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Jonat han Bl oggs

address: 1 Any Road

Any Town
telephone: 020 7111 2233
mobile: 07957 111 222
e-mail: jon@mycomany!com
Professional profile
An "nth#s$ast$c and %o&"ss$onal '"( )"s$gn"%* who "njoys ("$ng a%t o&* as w"ll as l"ad$ng* a
s#cc"ss&#l and %od#ct$+" t"am! ,#$c- to g%as n"w $d"as and conc"ts* and to d"+"lo
$nno+at$+" and c%"at$+" sol#t$ons to %o(l"ms! A(l" to wo%- w"ll on own $n$t$at$+" and can
d"monst%at" th" h$gh l"+"ls o& mot$+at$on %".#$%"d to m""t th" t$ght"st o& d"adl$n"s! /+"n #nd"%
s$gn$&$cant %"ss#%"* oss"ss"s a st%ong a($l$ty to "%&o%m "&&"ct$+"ly!
Now loo-$ng to (#$ld on "0t"ns$+" %ang" o& t"chn$cal s-$lls w$th$n a s#$ta(ly chall"ng$ng %ol"! 1""n
to ach$"+" &#%th"% %o&"ss$onal d"+"lom"nt!
Key technical skills
Ado(" 2hoto3ho 4ac%om"d$a )%"am '"a+"% ,#a%-52%"ss
Ado(" 6ll#st%ato% 4ac%om"d$a 7lash 3t%ata 3t#d$o 2%o 83)9
Ado(" 2%"m$"%" 4ac%om"d$a )$%"cto% 7T2 2%og%ams
Ado(" A&t"% /&&"cts 2os"% B%yc" 3)
Ado(" Ac%o(at ,TVR 4$c%oso&t /0c"l
4$c%oso&t 2ow"%2o$nt /.#$l$(%$#m 4"d$a Cl"an"% 2%o
Career summary
2003date !ebmaster" #raphics $K" %ondon
'o%-$ng w$th$n a majo% %$nt d"s$gn comany* tas-"d w$th d"+"lo$ng th"$% &l"dgl$ng '"(
Ass"ss$ng $n$t$al s"t:# %".#$%"m"nts and $ml"m"nt$ng ha%dwa%" and so&twa%" sol#t$ons
T%a$n$ng th" t"am $n th" #s" o& ,#a%-52%"ss* B"yond 2%"ss 2%o* 2hoto3ho* )%"amw"a+"%*
4"d$a Cl"an"% 2%o* ,TVR and Ado(" 2%"m$"%
Coo%d$nat$ng clos"ly w$th Acco#nt /0"c#t$+"s* act$+"ly sol$c$t$ng n"w cl$"nts and n#%t#%$ng
"0$st$ng cl$"nt acco#nts* "ns#%$ng th"$% n""ds and %".#$%"m"nts w"%" not only accommodat"d
(#t s#%ass"d
'$nn$ng o+"% many cl$"nts &%om la%g"% coman$"s* d#" to th" "0t%"m"ly h$gh standa%ds o&
c%"at$+" d"s$gn wo%-
T%a$n$ng cl$"nts $n s#(s".#"nt w"(s$t" ma$nt"nanc"* a%t$c#la%ly th" #s" o& )%"amw"a+"% and
$ts $n(#$lt 7T2 &ac$l$ty
6n$t$at$ng a comany:w$d" chang"o+"% to a m#ch &ast"% 632 w$th "nhanc"d t"chn$cal s#o%t
Cl$"nts $ncl#d" majo% (l#" ch$ coman$"s s#ch as th" B%$t$sh ;and Comany and 4$ll"nn$#m
)$amonds as w"ll as many h$gh:%o&$l" go+"%nm"nt d"a%tm"nts and ag"nc$"s
2ag" 1 o& 2
&ducation and 'ualifications
20002003 Nat$onal )$loma $n <%ah$c )"s$gn = 4#lt$m"d$a 87$%st Class >ono#%s9
)#(l$n 6nst$t#t" o& T"chnology* 6%"land
Key (odules? '"( )"s$gn* V$s#al Comm#n$cat$on* 4#lt$m"d$a* 2%$nt
)"s$gn* Tyog%ahy = 2hotog%ahy
'on th" (ultimedia )tudent of the *ear +,ard and -est $se of a (ac
Professional development
T"am ;"ad"%sh$ 84anag"m"nt T%a$n$ng C"nt%"* 20039
2%"s"ntat$on 3-$lls 84anag"m"nt T%a$n$ng C"nt%"* 20029
Personal details
.ationality B%$t$sh
/rivin0 %icence 7#ll@Cl"an
1ealth /0c"ll"ntA non:smo-"%
%an0ua0es 7l#"nt 7%"nch = <"%man
2nterests and activities
Currently include 2hotog%ahy* Th"at%" = Amat"#% )%amat$cs* 7oot(all = <ol&
3eferences are available on re'uest
2ag" 2 o& 2

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