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Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)



We, the members of the Sumter Schools Education Association, serve as local
spokesperson for education, work for the welfare of school children, advance the cause of
education for all individuals, and improve instructional opportunities for all. To achieve these
goals we promote professional excellence among educators, gain recognition of the basic
importance of the teacher in the learning process, protect the rights of educators and advance
their interest and welfare, secure professional autonomy, unite educators for effective citizenship,
promote and protect human and civil rights to work toward better understanding and closer
cooperation of local school authorities, board members, and teachers of this county and our state
organization, to obtain for its members the benefits of an independent united education
profession. As such we hereby adopt this Constitution.

Article I: Name, Purposes, Objectives,
And Authorities for Governance

Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the Sumter Schools Education

Section 2. Purpose. The purposes of the Association are as stated in the Preamble. The
Association shall have all power as necessary and proper to take action for the attainment of
these purposes. Nothing in this Constitution or in the Bylaws shall be construed to prevent the
Association from pursuing objectives or goals which are consistent with the stated purposes of
the Association.

Section 3. Governance. The Association shall be governed by this Constitution, Bylaws,
and Standing Rules, and such other actions as the Executive Officers and Representative Council
may adopt.

Article II: Membership

Section 1. Active Members.

(a) Active membership in the Association shall be open to all professional personnel in the
Sumter School District. They shall hold an earned Bachelors Degree or higher or hold a
vocational or technical certificate. Alternately, persons who are employed as
paraprofessionals, and others as provided for the Bylaws may also enjoy membership. All
members agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.

Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)

(b) Active membership shall be continuous until a member leaves the school system, resigns
from the Association, or has membership revoked or fails to comply with dues payment
in Bylaws.

(c) Active members of the Association shall also be members of the United Education
ProfessionLocal Association, State Association, and National Association.

Section 2. Revocation of Membership.

According to procedures adopted by the Representative Council, the Executive Board may
suspend from membership any member who shall have violated the ethics of the education
profession, and may reinstate a member who has previously been suspended from the

Article III: Officers

The officers of the Association shall consist of a president, a vice president, a secretary, and

Article IV: Executive Council

Section 1. The Executive Council shall consist of the officers of the Association, and it shall
have the executive authority of the Association.

Section 2. Whenever a majority of the Executive Board shall agree that an officer has been
grossly negligent of the duties defined in the Bylaws, or is incapacitated, they shall recommend
to the Representative Council that this office be declared vacant. If the Council so voted by a
two-thirds majority, it shall immediately elect a replacement to fill the unexpired term.

Article V: Governance

There shall be a Representative Council which shall be the governance body.

Article VI: Representative Council

Section 1. The Policy forming body of the Association shall be the Representative Council.

Section 2. The Representative Council shall consist of the Executive Officers and an
Association Representative from each building served by the Association.

Section 3. Association Representatives shall represent all schools or areas within the
jurisdiction of the Association and must be elected by the constituency he or she serves. For a
school or area with only one person running unopposed for the position of Association
Representative, that person shall be appointed without votes being cast.

Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)

Section 4. Any members of the Association who are not members of the Representative
Council may attend its meetings and may receive permission to speak.

Article VII: Committee

Section 1. Committees. All appointive bodies of the Association shall be designated by the
term committee. The SSEA has three committees: (1) A Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing
Rules Committee, (2) a Committee of Review, and (3) a Finance Committee. These committees
shall be established by the Representative Council. Any member at large may be appointed to
serve on a committee. Any other committees may be established as provided in the Bylaws.

Article VIII: Amendments

Section 1. The Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules Committee shall make
recommendations for amendments to the Executive Council.

Section 2. The Executive Council may recommend amendments to this Constitution to the

Section 3. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those present and
voting at any regular meeting provided that amendments have been presented to members thirty
(30) days before a vote.


Article I: Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not
specifically stated in the Constitution and Bylaws and such standing rules as the Representative
Council may adopt.

Article II: Duties and Terms of Office

Section 1. The President. The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board
and the Representative Council, appoint the chairperson and members of standing committees,
appoint special committees, be ex-officio member of all committees, and shall be the executive
officer of the Association. The Presidents term lasts for one (1) year. A person may serve no
more than three (3) consecutive years as President.

Section 2. The Vice President. The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President
in case of absence or resignation of the President. He or she shall also be chairperson of the
program committees. The Vice Presidents term lasts for one (1) year. A person may serve no
more than three (3) consecutive years as Vice President.

Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)

Section 3. The Secretary. The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the
Executive Board and Representative Council, and shall maintain official files, and shall assist the
President with Association correspondence. The Secretarys term lasts for one (1) year. A person
may serve no more than five (5) consecutive years as Secretary.

Section 4. The Treasurer. The treasurer shall be responsible for all dues. He or she shall have
charge of all funds and disburse them as recommended by the budget and finance committee and
authorized by the Association. He or she shall report to each meeting of the Representative
Council, and shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to members as directed
by the Executive Board. He or she shall keep the President and the Executive Board informed of
the financial condition of the Association. He or she shall serve as the chairperson of the budget
and finance committee. The Treasurers term lasts for one (1) year. A person may serve no more
than five (5) consecutive years as Treasurer.

Section 5. Terms of Office. The officers of the Association shall serve for a term of one year
(July 1 through June 30 of each year), after which he or she will have to be elected for another
term. The President and Vice President may serve in the same office no more than three
consecutive years. The Secretary and Treasurer may serve in the same office no more than five
consecutive years.

Article III: Council of Delegates

Section 1. Representatives to The SCEA and NEA Delegate Assemblies shall be chosen by
the general membership of this organization. If the members of the Council receive no
instructions as to voting, they are to vote according to their own discretion.

Section 2. Members of the Representative Council shall serve a one-year term.

Section 3. Expenses of delegates to The SCEA and NEA Delegate Assemblies will be borne
by the Association.

Article IV: Power of the Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management of the Association,
approve all expenditures, carry out policies established by the Representative Council, report its
transactions and those of the Council to members, and suggest policies for consideration by the

Section 2. The Executive Board, or its designee(s), shall represent the Association in matters
concerning personnel policies with the governing bodies of the school system. Within policies
established by the Representative Council, it may make decisions binding the Association in
these matters.

Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)

Article V: Powers of the Representative Council

The Representative Council shall approve the budget, set dues for the Association, act on
reports of committees, approve resolutions and other policy statements, and shall adopt
procedures for implementing the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and those to be
followed in censuring, suspending, and expelling members for cause or for reinstating members.
It may adopt such rules governing the conduct of the meeting as are consistent with this
Constitution and Bylaws. A Committee of Review shall judge the qualifications and elections of
officers and Faculty Representatives.

Article VI: Faculty Representatives

Section 1. Each member school in the school district shall elect one (1) Association
Representative. Representatives shall be elected by the members of the school in order that they
may take office by June 1.

Section 2. Association Representatives shall attend the regular meetings of the
Representative Council unless they receive prior excuses from the President. After two (2)
unexcused absences of a Representative, the President may declare the seat unfilled and call for a
faculty election to fill out the term.

Section 3. The Association Representative shall report regularly to their schools concerning
Association business.

Section 4. The Association Representatives shall maintain their membership in good
standing during their term of service.

Article VII: Standing Committees

Section 1. General Membership Meetings. The Executive Board shall arrange at least three (3)
meetings of the members each year for discussion of professional issues.

Section 2. Representative Council. The Representative Council shall meet a minimum of two
(2) times a year.

Section 3. Executive Officers. The Executive Officers shall meet quarterly at the call of
the President, or at the request of three (3) members of the Board.

Article IX: Elections

Section 1. Nominations. The President shall appoint a nominating committee who shall
announce its slate of officers to the membership two weeks prior to the April meeting. Each
nominee shall have a vita (a brief autobiographical sketch) accompanying his/her nomination.
Nominations may be made from the floor at the February meeting. Elections will be conducted
by secret ballot.

Revised September 8, 2014 (Marie Mulholland, President SSEA 2014-2015)

Article X: Dues

The annual dues of the Association shall be $10.00 per member.

Article XI: Quorum

Members present shall constitute a quorum for the Representative Council, the Executive Board,
and all committees.

Article XII: Amendment

Section 1. The Executive Council may recommend amendments of these Bylaws.

Section 2. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those voting at any
regular meeting provided that amendments have been presented to members thirty (30) days
before a vote.

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