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TENTATIVE A g e n d a
President and Board of Trustees
Monday, August 4, 2014
Village Hall
123 Madison Street

Open Meeting/Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m.

I . Cal l to Order

I I . Rol l Cal l

The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Statements may be made by citizens at
the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are reviewed. If you wish to
make a statement, please complete the Instructions to Address the Village Board form
which is available at the back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff table at front.
When recognized, approach the podium, state your name and address first, and please limit
your remarks to three minutes.

I nstructi ons for Non- Agenda Publ i c Comment
( 3 mi nutes per person; 30 mi nutes maxi mum)
Non-Agenda Public Comment is a time set aside at the beginning of each Regular Meeting for citizens to make
statements about an issue or concern that is not on that meetings Agenda. It is not intended for a dialogue
with the Board. You may also communicate with the Board via the Village Board voicemail at 708-358-5784 or
email Board@oak-park.us.

Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30 minutes with a limit of 3 minutes per person. If comment
requests exceed 30 minutes, public comment will resume after the items listed under the Regular Agenda are

I nstructi ons for Agenda Publ i c Comment
( 3 mi nutes per person; 3 i tems per person maxi mum)
Comments are 3 minutes per person per agenda item, with a maximum of 3 agenda items to which you can
speak. In addition, the Village Board permits a maximum of three persons to speak to each side of any one
topic that is scheduled for or has been the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body. These
items are noted with a (*).

V. Agenda Approval

VI . Mi nutes Regul ar Vi l l age Board Meeti ng Mi nutes of Jul y 21, 2014

VI I . Non- Agenda Publ i c Comment Please refer to instructions above.
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VI I I . Procl amati ons Procl amati on Commemorati ng Magi c Tree Bookstore;
Procl amati on For Tri ton Col l ege Cel ebrati ng 50 Years of Educati on.

I X. Vi l l age Manager Reports

A. Cal endars

AA. Lake and Forest Redevel opment Update

X. Vi l l age Board Commi ttees
Overvi ew: This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved minutes from a recent
Committee meeting of the Village Board, the minutes will be posted in this section.

XI . Ci ti zen Commi ssi on Vacanci es
Overvi ew: This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens Involvement Commissions.
Residents are encouraged to apply through the Village Clerks Office.

No Vacancy Report for this Agenda.

XI I . Ci ti zen Commi ssi on Appoi ntments, Reappoi ntments and Chai r
Appoi ntments
Overvi ew: Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to the Village Clerk and
then forwarded to the Village President for recommendation. If any appointments are ready prior to
the meeting, the agenda will be revised to list the names.

No Appointments for this Agenda.

XI I I . Regul ar Agenda

B. Moti on to Recei ve the Vi l l age Manager s Memorandum dated Jul y
11, 2014, whi ch Outl i nes a Possi bl e Process for Eval uati ng a
Li vi ng Wage Ordi nance.
Overvi ew: This a follow-up to the Village Boards discussion from June 16, 2014, at which
time the Village Manager was asked to review and recommend a process for consideration of
a Living Wage Ordinance in the Village of Oak Park.

C. Di scussi on Rel ated to the Adopti on of Chapter 1 of the 2009
I nternati onal Bui l di ng Code wi th Local Amendments as Proposed by
the Bui l di ng Codes Advi sory Commi ssi on (BCAC); and Di rect Staff
to Prepare An Ordi nance to Adopt these Codes wi th Amendments as
Overvi ew: The BCAC has made a recommendation to update versions of standardized
building codes which regulate the construction of, alteration of, and addition to buildings.
This discussion will review the administrative provisions contained in Chapter 1 of the 2009
International Building Code as well as the proposed amendments thereto as part of a
continuing series of discussions on each of the eight code books proposed for adoption.

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H. Moti on to approve the Modi fi ed Si te Pl an dated Jul y 25, 2014 as
an Amendment to the Acceptance of the Pl an Commi ssi on s
Recommendati on as Proposed wi thi n thei r Fi ndi ngs of Fact for
317 Home and 1025 Randol ph (Oak Park Oasi s) to approve the
Appl i cant s Request for Pl anned Devel opment Approval and
Di rect Staff to Prepare the Necessary Ordi nances.
Overvi ew: On July 21, 2014, as part of the regular meeting of the Village Board, a modified
site plan was presented by the Applicant and in response the Village Board continued its
discussion of this item to August 4, 2014. In addition, the Board requested further
information regarding the modifications requested. On July 25, 2014, the Applicant
submitted a formal communication further modifying the Site Plan copies of which are
included in the packet.

X. Moti on to Di rect Staff to Prepare a Busi ness Retenti on
Agreement wi th Vol vo Oak Park, 1140 Garfi el d Street wi thi n the
Harl em Garfi el d TI F Di stri ct dedi cati ng sal es tax revenues
generated by Vol vo Oak Park as the revenue stream for a pri vate
l oan consi stent wi th the Recommendati ons of the Oak Park
Economi c Devel opment Corporati on (Oak Park EDC).
Overvi ew: Volvo Oak Park operates a car dealership and service center and is seeking to
replace the existing Business Retention Agreement with a new Agreement that will allow for
an influx of working capital this year to be repaid through future sales tax revenues generated
by the dealership.

D. Fi rst Readi ng of An Ordi nance Amendi ng Chapter 7 (Bui l di ngs)
Arti cl e 1 (Contractor Regi strati on); Chapter Ei ght (Busi ness
Li censi ng) and Chapter 20 (Publ i c Heal th) of the Oak Park
Vi l l age Code regardi ng General Provi si ons and Busi ness Li cense
and Envi ronmental Heal th Fee Structures.
Overvi ew: An ordinance codifying our existing contractor registration process (Chapter 7
(Buildings), amending the current business license fee structure and the categories against
which the various fees apply, consolidating the business license fees with the environmental
health service fees (Chapter 8 (Business Licensing)), and corresponding deletion of a
separate environmental health fees (Chapter 20 (Public Health).

XI V. Regul ar Agenda for I tems Pursuant to Vi l l age Code Chapter 3 Al cohol i c
Li quor Deal ers or Rel ated (Presi dent Pro- Tem Andrea Ott)

E. Moti on to Refer Consi derati on of Whether to Create Addi ti onal
Li quor Li cense Cl assi fi cati ons to Al l ow Establ i shments that Pri mari l y
offer Al cohol i c Beverages for Sal e and Consumpti on on the
Premi ses.
Overvi ew: At the request of Trustee Peter Barber, staff is seeking confirmation to refer to
the Liquor Control Review Board of whether to create additional liquor license classifications
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to allow establishments that primarily offer alcoholic beverages for sale and consumption on
the premises.

F. An Ordi nance Amendi ng Chapter 3 (Al cohol i c Li quor Deal ers),
Arti cl e 8 (Li st of Li censes for Each Li cense Cl ass), Secti on 3-
8- 2 (Li censes by Name and Address Per Li cense) of the Oak
Park Vi l l age Code for the I ssuance of a Li quor Li cense to
Ori gi nal Pi zza, LLC Seri es Oak Park, DBA Leona s Pi zzeri a.
Overvi ew: The Ordinance authorizes the issuance of a B-4 Restaurant liquor license to
Original Pizza, LLC Series Oak Park, DBA Leona's (Original Pizza) for the property located at 848
Madison Street (Property). The Liquor Control Review Board (LCRB) recommended
approval of the Ordinance and the corresponding liquor license application at its July 22,
2014 meeting.

Z. An Ordi nance Amendi ng Chapter 3 (Al cohol i c Li quor Deal ers),
Arti cl e 8 (Li st of Li censes for Each Li cense Cl ass), Secti on 3-
8- 2 (Li censes by Name and Address Per Li cense) of the Oak
Park Vi l l age Code for the I ssuance of a Li quor Li cense to Urban
Markets of Oak Park, I nc. , DBA Pan s Food Center.
Overvi ew: The Ordinance authorizes the issuance of a Package Liquor Class C-2 license to
Urban Markets of Oak Park, Inc., DBA Pans Food Center (Urban Markets) for the property
located at 824 S. Oak Park Avenue (Property). The Liquor Control Review Board (LCRB)
recommended approval of the Ordinance and the corresponding liquor license application at
its July 22, 2014 meeting.

XV. Consent Agenda

G. Resol uti on Authori zi ng a New Program Year 2014 CDBG Acti vi ty,
as fol l ows: B14- 17, Vi l l age of Oak Park Heal th Department,
Farmers Market Nutri ti on I ncenti ves, wi th $6, 000 CDBG
Overvi ew: Recently, the Village of Oak Park Health Department requested $6,000 in CDBG
funds for a Farmers Market Nutrition Incentives activity. The CDBG funds will be used to
create an incentive for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants to
purchase farm-fresh and nutritious specialty crops such as fruits, vegetables and nuts at the
Oak Park Farmers Market. The CDBG funds will be used as part of a Double Value Coupon
Program where SNAP participants will receive up to a $20 match in the form of LINK bucks
to purchase additional farm-fresh products.

I . A Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Cancel l ati on of the Mortgage
Associ ated wi th Marketi ng Servi ce Agreement 0903- G for the
Property Located at 916- 918 South Lombard Avenue.
Overvi ew: The owners of the property located at 916-918 South Lombard Avenue in the
Multi-family Housing Incentives Program (MFHIP) is refinancing their primary mortgage. The
new lender is requiring that their mortgage be the only lien on the property. Since MFHIP
mortgages are forgiven after five years of program participation, the owners are asking that
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the Villages mortgage securing the Marketing Services Agreement grant be released one
month early.

J. Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Executi on of a One- Year Contract wi th
Waste Management, I nc. for Vi l l age Wi de Street Sweepi ng
Servi ces i n an Amount not to Exceed $120, 000. 00.
Overvi ew: On August 19, 2013, the Village entered into a one year contract with Waste
Management, Inc. for Village Wide Street Sweeping services. This Resolution would provide
for the first of two possible contract extensions.

K. An Ordi nance to Remove On- Street Parki ng on Jackson Boul evard
at Speci fi ed Secti ons Between Harl em and Ri dgel and Avenues.
Overvi ew: An Ordinance has been prepared to adopt changes to the on-street parking on
Jackson Boulevard on specified sections between Harlem and Ridgeland Avenues, as
previously accepted by the Village Board of Trustees at its July 7, 2014 meeting.

L. Moti on Di recti ng Staff to I ni ti ate Contract Negoti ati ons wi th A
Smart Ci ty USA Proj ect Pl anni ng and Management Fi rm.
Overvi ew: The Village of Oak Park has determined that successful planning and
implementation of the Smart City USA Pilot Project requires the technical expertise and
support of an outside firm with smart microgrid development and deployment experience,
including such aspects as cyber-security, and infrastructure planning, procurement, and

M. An Ordi nance Amendi ng Chapter 15 (Motor Vehi cl es and
Traffi c), Arti cl e 3 (Parki ng Meters, Parki ng Permi ts and
Muni ci pal Attendant Parki ng Lots) of the Oak Park Vi l l age Code
to add a new Secti on 15- 3- 20 (Val et Publ i c Parki ng Fees) and a
Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Executi on of an Updated Val et Parki ng
Servi ces Agreement wi th Laz Parki ng Mi dwest, LLC i n an Amount
not to Exceed $120, 000.
Overvi ew: The Lake and Forest Parking Garage will be closing on August 4, 2014. An
Ordinance establishing valet parking rates has been prepared. The Village Board approved an
Agreement on July 21, 2014 which has been updated to reflect operational details of this new
service for valet parking on the eastbound parking lane on Lake Street immediate east of
Forest Avenue. This ordinance would enable the Village to charge for this service.

1. An Ordi nance Amendi ng Chapter 15 (Motor Vehi cl es and
Traffi c), Arti cl e 3 (Parki ng Meters, Parki ng Permi ts and
Muni ci pal Attendant Parki ng Lots) of the Oak Park Vi l l age
Code to Add a New Secti on 15- 3- 20 (Val et Publ i c Parki ng

2. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Executi on of an Updated Val et
Parki ng Servi ces Agreement wi th LAZ Parki ng Mi dwest, LLC i n
an Amount Not to Exceed $120, 000

N. Ordi nance Amendi ng the Fi scal Year 2014 Budget
Overvi ew: From time to time Village operations change necessitating amendments to the
approved budget for the current fiscal year.

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O. Approval of Monthl y Treasurer s Report for Al l Funds.
Overvi ew: The June 2014 Monthly Financial Report is presented pursuant to 65 ILCS
5/3.1-35-45 which requires the Treasurer is required to file a monthly report on the state of
Village finances.

P. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng a Change Order for Proj ect 14- 10, Sewer
Cl eani ng and I nspecti on, i n an amount not to exceed $94, 444.
Overvi ew: A contract was awarded to Pipe View, LLC on April 17, 2014 for Project 14-10,
Sewer Cleaning and Inspection, for the amount of $85,556. The sewer cleaning and
inspection project is currently ongoing and many of the sewers scheduled for inspection were
found to be full of debris which is resulting in contract change orders for heavy cleaning of
these sewers in order to reestablish flow, allow for television inspection, and to prevent sewer

Q. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Executi on of a Parkway
Encroachment Agreement for the I nstal l ati on of a Bri ck
Paver Dri veway Apron at 217 South Eucl i d Avenue.
Overvi ew: The owners of 217 South Euclid Avenue are requesting authority to install a brick
paver driveway apron within the public right-of-way. Village code requires Board approval for
driveways constructed of materials other than concrete.

R. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng Executi on of a Constructi on Servi ces
Agreement for Federal Parti ci pati on Suppl ement No. 1 wi th
Edwi n Hancock Engi neeri ng for Phase I I I Constructi on
Engi neeri ng Servi ces for the Ri dgel and Avenue Resurfaci ng
Proj ect.
Overvi ew: The federally funded Ridgeland Avenue resurfacing project was split into two
construction stages to accommodate the Villages sewer improvement project on Ridgeland
Ave. Splitting the construction into two stages increases the number of hours required by the
Villages consultant to manage the project. Federal funds will cover 80% of these increased
costs for construction engineering.

1. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng Executi on of a Local Agency
Agreement Amendment #1 for Federal Parti ci pati on wi th
the State of I l l i noi s for the Ri dgel and Avenue Resurfaci ng
Proj ect.
Overvi ew: An amendment to the existing Local Agency Agreement with the State of
Illinois (State) for the Ridgeland Avenue resurfacing project is required to reflect the
actual bid amount and the revised cost of construction engineering.

S. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng the Executi on of a Contract wi th
Schroeder and Schroeder, I nc. , for Proj ect 14- 5, Green Al l ey
I mprovements, i n an amount not Exceed $1, 605, 448.
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Overview: Competitive bids were opened on July 24, 2014, for the Green Alley Improvement
Project. Ten contractors picked up proposal documents and five bids were received. The low
compliant bid was submitted by Schroeder and Schroeder, Inc. in an amount of $1,605,448.

T. A Resol uti on Authori zi ng Executi on of an I ntergovernmental
Agreement wi th the Park Di stri ct of Oak Park for the
I nstal l ati on of Uti l i ty Servi ces for the Austi n Gardens
Bui l di ng I mprovement Proj ect.
Overvi ew: The Village of Oak Park (Village) will be replacing the east-west alley adjacent to
Austin Gardens with the 14-5 Green Alley Improvement Project. The Park District of Oak Park
(Park District) plans on replacing the existing building in Austin Gardens as part of its
master plan. The Village will construct the water and sewer services for the planned new
building as part of the green alley project and the Park District will reimburse the Village for
the costs associated with these utilities.

U. Moti on to Accept the I T Strategi c Pl an and Moti on to Di rect Staff
to Appl y for Membershi p i n the Local GI S Consorti um.
Overvi ew: On February 24, 2014 staff presented a draft multi-year strategic plan to the
Village Board. Following that meeting, staff presented the plan to the Civic Information
Systems Commissions (CISC) for which a meeting was held on April 17, 2014. The CISC has
endorsed the use of the priority list established in the strategic plan. Membership in the
Local GIS Consortium is a priority action that will support the implementation of new
technologies in Village services.

V. Ordi nance Amendi ng the Speci al Use Permi t Rel ated to the Hi gh
School Li ghts at the Stadi um as Revi ewed at the Jul y 7, 2014
Regul ar Meeti ng
Overvi ew: On July 7, 2014, the Village Board authorized staff to prepare an ordinance to
amend the special use ordinance for the stadium lights at Oak Park River Forest High School
at the (OPRF) request of School District 200. This amendment will not alter the maximum of
(60) sixty nights granted with the original special use, but will allow for an additional two (2)
Friday night games for playoff games only. The original ordinance allowed for (10) ten
possible Friday night games during the fall sports season; this amendment will allow for up to
(12) Friday night games if there are playoffs.

W. An Ordi nance Approvi ng a Transferee Assi gnment and Assumpti on
Agreement between the Vi l l age of Oak Park, Lake Street
I nvestors LLC and WDF- 3 Wood Oak Park Owner, LLC.
Overvi ew: An ordinance has been prepared that will transfer the agreement between the
Village and Lake Street Investors LLC related to the Lake and Forest Development to a new
LLC called WDF-3 Wood Oak Park Owners, LLC. The action was anticipated with the change in
investors related to the new development.

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Y. Moti on to Approve the Bi l l s i n the Amount of $1, 151, 782. 10

XVI . Cal l to the Vi l l age Board and the Cl erk

XVI I . Adj ourn

(*) The Village Board permits a maximum of three persons to speak to each side of any topic
that is scheduled for or has been the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing

For more information regarding Village Board meetings and agendas, please contact the
Village Managers Office at 708.358.5770. If you require assistance to participate in any
Village program or activity, contact the ADA Coordinator at 708.358.5430 or e-mail
adacoordinator@oak-park.us at least 48 hours before the scheduled activity.

Agendas and agenda materials are now available electronically on the Village website. Visit
www.oak-park.us, mouse-over News, then click on Board Agendas and Minutes.

Get the l atest Vi l l age news vi a e- mai l . Just go to www. oak- park. us and cl i ck
on the e- news i con to si gn up. Al so, fol l ow us on facebook, twi tter and

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