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What are the Health Benefits

of Practicing Shih-Shui?
Shih-Shui promotes feelings of
youthfulness and clearer, sharper
thinking. A robust immune sys-
tem, strong bones, and supple
ligaments are among the results
of regular practice. Shih-Shui
will build up testosterone levels,
prevent premature ejaculation,
strengthen the immune system,
purify the bone marrow, increase
bone density, and strengthen the
prostate gland to prevent prob-
lems with that organ which have
become such a major concern for
mens health in the past few
years. For a man, it will increase
the blood supply to his penis
which will keep an erection
stronger even well into his senior
years. Shih-Shui can provide
these and many more benefits
that address a variety of health
issues that have a direct correla-
tion to aging and diseases associ-
ated with aging.
For a woman, these
same exercises will strengthen
and tighten the vaginal muscles
which can greatly enhance her
sexual pleasure. It will also have
the effect of putting energy into
the ovaries and vagina, making
her arousal and orgasm easier to
Why am I talking about
this again? The reason is that I
have been doing Shih Shui Kung
(pronounced she-sway) since
1977 and I feel I am stronger,
younger, and healthier at 72 than
I have ever been. It seems the
older I get, the stronger &
healthier I become. I still exer-
cise four hours a day, five days a
week along with regular medita-
tion. I wish every man and
woman could feel this feeling of
youth coming back into their
life. I once wrote an article years
ago that I felt Shih Shui could be
the fountain of youth for many
and I truly do believe this. There
has been little research on the
benefits of Shih Shui and I think
the findings would be very inter-
esting and overwhelming.
A couple of years ago, I
taught Shih Shui to a medical
doctor in the Chicago area and
he said to me, Lao Tzu, I dont
think you really realize how fan-
tastic Shih Shui really is or what
it can really cure or what it can
prevent people from getting like
different diseases or an illness.
Can it be the secret to Anti-
Aging? The answer is we really
dont know. Of all the many
times I have taught Shih-Shui
whether it is to a woman or a
man, they have always raved
how good they feel while doing
it. The thing I do not understand
is why many of them quit be-
cause they say they do not have
time to practice. To me, it is as if
they dont care about their body
or their health. Then when I see
them some time later, they all
say I should get back to it as I
really felt good while doing it.
We go to various health clubs to
tone our external bodies so we
can look good, but seldom do we
give a thought about toning our
internal organs. Bodybuilders,
both men and women, strengthen
every part of their bodies except
the most important muscle/
organ. The one they have the
most fun with, the one that is
most useful, the muscle/organ
that is keeping us healthy,
happy, and strong and that is
their sexual organs. Why is this?
The Shih Shui exercise is the
most powerful exercise there is
that does this and more and is
very simple to do, if taught cor-
rectly. Most importantly, it is
natural with no side effects. Shih
-Shui works directly on the inner
core of the body that are often
neglected or ignored completely.
Shih-Shui is a holistic discipline
that can help the practitioner to
attain elevated functioning and
harmony of the body and mind
like never before. Benefits are
usually felt within the first three
weeks of training.

Inside this issue:
July 2014 Volume 7, Issue 7
Little Nine Heaven Internal Kung-Fu
Shih Shui can also help a
woman build up the estrogen levels in
her body and will increase bone density.
This training can prevent vaginal
prolapse, the condition in which pelvic
organs such as the uterus, small bowel,
bladder, urethra, and sometimes the va-
gina wall itself begins to protrude
through the vagina. Often, with tradi-
tional medicine, major surgical proce-
dures such as a hysterectomy are re-
quired to alleviate these serious condi-
tions. Yet through the practice of Shih-
Shui, many women may find that these
radical treatments can be eliminated.
How Long Does it Take to Learn?
Shih-Shui is always taught on a personal
and private basis so that instruction can
be tailored to the specific needs of the
individual thereby maximizing its po-
tential benefits. The Shih-Shui training
starts with 2 weeks of daily sessions
with a qualified teacher. A total initial
commitment of 100 consecutive days of
training will be required after which this
vital program should be integrated as a
regular aspect of ones health and fit-
ness routine. Routine checkups and
learning new exercises are done at the
convenience of the student.
The Power of the Mind and Shih Shui
We all possess internal medicine within
our body, so why not use it? Everyone
wants to live a healthier, happier, and
longer life without illness, but it seems
for many that an hour a day takes too
much time out of their lives for good
health and happiness. I will continue to
try my best to help people understand
the true value of using the medicine
within our own bodies with the power
of the mind and the power of Shih Shui,
I feel we can cure or prevent anything.
Thank You
Sifu McNeil
Narberth, Pennsylvania
meditating on the Big Dipper, doing
the Sun and Moon meditation, men
and women Shih Shui, Hsing-I, Ba
Kua, Chen Tai-Chi, Chi kung and Lit-
tle Nine Heaven Wu Tao. On their
spare time some went swimming,
hiking to the lake and through the
forest, in the evening after the day
of training and dinner we sat by the
bonfire and talked about many dif-
ferent topics. It was a great week
and everyone practiced hard and
learned a lot.

The area surrounding French Creek
is rich in local Pennsylvanian cul-
ture, and the park itself holds a
significant place in American his-
tory. The forest covering the park
has changed since Hopewell Furnace
began operation, producing iron for
a young America from 1771 to 1883.
It required tremendous amounts of
charcoal to fuel the large blast fur-
nace. Woodcutters chopped wood
from the forest and colliers burned
it in hearths throughout the
wooded hills surrounding the fur-
nace to produce charcoal. To sus-
tain the furnace operations, the
entire area now contained in French
Creek State Park was timbered
On June 10
I headed for Nar-
berth, Pennsylvania to teach two of
my students. Narberth is located
on a parcel of land originally deeded
to Edward Rees (which later be-
came Prees and eventually
Price), who arrived from Wales in
1682. A portion of this original
tract became the 100-acre (0.40
km2) farm of Edward R. Price, who
founded Elm as a Quaker-friendly
town in 1881. The town name
changed to Narberth in 1893, and
Narberth was incorporated in 1895.
[1] Narberth is nestled in the heart
of the Philadelphian main line, and
is known for its small-town atmos-
phere and close-knit community. In
1995, the borough celebrated its
100th birthday with a year-long
celebration. Narberth holds many
festivals and events all year long,
and is a fun town where something
is always happening.

On Thursday we headed for French
Creek State Park to meet with
eight more of my students, we
rented two beautiful cabins. We
practiced different things like
Little Nine Heaven Internal Kung-Fu
Asking questions
Helping each other
repeatedly to make charcoal. The original forest of predominately American chestnut was cleared and eventually
mixed oak forests developed after the furnace closed in 1883. It is hard to imagine that the thickly wooded
hillsides enjoyed by todays visitors were once barren and treeless. The forest of French Creek State Park
played a vital role in Americas industrial infancy.
We are planning a five day trip to Taiwan where we will visit and practice around the Chiang Kai-shek
Memorial Hall, visit some kung fu school, also some Taoist Temples. The Grand Hotel area to practice, also
see other people training, and of course the famous Snake Alley and more.

Then for those who want to continue we will fly to Thailand for training and learning different styles of
kung fu. I feel it will be a great trip and lots of learning and fun.
Volume 7, Issue 7
Standing Meditation The cooks The meal
Tui Na
Waiting for sun to come up
Practicing sword form
McSheas beer
Narberth Downtown
Sitting by the bonfire
Standing Meditation
Tui Na
Narberth Music Festival Downtown Little Nine Heaven Form Narberth Music Festival Downtown
October 26th to November 8th
Taiwan & Phuket, Thailand
(sightseeing and training)
October 25th to November 8th
Internal Kung-Fu/Splashing
Hands (if interested, please
email Sifu McNeil for details)

JUNE 2014
Philadelphia, PA
June 12th to June 21st
Internal Kung-Fu & Splashing
Hands, Men/Women Shih-Shui

JULY 2014
Irvine, CA
June 30th to July 11th
Shih Shui & Kung-Fu
(949) 636-1573
Upcoming Seminars and Events

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