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Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10

s 15
Bi 1: Chn t m phn gch chn c cch pht m khc cc t cn li.
1. . !usy ". must C. cut #. shut
$. . %&a' ". (ai' C. th&'& #. a'&
). . ch&% ". th'&% C. n&% #. *&%
+. . to%n ". ho% C. g'o% #. co%
,. . ca' ". catch C. city #. co'n
Bi 2: Chn p n ng nht cho cc cu !u.
A. T vng
-. .oday/s my !i'thday. 0&t/s 1 2
". o#g!ni$% B. c%l%&#!t% C. h!'% m%%ting (. gi'% p!#ti%
3. 4& don/t hav& a 5oth&'/s #ay in 6i&t nam !ut in th& 789 5oth&'/s #ay is
1 on th& $
8unday in 5ay.
". gi'%n B. h%l) C. c%l%&#!t%) (. o#g!ni$%)
:. ;n this 19 moth&' usually '&c&iv&s ca'ds9 *o%&'s and gi(ts ('om h&'
hus!and and child'&n.
". ch!nc% B. oppo#tunit* C. )!t% (. occ!ion
<. .h& !&st gi(t o( all (o' an m&'ica mom is a day o( 1 .
". l%iu#% B. +o#king C. pl!*ing (. hopping
10. ;n =ational #ay th&'& is usually a 1 in "a dinh 8>ua'&
in ?a =oi.
". ,%ti'!l B. p!#t* C. c%l%&#!tion (. p!#!)%
11. 4hat activiti&s do you o(t&n 1 at school@
". com% in B. t!k% p!#t in C. hol) in (. g%t in
1$. .h& (ull A moon (&stival is c&l&!'at&d in 1 .
". mi) - !utumn B. mi) - p#ing C. mi) - umm%# (. mi) . +int%#
1). 4& o(t&n &nBoy 19 g'ap&('uit and d'ink t&a on (ull A
moon (&stival.
". c!n)i% B. moon c!k% C. pu))ing (. tick* c!k%
1+. uld 0ang 8yn& is an old song %hich is sung on 1 .
". Ch#itm! (!* B. /!th%#0 )!* C. 1%+ *%!#0 2'% (. 3!llo+%%n
1,. C&opl& a'& happy to %&lcom& th& n&% y&a'. .h&y mak& a
lot o( 1 (o' .&t.
". #%!)in% B. p#%p!#!tion C. +o#king (. hou%+o#k
Bi 2: Chn p n ng nht cho cc cu !u.
A. T vng
1-. ?& is th& Dlm di'&cto' 1 %& %ant to talk to.
". +hich B. +ho% C. o, +hom (. th!t
13. .hat is th& man 1 son di&d in th& %a'.
". hi B. +ho% C. +hom (. th!t hi
1:. #o you kno% th& %oman 1 talking a!out@
". +hom th%* !#% B. th!t th%* !#% C. th%* !#% (. !ll !#% co##%ct
Eio viFn G phan khnh linh 1 .in ?i A .hi
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
1<. 1 his old ag&9 5'. "'o%n go&s Bogging &v&'y day.
". 4n pti% B. "lthough C. 3o+%'%# (. (%pit%
$0. .h& gil' 1 photo %as in th& n&%spap&' liv&s in ou'
". +ho% B. +ho C. th!t (. o, +ho
$1. 5iss 4hit&9 1 %& study Inglish %ith9 is a v&'y nic&
". +ho B. +hom C. th!t 4 (. Both " !n) B
$$. 4& %&nt !ack to look at th& hous& 1 %& us&d to liv&.
". +hich B. +h%n C. +h%#% (. th!t
$). J/ d lik& to go on holiday in sp'ing 1 th&'& a'& *o%&'s
". +hich B. +h%n C. +h%#% (. th!t
$+. J/ll cl&an th& hous& 1 you a'& cooking dinn&'.
". inc% B. though C. +hil% (. !lthough
$,. .h& Inglish pictu'& !ook 1 y&st&'day %as v&'y
". 4 &ought B. th!t 4 &ought it C. 4 &ought th!t (. +h!t 4 &ought
$-. ?& com&s ('om a la'g& (amily9 all o( 1 no% liv& in th&
". th%m B. +hom C. +ho (. th!t
$3. 5y g'andmoth&'9 1 an int&llig&nt %oman9 has g'&atly
in*u&nc&d my li(&.
". +ho i B. th!t i C. +ho h% i (. h% i
$:. .his is a pictu'& o( "&auli&u 1 th& national 5oto'
5us&um is situat&d.
". th!t B. +hich C. +h%#% (. +h%n
$<. th'&& A y&a' A old !lock o( *ats9 1 10 million9 is going
to !& pull&d do%n.
". cot B. +hich i not C. th!t cot (. +hich cot
)0. Kason #ouglas9 1 last Dlm %on an cad&my %a'd9 %ill
!& th& sta' o( th& n&% ?olly%ood Lilm MKuk& "oNO.
". +ho B. +ho% C. +hich (. th!t
)1. J spok& to t%o count&' assistants9 1 %as &Nt'&m&ly
". on% o, th%m B. on% o, +ho C. on% o, +hom (. &oth o, th%m
)$. C'&ston is th& 0ancashi'& to%n 1 J sa% a docum&nta'y.
". !&out +hich B. !&out th!t C. !&out +h%#% (. !&out +hom
)). .h& ,
o( =ov&m!&' is a day 1 child'&n all ov&' "'itain
light !onD'&s and st& D'&%o'ks.
". +h%#% B. +h%n C. +hich (. th!t
Eio viFn G phan khnh linh $ .in ?i A .hi
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
)+. .h& "'itish 5oto's Calypso9 1 succ&ss su'p'is&d
&v&'y!ody9 is no% "'itain/s !&st A s&lling ca'.
". +ho% B. +hich C. &* +hom (. th!t
),. 8h& appli&d (o' th& Bo! as a p&'sonal manag&' 1 sh&
lik&d m&&ting p&opl&.
". inpit% o, B. &%c!u% C. !lthough (. &%c!u% o,
)-. 1 th&y thought th& &Nam had !&&n &asy9 th&y all (ail&d.
". "lthough B. 2'%n though C. 5hough (. !ll !#% co##%ct
)3. 1 th& &Nc&ll&nt s&'vic&9 th&y didn/t l&av& a tip to
". (%pit% B. B%c!u% o, C. "lthough (. B%c!u%
):. Jt %as 1 %ond&'(ul music that J %&nt st'aight out and
!ought th& '&co'd.
". o B. uch C. '%#* (. too
)<. ?& %'ot& th&m th'&& l&tt&'s 1 h& didn/t g&t a '&ply.
". o B. !n) C. &ut (. th!t
+0. ?& din/t g&t a Bo! 1 &v&'yon& thought h& %as th& !&st
man (o' it.
". !n) B. &%c!u% C. %'%n though (. inc%
Bi 6: 57m l8i !i t#ong cu.
+1. J hav& !&&n in Ingland du'ing th& sp'ing o( 1<:<.
" C #
+$. .h& !us %as c'o%d&d %ith pass&ng&'s. 8o9 h& had to stand all th& %ay.
" C #
+). .h& ca' stopp&d (o' th& child'&n %hom %&'& %aiting to ac'oss th& 'oad.
" C #
++. .h& !'&akdo%n s&'vic& %h&'& h& phon&d Dv& minut&s !&(o'&9 a''iv&d
'ight a%ay.
" C #
+,. 0&t/s hav& a picnic on th& !&ach9 shan/t %&@
" C #
+-. hug& t'&& %h&'& %as !lo%n do%n !y th& sto'm last night9 c'ash&d
th'ough th& 'oo( and
" C
!'ok& my !&d.
+3. .h& '&ason %hich J hav&n/t !&&n to ?a%aii is that J can/t aPo'd it.
" C #
+:. J/m a('aid o( t'av&ling !y ai'9 th&'&(o'& J had to go to m&'ica !y !oat.
" C #
+<. J %ish you stop making that nois&. Jt/s !oth&'ing m& a lot.
" C #
Eio viFn G phan khnh linh ) .in ?i A .hi
Cc dng tham kho thi tuyn sinh vo lp 10
,0. Js th&'& still tim& to g&t (ood and mon&y to th& p&opl& %hom n&&d it@
" C #
Bi 9: Chn p n th:ch h;p i<n 'o ch8 t#=ng.
Ch'istmas is my Q,1R 1 holiday. J &nBoy Q,$R 1 Ch'istmas cooki&s and
planning pa'ti&s. J lik& s&nding ca'ds and h&a'ing Q,)R 1 old ('i&nds. J lov&
s&&ing child'&n op&n th&i' Q,+R 1 on Ch'istmas mo'ning. 5ost o( all9 J lov&
on& Q,,R 1 custom that %& hav& in ou' (amily. ;n th& night !&(o'& Ch'istmas
%& Q,-R 1 in %a'm clothing and go ('om hous& Q,3R 1 hous& in ou'
n&igh!o'hood. t &ach hous&9 %& Q,:R 1 Ch'istmas songs. .h&n %& go to a
hospital o' a hom& (o' &ld&'ly p&opl& and %& sing th&'&. 4& %ant to l&t
p&opl& Q,<R 1 that %& ca'& a!out th&m. (t&'%a'd9 %& com& hom& and d'ink
hot chocolat& !y th& Q-0R 1 . J lov& this2
,1. . lik& ". dislik& C. (avo'it& #.
,$. . !ak& ". !aking C. to !ak& #.
,). . o( ". %ith C. ('om #. !y
,+. . p'&s&nts ". gi(ts C. oP&'s #.
"oth and "
,,. . sp&cial ". unusual C. st'ang& #.
,-. . %&a' ". put on c. g&t #. d'&ss
,3. . !y ". to C. a(t&' #.
,:. . shout ". c'y C. sing #. sp&ak
,<. . kno% ". to kno% C. kno%ing #.
-0. . D'&%o'ks ". D'&plac& C. light #.
Bi lm:
1. $. ). +. ,. -. 3. :. <. 10. 11. 1$.
1). 1+. 1,. 1-. 13. 1:. 1<. $0. $1. $$. $). $+.
$,. $-. $3. $:. $<. )0. )1. )$. )). )+. ),. )-.
)3. ):. )<. +0. +1. +$. +). ++. +,. +-. +3. +:.
+<. ,0. ,1. ,$. ,). ,+. ,,. ,-. ,3. ,:. ,<. -0.
Eio viFn G phan khnh linh + .in ?i A .hi

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