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O tema que vou tratar neste trabalho a Violncia Domstica.
um fenmeno cada vez mais comum nas nossas sociedades.
A violncia domstica abarca comportamentos utilizados num relacionamento,
por uma das partes, sobretudo para controlar a outra.
As pessoas envolvidas podem ser casada ou no, ser do mesmo sexo ou no,
viver juntas, separadas ou namorar.
Todos podemos ser vtimas de violncia domstica.
As vtimas podem ser ricas ou pobres, de qualquer idade, sexo, religio,
cultura, grupo tnico, orientao sexual, formao ou estado civil.

Domestic violence is a phenomenon that has assumed, throughout the world,
very high proportions and that was just terminated from the years 60/70 by
feminist movements.
Considera-se violncia Any act or omission of a criminal nature, among people
residing in the same household space or do not reside, are ex-spouses, ex-
partners / a, ex girl / boyfriend, parent of common descent, ascending or
descending, and which inflicts sufferings:
Domestic violence encompasses DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABUSE, SUCH AS:
-Emotional abuse: any behavior of (a) partner (a) which aims to make the other
feel fear or useless. Usually includes behaviors such as threatening the
children; hurting pets; humiliate the other in the presence of friends, relatives or
in public, among others.
-social violence: any behavior that tries to control the social life of (a) partner
(a), by, for example, prevent it from (a) visit family or friends, cut phone calls
and control your phone bills, lock other at home.
-Physical violence: any form of physical violence that an aggressor (a) inflicts on
the (extended). Can translate into behaviors such as punching, kicking,
strangling, burning, induce or prevent (a) partner (a) obtain medication or
-Sexual violence: any behavior that (a) partner (a) forces the other to star in
sexual acts that do not want. Some examples: press or force the partner to
have sex if he does not want; press, or try to force that (a) partner (a) keep
unprotected sex; force the other to have sex with other people.
-Financial violence: any behavior that devise control the money (a) partner (a)
without it wishes. Some of these behaviors can be: the orderly control of the
other; refuse to give money to another, or force it to justify any expense;
threaten to withdraw financial support as a form of control.
- Chase: any behavior that seeks to intimidate or terrorize another. For
example, the following (a) partner (a) for your workplace or when it (a) goes out
alone (a); constantly monitor the movements of others, whether or not home.
According to figures released in the IV Portuguese Congress of Sociology
(Dias, sd) the
perpetrators are mostly men and victims of domestic violence are
especially women. Both the attackers and the victim have more than 25 years.

A violncia domstica a origem da violncia que assusta a todos. Quem
convive com a violncia, muitas vezes, at mesmo antes de nascer e durante a
infncia, acha tudo muito natural, o uso da fora fsica, visto que para essa
pessoa a violncia normal.
Resumindo, as pessoas devem se amar mais do que chegar a esse ponto.


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