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A collection of poems by
Vinod Khanna
Published by:
The o#deal of li$in% in p#esent times has become f#i%htenin%ly &e#ce# by
the day' (t has %i$en #ise to an i##ational desi#e of achie$ements de&nin%
mate#ial possessions' "onse)uent #esults a#e st#ess and st#ain of mode#n
life and t#ue path of sal$ation is not $isible' (t is a state a*in to da#*ness'
Mate#ial issues ha$e ce#tainly pushed bac* &ne# feelin%s li*e human lo$e
and spi#itual )uest+ especially the late#+ ,hich used to be the ha#bin%e# of
peace and t#an)uility to the human mind since times immemo#ial' A &#m
belief in -od ,as the bottom.line+ at least in (ndian cultu#e'
The #eason ,hy ( ha$e chosen the name /Lamp Post / fo# this collection of
01 poems is that if not all+ at least some of these ea#nestly t#y to dispel
that da#*ness ,hich is a sou#ce of tension #idden #outine fo# many of us'
A Lamp Post can only #emo$e e2te#nal da#*ness and that too in a limited
a#ea' As an alle%o#y+ the Almi%hty3s #ole is a*in to the #ole of an ete#nal
Lamp Post in as fa# as it can dispel da#*ness ,ithin' (f da#*ness ,ithin the
human mind can be #emo$ed fo# %ood+ enli%htenment ,ill p#e$ail in all
sphe#es of life and the lost e2ube#ance may come bac*'
Poet#y in itself is an illuminatin% e2pe#ience' (t is only ,o#ds of a poem o#
a ly#ic that can uplift o# enthuse and can put the $a#ious moods in p#ope#
pe#specti$e' Poet#y in #hyme is specially blessed and has a lastin% impact'
Most epics of the ,o#ld a#e in #hyme' So ( too da#ed to put my thou%hts in
#hyme' ( hope that my e4o#t ,ill be #e,a#ded ,ith you# $aluable
su%%estions and not %o in $ain'
Place: Mohali 5Pun6ab7
Vinod Khanna
88th 9anua#y :;8<
8' Lamp Post
08' 587
Lamp Post
Traveler, be not afraid, dither not thy pace;
Slowly tread the path, keep a cheery face.
On lonely o!rney, thy way " ill!#inate,
$arry on with %tep%, leavin& re%t to fate.
'o! do yo!r ob and let #e do #ine,
(ternal la#p po%t, " en%!re all i% )ne.
*arkne%% " di%pel a% it #ake% one blind,
" b!rn #y%elf o!t till de%tination yo! )nd.
$o!ntle%% trod the path before yo! ca#e,
$aravan% went pa%t, left behind no na#e.
+et yo! enoy the o!rney, leavin& all care,
,o one ha% co#e back; it i% a one way fare
20. 122
3 hob&oblin live% in the well,
4*on5t &o there5 6o# wo!ld tell;
7!t " %aw hi# in the ni&ht,
+o!dly cried, o!t of fri&ht.
$rawled !p %tair%, #o# wa% b!%y,
$o#in& down wa% not %o ea%y;
3% " ca#e t!#blin& down,
8ather cried 4$heck thi% clown5
7read in hand, in the co#po!nd,
(a&le% overhead circlin& ro!nd;
S!ddenly one %natched the bread,
9ell broke loo%e o!t of dread.
One day " wa% o!t to )ddle,
:!t #y ar# on the &riddle;
Soon the crie% went to %kie%,
7!rn #ark on the ar# %till lie%.
+ook ye all how ti#e ;ie%,
6e#orie% re#ain till one die%;
<olden day% %pent in pa%t,
=ent %o fa%t, co!ld not la%t.
3la%> 3la%> 3la%> 3la%>
0 5>7
The Final "all
The vale%, hill%, rill% and %trea#%
+ove, la!&hter, %care% n5 %crea#%,
$radle to &rave, thi% o!rney of life;
=a% it or not, a cl!tch of drea#%?
8riend% and foe%, hi&h% and low%,
@n kept pro#i%e%, for&otten vow%,
S!ddenly a olt rattle% and %top%;
6arch of de%ire% in endle%% row%.
", #e, #ine i% the %on& we %in&,
8or&et rin&-#a%ter %ittin& in rin&,
9!bri% we love co#e% to a na!&ht;
(ven the kin& i% no #ore a kin&.
Aiche%, power, na#e and fa#e,
,othin& ever %tick% in thi% &a#e,
Silence of &rave% %peak% alo!d;
3ll yo! have i% a clai# to ;a#e.
+ife5% end i% writin& on the wall,
Still we in%i%t !pon walkin& tall,
3ll the trick% or rope% we learn
$an they ward oB 4the )nal call5?
66 142.
aite# ?oy and =e, @ea#
=hat are year%, #onth%, day% or date%?
9e know% not wa%hin& c!p% and plate%.
7efore cock crow%, he i% back to work,
Sleepin& late no eDc!%e, cannot %hirk.
$leanin& table%, &ettin& order hi% ob%,
=earin& a %#ile, he hide% ni&htly %ob%.
Sit% near tap, %cr!bbin& pan% and pot%,
Str!&&le% alone, connectin& life5% dot%.
3 new year brin&% hi# not any cheer,
9!%tle and b!%tle of %treet, )nd% E!eer.
(Dcited people &litterin& in &lea#in& car%,
+a!&hin&, okin&, tro!pin& in hotel% n5 bar%
=hy he i% what he i% and they what they are,
"% it con%piracy, <od5% will or play of %tar%?
1C. 152
S#all wa% the world, when a% a child
"n ar#% of #other, " ranted and riled.
=hitene%% of #ilk only " adored,
7itterly " wept, whenever i&nored.
*id %he i&nore cyno%!re of her eye%?
,o, ca#e r!nnin& hearin& #y crie%.
=henever %he fo!nd #e a bit !nwell,
*evoid of %leep her eye% wo!ld %well.
=hat an&!i%h %he felt, " can5t tell,
=ant to a%k? 3%k the te#ple bell.
She for&ot food to %ee #e %#ile,
=hat p!re feelin&% in world %o vile.
,ow %el)%hne%% r!le%, treachery rife,
9ow " #i%% the an&el in #y life.
10. 162
,ever thanked <od for the fairie% 9e %ent,
,or " knew for what period were they lent;
=ith %ilent %#ile% in #y ho#e they lived,
9ow #!ch " #i%%ed the# after they went.
Of #y har%hne%%, they did have fear%,
9!ddled in bed to&ether both %hed tear%,
7!t loved #e %till and never talked back,
3h> The re#or%e now drive% it% %pear%.
Slowly in ti#e, pair of win&% they &rew,
7efore " had known both %!ddenly ;ewF
7ewildered " %i#ply watched their ;i&ht,
"n %ky %o bl!e, to the pa%t!re% %o new.
24 1/2
Recipe fo# success
$l!tchin& TiGn boDe%,
A!nnin& toward oGce%,
Settlin& in chair%, &reet
8ew h!#an faced foDe%.
9an&in& by %pidery thread,
7loody %tr!&&le for bread,
=hat a &o%%a#er web,
So wide, nicely %pread.
8ort!ne% fall and ri%e,
Slowly #ake yo! wi%e,
*on5t over%hoot li#it%,
'o! #ay be c!t to %iHe.
9ard work i% not all,
:ro%trate, or yo! fall
8ro# &race of worldly &od%
'o!r career hit% a wall.
Thi% i% a %incere advice,
S!cce%% hath a price;
8or&et e&o and pride,
+earn to throw the dice.
4/. 102
The %!n wa% !p on day %o bri&ht,
Iokin& people boarded the ;i&ht.
Take-oB %#ooth, all thin&% ri&ht,
Soon it attained diHHyin& hei&ht.
+i%tenin& #!%ic, readin& book%;
8ace% wearin& contented look%.
3 %!dden %care, the plane drop%,
8or a few #o#ent%, heart %top%;
9ell break% loo%e, people cry,
To %top the de%cent, pilot% try.
Ain&% a voice, 4=eather i% bad,
*o not worry depre%%ion we had5.
That to #e wa% a di%ea%e of #ind;
@p in the air do plane% al%o )nd?
Soon " learn, depre%%ion n5 fall,
6arch of life the%e can %tall.
$heer !p folk% even if %tre%%ed,
+o%e no hei&ht, be not depre%%ed.
There i% a :ilot, !p %o#ewhere,
+eave yo!r worrie%, let 9i# care.
40. 1C2
Shootin% Sta#
,o ho#e, no b!n&alow n5 no car,
*on5t need one, ", a %hootin& %tar.
8ro# where " ca#e, to where " &o,
3 #y%tery eternal, none can know.
*arkne%% en&!lf% #y %patial ;i&ht,
7!t " #!%t ;y, covered in own li&ht.
(arthlin&%, other%, for yo! " %i&h,
8or love of #aterial% yo! can5t ;y.
$ele%tial o!rney yo! cannot #ake,
Tied in chain% yo! can never break.
(ven if &olden, a chain, i% a chain,
9ei&ht% the%e never let yo! attain.
'o!r orbit% only yo! can de)ne,
Tied in knot% or %i#ple %trai&ht line.
5.. 11.2
3b%!rditie%, inanitie%
6indle%% in%anitie%
Trivial profanitie%
8railtie%, *!alitie%,
8ar-fetched realitie%,
Jen&ef!l per%onalitie%
Talk %o %#all,
A!#o!r% enthrall
*riven to the wall
<o ro!nd and ro!nd.
=orldly #!ddle,
$a!&ht in a p!ddle
<oin& into h!ddle
6ake no %o!nd
A!n a&ro!nd
51. 1112
?i#d in Ci%ht'
8adin& winter li&ht, %!n down we%t,
3 7ird in ;i&ht headin& to it% ne%t,
3fter whole day of a feathery E!e%t;
Tired, the win&% now lon& for re%t.
<rain% it &athered pre%%ed in beak,
8or ;ed&lin&% in ne%t %till %o weak;
=antin& to be back before the dark,
3 h!#dr!# drill, it% reality %tark.
3 way to &o, in deepenin& &loo#,
=in&% ;!tter fa%t to reach ho#e %oon;
3la%> 3 catap!lt %hoot% a %tone,
$!ttin& thro!&h ;e%h bare% a bone.
7leedin&, the body fall% to &ro!nd,
=ayward !rchin% crowdin& aro!nd;
8led&lin&% cla#o!r for feed in vain,
7ird5% beak %pillin& all the &rain.
7e%tial reoice, innocence killed,
,o one &rieve%, 9i% creation %tilled;
(very %!ch deed, acco!nt we #!%t,
"f ever we %aid 4"n <od we tr!%t5.
53. 1122
Ae Sleeps
S!##er %!n %corche%, #elt% tar on road,
9oove% &et %t!ck, hor%e cannot p!ll load.
"t trie% it% be%t b!t cannot #ove an inch,
8ace% of cart #an and hor%e both ;inch.
S!ddenly whip &oe% !p, hor%e &et% a ;o&,
Sho!t% #an, 46ove yo! ba%tard yo! do&5.
7ea%t bend% knee%, once a&ain trie%,
Till tear% %tart droppin& fro# it% eye%.
"t know%, hi% food and #a%ter5% bread,
7oth are linked to&ether to it% tread.
:a%%er%by berate hi#, 4*on5t be cr!el5,
7!t he know% better daily drill for &r!el.
The hor%e fall%, the #an bitterly weep%,
$ity pa%%e% by, perhap% 9e too %leep%.
5/. 1132
ido,s of V#inda$an
=hole day %he chant% oinin& in a choir,
9i% na#e n5 hy#n% %ittin& in te#ple foyer.
6i%ty eyed, %t!#blin&, c!r%in& her fate,
Oh> Thi% cataract, creaky oint%, no #ate.
Still %he co#e% for )%tf!l of rice, %o#e cloth,
Till the body #ove%, let %he have her broth.
8or year% %he ha% lived here, a recl!%e;
9ad no voice, %!bected to !%e, #i%!%e.
T!rned o!t of ho#e, h!%band a +and-lord,
$o!rte%y to a widow %ociety didn5t accord.
3 ravi%hin& bea!ty of her ti#e%, very fair,
"n Jrindavan land%, white robe%, black hair.
Te#ple &ave her %helter b!t wa%n5t free,
:ain% n!#bed her, %he %tood like a tree.
9avin& weathered %tor#%, tree i% now old,
@nleavened, crackin&, breakin& and cold.
7etween te#ple and din&y roo# %he fall%.
,o doctor, no dr!&%, %he &oe% a% 9e call%.
1D' 58<7
Life3s 9ou#ney
=hile travellin& dan&ero!% road%,
=onder, " %!rvived all tho%e odd%.
3 o!rney f!ll with twi%t% and t!rn%,
$ool wind alternated with %!n b!rn%.
<reen %ward% led to d!%ty path,
19i% love followed by 9i% wrath?2
9ad cro%%ed #any pathle%% wood%,
6et deadly %nake% pro!d of hood%.
Treachero!% track% ca!%ed the %lip%,
7loo#% alway% followed by blip%.
Top%y- t!rvy o!rney co#e% to an end
+ike a train vani%hin& ro!nd the bend
3.. 1152
*oe and deer )nd it E!eer,
=hy the lion ha% no fear?
O.K, a&reed, it ha% no fear,
=hy it attack% fro# the rear?
"f we had horn% at the back,
=ill it then #o!nt an attack?
+et <od #ake a little a#end,
<ive !% a thin& #ore to defend.
Tho!&ht 9e, 4+et #e &ive few horn%,
+et the# enoy ni&ht% and #orn%5.
The old lion %ittin& in lair cried,
4Send #e a deer, raw or fried;
8or " can5t r!n, " can5t cha%e,
9aven5t " lo%t #y h!ntin& day%5?
<od wa% conf!%ed, who# to hear?
4Sorry5 9e %aid 4yo!r de%tiny, yo! bear5.
2C. 1162
An En%inee#3s !ilemma
T!nneled #o!ntain, ta#ed the river,
Science n5 technolo&y in #y E!iver;
=hy a tho!&ht of ta#in& own #ind,
*own the %pine %ent %!ch a %hiver?
*eterred by nothin&, %!n or rain,
+aid the track% to r!n the train,
(ntered the fore%t% witho!t a fear,
,ever co!ld enter #y own brain.
7ridle the de%ire%, told the %eer,
4+et !% drink5 enticed the peer;
=hat i% ri&ht direction to %teer?
(ver na&&in& tho!&ht wo!ld appear.
:!rpo%e of life i% %till not clear,
Searched for it far and near,
8riend% replied with eer or %neer,
Aeli&ion5% to#e% invite #ore fear.
=ill !nan%wered " &o to &rave?
=ill " die a% a fool and a knave?
8ire% of hell will b!rn #y %o!l?
"% there none to %ave or %tave?
$o!nt friend% fro# c!t% on #y back,
8rontal wo!nd% &ive ene#ie%5 track.
@nfaithf!l lover% did #a!l #y %o!l,
Sel)%h relation% li%t on #ind5% %croll;
Aabie% " &ot fro# back-bitin& peer%,
:arti%an bo%%e% #oved #e to tear%.
T!rnin& to reli&ion fo!nd fake %eer%,
Shinin& fro# front, %tinkin& on rear%;
9alf-tr!th%, %hibboleth% proved f!tile,
*i%co!r%e% doled #ade #e %enile.
9ow " %aved #y %anity and cal#?
9e %ent an&el% ready with the bal#.
6other, da!&hter%, wife " %al!te all,
=o#en %o frail prevented #y fall.
4.. 1102
Till ( am !ead
$la%pin& her hand he %aid,
4'o! are #ine till " a# dead5
She looked into hi% eye%,
7!t replied only in %i&h%.
The%e word% %aid by her lover,
=hen )r%t #et !nder a bower;
$a#e now to ha!nt hi% #ind,
=hen all el%e wa% left behind.
She knew now he wa% dyin&,
Stopped %hort of openly cryin&.
=anted to tell, %he kept the word,
7!t the tho!&ht %ee#ed ab%!rd.
That convey%, hi% ti#e wa% over,
Over hi# %he bent a bit lower;
4" a# yo!r% yo! know it #y dear,
7!t yo! aren5t &oin& anywhere;
7ower %tand% in o!r co#po!nd,
3 better witne%% can5t be fo!nd;
Of thi% pro#i%e lived for year%,
Till...till... word% &ave in to tear%.
45. 11C2
S(= A=! S(==ERS
,i&ht life %parkle% in p!b% and bar%,
:arkin& i% f!ll with eDpen%ive car%.
<litter n5 &la#o!r the riche% de)ne,
$elebritie% dance, wine and dine.
:a&e three people, a% they are called,
7ooHe n5 %nooHe fro# o!t%ide walled.
3lway% takin& a #oral hi&h &ro!nd,
Their ni&htly %torie% really a%to!nd.
7i& people, bi& worrie% #!%t !nwind,
,ever a%k how %!ch #oney they )nd.
7lack or white i% hardly a concern,
3partheid on TJ they alway% %p!rn>
S!ch i% their love for thi% black,
=ad% n5 wad% they alway% %tack.
"n%ide while the%e worthie% reoice,
O!t%ide people devoid of choice;
*o& and #an eat fro# &arba&e bin,
9!n&er and poverty their only %in.
43. 12.2
7ea!teo!% ;ower, tender and pro!d,
9oldin& attention of a cheery crowd;
7ri&htne%% of colo!r, daHHlin& &lare
$rafted by nat!re with &reate%t care.
Softne%% of petal% defyin& the %ilk,
Jyin& for attention of #en of #y ilk.
*e)ant and pro!d in yo!thf!l He%t,
Seeker% con%i&ned to harde%t te%t.
Slowly the ti#e #!%t take it% toll,
Slowly the life #ayn5t be on a roll.
<rad!ally the colo!r %tarted to fade,
Seeker% now fo!nd tryin& to evade.
3% the %te# to the %ide &et% tilted,
:etal% al#o%t cr!#pled and wilted.
,o lover of nat!ral bea!ty aro!nd,
:etal% li%tle%%ly fallin& to &ro!nd.
:ower and &lory i% a heady brew,
4:ride hath a fall5 %ince a&e% tr!e.
44. 1212
Oa* and Leaf

3ll the colo!r% of %prin& and fall,
:ainted on an Oak %tandin& tall.
+i&ht to dark, &reen and yellow,
'o!n& %pro!t% or olden #ellow;
*ance of wind enoyed by %o#e,
8ear% of fallin& yet not overco#e;
:artin& leave% %ay to the tree
3far we &o in a fall %o free.
,ever %hall #eet once adrift,
7ack to place no wind can lift.
S!ch i% life for leaf and Oak,
6arch of ti#e none can block.
4C. 1222
=henever #other left wheat to dry,
:erched on wall %parrow% wo!ld try;
To %teal &rain% for ;ed&lin&% in ne%t,
6y %hooin& oB %kill wa% p!t to te%t.
,ow no #other, no &rain on cot,
$hildhood friend% " cannot %pot,
$hirpin& and ;ittin& where are they?
" feel &!ilty, " %hooed the# away.
So#e %ay #obile killed the# all,
Other% hold pe%ticide% ca!%e of fall;
$o#e O5 friend% li%ten to thi% call,
+ie% in wait, yo!r favo!rite wall.
" have bro!&ht a ba& f!ll of wheat,
+aid the cot and %pread the %heet,
+i%ten #y friend% a %incere entreat,
O!t of #y hand% now yo! #ay eat.
>E' 5:>7
" a# a!t!#nal #i%t, ephe#eral,
Ai%in& fro# yo!, #y river eternal.
"t i% dawn; " lie %till in yo!r e#brace,
7!t %oon %hall vani%h witho!t a trace.
So!nd% of &!r&lin& water% will di#,
=hen clo!d% carry #e for a %wi#.
" #!%t %eparate to oin yo! a&ain,
3way fro# yo! " cannot re#ain.
Over de%ert%, hill% and #eadow% ;y,
Till one day " fall in yo!, fro# %ky.
Aidin& north wind %py yo! fro# above,
=aitin& to #er&e in yo! a&ain #y love.
30. 1242
9avin& )ni%hed the ta%k, %ittin& !nder a tree,
7one weary pri%oner now want% to be free.
3 look toward% heaven%, another to the &ate,
+o%in& co!nt of ti#e, he know% not the date.
The date when hi% fetter% forever will break;
The date of la%t %cene, ca#era5% la%t take.
=hen he ca#e here, of that i% not aware,
Till #e#ory5% end, had the%e wall% to %tare.
9ard work, hi&h wall%, h!n&er and the cane,
"% there another life? Tho!&ht looked in%ane.
7!t know% he, there alway% co#e% a day,
=rit %top% r!nnin&, pri%on &od% can5t ;ay.
9e will #i%% the fellow%, b!t %pared the rod;
So!l will #eet #aker, the creator, the <od.
Sil*,o#m 5:17
" #ay %weat, " #ay %woon,
7!t cannot break cocoon.
7orn on a #!lberry tree,
(ver afraid, never free.
=ove #y%elf into a %hell,
To e%cape the worldly hell.
$ocoon i% now %tron&,
=onder, if " did wron&?
=oven of %ilken thread,
"t% darkne%% now " dread.
,o vi%itor, no %!nli&ht,
Till death, a lonely )&ht.
Soon " #ay be boiled,
" wonder why " toiled.
1.. 1262
-amble#3s !iceF
" a# in a )D; " a# in a bind,
=hy a# " a diBerent kind?
=hy " cannot la!&h alo!d,
=hy avoid a #otley crowd?
=hy lo%t in drea#% of yore?
=hy think of h!n&er and &ore?
S!Berin& h!#an5% pain " feel,
=hy have-not% can5t have #ore?
+aw%, #oral% all have failed,
Seer%, %aint% arrived b!t %ailed,
*e%pite thinker% writin& to#e%,
Tho%e in pit% were never bailed.
:lato to 6arD, ca#e and went,
3ll #e%%en&er% <od had %ent,
$o!ldn5t they do a little better?
*id they break a %in&le fetter?
3ll the %er#on% and all advice,
Aed!ce to a tri;e in a trice;
Starvation %tarin& one in the face,
Aeli&ion look% a &a#bler5% dice.
25. 12/2
Son% of !G6H $u
$hildren &row, &o to %chool,
8ather% elated. 6other% drool,
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
7oy and &irl #eet in a park,
Keepin& parent% in the dark,
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
$olle&e over, de&ree% abo!nd,
<o for ob%, ro!nd and ro!nd
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
Selection and reection% &alore,
8ew are happy, di%tre%%ed #ore
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
,ow weddin& bell% will toll,
+et !% brin& a pretty doll
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
Older people not %ati%)ed,
*id not &et what they eyed
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
3&ain the children a&ain %chool,
8a#iliar wave%, %a#e ce%%pool
*LM v!, dLM v!, dLM v!
11. 1202
'onder a %ward %lope% downhill,
=orth an eDploit, worth the till;
=anderer like " want to eDplore,
$li#b the #o!nt, cro%% the rill.
8lower%, fra&rance and no %o!nd,
6e and nat!re, no %o!l aro!nd,
'o! #ay think " lo%t #y way;
" think " wa% ho#eward bo!nd.
Trail% of li&htenin& in the %ky,
A!Ned by wind%, tree top% hi&h,
7li%%f!l weather, Henith of #irth,
$an5t a%k #ore, before " die.
Shepherd5% h!t with &able roof,
Sittin& alone fro# world aloof,
3#blin& alon&, wonderin& how
"% %o bea!tif!l 9i% warp and woof.
31. 12C2
=ant to be happy? *on5t live in pa%t.
+i%tenin& to the %eer%, " wa% a&ha%t.
:a%t wa% where #y love lie% b!ried,
:a%t wa% ti#e when never " h!rried.
3ll the #e#orie%, all #y trea%!re,
+ie in pa%t #ea%!re for #ea%!re.
3ll the %chool and all colle&e friend%,
*ev5%O hair %tyle and all tho%e trend%;
$ha%in& b!tter;ie%, keepin& in book%,
3%kin& the #irror, 49ow are #y look%?5
There lie heartthrob%, #any a ;a#e,
13ltho!&h " forfeited entire clai#2;
6other5% kitchen, aro#a of di%he%,
*epth of love, ble%%in&%, wi%he%;
6eetin& a perfect wo#an in #y life,
Thankin& <od who #ade her wife;
=hat of children and their prank%,
3ward%, report card% and the rank%;
9ow can one fore&o all thi% wealth?
3lway% %neak% in drea#% by %tealth;
Take away anythin& b!t not #y pa%t;
=itho!t the%e #e#orie% " cannot la%t. ---...---
O8a#o!% actor *ev 3nand
32. 13.2
The heat fro# )%%ion #elted the %kin,
4+ittle 7oy5O co##itted the &rave%t %in.
8ire and %#oke blackened all thin&%,
4(nola <ay5OO %oon took to it% win&%.
3 rally of %co!t% wa% on the card%,
Soon the children were hit by %hard%.
TiGn% and food &ot b!rnt to a l!#p,
=hole city looked a &arba&e d!#p.
School%, ho%pital%, ho#e% b!rnt down
9iro%hi#a beca#e the )r%t &ho%t town.
$harred bodie% wilt, no help at hand,
=hat in%anity, what a wa%teland.
8or decade%, a #other didn5t clo%e book,
9er %on had opened to have a la%t look.
Aiver% of tear% have ;own %ince then,
=hen will end thi% #adne%% in #en?
The world #ay peri%h witho!t a trace,
@nle%% we bani%h thi% n!clear race.
(no!&h cala#itie%, #!ch holoca!%t,
=hen we learn fro# #i%take% of pa%t?
O,a#e of the bo#b
OO,a#e of the plane that dropped the bo#b
0:' 5>87

$ro%%ed #any a river, hill% and dale;
Takin& weird ro!te% beyond #y pale.
,ot very happily took te%t% 9e &ave,
P!e%tioned 9i% wi%do# like a knave.
6ile%tone after #ile%tone " pa%%ed,
6o!nt of wealth on way a#a%%ed.
Io!rney wa% %hort didn5t anticipate,
Titillation%, 7a%e de%ire% did %atiate.
=hat p!rpo%e of o!rney, lo%t track,
"t wa% one way traGc, can5t &o back.
3 few #ile%tone% left to be cro%%ed,
"n a %ea of oblivion, " will be to%%ed.
2/. 1322
Ta6 Mahal

8ancied E!een lie% in %tate,
1@naware of h!%band5% fate2
8or year% he lived a drea#;
Of word &iven to hi% #ate.
On hot and h!#id day%,
"n %corchin& S!n5% ray%,
:eople &rapple with %tone%;
Their back% the lea%h ;ay%.
The %lave% wo!ld fall %ick,
7!t afraid of na%ty kick,
Keep on winchin& load,
8or#in& it brick by brick.
9a!lin& %tone% to do#e,
=itho!t hearth or ho#e,
(Dha!%tion clai#% live%,
6o!th% e#ittin& foa#.
Over the bodie% of dead,
$oGn of a E!een %pread;
9ow cr!el for a corp%e,
To death were livin& bled.
C. 1332

The $aptive kin& ;ie% in ra&e,
:aw% the bar%, bloodie% ca&e,
6or%el% of food kept at bay,
*oe% not even &lance fora&e.
Trainer #ake% h!n&er a tool,
7lood %hot eye% cannot fool,
Th!ndero!% roar %hake% the %ky,
Ain&#a%ter la!&h%, keepin& cool.
Know% h!n&er and lea%h5% force,
(&o% %carcely r!n their co!r%e,
6ortal% break like %hattered &la%%;
8or cr!#b%, #en and #oral% divorce.
Soon, the lion beco#e% a cat,
S!nken eye%, lo%in& the fat,
=a&% tail when food i% %hown;
*oe% not #ind trainer5% pat.
Ain&% of )re now he can cro%%,
<old in hi# red!ced to dro%%,
$r!#b% can #ake #an a %lave,
$r!#b% decide who i% the bo%%.
5. 1342
Ochre robe%Q%haven head,
9i% path verily do " tread;
6y ar#% #ake #y pillow
The earth for#% the bed.
,o fatherQ#other or wife,
,o plea%!re, nor %trife;
" left the# far behind,
,ow divinity i% #y life.
,o worrie% and no %tre%%,
,eed% beco#in& %o le%%;
" la!&h at crafty &a#e%,
$h!ckle at worldly #e%%.
+eavin& thin&% a plea%!re,
9i% na#e #y only trea%!re;
So!l over body i% the &oal,
6ind on #atter, the #ea%!re.
The bli%%> *o ye co#prehend?
$an5t yo! %ee over the bend?
3 halo of the life %!bli#e,
The Aainbow hidin& 43 8riend5.
0. 1352

3# " a body or a# " a %o!l?
=ho ha% ca%t #e in thi% role?
8ootball like, &ettin& the hit%,
=hy can5t " )nd #y &oal?
3# " h!nter, h!nted or bow?
=ho will tell, " want to know,
=here wa% " before " ca#e?
=here after all %hall " &o?
The an%wer% " %eek, hard to )nd,
+ike a blind #an lead% the blind,
:rophet% wove a web of tho!&ht%;
$o!ld not convince eternal #ind.
Script!re %aid, d!%t !nto d!%t,
*evil la!&hed, l!%t co#e% )r%t,
Stran&e bedfellow%, lo&ic and faith
,o one know% who# to tr!%t.
15. 1362
Ti%e# and me
9o#eward bo!nd in a %tarlit ni&ht,
On a lonely road fro# b!% " ali&ht,
=hile " cro%% the hill on the way,
A!%tle of leave%, a &ho%tly fri&ht.
"% it an ani#al, a #an or a wraith?
" %top in #y %hoe%, hold the breath,
,othin& perhap%, " r!b #y eye%,
7!t hold, a thin& follow% in %tealth.
"t wa% a ti&er, eye% %hinin& in dark,
=alkin& in %ilence, a reality %tark,
Keepin& to #y froHen %tep% " pray,
Spare #e the life, to <od " hark.
The villa&e %till i% far and away,
$an " #ake it? " 6ay not or #ay.
The kin& of !n&le walk% alon&,
Side by %ide, not lookin& at prey.
Soon it take% to the folia&e &reen,
6ea%!red %tep%, royal and preen,
" can5t believe #y life i% %pared,
=ill not for&et, a %have %o clean.
16. 13/2
O$e# the coals
1"n a taDi, while pa%%in& the hill% where once " travelled 4+onely, h!n&ry and feelin&
S!btly love i% bo!&ht and %old,
" knew only when father told;
4<o )nd a ob, don5t %it here,
*o " own a #ine of &old5?
That5% when " left #other5% fold,
9ardly %he co!ld her tear% hold,
" travelled in b!% to hill% beyond,
+onely, h!n&ry and feelin& cold.
O!t to prove that 4'e%, " can5-
Soon " chan&ed fro# boy to #an,
8!t!re wa% all blood and &ore,
=ith bli%tered %ole%, a race " ran.
9avin& achieved all #y &oal%,
Travelin& over hill% and %hoal%
" %till wonder abo!t #y fa!lt,
=hy wa% " ha!led over coal%?
1/. 1302
:a&e% t!rned by invi%ible hand,
" feel like walkin& on E!ick-%and,
,o <od in the %ky to hear #y cry;
3ll too %oon, the %cene look% bland.
=hat i% neDt, " cannot &!e%%,
3nother book? 3nother pre%%?
$ycle of birth and death confo!nd%,
Self%a#e %o!l, another dre%%?
"f it i% tr!e, " #ay be kid a&ain,
=ill &o to %chool, play in rain,
:a&e% will t!rn, E!ick and fa%t,
3% " &o thro!&h plea%!re and pain.
Story repeat% endle%% in ti#e,
Silent actor% play o!t a #i#e,
Ta!tolo&y wrap%, cli#aD !nfold%
6ore &rave% &et d!%t and &ri#e.
2. 13C2
3nd %hare%;
The%e are
The ware%
4:eddled in thoro!&hfare%5
3nDio!% yo! only
$heck it o!t,
=ho care%?

3. 14.2
<od-#en a le&ion
1$ontractor% of reli&ion2,
P!ote fro#
(pical %o!rce%
"n reli&io!% di%co!r%e%;
3lway% in prayer%
$ontin!e albeit,
=ith illicit aBair%.
1Oh #y <od> There are
+ayer% within the layer%.2


1. 1412
9altin& at a !nction occ!pied in #ind,
Aainbow colo!r% ;oatin& in air, " )nd,
Aa&&ed )&!re of child %habbily dre%%ed,
3&ain%t the windowpane her no%e pre%%ed.
(ye% pleadin& and %oap b!bbler% in hand,
7arefoot on #eltin& tar doe% %he %tand;
=ith folded pal#% want% #e to b!y one,
8or #y darlin& da!&hter or #y dear %on.
:ri%#atic colo!r% ;oatin& in the air,
Scarcely " want that child to de%pair;
8or if %he cannot %ell the%e to #en
3nd e#pty-handed ret!rn% to her den;
=ill the father, who #ay be a dr!nk
,ot beat her or react like a %k!nk?
*oe% the #other have %o#ethin& to cook?
=ill %he not &ive her a na%ty look?
Sellin& rainbow colo!r% to !% the &irl
$a!&ht !naware in the poverty5% whirl,
$olo!rle%% her life in heartle%% town
=ill %he %wi#? Or will %he drown?

4. 1422
ol$es in sheep3s clothin%
The chief wolf %aid, 4Of late,
3ll thi% diatribe of hate
See#% to be o!r fateF
+et5% &et rid at any rate.
,ow a% all have ri&ht to food,
<r!d&in& !% o!r% i% not &ood,
=e did all to #ake the# happy,
Still we are #i%!nder%tood.
9ad it not been for their fat,
=e wo!ldn5t kill even a rat,
=e are !%t over&rown do&%
+ike a ti&er, an over&rown cat.
So far we killed %heep for #eat,
1"t% ta%te no other food can beat2
+et5% now have a paradi&# %hift;
=e #ay not kill the# for a treat.
3ll we need i% their %kin,
3 veneer of which however thin,
6ade into clothe% for all to wear,
Kill% infa#y, re%tore% the &rin.
7rilliant> 3%%e#bly %aid in a voice,
,ow at lea%t we have a choice;
=ill have o!r cake and eat it too,
Skin we wear, o5er dinner reoice.
12. 1432
9ono!r of wo#en, love of #en,
,ew% in paper, the writer5% pen;
=hat of the%e i% not for %ale?
,othin& " %ee, beyond #y ken.
*ollar%, :o!nd% r!le like &od%,
+eader% behave a% %t!pid %od%,
=ar and weapon%, %ole concern;
Sow and reap hatred5% pod%.
+ove of co##erce t!rn% blind,
Aich in world have aDe to &rind,
$o%t of which, other% #!%t pay,
Treachero!% &a#e, one of a kind.
'o! and #e, do we co!nt?
Iob% are %carce, taDe% #o!nt,
=ho will ri%e to %te# thi% rot?
=ho will pl!& #i%ery5% fo!nt?
9ow #any war% do we need?
=hen %hall halt raveno!% &reed,
$an ye aBord another holoca!%t?
So #any h!n&ry #o!th% to feed.
13. 1442
Kaleido%cope %hift%, thin&% chan&e,
9ow we ad!%t, nicely re-arran&e,
To-day5% yo!th, ye%terday a child,
=itho!t any )re %o %oft and #ild.
+ittle #ore tilt and yo! are a #an,
,o airy ca%tle%, yo! have a plan;
Aat-race decide% yo! cannot or can
7e a winner, loo%er or 4al%o ran5.
7!rden%, worrie% wei&h yo! down,
'o! dance on a rope like a clown;
=ife, children, %pell the de#and%;
7o%% i% never %hort of co##and%.
I!%t a #!le now yo! p!ll yo!r cart,
To ward oB ten%ion%, have a E!art;
3ren5t drink% bewitchin&, like a tart?
Of the ro!tine, it beco#e% a part.
$han&e of %cene, !%t in a trice
8or the plea%!re yo! pay a price;
The 7: or %!&ar, %!ddenly %trike,
3 dart in heart, yo!r doctor% like.
7locked arterie%, an&io and %tent,
'o! tell yo!r friend%, how it went;
,o #ore drink%, co#pany yo! E!it,
7land i% the food, dr!&% to o!twit.
Kaleido rotate% to pattern% new,
,o%tal&ia #oan%, plea%!re% ;ew,
'o! rave, yo! rant, eDpre%% an ire
See in drea#%, a dreaded bier?
14. 1452
"t =hirl% and twirl%, between the %tar%,
9e##ed between Jen!% and 6ar%,
(arth rotate%, ca!%in& day% and ni&ht%,
8ro# where to where, a %tran&e ;i&ht?
Shootin& %tar% hit like lon& %pike%,
=ho know% when a co#et %trike%?
7loated e&o% inhabitin& the earth,
$an they %ave their ho#e or hearth?
6illion% of %tar% and &alaDie% abo!nd,
=ho #ake% the# &o ro!nd and ro!nd?
Stickin& to %peed% and orbit% de)ned;
,ever &et lo%t tho!&h never en-%i&ned.
0;' 5<E7
!ese#ted old man
*odderin& old #an in a corner look% lo%t,
=onder% abo!t relation% covered in fro%t.
Seldo# rin&% doorbell, never the phone,
Twili&ht year% of life forced to live alone.
(ver i##er%ed in #e#orie% of hi% pa%t,
Think% alo!d, how lon& like it he can la%t.
8ailin& eye%i&ht, very weak and %o %ick,
=ait% till the ;a#e blow% oB with a ;ick.
Son%, da!&hter% he rai%ed, went abroad,
9ow to know it wa% fate or c!nnin& fra!d?
,o one co#e% to %ee whether he i% there;
3bandoned like a tree, left to %tor#5% care.
Ae#e#ber% how father died a#on& kin,
$annot )nd where he fa!lted or hi% %in.
A!%tic people of yore never did thi% to #en,
6oral rot a cha%#, between now and then.
6any like hi# are left alone to fend for %elf;
7ravo> 6ad racer% for #oney power n5 pelf.
6C. 14/2
Fa#me#3s Suicide

Over one billion #o!th% to feed,O
" plo!&h #y )eld n5 %ow the %eed,
Sea%on% can5t %top #y daily toil,
8or #e, a far#er, %on of the %oil.
Aeap #y crop in b!rnin& %!n,
Aeal to!&h ta%k, not #!ch f!n.
8reeHin& winter%, &et !p at fo!r,
6y t!rn for water cannot i&nore.
*ew on leave%, fro%t on &ra%%,
" c!t a drain for water to pa%%.
Often nei&hbor i% ready to )&ht,
3ll thi% abo!t the waterin& ri&ht.
3 lot depend% on ti#ely rain%,
=hether or not " &et the &rain%.
*ro!&ht too can %care #y wit%,
+oan for %eed% on #ind %it%.
*a!&hter to wed, need #ore loan%
"&nore %ick wife5% #oan% n5 &roan%.
6any de#and%, can5t priority decide,
Only way o!t, will co##it %!icide.
---...--- O1"t i% in "ndian conteDt2
60. 1402
!on3t ?e An%#y'

*on5t be an&ry, teeth do not &na%h,
1*on5t like caller? 9an&, pre%% ha%h.2
8ind %o!rce of worry, i% it the ca%h?
Take it ea%y, !%e it, do never %ta%h.
9ad a ball of ti#e at the ni&htly ba%h?
9an& over? 'o! went rather a bit ra%h.
6oderate, be %low and do not da%h,
+ife i% %hort, !%t a ca#era5% ;a%h.
8or&et rat-race, %pare on %elf whipla%h,
:!ttin& cart before hor%e? "t will cra%h.
6y advice, yo! #ay !%e or #ay tra%h,
See, %tre%%ed heart not %!Ber% a &a%h.
Sh!n h!bri%, e&o, not be a kid %o bra%h,
(l%e yo! #ake life veritable #i%h-#a%h.
*on5t be an&ry, teeth do not &na%h,
1*on5t like caller? 9an& !p, pre%% ha%h.2
6/. 14C2

" %potted yo! on %hi##erin& %nowy peak%,
1Tho!&h %o#e fo!nd yo! rowin& in creek%2.
'o! fall with the fall% and ri%e with the #i%t,
S!n #oon are b!t watche% on yo!r wri%t.
'o! live hidden on tree in %parrow5% ne%t,
To en%!re the chick% pa%% their ;yin& te%t.
"n the %eed yo! live below earth5% cr!%t,
Tellin& it how to %pro!t with !pward thr!%t.
'o! %hine in S!n, #oon a% heavenly li&ht,
Then be retina, cornea n5 p!pil to &ive %i&ht.
'o! live in #e a% " in yo!, both are %a#e,
*!ality yo! created, only a play, a &a#e.
65. 15.2
( Alone

" lie alone and al#o%t dead,
*rowned in #e#orie% of thi% bed.
She alway% lay here on #y left,
Of who%e co#pany " a# bereft.
*on5t re#e#ber for how #any year%,
Served #e in bed, c!p that cheer%
3 co#panion thro!&h thick and thin,
So!l %o p!re, #y love, #y deare%t kin.
<ettin& !p each #ornin&, now a pain,
+ife that wa% a boon i% now a bane
=itho!t hope " co!nt each day
$all #e O +ord, " earne%tly pray.
64. 1512
Some !ays
So#e day%
" a# on clo!d nine
*o not wi%h or pine
8or heaven or earth
7!t feel !%t )ne.
So#e day%
" a# not bein& bold
<od% behave cold
" don5t invoke the#
S!Ber #i%ery !ntold.
So#e day%
" a# down and o!t
*on5t talk b!t %ho!t
*efeated, #ind5% force%
8ace a total ro!t.
So#e day%
" a# in pen%ive #ood
(ven ref!%e the food
Sittin& in a E!iet corner
I!%t brood and brood.
So#e day%
" want to hit the pe&
*rown people p!llin& #y le&
7!t a% the liE!or )ni%he%
"t i% #e %ittin& on powder ke&.
7!t one day
The tr!th dawn%,
=e are !%t p!ppet% and pawn%
3% :!ppeteer5% )n&er5% call
$re%t% we ride tro!&h% we fall. ---...---
E>' 51:7

" a# a part, yo! are the whole
" entreat yo!, %avior of #y %o!l.
Seek yo! in deepenin& &loo#,
The ;ower wither%, let it bloo#.
'o! the pen paper and tho!&ht,
=ord% of poe# by yo! wro!&ht.
'o! decided #y toil, #y ta%k,
'o! only do wearin& #y #a%k.
'o! the clo!d, %ilver linin& too,
=hen rain fall%, " know it i% yo!.
'o! the &iver of birth and breath,
<iver of life and &iver of death.
3t ti#e% " feel yo! are a %on&,
9eart and #ind %in& alon&.
,e%tled in leave%, a ni&htin&ale,
=hat #elody tellin& a %tarry tale.
,ow &ive a call to drop the drape,
6er&in& in yo! " lo%e #y %hape.
$all and " will not tarry for lon&,
To reach an abode, where " belon&.
62. 1532
"#anes at ?ha#atpu#

3 Siberian crane %pread% it% win&%,
3% )r%t ray of %!n the #ornin& rin&%.
Io!rney %pan% tho!%and% of #ile%,
Stolidly covered no rant% or rile%.
9atche% it% e&&% in war# wetland%,
Spendin& #onth% in land of %and%O.
3#ba%%ador of peace fro# afar,
,o Ji%a, pa%%port, no border no bar.
<!e%t% of hono!r once %hot by a kin&OO,
Still love "ndia no hatred they brin&.
+ovely creat!re% &racef!lly ;y,
On their win&% challen&e the %ky.
1O 7haratp!r i% in Aaa%than- the "ndian de%ert %tate2
1OO +ord $!rHon, who killed #any Sar!% $rane% for %port2
61. 1542
=ine !ays onde#
=e #ay win or %teal a th!nder,
=orld i% only nine day%5 wonder.
*yin& for )fteen #in!te% of fa#e,
8o!l the &a#e and ri%k a %ha#e.
6oral% and val!e% &o for a to%%,
Aeli&ion han&% like albatro%%.
8ei&nin&, fakin&, wearin& #a%k%,
=ho# we fool by all %!ch ta%k%?
Stabbin& back%, favo!rite %port,
Tr!th we alway% love to contort.
:ri#al in%tinct% r!le !% %till,
$iviliHed #en ready for a kill.
*o we ever pa!%e and think;
+ife i% not #ore than a wink.
=hy we do what all we do?
=hy in #ind% poi%on brew?
6.. 1552
ho is the !#i$e#F
=ith ri&ht a#o!nt of %!n, water, air,
3#on& &alaDie%, o!r planet %o rare.

Sw!n& into orbit a% a child5% top,
=itho!t a %!pport, rope or prop.
6ovin& %o fa%t witho!t any %o!nd,
8or eon% it &oe% ro!nd and ro!nd.
8ro# where &et% ener&y for #otion?
,o &a% or die%el for en&ine5% rotation.
,o cl!tch, no brake, no tire, no road,
=ith eBortle%% ea%e, carrie% it% load.
*oe% not collide, %teer% %o well;
=ho i% the driver, can yo! tell?
5C. 1562
A himsical -odF

9e i% very %ick, weak and old,
On footpath, %hiverin& in cold;
$overed in blanket f!ll of hole%,
@n%een by pa%%in& %o!lle%% %o!l%.
3% #!ch a #an a% yo! and ",
=inter whipped below the %ky.
9e ha% no ho#e b!t " %ay why?
=hen even pi&% live in a %ty.
,o #oney, no relative, no friend,
,o call to receive, #e%%a&e to %end.
,o dr!&, no doctor, war#th or )re,
,o pall bearer% no coGn, no bier.
S#!& in a bed, " think of hi#,
"% it 9i% plan or %i#ply a whi#?
56. 15/2
" wa% a wayward &irl and a recl!%e;
'o!r advice for #e wa% of no !%e.
'o! &ot #e boy, b!t " too fo!nd one,
Aan away and #arried hi# for f!n.
'o! were %ha#ed, ri&htly yo! %aid;
46y da!&hter no #ore, %he i% dead5.
Tho!&h not dead, #y life wa% hell,
Of all #y travail%, " cannot now tell.
9e pro#i%ed %tar%, &ave not #eal;
=o!nd% he &ave #ay never heal.
=ho# co!ld " tell, it wa% #y fa!lt;
7ore #!ch ab!%e, #!ch a%%a!lt.
One day tho!&ht, "5ll &o to yo! #o#,
*idn5t dare a% " %h!nned yo!r ho#e.
7!t then traveled fro# a di%tant land,
:redica#ent only yo! can !nder%tand.
T!rned into %treet fo!nd nothin& %tran&e,
,othin& a#i%%, yet %o#ethin& did chan&e.
=anted to wet yo! with tear% b!t %hocked;
,o one at ho#e, the ho!%e fo!nd locked.
Stood &aHin& c!rtained window%, clo%ed &ate;
Ki%%ed lock yo!r hand% to!ched, t!rned to fate.
55. 1502
?#utaliIed ?eauty
3 coppery face, f!ll with frown,
*eep bl!e eye% %till can drown;
Stately hei&ht and a %harp no%e,
:ro%aic poetry or poetic pro%e?
"n yo!th, la!nched #any a %hip,
7l!%h and bloo#, leadin& to blip;
6any did try to win her &lance,
9eart% !#pin& o!t for a dance.
=ithered are look%, now %he i% old,
7!ried in heap% of %!Berin& !ntold.
(E!ally bea!tif!l da!&hter %he had,
"ntelli&ent, ele&ant, &racef!lly clad.
One day %he while &oin& to %chool,
8ell to the wolve%, #o!th% in drool.
6other for !%tice went to the chief,
To her horror he wa% a bi&&er thief.
O!tra&eo!% favo!r% wanted fro# her,
9ow co!ld %he p!t !p with #ore %l!r?
To take her life a poi%on %he drank,
"n day% %he &rayed, #ind went blank.
=anderin& in park%, now %he be&%,
7ea!ty if poor, %it% on powder Ke&%.
54. 15C2
Lonely Man
3% the %hadow% &row lon&,
6e#orie% in #ind thron&.
+onely #an %it% near the &ate,
3% if in %o#e dear one5% wait.
7!t no one will ever arrive,
9e alone will have to %!rvive.
9appily he lived with %po!%e,
,ot lon& a&o, in thi% ho!%e.
8ir%t children left the ne%t,
:!ttin& their win&% to te%t;
7oth %hared #e#orie% of yore,
9appy, %ad, %weet and #ore.
Till one day %he wa% taken ill,
$ancer in;ated ho%pital5% bill;
Jiolently ;icker% life5% ;a#e,
Till the #an lo%e% hi% da#e.
3lone, now he co!nt% hi% day%;
8or a re-!nion to 9i# he pray%.
:a%%in& hi% ho!%e, of late,
" )nd he %it% not by the &ate;
:erhap% in heaven now both !nite
Sittin& !nder %!n, enoyin& %!nli&ht.
52. 16.2
Last Ci%ht
On a lon& ;i&ht " a# booked,
8ro# hin&e% al#o%t !n-hooked.
Tho!&h " 9ave packed all ba&%,
=ill they allow #e even ra&%?
" will &o ahead, the l!&&a&e la&%,
=here can they p!t all the ta&%?
8or no ta&% will ever %tick to %o!l,
17!t why worry, do " have a role?2
The way " ca#e %a#e way " &o;
=here to where, " do not know.
"t i% a!t!#n, la%t leaf abo!t to fall;
:atiently " wait for a boardin& call.
3die! friend%, o!rney to contin!e,
+oved yo! all, love #y divine crew.
42. 1612
APARTAE(! 5A t#ibute to =elson Mandela7
3partheid, a blot, a %co!r&e and a c!r%e,
Of #an5% behavior nothin& can be wor%e.
3n arrow driven into heart of h!#anity.
=hat bi&&er proof i% there of in%anity?
8ir%t a 6ahata#a thrown o!t fro# train,
3n action born o!t of a %ick #an5% brain;
Then ,el%on 6andela ca%trated for year%,
Spirit of #ankind %hattered and in tear%.
6any of hi% co#rade% to b!llet% fell,
The tyrant% %aw the #ove#ent %well.
Tear &a% and cartrid&e% co!ld not hold,
$hant% of 46adiba5 were )erce n5 bold.
Of white% and black%, blood wa% %hed,
Aoad% were alway% fo!nd coated in red.
The oppre%%or at la%t had to re%cind,
+o&ic did dawn on the colo!red #ind.
Twenty %even year% later 6adiba wa% free,
6ood of people re;ected oy n5 &lee.
3 drea# realiHed, a le&end wa% born,
3partheid5% pa&e for ever wa% torn.
3 #i%%ion f!l)lled, a life well %pent,
<rieve not friend%, in &lory he went.
41. 1622
3% " wa% born and lived !nder a tree,
" 3# %lave to none, free%t of the free.
" live oB the fore%t happily in #y tribe,
,at!re providin& all witho!t a bribe.
" a# !nciviliHed, h!ntin& with a bow,
7!t !nlike yo! never %tooped %o low
To yo!, %o called freedo# ca#e late,
8loatin& in blood, wrapped in hate.
'o!r freedo#-not free, a bird ca&ed,
'o!5ve been tricked fooled, !p%ta&ed.
'o! &rapple with h!n&er, live in hovel%,
8ew wield pen, other% aDe n5 %hovel%.
,ot a fe!dal lord to bow before tho!&h,
,or bonded bein& paid a pittance now.
'o! %aid " a# free beca!%e " vote?
'o! have learnt to %ay thi% by rote.
Jote, a co##odity %old in #arket place,
7o!&ht by %o#e wearin& #a%k on face.
3fter yo! voted, #a%k i% %i#ply %horn,
8ive year% later yet a&ain to be worn.
8or yo!r freedo#, " don5t care a di#e;
Si#ply a farce, a d!#b %how, a #i#e.
3C. 1632
Saw a h!#an &od in chair
*rivin& people to de%pair.
Spoilin& career% with a pen,
Of %i#ple hard workin& #en.
"n%o!ciance, h!bri% are hi% tool%,
Think%, all other% are fool%.
8la!nt% beacon atop hi% car,
9!rrie%, a% if &oin& to war.
9i% phone the %ecretary attend%,
1Sahib in #eetin&Qbathroo#-depend%2
+ike% people to do hi% biddin&,
7elieve #e, " a# not kiddin&.
3% retire#ent draw% near,
<et% &ripped by certain fear.
Trick% he trie% for eDten%ion,
Of that let !% not here #ention.
Sal!te% beco#e now %o rare,
:ain of heart he cannot bare.
3fter he i% &iven farewell,
Take% it a% hi% death knell.
<lory to i&no#iny now de%cend%,
*i%cover% he ha% no friend%.
:en%ion )le &oe% to new &od,
Over who# he rode ro!&h%hod.
,ow he i% at receivin& end,
4(arth i% ro!nd5 ha% to contend.
3/. 1642
$annibal%, *rac!la, h!#an lookin& ho!nd%,
The planet with creat!re% like the%e abo!nd%.
The air i% rife with their c!nnin& %che#e%,
Aiver% of blood r!nnin& down their drea#%.
They wi%h an earth f!ll of &rave% and to#b%,
=hat %on% o!t to di%&race 6other%5 wo#b%>
,o co#pa%%ion, no pity, #en ca%t in %tone,
,o reli&ion, no <od, no confe%%ion to atone.
*evoid of love, war#on&er%, hated breed,
6!rder and #ayhe# i% their only creed.
9ow with i#p!nity they #ai# and they kill,
,o %econd tho!&ht% while blood they %pill.
Son% of &!n don5t de%troy ho#e% n5 hearth%
*o ye want yo!r #other% re%ent yo!r birth%?
35. 1652
The Path
$!rve%, conto!r%, c!t% and ro!nd%,
Si&ht%, %#ell%, and all the %o!nd%;
The path trodden a&ain and a&ain,
=a% " not on fa#iliar &ro!nd%?
Once the path wa% &litterin& &old,
Te#ptin&, %#ooth, nicely !nrolled,
Jeritable colla&e of %!n n5 %hade,
9idin& #any %!rpri%e% in it% fold.
:ath now d!%ty, chipped and worn,
+ike wilted ;ower%, "nvitin& %corn;
$an " for&et tho%e char#in& walk%?
Shall co#e to #eet yo! every #orn.
" too have &rown old and weak,
9ave achin& le&%, oint% creak;
6ay be one day " cannot co#e
+eavin& yo! with a teary %treak.
>>' 5EE7
4$olony ,!#ber 8ive, ye%, wa% a %l!#,
*irt ridden eye-%ore, rep!&nant %c!#.

:eople wa%hed and bathed !nder %ky,
=ith clothe% on pave#ent% left to dry.
9o!%e#aid%, #a%on% painter% it had,
$hildren ran in %treet%, %cantily clad.
"t had #any )re%, nat!ral or contrived,
:eople were to!&h, alway% %!rvived.
*weller% were re%ilient al#o%t to a ;aw,
Only afraid of the 7!ll *oHer5% claw.
On a wintry day, children oB to %chool%;
*e#oli%her% ca#e ar#ed with tool%.
9!t%, ho#e%, hovel% none with%tood,
Tin roofed %hantie% &one for &ood.
7elon&in&% !nder debri% now lay b!ried,
9elple%% wail% of people who %c!rried.
3b%ence of #aid% %el)%h city decried,
,o vendor, no cart, no rick%haw plied.
$olony n!#ber )ve, forever i% &one,
(#pty broken ne%t%, bird% had ;own.
Soon the dealer% &ot hold of it% land,
Over broken ho#e%, a #all will %tand.
23. 16/2
$op% n5 thieve% hide n5 %eek,
(very day of every week,
+ootin& kite%, %pinnin& top;
Over %E!are%, !#p and hop.
A!n in %treet% %ho!tin& na#e%,
9ow innocent were tho%e &a#e%;
=innin& #arble% wa% the ra&e,
9ow we #i%% that &olden a&e.
<one are the day%, not to ret!rn,
8lower% wither, now life i% a fern,
=o!ld that " were a kid a&ain,
=hat a o!rney, boon to a bane.
22. 1602

"f in drea# yo! %ee an old ;a#e,
*oe% it #ean yo! %till can clai#?
$on%cience %aid, 4Stop old #an;
,ow yo! have a lifeti#e ban.
" told her not to be %o cr!el,
6an5% nat!re i% alway% d!al.
$an5t yo! %ee it i% la%t chance?
9eart ha% already %tarted a dance.
4<row !p, now yo! are not a kid
'o! can5t pander to heart5% bid5
3d#oni%hed %o " had to think,
Opened the eye% with a blink
*rea#% can ca!%e %!ch #i%chief?
Overni&ht t!rnin& a %aint to a thief>
21. 16C2

7edridden, body in decay,
(#otion% hold their %way.
Si&ht or %peech both fail,
6ind on a diBerent trail.
P!ite faintly, do " hear?
So#eone cryin& %o near.
" wonder, have " died?
To coGn already tied?
*arkne%% en&!lf% #ind,
Joice% %lowly re%cind.
,ow, a to!ch of hand%,
On ;oor the body land%.
'e%, " #!%t be dead,
Sen%e% already ;ed.
2.. 1/.2
9ow they paint each other black,
Aeal i%%!e% they never crack,
O!twardly diBer, in%ide the %a#e,
9ow en&ro%%ed in power5% &a#e.
$rafty %lo&an%, people they fool,
Aeli&ion help% a% the #ain tool.
Jote%, #ore vote%, i% all they want,
Sec!lari%#5% #antra all will chant.
=hite in dre%%, black in deed%,
So#e are reed%, other% weed%.
$o#e election, pro#i%e% &alore,
7anner%, po%ter% all eye-%ore.
So#e will lo%e, other% #ay win,
So#e for ever &et lo%t in the din.
*ra#a !nfold% after %o#e year%,
,o one wipe% the people5% tear%.
:rice% alway% &oin& thro!&h roof,
=hat a charade> =hat a %poof>
6. 1/12
Sons and dau%hte#s. double ed%ed s,o#ds'

+earned !d&e had a %on, the %on a wife,
=ho con%pired to #ake #i%erable, hi% life;
Took hi% ho!%e, drove hi# to an attic roo#,
The old co!ple %pent their day% in &loo#.
The le&acy earned by %weat of hi% brow
13 roof for the children, who had to &row2;
*id he not love hi% children eno!&h?
=here he went wron&, he co!ldn5t know.
The deri%ion, ab!%e, violence and fear%,
3ll took t!rn% in their %!n%et year%;
The old co!ple lived a tra!#a each day
,o %o!l aro!nd to wipe their tear%.
=hy O5 <od yo! &ave !% thi% child?
*aily, the old one% ranted and riled;
A!#inatin& day% lived when alone,
=hy were they tricked, why be&!iled?
4$hildren-bill% of char&e%5 7acon clai#ed,
4Sharper than %erpent5% tooth, 7ard bla#ed;
=hy r!e lo%% of a do!ble ed&ed %word?
3ni#al% are better for the%e can be ta#ed.
34. 1/22
The P#o%#ession of E$il

Of 4Saty!&a5, tale% are very rare,
7eca!%e everythin& wa% %o fair.
Ti#e %tarted on a clean %tate,
To it% %tart, we cannot relate.
4,o new%5 i% alway% &ood new%,
Of 4Saty!&a5, can5t have review%.
=ith 4Treta5 be&in% the real %tory,
=ho doe%n5t know Aa#a5% &lory?
6anthra5% act we don5t condone,
:eople hate de%picable crone.
Aavana, the only villain we know,
(vil %tart%, crept in b!t %till %o %low.
=a%her #an5% di%&raced ta!nt;
3nother evil 4Treta5 can ;a!nt.
9owever 4Aa# Aaya5 went well;
To thi% day %eer% and %aint% tell.
"n 4*wapara5, evil5% %tock %ore,
$!nnin& Ka!rva% we %till abhor.
6ahabharata5% tale, known to all;
Jal!e%, #oral% had %teeper fall.
+o%in& *ra!padi in &a#ble a %l!r,
(on% of hi%tory can never bl!r.
'et the '!&a &ave !% <ita5% li&ht,
So a% we know wron& fro# ri&ht.
$o#e 4Kali5 a %erpent with hood,
(vil %eep%, in thin&% %o far &ood.
The poi%on now %pread% %o fa%t,
(very day i% wor%e than the la%t.
6oral% fall a% proverbial nine pin%,
Aace i% on to co##it !nheard %in%.
Sane voice%, none want% to hear;
<od, &overn#ent% create no fear.
Renith to nadir, a dreadf!l trend,
$ycle of '!&a% %ee#% at an end.
0>50>7 7rin& 6y <oblet
Jalet> 7rin& #y &oblet, let #e !nwind,
8or there i% a new% of a diBerent kind;
9ow #any ti#e% in a life, it happen%-
To be in a heart, to be on a #ind.
P!ick, let #e drown, for&et the &rind,
Or ;oat in an air where none can )nd;
6y worrie% #y wail%, %ob% S %orrow%,
8or a #o#ent, it all be left behind.
Tr!e, a #an5% life i% b!t ti#e5% %lave,
Aepeat% the %tory, fro# cradle to &rave,
9o!r &la%% i% f!ll; yo!5re b!ried in %and;
=hen there i% %pace, yo!5re told to behave>
7e%ide% %and, there are wall% of &la%%,
(ye% can %ee b!t the %i&h% can5t pa%%,
(bbin& of %and #ake% the #ind free;
The feet re#ain e#bedded, ala%>
Shut Out
Sh!t o!t the noi%e, %h!t o!t the noi%e,
The rattle of en&ine%, the blow of horn%;
The road% E!akin&, want %o#e poi%e,
The evenin&% %#oky, the fo&&y #orn%.
=hat a rat-race #eetin& the end%,
'o! #eet the end - and all for&et;
There wa% a #an a#on& the friend%,
=ho%e face i% bl!rred, who%e %!n i% %et.
,owhere to nowhere, that i% the life,
3nd all thi% chafe to &o to the &rave;
9!%tle and b!%tle all end% in %trife,
The %orrow%, the tear%, the l!%t n5 crave.
The #an in yo!th, the ;ower in bloo#,
=hy %ho!ld they wait for a cr!#pled face?
=hen the f!t!re i% dark, all in &loo#,
:ointin& a&ain to the end of the race.
" #!%t leave when the &oin& i% &ood,
=hen yo! are all love, all in %#ile%;
,o heart i% broken, nothin& #i%!nder%tood,
There " oin the #archin& pa%t )le%.
<ood bye o world, yo! heart% of %tone%,
O eye% of &la%%, yo! #oan% and &roan%,
43 tale by an idiot5 really it wa%,
The %cene drop%, appla!%e, appla!%e.

Lo$e $s' Lust
8air #aiden, bea! in their #eetin& )r%t;
*eclared the love, winnin& other5% tr!%t.
9ardly they knew it wa%n5t love b!t l!%t,
8lood of hor#one%, eDertin& the thr!%t.
8air na#e of love !%ed a&ain and a&ain,
(rotici%# r!led witho!t an iota of refrain.
6addened by a r!%h they tied the knot,
$o#pli#ent% ;owed, 43h> $o!ple i% hot5.
8ew year% after ebb followed the tide,
=anderl!%t hit both, &roo# and bride.
S#all talk, ar&!#ent% and freE!ent )&ht,
$la%h of e&o% over who wa%, wa%n5t ri&ht.
=here went love? "t wa% l!%t that ;ed;
6i%%in& wood% for tree%, love wa% dead.
+ove, a co##it#ent thro5 life and death,
(c%ta%y of %o!l%, beyond body n5 breath.
+ove i% in &ivin&, not a%kin& for favo!r,
*ivinity de)ne% thi%, a heavenly ;avor.
0E 50E7
?E K(=!
Teach #e h!#ility, +ord, be kind;
To a worthle%% fellow born blind.
7linded a% " a# by e&o and pride,
<a%pin& for breath in #aterial tide.
6ired in worldly #e%% need Thy &race,
The ro!te that lead% to 'o!, " trace.
" the lo%t child, 8ather, call to Thy fold,
'o! %ent #e to fair, )n&er plea%e hold.
+o%t yo!r track, world i% %!ch a place,
9it #e hard o5 Shiva, with thy #ace.
6ay yo!r lot!% feet kick #y #ind;
:!lveriHe h!bri%, in yo!r #ill% &rind.
7e blind #an5% %taB, %how #e the way;
$o#e to #y drea#%, by ni&ht n5 by day.
" bein& Thy part, let %ha# d!ality end,
+et wine be heady, let %pirit% blend.
00 5007
"OSM(" !A="E
" a# in awe when think of co%#ic dance,
P!ietly in orb% they #ove a% if in a trance.
,ot one collide% with other, har#ony #aintain
6!t!al p!ll n5 love keep% the# %afe and %ane.
+i&ht of %!n eE!ally ill!#inate% the# all,
$a!%e% day%, ni&ht%, winter, %prin& and fall.
7i&&e%t doe% not bo%% aro!nd or inti#idate,
9ow bea!tif!lly they %hine in co%#ic plate.
9ow diBerent in colo!r, nat!re and trait%,
(ternal calendar #ark% their day%, date%.
So di%tant yet a% a fa#ily %o clo%ely knit,
=ho%e order% they obey, who%e i% the writ.
About the ,#ite#
Jinod K!#ar Khanna wa% born at Ialandhar 1:!nab2 in 1C40, in a #iddle cla%%
fa#ily. 9i% re&!lar ed!cation led to a *iplo#a in 6echanical (n&ineerin&, when hi%
fa#ily circ!#%tance% forced hi# to take !p a ob. 9e %erved in :!nab :!blic health
*epart#ent, while contin!in& p!r%!it of ed!cation to privately %ec!re a <rad!ate
de&ree in 6echanical en&ineerin& fro# The "n%tit!tion of (n&ineer% 1"ndia2, $alc!tta
in 1C/2.
Since literat!re wa% hi% overwhel#in& pa%%ion, he %tarted writin& at the a&e of 1/
and it re%!lted in p!blication of hi% )r%t novel in 9indi in 1C6C, followed by another
three in 9indi and :!nabi, by 1C/..9e wa% %o #!ch in love with literat!re that
de%pite hi% very de#andin& ob% in corporate ho!%e%, he %t!died privately to
co#plete 6a%ter of 3rt% in (n&li%h fro# :!nabi @niver%ity :atiala and topped the
li%t of %!cce%%f!l candidate%. 9e f!rther co#pleted :o%t <rad!ate $erti)cate co!r%e
in Teachin& of (n&li%h fro# $"(8+ 9yderabad, thro!&h corre%pondence.
3fter a brief %tint in "ndian 3r#y in 1C/4 when he wa% %elected for trainin& a% a
technical co##i%%ioned oGcer, he entered into :rivate %ector in 1C/5. 9e worked in
"ndia5% top#o%t corporate ho!%e% at %enior #ana&erial level% till late 1CC6.
Thereafter he took vol!ntary retire#ent to p!r%!e hi% own con%!ltancy.
*!rin& an !n-ble#i%hed (n&ineerin& career %pannin& over 44 year%, he never
%topped writin&. The %ocial i%%!e% were alway% clo%e to hi% heart and he freE!ently
eDpre%%ed hi% view% in the national dailie% fro# ti#e to ti#e.
9i% eDpo%!re wa% f!rther widened by vi%it% to #any co!ntrie% of (!rope and 3%ia,
while he wa% in ob.
Since 1C0C, he i% located in $handi&arh area after takin& vol!ntary retire#ent fro#
%ervice in 1CC6. 9e head% hi% con%!ltancy co#pany which aBord% hi# %o#e ti#e to
vent o!t hi% feelin&% thro!&h poetry.
Thi% book contain% %o#e of the poe#% which he ha% already %hared on poetry
for!#% and face book. The enco!ra&in& co##ent% of reader% pro#pted hi# to
approach :oetry Society of "ndia. The re%!lt of thi% endevo!r i% in yo!r hand%.
About the boo*
4+a#p :o%t5 i% not the re%!lt of any teeny weenie !r&e to %ee
one5% na#e in print or eDhibit boa%tf!l phili%tini%#. 3t lea%t for
#e, thi% !r&e wa% %ati%)ed lon& back with p!blication of fo!r
novel% before the a&e of 22 year%. The%e &ave #e a few col!#n
centi#eter% of %pace in 4=ho i% who of "ndian =riter%5 p!bli%hed
by the Sahitya 3cade#y, back in 1C03. Thi% entry %i#ply helped
#e re#ind d!rin& an eDi%tential %tr!&&le that ye%, " too co!ld
write. The bitter %weet eDperience% d!rin& the neDt thirty year%
er!pted at ti#e% a% i#pro#pt! poetry- which ha% now been
co#piled in the %hape of thi% book. The olde%t poe# 4Sh!t O!t5
wa% written in 1C0. in an old *elhi hotel near 8atehp!ri, when "
had a %evere attack of #i&raine and the evenin& din and b!%tle of
crowded baHaar a&&ravated it %o #!ch %o that thi% poe# ;owed
o!t on paper a% it i% now before yo!. ,ot a word in it ha% been re-
written or edited.
3% in everybody5% life, %o#e people, %o#e circ!#%tance% or
word% of %o#e writer act a% la#p po%t% and ro!te #arker% when
one i% at cro%%road%, %teeped in inner and o!ter darkne%%.
Thi% book i% devoid of heavy and overbearin& #etaphor that
#ake% poetry diGc!lt to decode for #any co##on reader%. "t i% a
book abo!t co##on #an5% %en%ibilitie% and concern%, written in
%i#ple (n&li%h, %weetly rhy#ed and wo!ld have %erved it%
p!rpo%e if even one poe#, one %tanHa, one line or one word co!ld
%hed %o#e li&ht, di%pel darkne%% and %how %o#e way to a
%tranded wanderer or in the lea%t can con%ole a weary,
woebe&one #indT.
9one%t feedback of reader% i% #o%t welco#e and can be %ent at

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