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Occupational Therapy for Continuing Healthcare:

The seeds of a new service!

Author names here

Who we are
The Continuing Healthcare Occupational Therapy Team is a unique and emerging service providing
highly specialist Occupational Therapy interventions exclusively for patients in receipt of non fast
track Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding. The therapists offer this complex group of patients
holistic assessments, involving them at every stage to ensure their health outcomes are met
effectively. They consistently support the CHC co-ordinators to ensure that care packages are safe,
sustainable and correctly targeted to meet the patients health outcomes.
How we do it
Provision of complex moving and
handling risk assessment, care
planning and training specific to
individuals complex needs to both
formal and informal carers.
Specialist 24 hour positioning
assessments including seating and
sleep systems.
Complex risk assessments around all
activities of daily living and
implementing interventions to reduce
risks in patients homes and care
An in depth knowledge of equipment
suitable to resolve complex issues
and a sound knowledge of the
marketplace to ensure NHS funds
are used wisely.
Effective liaison with a wide range of
professionals within the NHS and
other agencies to promote the best
outcomes for our patients.

What we do
The complexity, intensity and
unpredictability of the patients in receipt of
Continuing Healthcare funding requires a
high level of skills in order to provide
timely, patient centred interventions.

Once a patient is referred to the team for
assessment, they will have a named
Occupational Therapist (OT)who will be
fully conversant with their situation and
keep the case open as long as the patient
is in receipt of Continuing Healthcare
funding. The OT can be contacted directly
by the patient.

This approach allows the OT to resolve
issues quickly and effectively, putting the
patient at the centre of each episode of
care to resolve current situations whilst
troubleshooting any potential problems so
they can be addressed before a crisis
Outcomes of our service

ueLalled knowledge
of complex care
packages and
personal healLh
Its hard for me to let
go someLlmes, buL l
know l am ln good
hands. Well done, very
much appreclaLed on
many levels
lamlly Carer
We cannoL Lhank Lhe CPC
CccupaLlonal 1heraplsL
enough for dellverlng such
a wonderful prompL
servlce-when llfe ls hard
and you feel overwhelmed,
Lhls [usL made coplng so
much easler
lamlly Carer
1he hlghly speclallsL
CPC C1 1eam have a
proven record of
provldlng cosL savlngs
on care packages wlLh
beneflLs Lo boLh Lhe
paLlenLs and
ConLlnulng PealLhCare
30 of complex
CPC paLlenLs are
on Lhe C1
1he CPC C1 1eam
has developed and
wlll conLlnue Lo
develop a dlverse
range of
knowledge and
soluLlons Lo
resolve complex
The Continuing Healthcare Occupational Therapy Team can accept
referrals for patients who are in receipt of Continuing Healthcare
funding from NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group.
For patients in Bournemouth and Poole contact 01202 541565
For patients in Dorset contact 01305 361123

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