?
uevelop a [olnL reporL LemplaLe

8lLu: 8rlLlsh lnsLlLuLe of Learnlng ulsablllLles (2011). L(B,+4"",&
9"(-)1). :1+(31%1,1"+: hLLp://www.blld.org.uk

ueparLmenL of PealLh (2001). M(%<1). $"#$%"& ( )"* +,-(,"./ 0#-
9"(-)1). :1+(31%1,/ 0#- ,4" 56

Mesa, S, Peron, , Chard, C. and 8owe, !. (2014): N+1). ,4"
?++"++@"), #0 A#,#- ()2 !-#B"++ CD1%%+ (+ $(-, #0 ,4" 21(.)#+,1B
$-#B"++ 1) () 1))"-OB1,/ %"(-)1). 21+(31%1,/ +"-P1B". 8!C1 77(4).

World PealLh CrganlzaLlon. (2010). 8),"-)(,1#)(% Q%(++101B(,1#) #0
:1+"(+"+& 8Q: 6RS hLLp://www.who.lnL/classlflcaLlons/lcd/en/


AdapLlve 8ehavlor AssessmenL SysLem, 2
edlLlon: (A8AS-ll).
Parrlson, . and Cakland, 1. 2003.

1he AssessmenL of MoLor and rocess Skllls (AMS): llsher, A.C.
and !ones, k. 2010. AMS webslLe: CenLer for lnnovaLlve C1

Wechsler AdulL lnLelllgence Scale (WAlS-lv). Wechsler, u. 2008.
LvaluaLlon of Soclal lnLeracLlon (LSl):

=1%-)3- +#-)$("
8ev 1aylor-Wade
Cllnlcal SpeclallsL C1
1he lnLenslve SupporL 1eam
uorseL PealLhcare 1rusL
1a Acland 8oad
u11 1Ll

1el: 01303 731360
Mob: 07786 624833

Lmall: bev.Laylor-wade[dhufL.nhs.uk

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