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1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) a letter to my friends back home in e!as.
2. A: I"m about to fall asleep. I need to wake up#
B: I (get) you a cup of coffee. hat will wake you up.
3. A: I can"t hear the tele$ision#
B: I (turn) it up so you can hear it.
4. We are so e!cited about our trip ne!t month to %rance. We ($isit)
&aris' (ice and )renoble.
5. *arah (come) to the party. +li$er (be) there
as well.
6. ed: It is so hot in here#
*arah: I (turn) the air,conditioning on.
7. I think he (be) the ne!t &resident of the -nited *tates.
8. After I graduate' I (attend) medical school and become a
doctor. I ha$e wanted to be a doctor all my life.
9. A: .!cuse me' I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid
it is simply too small for four people.
B: hat man at the ser$ice counter (help) you.
10. As soon as the weather clears up' we (walk) down to the
beach and go swimming.
2.Pu !" #"$%& '() !" *)$$"* +)$, -.'//0 1)'(1 )0 &',2/" 2$"&"( )$
2$"&"( 2$)1$"&&'#"3.
/.I lo$e 0ondon. I (probably 1 go) there ne!t year.
2.+ur train (lea$e) at 3:34.
5.What (wear 1 you) at the party tonight?
3.I ha$en"t made up my mind yet. But I think I (find)
something nice in my mum"s wardrobe.
6.his is my last day here. I (go) back to .ngland
7.8urry up# he conference (begin) in 29 minutes.
4.:y horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.
;.0ook at these big black clouds# It (rain) .
<.8ere is the weather forecast. omorrow (be) dry and
/9.What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying =ust a few metres in
front of her? , +h dear# I (slip) #
3. C!))&" !" *)$$"* +uu$" +)$, '( %$4*5"& 4(6 72" ' '() !" %)8. C/'*5 )(
!" %u)( ) *!"*5 7)u$ 4(&."$.
/. &eter (is1is going to be) fifty ne!t %riday.
2. +h no# I"$e broken the $ase. What (am I going to say 1 will I say)?
5. >ack (is ha$ing 1 will ha$e) a dinner party ne!t *aturday.
3. By the time you arri$e' I"ll (ha$e been 1 be) working for two hours.
6. >ohn hasn"t eaten. , ?on"t worry (I"ll make 1 I"m going to make) him a
7. We"ll go out for dinner when he (gets in 1 will get in).
4. -nless he arri$es soon' we (won"t go1 aren"t go) to the party.
;. (I"ll be studying 1 I"ll ha$e studied) at < tomorrow e$ening.
<. (We"ll ha$e finished 1 We"ll finish) by < o"clock.
/9. 0ook at those clouds# It (is going to rain 1 will rain)#
4. C),2/"" !" &"("(*"&. U&" !" *)$$"* +)$, )+ !" +uu$" 2"$+"* &',2/"
)$ !" +uu$" *)('(u)u&.
/ his time ne!t week we @@@@@@ (&5') in the %rench Alps.
2 )reg is taking a year off to tra$el. By the end of ne!t year he @@@@@@
(#'&') se$en countries.
5 AWhat will you be doing this time tomorrow?B AI @@@@@@ (45") my .nglish
3 ?onBt come round at si! oBclock. I @@@@@@ (&'// 1 6)) my homework.
If you want to come round at se$en' you can. I @@@@@@ (+'('&!) it by then.
6 >ill has accepted a =ob abroad. his time ne!t month she @@@@@@ (.)$5) in
7 (e!t year' I @@@@@@ (/'#") in this house for ten years.
5. C),2/"" !" "8. U&" !" *)$$"* +)$, )+ !" +uu$" 2"$+"* &',2/" )$
!" +uu$" *)('(u)u&.
What /@@@@@@ we @@@@@@ (6)) in a hundred yearsB time? According to (A*A
*cientists we 2@@@@@@ ($4#"/) in outer space.
By the twenty,second century man 5@@@@@@b(6"#"/)2) a Cuick way of getting to
the stars' and the first long,distance spaceships 3@@@@@@ (/"4#") .arth.
8owe$er' these spaceships wonBt be the first to e!plore outer space. +ther
spaceships 6@@@@@@ (4/$"467 1 #)741") into the unknown. In fact' the first
unmanned ship' Pioneer 10' was launched in /<42. Pioneer 10 will be in space
for thousands of years' and in 52'999 yearsB time it will pass a star called
Doss 23;. By the time Pioneer 10 gets there' man 7@@@@@@ (4/$"467 1 $"4*!)
Doss 23; and 4@@@@@@ (*)/)('9") the planets around it.
What ;@@@@@@ these humans @@@@@@ (6)) when Pioneer 10 passes by? Will they
remember that it was the first spaceship to $enture into outer space?
6. C),2/"" !" &"("(*"& .'! 7)u$ ).( '6"4&.
/ his time tomorrow IBll be @@@@@@@
2 By ne!t weekend IBll ha$e @@@@@@@
5 In si! monthsB time IBll be @@@@@@@
3 By the end of this year IBll ha$e @@@@@
6 In three yearsB time IBll be @@@@@@@
4. :',2/" P$"&"( ; :',2/" Fuu$"
P$"&"( C)('(u)u& ; Fuu$" C)('(u)u&
/. Dight now' I am watching E. omorrow at this time' I (watch) E
as well.
2. omorrow after school' I (go) to the beach.
5. I am going on a dream $acation to ahiti. While you (do)
paperwork and (talk) to annoying customers on the phone'
I (lie) on a sunny' tropical beach. Are you =ealous?
3. We (hide) when ony (arri$e) at his
surprise party. As soon as he opens the door' we (=ump) out and
(scream) ' F*urprise#F
6. We work out at the fitness center e$ery day after work. If you (come)
o$er while we (work) out' we will not be able to let you
into the house. >ust to be safe' we (lea$e) a key under the
welcome mat so you will not ha$e to wait outside.
7. While you (study) at home' :agda (be) in
4. When I (get) to the party' *ally and ?oug (dance)
' >ohn (make) drinks' *ue and %rank (discuss) something
contro$ersial' and :ary (complain) about something unimportant.
hey are always doing the same things. hey are so predictable.
;. When you (get) off the plane' I (wait) for you.
<. I am sick of rain and bad weather# 8opefully' when we (wake) up
tomorrow morning' the sun (shine) .
/9. If you (need) to contact me sometime ne!t week' I (stay)
at the *heraton in *an %rancisco.
1. '(1 ) '(+'(''#) *)( =)>.
/. I donBt en=oy computers. (use)
2. he bank manager absolutely refused me any money. (lend)
5. 0uis has decided his &orsche and a %errari. (sell / buy)
3. ?onBt forget me when you get to the hotel. (phone)
6. I lo$e in *pain now' but I really miss fish and chips
out of .nglish newspaper. (live / eat)
7. I ga$e up and alcohol last year. I donBt feel any
healthier' =ust depressed. (smoke / drink)
4. Would you like out for a drink with me ne!t *aturday night?
;. I regret that =ob in (igeria. (not take)
<. Angeles hates in the city. (drive)
/9. Why do you keep on at me like that? (look)
//. If you happen Duben' tell him IBd like with him.
(see / speak)
/2. I feel like shopping and all my husbandBs money# (go /
2. F'// '( !" 142& u&'(1 GERUN?: )$ INFINITI<E:.
a. :y grandparents managed GGGGGGGGGGGGGG (succeed) in life.
b. We ha$e to stop GGGGGGGGGGGGG (rest)' we are really tired.
c. When the teacher came' he stopped GGGGGGGGGGGG (hit) me.
d. Hou should a$oid GGGGGGGGGGGGG (smoke).
e. I usually start GGGGGGGGGGGGG (work) at ;.
f. 8eBs suggested GGGGGGGGGGGG (take) a trip to Andalucia.
A0I J+DD.J ?+,?+ AI. *.A0 8AE., ?A(J. &-*8
/. IBll try your writing ne!t lesson.
2. Why do you always forget things which are important to
me' but you always remember things which are important to
5. I regret my camera with me to hailand.
3. +n the way to the shops this morning I stopped to :rs.
)rimble whose dog died last week. 7. ?o you remember that car
when we were kids?
6. After the ceremony at the church we went on dinner in a
restaurant' and then a few of us went on at a club.
7. If the car wonBt start' try it.
4. Pu !" #"$% '() !" *)$$"* +)$, )-I(+'(''#" )$ @'(1
/. When IBm tired' I en=oy GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG tele$ision. ItBs
rela!ing. (watch)
2. It was a nice day' so we decided GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG for a walk. (go)
5. ItBs a nice day. ?oes anyone fancy GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG for a walk?
3. IBm not in a hurry. I donBt mind GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (wait)
6. hey donBt ha$e much money. hey canBt afford GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
out $ery often. (go)
7. I wish that dog would stop GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG . ItBs dri$ing me mad.
4. +ur neighbour threatened GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the police if we
didnBt stop the noise. (call)
;. We were hungry' so I suggested GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG dinner early. (ha$e)
<. 8urry up# I donBt want to risk GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the train. (miss)
/9. IBm still looking for a =ob but I hope GGGGGGGGGGGGGsomething soon. (find)
5. C),2/"" !" &"("(*"& .'! !" TO-INFINITI<E )$ !" GERUN? +)$, )+ !"
.)$6& '( 24$"(!"&"&.
/. I need to study tonight (study)
2. I en=oy cooking gourmet meals (cook)
5. 8elen started talking1to talk about her problem. (talk)
3. Bud and *ally ha$e decided GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG married. (get)
6. We finished GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG around se$en. (eat)
7. Are you planning GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a $acation this year? (take)
;. he Wilsons went GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in Hellowstone (ational &ark last
summer. (camp)
<. :y roommate offered GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG me with my .nglish.
/9. IB$e =ust begun GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG a mo$ie on E. (watch)
//. &lease stop GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG your knuckles# (crack)
/2. ?id you remember GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the cat this morning?
/5. / wonBt be late. / promise GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG on time. (be)
/3. IBm considering GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to a new apartment. (mo$e)
/6. What time do you e!pect GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in ?en$er? (arri$e)
/7. *ome children hate GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to school. (go)
/4. I forgot GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the door when I left my apartment this
morning. (lock)
/;. I donBt mind GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG with four roommates. (li$e)
/<. ?onBt put off GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG your composition until the last
minute. (write)
29. Ien had to Cuit GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG because he hurt his knee.
2/. he company will continue GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG new employees as
long as new production orders keep GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGin. (hire)
22. hatBs not what I meant# / meant GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG =ust the
opposite. (say)
25. I want GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGthis afternoon. (go) (shop)
23. Ale! seems GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG this weekend. (want) (go) (sail)
6. U&" !" #"$% 2$)#'6"6 '( !" *)$$"* +)$,A TO-INFINITI<E )$ GERUN?.
:),"',"& "'!"$ +)$, '& 2)&&'%/".
/. hey denied GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGthe money. (steal)
2. I donBt en=oy GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG$ery much. (dri$e)
5. I donBt want GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGout tonight. IBm too tired. (go)
3. I canBt afford GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG out tonight. / ha$enBt got
enough money. (go)
6. 8as it stopped GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG yet? (rain)
7. Jan you remind meGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG some coffee when we go out?
4. Why do you keep GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGme Cuestions? JanBt you lea$e me
alone? (ask)
;. &lease stop GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG me Cuestions# (ask)
<. I refuse GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG any more Cuestions. (answer)
/9. +ne of the boys admitted GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the window. (break)
//. he boyBs father promised GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGfor the window to be
repaired. (pay)
/2. Ann was ha$ing dinner when the phone rang. *he didnBt answer the phoneK
/5. L8ow did the thief get into the house?M L I forgot GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the
window.B (shut)
you again soon. (see)
/6. he baby began GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG in the middle of the night.
/7. >ulia has been ill but now sheBs beginning GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
better. (get).
13 C),2/"" !" +)//).'(1 &"("(*"& u&'(1 4 $"/4'#" 2$)()u(
/. hey wanted to show me the new car GGGGGGthey had bought in )ermany.
2. he man GGGGGGGG you were speaking to earlier is :ike GGGGGGGG is an e!pert
on networks.
5. he pupils GGGGGGGG sang in the concert ga$e a wonderful
performance GGGGGGGG was praised by their music teacher.
3. :y aunt GGGGG$isited me last week has a house in %rance GGGGGshe goes e$ery
6. *usan said something GGGGGGGG I couldn"t hear clearly.
7. 8e showed me all the different colourful rocks GGGGGGGG he had collected at
the beach.
4. he :aster"s course GGGGGGGG I took in /<<< is no longer taught at +!ford
;. he singer GGGGGGGG was reco$ering from flu had to cancel her other
concerts for the week.
<. he minister talked about the plans for ta! reform GGGGGGGG he will re$eal
ne!t month.
/9. he doctor GGGG Ingrid went to see was $ery thorough and helpful.
//. he couple GGGGGGGG li$e ne!t to us ha$e si!teen grandchildren.
/2. he problems faced by the company GGGGGGGG I" l l look at in detail in a
moment are being resol$ed .
/5. 0et"s go through the main impro$ing pointsGGGhe made in his lecture.
/3. >ulia"s father GGGGGGis o$er 46 has =ust come back from a skiing holiday in
the Alps.
/6. he most interesting film GGGGGGGG I"$e seen in a long time is the one
about the artist GGGGGGGG went to li$e in *pa in.
/7. +ur local :& promised to do e$erything GGGGGGGG he could to help those
GGGGGGGG houses had been damaged.
/4. his is a film GGGGGGGGwill be $ery popular with teenagers.
/;. :artin GGGGGGGG had been ha$ing lessons for months took h is test when he
was offered a =ob GGGGGGGG reCuired a dri$ing license.
/<. he first time GGGGGGGG I $isited *pa in I went to a $illage GGGGGGGG there
had been a famous battle.
29. ?anielle GGGGGGGG father is Italian has bought a holiday cottage in the
$illage GGGGGGGG her grandfather li$ed.
23 BOINING :ENTENCE:. B)'( !" +)//).'(1 &"("(*"& u&'(1 $"/4'#" */4u&"&.
/. We spent our holiday in *cotland last year. *cotland is in the north of
)reat Britain. 0ast year we
2. &eople li$e in *cotland. hey are called *cots. he people
5. We first went to .dinburgh. .dinburgh is the capital of *cotland. We first
3. Arthur Jonan ?oyle was born in .dinburgh. 8e wrote the *herlock 8olmes
stories. Arthur Jonan ?oyle
6. hen we $isited a lake. It is in the 8ighlands. he lake
7. 0och (ess is 54 km long. &eople know it for its friendly monster. 0och (ess
4. here we met an old man. 8e told us that he had seen (essie. An old man
;. We then tra$elled to a mountain. he mountain is near the town of %ort
William. We then
<. he mountain is the highest mountain in )reat Britain. It is called Ben
(e$is. he mountain
/9. I sent you a postcard. It was written on the summit of Ben (e$is.
he postcard
3. BOINING :ENTENCE:. B)'( !" +)//).'(1 &"("(*"& u&'(1 $"/4'#" */4u&"&.
/. *te$e and 0ynn are Americans. hey own the little restaurant on Bridge
2. &roperty prices are rising throughout .urope. his means many young couples
cannot afford to buy their own home.
5. ?r. Dowan has had to do all his own typing. 8is secretary resigned two
weeks ago.
3. *he was greatly influenced by her father. *he adored him.
6. &am read a no$el. he ma in character in it was shipwrecked on a desert
7. I ga$e :ark a paperweight as a birthday present. 8e is a writer.
4. 8arry is an engineer. 8 is wife has =ust gi$en birth to twins.
;. >enny has no brothers or sisters. 8er parents spoilt her when she was a
<. hese drugs ha$e been withdrawn from sale. hey are used to treat stomach
/9. Jhildren do better in e!aminations. heir diets contain high le$els of
//. *ome teachers want a pay rise. hey may organiNe a strike.
4. B)'( !" .) &"("(*"& )1"!"$ u&'(1 4 $"/4'#" 2$)()u(.
a. :ary is my %rench teacher. 8er dad li$es in our street.
b. ?id you post my letter? I ga$e it to you this morning.
c. 0ondon is a city full of life. I li$ed there three years ago.
d. %red &ikes is a famous star in (orth America. he audience lo$es him.
e. hat is the film## IBm really interested in it.
f. 8e is the boy. Britney *pears was talking to him.
g. hey mo$ed to a small $illage. hey bought a new house there.
h. his is the place. he robber attacked me there.
i. his book is $ery e!citing. I ha$e read it se$eral times.
=. :arta is the new teacher. hey ha$e been waiting for her.
k. ?o you like that handbag? I ga$e it to you three years ago?
l. Will you forget that day? I met you then.
m. &aris is a fascinating city. here are lots of monuments there.
n. his is my best friend. IBm really worried about him.
o. hatBs the animal# IB$e been dreaming of it.
p. &aul and om are the best students in my class. heir parents got di$orced.
C. :y grandmother was a fabulous woman. *he was a hairdresser.
r. We all admire the .nglish teacher. *he is e!tremely interesting.

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