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If someone says to you, "i only believe in Bukhari"...
Say to that person: "write on a piece of paper that you only believe in Bukhari,
nothing but Bukhari. Do you believe in Kalma e Tayyab
He will say: "yes i believe in Kalma e
Then say to him: "prove 'LaIlahaillAllahMuhammadurRasoolAllah' from Sahih
Bukhari... Prove 'LaIlahaillAllahMuhammadurRasoolAllah' from Sahi Bukhari
ONLY because you said that you only believe in Sahih Bukhari.... By Allah you
will not found this kalma in Sahih Bukhari... This kalma,
'LaIlahaillAllahMuhammadurRasoolAllah', you wont find in Sahih Muslim"

''All the Hadiths are not in Bukhari, there are many books of Hadiths Of
Prophet Muhammad[saw]''

I made the clips from the Aqida of Imam Bukhari(rah) Event [Al-Hidayah] By
Shaykh ul Islam Professor Dr. Muhammad Tahir Ul Qadiri which took place in
the year 2006.
If anyone wish to understand the Aqeedah of Imam Bukhari(rah) in Urdu then i
invite them to view my this article:
''85 Short Video Clips that can change the Life of a Confused Muslim in the
light of Sahih Bukhari 'ONLY' [Urdu]''

Those who attacks you by claiming that they are the the true followers of Imam bukhari(rah), they
are not aware of the Aqeedah of Imam Bukhari.
These people CLAIMS that we blindly follow Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a) but these people hides the FACT
that Imam Bukhari(rah) Is The Grand Student Of Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a).
These people CLAIMS that Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a) knows only 17 hadiths but these people hides the
FACT that Imam Bukhari(rah) Visited COUNTLESS TIMES Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a) Cities, Baghdad And
Kufa For Taking Hadiths.
These people CLAIMS that its BIDAH (And some even calls it to be shirk) to visit Roza e Rasool(saw)
but these people hides the FACT that Imam Bukhari(rah) Finalised His Sahih Bukhari Near The Grave
Of Prophet Muhammad(saw).
These people CLAIMS that Prophet Muhammad(saw) cannot listen to our Salams but they hides the
FACT that not only Prophet Muhammad (saw) Listens but He(saw) even responds to our Salam as
Prophet Muhammad(saw) said Salam To Imam Bukhari(rah) In A Dream Of One Of The Main
Transmitters Of Sahih Bukhari.
These people CLAIMS that the books of Hadith and Fiqh by the Great Hanafi Imams are not
trustworthy but they hides the FACT that the Two Main Transmitters Out Of Five Of Sahih Bukhari
Are HANFIS And Sahih Muslim Is Also Transmitted By MANY HANFI ULEMAS.
These people CLAIMS that the Sufis are deviants and some claims that they are not even Muslims
but they hides the FACT that the Fourth Transmitter Of Sahih Bukhari Was A SUFI.
These people CLAIMS that we should not read the books of Ahlul Rai, we should read Sahih Bukhari
but they hides the FACT that Imam Bukhari(rah) Learnt All The Books Of Ahlul Rai And Then Started
Sitting On The Chair Of Muhaddith.
These people CLAIMS that the Sufis follows the forged and weak Hadiths while some even goes far in
their claims that the Sufis invents the fake hadiths but they hides the FACT that All the Imams Of
Sihah Sitta( Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, Nasai) Received Hadiths From The
Imams Of Tasawwuf(Sufism).
These people CLAIMS that its bidah (some even calls it to be shirk) to receive baraka from the
tabarrukat of Prophet Muhammad(saw) and to use them for Tawassul(Waseela) but they hides the
FACT that throughout the Life, Imam Bukhari(rah) Kept The Hair Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) In His
Dress For BARAKA And He Always Use Hair For Tawassul And Tabarruk.
These people CLAIMS that we always talks about the Tasawwuf which is not good and we should
only talk about Quran and Hadith but they hides the FACT that Al Bukhari Starts With The Secret Of
Tasawwuf And Marifa.
These people CLAIMS that we should only visit to the Ulemas and we should not visit to the Sufis but
they hides the FACT that the Ulema Are Always Busy To Reform Your Zaahir And Sufiya Are Always
Busy To Beautify Your Niyyat And Batin.
These people CLAIMS that we always talks about the Love of Prophet Muhammad(saw) but they
hides the FACT that To Love Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) Is Not Just A Condition Of Iman But Its
The Necessary Part Of Iman (it Means, Its Iman Itself).
These people CLAIMS that we dont talk about the Love of Allah, we are always busy in the Love of
Prophet Muhammad(saw) but they hides the FACT that the Love Of Allah And the Love Of
Messenger(saw) Is One And The Same.
These people CLAIMS that we talk about the Love of Auliya Allah, its exaggeration in Islam and they
goes on calling it to be Shirk or Bidah but they hides the FACT of Loving the Auliya Allah Is The Sign
Of Iman, Its Not Shirk Or Bid'ah.
These people CLAIMS that there are only two eids in Islam, there is nothing such as third eid, thus
we should not celebrate Eid Milad un Nabi(saw) but they hides the FACT that every Jumah is the day
of eid because Jumah Is Made Eid as Adam(a.s) Was Born On This Day.
These people CLAIMS that Tasawwuf is bidah but they hides the FACT that the Tasawwuf is the
advanced form of Ehsaan as taught in the famous Hadith of Gibrael(a.s) of Iman, Islam and
Ehsaan, just like as ilm Ul Kalam is the advanced form of Iman and ilm ul Fiqh is the advanced
form of Islam. If they calls Tasawwuf to be Bidah then why dont they call ilm ul Kalam and ilm ul
Fiqh to be bidah as they all three came from the same hadith??? Its just fooling the people and
nothing else!
These people CLAIMS that the term Tareeqa is invention of Sufis but they hides the FACT that the
term Tareeqa is even present in the Glorious Quran.
These people CLAIMS that we crosses the limits of the Level of Adab of Prophet Muhammad(saw)
but these people hides the FACT there is No Limit of the level of adab of Prophet Muhammad(saw),
we should learn it from the Level Of Adab Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) as Demonstrated By The
These people CLAIMS that there is no such thing as wajd or spiritual dance in Islam, its just a bidah
of Sufis but they Hides the FACT that the wajd is directly proven from the hadiths and Even Imam
Bukhari(r ah) quoted the Hadiths on Wajd in his Sahih Bukhari.
These people CLAIMS that Auliya Allah are not alive but they hides the FACT that not only Auliya
Allah but all Momins are alive and are living there life according to their status.
These people CLAIMS that not even celebrating Urs is bidah but even the term URS is bidah but
they hides the FACT that even the term URS is found in the hadith of Sahih Bukhari.
These people CLAIMS that we(Ahlus Sunnah Scholars) becomes angry while preaching and shouts
too much but they hides the FACT that Becoming Angry While Teaching Or Preaching is directly
proven from Sahih Bukhari.
These people CLAIMS that Prophet Muhammad(saw) doesnt knows everything but they hides the
FACT that they themselves are ignorants as they have not read and understood the Glorious Quran
and The Blessed Hadiths of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad(saw) properly because they are
unaware of the Limitless Knowledge Of Prophet Muhammad(saw).
These people CLAIMS that we cant see Prophet Muhammad(saw) in dream and while awake, its a
big lie to claim this but they hides the FACT that the Blessed Ziyarat Of Holy Prophet
Muhammad(saw) In Dream And While Awake is directly proven from the hadiths of Sahih Bukhari.

Now these people will CLAIM that, all what that i have told you under the label of the FACT is just my
thinking and nothing else But dont worry as its all proven below in the form of short video clips, so
kindly download them, watch them and share it with everyone:

001 Imam Bukhari(rah) And Karamat E Waliya | 3min 20secs

002 Imam Bukhari(rah) Is The Grand Student Of Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a) | 32mins

003 Arabic Word ' Ummi' Doesnt Mean 'illetrate' Or 'ignorant' | 4min 11secs

004 Imam Bukhari(rah) Visited COUNTLESS TIMES Imam Abu Hanifa(r.a) Cities, Baghdad And Kufa
For Taking Hadiths | 12mins 7secs

005 Imam Bukhari(rah) Finalised Sahih Bukhari Near The Grave Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) | 7mins

006 Salam Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) To Imam Bukhari(rah) In A Dream Of One Of The Main
Transmitters Of Sahih Bukhari | 4mins 22secs

007 Two Main Transmitters Out Of Five Of Sahih Bukhari Are HANFIS And Sahih Muslim Is Also
Transmitted By MANY HANFI ULEMAS | 8mins 34secs

008 Fourth Transmitter Of Sahih Bukhari Was A SUFI | 3min 15secs

009 Imam Bukhari(rah) Learnt All The Books Of Ahlul Rai And Then Started Sitting On The Chair Of
Muhaddith | 11min 41secs

010 All Imams Of Sihah Sitta( Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, Nasai) Received
Hadiths From The Imams Of Tasawwuf | 13min 10secs

011 Throughout The Life, Imam Bukhari(rah) Kept The Hair Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) In His Dress
For BARAKA And He Always Use Hair For Tawassul And Tabarruk | 1min 16secs

012 Hazrat Umar(r.a) Was Not Against Transmission Of Hadiths | 5mins 29secs

013 Al Bukhari Starts With The Secret Of Tasawwuf And Marifa | 19mins 40secs

014 Putting The Name Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) With The Name Of Allah(swt) Is Not Shirk |
3mins 36secs

015 Ulema Are Always Busy To Reform Your Zaahir And Sufiya Are Always Busy To Beautify Your
Niyyat And Batin | 5mins 16secs

016 To Love Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) Is Not Just A Condition Of Iman But Its The Necessary
Part Of Iman (it Means, Its Iman Itself) | 1min 33secs

017 We Cant Use The Word ' Iman' For A Person Who Doesnt Love Prophet Muhammad(saw) More
Than Everyone | 19mins 29secs

018 Unless The Love Of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) Exceeds All The Limits It Is Not Declared To
Be The Part Of Faith Or Iman | 5mins 17secs

019 Loving Prophet Muhammad(saw) More Than Ourselves | 31mins 45secs

020 Mentioning Allah(swt) And Prophet Muhammad(saw) In One Zaamir Of Tasniya | 11mins 43secs

021 Love Of Allah And Love Of Messenger(saw) Is One And The Same | 1min 47secs

022 Love Of Auliya Is The Sign Of Iman, Its Not Shirk Or Bid'ah # Short | 5mins 10secs

023 Love Of Auliya Is The Sign Of Iman, Its Not Shirk Or Bid'ah # Long | 24mins 31secs

024 Hadith Of Hazrat Umar(r.a) About Two Eids And Celebrating Milad Un Nabi(saw) | 30mins

025 Jumah Is Made Eid Because Adam(a.s) Was Born On This Day | 4mins 58secs

026 Hadith Of Jibrael(a.s) About Iman, Islam And Ehsaan # Short | 42mins 1sec

027 Hadith Of Jibrael(a.s) About Iman, Islam And Ehsaan # Long | 1hour 9mins 31secs

028 Tasawwuf Is Not Bid'ah | 17mins 15secs

029 The Term ' Tareeqa' | 3mins 12secs

030 Types Of Ehsaan | 15mins 38secs

031 Level Of Adab Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) Demonstrated By The Companions(r.a) | 16mins

032 Wajd | 17mins 59secs

033 Question About Prophet Muhammad(saw) In The Grave( Interesting Point) | 35mins 29secs

034 Auliya Allah Are Alive And The Term ' URS' | 7mins 42secs

035 Becoming Angry While Teaching Or Preaching | 1min 44secs

036 Limitless Knowledge Of Prophet Muhammad(saw) | 33mins 21secs

037 Ziyarat Of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) In Dream And While Awake | 1hour 5mins 20secs

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